#i love the idea of dean feeling disgusted with himself for being happy that jess died
hellhoundlair · 10 months
do u ever think about the fact that a lot of sams clothes wouldve ended up ruined because of the fire at stanford so dean wouldve had to lend some of his and the kind of things that would do to deans brain
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. XCV
It was a love story from the very beginning.
And You Are Not Here... (Part. III)
Hello my friends! This is another meta from season 13. We are still mourning with Dean...
I'm gonna focus in just one episode, because I have a lot of things to say about this one. Obviously, the majority of the things have been already analyzed by the meta community.
But, let's see what we find...
Move on
Remember how the last episode ended, with Dean blowing out his feelings and pain to his brother, so, this episode starts with Sam trying to talk with his brother about that. And by that I mean: Cas.
SAM: Hey. How you feelin’?
[DEAN is working on his laptop. He looks up at SAM, but doesn’t reply.]
Sam understands now that fact he had always suspect, what really means to Dean losing Castiel. But Dean sees it coming and doesn't answer, because he knows he let his pain and mourn talking by themselves, and now he wants to come back to hide behind his walls. But Sam won't let that goes so easy. Another heated discussion about Jack brings the topic back.
SAM: Dean, we can’t hide him forever. And, you know, just keeping him cooped up here isn’t working.
DEAN: Yeah, it is, actually. You wanna know why? Because as long as he’s here, he’s not out there doing God knows what. So what, does this mean that your plan for bringing Mom back isn’t working? ‘Cause I’ll say it again—Mom’s dead, Sam. Lucifer ripped out her freakin’ heart. Now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on.
(Gif set credit @demondetoxmanual )
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Look at this, Sam takes Dean's words and immediately repeats the ask but with another different meaning, aeaning his brother gets immediately. Sam tilts his head, and his eyes are searching for the answer in Dean's face, because he knows he won't have the answer in words from him.
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These exchange of gazes is so so important, because Dean is saying "Are you really asking me if I can move on... From CAS?" Because is obvious Sam was implying that, for Dean, losing Cas was more painful and unbearable than losing Mary. "You want to move on, from mom?"
The pause, the coma, is pointing Sam is referring Castiel, not mom. Is not mom the one you want to move on, right?
Dean's silence is priceless, both men talks without talking, and both know what they're talking about. Of course Dean can't move on from Castiel. And Sam knows it. Because he experienced the same with Jess.
And Dean changing the subject after that is saying HE WON'T TALK ABOUT IT.
Lies and Toxicity
We have a beautiful scene between Jack and Sam, in which Jack snaps all the bad things he heard last night. But Sam explains to him, they need his help to bring Mary back, and Jack can connect again with S through the pain of losing their moms. And he gives the kid a tip to conquer Dean's sympathy.
SAM: (...) Listen, if there’s one thing that Dean respects, it’s effort. So come along. Help us out. Let’s go be the good guys.
So we'll see the kid really giving everything in this mission.
Another quote that caught my attention was Jack saying this:
JACK: I thought lying was wrong.
Just came to my mind episode 14x19, when Jack is sick of so much lies and turn the world into 'just truth's real madness!
And another foreshadow in the same episode we will have Cas coming back, they're talking about this ...
DEAN: (...) why’d she come back from the dead and knife his ass?
JACK: People come back?
SAM: When a person dies and their soul can’t move on…
Talking about this in this specific episode has a meaning: the wife, the woman that man loved coming back from the death, is a reflection of Castiel coming back at the end of this episode. Souls that can't move on, is talking about Dean and Castiel's decease.
Another thing that is pointed in this episode is Sam seeing the bad things of John Winchester in his brother.
Castiel in the Empty
As the preamble to Castiel in the Empty, we had this dialogue here...
JACK: My mother… could she be a ghost?
SAM: No, we, um… we burned the body.
DEAN: That’s right, and what gets burned… stays dead.
Dean is saying this to himself because they burnt Cas' body too, but this scene is cut and we jump into the next one: Castiel walking around the Empty.
Then, again, Dean goes with this quote here...
DEAN: So, aside from getting dead, what do Gloria and Wes have in common?
And the scene cuts to Castiel again, emphasis in loved people that was dead, and now comes back from it.
Another interesting scene is Dean finding Gloria's diary of mourning.
SAM: More of the same. Um, he really was into the whole catharsis thing.
DEAN: Yeah, sure. Who wouldn’t be? I mean, it’s like another word for “happy ending”.
Dean shows here he knows exactly what that is, and how you can feel when you lose the love of your life. The "happy ending" is a reference of a suicidal thoughts as another way out from the pain. And as we will see in the next episode, was a way out Dean was considering for himself. Also, the journal was made by John after Mary died, and was made by this widow, after his wife died. Is important because in the interview with MIA (the ship shifter therapist) she will ask Dean if he has a diary.
Sam talks about catharsis, as an important way to process the pain, and he really tried to make his brother to do that at the beginning of the episode. Failing.
MIA: Mm. Most of the people I see are in the same boat. No warning, no goodbye, no closure.
These words play an important role for Sam, Jack and Dean, in loosing their mothers and loosing Castiel.
They exchanged heated words again in front of Mia, Sam accusing Dean because he is not carrying well with the deaths, and we'll have again an indirect question, with second meaning. Sam will be talking about Castiel again. But then, and just like Dean did at the end of the previous episode, Sam will have his blow out about losing Mary. Is a blatant comparison between Romantic Love (CAS/Dean) and Family Love (Sam/Mary).
Sam leaves, and Mia points at Dean. Dean drinks from his flask. He was doing that and eating a lot, as he always does when he loses Cas.
MIA: (...) You’re angry, Dean.
DEAN: And?
MIA: And if you don’t want to do anything about it, that’s your business. But you’re aiming it at everyone in your life.
Dean will take these words and do something about it, at the end of the episode. But, I want to talk a little about visual Narrative here, because while Mia was talking with Dean, there was a picture behind her, with BLUE/GREEN AND RED COLORS (Destiel).
The scene between CAS talking with the empty that had taken his shape is intertwined with the shape shifter that took Dean's shape. This is very meaningful bc both creatures decided to take the protagonists of this love story shapes.
So, the Empty explains where Castiel is, and also, is baffled by the angel that woke him up. Is the first time someone wakes up in the Empty, and the entity is really mad at it.
But Castiel doesn't know why he woke up, so, he went with the first idea: Maybe the Winchesters did some deal or spell. But they didn't.
The Empty represents all the darkness inside of Castiel: his doubts, his depression, his fears, his weakness. So, the only way to keep him there SLEEPING (as the image of depression) is to point at the lack of faith in coming back, or in feeling himself loved or needed.
The following dialogue shows us how smart is our angel.
CASTIEL: Having me awake causes you pain.
COSMIC ENTITY: If you can’t sleep, I can’t sleep. Yeah? And I like sleep. I need sleep.
CASTIEL: Then get rid of me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, should I, should I?
CASTIEL: Send me back to Earth.
Castiel immediately detect the point of it, and tries to give a resolution for both of them.
COSMIC ENTITY: Or I throw you so deep into the Empty that you can’t bother me anymore, hmm?
CASTIEL: Except you know that won’t work, or you would’ve done it already.
COSMIC ENTITY: Pretty smart. Pretty smart, dummy.
CASTIEL: Send… Me… Back.
The first conclusion CAS arrives is by his side. The only way the Empty can get some peace is sending him back to Earth. What Cas doesn't know is, the empty won't come back to sleep, ever again after this.
COSMIC ENTITY: That’s not part of the deal. No, no. Besides, you don’t want to go back.
CASTIEL: Yes, I do. Sam and Dean need me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, save it.
When the Empty says SAVE IT, is because he knows the excuse is making CAS to come back, is not the real one he has in his heart. Oh, save it is not because of that, is because ONE MAN NAMED DEAN WINCHESTER.
Because immediately after this, the Empty mocks him about it...
(Gif set credit @petercapaldi )
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Look at Castiel's face when the Empty refers to his feelings as TULIPS, because the tulips represents the perfect lover, passion and romanticism. The tulip is a symbol of sincere love. It is an incredibly romantic flower that when giving it you express infatuation, passion, unconditional love, pure love.
So, the Empty is saying here: save it, you are in love, you want to come back because you are in love.
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To the Empty, is very disgusting, aberrant, and it annoys him. He qualifies it as "little feelings"
Because he's trying to erase the hopes in Castiel. So, he shows him he knows everything about him, and if he didn't understand at first with the tulips reference, he makes it clear now I KNOW WHO YOU LOVE.
And seeding again the depression, because he needs CAS sleeping or defeated, he continues...
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Unrequited Love. The Empty exposes right in front of Cas' eyes the fear of being unrequited. With this, he is trying to show him WHY WOULD YOU COME BACK IF DEAN DOESN'T LOVE YOU BACK? He needs to cut any hopes in the angel.
And after this, he shows CAS l his mistakes, and fears, and regrets, and guilts. All the bad things, all his darkness, to put him back to sleep.
But then, Castiel gets it, he is already saved. And with more energy and hopes inside his heart, he faces the empty again:
CASTIEL You can prance and you can preen and you can scream and yell and remind me of my failings but somehow, I’m awake. And I will stay awake and I will keep you awake until we both go insane. I will fight you. Fight you and fight you for…ever. For eternity.
CASTIEL Release me. Release… me.
Symbolism again! Castiel asking his own darkness and depression, and regrets to release him in that moment, he release himself from all of that and he returns stronger than never.
Lack of Faith
Back to Dean, Jack and Sam with the shape-shifters we can see another interesting visual element, next to Dean: Sunflower.
The sunflower is the symbol of the Sun and symbolizes love and admiration. But also happiness, vitality, positivity and energy. ... For some religions it is a symbol of the one who permanently seeks God, the divine, since the star king symbolizes God.
This could be linked to what Dean means to Cas, but I think is mostly what Cas means to Dean.
But jumping into the dialogues and the symbolism and parallel of having two Deans as we had two Cas, there's a little clue for a foreshadow...
Look at this, the scene is pretty blatant, we have Buddy, Mia's ex, obssesed with her, jealouse of her life, intertwined with the dialogue between Dean and Jack, showing how important Jack is.
So, Buddy is the Empty, Mia is Castiel. And the most important thing in there, is Jack... These are the ingredients and this is the dialogue...
BUDDY: I never stopped looking for you.
JACK: I can’t.
BUDDY: And when I found this place, when I saw all that…
DEAN: Yes, you can.
BUDDY: …warm, fuzzy good you were doing. I couldn’t let you have that.
Buddy is the Empty saying to Mia, CAS, that he will search for him in a future, and he will see his happiness, one of the most important persons to CAS is JACK, that's why the dialogues are mixed here.
DEAN: Sammy believes in you, and when he believes, he’ll go Hell for leather…
So I took it all away, and it was fun.
DEAN …but you gotta try.
Again, the Empty mirror talking about taking all away from Mia, Castiel's mirror, and we have Dean talking to Jack. This is the foreshadow of 14x08, when the Empty will come for Jack in Heaven.
MIA You’re… you’re a…
BUDDY: What? A monster? Well, so are you. And it’s about time you embraced that. So I’m not gonna kill those boys. You are. You end them, or you die, courtesy of Tweedledee’s silver bullets. So what’s it gonna be, princess?
MIA: Shoot me. Shoot me!
And now we have Castiel's mirror giving her life in exchange for Dean and Jack. Just like CAS will do with his deal with the Empty in 14x08 and his ultimate Sacrifice in 15x18.
Now, the last scene. Sam is ready to move on from having faith but Dean will take the advice that Mia gave him. But in this attempt of stopping Sam from being like him, he will show again one of his deepest feelings...
(Gif set credit @aborddelimpala)
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Dean had lost faith, hopes, because he lost Castiel. And Castiel represented all of that to him.
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Sam is worried, and Dean just realized he said it. He had just showed his brother part of his depressive thoughts. And the sadness in his face is all over.
Miscellaneous: The address in Mia's office door was 219, this is a very interesting visual element, is a reference to episode 2x19, "Folsom Prison Blues", in which Sam and Dean were two prisoners, trying to show their innocence. Finally breaking free. As a foreshadow of the emotional prison we will see in Dean's possesion in episode 14x09.
To Conclude:
This episode is full of symbolism and is centered on Castiel and his storyline with the Empty.
The episode shows us too the pain carried by Dean, Jack and Sam in loosing the people they love and how each one of them walks through it in different ways.
Hope you like this meta, see you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you wanna read the previous metas from this season here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, January 3rd 2021 6:46 PM
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
The Destiel Folder: Season 8
[Season 4; Season 5; Season 6; Season 7]
Oooohhh this is where things start getting JUICY
Episode 1:
Again, Dean copes with the idea of Cas not being there by lying to himself
Parallel from S6: Dean behaves exactly like he was while looking for Lisa and Ben, looking for Cas. "Where's the angel!" (16:57)
Dean clearly states he won't leave PurGAYtory without Cas (22:45)
Episode 2:
Since Dean has come back, he has been snappy with Sam and Crowley about Cas, but every time he remembers PurGAYtory, he is either looking for Cas or with him, and that's all he thinks of
Again with the paraparallels with Lisa and Ben (12:21), also "You'll find your angel there." (13:19) ICWAW, come on, do I have to point that out?
"There are some in Heaven who still believe, despite his mistakes, that Castiel's heart was always in the right place [...] I think... too much heart was always Castiel's problem." (22:25) Samandriel says all of this while looking directly at Dean
Look at that hug. Have we ever seen Dean hug Cas before? The gring on Dean's face. [This is so fucking funny too me, the "Nice peach fuzz" reaction to Cas' beard VS the Sam's "That's the most disgusting thing I've ever seen!" reaction in season 14] (23:21)
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"I prayed to you, Cas, every night!" (24:37) Cas once again chose to leave/hurt Dean in order to protect him, even tho he really doesn't want to leave him. "There've been things hunting me. [...] I've a price on my head and I've been trying to stay one step ahead of them to... to keep them away from you." (24:54) Those fucking eyes kill me
Dean is willing to risk it all to get Cas out with him. "Cas, buddy... I need you." [yeah, let's see how well that ages on episode 17], also the little "Dean... " after that... BABIES (25:33)
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That smile, those eyes... LOOK AT HIM. This is such a "You and me against everything" moment that, ICWAW, would be considered HELLA ROMANTIC
"I'm not leaving here without you. Understand?" (25:51) for fucking finally, also 12 seconds of STARE + LICK of the LIPS action. Oooohhh ICWAW... just imagine
Let us remember that all of this ⬆️, Dean remembers after Samandriel told him "too much heart bla bla bla"
"... [Kevin] thinks people I don't need anymore, they end up dead." (40:36) 'you', Dean? Only you? That's so much guilt you are packing. And immediately after he thinks about trying to save Cas from PurGAYtory and failing... Alrighty then
Episode 5:
I get why some people ship Dean and Benny, but they really do struck me as a bromance. When they call each other "brother", I believe that. With Cas, Dean pulls the "brother card" whenever he's opening his heart to him, basically "no-homo"ing it at the end. Weird right? (12:03)
Benny bitches about Cas being a danger to them because of the attraction monsters have to him, and Cas himself tries convincing Dean he has to leave him behind for his own good, but Dean is having none of that shit and is ready to die trying to save him (12:56)
FUCK MY LIFE we are getting flashbacks from both Sam and Dean, Sam about the time he spent with Amelia, and Dean about looking for, finding and trying to save Cas. I MEAN??!!! ICWAW you BET this would be seen as a ROMANTIC PARALLEL
"He's a friend." "A friend? Dean, you don't have any- all your friends are dead." "That's not what I called to talk about!!" Ouch (25:27)
Episode 6:
"I was in Purgatory." "Like 'purgatory' Purgatory?" "No, the one in Miami." ... that's a gay bar, Dean, how would you know? (11:23)
Dean's lying to himself about Cas letting go (35:32)
Episode 7:
Parallel to S1 Sam seeing Jess while in the car (2:31). Kill me. Also Dean allucinates Cas just like Sam did with Jess (10:15) band tries coping with it by repeating to himself that he didn't leave Cas behind
Every scene in Purgatory where Cas tries to reassure Dean that, if he doesn't make it, it's just the way it is, and Dean insisting he won't leave without him. "I'm just saying... if it doesn't work.. Thank you. For everything." (12:50) I'm dying
Cas comes back and all Dean does for the first few moments is check him out (16:16-16:21) He says he kept trying to reach for the boys, but wasn't at full power, tho somehow Dean was the only one who could see him. And Dean's eyes looking back at Cas (17:58) End me now
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LOOK AT HIM!! He's checking him out, making THAT face and SHIFTING IN HIS SEAT WHILE PRESSING A HAND TO HIS CROTCH. THAT'S A BONER SHIFT. Look at Sam and then at Dean (20:44) One is a friendly fond reaction, one ISN'T.
ICWAW, we wouldn't even be QUESTIONING it!
The amount of checking out in this episode is crazy. Look at Dean checking out Cas. Look at his face! THE EYES (24:08) ICWA- OH COME ON DO I HAVE TO POINT THAT OUT?!
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"Did you not trust me?" "Dean..." "I did everything I could to get you out. Everything! ... I did not leave you." "... So you think this was your fault?" OH MY GOD SO FUCKING #MARRIED LOOK AT CAS' EYES (28:06) ICWA- I'm not even trying anymore
So many soft shoulder touches (34:42) also HOT SCENE I don't know why "I'm going in." "Cas, no. You're not strong enough." (35:15) precious babies
"You could've gotten yourself killed. Why didn't you wait for me?" "Well, I didn't get killed, and it worked." "And if it didn't?!" "It would have been my problem." "Well, it's not the way I see it!" (37:36) #MARRIED they're SO MARRIED
Dean keeps blaming himself for Cas not getting out "I don't need to feel like hell for failing you like I've failed every other godforsaken thing I care about." SEE??! (38:16) Dean preferred believing he had let Cas down, something he is used to, than he had sacrified himself for him (38:48). Dean can't believe Cas thought he deserved to stay in Purgatory. Also THE WAY THEY'RE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER (39:38) And Dean's deeply hurt by the fact that Cas would leave him to safety and remain in Purgatory as self punishment for what Dean had painted as all Cas' fault. And he is full of regret (41:30)
Episode 8:
[How fucking cute is it that Cas wants to become a hunter. I'M SQUEELING]
They are so #MARRIED my heart ACHES (5:02) and the way Dean looks at Cas is so fucking SOFT. And 6 seconds of just staring and... well, Cas in general (5:13)
"What? I was being bad cop." "No, you were being bad everything!" (9:12) #MARRIED (12:04) I'm dying, they're so cute
"I don't sleep." "Okay, well, I need my 4 hours, so-" "I'll watch over you *puppy eyes*" (12:52)
"Hey, can you lift this?" sure, Dean, every excuse is valid to have Cas be hot by effortlessly moving an anvil. And see how Cas looks at Dean, like "Really? You even had to ask? I'll fucking show you I can lift this shit". Look at how he looks back side-eyes at Dean here (14:16), like he's making sure Dean is watching him being hot. I'm dead
This is such a fucking sweet moment [I mean, kinda looked like the begging of a porn at first] (16:01). Dean can sense Cas is not okay, and gets him to open up about his feelings. And when Cas admits being suicidal, Dean is speechless, not even being able to imagine such an outcome. Anyway, it is so fucking sweet that they're always able to show themselves vulnerable to each other
Shut up. Look at this scene (18:51-18:53). Mute the video and just look. This is Sam marrying Cas and Dean. PERIODT.
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"You're so pretty, Charles. [...] You were quite the bounder." DEAN'S FACE (20:27) He's so in love, and immediately after he LICKS HIS LIPS
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While Sam talks about running away from your problems (referring to Amelia), and having to wake up in order not to destroy everything, the pan focuses on Cas (35:33) Subtext, gentlethem, subtext. CAS, FACE YOUR FEELINGS. SOON
Dean's face when Cas says he's not coming back with them (38:16-39:21)
Episode 10:
I now this scene is supposed to be funny, but the way Cas looks at Dean AAAWWW (6:53-7:01) Also do you really have to walk so close to Cas, Dean? Do you? While CHECKING HIM OUT nonetheless?! (7:54)
Remember when in 7x01 Dean was totally comfortable watching porn in front of his brother? Well, Dean goes on and on about Cas being a "brother", but his fucking reaction to Cas being in the same room as him with porn on his computer, is BY FAR the same he has with Sam, hell he even keeps watching with Sam! (8:05) Is it because the last time he, porn and Cas were in the same room, Cas popped a BONER?
Random guy @ Dean: "Are you serious?" Cas: "*leans in to look at Dean* That's his serious face, yes." And Dean's reaction (12:59) SO FUCKING #MARRIED
Dean, that's not the way you look at a friend, or a BROTHER (13:38)
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LOOK!! I swear to GOD ICWAW that would be seen as nothing other than CHECKING OUT YOUR CRUSH
"Hey, how about we say, if this doesn't pan out, we had back to that beer and bacon happy hour a mile back, huh?" Translation: "Since I'm starting to realize I might feel something more for you, let me take you on what is totally not a date unless you want it to be" (16:58)
(24:02) #MARRIED
Dean, will you stop checking out Cas during missions? (25:06) Same goes for you, Cas, don't check if your husband's got a boner for you being the hero here (25:08)
Since the start of this season, we've been getting parallels between Sam & Amelia and Dean & Cas. The flashbacks, the guilt for leaving the other half behind, and now Dean tells Sam he's jealous he got a chance at being happy with Amelia (37:32)!!! I MEAN- and fuck my life when I tell you there are parallels with the whole Sam-Amelia-Don & Cas-Dean-Benny thing. I'M TELLING YOU
Episode 11:
"Trust me, this life... you can't afford attachments. You just gotta... let go." "... Are we still talking about Sam, or did you break up with someone too?" (21:17) CHARLIE KNOWS. TELL HIM CHARLIE
Episode 13:
Bitch... Dean's reaction to getting publicly hit on by a dude, so not the one a straight guy, confident in his sexuality and masculinity, "no-homo bro" would have (15:36). Just saying, we have seen Dean turn down what he thought were avances, and other implications regarding his sexuality, with either sarcasm/humor or anger... this is new. Progress?! [Wait till we get to 15x7]
Episode 16:
[Keep in mind how Dean's bedroom looks. Trust me]
Episode 17: OOOOHHH BOI
Cas has been tortured, mind-fucked, obligated to kill fake Deans over 1K times, in order to be ready to kill the real one. Let that sink in
Dean prayed to Cas, I'm sure almost every night, and can already sense something is not right with him ever since he came back from Purgatory (11:31), but when Sam questions his prayers to Cas, Dean doesn't know how to respond. Like, what, do I need a reason to try and contact my crush?
"There has to be another way. [...] This isn't right! [...] I won't hurt Dean!" (29:51-31:00) "Cas, fight this! This is not you! FIGHT IT!" and he does. Cas fights it. [and as soon as Cas starts fighting back, Heaven tints with BI COLOURS! LOOK AT THEM WINDOW THINGY (31:16) OF ALL COLOURS]
Dean is on the verge of tears, kneeling in front of Cas, telling him "This isn't you!", and to fight. He is pleading. And by the end, bloody, hopeless, "Cas... it's me! We're family. We need you... I need you." and Cas stops. (33:13)
Cas breaks the connection Naomi had installed in him. Once again, when presented with the choice, he chooses Dean over Heaven. All of this because Dean needed him. And let's not forget Dean was originally ment to say "I love you.", and that would've been the reason Cas snapped out of the control. I MEAN ICWAW THIS WOULD FUCKING BE CANON
Dean, thinking Cas is going to kill him, clutches onto the coat's sleeve for dear life, to the memory of his Cas (34:21) KILL ME
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"What broke the connection?" The look in Cas' eyes... "I don't know." OH YES YOU DO (36:15) and Dean's face when Cas says he needs to protect the angel tablet. Dean knows he's gonna leave again (36:23). ICWAW, this whole scene would be the UMPTEENTH CONFESSION
Episode 18:
"I'm fine. Are you okay?" "Me?" "Yeah. Cass dinged you up pretty good." "... and?" "And I just wanted to make sure you're okay." "...What, like, my feelings?!" "If that's what you wanna talk about, sure." Dean gets pissy pretty easily when talking about Cas, who left once again, and his feelings. Also, Sam knows, and he ships it. He's president of the Destiel Company (4:02)
Episode 19:
The thing with the Deanny relationship is: Dean is naturally affectionate towards Sam, and he expresses the same towards Benny. His relationship with the both of them is very very similar, while see Dean showing affection towards Cas [same as he does with Sam] only during extreme emotional moments. Dean is known for repressing his feelings, and having a tendency to maintaining a "macho" exterior. He shows himself vulnerable in front of Cas, but not enough for him to think less of Dean. So, think about it
Episode 20:
Charlie, a lesbian, who has only ever heard of Castiel through Dean, describes him as seeming "dreamy" while talking to Dean... GAYDAR ANYONE??!!! (9:16)
Episode 21:
"In the words of a good friend... 'bite me'." Cas is quoting Dean, and if I remember correctly, Dean will quote Cas' "ass-butt" later on (16:"10)
Episode 22:
I hate when Dean treats Cas poorly, badly, because he can't deal with his feelings. In the heat of the moment, Dean is always forgiving, helpful and caring, but as soon As things cool down, he goes back to being cold, bitchy and snappy, like nothing ever happened. Repressed mother fucker
The small flash of hurt on Cas' face when Dean ignores his "Good morning" (3:33) fighting coupleTM. "Dean, I can go with you. *is ignored* Dean... I'm sorry. [LOOK AT THAT FACE]" "For what?" "For everything." "Everything? Like ignoring us?" #MARRIED
Cas is buying porn, beer and pie to make amends to Dean. "Where's the pie?" "I think we're out." "*grabs store clerk* You don't understand. I need pie!" (14:50) they are so fucking #MARRIED
Episode 23:
This is such a sweet moment. Cas is about to close the doors to his old home behind himself forever, while risking getting killed by his own kind, and Dean is worried about him. They are sharing drinks while longingly staring into each other's eyes. This is so sweet. Also, Dean warned Sam he might not be coming back. Why? Cuz he would probably die while trying to protect Cas from other angels. To them, they are probably spending their last moments together, while looking at each other like THAT (22:38) And 5 seconds of STARES (23:10)
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In love. Fucking fools in love, that's what they are.
This is so stupid but they have just witnessed a cupid matching up two dudes, after all of the above⬆️ (23:53) AND IT'S JUST FUNNY!! Dean is stunned and all, while Cas is complitely fine and professional (24:04-24:17-24:21) DEAN'S FACE
"Talk first, stab later." (26:21) Cas is like "Bitch, you talking? That was our first date!" #MARRIED
[I'll just leave this here (37:00)]
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Now shit's getting real
[Season 9>>]
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Chapter 30
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Title: Falling for the Holidays Ch. 30
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 2188
Series Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: All the FLUFF!!
A/N: The end is here! This is the last chapter and I want to thank you guys for reading, being patient with my procrastinating ass, and most importantly for being so supportive! You guys have been amazing! Truly amazing and I am so grateful! I’m ending this with a lot of tooth-rotting fluff, so don’t say I didn’t warn ya! haha. Thanks again everyone! I love you guys!! xx
New Years Eve!
You have never experienced New Years Eve quite like this. Your childhood hadn’t been the best, while in Dallas, you just spent it at the bar with any of your friends and classmates that weren’t going home, so having a family barbecue was definitely foreign. Many new faces showed up, and many that you’ve met. Jody was there, Bobby and his wife, and even Jo and Benny showed up, much to yours and Dean’s surprise. They claimed that the decision was last minute and that they wanted it to be a surprise.
The atmosphere was light. The company was great and the food was so good that you were sure it would be haunting you until the next backyard barbecue at the Winchester house. Your favorite was John’s secret burger recipe. And he grilled it to perfection! A second favorite was Mary’s pumpkin pie! Sure, it was just a regular pumpkin pie with no secret ingredient, but it was somehow better than anything you’ve ever tasted. Mary gave credit to love. Which didn’t seem like an unlikely ingredient.
The day swindled down quick. Funny how time flies when you’re having fun. Words truer than ever. The sun had set hours ago, the string lights around the yard sparkling beautifully but not taking away from the actual stars in the wide open sky, and everything just seemed perfect.
“Alright everybody!” You heard Sam shout from the elevated porch, Jess hanging off his arm. “New Years is in two minutes! I would like to call up my mom and dad, and my brother and his girlfriend, Y/N, to stand up here with us and help with the countdown!”
John and Mary beat you and Dean to the “stage”, their own bright grins reflecting the lights strung around the yard. You smiled up at Dean, pressing a chaste kiss under his jaw before looking out to the crowd. You had missed it, but everyone else could see the sparkle in Dean’s eyes as he looked down at you. He was in love. There was no doubt about that.
He’d known you for years, but has only been your boyfriend for much less. It will almost be two months and Dean couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. You were his best friend, and during that time, the two of you had had your ups and downs, and has managed to go to bed at the end of the night without being mad at each other. Then there was the whole thing with Lisa and Ketch. Even then, you had both over come it, tossing both evil humans behind bars where they belonged. The relationship only strengthened and flourished, and you the trust you had in each other was unbreakable.
“Alright! Let the countdown begin!” John shouted jovially.
The countdown began and Dean flashed a glance over at Sam, who was smiling ear to ear, sending his big brother an encouraging nod.
Dean was beginning to feel nervous, his palms starting to sweat. He let go of your hand, wiping it on his pants as you gave him a concerned glance. He offered you a smile of reassurance, but before he could say anything, Sam pulled you into a hug.
“This is gonna be your last hug from me this year!” He whispered into your ear, making you giggle.
You jumped in excitement, turning to your wonderful boyfriend to give and take your first official kiss of the new year. When you turned, you didn’t except to be greeted with Dean down on one knee. Still in a flutter of confusion, it took you second to take in what was actually happening.
Gasping loudly, hands covering your lips, the cheering erupting behind you fell on deaf ears and all you could hear was the pounding of your heart, and the only thing that held your attention was Dean.
Forgetting where you were and what was happening around you, everyone paused in their celebration awaiting Dean’s question and your response.
“Y/N, I know we’ve been together… not even two months, but we’ve been best friends for years. And I know I might be moving a little too fast, but It’s always been you, and it will always be you. I don’t think I can wait any longer. We can wait to get married, but just know that you are my best friend and had been the love of my life all before I even realized it. So… will you make me the luckiest son of a bitch and marry me?” He finally asked, opening the box to reveal a diamond ring.
“YES!” A chorus of shrills blasted through your eardrums. You jumped, momentarily distracted from the proposal to see Mary and Jess jumping up and down.
“Okay, you two. Why don’t you let Y/N answer?” John chimed in, chuckling, eyes adoringly on you. Giving a slight nod, you returned your attention back to Dean, the hopeful look in his eyes only getting brighter. He already knew your answer, but he just wanted to hear you say it.
“Well, Y/N?” Dean’s smile widening.
“Yes!” You shouted, jumping into Dean’s arms and tackling him to the ground, your lips pressing against his. He groaned in discomfort from his stomach, but the feeling quickly dissipated when the taste of your mouth filled his every being.
Sam sprung into action, picking up the ring from the ground before grumbling about how irresponsible you and his brother were. “Put the ring on, you idiots!” He tried to sound annoyed, but failed as laughter shot through him.
“Oh, right!” Dean sniggered.
With him still laying on the ground and you on top of him, he slipped the ring around your slim finger, staring up at you. “I love you,” you blurted.
“And I love you,” he reciprocated.
“Happy New Years Everybody!” Mary screamed with excitement, overjoyed that Dean had proposed.  
Once you and Dean were back on your feet, everyone came up to congratulate you and Dean’s engagement. Mary was going off about ideas for the wedding, and Jess stood by your side, helping you through all the attention, as did Sam with Dean.
The next day, you and Dean woke up side by side. As your eyes peeled open, you were met with Dean staring down at you. “Morning,” he grinned.
“Morning…” you yawned unattractively, and Dean chuckled.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“Even with messy hair and morning breath?” You croaked.
“Especially with messy hair and morning breath,” he assured.
“You’re disgusting,” you joked, pushing him away.
“Nice try. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
“You’re a cripple. I can run away from you without any problems,” you teased.
“Not with that rock and chain around your finger you can’t,” his hand lanced with yours, revealing the glittering stone.
You couldn’t help but smile, pursing your lips for a kiss that Dean gladly gave. Swinging your legs over his hips you smirked down at him. “You want to partake in some strenuous activities?” you wiggled your brows.
“Sorry, but my doctor said that I can’t do anything too strenuous,” Dean grinned, his hands stroking your bare thighs, hands partially disappearing beneath his shirt that you were wearing.
“Don’t worry, I found a loophole. I’ll do most of the work.”
“Then by all means, let’s get physical,” he wiggled his brows, making you laugh.
Just as you leaned in to kiss the breath out of your fiancé, a knock rapped from the door. As you pulled away, Dean groaned.
“You two awake?” Mary’s voice asked through the door.
“No,” Dean responded and you giggled, hitting his chest playfully.
“We’ll be right out,” you called back.
“Great! Breakfast in on the table and me and John has some announcements. We’ll see you downstairs.”
“Thank you!” You reply. “C’mon big guy, let’s get ready for the day.”
Dean moaned. “But we were about to go against my doctor’s orders,” he pouted.
“And there will be lots of time to do that. Now get up you, weirdo.”
Descending the stairs, you sigh in bliss from he scents of waffles filling your senses. You heard a similar sigh come from behind you, Dean also reveling in the sweet smell. As you reached the bottom of the steps and turned into the kitchen, everyone was there passing around the waffles with Sam was already eating.
“Good morning,” you greet.
“Good Morning,” came a chorus.
“Sleep well?” Sam smirked knowingly with a mouth full of carbs.
“Dude!” Dean protested.
“Yeah, dude!” You mocked. “Chew with your mouth closed. Who are you, Dean?”
“Very funny,” Dean scolded, “but you and I both know that’s not what he’s talking about,” he whispers, pinching your butt and making you yelp. You whipped around and playfully punched his chest.
“Alright you love birds. Take a seat,” John instructed, chuckling. “We’ve got some announcements to make.”
Following his orders, you and Dean took a seat side by side, Mary passing you the waffles before you passed them to Dean. Once your plate, as well as Dean’s, was filled, John continued the little family meeting.
“As you know, time goes on and the body get’s older,” John started. “Mary and I have been talking about this for a long time, and we’re almost at that age where we can retire.” Glances were shared amongst the Winchester boys, while you and Jess gave each other wary glances, not sure where this was going and how it would affect your boyfriends.
“Okay…” Dean drawled with uncertainty.
“Well…” this time Mary took over. “We will be retiring soon, and this house is just too big for us. We don’t need two extra rooms—”
“Yeah, but where will we stay when all of us come over?” Dean inquired.
“Son, let your mother finish,” John shook his head, but you swore there was a hint of a smile on his face. You noticed Sam sporting a similar grin as well.
“Something fishy is going on here,” you muttered, all eyes falling onto you.
“What are you talking about?” Sam questioned. “There is nothing fishy going on. I can assure you that.”
“Yeah, nothing fishy at all,” Jess smiled, placing her hand over yours.
“Then what is it?” Dean cut in.
John took the lead again. “We’ve bought a new house.” Just as Dean opened his mouth to object, John shut him up again. “It’s not far from here. It’s a couple blocks away, easy enough for kids to ride their bikes back and forth. It’s a one-bedroom house, but I’ve already got this really good pullout couch in mind, so sleepovers would be easy.”
“Okay, okay,” Dean finally interjected. “So the two of you are moving out, great, but what about the house? Are you selling it?”
“No, we’re not selling it. We’re giving it away,” Mary announced.
“What do you mean, ‘giving it away?’ You can’t do that… can they?” Dean directing the question to Sam.
“Dean, can you – for once – just shut up and listen? Listen first, questions later.” Dean glared at Sam’s response.
“Think of this as an engagement gift,” Mary beamed, eyes practically sparkling at you and Dean. “We’re passing on the house to you,” her eyes fixed on her eldest son, before glancing to you, “both of you.”
“Wait, what?” You and Dean asked simultaneously.
“We want you and Y/N to have the house so that you can start your own little family.”
“M-mom… what about Sam and Jess?”
“Well, Sam and Jess aren’t planning on moving to Kansas,” Mary explained. “They’re settling down in California.
Sam and Jess were smiling wide, chuckling at yours and Dean’s dumbfounded expressions. John and Mary also had similar expressions.
“Wait, let me get this straight…” Dean started, shaking his head as if it would help relieve his confusion. “You’re not selling the house. You’re giving it to me and Y/N?”
“Basically,” John shrugged.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You’re giving the house – just giving it – to me and Y/N?
“Yes,” Mary nodded.
“Giving it. Just giving it. No payment needed. Just handing it right over to me and Y/N?” Dean reiterated.
“Boy, don’t make me change my mind!” John snapped.
“This is… this is great!” Dean yelped, his entire face smiling, from this lips, eyes, to the lines of his face. Dean was flattered, overjoyed, and there was a flickering heat in the pit of his stomach. A feeling that only added to his validation of spending forever with you.
“Baby, looks like I finally got you that house,” Dean grinned, sending you a wink, making you laugh.
It was funny how some things worked out. The home you grew up in lacked the warmth of love, and when you left for college, you literally had nothing and no one, but then you made friends… you met Dean, fell in love with him, and eventually got the guy, and the house he’d promised that first time he asked you to be his fake girlfriend.
“I love you so much,” you blurted with a love-struck grin.
“Not as much as I love you.”
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Say Something Nice Here!
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azazelsocks · 7 years
vengeuse replied to your post: sometimes i think it would be really fun to try a...
you have a lot of scenarios??? i would like to hear them all thank you
THE CLASSIC: it’s s4, Dean has gone to Hell, and with Ruby’s help Sam storms Hell to get him back
RESULT 1: Dean is already a demon. Depending on how Sam was characterized this could either end really serial-killer-y with them staying in Hell together or maybe Sam, using his newfound Hell resources, isn’t okay with it and tries to cure Dean? Boy king Sam trying to cure a demon is kind of hilarious to me because I don’t think any other demons would be okay with it they’d all be like “WTF my lord, what’s wrong with being a demon” and Sam would be like “no no it’s not that I don’t like demons it’s just that this one can’t be a demon” but that would also be so tied up in self-hatred for Sam because he’s a demon he just feels like he actually deserves it ahhhhhhh
RESULT 2: Dean is not a demon yet. Sam has to choose between Hell & his brother. On my Dean-negative days this ends way differently than on my non-canon Dean-is-a-good-brother days lol. either way, sam stays the boy king. you can’t take that back.
RESULT 3: The angels got there first. Sam is like “well that’s... not the worst thing that could have happened” but as he learns about the plans for the apocalypse, it starts seeming a whole lot worse. + because Sam isn’t actually there with Dean, I figure it would be even easier to manipulate Dean into thinking that his brother is a lost cause and he needs to say yes to save the world. Sam declares war. this one could end all sorts of ways like maybe Sam looses Lucifer by accident preventing Lilith from taking his throne and it runs pretty close to canon; maybe Sam faces down with Michael at the end and kills the vessel Dean in the process; maybe we get endverse but it’s actually Sam in the white suit this time!!!
actually i just thought of the endverse ending and i fucking love it i’m keeping that as a scenario on its own
THE POLY S4: Dean comes back from Hell, but he’s still a demon. Sam is with Ruby (who in this AU does not intend to raise Lucifer). Dean is upset because he’s a possessive fuck, but he’s also gained something of a new perspective being a demon, and it’s like... basically all Dean x Ruby fighting over Sam with Ruby usually winning because she has more experience and Ruby is all like “You’re not the only one who loves Sam or the only one Sam loves” and Dean is like “-splutters-” but eventually after a disaster they come to a truce to get rid of Lilith and put Sam on the throne and it’s a happy poly V or triad, whichever you prefer 
THE PRODIGY: Sam doesn’t make it out of the house with Dean and John and is raised by Azazel from six months old. I don’t know where this one goes I just like the idea of it. sometimes the other special children are his siblings and sometimes he’s the only child, the heir from the beginning. 
THE KNIGHT OF HELL: s9 Dean gets Sam back on the blood. I don’t really like the way most fics go with this bc they always end with Sam really dependent on Dean and like ... ehhhhhh. (This sambenny one by waterbird13 is a really good take on it tho not boyking) BUT I do like the idea of Sam pretending to drink it for Dean but actually taking it for the power boost. Thought you could lead Sam around like Ruby did?? THINK AGAIN. HE’S KING NOW. 
THE RACK: The crossroads demon won’t trade Sam for Dean, but he does offer Sam a way into Hell. See what you can do with that, he says. Better than what you’ve got now, right? (Look, if you like boy!king and you haven’t read Threefold Path To Redemption what the fuck are you even doing unless you don't like wincest or torture then okay)
TORTURER 1: it’s Dean whooooo is surprised. I have this headcanon that the longer a demon stays on the rack, the more powerful they are when they get off so I personally like this one because I just have this image in my head of Sam finally agreeing to get off the rack and Dean is thrilled and lets him off and then Sam force-slams him and grits out “We’re getting out of here.” Except once a man tortured into demonhood always a man tortured into demonhood OOOH especially because he wasn’t dead when he went to Hell (that would cheat Dean’s deal). (and yeah you have to shed blood in Hell but it doesn’t say torture I think murdering a bunch of demons on the way out probably counts)
TORTURER 2: it’s someone else, Sam’s personal Alastair, who raises not a torturer but a king. tasty
THE QUEER RULER: This one is just one where Sam is trans (sometimes I like it to be trans girl Sam and sometimes I like it to be trans boy Sam or nb!Sam) & it’s like...one more thing for people to be disgusted by and it drives home the “freak/pariah” themes they were going with Sam (kind of overshadowed by the addict themes, but they’re there) and then Sam takes the throne and fucking. owns it. this one is just cathartic for me cos i am trans
THE ANGELS: Sam has been dreaming of an angel with blue eyes and he doesn’t know why. I don’t know why either, but I do like me a Hades/Persephone boy king sastiel mmmm
THE SELF-INDULGENT SAMCEST: these ones are just... you know what, don’t judge me.
YOUNG SAM’S WORLD: idfk but this one is like a sitcom where Sam is still in Stanford and something fucked up on the boy king’s end and he ended up in Sam’s dorm and is out of juice so he has to crash for the time being. Shenanigans with Brady! Shenanigans with Sams! God, why can’t Sam’s life be normal!
BOY KING’S WORLD: Somehow regular!Sam ends up in the world where he’s the boy king (ANOTHER FIC REC (SASSY/GEN)) anyways 
1: Boy king Sam’s Dean has been dead for years; really, properly, inaccessibly gone. Mad with grief, he performs a summoning spell across dimensions (if he can’t have his Dean, a different one will do) with the Samulet as the focal point, but it’s a Sam that ends up in the circle instead of a Dean. This Sam has the Samulet on him because in his world, Dean died as well, before Sam was 18, and it was the catalyst for Sam leaving. These Sams have some things to learn from each other, cos other Sam has managed to deal with his grief and move on, and boy king Sam has managed to deal with his destiny, so I just think it would be a fun character study
2: Older Sam (s9-s11 i haven’t watched s12 yet but i probably will when it comes to netflix) fucks up a spell and ends up in Boy King Sam’s world. Older Sam is a little shellshocked from the travel, meeting his other self, and like...how much respect his other self commands? his other self even has friends and trusted confidants? being a hell-bound freak didn’t ruin his other self’s life? Boy King Sam figures out both a spell & Older Sam’s emotional state, and, because, well, he’s really helping himself, sends Older Sam back to his dimension with a few tips and some contacts from the old guard of demons who wanted Sam on the throne from the beginning. MAYBE THEY FUCK IN HERE SOMEWHERE
okay i’ve run out WAIT NO
THE SEASON NINE: Gadreel happens. Crowley happens. Being possessed by a demon for the first time since...Meg? reawakens Sam’s powers, cleanly, without the use of blood (he SHOULD be able to use them without blood, everyone else could) and SAM IS FUCKING PISSED. The healthy way to resolve this is Sam just leaves forever and fixes the big bad by killing/recruiting Abaddon.
 but I also have a pissy catharsis dean-whump version where Sam, furious, does exactly what Abaddon threatened, burns off Dean’s tattoo, and lets his most favorite demon have Dean’s body indefinitely. See how you like it, Dean. (HAS DEAN EVER FUCKING BEEN POSSESSED EVER??? NO????? WE JUST GOT THE ABADDON SCENE. MAKE IT HAPPEN WRITERS.)
okay that’s actually all of them. for now. maybe i’ll come up with more later! do you see my dilemma
THE SPECIAL CHILDREN: it occurs to me that since the foresight kids (sam & ava) had initial visions keyed into the other psychic kids to start with… if sam had gone with Meg proper in Scarecrow and done a little focusing, it would have been unbelievably easy for him to find the other special children. whenever he summoned a vision he’d know where another one was. he could have hunted the non-premonitionary kids down before the death matches even started happening. he coulda won before there was even a competition
THE DEAD FAMILY: there are some who headcanon that hellfire takes you, guess what, straight to hell. Sam gets to hell, and finds his mother and his girlfriend are there?? obviously he rescues them from whatever tortures they may or may not have endured. jess learns all of sam, no more secrets, and sam gets to learn who mary is (and mary tells sam she was sorry, it wasn’t his fault she died).
THE FALLEN ANGEL: Instead of falling in love with humanity, Castiel falls in love with the boy who the entire world hates, whose destiny is to rule Hell, and yet is still pure of heart & soul. When he gives up Heaven, he gives it up to go to Hell.
THE GODSTIEL: Sam is the boy king. Cas is God. Enemies to lovers. A lot of snarky negotiation between the two as they duke out what exactly the roles of Heaven and Hell will be in this new world order.
CONSORT!DEAN: aka, what 90% of boy king fics are. i don’t really care? but it probably deserves a place here anyways.
THE REPLACEMENT: all those wincest aus where Sam uses another person as a surrogate Dean. fleshflutter had an amazing and absolutely horrifying one with adult!Ben. i have one with frenchmistake!jensen. absolutely terrible. 
THE AMPUTEE: Sam’s coup goes poorly and results in him being really physically fucked up, but successful. Compatible with most other AUs. Basically like...what if Sam wasn’t the all powerful godking we usually picture but just, still Sam, fighting through broken arms and missing fingers, and being badass at the same time.
If anyone reading this wants to steal one of these idears and write a fic/do art, blease, i will sacrifice my firstborn child to your boyking
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Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
Characters: Dean x reader, Sam, mention of others Words: 1,532 Warnings: implied smut, light swearing Summary: based off of Panic! At The Disco’s “Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time” The reader wakes up with Sam and Dean, all hungover, at her best friend’s house. Reader pieces together the day before.
You woke up wearily in a strange place. Your head was throbbing and it was so bright in this room. You perched yourself up, slowly, on your elbows and looked next to you. You saw none other than Dean Winchester. Of course you two ended up in bed together and even more so obviously, drunk. Yup. You were hung over. Your vision focused in and out and you saw a blur of a man sitting on the ground with some blonde chick in a black cat costume. Sam Winchester. Waking up on the floor with some blonde chick in a black cat costume. Who are these people? Even more so strangely, why was your hair wet? You reached behind you wearily, while using your other hand to pull the bedsheets to your chest and you threw your pillow at Sam and the girl. “Hey! Lady! Get outta here!” You grumbled and when she got up, she stumbled her way out of the room, looking at all three of you in disgust. Even Sam. You raised an eyebrow and when Dean perched himself up, he made the same expression as he rubbed his head. You could tell he and Sam were hungover, too. What happened last night? The only thing Dean and you had on was underwear while Sam still had on his regular clothes. I just woke up in my underwear… “Y/N? What the… What happened last night?” “Ugh… God. You think I know?” Now I wish that I could find your clothes but you only saw all Dean’s clothes scattered around and a nurse costume. Is that seriously what you wore last night? Was this some kind of party? You shoulda seen what I wore. The last time you went to a party was at college and that’s when it hit you. The memories started flooding back into your mind. “Dean… Pleeeeasssse.” You had begged him yesterday morning. “I haven’t seen Rose in years. Since college. Her and I were best friends! And I know, with the hunting life, you can’t make connections but this is a Halloween party! You know how much I love Halloween!” Your old college friend, Rose, had texted you, ‘Hey! Y/N/N! It’s been so long! Soooo there’s a rad party tonight at my house and I was hoping you could come?? I know how you are the absolute QUEEN at all parties! I hope to hear back from you!’ How could you not go? Oh that’s right: Dean. “Y/N! Come on! This is stupid. We don’t have time for college parties!” Both Sam and Dean kept reasoning with you but you would stop at nothing to make them let you go, if not go with you. And after half an hour in Dean’s room, you had convinced him. And you knew he’d make Sammy come along, too. “Great! Let’s go shopping for a costume!” Sam told you, “No need to. I-uh-I kept Jessica’s Halloween costume. She loved Halloween almost as much as you. I never liked it, never will, but I kept it because it was our last weekend together. It should fit you.” Your heart broke for Sam. He really did love Jess and she died in just as much pain as his mom. But you shook that off. This is a time to be happy: Halloween; your favorite time of year. And finally, Dean and Sam were gonna party with you! Well, at least Dean would, for a fact. You stood up and stumbled. I usually don’t fall when I try to stand. To your surprise, Dean was already out of bed and had steadied you. “Damn.” You said as he handed you your bra. He always was a good drunk. Always being able to walk straighter than anyone else while drunk and he could hold his liquor quite well. After you had thrown your pillow at Sam, he just fell right back asleep. Figures. He wasn’t as good as a drunk as you and Dean. He was a very grumpy hungover one, too. You and Dean exchanged a look, thinking the same thing. Once you and Dean had got dressed, you shook Sammy awake and actually had to slap his cheeks a few times. “Sam! Wake up ya moron!” You three stumbled out of the room and made your way in and out of unconscious bodies on the floor. I should probably introduce myself. You walked into the kitchen and started opening and closing multiple cabinets, looking for ingredients to a great hang over cure you knew. There were empty beer bottles everywhere. No liquor left on the shelves. Another memory of the day before came into your head. Memories tend to just pop up. Memories of swimming in a pool. You looked outside and saw no pool and then you looked at Rose’s neighbor’s house, who had a pool. You ran a finger through your wet hair. How did we end up in my neighbors pool? You looked around and took a deep breath. You smelt smoke. Champagne, cocaine, gasoline and most things in between. “Alright, Sammy, Y/N, let’s get outta here, please.” Dean begged. You agreed, “Yeah. Good idea. But you’ll have to make it up to me later because I won’t have the chance to say bye to Rose.” You smirked and took Dean’s hand, walking for the front door. He shot you a wink and Sam followed closely behind, rolling his eyes. Once inside the car, Dean turned on the radio. “Alright, alright…” Your favorite P!ATD was playing and you looked at Dean in disgust when he faked a gag and turned the station. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Turn it back!!” You shouted at Dean. His eyes widened and he reluctantly turned it back. “The hell are you listening to this for? God, who even is this?” “ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!” You started singing along loudly after you reached in the front and turned the radio up. “ITS A HELL OF A FEELING THOUGH!” “Oh dear Jesus. Y/N,” Dean pointed a finger at you, “You are so making THIS crap up to me when we get home.” He looked disgusted as he started driving.
(Alright, alright) (Alright, alright) (Alright, alright) It’s a hell of a feeling though… It’s a hell of a feeling though… Alright, alright, it’s a hell of a feeling though It’s a hell of a feeling though
Who are these people? I just woke up in my underwear No liquor left on the shelf I should probably introduce myself You shoulda’ seen what I wore I had a cane and a party hat I was the king of this hologram Where there’s no such thing as getting out of hand Memories tend to just pop up Drunk pre-meds and some rubber gloves Five-thousand people with designer drugs Don’t think I’ll ever get enough
Champagne, cocaine, gasoline And most things in between I rode the city in a shopping cart A pack of camels was in a smoke alarm
This night is heating up Raise hell and turn it up Saying “If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe” Oh yeah Don’t threaten me with a good time
It’s a hell of a feeling though It’s a hell of a feeling though Alright, alright It’s a hell of a feeling though It’s a hell of a feeling though
What are these footprints? They don’t look very human-like Now I wish that I could find my clothes Bedsheets and a morning rose I wanna wake up Can’t even tell if this is a dream How did we end up in my neighbors pool Upside-down with a perfect view? Bought a bar at the speed of sound Fancy feet dancing through this town Lost my mind in a wedding gown Don’t think I’ll ever get it now (Don’t think I’ll ever get it now)
Champagne, cocaine, gasoline And most things in between I rode the city in a shopping cart A pack of camels was in a smoke alarm
This night is heating up Raise hell and turn it up Saying “If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe” Oh yeah Don’t threaten me with a good time
I’m a scholar and a gentleman And I usually don’t fall when I try to stand I lost a bet to a guy in a Chiffon skirt But I make these high heels work I told you time and time again I’m not as think as you drunk I am And we all fell down When the sun came up I think we’ve had enough
Alright, alright, it’s hell of a feeling though It’s a hell of a feeling though Alright, alright it’s a hell of a feeling though It’s a hell of a feeling though
Champagne, cocaine, gasoline And most things in between I rode the city in a shopping cart A pack of camels was in a smoke alarm
This night is heating up Raise hell and turn it up Saying “If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe” Oh yeah Don’t threaten me with a good time
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Chapter 18
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Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 1482
Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Chapter Warnings: TONS of fluff and a bit of angst.
A/N: Sorry this took so long! Also, sorry this one is so short. None the less... I think it’s a pretty could installment. It really get’s you thinking! haha. ENJOY!
By the time you and Dean pulled into the driveway, the sun had already set, and all the lights downstairs were on. And by the looks of it, everyone was home. John’s Impala parked in the garage as usual, Mary’s Sedan behind it, and a rental car was parked by the sidewalk, leaving a parking space for Dean in the drive way.
Your nerves came flooding back and Dean grabbed hold of your hand almost instantly. “You’re going to be fine. You have nothing to be worried about. Trust me.” He could practically read you like a book. He knew the look on your face when you got nervous.
“Easy for you to say,” you grumbled, Dean chuckling softly before bringing your hand up to his lips. The notion was endearing.
Dean flashed you a smile, your eyes locking together, and your stomach flipped. It was something about the way he would always look at you that made your heart full, and it scared you a little just how much you loved him. How much you were in love with him. There was no doubt in your mind that he was your forever. Your lover and soulmate wrapped into one.
“Let’s get going. I bet they’re having dinner. And you know what that means?”
“You’re always hungry?” You answered, obviously kidding.
“Ha Ha. Very funny. No. It means pie!”
“Pie?” You questioned.
“Yeah. Mom knows I’m coming home tonight, so of course she’s going to make pie!” Dean revealed as if it was common sense. Which it was now that you thought about it.
“Dean, you need to see a therapist. No one should love pie as much as you do.”
“And no one should love that weird show you watch as much as you do. What’s it called again? Paranormal? Super Freaks? What?”
“Don’t you dare insult my show!” you warned. “It’s called Supernatural you jackass!” You corrected, laughing as you punched his arm. Dean laughed along with you, trying to block your attacks.
You and Dean got out the truck, but the conversation was still in tact. “So what is so great about this Supernatural show?” Your lover asked.
You rolled your eyes, having told him a million times what the show was about. “I’ve told you! It’s about two brothers that fight monsters, demons, just… anything and everything Supernatural. It’s such an amazing show! The bond and love the brothers have for each other is just—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. These brothers… they’re not… you know, together-together are they? Because one, their brothers, and two that’s g—”
“Dean, no!” You gawked at him, unable to believe he make such an assumption. “That’s incest! Disgusting!”
“Hey! I’m just asking. You’re the one loved watching it,” raised his hands up in surrender before grabbing the bags from the back.
“Dean, it’s about family. How they never turn their backs on each other and how they are each other’s strength. How the hell did a thought like that even cross your mind?” Dean took a breath, but before he could speak, you started talking again. “You know what, don’t answer that,” you giggled, Dean smiling. Honestly though, I think you’d really like it if you watched it. You actually remind me a lot of one of the main characters,” you confessed.
“Oh yeah? And which one is that? Is he handsome?” He asked. “He has to be if he reminds you of me.”
“His name is—”
You couldn’t get the character’s name out in time. You jumped and let out a soft yelp when someone shouted Dean’s name from behind. “Oh—oh my! Is that… Y/N! Oh my! Y/N!” Mary came running out the door, quickly embracing you into her arms. “Sweetie, I am so glad you’re hear!” Her hold on you tightened as she swayed you lightly.
“I’m glad I’m here too,” you giggled, the sound coming out a bit strangled.
“Mom, you tryin’ to kill her? She needs air!” Dean laughed.
“Oh yes. Of course. I’m so sorry,” she twittered. “Dean, my sweet boy. You have no idea how happy you made me. I’m glad things between you two are back to normal,” Mary expressed, engulfing her son in her arms.
Mary lead the way back into the house where everyone was at the table having dinner. “There’s my boy!” John bellowed, his smile wide, and beer bottle in his hand. “Oh! Y/N! What a wonderful surprise! Looks like I get to have both of my daughters here!” He cheered.
His words warmed your heart. There was no one you’d be more proud of being the daughter of. John and Mary were amazing parents and even more amazing humans. Although no one is perfect, but they were close to it for you.
Sam and Jess chuckled before getting up from their seats to greet you and Dean. Jess came running, jumping into your arms, her high pitch squeal nearly causing you to go temporarily deaf. “I can’t believe you’re here! I’m so happy!”
“Me too,” you snickered. She was too much, and you loved it.
Sam and Jess switched places and Sam gave you a big hug, lifting you off the floor. “Glad my brother isn’t as much of an idiot as I thought he was,” he teased.
“Have a seat, have a seat!” Mary quipped, already making each of you a plate of food. Once she set the plate in front of you, your stomach growled, catching everyone’s attention.
“I guess I’m hungrier than I thought…” you muttered, smiling.
Everyone laughed, Dean grinning at you like he’s won the lottery. “That’s my girl!” He leaned in, kissing you on the lips in front of everyone.
At first you fell right into it, love spelled by his touch, before realizing you had an audience. “Dean!” You pushed him away, “there are others in the room.”
Mary was smiling ear to ear, more than enjoying the sight. She could feel the love overflowing in the house. If she had to admit, this was her dream come true. To have her family in her house together again, her loving husband by her side with her sons, and the women they loved. What would make it even better was if she had grandchildren running all over the place. Then it would no longer be a dream, it would be her heaven.
In the middle of dessert, right after Dean shoved an enormous bite of his pie into his mouth, he asked, “Mom, what was it that you needed to tell me?”
“Dean, could you chew your food first?” you grumbled good naturedly.
The upwards curve of Mary’s lips dropped for a split second, and a sense of seriousness glossed over her eyes. If you weren’t paying attention, it was easy to miss, but unfortunately for Mary, everyone noticed. She gave a week smile, looking to her husband in silent communication.
“Uh…” she began.
“How about we talk about that tomorrow? We’ve got one surprise tonight,” he smiled over at you, “how about we save the other for the next day,” John intervened.
Everyone agreed, glances caught between each other. Something wasn’t right. Whatever news Mary had to share definitely wasn’t going to be good. It put you a little on edge. Was this about you? Had you done something wrong? Or worse… was she feeling unwell? Considering all the times she’d push Dean to find a girlfriend, to come over for the holidays, spewing on about how she wanted grandchildren as soon as possible… was there a chance that she had a reason for nagging on Dean so much all that time? Was time an issue?
After everything was cleared off the table, dishes washed, Mary and John bid their goodnights and headed off to bed, while you, Dean, Sam and Jess ambled into the living room. It was Sam who spoke first.
“What was that about? What news?” The youngest of the brothers asked.
“I don’t know. Mom called a few days ago telling me to get home as soon as I could. Said that she had something very important to tell me. Or something she wanted to tell us? I’m not exactly sure. She wasn’t specific,” Dean replied.
“I hope everything is okay,” Jess said.
“Me too,” you agreed.
“You know what…” Sam stiffened.
“What?” Dean asked warily.
“Mom recently gotten something in the mail from the hospital…” his throat bobbed as he gulped. “What if something is wrong with mom? Or dad? He did have that stroke a few years back.”
“Sammy, don’t think that way. I’m sure mom and dad are fine—” Dean’s grip on your hand tightened. You knew he was lying. He was scared. He hoped that Sam was wrong. Very, very wrong.
“Yeah, they look healthier as can be,” you added.
Then there was silence. Everyone hoped you and Dean were right.
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