#i love them v much
rising-volteccers · 1 month
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I am an adult who's spending my Friday night eating cookies and milk while giggling to myself as I stack the Pika council.
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tending-the-hearth · 9 months
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the sillies <3
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inquisitorsenchanters · 5 months
Did some quick sketches of Shadowheart last night to help w writers block 😌 My partner played bg3 w the intent of romancing Astarion and I told him that Shadowheart would win him over and he didn’t believe me. Guess who he romanced?😭
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terracyte · 2 years
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when. when old fashion pet name. when whenw ehwnewhewn 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️
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crashnbrn · 2 years
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i sincerely apologize for the person i am going to become when the daisy jones & the six series comes out.
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aanteater-nose · 11 months
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I’ve never seen this before???
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uri-art · 1 year
And as we're touching hands, and as we're falling down.
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I went a Lil crazy on this so I added a no bg version-
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mechieonu · 2 years
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cero-sleep · 1 year
Thinking abt my ocs...
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backhurtyy · 2 years
introduce me to your oc's!! if you want akdjs <3
okay so basically i have three main ocs: hazel, ford, and mikey. and this universe, called diamonds until i figure something else out, is set in like a 1940’s/50’s speakeasy and centers around this giant diamond that everyone’s trying to steal. so they’re all diamond thieves, they all kind of suck, and they are all in big gay love with each other.
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hazel is literally like. girlboss personified. her father owns the speakeasy, and she is very influential and well known, living a life of glamour. however, she’s also very manipulative and ruthless. she knows what she wants, and there’s nothing she won’t do to get it, even if it means hurting the people she loves. she has a sense of like, business is business, and if you’re in my way you better watch out. there aren’t a lot of people who really know her other than her best friend dot and ford, who she was engaged to until she stole the diamond from him and disappeared for a long time.
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ford is my most beloved guy, my babygirl of this universe, my sweet cheese good time boy. he’s suave, charismatic, and has a reputation of being a bit of a ladies man, even though he’s only ever really loved two people in his life. he’s the singer at the speakeasy, and features a boston accent because it just suits him, idk. overall he’s a very well meaning guy— he loves deeply, and he just wants to do right by the people he cares about, but he’s also very protective, quick to anger, and manipulative. hes also very convinced he’s going to die young, going out in a blaze of glory during a heist, and is therefore very reckless and careless with his own safety. he’s still bitter over how hazel left him in the middle of the night, and so when she comes back to town he hatches this plan to use mikey to get the diamond back from her (which backfires of course, because he is in love with both of them).
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and mikey is the sweetest, biggest bi disaster you’ve ever met. he’s very kind and easily flustered, and also craves some sort of excitement in his life beyond being the bartender at the speakeasy. as a virtue of his job, he knows everything there is to know about everyone. so he’s very surprised when hazel bursts into his life, because… there aren’t many people he doesn’t know??? but he’s also blown away because she’s the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. and like, he’s been in love with ford since the first day they met as teenagers, but he’s never made a move because of ford’s reputation. but hazel is here, and she’s beautiful, and she seems to actually soften when she’s around him… needless to say, when ford approaches him about his plan to get the diamond back, mikey instantly agrees— one because it’s ford, and he’d do anything for him, but also because it gives him the chance to get to know her, the real her, the hazel that he can tell misses ford and regrets what she did. cue mikey bringing them together, and the three of them falling in love with each other.
and this post is so long, but i cant go without sharing this incredible art my friend @artistastudios did of them for me 💖
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vaisaur · 9 months
Am floored by my moms reaction but iv begun the convo about moving out to live w my partner!!!
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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...also, have sum Raven/Ro :3
(feat @falseamore ofc ofc)
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strwcptn · 1 year
@chatcambrioleur asked:
“I don’t think you’ve ever held still for a minute in your whole life.” The mirth in her voice was masked with a playful malice. Her pencil moved wildly, attempting to catch the captain’s features —- but pinning Luffy was no easy task. Nami nibbled her lip, squinting in her focus, before she turned her sketchbook to Luffy. “What do you think? You like it?” His likeness, his sunshine smile, all embodied on the page, translated by Nami’s pencil. “You can keep it, if you want.”
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he wanted to go and play with the others on the deck, but noooo, nami just had to take him away from the fun and games so she could practice on her drawings. but why him and not someone like sanji would would LOVE to jump at the chance to be her muse?
"namiiiii, are you almost dooone?" he asked, more like whining as his eyes took in her art when she showed him and instantly his demeanor changed.
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"woah! you actually drew that of me? that's amazing!!" he complimented the art that was offered, looking back and forth between her and the drawing. "are you serious? it's for me? you're not even going to charge me for it?"
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jelliclekay · 2 years
if anyone wants to send questions about tugger and my oc artemis I would really appreciate it <33 wanna talk about them 
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pre1ude · 1 year
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@s4ints , sent 👫 for four headcanons about our muses' relationship
Listen, I don't know when Death turns human and I suspect it happens centuries before Danny is even born, but let me be indulgent for a second. It becomes clear that Daniel can hear them rather early in life. He's seen death (not literally) on a consistent level since he was 5, from the men whose life he didn't mean to end to small critters whose ends he happens to witness. Apparently, one upside to enhanced hearing is he can sense things beyond his understanding or even his physical plane, because there's the ever-present sound of a soft tread and the nagging feeling that he is never alone during those moments. He first tries to talk to the unseen entity at 9 when Ms Spot dies of old age in his arms and he asks them to keep her good company, she's a special dog after all. The last time he does is at 27, standing over the body of his mother. He doesn't mourn her, there is no need, but he ventures to make a small, humble request, that if they can hear him, could they tell her he's sorry?
They probably just meet at random otherwise. Through Eshaq maybe, who has a very Dionysian/Aphroditian interest in Danny's music and an egotistical predilection for playing muse to some simple, if supernaturally-gifted human man? Turns out they've got a buddy who needs to couch-crash or alternatively a fun new friend for Danny and would he like to see a fallen god?? Hilariously enough Dan takes to Death like a puppy. He's got a deeply ingrained respect slash fear of authority, no matter if it's still functioning as authority or not. Death? THE Death? Well goodness.. He has a billion questions for them, of course, and far too much decorum to ask them all at once, so he just patiently listens to them talk and tries to glean the primordial secrets of human creation and destruction from two ex-deities shooting the shit within his earshot. He still asks after Spot and his actual, biological mama, and if they're doing alright in the afterlife or whatever place awaits the mortally uncoiled (he asks about heaven and hell too, catholic upbringing), before likely being promptly informed Todd hasn't been Death for a long while now, so they wouldn't know.
On their general interactions. Listen.. Danny's ridiculously glad to meet someone even more badly adjusted to human and social life than him. It puts him in a first-time position of competence by comparison and so he takes the liberty of teaching them a few things. At the very least they're well taken care of, well-informed about human circadian rhythms and health diets, and strictly instructed to do as Danny says, not as he does. The socials come less naturally to either of them and can only be described as bad attempts at human mimicry on both their parts. It involves a lot of huddled strategizing and hatching increasingly ridiculous backstories for how Todd came about. Most times, he introduces them as his distant german cousin that's staying with him for the time being. Occasionally they're his sibling when he can't remember the previous surname he gave them. Introducing, Todd Perkins!
(consider also: Dan and Todd's DMV Adventures. Featuring: the hassle of getting a primordial deity their very first ID, explaining why at 25 (26?) they still have so little legal documentation and knowledge of the world at large that it more suggests alien ship crash landing rather than birth, a very tired and suspicious employee who nevertheless turns a blind eye and Dan teaching Todd how to read. Guest appearance from: Danny's new yorker 'uncle' Hal who procured fake birth certificates for him and Patricia some 13 years ago and who blissfully doesn't ask too many questions this time either.)
On a more serious note: For all their differences in birth, duty, experience and power, I think Daniel and Todd can fundamentally agree on and bond over one glaring similarity: they are both outsiders. It goes beyond social outcasting, mentally they do not associate themselves with the human race whatsoever and never have. They've only passively watched life happen and people trudge along from afar, Danny from his deep isolation and Todd from the impassive throne as king-sentinel, until both are thrust into a position where assimilation is inevitable, even if neither has been provided the tools to make that change smoothly. They don't experience the world as most people do, they don't hit the regular benchmarks, they have to mind their step so as not to tread on delicate sensibilities and beliefs and the fragile lives around them, Dan with his destructive abilities and Todd, still in possession of ancient eldritch knowledge of the world that could break a human mind. And yet they have to follow the rules, they have to live as expected or elsewise suffer some loneliness for it. And I think they can soothe that in each other. Or at least go the road together. Of course Daniel would initially be of the mindset that anything less than perfect assimilation is a failure, he hates feeling wrong, Other or fundamentally different and does his best not to estrange or disappoint people, and I think Todd, who's anthitetically disenchanted and yet fond of humanity, can be immense help in that. It is rather silly to aim for boringly normal, after all. What a low bar to set oneself.
+ 1
Todd's birthday is a two-day affair as far as he's concerned - oct 31st and nov 1st, and he always insists they pregame during halloween. Partly for the irony alone, mostly because it's just the best holiday. Dan's a decent gift-giver, by all means, but not very creative. What can you give to a millenia old entity who's seen it all, really? He's keen on taking them places and gifting them experiences (seen everything doesn't mean done everything, that much becomes clear when he sees them eat Food for the first time), but if they don't visit for a celebration, he defaults to buying a present anyway and keeping it handy for the next meeting. It's mostly dumb little trinkets that remind him of Todd, hopefully enough for a laugh. There's a period of four years they don't see each other, during which, yes, he amasses a hoard of little skull-shaped things and giddily waits for their next meeting to present them. Trolling gods is actually very funny. and it's mostly fine if he does it with love.
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intergalacticantics · 7 months
The excruciating agony of not knowing when your guests are going to fucking leave
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