#i may not understand but I support you all and am cheering you on from the sidelines
im discovering there is a non-zero population of people here on tumblr who sexually desire Mr. Green from the cinematic masterpiece Clue (1985) starring Tim Curry
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charlesslut16 · 13 days
Can you write a fic (I was thinking about max but you can do any driver really) where the reader and the driver are best friends to lovers in the early days of the drivers career. The reader supported the driver through it all and wants nothing more but for them to succeed. As the drivers career really starts to kick off, the reader falls pregnant. When the driver finds out, (thinking of max here) he thinks he's going to be a terrible father and gets nervous thinking how he may ruin a whole life, he suggests getting rid of the baby and the reader thinks it's cause of his career, tells him she respects the fact that he doesn't want the baby, but she's going to keep it. ANGSTY please
-losing you to trauma-
summary : max is to unsure to have children, to stay with you and raise your daughter...
PAIRING: max verstappen x fem!reader
WARNINGS : max leaving reader, angst
note : as i'm a girl of a single mother, whose father did almost the exact same thing, it hurts. But i hope that you still like it!
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Max Verstappen's Formula One career was just beginning to take off. He was young, talented, and driven, with an intensity that made his presence felt on the track and off it.
His best friend, you, since childhood, had always been there, cheering him on from the sidelines, through every victory and defeat, every celebration and heartbreak.
You both shared a bond that was unbreakable, an understanding that didn't need words. You had seen Max's potential long before the rest of the world, had believed in him when he was just a boy with a dream and a passion for racing.
And after time, you two had become a couple. A happy one, both driven by the drill of driving and passion. But as Max's career soared, so did the distance between you both. Not in your hearts, but in the time you could spend together.
You understood; you had always known that Max was destined for greatness, and you were content to support him from the background. You never complained, never asked for more than what he could give.
Your relationship had evolved quietly. What started as innocent hand-holding during tough times in your racing careers became something deeper, more profound.
It wasn't long before you crossed the threshold from best friends to lovers, a natural progression that felt right for both of you. You didn't need to label it; you simply knew you belonged together.
But then, life threw the both of you a curveball. You found yourself staring at a positive pregnancy test, the weight of the world suddenly resting on your shoulders. You knew this would change everything, for both.
When told Max, his reaction was far from what you hoped for. Instead of joy, there was fear in his eyes. He looked at you, his face pale and his hands shaking, and said, "I can't do this. I don't know how to be a father. I'll ruin everything. Maybe we should... maybe we should consider not having the baby."
The words hit like a punch to the gut. You had expected hesitation, but not this. Not the suggestion to get rid of the life you had created together. Tears welled up in your eyes, but fought them back.
You needed to be strong, for yourself and for the baby.
"Is this about your career?" you asked, her voice trembling but steady. "Are you worried that having a baby will ruin everything for you?"
Max shook his head, but his eyes told a different story. "No, it's not that. I just... I don't want to mess up. I don't want to be a terrible father. I don't want to ruin a whole life because I don't know what I'm doing."
You reached out, taking his hand in yours. "Max, I respect that you're scared. I am too. But this isn't just about you. This is about us, and about this baby. I can't make this decision for you, but I need you to know that I'm going to keep it. I understand if you don't want to be involved, but I have to do this."
His face crumpled, and he pulled you into his arms, holding tightly. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I'm so sorry."
You clung to him for dear life, tears streaming down your face. "I love you, Max. And I believe in you, just like I've always believed in you. You can do this. We can do this."
But as much as you tried to reassure him, you could feel the chasm widening between. Max was consumed by his fear, by the thought of failing not just as a driver but as a father.
And though he loved you, his terror of the unknown, of the future, was driving a wedge between the both of you. He could never but your love above the insecurity and that broke you to pieces, that could not be set back together.
The months passed, and Max's career continued to flourish. He threw himself into his racing with a ferocity that left little room for anything else. You watched, heart breaking a little more each day, as the man you loved slipped further away from you.
When the baby was born, a beautiful, healthy girl, Max was there. He had not held her, at the side of you and the baby, his eyes filled with a mixture of awe and fear. But he still couldn't shake his anxiety, couldn't let go of the belief that he would fail them both.
You knew you had to be strong, not just for yourself, but for your daughter. You had always believed in Max, and would continue to do so. But knew that he had to find his own way, had to come to terms with his fears on his own.
And so, with a heavy heart, you let him go, hoping that one day he would find his way back to them. That he would realize that he could be the father their daughter needed, and the partner she had always believed he could be.
Until then, you would keep supporting him from the sidelines, cheering him on just as you always had. Because that's what you do for the ones you love, even when it breaks your heart.
Deep in your heart, you wanted him to come to your house and say that he was sorry and wanted to be in your lives, but as time passed, you realized that he would never come to terms with it.
His trauma being too deep for him to start a family, you accepted the fact, but you never forgave him for it. You love him with your whole heart, and you always will.
Maybe your ways will meet again, who knew?
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ravens-two · 5 months
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Mini-PAC: Your Person's Love Language
This one is a smaller reading, and it has no extended version. It includes your person's love language and how they express their love/feelings/emotions.
Disclaimer: this is just for entertainment purposes, and as a pick-a-card reading it may not resonate for everyone.
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Pile 1
Five of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Gratitude
"All that I am and all that I'll be, forever in gratitude I'll eternally be."
Words of Affirmation/Acts of Service
Hi, pile 1, this person has been through a lot and knows that life can be incredibly hard. That's why they do their best to make it easier for you. That's their love language, making life easier for you. They are quick to show their support and to offer help whenever you need it. They don't have any problems with saying thank you or apologizing when they're wrong. They might have in the past or they might still struggle in other relationships (with people they aren't as close with), not with you though.
They know what it's like to not have anything, including support from others, and they never want to see you there. They could have become the type of person that tells you to get it together and pull yourself by your bootstraps, but they're not. Again, this comes from a deep sense of empathy. (It actually reminds me of that Doctor Who quote "All that pain and misery, and loneliness, and it just made him kind".)
They're the type of person to do the whole "I love you, no I love you more" game. I also see them telling you that they love you as soon as they wake up or before falling asleep. They just really like to say it. They have no problems with expressing their feelings, although I'm getting that they're also private people (this side of them is just for you). I also see them being like "do you need me to listen or do you need advice?" whenever you have problem. They are quite selfless when it comes to you.
Pile 2
Seven of Cups, Judgment, Bear Medicine
"There is no tomorrow without the healing of the past for in stillness you shall find yourself right where you are."
Acts of Service/Quality Time
Understanding is the word I keep getting for your person, pile 2. I get the feeling that your person is quite silent. They remind me of a cat actually, they love spending time in the same room as you while each one does their own thing. They enjoy just reaching out a hand to you and hold hands while doing something else. In general though, I see a lot of silence. This is a comfortable silence, though, there's no awkwardness here. I also think that they're deep thinkers, so when they share their thoughts with you you'll know that it's something important for them. I don't think that saying "I love you" comes easy for them, but you'll know that they really mean it when it comes out.
A bit similar to pile 1, is that when you have a problem your person is ready to step in and help however they can. They're the type to silently act, instead of talking about what they would do. Where I really see the Acts of Service thing though, is them just doing things for you without you having to ask. Like offhandedly mentioning that you need to change your tires, they'll just do it without even saying anything (always respecting your boundaries of course). Or you might mention that you really like a certain brand of chocolate so they always keep that brand at their house so that you can have some. Your person is really thoughtful and they pay a lot of attention to what you say - and what you don't say too.
I get the feeling that they like to be left alone whenever something's wrong, so I feel like they'll do the same for you. Instead of asking what's wrong or try to cheer you up, they'll just sit beside you and keep you company.
Pile 3
Tower, Ace of Pentacles, Cardinal Medicine
"Thy self bleeds of sacredness, an honor fit for the Gods. You are worth all the seas and all the skies and all the desires you hold inside."
Gift-giving/Quality Time
Your person wants to give you the world, pile 3. Their love language is definitively gift-giving, but it's not just about big gifts or luxury (although it could be the case for some of you). For most of you I just see your person being like "look at this cool rock I found today" or "I saw these flowers and they reminded me of you". They just love giving you little trinkets. Especially things that they find unique or special in some way. They think that you deserve something that no one else can possibly have. This can even include commissioning art work or jewelry just for you.
On a more day to day level I also see them just buying your favorite treats. They just want to get home with something special for you, be it your favorite meal or candy. They are very giving in general, and if you say you want something they won't hesitate to buy it for you. Also, I get the vibe that they're incredible gift-givers. Your birthday presents are always incredibly thoughtful.
They might also enjoy creating things for you or singing/playing music for you. They like to have a good time, so having enjoyable experiences is also a love language for them. This could be a dedicated date night where you try new stuff (food, places, activities), going on vacation to new places (just the two of you), or even going to the cinema to watch a new movie. They want to spend time with you while you both do something that you enjoy.
Pile 4
Three of Wands, Emperor, Ringing the Bells
"Ring thy bell to cast them out, ring thy bell and dance about. Swirl the sounds amidst the winds, nowhere to hide, for all will ring."
Physical Touch/Words of Affirmation
Right away I can tell that this is a physical touch kind of person, pile 4. They are very fiery and might get too handsy at times, but it's not just about that for them. They just love to feel your body against theirs. They love to hold hands, wrap their arms around you, and for some of you they love biting (gentle and playful bites on your hands, arms or shoulders). They're not embarrassed by other people and just really love PDA. They like to be touching any part of you all of the time, I feel like it gives them a feeling of safety and comfort. For some of them, they were a bit touch starved for a long time, and now they're making up for it.
I also get the feeling that this person gives the best hugs! It's probably their go-to to comfort you. They'll have no problems telling you that they love and how much you mean to them (although I feel that they crave more to hear you say it, rather than saying it themselves), but their way of showing you how they feel is through touch. They might kiss you to show you that they love you or to communicate their anger or frustration with a problem. This also means that for them sex is also a way of showing you how they feel. They expect you to pay attention to the way they behave during sex to know how they're truly feeling.
When it comes to Words of Affirmation, again I don't think that they struggle to tell you that they love you - in fact I think that they say it rather often - it's more that they struggle with expressing their emotions. Again, they also prefer to receive love this way. They want to hear you say that you want/love them.
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rougecreator1 · 1 month
Sooo… I have an idea. Poly!plastics x reader where reader has a concussion caused by some cheerleader things but she is like “I’m okay” and then her girlfriends notice something is wrong with her. (Regina will be really mad at her for hiding her injury). Thank you so much, I love your writing!
Totally Fine ||
|| Poly!plastics x fem!reader
(i myself am poly!)
|| Warnings: Regina being Regina, reader getting concussed, swearing, Regina arguing with reader, brief mention of throwing up, reader in hospital
|| Summary: reader's part of the cheer team, her girls go and support her only to watch reader fall from the pyramid much to their concern. Reader insists she's fine, turns out she's very much not and her girlfriends know it. They take reader to the hospital, with some scolding from Regina.
Requests open!
Started: April 27th
Finished: May 2nd
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When finale bell rung, you started packing your stuff to leave the classroom. Filling your bag with the various books and papers you had from your English course. Once everything was together you headed out of the classroom; going to your locker to put your bag away and grab your cheer clothes. You had after school cheer practice today and you were looking forward to it.
As you walked to the locker room, you took out your phone and texted the group chat you had with your girlfriends.
You: are all of you still coming to watch? 💕
Gretchen was the fastest to respond, she usually was. She'd never leave you on delivered for more than two minutes unless she was genuinely busy with something; even in class she still made time to text you.
Gretchen: ofc!! omg dw we'll be there 🥰
Karen: be wear?
Gretchen: y/n/n cheer practice, kare 😭
Karen: oh yeah! oow 💕💕💕💕
Regina: oow????
Gretchen: on our way 💀
You laughed a little at their conversation, finding it amusing how Gretchen could always translate for Karen. Sometimes you could understand what she meant, other times you would have absolutely no idea what she means.
You send them a quick text back before shutting your phone off.
You: ilyyy all 🫶🫶
Once you arrived in the locker room you got changed and chatted with some of your cheer friends as you guys walked to the field together; laughing and mostly chatting about various rumours.
Ashley, the head cheerleader, got everyone organized and the Captain went over today's routine. Just some simple stuff, practicing the cheer for Friday's football game. It would be the first of the season and you were excited. It wasn't your first year doing cheer, so you knew what to expect. Usually routine, same old chants, ending with the finale pyramid.
You guys spent about twenty minutes going over your routine, by this point your girls were in the field stands watching and cheering you on. Honestly Gretchen and Karen would kill it on the cheer team. Maybe you'd try and convince them to sign up for next year.
"Alright, ladies! Pyramid up!" The Captain shouts, looking directly at you since you were her flyer (the person at the top).
Everyone got into position, you got to the top of the pyramid and struck your pose.
"Hold it!" The Captain says, watching all of you and checking your stances.
You guys were able to hold the pyramid for a good few seconds, until disaster happened. One of the girls who were under you helping keep you up began to tremble. She was new, she wasn't used to this. You braced yourself for what you knew was coming.
There was a longer pause than you had expected, you ended up letting your guard up because of it. Maybe you were fine. Wrong.
The moment you thought that she dropped you and you fell with no time to brace yourself.
Hitting the ground with a thud, the Captain rushed over to you and knelt beside you.
You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you, you were dizzy. Nauseous. Everything was spinning as you groaned and tried moving onto your side. Pain shot through your body.
"Woah, woah. Easy kid." The captain puts a hand to your shoulder and frowns, watching you with an intense concerned gaze.
You stopped trying to move as your girlfriends rushed to your side.
"Oh my GOD! Are you okay? Are you hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?" Gretchen rambled out, feeling an overwhelming amount of concern as she held up two fingers.
You saw three and stared at her in confusion, trying to keep up with everything she was saying. By now the cheer team had gotten out of the pyramid and were standing a good distance, watching everything play out.
"Three...?" You mumbled, your speech slurred which confused Regina. You sounded like you were drunk but she knew better than to think that, she looked over at the Captain who seemed to be thinking the same thing as her.
Gretchen's eyes widened when you said three instead of two and she looked at Regina," Regina, what do we do?"
"Nothing. I'm fine." You assure her, trying to stand again and push through it.
"You are absolutely not." Regina sighed, narrowing her eyes at you as you tried to push it off like it was nothing. She knew you well enough to know it wasn't nothing.
"Oh yeah? Would someone who wasn't fine be able to do this?" You decided to show off a bit to prove your point. Doing a backhand spring, the only reason you landed right now was because of muscle memory. You nearly threw up as your head spun.
Regina groaned loudly and placed her hands on her hips while Karen clapped and smiled at you. Gretchen looked at you with pure worry.
"Fine! Wanna act like a tough girl? Act like a tough girl, see how tough you feel afterwards." Regina rolled her eyes and dragged the other two back to the bleachers, Gretchen really didn't want to leave your side but let Regina drag her.
Your Captain looked at you with worry," You sure this is a good idea, kid?"
"I'll be fine." You assure her.
Cue yourself eating absolute shit in three... two...
Ten more minutes pass, you do your best to keep up with the routines in your state. You were doing totally fine, until you started seeing spots and your vision went black.
When your eyes began to slowly open, you felt yourself blinded by hospital lights. Squinting you glanced around you, not moving from where you laid.
You could see Karen and Gretchen sitting beside you, Karen holding your hand and rambling about something to you.
She knew you had been unconscious when she started talking, she just wanted to talk to you in case you could hear her so you didn't feel alone.
You looked around a little more, spotting Regina pacing in front of your hospital bed. Her eyes met yours and you could see her expression shift from concern to anger.
"You're such a fucking idiot!" She shouts, startling you, Gretchen, and Karen.
"Regina!" Gretchen gets up, walking to the blonde in hopes of calming her down. Regina just puts her hand in front of her to stop her.
"I told you you weren't going to be fine! Why didn't you just fucking listen to me?"
You frowned and looked away from her, you had tried to hide how hurt you actually had been because you didn't want them to worry. You didn't want to burden them with you. Turns out, that just made things a whole lot worse.
Gretchen glanced at you and mirrored your frown, she felt bad for you. She hated that Regina was yelling at you for this, couldn't she have at least waited until you were out of the hospital? This was the last thing you needed.
Karen kept her hand holding yours, giving your knuckles soft rubs with her thumb as she tried her best to comfort you in silence. She knew better than to talk over Regina.
Regina narrowed her eyes at you when you looked away, she grabbed your chin and made you look at her again. She pulls you a little closer to her face.
"Never fucking pull this 'I'm fine' bullshit again. You hear me?"
You nodded slowly and she let go of you. As she did, you let out of breath.
"I'm going to talk to the doctor about when you're allowed out of here." With that, Regina walks out the door. Slamming it shut behind her. Making all three of you flinch from the sudden noise.
You shared a look with Gretchen as she returned to where she had been sitting before next to you and Karen. She rests a hand on your leg.
"How do you feel?" Her voice was so much softer than Regina's had been, you appreciated that about Gretchen.
"Like my head was run over by a bus." You mumbled, you had a killer headache. Regina's yelling did nothing to improve it.
"Do you want anything? Water? A snack?" Gretchen asked, frowning when heard your response. Her instinct was to take care of you and that's just what she was going to do.
You slowly nod your head, trying to ignore how that simple movement made your headache worse." Please."
Gretchen gives your leg a soft squeeze then gets up, going out of the room to find a vending machine. She trusted that more than the cafeteria food.
Karen stays with you, keeping her hand in yours as she talks to you about anything and everything. Hoping it distracts you from whatever pain you're going through. You don't have the heart to tell her it's making your headache worse.
"I'm not ready for this math test, like what even is it about? Do I need to know what an adjective is? Because I don't know what an adjective is.." Karen rambles on, you raise an eyebrow at her wondering what the hell adjectives had to do with math.
You just listen to Karen's ramble, occasionally nodding your head and adding in your little bit to the conversation.
You spent the following couple of weeks recovering, your girls taking care of you. Though mostly Gretchen & Karen. Regina was still pissed at you and wanted to make damn sure you knew that. So, Gretchen and Karen came up with a plan.
They had told Regina they were both busy one night and that they'd need her to keep an eye on you. Make sure you weren't doing anything to make your injury worse than it was. Regina argued, but they pleaded because they didn't want you to be left alone. Regina rolled her eyes and very reluctantly agreed.
She stayed over at your house that night, you spent most of the time in bed. Every now and then Regina would walk into your room.
During one of her last check ins, she noticed that you were asleep. She walked over and rested her hand on yours, watching you with an uncharacteristically soft gaze.
"I know I've been rough on you, but you were a fucking idiot." She was barely talking above a whisper, not wanting to risk you hearing her.
"I still love you. But seriously you're a fucking idiot." Leave it to Regina to not let you forget how much of an idiot you were, even while you were asleep.
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psychelis-new · 11 months
pick a pile: "What would a tarot reader tell someone about you"
take a breath and choose the photo or number that calls you the most to read about what a tarot reader would tell someone enquiring about you especially if you were their friend, love interest, current/future/destined partner or future spouse (eg. your fs asking a tarot reader about you aka their fs).
i think songs this times should be seen as the enquiring person's thoughts mostly but ofc take as resonates anyway
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one pile, there may be messages in each of those piles. remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life. Inspired by @pbstarot's reading
(photos found on unsplash)
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pile 1
A tarot reader would say that you're very abundant and a good manifestor of your life. You're "golden", a treasure for those who can really find you and see you for who you are: you tend to shy away, probably play down yourself or are a bit introverted/stay a bit on your own. You seem to be good at balancing your life though, I think your introspective nature helps you a lot especially when you deal with anxiety and tough stuff. You may suffer from difficult/transformational times pretty often but you can come out of those as a new person with new found knowledge especially about who you are and your power. This has made you a balanced person. Probably you also have two different endeavours you divide yourself into. You're passionate and hardworking. You probably have a career but you do also volunteer/help others in another way, you can be a reader yourself or be very intuitive/in tune with emotions and have a wide knowledge you like to share with others to give them support and help them out of dark periods. People find you comforting. You're healing your heart at the moment, waiting for the right person to come in but kinda be unsure if they will actually arrive (your person may be smirking at this like "ofc I'm coming, here I am" or kinda opt for a more 18+ thought... whatevs). You may also be pretty romantic and sweet, you're still trying to work through a few fears like trusting the unknown. You have a lot of love to give away, sometimes it feels like you cannot contain it so you may be even thinking about getting a pet or a plant or indeed going volunteering if you aren't yet.
song: you and me | lifehouse
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pile 2
Cheerful person, very well liked in general but also kinda oblivious at times. You don't do it on purpose ofc, it just happens that you get carried away by your emotions, lose track of what is really going on and start living in a fantasy. Maybe you're a bit lonely lately or in an isolation-period in which you're trying to understand yourself a little more. You're probably a bit picky with the people and things you like, but you're aware of that and are trying to change this. It's just that at times, when you get carried away or feel overwhelmed by your feelings and fears, it's not easy to keep calm and keep being determined/hopeful and positive and all. You're a very sunny positive person but when things go wrong, you follow them. You get discouraged, probably kinda easily too. But the moment this happens you have some people around you that can help you see things from the right perspective (or need to find them). You need to communicate your fears and emotions (that's so good). You're probably learning to trust your own guidance too, but you feel better when interacting with others, when having an external support system, be it your person or a group of friends/people you trust. You'll still probably have this need once you will find this person/group, but it won't be too much of a problem cause you're a loving person and it seems everyone loves you no matter what so don't worry too much about feeling needy or difficult, you're not any of these. Anyway, back to the actual reading: the reader at this point may tell this person you'll probably fear being seen as needy and left out so they'll know they only have to try and reassure you it's not so. They seem a very sweet caring person so it won't be a problem.
song: darkside | neoni
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pile 3
You're powerful, determined and fast-paced... I'd say impulsive tbh at least in most of the things you do. Maybe you're in a burnout or doing too many things at once or just stressing over something. At this moment your energy feels very tired, sleepy. You need to give yourself a break. Probably you're not used to gift breaks to yourself so the reader may suggest this person to take the charge when they notice you're worn out and tell you to go to sleep. You probably need someone to take care of you or teach you how to properly do that for yourself. You're not used at putting yourself first, you were taught to put others in front of you. You have a lot of energy that needs to be released... probably cause you got kinda "blocked" or "caged" by others in the past and therefore you still have loads to dissipate from your body. You need to find your own balance, the heart of the matter, both emotional and mental. You may also be overworking or stressing on something without really giving yourself a break to avoid resolving this problem. It feels like you keep postponing this confrontation with your inner self. Probably it feels too scary cause you don't know what you will find there "it's been ages...". I think there's some inner child wound that you left there and try to keep there inside. Whatever it is, you really need to find you ways to slow down so I guess this person will have to help you in this. Also in taking things slow with you or "you'll get burned". You're passionate also as a lover or friend but again you may tend to rush things and/or come to easy conclusions even when it's not good to do so. Too much overthinking, as not having enough time for others and ourselves, can sabotage our lives more than anything. You will make a decision in the close future as in to decide if to keep going this way or trying to work on what you really want. This person seems determined to help anyway or feels like they have finally understood something so they may either not know you or know you already when asking a tarot reader.
song: slow burn | kacey musgraves
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pile 4
Differently from other piles, we're starting from another pov. This person may ask how they will recognize you or meet you, but the answer lays in how you are (or will be). You'll probably choose your person first for who they are. You know what you want and you go after that without giving up too much. You're focused and are indipendent and seem pretty controlled/strong. You're also calm and know how to differentiate illusions from reality. You know how to make yourself happy and who/what can make you happy. Or at least, you're trying to learn that if you still aren't always aware. You're changing your point of view, you're turning into a more powerful being. I think you may be put in front of a choice or be tested to see if you have changed something from your past. There may be problems related to really knowing your worth and what you deserve, and to receiving love, support and appreciation and welcome that, no matter in what forms it can come. Maybe you had dealt with lot of judgement and lies in your past but this too is coming to a conclusion also thanks to the huge work you have done with yourself. You're probably on the verge of moving from this self inflicted pain towards jumping into the unknown trusting yourself and your guts, leaving what you thought you deserved for what you really deserve. You're also probably working with your inner child at the moment, and try to heal them emotionally so to remind yourself of your power and ability to manifest what you desire. Your person is already finding you very fascinating and may already love you/feel attracted to you (maybe you're their "crush").
song: love you too much | lucky daye
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supremechancellorrex · 6 months
Avatar in my head and I was thinking about Maiko and Mai.
Now, Mai's character arc in Avatar, from my interpretation, is rediscovering herself and her wants and personhood that has been stripped from her as a noblewoman part of a family that submitted to the Fire Nation Imperialist structure and Ozai. We see in Book 2 set up for this. Mai in early Book 2 does not resist Azula's will aside from brief sparks of rebellion where she isn't present. "Of course not, Princess Azula" she notes formally and apathetically when Azula asks if she "minds", knowing she has no choice as Azula 'just' ponders if Mai's hostage brother is worth an Earth King like Bumi. Mai is always aware that Azula, as Princess in an authoritarian nation where the Fire Lord is God, can have her executed and her family punished. The unequal power dynamic is surprisingly consistent in the show.
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Mai can't even insult Azula back in Zuko Alone as a child. She just lets Azula put an apple on her head (as Ty Lee loyally sniggers along), set it on fire, and when Zuko pushes her into the fountain to put it out, Mai, drenched, glares and says "You two are such… ugh". We know Mai can have an acid tongue, yet her fear of Azula prevents her from using it. Her most rebellious act in Book 2 is when she says "She can shoot all the lightning she wants at me. I am not getting in that wall sludge juice". Mai actually has self-respect, but she can't express it in the presence of greater threats, meanwhile Ty Lee merely says "Come on! Azula said we have to follow them", because Ty Lee follows Azula's will even when she isn't there.
Even when Mai gets with Zuko, she falls into a subservient role. When Azula interrupts Maiko's smooching, lazily dismissing Mai with "Oh Mai, Ty Lee needs help untangling her braid" Mai responds quickly "Sounds pretty serious" with only a touch of dryness and leaves, only able to muster throwing Azula a dirty look a split second after passing her. However, this little ember of rebellion will grow.
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Mai has continued difficulty understanding Zuko's anger and reactiveness, or how to even function in a relationship. She initially tries to joke in a dismissive fashion, as if saying 'ugh, feelings are lame, right?', but that would only work with Azula logically. The Beach episode is a key Mai episode. She continues to be emotionally repressed, to the point Zuko, Ty Lee and Azula comment on it. However, Zuko's insecurity at her talking to Ruon-Jian to the point he physically removes him from her presence, and his accusative comments like "You like him, don't you?", also makes Mai feel a little boxed in, controlled, and that does irritated her given her history. However, at the Beach's emotional narrative climax, Mai is able to finally express herself at the rest of the group (Azula included) for the first time, telling them to "Leave her alone" and that she's "still mad". After Zuko explosively reveals the extent of his pain and confusion, we see a 'smoothing' effect on her attitude. She realises her and Zuko are dealing with pain in different ways and his way is understandable.
Mai says softly, "I know one thing I care about, I care about you". This is the one thing Mai can grasp in the confusion. This is where Mai betraying Azula becomes inevitable. We see Mai continue to be more supportive with Zuko, more actively trying to cheer him up in Nightmares and Daydreams with big smiles and jokes while Zuko remains shut down over the War meeting and is acting irritated and repressed due to his family trauma. When Zuko later leaves and joins the Avatar, Mai is hurt and angry, which shows in the Boiling Rock, saying "All I get is a letter? You could have at least looked me in the eye when you ripped out my heart". They have a tense conversation, but it's their most honest one. I actually think Mai already made up her mind in this scene to support Zuko over Azula, and she doesn't quite realise it. "Save it? You're betraying your country" she accuses, to which Zuko replies, resolute, "That's not how I see it", and in response Mai just folds her arms and turns her head away in an almost defeat.
I find it very telling she doesn't respond. It's because she realises Zuko is more passionate and resolute about his mission than she is hers. It's because she knows the Fire Nation under its current authority is not exactly great. Sometimes in life we fall into a box and we need someone to give us that little push so we can realise we can climb out of it, that the toxic space we're in isn't normal, and we don't have to tolerate it. I like to think Mai was thinking in that moment where Zuko locked her in the cell and he and she gazed into each others' eyes, what she was really thinking about was what life she actually wanted to live. She was thinking of Azula and being under her thumb, and she was thinking of all those moments with Zuko, like when they were lounging on the sofa together, smiling and joking in Nightmares & Daydreams, and she realised how ridiculous it was to be afraid of Azula killing her when the real fear should be being Azula's servant until her dying days, decades of repression and misery.
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After all, what does Mai have left to fight for? Fear of Azula? Hah, what a joke. She remembers "I know one thing I care about. I care about you" and when she sees Zuko about to die she has to intervene.
"I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you" Mai says to an increasingly-enraged Azula's speak of 'consequences', because Mai did fear Azula, but now in her love for Zuko she has found a purpose she has been lacking, her feelings and wants over Azula's will. Zuko being true to himself is contagious. Iroh's love for Zuko puts him on the right path, and in turn the love Mai has for Zuko saves her. As a consequence Ty Lee chooses Mai and their friendship over Azula's toxic, fear-based one and even later bonds with former enemies like the Kyoshi Warriors. Like Zuko says to Ozai, "an era of peace and kindness" will replace an "era of fear". In the face of fear, love and empathy win.
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: In reader's last game of her career, her wife and team make sure she understands how loved she really is
vicky losada x female reader
disclaimer: I am in now way saying vicky is bi-sexual or lesbian, this is all fiction
warnings: language, bad google translations as per usual!
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y/n just posted
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y/n spooky season... 👻
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username1: she is so pretty kill me now! 🙀🙀
username3: love love love it!
losada_vicky: Jesus, I am a lucky woman... 🤯
y/n: proud to wear Losada on my back baby ! 🩷
username4: UGHHHHHH
username5: PLEASE MA'AM 🔥🔥
username6: Break me like a glowstick I beg
y/n: ya'll need to touch grass oml 🤨
username6: OMG OMG ❤️❤️
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losada_vicky just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on her story
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username1: I don't know if I can take it today - I cannot believe it 😭😭
username2: I am going to miss her so much.
username3: She is only 33, why do you think she is retiring? 😶
username4: She was really badly injured during her second world cup, her ACL tore, cracked two ribs and gave herself a dent in her skull, so...
username3: well, then that makes sense...
username5: I am so used to seeing her, I am going to miss her so much! 😭❤️
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When the whistle blew, y/n couldn't believe it, the air was pulled from her lungs and as her teamed cheered in relief from the win, a tear dropped down her cheek at the idea of leaving for real this time.
Her wife wrapped an arm around her and the team swarmed her soon enough, a lot of people crying as they enjoyed a last group hug with their captain of four years.
As they pulled away, y/n looked out at the crowd who were screaming, cheering, waving Brighton Flags for her, and she laughed tearfully and waved out at them in thanks.
"Right." Vicky's voice echoes a microphone held in her hand.
"My wife has given a lot of her life to Brighton, and she honestly loves everything about this club, the players, the staff and especially the fans. I love this club because of her." Vicky says.
The crowd aww's at that, and y/n smiles sadly as she watches her wife who was looking around, proudly talking about the one she called her own.
"She may be retiring, but y/n Losada will be remembered for years as the best Brighton, fan, player and Captain because she has changed so many lives in the course of her own." Vicky finishes.
The crowd erupts at that, cheers showing such agreement to Vicky's speech that the captain covered hr face and took a deep breath, trying to stop from bursting into tears.
A microphone was somehow passed to her, and y/n shook her head, but the chants of 'speech speech speech' were telling her she was over-ruled.
"Um, wow, where to start?" She asks. "First of all, I came through the Brighton academy and played on a senior pitch at the age of 16. I am now 33, and after a brief few years at Barcelona, am honoured to have done my final game here." y/n begins, the crowd cheering for her.
"I am so grateful to every fantastic person on this team, in this club and in this crowd. Because you have made my job the easiest thing in the world." y/n smiles, her wife chuckling and wiping a tear.
"My wife is crying, though I wish she wouldn't because we both know, if I play any longer, I will be sewn back together with how many injuries I have got." y/n laughs, her hand coming up to cup her wife's face lovingly.
"I won't say much more, but thank you for your support, thank you for your love, you will all always have mine. Thank you Brighton and Thank you football. See you around!" y/n finishes and the crowd bursts into cheers.
Two loud bangs happen and y/n jumps before laughing in shock at the fireworks that had been set off from the stadium, the officials giving her a proper goodbye as people cheered.
"y/n! y/n! y/n! y/n! y/n!!" The crowd cheered, repeating her name over and over while the Brighton team piled on her one last time. y/n knew she'd enjoy being a wag, but she would miss football.
Vicky wrapped an arm around her, pressing her lips to her lover's temple as the woman sighed and relaxed in her hold, finding comfort in her wife's warmth.
"I know my love, I know." Vicky promises.
y/n just posted
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liked by, losada_vicky, brightonfc and 429, 736 others
Words cannot express the pain I have saying goodbye, football has given me a family, several teams, a wife and so much love.
I may be hurting, but I heard you all and I am so thankful for you, and the happiness you gave me tonight and always shall never be matched!
Thank you all so much, I have had such a fantastic time in this career. I will see you all soon, when I am fulfilling my WAG duties!
All my love
y/n Losada xx
comments disabled.
losada_vicky just posted
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tagged y/n
losada_vicky There may have been several reasons my wife took a step back from football. We cannot wait to meet this reason. ❤️
view 11, 376 comments
username1: OMG OMG AHHHHHHH 😱😱
alexiaputellas: congratulations you two! Cannot wait! I will be favourite Tia!
marialeonn16: No I Will Be!
onabatlle: honestly I think I will be ☺️
y/n: @losada_vicky baby, I am just realising how many aunts this child is going to have. 😂
lucybronze: They're all idiots I will be the favourite aunt! 😌😌
username2: English and Spanish national teams as aunts, jesus some people just live the life I dream!
username3: This baby is going to be so loved holy shit
username4: And the entire Brighton team as well!
leahwilliamsonn: HOLY SHIT AHHHHH ❤️❤️
_bethmead: SO EXCITEDDDDD ! ❤️❤️
keirawalsh: so proud and excited !!! 💙☺️
username5: :( I miss her playing already 😭
y/n: Can't express how much I love you, I am so excited! Serás una mamá fantástica.
you will be a fantastic mama
losada_vicky: I love you and our baby so much
username6: I am not crying you are.
ellatoone: I AM CRYING OMG 🩷
alessiarusso99: HONESTLY SAME 🩷
mbrighty04: SAME
racheldaly3: SAME
khiara.k98: SAME
lj10: same
y/n: I love you all so much xoxo
lucybronze: @lj10 you ruined the 'SAME' chain there mate with your lazy lowercase
lj10: 🖕🏾🖕🏾
lucybronze: 😚😚
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y/n just posted on her close friends story
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losada_vicky just posted on her close friends story
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y/n just posted on her story
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losada_vicky just posted on her story
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kinda love this, kinda don't
Queenie xx
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acesofspadess · 3 months
I definitely published this a bit out of order but bare with me
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“Hello Team Niall.” Niall introduced as they all waved and greeted him back. “Well, I've got a bit of news for you. Because of my concert schedule, I actually won't be in town for knockout rehearsals.” Everyone was shocked… and rightfully so. “Because I won't be there, I've chosen another coach to come in and mentor you guys for rehearsal.” Everyone started to freak out wondering who on earth it might be. 
“And they have been in your place before so I think they’ve got exactly what you need.”
The scene changed to the all too familiar practice room with an empty directors chairs. The sounds of steps progressively got louder until the special person appeared. 
“I'M BACK!” 
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's rewind a bit.
A day or two after The Voice Finale
“Hi I’m Maia Quinn, and I'm the Season 23 winner of The Voice, and we're hanging out with Rob on Front Row Live.”
“Go with me.” Niall moaned into your mouth as you straddled him. “Where?” you question kissing down his neck. “Boston. I know it's last minute and we’d leave in the morning-” you shut him up with a kiss and a roll of your hips, his hands tightening against your thighs. “Just wake me up an hour before we leave.”
Sitting at the desk of you and Niall’s shared hotel room the morning of May 26th  you had early interviews to get through before you were meant to go to the festival. You looked over the camera to see Niall already looking at you.
“Maia congratulations. What a night you had a few nights ago.” Rob praised and you smiled adjusting your airpod. “I am super excited for you and your career and your future. Especially because you're starting so young. You have enough time to kind of like, continue to evolve, and understand your voice; learn a lot more about yourself throughout this process. Talk to me about this process of your experience here on the voice and how you've evolved as a vocalist and a performer.” The interview was more than you could ever imagine. 
“Now your relationship with Niall this season has had fans going crazy. From the after performance hugs to the duet, and the after party, what can you tell us about that?”
You saw Nialls face peak over the laptop screen and stayed neutral. “Niall has been the most supportive and very encouraging. He has become one of my best friends through this whole journey. I lost a lot of my confidence during the pandemic unfortunately. It made me think that I would never be able to do things that I certainly could do and Niall- all these years later- has been there to remind me that I probably can do them, and then make me do it. So our friendship and relationship has been so important to me. He is my best friend across the charts and he’d hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't be here without him.” 
“Last question before we go. Is there anything we can look forward to seeing soon? Maybe another EP?”
You smiled glad you were able to share some information on what was coming next. “All I'll say now is, look for me on stage back home.” you winked dramatically knowing those who would get it would get it.”
“That's amazing, I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled. It was so great having you on. I hope to see you in person soon.”
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User10 i'm actually really happy she won
User2 wait…Slane is in Ireland…..
User6 I just learned she had an EP…. what?!?!?!?
Being at Boston Calling with him
“Boston, Massachusetts, how you doing?” he asked the crowd after he finished ‘Heaven’. The loud response made him smile excitedly. “Holy shit! This is crazy.” you face palmed knowing he was going to slip up sooner or later. “Thank you all so much for coming out to see me. I really appreciate it.” they cheered again as he sipped his water. You watched as he looked at the amount of people and a smile formed on your face.
 “This is uhm- this is actually my first ever Festival.” he let out a breath at the realisation. “I've definitely been drunk at a few.” you laughed at him with the rest of the crowd. “But I've never played at any and for that reason I'm absolutely shitting myself.” he said looking at you knowing you would calm him, and him seeing you laugh did just the trick. 
“But thank you for being here. I know some of you guys have been queuing for years.” he looked around at the signs “My girlfriend showed me this earlier ‘i travelled four thousand miles to be here from Brazil’ your eyes went wide at the declaration and the deafening screams were present. He subtly looked in your direction and saw your reaction, his worry diminished as he saw you smiling making him smile. “Makes you feel bad from coming just down the road doesn't it? ‘I came from round New York’.” he mocked, “awe who cares.” he laughed with them and you hid a big smile behind your hands. 
You walked the same route you came flashing your pass when you reached the gate and made your way in to see Niall. When you saw him you squealed and ran over to him. He turned when he heard you and caught you in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he spun you both around hands on the swell of your bum.
“I'm so proud of you!” you screamed and he laughed before he was kissing you passionately. It was quick as many more pecks through giggles followed. “I can not explain to you how happy i am.” he whispered in shock as you were sitting in the trailer behind the stage and he was getting changed. “You should be so happy, my love. That was incredible, and I am so so proud of you.” he smiled at you before grabbing your hand and kissing the ring on it. “You make me so happy, baby girl.” you melted at his words and stood up to kiss him softly. “And you make me the happiest girl, Ni.”
You surprising Niall at his Zane Lowe interview and him outing you 
You knew Niall was disappointed when you told him you wouldn't be able to make it to his Zane Lowe interview today. He was really excited for this one and wanted you to be there. It was only a few days later that you flew from Boston down to LA for the interview. You were working on last minute stuff for the announcement today and you were nowhere close to done when he was getting ready to leave.
“I'm sorry love.” you kissed his pout away as you both stood by the door of his  LA house. “I know, it’s okay. I know why you can’t make it, and for that I am so very proud.” he melted his lips against yours as your hands went to the curls on the back of his neck and he wrapped his went straight to your bum.
Niall was watching Zane play his songs and the guitar with a big smile a few hours after he left. “There are some pretty songs on this record bro.” Zane complimented as he switched playing from ‘The Show’ to ‘You could start a cult’. You who had just made it into the studio to surprise Niall were standing behind the glass watching him, waiting for him to notice. 
“Thank you very much.'' He cut through Zanes music. “This one kills me.” Zane admitted as Niall caught on to what he was playing. “Yeah.” he cheered Zane on softly, finally noticing you. You saw his smile widened and you waved softly. “You Could Start A Cult.” he named distractedly, still looking at you as if he looked away you would disappear. 
“Kingdoms fighting over you,” Niall continued. “I think that like they’re the ones- that could have very easily been, ‘ i like waking up beside you and you're my favourite person.” he joked easily. “But ‘you could start a war’.” you shook your head at his lyrical genius. “Do you ever crack yourself up with it?”
‘Yeah it was something silly at first but now everyone's obsessed with it. It started with me and my girlfriend now, when we met we would watch crime shows together over facetime,” he exposed and you chuckled at his laugh.
‘You say girlfriend now, sorry if i'm over stepping but..” zane trailed off
“No,” he shrugged off looking at you, who nodded, “she was not my girlfriend at the time, she is now, is what that meant.”
“So did she not know the song was for her?”
“She didn't know any song was for her- or about her I should say. The road from when we met to now has been a very dark windy tunnel, but we made it to the other end.”
“That's beautiful Niall, truly.” You smiled at him agreeing with Zane.
“This was the last song on the record that we wrote.” Niall confessed, and you wondered why. “Why, what was missing?” and without hesitation he pointed to you, “her.” Zane looked to where he was pointing and you waved happily at him. He waved back to you just as happy before turning to Niall with a face of shock. “No?” he gasped and Niall laughed, throwing his head back. “Yeah, I know. Way out of my league.” he watched you shake your head with an eye roll and he couldn't stop the smile from gracing his face.
“I could’ve gone and did what I did with the rest of the record and put BV’s all over it and strings and that was my plan - and John just said to me- because we we were not talking at the time…” he pointed between you and him, “...this is your message to,” he paused, ‘“ her’ keep it that way. Just you and your guitar and your feelings.”
And while there's much much more… you’ll see that soon
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srbachchan · 5 months
DAY 5803
Jalsa, Mumbai Jan 6/7, 2024 Sat/Sun 3:05 AM
🪔 ,
January 7 .. birthday greetings to Ef Deepa .. and .. Ef Sakshi Tara .. love and 🙏🏻🚩 ..
And .. to the dearest Ef family in Russia, Ukraine, and across the globe, our heartfelt greetings as you celebrate Christmas on January 7 according to the Orthodox Christians .. may your celebrations be drenched in joy and divine blessings .. much love from all the Ef Family .. 💖
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Apprehensions reveal a most undesired reveal at times .. the worst turns out good and the vice versa .. what really gets destroyed is the element that conducts the disquiet, the unease, the anxiety .. they are all latent yet contained symbols of the world divided into belief and reality ..
The reality of the presence of the Force .. or its nemesis ..
Both survive, both dissipate ..
It is indeed a most peculiar world of the exist ..
And many psychological and mature renderings of the existence mattered from the DAY of the yesterDAY .. existence and its various tributaries ..
Jean Paul Sartre and the existentialism of his writings , in particular 'Crime Passionnel ' .. a crime of passion .. which I do believe is not a crime in certain parts of the World .. this play being renowned for its selective explanation of the World where the human existence is desired rather than the efforts being made in the existence of the World and indeed the Earth ..
it is profound .. difficult to understand and generally ignored ..
For the desire to spend time on detailing and perspective readings has long passed the time table of time ..
what exists exists .. why the effort and the waste of time in delving into the realities of a philosophy that has been emanating for years and years and years .. spend it on the more lucrative obsessions than a waste of time on this .. or so it is believed .. ..
I must be off .. to retire , to covered warmth of the quilted embrace and to the apprehensive dreams that spring about within the cataracted eye .. in the dark expectations of the light of dawn .. in some ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
AND .. the joy of stepping out to cheer and support the TEAM ..
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... and a grand VICTORY ..
ever the JPP discarded, talked down, not given due reference or mention in the positive .. but hard work and success takes care of all ..
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fatsillykewn · 4 months
I would love to hear what you think about Sheila and Liane regarding kyman (and just in general I love seeing what people think about those silly geese)
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This is such a fun question!!!!! Oh my gosh okay, I want to start off with saying that I love both Liane and Sheila’s characters so very much. They both have very interesting story lines, backstories and character traits, as well as have very unique relationships with their sons that not many people talk about- I am not here get into whether I think they are the best of mothers or not, it’s obvious that both of them care very much for their precious boys, even if they show it in interesting ways.
I think Sheila would be the more accepting and supportive mother of kyman out of the two. I see Sheila being more supportive of her son being gay and being in a homosexual relationship, specifically with Eric. Sheila is a tough mom, she is loud and persistent, she is open minded and aware, she has very clear rules, boundaries and structure in her house. I see all of these factors of her personality being so because she loves her family and her sons so much, it is her way of ensuring her babies are taken care of and are being brought up right. Ultimately, whatever Kyle decided to do in his life, I know Sheila would be there in the crowd cheering him on- she is always so very proud of her bubbeleh! I personally HC that Eric and Kyle’s relationship gets found out by Sheila first (as she is a very persistent mother wanting to know what her son is up to and how he is doing). I see Sheila being a little surprised and confused, wanting to talk with the boys to understand the situation and I see her ultimately sitting them down and giving them a pep talk about healthy relationship habits and advice as well as responsibility and respect, talking them through a few concerns she may have. While she may not be the most patient mother, she loves her son so much, she just wants to see him happy but also make sure he makes smart choices. So she becomes kyman’s biggest advocate, supporting them rough patches and questioning situations. Even though Eric was a little shit to Sheila growing up, he has been around Kyle and his household for long enough to get a few good parental moments from Sheila. Kyle definitely keeps him in check as well.
Liane is an interesting case, and I say that because she has had many moments in the show expressing her homophobia and religious stance on homosexuality, yet she also has had quite a few canon moments expressing being some part of the lgbt community herself. Liane and Cartman have a much different relationship than Sheila and Kyle, Liane may appear more loving, soft and motherly, but she doesn’t exactly play a heathly role as a mother. I HC that she does not take Cartman’s homosexuality seriously, nor does she take kyman’s relationship seriously. Even though Liane is very devoted to her little poopsiekins and will stop the world for him in certain situations, I feel by the time and age Kyle and Eric get into a relationship, Liane just can not care too much to support it, she and Eric have drifted apart as mother and son and their relationship is pretty rocky. I feel she will acknowledge kyman and go on about how adorable they are, how they are “such cute and loving friends”, but it doesn’t get much deeper than that. I believe Liane would be too ridiculed with religious trauma, sexual trauma and relationship trauma to appropriately understand kyman’s relationship. I feel she will have her own prejudice based on her upbringing and normalcy in her own eyes, but she won’t voice it or take action against kyman’s relationship. She lets Eric live his life as she lives hers.
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simpingland · 10 months
The Guide and the Companion.// Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!oc Part 2
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Part 1.
Summary: Gaella runs from the greens, hoping to be welcomed by the Blacks and more specifically the Prince Jacaerys. The feelings are strong but even in the same side, both of them find themselves way to separated by the past.
A/N: very angst. Hope you like it, the struggle is real.
A pyre could be seen burning in the distance, and the nervousness in Gaella grew even more. Someone was being burned and Erryk changed his path to where the people were gathering. The greyish cloak that covered Gaella momentarily maintained her identity, but swords were raised before the newcomers. And as the knight knelt, relinquishing the crown to Daemon and uttering an oath to Rhaenyra, Gaella's knees took a while to settle to the ground. As she let her white hair fly, her green skirt became stained with dirt and she ducked her head. She dared not turn around, but she would have seen all those people landing on their knees, and Jace looking up to watch the Princess, who looked as repentant as Jace had imagined, though it pained him to see her in that humiliating position.
"Gaella," Rhaenyra called as she approached the girl. "Have you come to swear fealty to me? Or to betray me?"
"No, your Majesty..." her voice trembled, and fear showed even in her eyes. "I fled before I even saw Aegon crowned. I kneel before you alone."
"You understand that you cannot be trusted..." Daemon spoke dryly, his hands resting on his sword.
"Please, I come empty-handed, weary and eager to serve Rhaenyra. No one who knows Aegon can see him as a king." Gaella was quick to justify herself, losing her composure. She was startled when Daemon tugged at her cloak, revealing that bejewelled green gown.
"You have always been more than willing to support him, Princess. You are like your brothers, a product of your grandfather." Though Daemon spoke, Rhaenyra seemed to be watching and thinking something apart. As Gaella's tears welled up, Jace hurried to the spot.
"She hasn't always been willing!" Jace corrected him. "In fact, I doubt if she ever was."
His voice was serious and powerful, but Gaella felt it as if it were the most beautiful voice in the world, that of an angel to her rescue.
"You'll have a room, food and water. But we will not let you roam the castle at will. This is a war for everyone," Rhaenyra said. She walked off, leaving everyone walking behind her. Only Gaella remained on the ground, and Jace at her side. In the eerie silence, the Princess would not raise her head, nor would she say a word. But she did let Jace put the cloak back on her shoulders. She rose on her own and followed some distance behind the Prince.
"Watch out for the stones," the boy said to her.
"Jacaerys..." Gaella stopped, so did Jace. "Whose pyre was it?"
"My little sister's, Visenya."
His eyes avoided Gaella's, looking out at the sea and the mountains. In front of her was her once friend, heartbroken for her sister.
"Oh...I am heartily sorry, my Prince."
Then she touched his arm, stroking his sleeve and searching his eyes.
"I know, Gaella. I'm sorry about you, too."
"I suppose you feel frightened. But you've done well."
"And how do you know that?"
"It's a gut feeling."
Gaella wanted to roll her eyes at that, Jace always so whimsical. And Jace could read her thinking because he smiled a little as he watched her endure a sarcastic comment, Gaella always so logical. He wiped away her tears without thinking it too much and walked back towards the castle. But he kept that skin on his memory for way too long, and Gaella did as well kept repeating that touch, so simple and intimate.
"Come on, I'll sattle you a good chamber," Jace told her with a little more cheerfulness. "The new Prince of Dragonstone welcomes you, Princess Gaella."
And behind him, with calm sorrow and diffused fear, Gaella smiled after a long time.
She may not have been locked in the cell, but no one encouraged her to leave her chambers, and the three guards behind her door signalled that they would know when Gaella could come out. Such passive aggressiveness was something Jace was ashamed of. The Princess had been brought to her knees, having travelled in a tiny boat for a whole day and night, leaving behind a lifetime, and all of a sudden. And during the queen's first meeting, he couldn't concentrate. He could imagine Gaella pacing her room, breathing nervously and fearing for everything. And by the time they could finally spare him, night had fallen.
"Mother, will Gaella come down to dinner?" asked Luke, who had seen his older brother's lack of concentration.
"If she wishes, yes."
"I will escort her to the dinning room, my Queen." Jace left before he even had his mother's approval. All those who had known Jace or Gaella since childhood exchanged glances, knowing the fixation they felt for each other.
Gaella was startled by the pounding on her door, and hesitated, unwilling to open the door to just anyone.
"Who is it?" she asked, glued to the door.
"It's me, Princess Gaella... Jacaerys." His voice sounded courteous, perhaps too much so. "You are invited to dine with us."
Then Gaella opened, not quite, just enough to see his face.
"Your Majesty, The Queen," the boy corrected her.
"The Queen...wants me to dine with you?"
"She insist." He stood removed, his posture straight and rigid, but his eyes held a soft gaze.
"Be honest. Are you going to kill me?" Gaella let herself lean against the edge of the door, wanting to rest her hands on Jace, but settling for the wood.
"The meat here isn't very good...but you couldn't say it is capable of killing."
Then he smiled tenderly and Gaella wanted to hug him. Instead she pushed him away holding back a laugh. She managed to take a step out of her room and Jace pointed the way they should go. Again he was her guide, only this time he offered her an arm.
"Wow...I didn't remember you being such a gentleman."
"I wasn't. I have learned." And despite his offer, Gaella restrained herself from accepting it, tangling her hands in the belt of her own dress.
"Of course, a highborn wife deserves nothing less than a gentleman." She remembered that dinner, with those complicit smiles and flirting. And Jace's smile disappeared.
"And even knights can be disappointing."
"And kings too..." Gaella joked back. "Men in general are a headache."
"Some women claim that men have no heads."
"And that's true. And that's why women have to think for them, and it's too much work, Jace."
The prince stopped in his tracks, halting the ride. The Princess knew at once why, but she wanted to pretend she didn't understand, while Jace smirked.
"Jace? Did my ears hear right?"
Gaella rolled her eyes.
"If it bothers you I'll go back to calling you Jacaerys."
"And what about 'my prince'?" Jace continued on his way, trying to catch Gaella's gaze as she ignored him again.
"Now I don't want to call you that. You make it sound weird."
"I'll call you by whatever name you want as long as you call me by whatever name I want. That's a good deal, isn't it?"
"I guess...I'd like to be called 'great princess Gaella the wise and beautiful', if it's not too much trouble."
"Alright..." she could smell the food, the road was going to end. "I will think of my name during dinner, Princess Gaella the wise and beautiful."
" 'Great' Princess Gaella, the wise and beautiful."
"I'm sorry, Great Princess Gaella, the wise and beautiful. Though it is costing me too much, could you choose another name?"
"I will decide over dinner."
The dinner in question was rather tense. With Daemon and Rhaenyra constantly looking at you. No one spoke of wars or alliances and the silence was so sepulchral that not even Gaella dared to eat to keep the noise down. She could also see Baela and Jace out of the corner of her eye, sitting together again, though this time not even they spoke.
"Why have you changed your mind, Gaella?" the Queen asked at last.
The girl's gaze rested on Jace for a moment, he was looking at her as well. Then she focused on Rhaenyra, trying to prove she wasn't lying.
"I've never had things so clear before. It was a sleepless night before the coronation. And I felt I was making a mistake by bowing to Aegon. Also...someone close to you made me see things a bit differently. Made me feel seen. Ser Erryk was more than willing to help me, he never agreed with Aegon's behaviour, unlike his brother."
That someone who made her see things differently would remain locked in her heart, and Jace would only suspect that he was the great reason in question.
"The knight has admitted to me that he trusts you. And I trust him. I would like you to come to the meeting tomorrow." Rhaenyra then focused on eating, though she was the only one. The others were left watching the Queen or the Princess.
The girl's smile sent an irritating glee through Jace's chest, and he had to restrain himself from smiling too. He was glad to have her around again. When dinner was over, everyone retired to their rooms, and Jace paused to say goodbye to his fiancée with an overly polite kiss on the hand, even Baela blushed. And Gaella watched, wanting to smack herself for having been such a fool.
On her way to her room, she didn't turn around when she heard Jace behind her.
"I've decided that I like 'Jace' better than 'Jacaerys', it brings back good memories." He watched as Gaella kept walking, and soon caught up with her. "But I'm starting to get the hang of that intonation you use when you call me 'my prince'...your voice is too pretty when you utter it, and knowing you mean me is even better."
It was now Gaella who stopped in mid-stride. Her eyes seemed darker than ever. And Jace understood nothing, really nothing.
"What are you playing at?"
"I beg your pardon?" Jace looked at her as if he could understand her better by doing it.
"I said I don't understand what you're playing at. You full my head with pretty words and make me forget that you have a wife-to-be who adores you. So much so that you make me abandon my family to feel that I'm wanted here."
"I really don't understand you, Gaella, you've abandoned your family all by yourself, that's what the dinner was about, isn't it?" Jace was going from confused to angry as he noticed the responsibility they were starting to put on his shoulders.
"I have been judged and locked up. And you come back with your words and gestures that make me believe that you really want me. You make me forget about Baela and how much you love her. And then I see that I'm just an excuse to boost your ego."
"Don't be unfair. Did you really expect me to ignore Baela...for you?" Those words came out in a way Jace didn't mean, and they struck Gaella like an arrow to the heart. "I can understand that you were made to choose sides, but you chose to ignore me completely for years."
"Poor thing, who didn't get his letters from me praising the nonsense you did every day, or how well you learn your lessons or how chivalrous you are...how can I ever repay you?" Gaella's sarcasm made Jace feel stupid and angry by the minute.
"If I had been fair I would have decided not to speak to you for another six years. But I've been good and understanding. Because I thought you were my friend. I didn't want your praise, just for you to be safe...happy." his voice was beginning to fail him and he could see Gaella's chin quiver.
"I had people I loved at King's Landing. Helaena, my nephews, my mother, I had a whole life. And you can't belittle it when you seek my praise because Baela's isn't enough. You make fun of me, but you'll always be a child."
"I'm sorry I got your hopes up. But I did not put you in a boat, nor did I make you kneel before the Queen. Don't throw it in my face that you regret what you've done. And mind you, if I was anyone else I would run and tell her Majesty that your loyalty to her is that weak."
The distance seemed to grow between you in the middle of the corridor. Just hours ago you had walked it with joy, but now it felt cold and echoing.
"I think you should be fair, Jacaerys," Gaella swallowed, holding back tears right there. "I don't want you to speak to me for another six years."
As Gaella slipped into her room, Jace walked slowly past her door, and he felt a sting on his chest to hear her cry on the other side.
The next morning, Gaella wandered the halls trying to find the room with the painted table, where the first meeting would take place. Jace saw her on his way, and without saying a word to her, made a noise that would attract her attention and pretended not to see her. Then he resumed his way without haste, knowing that the girl was following him at a distance, and in that way he managed to guide her without crossing words.
Glances were inevitable. Already dressed in red, Gaella had a simple appearance, the form that most fascinated Jace, and she smiled at Rhaenyra as she drew her close to the table. And when she connected her eyes to Jace's, he could see the redness of tears, and only wished she could have rested after all those stressful nights before.
When his mother gave them the task of travelling as messengers, Jace accepted his destination to the north. The desire to see Winterfell overcame the nervousness of doing a task in the midst of war and alone.
"Though I think, Jace," his mother continued, "your task is too difficult for your age. You should have company. "
"But Luke is going to Stormlands, the objective is to go fast and we must split up..."
"Take someone else with you. One willing to fly," interrupted the Queen. Jace looked at Baela, seeking a smile of approval, but the girl looked down at the ground. "The twins have other duties here, they can't accompany you."
He turned to his mother in confusion. The last thing Jace wanted was to be alone with Daemon, he would hinder his mission. But when Rhaenyra looked to the right of the table, when Jace realized who his mother's choice was, he changed his mind. Daemon would be the second to last person she wanted.
"Princess Gaella will be a good help. I'm more than sure."
Taglist: @mariaelizabeth21-blog1
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holywizardheart · 2 years
Why do people fall in love with you?
Please don't take it too seriously. 😉This is a common layout for everyone. You can choose one of three options and take what resonates.💕
Please enjoy this reading🐶
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☕Pile 1☕
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Hi, guys let me start this reading. You guys are very understanding and responsive people. You always accept the person as he is and never go against them. You always try to be active and energetic in contact with people. You mind your own business, especially when it comes to relationships. You strive to avoid all sorts of love triangles as much as possible. Because you know it won't end well. People admire your unusual aura, it feels like you are not like other people. You're completely different. You are also very responsible about business and are a determined individual. People like this trait of your character. Reasonable and logical, a little cold when it comes to work or business. You can have pets or love taking care of animals.
Sagittarius placements, Saturn dominant, Cancer placements, 2nd house placements
🍃Pile 2🍃
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Hello, pile 2, welcome to my reading. Wow, girls, you are so hot and attract a lot of male attention. But you know it's like you're always rejecting them. To be honest, I feel a little sorry for them. They then suffer from the fact that you often ignore them and do not pay due attention. You are also perceived as an energetic and cheerful person. Maybe because of it, they fall in love with you? As I mentioned, you don't get into a relationship quickly and it will take you a lot of time. But people appreciate the help and support from your side. You always cheer up and give pleasant memories. You're like an ouch of the sun and people like it. For some, it may be difficult for you to take the first step or start something new. But you are a quite curious person. Perhaps you like to study and learn interesting facts. That's why people fall in love with you. Maybe you're good at communication and sharing ideas. You love spending money on yourself and dressing stylishly. Do you like plants or generally being in nature?
Venus dominant, 3rd house placements, 2nd house placements, Jupiter dominant
👑Pile 3👑
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Hi, option 3 I am very glad to see you in my post and let's get started. Wow, you radiate such confidence and harmony. You must have high self-esteem and know your worth. Quite stable and prefer living only for yourself. There is also certain greed here, and perhaps you don't like spending money. To this, I also want to add that you are friendly and polite to everyone. People like to spend time with you, and it always causes them admiration and delight. But like other people, you have your worries and responsibilities. People notice how you try to pay attention even if you have a mountain of work. You are very curious and expect bright perspectives from the future. You are optimistic about everything that surrounds you. People fall in love with you for these character traits.
Sun dominant, 4th house placements, 2nd house placements, 1st house placements
Do you find interesting skateboarding or riding a bike?
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lotomber · 7 months
Hello! I really love you work it’s really interesting to read! (I’m not going to lie you’re one of the reasons I started writing) but could you maybe do a chuuya x gn!reader? Like the Reader is struggling with self harm and chuuya is helping Reader through it, with going out on fun dates, cuddling etc to get reader’s mind off it? Feel free to ignore! (It could be scenarios or headcanons! :3
Hello! I am really glad to know that you like my work.❤Actually I just couldn't find time to write due to studies but I'll still be working on the requests. Sorry for the delay. Btw what do you write about if you don't mind me asking ?👀
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Pairing: Chuuya x gn!reader
T/W : self harm, mentions of cuts
W.C : ~480
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It all started when Chuuya noticed how you were wearing full length clothes, then he noticed the cuts on your wrist and arms.
He was mad as hell thinking someone tried to harm he instantly wanted to rip apart the person who did this to you.
But when you told him that you did this yourself he was just so heartbroken, he just couldn't understand why you would do this to you.
He asked you why you did this to yourself was it because of him or did someone say something to you?
"No Chuuya it's not because of you or someone else. It's just too complicated. I...I mean i just get these sudden urges and everything just feels too blurry and indifferent around me and I don't even know how to explain this. I'm sorry" you sobbed as you told him.
He hugged you tightly telling you that you have nothing to be sorry for and that instead he's sorry for not noticing earlier.
He didn't asked you anymore after that, he didn't want to push you away.
After that he started spending more and more time you to make sure you won't do something like this again.
He would come to pick you up from your college/ work. And takes you out to romantic dinner.
He even got many board and card games to play with you when you don't want to go out or he arranges a perfect movie night , as you both cuddle and watch a wholesome rom-com.
He even cooks your favorite meals for you to make sure you eat properly. He just loves to spoil you.
Gives you lots of kisses and hugs, tells you how glad he is to have you in his life and just how beautiful and perfect you are for him.
He would always be considerate and encourage you to talk to him about anything and that he would try his best to understand and help you.
He would even take you out on dates to cheer you up like to a cozy cafe, beaches, a picnic besides a lake or your any favorite place.
On dates he make make sure you have fun time, makes silly jokes just to make you laugh.
Once you both went to a amusement park and chuuya was denied on a ride because of his height, he got pissed at the guard but you started laughing as you saw him bickering with the guard.
Seeing you laugh like that made all his anger fade out in an instant.
Chuuya may act as arrogant, rude and short tempered but he is someone who wears his heart on his sleeves and for you he would do anything, so being denied on a ride did hurt his pride a bit but he won't say anything cause he got to see you laugh so heartily.
And if you decided to take therapy he would encourage you and go with you to show how much he supports you and your decision.
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staryskullz · 6 months
Meet The Scugs!
I dunno if I will ever make this a whole series/au thing, I am working on another big Rainworld related project that takes up alot of my time. But I do wanna post lil drawings n comics. But for now here are the bio's n stuff for these guys. Just know some of the stories aren't exactly the same as the scugs in the game.. This is more of a scenario of "what if the Slugcats and other Rainworld creatures evolved into humanity and navigated the ruins of the world the ancients left behind? So, some of the lore from Rainworld may not apply or be changed to fit this narrative. Keep in mind these are also baseline character descriptions, as time goes on things may be subject to change or tweaked slightly! (and ofc there will be RW spoilers) with that said, Lets get started!
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Artificer Age: 28 Pronouns: She/Her Occupation: Hunter/Gatherer Arti is one of the colony's hunter-gatherers, She was pretty much destined for the role due to her explosive powers. She has a tough exterior and is often blunt, which makes most intimidated by her. But deep down, she's caring and protective. She gets along really well with most of the other folks in the colony but is especially great friends with Gourmand, the colony leader. He helped support her through a low point in her life. There is one person she can't stand, Hunter. She's just too pretentious for her taste. Will they ever get along? who knows?
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Gourmand Age: 40 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Colony leader Gourmand is the beloved leader of the Colony in Outer Expanse. Sweet, caring, and kind. A father of two and an excellent cook. He is a natural-born leader. He adores his community and would do anything for them. Likewise, he makes sure that the Colony is safe and comfortable for every single member and is always willing to take in others if they need shelter. Of course, he isn't perfect. He doubts himself and works to the bone, often burning himself out. At the end of the day, his friends and family are always there to support him.
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Hunter Age: 30 Pronouns: She/Her Occupation: Hunter Gatherer
Hunter is a sarcastic and smug slugcat, charming to most and pretentious to others (cough cough Artificer). Hunter is very talented at hunting and tracking, skilled with a spear, and knows how to survive even the toughest of situations. She developed rot tumors on her belly and hip. While not fatal, it has hindered her ability to survive solo, as she needs frequent breaks and rest to not completely tire herself out. She found Gourmands colony and was immediately accepted with open arms. Everything was going pretty well until she met Artificer. She still doesn't completely understand why she has a vendetta against her, hey! At least they can go on a hunt together without bickering the whole time, progress is progress!
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Rivulet/Ruffles Age: 22 Pronouns: They/Them Occupation: Gourmand's Assistant Rivulet, (or called Ruffles by their friends) help's out Gourmand with the colony. Deliveries? Chores? Packing? Moving? Whatever it may be, Rivulet is on it speedily and quickly. They are also a fantastic swimmer. It's never a dull moment with them around, they'll always be there to cheer you up. While a great helper, sometimes they act before they think, being clumsy from time to time. Luckily they got the help of their friends if they ever encounter a sticky situation.
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Spearmaster Age: 24 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Armory/Tool making/Handyman Spearmaster's name is literal, a master of spears. He is very good at building things, a true craftsman. Spears is well-rounded and knowledgeable. He is generous and always helps the colony with building stuff and supplying all the farmers and fishers with tools. He can also fix lots of things in a pinch. Spearmaster is a bit odd, he has no mouth but can still talk. How does he eat? Well, he doesn't. he stabs things with his tail spears and gains nutrients from the things he stabs with them. He came to the colony out of nowhere. There is a rumor that he is from a superstructure far far away from the colony. Maybe he is a little peculiar but definitely cherished by all.
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Saint Age: 36 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Town Physician and Cleric/Mentor Saint is a wise one, a calm and gentle soul. He is very in touch with the cycle and knows the ways of the world. Not only does he help the sick and injured, but he also is there to guide and counsel those who need it. He is also good at being a mediator and solving problems. This means Artificer and Hunter keep him on his toes, but as with everything, he handles it with grace. No one really knows too much about Saint's upbringing or origin, he doesn't really talk about himself much at all. As for right now, he is teaching and mentoring Monk about Medicine and teaching her brother Survivor, Clergy.
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Monk Age: 18 Pronouns: she/her Occupation: Saint's Pupil, learning medicine Monk is the youngest of them all, bashful and shy but a sweetie. She came to the colony with her older brother, Survivor. They got separated from their parents at a young age, and have stuck together ever since. Monk is still figuring herself out but for right now she's trying her best to take the role of physician in the future, helping the sick and injured is rewarding for her and something she is passionate about pursuing. Navigating adulthood is hard, but she is slowly learning and making a difference in her community.
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Survivor Age: 21 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Saints Pupil, learning Clergy Survivor is Monk's older brother, He has a head on his shoulders and is always willing to try his best. He has his flaws, he isn't the most socially aware person and is a bit stubborn. He never really got to socialize with other slugcats, he isn't sure if he will be a good cleric but he wants to try. Not only that, but he had to spend the majority of his life taking care of his little sister, being her main protector and caretaker. He never really grew up finding what he was good at or what he wanted in life. He just learned how to survive. He hopes that joining the colony would benefit him and his sister and being Saints pupil will point him in the right direction.
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Enot/Inv Age: 24 Pronouns: They/He Occupation: Tailor/clothier There is so much to be said about Enot, but I'll give you the gist. Enot works as a tailor and helps make and sell clothes for the colony. They are a bit melodramatic and misguided and a hopeless romantic, commonly making a fool out of themselves. Even if they are awkward at times, they mean well and are always willing to take part in any festivities, always overdressing no matter the occasion.
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Nightcat Age: 23 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Carpenter Nightcat isn't much of a talker, blank-faced, and has almost nothing to say. Everyone knows he can build a perfect shelf or cabinet though. If you ever get to know him personally (which is rare) You will find that He is a straight-to-the-point, matter-of-fact type of guy. He doesn't have many friends, usually only talking to Spearmaster and occasionally Enot. Who knows, maybe he'll come out his shell.
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salty-croissants · 7 months
Is it possibly to write Rayman/Ramon x amateur historian reader, where reader is looking far and deep into Eden's and the United States' history to preserve a narrative that "Eden is a doomed state" to the future if Eden is in ruins? Ramon looking into their works and realize the gravity of the goal.
Thank you for the request ! 
This one was a very interesting scenario to write , I’m afraid the reader sounds a bit too much like an investigator than an historian … sorry in advance if that’s the case , I hope I didn’t mess up the premise too much !
Details : use of g/n reader ; 
friends to lovers ; 
no warnings needed 
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Rayman 🧡
So , I think it’s important to specify that you had the chance to watch Eden’s rise to power over the years , and since something didn’t feel quite right about it you decided to study it up close :
eventually you managed to figure out quite a few very … unsettling truths about what decisions the higher ups were making behind closed doors , and while you knew that pretty much nobody would’ve taken the word of an amateur historian as something worth believing there was someone that was willing to listen to you …
A long time friend of yours , and the host of a very famous tv show .
Rayman has known you for quite a few years now , he quickly took a liking to you since you were possibly the first person that treated him with genuine kindness .
When he’s not too busy he likes to invite you to his lounge to spend time with you , since your presence is … very soothing to him , in a way that he can’t fully explain . 
He also really admires how smart you are , and sometimes when he listens to you explain some obscure history fact with that joyful smile of yours he can’t help but feel something for you that may or may not go a bit beyond a simple friendship …
However , despite him really wanting to support you and the things you enjoy , Rayman can’t help but be somewhat dismissive about your research on Eden … maybe even a bit nervous . 
< I’m telling you , Rayman , there is something very wrong with what they’re doing ! 
There is a pattern with the way the Board of Directors and the other higher ups are acting , it’s similar to that one thing they did back when the United States got erased from the charts … maybe it means that - >
< y/n , listen … I … really don’t think talking about this is a good idea . 
It’s thanks to Eden if I am where I am today , and besides we can’t know for sure if what you’re saying is … you know … actually true . > 
This behavior of his does frustrate you , even tough part of you understands where he’s coming from and why he would be against publicly bringing up something so big … 
Still , this definitely hasn’t stopped you from studying Eden’s history and past : maybe if you got more concrete evidence , then Rayman would begin to believe you …
While Rayman is indeed quite scared about your research , everything you say to him does make him think …
He’s known you long enough to say with certainty that you wouldn’t lie about it , and since he interacts daily with the Board of Directors he can’t help but feel like they are indeed hiding quite a few things from him .
Still , the star of Eden can’t get distracted by these thoughts : he does have a lot of work to do after all , so he eventually gives priority to his shows and his meetings , without knowing that one day what you told him was going to become a terrible reality …
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Ramon 🖤
He is … completely devastated . 
You warned him , your research on Eden’s history would’ve changed everything if only he had the courage to expose it to the world when he still could , and yet he was so afraid of losing his comfortable life that he just threw it away …
Ramon feels like he could drown in that terrible guilt , but he knows that he can’t allow himself to waste time feeling sorry for himself … 
Right now he needs to find you , and that’s all that matters .
When you open the door and see your once so confident and cheerful friend looking so drastically different , you’re … pretty shocked .
< Rayman … ? 
Woah , are … are you okay ? > 
< There … there is no time to explain … 
I need to talk to you , it’s urgent . > 
His voice is shaky , and you realize right away that he is being very serious . 
You let him in your apartment filled with history books and papers scattered all over the floor , then sit down on the living room’s couch , inviting him to do the same .
< I’m listening . > 
After taking a deep breath , Ramon tries his best to ignore the lingering fear that you were never going to forgive him after hearing him out , then he slowly starts talking …
< Damn … that’s … that’s a lot to unpack , even tough my theory on Eden did mention that it was a messed up society , doomed to collapse eventually … >
< Yeah … > 
Ramon watches you take a deep breath while taking in all the information he just gave you , wondering when would you tell him that you never wanted to see him again after paying so little attention to your research .
… but to his surprise , that’s not what ends up happening .
< Well , we can find a way to stop them . Judging by how they’ve been acting throughout all their history , I have at least a bit of a theory about where Eden will go from here … 
Plus you did kill the Directors today , so they’re probably gonna need some time to find someone new to fill their roles . > 
< Wait wait … “we” ? 
You mean … > 
< Mhm . If your plan is to fight against Eden’s tyrannical rule , I’d like to help you out where I can . > 
Ramon is completely baffled by your response …
< I don’t … aren’t you even a bit upset at me , y/n ? 
For god’s sake , you’ve been telling me that there was something very wrong for so long and I didn’t even - > 
< Ray - 
… ah , sorry …
Ramon , it’s okay . What matters is that you’re here now . 
Focusing on past mistakes isn’t worth it , right now we should only push forward . > 
You smile at him , gently holding his hand in yours to reassure him .
< You mean a lot to me … you really do , so I can’t just leave you doing something so dangerous on your own now , can I ? > 
Ramon remains silent for a moment , before squeezing your hand and letting out a little chuckle …
< Heh … thanks , y/n … 
That means a lot . I’m sorry for not believing you … >
< It’s alright .
Now , I think you should probably get some rest since you look absolutely exhausted , and after that we can discuss about  what to do next .
Does … that sound okay with you ? > 
< It does . > 
Ramon watches you get up from the couch to collect some of your books and papers from the floor , and he sighs while laying down on the couch , staring at the ceiling …
He is really , really grateful to have you by his side … 
More than he’ll ever be able to say with words . 
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psychelis-new · 11 months
pick a pile: "Hidden message from an old friend"
-- REMEMBER THAT THIS IS JUST A READING AND IT MAY NOT CARRY THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR SITUATION! -- the best thing to do is to either communicate with the person if you feel the need or bring yourself closure, according on what your guts and specific situation are suggesting you. do not let a random reading decide for your life as it could be entirely wrong.
take a breath and choose the photo/number that calls you the most to read a message from an old friend that never reached for you but it may help you understanding something more about your connection or how it ended. thanks Anon for suggesting this
don’t take the reading too seriously. only take what resonates with you and leave the rest. if you're not called by any pile, let this reading slid as it may not hold messages for you. if you're called by more than one, there may be messages in each of those piles.remember that is a general reading and some things may not resonate with you. energies can change and readings are based on present ones (as you read); you're always in charge of your life.
(photos found on unsplash)
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I think things changed or communication stopped kinda suddenly. Either of you felt like you didn't know what to tell the other anymore (you probably grew apart, it feels kinda natural as well, nothing too forced.. just life). For some of you, you had different views on parts of life or how to live it/what to do, or you had to heal something (maybe you had to heal something together and once you ended, so your relationship ended OR you had to heal something separately). Others simply got ghosted or ghosted the person (more likely the first one). I think your egos occasionally clashed or communication about some deeper stuff lacked too, which made it all crumble down. Ofc, it has not much to do with how you can still respect each other (once you realize there was no judgment -or if there was, it wasn't any of you's fault but just triggers- but only a natural flow of things and you were different people at your core -if applies ofc) even if you don't hear from each other anymore/you're no more in contact.
The message: I always appreciated how you deal with uncertainty and difficult times, your point of views. Your mind is very brilliant and strong. You are also very talented at what you do/are are amazing and I know you probably never believed me when I told you so, but I hope you can change this and realize your real worth. Remember to stay balanced and to trust yourself. You know more than you're aware of. Keep working on your passions, don't let them go. Things will soon be brighter for you. I will cheer for you from here and I hope you can do the same for me. Ps. At times I still miss you/think about our time. It was a good one, I hope for you too.
(For some: this person may come back in your life especially through text/sudden communictaion, up to you how to react -you can reach for them first as well, it depends on your situation and feelings-)
song: come | jain; the end | jpolnd
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I am channeling "When you think of the past, you love me the most" (lyrics of the first song I wrote below). This person/you lighted up each others life until a certain period (probably even Christmas/winter as in the song) but then it stopped. There's something about finding each other in a dark/changing period and then helping each other coming out of it or making it better/supporting each other. Still, either of you probably closed doors on the long run because either of you were too stubborn or fixed. I think you met for a reason (which is related to make any of you's life at that time better) and then things had to end. Differences were too many, probably you felt betrayed or left aside, or they again were a bit too fixed on something that couldn't understand or open their mind to a different reason (especially if it was something you did or said or even thought and so you felt judged) or they felt betrayed by you cause you chose yourself once and they didn't even want to hear for reasons. I think something (an event/feeling) or someone came in between you two and changed it all. Ended it all pretty abruptly.
The message: I'm sorry if I have been so strict and fixed... I didn't know I had to work on that side of me and I had to learn it the hard way once you went away. Sorry you had to deal with it... I have understood your reasons, I have realized what I missed and I am sorry I failed you. Now I am more grounded, I am more aware, and open to communication (and to listen). I'd like to reach out for you again one day, but I think it would be too stressing for both of us, too weird... I'd like for us to live well and at peace now, as it was when we were laughing together at the weirdest sh*ts. Hope you can ground yourself as well and forgive me: pain/resentment will never last forever. Don't let me hurt you anymore.
(For some: if you have common friends you may happen to meet again -it could be a bunch of friends living in a different place)
song: our love will dry out on christmas | the electric diorama; closer to me | 5ive
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There's something either you of them need to get out of your chest. Maybe you cannot give yourself a proper closure if you're no more in contact or if you're still in contact, you are hiding something from them/not saying something to them, and you feel you need to. Or you feel they're hiding/not saying something important to you. Maybe they have changed their behaviour with you for no apparent reason and it's stressing you a bit. You need to talk alone with them, and probably there's a lot you need to say or be more clear about or... you need to say/hear the truth. Emotions/feelings here are very hightened, it's like you're letting them take over and cloud your judgment: the thought of this person is causing you stress and overthinking. But indeed there's something that need to be worked on so to maybe help you bring closure (either to the relationship or this moment of pain -it can be both according on your situation). Just try to realize if you need this confrontation because it really serves you to feel better (even about yourself, to speak your truth) or if it's only your wounded ego jumping in.
The message: I'm sorry I am causing you this pain. Please, try to understand that this is hard for me too. Listen to your guts, I know you already have all the answers about us, but... you don't wanna listen to them from inside of you. You wanna listen them from me, right? ...Would it really be that different? You know things can change and you can change, you are already worthy and lovable, you don't need my words to know that. Please take it slow, give yourself/us time. Let love win, love for yourself in particular. Take a timeout to realize your feelings, to calm down. And then, if you'll still need to, let's talk about it all.
(For some: there may be romantic love involved here from any of you)
song: butterfly pt.2 | queen naija; song of the sea | lisa hannigan
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It's a moment of reflection here, either that you are taking or that you'll need to take, especially if you are coming out of a period of turbolence and a rough ending. Healing is needed here (and it's happening or will soon). Or maybe you are not in contact with this person atm. Like you're living your life and they're living theirs. You have probably realized something, a betrayal or anything from this person or vice versa. I can feel there's anger for some of you, maybe this person "gave up on you", didn't take you into consideration for important stuff. You need to find a balance again between your inside and outside. You probably are losing hope on others or you're in a period of isolation as well. But what you can't see now is yourself and your worth and abilities, despite what happened. You're too focused on this person and how they acted. Try and take a breath and switch your point of view. It's not what they think of you that makes you you. Ofc you didn't deserve that, and ofc it pains you (so give it attention), but we cannot control others actions and reactions about us: overthinking them, won't change our feelings nor what they think nor what has been. We can only be sure about ourselves and maybe that this person wasn't who we would have wanted them to be (or we weren't for them -maybe you're also healing something related to relationships/friendships that blocked you in the past). Just let go of what/who is useless to our growth. It may sound harsh, but if someone only causes you pain or doens't consider you as you deserve to be, it's not someone worth sticking by hoping they can change. People change only if they want to, from the inside.
The message: Hey... How are you? I still think about us at times, you know? Our kid-days... We didn't deserve this probably, yeah. But there's so much you can't see, so much you don't know... maybe me as well, about you. And ofc I know every action brings a consequence, and I probably didn't do that on purpose, I don't even know... I probably only needed to do that to be honest, I felt like doing that. Maybe I (and you?) just needed to heal something inside, and I'm sorry you had to pay for it. I'm sorry, I didn't think about the consequences. But now don't let this stop you from going on. We need to go on. We can close this out, maybe even talk it out, if you want. But please, don't let this pain hurt you. Find a way to block it, please. For yourself, not me, so you can find better people for you and let them in.
(For some: they may be someone from your childhood, a close friend you're not very much in contact with or left you aside and/or now you only have random interactions with)
song: face down | the red jumpsuit apparatus; no church in the wild | madh
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