#i need help :((
arimitskevich 3 days
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hi guys.... today i have lots of yaoi...... and pav....
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turvi 20 hours
Some days I would think about slowly dancing with Severus as we lovingly look at each other but there are some days I just want him to ruin me 馃槴
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majunju 1 year
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oddheadd 2 months
Perfect Husband
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You didn't have that much experience with guys, and the little things you did experience weren't good at all. Everything felt so... Empty. The "Wyd" texts and shallow conversations at the bar didn't satisfy you. You knew what you wanted, and you decided to go for it.
So when you met him it felt so real and unreal at the same time.. He felt real as in he understood you, he engaged in interesting conversations and knew just what was the best for you.
...And he felt unreal as in he wasn't... Human? Like a man from 19th century novels, he was gentle, polite, relatable but mysterious enough to keep you wanting him. The problem before was everybody acting same, now you were weirded out with how unique he was? You started thinking you were the problem.
Therefore, after a few months of dating, when he set up a beautiful dinner table for you two, with candles, flowers, perfectly cooked delicacies and asked you to marry him, you said yes.
You cut the steak and...
"Oh... This seems raw..?"
"It's medium rare, dear. But I won't feel bad if you don't want to eat it." - he smiled.
You felt lucky. So, you cut a piece of it, and put the red, moist and almost slimy piece of meat in your mouth. His smile widened as he watched you do so. You chewed and chewed, trying not to think too much about the texture or the taste, instead washing it down with red wine and forcing a smile.
The night ended with him gently holding and kissing you, while not so gently fucking into you. It felt almost like a reward for accepting his proposal, and the amount of times he made you cum only supported that theory.
The wedding happened shortly after, him making sure it was as big or as small as you wanted.
Everything after that felt like a dream... In a literal sense. You found yourself derealizating on more occasions than you can remember. Feeling dizzy, out of the place and unreal was then a daily accurance for you. And you didn't quite feel comfortable with talking about it with your husband.
But it didn't matter... Not as long as at the end of the day you laid in his arms.
However, even that comfort was broken when only weeks after your marriage, he started staying at his job later and later... As soon as he got home he'd take a shower, too.
Suspecting that your husband was cheating, you decided to follow him one day.
The day went on fine, he stayed at his job til 8, but then he left. You quietly followed, wanting to catch him in the act. He... Went into the woods..? Was he actually fucking someone in the woods? Then you saw another person... But they seemed to not be aware of your husband being there. In fact, he was watching them... Stalking them like a predator would to a prey. The person was obviously wasted, having come in the woods to relieve themself.
Your dear husband got up from his hiding spot, and approached the person... And so you watched in horror as his limbs started twisting unnaturally, making popping and cracking sounds as, his skin changing it's color into a dark red, almost a bloody color. He turned into something incomprehensible... A monster.
His now inhumane looking jaw unclenched, opening so wide he could swallow a man whole, and he took a generous bite out of the person, their bloodcurdling screams not loud enough to bury the sound of your ears ringing.
Despite the scenery being hard to look at, you turned around to leave, but stumbled and fell down with a loud noise.
Your husband's head turned towards you slowly, and his smile fell.
The dream turned into a nightmare.
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Man I just love creepy, cannibalistic, eldrich monsters/gods and not in an only ha they're sexy way (I blame the movie Ritual)
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ave661 4 months
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d-does-art 6 months
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I love them
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serialunaliver 3 months
stop becoming content creators & start becoming neurologists
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xxnghtclls 1 month
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chrissy-kaos 8 months
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So I need help raising money to fix my car. It's going to cost around $2-3k after the body shop gets done. To be honest with you, I just don't have that kind of money. Not even close. So, I'm going to sell content to help raise it.
20 picture set for $25
These are nudes, lingerie, and alike pictures
If you'd like to buy a set, please dm me. I'm not asking for free money. That's just not me. If you don't want to purchase a set and just want to donate, that's cool, too. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you 馃檹馃徎
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greedkinggreaser 7 days
Laptop is broken I need it for work
None if the fundraisers I've done to get a new laptop in the past have worked and I've had to rely on my friends to give me their old laptops in the past to continue working online while I look for a job.
I don't know if I'll raise enough this time around either but it's an attempt.
I don't know what to do, my laptop is broken and I can't get it to work. I'm doing everything, it's a few years old so I know it needed to be replaced a while ago. But I can't afford to. I owe commissions I cannot do commissions without my computer. I don't have any device to do them on. My phone is breaking too.
If you want to help me please consider donating to any of the links below.
A decent laptop is about 300 USD or more. I'm going to get one that 300 USD. If I get more than that I will get a slightly better one. I will ask my friends as well for assistance.
Edit: Computer goal
PayPal | Ko-fi | Venmo | CashApp
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sherlockig 7 months
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thedumbkatt 2 months
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Been busy with school lately馃挦
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sanguineselene666 2 months
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Please accept my low effort meme. This has been my head for weeks.
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hummingmuggle 1 year
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MC follows Ominis
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lost-crown 3 months
Blitz酶 is such a great and well constructed character.
He grew up in the circus with a father who would sell him for 5 bucks and a condom, and clearly had more affection for his best friend/first crush.
He spent one afternoon with a prince, being a child and playing around while stealing things because his father emotionally manipulated him to do so.
An accident he caused nearly killed said best friend and did actually kill his mom, causing his family to be even more toxic than before, with his sister doing drugs and his father being mia.
Years go by, he starts working in the people killing business and needs something he knows the prince has, so he plans to steal again.
After a misunderstanding which led the prince to believe Blitz酶 was there to "ravish him" (his words not mine), Blitz ends up hearing the prince say he had craved passion for a very long time and called Blitz his first ever friend. Instantly his eyes soften and he actually does ravish the prince.
But this little Imp has so much trauma, so many insecurities inside of him, and the fact the one he is sleeping with for sure is of an upper class just makes everything worse.
His walls are high and thick, and for Stolas they end up being even higher and thicker. That's why he acts surprised when he sees Stolas being rushed to the hospital.
How can he, goetia prince, all high and mighty, super powerful and able to do magic, get hurt? Blitz酶 can't believe it at first.
Then he feels guilty. Guilty because he wasn't there to help, because he didn't think it was that serious, because Stolas almost died.
And then he is ashamed, and the distance between them just grows further and further.
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bruhtasticbruhutau 5 months
How'za bout a request to draw, de Dusty skele-boi? (Dust Sans or "The Murderer")
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It was supposed to be emo draw what
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