#i need to chaos or like general stimulation but then I get too overstimulated and overwhelmed
shotgunning a tube of strawberry mentos right now
#disco speaks!#if you even care#i forgot how much of a problem I have with these#THEY HAVE A GOOD CRUNCH AND A GOOD CHEW OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE#i also took both of my medications for the first time in a while (I have to make an appt before my Dr will refill it (eye roll))#and spent two or three hours on tiktok learning about marine animals so my attention span is both very short and needs to be entertained#like a toddler who is teething except the mentos are my teething rings and I’m down to three left and I show no sign of stopping#which is a bit concerning considering there has to be like 12 or 15 a pack and so it’s been less than ten minutes#since I started consuming them. can’t go outside cause it’s cold as fuck and snowy and bad water texture bleghh#and bad anxiety feeling about doing my responsibilities and actually figuring out when to go on a date with my bf#we are now down to two strawberry mentos I repeat we are down to two strawberry mentos this is not a joke#awww my dog looks so baby right now#so anyway I think that my adhd medicine is making me focus but since I immediately started focusing on something that shortens my attention#span then I am mimicking that and I haven’t eaten anything today besides candy because I don’t want to make things because textures#and temperatures UGHHH#and I don’t want to put on gaming streams like usual because then I will not do anything else#and like I want to work on my nutcracker au piece but UGHH art school has made me so used to traditional art that#now digital art feels wrong and bad textures and it’s not the same and art feels bad but I like art??? i don’t know I don’t know#i need to chaos or like general stimulation but then I get too overstimulated and overwhelmed#i might need an anxiety medication cause uhhh well fuck my dudes I have both adhd and anxiety and it’s fucking me up a bit
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Solar Character Ref
He/him, pan; 5'7; regresses as old as 7 and as young as 3 (tends to stick to the younger age range now), goes nonverbal when especially upset
All flat teeth, no fangs.
Has a crack in his faceplate over his left eye from where his Moon hit him. His left eye is also damaged from his Moon forcibly removing it once, he had to put it back in himself.
Right eye is white with black pupil, left eye has black sclera and a gold pupil. He has difficulty seeing clearly through his damaged eye, so he sometimes has to turn his head to see things better.
Body is covered in various dings and dents. Some from the kids, some from Midnight...
No paws or claws.
Practices witchcraft, identifies as pagan.
Poppy called him bumble, bumblebee, and honeybee. Sun calls him bug when he's regressed.
The body he was put into is a basic solar model. It's orange, but everything about it was initially simple and basic. He gave himself upgrades that allow him to run off of a single charge for days at a time.
Has arthritis in his hands. Not only due to past physical trauma, but also from working nonstop on various projects. He wears his gloves to not only increase his grip strength and protect his hands, but to also mitigate some of the sensory overload he experiences.
Head of maintenance and had to run the daycare all by himself while in his own dimension.
I haven't explicitly said if he has autism (I left that up to interpretation since I don't want to misrepresent it), but he does have sensory processing disorder. He can't stand loud noises, bright lights, or just general over-stimulation (Yeah. Running the daycare was not great...)
"Ya weren't supposed to see that..." "He's...he's gone? Don't we have a backup? Or maybe we can restore his systems!" "No, come on. You don't have time to be sick right now. You're just tired. You're just tired." "Watch over these toys fer Papa, they're really special to 'im. An' I need someone big an' strong ta watch 'em and keep 'em safe. Can ya do that?"
Relationships with:
Sun: Solar still has days where he looks at Sun and sees his own Sun. In fact, when he crashes into regression (because this guy almost never willingly does), he still sees Sun as his Poppy. Not being able to see well out of one eye doesn't help things. But him and Sun get along well! He and Solar have mandated self-care days together, Harvest sometimes joins, and they all have tea together and unwind.
Moon: He and Moon get along really well. They spend a lot of time together engineering and working on tech. But every once in a while, Solar has to remind himself of where he is and who he's with. This isn't his Moon. He knows it.... When he regresses, he sometimes can't be anywhere near Moon. Other times, he wants 'Mama' (and who is Moon to deny him?).
Harvest: Like Harvest and Moon, Solar and Moon spend time together just sitting and watching the chaos. Harvest is trying to teach him how to knit, and he's slowly starting to pick it up.
Bloody: You would think that Solar wouldn't get along well with Bloody because of how high energy he is. On the contrary, Solar is drawn to it and you can find him tossing balls of yarn for him (much to Sun's chagrin, those are his 100% WOOL SKEINS-). Bloody is on the opposite end of the sensory spectrum; where Solar tends to be overstimulated, Bloody seeks out stimulation. But that means that Bloody has plenty of stim toys and things he can share with Solar. Bloody also likes to curl up on Solar's lap for head scratches.
Lunar: Solar tends to either be getting Lunar out of trouble or encouraging the chaos. Solar saw him when they first met and immediately adopted him. Yeah, no, he'll gladly take over watching Lunar every time he's regressed from now on, thanks. Solar is like an older brother to Lunar, and they regularly play Minecraft together.
Kill Code: Solar isn't really sure what to think of Kill Code. He's honestly still confused how he exists, but he doesn't question it too much. As long as he doesn't hurt his family friends, he'll just keep an eye on him...
Past Relationships:
Poppy: Poppy was immediately accepting of him when he first came to be. They worked out a system that allowed both of them to have control of the body at different times. They were also Solar's primary caregiver, especially when Midnight and Poppy had their disagreement. They did their very best to keep Solar from seeing Midnight's true colors and their frequent arguments, but they weren't able to. Poppy was the one to teach Solar witchcraft and herbalism, and Solar still strives to make them proud of him...
Midnight: Solar learned a lot of what he knows about mechanics and engineering from his Moon. He didn't realize his true colors for a long time because Poppy kept it hidden from him so well. Until that point, Midnight was his other caregiver and Solar even called him Mama.
Midnight is the one that caused the majority of Solar's damage. He sometimes didn't even state a reason for when he'd 'punish' him, he'd just grab him and hurt him. Solar prefers to do his own repairs, he doesn't trust anyone else to really do them.
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imjeralee · 3 years
Not the same anon but I really liked your adhd hcs! Could you the same but with Diluc, Kaeya and Xiao please? (could you also add the fact s/o absolutely can't focus for shit on anything more than 5s before zoning out and they tend to be overstimulated very easily by their environment lol)
hi anon!! thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it :) Not a problem, I guess this can be a part 2 ehe. I hope you like this one too. Please see below - 
You’re actually one of the best workers he has in Dawn Winery, because you’re efficient and smart and bustling around like ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
But you do tend to zone out a lot and sometimes you end up working so late into night and you don’t realise it but you had forgotten to eat dinner so you go to the kitchen and it’s like 3am and Diluc is there because he works late too and he’s also just finally getting the chance to eat so you are always having food together whilst everyone else is asleep :3
At work though, if you had forgotten to do something such as paying the bills, no worries, Diluc has a backup plan - the maids usually help with this 
You usually ramble away to Diluc about anything you think of, even when he’s working at his desk. He’ll just be sitting silently and occasionally throwing you glances every now and then as you pace the study up and down and gesture with your hands. You know he’s listening. 
You may be messy, but the maids help clean up after you 
If you can’t focus, Diluc will help organise your day because he is organised himself and has lots of deadlines and also he has trustworthy employees like Adelinde and Connor who can help come up with a schedule for you on a daily basis but Diluc keeps you close by his side which also means you most likely do a lot of things together and you work/stay very closely with him
In order to help you stay focused and on task, he wants you to accomplish one thing at a time and often Diluc will do this with you personally 
If he was in the middle of doing something else, he will pause to head over to assist you. If he’s not able to, he’ll get Connor or Adelinde to help
When you’re overstimulated because there’s too many people visiting the Winery or feeling really uncomfortable in general and your thoughts are darting all over the place, Diluc will take your hand and lead you away and to your special, quiet place where you can just focus on him and look at his face which helps you gradually relax and calm down
You might zone out a bit when he starts talking but then you notice the intricate details on the buttons of his shirt and the buckle on his belt and you’re like ‘cool’…. And start pressing your fingers over them and he’s like “…….”
He still loff you a lot though 
Somehow everything you lose always end up in his possession??? Like you might go up to him and go ‘Kaeya! I lost my sword! I don’t know what happened to it! Its just disappeared!!” And he will just whip it out from behind his back and be like “You mean.... this sword?” And you’ll be like “YESSSS gimme.”
“Nuh-uh, not yet.”
“You have to give me a kiss first.”
It’s actually pretty cool and reassuring because you have no idea how he does it
And this is the kind of relationship you have with him so you’re never bored around him because of how unpredictable he is 
You tend to zone out a lot so he likes making up little puzzles and brain teasers for you whenever you’re with him and keeping you guessing all the time
If you ask a question he’ll answer your question with a question. Can be either infuriating or very stimulating. Hmm.
Also enjoys telling you ghost stories 
I suspect you and Kaeya may actually be a pretty messy duo because you’re both busy with knightly duties and shit and your house will be utter chaos. Kaeya has arranged for a knight to come around twice a week to clean up tho
He loves to act as your own personal assistant and remind you of things so you don’t forget, usually by coming up behind you and leaning down to whisper in your ear 
If you zone out again, he’ll feed you some candy or hold your hand so you can play with his long fingers and the studs on his gloves or he’ll make little ice crystals with unique patterns and make them float around in the air for you 
He’ll also allow you to play with his ponytail
He’s quiet on his own so he’ll be a good listener
When you are experiencing sensory overload, Kaeya will usually sort it out for you one way or another. You’re in good hands. Then you will go and take a nap together.
Xiao is your mentor. He speaks so fluently and to the point and also expects you to be clear and concise when dealing with him and so unceremoniously end up helping you organise your own thoughts 
Otherwise, you might zone out often and very easily because there’s too many things going on in Wangshu Inn and it’s too much to handle but then the smell of almond tofu being cooked in the kitchen helps kick you back to reality and you’ll realise Xiao was standing there by your side the entire time 
Ok ok so we know from Ganyu that Xiao is punctual and hates tardiness so he’s good at reminding you about appointments/deadline if needed.
I mean he will drill this into your brain with an iron fist. Defy him if you dare
It also means he will inevitably come up with some practises and teach you how to be mindful, how to increase your awareness and also various breathing exercises
Aside from that, he will notice you lose things a lot esp when he finds random stuff littering the Wangshu Inn ranging from cheese and vials of whopperflower nectar so he will keep an eye on you from now on.
Or if he’s not around, he will ask Verr Goldet to take note of what you lost so she can easily and quickly replace it thanks to Wangshu Inn’s connections
Xiao observes what you do on a regular basis from the shadows and then returns to the inn and also ask Verr Goldet to check up on you every now and then and remind you when it’s time to eat because he noticed you often forget to eat
One day you might return to your room and discover that he’s actually left some food for you and there this note on it with the word “EAT” scribbled on it 
Your impulsiveness and the hectic and chaos that surrounds you works well with him because it’s not like he has a schedule either, I mean he often turns up in your room at 4am after fighting so many demons after 3 days straight and he’s in agony from all that bad karma but there’s you and you’re awake because obv you forgot to do something and went back to it hours later but now that he’s here and in your presence and you want to talk to him about your day and he’ll be listening to everything
And listening to your voice and the way you speak is actually really soothing/comforting to him and even makes his pain goes away
Then you’ll remember what you were doing and rush off and he’ll be back up and running and go off to destroy more demons so the world can sleep better at night 
or if he’s free, you drag him outside to go on an adventure and explore the area around the inn and beat up some hilichurls 
If you have some trivial task to do and need his help, he’ll just offer his assistance at no cost, quite simple as that
During his free time, he’ll try to find out more about stim toys to help you. 
Xiao will learn what triggers your overstimulation and purposefully help you avoid it or get rid of the problem before it actually happens.
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darkwood-sleddog · 3 years
Question: how do you enforce/make your dogs relax?
There is no single way but when I talk about 'enforcing' relaxation it is about creating an expectation for what the dog is supposed to be doing in a certain situation/at a certain time. Because being out of containment Slash has the opportunity to ramp up his excitement he creates the expectation that this type of behavior is what is okay to be doing at this time. Which is not what I want.
So relaxation, keep in mind I am not a dog trainer, just an individual that's working hard with my own pack and I am not perfect. This is not a how to guide. It is just what I am doing. First I ask myself, has the dog had its needs for stimulation fulfilled in both a physical AND mental way? If the answer is no, we fix that first (sniffy walks are great for this if you are short on time, but often very energetic dogs in my personal experience will need hard physical exercise being able to run etc. AND a calm mental stimulation game).
For relaxation based games I want activities where the dog is thinking, but not getting the heart rate up like they would for hard exercise. Karen Overall's Relaxation Protocol is one of my favorites because the dog actively has to put effort into relaxing. You are teaching them slowly what is expected of them, mat work in general is amazing to utilize (for me at least). I also like platform games, anything placement based is great for relaxation in my personal experience. I have a wooden chest and I'll make the dog get up and down and settle in a sit, in a down, in a stay etc. They think it's great fun and it is tiring for them mentally.
I also use feeder toys such as puzzle cubes, snuffle mats, kongs and even dog appropriate plastic bones slathered with peanut butter. You want things where the dog has to focus on working the toy, working the food. This is both mentally stimulating and often the dog will settle in for long periods to work the food in a relaxed way AND because it is food based dogs often find this rewarding, some can even be used in crates or containment areas. Personally also, my dogs appreciate a good chew when they are overstimulated and use chewing as a calming behavior.
Now for enforcement, when the dog is too excited where they will not listen in an appropriate manner I remove them from the situation to calm down (great moment for a calming chew on a kong and/or bone in a contained area). With attention seeking behaviors (a lot of Slash's are attention seeking...) I take away affection and ignore until he either behaves himself and gets calm attention again or I remove myself until he calms down and then come back and reward him in a calm manner. It is important to reward for calm behavior, but I always keep this reward attention based not food based in its nature (food is too exciting). For example if Slash settles and lays down I will stroke him calmly and tell him he's a good boy in a cheerful, but slow voice.
A lot of it is also about setting a schedule so the dog knows what to expect. Dogs like things to be timely and this can be difficult to navigate if you have an odd schedule or for example, the time changes with daylight savings. I feed at the same time, Slash goes in for his crate relaxation with a kong at the same time every evening. He gets a puzzle toy session right as I leave for work as that also can be an exciting time. He begins to expect and look forward to this time the same way a dog looks forward and expects dinner, or a walk. He begins to understand in some capacity what is being asked of him.
One last note: It's also important to begin relaxation training in short durations. It's unrealistic to expect a dog that has not been through relaxation training to be able to be relaxed all the time. And that's a hard expectation to place on young, energetic dogs. They will mess up, have times of chaos where you ask yourself where all your hard work has gone. And that is okay. Slowly increase durations as they become successful, shorten durations when they regress.
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
Steamy Waters — Taehyung
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Pairing: Taehyung x reader (nicknamed Lace)
Wordcount: 7.6k ( mostly edited✌️)
Genre: smut, pwp, fluff, slightest angst, established relationship, idol!AU
Rating: 18+ (As usual, I know)
Hello baby bears! Welcome to Taehyung’s Steamy Waters. I must admit this episode is going to be a lot steamier than planned, but I cannot lament. Recently we celebrated Taehyung’s birthday, so I thought I could add a little extra as a late celebration.
There’s not much plot, honestly. Tae and Lace are bathing together in true Kim Taehyung fashion when the intrusive presence of mirrors on every bathroom wall makes it hard not to stare at each other. And when wandering hands — and wandering feet... and wandering mouths — start wandering too much the temperature in the room becomes too hot to handle. Chaos ensues. Especially when Taehyung is... at her service.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: swearing. Wine drinking. Humping, bathtub sex, unprotected sex within an established relationship (don’t make me tell again that you and your partner(s) should be clean before going condomless); massage, slight footjob; oral fixation (not only in terms of oral sex, both male and female receiving btw) but also foot worship, breast worship, body shot, face riding (male receiving), cum eating; spanking, one (1) pussy spank; masturbation (female receiving), also anal fingering (external stimulation only); maid!Taehyung, switch!Taehyung, hard dom!Taehyung, big dick!Taehyung, soft domme!reader, very sub!reader; hair pulling/grabbing; choking kink, degradation kink, overstimulation, squirting, sensory blackout. Taehyung uses a safeword (yellow); did I mention that MIRRORS ARE BACK BUT THIS TIME IT’S WORSE? And if you didn’t guess VOYEURISM 24 out of 10. Also, the softest aftercare and mentions of sleeping pills to help reader relax after... ahem... all of those. Things. In the trigger warnings.
In case you need my masterlist, here it is :)
Enjoy! 💜✨
A jazz piece was playing on the modern gramophone in a corner of the bathroom, somewhere far from the tub, where you and Taehyung would most likely make a splash and quite surely ruin the device.
Taehyung was laying at the opposite side of the tub, head thrown back as your foot rubbed his thigh.
You were pretty chill yourself, arms pressed against the edge of the tub, keeping you from relaxing too much and going under.
“Baths are magic.” You murmured, your toes meeting his hip before sliding back down again.
He hummed in confirmation. “The only problem is with washing one’s hair. It’s so uncomfortable.” He caught your foot underwater, his thumbs digging in the few knots you felt there. If the bath was magic, his hands were miraculous.
You felt your whole body melt and slide half an inch lower, your self restraint too weak to stop you from moaning.
Taehyung smiled fondly and sensuously. “You like it there?” He asked, his fingers moving to the heel, pressing against all those spots he knew from his acupressure appointments.
Your whole leg went insensitive in a very pleasing way. “Yes, you like it, dove.” He said, grinning and moving to your calf, specifically to the spot where the muscle met the bone near your ankle.
“Don’t want your ankles to swell.” He said, pushing your foot into slow, articulate circles.
Your soul definitively abandoned your body.
“We’ll put ice packs on these bad girls as soon as you’re out of the tub.” He said.
“It’s not that bad.” You said, just as he drew two parallel lines with his thumbs digging into your muscle reaching the back of your knee.
You had to grip the rim of tub to keep yourself from end up with your head underwater.
“It is that bad.” He said, rubbing small circles and making sure that all the exertion was magically sucked out of you. “No need to lie to me.” He said, looking at you with his dark eyes, his hair all curled up due to the steam coming from the water and filling the air. His own foot ran down your inner thigh, the sole of his foot ghosting over your pelvis.
There were too many reflective surfaces all over the bathroom.
Angles of him appeared everywhere. Specifically when he lifted your leg and placed a kiss to the upper arch of your foot.
“Shall I move to the other leg?” He asked, lowering your calf back in the water.
You nodded, trying to scoot your hips forward, against his heel.
“Feeling needy?” He asked, as his fingers repeated the procedure he had performed before on your other leg.
“So much.” You replied, using your freshly rejuvenated foot to tease his erection. His massage had activated nerve endings that had probably never really been there before he touched you.
“Let’s finish this leg then,” he said, as he kept pushing your ankle in wide circles.
“Tae,” you called, just as he moaned, your toes tickling his belly while the ball of your foot, way fleshier, teased his head.
“I never thought I could like this.” He said with a small surprised smile before he threw his head back, the cords of his neck tensing, the veins throbbing so clearly under the complicated game of shadows originated by the soft lights in the bathroom.
You loved his bathroom. It was soothing, with all the dark hues and the orangey lights.
His hands stopped for a second. “You’re distracting me.” He said.
“I wanted to treat you nice. For your birthday.” You replied. “I still can’t believe we went vanilla on your birthday night.” You said, still teasing him, hoping you could have him speaking in that soft, deep, dreamy voice he has whenever you’re getting him in the mood.
“It was good vanilla though.” He commented, his hips jerking forward with a small grunt before he felt his spine turn into putty.
“Very good vanilla.” You said, removing his leg from between yours, deciding to be generous and focus on him.
“Still, I owe you birthday sex.” You said, noticing his slow chuckle as you made him part his legs wide.
“Come here.” He said, removing the drain stopper with his fingers and bringing his hand between his legs as you bent your legs underneath your torso and crawled to him, straddling him and grinding your pelvis against his. “This is way better.” He purred, one of his hands keeping him upright while the other one landed on your ass. “You’re so soft.” He said, pushing his crotch up and against you. “I could just...” Once the water was low enough that his cock emerged freely from the surface, he put the drain stopper back in place, taking in your lustful expression as you ground on him.
“I think you’re the one who wants birthday sex.” Taehyung said, grabbing your hips and squishing the skin there.
His touch was always something that set you on fire. Ever since the first time, since your very first touch, he had completely possessed your entire being. Whenever his body connected with yours it felt like your skin and his were ready to part and like the raw extremities of a wound, and heal together, his blood vessels becoming yours, or maybe yours becoming his, until there was no distinction anymore. It was the exact opposite of that kind of surgery performed to separate conjoined twins.
And no surgery, no cutting was necessary. It was just. Preternatural. And so, so natural at the same time.
“Do you need me to stretch you?” He asked, his thumb massaging your clit.
One more bridge between you and him.
“I can take you. I’m so turned on.” You said, bending to kiss his neck and drink the small droplets of water glistening there.
“Was it the massage?” He asked, rolling his head back, offering you even more skin to kiss.
“I don’t know,” you said, licking him. Meanwhile you started noticing it wasn’t water, but rather your own slick making you slide on him.
Water was too unreliable, it would leave you dry and make the whole experience traumatic; especially, considering his size, both in length and girth.
“We can act like it’s your birthday.” He said, kissing a soft spot under your jaw. “Have an early birthday for my Nymphette.” He said, this time nibbling against the sweet spot on your neck.
You chuckled and brought your hands down his chest, scratching his stomach gently and playfully pinching the soft flesh of his belly. You loved him being so lithe and at the same time a bit fluffy in such an adorable spot. It made you think of childhood games, like blowing raspberries of his sensitive tummy. It always makes him so happy that his eyes spark up with pure, innocent joy, his mop of hair immediately coming for your neck and bosom, where he nuzzles in to tickle you before rubbing his face against your breasts like a cuddle some cat.
Once your face parted from his neck and chest, he cupped your face, holding you still. “I love you.” He said, staring in your eyes. And it felt so simple: no big statements, no poetic words, no useless rethorics. “I love you.” He repeated.
You mirrored his hold on you, placing both hands on his cheeks and rubbing your thumb against his divine features. “I love you.”
It holds more meaning than you could ever explain. The obliterating need in both your eyes and his, the urgency and the fondness. You felt like a pot boiling and overflowing with ten thousand ingredients that were a specific mix of his taste and your taste and his smell and yours and all the tastes and smells you’ve experienced together.
The candle burning in his room the first time you made love. His aftershave. Strawberries. Your shampoo, which became his shortly after you moved in. Champagne and that bubbly feeling of having butterflies in your stomach. French macaroons. The first breakfast in bed. The tteokbokki you had eaten with his parents the day he introduced you to them. The light, talk scent of Yeontan’s fur after the first time you bathed him together.
Now you were horny and emotional.
Taehyung seemed to notice. “Are you feeling okay, honey?” He asked, dragging his thumb against your lower lip.
“I just realised how important you are to me.” You said, bending to his face and kissing him.
“Just now?” He asked, slightly surprised as he raised an eyebrow.
“No,” you replied, closing your eyes and touching your face with his, feeling the slight stubble of his cheek against yours, brushing your noses together, focusing on the intense sensation of his face against such a personal, private part of your own body. “Sometimes I just… get lost in the feeling. It feels like being overwhelmed by all the things we share, all that we have together. How many things remind me of you.” You murmured against the tender spot behind his ear.
“I know.” He said. His hands moved to your waist, fingers sinking in the flesh as he invited you to sit up.
You followed his direction. Once he could look at you, all of you, he took his length in his hand. “Inside?” He asked, checking in on you.
You nodded. “Please. Inside.”
He closed his eyes and smiled, pulling you close to his chest once more with one arm wrapped around your waist.
With the hand on his cock, he rubbed his tip up and down your slit, making you moan a couple times, whimpering when you felt his soft tip breach your walls.
“Tae...” You whined, his lips meeting yours and trying to suffocate your lament.
“Hush, Lace,” he said, touching your spine. “Is it wet enough?” He said, pressing his mouth to your temple. “Take your time, love.”
You inhaled and lifted your hips up before sliding down again, one inch at a time, your muscles constricting around him so hard that you had to stop.
“Too tight,” he said, trying to lift you up slightly. “I don’t wanna hurt you.” He said as he kept kissing your face. “Let me stretch you first, love.”
“No.” You whined, your hands stopping his as he tried to slide out of you. “I want it like this. I can take it, just… Easy.” You said, begging. “Please.”
“If it hurts, we stop. Immediately.” He replied, still unsure.
You nodded eagerly and let your hips lower some more. “Kiss me?”
His eyes turned into warm, happy crescents as he obliged, moving his lips against yours. His hips inadvertently jerked upwards, forcing one more inch into you, making you gasp and offering him the perfect chance to let his tongue slide into your mouth.
The kiss was the sweetest poison, with playful flicks and demanding swipes, the tip of his tongue licking the underside of your own as yours arched up toward his palate. In the erotic frenzy of it all, you completely lost control of your legs and before you could notice, he was completely sheathed inside you as he kept sucking on your wet appendage, bobbing his head slightly as your tongue, fully stretched out, methodically appeared and disappeared past his lips. It felt right, your tongue penetrating his mouth as his sex penetrated yours. It felt balanced.
It didn’t take long before your hips started moving, riding him, making him moan and lose the suction he had on your appendage.
Parting from him was a mess of spit, both your eyes and his opening and staring at the silvery string connecting your lips to his. “You’re so hot.” You murmured as his hands landed on your hips, helping you, just as your brought your own palms to your chest, pressing your breasts together, massaging them as they rolled with the way you were simply moving back and forth, not really focusing on bouncing but rather sliding.
Taehyung was immediately captured by the sight of your breasts caught in your palms, his hands staying on your hips to help you while his mouth landed on your left nipple. You quickened your pace as his thumb met your clit, making you whine. “How close?” You asked, brow furrowing as he tugged at your nipple while suctioning it inside his mouth. You moved even faster in reply, gyrating your hips too as he grew more and more eager on your skin, until his teeth had created an indentation on your areola and your nipple was too sensitive to stay inside his mouth, subjected to the ruthless whipping and flicking of his tongue.
“Oh my god, Tae, please, I’m—” You couldn’t put a finger on what was making you so desperately horny, maybe it was simply because you were just out of your period and you had been starving for him for almost a week, but unexpectedly you felt yourself near your edge.
“Lace for fuck’s sake, we’ve just started.” He grunted as he recognised your kegels pulsating around him faster and tighter. “Already?”
You nodded.
“Damn. So hot.” He huffed out before pressing his mouth to your other nipple, giving up on sucking it and deciding to simply loll out his tongue and press it flat against your chest. “Come on, nymph. Cum on my cock.” He swore as he felt you get impossibly tighter. “Fuck it, Lace. Ride it.” He said, removing one hand from your hip before you heard a loud smack, followed by a prickling, burning sensation on your left glute.
The muscles of your ass and legs quivered as you stopped for a second, his thumb restless at the apex of your labia. “Did you—” You shivered as he hit the perfect spot, “Did you just spank me?” You asked, all your muscles tense.
He froze. “… did it… I’m sorry…” He said, confused.
“No, I liked it.” You corrected him. “I was toying with you.” You said with a small smile.
He knew sometimes you weren’t in the mood for spanks and power play. Sometimes you just wanted to be equals and simply get lost in pure, extreme sensations.
He shook his head, incredulous. “Then keep going, nymph.” He said, before surprising you with another spank.
You gasped and chuckled before cupping his jaw and joining your mouths, your hips moving carelessly.
This time he grabbed your ass viciously before slapping it one more time, his tongue being twice as lively as usual as he licked your own tongue, revelling in the velvet paradise of your mouth. Once he felt your hips grow impatient, your movements irregular, he parted from you, throwing his head back, eyes opening, his long lashes fluttering dreamily as he let his mouth hang open before silencing a moan by catching his lower lip between his teeth.
Finally you felt pleasure taking over your body, Taehyung’s eyes opening and focusing up.
He gestured at the ceiling with a jerk of his chin. Following his tip, your gaze turned up. And met the mirror.
In that moment you realised how furiously you were moving on top of him, how eager and desperate and sexy you looked.
“Look at you. So messy for my cock. My little nymph.” He said, smacking your ass once more.
A short whimper exited your mouth as the hit took the air from your lungs.
Your high exploded while his thumb teased the underside of your clit, unprotected by the hood and painfully sensitive by now.
For a second, everything felt too intense, your hair wet and dripping down your back, the water grown cold by now, and his skin so hot, his nipples hard under your thumbs, his hands moving to your breasts once you didn’t need him on your clit anymore, his palms sliding on your half-dry skin and pressing your boobs together before he dove his head forward, dragging his whole face against the soft crevasse that your tits formed together. He started ramming his hips up, fucking into you as your movements slowed down.
He loved suffocating between your breasts, gasping hard as your heartbeat drowned his ears, your breathing like a feral, powerful creature beckoning him toward your dark lair of consuming bliss.
Biting his lip, frowning and groaning repeatedly, he slammed his hips hard against the back of your thighs, four, five, six times before he stilled and screamed in pleasure, the dark granite of the walls amplifying his animalistic sound before he bit into your breast, almost painfully.
Too bad you were still lost somewhere in pleasure, his body finally joining yours.
Maybe you would complain about the bite in the morning, when it would be red and sore and maybe swollen.
“____, fuck. Can we have monthly appointments like this?” He said, gyrating his hips tentatively while you gripped the tub, trying to find purchase as your body betrayed you and collapsed almost entirely.
“Monthly birthdays...” You mused, mouth brushing against the column of his throat.
“Do we really need an occasion to fuck like this?” He asked while his hand kneaded the soft folds of flesh around your torso. He found endless pleasure in feeling every aspect of you under his fingers.
And it never made you feel conscious. Rather, it made you feel appreciated, not like he was avoiding your absolutely average and healthy body fat, but more like his fingers were appreciating every detail of you, singing a hymn to your whole body completely devoid of flaws, praising it in the unwavering, glorious materiality of it.
You felt worshipped.
The shiver that ran down your spine rose him from his blissful slumber. “You’re cold?” He asked, pressing you closer to himself.
You nodded and mouthed at his neck. ��You feel too good inside, though.”
He chuckled. “It feels good inside you too.” He replied fondly. Sometimes you wondered how this cockwarming thing never made sense to you before you met him.
“But you need to dry your hair, love.” He patted your ass a couple times. “Don’t want you to get sick.” He said, “Plus, we’re going to be uncomfortable here.” He tried to raise his torso from his slumping. You helped him by sitting up yourself, his dick pulsating inside you and making your eyes roll back in pleasure.
He cackled. “Later.” He said his hands circling your waist and helping you up and off him.
As his cock slid out completely, landing on his belly, completely covered in your and his cum, you licked your lips.
“No.” He said, smirking, already placing his hands on your shoulders, keeping you from bending down and sucking him clean.
“Please, sir?” You whined, arching your brows and pouting.
He looked at your swollen, red lips, at your tongue lashing out to wet them seducingly.
He took his hands away. “Have your fun,” he conceded, his nails scraping your shoulders delicately as you bent forward, one of your hands catching your hair before it got messed up.
With your tongue you licked a thin stripe from the base of his cock all the way up to the tip before engulfing it in your mouth. You easily swallowed a good portion of him before pulling him out, nudging his shaft to the side with your nose and cleaning the messy marks on his belly and his pelvis where your mixed fluids on his flesh had imprinted the shape of his cock.
His moan was dark and sinful before he pleaded for a yellow.
You let him go without hesitation. “Are you okay, pup?” You asked, not even enjoying the mix of your and his taste in your mouth because of your sudden, urgent worry.
“Yeah. I just… I need a slowdown, please.” He said, touching your face weakly. “I’m getting cold.” He said, with soft eyes.
Your worry increased tenfold in your chest. First, you sat up and helped him up yourself. “Okay, Tae. Let me just rinse you, yes?” You called, removing the drain stopper and letting the water flow out before you cleaned up both you and him. The water from the tap ran warm — almost hot — a few seconds later and you managed to rinse him properly before he climbed out of the tub. You followed him and wrapped him up in a towel. “There you go, baby.” You said.
He smiled fondly. “Thank you.”
“Would you like me to dry your hair?” He asked, his beautiful hands balled up in cute fists as he held the large towel around his shoulders.
“No, baby, thank you.” You replied kindly and warmly. “Let me just rinse myself before I dry my hair. I’ll join you in bed in twenty.” You said as you noticed him linger close to the door, showing himself a bit too impatient and excited to head out, possibly to bed, with you by his side. Or on top of him. Or below him. Probably below him, considering you had just ridden him.
Caught in your head, you went back to the tub, rinsing yourself quickly and briskly before stepping out and drying yourself up gingerly, leaving your body slightly damp so that your body lotion would dilute a little with the sparse droplets left on your skin, so that it would absorb better.
Once your body smelled like roses from your breasts down, you rinsed your hands, applied your favourite hair care oil and started the hairdryer. It didn’t take long, fifteen minutes at large, before a rapping at the door interrupted your hair ritual.
You frowned. Taehyung wasn’t one to knock. Just to make sure, you lowered the setting of the hairdryer, waiting in case he did it again and making sure that you had heard correctly.
The sound reappeared.
You switched off the device and placed it in its drawer. “Yes?” You replied.
The door opened.
First, Taehyung’s face appeared, his hair ruffled and dry, his expression sweet and innocent. Was he wearing makeup?
No. Impossible.
He hadn’t actually washed his face yet, but he was definitely without makeup earlier.
His lashes looked longer. His lips redder. And he most definitely had enhanced those beautiful eyes of his with dark eyeshadow lining his upper eyelid, making his stare even more intense.
And was that a heart drawn on his cheekbone?
“May I?” He asked, suspiciously formal and courteous.
“Yes, of course.” You said, with a confused smile.
Next, everything made sense.
God bless him. You thought, your heart skipping a bit and stumbling down approximately sixty flights of stairs.
There, with a fancy silver tray and a fancier glass of red wine on top, stood your amazing, extravagant, glorious, mind blowing, seductive, sultry, indecently sexy, wondrous boyfriend. In a maid dress.
Your body did a strange thing, your mouth hanging open basically already drooling.
Was this how he felt anytime he saw you in lingerie?
“I thought my lady deserves special treatment.” He said, coming closer, placing the tray over the small counter near the sink.
The vinyl playing on the gramophone chose precisely that moment to come to an end.
The mechanic arm lifted and moved away, the plate slowly coming to a stop after all the spinning.
Not that you noticed, you were too busy staring at your boyfriend, imagining what you could possibly do to him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t assist you with your lotion, ma’am.” He said, standing, his hands joining before his stomach. “The uniform is a bit difficult.”
“Don’t worry, darling. All forgiven.” You said, your hand shaking as you reached out to touch his face. “You look incredible.” You said, completely dazzled. “Breathtaking.”
He blushed. “Thank you.” His eyes lowered coyly.
“Really, Taehyung. You look… I am speechless, darling.” You said with a big smile plastered on your face. “You’re unreal.” You said, drawing the shape of his lips, the pink lipgloss looking impossibly perfect on his face, emphasising the desirable curves of his mouth.
He stared in marvel too as you looked completely enraptured by his looks. “You like it?” He asked, insecure.
“Yes, of course I like it, love. You look too good, baby.” You reassured him, feeling a tad underdressed standing naked in front of him, while he had several layers of satin, ribbons, lace and of course, the classy apron. He even had puffy sleeves. And the corset tightened in a complicated lacing on the front. You took in every detail. “Do you feel good in it?” You asked, letting your index finger slide down his jaw, along the curve of his neck, to the small mole on his breastbone.
He nodded. “I’ve been tiptoeing around this for a while.” He said, his hand hesitant, his eyes asking for permission to place it atop of yours.
You agreed with a short nod.
“I didn’t know how you would react.” He said, his gaze guarded.
“I love it.” You said, tightening your hand around his fingers and rubbing his knuckles with your thumb. “And I love you.” You reassured him, pulling your joined hands to your face and placing a small kiss on his ring finger, where someday his wedding ring would lay. “Although we could do a few adjustments,” you said, staring at him with the eyes of a trained lingerie maker. “It could fit so much better on you.” You said, walking around him, observing the few points where the fabric slouched and flopped, unfit for his lithe body. On the back you noticed a zipper. You would remember that for later.
“Here,” you said, pinching the loose fabric around his slim waist. “And here.” You said, fingering the ribbons over his chest. “With slight modifications, we can make it more comfortable for you. And make it look like an actual uniform.” You said, standing behind him as he stood in front of the mirror. You bent to place a kiss on the crook of his neck. “How beautiful.” You said, your hands wrapping around his waist, appreciating how small it was, how elegant and expensive he looked. “Would you like it if I added a small accessory,” you asked, moving your middle finger to trace the column of his throat. “I was thinking about a choker.” You said, “something frilly. Maybe with a small kitten bell. Plenty of soft ribbons and lace. Make this neck look even prettier.” You suggested, placing another kiss on the other side of his neck, this time letting your mouth open and suck just a little.
You weren’t allowed to mark him there with all the upcoming music shows.
He nodded. “I’d love to.” He said, looking in your eyes timidly in the mirror. “But first I’d like to make myself forgiven for being late for the lotion.” He said, bowing his head. “Please, miss.”
Your head rolled back as pleasure travelled from his mouth to your ears to your core.
“Of course, kitty. As long as this is the way you want things to go.” You stated clearly. “I need your consent, kitty.”
“I want it, miss.” He assured you.
“Then proceed, kitty.” You said, wrapping your hand around his throat and tightening it affectionately.
He turned around and looked at your lips. “May I kiss you, miss?” He asked, eyes still deflecting your stare.
“Yes, kitty. Of course, darling.” You replied with a gentle smile.
He bent down slightly and swallowed nervously before placing his lips on yours, the taste was immediately familiar.
“This is not lipgloss, am I right, kitty?” You asked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.
“Yes, miss. You’re right, miss.”
Damn him. It was lube. Specifically, watermelon-flavoured lube.
You thought how long it would take for this to become too much. For him to become too hot and melt you until all there was left of you was a bottle of sap stored in the fridge.
And your title.
Your ears basked in victory at his perfect speaking manners. You had educated him properly. He was by far your best exercise in domination so far, his manners impeccable at all times when his submissive persona came into play.
“Come on, kitty. Show me how you intend to gain forgiveness.” You spoke sweetly, caressing the hair at his nape.
Soft. So soft. Always so damn soft.
He knelt. Slowly. Very slowly.
Looking up at you with pure, angelic eyes, he poked with his index finger first at your left thigh, and then at his left shoulder.
You grinned.
“You want my leg on your shoulder, kitty?” You asked with an amused smile.  
He nodded eagerly. “Yes, miss. Please, miss.”
You smiled proudly. “That’s a very good kitty.”
Taehyung kept a fond expression, saving his intentions to himself.
Let her think she won, he thought just as his hand landed at your ankle, his fingertips running up the back of your calf, your knee, your thigh, until he applied gentle pressure, inviting you to lift your leg.
Your cunt was right in front of his face, his nose sniffing at your smell, slightly adulterated by your body lotion.
He nuzzled his nose against the tiny patch of hair you kept atop your labia. He loved it without even knowing why. It simply turned him insane. All the time. Especially when he went down on you.
Your hand gripped the hair on the crown of his head, massaging the scalp delicately, but also trying to protect him from potentially bumping it against the drawer under the sink.
“Does it smell good, kitty?” You asked, smiling at him, taking in the view of him.
“Yes, miss. Can I please lick you, miss?” He asked shyly, his voice slightly more high pitched than usual.
“Yes, darling love.” You practically cooed at him.
He didn’t waste a second, his tongue ready to lunge for your opening before he stopped himself with a small gasp. “Thank you, miss.”
You felt even prouder.
God, he really is perfect.
“You’re welcome, kitty.”
And at that, the tip of his tongue brushed the tight rim of muscles lining your entrance, collecting your taste before flattening the muscle and dragging it all the way along your slit, delivering a series of hard flicks as his hands travelled to your ass, helping you ride his face straight away.
You enthusiastically followed his instructions, especially once you felt two of his fingers run from your backside to the front, sliding inside your dripping hole.
“Kitty, that’s very nice.” You said, huffing out an enthusiastic chuckle before it transformed into a sinful deep moan. You started directing his head, his tongue stretched taut past his lips while you ground your crotch against it. “Kitty, this is a very good surprise.” You said, praising him, petting his hair, your eyes closing as he moaned in approval, watching you as you grew more and more lost. You took the glass in your hand, taking a sip of wine and feeling it bloom in your mouth instantly, your cheeks warming up, your veins throbbing with the wild beat of desire awakening your every limb.
Your head rolled back, your hand immediately placing down the glass as you felt your high approach, his fingers sinking all the way to your cervix, tapping against it.
His lips captured your clit, sucking it a couple times before releasing it, pressing it to his front teeth with his strong tongue.
“Tae,” you called, too fucked out to care about pet names and stuff. Your edge was there, waiting for you, all you needed was…
He pulled out his fingers, making you cry out before they returned to their place. Shortly after, his thumb landed on your skin. Wet. Slippery. Right against the oversensitive skin between your cunt and your anus.
All it took was two gentle rubs and your body crumbled, all your weight going to the hand on the sink while your legs shook wildly, your knees too wobbly to survive your high; your other hand too moved to the sink, too scared of hurting your lover. His hands gripped you tighter instead, pushing you harder against his face while his tongue lashed out, the hard muscle grinding against your clit as he moved his head furiously in a nodding motion.
You weren’t sure you called his name or screamed or simply held your breath and stayed silent, your ears were completely out of order.
If it weren’t because of being on your feet, you would have thought you had passed out. Taehyung’s arm stayed tight around your waist while you removed your leg from his shoulder, trembling as you placed it down. “Holy hell.” You said, still gripping the sink for support. You looked at Taehyung. His whole face was covered in wetness, the heart on his cheekbone completely smeared, the only lube left on his mouth being the wetness coming from yourself. “You look amazing, Tae.” You complimented him. “A damn masterpiece.” You said, proud to your very core.
He grinned.
Kitty out. Tiger in.
“May I have some wine now?” He asked, no honorifics, no submission.
You grinned and bit your lip, wiggling your eyebrows.
He wiggles his right back.
Holding the glass, you took a large sip in your mouth, leaving a scarce finger in. You took a step back, bending at your waist and placing your mouth near Taehyung’s. He opened his mouth invitingly and you let a small amount dribble past your lips and fall into his mouth.
He patted his lips wider before stretching up surrounding your lips with his, making sure that not a drop got to waste.
Once he was sated, he placed a finger under your chin, moving it to your throat and wrapping his hand there.
“Now you’re gonna stand up and bend over, Lace.” He ordered, no trace of pliability in his demeanour, and no sign of mercy either.
You obeyed immediately.
“Hands on the sink. Keep them there.” You heard the sound of a zipper. Looking up you noticed that he was naked.
And that he was hard.
You licked your lips nervously.
“Lower your head.” He said, spanking you out of the blue.
So he was in a spanking mood. Mentally, you agreed.
“I know you want me like this. Uh?” He asked.
“Yes, sir.” You replied, inhaling deeply as his fingers drew the line of your spine.
His finger stopped at the middle of your back, pressing on your spine to make it arch until it became almost painful.
“Stay.” He said, grabbing the silver platter and balancing it on your ass. The cold made you hiss, but you focused on staying perfectly still. “Stay.” He repeated, “I need to wash my hands.” He said, before abandoning the platter on your behind and coming to your side, standing right beside you as he washed slowly poured some soap on his palm, opening the tap and wetting his hands rubbing them together as he closed the tap with his elbow.
“It is always a pleasure to look at you like this.” He said, taking all the time in the world.
All you could see was his legs, midthigh down.
“You look like you don’t have a dominant bone in your body.” He mused, making sure that the thin foam reached between his fingers too. “You say ‘yes, sir’ and you sound like the single, most obedient, pliant creature in the world. Like you were made to please me.” He continued, looking at the platter tremble slightly.
He decided he could rinse his hands and dry them.
In half a minute he was standing behind you once more.
With your head hanging low, you felt the weight on your backside diminish imperceptibly. The platter disappeared next, landing on the counter.
Taehyung’s left hand laced with the hair on your nape, moving your rebellious locks aside. Now he had the whole expanse of your back before him, naked and richly arched.
Considering the situation, he cocked an eyebrow, clicking his tongue.
Something cold, like a blade pressed to your lower back, your spine arching even further.
“Stay still.” He said, bending to your ear. “If you move I’m gonna whip you.” He said minaciously.
He didn’t expect a reply, so you didn’t offer any. Cold liquid slid down the crevasse between your shoulder blades, sliding down the dip connecting your neck to your ass. Then something hot and soft appeared at the saddle of your back, where it reached the lowest spot. You put two and two together.
He was doing body shots down your spine.
You were sure when something that must have been his tongue slid all the way up to your nape. “Delicious.” He said, his hand placing down the empty glass on the counter, his erection pressing against your ass. “Let’s see if you can take it.” He murmured, standing straight and tugging at your hair until you were perched on your elbows, his reflection and yours appearing in the mirror in front of you. Which reflected the mirror behind you. Which allowed you to see Taehyung’s handsome figure.
He licked his lip and tipped his head back, looking at you cockily before gripping his hard on, rubbing the soft, velvety head against your labia, spreading your wetness before he let the tip sink in.
You moaned desperately. “Oh god.” You called, closing your eyes and looking away.
He gave a sharp tug at your hair. “Look how good you take my cock.” He said, staying perfectly still until he saw your eyes open through the reflection in the mirror.
“Please.” You begged weakly.
“What?” He asked.
“Please, sir. I’d like you to wreck me, sir.” You whined, pleading for his harsh ministrations, looking at him through the mirror.
He grinned and sunk all the way in.
You screamed.
He spanked you.
You took it with a tiny hiccup.
“Does my cock feel that good?” He asked, backing out.
“Yes, sir.” You replied meekly.
He slammed in again. “This is how you like it?” He asked sadistically, beginning to drive his hips into yours with a punishing pattern.
“Yes, sir. Please.”
“You’re such a slut for this cock.” He said, gritting his teeth, the veins at his neck bulging as his tendons flexed.
“I’m your slut, sir.” You said, ready to cry for him, completely shameless.
He grinned evilly. “Just for my cock. Such a horny fuckdoll.” He teased, delivering one more spank and making you arch your back, the tip of his cock hitting the most perfect spot, “drooling for my cock. Spitting in my mouth. Riding my face.” He rammed in even more furiously, your brow furrowing as you stared at the view of his back muscles flexing as he railed you, his glutes flashing as he hammered into you recklessly. “You’re such a dirty slut. You love being spanked, don’t you?” He asked, landing a loud smack on your other asscheek.
“I do, sir. Please, sir, please please… pl— I’m— Oh, sir.”
He went even harder, his middle finger reaching your clit and rubbing it as fast as he could. “Is this what you want? To cum on this cock? You want my fingers, little fuckdoll?” He asked deviously. “You’re such a pretty nymph. Living to get fucked.”
As you tried to turn toward him and lock your eyes with his, looking for reassurance, you spotted the side mirror, offering you the whole scene as it appeared on the right side. You ended up hypnotised by the motion of his cock sliding in and out too fast for your unfocused eyes to actually capture the whole vision.
Your high crested before you even felt it grow. It overthrew you, your arms failing you, your knees bending and your thighs pressing together.
Taehyung had none of it. His hand forcefully parted your legs again before landing a hard spank on your labia.
“Stay still and take my cock.” He said, angrily keeping his hand on your clit and rubbing it faster while he made you stand straighter, your tits appearing in the mirror in front of you, bouncing as he rammed violently into you.
The high didn’t stop. It grew even more.
He felt you milk him harder and harder. “Cum again, nymph. Cum on my cock again. Make it rain and wet the fucking floor.” He said, growling at your ear. “Look at those tits. So fucking good.” He growled, just as you shook your head in complete helplessness. “I’m gonna suck them like a baby before I fall asleep.” He said, gently slapping one until his strokes became irregular and even more ruthless.
You pushed your own hips hard against him until you finally felt that uncomfortable sensation leave your womb, eyes closing, shoulders collapsing, knees shaking and wobbling until they completely gave out, Taehyung’s body following yours and saving you from the tap as your torso landed against the sink, your legs spasming and leaving the floor as you screamed Taehyung’s name, his hand strumming your clit until you went completely silent and he heard you sob and pant. “Tae.” You called, voice thin before every sensation stopped.
You awoke to Taehyung’s hand touching your face.
“Lace, darling.” He called, “____, love.” He murmured against your ear.
First you realised your legs hurt. Like you had done too much exercise. Next, you realised he wasn’t inside you still. Some part of you felt cold.
“Tae.” You said, confused.
“Oh, baby.” He said, smiling his biggest boxy smile, touching your cheek again, dragging your hair off your eyes. “Are you okay, dove?” He asked, simply looking at you.
You nodded, confused. “I think I blacked out?” You said, trying to stand straight.
He was immediately close to you holding your hand and offering you his body as your support. “You did, love.” He confirmed. “Are you okay?” He asked again, just as you felt your foot land on a wet patch on the floor.
“Did I… ?” You asked, looking at the small puddle there.
“Yeah… ” He smiled sheepishly. “I have your blanket if you’d like.” He said, hugging you to himself.
You shook your head. “Shower?” You asked.
He nodded. “Let’s go.”
He opened the glass door and switched on the soft lights there, set them to the softest tone and helped you in, holding your hand as he used the other to open the tap and test the water for the right temperature. He grabbed your hair tie near the body wash and offered it to you.
“We’ll just rinse real quick, yeah?” He said, leading you under the spray and pouring a small amount of soap in his hands, foaming in up and rubbing it against your legs, before reaching your crotch. “I’ll go easy here,” he warned before his hand skimmed your skin, making sure that you weren’t dripping his seed anymore. Once he was done there, he rinsed his hands and poured some more body wash, repeating the procedure and removing any stain of wine from your back. Satisfied, he pulled you into his arms. “I love you so much, Lace.” He murmured in your ear. “You’re safe here, love.” He reassured you, protecting you. “You are beautiful and strong and sexy.” He said, healing any wound he had caused with his dirty talking, putting you together after pulling you apart. “You are worthy of affection, and respect and love.” He said, watching as you turned and tried to clean him up yourself, his messy eye makeup dribbling down his cheeks.
Once done with the shower, he wrapped you up in his bathrobe, a bit too big for you, making you feel hugged and extra-pampered.
He patted your head with one hand as he removed what was left of his mascara and eyeshadow. And then he placed an arm around you, back hugging you as you both brushed your teeth, his body clad in a towel before he swapped it for a pair of boxers and a sleeping shirt.
“Let’s put you into this.” He said, grabbing one of his robes from his sleeping clothes and wrapping you up in it, lacing your hands with his as you both reached the kitchen.
You stayed silent as he helped you sit on the counter, standing between your legs as he reached for a bottle of water and two glasses, stretching to reach your sleeping pills. He offered you a glass and got a pill ready, passing it to you once he managed to work it open. “There you go, love.”
You nodded and downed the pill, forcing yourself to finish the large cup of water, just as he downed his own, looking at you and making sure that you drank it all.
You placed the cup down and hugged him, waiting for him to finish.
He took your hand in his again, keeping you as close to him as possible as he brought the cups to the sink and led the two of you back to the bedroom.
You climbed the bed absentmindedly as he entered the closet, coming out with a rather large tiger plushie and a fluffy blanket with a polar bear print.
Crawling close to you, he waited for you to remove the robe and slide underneath the covers. Next he threw the blanket on top of your body, making sure that it stayed close to your face. After that, he placed the plushie in your arms, tucking the blanket tight. On his bedside table, he switched on the air purifier, the gentle scent of pine filling the room.
The lights went off.
His body came closer to yours and you cuddled in absentmindedly, his limbs tightening around your shape, warming you up immediately.
“I love you, Lace.” He said, again.
“I love you too,” you replied softly before a yawn.
“My pretty dove. Beautiful dove. My angel… My fairy… My joy… My peace...” And with a litany of sweet praises whispered in your ear, you fell asleep like a baby.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Love Conquers All
Pairing: Yandere Nekomata x Kuroo 
Genre/Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Masturbation, Sex Toys, Manipulation, Moral Degeneration, Overstimulation, Cock Stepping, Dirty Talk, Degradation, Chastity Cage, Humiliation
Summary: Usually the term “love conquers all” is a positive thing, a beautiful thing. But in the case of Kuroo Tetsurou, it’s a damning thing.
A/N: Thank you for supporting me in this cursed pursuit as always and helping me beta read this chaos @sawamooora 
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Life is different after his 18th birthday, after that night with Nekomata. He should feel empowered, older, wiser, more mature now that he’s an adult, especially an adult who’s had his first sexual experience. But all he feels is lost and confused, unsure what to make of that night and he’s flustered, shy, a bumbling mess around his coach, internally cursing himself but unable to do anything about how he’s acting like a silly schoolgirl with a crush around the old man. 
Was it wrong to have slept with his coach? 
He knows there’s nothing wrong with the act itself, nothing wrong with a relationship between two men. But with his coach? Someone who he’s always seen as a father figure? Someone so much older than him? 
But could something so wrong feel that good? Kuroo blushes, biting his lower lip when he remembers the blinding pleasure he had felt that night, something stronger and more intense than any nights spent jacking himself off to photos of pretty girls. 
Really, it’s silly for Kuroo to be surprised when Nekomata easily picks up on the new awkward tension between the two of them - despite how hard the messy haired man tries to hide it. But he still jumps, stuttering and fumbling over words when the older man corners him in the equipment room late after practice one night, asking him what’s been bothering him. He’s still trying to muster up an excuse when a rough finger is pressed against his mouth, instantly silencing him and Kuroo flushes at how suddenly close Nekomata is to him. 
“Nothing has to change between us, Tetsurou. I don’t expect anything from you if that’s what you’re so worried about. I wouldn’t mind continuing things if that’s what you want, but clearly you need some time to work things out with yourself first. Why don’t you take some time to...explore.” 
Stiff with shock, Kuroo mindlessly accepts the plastic bag Nekomata carefully places in his hands, still unmoving even after the older man ruffles his hair fondly before leaving him in the room by himself. But when he finally finds the nerve to open the bag and peek at its contents, he squeaks, trembling hands picking up the bottle of lube and the prostate vibrator before hurriedly dropping it back in the bag and shoving the parcel to the bottom of his sports bag.
The hidden package weighs heavily on his mind, embarrassment and intrigue swirling in a chaotic mess within him as he makes his way back home, taking a shower and freshening up from practice. The pressure of the pouring water soothes him, the steam wafting across his exhausted body relaxes him, and curiosity has his cock twitching as he dries himself off - carefully locking his door behind him before rummaging through his sports bag and pulling out the gifts. 
It’s...intimidating to say the least, to do this himself, no guide or encouragement to usher him along. And he feels incredibly exposed and vulnerable as he gets face down, ass up on his own bed, whimpering at the strange feeling of the cool slippery liquid coating his fingers, jolting when he comes in contact with his own tight puckered hole. It feels strange, but in a good way, and before he knows it, he’s panting as he circles his rim, teasing the edge and slowly applying pressure to the center, gasping when his first knuckle finally slips inside of him. Precum oozes from his tip as he groans from how tight his ass clenches and clamps down on just one finger, slowly shoving more and more of the digit in until he bottoms out. 
Then it’s all repeated as he works a second finger in, drool dripping from his open mouth as he begins to scissor his fingers, spreading open his passage the way he remembers Nekomata doing that night, cock rocking up and down with every shift of his weight. He feels full, something satisfying and arousing about having his fingers shoved up his own loosened ass. But it’s not enough and tears begin to form in the corner of his eyes as he desperately reaches and searches for that spot inside of him, the one that had wracked him with so much pleasure. 
But it’s no good, and the tears stream down his face as he wildy shakes his hips and humps the bed, desperate for the same addicting pleasure he had felt that night. In the midst of his writhing, something digs into his body uncomfortably and he looks for the cause, only to be greeted by the other device Nekomata had provided.
He whines as he pulls his fingers out, feeling empty and spread open, hole fluttering as he liberally applies more lube to the extension of the device that will go inside of him. But he cries out, eyes shooting open, back arching when he inserts the massager inside of him fully, the tip brushing against his prostate, both hands grasping the bed sheets tightly to ground himself. 
It feels exactly how he remembers it from that night and he nervously picks up the remote that had come with the vibrator, unsure how much more stimulation he can take. He’s already feeling close to the edge from all of his earlier foreplay and the toy currently nudging and pressing against his sensitive spot. And sure enough, he’s instinctively screaming, furiously burying his face into the bed to muffle his loud cries as the vibrations start, mercilessly assaulting his prostate, and his hand reaches to his leaking throbbing cock, body convulsing and eyes rolling back into his head as he cums all over his hand, his stomach, and the sheets, collapsing in his own mess, lewd moans still being forced past his lips as he scrambles to find the remote that will end his delicious suffering. 
He slumps down into the bed, post-coital bliss washing over him. But as the pleasure ebbs away, he grimaces at the stickiness of his cum on his skin, whining in discomfort as he pulls the cold hard toy out of him, curling in on himself as disgust and loneliness replace any pleasure he had felt. And he can’t help but wish someone was there with him right now, mind going back to Nekomata and how he had gently cleaned up Kuroo and held him close after their time together.
Even so, he doesn’t stop using the gifts, finding at least some temporary bliss from the pleasure they provide him, even if the empty loneliness that overwhelms him after each time feels like it’s slowly killing him. And it’s only made worse the more time he spends with Nekomata.
Kuroo’s always been known for being perceptive, but he wonders if he’s now just paranoid when it comes to the older man, swearing that it feels like his eyes are always on him, trailing after him at practice, sweeping over the length of his body and facial features. But he hates how much he enjoys it, hates how he unconsciously flaunts his body even more in front of his coach, hates how his heart soars with all the generous praises Nekomata lavishes upon him these days, hates how he melts into every subtle touch those rough hands gift him with at seemingly every waking moment they’re together. 
It only makes him needier and as he furiously pounds his own ass, turns the prostate massager to its highest setting, he imagines Nekomata’s face leering down at him, his voice praising him, telling him how gorgeous and wrecked he looks, his fingers caressing his body.    
Nekomata smiles when the usually bold captain hesitantly lingers behind as the rest of the team leaves, patiently waiting for his shy kitten to tentatively make his way towards him on long lean legs, noting how adorable he looks as he fidgets in front of him. 
“Can I help you with something, Tetsurou?”
Kuroo is really too predictable for all his reputation as a scheming captain. It was so easy to play him, digging into the praise kink he’d discovered the younger man had, resting his hand on the boy’s head, shoulder, back, subtly brushing the swell of his ass when he passed by. He had been pleasantly surprised by how receptive Kuroo was to all of it, almost kitten-like in the way he instinctively leaned into his touches, peering at him with a twinkle in his eyes with every nice word sent his way and it had taken everything in him not to accost the boy more...aggressively for all his accidental teasing. 
But he’s glad he waited, smirking at how hopeful and wanting hazel eyes already look when he pulls him into his lap, letting Kuroo kiss and explore his body all over again, sitting back and letting the eager athlete get his fill. And God, if this isn’t the most beautiful sight in the world, long sinewy limbs wrapped around him, a tight ass clamping down on his cock, Kuroo’s face broken in ecstasy as he desperately bounces on his lap like a wanton whore, chanting his name over and over again.
He almost misses his shy kitten. Almost. But there’s something darkly amusing about what a slut he’s turned the model student into and he has to fight back a chuckle every time he likens the slutty man shaking his hips in front of him to a cat in heat. It becomes routine for the two of them and the last footsteps of the rest of the team are barely out the gym door after practice before needy hands are clinging onto him, a long lean body draped over him, Kuroo’s voice whining and begging for his cock, his cum, his help in making him feel good. 
It’s flattering and filthy how content Kuroo looks even with just his pretty mouth wrapped around his cock, how debauched and aroused he gets from being covered in cum, a cute pout on his lips when Nekomata tells him he needs to clean off the sticky white liquid painting his handsome face. But it’s exhausting and Nekomata isn’t in his prime anymore and even if he were in his prime, he’s not sure if he’d be able to keep up with Kuroo’s libido. 
Who knew the tall captain would be such a sex-crazed mess? It’s like he was made to be used.    
So he gets creative, finding new ways to sate Kuroo’s never ending appetite, leaning back and resting in his office chair as Kuroo writhes on the floor, well as much as he can when his body is bound in a hogtie, ball gag in his mouth to keep his volume manageable, blindfold over his eyes to add to the stimulation as the prostate massager in his ass and the vibrators on his cock and nipples relentlessly buzz and force him into orgasm after orgasm, only releasing him when his body stills aside from uncontrollable twitches here and there, smiling at the boy’s dopey and blissed out face as he hinges on the border of passing out from the torrential pleasure. 
But maybe he had spoiled the boy too much and his brows furrow in concern when he’s contacted by Kuroo’s academic teachers about a significant drop in his grades, annoyance flaring inside of him when they tentatively question if maybe he should quit volleyball or at least take it less seriously. After all, it is his third year and he needs to think about college. But he politely reassures them that Kuroo will be just fine juggling sports and academics, that he’s just going through...something at the moment and he’s prepared to interrogate his captain about what this “something” is, sternly and expectantly waiting for Kuroo to come out of the locker room with the rest of the team so he can pull him aside to have a word. 
Except Kuroo doesn’t come out even as the rest of the team begins to stretch. Hell, even Kenma is already out on the court and he angrily barks at the team to warm-up as he storms over to see exactly what the hold up is. 
For a second he wonders if Kuroo had left, the locker room eerily vacant and quiet, but he spots the captain’s sports bag and snoops around the room. And fury like he’s never felt before crackles through him when he hears the oh so familiar lewd moans and whimpers coming from the bathroom stall in the far corner. If he weren’t in such a foul mood, he might’ve laughed at the high-pitched yelp Kuroo lets out when he pounds on the bathroom door, demanding that he open up. But he only sees red when his captain sheepishly opens the door, shoving the half-naked boy back into the stall and locking it once again behind him as he crosses his arms and glares down at the depraved mess in front of him, noting how three fingers are still shoved in his ass, his other hand wrapped around his leaking and erect cock. 
“YOUR team is out there working their ass off and you’re here doing what? Jacking off like an animal with no self-control? Did you know your teachers called me, telling me about your grades dropping? They want you to quit volleyball so you can focus on college applications. Is that what you want? Want to stop playing volleyball? Want to drop out of school? Want to just be a common whore?”  
At least the boy has the sense to look ashamed, tears pooling in his eyes as he sniffles and pulls his hands away from himself, placing them by his sides in clenched fists. But it’s not enough and Kuroo wails when Nekomata’s sneaker clad foot steps on his still erect cock, grinding the hard shaft under the heel of his sole. 
“Cum then, since you obviously want to so badly. Enjoy it while you can because starting tomorrow, you won’t be able to play with your little cock whenever you want to anymore.” 
Kuroo can’t even fathom the threat, not when his mind is delirious with pleasure and humiliation from the front row view of his cock being trampled on by his coach’s shoe, and really, it’s pathetic how quickly he cums, making a mess all over himself and the sneaker still digging into his groin. But he fights the desire to just melt in post-coital bliss, scrambling to lick Nekomata’s shoe clean, as per the older man’s growled orders, frantically nodding his head and wincing at the harsh smack planted on his ass as he passes the old man when he’s told to go to practice and act like the captain that he is. 
If Kuroo’s being entirely honest, he had completely forgotten exactly what Nekomata had said to him, too caught up in chasing his happy ending to fully comprehend the punishment in store for him. So it’s a shocking surprise the next day after practice when the older man holds up a tiny baby pink chastity cock cage, and smugly looks on as despair and regret washes over Kuroo’s usually confident features, reveling in how the taller man falls to his knees and begs him not to do this. 
“It’s too small! There’s no way my cock will fit in that. It’ll hurt!”
“You give yourself too much credit, Tetsurou. Your little cute thing you call a cock is going to fit just fine in here.” 
Nekomata smiles at the way Kuroo flinches upon hearing his degrading words, rolling his eyes as Kuroo tries another tactic, promising him that he’ll behave, that he’ll get his grades back up, that he’ll be a better captain. 
“You know how I feel about empty words, Tetsurou. Prove it to me through your actions. When you show me you can get your act back together, I’ll unlock you. It’s as simple as that.” 
He raises one eyebrow when the boy’s rebellious bratty side decides to make its appearance, unamused as Kuroo hisses at him like an angry kitten, telling him he doesn’t need to listen to him, that he can’t force him. But he smiles at how docile and quick to quiet the boy is when he just shrugs his shoulders, telling him that he’s never touching him again unless he listens. Nekomata can see the internal struggle in those gorgeous hazel eyes as Kuroo’s pride and his desire for love and intimacy battle for victory. 
But love conquers all once again and he fondly smiles as Kuroo shuffles in between his legs, downcast but pliant as Nekomata encases his flaccid cock in the pink cage. He secures the contraption with a click of the padlock attached to the opening, letting Kuroo sadly watch as he hangs the key on a chain around his neck, safely tucking it under the collar of his shirt. 
 He lightens the mood as he pulls the captain’s body closer to him, teasingly swirling a finger around the boy’s puckered hole. 
“Don’t look so sad, Tetsurou. You still have this hole you can use.” 
And this time he doesn’t hold back his laughter when Kuroo’s jaw drops open in disbelief and embarrassment. 
Although it had been meant as a half joke, Kuroo does try to cum with just his ass, over and over again, desperate for any release he can find even if it more often than not results in him babbling and sobbing in frustration as his cock strains against its confines. Even when he is able to cum, it’s unsatisfying, leaving Kuroo even more needy as he cries from his ruined orgasms, the only proof that he still has a usable cock the strands of sticky semen that drip out from the hole of his pink prison.
Nekomata is quick to take advantage of his protege’s predicament, sneering down at the distraught mess that’s thrashing around on the floor, forced to cum from just his ass over and over again as the prostate massager vibrates against his sensitive insides, cock painfully and futilely straining once again to harden. He ignores Kuroo’s barely coherent pleas for him to unlock him, scowling at the still less than stellar exam he’s holding in his hands before he turns his stern look back to the whining mess on the floor. 
“Be grateful I’m even letting you cum at all with these pathetic grades, you stupid slut.” 
Kuroo has no choice but to thank the older man, even if he’s far from grateful as Nekomata pounds his ass and paints his insides white, keeping his seed inside the used athlete with a humiliatingly girly butt plug, dazzling with a gem heart on its tapered end.
But while the punishment the older man inflicts upon him in private is bad enough as is, what Kuroo truly fears are the days when he’s performed particularly poorly, when Nekomata is in a fouler mood than usual. And his heart drops when his phone vibrates early in the morning, a terse message for him to come to the gym before school starts displayed on the screen. 
Who knew Kuroo Tetsurou was such a cry baby? But he can’t help it as he sobs, fat salty drops trailing down his face while he bends over Nekomata’s desk, forced to accept the gaudy plug being worked into his fluttering ass filled with a fresh load of cum. 
He whimpers at the playful smack to his ass, his signal to stand up, and he obediently stays still as Nekomata’s hands teasingly fiddle with both the pink cage at his front and the shiny heart winking from his backhole, making sure both are snugly in place before pulling up the boy’s trousers. 
“Maybe you’ll be able to concentrate better with your ass filled. Don’t even think about taking that plug out. Do you understand? You’re going to think this punishment is easy if I don’t see my cum still inside of you after practice today.”
Kuroo wishes he could call the older man out on his bluff, but he knows how serious the threat is. No, not a threat, a promise. He shudders before fervently nodding his head in agreement, unwilling and unable to imagine how much worse his punishment could be or test his coach’s patience.        
But it’s not long before he wonders if there could be anything worse than this, gnawing at his lip as every step has the plug moving inside of him, the occasional nudges against his prostate making his cock twitch in interest, only to be uncomfortably reminded of how restrained it is. And sitting is even worse as multiple heads spin around to see where the startling loud gasp came from as Kuroo’s hands clench around his desk, sucking in deep breaths to calm himself as the new position, gravity, and the chair underneath him work together to push the plug even deeper inside of him, the tip relentlessly pressing against his prostate. 
He waves off his worried classmates and teachers to the best of his abilities, batting their concerns away with bold faced lies of sore muscles from practice, using every trick in the book to keep himself as relaxed and focused on his classes as possible. But it’s not enough, not nearly enough, and when he finds himself unable to stop his hips and ass from grinding down on the plug inside of him and rocking back and forth as his cock strains against its restraints, he rushes out of the classroom with a strangled excuse of going to the restroom. 
It’s pathetic how desperate he is, slamming the bathroom stall closed behind him as he pushes the toilet seat cover down, not wasting any time before he’s seated on top of the filthy thing, weight squarely centered on the plug inside of him as he bounces up and down, trying to find as much friction as he can without actually moving the toy. But it’s no good and before he knows it he’s full out sobbing, loud anguished cries echoing throughout the bathroom as he edges over and over again, unable to find any release, attracting the attention of his classmates who are quick to usher the distressed boy to the nurse’s office. 
There he finally finds some peace of mind when he forces himself to sleep, forcing his mind and body to completely shut down as the nurse draws the blinds around his bed, leaving him in his own private white cocoon. 
But he can’t sleep forever, can’t escape reality forever, and he blearily blinks as he’s gently shaken awake, only to practically fling himself into Nekomata’s arms when he sees the man at his bedside, incoherently sobbing anew and clinging onto his tormentor and savior. And when the old man successfully signs Kuroo out and reassures the nurse that he can handle things from here, he whisks his poor suffering boy away from prying eyes, cradling his long curled up form and gently praising him for being so good as he pulls out the plug, sharps eyes transfixed on the white trail that begins to slither down toned thighs.       
Kuroo’s always been a good student, a fast learner, and Nekomata beams in pride when Kuroo excitedly rushes into his office a few weeks later, a perfect score scrawled on top of his latest exam. He lets the taller man affectionately nuzzle against him and sloppily plant kisses all over his wrinkled face as agile hips grind and hump against him, practically demanding to be freed of the hellish contraption still cruelly denying him. 
How can he deny his good boy after he’s behaved so well? 
So he pulls the key from under his shirt, chuckling at how Kuroo squirms in his lap in excitement, a sparkling smile on his attractive face when the cage unlocks with a resounding click, panting and trembling as Nekomata slowly strokes his beautiful cock to its full erection. 
He lets Kuroo take his time, letting his kitten soak in the sensations of being stimulated from his front and back again as he sensually fucks him, letting Kuroo do most of the work as he slowly rocks his hips back and forth on top of him. The younger man’s hands dig into his shoulders as he takes one of Kuroo’s perky nipples into his mouth and uses one hand to continue stroking the athlete’s cock to completion. He smiles at how giddy and content the boy looks as he lets out a long drawn out moan, cumming all over his aged hands, and he helps him ride out his orgasm as he continues to stroke the messy slick covered shaft, finding his own release as he spills thick spurts inside of the pert ass clenching around his cock. 
But his smile takes on a mean sharp edge as Kuroo begins to squirm in discomfort, trying to pull away as overstimulation begins to kick in, only to wail when Nekomata just tightens his grip on the softening cock in his hands, forcing him to stay put and remain close to the older man, confused and pained mewls escaping the younger man as tears prick his eyes. 
“You didn’t think we were done already, did you? You’ve been begging me to unlock this cute little thing so much that I figured we should make as much use of it now that it’s free.” 
And make use of it he does, taking turns switching hands when they begin to cramp as he relentlessly milks Kuroo of anything he has left in him, cruelly laughing when he cums so much that his orgasms become dry, his cock unable to even fully harden anymore, his body shaking and trembling from exertion. 
When people think of Kuroo, they think of his cocky smirk, his confident demeanor, finding something incredibly attractive about the way he holds and presents himself. But Nekomata thinks he’s most beautiful like this, tears, snot, and drool streaming down his face, incoherent lewd noises filling the air as he babbles on and on, torn between moaning and begging him to stop, so weak, so pitiful, completely at his mercy, a mere plaything. 
But playtime is over and Nekomata sighs as he looks at the clock on the wall, yawning out of habit when he sees the late hour displayed and he smirks as Kuroo continues chanting “no more, no more, no more” between weak pleasured moans. 
“No more, Tetsurou? You sure? But you’ve been so adamant about wanting this. I thought you’d be happier about being unlocked, but I guess we can lock you back up in your pretty little cage if that’s what you really want.” 
Maybe he really had overdone it tonight, surprised by how there’s not even a pause as Kuroo frantically nods his head, pleas of “lock me up, please, anything you want, just no more, can’t take it anymore” slipping past his lips. 
Well, he asked for it and Nekomata gently locks his spent cock in the cage once again, patting Kuroo on the head as the exhausted boy slumps in his embrace and silently demands to be cared for and cuddled which he supposes is the least he can do after the torment he’s put the man through.   
It’s a mental rollercoaster there on out for Kuroo and he can’t tell what’s up or down anymore, doesn’t know what he wants anymore as he alternates between begging to be unlocked and crying for his cock to be locked away if it means he can take a break from the painful pleasure he's constantly  drowned in. And he just sobs harder when Nekomata shakes his head at him in exasperation, mocking him for never knowing what he wants, for always changing his mind, all the while coaxing more and more pleasure out of Kuroo’s exhausted body, breaking down any defiance or internal safeguards he has in place with every touch until all Kuroo wants is whatever relief and pleasure he can provide him, existing to keep the older man happy by any means possible if it means that he’ll be nice to Kuroo. 
And despite the tears, the confusion, the humiliation, it’s worth it, Kuroo thinks, when he’s being wrapped in warm arms and held to a cushy body, practically purring at the litany of praises Nekomata showers him with as he caresses and cleans the messy boy after yet another session together. 
But he blinks back to attention when Nekomata begins speaking. 
“Tetsurou, aren’t you tired of your fickle desires and always chasing after short-term pleasure? Don’t I always make you feel better? Give me total control of your body, when you get to cum, when you get to use your cute hole, when you get to use your adorable little cock and I’ll make sure you always feel good, okay? You might be a man now, but you’re still too young and inexperienced to know what you want. Trust me. After all, I have decades of experience on you.”
And suddenly he’s alert, lean frame tensing and eyes snapping wide open at the implication of his words. 
“But-but, you already decide all of that for me! What more do you want?"
Nekomata chuckles, coaxing the apprehensive man back into his arms, gently stroking Kuroo’s back just the way he knows he likes, smiling when the boy instinctively relaxes, melting into his touch. 
“That’s true, isn’t it? But from now on, no more begging for more or crying for me to stop. You’ll take what I give you and be grateful for it. It’s not about what you want. It’s about what I want, what I think is best for you.” 
He softens his tone when he sees the uncertainty swirling in those feline eyes, pressing his forehead against Kuroo’s messy bed hair. 
“You know I only want what’s best for you, right? You know I love you, right? I just hate seeing you so desperate and in tears all the time. Why don’t you let your pretty little head be free of all those worries? I’ll take care of you. Doesn’t that sound good?”
It- it does sound good. To not have to worry. To be loved. To be cared for. And Kuroo absentmindedly nods his head, nuzzling his face into Nekomata’s chest, long limbs reaching to further wrap and hold the older man closer to him, ignorant of the dark triumphant smirk spreading across his coach’s face, ignorant of how he’s sold his soul to the devil. 
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gogo-karasuno · 4 years
hey, I love your headcannons and want one where your basically list some of the characters kinks and why, as well as whether they’re dom, sub, etc. please do oikawa, kuroo, akaashi, bokuto, and nishinoya 🥺🥺
Thank you so much!!
I filled all characters but I’m putting this under a read more because it is super long.
He’s a total Switch but his default is acting like Bratty Sub. Touro’s really good at reading people, learning what their buttons are, and then relentlessly pushing them. As a Dom, he enjoys pushing someone till they get huffy and demanding; especially if they’re just as much of a brat as him. As a Sub, he really wants someone to put him back in line. You can have control but you have to fight him for it.
Anyone who has seen him for three seconds realizes he has a Praise Kink a mile wide. It doesn’t matter which headspace he’s in just tell him he’s doing a good job. I imagine he’s also prone to lavishing his partner with praise as well. It’s only fair that they know how amazing they are as well.
Over-stimulation is another thing with him. There’s this razor sharp edge between enough and too much that he enjoys skating across. The pleasure-pain is such a fascinating sensation. He’ll readily accept being overstimulated or offering the pleasure to his partner.
I also see him really into being watched and/or instructed at the same time? It ranges from a partner just observing him getting himself off to inviting other partners to watch or participate in the events of the night. There’s something above the attention that just gets him riled up.
I 100% see him as a Dom. I don’t however see him as someone who exerts his control with overt displays of power but more about provocation. It’s subtle nudges that gets you to do what he wants or keeps you riled up. I feel like an extension of this would be him enjoying a partner that can keep him on his toes.
Dirty Talk is a huge thing for him. It can range from flirtatious bordering on scandalous texts leading up to the night to extra excitement during the act itself. He gets to tell you everything he wants to do to you and actively encourages you to do the same. If you stumble over words or blush he’s teasing you but loves it. Should this be a skill you lack then he’s more than willing to teach you.
This boy will mark you the fuck up. We’re talking hickeys up and down your thighs, chest, hips, back, you name it. If you feel uncomfortable with marks showing then he’s more than okay with avoiding leaves traces in those areas. But, expect him to double up his efforts in other places.
Sensory Deprivation is another thing he really enjoys experiencing with his partners. A personal favorite is blinding folding them while teasing them with touches and words of exactly what he wants to do to them. His goal is to have them close to the edge before he even touches them. Don’t think this is just for his partner. Kuroo’s just as happy for you to return the favor to him. He knows he’s a tease and it’s only fair you get to return the favor on occasion.
I actually see him as another Switch. His default mode is to be Submissive because it gives someone else control. He’s very analytical and I imagine he tends to up in charge where he is in his life. So the bedroom serves as a great place to hand that control over. But, other times he wants to take point in there as well.
This boy is a literally nerd so I see him fucking loving sexting. What’s better than building up anticipation with lots and lots of words? If he’s feeling cheeky he’ll send you absolutely filthy texts where he knows you have to hide your reactions. The fact he’s great at holding his poker face makes it feel so unfair.
Feminization. I just see him really enjoying getting into his Subspace in a way that removes him from his usual life. Seriously, the flush on his cheeks as he dresses himself up in pretty outfits, puts on makeup, and does his hair is so relaxing. Or, you can help him as he goes by talking to him, picking out pieces or makeup, etc. Adding onto this is excellent aftercare for him includes helping him drop this persona he gets to adopt.
Between the literary and general creative streak I imagine him to have, Akaashi loves roleplaying. There’s so many different dynamics the two of you can experiment with as you go. Anything from generic romance tropes to whatever you dream up. There’s bonus points for having sexy costumes and good effort. Maid Scenes are a strong hit and who is the maid easily changes.
I don’t really see this ball of chaos having a preference really. The general sense you get from him is a more Dom role just because of how loud he can be. But, in the same way his moods can shift I imagine the same is for his preferences.
Another person with a Praise Kink a few miles wide. Just tell him how good he is, how much you appreciate him, etc. to really fire him up. Careful with the line though because you could end up feeling the night for a while. But, hey, if you’re into that then by all means push him.
Rough Sex is kind of a thing for him. It’s less to do with risking hurting his partners and more because of his excitement. Lots of hickeys, biting, hands grabbing hips, maybe some hair pulling, etc. But, don’t think this is just him acting on you. Oh no, not at all. Do the same to him. Drag your nails down his back, pull his hair, nip at his shoulder. He adores when you give what you get.
Bondage feels like something he would enjoy. It’s less about tying his partner up (unless they make that request) and more about helping him to focus on what’s happening. Think of it as a way to level the playing field. Instead of you reacting to him this gets to be his chance reacting to you. This is also prime time to turn him into a begging mess. The things this man will promise you while you straddle his hips and staring down into his eyes is wild. To really get him, sink down onto him and just don’t move for a bit. He’ll promise you ever imaginable thing in the world for that sweet, sweet sensation of movement.
I see Noya as another Dom but not in the traditional sense. This is more about how much he just loves taking care of you. There’s some thrill about knowing you’re feeling so good and it’s because of him. But, he also just wants to see you filled with bliss.
You making Noise. He absolutely loves to hear how much you are enjoying yourself. It could be moans, groans, streams of curses, just you name it. Nothing says, “I’m doing a great job.” like hearing you hiss his name. The cherry on top is if you’re a quiet person and he’s getting these reactions from you. It makes him beam with pride that he’s getting you to make noise.
Oral is a huge thing for him as well. Some days he may even take oral over traditional penetrative sex. There is such a level of intimacy that comes from letting teeth near some of your most sensitive bits. It is also something he firmly believes you should take your time with. So, when you blow him make it a building affair instead of jumping in at top speed. He’ll happily return the same for you while occasionally instructing you to look at him. Honestly, he’s getting just as much pleasure from this as you are receiving.
Short skirts or shorts with thigh high socks or boots. He canonically went to Karasuno because of the cute girls uniforms. I could see it occasionally extending to the full uniform aesthetic but I imagine the main appeal is the covered to uncovered leg ration. So, go for something that shows a little leg but not all of it. Tease him with those glimpses so you have a great time. Sometimes it becomes a quickie but others get drawn out. Great times for all the be had.
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Can I request BJ becoming overstimulated and having a meltdown and how each family member reacts to him and helps him please x
of course you can, anon, and thank you so much for such a fantastic prompt!
ok so, for a guy whose life seems to revolve around chaos, beej actually gets overstimulated pretty easily. usually it’s no big thing, just a matter of heading to another room and playing some music to drown out any other noise. at most, these sort of episodes last for like 15 minutes
sometimes, though, it gets a lot worse. maybe it’s because he’s particularly stressed out that day, maybe it’s because their was a particularly overwhelming stimulation, maybe it’s just completely random, but three times since entering the deetz-maitland household, he’s actually melted down
(wow, three times? what a convenient number for the writer!)
the first time was almost a month after he moved in, and everything was starting to fall into a routine (or, as much of a routine as they could accomplish with lydia and beej around to shake things up)
he had just been forcibly ejected from lydia’s room for Interrupting Lydia While She Studies crimes, and was wandering the house in search of something to do when he stumbled across delia, who was sitting in the living room doing her morning yoga
only, it was already noon. she wasn’t supposed to be doing yoga in the middle of the day, was she? it felt wrong, and her explanation (she woke up late and had an online university course in the morning) did little to reduce beej’s discomfort
she invites him to join her, and he does. after all, delia is always touting the benefits of yoga, maybe it can get rid of that feeling of Wrongness in the pit of his stomach?
the meditation music is too loud, and someone is mowing their lawn nearby, and he can hear the maitlands laughing upstairs, and oh god delia just lit some incense and the smell is too strong and he needs to leave right now but he can’t because all his body seems to want to do is clamp his hands over his ears and pull his knees to his chest and hide his face
it takes a few moments for delia to turn and look in his direction, but when she does all she can see is a tuft of bright purple hair sticking out from a ball of black-and-white stripes. he seems to be hyperventilating (which is extremely concerning considering that he doesn’t even need to breathe)
she moves to put a hand on his shoulder, a move that usually calms him down, but this time he violently flinches away, whisper-shouting a hoarse “don’t touch me!”
it doesn’t take long after that for delia to figure out what’s going on, apparently those online university counseling courses have been paying off, and she springs into action like a goddamn superhero
within the span of a minute, the windows were opened, she shouts up to the maitlands to close the attic door, and turns on some of that emo music that lydia managed to get beej obsessed with to drown out the neighbor’s lawnmower, before sitting down a yard or so away from him
it took eleven minutes for his hair to begin to lighten a bit, and another six for him to finally lift his head. he clearly didn’t have enough mental energy to even attempt eye contact, but he was looking in her general direction and that was enough
after a moment, delia spoke quietly, asking beej if he felt okay, and what had triggered the meltdown, and if there was anything he needed. her questions seem to take a while to register, and his responses are even slower, but that doesn’t matter, delia’s patient with her adopted son him
he leaves her and goes to take a nap after that whole episode, but that evening as they watch KUWTK together, he awkwardly mumbles a thank you to her. it’s long and sappy and full of feelings that beej would never admit to under duress. they both get a bit teary, they hug, and they keep watching kourtney rant about kim’s latest slight
the next time it happens is a month and a half later. he’s hanging out with lydia and the maitlands in the attic (charles and delia went off to have a date night), and lydia and beej are helping the maitlands glue down some parts of their town model
he’s hesitant to even try the glue at first because oh god that texture seems like absolute hell, but eventually the maitlands manage to convince him to just try it, that he can wash the glue off easily once he’s done
so he does, and his hands (as could be expected) end up more glue covered by far than either adam or barbara, and sit neck-in-neck with lydia in terms of overall glue quantity. but they’re turning in for the night, and the sensation of the drying glue kind of makes him want to rip all of his skin off, so he goes to wash it off
it looks like it’s washed off, sure. barbara showed him how to wash his hands so that no spots get misssd, and barbara is never wrong, so he knows that there’s not really anything left on his hands, but he can’t help feeling like everything’s still there and it feels more uncomfortable than it did before
so now he’s at the sink again and lydia wants him to finish because she also has to wash her hands, but hes busy scrubbing frantically at his hands to try and get rid of that wrong feeling and a frustrated yell rips from his throat, which lydia takes as an invitation to open the door
barbara is the first to rush over, pulling his hands out of the water, wrapping him an a tight hug (my boy likes pressure stims), and wiping the tear streaks from his face (wait, when did he start crying?). adam and lydia follow suit, wrapping their arms around him and squeezing tightly. they stay like that for a while
later, when everyone’s called down a bit, and lydia’s gone to bed, they talk about it a lot. adam relates from his own experience, and while barbara struggles to fully understand what it’s like, she’s used to listening and learning from her many years with adam
the third time was just a few weeks later. him and charles had gotten a lot closer in that time, and it was sort of a mutually accepted thing between them that, if he got overwhelmed or needed a quiet space, he was almost always welcome in charles’ office (unless, of course, charles was on a video call, because he didn’t want to take any risks and end up having to explain the context behind his adopted millennia-old demon son)
on this particular occasion, beej had been arguing with lydia about something small and insignificant, but it really seemed to annoy him. she told him to get out of her room, so, fuming, he went to charles’s office to try and calm down a bit
after a few minutes of pacing around his office, sighing loudly and overdramatically, charles asks him to sit down and explain. so beej sits down in the chair across from charles’ desk, and tries to explain, but he’s so frustrated that he can’t seem to get the right words out. and it’s the middle of may and he’s been pacing for the past seven minutes so he’s sweaty and his suit feels unbelievably uncomfortable, and it all becomes too much
he starts to sob, biting his hands (a stim that charles and delia have tried to curb with stim toys) and yanking at his hair as it turns from a light green to a dark violet
now we all know that charles does Not vibe with emotions, so he takes the most methodical way possible to avoid dealing with those. the window gets opened, he passes beej one of the many chewy stim toys that has migrated into charles’ office, and helps him pull off his suit jacket
the awkward silence that ensues after is unbearable for both of them, so charles pulls one of those businessman autobiographies out of his desk drawer, and starts reading aloud. he has no idea what he’s doing, to be honest, but it seems to be working because beej’s hair colour is starting to turn back to green, and his rapid breathing and sobs have subsided completely
beej ends up leaving awkwardly about ten minutes later, but that evening, when charles is working in his office, a tiny note is slid under the door. it’s a short, messy “thank you” note, but the spelling is impeccable (meaning he probably got the maitlands to help). charles sticks it on his desk when he leaves
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son-of-skarmory · 4 years
((Alright, everyone’s been making posts about their mental health right now so I guess it’s my turn. This is just meant to be a general thing-I’m not targeting anyone (none of this is single-instance stuff), and my main goal is just to raise awareness of what it’s like on my end. I’ll go into minor detail about that in a bit.
Basically, I want to make a PSA about IMing me right now.
Details under the cut, and if you read I’d appreciate some notification (like a like or a message, or even an IM saying ‘read your thing’. But as usual, no pressure to do it. Do what you need to do for your mental health, too.
tl;dr is IMs are overwhelming so please don’t overdo them with me. You can send them but please give me time and space.
So, as some of you have heard before, chats and IMs can stress me out to no end. Even texting can do it, and group chats are the bane of my existence. I stress out over missing things, and it can tear my attention away from anything else because I don’t want the other person to be left hanging. So I don’t use tumblr’s chat rooms and I don’t use d.iscord.
‘But Wings!’ You say, potentially frustrated by my hypocrisy. ‘We IM all the time! You send me messages, so am I expected to not send you anything?!’
And, no, please hear me out. I can handle short bursts of messages if we’re in the middle of discussing something like and idea. I can also use chat features if there’s the mutual understanding that there’s zero rush to reply, or sometimes even to respond at all. But I can’t do constant, and I can’t do small talk.
Right now, amidst all this chaos, my mental health is really struggling. A quick summary (that you can skip if you want):
I’m constantly dealing with invasive and paranoid thoughts (the latter especially about Dad). I’m almost always overstimulated, and my brain feels like it’s been wrapped in tulle. I don’t ever feel like I’m not anxious and I’m crying nearly every day, which is scary because for me crying can trigger migraines. 
My dad, who I’m mostly stuck with, is a bigot with severe hearing loss, and even with his hearing aids in it’s too loud for me to be in the same room with him (which is where my computer happens to be). He barely helps me take care of Benny, who currently needs a lot of stimulation that I can’t give him. Dad is also at extremely high risk when it comes to C.OVID-19 (and please don’t make and comments or jokes about it maybe being a good thing if he dies).
Work is a complete mystery. If we can even run Summer Camps this year, we don’t have the same budget as most years since we had no Spring Break Camps, field trip groups, or Spring after school camps. So if we run camps in person, I have to change up my projects bc we’ll have a limited budget for special materials outside what the center already has. There’s also a possibility we’ll do Zoom classes from our houses, in which case I have to set up space, limit my materials even more (since we’ll be sending out a materials list for parents to buy, and they probably won’t want to purchase plaster or block printing ink), potentially even dropping some classes. And also I’ll have to look at my hideous body on camera since I have to make sure the kids can see what I’m doing (meaning I might need an overhead camera?). My retail job is...I have no idea.
Plus, as of May 1st I have no insurance, I have to find a new therapist and psychiatrist, and one of my meds costs over $250. And bonus if I do end up getting that tonsillectomy that was supposed to happen while I was on my parents’ insurance.
Between no work right now and whatever happens with Summer Camps, it’s gonna be a heavy blow to my finances. And since I’m trying to file for state insurance, I had to get kicked out of my savings accounts. I can ask Mom to send me some money from them if need be, but just the whole concept of having almost no access to that money in an emergency is terrifying, especially since I pay for Benny’s food and vet bills. I know that this one makes me sound like the entitled white girl I am but I’m scared, okay?
So...yeah. Everything is a bit much right now, but I really want to be here. I just want to lay down a few guidelines:
Please do not IM me just because I’m on. This is honestly one of the worst things. Sometimes it makes me avoid that account for the rest of the day.
Please do not expect me to hold small talk via IMs. You’re free to come to me with more focused topics, but don’t IM me for the sake of IMing me.
Understand that I might be very slow to reply, and in some cases I might not reply at all because I’m stressed by life stuff or have nothing to offer. If I don’t reply, it’s not because I’m ignoring you or don’t like you. I just need some time or space or both.
I’m not trying to say you can’t IM me. In fact, getting IMs can be a positive thing, because then I feel like I’m being thought about and am actually important to people (which is something I’m trying to deal with, I promise). Someone checking in can very super uplifting. I love talking about characters interacting. But just understand that chats and IMs and DMs can be very hard for me.
...Yeah. I’ll try to spread this around to the other blogs over some time. I’m sorry this kinda turned into a vent session, but I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Please make sure you’re taking care of yourself as well, and please know I love you very much <3 ))
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everydayanth · 5 years
I’m gonna just go ahead and say a LOT of types of people have this, just at different tolerant levels according to their... well, mood for lack of a better word, though I suspect current identity is a more accurate description. 
Jake is super extroverted, but put him in an echoey room with reverberating sound, lots of people talking to him or each other, and ask him to focus on a repetitive task for a non-given amount of time and bam, he’ll run out of energy in a minute. Remove any one of those things and he could go for hours, frickin’ energizer bunny. But just one small thing, generally involving his ears, and he’s tapped out pretty fast, utterly exhausted by the time he gets home, doesn’t want to be social in any way, derives no energy from human engagement. 
For me, my overstimulation comes in, I think, doses of multitasking. When I’m trying to think about an idea, write it, thinking of another in the back of my mind, mulling my list of errands or to-dos, and trying to comprehend some media playing in the background or noisy people at the bakery, I just lose it. Not in a snapping way, but in a draining way, I get irritated and exhausted and I don’t want to do anything with anyone or alone, I lose all focus ability.
I’m glad there’s research about the idea that’s starting to become more common and understandable, but it’s still important to relate to the reality that we probably all exist on that spectrum of sensitivity, depending on our identities at that moment. Neurodivergent individuals, and maybe many introverts, will be closer to the sensitive side of overstimulation, while others might be further away. But as with any spectrum, I would wager there’s an inverse as well, I know plenty of extraverts who thrive in chaos, Jake is often one of them when his sensitivities aren’t being overstimulated. He can exist in seemingly any type of chaotic environment that is death for me, and too much non-stimulation makes him edgy and restless, a lack of stimulation gives him the same symptoms. 
I don’t think we live in an “extroverted” world, because I’ve seen plenty of extroverts struggling with the same kind of hangover - social scorn for being too energetic or wanting too much attention or pushing too hard to connect with people (not in a creepy way, just asking a sad person if they are okay, or being willing to talk about it). I think we have a misconception about what is or should be normal that no one really fits but some are better at blending into. And that, to me, is the problem. 
Where other social misconceptions and expectations have a norm that exists as a majority expectation (white privilege, classism, etc.), the personality norm is diverse, based on a whole slew of individual identities, and in every case, it is not the majority, because it does not exist and does not have power over others except through the perception of blending. A superpower among social creatures, the real thing we are judging as an “extroverted world” is an individual’s ability to blend into that expectation, gain the right amount of attention, and flatter others with charm and charisma that makes people like them and therefore do things for them. But that’s not a real person, that’s a character, how many films do we have about that exact thing. Ted Bundy was the social slap-in-the-face to the expectation so we keep making films about murderers who fit that norm - ahhh so unexpected! While The Greatest Showman used that caricature to smooth away the sharp edges of history and show a social theory of what a good guy looks like, what a deserving hero embodies - charm, talent, determination, charisma, a leader, look at this great human. There were no flaws in his pursuit, there were no questionable ethics, he’s just an extroverted man, charming, charismatic, loves his family, you want to be his friend, what a guy!
This conversation about navigating the norm as a person of [insert adjective - like introverted] identity keeps making the rounds in different spheres, and I know that it’s part of the steps to representation, that we first have to acknowledge diversity before we can treat it as the desired expectation, but when it comes to things we all share or embody that can’t be so easily put in a clear taxonomy, let alone a dichotomy of intro/extra version, I do think we need to start shifting that conversation to questioning the norm in general.
Does the world favor extroverts? No, no it does not. Extroverted girls want too much attention, they are to be mocked or desired or feared, they are always too something (often dramatic) to be judged fairly and are dismissed for that simple flaw of being too much. Extroverted men are the same but in different ways, often too friendly to get ahead or be trusted, too boisterous, too unpredictable, too something-else. It our world of false connections and internet activity, it is neither the introvert nor the extravert who wins, it is the person whose energy is self sustained, who doesn’t need peace or connection. Sometimes this is a good thing - their work embodies their goals or a mission larger than themselves which fulfills some internal gratitude, or they found a way around those social norms and found fulfilling roles that fit their personalities. But mostly, it’s a mentally unhealthy (I suppose that’s just my opinion) mindset that navigates society by adhering to the purported norms in order to get what they desire - murder sure, but also fame and fortune, stability and wealth, vengeance or recognition. The drive is not the motivation of energy or social facilitation, it is to fit an expectation of “normal” in order to “do as thou wilt” so to speak. 
Anyway, that was a long rant and I’m cutting myself off. The author of the article does briefly acknowledge a few of these ideas, but it’s still focused on the us vs them mindset when the real subject is: over or under stimulation can cause hangover like symptoms and that sucks, especially when obligated to personal responsibilities that change without notice, like work or family.
The idea that American society praises extroverts is a bit bullshit to me and the thing we actually praise as “normal” in personality is a character that doesn’t exist in anyone, and those who utilize it as a defense are often doing so in pursuit of personal gain, relying on neither introverted nor extraverted motivations. To dismantle that, we need to stop having dichotomous conversations, but start looking at the real world through that spectrum of ability, stimulation, social connection, and how we individually manage or give value to those ideas in our lives so we can stop expecting them and begin to move toward the freedom of diversity being the expectation in being uniquely ourselves. That way, the expectation is not that you fit a norm to navigate, but that you take the time to be introspective and know thyself, and then communicate that outwardly to those around you, so you know when you are being over or under stimulated, or in some cases, those who love you, who you trust, can communicate to you that this might be the case and offer the time and space to recover and get back to a healthy place.
Anyway... thanks for coming to my TED talk. 
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