#mental health stuff
gripes-withthesun · 1 year
Hate the word 'quirky' people call themselves 'quirky' and 'weird' and then go an bully autistic and psychotic people. Bring back eccentric, i liked eccentric. Autistics and psychotics should reclaim eccentric
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kitten-forward · 6 months
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This shouldn't even be need to be said but don't fucking report people who express being suicidal. I don't care how much you think you're doing it for someone's own good, it does NOT help us it only harms further
You are ACTIVELY harming those people when you try to be a goody two-shoes and tell on them when they get suicidal
Don't fucking report them to social media app features that have the report for self harm option. Don't fucking call a suicide hotline on them. Don't fucking report them to therapists, paychiatrists, cops, controlling parents or partners
It does not matter how uncomfortable it makes you - this isn't ABOUT you - it doesn't matter how much it goes against your cute little saviour complex thinking you're being oh such a wonderful kind heroic person by "saving" someone from themself.
When you report a person to any of those places it heavily risks hospitalisation and incarceration. Where I live it's technically still a crime to attempt suicide, they never overturned the law. And if you think being in a ward might help them - do everyone a favour and go check out the actual conditions in the wards and talk to psych survivors about how they actually are. Otherwise shut up about things you have no experience with.
Everyone should have a right to autonomy, especially bodily autonomy, and you don't have to like what they do with their own body for you to know not to take that away from someone. It's not your place to judge, it's not okay to be moralistic about bodily autonomy suddenly because you can't handle the reality of mentally ill people.
And it's not fucking okay to lock us in and remove us from society just because our disorders are too fucking ugly for you to look at.
If you absolutely have to help just talk to a suicidal person if they're up to it, just ask them what will help, and if you can't do that then leave us the fuck alone you snitches
And don't come at me with the law, if you had to be an ally to mentally ill people, to queer people, to women, to any kind of marginalised people, historically a lot of it has always included standing against the law and with us.
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andhumanslovedstories · 4 months
My new psych NP came back after our first meeting and was like “hey. I don’t think you have an anxiety disorder. You’ve consistently scored low on the anxiety assessments with your previous NP, and when you are anxious, you you can articulate concrete causes of that anxiety.” And I was like “having met more people with anxiety since I got that diagnosis ten years ago. oh my god yeah I do not have an anxiety disorder. I have a doing stuff disorder and then I get anxious that I haven’t done things. If anything in my day to day life I could stand to be maybe a little more anxious.”
So that’s a new one. I’ve been accumulating a lot of diagnoses as I get older and realize that maybe being intermittently suicidal isn’t a personality quirk, but today is the first time I’ve straight up lost a diagnosis. Graduated from anxiety, now just depressed with adhd and arfid and mild anemia✌🏼✌🏼✌🏼
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creatingnikki · 4 months
What it means to go easy on yourself
When you are having a hard time, the way you can go easy on yourself is by allowing yourself to be instead of trying to find answers to everything right away and fix things as if there are instant solutions to such deep-rooted problems and patterns.
Going easy on yourself does not mean indulging in self-destructive behaviour that will make you feel good for maybe a few hours or desperately seeking instant gratification in any way and form you can find. 
It means not jumping to conclusions or thinking too deeply or forcing yourself to figure it all out. It means eating well, getting enough sleep, brushing your hair, and having fruit.
It means laughing with a friend, going for a walk or lying down on the cool marble floor in Shavasana. It means constantly filling your bottle of water and carrying it everywhere with you and reading good books the ones that give you some comfort and leave you with a sense of warmth and hope.
It means engaging yourself in things that allow you to breathe a little better as you do all the functional things life is demanding out of you, like work and chores. 
Going easy on yourself during such times means you don’t take yourself so seriously because that is the quickest way to skinny dip in rabbit holes and camp there for extended periods. It also means that you say no to things and people who make you feel anxious, conscious, and uneasy. Yes, you should step out of your comfort zone and push yourself and all that but there is a time and place for that. And when you’re feeling such heaviness of being, that is not it. 
Not demanding more from yourself, not caving into the demands of others, not using your sadness and pain as an excuse to fall back on maladaptive coping mechanisms, not getting existential about everything — that’s what it means to go easy on yourself. So, please, do go easy.
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I don’t know who need to hear this.
but if highschool, college, university, or just anything like that is stressing you out to the point of suicidal thoughts and tendencies
you just have to quit, there’s nothing wrong with it.
your life is worth so much more than stupid grades or a degree.
for all the people in highschool who were always told “if you don’t do high school you will never get into college/university” I’m so fucking sorry but those people were lying their fucking asses off.
you don’t need a highschool education to get into shit, hell it’s mostly about the money. Knowledge is awesome and valuable but it’s not worth killing yourself for.
don’t burn out in highschool literally this is not even a fucking joke it DOES NOT MATTER fuck highschool.
grades are a sham, the education system is flawed as hell, and your life IS WORTH MORE THAN A 100%/A+
your life is worth so much more than that, grades don’t matter you’ll hurt yourself so much if you keep thinking that.
you can homeschool, you can become a apprentice, you can learn well anything you want online now! You can call up a local science teacher and ask them to tutor you, HELL! do whatever it takes to keep your life and your love for knowledge.
school sucks, I know too many people to say otherwise. Your feelings are valid you ARE NOT A FAILURE for not doing amazing at your homework or at school fuck anyone who says that!
genuinely those fuckers don’t know shit about anything, learning is mistakes and failures and learning FROM IT if you never got a chance to try again how is it your fault you didn’t improve?
don’t kill yourself over school that is such a stupid thing to do, you can quit school and still get a education!!!! people just want you to stay in school and get abused and stressed to death.
I taught myself so much, because the current ways we teach people fucking sucks ass.
remember the grades and numbers and all that shit does not matter, what matters is that you love learning things and you keep learning.
I will fucking slap you dead ass in the face if you say anything more, if your family is abusive and you have to be a high achiever? WELL still don’t fucking kill yourself over their dumb fuck obsession with you being “good at school” there’s no such thing as winning and losing at learning!!!!!!!!
genuinely there’s no such thing! You just don’t get it the first time! But learning and education is about love for knowledge it’s about kindness and respect it’s about finding new things it’s about being happy and knowing things you never did before!
it’s not about you “failing” it’s about learning that’s fucking it.
don’t kill yourself over the modern education system take fucking strikes, advocate for no time limits, advocate for better mental healthcare, advocate and SCREAM protest against it all.
your life is worth living, your life is beautiful and you have done everything to deserve it, you are someone is is worth something, and I will listen and we will fight.
you will get to the next day you will get to the next one after that you will live happily even if you think it’s impossible.
you will and you will love you will cry and you will see and dream and live a life YOU want.
abolish school, and we will make a new system that isn’t fucking what it was!
you are worth so much more than grades and papers, so don’t think so hard about it. You are you and you are worth it <3
-sincerely your local suicidal fucker
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emeryleewho · 2 months
I am legitimately *scared* by how common the "never tell someone who is psychotic that what they're experiencing isn't real" advice has become because psychosis is a very broad scale of experiences, and insisting that it be approached exactly the same for everyone is a surefire way to get people killed.
I'm not saying that advice is *bad*. There is a time and a place for it. If someone is deep in a belief, do not argue with them about whether or not that belief is real. You will not convince them, and you will make them feel isolated and alone. HOWEVER if someone has previously told you that it helps them to be grounded when they are slipping into psychosis, or if someone is teetering on the edge and is struggling to discern what is real, telling them what is or isn't real can help guide them back to baseline or finding help whereas validating their delusions could be downright dangerous.
I'm sorry that this is not simple and easy to follow advice, but that's because psychosis is not simple and easy to deal with. Another way to look at this is that it's okay to validate someone's feelings, but do not validate the false reality. If someone says, "I'm terrified my best friend is trying to kill me", you can validate their feeling unsafe but do not validate that their friend is trying to kill them. On the other hand, if this is someone who is well aware of their psychotic tendencies but simply isn't aware that this particular thought is a delusion, sometimes just talking them through it works. "Why do you think your friend is trying to kill you? Oh, I see. If I'm honest, they seem like a really good friend so I don't think they'd want to hurt you. Is it possible that fear is coming from another place?" I've had conversations like these with loved ones that have made them realize they were slipping into a delusion, which allowed them to adjust their meds, speak to their psych, or even just avoid reckless decision making until it passed. Had I just said, "Oh, I'm so sorry. Yeah, it's hard to not trust your friends." They may have ended the friendship on false beliefs or put themselves in danger trying to avoid something that wasn't a real threat. A big part of it is understanding where that person is and how deep they are in the psychosis, what their level of awareness of their own psychosis is, and what sort of help/treatment they are on and they prefer in managing their own condition.
Please don't try to mass enforce health advice you find on Tumblr. Please understand how nuanced these things are and approach them with care. And for the love of god, if somebody tells you what they need, *believe* them.
TL;DR: The way you approach a stranger experiencing psychosis is different than the way you approach someone you know well. The way you approach someone in a full-blown psychotic episode is different than the way you approach someone dealing with some psychotic thoughts or features. The way you approach someone who is well aware of their psychosis and actively working through it is different than the way you approach someone who has no knowledge of their condition. And as nice as quick tidbits of advice can be, the information you get from medical professionals, the individual, and anyone else in the know on that individual's care should supersede anything you read online.
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fanvoidkeith · 2 months
i think if i didn't have The Characters in my brain, i would've gone insane by now
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decolonize-the-left · 1 month
My grandma as most could safely assume, is an old woman.
One whos always struggled with mental health. And listening to her talk is heartbreaking for real.
Imagine with me:
Tw/cw: drugs, mental health
A woman who loves a man and gets hitched in Vegas. She is already fucked up and abused enough that when he tells her he went to jail for murder she says "well that's your past." She proceeds to be gaslit by this man for decades. She calls the cops and the predictably are no fucking help. There is no Google or TikTok she can use to learn about mental health. All she knows is people that should help her are Not helping. Doctors say she just has anxiety and write her off. The man? Gives her meth and starts an addiction then turns and tells everyone about it. Suddenly she's literally unbelievable to boot.
Am I shocked that a woman married to a guy like that with bad mental health and a society that doesn't give a shit about her developed paranoid schizophrenia?
Like???? How fucked up is it that I have to sit on the phone with her and say "I don't believe the world is out to get you specifically. I think cops and doctors just don't do their fucking jobs."
Like it sounds fucking unreal that how our country treats women and women with mental illness so fucking awful that it makes her paranoia WORSE.
My grandma truly believes that nobody is helping her because my grandpa is paying everyone off and seeking to make her worse. That this is all his plot against her specifically.
How do I even begin to get her to understand that no. The world isn't out to get her, it's just That Our Reality is THAT Fucking Awful?
And is that reeeeeally any better? How is that helpful?
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mandos-mind-trick · 4 months
Can I get real with everyone for a second?
Putting this under a read more cause trigger warnings in the tags.
So, as most of you know I've been on haitus for a minute and I've sort of mostly left the fandom side of Star Wars for the time being. I do have the intention of returning someday, though I have some other things I'm working on that I need to do for a while for a different fandom and those are going to take quite a bit of time.
But also as some of you know, I've been struggling a bit outside of fandom/irl. Actually I've been struggling for a long time, I just hide it really well. (I was also in the deep throes of a manic episode this last year and didn't really realize how much I was struggling until relatively recently.) I haven't really opened up a lot with many people, I haven't even really told my therapist this cause how do you start a conversation like this with a therapist you've been seeing for four months?
I'm gonna get really honest with a bunch of strangers on the internet though because for some reason that's easier. It's a lot easier, actually.
I've been struggling really badly with passive suicidal ideation since about August. I don't really want to live, but I don't want to die either. I have a lot to live for and I know I do and the thought of dying terrifies me, but at the same time things are so hard right now I don't want to go on living. This isn't new. There have been times in the past where I've felt like this but I usually come out of it relatively quickly.
I'm not this time.
I had a plan a while ago. Said goodbye to everyone I wanted to, said passively goodbye to a few others and was ready but I didn't. Honestly I'm beginning to regret it now that things aren't getting better.
My anxiety is at an all time high, my depression is at an all time low and I don't have any hope left. I used it all up trying to get through the last few times this has happened and now I honestly don't see an end to it. I know a lot of people feel this way and this kind of feels like, oh surprise, random person on tumblr is struggling mentally. What's new.
I just wanted to let you know because in a way I feel like I owe everyone an explanation and I also made a pact with myself to start being more honest with others and being honest with complete strangers (mostly complete strangers) on the internet is the easiest first step.
I'm not really expecting anyone to really read this and honestly I don't blame you if you don't want to. I really don't want to be another statistic but honestly it's so hard to avoid. I keep trying to find things to make me hang on but it's getting so much harder as the days drag on. I care about very little because what point is there in caring when it's all for nothing?
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monachopsis-11 · 1 year
Teacher: You should stop being so anxious!
Me: Oh my god you’re right! Why didn’t I think of that brilliant solution sooner? 😐
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seventh-district · 4 months
OCD will literally remove your brain's ability to register when a task is Complete and then create 10,000 incredibly ridiculous and extremely specific rules for you to follow in every single aspect of your life (to keep you safe, of course, it tells you.) and then tells you that if you don’t do them Correctly and Completely every single time it tells you to (it tells you countless times per day) then the Entire Fucking World Will End and then it’ll do this fucked up thing where it makes you believe that nonsense.
and then people that don’t have it will make silly little jokes about being soooooo OCD and make t-shirts with fun little acronyms on them like Obsessive Coffee Disorder and tell you how much they like it when things are organized and clean, too!!
and then you’re supposed to just. laugh. like you haven’t been robbed of your entire being and potential and been taken over by a mind and life altering disability
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kitten-forward · 6 months
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Making my separate post because I don't want to derail the other one but yk that post that says (rightly so) that even if you aren't able to sleep just lying down and not doing anything is more restful than doing something to pass the time? That's 100% a fact, and it has helped a bunch of people myself included, i think about that often.
However. As someone who has also been told this same thing in situations where it absolutely does not apply i do want to add some caveats.
If you are unable to sleep because you are experiencing a manic/hypomanic episode, don't force yourself to lie still, your restlessness might make matters worse, it will absolutely not be restful, and it is better to find something to do that will tire you out (for eg my therapist recommended jumping jacks)
If you are unable to sleep due to a sensory issues and find yourself barreling towards a meltdown, don't just lie there hoping things will get comfortable on their own. A meltdown is not restful. You do not deserve that suffering, change what you need to till you feel at ease enough to rest (even if not sleep)
If you are unable to sleep due to severe anxiety, don't just lie there and wait out the night. If you are that tense and high strung that is not restful. If a distraction is the only thing helping you with certain obsessions or paranoia then depriving yourself of that will not help. Take a while to practice your self help techniques till you feel unwound enough to rest (even if not sleep)
If you are unable to sleep due to some kind of psychosis, likewise allow yourself to work through it till you aren't as tense or distressed by it
If you are unable to sleep due to disturbing intrusive thoughts/impulses, allow yourself to find a release and talk yourself down to calmness, especially if you find the distress intensifying when your thoughts spiral out from a lack of something else to focus on
Lying down and doing nothing even when you can't sleep is good because it is restful. If it isn't restful this will not help. Remember that only you know best what is helping you. And please if someone says that just lying down won't help them then believe them and let them solve their issues the way they feel best. Maybe there is more at play than you know
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selectivechaos · 6 months
it’s okay if you can’t speak.
it’s okay if you’re scared.
it’s okay if you need help.
i’m proud of you if you asked for help.
i’m proud of you if you were too scared or tired or had too many cognitive distortions around asking for help.
i’m sorry if you struggled in silence.
i’m sorry if your pains or fears or disabilities were disregarded, unrecognised, or invalidated.
i hope you know how strong you are, to have social anxiety and yet keep going. because it is a lot of fear to carry in your body. it is exhausting and painful to believe you are constantly being judged. to hear laughter as a threat.
none of it is your fault. it is not your fault. and please be gentle with yourself :) 🌹🌹
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I just solved why iPad kids exist and why people hate them
holy shit how did I not figure this out it should have been OBVIOUS, it’s literally repackaged autism hate.
remember the shit people keep complaining about?
“They don’t understand social cues” “they don’t talk” “they are mute” “they only like skibidi toilet” “their attention span is so short” “they are loud” “they don’t like people” “they yell and scream”
all that shit, and more they keep saying.
oh my actual fucking god, they don’t care about the kids they just hate neurodivergent kids.
listen tho, listen to me.
I’m autistic/adhd, I used to yell and scream and meltdown, I used to be mute, I have a “short attention span” I am all those things. And I used an iPad, but I was all those things prior, I had always been.
There is no such thing as “iPad kid brainrot” ITS MOTHER FUCKING UNDIAGNOSED NEURODIVERGENCE!
It all makes SENSE, oh my actual god how the fuck did it take me so long to figure it out.
you may think I;m crazy but think about it for a minute, just please think.
the rise in autism and neurodiversity awareness, the rise of dignosis in women and children, and acceptance.
and also the fact that neurotypical people can pick autistic and neurodivergent people out immediately, and how they are reacting to iPad kids.
like think about it, it makes mother FUCKING SENSE!
why all of a sudden? Why not before? Why is there this burning hatred for these kids?
like it’s because they are the undiagnosed kids, they are the mentally ill kids, they present like this, I should know!
I KNOW LITERALLY LIKE 3 OF THEM! Personally and closely
you guys it all makes sense!
why it felts so icky to me, the demonization, and generalization.
just it clicks together now.
like holy shit, it makes so much sense.
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