#i really expected a closer game wow
kdsburneraccount · 1 year
(touches ground) something happened here
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head canons - slytherin boys confessing their feelings to you
check out my wattpad for more!! @st4rchxser
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✰ mattheo riddle
- it's late at night and you can't sleep so you head down to the common room to sit by the fireplace
- mattheo is already there and you don't notice it's him at first. you turn to go back to your dorm because you don't want to bother whoever is already sitting by the fire.
- mattheo hears you turning to leave and calls out to you, telling you to come sit with him.
- you spend hours talking, getting more and more comfortable with each other as each minute and topic passes on.
- it's nearly daybreak when you tell him you need to get some rest, he stops you as you get up to leave.
- "i've missed my chance all night, and i have to tell you now," he comes right out and tells you about his feelings, "i've always had something for you, and i just needed to tell you because after tonight i couldn't keep it to myself any longer. i understand if you don't feel the same way, but you just needed to know."
- you're shocked to say the least. you're surprised that he would have feelings for you because of his notorious playboy attitude he's flaunted for years.
- you tell him you also have feelings for him, but you're not sure about anything because of said persona.
- he pleads with you, "i promise i'm not playing with you, if you give me a chance, i promise i will be the best partner possible."
- and of course you give him a chance and of course he keeps his promise.
✰ theodore nott
- one night you and your friends were playing a game of 7 minutes in heaven when you were sent to a closet with theo
- he's been your crush since 3rd year and to say you were flustered is an understatement. he had also had a crush on you for years and wasn't in any better position.
- the closet was small and the two of you sat across from each other on the floor, your knees just barely brushing up against the others.
- theo had a watch on his left wrist he kept continuously checking, because why would he want to be stuck in a closet with you?
- you looked away from him into the darkness of the closet when you heard him speak softly, "we don't have to do anything, we can just talk."
- "about?"
- he didn't want his feelings to come out like this but when else would he get to be alone with you like this?
- "i have something to say,"
- you braced yourself for the worst. "i don't want to just sit here, y/n. because i really really like you, and have for a while now."
- oh wow. you did not expect that one.
- you lean in closer to him, pressing your lips against his. safe to say the both of you were satisfied.
✰ lorenzo berkshire
- he honestly would just come right out and tell you whenever he felt it was right
- he had been pining over you for two years and never found the right time to tell you. you were either all in a group or just never alone together in a place where he felt it was right.
- he'd rejected the advances of half of the school for two years waiting for you. no matter what he did, it just seemed like you weren't interested, which couldn't be farther from the truth.
- one night the two of you were smoking atop the astronomy tower, alone. the scene felt intimate and enzo knew it was the right time to tell you.
- he looked over to you blowing smoke out, the wind brushing through your hair, "you're so beautiful," he whispered towards you.
- you rolled your eyes at him, "enzo, stop, you don't mean that." Enzo is a flirty person, he's constantly saying things he doesn't mean to people all over campus
- "i do,"
- "enzo-"
- "baby. of course i mean it, why do you think i haven't been with anyone for the past two years? because i want you. every part of you,"
- he left you speechless
- "so if you would please give me a chance and let me kiss you, i could show you what you mean to me,"
- the kiss was electric and god, he really showed you what your meant to him.
✰ blaise zabini
- he would say something previously about liking you, but you thought he had been joking so you didn't respond with anything except a laugh
- for the next couple days he avoided you at all costs.
- he didn't say anything else until you cornered him forced it out of him.
- "why have you been avoiding me?"
- "right, like you'd want to see me,"
- "what are you talking about?"
- "i confessed my feelings to you and you laughed at me! like you actually laughed me!"
- what? when did he..? and then that's when it hit you.
-"you were serious? blaise i thought you were joking,"
- "why would i be joking, y/n? you're quite literally perfect and all consuming and any guy would be lucky to have you, i just thought i'd be that lucky guy, but then you laughed and i-"
- you cut him off with a kiss, there was nothing you hated more than miscommunication and making your friends feel less than they were. but the way blaise expressed his feelings to you, you could jump his bones right there in the common room.
✰ draco malfoy
- he would not be ready to tell you when it slipped out. you, him, and blaise were sitting together at the three broomsticks.
- it was a normal hang out that the three of you had. you started these a couple months ago when you needed a study break, and it because a monthly encounter - during these months draco had developed a small crush on you - blaise was the only one who knew.
- you were sitting beside draco, blaise across from you. the two of them held a joking banter, talking about who knows what, when you heard you name.
- "i'm not the one that's in love with y/n!"
- everyone froze. blaise's eyes widened and draco's face had turned a blushed pink. you were just confused.
- "i'm going to go refill my butter beer," blaise stood abruptly, leaving you with draco.
- draco turned to you, "listen, i'm not in love with you, i just like you, i guess, like really like you, and i didn't want to tell you because we've only been hanging out for a little while and-" he rambled on and on.
- "draco stop," he looked up at you partially afraid, "i like you too, and i'd love to go out with you, if you'd want to?"
- "yeah, yeah, i'd like that a lot,"
- "good," you scooted closer to him and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and laying your head on his shoulder.
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etirabys · 4 months
meandering post about reading Orson Scott Card again
I've been offline starting at 9pm every day (except once. I was drunk at karaoke and asked for anons at 8:30pm) for six weeks, with the result that in befuddled boredom two nights ago I picked up Orson Scott Card's Songmaster from the house bookshelf.
I read Ender's Game and three sequels when I was a teen thought the books were mid. Since those are OSC's best works I assumed he had nothing more interesting to offer me and didn't try more of him for fifteen years, but Songmaster was compelling enough that I immediately afterwards picked up The Memory of Earth, the first book of a pentalogy.
TMoE is extremely my jam: after humanity blows itself up on Earth, AIs monitor thriving human civilizations in the planets that survivors managed to escape to, and suppress any tech that enables large scale violence by exerting low key mind control via satellites. But forty million years pass, many of the satellites break down, and the AI needs help from humans to restore capabilities. Because as its control wanes, people are starting to e.g. conceive of airplanes or bombs again, and override the injunctions against entering military alliances more than two edges of connection away.
The AI is worshipped as a god all over the planet, but the fourteen year old protagonist that becomes one of the AI's agents tells the AI from the beginning that he'll break with it if its morality seems wrong to him. I like the fourteen year old – unlike Ender or Songmaster's protagonist (adult minds piloting ten year old bodies), he's a normal gifted kid who's unpopular 50% due to his ego and big mouth and 50% because he's socially inept and offends people even when he's trying to be nice.
Songmaster is also partly about a permanent solution to large-scale violence, albeit through one guy who establishes a monopoly on violence and sweeps in pax galactica. Both it and TMoE are preoccupied with the eradication of suffering from evil / human violence, which is closer to my resonant frequency than narratives about defeating particular people or ideologies. At the moment I can't think of any other book with such an insistent focus on the matter than T.H. White's The Once and Future King. It's hard to make a compelling story out of, and I don't think Songmaster really succeeds, but TMoE's premise is well suited to explore that. (I'm also enjoying the matriarchal culture where everyone is expected to have multiple serial-monogamous marriages.) After reading 70% of TMoE last night I wrote:
Usually when I read fiction there's a small part of me going, how can I use this as fodder for my own growth, how can I remix or improve or react against this, how do the author and I measure against each other? (If the quality and content are at an anti-sweet spot, the small part becomes quite large and I feel all teeth towards the author.) But on occasion I read something so close that the absence of that measuring-feeling is its own sensation – ego departs, or at least is split across two bodies. There's just amity and recognition
And it's pretty interesting to feel this way about Card for, well, the reasons.
(If you're familiar with Card drama none of the following will be new to you; I'm coming to it fresh so the rest of this post is me going "uh... wow")
I vaguely knew he was a homophobic Mormon who'd gotten into fights about gay stuff, but I couldn't tell from the Ender books I read. But in Songmaster his issues spring off the page in such a weird way. Every fifth Goodreads review of this book is "Card, u gay?" because, well,
(One review, possibly from a fellow Mormon, that went "Card, it's so sinful of you to be this gay in your novel". Why did he write this book that would predictably make everyone mad...)
it's full of gay male desire. The protagonist (Ansset) is approximately a castrato and characters notice him sexually a lot. The first and only time Ansset has sex it's with a Kinsey 4-5 male character he loves, who's married to a woman but has fallen in love with Ansset. It turns out the drugs Ansset took to prolong his singing career painfully and only-kinda-figuratively explode your balls when you have your first orgasm and you'll never feel sexual desire again. (You'd think his loving teachers would have warned him of that, but, whatever, they didn't.) The other guy is literally castrated in punishment for inadvertently torturing a highly valuable castrato. It's pretty bald: GAY SEX IS ALMOST IRRESISTIBLY TEMPTING BUT YOU SHOULDN'T DO IT.
(Sidenote: both Ansset and the guy's wife are very close and have a "there's enough love to go around" attitude about the gay sex initially, before they go "wait Josif is a SERIAL MONOGAMIST... he can only love one person at a time... the moment he had the gay sex his marriage was destroyed". It's funny in a mildly stupid way that Card would set up this parable of homosexuality destroying lives and a marriage but almost everyone involved is peacefully ready to sail into an open marriage. I guess it makes sense if you want to say very clearly that THE GAY PART IS THE BAD PART)
which is fascinating to me, because... why would you tell on yourself like that
(81k also told me secondhand of an essay? interview? where Card openly says "we have to stand against legalizing gay marriage because everyone will get gay married and society will collapse", so that's informing my read of Songmaster as well)
I am pretty dang open about my personal life online but if I had a lot of feelings I thought were disgusting and immoral I would not write a novel dripping with those feelings before pointedly castrating the leads for them. Especially if it wasn't relevant to the actually highbrow themes of (checks notes) winning over your adversaries with kindness and never relinquishing your monopoly on violence. I would be so so so so embarrassed to let this go to print, it's so psychologically transparent, what was he thinking
(Well, I assume he's a very different person with different social incentives. For all I know, people in his church went "hey Orson we read your book and it's clear that you're gay but signaling strongly that you won't give into the gay feelings, we're here for you, it was really brave of you to publish this".)
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gojoscloset · 4 months
“You smell sooo good.”
“Thanks! I taste even better.”
with JJK boys (Choso, Toji, Gojo ) NSFW/Suggestive
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He took notice of your new scent and decided to act on it. He complimented you but he did not expect what you had to say in return.
“Thank you! I taste even better.”
You give him a wink and instantly he was a mess. He was at a loss for words, his throat and mouth suddenly became dry and his mind couldn’t help but wonder if maybe you could help him quench his thirst.
Choso’s nonchalant expression switched up to a more shocked one. He looked away, tugging at the scarf around his neck to ease the sudden heat that reached his body. He was thankful for the baggy-ness of his clothes, otherwise a growing tent would be present for everyone to see.
He didn’t hold back, when does he ever? He caught a whiff of your scent once you got in his proximity and he couldn’t help himself.
“Damn girl, you smell good enough to eat.”
His lips curled into a smirk and made his way closer to you, the sweet aroma enticed him and whatever it was you were wearing was literally good enough to make his mouth water.
“Then why don’t you?”
You dared him and looked straight in his eyes, your innocent expression challenged him and he wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.
“You’re playing a dangerous game, chibi.*” Toji smirked and crossed his arms over his broad chest, he looked down at you, the size difference more noticeable as he closed the gap between you and him. Before you even said anything his mind wandered to all the things he could do to you. How he would bend and fold you and how he would have you at his mercy. He was known to be a demon with his mouth and questioned how you would receive him. Would you really be able to handle it?
“I know what I’m getting into, I think I can take it.” …
Satoru invaded your space, as always. He practically placed his nose in your hair playfully taking a deep breath. “Wow you smell delicious, is it new?” He smiled and moved his hands to waft the air closer to him, like you were some kind of freshly baked dessert.
“Thank you! And if you think that smells delicious just wait till you taste me.”
Satoru cocked a brow and gave you a confident grin.
“Hmmm. Sorry princess but I don’t think I CAN wait, you know I have a sweet tooth.” He licked his lips and moved closer to you, taking in your scent once again. “As a matter of fact,I’m craving something sweet right now.”
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Authors notes:
*Chibi can be used to call someone shorty.
I came up with the idea because I recently bought hella stuff from Bath and Body Works and I smell so so so delicious and have been getting compliments. LOL
Also I can’t believe I wrote for Toji 🤢 I h8 him but I did it for the girlies lmao
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 months
Alt Assistant AU - Game Night
Kara lets herself into Lena’s office, her greeting pulling her girlfriend’s attention to her.
“Hey,” Lena returns. At this hour, she should be tired, but there’s not a trace of exhaustion in the focused gaze that meets hers with a smile. “How’d it go?”
Kara grins. “I signed my contract with CatCo forty-three minutes ago.” 
Lena’s smile widens to beaming. “I knew you’d wow them.” She rises from her seat and leans in to press a kiss to Kara’s lips. “Congratulations, love.”
Lifting the bag of Big Belly in her hand, Kara shrugs her eyebrows invitingly. “Dinner to celebrate?”
Without a further word, Lena moves with her to the couch. Though she brings a stack of contracts with her, she holds off on reviewing them until after their burgers are devoured and the leftover fries long cold. Kara doesn’t mind Lena’s preoccupation– it gives her an opportunity to study Lena in profile, from the line of her jaw to the curve of her nose. 
“Hey,” Kara murmurs. 
“Hmmm?” Lena hums back, not quite looking away from the pages in her lap. Kara smiles.
“I’m hosting game night tomorrow.” Her declaration is met with a nod and another hum. “Wanna join?”
“Not really.” 
That’s another difference of this reality– this Lena declines invitations just as often as the old Lena used to, but not out of self-preservation. She simply feels no need to commit herself to something she’s not interested in. Most times, Kara admires her forthright, but tonight she can’t help the disappointment that courses through her.
Lena senses the change in her mood, and sets the contract down to look at her. “What’s wrong?”
“I want you to come,” Kara returns plainly. 
Lena’s brow furrows. “Why?”
It’s not an unreasonable question– Kara’s been hosting game not regularly since the reality reset, eager to reclaim one of the few things that helped her feel like nothing had changed. Lena has never expressed interest in attending, and Kara hasn’t extended the invite until now. But something has changed.
“My friends will be there,” Kara says. She lets her fingers trace the seam of the back couch cushion. She keeps her eyes on Lena’s. “I want you to meet them.”
Lena’s chin tilts to one side. “I see.”
“All of you are important to me,” Kara continues. “I want you all to know each other.”
She’s lived separate lives before– she has no interest in suffering similarly in this reality.
Lena’s pink lips twist into a smile. Her gaze teasingly turns askance, even as she gracefully scoots herself closer to Kara. “Well,” she purrs. “In that case…”
She leans in, and Kara closes the distance, capturing her lips– still tasting faintly of grease– in another kiss. 
“I suppose I can make the time.”
Game night is better than Kara could have imagined. In the previous reality, Lena’s first three game nights had seen her stiff and reticent, coiled tightly as though expecting a physical blow. But current Lena… Lena is on full display. All of her magnetism that draws investors in like moths to flame now brings Kara’s friends into easy conversation, her features bright and open.
She absolutely dominates at Monopoly, of course. And Trivial Pursuit. Kara cherishes every cheer of excitement when Lena succeeds, be it collecting rent or a correct, obscure answer. Lena’s clearly enjoying herself, which was Kara’s secondary goal for the night. Joining the two halves of her life will only work if both sides have fun.
The night ends when Lena heads out first. “Early meeting,” she explains, but Kara suspects she’s bowing out– at least in part– to give them time to report in and render judgement. 
When the door closes behind Lena, Kara takes a moment to deliver a load of dishes to the kitchen. She can’t help the grin that spreads her features– she can’t wait to hear her friends’ approval. But when she turns back to the line of solemn features lined up before her, her stomach drops.
“What? That– things went great! I thought—” She scans their faces. Alex, she can kind of understand. As her sister, she’s predisposed to being protective. Brainy, less so, but to Kara he seemed to be demurring to his own girlfriend, on whom Kara locks her gaze. 
Nia at least, she expected to be receptive to Lena. They’d been friends in the previous reality, to Kara’s recollection, and her easy-going nature surely would have left her primed to adore Lena.
Except Nia’s grimace is widest of them all.
“I dunno…” She draws out the word, stretching it into an audible apology. “She’s nice, I guess, but… she’s also a little… intense?”
Kara blinks in surprise. “Intense? How do you mean?”
Lena can be intense. Kara knows this. She wouldn’t be a good executive if she wasn’t. Nor would she be able to go head-to-head in a male-dominated industry. But Kara hadn’t seen that intensity tonight. She’s genuinely confused, and waits for Nia to elaborate. 
“Well…” Nia seems at a loss for words, and she shoots a glance at the others for support. “She’s, uhh…”
“Obsessed with winning, for one,” Alex delivers bluntly.
Kara stares at her sister. “You’re mad because she… won?”
“It’s more than that,” Nia follows up quickly. “I don’t know how to really explain it, but she just doesn’t seem to… fit.”
“She has nothing in common,” Alex continues. “And I don’t like how she treats you.”
“Like what?”
“You waited on her hand and foot the entire night! Like you were her assistant!”
“It just felt like there wasn’t space for anyone else when you’re talking to her,” Nia says softly. “It might just be me, but…”
“It’s not.” Alex all but scowls. “All of us felt it, and the fact neither of you picked up on how uncomfortable we were says more than it doesn’t.”
Anger starts to build in Kara’s belly, but the hurt in her chest tamps it down. A lump lifts to her throat when she looks to the one person who hasn’t weighed in yet. 
His expression is pensive. “I too noticed the magnitude of Miss Luthor’s presence, which perhaps may not be well suited to such intimate evenings between friends.”
Kara presses her lips together. She takes a deep breath, then a second. Once she’s sure she can speak without her voice breaking, she swallows thickly. 
“I see.”
“Kara…” Nia trails off when Kara lifts her hand.
“I know you all must be tired. I’ll clean up,” she says. Nia opens her mouth to protest, but Alex places a hand on her shoulder. The younger woman slumps minutely as she quietly sighs. 
“Okay.” Nia rises from her seat, tugging Brainy towards the door. “I’m sorry, Kara. I just worry–”
“Thank you for your honesty,” Kara clips out. It effectively silences Nia, who glances sadly at her before she and Brainy slip out of the apartment. It leaves Kara alone with her sister, whose gaze she studiously avoids. 
“I’m not going to apologize,” Alex states. “She wasn’t the only one in the room tonight, and she was too full of herself to see that the rest of us weren’t gelling. And you deserve better than someone who treats you like the help.”
Kara doesn’t respond or look up from the knot of wood in her butcher block table. 
“I know it’s not what you want to hear–”
“I need to get up early tomorrow,” Kara grinds out. She’s heard enough. “Please leave.”
Alex doesn’t push any further. She nods, reaching for her jacket.
“Call if you need anything.”
Kara doesn’t breathe again until the door clicks shut. Only then does she release the pressure in her chest with a gasp, as the tears splash onto her cheeks.
Kara had lied about the early morning, but she finds herself sleepless regardless. She waits until the sun rises before she finally texts Lena.
What’re you up to? She sends, doing her best to sound casual and unaffected. She thinks she might have succeeded when Lena’s pending response immediately appears in the form of three pulsing dots.
Work, comes the quick reply. Seoul needs some cajoling.
Kara sends a sympathetic emoji back.
Should have everything handled in a few hours. Meet me at the office at 10? We can go to brunch.
Despite the gloom hanging heavy in her thoughts, Kara finds herself smiling. 
She’s in front of LuthorCorp twenty minutes to ten, and sends a querying question mark to see if Lena’s already on her way down. Unsurprisingly, she gets a ‘ten more minutes’ in response. Kara decides to spend the wait inside, and makes her way up to Lena’s office. As the elevator lifts higher, Kara’s stomach sinks lower.
She won’t be able to hide this from Lena. Lena knows her too well, and besides that it wouldn’t be fair to let Lena believe something that wasn’t true. Still, Kara plasters on a smile before pushing the final door open.
Lena looks up, and her eyes spark with joy at the sight of her. She rises from her seat, meeting Kara halfway to the desk to greet her with a brief, sweet kiss. 
“Hey,” Lena says. “I just wrapped up the call. I just need to document what was discussed and then we can leave.  They were ornery, but I’m persistent, so they eventually came around.”
“I would expect nothing less,” Kara returns. She watches Lena return to her seat and soon the soft clicking of rapid typing filled the air.
“Last night was fun,” Lena says, glancing briefly up to catch Kara’s gaze. Her eyes are bright, betraying the honesty of her words. “And your friends are nice. I like them.”
“Yeah,” Kara breathes. Her fingers reflexively reach up to adjust her glasses. Lena’s typing pauses. She looks up at Kara for a poignant moment, and Kara can see the moment her walls shutter into place behind her eyes.
Lena’s gaze returns to the computer screen, and her long fingers resume their typing. Her tone is even, but the neutrality in it is clue enough that she’s more affected than she wants Kara to know. 
“It… It’s not that they didn’t like you–”
“Don’t worry about it,” Lena says coolly. “I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.”
“What I mean is–”
“It’s fine, Kara,” Lena cuts her off, irritation leaking through her facade. “It doesn’t matter–”
“It does to me!” Kara blurts. Her vision wobbles through angry tears. Her throat aches, but with the truth hanging between them the dam has broken. “It matters to me.”
Lena’s fingers fall still. Her gaze softens as her eyes find Kara’s. After a moment, she pushes her chair back and rises. Crossing around her desk, she leans back against it, arms folding over her chest. Lena studies the ground at her feet for a long moment before lifting her chin.
“Is it something I can fix?”
The question is plain yet loaded with thinly veiled hurt, and it breaks Kara’s heart to hear it. Then in the next heartbeat, anger flares in Kara’s chest. The one thing she admired most about Lena in this reality, the one thing she was never forced to do here, was to remake herself into something she wasn’t. To change herself to be more palatable to others.
And here she is, offering to do just that.
For Kara.
“No,” Kara croaks. Then, stronger, “no.”
Lena takes a deep breath. “Kara, I can see how much it means to you, to live your life as a singular whole. And I get it– I do. But I’ve seen this before. I know if it comes down to a choice between them and me… I know I won’t be the one to keep you.”
Her voice cracks, and Kara’s heart stutters to see the sudden tears in Lena’s eyes. Her own cheeks are already damp, and her breath hitches in her chest. Lena pushes towards her at the sound of it. Her palms frame Kara’s cheeks so gently Kara only sobs again.
“I don’t want to lose you,” she whispers, lips quivering. “Kara...”
“You’re not.” Kara swallows, her hands coming to rest on Lena’s waist. The contact grounds her, lending her the strength that drained out of her the night before. It bolsters her, drying her tears even as Lena’s thumbs brush them from her cheeks. “You won’t.”
Kara leans in and kisses Lena firmly on the mouth. Then she wraps her arms around her, hugging her close enough to whisper low in Lena’s ear. 
“I love you, Lena.”
Lena’s arms tighten around her waist, burrowing her face against Kara’s neck.
“You will never lose me,” Kara vows. Her jaw tightens. “Never again.”
She pulls away with another fierce kiss. Lena lets her go, but her touch lingers as they disengage. Kara backs up, keeping her gaze on Lena for a long moment. 
“I have to go. But I’ll be back.” She smiles. “And brunch’ll be on me.”
Lena does her best to smirk, and it almost reaches her eyes. “Promise?”
Kara knows it’s meant to be a suggestive tease, but the nod she gives in return is as solemn as a vow.
“I promise.”
Kara issues only a short text to the group.
My place. Now.
If any of them had other plans, her tone plainly supercedes them, as fifteen minutes later her friends are all sitting on her couch watching her glare at them.
“I am angry,” she states, unnecessarily. “With all of you.”
Nia is the only one to quail at her tone. “Kara…”
“You are so indescribably selfish, each and every one of you. And you have the gall to say Lena is full of herself?”
Alex’s mouth opens in defiance, but Kara doesn’t give her the chance to speak. 
“But you’re right about one thing– last night was a test. Lena might have failed yours… but you failed mine.”
Nia and Brainy look at each other, but Alex’s features don’t soften a bit. It only rankles Kara further.
“So what if she wins at all the games? None of you can pretend you wouldn’t do the same in her place.” 
Brainy’s head tilts in concession, but her focus is caught once more by Alex once more drawing breath to protest.
“And the fact that I wait on her, as you so aptly put it?” she barks. “That I refilled her glass and kept her snacks topped up? What you conveniently failed to notice is that she didn’t ask me to do any of that!”
“No, she just expected it–!”
“I did it because I wanted to! Because I wanted her to be comfortable around my friends! Because I love her!”
Her voice rings out sharply in the sudden quiet. Kara hadn’t meant to admit it to them, not here, not now, but she refuses to take it back. She lets her scowl deepen.
“I love her,” she repeats, this time calmer. She looks at each of them. “I introduced you to the woman I love, and all you could think of were yourselves.”
Nia’s guilt visibly deepens, her shoulders bowing in on themselves. Brainy’s chin lifts, suffering the accusation stoically without denial. Only Alex remains unrepentant.
“Lena is kind and confident, and wonderful. She’s also stubborn, strong, and ruthless when she needs to be. I will not let her compromise any part of who she is just because you can’t handle who and what she is.”
A beat of silence follows, before Alex sighs.
“She was your boss, Kara,” she points out. Her tone, at least, has softened. “A boss you hated. And now she’s got you wrapped around her little finger? I don’t buy it. I don’t buy whatever she’s told you about how she’s changed, just to get you into bed–”
“Enough!” Kara shouts. Her hand slices through the air, silencing her sister, if only for a moment. She trembles with rage. “Don’t you dare say anything about something you know nothing about–”
“I’m your sister,” Alex fires back, “I know plenty–”
“She’s not the one who changed!” Kara cries, finally shocking Alex to a standstill. “You say you know me, but I’m the one who changed. For months, I’ve been different, and none of you have noticed.” She glares at her sister. “Not even you.”
None of them seem to know what to say. Even Brainy, astute and perceptive as he is, seems perplexed. She continues to glare at them, but ultimately reaches for her purse to leave. She’s done with this conversation. 
“Lock up after yourselves,” she snaps. “I’ve got brunch to get to.”
She leaves them all where they sit, gaping after her until she slams the door shut behind her.
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emthimofnight · 2 months
Getting To Know You
AO3 Link:
Summary: Sonic knows Shadow as an enemy, a rival, and an ally—but a friend and co-parent? Hardly. With their newfound daughter fast asleep, Sonic takes the opportunity to get to know his other half a bit better.
“Well, Stellar is finally asleep.”
Sonic turned his head to follow the voice of his long time rival, Shadow, as he announced his entrance into the living room. He could read the exhaustion in Shadow's body language immediately, even from where he was currently seated on the couch. The game show Sonic had been watching on the TV faded into the background as his focus was drawn elsewhere.
“Oh, yeah?” He answered. “That's good. She took a while to settle down this time.”
Shadow shuffled over, grunting in half-hearted response as he unceremoniously collapsed into the couch beside Sonic. Sonic watched as Shadow craned his neck backwards, resting his head on the back of the couch and closing his eyes. Now that he was closer, Sonic could clearly see how messy his quills were; something that was out of character for the black hedgehog. 
Feeling brave, he reached out to pluck a loose quill from Shadow's head, flicking it away with a quick snap of his fingers. A few weeks ago, he would have surely been rewarded for such a breach of Shadow's personal space with a growl or a threat, but now all his rival could muster was a quick, non-threatening glare in his direction. Sonic smiled in return.
“Sorry,” he chuckled. “Stray quill.”
“You're lucky I'm tired,” Shadow grumbled, failing to sound intimidating. 
“Oh, wow.” Sonic turned his body to face Shadow's more readily, the space between them thinning by a small margin. “The Ultimate Lifeform? Tired? Who are you?”
Shadow turned his head slightly in Sonic's direction, cracking a half smile. Sonic had noticed he'd been doing that more lately—smiling—and he couldn't shake the happy flutter of his heart at the sight. It was nice to get along with Shadow. As much as he enjoyed their fights, he had always wished the two of them could be friends, even in a minor capacity. Turns out, the push they needed to get along was co-parenting their illegal government experiment baby. Who knew?
“The only reason you are not tired is that I always do all the work,” Shadow replied quickly, sounding a smidgen annoyed with Sonic’s teasing, yes, but amused regardless.
“Hey, that's a low blow!” Sonic grinned. “You and I both know she likes you better. She never settles down for me!”
“That's because you spend more time goofing around with her than actually trying to put her to sleep.”
“I only try to tire her out! The kid has tons of energy!”
“You only succeed in riling her up,” Shadow retorted. 
“Oh, c'mon, Shads. She loves you. I think she must have, like—imprinted on you when you pulled her outta that test tube. It's a miracle she doesn't cry whenever you leave the room anymore.”
Shadow made a soft, “hmm” in response. He seemed somewhat pleased by Sonic's admission. 
“Maybe,” he said quietly. He almost seemed lost in thought for a moment, a pregnant pause hanging in the air. Sonic held his tongue, something that he was learning how to do more frequently as of late. It took him a bit to figure it out, but Shadow seems to speak his mind more often if he can just shut up and try to listen. Rewarding Sonic for a rare display of patience, Shadow continued, “It's so strange to have someone rely on you so completely.” 
Shadow glanced his way, his eyes expectant. It seemed he was waiting for Sonic to interject.
Apparently, Shadow had him figured out, too.
“Yeah,” Sonic bobbed his head in a steady nod. “Honestly, I never really imagined being a dad. Never thought I’d make a good one.”
“Neither did I,” Shadow admitted. “I don’t even know if I can have children through… Conventional means, so to speak. I don’t think it was ever intended for me to be able to reproduce.”
Sonic bit his tongue, resisting the knee-jerk reaction to tease Shadow about “conventional means of reproduction” and what that might entail, knowing that would be a quick way to shut down their conversation if he wasn’t careful. He and Shadow had certainly gotten closer as a result of this parenting partnership, but there were still boundaries that weren’t meant to be crossed.
“Guess it doesn’t matter either way,” Sonic shrugged. “We’re here now, and we’ve gotta make the most of it.”
“Hmm,” Shadow hummed in agreement. “I guess so.”
For a moment, there was silence. Sonic found himself at a loss as to what he should say next, something that was happening to him more regularly in Shadow’s presence. Keeping the peace between the two of them meant he had to make an active effort not to antagonize the other hedgehog, but that also left him a bit confused as to how he should interact with him. This whole situation caused him to realize that he and Shadow rarely had regular, non-world-destroying contact, and now the guy was around all the time! He was so used to punches flying between them that casual conversation had him floundering awkwardly.
“You’ve been quiet lately,” Shadow said suddenly, cutting through the haze of Sonic’s thoughts. It was like he could read his mind, sometimes. 
“Yeah,” Shadow’s tone was something he couldn’t quite recognize. Shadow rolled his wrist, gesturing in circular motions with his hand, clawing at the air as if trying to conjure his thoughts into something tangible that he could grasp. “It’s… Hard to deal with.”
Sonic blinked incredulously, his surprise apparent on his features. Shadow gave him a glare and a curl of his lip, showing the pointed tip of one of his fangs, frustration creasing his brow. For once, Shadow was filling the silence between them.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Shadow growled.
“Wait—are you saying that you like when I talk?”
Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose, “I didn’t say that. I’m just used to you talking all the time. I don’t—” a sigh, “I’m not good with conversation.” 
Sonic felt his quills prickle with a foreign sense of delight. It wasn’t exactly a compliment, but it was close enough to one that it made him a bit giddy all the same. 
Sonic chuckled. “You know what’s crazy? I’ve been trying to talk less.”
Shadow raised an eyebrow, face contorting in confusion. “What? Why?”
Sonic, slightly sheepish, replied, “Well, uh…  You talk more when I’m not talking, so. Been trying not to steamroll our conversations.”
Confusion still colored Shadow’s facial expression, his ruby eyes focusing on Sonic’s face. Sonic chose to admire a corner of the room instead to avoid the intensity of his stare. 
“You? Trying to listen when I’m talking to you? Are you dying?”
“Ha, ha, very funny,” Sonic answered dryly. “Just figured if we are going to be parenting a kid together, I should probably get to know you outside of how hard you can kick me in the head.”
A snort of laughter came from Shadow, a sound that felt like a reward in its own right. He could count on one hand the amount of times he’s managed to get Shadow to laugh. 
“A remarkable display of forethought for someone as impulsive as you,” Shadow teased. 
“Ahh, the art of the backhanded compliment. A Shadow the Hedgehog specialty,” Sonic taunted back. “Seriously, though! Tell me your favorite color or something. For all the bad guy butt we’ve kicked together over the years, I feel like I don’t know you all that well.”
Shadow was smiling in earnest—at least, as earnest as someone like Shadow could muster. “That’s what’s top of your list? My favorite color?”
“It’s a start!” Sonic replied. “Since I know you are dying to know, mine’s red. Blue is a close second, though.”
Shadow rolled his eyes, his amusement betraying his attempt at brushing Sonic off. “Why am I not surprised…”
“C’mon, Shadow! This is what the more extroverted types call an icebreaker. Humor me?”
Shadow’s eyes were on him again, analyzing his motivations for this line of questioning silently. If there was one thing Sonic knew about Shadow, whether he decided to answer would be determined by his ego. Shadow was paused in consideration, so Sonic once again chose to wait for whatever answer Shadow would give him. 
“...Green,” he said quickly, eyes drifting elsewhere as he folded his arms across his chest. 
Sonic felt his pulse quicken with excitement. Shadow was actually entertaining his attempt to know more about him! He never thought he’d find the idea of knowing his rival’s favorite color so appealing.
“So you do have one! I was prepared for you to tell me you didn’t care.”
“I don’t,” Shadow quickly asserted. “But,” he continued, “if I had to pick, green is probably it.” 
“Cool,” Sonic said softly, the knowledge of Shadow’s favorite color finding a happy little spot to nest in his brain. “How about, uh… Weather? Do you have a favorite kind of weather?”
Shadow gave him a put-upon frown. “Are you going to keep asking me dumb questions?”
“You’re allowed to ask me dumb questions too, you know,” Sonic reminded.
“Bold of you to assume I have any.”
Sonic smirked, “I’m sure you do.”
Shadow let out a bark of dry laughter, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
In a moment of honesty, Sonic replied, “Yeah, man. I would.”
Shadow stared back in silent reply, his eyes scanning Sonic’s face for any signs of deception or trickery. He clearly hadn’t expected that answer.
“...Spring weather is nice.”
Sonic perked up. “You don’t mind the rain?”
Shadow seemed almost sheepish, suddenly. One of his ears twitched in agitation, a growl escaping his lips. If Sonic had to guess, Shadow didn’t appreciate Sonic’s prodding for a deeper explanation. Even so, he still made the choice to answer, “I… Like the flowers, I guess. Maria liked flowers.”
Ah. Maria. The main reason for a lot of the things Shadow did. 
“That’s a pretty good reason,” Sonic smiled, his tone of voice gentle. “Perfect weather for a long run.”
Shadow peered at him out of the corner of his eye. “What about you?”
“A nice sunny day with a good breeze is killer,” Sonic answered. “Man, I just love the feeling of the wind in my quills, yanno?”
Shadow nodded, humming in agreement. Despite the tension in his shoulders, he did seem to soften slightly as their conversation went on. It might just be a result of his exhaustion, but he seemed less rigid than usual. 
“I suppose I should ask you a question, then,” Shadow said, his voice almost sounding a bit amused. He shot Sonic a knowing look, clearly recognizing his interest would get a reaction out of him. 
He wasn't wrong, Sonic couldn't manage to stifle the smile that broke out across his face.
“Yeah, feel free!” Sonic encouraged, “I'm an open book.”
Shadow was staring at him again, and for a moment Sonic wondered if he had managed to scare him off from asking his question. Shadow didn't leave him hanging for long, though.
“...Why did you agree to this?”
Sonic blinked incredulously. Leave it to Shadow to ask the hard questions.
“Like… What? This game, or…?”
“Stellar,” Shadow affirmed. “Why did you agree to help me with Stellar?”
Sonic leaned back into the couch, scratching at his chin with a gloved finger. “Hmm. Good question.”
Why did he agree to this? He'd never really wanted kids, and he certainly never imagined having them with his rival. It was a concept that was so far outside the realm of possibility that to say the whole scenario blindsided him would be an understatement.
“…Well, it’s the right thing to do, for one. I could tell that you were kind of at a loss as to what you should do with her. You so rarely ask for help—especially from me—that I had to give it a try. Besides, you and I have overcome all kinds of crazy challenges in the past, how hard could this be?”
“It's by no means easy,” Shadow thought aloud. “But… It is easier than it would be if I were doing this alone, so. I suppose I should thank you for that.”
Sonic felt his heart do something funny in his chest. It reminded him of the sensation he'd get right before a roller coaster hit its first drop. He suddenly felt the urge to go on a run.
“Did you just thank me? You sure you don't have a fever or something?” Sonic teased. Even now, as he finally managed to earn genuine answers from his rival, he couldn’t stop himself from defaulting back to their usual banter. 
To his surprise, Shadow didn’t growl, glare, or move to swat at him with his hand. Instead, he let out a short chuff of laughter, his gaze drifting away and up towards the ceiling. 
“I must,” Shadow sighed, not sounding all that bothered. “Or maybe I’m just more tired than I thought.”
Sonic smiled, his expression softening as he observed the other hedgehog. His posture was uncharacteristically relaxed, his body succumbing to the comforts of the couch. Even the Ultimate Lifeform couldn’t fight the exhaustion that came with caring for a fussy baby day in and day out, it seemed. Granted, most baby hedgehogs weren’t capable of teleporting on a whim. Perhaps their unique circumstances were what truly crumbled Shadow’s typical unyielding resolve.
“Take it easy, then,” Sonic said gently. “Catch some Z’s while you can.”
Shadow turned his cheek slightly, peeking at Sonic suspiciously out of the corner of his eye. He was clearly looking for an ulterior motive etched into Sonic’s features. 
“Hey, don’t look at me like that!” Sonic protested. “I’m serious. I’m not going to mess with you while you sleep, and if Stellar wakes up, I can handle it!”
“I don’t trust you to handle anything,” Shadow muttered, lacking the usual bite in his words. 
“Hey,” Sonic half-laughed, “you could try.” 
“Hmm,” a hum of consideration. “For once, I think I might be too tired to argue with you.”
“That makes it sound like you enjoy it.”
“You’re delusional,” Shadow smirked before turning his face skyward once more, this time allowing his eyes to drift closed. “I’ll just rest my eyes for now. If you try anything, I’ll make you regret it.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Sonic replied, shifting his weight a bit to get more comfortable in his own position. “I’ll just be thinking of more questions to annoy you with while you recharge.” 
When his teasing wasn’t met with a response, Sonic allowed himself to observe the other hedgehog more freely. It was easier to absorb Shadow’s features when he wasn’t sitting on the other end of his intense stare. 
‘He couldn’t have fallen asleep that quickly, could he?’ Sonic pondered, peering at the remarkably relaxed face of his fellow co-parent. His breathing was slow and steady, his chest rising with every breath, making the snowy poof of hair that resided there a distraction for Sonic’s eyes. He was never able to grow any fur on his own chest—at least, not to that length—so he had always found himself a bit fascinated with the singular spot of white on the other hedgehog. Not that he’d ever admit it out loud, of course.
For a brief moment, he considered what it might feel like to touch the silky-looking tufts of fur, before quickly stamping that thought right back down where it came from. Sonic might be an adrenaline junkie, sure, but he certainly didn’t have a death wish. Without thinking, though, he must have drifted a bit closer into Shadow’s space, because he was soon met with that annoyed ruby glare once more.
“What?” Shadow growled, his hostile edge returning to his voice as his suspicion in Sonic was heightened. 
Sonic moved away quickly, letting out a nervous laugh. “Sorry, I thought for a second you’d already fallen asleep,” he admitted sheepishly. “I was just a bit amazed, is all. Made me realize that I haven’t really seen you sleep before.”
Shadow rolled his eyes before closing them once more, shimmying his shoulders a bit to settle deeper into the couch cushions. “I’m not going to sleep at all if you keep staring at me like that. Watch your stupid show.”
Sonic blinked, turning his head back to the TV he had been watching before Shadow had entered the room. Right. He’d actually been paying attention to that before he found himself distracted with Shadow’s presence. He wasn’t actually sure what was going on with it anymore, but it was a welcome escape from his own impulses to pester Shadow. It wasn’t like he actually wanted to bother the guy, it was just hard to adjust his behavior to fit their new normal. He was so used to their relationship being full of banter and petty competitions that he didn’t know how to just exist around the guy. 
He stole a quick glance in Shadow’s direction before refocusing on the television. From Shadow’s aloofness, it seemed he didn’t know how to exist around him, either. 
The silence between them was filled with the sounds of mindless reality TV entertainment, and Sonic felt himself slowly starting to relax. He hadn’t really noticed before, but his own guard was up when Shadow was around, too. It might not be the same kind of hostility that Shadow displayed, but it was still there. He might have asked Shadow to trust him, but that didn’t mean he trusted Shadow. 
He felt a tiny pang of guilt—what for, he wasn’t exactly sure. Yes, he’d always wished he and Shadow could get along, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the thrill of fighting with him. Being the fastest thing alive meant he was often leaving others behind, but that wasn’t the case with Shadow. Shadow was one of—if not the only—person that could keep up with him. If they became friends, did that mean Shadow would stop chasing him? Would he stop trying to surpass him? He wasn’t entirely sure he was willing to give that thrill up just yet. 
A soft, unfamiliar noise pulled Sonic from the depths of his thoughts. His ear twitched, finding the sound was coming from the black hedgehog that rested beside him. Did he just—?
A rasping exhalation of breath from Shadow’s nostrils confirmed it. Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Lifeform, was snoring. Not the kind of snore that was disruptive or cacophonous, but the sort that was soft, rumbling, and endearing. Sonic almost couldn’t believe his ears. 
A smile wormed its way onto his face as he observed Shadow in his slumber, a newfound fondness settling in his chest at the sight. 
‘Just going to rest your eyes, huh?’ He thought to himself, amused. 
Maybe he and Shadow’s relationship was going to be different from now on, but perhaps that didn’t have to be a bad thing. If the giddy feeling in his chest was any indication, there might be some thrills to find in this new alliance after all. 
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pixiesfz · 5 months
I'm thinking kcc.
But not just kcc.
Kcc, kcc.
If possible can you do like a sweet smutty kcc fic. Like it's their first time together and they both assume that they've done it before. But they haven't so it's not just their first time together, but they're first time ever. So they're just trying navigate things and it's really fluffy.
Ofc, you don't have to but I love this concept so if you can't ill ask another writer. I love your work, though so you were my first choice <3
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first time k.cc
plot: it's finally time in your relationship where you and kyra want to have sex but you both have never had sex with another woman.
warning: the fluffiest smut you will ever read
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The date had been beautiful and executed just as Kyra wanted it to.
First she picked you up from your apartment after your game which she cheered you on from the friends and family section, then whilst you showered she checked in with Charli if she could borrow her big picnic blanket for the night which she allowed her too.
When you got out Kyra ran to you and squeezed you into a hug "You played so well" she whispered before kissing your cheek "Thanks baby" you smiled, squeezing her back.
"I would still prefer if you played with me at Arsenal though" she teased as Teagan came through the tunnel "she's liverpool through and through my friend" she laughed and patted Kyra on the back which she scoffed at.
"sorry babe"
She took you home before telling you she had a date idea which you obviously agreed to.
Date nights with Kyra were always creative she never had a dull thought.
Sometimes it drove you crazy but at times like this you loved it.
"Wow" you breathed out as Kyra drove up a hill into a small, secluded car park that showed a perfect view of the city and the sunset that had just started.
"Do you like it?" Kyra asked, placing her hand on your thigh.
You blushed, placing your hand on top of hers. Physical touch was one of your love languages and slowly Kyra learnt that, you knew she liked it too, especially being held when walking.
You always accepted her late night walk cuddles when she got tired.
"It's beautiful Kyra" you smiled, turning your head back so you could kiss her lips, smiling into the kiss as Kyra turned your small peck to a longer passionate kiss.
"I have wine and snacks in the back" Kyra smiled as you pulled away, laughing at her small confession "I was wondering why you were in my pantry for so long you theif"
Kyra smirked "you have the best snacks".
You rolled your eyes playfully at her comment before looking back out to the sunset.
You both watched as the sun went down, hands together as comfortable silence fell in the car.
When darkness consumed the sky, Kyra, turned the car around and opened the boot revealing a laid out picnic with wine and snacks that she had promised you.
"Ky" you breathed out in awe of the effort she had put in "it's just a silly blanket," she said trying to lower your expectations but you laughed at her attempt softly.
"Well I love it" you said simply before pulling her into a kiss.
"Are we getting in?" Kyra asked before you both climbed into the back part of the car, looking out to the now dark sky that had stars littering around.
You both laid down as you subtly took pictures of the Australian next to you.
"Stop it" she laughed but you pulled your phone from her "oh c'mon you look so good right now" you whined "Delete it" she said sternly but you crossed your head "no way".
Kyra rolled her eyes before moving closer to you "would a kiss change your mind?" she asked with a smirk, once again you crossed your head "no but you can try anyway".
Kyra smiled before leaning towards you and capturing her lips with yours.
It was a normal kiss, something that you do everyday with her but tis time felt different, you felt at home with it.
You pulled her closer to you, her hands finding your waist as your heart beat faster.
was it going to happen?
You wanted it to happen but you were scared, you had never had sex with a girl before, you assumed Kyra had as you had never questioned her.
honestly... you were a little bit scared.
But your fear wasn't controlling you when Kyra moved her lips from yours and went down to your neck, you became aware of the soft music that was playing from the radio.
"Kyra" you softly moaned as she started sucking on a certain spot on your neck, making her spend more time there before going back to your face and encapsulating her lips with yours.
Your mind was spinning as Kyra moved you so that you lay under her. You roamed your hands around her back as her hands reached into your hair, you moaned when she slightly tugged at it.
When Kyra let go of you she breathed, something that she was screaming at herself for as she seemed like she would never need to breath again if it meant kissing you like that again.
You looked up at her, your eyes scanning her face as she did the same to you "do you want to?" she asked almost as of she was reading your mind.
You nodded before she kissed you again, her hands tugging at the end of your t-shirt as you helped her take it off her eyes scanning your chest before looking at you "you're so beautiful" she said before cupping your breast with her hands.
"Kyra" you whispered as her eyes went from your chest to your face "do you want me to stop?" she asked as her hands dropped "No" you said rather to quickly for your own liking.
"I've just-" you started "I've never had sex with another woman before" you admitted and she nodded "I-" she stuttered "I haven't either" she said, blush covering her cheeks.
"I thought you had" you muttered "I thought you had too" she revealed as you lifted your hand and pulled the piece of hair that had fallen behind her ear.
"We can work this out together then," you said with a smile as she nodded "I'm happy it's with you," she said and you smiled "I'm happy it's with you too...now can we not make me the only half-naked person in here"
Kyra rolled her eyes before she let you help take off her top as well.
You placed soft kisses on her chest after it "you're so pretty" you told her before she placed her hands on each side of your head and lifted you back to her face.
"you ready?" she asked and you nodded, she placed you down on your back before grabbing the top of your shorts and underwear and slowly pulling them down your legs leaving you completely bare.
You turned your head away at sight, something Kyra noticed as she placed your head back "you're with me" she reminded you as she kissed you again.
This time she didn't stop as she kissed down your body, her hands placed on your thighs that slowly pushed them apart, revealing yourself to Kyra who looked up at you for concept.
You needed her.
"please Kyra" you said before she finally licked your heat, both of you moaning at the contact. You watched her navigate herself as she hit different parts.
"you can use your fingers" you suggested as she brought her hand around your thigh and played with your clit with her fingers which led you to moan out in pleasure.
"that's good" you stuttered "keep doing that".
You felt Kyra grow in confidence as she went quicker, pulling her tongue in and out of you, she thrived off hearing your moans and when she felt your body start to shake she knew she had done well.
"I'm gonna cum" you whimpered as she moved her fingers from your clit, switching positions with her mouth as she entered two fingers into you and continued to use her mouth on your clit.
"oh fuck" you whispered as she thrusted her fingers into you "is this good?" she asked and you nodded your head quickly "I'm so close- I'm- I'm-" you panted as you released, Kyra slowing down but kept on going to help you ride out your high.
When you finished you brought Kyra back to your face, pulling her into a kiss not minding that you were tasting yourself from her tongue.
"Was I good?" she asked and you smiled "amazing" you smirked, your hands traveling down her waist and to the starting line of her tracksuit pants.
"Can you help me return the favor?"
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mulloey · 9 months
what you pay for • mingi
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you know what he’s here for (aka is it too late for a bouncy au idk)
warnings: western au, cowboy!mingi, prostitution, reader calls him sir but it’s not a kink, fairly dom!mingi, gentle choking, some slaps, threats of punishment, unprotected sex, me wrapping it up way too early because im tired
He catches your eye almost instantly. He’s a little taller and younger than most of the regulars here, scowl on his face as he surrenders his weapons at the door — “Shop policy,” drawls the old man with an outstretched hand. He curses under his breath, they all do, but doesn’t seem any less confident even without his protection. Though you’re certain he’s never been here before, he oozes the confidence not just of a regular, but something even bigger. Something untouchable.
You watch as he buys a drink, served by one of the other girls, and downs it like he’s been waiting for it for years. He mutters something to the bar maid and she blushes. You roll your eyes, imagining he’s trying to buy her a drink but she doesn’t flash the knowing look you all share as you accept the most expensive liquor he can buy, pour yourself some tea, and pocket the cash. So he must be saying something else. You don’t know why you’re wondering what that is — the nature of your job means strange, intriguing characters by the dozen — but there’s something to him you haven’t seen in a while. Endless mystery ends up cancelling itself out, but even as the unpredictable has become expected, he still has you wondering about him. You need to meet this man. Find out his deal.
You stay perched on your table, chewing on the candies your Madame made, trying to look uninterested and passive as you steal occasional glances at him. You take in his broad back and the dark hair hidden beneath his hat before he turns around and finally sees you. Finally, he gets up, thanking the girl for his drink before he approaches you, coming to a stop next to your table. He puts a large, rough hand down onto the wood, just inches from your leg. He shoots a one-sided smile as his eyes rake over you.
“Barmaid says you’re down to play,” he gruffs and wow, his voice is low, low and rough and electrifying. It has you blushing, and this time when you flutter your eyelashes just as Madame taught you, you really mean it.
“I don’t know what you mean,” you giggle. He cocks an eyebrow, amused, and leans in closer.
“That a yes?” He chuckles. You watch as his hand moves along the wood towards your bare leg, tantalisingly close. “If it's not, you can feel free to move your leg outta my way,” he says lowly. You smile, keeping eye contact as you ever so slightly move towards him. He’s toying with you — but this is your game.
When his hand finally reaches you, curling around your ankle, it’s not as dramatic a moment as you expected, as he probably wanted, but it does feel different. Good. Right. And watching his dirtied hand sullying your skin as he runs it up your leg is strangely thrilling. As a saloon girl you’re by no means pure, but the presence, the demeanour of this man has you wanting him to find the one last tiny piece of you that is yet untainted, and crush it in his hands.
His smirk says he knows what you’re thinking but, still respectful, his hand stills before it can go under your skirts and towards your heat, but his grip on your lower thigh is tight and wanting. “You work upstairs?” He asks and you grin.
“Yes, Sir,” you breathe. He helps you off the table and you nod at another bar maid, letting her know what you’re doing before you lead him upstairs and towards your private rooms.
When the door of your room slams shut his hands are already on you, up your skirt, across your face and every inch of you he can reach. His kiss is hungry and desperate but a hand on your neck puts him firmly in control. “Fuck, little girl,” he groans. “You want it?”
Your head falls back as his lips latch onto your neck. Your grip on his waist tightens. “Yeah,” you breathe. “Fuck.”
He smacks his hand scoldingly against your thigh, brows furrowed. “Don’t dirty that pretty mouth,” he breathes. “Terrible language for a lady.”
You laugh softly at that. “You’re the first— fu—” you catch yourself before the cuss leaves your mouth, instead going for a vague, strangled sort of groan and he snorts, but the pleased look on his face encourages you. “You’re the first in a while to call me a lady,” you finish.
“Well you ain’t a man,” he laughs. “Let’s just—” You gasp when his hand finally reaches your pussy, sliding into your panties and finding your clit instantly. He smiles. “Yeah, definitely a lady. Got the pretty little parts to match.”
A long finger penetrates you slowly, as gentle as if you were a still virgin, tight and unbroken. You push into it desperately, whining when he starts to rub slow circles on your clit. You’re more than experienced with men, but you enjoy this careful treatment. You feel almost… cherished.
The finger inside you finds your spot and you cry out, jolting against him until his other hand wraps easily around your neck, holding you still against the door. “Fuck, Sir—”
“Mingi,” he interrupts. “You can call me Mingi, I— fuck, I wanna hear you say my name.”
If you weren’t so wound up you’d smirk — names are not commonplace here, even regulars preferring to keep theirs private lest the sheriff come knocking, so for him to hand out his purely out of desperation to hear you say it must mean he wants you just as badly.
“Mingi,” you moan and he grunts, curling his finger inside you.
“Yeah, baby,” he whispers. “Sounds so good.”
“Then fuck me,” you say and he chuckles, shaking his head.
“Tellin’ me what to do now, doll?” He asks. “Don’t do that. You’re fuckin’ electric but I’ll spank you if you get cocky.”
You huff but nod your head. You strangely love the way he talks down to you, telling you what to do and scolding you like a little girl. It’s somehow different from the others, the endless men who traipse into your room and speak to you like a common whore. Perhaps the difference is how Mingi strokes your neck so gently as he humiliates you. Or maybe it’s the finger that fucks your cunt like no one has ever even tried to. But it doesn’t matter. This man is addictive and you already know you’ll do anything to get your fix.
His eyes are piercing as they stare you down, lips twitching as he observes your reaction to every movement. “I do think you deserve it, though,” he says. “To get fucked.”
You should be humiliated by the way you nod fervently, like you’ve been starved of this your whole life, but you’re not. Right now you’re capable of any emotion but unbridled desire and desperation. “Please,” you whisper. “Please, Mingi.”
“Get on the bed,” he orders, smiling sweetly as his hands leave you.
You whine pathetically at the loss of contact and he laughs, watching as you stumble towards the bed. You look back at him, waiting for instruction but he just smiles.
“You choose the position, angel,” he says. “Since you’re being so good.”
“From the back,” you say much quicker than you should have. “Want you to use me.”
The way he grins tells you he was thinking the same. “Ass up then, doll.”
You find the position easily, well-practised but your heart faces as though this were your first time. You feel Mingi’s presence behind you, towering over you as rough hands run up the backs of your thighs. He pulls up your skirts without a word, leaving you bare-assed and more vulnerable than ever. A sharp smack lands against one of your cheeks and it’s painfully delicious. You want him to hurt you, you realise. You want him to ruin you.
“Should I go slow?” He asks. “Or d’you reckon you’re wet enough for me to slide right in?”
You both know the answer. “Wet enough, Sir.”
He chuckles, sliding a finger in to check his grunt of approval is both gratifying and humiliating. “You’re right,” he says. “This cunt is fuckin’ dripping for me.”
Seconds later and his cock is penetrating you without warning, entering you easily but still stretching you. He’s big, you think. You knew he would be.
He doesn’t waste time easing you into it, thrusting into you fast and hard. Your chokes and gasps mix with the sound of skin slapping and his groans of pleasure. A drawn out ‘fuuuck’ fills you with pride. You’re tight even after all this time, like you were made for taking dick, a vessel for pleasure — his pleasure.
You cry his name over and over, chanting it like a prayer — apt, you think, because this is certainly the closest to heaven you’ll ever get. On the edge of bliss he pulls out only to slam back in again, pulling your hips against his to push himself deeper. His grip on you is bruising, as are the slaps he lands on your ass just to hear you scream. A single touch to your clit pushes you over the edge and you collapse into him, breathless and dazed but he keeps going, chasing his release. For once you pray he doesn’t pull out — you want him to come in you, pump you full of his seed, maybe even get you pregnant. You crave it like you’ve never craved anything and he delivers, unloading into you with a yell.
When you come to your bundled in his arms, held tight against his warm chest.
“How much do I owe you?” He asks and you sigh. You’d almost forgotten what this was, a simple exchange of services between two people. But it doesn’t have to be. Business may be business, but you know what you want, and you want it again.
“First time’s free, baby,” you lie.
He hums, not really believing you, but you know he’s just as addicted to you as you are. “Guess I’ll need to come back, huh?”
Yeah, you think with a smile. You guess he will.
Heyy just dropping something small cus I haven’t posted in a while. Not proofread but please reblog and comment if u like this! Requests are still OPEN! Love🖤🖤
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♠️ What a day off of games with the aib males can look like. ♠️
A/N: Sorry, I've been absent for two days now, but for good reason. I wasn't feeling too well mentally and needed some time to myself because something happened that put me in quite a hole ... 🥲
Still, I've been thinking about what I could post here next, so I've prepared a few headcanons that define what I think a day off of games with the male characters might look like. 🙈
I hope that some of you are still around and will read through it. Feel free to let me know what you think about it or if you think any of them might have other interests! ✨
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Characters: Aguni, Arisu, Chishiya, Karube & Niragi.
POV: gn!reader
Warnings: Not given.
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A g u n i
It depends on what time we are in.
If the beach still exists, Aguni is often prevented from doing anything with you outside if he already occupies the number one spot.
You would have to live with the fact that you would hardly have any time just for the two of you, because someone from his troupe would always want something from him.
If he realises that this is bothering you - or he is annoyed by it himself - he will turn his boys away and say that they should leave him alone for the next 2 hours as far as possible because he has better things to do.
In general, no matter what time loop we are in, I would say that Aguni would adjust to your needs.
I have the following typical scenario in mind:
Aguni: "So there are no games waiting for us today. Any ideas what you want to do in our day off?" Y/N: "Uhm ..." Aguni: "Come on, you must have been in the mood for something." Y/N: "Yeah, but I really don't know for what I am in the mood for ..."
Nobody said it would be easy with you, but let's be honest: it's the Borderland, what excited yet relaxing things could you do here so far?
If you really don't know what you want to do, he would give some suggestions.
Aguni: "We could go to the pool." Y/N: "Too cloudy for my taste ..." Aguni: "We can do some sports together." Y/N: "Now your expectations are set far too high!" Aguni: "What about fishing?" Y/N: "Can't we just get some fresh air and go for a walk together?" Aguni: "..." Y/N: "..." Aguni: "You knew very well what you wanted to do, didn't you?" Y/N: "Without my lawyer, I won't say anything."
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A r i s u
If you want to do something, then Arisu is definitely the right person.
The boy is always up for a lot of nonsense and fun activities.
This is probably also because he doesn't want to constantly think about the terrible circumstances that are happening here.
He has got used to life here, but living in constant fear doesn't get someone anywhere and only has a negative effect on oneself.
So, if he is being trapped in a world that could take his life sooner or later, he at least wants to live every day as if it were his last.
You will not regret spending time with him.
He comes up with the wildest ideas, starting with taking a closer look into the various broken buildings.
Of course, he would still be cautious of entering any places just like that- not that both of you suddenly find yourself in a game, because that's what you're trying to avoid today.
Y/N: "A-Are you sure we should do this, Arisu?" Arisu: "Nope, but you only live once, so let's check this building out- maybe we'll find some interesting things in here." Y/N: "Would you define 'corpses' as interesting ...?" Arisu: "Wow, you really managed to ruin my fun."
You still wouldn't be able to stop him.
Investigating the building would include lots of laughter and piggybacks when your feet get tired from all the walking over ruins and debris.
Eventually you find out that this building was a former arcade.
You can definitely pass the time well there.
Arisu: "Would you like a game of billiards?" Y/N: "I'm going to rip you off so bad, love."
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C h i s h i y a
Listen, this boy is a damn lazy piece of shit.
When there aren't any duties don't expect him to do something special.
He has no problem putting his feet up for a day and literally doing nothing.
Feel honored if he spends his time with you at all.
No matter where you both would be, he would find ways to just doze off and relax while you - after all - lie in his arms and enjoy his closeness.
It's nice that he can do that, but you can't.
Y/N: "We've been lying around here all day." Chishiya: "Well realised." Y/N: "I'm bored." Chishiya: "Then do something."
He would definitely be a great help to you.
Jokes on you, no, he wouldn't.
Y/N: "But I wanna do something with you today since we have enough time finally." Chishiya: "We do something, darling." Y/N: "Idiot, that's not what I meant!"
Making you pout is one of his favorite things to do.
How could he be bored if you let him get on your nerves so easily?
In contrast to you, he has something to laugh about and something to amuse himself with.
Nevertheless, he would at least agree to a compromise:
Chishiya: "How about this? We'll use the time now to laze around and in the evening we'll take a look at the neighbourhood together and see which places are damned by games this time." Y/N: "We don't take part in any games, our visas count enough days for us." Chishiya: "Who said anything about taking part in a game?" Y/N: "So, if I let you lounge around now, you will promise me to stay up late with me?"
Damn, you love the nightlife.
Chishiya: "That's a deal."
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K a r u b e
To me the funniest but most chaotic one.
During the day, at least.
I can well imagine that Karube and you had already planned the day ahead the evening before.
But what would life be like if everything went as planned?
The morning is pleasant. You wake up together and after a intense cuddle-round, you start your routine as usual.
Unfortunately, Karube realizes that he can't find something.
Something very important when it comes to following his routine.
Karube: "Honey, d'you know where my cigarettes are?" Y/N: "I don't know where you put them yesterday after you got ready for bed."
In the end, it all comes down to searching your whole accommodation for his cigarettes.
I mean, when you do smoke yourself, they can be important for you too ...
If not, well, then you are a very nice and good person!
Y/N: "Did you found them?" Karube: "I would have told you when that would be the case." Y/N: "Sure you didn't throw the box away because you smoked you last one yesterday evening?" Karube: "I know my pack of cigarettes inside out, there were at least three more in there."
You can guess where this is going.
You spend the whole forenoon looking for his damn cigarettes.
You turn the whole accommodation upside down.
Both of you look under every stone.
In every room.
Two times- minimum.
Y/N: "Karube, fave it, you don't have any- ... Darling ...? Karube: "What is it?" Y/N: "What's that in your pants pocket ... at the back of your butt?" Karube: "Uh-... Oh!"
Now he remebers ...
Karube: "You found them! That's right, I put them straight in my jeans yesterday so I couldn't forge- hey!" Y/N: "Yeah, I threw your boxer shorts at you!"
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N i r a g i
Oh, my dearest reader-chan, please stay close to him no matter where he goes.
When he has nothing to do, he will go through the city streets looking for people to annoy.
He would look for trouble and find it- even if there's no reason for trouble, he'll just make it happen himself and find his reasons.
I don't know how, but at least you managed to stop him from taking his gun.
That's something you should be very proud of.
However, that doesn't stop him from doing anything and we know that.
So please. Stay. With. Him. Thank you!
In any case, you walk around the area together and check it out a little.
You'll talk about pretty trivial things every now and then, but that's still more pleasant than just talking to each other all the time.
When you meet someone, Niragi is ready to provoke them directly for no reason.
Thank god you had a firm hold on his hand or his arm so you could quickly drag him in another direction to avoid the innocent people.
Y/N: "Oh, look!"
Yes, you also like to pretend to see something that you would find interesting.
… In partially empty shop windows.
Niragi: "What the fuck should I look for?" Y/N: "See the rocks there?" Niragi: "You kidding me, right?"
The nice thing is that he would still look to something you tell him to look at.
There could actually be something interesting there.
Well, most of the times at least.
It's nearly impossible but who know?
Y/N: "OH, SEE WHAT I HAVE FOUND TH-" Niragi: "What is it this time? Another boring and ugly stone you think it's fascinating?" Y/N: "No ..." Niragi: "Oh, what is it this time then?" Y/N: "The tree there."
He will touch his nose and look at you angrily- but not without laughing afterwards at your amiable stupidity.
Damn, he loves you so much for what you are, he can't even be bothered.
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kentosbabes · 1 year
I was daydreaming about this earlier and just had to blurt it out. need him so bad :(
Eren who sits next to you in Computer Science class. You never really spoke to him only small talk here and there. he didn’t have a pristine reputation, both for messing with girls and also for his constant smoking and drinking. yet when he sat next to you in class he was as quiet as anything he never made any inappropriate comments or glances, he always paid attention to the lecture and handed in his work on time.
Eren who asks you to be his partner for the assignment coming up on building an application. Although you were a little shocked at first you realized he probably picked you as you were not only the easier option as you sit next to him but you were excelling in the subject so he was guaranteed a strong grade. He asks for your number and you gladly type it into his phone saving your name with a heart next to it. you notice the moon in the top left corner of his phone, he’s put his phone on silent, and you can’t help but think about all the notifications he must be getting. you pass his phone back and he chuckles at the name placing his phone in his back pocket.
Eren who messaged you at 6pm one night of the week. ‘hey smarty wanna come round to work on the project.’ you smile at the nickname and type back ‘who is this?’ hoping to tease him and knock back his seemingly big ego. ‘it’s Eren? don’t tell me your cheating on me and got a different partner’ he responds. you finally agree to go over and follow the directions he sent you.
Eren who has a penthouse over three times the size of your own apartment. To your surprise it’s all tidy with a timeless design and floor-to-ceiling windows. ‘wow Yeager not what I was expecting’ you say as you look around ‘And what were you expecting’ he asks leading you to what seemed to be a dining room. ‘i don’t know like a decaying apartment that reeks of weed’ you say scrunching your nose at the thought. he only replies with an ‘ouch’ as he sits down next to you at the table.
Eren who has no idea what to do when you begin to type up a planning document. he gets even more confused as you begin to start coding. ‘yeager are you paying attention’ you say as you try to explain to him what is going on but he just stares at you. ‘huh um yeah something about the structure of the code right?’ he says shaking his head as you bring him back to reality. ‘why did you even pick this subject’ you ask now staring up at him batting your lashes. ‘I like playing games on my laptop’ he shrugs keeping eye contact with you ‘I get all the graphics card and PC talk it’s just the coding that baffles me’. he can only think about how innocent you look as you look up at him.
Eren who continues to meet up with you almost daily to work on the project. You meet up at one of the cafes closer to your apartment and he can’t take his eyes off you. you walked in with your hair down glasses on your nose and wearing flared jeans and a crop top doing all the right things. He waved at you so you can see him and you catch his green eyes and walk up sitting opposite him in the booth. he lets you order your coffee then says his own and puts out his card paying for the both of you ‘Eren you don’t have to do that’ you say looking at him ‘It’s my treat baby, you just worry your pretty brain about the project yeah I’ve got everything covered’ he says pocking your temple.
Eren who surprisingly takes initiative as you stand presenting your application. He says all the right things and also lets you talk about the more detailed elements. it’s no surprise you got a grade A making Eren smile hard and look over at you shaking your shoulders and repeating ‘thank you ma’ over and over. ‘damn smarty you really know your shit’ he says as you begin to pack up your things ‘i’m throwing a party later, you should come’ you shake your head no ‘oh come on mama you’ll be my VIP. I promise you’ll enjoy it' he says throwing his arm around your shoulder. You sigh out a yes and let him lead you to your next class.
Eren who mixes you up a drink and sits with you on his balcony as the apartment is filled with people dancing to loud music. he leans back on the sofa his arm reaching your waist, sipping on his beer as you both admire the view. you look over to him and find him already staring at you. 'your beautiful' he says. 'do you say that to all your girls?' you scoff turning away from him. his hand reaches up caressing your jaw and turning your face so his eyes can meet your own. his emerald eyes burning into yours as he stares at you. before you can think his lips are on yours in a soft kiss, his lips are soft and you can taste the beer on his tongue. your leg moves so you straddle him his hands still cup your cheeks as your hang around his neck. your the first to pull away looking down at him, 'speechless for once Yeager?' you tease. he only hums in response before bringing your lips back to his.
Eren who now messages you non-stop from as soon as he opens his eyes to when he sleeps sleep. he gets you to come round to his on a regular basis. He uses the excuse of needing help with a topic but just wants to have you sit on his lap cockwarming him as you attempt to explain the topic. He becomes obsessed with you needing to feel your touch at all times, from having to hold you as you do your makeup to holding your hand under the table during class. Not because he's ashamed because all he does is talk about you to his friends to the point they're sick of him. He walks with pride with his arm around your waist as you walk through the corridors.
Eren who turns up at your place drunk after a party. As soon as you open the door his head is nudged into your shoulder as he mumbles gibberish. 'Hey what are you doing here it's only 8pm shouldn't you be partying?' you question dragging him into your dorm. 'I missed you, was no fun without you mama' he says stumbling onto the couch and dragging you with him into his lap. 'you're drunk.' you say rolling your eyes. 'god baby you make me crazy.' he groans kissing your neck 'wanna make you mine'. 'okay Yeager don't go saying things you don't mean' you simply state dragging him to your bedroom. 'i mean it.' he states flopping down on the bed. 'then ask me when you sober and maybe you'll get a yes'.
Eren who's arms are still wrapped around you when you wake up. 'Morning baby' he mumbles into your neck. You turn so you can face him 'Morning handsome' you say tucking his strands of hair behind his ears. 'I believe I have something to ask you' he says now pecking kisses all over your face. 'hmm and what is that' You giggle at his affection. 'Would you like to be my girlfriend?' you both can't stop smiling as he asks. 'let me think about it' you say looking up at the ceiling Eren rolls on top of you trapping you between his arms the motion making you squeal. he raises his eyebrow as a sign to continue 'yes, yes I would'.
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
the challenge | eddie munson
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warnings: angst, hurt, kinda eddies pov, stupid long & tropey, barely edited
AN: i just love the angst sorry :) also this is the worst trope ever but I LOVE IT. I eat it up. also i know i overuse italics its my fatal flaw. willing to do requests & taglists btw <3
i'm not sure how many words per se but it looks really long so
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"I'll give you a hundred bucks if you can get any of the cheerleaders to go on a date with you."
After band practice, the conversation had devolved into who had school the band thought was hot.
"Please," Eddie tried to scoff off the idea. "When has that idea ever gone well?"
"I'll also give you a hundred," Jeff said, adding to the fire. They probably didn't expect him to go for it. But he could use two hundred bucks...
Eddie rolled the idea around in his mind. Who would he even ask? There was Chrissy Cunningham, she's sweet... but he was pretty sure she was dating Jason, and the last thing Eddie needed was more problems from that guy. But there was you.
You were different. You were still a cheerleader at Hawkins, sitting with the populars and shaking your pom-poms at every game. But you smiled at Eddie in the hall sometimes. And he'd noticed you'll talk to anyone. You weren't mean. So he could probably charm his way into one little date, and then after the date inevitably goes terribly, he'll collect his easy money and you will go on, blissfully unaware.
It's not like you guys would get along or anything.
"What happens if I lose?" Eddie asked.
"You have to put on an embarassing show in the cafeteria," Jeff said. "And easy one."
"Okay," Eddie said after a long silence, "I'll take your money."
The next day at school, Eddie was sitting on the stairs across from your locker like a predator. It was still forty minutes until first bell, so there were very few people in the halls. He had this whole plan in mind. First, he'd wow you with his natural charm, and then leave you lingering in mystery. Easier said than done, when you came walking down the hallway with a skip in your step and a smile on your face.
It made him feel guilty about this whole thing. But you would never know, so what was the harm?
He approached you slowly, slowly panicking about the idea of bothering you. What if you told the basketball team he was bothering you? What if you acted like he grabbed you, or something...
He fears were cut off by you casually saying, "Hey Eddie."
You knew his name? Why did it sound so nice coming from you?
It's because secretly you were always aware of Eddie. There was something about him that always held your attention. After seeing him for a days, you'd become a closeted metal fan. It started to impress him, but you actually did start to like it. You'd always tried to catch his eye, but it was like he didn't really see you.
"Hey, morning," he said, mind focused on his objective. But it was harder when actually looking down at you. You were pretty cute. You had beautiful eyes.
"Good morning," you said, pleasantly confused at the situation. You noticed Eddie had gotten up when you got closer. "Were you waiting for me?"
"Oh, ha, you noticed that," he said, grabbing your locker door as you opened it, and leaned on it, unintentionally making a show of his hand gripping the edge of the locker.
You felt a flutter in your chest, "Well, what can I do for you?"
"I've seen you here early before," Eddie mused, as if he'd ever been here early, but he had his intel. "Thought I could give you a little company."
"That's sweet," you said, smiling like you were hiding a laugh. "I've never seen you around before class. Only coming in late."
"I'm shocked at such an accusation," he said, leaning closer. "It hurts to believe you think so lowly of me." There was a level of teasing in his tone that made butterflies erupt within you.
"You know," you started, "I was supposed to go see Halloween 3 tonight but my girlfriends chickened out..."
"Oh yeah?"
"Well I still want to go," you said. You couldn't hint anymore if you tried. "Are you looking for company tonight?"
"What?" Eddie couldn't mask his surprise. He was supposed to come over here and charm you into a date, but... you asked him?? "Uh yeah, I can take you to the movies."
"What time is your club done? We can go after that," you said, smiling. You were just trying to be considerate, but you were making Eddie weak in the knees. Were you really this aware of him? If anything, he was wondering why you cared more than how you knew.
"I'll see when the late shows plays and make sure we'll be there," he said, "just give me your address, I'll pick you up."
The blush on your cheeks made him smile, but the gentle touch of your hand as you grabbed his arm and pushed the sleeve up, using a marker to write down the street and and number. Eddie was totally at your mercy by this point, but you just had to make worse by bringing his arm up to your face to kiss what you'd written, looking up at him with the devil in your eye.
"Kiss from a maiden has to boost luck, right?"
Suddenly, the terms of the game changed. You asked him out. It was not what he expected. He expected it would take several days before he finally asked you out. He had this whole plan in his mind, and you just... you kissed him on the arm, like it was a normal thing for you to do to him. Now he didn't really want the money, he just wanted you to that again. Feel your soft touch. Anything that would put that look back into your eye.
Everyone at Hellfire could see that Eddie was distracted. His campaign was nothing less than infallible as per usual, but his theatrics were toned down, and he was fumbling over the dice as if he wasn't always paying total attention.
After the session, Jeff and Gareth hung around. Mainly to check on their friend.
"I have to go," Eddie said, fumbling with his bag. He didn't want to tell the guys about you. He didn't want to pop the fantasy of having you all to himself. Not yet.
Eddie still had it in his mind that the date would flop. What chance did he have to impress someone like you? This whole situation was spiralling quickly. And he fucking knew better than to take a stupid bet issued at midnight after a bunch of beers. He should've called it off right there, he should've said it's stupid and objectifying the cheerleaders and that was mean, but he said nothing. He just packed his things, and told his friends he'd see them later.
He didn't have time to go change, he didn't want you to miss your movie because of him. And he was just really anxious to see you again. There was a small part of his brain, a little nagging brain cell, telling him that maybe... just maybe, this date will go well and he can get you to look at him with a sparkle in your eyes.
Your house was right in the middle of suburbia, which had Eddie losing his cool slowly. You were different, and he knew that already, but it was a comfort to remind himself as he drove passed identical, picket fenced houses. Your house was no different. Picket fence, flowers in the window sill, green grass mowed to the same height.
He parked the van and got out, walking through the gate and up the short cobblestone path leading up to your front door. He brought a knuckle up to your door, tapping lightly twice. Maybe you would bail and he wouldn't have to be the bad guy anymore. He looked at the flowers beside the house, and mentally kicked himself for not bringing you anything for you. You deserved flowers.
But you were there, waiting to answer the door a few moments after he knocked. You had counted to ten in your head before he answered, not wanting to seem too keen.
"Hey," you said, dazzling him again with an innocent smile. His voice was stuck in his throat as he looked at you. Eddie hadn't expected your cheerleading outfit or anything... but what didn't expect was a cropped Slayer shirt. It looked like you had cut it yourself, but he couldn't let himself get caught staring at the frayed edges, because that's where the exposed skin was, tempting him to look. Or worse, tempting him to reach out, running his calloused fingers over the skin that looked painfully soft.
"Hey," he say quietly, still trying to wrap his head around what was happening. How had he managed to fuck this up before talking to you for the first time? "Sorry I didn't get flowers or change or do anything all at to impress you. I kinda rushed right from school."
"You want to impress me?"
Eddie's mind was reeling. "Is there anyone out there who doesn't?"
You giggled, and Eddie didn't think he could take it anymore. If he just spilled his guts right now, he could stop himself a world of confusion. After this, he'd probably be stuck with the image of you for weeks. He's probably caused him heartache and pain when this doesn't work out. Or... worse... it does work out and one of his idiot friends tells you how this started, and then he was still heartbroken and fucked.
Eddie said nothing as he led you to the van.
On the way to the movies it was quiet, but not uncomfortable. You asked him about his day, which made him blush because, it's a simple that people never really asked him. Especially beautiful cheerleaders.
He didn't know how he was supposed to forget this. How could he continue to drive Jeff and Gareth around while he's seen you in his passenger seat... with a Slayer shirt on.
"Can I pick something?" you asked, finding a small stash of cassettes under the seat.
"Sure," he said. He's pretty sure he would've let you do whatever you wanted, as long as you stayed beside him in this van forever.
You slipped the current tape out, and slipped in Metallica. Fight Fire with fire came on and you sat back in your seat.
"Why this one?" he asked. He wanted to know. He wanted you to give some cheesy answer so he could figure out an excuse to not like you, to fight all the reasons he was starting to like you anyway. It was just a shirt, maybe you didn't listen to them at all.
"For Whom the Bell Tolls is my favourite right now," you said casually.
"What about Slayer? What's your favourite?"
"You quizzin' me?" you quipped, laughing as Eddie widened his eyes. You cut him off before he could apologize. "Die by the Sword." You drummed your fingers absentmindedly against your jeans. "Always had this fantasy about riding into battle, yaknow, Lord of the Rings style."
"Who are you?" Eddie asked, fingers gripping the steering wheel tighter. "You like Lord of the Rings and Slayer." He said it as a fact, not a question. With every casual answer you gave, a knife was turning in his stomach, reminding him that he was the bad guy. He took a stupid bet, from his stupid friends, and it was keeping him from enjoying this moment fully. There was a little voice reminding him that what he's doing, is shit people like Jason Carver would do.
"Yes, and?"
And nothing. You were just casting a spell on Eddie that he would need a miracle to undo. "So you're a hidden freak."
"Being hidden is lame," you said, "I wouldn't lie if they asked."
"Who is they?" he asked.
"The other cheerleaders, the jocks, anyone at school really."
"You don't get along with the other cheerleaders?"
"No, I do. They're my girls. <3" You smiled, biting the skin beside your thumb. "I just don't talk about fantasy epics with them, they're not really interested."
"I don't know," he teased, pulling into the movie theatre parking lot. "You don't really seem like any cheerleaders I know."
"And how many cheerleaders do you know?"
He laughed, parking the car. He was starting to ease into it a little more. Enjoying your presence while he can. "Fair enough."
"Shaking those pom-poms is going to get me a scholarship, and a scholarship will get me out of here." The words were less airy and playful than the rest had been. He'd taken note of your serious tone when talking about getting out of here. There was hardly a line, most of the movies started a couple minutes earlier, there were just a few Halloween stragglers.
"In a rush out of here?" he asked. He wanted to know everything about you.
"You could say that," you said. "I don't have a problem with Hawkins but my parents are... I just..." you trailed off. "Let's not ruin a good time."
He nodded, not needing to hear anything else. After light squabbling about who would pay for the tickets, Eddie passed his money over to the ticket guy, who had an obvious line of sight to your stomach. Or maybe it was your chest he was staring at, either away, Eddie was finding it really annoying. He used his arm to gently guide you behind him, blocking most of the box office employees view.
He felt protective over you. Which is ironic, because at the start of the day he had a plan to woo you, to take you on a date for a bet. And now, he wanted to protect you from hurt.
The worst kind of hypocrite.
The conversation died when the two of you shuffled into the little theatre. The movie had been out long enough that it wasn't too busy. It was nice, being in the dark together, silently watching the movie. You weren't really scared, but you still liked it. Eddie however, wasn't loving it as much as you.
Eddie was having such a nice time, that he was able to push the bet out of his mind completely.
After the movie, pretty much everything was closed, except the 24 hour diner a little bit down the highway, so that's where he took you. He drove about twenty minutes just to eat greasy cheeseburgers and sickeningly sweet milkshakes because he just couldn't bare for this night to be over yet.
"Guess I gotta get you home," Eddie said after the food. "It's already passed midnight."
"Oh that's okay," you said, leaving money on the table for food. "They'll be gone until next week anyway. I don't they'd care when I got home."
Eddie wanted to ask, but he could tell your parents weren't something you liked to talk about.
"Well, if we've both nowhere to be, maybe we should stick together."
"Why don't you take me home anyway and we can watch another movie."
"I'd like that."
The ride back to your place seemed shorter, or maybe he was just excited to see where you live. He wanted to see your room. He was so curious about you. He just wanted to know everything.
Your house was quiet, pitch black and lonely... like it always was. You let him in, and he awkwardly shuffled in behind you. He copied what you did by taking your shoes off by the door. Your house opened into the living room, with stairs right beside.
"Can I see your room?" he asked, half expecting you to say no but you answered with a quick "sure!" and led him up the stairs. He watched your ass the whole time you walked ahead of him.
"It's kinda boring," you said, opening the door. There wasn't really much to it. A few posters on the wall; a couple were bands he liked and there were a few movie posters too. Your cassettes were all stacked on your desk neatly, and there were vinyls beside that, a small table there to hold the record player. He was talking and poking through them, while you sat on the bed, watching him intently. He was shocked to see you actually had some of the same things he did. And you... you had bands he didn't know. One day, he was totally going to borrow those.
He kept chatting as he poked around. This morning, neither one of you could have predicted being here like this. He stopped talking mid sentence, and you could see him looking more at the desk than the music now. You curiously tried to peak at what he was looking at.
"Is this a dnd character sheet?" he asked.
"Oh!" you laughed, standing and joining him by the desk. "Yeah, it is. I'd been trying to work up the nerve to ask you to teach me, but, I guess I didn't have to."
And just like that, you had him.
You had him totally and fully and he wished he'd never taken that stupid challenge with his stupid friends about the stupid money. His mind was emotional soup.
"You were gunna ask me to teach you dungeons and dragons?" he asked, totally stunned into silence, again.
"Well..." you blushed, turning away from him. He saw it though. "I kind of have a crush on you, Eddie. Maybe before tonight it wasn't like... real, because I didn't actually know you but..." You smiled, so soft and sweet, it made Eddie feel warm and vulnerable. "Now I know it is real."
What was he supposed to do? Look at you while you're vulnerable like that and just tell you what he's done? No shot. No fucking way would he let any of his dumb choices get in the way of, whatever this was going to be.
"I like you, too," he said finally, smiling back at you. The problem was, while it was true, it didn't feel as genuine. He did like you, but that's not how it started.
And what was he supposed to do when you looked like you wanted a kiss? Not kiss you? That would be rude.
Eddie leaned in slowly, and so did you. He brought his hand up, coddling your face and brushing a thumb over your cheek. He said, "you're so beautiful," before closing the gap and putting his mouth on yours. It was small, mouths parted and puckered, moving slowly. It was a short kiss, but a tender first one.
Until you said, "sorry if I'm not a good kisser, I haven't done much kissing," with a blush.
"You haven't done much kissing?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm so... inexperienced."
"No, it's okay! I don't really get to kiss anyone either."
"You can kiss me whenever you want," you said, bounce in your step as you grabbed his hand and led him back downstairs.
You let him pick a movie while you set up the couch with some blankets. He settled beside you one the couch once the movie started, and you snuggled into his side as if you owned it. Which may as well be true already, and passed out within five minutes of the movie starting. He told himself sternly that he would leave when the movie was over, and he did mean it. But he also rested his head on yours and tried to fall asleep before he saw any credits.
Which he did.
Monday morning rolling around was another one of Eddie's punishments. The bliss of his imaginary life came hurdling towards the end, and it was filling him with anxiety. Like, so fucking much anxiety.
At school, he'd be unable to avoid his friends. Eddie had spent much of Saturday morning lounging at your house with you. You two made breakfast, listened to some music, and then watched a movie. He had to leave eventually, since he didn't want to kiss you with morning breath. But he'd called you that night... and the one after that. He just couldn't get enough of you.
Eddie had avoided his best friends most of the morning, mostly by just being late. Unfortunately, that also had meant he'd avoided you. He'd hoped you'd come into the cafeteria first. He was biting his nails, his leg rapidly shaking up and down. You had said he can kiss you anytime... did that mean school, too? He hoped so. He hoped you would come into the freaking cafeteria.
But his fantasy bubble had officially popped when Jeff grabbed him by the shoulders from behind, scaring him.
"Bud, you've been holding out on us."
"What are you talking about?" Eddie asked. Gareth and Jeff sat at the table with him.
"Same thing that everyone is talking about, you and y/n."
"What?" Eddie had been so focused on not talking to anyone that he hadn't heard anything.
"Someone's sister saw you leaving her house on Saturday, and I distinctly remember you rushing out of Hellfire on Friday."
"What are people saying?"
"Some are saying drugs, some are saying you guys have sex. Did you? Did you have sex with her?"
"No," Eddie said, effectively wiping the smile off Gareth's face. "But I may have slept there."
His friends looked at each other, and then at him, and Eddie took one selfish moment to be excited about it. It was his fatal mistake.
"Are you guys gunna go out again?" Jeff asked. Eddie grinned, and nodded.
"Well, a deal is a deal. Here goes all my savings on some dumb bet," Gareth said.
They should've had a sign, some bat signal that Eddie could show above the entire student body that would get his best friends to shut the fuck up because you were behind them, walking closer and smiling at Eddie with that same sweet smile on your face.
You must have slipped in when he was talking to the guys. He tried to shush Gareth without being obvious, but Gareth was being so fucking loud. If he didn't shut up soon you were going to hear him. Eddie's heart was racing. Jeff kicked Gareth, but apparently not hard enough because he just kept talking.
Eddie's heart was going to beat out of his chest... like in Alien...
"I can't believe you got y/n on a date in like, one day." Gareth scoffed. "Maybe you let her in on it for some of the money. Last time I make a bet with you losers."
And it was like watching a star die. Your beautiful smile gone, replaced with a quivering lip and a look in your eye that reflected agony, instead of the little bit of trouble he loved so much. Eddie was going to throw up. For a second you two just looked at each other, Eddie had his hands an inch off the table, he was shaking.
He fucking knew this scenario never worked out for anyone.
And then you were running out of there, and he was hot on your heels. It must have looked bad, you running out crying while Eddie chased you. After rumors of drugs deals and scandalous sex, the fire was most definitely stoked.
Eddie shouted after you, following you all the way outside. Out there, where no one was really lingering, you turned around. There were a few tears rolling down your cheeks, and you chewed on the skin of your lip.
"Please tell me that it doesn't mean what it sounds like," you begged, stepping closer. The hurt tone of your voice sent a dagger into his chest with every word. He did this. "If you can just-" you hiccuped, "tell me that. Then we can go to the diner and we can go, we can go wherever you want. Anywhere. Just tell me that it wasn't what it sounded like."
Eddie didn't say anything. He couldn't.
He didn't have anything good enough to say.
You just watched him with tears in your eyes. It seemed like you were begging him with your eyes. He wished he had anything to tell you. It wasn't what it seemed like, or maybe it was for a good cause. But he didn't have anything.
"But," you cried, "but you said you liked me."
"I do like you," he said quickly, his voice surprisely hoarse. Being able to say something true made him spring into action. "I like you so much. I'm so sorry, I'm really so so fucking sorry, but please. Just let me make it up to you. Obviously I don't want the money, I was going to tell them it's off but I just... I didn't, I don't know why. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"What was the bet?"
"What were the terms and conditions of the bet?"
"Is that... really productive..." he trailed off when he looked at you. Eddie sighed, and looked to his feet for some kind of comfort. He found none. "Two hundred bucks for a date with any of the cheerleaders. If I fail I embarrass myself at purpose at school."
"You were right that wasn't productive," you said.
"I'm so sorry," he said, "I can still fix it."
"Do what you want. I'm going home."
"Let me take you."
"No, no... you've done plenty, thanks."
And against what he really wanted, he let you go. If you didn't want him around right now he wouldn't push it. Eddie would just have to fix this. He had a plan to woo you once, he could do it again. But this time it would be because he knows he can treat you right. He can be the guy you deserve. He would bring you flowers. He'd never hurt you.
...this was just a really bad example... that's all.
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pepsiboyy · 1 month
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p2 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p4
pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: after moving to massachusetts from florida, y/n lives with her half brother, nathan doe, who is part of a small garage band. their sassy guitarist, chris sturniolo, can't help but get on her nerves. but there's something about him. warnings: use of y/n lol, cursing, angstttt a/n: i hope u guys enjoy this part a lil bitttt <3 thanks for all ur love and support !!!
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"should we run it again?"
i looked at nate as he removed his hat from his head to fix his hair and wipe the sweat from his forehead.
a soft groan left my lips as i pulled out my phone and began scrolling.
"if you're that annoyed, you can leave. we aren't holding you hostage or anything." chris responded, and i blinked a few times as i stuck out my tongue in response. "wow, very mature of you." chris chuckled.
i turned back to nate and hummed as i sat up, gently brushing off my pants as i stood from the dusty seat. "i'd love to keep listening. i'll just need a tylenol before i come back out. where could i find that?" i turned to nate, who nodded and smiled softly.
"there's some in my bedroom in the second drawer on the right side."
"awesome, thanks. i'll be back." i waved at them all, and made my way out of the garage and up the stairs to nate's room. my dad and his wife had definitely fallen asleep, so i made sure to stay quiet.
gently, i pushed open the door to nate's room and smiled softly at the warm and homey appearance. yes, i had been in his room, but not much, and it reminded me of my room at home in some ways. it's just very... him.
i stepped towards the drawer he mentioned and took out the pill bottle, carefully pouring two into my hand and shutting it. i set the bottle back into the drawer, but before i could leave, my eyes lingered on the extra items laying on nate's fully made bed.
after staring at it for uncomfortably long, i realized the pile was chris' belongings, as he spent the night here last night. hell, the kid practically lived here.
but what i couldn't seem to take my eyes off of was the fully opened notebook that sat against the pillows with a pen sitting between the pages.
don't do it, y/n.
but nate said chris writes amazing lyrics, and i had been curious ever since.
and last night chris wrote a ton, right?
maybe he would want a second opinion.
no he doesn't.
but curiosity.
i stepped towards the book and gently took a seat against the comforter, pulling the book into my lap and biting my lip.
upon turning to the pages with the pen tucked between, the last thing i expected to see was decent handwriting. but chris' was nice.
i stared blankly before i sighed and began reading a few of the lines.
beneath the surface, where the truth hides, lies a story of betrayal, where love dies. your words cut deep, like a jagged knife, but i'll use the pain to fuel my fight.
i'm a phoenix in the flames, rising from the ashes, broken but unbroken, as my spirit clashes. no longer chained by your deceitful game, i'll scream my truth, reclaiming my name.
i narrowed my eyes at the lyrics as i felt something in my chest turn. who hurt this kid?
i turned the pages and blinked a few times, beginning to read again.
in the silence after storms, we find peace, a fragile truce, where conflicts cease. you push me away, yet pull me near, in this tangled web-
"nate sent me to see if you got-"
i shot my head up as my eyes went wide, slamming the book shut in my lap and fully sending it behind me.
"what are you doing?" chris questioned as he stepped towards me, his eyebrows knitting closer.
i took a deep breath and quickly shook my head. "nothing," i squeaked out, as i stood up.
"were you looking through my book..?" chris questioned, but something about the tone of his voice.. i couldn't really pinpoint what he was feeling.
i had seen him jokingly upset, sure, but this was... something about his tone was so..
"i'm sorry, it was opened, and i was just-"
"didn't you ever learn not to snoop in people's shit?" chris stated firmly as he stepped towards the book that was now on the floor. he picked it up and gently brushed it off, his bangs now covering his eyes.
i blinked a few times and frowned. "well, it was opened, and.. i don't really know, i was curious-"
chris gritted his teeth as he stepped towards me, his eyes such a pale shade of blue. i blinked a few times as our faces were now inches apart, guilt running through my body.
"there's shit in this book that i don't even let nate read, you know that?" he mumbled as he stared at me.
i felt tears in my eyes. i never really took being yelled at too well.
"keep your nose out of my personal shit, y/n. i fucking mean it."
chris stated before he grabbed his things and left nate's room.
and by his things, i mean his entire bag with his belongings.
he was going home.
i stared at the door for a few minutes as i felt myself crumble. why am i so stupid? i looked at the tylenol that was in my hand the whole time and tossed it into the trash, as my sweaty hands kind of made it all gross anyways.
i figured nate would get the hint that i had decided to go to bed, so i went to my room and bit my lip, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to escape my eyes.
carefully i shut and locked my door before laying in bed, covering my self in my blankets.
why did this bother me so much? why did chris yelling at me, genuinely, get to my head so badly?
normally, i would have snapped back and probably said something i would have regretted in response, but this was my fault. and i knew it.
i had caused chris to become angry, and that was my fault.
i shakily sighed and stared at my ceiling.
how stupid of me.
well, at least today is friday. i wouldn't have to see chris again until tuesday, unless he decided to come by again. but i doubt it. not after my snooping ass got caught reading his heartfelt lyrics.
three knocks on my door took me out of my thoughts as i lifted my head and scrambled to my feet to unlock it.
"hey," nate stated softly from the doorway, and i smiled at him. "you look fucking gross, did you end up taking anything last night? i wanted to make sure you were still alive in here."
i scoffed and looked down as i shook my head and opened the door a bit more. "mmm... sorry. i just got really tired last night and-"
"have you been crying?" nate questioned as he leaned a little closer to me, which i quickly shoved him and shook my head.
"no, i just.. haven't slept much."
"you said you were tired last night, right?"
i bit my lip as i looked down.
"y/n, what happened?" nate questioned softly, and i shrugged as i looked away.
"i um.. upset chris i think?"
i think. what are you even saying, you literally got screamed at.
"how so?" nate asked as he gently took my hand and guided me to sit down against my bed, where i did and he sat beside me to listen closely.
"uhh.. well i was getting the tylenol, and i found an open book and got curious and read it-"
"oooh y/n-" nate chuckled and shook his head. "you don't do that. but i'm sure chris will get over it."
i bit my lip and looked at him. "well, i don't know, nate. he kind of cussed me out for it."
nate's expression altered, just slightly, as he thought of chris even doing such a thing. "man, i'm sorry. i never took him as a guy to react that way." he moved to rest a hand on my back.
i quickly shook my head and smiled reassuringly. "no, there's no reason for you to apologize. it's my fault, i just think he was shocked, and i'm sure there's personal stuff in there. and i don't know him that well."
nate nodded with each thing i had mentioned, listening closely as he sighed and stood up. "well, you'll be okay. you don't have to see him again until tomorrow anyways."
"tomorrow?" i stared at nate in disbelief, my jaw now hanging.
"tomorrow." nate smiled brightly. "you get a day to yourself!"
"can you two even go a weekend without seeing one another?" i scoffed as i stood up and stretched my arms.
"not at all."
"get out." i chuckled as i pointed to the door, which nate walked towards with a cheeky smile.
chris pov
my eyes remained closed as i allowed my hat to rest over my eyes, my legs crossed and my hand against my chest as my other allowed my pointer finger and thumb to pinch the bridge of my nose.
"chris, i'm telling you. you overreacted. you need to apologize." nick stated, his eyes glued to me as i groaned and sighed deeply.
"nick, she read my book. what would she have done if i hadn't caught her?" my eyes remained closed.
"i don't know, chris, maybe she would have just set the book back down. most she would have done was told you they were well written. you want her to stick it up her ass or something?"
"nick!" i scolded, sitting up as my hat flung into my lap, my hands now rubbing my face.
"you'll regret it more and more the longer you keep this going. it'll make things worse every time you go over there. she lives there now, chris." nick stated as he scoot closer to me, rubbing my back gently.
truth was, the moment i saw this girl i was fucking in love with her.
from the way her hair looked, the way she dressed, her attitude (while it got on his nerves sometimes) was fucking adorable.
i admire the way she talks, the way she acts, and i can't stop thinking about her. genuinely.
her brother is my best friend. i never expected this cliche shit to happen to me.
i turned to nick and sighed as i shook my head quickly. "yeah whatever," i mumbled quickly after realizing i had tuned out an entire rant from him, "i'm getting a pepsi."
y/n pov
happy saturday.
or something.
i sat at the kitchen table with my fingers in my lap. i didn't want to sit in the living room with nate and chris with the fear that chris would say something to me, or even worse look at me.
nate knew how i felt, and even told me i could go upstairs if i wanted. after all, i live here too, and it's up to me what i do, he said.
chris stood from the couch and made his way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. i kept my head down. i noticed nate leave to use the restroom and mentally started cursing at him.
this is so fucking awkward i can't take it.
"can we talk later?"
chris' voice ripped me from my aggressive thoughts towards nate and instead caused me to focus on chris.
i never really got a good look at him today.
his hair was a bit messy, but looked great. he had on a baggy tee and some baggy jeans, his converse tied loosely.
he looked great.
shut the fuck up, y/n, are you crazy?
"yeah of course," i quickly responded, and chris stared at me for a moment before nodding. he seemed unsure about something, but i quickly shrugged it off as he made his way back to the living room to sit and wait for nate to come back.
what did he have to say? was he going to scream at me more? apologize?
i shook my head and turned to my phone, where i allowed myself to doomscroll in the meantime.
the pit in my chest began to shallow with each thought and hope that chris would clear things up with me later.
and through it all, i can't seem to stop thinking about him.
this is terrible.
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p2 ⚜ masterlist ⚜ p4
comment to be added to the taglist !! taglist;; @sturnioloshacker @nickgetsmewetter @matthewsturniolosgirlfriend101 @chrissgirlsstuff @nsjsnshey @sturniolosarethebest @sofie-1 @sturniololol @veysxrge @587528382527
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k0droid · 8 months
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It's the little things he does as your boyfriend <3
a/n: HOLY SHIT i have not posted in SO long. My bad 💀 I just didn't expect 10th grade to give me so much work. I just took my 3rd PSAT dude 😭
warnings!: fluff, you and megumi are dating, headcanons (i did not write too much), i use the phrase "he's the type" a lot
I was inspired by many different sources: premade headcanons, real-life experiences, and personal thoughts. (@takis4aki, @lyra_inumaki, and @upperkaceart on tiktok)
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HE’S THE TYPE to adopt pets with you. He’s a dog person.
HE’S THE TYPE to inch his hand closer to yours, in fear he might come off as too forward.
HE’S THE TYPE to understand whatever emotion you try to convey. He hangs out with Inumaki, what do you expect?
HE’S THE TYPE to tell say you smell good.
HE’S THE TYPE to secretly enjoy those weird posts you tag him in.
HE’S THE TYPE to send you messages in the form of alpha wolf memes.
HE’S THE TYPE to wait for you at lunch. He won’t sit down until he sees you.
HE’S THE TYPE to be shy. Adorably shy. ‘Hiding his face in your neck’ shy.
HE’S THE TYPE to share his ice cream with you.
HE’S THE TYPE to whisper “I love you” while you sleep.
HE’S THE TYPE to call just to hear your voice.
HE’S THE TYPE to think of you all the time. You’ll never leave his mind.
HE’S THE TYPE to put his head on your shoulder.
HE’S THE TYPE to introduce you to new games. (Cough cough Forgotten Hill)
HE’S THE TYPE to not know how to comfort people, but he tries his best.
HE’S THE TYPE to imitate your favorite characters when you’re down.
HE’S THE TYPE to be invested in your gossip.
“ And then she tells me she might be pregnant. ”
“ ...No fucking way. ” 
HE’S THE TYPE to babysit. (I don’t know why, but)  I can see a lot of adults trusting him with their children.
HE’S THE TYPE to watch those My Story Animated videos 😭
HE’S THE TYPE to talk about his dorky interests. He’s such a Spiderman & Minecraft fan!!
HE’S THE TYPE to love all of you.
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a/n: ok wow that was not my best work but i suddenly got bit by the creativity man (as my mom says) and wrote this.
-- My best friend and I always get lunch together. If she gets her lunch faster than me, she'll wait outside the lunch line until I appear and then we walk to our table together and I just really love her for that. it's the small things!
-- one of my ex-friends let a (grown) guy hit IN THE FOREST AT NIGHT WITHOUT PROTECTION. and then she told me that she might be pregnant and I was like 😶
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Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
All works belong to @prettygyalpluto. Do not plagiarize or repost without permission.
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wintfleur · 13 days
ᥫ᭡ old nicknames and quick byes.
﹕─┈ pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X Ex! Juraj Slafkovský )
au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( this is just a short little blurb but it’s necessary for the future plot 🤭 I hope you guys enjoy !! wc; 1k )
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Stella slipped her phone into her back pocket and walked down the long hallway that led to the ice, ready to sit on the bleachers and watch as her brother and her friends practice for their upcoming match. Stella was hesitant at first to come along, but she was glad she decided to, she's had a great time so far. 
Her eyes widen in surprise when she sees a very familiar person standing at the end of the hallway, looking out at the ice. Stella’s quiet steps become faster as she calls out his name, her tone was filled with confusion but happiness nonetheless “Juraj?” 
The said boy quickly looks away from the ice and turns around at the sound of the very familiar and very much missed voice. His arms fell at his side in shock at the sight in front of him, standing a few feet in front of him was a smiling stella. 
“Stella” he whispered her name in shock, his palms immediately became clammy and the smile on her lips made his heart feel like it was going to burst out of his chest. The feelings never left. He cleared his throat and wiped his palms on his jeans as he took a few steps towards her to meet her halfway “Oh wow, uh hi” 
Stella smiled and stood on her tiptoes as she threw her arms around his shoulders for a hug, her face pressed against his chest. Juraj froze for a moment from her touch, but he was quick to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer. The smell of her signature perfume and having her so close was almost too much for him. He had to stop himself from frowning when she pulled away from the hug far too soon and took a step back from him, his heartstrings pulled in sadness of her being so close but so far. 
“I was really hoping that i could see you before the game” Stella confesses with a small smile, having to tilt her head a little to look up at him. Her words were genuine, she really did want to see him, she just felt awkward about texting him and asking for them to meet up, especially with how distant he's been lately. 
Little did she know that the only reason he was pulling back was because his feelings for her only seemed to get stronger, and he really didn't want to overstep and ruin things even more. He found himself being surprised by her words, he expected her to be upset or at least a little awkward, but no, she still looked at him with that pretty smile of hers “Really?” 
“Yeah, it's been so long since we last saw each other, how have you been?” Stella asked as she moved to stand closer to the rink, leaning against the rink shielding. 
“Oh, I've been good, yeah really good” Juraj’s words come out rushed as he leans against the shielding as well, trying to come off as calm and collected while his stomach was filled with butterflies, he didn't know what to do with his awkward hands, so he just fidgeted with the end of his sleeves. Stella raised her eyebrow at his strange behavior, and he was quick to keep the conversation going “And you, how have you been?”  
“I've been pretty good as well, it's nice to get out of Michigan for a little bit, i fear i was going to go crazy if i had to stay at my dorm one more day” she really missed traveling, and she was so happy to have her finals over and the summer to start. Yes, she missed her boyfriend, but being with her brother and her friends traveling was a much-needed break for her. 
Juraj opens his mouth, but his words are caught in his throat at the sound of someone shouting her name, he watches as she turns around and looks at the ice. Standing by the benches was a smiling and waving Ryan Leonard, he was the one to call her over. Juraj held in his sigh of disappointment when she shouted back “be right there!” 
Stella turned back to face him and stood up straight, Juraj following in tow. She gave him a sorry smile, sad to have their conversation stop. “Well, that's my cue, I'll see you around?”
“Yeah, I'll see you around hviezda” the nickname for her split out before he could stop himself, and he was worried that it would have made her uncomfortable, but she just smiled and gave him a small smile as he took a step back, they said their quick byes and she watched as he started to walk down the long hallway, away from her. 
“Hey Juraj” Stella called out before he walked off too far. He stopped walking and turned around to face her “Yeah?” 
“Don't be a stranger, okay?” Stella smiled nervously as she tilted her head slightly as she gave him a small nod, stuffing her hands in the front pockets of her jeans. Memories of them laughing and cuddling in his bed as she tried to teach him the meaning of the said saying, played in his head. Juraj cleared his throat and stuffed his hands in the front pocket of his hoodie, a small chuckle leaving his lips before he replies, his accent strong “Ditto” 
A small giggle left her lips, and she shook her head and watched as he left her sight. She let out a heavy sigh and looked away from the hallway when he was gone, a small pinch of sadness in her heart. She made her way towards the other side of the rink where the bench and her waiting friends were, trying to push away that small feeling of sadness at the realization that their friendship would never be the same. 
Neither of them is aware of the person hiding behind the bleachers, looking down at their camara and the pictures they took of them. 
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( I wrote this in like 30 minutes, pls don’t judge )
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junkissed · 1 year
Imagine sweet sweet junnie letting you put make up on him while you're sitting in his lap and he ends up looking so insanely pretty with glittery eyeshadow and cherry red lips that you're moaning at the sight and he grabs your hips to start grinding into you 'why are you moaning so prettily my love? do I look that good?' and oh wow look at that somehow you ended up butt naked with lipstick marks all over 👄
i literally fell off my bed and rolled around on the floor for an hour after reading this oh my god what did i do to deserve this anon you're criminally insane
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member — junhui x f!reader genre — smut, fluff word count — 2.5k synopsis — jun wants you to put makeup on him for the party you're going to tonight, but why go out when you've got a gorgeous man right here instead? warnings — reader has a vagina and breasts, nicknames (my love, baby, sweet girl, good girl), a bit of dry humping, fingering, jun has a hair pulling kink (?), marking, briefly mentioned big dick jun, creampie (what did you expect from me), a very improper use of lipstick, established relationship, it gets really soft at times beware
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“you should do my makeup,” jun says nonchalantly, sitting in the chair in the corner of your room.
you glance up at the mirror, holding his gaze in the reflection, your hand paused with your eyeshadow brush inches away from your face. “since when do you want makeup for a frat party?”
“since now.” he shrugs, leaning back against the chair and stretching out his legs. your eyes automatically fall to the empty space in his lap before darting back up to his face. “why not? it looks so pretty on you. we can match.”
you give him a look at the sudden compliment, but you set the brush down and turn around in your chair to face him. “fine. what do you want, just eyes? or the whole face?”
he runs a hand through his hair once, blond hair falling across his forehead. “up to you. but i want the lipstick you’re wearing.”
you stare at him for a second, noticing the troublemaking gleam in his eyes that hints at his true intentions. but finally you grin, grabbing the eyeshadow palette from the table and bringing it over to him. 
you could just as easily have him sit in front of the mirror like you had done, but he’s not the only one who can play games. you cross the room and sit down on one of his spread legs; to anyone else, it may seem like an innocent enough gesture, but both of you know what you’re doing. teasing.
you sweep your brush through a glittery powder, a shade not far from yours but still bright enough to stand out. he did want to match, after all. but just as you’re about to apply it to his face, you feel his hands reach out to grip your waist.
“you’re too far away,” he says casually, but you could swear you heard a whine in his voice. he tugs on your hips to draw you further up his leg. “don’t you have to get closer to do it?”
you keep as straight a face as you can as you stand up to adjust yourself, sitting back down so you’re straddling his lap with one leg on either side of his hips.
“is this better?” you ask, sinking down just a little bit more so your thigh brushes against the bulge you had suspected might be there.
he lets out a barely audible sigh as his hands trail down your waist. “mm, yeah.”
you try not to smirk as you bring your hand up to his cheek. “now close your eyes for me, junnie.”
he does as he’s told, pretty eyelashes fluttering shut as you begin to work. each brushstroke spreads the glittery substance across his lids, and you can’t help but smile as you watch his face, studying the way the shadows from the cheap yellow overhead light fall so gracefully across his cheekbones.
you rub at the corner of his eye with your thumb and then stand up, walking back over to your makeup bag. jun huffs, and in your peripheral you can see him not-so-subtly adjusting his pants.
you grab what you were looking for and sit down again, this time pushing down a little rougher on his bulge and eliciting a louder whine from his pretty lips. “forgot my eyeliner pencil,” you say coolly, resting your hand on his cheek again.
“mhm,” he says in a way that you know he doesn’t believe you, but he closes his eyes anyway.
you smudge the dark pencil at his eyelashes, giving him directions about where to look so you can apply it at the right angle, but more than once you catch him staring up at you instead. pretending like the look in his eyes doesn’t make your stomach flutter is probably the hardest thing you’ve ever done.
you finish with his eyes and sit back to admire your work, resting your full weight on his lap. he muffles a groan, but neither of you mention it.
finally, you bring out the finishing touch: the lipstick he’d been admiring earlier. and by admiring, you mean he’s been staring at your lips for the better part of the last hour.
“why are we even going to this party, anyway?” he asks, and you scoff, telling him to stay still as you press the bright red stick to his lips in careful strokes.
“why else do we go to parties? because it’s almost the end of the semester, and i wanna get drunk and make out with mildly attractive guys.”
“well, i’m right here,” he says with a laugh once you give him the go ahead, rubbing his lips together at your instruction. “and i’d argue i look way more attractive than anybody at that party.”
“mm, i’d have to agree. i am a pretty good makeup artist, aren’t i?”
“you are, but you know what would make it even better?” he asks.
you shake your head, waiting for him to tell you. but he doesn’t tell you. instead he cups his hands behind your head and draws your face towards his, pressing his lips against yours. his mouth moves slowly at first but his kisses turn rough when you start kissing him back, lips parting slightly to give him better access.
but just as you start to melt into him he pulls away, studying your face as you exhale deeply. his lipstick is smeared across his chin and you’re certain yours is now too, but you couldn’t care less about what you look like when jun is sitting in front of you looking absolutely fucking delectable.
“now you look perfect,” he says under his breath, and you let out a gasp when his grip on your waist turns tighter, holding you down against his lap so you can feel every part of him. you’re sure he must be able to feel your throbbing heat through his pants, but he doesn’t say anything; he just pulls you back in, his sloppy kisses settling on your lips.
he grinds his hips up against you, slowly, experimentally, and you moan into his mouth in response. you can feel his lips turn upwards into a smile at the sound, clearly pleased with your reaction. whimpers escape you as you chase his lips, desperate for more of him.
his hands that were guiding your hips at first have stopped and you move your hips continuously on your own now, practically riding him over his clothes as you grind across his lap. he pulls away again suddenly, leaving you panting for breath once more.
“why are you moaning so prettily, my love? do i look that good?” he asks. his tone is innocent, though he knows exactly the answer to his question, gleefully ignoring everything you’ve just been doing as he teases you.
“jun,” you breathe out his name, both a plea and a question.
“yes, my pretty baby?”
you moan out loud at his words, and in response he attaches his lips to your neck and begins to suck at your skin. you can feel the waxy stickiness of his lipstick on your neck, and you inhale sharply as one of his hands starts to dip into your pants.
“tell me what you want, my love,” he says, lifting his lips away from your neck for a moment to speak.
your breath hitches as his fingertips brush across the skin beneath your belly button, his touch far too light to do anything but still more than enough to drive you wild. “want you, jun…” you repeat his name, and he hums, fingers skimming lower until you can feel the tip of his finger run through your folds once.
“so wet for me, baby. all this just from me wearing makeup? you’re dripping all over my hand, sweet girl.”
you let out an impatient whine, and he presses another kiss to your stained lips. his eyes raise to meet yours again, and after what feels like an eternity he nods, and your hands jump into action, eager to free yourself from your clothes.
the party and the makeup you spent so much time on are both long forgotten as you fumble to pull your top off. jun smiles, his hands circling around you to grab underneath your ass and hoist you up as he stands up from the chair. he tosses you on the bed in one swift motion as your shirt falls to the floor.
you kick off your pants and jun unbuttons his jeans, climbing on top of you as you tug his shirt up and over his head. immediately his lips attach to your breast, the remnants of his lipstick leaving bright red marks across your skin as his teeth skim over your nipple before moving on to your other breast.
you look down at him and moan at the sight as he works his way across your chest, a trail of red leading down your body as he kisses his way down to your stomach.
you dart out a hand to pull at his hair, stopping him from going any further, and he moans, leaning his head back to strain his hair in your grip.
“you’re not eating me out with lipstick on, junnie,” you say, and he huffs like he’s disappointed but he accepts it, moving up your lipstick-covered body to kiss you once more. 
he hovers over you, almost laying at your side with how close he is to you, and you crane your neck up to meet his lips again. his hand slides down to poke at your entrance and slips one finger into you, then quickly adds a second when he meets no resistance. you gasp and let go of his hair, hands falling to clutch at the sheets beneath you instead, but he pulls his fingers out and hums at your action, displeased.
you find his eyes and study his expression as he grabs your wrists and places your hands back on his head. you can feel his fingers that were just inside you smear your wetness across your forearm. 
“want you to pull on it,” he says by way of explanation, and you nod, winding your fingers through his soft locks. “good girl,” he says softly, and gently he pushes back into you, drawing another whine from your lips.
his pace starts slow, but his hand quickly speeds up when you tighten your fingers in his hair. it’s too easy how he finds the perfect angle that has your eyes rolling back, building you up until you can’t hold back anymore and you’re clenching so hard around him he can barely pull his fingers out to push them back into you.
he doesn’t let up, adding a third finger and bending his thumb to rub at your clit, and before you can say anything to let him know, the coil that’s been building in your abdomen snaps and you’re gushing around his fingers as you let out a constant stream of whines and whimpers, stumbling through your high.
if your ears weren’t already ringing from how powerful your orgasm was, then they’re ringing from hearing the praises that fall from jun’s mouth, telling you what a good girl you are for him and cooing about how beautiful you look all covered in marks.
when you’ve come back down to earth enough to continue, he sits back on his heels, pumping his cock with one hand before he lines himself up with your dripping pussy. he pushes into you, the girth of his cock creating more resistance than his fingers did but still fitting snugly inside you.
you lean your head back and moan, consumed by the feeling of being so perfectly full that it’s hard to focus on anything else but how good he feels. he waits for a moment, feeling you clench so tightly around him as you adjust to his size, and as he waits he takes the time to look at you. 
your face, half covered in lipstick but your features scrunched up in pleasure in that familiar way he could see with his eyes closed. in fact, he does see it when his eyes are closed; whenever you’re not around and he recalls each perfect time you’ve had together, and he pictures the face you’re making right now and he knows how good he’s making you feel, the only one making you feel like this, and how good you make him feel, too. predictable in the very best way.
he feels your fingers lace through his hair and tug gently, and it brings him back to this moment, here and now, your eyes silently telling him—no, begging him—to move.
so, of course, he complies. his hips push against you once, twice, setting a slow but deliberate pace that has you right up at the edge already with hardly anything from him. just the feeling of him inside you is all you could ever want, all you could ever need. 
you moan his name and he responds with a sharp thrust that makes you yelp but feels better than anything you’ve ever felt before. you push your fingertips into his scalp, and he speeds up, nearly doubling his pace. you clench your muscles around him and he lets out a yelp of his own, his rhythm faltering for a second but he recovers quickly.
it’s not long before his hips begin to stutter, signaling his coming orgasm. he leans forward and puts his arms on either side of your head, caging you in with his forearms. he’s so close you can feel his breath on your face, see the dried clumps of lipstick on his cheek. 
he tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear with his thumb before pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. at this new angle you can feel him so much better, and the gentleness of his kiss is enough to make you fall apart all over again.
he captures your moans in his mouth as he pushes into you a last few times before his own orgasm hits and he’s burying himself as deep into you as he can go, your pussy spasming around him as his cum fills you up.
he collapses next to you, his cock beginning to soften inside you, and you both lay there panting for breath, sweaty and dirty and content.
it takes a while to scrub the makeup off your skin, but you couldn’t think of a better way to spend your time than throwing a makeup wipe at jun’s face and giggling as he chases you around the room, still naked. but eventually the lipstick smudges come off and a warm shower relaxes your bodies, and you help each other pull on pajamas and make a snack and a couple mugs of tea.
“are you disappointed we missed the party?” he asks once you’re in bed together, tracing his fingers along your arm.
you had completely forgot about the party, the reason you had even put makeup on him in the first place. “there’ll be other parties,” you sigh. “besides, you’re prettier than any frat boy i could ever meet.”
“with the makeup?” he asks.
“without the makeup.”
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dira333 · 1 month
The usual suspects - Aomine x Reader
Reader is Imayoshi's cousin and a second year, tw: divorcing parents
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"This roof is occupied," you tell the first-year who's crashing your party.
He huffs out something that could be a laugh or something else and just drapes himself over the floor where he'd been standing, falling asleep instantly.
You roll your eyes at that, having to decide in seconds if waking him up to get him to leave is worth the hassle. It's not.
This is how it starts.
Because Aomine - it's not hard to find out his name - has the uncanny ability to always find the spot you're hiding in. He doesn't talk though, which you appreciate, only drapes himself over whatever surface he's feeling that day, and starts snoring.
You'd suspect narcolepsy if you didn't know better.
"It's getting annoying," Shoichi tells you over dinner. You huff, already bored of the conversation. "I know he doesn't have to train but it's hurting the team morale."
"You knew that when you told Coach to accept him."
Shoichi throws you a look and you smile back, not the least bit affected by his thinly veiled threats.
"You could at least try to be helpful. You've been spotted with him before, you two seem awfully close."
You snort. "I highly doubt that. All we do is share the same hiding spot because he's good at finding the same spots I'm already using."
"Well according to Momoi you fit his type, so..."
"What, I'm a girl? Wow, I'm shocked." You bark out a laugh. "Do you really want to try and set me up with that guy? If I come to like him you will not see him at official games either. I need to get my cuddle time, you know."
He scoffs. "I just meant you could get him some incentive. He's probably more likely to listen to a good-looking girl than me or some other guy from his team."
"Wow, complimenting me? You've really gotten this desperate?"
"Yes." Shoichi's voice is calm and that shocks you more than the single-word admission.
You swallow nervously. "Fine, I'll think about it."
"You're Daiki, right?" You ask two days later when you wake up from your own nap only to find him there with you, his head not far from your thighs. He's moved closer over the last few weeks or so, now almost touching you when there's enough room to avoid you altogether.
He hums in agreement, eyes closed.
You sit up and your hand lands just shy of his head, the tips of his hair tickling your skin. It looks soft and ridiculously blue, begging for you to drag your hands through it. So you do it, surprised when he doesn't open his eyes. You'd already be at his throat if he tried to do something similar with you.
You pull your hand back immediately when you realize you're being a hypocrite - hands already itching to get back because it truly is as soft as it looks - and his eyes flutter open, locking in on you.
"Don't stop," he says, voice barely above a whisper. It strikes you like an arrow straight to the heart.
His head is in your lap, the sun warm on your skin as you drag your hands through his hair.
Today had been shit. Last night had been shit. You're tired but you can't sleep and this is the most you've been able to calm down in days.
"Wanna talk about it?" Daiki asks.
You shrug. "Don't have to," he adds, eyes still closed. "But I don't have anything better to do, so..."
"My parents are getting a divorce," you tell him, thinking of yet another night spent trying to block out the fights, the insults hurled at each other, the knowledge that neither of them wants the other to have... you.
He's quiet. But you don't doubt that he's listening.
"I'm staying with my cousin most of the time, but it sucks... They're the adults, yet I'm already better at dealing with this stuff than they'll probably ever be."
"Is that why you're always hiding and skipping classes?"
You scoff. "No! I'm too smart for school, I'm just bored."
He laughs, a sound you hadn't expected. It shakes his whole body and yours with it. You can't help but laugh along and soon enough he's sitting up, arm slung across your shoulders as if you're not one year above him and way too cool to be around a loser like him.
He's warm and heavy as he leans into you and you wonder when exactly you've felt this kind of touch the last time.
"I wonder what you'd be able to do if you gave it your all," he says and you snort.
"Coming from you? That's rich."
"What?" He furrows his brows. "I'm already the best at Basketball. There's no one who can beat me but me."
You think of your cousin, of what he's already doing for you and what you're supposed to be doing for him. But you can't bring yourself to mention training now. This is too precious a moment to ruin with this.
"Tell me about it?" You ask, leaning into his touch.
He smirks. "Only if you keep doing that thing with my hair."
"Are you blackmailing me?"
"Why? Does it work?"
Something has changed. You can't fully put your finger on it, but Aomine's gone to two training sessions this week. You only know because Shoichi told you - not that you want to know. At least that's what you're telling yourself.
You've brought another bag of clothes over to your cousin's place, crammed them into the small closet your aunt could offer. When everything's settled, you'll be able to breathe again. Until then...
"Hey," he meets you in the music room, your preferred hiding spot for rainy days. "You busy tomorrow?"
"Not more than today, why?" You ask, surprised he's not already draped himself over your legs.
"We've got a game tomorrow."
"Ah," you nod. "Thanks for letting me know. Not going to wait for you then," you joke. He's not moving though his eyes are looking everywhere but at you.
"Anything else?"
"Agh," Daiki curses, walks across the room and back before he lets himself down next to you, muscles taut even as he sits.
"I wanted to ask if you wanted to come along."
You stare at him.
"What?" He asks gruffly, "I'd want you there."
"No, no, I got that," you say, "I'm just surprised."
"It's going to be fun if you're there to watch." He claims. "You can be proud of me while I obliterate them."
You sigh. "We're writing an important test tomorrow."
"Oh." He breathes in and out, then "Can't you skip it?"
You laugh. "No, I don't think so. I don't want to, actually. I kinda wanna try... it sounds stupid, but I kinda wanna try how high I can get. I even looked at the course material today."
"Wow, are you getting nerdy on me?" Daiki's pulling you in now, letting you know it's okay without words.
"Maybe, are you into nerds?"
It's highly unusual for someone to sign up as a manager at the end of a school year. It's even more unusual if said person is going to be in their third year next year, especially when the team already has a manager that's going to be around next year as well.
But you've never gone for the usual stuff and the tension in Shoichi's shoulders as he presents you to the team is worth the unpleasant sensation of getting presented.
Daiki's grinning back at you, the pain of losing to Seirin long forgotten, it seems. He hasn't missed training once this week - though he still skips some lessons to spend time with you.
You moved in permanently with Shoichi just last month. He's leaving for College soon and you're ready to fill his closet with your stuff the moment he turns his back on it - though he doesn't know it yet.
Life's fun, it seems, when you get to give it your all - together.
my Kofi if you want to tip me
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