#i take 4 days away from uni shit and it's the equivalent of a two week long trip to the beach in my head
miercolaes · 2 months
i've chosen mental health and this is your sign to do the same! if you can take a break from something that isn't urgent, please do it! it's the best thing you can do for yourself. we all go through different things right now as i've noticed and it'll all be okay in the end. but please take care of your mental and physical health! take a break, don't do anything for a day or read your favorite book or watch your favorite movie / tv show. trust me, you earned it. there are better times ahead and even if you think they're not, if you're reading this, i manifest it for you! speaking of which, if anything good happens to you after reading this, feel free to tell me in private or anon. i'd love to hear about what made happy!
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 4
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Malcolm sighed, levering himself up and around to face her, setting his scotch on the table next to her and smiling wryly.  “Thanks.”
He glanced up at her, and found her staring at him with an intense expression.  She didn’t look away, and his smile faded as he took her in.  God she’s beautiful.  It had taken him years to really see her, beyond the filter of his daughter’s friend.  Once he’d seen it, though, he’d been sunk, unable to return to how things had been.
Body and soul, she radiated, shining with a goodness and kindness unparalleled – and he’d met many people with those qualities through the Foundation. 
It had been the most ordinary moment in the world, they’d been joking about pizza toppings of all things, and his heart had just… expanded.
Like the bloody Grinch at the end of the movie.
Five years later the feeling had yet to go away; if anything it had continued to strengthen, mostly in the quiet moments.  The ring of her laughter, the glint in her eye, the shine of her lip gloss.  The casual touch as they would tease each other.
Is she getting closer?
Rose’s eyes flicked down to his lips, tongue darting out to wet her own, and his stomach bottomed out as heat raced through him.  He leaned in slowly, watching with bated breath as her eyes closed, thinking yes, yes, almost- his own eyes slipped shut as he paused a hair’s breadth away, so, so close to what he’d been aching for, what he’d been waiting for, hoping, daring, dreaming-
His daughter’s voice from the hallway was the equivalent of a bucket of ice water in his lap, shocking his senses and snapping his eyes open.  By the time she entered his office he was around the back of the couch, leaning on it and doing his damnedest to act casual - an act severely hampered by Rose’s slow blink as her brow furrowed and her eyes opened, staring at him with a maelstrom of emotion in her eye.
“Whaaat’s going on?”
Rose stood, watching him watch her, and after a moment, her face shuttered.  “I have a call to make, excuse me,” she mumbled, pushing past Clara without acknowledging her.
Entering further Clara made a face at Rose’s back, before looking at him.  “What did I miss?”
“No, no, it’s- what’re you doing here?” Malcolm shifted the focus to her, coming around the sofa to hug her and kiss her forehead, simultaneously annoyed with her presence and horrified at that fact.  In all her life he’d never allowed a romantic partner – especially not a potential one – to come between them, and yet right now all he wanted was for Clara to go away, to not have shown up.
So you could… what?  What do you honestly think was about to happen?  The thought of actually kissing Rose made his blood pressure soar, high enough he didn’t hear a word of Clara’s chatter.  “Right, that’s great,” he cut her off mid-word, with no idea of what she was talking about or if it was, in fact, great. “You just missed your Mum if that’s why you’re here, and if not, I’m sorry, but I’m… on my way to a meeting,” he invented wildly, “across town, and I’m about to be late.”
“But, Dad-”  Clara trailed after him as he grabbed his jacket and booked it to the door.
“Sorry, my love, we’ll have to talk later.”  With another fleeting forehead kiss he all but ran, skipping the lift in favor of the stairs for no other reason than to keep moving, entirely uncertain of where he was going until he exited the door and found Graham waiting in the loading dock by the town car.
“Where to, boss?” his chauffeur asked, nonplussed as he folded his newspaper and opened the door, and Malcolm slid in thinking If I lose the Estate I’ve got to drive myself.  Or take the Tube.
He shook his head, meeting Graham’s eye in the rearview mirror.
“Any-fucking-where but here.”
“Yes, sir.”
Rose fled Malcolm’s office without even bothering to greet her friend, horrified and humiliated at what had just almost transpired.
I’m such a moron.  He doesn’t want me.  How could I be so stupid?
She found herself in the bathroom with no clear memory of getting there, washing her hands as she tried to think.  What do I do?  What do I do what do I do what do I do?
The woman staring back at her from the mirror had no answer, nothing to offer.  Tears leaked out of her eyes, not quite crying but not nearly as calm as she’d like to be.
The door creaking open made her turn to the hand dryer, offering her back to whoever was coming in and using the sound of the blower to cover her sniffles.
Tears welled again at her best friend’s soft, soothing voice, but it was also the realization that for the first time in their friendship, she couldn't discuss her boy troubles with Clara.  Malcolm was her father, and it just wouldn’t be right.  I’m on my own.
Clara’s hand on her shoulder released the floodgates, and Rose spun, throwing herself into her friend’s arms sobbing, relaxing into the welcome embrace.
Whatever happens, I can’t lose Clara.
Once she pulled herself together they adjourned to Malcolm’s office, Rose hesitating in the doorway.  “Clara-”
“He ran out, a meeting across town he claimed, like I can’t tell when he’s full of shit.  C’mon.”
They settled together on the couch, kicking off their shoes and curling up as they had done so often, though never on this particular couch.  This isn’t the Tucker I’d like to be with like this, Rose thought morosely, feeling guilty at the idea.  Clara was her very best friend in all the world, the one who knew all her secrets.  It felt paramount to betrayal to think that.
“Wait!”  Barefoot, Clara leapt off the couch, returning a moment later with the whisky decanter and two matching glasses.  “Here.”
“It’s the middle of the day,” Rose gave a token protest, nonetheless taking a mouthful of the liquid, enjoying the burn as it went down.  Working for Malcolm had introduced her to the world of scotch, and he’d been a willing and enthusiastic teacher, telling her with an arrogant but teasing smile, Rose Tyler, who better to teach you about scotch than a Scot?
That had been the first, but hardly the last time she’d wanted to fist his stupid tee shirt, pull him closer, and snog the living daylights out of him.  She’d once even had a dream that was essentially them doing body shots of whisky off each other across his desk.  It had taken the better part of a week to look him in the eye without blushing afterwards.
Glancing up from the glass she found Clara watching her, head propped on her hand, elbow on the back of the couch for support.  “What?”
“So, what exactly did I almost walk in on?”
“What d’you mean?  Nothing.  What?”
“Rose.”  Clara shook her head, sighing.  “C’mon.  What was that?  You’re both being far too weird for it to be nothing.”
She bit her lip, swirling the scotch just to watch the motion, uncertain of what to do.  Normally she would confide, they had no secrets, but… this was just too strange.
Okay, one secret.
“What do you think of this whole… Wallace’s will thing?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at her friend in the universal change the subject time-honored glare.  “Did you know anything about it?”
“Of course not!” Clara gasped, outraged.  “You think I’d know about something like that and not tell you?  More importantly, you think I could keep a secret that big?  Come on!”
Rose had to smile at that, burrowing down slightly into the sofa.  It was incredibly comfortable, and she knew Malcolm had spent more than a few nights on it during busy weeks.  If she strained, she could almost catch a hint of his cologne.  You are so far gone.  And an idiot.  “True,” she conceded, “but I had to ask.”
“Well, I didn’t.  And I can guarantee that Dad didn’t either; no way he’d let Wally pull a stunt like that.  You know he respects you too much.”
“Thanks.”  It hadn’t even occurred to her that Malcolm might have known, but in thinking about it, she knew he couldn’t have; he wouldn’t let that happen.  He had, somehow, become one of her biggest supporters. Her faith in him was absolute. “So, what do you think I should do?”
Clara smirked, not hiding her face behind her glass quickly enough.  “I dunno.  Be my new mummy?”  She shrieked with laughter when Rose swatted her, before yelping, “No, my whisky!” as it almost spilled.
They giggled together, and Rose shook her head, smiling softly.  “Wouldn’t that be something.  I suppose one could argue I’ve already had plenty of practice,” she teased, thinking about uni.  They’d been alike in many ways, but while Clara liked to go out and party, Rose was more of a homebody, one who reluctantly accepted the designation of mom-friend – which said more about her friends than it did about her, given that she wasn’t the particularly well-organized or neat-freak type.  Everyone else had just been worse.
“You’ll be a good mum,” her friend said confidently, nudging Rose’s knee with her own.  “No question.”
“That seems optimistic,” Rose snorted, trying to hide the twinge in her heart as she realized, “If I went through with this- for the Foundation, obviously- then I’ll be thirty-five and divorced.  Bit late to start a family of my own.”
“What?  That’s not true!” Clara protested, sitting upright.  “We’re still plenty young!  Lots of women have babies in their late thirties.  Don’t give up!”
Smiling sardonically, Rose shook her head.  “Oh, come on.  I’m not saying it’s impossible, but definitely impractical.  If a bloke is in his mid-thirties and never been married, or worse divorced, there’s a reason.  No.”
Clara pursed her lips in thought for a moment before brightening.  “I know! Go it alone.  Adopt, or use a sperm bank.  Do it on your own terms.  Hell, it’s the twenty-first century – there’s plenty of ways to get material from someone without going near their trousers.  You could get some from my dad, for crying out loud – I always wanted a sibling.”
That had Rose laughing, trying to picture not only the conversation, but also the outcome.  “You’d be, at a minimum, thirty-one years older than your sibling.  That’s just absurd – you’d always be mistaken for their mum!”
“You’re twenty-five years older than Tony,” Clara argued.  “It’s not that different.”
Rose’s laughter trailed off as she pictured it; not Clara with a decades-younger sibling, but rather, Malcolm with a baby.  He’d worship another kid.  Once, after a scotch-too-many, he’d confessed one of his greatest life disappointments had been not having more children.  She could see it, clear as day, the gruff and severe Scot losing his shit over a tiny person, being absolutely fascinated by watching his child grow and learn, discovering the world.  No child could have a prouder father, that’s for sure.  She’d heard enough stories about Clara’s childhood to know that, not so much from the story itself but the pride and joy evident in the retelling.
Her heart ached at the thought, of sharing a home, a child, a life with Malcolm.  For the first time, she admitted to herself that she was in love with him, truly, madly, deeply in love, the kind where other men held almost no interest for her.  She wasn’t dead, could certainly appreciate a fine specimen of man when she saw it, but… she didn’t find herself wanting more.  She winced, realizing it had been more than a year since her last shag, longer since her last actual relationship.
He’s my standard.
It hurt to think, but it was true; she was constantly comparing other men to him, if subconsciously, and he came out on top every time.  His jokes were funnier, his hair was better, his smile more charming, his eyes deeper. Whenever they would touch, mostly in passing with how often she handed things to him or vice versa, a spark would shock her wherever his skin touched hers.
“Shit!” her friend cut her off, eyes widening as she reached for her buzzing mobile.  “Shit, shit, shit.  I’ve got a meeting with some parents, I cannot be late.”  Shaking her head, she bounced up off the couch.  “Sorry, sorry, I’ll still see you tomorrow night, yeah?  Hold that thought.  I gotta run, but I love you.  Later, babe!”
And with a peck to the cheek she was gone, leaving Rose alone with her whisky and worries.
“Now what?”
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s-nebul0sa · 5 years
Just for that I have to work and can't go outside. Every even number 😄 have fun in the sun
🖕🏼🖕🏼😘😘 Thanks for asking
2. A picture of me:
You know it’s not gonna happen. So here is a very realistic and life-like drawing of me I totally did not make in 2 minutes time on my phone without any pencil thing or anything. My actual face is not as crooked I think. (And paler. I just compared and less reddish/pink)
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4. Last time I cried and why?
Err.. I think maybe Sunday? Because I was anxious and wouldn’t stop being anxious. Otherwise, definitely Friday because same reason plus I was reading a fic.
6. Favourite band:
Omg I know nothing of bands. What are bands? Uhhmm I’ll pick the first one that comes to mind. When I look at my spotify playlist because I can’t come up with anything. I’m terrible at this okay. Is pentatonix a band? If not, sucks for you cause I’m still picking them.
8. Top 5 candies:
Black liquorice (look, I’m Dutch, don’t blame me, this stuff is in my veins. And yes, I mean the salty versions because we ignore that fake ‘sweet’ shit (unless it’s the coins version))
Haribo apple rings
Haribo anything else really
Lion bars
Katja yoghurt gums 
10. Biggest turn ons:
As if I’m self aware enough to know this… Fine. I’ll try 😋
Geeking out over stuff. Being excited about ‘nerdy’ stuff. Red lipstick. Being interested in me. Breathing/being alive.
I think that’s some of them probably.
12. Ideas of a perfect date:
Something where you can talk or not have to sit still for hours. I’ve never been on a date actually so I don’t know what I like. But like, talking seems good. Getting to know each other. But on the other hand, laser gaming sounds fun too. So something that’s either fun like laser gaming or laid back like a picnic.
14. Piercings I want:
None. I have pierced ears and I don’t even want that anymore (got them pierced when I was a kid and really wanted it…)
16. Favourite movie:
I think I’ve said this before but I’m not good with ‘favourite’ anything. So err the parent trap? Because I think that’s the movie I’ve seen most and it does always manage to entertain me even though I know the plot by heart.
18. Phobia:
I’m not sure if these are phobias or fears but: the dark, heights, fire…. and probably some more vague/not as material shit like losing friends.
20. Height: 
167.5 cm (yes, very important that 0.5 cm)
22. What’s your shoe size?
24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
26. What’s one thing you regret?
I don’t like to think about this stuff because I end up in a spiral of negative thoughts and memories I cannot change. So I’ll keep it simple. Not buying better ice cream when I went to the store the other day. 
28. Favourite ice cream?
Italian ice cream from the one ice cream place in the village my mom works. Specifically, cinnamon and stracciatella flavour.
30. What my last text message says:
“I think I’m getting a real bad cold. Or ill. I hope the first.” (This is a translation, also not a text but whatsapp is the European/Dutch equivalent of texting these days)
32. Have you ever painted your room?
Yes, I didn’t like the unpainted walls because that’s ugly so I didn’t really have another option. Also, I think it was one of the requirements for moving in here. 
34. Have you ever slept naked?
I have, when it was really really hot.
36. Have you ever had a crush?
Yes, I think. Okay, no. Yes, I’m pretty sure.
38. Have you ever stolen money from a friend?
No, never.
40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Not really. I’ve punched someone before but I don’t think they hit back (I punched her in the face and she had braces and apparently that hurt…)
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
To be determined.
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
I do it all the time. Badass, huh. Or do you mean when I was a minor and living with them? In that case, no I didn’t dare.
48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
No, I was too much of a goody-two-shoes.
50. Have you ever seen someone die?
No, thank Rao.
52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
I’m pretty sure I had to do that in play once (just a peck). Don’t think I ever did it myself ‘in real life’ though.
54. Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now?
That’s one weirdly worded question. At least, my brain thinks so. But I’m not currently missing someone and I don’t get the other half…
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yes, many.
58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
I was the sorest loser you’ll ever meet when I was a kid and I cheated all the time to avoid losing. I’d be the bank in all the games that needed someone to take care of that and then slip myself money or resources. 😂😂 I don’t cheat anymore, I just don’t play to win and then I don’t mind not winning.
60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
I’ve fallen asleep waiting for someone to come study while I was sitting at uni, but that was tucked away in a corner of a couch that was behind another couch with a super high back so no one saw me except my friend. Other than that, I don’t think I have.
62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
I don’t think I have.
64. Have you ever ran a red light?
By bike, many a times. By car? Never.
66. Have you ever had detention?
Not a thing here, so no.
68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
Yes, often.
70. Have you ever pole danced?
Yes. I sucked. The muscles you need for that man… 
Want some context? It was during the introduction week for uni and we got to do some sports at the sports centre and every group was just assigned which sports they got to do. We got assigned pole dancing (and some others).
72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
Depends on what you define as opposite. I have been to the opposite side of where I live now and I guess also kind of from my parents. But my country is super tiny so I’ve been in most (general) places….
74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
I have
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
82. Have you ever dreamt that you married someone?
I once dreamt I had a husband who passed away (and woke up sobbing only to realise a solid 10 minutes later I had never even married someone, nor liked someone enough to want to). 
84. Have you ever gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
Are flag poles so prevalent in the U.S. that you actually know where to find one to get your tongue stuck to? Also, did they never teach you about touching cold objects with bare skin, especially wet skin like the tongue?
86. Have you ever been a cheerleader?
Also not a thing here, so no. And if it were a thing here, it’d also be a no probably.
88. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
Rao, I hope no one ever answers ‘no’ to this question. (So that’s a ‘yes’ for me.)
90. Have you ever played chicken?
What is this? Just pretend that you’re a chicken? Or is this some game I don’t know? It’s no to either I guess.
92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
I’ve probably been shouted at something along those lines. I mean, I’ve also been shouted at I got ‘nice tits’ whilst wearing a thick winter coat and a long scarf over it so I doubt it was even visible I had them in the first place…. Men… 🙄
94. Have you ever been easily amused?
I guess? 
96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
I probably mooned my sister. But to be fair, someone allowed this Asian cartoon on a kids network and that boy mooned everyone so my sister started doing it too. I can only assume that if I ever mooned anyone myself, it was in this context and I did it to my sister. (That cartoon got banned and I watched some stuff on youtube the other day and damn what idiot thought that was appropriate for kids?!)
98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
Yes, especially when being introduced to many new people. 
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
I don’t know whether this exists (except if I don’t know this thing about me either). I talk about wanting a pet but I’m also kinda scared of animals?
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dongsooks · 6 years
Pentagon as uni-students
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Admin: Asa Type: AU Warnings: I do not know Pentagon personally! A/N: I go to school in Germany and I’m only familiar with the German and the Kazakh scholar system. But then again I think university is always the same experience with it being a mix of pain but also ~maKinG MEmoriEs~ and getting to know the real meaning of capitalism. Asa out.
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Major: Music Education, maybe later on Music Therapy
Just wanted to make his passion into his career
Probably the type that has a long term relationship throughout college to avoid STD’s
really enjoys what he is doing
whenever he holds presentations he has this genuine passion in his eyes like wow???
Teacher’s pet but just because he is the best and is so interested in learning
always asks for extra material to ~expand his horizon~ 
I could also see him starting Music Therapy after he gets his bachelor in Music ed??
because he realises music makes him happy, he sees how music actually makes others happier and he just wants to spread!!! happiness!!! and his love for music!!!
originally started working in a grad-school but then quit to work in an elementary school
less income but he loves seeing the kids all excited and eager to learn it reminds him of himself, sob
Just please imagine him, his calm voice, his patient character and his love for music teaching and helping people?? I’M??
dreams of opening his own music school/music therapy center
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Major: Music Theory and Composition; Performance
fight me, do it, but:
I mean you can lie to yourself, but in the end we can all see him on that stage being the phantom of that opera 
brags about interships he gets, contacts he makes
works at the local theatre on weekends where he does all the dirty work but in exchange he can view all plays for free
takes girls to said plays to impress them
“Oh the main? Yeah sure we’re like basically friends”
The overly hype one at campus parties
always ends up in a drunk vocal battle with Jinho at the end of the night oh the cringe
Hates the theory parts and always would prefer actually singing, performing, playing than just??reading how?? jesus what he got them vocals for y’all
the type who starts studying for finals the week before and eventually just laughs the lack of sleep away
tries to get the teachers to like him
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Major: Physical Activity, Nutrition & Health Promotion
honestly for the other’s I did research on what majors there are and read into them t make sure they fit but for him I just looked for the English equivalent of what I meant Sport- und Ernährungswissenschaften my german folks will know
okay back to it
campus heartthrob but also campus mom
cooks healthy soup when his friends get sick :’)
and then tells them about all the nutritions inside and what vegetable helps for what 
the typical jock with enough brains to actually study something 
“do you even lift bro?”
“I had to broken legs and sprained all my toes and still got an A in my PE” everytime someone mentions physical pain
will recommend moves for when your back hurts though :’)
Asks girls if they need help with their workouts as a pickup line 
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Major: Fashion
Fashion queen
always well dressed
how he affords to keep his style that good is worth a buzzfeed unsolved episode tbh
comes to 8 am courses in Balenciaga
may or may not have a slight shopping addiction
never seen making money, studying, putting any effort into anything
good grades, good looks, style so good Karl Lagerfeld unnies was found shaking in his boots
lures photography majors into taking his portfolio pictures
and his Instagram pictures
probably gets offered one or two modeling contracts eventually
you could swear you saw him in the Vogue the other day
The one who suggest Strip Poker EVERYTIME
but that’s for an au coming soon which’s title rhymes with ptg as fucktroys ;)
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Major: Fine arts
has a Kranken, listens to real music and likes to judge people who wear skinny jeans watch out
seems unapproachable but honestly, genuinely is nice when you get to know him
part of the dance group
actually very interested in his courses but always seems like he is about to pass tf out
the guy who’s health you’re just really concerned about but he’s holding up, doing well
really good at art though
like they get displayed in the local museum good 
always a little disturbing but so, so interesting and deep??
Probably smokes them trees to widen his horizon man
was seen having a whole funeral for one of them once
the type of person where everyone who knows them says they’re so nice and great but you’re on the low intimidated by them
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Major: Classic literature
so involved in acting but also writing
writes poems 
goes to poetry slams with Hyojong 
the type of person who you could talk to for hours and hours
writes poems for his s/o’s
cries during emotional plays, novels etc
everyone loves him tbh 
the soft one who is ALL OVER THE PLACE during finals
S T RES S ED OUT so much Tyler Joseph knows NOTHING 
worries so much but ends up with great grades!!!
needs lots of encouragement 
Yan An:
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Major: International Studies
to be very honest I just had no idea what else to give him? 
I mean he said he’d be a flight attendant if he wasn’t an idol and you don’t have to go to Uni for that
but I guess this come close enough? 
gets the cultural aspect and everything
seems lost all the time
like in his last year first-years will show him around 
all the teachers are in love with him
he always gets dicounts because eeeveeeryyyonneee loooooves hiiimmm he is sooooo softttt omg
once had a phucboy phase but psshhhh
knows everything before finals but still stresses out
sometimes asks for help because he didn’t understand something and just smiles even though he still didn’t get it bby
generally smiles a lot for no reason
a puppy, a whole pup
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Major: Sport and Fitness Administration Management
probably has a scholarship 
wanted something “easy” but “safe”
honestly puts a lot more effort into his sports than school but always makes it
is the best player of the team
his coach probably always on the other teacher’s diccs about him
so he always gets to hand things in later/retake tests 
is unapproachable but nice #2
leaves parties before it gets dark so he only has a small time frame to GET LIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT
gets drunk and does that “EY EY EY EY” deep, manly, TESTOOOOSTERONE scream thing men do y’all feel me???
I think no one gets what I mean but I feel so passionately that he’d do that I’ll leave it in
forgets to bring his pencil, his notebook, his motivation and HIS DAMN BAG LIKE BOY IS YOU_::;.,:_
but always ready to help and share as much knowledge as he has we’re all just here to make it and leave
Kino <3:
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Major: Dance 
whooooo saw THAT coming wow what
yeah but maybe an education minor too?
has his SHIT TOGETHER! WOW !??
the epitome of a teachers pet
but tbh everyone just loves him it’s as simple as that
much like Jinho to be honest so I’m afraid to just repeat myself but shortly:
in love with what he is doing
wants to share this
is so genuinely happy to do what he does even when it’s hard it’s so?? inspirational?
dreams about opening his own dance studio 
but same as with Jinho I could see him into teaching especially younger kids
not much to say, he’s great and on top of the game 
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Major: Music Theory and Composition; Music Management
wanted to chase his dream but also chase that shmoney
soundcloud rapper
once hacked the university facebook page to post a video of himself recreating the 
“it’s ya boy, uhhh, skinny penis”-vine
gets delusional from the lack of sleep during exam season tbh
“can I borrow your calculator? what’s 4+5?” 
always drunk at parties but a funny, bearable kind of drunk
also seen hungover and full of regret ™ the next morning lmfao 
hungover in class
also brings snacks to class 
but makes it and so will you!!
Requests and Ships are open my children
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ok i don’t normally do this but i really really need to rant
i literally do not want to wake up because there’s too much to deal with. 
so i live in hong kong (city in south east asia), and obviously most schools do hong kong exams (except some international schools??i don't really know), but my school chose to do the international GCSEs in grade 10 which is an UK exam, and go back to the hong kong exams (equivalent to SATs or A-levels) in grade 12. so naturally there are some differences and the gap between is quite wide and there are a lot of catching up to do cuz we’ve lost the whole year 10 to the GCSEs already and there’s only roughly 1.5 year to prepare for the exam at the end of year 12. 
the GCSEs ended last last week and we’ve had a week of holiday. and now we have to go back to school for “post exam activities” which I thought was gonna be chilled, but noooooo honey. they made us start year 11 now. literally wtf. i’ve just finished the first public exam in my life and now you’re telling me i’ve got to start preparing for my second one in 3 years. and that’s not even the problem. 
so i went back to school and i had chinese lesson, and i thought it was gonna be chilled, like nothing to do and just chat kind of chilled, but as soon as I got in the classroom, the teacher made us do a year 12 chinese public exam paper WHILE IM STILL IN YEAR !!!10!!! and told us we should at least get 75%. literally what the heck again. people who do this paper at the end of year 12 are still failing or getting bad grades and now my school be telling us we should get a 75% when i’m still in year 10. what. the. hell. 
(but if you’re wondering i got 81% so that’s not bad) 
then I went to english class and woohoo the teacher told us we have to submit 2 research papers on either a documentary or movie and either a fiction or nonfiction book. again, i just finished my exams. let me live. 
normally i won’t complain about school but i’ve literally been taking tests and exams all school year. october to november - test season (3 tests per subject, 13 subjects), december to january - exam season, february - test season (3 tests per subject, 13 subjects), march to april - mock exams, may to june - real GCSEs. non stop. i swear this whole school year i spent every single weekend studying or taking extracurriculars. 
and i feel so lied to?? every single teacher in our school is telling us that if we get As, we’re average, and Bs are below international average because the hong kong curriculum isn’t the most academically challenging. really? then why the high suicide rates? 
i’ve never realised it but our school has always been indoctrinating us to believe that our only choice is to get into a good uni after secondary school. just like last month we had a “careers’ choices and future planning” workshop where we were introduced many universities and stuff, our school didn't even bother to tell us about the less prestigious school??? so like they said we could go study abroad in the uk, and some uni examples are oxbridge, uni of manchester, london school of economics and imperial college, and that’s all. literally. they were literally hinting to us that these unis are the only choices and withdrawing information about less prestigious unis from us. same for the US unis where they only told us about the ivy leagues. 
and so last year i’ve decided to do vet med at either Cambridge or Cornell, and ever since i’ve been studying my ass off and joining a bunch of different activities (related or not related - I need the certificates and experiences). i didn’t realise it but i’ve got so much on my plate. to illustrate here’s my usual timetable for the majority of the year 
monday - school 7:45 to 4:00                 athletics 4:00 to 7:00                 dinner 7:30 to 7:45                 shower 7:45 to 8:00                 homework and studying 8:00 to however late it might be 
tuesday - school 7:45 to 4:00                 french 4:00 to 5:30                  homework and studying 6:00 to 7:30                  dinner 7:30 to 7:45                 shower 7:45 to 8:00                                 piano practice 8:00 to 9:30                  homework and studying 9:30 to however late it might be 
and basically everyday is the same but with different extracurriculars. some days i even get at 5 to get some shit done before school. 
i rmb this one time i was painting at night cuz i study art and it was really late. it was so late that i heard birds chirping outside to i knew i had to at least sleep for an hour or two before school. i packed up and went to the washroom to pour away the dirty paint water but accidentally spilled everything on the floor. now normally i would’ve cleaned it up. no big deal. but that day i was so tired that i sat in the puddle on paint water and cried for an hour then got changed and went to school like nothing happened. no one knew because i handed in everything. i had good grades. i didn’t complain. but that doesn't make it ok. it doesn't change the fact that the school is pushing the students too hard. 
another one of my friend was so exhausted that she had to stay in a hospital for 2 weeks. all because of school. another one of my friend wrote and typed so much that she pulled some muscles in her hand and she couldn’t play guitar now. 
and i’ve been holding on so well because i was literally too busy to feel the stress?? but that’s a lie cuz i have so many breakouts. i used to have such good skin but now i have breakouts all over my forehead cuz of stress. 
so long story short i had a breakdown today and now i think i’m sick but i don't wanna skip school.
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