#i wanted to adapt it to one piece
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"You got the best of me."
Wips, different colours and context below the cut. (TW: Religious themes)
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If you're curious, this illustration is based on a comic (which is based on a fan fiction) I worked on for a long time called "You Got the Best of Me". Yes, it's a BTS song. It's a good B-side.
The idea is that traveller!Antonio finds his way to a small, wayward tomato farmed owned by this grumpy man called Lovino. He's the son of the village's head priest who had passed away from cancer when he was a child, not long after his younger brother, Feliciano was born.
Feliciano was always sickly and couldn't do very much. He was a crybaby. He was kind of pathetic but always cheerful and Lovino loved him very much, and worked hard to support him.
Growing up, Feliciano became very religious like their grandfather and trained to become a priest. Lovino didn't exactly disapprove, since it meant Feliciano would be taken care of, but he didn't believe in God as much as he used to. Afterall, God let his grandfather—the epitome of Godfearring—die so painfully. Feliciano tries his best to reconnect but their difference in faith made it difficult.
In the present day, Antonio and Lovino met when Antonio just stumbles into a village party one day. He leans against an empty barrel, exhausted, until someone taps his shoulder. He turns around and sees a handsome, albeit drunk as fuck young man giving him a bottle of alcohol, telling him to cheer up and drink. Antonio fell in love at first sight. That smile was gorgeous.
They meet again the next day when Antonio walks into the church and sees the same young man sitting at the back. The young man didn't say no when Antonio sits with him, and doesn't do anything when Antonio talks to him and asks to share his Bible.
After service, they walk around the church in silence and they go to a quiet stretch of meadow where Antonio plays some childhood songs on his guitar. Antonio was surprised when Lovino knew the words and could speak Spanish. Lovino said the 'weirdos' his grandfather made friends with taught him whatever he knew, which was surprisingly a lot.
They continue chatting and without knowing, it had been hours.
"Brother, it's lunch time," Feliciano said softly.
Lovino screamed. "H-how the fuck did you find me?"
Feliciano laughed as he pointed to the footsteps in the ground. "There's coffee! No alcohol, don't drink so much." Feliciano acknowledged Antonio with a curtsey and a suspicious glance. Lovino did not always have the best judgement.
The three of them walked together, Lovino walked ahead because he was hungry and knew that he needed to explain himself. Antonio and Feliciano introduced themselves. Feliciano was not as paranoid as before—Antonio seemed like a nice person. Antonio liked that Feliciano took things well despite his sickliness and hoped that he would get better soon. Feliciano gave him a look.
Antonio understood immediately. Feliciano was unnervingly pale and skinny. The only thing about him that was strong was his will to live. Antonio promised to never talk about it again and Feliciano smiled.
A few months go by and Antonio was helping Lovino harvest tomatoes and that was when Lovino pulls him aside and asks, "Do you know about my grandfather?" Antonio said vaguely because he and Feliciano slipped it in conversations here and there. Lovino nodded and then elaborated more on what Antonio 'vaguely' knew. Lovino usually wasn't this open so what happened now?
"Doctors said Feliciano won't have longer than a year left."
Antonio felt devastated. He did not know them for very long and yet he knew Feliciano was one of the better sort of people out there. He could only imagine how painful it must be for Lovino—his own brother!
"Is God trying to take a piss at me?" Lovino said angrily. "For not believing? For fucking giving up? For calling Him a bastard? If He feels bad, then maybe He should stop fucking killing everyone I love! My own family, Antonio! What the fuck is wrong with Him?"
Antonio listened. Lovino started ugly sobbing, understandably so. Antonio nodded.
"Feliciano's a good kid. He's always doing his fucking best. He never whored around, he's always nice. He cooked for old ladies. He prays and reads the Bible every fucking day. Why do you Hate your own, God? Is it because he's dating some guy? Well, I don't like the blonde son of a bitch either but I won't kill them. What the fuck is your problem? Aren't you the good one?"
Antonio pat his back. And then, Lovino said, "Why can't He just kill me instead? Let Feliciano go. Let him be happy."
"That won't change anything."
"Yeah that fucking won't but at least I won't be sad."
"Well, I would."
Lovino looked at Antonio like he was crazy.
"But you'll fucking bounce in what? A week? Two weeks? I know your type. You idiots never fucking stay in one place, always running around, bumming around without doing anything proper. Piss off, Antonio. You'll find another one in China or some shit."
"No, Lovino. I care about you. I don't want you to die. Feli's not dead yet. What would he say?"
"He'd tell me to pray."
"Praying isn't dying, sí?" Antonio said. The sun was setting and the birds were chirping. Antonio picked up a plump tomato from the ground, wiped it with his shirt and gave it to Lovino. "Eating this beautiful tomato won't cure you or Feli of your pain but it sure tastes really nice."
Lovino laughed at that childish response. He ate the tomato and smiled. It was quite delicious. Antonio thought he looked like an angel when he smiled, especially now. They looked at each other with an unspoken emotion, something at the tip of their tongue. Antonio knew it a bit better than Lovino but it was still scary because it meant giving up his freedom to stay here.
Of course, he can talk about travelling with Lovino but he knew lazy bastard wouldn't want to do anything. He could try to get Lovino out of the house. He could lose his dignity and leave and reclaim that freedom. He could... Lovino laughed again and that smile was gorgeous.
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beif0ngs · 9 months
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everyone on tumblr @Buggy the 🤡 right now 
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hellmandraws · 9 months
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Not gonna lie, I'm super excited about the upcoming One Piece live action series! It's out Aug 31 on Netflix. I actually think it's gonna be good! 🤞🤞🤞
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luvrluffy · 9 months
I can’t believe it’s been confirmed now that Zoro is Luffy’s first-mate. I use to think we’d never get the confirmation lmfao
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sualne · 11 months
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the puberty jokes now have a whole new meaning!!
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sassypantsjaxon · 5 days
Nobody asked about my soulmate's scar au that I'm bringing back for one piece, but I'm telling you anyway. Like any good soulmate au, there's an identifier to let people know who their soulmate is. In this case, it's the first time someone touches their soulmate it causes a scar. So casual touch is little more taboo, and sometimes people will wear gloves if they're not ready to meet their soulmate. Other than that, things are pretty much the same.
Luffy is still the same overly excited, physically affectionate idiot. He has no concept of personal space and often forgets other people might not want to be touched.
It's just another thing that Dadan and Makino and the Mayor get to scold Luffy for as he's growing up. Shanks probably thinks it's hilarious
Zoro's the same old Zoro. He doesn't care. If he meets his soulmate, it's fine. If he doesn't, that's fine too
Nami wears gloves and gets kinda weird about people touching her
Usopp has his soulmate by the time he sets out to sea. Everything's fine with her, but he regrets leaving before realizing they were soulmates
Sanji wears gloves. Constantly. While he's working. Fighting. Eating. He has a pair he wears while he's sleeping. He never bathes with the other guys but there's a (mostly) joking bet about if he even undresses for that
Nami still dresses in her t shirts and shorts, so the gloves are really the only signifier that she doesn't want any physical contact, whereas Sanji is fully covered in his three piece suits. He is not taking any chances.
After Arlong Park, once Nami realizes that having friends and letting people care about her is a thing she's allowed to do, she stops wearing her gloves.
Vivi is wearing gloves when they meet her, because if she's going to find her soulmate, she doesn't want it to be while she's working for Baroque Works
She joins the Straw Hats, and she still wears them usually, but she's not quite as rigid as Nami was with hers
Chopper is a reindeer and animals don't have soulmates like that, but with the human human fruit, he really has no idea if that's changed anything for him? he's not really interested in having a soulmate anyway, so he'll cross that bridge if it ever comes up
Robin doesn't really like being touched, but there's no point in her wearing gloves when they wouldn't carry over to all the extra hands she can grow. She doesn't even know if touching her soulmate with her extra hands would be able to create a scar
She doesn't really believe she has a soulmate anyway, so...
Franky also doesn't know how finding his soulmate will work since so much of his body is artificial. Can his prosthetics leave a scar? Can his skin be scarred? He has no idea
Brook doesn't need to worry about finding his soulmate since he doesn't even have skin to scar (skeleton joke!)
For real though, he never talks about if he found his soulmate in his first life, and they don't ask him about it
Jimbei also doesn't talk about soulmates and, again, the rest of them don't pry
They meet Law at Punk Hazard and he is just as serious about keeping himself covered as Sanji is.
Somewhere between Punk Haz and Dressrosa someone asks them if this is some North Blue thing. They both immediately say yes. They are both lying through their teeth and are now wondering what the other one gains from covering for them
Neither of them are gaining anything, they're just both really weird about the idea of meeting their soulmates
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latinokokonoi · 6 months
i want whoever is going to play ace in the live action to become best friends with iñaki, do the funniest youtube challenges with him and then post the silliest behind-the-scenes footage on social media to see them as the cutest siblings and not the marineford tragedy. the acting industry is full of the shittiest people but this is a friendship that i want to see blossoming in real life. i’m manifesting it
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razmerry · 6 months
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can the mediator of vengeanceclan really fall in love with a kittypet?...
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psychedelic-hiro · 9 months
Just finished watching #LiveAction #Onepiece and legit... Have no words. Everyone who worked on this show literally blew it out of the sea!!
Wwaaaayyy better than live action cowboy bebop
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rwbysketches · 9 months
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cladnplaid · 9 months
Me shit talking the new One Piece show to then watch it and thoroughly enjoy it
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ena-113 · 8 months
just watched the first episode of the One Piece live action.
No I have not seen the anime. Yes I know random facts here and there about it. I've been on the internet.
I think its cool Luffy gives zero(0) fucks. Zoro has cool swords and earrings. Nami's staff is hella badass
a meme I just made <3
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
I honestly don't care what people think, the live action looks great to me and I can't wait to watch it!
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gaymakima · 9 months
funny moments i pray make it in OPLA s2
yes i DO believe we are getting more and so should you (assuming s2 covers alabasta saga)
sanji vs zoro: who has the bigger meat?
the entire scene with crocus inside the whale
the baroque works bird drawing the straw hats faces in perfect detail after they find out who mr 0 is
robin's goth cowboy fit in general
robin using a giant turtle with a matching cowboy hat as transportation
zoro trying to escape wax by amputating his legs. and then giving up and deciding to just pose so he'll look cool when he dies
a flashback between Luffy going to punch wapol and the impact like the manga.
luffy having no idea chopper is a doctor and just inviting him on the crew based on vibes
smoker blushing bc of luffy
immediately after: "damn. we fell for it" "it was a good trap"
ace falling asleep while eating and everyone thinking a guy just died in a bar
luffy training a whole group of dugongs bc his charms work on animals too
bon clay extra screentime. make it happen.
water luffy!!
"I'm the 8th warlord of the sea lol"
i mean. not a funny moment but i think we should see robin be evil and sexy and kill people. im not biased or anything it's just what the people want
nami realizing that the weapon usopp invented for her is for fucking party tricks
i could probably think of more but i'm getting distracted thinking about robin in live action. women <333
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Something that I genuinely find fascinating about opla from like a creative standpoint is how, if you look the decisions the writers made it becomes clear that they just want to adapt one piece into real life?
They don't want to change it, go in their own direction or "improve" it, they just want to do it irl
When you look at interviews with the showrunners and such, literally every single time they talk about shit they cut, they talk about it like "oh yeah we really wanted to do that but didn't have the budget"
I genuinely believe that any change they made to the source material was just because they didn't have infinite money or they wanted to make it work as a big budget streaming show
I think the most insane example of this is the fact that there are only like 4 note worthy LA only characters : The short marine Nami knocks out at the beginning of the show, the Fishman waiter at Baratie, the guy who offers Nami passage on his ship at Baratie and the bartender who tells Koby and Helmeppo where the strawhats went
That's the caliber of original characters were dealing with, you forgot most of them existed
And usually when you have big budget live action adaptations like this you usually invent some important original characters for the sake of making things smoother or change an already existing character so much that they're essentially an original character, again so you have an easier time doing your own thing/adapting it
They really do not want to do their own thing in the slightest if they don't have to
Sure you can point at the Garp stuff but from the interviews with the showrunners they talk about how big budget streaming shows need b plots like that, again they saw this change as a necessity to make it work as a big budget streaming show and not an indulgence
Literally every single character is almost entirely in character with their original Manga counterparts(with some deviations, the strawhats are less morally grey and Luffy listens to the backstories)
All of them fucking look 100% like the characters and those were originally made to look like stupid cartoon characters
And here's the thing, you can make an adaptation that "doesn't respect" its source material, wants to go in its own direction etc. And have it still be good, being accurate does not equate quality
It's just insane that they took this approach where they're very accurate, literally just want to translate the original story into a new medium, nothing else, with a work that is inherently not made for a live action medium
And I can't stop thinking about how nuts that is, the one piece live action adaptation, in the current adaptation landscape we live in, is the one that tries it's hardest to be accurate to its source material in almost every single way
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winchester101 · 1 year
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Big shark mer Sanji and his two small crew mates
Luffy is a mantis shrimp and who can punch a sea king right out of the water and knock ‘em out
Zoro is a seahorse who gets lost because he falls asleep unanchored and the current drifts him away
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