#i was supposed to ask my friend if i should erase it or not but my message wouldnt send in time so i couldn't reach him
graveyard-society · 10 months
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i was at my therapist's not too long ago, drew these on the whiteboard while on the waiting list ☺️🩷
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simplyholl · 2 months
The Newlywed Game
Summary: You’re forced to play The Newlywed Game with your ex situationship.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F. Reader
Warnings: Angst. Smuttish, but not my usual descriptive smut. 18+ Only. Minors DNI.
See my Masterlist here
“I can’t.” That’s all the explanation you got when Bucky ended your situationship. You were friends with benefits for almost a year. The only rule he had was don’t fall in love. He had too much baggage and he never wanted a family. He didn’t want anyone to depend on him.
You couldn’t blame him, he was traumatized by Hydra. Trapped inside his own body for decades, he was afraid it could happen again. You jumped in head first with him anyways. You were in his bed after every mission, every meeting, every day. You basically lived in his room, not that he would ever admit that. Then one rainy afternoon, you knocked on his door like always. Except this time, he didn’t pull you into his warm embrace.
He moved out of the way so you could come in, and immediately you knew something was wrong. You reached for him, ready to console him, desperate for his touch. He had just finished a mission with Sam and he’d been gone for two weeks. You missed him, and he was usually so excited to see you.
When you placed your hand on his cheek, rubbing the scruff that had grown while he was gone, he wrapped his fingers around your wrist removing it. “I can’t do this anymore.” His voice was so low you could barely understand. Your eyes narrowed at his words. “Have I done something wrong?”
“This has gone on for longer than it should have. I can’t let it anymore.” Your throat tightens, but you refuse to cry in front of him. You walked out and your relationship with him was never the same. You didn’t hang out anymore.
When you were alone, he would leave. He didn’t sit beside you during the Friday night movie. He didn’t choose you for his partner on game night. The other Avengers didn’t know for sure that you were hooking up. You hid it pretty well. They had their suspicions, but neither of you ever confirmed it.
Tony called everyone to the back yard. “What’s all this?” Steve asks, pointing to the stage he had set up. “It’s my anniversary tomorrow and Pepper said she always wanted to play the Newlywed Game. So I had this built so we could play.”
“That’s great, Tony. But who are you all going to play with? There’s four set up’s and only two couples.” Steve gestures to Wanda and Vision. “Thought about that and Cap, you and Natasha are going to play and….” He looks at the whole team, everyone looking in different directions trying not to make eye contact. Except for Sharon, who hung around a lot lately. She was getting closer to Bucky, obviously wanting Tony to choose them. You roll your eyes. “Barnes and Y/N. There now we have all our couples. I’m going to go get Pep, you guys take your spots.”
You look at Bucky,but he’s busy talking to Steve about how ridiculous it is. You hear Sharon agree that he should have chosen someone else. When Pepper comes in, she excitedly claps her hands together. She points to the other teams, “You’re going down!” She laughs, but you can’t help but protest, “This is rigged! You guys and Wanda and Vision are the only real couples!! How is anyone else supposed to win?”
Tony shoots you a death glare but answers, “Cap and Natasha have definitely bumped uglies before. And you and Barnes are close friends. I thought that would make it more fair. But, I do expect to win.” You cross your arms, but accept his answer. Bucky finally looks at you, but it’s not friendly.
Sam comes out, wearing a suit Tony made him wear to host. “I’ll explain the rules. You all have a whiteboard, marker, and eraser. I will ask a question and you will write your answer on your boards. If your answer matches your partner’s you get a point. I’ll eliminate one couple each round until the final tie breaker.”
You take a deep breath. This is hell. But, you do know Bucky better than anyone, so as long as he didn’t ask any crazy questions, you would be fine. “First question. Where is the craziest place you and your partner have had sex?” You freeze. Of course Stark had these wild questions. If you both answered the same, everyone would know that you had hooked up.
You think about lying, but decide the ball should be in Bucky’s court. You’ll answer correctly, and if he doesn’t you’ll know he doesn’t want anyone to know. You quickly scribble your answer, waiting on Sam to call on you. Tony’s answer is Steve’s room and Pepper’s matched. Everyone laughed while Steve said Tony has to pay for his room to be deep cleaned.
Wanda and Vision both answer “in the air.” Natasha and Steve said a table in the meeting room. You turn your board to reveal your answer and Bucky shows his. You look and see that he has answered correctly. “The quinjet?! Damn y’all are nasty!” Sam laughs.
You’re taken back to that moment. You, Bucky, and Bruce were on your way back from a mission. Bruce was driving the quinjet, but activated the mode Tony installed for breaks. As soon as he started snoring, Bucky led you to the bathroom. He took you against the wall, metal hand across your mouth to stifle your moans. It was one of the hottest things you’d ever done. Your suit clung to you in the worst ways after that. His cum dripping down your legs, it was nearly impossible to take off.
The others look at each other in surprise. Scott yells “I told you they were hooking up. No one believed me!” Sharon looks at Bucky so harshly that if looks could kill, he’d be dead. He just shrugs his shoulders. Of course, he would be hooking up with her. Why wouldn’t he? She was pretty and it had been three months since he ended things with you.
The next question was “Who hogs the covers more?” Everyone got it right except for Steve and Natasha. She said that wasn’t a fair question because they never actually slept when they were together. The round continued with four more questions. At the end, Steve and Natasha were eliminated because they had the least amount of points. The rest of you were tied.
“What is your partner’s pet name for you?” Sam asks. That’s easy, “doll”, you write. When you reveal your answers, Sharon looks furious. That must be what he calls her too. It stings, thinking of them together. You don’t have time to dwell on it before Sam asks the next question. “What is the highest number of orgasms your partner has given you in one night?” Your eyes widen, you know the answer, but you don’t know if he will remember.
Tony and Pepper answer three, Tony grins like the cocky asshole he is. Vision and Wanda answer two. Bucky raises his board, “Six?!” Sam shouts, “How were you guys fucking this much and nobody knew?” He laughs. The round surprisingly ends with Wanda and Vision getting eliminated.
But you’re busy thinking about that night. Bucky’s head between your thighs for hours. He barely came up for breath. You were sure he would smother, but he insisted. He didn’t stop until the sheets were soaked, your legs were shaking so hard, you’d immediately fall if you tried to stand up.
He had you screaming his name all night. When he finally started fucking you, he took his time, pulling another orgasm out of you before going back down for another taste. He finally came with you on top. He had to lift your limp body on him, using you like a sex doll. You couldn’t move if you needed too. It was the best sex you’d ever had.
“It’s time for the tie breaker question. Answers don’t have to match, the crowd will vote on the most romantic answers.” Sam states. “When did you know you were in love?” Tony and Pepper immediately begin writing. You’re certain you’re going to lose this one. Bucky was never in love with you. You write your answer, deciding to answer truthfully.
Tony and Pepper’s answers make you tear up, they are so in love. You can only hope you’ll find that one day. You and Bucky reveal your boards at the same time. You glance at his, his answer knocks the breath out of your lungs because it matches yours. The Avenger’s Barbecue. You lock eyes, his gaze softens as he reads your answer.
You’ll never forget such a pivotal moment in your life. All of the Avengers and Shield agents’ friends and family were invited to play games, eat, and have a good time. Emily, who helped coordinate your missions brought her husband and three young children. A baby girl, a two year old boy, and a five year old girl. The children were drawn to Bucky. The two older children swung from his metal arm while he held the baby with his other one.
The image made your ovaries explode. You couldn’t help imagining how he would be if you had kids. He laughed as they asked him a thousand questions, playing on him like a jungle gym. You knew without a doubt, you were in love.
Bucky took a deep breath when he read your answer. Why was it the same as his? Did you know? Was it a prank you were playing on him? Emily’s children were entranced with you from the moment they met you. He couldn’t blame them, he felt the same. They had played with him for an hour before the food was ready. When Tony told everyone to make a plate, you offered to watch the kids while she and her husband got their food.
Bucky watched as you comforted the crying infant. The two older children sat beside you while you read from a book the girl got from their bag. Bucky knew he was screwed. He could see a life like this so clearly. Your belly round with his baby, while you tended to your other children. He didn’t want to admit how badly he wanted that. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He was in love with you.
That night he made love to you, it was softer, slower than the other times he touched you. He knew you could tell the difference too. He placed one last kiss to your lips, willing himself to let you go. The next morning, he left for his two week mission with Sam. He convinced himself that it was for the best if he ended things. He didn’t want to hurt you. You might be okay with it now, but years later you would regret it.
You’d realize having the Winter Soldier for a husband wasn’t worth everything you would have to go through. Then Sharon started flirting with him after Steve rejected her. He hadn’t so much as hugged her, but she acted like she was entitled to him.
Everyone voted for Tony and Pepper to win. They were the real couple and it was their anniversary tomorrow. Tony was going to treat everyone to dinner for being such good sports. You got out of there as soon as it was over. You needed a nap before going to dinner. It was all too much for you. How the hell did you and Bucky make it so far in the game? Why did he have the same answer for the last question? You convince yourself that he knew how you felt.
That night changed everything. The sex was different. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear he was making love to you. He had to be messing with your head. Somehow you manage to fall asleep even with your thoughts racing.
You wake up two hours later, just enough time to get ready for dinner. You put on the little black dress Bucky loved. If he wants to play games, bring it on. You apply your perfume when a light knock sounds on your door. You would recognize the knock anywhere. “Come in” you call. Bucky walks in, his tight black t-shirt hugging him in the best ways.
“Hey doll, we need to talk.” You put your earrings in, anger surging through you. “Talk about what? How you were trying to humiliate me up there? How you’re banging Sharon now? There’s nothing to talk about. You should just go.”
“Humiliate you? What about me? How did you know the answer to the last question?” He demands, charging toward you. “I answered it truthfully, James. How did you know my answer?” You ask, hands on your hips. “I answered honestly too.” He confesses, his blue eyes sweeping over the swell of your breasts.
“Stop lying! I don’t see what the point is. We have been over for three months. Why are you doing this?” He shakes his head, “I was telling the truth. I realized I was in love with you when all those kids were sitting in your lap. I could see our life together. And I wanted it, the kids, the white picket fence, the big house, you.”
“Bucky, I wanted all that with you too. Seeing you playing with those kids made me realize it too.” You sigh, feeling relieved to finally get it off your chest. His lips crash into yours, hands moving at lightning speed to remove all of your clothing. You’re under him in seconds, panting against his lips as he rubs himself against you.
Bucky moans as he sinks into you. He’s always known deep down you were made for him, now he has no choice but to accept it. “I’m so in love with you.” He tells you between thrusts. You claw at his back, his confession almost sends you over the edge. “I am so in love with you, Buck.” You kiss him gently. “Say it again.” He smiles, as you get lost in each other.
@cindylynn @wheredafandomat @multifandom-worlds @loz-3 @megharat-barnes-reid @kats72 @crimson25 @mochie85 @cakesandtom @lokidokieokie @theallknown213 @alexakeyloveloki @tmilover1993 @yeaiamme2 @pigeonmama @yeehawbrothers @lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @nomajdetective @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @weirdothatwritess @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @freegardenbanananeck @lamentis-10 @jainaeatsstars @queenshu
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oracle-of-dream · 3 months
A Desperate Drink
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This is a continuation of Under Pressure, please read that first if you haven't so you can be in order!
Summary: You've woken up next to Jake, remembering everything from before. But you were supposed to forget everything. Something must've gone wrong, you need to find a way out without getting caught!
Warnings: Enhypen Vampires, Male Reader, Drunk-Dazed Timeline, Suggestive themes, Psychological power manipulation, Body/Mind control
Wordcount: 3.6k
Your head was pounding, like a bad hangover, but you knew that you didn't drink that much last night. You looked at Jake next to you, sleeping soundly. His breaths were deep. He snored with a soft smile on his lips.
You shook him, "Jake, wake up."
He groaned in response, waving you away.
Shaking him harder, "Jake, something's wrong. Get up."
He pulled the covers over his head.
You could hear the blood rushing to your head as you hit him with your pillow, "Get up!"
Jake shot up, eyes wide and a wild look, "What's going on?"
"I still know who you are! Jake, you said I'd forget all this," You whined.
Jake looked down and fiddled with the comforter like there was something he wasn't telling you. He moved his pillow onto his lap, "Don't get mad–"
"What is it?" You grit your teeth, expecting the worst. You were a vampire now and going to outlive all your friends. You'd watch everyone you loved die and have to start eating people.
"I got scared and didn't bite you..." Jake raised the pillow to cover his face if you were ready to hit him again. When he realized you hadn't hit him, he continued, "I panicked and used my powers to knock you out instead. I was going to carry you out the window and take you somewhere safe, but my Jungwon came to check on us. So I pretended I bit you and fell asleep next to you."
So you weren't a vampire–that's good news.
"So what now? I just find my friends and walk out, right?" You asked.
Jake gripped the pillow again, "Not exactly... I ended up falling asleep instead of erasing your memory. And as a part of the erasing part, I'm supposed to give you instructions to go home to your bed."
You frowned, "Instructions?"
"We can hypnotize humans with our voices. You can't help but do what we say," He explained.
You tried not to be creeped out at the fact Jake could tell you to do whatever he wanted, but the thought was there.
"Usually, we command everyone to go home, and the house is empty by sunrise. Since we sleep all day normally and wake up when the Sun starts to set, I should be able to sneak you out," Jake climbed out of the bed to peek out the door. He waved you over, "I don't see anyone, so let's be quick."
You followed Jake as he led you out the door and down the hallway. Passing the door where you'd first met Heeseung, the door he'd pinned you against was ajar, but the room was completely dark. You felt a strange feeling to approach the door and enter the room. You knew you had to go, but it was just a peek.
Jake noticed you looking and gently pulled the door shut. He mouthed a name, Heeseung.
Your skin crawled at the feeling. Heeseung wasn't even in front of you, but he could still control you. You thought about your friends again. Hopefully, they made it out all okay, and none were his playthings. Then you remembered your phone! You pulled it out of your pocket– and it was dead. Great.
You got to the edge of the staircase, which overlooked the large living room on the first floor. It was still a mess from the party– sunlight rained down from the windows below. You started down the stairs when Jake let out a sharp hiss.
He was still in the hallway, looking at you on the stairs.
"Come on, I don't know this place," You whispered.
"I can't," He put his hand toward the light but pulled it away before he could touch it. "I'll find another way around," Jake turned around before walking back down the hallway, "I'll meet you downstairs."
You continued down the stairs. The whole house seemed abandoned, but you knew better now. Seven vampires lived here, six sleeping as you tiptoed around their home. Now that everything sat in the sunlight in the windows, you could see the dust covering some old furniture. A large portrait of the seven boys hung above the fireplace in the living room had the seven boys you'd met last night: Heeseung, Sunghoon, Jay, Jake, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Ni-ki. They all looked the same as you'd met last night but with slight differences. Their hair colors and styles were different as their clothes looked like something from some old Victorian-style painting. You reached the bottom of the stairs. The only sound you could hear was your footsteps and your heart beating in your chest. The house was warm with light, but it had a certain coldness to it.
The living room still had confetti all over the floor, but it was a straight shot to the front door. You made your way there until something moved out of the corner of your eyesight.
Holding in the urge to scream, you turned to see Jay lying in a corner near the door with his eyes closed. He looked so normal and peaceful in his sleep, even snoring slightly. But he was also right next to the front door. You stepped toward him, and his head twitched at the sound of the floor creaking under you.
That's a no-go.
There were a few more hallways you didn’t explore last night. One path could lead to a back door. Or it could lead to another one of the brothers.
Jake was nowhere to be seen. You softly whispered, "Jake! Are you still here?"
No reply. You wanted to wait for Jake, but getting out before anyone else noticed you was a solid idea.
You moved to a hallway, where you'd bumped into that sharp-eyed man, the brother who didn't seem too interested in you, Sunghoon. Last you'd seen him, he knocked you off your feet and yelled at you about it. The hallway was dark and cold, but a whisper came from there. It called to you, beckoning you forward.
Following the whisper, you walked blind– deeper and deeper, following each turn. It was a long walk and dark, so you had to put a hand on the wall to guide you. Your eyes played tricks on you, seeing moving shadows in the darkness. They laughed at you, pointing crooked fingers as you stumbled blind. You kept focused on the path in front of you. The voice was getting louder as you got closer. Eventually, you made it to a massive open room.
You could hear water flowing, like a waterfall. Without the wall's support, your legs gave out under you, which forced you to crawl on the floor.
"Come closer to me," A woman called, "I can bring you safety here."
You crawled desperately. You didn't realize it earlier, but you were sweating heavily, and your throat was dry, even swallowing hurt.
She sensed your thirst, "I can give you sustenance. Drink deeply."
The sound of running water was closer now, getting louder until your hand hit a stone. The sound of the water under you made you put your hand out, reaching for the water– just a sip would be enough. The dehydration was unbearable. Your hand found the top of the wall and felt water splash onto it, a fountain! You used both hands to catch the water and brought it to your cracked lips.
It was delicious, reminiscent of the sting of fresh raspberries. You wanted more. You drink more handfuls, feeling the cold water wash over your body and cool you down. The coldness sank into you from head to toe. You didn't realize how thirsty you'd gotten, but you couldn't stop drinking. The water dripped onto your clothes, staining them, but it didn't matter to you. You just needed more.
"Y/n!?" Jake's voice came from behind you.
You wanted to turn to him but couldn't stop drinking. The water wasn't as delicious as the first few drinks, as it started to taste more like iron and was getting thicker. It made you sick. Your stomach hurt, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop.
"Y/n! Stop drinking! Please!" Jake sounded so far away, like a fading memory. But you felt his hand land on your shoulder.
You finally managed to pull away from the fountain to look over your shoulder as Jake. His face was blurry, but you could make out a concerned expression.
"Y/n, how did you get here!? You shouldn't drink that! It's not for you!" Jake scooped you up and carried you away. You felt the fountain call you, begging you to stay and drink more, but you felt weak and sick. You passed out in Jake's arms as he carried you, the smell of blood in the air.
You opened your eyes slowly, holding your stomach and slowly sitting up. You were in a bedroom with light pouring in from the window. The room was familiar, but– wait, You'd already seen this. You looked over, but Jake wasn't tucked under the covers with you this time. There were voices outside the door, muffled, but you could make out some words.
"Jake, what the fuck is the matter with you!? How could you let a human stay here!? And you let them walk around unsupervised!" One angry voice spoke.
"I'm sorry! It wasn't supposed to be like this..." Jake responded.
"So what do we do with him? Kill him?" Another voice asked, this one deeper and cold.
You panicked. The voices were going to kill you! You needed to get out of there. The window! You stood but quickly fell to your feet. Your stomach argued about moving so much, but you had no choice! Pushing yourself to your feet, you reached for the window— but your hand burned in the light that poured out of it.
You screamed in pain, rolling onto the bed away from the light.
The bedroom door burst open as Jake ran in, "Are you okay!?"
You hid your hand behind you, "Oh, y-yeah. My stomach is just really hurting."
The others slowly filled the room, Jake's six brothers. Jungwon looked furious. Sunoo smiled playfully. Heeseung winked at you. Jay seemed more concerned with Jungwon. Sunghoon and Ni-ki's expressions gave you nothing to go off of; they were deep in thought.
Jake helped you under the covers, "You should lie down. A lot is going on right now."
"Like, what?"
Jake looked at Jungwon, "What do we do?"
Jungwon sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "We have to study his reactions and see what we can do for you now. Tell him everything."
Jake turned back to you, sitting on the bed, "Okay, this is a lot, so just listen."
You nod, waiting for Jake to begin.
"Because of my irresponsibility in properly taking care of you, an incident has occurred," Jake spoke like he was giving a book report. Occasionally looking at Jungwon for approval, "When you walked alone in the house, you found a fountain. And drank the liquid in it, right?"
You nodded, "I did. I think I drank a lot."
"You did. And that's not good– we think. The liquid you drank was Blood. And a lot of it. Special blood. I can't describe it well, but we can only drink from it once a full moon." Jake touched your shoulder, "So, because of that. There might be side effects."
You tilted your head, "Like?"
Jungwon ripped the band-aid off, "You might be like us now. A vampire."
Your stomach churned in acknowledgment of his words.
"Because you're one of us, we can't risk you exposing our existence to the people. But you have a life outside of here, which is an issue because people will come looking for you."
Sunghoon spoke, "We can still kill them and hide them."
"And bring more humans to our home to look for us. Could we even risk that? We can't exactly move the fountain, and if they find it..." Jay shook his head as if the thought haunted him.
"That won't happen. And we're not killing. I'm sure y/n will work with us, right?" Jungwon asked, raising his eyebrow at you.
You swallowed hard. It was a lot of information, but you didn’t have a lot of choice. "So, I'm immortal now? Forever?"
Jake nodded, "But we'll try and find a way to fix you. You're not supposed to be like this, and I wouldn't wish this curse on anyone."
Jungwon spoke again, "So? What's your choice? Either toss you in the sunlight and watch you burn, or you can join us until we can get rid of you."
With such a great offer, how could you refuse?
"I'm with you. Please, don't toss me outside," You mumbled.
Jungwon smiled, "I wouldn't want to do that either. So let's try to get along. You can use the room if you want it. Jake can give you a tour, and you can pick out another room if you don't want this one."
"This one is perfect."
"Great. Jake, give him a tour. He's your responsibility for now since he's your fuck-up. I'm going back to sleep. I'll see everyone when it's Sunset," Jungwon commanded with a cute yawn as he walked out.
The other brothers left the room, leaving just you and Jake.
Jake smiled like a dork, "Welcome to the family, I guess?"
You punched him. Hard. "Jake, what the fuck!? I'm stuck like this, and you're cracking jokes?"
Jake rubbed his arm with a pained expression, "You should watch your strength! If I were a regular person, my arm would've broken. And I'm just trying to lighten the mood..."
You could've broken his arm with a punch like that?
You let out a yawn, "Well, what now?"
Jake giggled, "We sleep now. It's still daytime."
Sleep? It was probably around noon, but you were too scared to look out the window to guess. 
"Why do we have to sleep now?"
"We sleep during the day since we can go outside at night. That's why everyone was in such a bad mood since I woke them up in the middle of the day." Jake patted your head, "You're already tired, right?" His voice had a soft tone to it, lulling you to sleep.
You were only a little tired a moment ago, but your eyes could barely stay open now. You grabbed onto Jake's shirt tightly, "Don't do that... You shouldn't. Do–" Your head fell against the pillow as you fell into a deep slumber, your hand still attached to Jake's shirt.
Waking up for the third time in that house was the same as the first. You'd hoped it was all a bad dream, but seeing Jake sleeping next to you confirmed it was all real.
You were a vampire now—a member of an immortal household of handsome men who are brothers. And you can't even go outside during the daytime anymore.
You looked back at the hand you'd burned earlier, completely healed, and Jake was cuddling your other hand. Pulling your arm out from his grip, you replaced it with a pillow, which Jake happily accepted unconsciously.
The room was still and quiet, too quiet. You needed something to make noise. Even the sounds of passing cars or people on the street would be okay.
You escaped the bedroom without waking up Jake and started to explore the house. House was the wrong word– mansion fit it much better.
You passed that room from before, but you could see clearer into it now. Another vampire power was night vision, you guessed. Heeseung was lying in bed, sleeping. He was way too handsome, just like a vampire should be, even while doing nothing.
As if he could feel you watching him, "Like what you see, baby teeth?"
You almost jumped as he spoke because his voice came from behind you. Turning to see nothing over your shoulder, you looked back into the room and saw Heeseung standing in the doorway. He had a low-cut shirt and a draping cardigan with pants on.
"Looking for something, Baby Teeth?" He cooed.
"Who's Baby Teeth?"
He laughed, "It's you! The youngest vampire always gets called Baby Teeth. It's a tradition. But if you want, we can make it just an us kind of thing." He stepped out of his room. His energy was heavy and dripped out of him like honey, "I haven't had someone this cute in the house in a while. And now that you're staying, we can play a lot."
You stepped back, "You gonna drink my blood?"
"You're a vampire now, even if I did–" He got closer, "You could drink mine, and we'd be even."
"I'm not drinking anyone–"
Heeseung sighed in boredom, "Suit yourself. But you can only live like that for so long it'll get boring just drinking from the tap. It's way better from the source." Heeseung poked his nail into one of his fingers and let himself bleed a little, "You don't want to try, not even a little?"
Your mouth watered. That feeling of intense dehydration came back, but now you also felt like you hadn't eaten in days. You wanted to bite Heeseung’s finger off.
"Don't let your hunger control you. Take it easy. Let only a little out at a time, or you could bite off more than you can take," Heeseung warned. He put his finger toward you, letting you smell his blood, "Taste some, no tricks."
You hesitantly moved to grab his hand, but he pulled away.
"No hands, Baby Teeth. We use our mouths for food, so you’ll learn how– Jake's a lousy teacher. You can learn from me," Heeseung smirked as he moved his finger back to your lips. He poked them, getting his blood on them.
Your tongue instinctively darted out to taste it. It wasn't as good as the fountain, but it's a close second. You wrapped your lips around Heeseung's finger and sucked gently.
"Ah, there's a good boy," He moaned. He moved his hand, forcing you to follow it to his waist. You ended up on your knees, sucking his finger, while he watched with a playful look in his eyes. "You're bad at sucking blood, but I can teach you better. Let me," Heeseung took his finger from your mouth, much to your dismay.
You stood as you felt the urge to pin him to the wall and bite his neck. Your heart pumped, and your fingers flexed.
"Oh, how scary, Baby Teeth. You look like you're about to break, but we should be even. You tried mine, so I try yours." You lifted your finger, but Heeseung put your hand away, "Fingers are for you, Baby Teeth until you can handle more. I'm taking your neck. And since Jake fucked it, I'm your first time. I'll be gentle." Heeseung stroked your cheek, "So hold still."
You wanted to dodge him, but you were stuck.
Heeseung tilted your head to the side and leaned down to your neck, smelling and licking since you couldn't push him away. When he bit into you, there was a rush of ice-cold pain as you felt the blood drain out of your neck slowly. It hurt at first but then shifted into something more pleasing. It felt good. Heeseung shifted, putting his hand on your waist to pull you in as his other hand laced his fingers with yours.
You moaned embarrassingly loudly.
Heeseung pulled away, his teeth red and his mouth agape, "You taste good. Really fucking good. Better than anyone I've tasted."
Heeseung went down for seconds, but you started resisting, "Wait, I think we're doing too much now!"
"Don't fight me," He commanded, and your body relaxed instantly.
Just as he was about to bite you again, there was a snap at the end of the hall. "He said that's enough. I'm fine with you feeding off him consensually, but let's not do anything we'll regret. Right, Heeseung?" Jay was standing near the stairs, leaning on the wall.
"Jay, you've gotta try him. He's delicious."
Jay shook his head, "I'll bite if he offers. You're taking your lesson too far here. He's living with us now, so don't do anything to make things more difficult."
Heeseung let you go and turned to you, "I'm sorry about that, y/n. I don't know what came over me..." Heeseung couldn't look at you as he apologized and went into his room, closing the door behind him.
Jay approached you and wiped his hand on your neck, tasting some blood that was there. His eyebrows raised but went to a blank face, "Nothing special."
"Jay, is it normal for vampires to drink each other's blood?"
He shrugged, "We don't normally do it since we're all brothers. It's a little weird. But I heard some vampires would feast on each other to survive. But those were usually extreme cases." He waved you to walk with him, "I want you to be a little cautious. Since you're not one of us, some people might be interested in you. Intimately."
You tilted your head, "So you don't drink from each other because you're brothers?"
Jay nodded, "Pretty much. And we haven't had another vampire here in a long time. The last one was a girl that Jake got close to. But when she left, she did some pretty bad damage to him. He hasn't bitten someone since then."
You remembered Jake said it had been 100 years since the last time he'd bitten someone. It must've been pretty bad.
Jay continued, "Anyways, that's history. We should figure you out. But let's eat first..."
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Eddie has strong feelings for Steve. Feelings he thought he had gotten rid of once Steve rescued him from hell. His hatred of him didn't even make sense, even before all of this. So, because he's a jock he has to be a jerk like all the rest? Eddie had made an assumption about him and Lucas just like they made about him. He hated that he had done that. It hadn't been his proudest moment. Now, those frustrating feelings are resurfacing, which is ridiculous because not only is he a good guy, but he is also a complete dork as well and he's so fucking great with the kids. He should be happy that he's friends with him, so why does his stomach feel like there's a bird trying to get out of its cage when he looks at Steve?
"Eddie, man, why are you scowling at me?" Steve asked.
He was hanging out with Steve, Robin, and Robin's girlfriend, Vickie. It was supposed to be a nice, casual get-together. Of course, Eddie had to ruin it.
"I hate you!" Eddie burst out.
There was silence in the living room as everyone stared at him. Steve looked hurt. Robin looked angry, and if Vickie wasn't holding her back, Eddie was sure she would rip out his throat with her bare hands.
"What?" Steve asked.
"It doesn't make any sense why I do, though!" Eddie burst out. "Because you're a great guy! Fantastic even! When I look at you, I get these feelings in my chest that annoy the fucking shit out of me. Everything about you is so fucking perfect like a goddamn prince out of a storybook! With your perfect hair, your perfect eyes, and your perfect teeth. My God, you're even great with the kids! When you talk about going out on dates, I hate that, too! I know you're just trying to do that to get over Nancy. Speaking of Nancy, I like her and all, but when I think about you two together, it makes my fucking skin scrawl! What the fuck is that? I mean, I like Nancy, but fuck, the idea of you two together makes me want to rip off my own eyebrows and eat them! Jesus H Christ! There's no reason for me to hate you, and yet somehow . . . Wait, why are you guys laughing?"
Vickie was giggling into Robin's shoulder while Robin laughed into a pillow. Steve was laughing with his hands over his eyes.
"He's so cute!" Vickie laughed.
"Why are you guys laughing at me?" Eddie asked. "Stop it!"
"You poor Dingus!" Robin laughed.
"What?!" Eddie asked.
"You like me, Eddie," Steve said.
"Yeah, I like you, but I also seem to hate you," he sighed.
"No, I mean, you like me," Steve said, standing up.
"You said that already," Eddie replied.
"Alright, can I do something so I can get my point across?" Steve asked.
"Yeah, do whatever you want to me, man," Eddie said and Steve grinned widely.
"Within reason, Steven!" Robin exclaimed.
Steve cupped his face and kissed him. Eddie gasped, a jolt of what felt like electricity shot through him. He liked it. The kiss was short and to the point. Steve pulled away.
"Oh, I like you! Oh, thank God! I thought I hated you! Wait, am I gay? No, I still like like girls. . .hold on, give me a minute," Eddie said, raising his finger to do invisible math in the air.
"You like this man, Steve?" Robin asked as they watched Eddie erase something.
"Oh, yeah," Steve replied.
"I've never actually seen someone figure out their sexuality before," Vickie said.
"Oh, I had a chance to do that with Steve. It was a wonderful experience. Definitely a lot less stupid than this," Robin said.
"I like both!" Eddie exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "And I like you!"
"I like both too, Eddie, and I like you too," Steve laughed. "I'm bisexual."
"Bi - sex - u - al," Eddie said like, drawing out the words, and he shook his head from side to side as if rolling the word around in his head. "Yes! Me too! Bisexual! Does this mean this is a double date now?"
Steve grinned, sat down on the love seat, and pulled him into his lap.
"Definitely," Steve said.
"Let me tell you, I feel this huge relief now that I know I like you," Eddie said. "I can't believe I thought I hated you!"
"Dingus!" Robin giggled.
"How long are you guys going to laugh at me about this?" Eddie pouted as Steve shook with laughter beneath him.
Eddie buried his head into Steve’s neck as he laughed with them, sighing in contentment when Steve kissed his forehead.
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mcflymemes · 3 months
PROMPTS FROM LIFE IS STRANGE, SEASON 1 *  assorted dialogue, suggested by ismelodrama, adjust as necessary
everything is a picture waiting for be taken.
you're just jealous of me because i actually do the things you can't.
are you hiding something?
i'm sick of your disrespect. tell me the truth!
i don't want to fight with you anymore. i don't want to fight with anyone anymore.
i was eating those beans!
how the hell did you know about that photo?
always take the shot. my number one rule of photography.
you just don't listen, do you?
there's something weird going on with you.
you've only been here for three weeks and you're already causing conflict.
after this week, you are certainly not a little kid anymore.
not now. i'm contemplating shit.
are you fucking kidding me? this is major bullshit!
i didn't have all the evidence at the time.
we all make decisions we regret.
i'm not gonna make any excuses for my behavior.
i'd put stephen hawking against picasso any day.
it sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.
nobody believes me anyway.
you're exactly the kind of soldier i'd want by my side in a war.
why the hell not?
i almost asked you to hang out.
you should have asked me.
maybe we're too much alike.
i don't believe anything you say. you're full of shit.
eat a dick, [name].
i'll be in the tardis getting my delorean ready.
since you're the mysterious superhero... i'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion.
you don't know who the fuck i am or who you're messing around with.
where'd you get that? what are you doing? come on, put that thing down!
don't ever tell me what to do! i'm so sick of people trying to control me!
so you can't help me?
i told you before that i'll always believe you.
i may be a pest but... i'm a good listener.
you're the bravest person i've ever known.
for every action, there's a reaction.
i'm trying. but you have to understand my position.
i know i can be a pain in the ass... and you've always treated me like a person, not a beta nerd.
why do you want all your friends to die?
oh i see. i'm not important to you anymore.
nobody lectures me. everybody tries though.
do not analyze me! i pay people for that.
hey, that's total slander!
you don't know shit about my father, or me.
you're all fucked!
everybody hates me.
[name]... it's me. i just wanted to say i'm sorry.
i truly am sorry for being such a bastard.
you would have been cool to hang out with.
you might as well choose me.
i'm not perfect, okay?
you have talent, [name].
you don't have to push people out of your way.
thanks for admitting again that i have some talent.
do you think it's, like, fate we're not supposed to be friends?
nobody says we have to be friends.
everybody lies. no exceptions.
i came for all of you.
i'm in a nightmare and i can't wake up.
no wonder they call it a "web." nothing can ever get out.
i wish i could go back in time and erase everything.
just tell me you do have the photograph.
now shut up and listen.
i'm not a real scientist.
i was just happy just being your friend.
[name], i'm so sorry you had to go through all that.
i don't think i can concentrate on going out to the movies.
everybody pretends to care until they don't.
even angels need angels, [name].
i might be naive, but i feel their struggle.
why did you stop me from jumping?
this shit pit has taken everyone i've ever loved.
when a door closes, a window opens... or something like that.
i keep going back in time.
how could there be a more important moment in history?
thank you for trusting me.
hey... be careful out there.
what kind of friend are you?
you never understood me, or what happened to me.
i'll always be alone, thanks to you.
just in case we don't get out of this...
i'm going to make the right choices from now on.
i've been feeling like this might be actually the end of the world.
i hate to say that i'm glad to see you, but i'm glad to see you.
i wish i could stay in this moment forever... but then it wouldn't be a moment.
if that tornado came right now, i would just sit here and watch for a while.
i just feel like escaping.
i have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes.
with great power comes great bullshit.
am i pushing myself too hard?
you like to hurt people, huh?
i'm glad you decided to escort me.
i know this is a bad time, but can i get one picture?
of course i believe you. you're the most amazing person i've ever met, and i'm glad you trust me.
i don't have a fucking clue what's going on.
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stinkrascal · 2 months
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picture 1 Lilith: Now, where did you run off to this time?
picture 2 Lilith: [ scoffs ] Ugh. What are you doing out?
picture 3 Lilith: ...Oh?
picture 5 Breanna: Um... hello? Uh... are you Mr. Straud?
picture 6 Vladislaus: You dare step foot into my home without an invitation? Breanna: U-Uh, I, um...
picture 7 Vladislaus: Who are you? Breanna: Um... Vladislaus: Your name, child. I haven't all day. Breanna: Uh, Breanna Turner...
picture 8 Vladislaus: You must be the human Vatore spoke of. You gamble with your life, Breanna Turner.
picture 9 Vladislaus: The decision to discard your humanity is not one made lightly. I wonder what it is that could lead a young girl down such a path.
picture 10 Breanna: I... uh... I don't wanna talk about it. Vladislaus: You don't wish to speak of it. How quaint.
picture 11 Vladislaus: Do you understand the things you ask for? I struggle to believe you do. Breanna: Excuse me? I'm not stupid. Vladislaus: To be a vampire is to leave everything you've ever known. Breanna: I know. I don't care.
picture 12 Vladislaus: You should. You ask me to turn you into a monster. Your family, your friends, your life will be forfeit. How will you reckon with this? Breanna: I-I said I don't care!
picture 13 Vladislaus: I'm going to erase your memories. Run home and grovel at your family's feet, insolent child, before I change my mind.
picture 14 Breanna: Don't fucking touch me!
picture 15 Breanna: I didn't leave anybody! They left me.
picture 16 Breanna: They should be the ones fucking groveling at me
picture 17 Breanna: [ sniffling ] Please, please don't make me go back. I'll do anything.
picture 18 Breanna: Please, sir, you gotta help me.
picture 19 Vladislaus: I... well... [ clears throat ] if this is truly what you desire... Breanna: It is. Vladislaus: [ exhales ] Then so be it. I will give you my wretched blood.
picture 20 Vladislaus: Go, now. Run along. Leave me be. Rest tonight. Tomorrow, you will be born anew. Breanna: R-Really? You're not gonna kill me? Vladislaus: I am a vampire, not a monster. Run along, now.
picture 21 Breanna: Uh... thanks, by the way.
picture 22 Vladislaus: I beg your pardon?
picture 23 Breanna: For being nice to me.
picture 25 Vladislaus: ...[ clears throat ]
picture 26 Breanna: Okay, bye Mr. Straud, I'll see you around. Vladislaus: I... yes. I suppose you will.
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Possible request, one evening Astarion and Tav are cuddling, Astarion laying his head on their chest as Tav gently combs their fingers through his hair when they start softly singing an old elvish lullaby. Causing old and once thought dead memories to slowly come back to Astarion as he snuggles closer to them as he reminisces his past even shedding a few tears for the life he should of had and Tav is there to hold him and comfort him through it all
Recommended Song: Come Out and Play - Billie Eilish
It's well known between you and Astarion that he does not dwell on the past. After all, what's the point in grasping at something you can barely remember? Sure, he has glimpses of people, places, things, but they don't mean anything. If he tries hard enough, there are almost words to go along with the blurry faces, but nothing worth his while. You don't ask him much about those fuzzy thoughts, only when you're really truly curious.
One night, you're lying in bed after a 'family dinner' with your old companions, a little event you liked to put together every now and then. Astarion loves the attention, but it is in fact a little draining hosting your house, especially to your friends. The two of you are exhausted, and your sweet vampire nuzzles into your chest.
"I love them, but gods are they rowdy."
The two of you chuckle lightly.
"You know, I remember I said I thought domestic life would be boring, but perhaps I was wrong. Seems much better in our little world. Much calmer."
"I'm surprised you haven't gotten us into any more trouble yet. No stray crimes I'm unaware of?"
He doesn't answer for a moment.
"No... except for that necklace I got you the other day."
You feel the muscles in his face move, assuming he has some mischievous smirk across his lips.
"Oh Aster, whatever will I do with you?"
Your hand makes its way into his hair, slowly moving through delicate curls.
"Love me for who I am and never ask me to change, ever?"
You sigh.
"I suppose."
Sugar-coated words, soft hands, empty minds. Your mind wanders, the tired feeling merciless. The cozy, exhausted feeling reminds you of a song, and you begin to sing softly. At first, it's nothing but melodic little words, until you get a little further in. Something clicks in Astarion's head, something strange.
It's sunny, he's out on the docks, sitting next to an older woman. She's humming the song, and the two of them are just staring out at the water. He's fidgeting with something in his hands, some kind of charm. The sun is beating down on the two of them, but neither seems to mind. The melody fades out, and the woman puts a hand on his shoulder.
"Come, time to go home darling."
As fast as it came, the memory is gone, and he sheds a couple silent tears. You realize his breathing has quickened.
"You alright my love?"
"What... what's that song?"
You have to think on his question, unsure really where you'd first heard it.
"I don't know. My parents knew it, and I guess I just picked it up. They'd sing it during peaceful moments. I guess I do too. Why?"
"It brought back something. I think- I think I saw my mother."
Even uttering the words makes the tears fall faster. He's never had a vision of the past like that, nothing so substantial.
"Was it nice?"
He tries to catch his breath.
"Yes. It was."
"You want to talk about it?"
The emotions are confusing. Astarion can't figure out if he's happy, sad, or just shocked.
"We were just watching the water, and then she told me it was time to go. She called me darling..."
He continues to cry into your chest, and you just hold him.
"I guess you know where you get it from now."
A small smile takes over his lips.
"You're right. I guess I do."
That smile is quickly erased by guilt.
"Do- do you think she's still out there? Wondering what happened to her son?"
You frown, knowing he wants to hear the truth, but knowing it might hurt.
"I think any good mother would still wonder. Especially with a son like you."
His grip in your side tightens, as if he's afraid of something.
"Is it bad to say it's easier to think she's already dead? That she doesn't have to wonder anymore?"
"No, not at all. You can feel however you need to about it my love. I imagine with how long elves live, it would be a long time wondering."
He lightly laughs.
"It is worse to say I think I'd be too scared to look for her?"
"No. But why would you be scared?"
"Because I wouldn't be her son anymore, not the one she knew. Just some vampiric freak."
You trail your hand softly across his back.
"You're not a freak Astarion."
"You're probably one of the only ones who'd say that my sweet."
The two of you are too exhausted at this point to have a full conversation, just sentences traded back and forth, words you don't fully remember. But you do know he thanked you the next morning, for bringing back such a pleasant memory.
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midnightsnyx · 9 months
girl at home | mat barzal | part 1
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you're eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy & not really edited word count: 1.3k authors note p1: don't mind me starting a new series when i have four other wips on the go :):) i love kid fics and this idea was stuck in my head so i wrote & decided to give it a go and post it. if this does well and you guys are interested, i'll do more. authors note p2: so notes about the series: i gave the readers daughter a name because i hate writing y/d/n lol of course you can change it in your head to something else if you want :) also the last name johnson is just there so i could have a full name but we all know she'll be a barzal also thank u @multifandombabes for giving me the push to post this!! happy reading & let me know what you guys think!
In hindsight, you should have realized that it was bound to happen sooner rather than later. You did your best to avoid places you knew he would be when he was home, going to visit your grandparents or other family. Anywhere that would give you the opportunity to not be seen by him, because then you’d have to explain your brown haired, green eyed, seven year old. 
You weren’t proud of your choice to keep Nora a secret from Mat but you did what you thought was right when you were eighteen, sitting on the floor of your best friend’s bathroom four weeks after you had said goodbye to Mat and staring at three positive pregnancy tests. He had just left for hockey and you didn’t want to be what held him back and as time went on, it got harder to pick up the phone so a few months after Nora was born, you erased Mathew Barzal from your life. You deleted the photos, phone numbers, social media, with the only reminder being the little girl.
And it worked fine. Until now.
Nora usually didn’t come grocery shopping with you because you always ended up taking three times as long as you normally would. Except, your sitter fell through and your mom couldn’t watch her so you had to bring her along. Which is totally fine until you run into Mat. Who has a girl with him. 
So yeah, everything was fine until now.
It’s kind of comical the way his panicked eyes dart between the three of the girls standing around him. A quick glance at Nora confirms that she’s two seconds away from saying something to Mat which will not go well since the kid has zero filter.
“Hey, you’re that hockey player mama and grandma watch on TV!” she exclaims and you want to melt straight through the floor when Mat looks at you with one eyebrow raised. 
“Yeah?” he asks, kneeling down so he’s at her level.
“Yeah,” she confirms, and then loudly whispers: “I’m not supposed to watch ‘cause some games are past my bedtime but sometimes I’ll sneak out.” 
He offers his hand and smiles. “Well, it’s nice to meet you…” he trails off, clearly hoping she’ll offer her name. You hope she just says her first name instead of announcing her full name which she tends to do lately.
“Nora,” she tells him, shaking his hand and then to your unsurprised horror, she proudly tells him her full name. “Nora Nadia Johnson.” 
He keeps the smile on his face but stiffens and gently drops her hand. 
“Cool name,” he says, still smiling but you can see the tension in his shoulders. 
“Thanks! My first name means light and my middle name-”
She doesn’t get a chance to finish her sentence because you grab her hand, abandon your shopping cart and high tail it out of the store. She grumbles while trying to keep up with your pace and eventually you just pick her up and carry her to the car.
“What did we say about talking to strangers?” you ask while buckling her seatbelt, ignoring her annoyed sighs. 
“He wasn’t a stranger, you watch him on the TV all the time.”
“Have you ever met him?” you ask, raising an eyebrow and she mumbles something under her breath.
“What was that?”
“No,” she mumbles, crossing her arms over her chest and giving you a look that is so Mathew that you could laugh.
“Well then, he’s a stranger.” 
You leave it at that because she starts talking about the summer camp she’s starting next week. You’re only half listening, trying to get over the shock of seeing Mat and knowing he realizes that he probably has a kid you never told him about. If you were in his shoes, you would be angry so you are expecting him to show up on your doorstep later that evening but he doesn’t. Part of you wonders if the reason he doesn’t come is because of that girl he had with him but you figure if he really wanted answers, he would come regardless. 
What you’re not expecting, is a text from his sister Liana. You still see his family from time to time out in public but after you essentially ghosted Mat, they didn’t really want anything to do with you. When everybody found out you were pregnant, you lied and said it wasn’t Mat’s which nobody really believed but they couldn’t prove it and you’d used your mothers maiden name as Nora’s last name so there were no ties. You were surprised that his family didn’t tell him anyways, but you thought that perhaps they didn’t for the same reason you didn’t.
To give Mat no reason to stay here and instead, pursue his dreams and go play in the NHL. 
So a text from his sister is unexpected. 
Liana: hey, are you free for lunch tmw?
You almost delete it at first and pretend she never messaged you, but you know that there’s no going back now that Mat saw Nora. He’s not stupid. He probably went home and asked his parents about her. So you text her back a reluctant yes and agree on a spot to meet up the next day.
Nora goes to your moms house because you’re unsure if it will just be Liana who shows up, or if anyone else does. You meet up at a Starbucks and aside from the initial tension, it melts almost immediately and the two of you go back to the big sister/little sister relationship you had when you and Mat were dating. Except now, she’s all grown up.
After some catching up, the conversation turns to the reason she asked to see you. She hesitates, picking at her nails - a nervous tick you know she does - before sighing. 
“Look, everybody kind of turned their head with ‘The Nora Situation’ because it was clearly what you wanted, and it was probably what was best for Mat,” she says. “But he knows now, and he’s got questions that we can’t and won’t answer. Dad had to talk him down last night and his girlfriend went back to New York this morning.”
You wince at that, not liking that the reason his girlfriend left is because of Nora but Liana must notice because she shrugs, taking a sip of her drink.
“Honestly, she wasn’t very nice. I’m not broken up over it and Mat didn’t seem to be either.” 
Okay, that is interesting. 
“Anyway,” she continues, “this is Mat’s new number.” She slides a small piece of paper across the table and you gingerly take it. “I know you didn’t want to tell him, and I understand but he knows. So give him a chance, okay?”
You manage a nod and let her leave with the final word. All you want to do is take Nora and leave, to get as far away as you can but something inside you stops you from doing it because maybe Liana is right, and you should give Mat a choice. After all, you were the one who decided to take it away from him in the beginning. 
So later that night, after Nora is asleep, you curl up on your couch with the piece of paper and stare at it for a good fifteen minutes. Regardless of whether or not you text him, you will have to deal with this and you’d rather it be on your terms. You reluctantly type his new number in your phone and hesitate, trying to think of what to even say. This isn’t a conversation you were expecting to have with him. You type and delete a dozen messages before deciding on something simple.
To Mathew: Hey, I guess we should talk.
You take a deep breath, and hit send.
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daisybianca · 9 months
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pairing: lewis hamilton x femalereader
summary: lewis gives you secretly his number. you're hesitant to call him at first, but when you do, things get a little much more interesting.
warning: mentions of sexual activities, cursing words
(a/n): this is part one. Here's part two and part three.
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YOU WERE STANDING in the loud crowd of people. Each one of them holding out a shirt, a picture, or a shirt to sign, including you.
You held out a white hat with a Mercedes emblem on it, hoping Lewis would notice it.
When he finally reached you, he looked at you for a few seconds and smiled.
What the...?!
He signed the hat and moved into the next person.
And when you turned around ready to leave, you looked down at your hat, seeing a phone number written on it.
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"My best friend is a total idiot," your best friend shouted from the balcony of your apartment.
"Stop calling me an idiot!" You climbed out of bed. "Or at least try to be discreet with your very generous opinions about me and get your ass inside! I've got some deliciously hot neighbors who don't particularly need to know everything about me."
"Have you even been listening to me this whole time that I've been lecturing you about matters of life and death?" She sighed dramatically.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes. "A random guy giving me his number isn't a matter of life a death, if you ask me."
"Did you just call Lewis Hamilton a random guy? My husband of nine years?"
"Oh, stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl," You brought your fingers to your temple and massaged the flesh there as if the movement could erase the brutal headache. "Besides, you dragged me to that race. Maybe it's your chance to hook up with your crush-since-for-ever!"
Your best friend's eyes narrowed. "What are you suggesting, filthy woman?"
"You shoukd call him. I'll give you his number right away." You strolled to find your back, but a habd found your wrist, stopping you.
"You're a mad woman. That's a fact."
You fake smiled. "Stop complimenting me that much. I don't think red suits on my cheeks."
"I swear, you're insane. The only reason I'm still by your side is because until 11th grade, you had my back when I sneaked out for parties, hooking up with whoever had a penis and a 6 pack."
You turned to face your best friend, hands in your hips and lips tightly shut together.
"You're seriously going to turn down this offer?" She asked.
"I wouldn't exactly call it an offer."
Your best friend rolled her eyes. "Yes. I'd call it stupidity, actually!" She waved her hands dramatically in the air. "THE Lewis Hamilton flirted with you, and you didn't even notice. Then he gave you secretly his number, and you're freaking going to ignore it?!"
"And what am I supposed to do about it? He's just a normal guy. Don't make him look like he's some God himself."
"First of all, yeah. Lewis is a God himself. He's mouth-watering hot, almost an 8 times champion, has a very cute dog, an 8 pack to stare at all day long, and much, much money," your best friend explained. "You should definitely call him. At least try to figure out why he gave you his number." She added in a calmer tone.
You exhaled and grabbed the white hat curled up under the sheets of your king sized bed. Gazing at the number, you then bit your lips. "Fine," you gave in. "But I'll call him tomorrow so that I don't seem much desperate, okay?"
"He was the one to make a very, very bold first move, and now you're afraid of embarrassment?!" She growled. "Come on! We only live once. Live some adventure, have some great sex, and experience a true love! I haven't seen you going head over heels for someone except that John guy in college."
"It hasn't been a long time since college," you said, contemplating whether you should count the years or not. You choose the second one. "I'll call him tonight. But don't think I'm doing it because I'm actually interested! I'm doing it exclusively for you." You explained, playing with the hem of your summer blue dress. "He probably is an attention freak who only dates supermodels."
"Baby, I assure you," your best friend came and sat next to you, her hand wrapping around you and caressing your cheek. "Supermodels would kill to look like you."
A smile appeared on your lips, and you gazed at your best friend. She always had a special eay about cheering you up and getting you out of your moody and grumpy vibe.
"Tonight." You said.
This has many potential to go wrong, you thought.
You didn't like wrong. You like safe and steady. But what if your best friend was actually right? (For the very first time of your 20 years old friendship.)
"Tonight." She repeated and smirked.
You turned your head and analyzed the hat with the calligraphic black numbers on it.
This couldn't get any more embarrassing.
You let out a long, deep, and shaky breath, then dialed the number.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Three beebs later, a male voice answered the call. "Hello?" The tone was familiar and harsh, but you couldn't be entirely sure that it was him.
"Hey," your voice came out steady, much to your surprise.
"Who is it?" The man replied and now you were sure it was him.
The British accent.
"Um, I noticed a number written on my hat that you signed and--"
"You're the girl from the race?" He interrupted you very much, complicated thoughts that would sooner turn into much more complicated words.
"Yes," you replied hesitantly. "Maybe one of them, at least. In case you gave your number to a few more girls for fun."
A laughter sounded. It was bried but somehow contagious. "I assure you, love, I don't usually spread my number across my fans' hats and shirts."
Your senses kicked in, and the temperature rised in your body.
"So, why was I the chosen one?" You asked.
"Oh," Lewis growled. "Maybe I could answer that question face to face." He said and then added a few moments later, "Join me for dinner tonight, will you, love?"
You laughed. "Isn't it kind of early for us to meet?"
"I'm not going to kidnap you, I promise." You could basixally hear him smile on the other line. "You can bring a friend of your for more safety." He suggested.
"So that it could be two of us to be kidnapped, right?"
There was a moment of silence. "Not sure about that." He spoke a few seconds later. "I only want you to be honest."
You smiled.
Is he flirting with me?
Of course he's flirting with you, you idiot!
"Are you asking me out on a date?" You asked.
"Yes." He replied instantly. "I couldn't wait another torturing hour, anticipating a call or a text from you."
"Okay. I'm in then."
"What about tonight at 9 pm?" He asked.
It was about 7, so you guessed there was plenty of time to get ready.
"Yes, that'd be great." You smiled.
"Perfect. May I pick you up myself at nine?"
"I'm surely capable of driving my own car, don't you think?" You laughed.
"Maybe," he said. "But why actually do it if I can drive for you? I'll come pick you up myself, I promise."
"No cops, no kidnappers?" You joked.
"I promise."
Lewis Hamilton would drive for you...?
"Okay, then." You spoke. "See you tonight, Lewis. I'll text you the address."
You went to end the call, but he stopped you before tapping the red button. "Wait, wait--"
"What's your name, love?"
Your heart roared in your chest and your cheeks reddened.
You adored that nickname.
"Actually, this was the first thing that I would mention to a guy, but love sounds much better, don't you think?"
Lewis laughed. "Tell me your name, and I promise I'll use love every single time instead of it."
"Okay," you said. "I'm (y/n)."
A moment of silence occurred again. "Prettier than love, honestly."
"Maybe, but not when you're the one to say it." You smiled. "You know, that British accent can actually kill."
"Hmm," his voice sounded from the other line. "Weird thing. That is exactly what I could tell about your eyes, as well."
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amournoir · 4 months
play toy 🧸
characters: f!reader x innocent!rafe cameron
warning: does implied smut count?
count: 1k
note: okay so i decided to do a thing. it’s a very short blurb but please lmk what you think!?
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It was a random day in the middle of the week but when the Camerons throw a party, attendance is not a question. I had been friends with the kooks since childhood although I was something of a hybrid, kook mother and pogue father, I still fit in both world. Sarah, a few of her friends, and I had been in her room enjoying the party from there. After a while, they left but I remained, there was a knock on the door then her brother walked in. Rafe noticed me sitting on her bed and immediately walked up to me, “Who are you and why are you in my sister's room?"
“I’m Sarah’s best friend, Y/N.”
He eyes you up and down, “Best friend eh? You two been 'best friends'?”
I smirked and replied, “Yeah, I like having fun with her if you know what I mean.” It’s not as though Rafe had never met me, he had dozens of times but majority of those were in public settings or when he wasn’t drunk out of his mind.
“Oh I bet you have. How long have you two been 'best friends'?”
“Almost two years now.”
“Two years and I haven't seen you? I would have thought you two would have been inseparable, have you spent the night with her?”
Rafe was suspicious of me and my intentions with his sister but it felt less like him being a caring big brother and more of him just being nosy with a hint of jealousy. So of course I was going to play along.
“Why do you care who I’ve spent the night with?” I ask with a slight raise of my brow. “And you have seen me, you’d remember if only you weren’t an alcoholic frat boy.”
“I just don't think my sister should be hanging around such a...” He glances my way with a slight look of disdain. “Type of person.”
“Oh I get it. You’re just jealous I’ve never spent the night with you.”
“Why would I be interested in you? You're too trashy for anyone to want to be with including your supposed best friend who should have much better priorities.”
“Your mouth says trashy but that bulge in your pants says otherwise and so do your eyes.” I smile playfully at him, “Have you been watching me Cameron?”
He is taken aback by the remark, a slight blush rising to his cheeks and his heart starts racing. He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the dresser. Rafe doesn’t respond, he just glares at me quietly.
“You know, I think I might spend the night with Sarah tonight. But don’t worry, I promise we won’t be too loud.” I wink at him knowing full well it’d get under his skin.
“You fucking—” Rafe tries to keep it together but is becoming more enraged by the minute. “I swear if you so much as even touch her.”
“Oh I’ve done far more than touch her. Your little sis is such a freak, don’t you know? She loves going down on me.”
“No. She wouldn't.” He shakes his head, either to deny it or erase the image from his head, who knows. His face is becoming more red with anger the more I continue to talk. “She's...my sister!”
“Yes and she’s my special girl. And just for that I’ll be sure you hear how loud I make her.”
“N...No. You—” Rafe is trying his absolute best to remain calm, but the thought of his sweet little sister with another girl is far too much for him to bear.
“She’s such a good girl when she’s tearing up especially when she begs me to keep going.” I honestly can’t stop. Who knew all I had to do to get under his skin was tease him about his sister’s sluttiness.
I can see the effect my crude comments have on him, they are making him feel sick to his stomach. His chest is quickly rising and falling, getting tighter as his breathing becomes heavy and quick. “STOP! Just stop!”
I smirk and ask, “Why don’t you make me Cameron?”
He glares at me, uncrossing his arms from his chest and clenches his fists. “I could.”
I pull myself to the edge of her bed and let my feet dangle off the side. I look at him and simply say, “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll stop playing with your sweet Sarah if you become my play toy.”
He is speechless but his eyes narrow. “You're serious? You would really leave my sister alone if I did...that…for you?”
I shrug nonchalantly and add, “I might screw her one more time for old times sake but yeah, I will.”
I can see the internal battle going on just by reading his face. Rafe’s body is filled with a mix of rage and excitement but he can't decide which emotion he is feeling more. My interest is slightly piqued just by watching him actually consider my offer.
“Five seconds Rafe before she returns and I bend her pretty firm ass over this bed as you watch.”
He unclenches his fist and lets out a heavy sigh before nodding his head in agreement.
“Say it.”
There's a long pause. Rafe's eyes water and he is visibly shaking but eventually he is able to respond, “I— I…will be your play toy.”
“Good boy.” I smile in satisfaction just as Sarah walks in. She’s in a short black skirt and a white tube top with the first two buttons open. I look over at Rafe and instruct Sarah whilst keeping my eyes on him, “Be a good girl and get on your hands and knees on the bed for me.”
His eyes instantly widen. I couldn’t believe that he would actually agree to being my play thing. I could just see the rage-filled thoughts running through his mind and the helplessness coursing through him as he watches his precious little sister obey. Still locking my eyes with Rafe’s, I flip over Sarah’s skirt, exposing her thong and slap her ass.
“Good. Now let’s get started.”
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anon-e-miss · 2 months
Touch of Sight - 11
A Cornerstone’s bells rang out calling the faithful to worship. Prowl lay on his belly, face buried in his pillow and listened to them ring. There was no mistaking the call of lesser temples for that of a Cornerstone. Minor temples had only a single bell in their bell towers, where Cornerstones had three octaves at least of bells that were not rung haphazardly, but in a score written by some ancient temple musician. He should not have been able to hear them at all, tucked away as he was in the market. Might the wind be blowing in just the right directions? With the haze of recharge still thick in his helm, Prowl listened. It was odd, he had never heard a Cornerstone’s call so clear and yet they sounded one dimensional, flat. There was something missing. Prowl stretched out his doorwings to “hear” a little better, only to realize he could not “hear”, could not “feel”, could not feel his doorwings, could not move them at all. He was blind, truly, completely blind. Imm. His audials heard his strangled cry as he tried to push himself up, digits clawing at the berth under him. He tried to reach behind himself but Prowl was not strong enough to hold him even partly upright.. His whole frame ached and his arms trembled. His voice was hoarse as he keened. A gloved servo brushed his helm and Prowl collapsed back down on the berth, the keen fading into a weak sob.
“Shh,” it was Jazz. Prowl felt the berth sag as Jazz sat on the edge. Prowl could almost feel tears wet his face, but he had no optics. He had no tears. Jazz’s gloved servo left his helm and covered Prowl servo. It took a long time before Prowl realized Jazz was writing glyphs against the back of his servo, only then did the panic roar fade in his help enough that Prowl could actually hear and understand. “Y’re okay. Y’re doors got burned in the fire. Ratch, my medic friend’s lookin’ after ya. He turned off yer relays so ya don’t gotta feel as yer sensors heal.”
“Fire...” Prowl frowned as his whispered the glyph, surprised by how hoarse his voice sounded and how raw his voice felt. He remembered. The madmech, he had set fire to the apartment, set to killed them all, to kill him, the mech he had declared a demon. “My mechlings?”
“Are perfect,” Jazz promised and Prowl prayed he was true. “A bit o’ smoke was all they got, Ratch made sure their intakes are good. Got’em in class. Ori thought it was important for’em to have a lil normalcy.”
“Where am I?” Prowl asked. His sentio-metallico still prickled with anxiety as the panic ebbed. He was blind, wholly blind but he was not alone. Still, his spark continued to race. How was he supposed to live on like this? How was he meant to care for his creations?
“The Celestial Temple,” Jazz replied. Prowl felt the scarred sentio-metallico of his face strain to stretch as he raised his brow ridge with surprise.
“Why?” He asked. His spark pulsed out of control and he trembled with fear. Had Smokescreen said something? Had they discovered who they were, who they had been? The Celestial Temple was not just a Cornerstone, it was the Prime’s residence. Why would paupers be brought here for medical treatment?
“It’s sorta Ratch’s home base,” Jazz replied. “He runs other clinics but his apothecary is here. My home base too. Seemed like the best place to put ya were ya could be safe.”
“There is no more danger,” Prowl replied. He rested his helm on the pillow. How had he ever mistaken it for his own? It was far too luxurious and its cover too soft against his scarred sentio-metallico. “The voices haunting that mech told him to jump into the flames.”
“Sounds like ya feel a lil sorry for ‘m,” Jazz said.
“His processor was broken,” Prowl replied. He was tired. He had only just woken up but he was so tired. “He genuinely thought I was a demon. He genuinely thought Primus and the angels were telling him to cleanse me. He never should have been let out of the sanitarium. Let me guess, they deployed mnemosurgery, erasing the voices from his memory and declared him fit?”
“That’s right,” Jazz replied. “How’d ya guess?”
“Because that is what they do,” Prowl said. “They address the symptom without searching for the cause.”
“Sounds like ya got some history with mneumosurgeons,” Jazz replied.
“I have a processor glitch,” Prowl explained. “Every time I would crash, they would erase the thought or feeling they thought triggered it. It took until I was a mech grown and could refuse the mneumosurgeons that I was actually able to learn to manage my affliction. I do not know what would have helped that mech, but I know mneumosurgery was not it.”
“Y’re a wise mech,” Jazz replied.
“Mm,” Prowl hummed. He turned his servo around around to touch Jazz’s palm. It was not gloves Jazz was wearing. His servo was covered it gauze. “What happenened?”
“Servos go burned climbin’ the buildin’,” Jazz explained.
“You were hurt saving us,” Prowl said, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt. “Punch... he tried. The sheets I tied, they tore. He said he was going to try the stairs.”
“He did, they’d collapsed, he didn’t think he could make the jump,” Jazz replied. “If I hadn’t gotten there when I did, I think he woulda gone back in ‘n risked it anyways. Y’re bitlets are worth it. So are ya.”
“I am sorry you were hurt,” Prowl said. “I am sorry Punch was in danger because of us.”
“It was nothin’ ya did,” Jazz told him. “I’m just glad Swindle put more into that place than I thought. Fire didn’t spread near as fast as it coulda and when the floor collapsed, the walls still held.”
“I think he invested in the struts of that building and not the facade,” Prowl replied. “If he had done the latter, he could have charged more for the habsuites and no one would have thought any of it.”
“He did good,” Jazz said. “‘N I told’m that. He was there, when the fire was goin’. Helped me wit yer mechlings. He’s terrified o’ poverty. ‘N I understand why, since we come from the same corner o’ the Pit. Sometimes he makes bad choices but he’s a decent mech o’erall.”
“Are you bothering my patient?” A new voice, rumbled. Prowl flinched. He had never been easy to sneak up on. It had become even harder since he had been blinded, when his doorwings had taken the place of his optics. Was this how he was to live for the rest of his life? It felt unbearable.
“Smokey wasn’t bout to leave’m alone, ‘n rightly so,” Jazz replied. He did not sound as if he felt any fear towards this new mech. “I stepped out for half a klik to speak to Hide ‘n he was awake ‘n right terrified.”
“Fine... what did I tell you about using your servos?” The medic asked.
“They’re fine,” Jazz replied. “Ain’t putting pressure on’em or nothin’.”
“I have no faith in you,” the medic said. “I know better.”
“Ya wound me, Ratch,” Jazz replied, with a chuckle in his voice. “Ratchet’s the best medic on Cybertron, Prowl. He’ll want me outta the way to look at yer doors. Mind if I sit at yer peds.”
“If you have business to attend to, do not delay it on my behalf,” Prowl said.
“I got nothin’ goin’ on,” Jazz said. “Even if I did, it wouldn’t be more important than this.”
Prowl could not help but believe him and it was a strange. He should have been nothing but a potential new minion to this mech and yet, Jazz had brought him and his creations home to his originator, not just for a meal but for friendship and... for Punch’s approval. Rather than discourage any attachment from Punch, his originator, Jazz seemed to encourage it and... Smokescreen glyphs echoed in Prowl’s memory banks. Though he had denied it to his creation, the observation felt like a peculiar truth. When Jazz had all but danced with him in the field, there had been pleasure and warmth in his field. It made no sense. Prowl was not a beauty. He had been... simply unremarkable before the blinding where Nightstalker had been the beauty. Their procreators had called him the Jewel of Praxus. Prowl, he had been an udder disappointment. How could Jazz look had him now, with a mottled face with two empty pits and feel anything like attraction? Pity did not explain it. Heavy pedsteps signalled the medic’s approached as Jazz moved to sit at Prowl’s peds.
“I’m Ratchet, Prowl,” the medic formally introduced himself. “I’m sure the miscreant told you but both your mechlings are in good physical health. It’ll take them some time to process the fear and trauma. I think they were both brought back to the Cataclysm, especially your little one.”
“What do I do for them?” Prowl asked.
“What you’ve always done,” Ratchet replied. “Love them and listen to them. It’s done wonders.”
“I have not been able to help Bluestreak find his voice,” Prowl countered.
“Traumatic mutism is difficult for anyone to treat,” Ratchet said. “You gave him a voice with chirolinguistics. You’ve done more than a lot of medics would think to with that alone. You haven’t focused on his spoken voice. You empower him by adapting to his needs.”
“Ya done right by them,” Jazz told him.
“I’m going to change your bandages,” Ratchet said. “Despite your sensory grid being offline, you may still feel pain.”
“I understand,” Prowl said. He remember the agony when the farm’s creation cleaned his infected burns and applied dressings. Every dressings change had been a renewal of that agony, pain that had been worse than the original burn.
There was a throbbing pain across his back as Ratchet pealed away the bandages. It was unpleasant yes but nothing compared to what he had already endured. Jazz would be suffering far more with his treatments and Prowl felt guilty. He was relieved as Ratchet disposed of the used dressings, he smelled medicinal ointment, not festering metal. The odor of his facial burns had been a terrible thing and something he still smelled in his memory-purges. It felt more like an itch he could not place, that bounced all over his frame. Jazz brushed his bandaged sevo over Prowl’s ankle and it was grounding. Prowl smelled the ointment Ratchet took out to apply to his burns and distracted himself in separating the smells and narrowing down what crystals he believed had been used in the blend.
“It’s looking good,” Ratchet told him. “No infection. Luckily, you only suffered partial thickness burns. Most of your doorwing sensors should heal to within normal parameters. You may have some holes in your perception but your processor will fill those in so you don’t even notice.”
“That is a relief,” Prowl sighed. “I could not imagine how I would live completely blind.”
“Ya woulda found a way,” Jazz reassured him. “For the mechlings.”
“Thank you,” Prowl said.
“Are you hungry at all?” Ratchet asked.
“A little,” he replied.
“Good,” Ratchet said. “Punch took it upon himself to make a melon soup. He thought you’d be up this cycle.”
“Ori’s got good instincts,” Jazz declared. “Not feelin’ too banged up?”
“I am fine,” Prowl asked. “Sore. Just sore and tired.”
“Ya fell through the floor,” Jazz explained his concern. “Maybe it was a good think the smoke already had ya in stasis ‘cause ya was relaxed when ya fell ‘n that helped ya not too get too hurt.”
“I do not remember that at all,” Prowl said. “The last thing I remember is giving Bluesatreak to you.”
“Probably not a bad thing to forget,” Jazz said. “Important thing is ya made it out.”
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lxvebun · 1 year
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only in my dreams
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buns notes: Forgot I had this in my drafts and I want it OUT :,)
content Scaramouche x gender neutral reader. Angst<3. Softer Scaramouche because would it be my writing if I didn't turn him soft?. Cliffhanger? English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Not completely proofread ssh
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-can we be together
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He tries to ignore it, the pain that spikes through his body when you look at him and he can see it in your eyes that you don't recognize him. You've long since forgotten about him, Just as he had planned, so why is he feeling like this?. How is it that without a heart, he still feels like something is splitting apart inside his chest?
He should be happy for you, this is exactly what he wanted. For you to forget about him just like everyone else. Live your life the way you always should have without him interfering. Travel Teyvat, follow the career of your dreams, and even find someone who can love you with all of their heart, something he's physically incapable of as much as he wishes he wasn't.
he did not take the possibility that his new self may want his memories back into his plan. he never planned on losing you since it would be like he never existed in your life at all. You can't lose something you don't have and that was supposed to be it. And to now just pretend that all of your once shared memories together weren't real, the stolen kisses under the moonlight, the way you so annoyingly (not really) stole his hat and ran away yelling "Catch me if you can!" With that stupidly breathtaking smile on your face...it hurts more than he lets on
But as Lesser lord Kusanali has said, some things just can't be erased.
So she taught him how to look into your dreams. While some dreams are just a bunch of incoherent pictures of things you're exposed to daily, familiar faces of friends and family pieced together to make somewhat of a story, some dreams are figments of memories deeply intertwined within your soul.
And that's how he's able to watch you now, as you sit in the sand, knees pulled to your chest, gazing over the sea. Back in a place that resembles the Inazuma shores, the one where you used to lay together to stargaze. Though the stars in this sky are way more frequent and brightly colored and the ocean is way more gentle. there are no monsters, no Nobushi, no thunder. something that doesn't quite reflect reality. A peaceful dream.
He wonders why you're dreaming of this place. It's not as if it was hidden, but people rarely, if at all visited. It was your shared happy place to wind down. A place that he showed you.
he's been present in your dreams for a bit now, you never seem to be aware of it, so he doesn't bother to try and be quiet. he's used to questioning and talking to you in your dreams and receiving no response. so he tries to not get his hopes up as you turn around to look at where he's standing.
Scaramouche feels weirdly exposed as your gaze doesn't falter and your eyes seemingly trace over every detail of him. it's as if you're truly looking at him and maybe it's just wishful thinking but he swears he sees a glimpse of recognition in your eyes
And then you break the silence
"Do I know you?" You asked as you stand up from your place on the ground, dusting the imaginary sand off your clothes.
Who would have thought that such peaceful dreams could shift into cruel nightmares in just a few seconds.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you-" he manages to croak out despite the way his voice is trying to break. "I didn't know you could see me, y/- he cuts himself off. swallowing the ache of your name in his throat and biting back the tears threatening to spill. Just as he begins to open his mouth to finish his answer, you speak again.
"You look familiar"
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Thank you for reading angels! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ���
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genderkoolaid · 6 months
"How the hell is asking people to say "transfem" instead of "trans" when they do not bring up anyone but transfems on a post supposedly about general trans history" and that's the trick, under the shield of "trans history" you ask trans women to move into their niche, to create their own group because they made a lot of noise here and that noise is not about you :(... honestly, have you seen trans women saying "iugh, can trans men talk about "transmasc history" instead of hanging out with us"? have you seen that? Your crusade is ridiculous, motivated by ignorance or bad intentions, you are dividing trans visibility, look at who follows you and listens to those who criticize you, high discourse vibes in the short term with this dynamic. "Transfem history" and "transmasc history" are the same history, but of course, I suppose that when genderfluid, multi-gender and other experiences become noisy they should also move away from their niche because it's not about you. Whether you like it or not we are the same story and bad news: you will not divide us.
My friend. My pal. My silly rabbit. I am genderfluid and multigender. What the fuck are you talking about.
It is not "dividing trans history" it is just. recognizing that there are multiple trans histories. That trans history is diverse and there are subcategories. Do you understand that word? The idea that there can be smaller sections of a thing while grouped under what some of us might call an.... umbrella term? Is that computing with you?
I am not saying that "trans history" is a bad term. I have always specifically said that if you are going to say you are talking about trans history in general, and you never bring up anyone else but people assigned male or who would've been assigned male who identified as women or feminine (including a variety of genderqueer people who are neither transmasc or fem), then you should just say transfem history. Because otherwise, you are contributing to the erasure of other trans people. Its like, a painfully simple request. Fairly lukewarm take in my opinion. Just be specific! OR just bring up other trans people and continue calling it "trans history" because then it will be.
Idk what your fucking obsession is with talking about "discourse vibes" but this is genuinely ridiculous. I truly do try to understand people who criticize me's point of views but this is so absurd. How can you talk about fucking discourse when you are picking a fight over me saying "hey just be specific about the terms you use to avoid further erasing transmascs" literally no trans person I know IRL would have an issue with this. You are just getting angry at me for being the slightest bit transgressive about transmasc erasure. I suggested the slightest change in attitude to resist transmasc erasure and you act like I'm a fucking separatist. Go eat a snickers or something.
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iluvshinytwink · 1 year
Just For Me - Jude Bellingham
"Who's this video for?"
"Just for me."
Scenario: While clearing out his camera roll, he comes across one of the many videos he's took of you before you two broke up.
Now Playing . . . Hollywood's Dead (Unreleased) by Lana Del Rey
a/n: RANDOM DISCLAIMER!! 😱😱 this is slightly related to another post in my blog called "Are We Still Friends?" Check it out if you'd like. I'm just here to sprinkle more salt in the wound, will u guys ever get a part 2? only god will know 🙄
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No matter how many times you delete, forget, and ignore the memories would still be there, in your mind. Memories couldn't be erased, it was stored in your mind and nothing will change that. Nothing.
Jude scrolled through his camera roll since his storage was piling.
He scrolls up to a certain part of his camera roll, it was filled with numerous photos and videos. Curious, he clicks on one. He shouldn't have clicked on it, now he was going to relive the memories he wanted to forget.
A blurry photo was displayed in his phone, you were in the photo, smiling with food stuffed inside your mouth. Though the photo itself was blurry, he could see you properly, he could see the smile he wanted to see for several weeks clearly, he could sense the laugh that he heard after the photo was shot. And he could feel his heart breaking away.
Though he felt the pain and he could hear the protests of his mind telling him he should delete every photo, every video-- he didn't. He couldn't bring himself too.
He continues scrolling through the photos with a sloppy smile as the tears began to well.
Then, while scrolling he comes across a video.
Jude comes up to you with his phone, recording most probably and with his flash on. You were on the couch on your phone, you looked at your boyfriend already trying to hide your smile.
"Say hi." He smiled at you, phone in his hand. "Hi." You waved and he laughs. You laugh with him. "Who's this for?" You said in between your giggles. "Just for me." He said softly.
A bitter smile wraps his lips, his eyes soften.
Sometimes, you're the reason why you're hurting. Sometimes, you don't even realize it. Someday, you'll look back to those memories and know that you were the happiest there. Someday, you look back to those memories and pray to god that you'll experience it again.
The room was empty and it was dark, but in the midst was a lonely, lonely man dwelling on his memories.
He scrolls to another video even though tears were running down his cheek rapidly. I guess, something in him wanted to remind himself that he once loved and that he would never love again.
"Taste test!" You were behind the camera this time. Jude in the video looks at you with a smile, a sandwich in his hand. "Eat it." You said, the camera slightly shaking. Jude laughs before taking a bite into the sandwich. The camera goes closer, into his face. Jude bites his food, fighting a laugh. "How does it taste?" You ask. Jude throws a thumbs up with a muffle of agreement. You burst into laughter, camera rapidly shaking before the video ends.
The smile that stayed on his face on that video sent a sense of nostalgia through his veins. He smiled from ear to ear and he couldn't stop smiling, and that was all thanks to you. Now, with you gone, the smile that's seen on his face was wobbly, shaky, and sad. He felt his lips quiver and he sets his phone somewhere along his empty bed. His body crashed to the mattress and he sobbed.
Simple moments like saying hi to a camera or eating in front of it were moments he missed the most.
But, if you ask me I don't think he missed those simpler, calmer moments. If you ask me, I think he just missed you.
Welcome back to deluluhours.exe restaurant, i know u didn't ask for it but have a platter of angst 🤞🤞
Hope u enjoyed this!! Fun fact, i finished writing this when i was supposed to be studying for my math exam ☠️☠️ clout over grades i guess
Anyways smash that like button and subscribe for more BANGERZZZZ like these 💞💞
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amakumos · 1 year
bluer birthday — yang jungwon.
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synopsis. one last picture means one last chance to travel back in time to bring your dead boyfriend, yang jungwon back. but when you go back in time, you find yourself landing mere seconds before the crash that took your boyfriend’s life. with only a little time to spare, you find yourself needing to make a decision.
genre. angst (happy birthday won i’m sorry), alternate ending to blue birthday (please read that fic before this one or it won’t make sense), inspired by the tv show blue birthday
pairing. non idol! jungwon x fem! reader
word count. 2.4k
warnings. major character death, car crash, blood, ambulances, swearing
authors note. this is long overdue😅 i was supposed to post this like a week after i posted the original blue birthday fic, but… here i am now with the alternate ending! happy birthday jungwon 😅 and don’t worry i didn’t just post angst for his bday😭 there is a sequel to kiss and cry that is full of fluff if you’d like to read that too !! but in the meantime, enjoy the alternate ending to blue birthday ^_^
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ONE. present day, 2026. 
You hold the last photo in your hands as Youngeun looks at you nervously. 
Your hands tremble a little as you look at the picture – you know that this is your last shot at bringing Jungwon back. You have tampered with the past, present and the future too much, and you know that there could be serious consequences. Regardless, you would do anything for Jungwon. 
“You only have one chance,” Youngeun tells you. 
You let out a shaky breath as you look at her. “Yeah. I do. This is my last shot.” 
“When you burn the picture, it should bring you back to when the photo was taken, right?” Youngeun asks, and you nod. At least, that’s what happened the last couple of times when you went back in time. You can only hope that the same thing happens this time. 
“Do you need any extra details?” Youngeun asks. 
“No,” you say, gazing at the photo. “It’s okay.” 
You remember every single second. How could you not, when you watched the person that you cared about the most die right in front of your very eyes. Every year on your birthday, you are reminded of the scene, and you want nothing but to erase it from your memory. 
“Good luck,” Youngeun says. “We’ll be waiting for you when you both are back.” 
“Thank you, Youngeun.” you smile at your friend. “I think I’m going to need it.”
“Don’t hurt yourself while you’re there,” she tells you. 
You nod, before you light the candle, taking one last look at the picture before holding it above the fire, letting the photo burn it away. 
TWO. the day of the accident, 2021.
You open your eyes walking across a street that looks all too familiar. 
You turn to look at who’s standing next to you, and it’s Jungwon. But something doesn’t seem right. The photo didn’t bring you back to when the photo was taken – you woke up in a completely different moment from the same day, and it’s only when you see the name of the street when you realise what’s going on.
Jungwon is mere seconds away from getting killed from that car. 
Your eyes widen in fear, shaking your head. “No, no, no.” you mumble, trying not to startle Jungwon. You look to your right, and you see the dreaded car plate that is engraved into your memory. 52 3018. 
You take a quick look at your watch, and it’s like time slows down when you read the time on your watch. 7:07, and there’s 30 seconds until the crash. The car is moving faster and faster towards you and Jungwon, and you know you can’t just yank Jungwon’s arm and pull you both away from the crash.
Your heart sinks as you come to the realisation that it’s either you, or him.
And you can’t lose him again. 
The car moves closer and closer, and you know in just a few seconds, Jungwon’s about to be hit. “Wonie, I’m sorry.” you say hurriedly, blinking back the tears in your eyes before you push him towards the opposite side of the street, out of harm’s way. 
Flashing lights. Loud car honks. And this time, it is your body that the car collided with. 
You fall to the ground, feeling nothing but pain everywhere in your body — you’re bleeding, you’re sure of it. You pant as you lie there, and you hear Jungwon’s loud scream when he realises what just happened to you. “No, no, no.” Jungwon shakes his head as he rushes over to be by your side.
“(Name)? (Name)? Look at me, look at me please.” Jungwon says, his hands clutching yours desperately.
You look up at him weakly, with a small, sad smile. “I’m sorry, Won.” 
“Please don’t leave me, (Name). Just hold on, we’re getting help.” Jungwon says, his lower lip quivering as he holds onto you tightly. His hands are stained with blood, your blood, but he is too focused on your state to notice.
“There’s no use, Jungwon. You and I both know I’m not going to make it out alive.” you choke out, and Jungwon shakes his head. “You’ll make it. I know you will.” he says, and you smile sadly. 
“I know I won’t. Jungwon… I know how this ends. I’m from the future.” you say, and you can feel yourself getting weaker and weaker. “I’m the (Name) from 5 years later. It was originally you who died in this crash. I went back in time to try and save you… but I failed.” 
“Why didn’t you let it be me, (Name)? It should’ve been me.” Jungwon says, holding back a choked sob. “Why?” 
“I couldn’t lose you again.”
“But now I’m losing you.” 
“I know… I’m sorry. I wanted it to end with you and me being able to spend more time together. Fate wasn’t in our favour, I guess.” you say, and Jungwon knows that he’s going to lose you soon. Your breathing is more laboured, and he knows you’re fighting to keep your eyes open, because if you close them, you don’t know if you’ll ever get to open them again.
“You’ll be okay, (Name). You’ll make it.” 
Jungwon says it as if he’s just trying to convince himself. He knows deep in his heart that he’ll be losing you today, and there’s nothing he can do to try and reverse it. But oh, how he wished he could. 
“Can you just… talk to me?” you say, looking at him, tears brimming your eyes. Jungwon squeezes your hand, brushing your hair out of your face — and that is when he realises that your blood is on his hands. 
Tears roll down his cheeks, but he tells himself he shouldn’t start properly sobbing until you go. 
“Okay.” he says. “Today is your birthday. I was going to give you a surprise party. Intak, Youngeun, Hikaru, and all your other friends would be there, and I even got Maeumi a party hat for you.”
You smile at his words. 
“I have plans for tomorrow, too. We’ll go to the Han River, have a picnic, and watch a movie on my iPad. We could walk Maeumi at the park, too.” 
Jungwon pulls one tiny box out of his pocket. “This is your birthday gift, he tells you, opening the box. There are two silver rings inside, and Jungwon pulls one of them out.
“I got us promise rings.” he says, and your smile gets wider. He slips it onto your finger, and you smile, trying your best to look at it even though you can feel yourself starting to slip away.
“I love you.” he says, blinking back tears. “I always will.” 
“I love you too,” you whisper back, and Jungwon tries his best to smile. He has to be strong in this moment for you. He doesn’t want the last thing you see to be him sobbing. He wants you to feel at peace. 
“I’ll find my way back to you.” Jungwon whispers, bringing your hand up to his face to kiss the promise ring. There’s a small smile on your lips, and then your hand falls limp.
You’re gone.
And that’s when Jungwon completely loses it.
He lets the dam break. He’s crying and screaming like he’s never before. It’s right then when the ambulance arrives, and when the paramedics tell him that he needs to let go, he just drowns out the sound, with the only thing he can hear being his own cries.
Jungwon is forcefully separated from you when one of the paramedics pulls him away from your body, as he kicks, screams and writhes in the man’s grip. The paramedic sets him down on a nearby park bench, patting Jungwon on the back as the boy cries.
“I know no matter what I say, it still won’t take away the pain you are feeling. It’s very hard to lose someone, especially someone who you held very close to your heart.” the paramedic says. “But, I’m very sorry for your loss.”
“It was supposed to be me.” Jungwon sobs. “I should’ve been the one who got hit. And now I’ve lost her.” 
“She saved your life. She’s a hero.” the paramedic tells him.
“I thought we would have more time together. It’s her birthday today. Or… was.” Jungwon chokes out through sobs. You’re gone now, so he supposed that he has to refer to you in past tense. But he doesn’t want to. “We were going to her surprise party that I organised for her.”
“I’m sure she would have loved it.” the paramedic tells him.
“I wish she could’ve seen it.” Jungwon says, wiping his tears with his sleeve. He then notices that your blood is still on his hands, and his sobs get even louder.
The paramedic pats his back in an attempt to comfort him. “You’ll be okay, kid. You’ll be okay.” 
Despite what the paramedic says, Jungwon feels like he won’t be okay. 
He doesn’t know if he ever will be.
THREE. present day, 2027.
“Happy birthday, Jungwon!” 
It has been 6 years since you left. Jungwon has never liked his birthday celebrations after your passing, only indulging in them because his friends spent so much time preparing it all for him.
“Thank you guys.” Jungwon says, mustering up a smile.
Intak tells him to blow out his candles. “Make a wish!” 
Jungwon wishes for you to come back.
It has been his wish every single year since your passing. Yet, every single year, it doesn’t seem to come true. Jungwon knows that he should move on — it’s what you would have wanted, but he finds that he can’t.
Every hour, every minute, every second, his mind is consumed with the thought of you. Wondering if he can bring you back, thinking about all the fun things that you two could do if you were still here, and praying to whoever’s up there to take pity on him, and bring you back.
“I got you a little something, Jungwon.” Intak says, pulling out a gift bag from behind him. He hands it to Jungwon, who accepts it with a small smile. “Thank you, Intak.” he says.
He opens the bag to reveal a box. It’s a necklace, with a butterfly chain necklace. “It was (Name)‘s. I got it for her birthday last year, before she decided to… you know. Go back in time. I figured that you might want it.”
Jungwon looks at the necklace with a sad smile. “She really liked it, didn’t she?” 
“Loved it.” 
“I know every year doesn’t get easier for you,” Intak says, and Jungwon nods. “It doesn’t get easier for us either. We didn’t know she had this whole plan to bring you back… until she wa gone. And I say this every year, but you’ve got to stop blaming yourself for her passing.” 
“I know.” Jungwon replies. “It’s hard not to, though.” 
“I get it.” Intak says, pressing his lips into a thin line. “Healing is a process. It takes time.” 
“I got you something too,” Youngeun suddenly pipes up. She pulls out a box from behind her, setting it on the table. She pushes it towards Jungwon, who opens it hesitantly.
There are a bunch of film pictures of you and Jungwon. They look like the one he took back in high school, but since he’s in it, he couldn’t possibly have taken it. 
“You were not the only photographer in high school.” Youngeun says. “These are photos that our lovely Hikaru took of you two. We found her old camera, and then we found these photos and got them developed. Thought you would like to see them.”
Jungwon smiles as he flicks through the photos, each of them bringing him back in time. He sees picture after picture of you looking at him with the brightest smile, your eyes practically sparkling as you gaze at him lovingly. 
Jungwon would give anything to see you look at him like that again. 
Every single year, on not only your birthday but also his, he has blamed himself for your passing. You had gone back in time to try and stop the event that had killed him in the original timeline, but it only led to that event killing you instead. 
He desperately wishes for you to still be here. Every birthday celebration reminds him of the one that he had organised just before your passing, the one that you were mere minutes away from seeing before your life was taken. 
The healthy thing for Jungwon to do is move on. 
So on the 6th anniversary of your death, and also your birthday, Jungwon heads to your grave, holding a small cake in a box and a bouquet of cherry blossoms – your favourite flowers. He sits down on the grass, pulling the photos that Hikaru had taken back in high school out of his bag. 
“It’s been 6 years since you left.” Jungwon says out loud. He hopes you can hear him. “It’s also your birthday.” He opens the box, taking out the cake. He takes a lighter out of his bag, lighting the candle. “Happy birthday, (Name).” 
He sings you the happy birthday song quietly, setting the cake down on the lid of the box. “I miss you. I hope you’re celebrating your birthday happily.” he says, a bittersweet smile on his lips. 
“Every year doesn’t get easier,” he confesses. “Is this how you felt before you had gone back in time to try and save me?” 
He asks a question he knows he won’t get an answer to. 
“I would do anything to bring you back. Maybe I should try what you did. Maybe Hikaru’s pictures can bring me back in time too.” Jungwon says, looking at the picture. The flame on the candle flickers, and for a split second, Jungwon debates on burning one of the photos to see if it can bring him back. 
He stays silent for a little while, staring sadly at your headstone. There’s a bunch of other flowers placed around it, which Jungwon deduces must be from your family and other friends who came earlier. 
Jungwon takes a look at the promise ring on his finger. For a second, the candle on the cake flickers, and for a split second, Jungwon sees a photo being held above a fire, with the picture being slowly burnt away. He blinks quickly a couple of times, and the vision is gone. 
He looks at the candle once again, and then he looks at the picture held in his hands. 
Without a second thought, Jungwon holds the picture above the flame.
The only thought in Jungwon’s mind as he watches the picture burn away is that he hopes that his birthday wish for the past 6 years can come true. 
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amoneki-ramblings · 3 months
Also, your 'Amon stays in the CCG and works with Haise' AU is fantastic and should have been canon. Poor Amon misses Eyepatch terribly (he still has QUESTIONS damnit!) but doesn't want to get Haise (or Akira) in trouble, so he can't really say much, but he and Haise get suspicious of the CCG being corrupted. They investigate together, but they have to be discreet and they HATE IT, the CCG is supposed to represent justice! Inner!Kaneki drops hints and nags Haise in the background constantly.
In the context of my AU I think Amon would feel so let down by the emergence of the Quinx project. He's spent all this time investigating the CCG's suspicious sides and almost uncovered what they were really aiming to do and then it just gets. Announced, just like that. That they're putting ghoul organs in people to use as weapons. It feels wrong. Everything clicks terribly into place. But he can't say anything. And Eyepatch is gone already (or so he Thinks) It all feels anti-climatic, somehow.
Then he meets this new investigator, who shakes his hand and greets him cheerily. He's being mentored by Akira. They are to treat him as a human unless he loses control, to which they'll treat him as a ghoul. It's Eyepatch. It's Haise Sasaki. Amon has to stomach the thought of both working with him and potentially having to "erase" him if he remembers who he is. He likes Haise, even if he's different from Eyepatch, but Haise might not be around forever, for one reason or another. He's never had to kill a co-worker or friend before. (I think, similar to Akira in canon :re Amon would be assigned a big role in leading squads when the CCG has to keep Haise under control. It only makes sense, he's done significant damage to him before, in half-kakuja form no less, and managed to escape this guy even without a weapon. And he's also like, one of the Only Guys who has ever killed a ghoul with his bare hands before.) Still though, the thought of killing Haise, whether it be with a quinque through the heart or the snap of a neck, is nauseating.
The CCG higher-ups are suspicious, obviously, because Amon is the only one who truly knows Everything about Eyepatch, and he might screw with Haise's memories. They're keeping an eye on him and make sure they don't get too close, unless Amon needs to confront Haise, since Haise, even when losing control, just can't seem to hurt him. Not really at least (if it ever does happen he feels So Guilty) ((Also sidenote but Haise probably visibly winces when he first meets Amon. His head hurts and he's not sure why. He feels melancholic and he doesn't know why. He feels a flood of relief. But he doesn't know why. He likes Amon a lot and wants to get to know him. The white-haired ghoul in his head seems particularly fixated on him, won't stop looking at him. Haise somehow knew Amon's name before he was even told what it was. He surmises that it's just because Amon is so well-known in general. (He knows, deep down, that it might be more than just that)))
Haise has small recollections of memories, but he can't tell anyone, obviously. Sometimes he has nightmares of flower fields and battles under the rain. When he and Amon get closer he tells him a little about them. "It's probably nothing" he laughs, unsure, but Amon knows what they really mean. He sees Eyepatch in Haise and it hurts terribly. He fears the chance that he'll never get to ask the questions he had, almost as much as he fears the chance that one day he suddenly will. The answers he's wanted for so long are so close that they are literally standing right next to him, yet they're so far.
As things move forward they definitely try to investigate and figure out the CCG's corrupt system together. But they have to be careful, on the outside co-workers (including Akira) make comments about how close they are and what a good team they make but within the inner-workings of the CCG they have their careful eyes on them. Maybe Akira's a little weary about it, tells Amon as such sometime and Amon says he knows (but there are things he can't tell even her.) Maybe one time Haise and Amon talk briefly, maybe after or during Haise losing control of himself and he says something and it sounds hauntingly like Eyepatch. Haise had looked at him differently during that moment. His voice sounded different. It was pained, but not in the physical sense. Maybe it wasn't Haise at all, actually.
Haise has a dream once about a man shouting asking him if he really is just a ghoul. Somehow he doesn't feel like it's for him. (But surely it means something to Kaneki Ken). Maybe, like in that comic I drew, Kaneki is incredibly relieved that Amon is alive, but also terribly jealous that all he can do is watch from the shadows LOL
Ough sorry I got SO carried away I've just been meaning to list out some of the details of my AU thoughts for AGES this has been living rent free in my mind for MONTHS it's one of my favorite thoughts Ever
It's insane, how many parallels are setup between Kaneki/Haise and Amon, yet Haise and Amon never meet once, even though Amon is foreshadowed constantly during :re. To be fair there is so much going on in :re already but still, man. Man,
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