#i was thinking of a costume party ; rather than it being a nun outfit though - that is just.
aueua · 2 months
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it's snunday
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catboyidia · 2 months
You mentioned Genesis convincing Cloud to wear *that* bunny outfit, so it got me wondering, are there any others *special* outfits Genesis has worn?? And how do his partners react to them?
(this post as a whole is rather suggestive so it only feels right to make a MINORS DNI disclaimer!!! it’s nothing explicit but its for my own piece of mind as well as potential safety)
tbh i imagine this man has worn every single sexy outfit in existence!!! but some of my faves to imagine are:
(i have included pics for most of them as examples at the bottom of the post! but a couple are a bit more risqué, even though they are just on mannequins i wanna give that warning!)
- he wore a sexy nun costume for a halloween party one year! and while they should’ve expected it, it was one of the few times he shocked sephiroth and angeal with an outfit because he wore it in public and they hadn’t seen genesis’ costume prior to the party, and it did leave everybody speechless! although they unfortunately didn’t really get to enjoy the outfit because they did end up feeling the need to be a bit overprotective of genesis that night (i think gens would be just slightly more revealing than the one in the picture, slightly longer slits on the thighs and a bigger boob window)
- i truly believe he’s a trend follower, so he didn’t hesitate to get a catboy maid outfit as soon as it became a trend! and he was going to do a photoshoot in it to post online, but he didn’t get the chance to when sephiroth and angeal saw him in it, all the photos ended up need to be a part of their special private collection, and that was the day they all learned how much sephiroth likes seeing genesis in skirts (i think he would’ve gotten a dress with a much shorter skirt than the pic)
- the virgin killer sweater!!! i feel like its close enough to the soldier uniform turtle neck in the front so he probably wore it under his coat so he could surprise them when he took it off, and it quickly became angeal’s favorite
- i feel like a kind of obvious one would be all types of lingerie! although for genesis i definitely imagine something like the succubus kinds of lingerie would suit him well! i feel like the reaction to this from sephiroth and angeal is pretty self explanatory… (there 2 example pics for this because i cant decide)
- i’m not entirely sure the name of the dress type but its something like the last pic! i think he would wear some kind of elegant yet sexy, super short and form fitting dress, probably for a date night or something! and i think it would get a very positive reaction from both of them because i feel like they would think he just genuinely looks pretty in it!
- not really a special outfit but i think he would walk around their house in one of sephiroth’s largest hoodies/sweater, one that goes down to his mid thigh, and only that hoodie/sweater… it was one of the few times sephiroth didn’t complain about his clothes being stolen by genesis and he let genesis keep it (i dont have a pic for it because i feel like its easy to imagine just a basic oversized sweater, i dont have anything too specific in mind)
overall i feel like genesis gets very positive reactions from his partners with all of his more seductive outfits, its something they all enjoy and i feel like its something that genesis truly enjoys as well, i feel like it makes him feel good and confident with the added bonus of being a nice treat for his partners too! its a little hard to go into any details about what i really thing sephiroth and angeal’s reactions would be though because i don’t want to get too explicit and i’m almost worried this post is too suggestive already…
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otverzhennyy · 3 years
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⚔️💤 @sir-huffman​.
Huffman frowned as he fiddled with the outfit. He truly didn’t mind putting on such a ridiculous costume. But for it to be this uncomfortable to wear? No. He felt more naked than he did when he was actually naked.
“Viktor. I feel exposed,” Huffman said, in defeat. Standing straight up, the dark green nurse dress barely went past his mid-thigh, leaving his ass to be exposed if he bent too far. And the white panties were rather uncomfortable to wear. Especially when he moved too much.
Huffman rolled his eyes as he put his hands on his waist. The outfit was horrible. Just a very long shirt-like-dress and a stupid hat, nothing else. Oh well, there was a fake needle, but that didn’t count. Was this what people thought was sexy?
“Is this really the outfit you pictured yourself ravishing me in?” Huffman quirked a brow as he shifted his weight to one side, looking over at the Fatui. “Because there are far better nurse outfits than this if you wanted some nurse-patient role play. Ones with something for the legs, like stockings.”
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“Isn’t exposing you the whole point... so you mean that now dress-up includes ravishing afterwards ?” Viktor remained perfectly calm, seizing Huffman up and down without getting too close as to keep seeing the whole picture. “I admit, before you brought up the idea, I never would have thought I’d appreciate costuming, but... this isn’t so bad.” He chuckled. “Nurse-patient roleplay, uh ? Is this one of the things Mondstadters invented to spice things up in the bedroom after parties ? Back home, at least from what I know, it is a bit less... eccentric ?”
A hand was brought to Viktor’s chin as he was pondering, like he was actually being serious about the whole ordeal. He cracked a gentle smile, actually feeling a bit sweeter and affectionate than his usual smirks and taunts ; after all, Huffman went through this for him, he was not going to be ungrateful now, was he.
“I’ll be honest, Sir Huffman, that I don’t need any particular outfit to picture myself ravishing you. I’m just a rather very well-behaved gentleman when it comes to those matters. However, I do not think there’s a moment I breathe where I wouldn’t say yes to the occasion were you to ask me ; I am a healthy young man, after all.”
Viktor closed in further, hand reaching for the other’s waist before sliding all the way down to his hip, subtly raising the hem of the dress, fingers sliding underneath the fabric of the pantie to caress the skin right above the side of the thigh. The other hand moved up Huffman’s stomach, feeling the knight’s body warmth and how the fabric wrapped around him.
“Still, I’d prefer if the first time I take you whole without... pressing circumstances to be just you, and me, nothing else. The same man in the same clothes I usually see him, with no agenda in particular... Doesn’t mean I can’t have feel now, can’t I ?”
Viktor’s right hand moved from the other’s chest to under the hem of the skirt, slightly raising it while his fingertips grazed the skin under the belly button, so he could fully see underneath.
“Those are cute panties. There’s something about you and white that’s very appealing... you’re right, though, I think that garters and thigh highs would look great... maybe I should borrow one of those nuns outfits at the cathedral... they wouldn’t notice one spare is missing now, wouldn’t they ~ ? Although, I have to confess...”
The blond leaned in, kissing Huffman on the cheek.
“... if I really had to pick without thinking of expectations, I think the Fatui uniform would suit you rather well... who knows, maybe less cheap fabric will make you want to finally join ~.”
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screensirenfic · 5 years
Black Leather - Chapter 8
I’d had to wait an additional twenty minutes at Steve’s house, because despite his near fanatical dedication to Farah Faucett; his hair had continued to fall flat.
Lucky for him, Nancy was there, otherwise I would’ve broken down the damn bathroom door and shaved the birds nest off myself.
Eventually; he’d managed to get his hair to a reasonable level of poofiness, and we’d gotten to Tina’s just an hour after the start time on the flyer; fashionably late without it being too busy to make an entrance.  
Sitting in the backseat of Steve’s thankfully spacious BMW gave me front row seats to the newfound awkwardness between Hawkins most beloved royal couple.
Despite Steve’s insistence that everything was fine between the pair and that Nancy was just still upset about Barb; I couldn’t help but feel there was a bigger void between them than that. One that was gradually getting bigger by the day, judging by the near complete lack of conversation for the entire car ride over.
He wouldn’t even let me talk to her for him; insisting he could handle it himself, but Steve really didn’t know girls like I did.
There was something big on Nancy’s mind; something that parties and corny jokes alone wasn’t gonna fix.
“That is a lot of carnage...” Steve remarked, drawing my eyes from the world’s slowest relationship train wreck, to the much more literal train wreck outside my window.
The word “carnage” was putting it lightly.
The party had already spilled out onto the street; bodies in varying stages on unconsciousness littering the front lawn like the vast amount of beer cans and bottles surrounding them. Those that were conscious were reveling in a variety of vices, from cigarettes to cheap booze to near all out sex on the AstroTurf. High school partying at its finest.
“Half the school must be here!” Remarked Nancy; eyes wide at the near renaissance painting of absolute debauchery outside.
“You got that right...” Agreed Steve as he slowed his car to park; and if Hawkins High’s keg king said that it was a rager, then she must be right.
Steve eventually found a space just outside Tina’s house; surprising considering the sheer amount of people present, however I guess most people considered a night in Hawkins PD’s cells too steep a price to pay for one night of drinking and dancing.
We got out of the car, and already the music hit our ears at full blast; someone’s parents were gonna get a lot of noise complaints in the morning.  
“We Don’t Have To Take Our Clothes Off” was the song of choice, but clearly the song’s message fell on deaf ears, as most of the boys were down to shorts and skins, and the girls in even less.
Steve led the way through the highway to hell, ringing the doorbell to Tina’s, which chimed out in an almost comedic rendition of “Messiah” considering the situation.
Moments later, the door swung open to a smiling Tina, dressed in a skimpy leotard and fishnets, in what must’ve been a cat costume considering the black velvet ears in her perm.
“Steve! Nancy! Love the costumes!” She exclaimed with such enthusiasm; it must’ve been partially forced.
“Risky Business; right?” She asked, taking note on the pair’s cute matching black and white combo.
“And Lola! You’re..?” Her ever expanding smile faltered as she struggled to work out what exactly a tartan miniskirt and a Bon Jovi tank top had to do with Halloween.
“A vampire.” I replied with a fake smile, showing off the plastic fangs glued to my canines. She wasn’t the only one who could feign enthusiasm.
“Well; you all look so great...” She spieled; that plastic smile returning even quicker than it fell.
“Why don’t you come on in and get a drink...” She beckoned us in as she led us further into her temporary den of teenage rebellion.
Costume party could be used very loosely to describe what Tina’s Halloween party was.
People wore costumes alright; ones that made them look sexier, less restrained, more depraved. Anything from a pair of sunglasses, to an oversized bedsheet counted here; and trust me, someone had tried them all. My outfit honestly looked like a nun’s in comparison to some of the other girls.
Since when did lingerie count as a Halloween costume?
“Looks like a good party.” Steve remarked, though I wondered if it was only for our host’s sake.
“Yeah. If you like cheap liquor and herpes...” I muttered, earning myself a chuckle from him; so we were on the same page.
I glanced around the room, unable to believe people had managed to get this fucked up in an hour. There had to be some pregaming, or a high amount of class C drugs involved; definitely drugs, judging by the smoke in the air.
I was definitely gonna have to do the laundry before dad got home.
My eyes glanced over to the living room where some jock was spread out on the coffee table, whilst a line of cheerleaders did body shots off his chest.
I was definitely gonna need a drink to get through tonight.
“I’m gonna go grab a drink...” I told Steve, not waiting for a response as I slipped through the crowd towards the kitchen and what would hopefully be semi drinkable booze.
The liquor was shitty; the punch wasn’t much better, but still better to suffer the taste and be drunk, than suffer the company sober.
God knew there was nothing worse than being the only sober one in a crowd of drunks.
Steve had long abandoned me for his princess, in yet another attempt to drown an underlying uneasiness with cheap alcohol and fake happiness. Jonathan was a no show, but there was no surprises there, and I was kinda wishing I’d done the same, even if it’d cost me my left ear to Steve’s nagging.
The only consolation was that Billy Hargrove hadn’t spoken to me once. It was quite possible he hadn’t even noticed me; he was so sucked into the superficial cloud of party popularity that seemed to circle him like a storm.
Every girl in their fake leather biker boots and discount rack leather jackets was hanging off him, in a poor attempt to act as my replacement; as if being the resident basket case was as simple as smudging on a bit of eyeliner and smoking more Camels than usual.
I don’t think Billy was convinced; his mind so preoccupied with stealing Steve’s crown that he didn’t have time to think about getting laid.
No doubt when he came back down to earth; I’d be the first person he’d have in mind to help with that little problem.
But for now; my night looked relatively sleaze free. No one had tried to hit on me since Billy had taken an interest; probably valued their molars too much for that.
It’s strange to think that despite my total disdain for Billy and the clear message that I’d rather eat my own fingernails than date him; people still acted like he had some sort of “reservation” over me, as if I was unofficially “his girl”.
Right now, the man in question was challenging the royal reign of keg king; a position previously held by Steve, before Nancy had him saddled and bridled.
Even I had to admit; Billy Hargrove made quite the Lancelot to Steve’s Arthur. Billy had Steve in term of upper body strength; his keg stand lasting twice as long as Steve’s had, without any of the signature unsteadiness.
The keg court already loved him, counting down with unrivalled enthusiasm and chanting Billy’s name as if he’d just won a championship belt.
He’d even managed to steal Steve’s right hand man; Tommy H naturally taking his place behind the new alpha male, reminding me of a snappy hyena at his heels.
Billy’s keg stand finished on a impressive count of forty two; him touching ground soon after and spraying the crowd with lukewarm beer.
“That’s how you do it; Hawkins! That’s how you do it!” He yelled triumphantly, in that moment seeming more of a celebrity than the cocky asshole with a Camaro.
Even I had to admit that Billy seemed different tonight.
Maybe it was the punch talking, or the overall excitement of the crowd as they practically worshipped him like a god, but he just seemed larger than life.
He’d styled his hair different; his curls actually holding shape, rather than just falling into a dirty blonde mess. He also followed the crowd in terms of forgoing a shirt; just a leather jacket draped over his impressively built torso.
I could see why the other girls went crazy over him. Everything about him screamed dominance and raw testosterone.
Now Billy was walking my direction and I was running low on punch and confidence.
Yes; originally I’d planned to play the role of tease tonight, and drive Billy crazy with what he could see, but couldn’t touch. But he was forty two seconds of beer down and pumped up on the adoration of half the school, so I was having second thoughts.
Sober Billy was fun to tease, if not a little over persistent; drunk Billy was an unfamiliar entity that could turn out to be downright dangerous.
So I made my exit, slipping back into the crowd and relative anonymity.
The kitchen looked like it had become the first fatality of what was sure to be a deadly night of binge drinking and bad decisions.
The tile floor now closely resembled a a swimming pool, complete with indeterminate objects that I had no intention of inspecting swimming on the surface.
The kitchen counters looked like the world’s largest game of beer pong, cups of various colours and fullness on every available inch of clear space. I didn’t even want to know what was in some of them; the smell of them strong enough to hit you from across the room.
I’d managed to find Steve and Nancy again earlier, though it was clear Nancy was well in her cups, and Steve was trying desperately to stop her from becoming any deeper.
I’d managed to convince her into trying something that didn’t have enough of an alcohol content to sedate a horse, but it seemed Tina had stockpiled just as many mixers as booze; though the former seemed vastly less popular.
I made my way back through the thick of the crowd, wanting to make sure I got Nancy something that’d actually stay down, rather than end up painted across the front of her sweater. I could already see the top of Steve’s hair, rising high above the crowd like a homing beacon; at least it wasn’t completely useless.
“Hey Nance; do you want soda or...” I began, threading through the crowd towards them, when I suddenly realised they weren’t alone.
I felt like I’d walked on set in the middle of one of those Wild West movies my dad liked to watch;  the sheriff facing off against the stranger in black.
Billy stood nearly chest to chest with Steve, looking as if he was moments away from flooring him, but at the sound of my voice his focus shifted; his demeanour no less predatory.
“Lola...” He purred, with a smirk that made me feel like he was undressing me with words alone. Up close I could see the evidence of his keg stand running down his tanned chest; slick trails threading between his taught abs.
Still; I kept stony, not trusting Billy in the slightest.
“Hargrove.” I spat; arms crossed over my chest in a way hoped said back off, but may have came across as nervous.
His smirk spread across his face; eyes falling to trail over my body, stopping at all the strategic points along the way.
”Like the costume...” He commented, wetting his lips as if I was desert on a platter. “Just like I imagined.”
I could already figure out exactly what he’d imagined, and I’m pretty sure it didn’t include clothes.
“Thanks.” I forced a smile faker than Tina’s attitude; dry and bitter just like half the booze on offer at this shithole of a party.
Still; Steve wasn’t gonna just stand around whilst Billy stared at me as if I was something from his private Playboy collection; the usurped king was instead experiencing a serious case of white knight syndrome.
“Hey; why don’t you back the hell off...” Steve warned, stepping forwards between me and Billy, so Billy could no longer blatantly leer at me.
It didn’t put his successor off in the slightest; Billy stepping past Steve as if he was an inanimate object to continue to proposition me.
“Why don’t you come and have a dance with me?” He asked with one of those smiles that made Tina turn into a shivering puddle of hormones.
“I’ll pass.” I replied with another dry smile, then turned to make a swift exit before he could come up with another bullshit reason to waste my time and my patience.
“Come on; sweetheart...” He purred, and I felt his hand lock around my wrist; not painfully so, but just firm enough to tell me that I’d leave when he let me, and not a moment sooner.
I gave him a dark look, because really? He was gonna try this with me?
But before I could give him the verbal lashing of a lifetime; Steve beat me to it, ripping Billy’s hand from my wrist with more force than I thought was possible for the doe eyed brunette.
“Dude; she said no!” Steve said, and despite his gentle chastisement; his face and tone told him that he wasn’t messing around.
But neither was Billy. He turned to Steve; his former aggression returning as quickly as it left.
“I’m sorry; I wasn’t aware you were her boyfriend...” Spat Billy; already ready to open an entire new can of worms and with it, let out a whole lot of alcohol infused testosterone.
Steve wasn’t gonna take it; though sometimes I really wish he would.
I really didn’t need saving; I’m goddamn Lola Hopper. Boys like Billy Hargrove should shit themselves when I approached.
But Steve; always the hero, came at him with all the verbal reasoning that Billy had no patience for.
“Just because she’s not my girlfriend; doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you drag her around like-“
But Billy truly didn’t have the patience or the mental capacity. He was half a keg in and looking for a fight.
Steve never got to finish his argument; Billy slamming him hard against the wall like some freshman, and not the previous reigning keg king.
“Excuse me?” Billy growled; his voice low and threatening, and really doing more for me than his sleazy flirting, but I had more important things to worry about than how Billy’s temper was a turn on!
My best friend was about to become an interestingly shaped stain on Tina’s parents’ wallpaper.
“Who the fuck do you think you are, Harrington?” Billy’s voice dropped another octave; his body inches away from Steve’s and although he didn’t touch him,
I knew he was seconds away from knocking the noble idiot unconscious.
Even then, Steve couldn’t take a hint. Always honourable; he was prepared to go down fighting, but I wasn’t ready to see him become a martyr.
“Billy; I’ve changed my mind...” I quickly thought on my feet, slipping between the two of them in the vain hope that the possibility of physical contact on the table was enough to shake Billy out of his rage.
“I think I want that dance...” I forced a pretty smile, grabbing his wrist softly in the hope he might unclench his fists in favour of touching me again.
It wasn’t working. Billy was far too worked up; it was if I was invisible. So I moved a bit closer; letting my body brush up against his as I slipped my hand down to grab his.
“Come on; Billy. He’s not worth it...” I whispered; my voice just husky enough to hold a little promise.
“But I might be...” I gave him an impish smile; all raw sexuality and desire, one that I’d of previously thrown up at the prospect of exchanging with Billy Hargrove.
To my great relief; he relaxed, his shoulders lowering and his jaw unclenching. His hand wrapped around my own, squeezing with just a little bit of pressure; a reluctant retreat on the condition that I upheld my end of the bargain.
I took him by the hand and pulled him away from Steve, heading towards the dance floor and hopefully putting as much distance between the two alphas as possible.
But even now; Steve wouldn’t relent, stepping forward ready to defend my honour.
“Lola; you don’t have to...” He petitioned, as if I wasn’t doing this to protect him.
“It’s fine, Steve.” I reassured him, making the words more forceful than necessary in case his dumb overprotective brain continued to reject self preservation.
But of course; my pushy prospective dance partner couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
“Yeah, Steve; it’s fine.” He mimicked; his smirk so full of venom, I’m surprised it didn’t melt his pretty face off.
At last, Steve relented, letting me lead my volatile pretty boy onto the dance floor without blood on his knuckles.
Surprisingly; Billy was actually a semi decent dance partner. He kept rhythm well enough and gave me enough room that I didn’t feel he was trying to hump me in front of the whole school.
We were two songs down; “Dancing With Myself” pumping through the overdriven sound system, and I hadn’t once accidentally-on-purpose tried to step on Billy’s toes.
If I was to be painfully honest, and believe me; admitting this was painful, I was actually enjoying dancing with Billy.
When he wasn’t so heavily focused on appearing the bad boy, he was actually pretty cool. He smiled more often; a genuine warm smile that was nothing like that sleazy grin he used on me all the time. He was actually cute.
“Are you feeling alright?” He asked after spinning me under his arm for the third time tonight; and I’m not sure if it was the dizziness or the alcohol, but I was actually beginning to feel giddy.
“Yeah; why?” I replied with a smile; my gaze getting lost in those bright baby blues that were staring at me with something other than lust.
“It’s just; it’s been half an hour and you haven’t threatened to shiv me with a beer bottle...” He joked; yeah, actually joked, with a wide smile on his face.
And God! His face just lit up when he was being genuinely funny and not an ass; and for a split second I was hit with the almost uncontrollable urge to kiss him.
Almost uncontrollable. I reigned it in at the last minute; not trusting my tipsy brain to have that much control, at least not when it came to Billy Hargrove.
I bit my lip instead; feeling an honest to God blush spread across my cheeks.
“Shut up once in a while and it might happen more often...” I retorted, lowering my voice just enough that he could tell his joke hit right.
He just smiled, and my pulse just skipped another beat as he swept me into another spin; happy just to keep his body close to mine for the remainder of the night.
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A Jellicle Halloween
An: Before we begin let me clarify a few things, first this is going to take place in an alternative world where Macavity isn’t really banned from the group he is still the older brother to Munk and Tugger but he didn’t go bad, he is also the father to Plato and adoptive father to Mungojerrie. Munkustrap is the father of Jemima, Deme and Bomba are sisters and Victoria is mute. Also I wouldn’t mind if any talented artist create fanworks of these ideas, So without further ado let’s go haunting. and Yes I am late in posting this but due to  outside forces I have not yet completed this story, so what I’m doing is posting this part one and of you want more like and comment.
When the sun goes down on Halloween night and the human children are going around trick or treating to their hearts delight, and Jellicles are getting ready for the Halloween feast. For Halloween night all Jellicles dress up and participate in fun games and dancing, at the stroke of midnight they all eat a large feast made of different meals that the cats bring or catch or make on the night of the feast. It is the third most anticipated night of the year, the first is the Jellicle Ball and the second is the Jellicle Christmas Day, and it's time for the Jellicle Halloween to begin.
 The sun had begun to go down and a set of twin kittens sat waiting for their older brother to pick them up, “I can’t wait to see everyone’s costume I wonder who’s gonna be the scariest?” Misto, who decided to go as a wizard with a little disney wizard hat, asked his sister  who signed back ‘maybe Macavity but he always looks scary’ Victoria was dressed as an angel, predictable as she was a white cat the only other colour was her ears which had little tips of black on them barely noticeable to the naked eye. “You’re right, Hey I think I see Alonzo” Misto and Victoria ran outside to see their Older brother Alonzo dressed as a skeleton cat, “nice costumes, let’s go” he tells them and together they make their way to the Jellicle Junkyard. “Wait don’t you have to take something for the feast?” Misto asked not seeing a bag of food being carried by Alonzo, “Munk and I did a lot of hunting for the feast earlier today,” he explained. They were walking for a bit and seeing all the cool decorations when Misto got a sneaky idea “hey Victoria” he says creepily making her turn and silently scream and cower into Alonzo who turned to see Misto had put a jack-o-lantern on his head making it look light on fire “not funny Bro” “oh come on it was a little funny” he said taking the pumpkin off his head and Victoria replied by shaking her head in anger. “Victoria is right it was mean you don’t know what-” Alonzo trailed off noticing a threatening shadow over Misto “what’s up?” Misto turned slowly when the shadow jumped out with a knife scaring the twins and Alonzo, they kept their eyes closed in fear until the figure laughed and showed the cat under the hat and cape “uncle Bus’” Misto cried out moving closer to the cat as Alonzo made sure Victoria was alright “, that was good but what are you meant to be?” “I’m sorry for scaring you I quite simply couldn’t resist and to answer your question I am Jack The Ripper Famous serial Killer of London” Bustopher Jones told them getting a large sack. ‘What’s in there?’ Victoria asked her uncle “I had visited some of my clubs and decided to contribute to the feast so I have some Game, Mutton, cooked Cabbage and a few Rice Puddings” he tells them and the twins licked their lips at the mention of Rice pudding. “Come along children we don’t want to be late” their uncle said walking ahead of them, making them run to catch up. 
 Minutes later they arrived at the yard, which is lit only by candlelight  and Jack-o-lanterns were around the place along with the giant area that is reserved for the feast, some cats still missing, one of those cats was Plato making Victoria frown, “I’m sure he’s gonna be here soon Vic” Misto told her noticing her face. They make their way to the tire which has four cats sitting on it, “aye, I bid yee a happy Halloween” Munkustrap said when the group got closer, “you’ve been practising that voice I see” Alonzo complimented his friend “you have no idea” Munk’s mate Demeter said dressed as a mermaid while Jemima was dressed as a parrot. “Misto you do know Halloween is where you dress as something you’re not right?” A vampire Tugger said circling Misto and sitting in front of him smirking “Excuse me but I’m a wizard that’s completely different to a magician” came Misto’s retort. “Let me bite you then we can be immortals together” Tugger tells him “I’d rather die” Misto tells him in a bored tone. “That could be arranged,” one big cat in a black hood with a scythe said taking Tugger‘s place on the tire “,hello brothers” “hello Macavity” Munk and Tugger greeted their brother. Alonzo greeted his mate Cassandra as they sit next to Munk and Deme on the boot of the car “how lucky am I to have the queen of the nile Cleopatra as my mate” he said making her blush “I thank the everlasting star everyday that we have each other”. Bomba nuzzles her mate Macavity “I love how you make death look beautiful” Macavity compliments her “and I can’t believe I’m saying it you make a good grim reaper” Bomba replied, Misto watched the couples with boredom “aww don’t look down little wizard the party will soon begin and then you and I can dance the night away together” Tugger’s words just got Misto more bored and leapt away to sit on top of the pipe and Tugger justs sighs squeezing himself between his brother’s on the tire.
 Victoria, Jemima  and another cat move to the kittens group. “You make a beautiful angel Victoria” the cat Plato said blushing, she blushed too signing back ‘thank you Plato, I like your costume too’ Plato looked down at his demon costume “a little on the nose since my dad is the grim reaper”. Before they could continue they were jumped on by a hyper kitten dressed as Harley Quinn “omg you guys are so cute in your costumes, I can’t believe you two aren’t mates and yet you both wear mate themed outfits, and Jemima I so wish I could do family theme costumes like you” she said dreamily “Cettie calm down, the party hasn’t even started yet” Tumblebrutus, dressed as the Joker tells her and the others greet the three “Hey Pouncival what are you supposed to be?” Jemima asked the young Tom kitten “I’m a ghost pollicle duh” he replied before looking over at the tire and seeing Bomba dressed as an undead bride nuzzling Macavity. “He’s so clueless” Electra, dressed as the Wicked Witch of the West, said watching the young tom ignore the only queen giving him attention, “One day he will notice her” George said dressed as a Scarecrow, to match Electra. 
 Mungojerrie, dressed as Mr Hyde goes up to Rumpelteazer, dressed Doctor Jekyll who is beside her dad Skimbleshanks, “Hey Teazer” he said nuzzling her “Hey Jerrie, we are so gonna win the Best couples costume” Teazer says determined to win with her mate. “Well Good luck to you both, though I’m sure skimble will blow everyone away at the Singles best costume” Jennyanydots, who chose this year to go as a flapper dancer, says helping her mate Skimbleshanks finish his costume “Uh what are you supposed to be?” Jerrie asks not understanding “well laddie I am Rusty the steam engine train from my favourite musical Starlight Express” Skimble says slowly standing up and balance himself on the roller blades, the twins tried to not laugh but when that failed Jenny showed them away as Skimble was rolling from side to side. “Of course you dress as a train” Asparagus Jnr jokes as he and Jellyorum come up beside their friends, “well it’s more original than the Phantom of the Opera” Skimble retorts making fun of Aspargus’s costume, “Oh leave him alone he was helping Gus with his costume and didn’t have enough time for an original one” Jelly said, dressed as a nun. “Speaking of What did Gus decide to come as?” Jenny asked “who else, Firefrorefiddle, the fiend of the fell” Asparagus added the grand gestures as they always do when Gus retells his times performing.
 Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer ran over to the oven where they met up with the psychic twins and Exoctica, “you guys look a fright” exoctica chides as they catch their breaths. “Well you would too if you had Jennyanydots on your tail” Jerrie says “nice costume Exoctica” Teazer compliments looking over her Queen Elizabeth costumes. “So what are you two then?” Jerrie asked the Psychic twins “we are Schrodinger’s cat” “the idea of a cat in a box and not knowing if he is dead or alive” Jerrie blinks looking between the two “so who’s who?” the twins stayed quiet as Teazer silently ohh’d getting the whole point and laughing at the fact that she's not going to tell Jerrie and let him be driven made by them.
 Bustopher Jones had finished adding his sack of treats to the Halloween feast and decided to go sit with his old friend Gus while they waited for the party to start. “Well I never thought I would live to see the day that Bustopher Jones shared even a tiny morsel of food” Gus playfuly jabs him “well I Just wanted to be generous for one night even I can do that” Gus nods at Busthopher’s words “does this mean you will stay for the whole night?” he asked, turning to his friend “for once I believe I will” Bustohper looked around at all the cats and kittens talking and notices two cats not there “actually have you seen Old Deuteronomy?” he asked Gus who frowned “no in fact Grizabella isn’t here too”.
 Macavity, Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger smirks together as the girls give them some space “show time” Tugger says as Mac controls the fire and blows out the candles, it happened so suddenly the kittens couldn’t help but cry and Scream, Misto grew worried about Victoria and leapt over to protect her as the kittens all huddle in the center of the yard. The darkness didn’t last long as soon a spotlight seemed to come from the moon and shine down on Macavity as he stood menacingly on the tire “Toms and Queens of every age Wouldn't you like to see something strange?” He sang to the group as a second spotlight hits Munkustrap as he stands proudly on top of the oven, making Tantomile, coricopat and Exoctica turn and look at him. “Come with us,” he sings and a third spotlight hits Rum Tum Tugger standing majestically on the chair “,and you will see This, our town of Halloween” Munk finishes. “This is Halloween, this is Halloween Pumpkins scream in the dead of night” Tugger sings then the brothers share a look and together they pounce, leaping into the pile of Kittens and making them scatter to the adults of the group, the rule of Halloween feast is that you never join another cat’s song unless you are asked to or like what Macavity will do, are gestured to join. Munk, Mac and Tugger stalk forward as they sing the next line “This is Halloween, everybody make a scene Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright!” the brothers stop and swipe their claws to both sides and then at the sky to the ground and finish by spreading their arms wide “It's our town, everybody scream In this town of Halloween”. At the last line Munk and Tugger bow down and circle Mac as he takes control of the kittens moving his left paw up making Pouncival stand and sing “I am the one hiding under your bed Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red” he emphasised his teeth and eyes and Mac then moved his right paw and Etcetera follows with “ I am the one hiding under yours stairs Fingers like snakes and spiders in my mane” she couldn’t help giggling as she shook her mane pretending spiders were there. The others were enjoying the song and nods their heads in rhythm as Pounce and Cettie move forward to stand behind Mac as he dance as they followed as he was the puppet master twirling out of the light “ This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!” they sang before the spotlight moved to Tugger laying seductively by Bomba, Deme and Electra and he orchestrated them to sing “In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song” Munk jumps onto the other junk wall and moves gracefully to Bustopher Jones and pulled him up “In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise” Bustopher sung as the brothers joined each other again on the boot of the car “Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll…” Tugger leaps over to Alonzo, Cass and George and they each took their turn to sing “Scream!” “this os halloween” “red’n’black” “and slimy green”. Mac turned to the group of four elderly cats “aren’t you scared?” he asked them and the toms shook their heads as Jenny and Jelly duets “Well, that's just fine Say it once, say it twice” Skimble and Asparagus Jnr took over “Take a chance and roll the dice Ride with the moon in the dead of night” they looked at the full moon on that line and Mac continued to scare the kittens away “Everybody scream, everybody scream” Munk and Tugger backed him up “In our town of Halloween!” Mac jumped to stand over the group as he used his magic to bring the psychic twins up “I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace” they each sang one line and then Mac pulled up Electra and Jemima making them move as if they were being blown away by the wind “I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?" I am the wind blowing through your hair”. Then Mac pulled up Victoria infront of him, she was a special case since she doesn’t have a voice so Mac controlled her to lip sing “I am the shadow on the moon at night Filling your dreams to the brim with fright” instead of Tugger throwing his voice they heard a haunting female voice sing the line in sync with Victoria, thinking nothing of it they continue and without notice a shadow jumps to the chair. Mac, Munk and Tugger flipped and walked on their toes to the front and posed Menacingly as they sing “This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!” at each Halloween the older cats joined increasing the volume of the lines, the kittens then sing as they crawled forward, Jemima, Electra and Cettie moving to lay between each of the brother’s legs “Tender lumplings everywhere Life's no fun without a good scare” Jerrie and Teazer did they famous duel multi flip in front of the brothers singing “ That's our job, but we're not mean In our town of Halloween”. “In this town” Bustohoer sang and then didn’t want Gus to miss out pulled him up too “Don't we love it now? Everyone's waiting for the next surprise”. Then the others moved forward as Munk and Tugger jumped from side to side, careful of the kittens and Mac flips backwards and the queens take his place “Reaper Mac might catch you in the back And scream like a banshee Make you jump out of your skin This is Halloween, everybody scream” Tugger and munk say and the kittens screamed scattering once more away as the others lay their right paws over their heart “Won't ya please make way for a very special guy?” Tugger sings turning to gesture to the center before noticing Misto was there and pulled him down to sit by his side “Our man Mac is King of the Pumpkin patch Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King now!” Munk continues and Mac makes the group disperse back to their original spots as he walks forward with pride “This is Halloween, this is Halloween Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!” he sings and the kittens crawl forward again, Munk and Tugger kneel down looking t Mac as they sing “In this town we call home Everyone hail to the pumpkin song” the kittens all get up and hold hands surrounding the three and prancing around them and Munk and Tugger provided their back up “La, la, la, (Halloween! Halloween!) La-la-la, la, la (Halloween! Halloween!) La-la-la, la, la, (Halloween! Halloween!) La-la-la, la-la-la, hey!”
 At the final line everyone broke apart laughing and giggling as they all praised and greeted the brothers. The older cats were congratulating the boys on opening the Halloween feast and the younger cats were fawning over Tugger and his singing voice. Once again the lights go out completely, the cats don’t react thinking that the brothers were planning something but then the entire yard glowed different neon colours, the brothers also glow like the yard and stilled in a trance like state when menacing laughter filled the yard, the kittens screamed when a female cakal joins in. “Well, well, well, what have we here?” A big, green ghost life figure sang as he appeared on the tire, the older cats move to protect the kittens and the figure has his sights on Gus “,Firefrorefiddle huh? Oh, I'm really scared,” he pulls the cat up to stand beside him but keeps his hands on him, “So you're the one everybody's talkin' about, ha, ha” Gus didn’t like how the figure laughed at him and wanted to get away. Bustopher, Asparagus and Skimble try to run forward but get blocked by the brothers, who now act like puppets to this figure, as he started to dance Gis around him “You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my eyes You're jokin' me, you gotta be This can't be the right guy He's ancient, he's ugly I don't know which is worse I might just split a seam now If I don't die laughing first” the kittens all growl at swipe their claws at him not liking how he was treating a valued member of the group, the figure got a wicked idea, he called his puppets up to hold Gus as he made his way to the kittens “When Mr. Oogie Boogie says There's trouble close at hand You'd better pay attention now 'Cause I'm the Boogie Man And if you aren't shakin' Then there's something very wrong 'Cause this may be the last time now That you hear the boogie song, ohhh” Tugger, Munk and Mac repeated the ohhhs like back up singers “Ohhh, he's the Oogie Boogie Man” the brothers sung and Oogie Boogie finally got to the kittens and started to pet them, strangely the kittens weren’t afraid of him, he felt familiar “Well if I'm feelin' antsy And there's nothin' much to do I might just cook a special batch Of snake and spider stew And don't ya know the one thing That would make it work so nice? A flaming Firefrorefiddle to add a little spice” as oogie danced away the kittens all followed singing the oohs back up now “Oh, yeah, I'm (he's) the Oogie Boogie Man” Oogie, the brothers and the kittens sing together. Gus got desperate to get freed and decided to do the same as this Oogie Boogie “Release me now Or you must face the dire consequences The kittens are expecting me So please, come to your senses” Oogie pulled him away from the snapping jaws of the brothers, Mac got so invested that he jumped over the tire and fell on the ground. The kittens all giggled finding it funny, Oogie wanted the attention back onto him so he continued his song “You're jokin', you're jokin' I can't believe my ears Would someone shut this fella up I'm drownin' in my tears It's funny, I'm laughing You really are too much And now, with your permission I'm going to do my stuff” he threatened and the atmosphere felt tense “What are you going to do?” Gus asked him “I'm gonna do the best I can,” he tells him throwing him back to the boys as he gets out his dice “‘Oh, the sound of rollin' dice To me is music in the air 'Cause I'm a gamblin' Boogie Man Although I don't play fair It's much more fun, I must confess When lives are on the line Not mine, of course, but yours, old boy Now that'd be just fine” he continued dancing around and throwing his dice “Release me fast or you will have to
Answer for this heinous act” Gus finalised his song as Oogie got closer to him “Oh, brother, you're something You put me in a spin You aren't comprehending The position that you're in It's hopeless, you're finished You haven't got a prayer 'Cause I'm Mr. Oogie Boogie And you ain't going nowhere” the song ended and the lights returned to normal. ‘Oogie Boogie’ and the brothers started to laugh “ oh Gus im so sorry I just couldn’t resist old friend” Oogie says making everyone confused. “Oh darling that was a marvelous show for Halloween” Grizabella dressed as Medusa came down from the chair and greeted everyone “gee dad didn’t know you were a prankster” Tugger says casually as Oogie takes off his head to reveal himself as “Old Deuteronomy” Everyone cried as they all crowded him, to nuzzle, hug and lick him affectionately “I’m sorry my Jellicles for scaring you I just enjoy a little trick or two at this time of year” he tells the cats “you knew” Jerrie cried “of course, he needed back up singers, tell me you wouldn’t have done the same” The brothers all replied “well yes but still not cool” Jerrie said going back to Teazer.
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skyecrandall · 6 years
A Choices Halloween - Choices Fic
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Books: Features characters from many different books
Words: Around 3000
Genre: Comedy
Summary: Kenji Katsaros is hosting a Halloween party where other influential persons like Thomas Hunt, Kamilah Sayeed or Sloane Washington are attending. Unfortunately things do not turn out as the hero hoped to.
"Hello everyone! I hope you guys are ready for the best Halloween party of the world!" Said the man coated in bronze, generally known as Talos to the general public. "Yeeaaah!" Yelled the crowd gathered on the dance floor. "I would just like to thank all of you for coming to this event! It is all thanks to you that this party will be considered as such! After all, how can you make an awesome party without super awesome people! Am I right?" Said Talos. "Yeah!" Echoed throughout the crowd. "I won't hold you guys down any longer! However let's just have a souvenir selfie!" Said the superhero as he turned his back to the crowd and lifted up his phone so that it could capture him and part of the crowd. "Everyone say Spooky Socks!" He said as he clicked the selfie. "Now... Party hard everyone! Just try to not break anything!" Said Talos as he got off the stage.
'We are having an amazing party here! Totally not missing you two!' He typed in the picture before sending it to Eva. A few seconds after the seen marker pop up but no reply, even after five minutes. 'At least reply if you've seen it!' Typed Kenji and after a few seconds Eva replied with a photo. The photo's content was her in the corner of the frame and the main target being Alex, in a very revealing demon outfit. It also had the caption: 'Sorry can't speak to you right now. There is someone more worthy of my attention 😏' This caused Kenji to nearly throw his phone away when a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head around and saw cute girl in a regency era costume.
"I am Imogen Wescott and I would like to personally thank you for hosting this amazing party!" She said with a bright smile. "Ugh thanks? But how did you get to the backstage? Weren't you on the dance floor with the others?" asked Talos. "It is too early to head for the dance floor. Plus too many sweaty people out there currently, maybe later. Moreover I wanted to thank the host personally," said Imogen brightly. "Thanks! And yeah, I should have probably looked for somewhere with a better dance floor?" Replied Talos. "Also I'm wondering do you have any superhero buddies who works around Pine Springs or Westchester? Weird stuff have been happening in the region lately," she said. "Not really, but we will see if we can come by someday," said Talos. "Sweet. Now if you'll excuse me, I saw a butler with really cute snacks on it," said Imogen as she waved to the bronze clad superhero before chasing after the butler who were serving certain pair.
"Oh my god Zack! Look how appealing these snacks are!" Squealed Madison at the skull shaped mimi-muffins in her hand. "They are so well done that I'm getting willies just by looking at them," frowned Zack before throwing the cake away while no one was looking. "I know right. Thanks again for coming with me Zack! Nobody wanted to come with me to the party," said Madison. "No problem. I'd be a fool to miss out an opportunity to have fun with someone like you! I wondered why you didn't take Becca instead with you," asked Zack who was dressed as a pirate. "She has an important assignment for her courses later this week and preferred to prepare herself instead of coming with me. She is working really hard for it and I respect her choice. She even got Sarah to come around to help her. I also couldn't get anyone from the Sorority since they are having their own party," explained Madison as she munched down the skull. "With Sarah around, I doubt she'd be able to focus much," smirked Zack. "Maybe," smiled Madison.
"Oh my god look at that girl! She looks just like you, except maybe a few years older," said Zack as he pointed towards two woman who just entered the party. One of them was wearing a green swamp monster outfit while the other blonde one was wearing a skin tight cat outfit. "Oh wow, you are right! And look at their outfits! We have to go and introduce ourselves!" Beamed Madison. "But they are across that massive crowd," said Zack shocked. "It will all be worth it! Come on!" Said Madison as she dragged Zack by the hand towards the crowd.
The two women those two were talking about were none other that Sereena Patel and Brooke Williams. "Yes! This party looks so fun! And all those wonderful costumes!" Squealed Brooke. "Wonderful costume? Most of the outfits that I have seen would probably have the sexy adjective stuck onto them. Modern Halloween is just an excuse for the patriarchy to be able to look at women in revealing out-" said Sereena before she was lightly slapped by Brooke. "Listen Sereena. This is a girl's night out. We are here to have fun and unwind ourselves. Especially you need to do so after stressing out so much these last few days. Plus if we went to Cole's party instead, I'm pretty sure a skimpy outfit would be obligatory..." said Brooke. Sereena was angry that her best friend slapped her, but deep down she knew Brooke was right and that she'd rather be in any other party than Cole's. "It is just that I'm losing my mind every time I'm seeing something sexualised. I mean do you know how many sexy nuns I have seen today! Wasn't The Nun a horror movie? Not a sexy romance one? And aren't nuns supposed to represent chasit-" argued Sereena before she was slapped yet again by Brooke. "You. Me. Have Fun," said Brooke threateningly. Sereena was going to blow up when suddenly a girl a Starfall outfit and a guy in a pirate outfit came.
"Wow your costumes are amazing!" Said Madison. "Am I already drunk? Why do I see two Brookes? "More important is that a Starfall costume? It looks so good! If Ben was here with us he would be so proud!" Said Brooke. "Wait you know Ben Park! I'm such a fan of his artwork for Venus Corp?" Squealed Madison. "Yes! He's part of our friend group! Oh, I'm Brooke by the way!" Replied Brooke. "And I'm Madison! Come over! I think we'll have a good time together!" Said the other blonde as the two of them walked away, deep in conversation.
"I guess it is just the two of us now," said Zack amazed by how the blondes got along so quickly. "And before you even try it, I'm not interested in you," said Sereena, annoyed that her partner left her alone with another guy. "Why would I even try to flirt with you? I'm only interested in guys. Maybe if you looked like Talos it would be another case," said Zack. "Oh sorry. It is just that I'm tired with men coming to me and flirting," apologized Sereena. "I can feel you. Heteros and their hetero bullshit assuming everyone is straight like them," added Zack. "I like you. My name is Sereena," smiled Sereena before reaching over for a handshake. "And I'm Zack! Let's go have a drink! We have to talk more," said Zack as both of them started walking towards the bar. As they walked towards there, Sereena noticed an odd trio consisting of two women and an old man in Santa outfits. They seemed really familiar but she'd rather focus on the man she just met.
"So guys, what do you think of this party?" Asked one of the women of the trio. She is known as Priya La Croix and is one of the most famous fashion designer currently. "It is nice but the host baited me hard with his 'Bloodwine'. I expected real blood in it, not a blood red wine with hints of pomegranate in it," said the Baron as he took a sip of his drink. "He is not really a vampire, so it is not really surprising that his appetizers do not really appeal to us that much. Still it is a rather decent party," said Kamilah. "We should host our own party and get him to taste real Bloodwine. Can you imagine his face when he discovers that he actually drank real blood," said Priya. "We should replace the human blood by rat blood instead. It would be even more fun," joked the Baron. "We are not going to ruin such a fantastic drink by mixing it with cheap rat or chicken blood. Furthermore, we should very likely not talk about this out open in the public eye. We do not want to look suspicious," said Kamilah. "No, I think we are good. If there is anyone suspicious out here, it is those two by the corner there. They look fishy with those electric blue lines on their face yet they are wearing a medieval outfit," said Priya.
The persons Priya was talking about were the Elara siblings, Pax and Eos who came back to the past. "That was cool of you for inviting me on your trip to the past Pax. I'm glad you are trusting me more," smiled Eos. "The only reason I brought you was because that would prevent you from telling Nova about my machine. Trust me, I'd rather take Holmes with me that your ugly ass," said Pax a little annoyed. "For your information, I have a nice ass. Zekei can attest to it. Also are you sure this medieval outfits will help us blend in?" Asked the elder brother. "I think they will do good. It is a Halloween party, so even if we came in our regular clothes is would be okay," replied Pax. "How did you get hold of these anyway?" Asked Eos. "Oh these outfits? I went back in the past as a test run and brought these as souvenirs," said Pax. "Wait! You used it without consulting us? What if you got stuck back then? How the hell would have we been able to bring you back to our era??" Exclaimed a shocked Eos. "Shut up! Someone is coming," said the younger sister as she noticed a woman approaching.
"Wow! Your costumes of Val Greeves and Will Jackson are so good! And I'm also a fan how you decided to give it a more sci-fi look with those blue bands. Oh sorry where are my manners. My name is Imogen Wescot," said the woman. "I'm Eos and this is my sister Pax and we are hapoy that you like our costumes" said Eos. "What are you doing in such a remote corner though! You guys should be strutting out your amazing costumes! You guys deserve more attention," said Imogen. "Uh this what we are trying to avoi-" continued Eos before Pax secretly elbowed him in the gut. "Oh I know your type! You want to be part of the fun but also don't want to be in the spotlight. How about you guys come with me on the dance floor? At this time it is not that crowded and people will barely notice you. So how about spending some time with me?" Asked Imogen. "Why am I getting the feeling that we will have to pay 20 diamonds to be able to do that?" Said Eos but he was ignored. "Sure! We'd love to!" Said Pax with a smile as she started following Imogen. Eos quickly walked towards Pax and whispered in her ear, "Shouldn't we try and stay hidden? What if we cause a time paradox?" "Its okay Eos. Time paradox only occurs in sci-fi movies. Plus Nathaniel Hoealot already debunked this stupid mytho. It does not exist. Let's just have fun," said Pax. "Why do I feel something bad is going to happen later on though," sulked the elder brother.
Eos was not the only one a little worried. By the entrance, a certain highschooler was also anxious. "Are you sure we are at the right party Micheal? I can't really see anyone we know here," said Maria Flores. "I think they might just be friends of Payton's sister. I heard they once invaded Autumn's party," said Michael. "Still, I'm not sure Payton would have been able to get us such a grand place for the party," argued Maria. "If you are that worried, why don't you just call her?" Said Michael as he started walking towards a nearby snack table. "Good idea. Aw come on! I forgot my phone! Let me use yours," said Maria after digging through her purse. Michael took out his phone and then shrugged. "Looks like we have the worst luck ever. My phone just died out. No battery," he said. "Ugh. Is this karma for when I returned an application half an hour late," replied Maria. "Listen.I'm sure it is her party, let's go deeper inside. The group will be there," continued Michael. "I don't know... I think I'm just going to wait outside for a little bit," said Maria as turned around, nearly bumping into someone in a black ghost outfit.
"Oh my god, Micheal. I don't know what to do. They are kinda scary," whispered Maria into his friend's ear. "Let me take care of this," whispered Michael back. "Hey there! Sorry for the little incident," said Michael in a friendly tone to Redfield. "Your costume is so good! It almost feels real!" He added as he went closer to the spirit and tried to grab what he believed was cloth, but his hand ended up going through the spirit's whole body. "Wh-wh-what the hell???" Said a panicked Michael. "It's not a p-p-person, it's a real ghost!" Yelled Maria as the ghost's face suddenly lit up in flames. "Maria! Run!" Yelled Michael as they both started running away.
Redfield using his levitation power lifted the table and tried throwing it at them, fortunately missing the highschoolers. However this caused the a mass panic at the party. The noise from the screams caused Redfield to grow more angry and attacked the persons closest to him. He took Thomas Hunt before throwing him across the room. He then grabbed Sloane Washington and then threw her on the snacks table. His gaze then soon trailed onto Drake Walker. "Me choke you, ugly man," said Redfield as he grabbed Drake by the neck. "But...Riley said...I was...gorgeous" said Drake as he tried escaping the ghost's grip. "She lied! You look... like a rotten potato!" said Redfield when Talos tried to kick him but ended up passing through the ghost. "No one is getting choked in my presence. Even ugly people," said Talos as he jumped back to his feet. "Go away!" screeched Redfield as he threw Drake like a slingshot on Kenji, knocking both of them unconscious.
"Should we not try and stop this ghost from killing those humans?" commented the Baron before sipping on his drink. "Since it seems to be an immaterial being, I doubt we will be able to accomplish much," said Kamilah. "The how about we ditch this party and crash another. I heard some high school students are hosting one nearby,"said Rpiya while checking her phone. "Seriously? High school students? Didn't you say that you had standards Lacroix?" commented the Baron. "That's where the fun is at. We will crash the party and show them how to really have fun! We'll even bring in some Bloodwine," suggested Priya. "Hmmm Let's go!" said Kamilah and the group of friends started walking towards the exit while dodging the flying furniture.
"Oh my god, we need to do something?" said Pax. "Eat that!" roared Eos as he fired his plasma gun at Redfield but that only succeeded at making the ghost more angry. "When I said that we needed to do something, I was talking more about running away! Wait? where did Imogen go?" yelled Pax. "No time to think about that! Let's go! That thing is now coming towards us!" yelled Eos as he activated the time travel device and they both disappeared back into the future before Redfield could get to them. Imogen was actually hiding in the corner texting Tom. "Hey Tom, big problem here. Ghost like monster. Immaterial black body," she typed and very soon after Tom replied. 'Redfiled? What is he doing there? Listen Imogen, find a safe place and remain hidden there and in absolutely no instances play any games with him!' typed Tom. "Why can't I have any parties without any monsters," she mumbled to herself.
Confused by the sudden disappearance of his pray, the spirit looked around and found two persons who seemed to be still having fun. It was Sereena and Zack who were in one of the private isolated booths. Somehow these two were so deep in conversation that they did not notice the carnage outside. Red field barged inside, scaring both occupants. "What The H-" was Zack able to say before Redfield swatted him away.
"What the hell are you doing!" yelled Sereena, angry again. Redfield was going to grab her when Sereena raised her voice again. "Don't you dare touch me!" she said. Redfield decided to roar at her but his attempts to make the lady scared were in vain. "So this is how it is eh? I'm not scared of people who think they can scream their way," she said. Redfield was going to grab her yet again but Sereena didn't let him. "I said, no TOUCHING!" she said as she grabbed her drink and threw it on the ghost's face, somehow making it wet. "I'm sick of your bullshit. Now I am going to talk and you are going to listen. I had finally found something redeemable in that party, something being Zack and you probably got his a ticket to the hospital. I was already angry that I was forced to come in this party where most persons are sexualised from head to toe. This is especially nerve wracking since a majority of those are women outfits but then now you come in and decide to make me even more angry? This is just wrong and rude!" she yelled as she now took Zack's drink and threw it on Redfield's face again. "You know what you are? Just a petty little bitch. People like you try to showoff how much of an alpha they are. But deep down they know that they are just a puny little bitch inside. They try to act tough thinking this will hide their insecurity but oh boy they are transparent," said Sereena as she tried reaching out for her glass. "God dammit, I'm out of drink thanks to you now. Why do I have to be sober right now, ugh? Anyway ghost dude, I want you to take your trashy little ass and get the fuck out of my way before I get really angry and let me tell you that me being angry is the worst thing that can happen to people understood. I don't care that you can fling people around because I know that deep inside you a just a little bitch who throws temper tantrums around to sound interesting however you end up being really rude and become an attention whore. What are you going to do now? Try to fling me around too? But I bet you have no balls to do so and you will just end up running outside to cry," added Sereena and as she said, Redfield ran towards the exit with a distorted cry.
"Wow, Sereena... you scared an actual ghost away," said Brooke who slowly crawled towards Sereena. "What? It was a real ghost?" said Sereena shocked and Brooke replied with a slight nod. 'Anyway can we just go some place where we can get some alcohol? I don't think this party will be serving now," proposed Sereena. "Let's go to Double Tap . My treat," said Brooke as the two walked away. "With your sphere of prettiness we will likely get those for free, but I don't really mind," smiled Sereena.
3 Hours Later
"Don't Worry Imogen! I'm here and I brought some friends along!" said Tom with an ax raised behind him. Along with him were also the rest of his Westchester friends. "Looks like Redfield is looking for more ass kicking," said Stacy. However the group were shocked to find the villa free from any ghosts or people. "Oh hey guys! Sorry, no after party this tie. Can't really party with broken limbs," said Kenji who just arrived from the noise, in his crutches. "But what about Mr.Red? Where is he?" asked Lily. "The ghost? It ran away crying like a child after a woman berated him. A really scary one," said Kenji. "Oh--okay... Let's go then guys," said Lucas.
Finally managed to rewrite the whole thing after I forgot to save the draft the other time. BTW I hope you gus had fun reading this. :3333
Tagging: @choiceslife and the neutral squad @wlwkateomalley @teamtomsato @lovethemarshalltwins @nuttatulipa
Read my other fics here
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transfemmbeatrice · 5 years
1-6 and 13 for the d&d asks?
1. a favorite character you’ve played?    i answered this on the other one but i’m using this as an excuse to talk about another one of my PCs: Ash. i originally made Ash for my first campaign, which then sputtered out, so i slightly reskinned her for a campaign i’m in now because i missed her! She’s an old lady tiefling bard who casts spells by invoking the power of old stories (folk tales, legends, myths, etc) rather than playing an instrument because she only plays obnoxious instruments, and very poorly. she’s an academic and her curiosity and lack of self preservation instincts get her in trouble because she wants to learn everything about the monster instead of running away or fighting it. she’s stubborn and full of love and i stan my lesbian grandma
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played     man this is hard. the first one who comes to mind is Krita, a tiefling rogue in a still-running campaign thats the longest i’ve ever been a part of (so i love all the party members because they’ve had the most time to develop). Krita was raised by monkeys, can’t read, doesn’t have great social skills, and i ADORE her. 
3. Your favorite side quest     in the motw game i gm i made the one player buy a bomb for his dark master which involved dealing with a slimy black market weapons dealer and switching out evidence in the police station and it was great. but some of the future side quests i have for that group are even better.      OH and one time during a downtime session my character wanted to get fantasy weed and that was a WHOLE thing that was great.
4. Your current campaign     i’m playing in 2 active campaigns right now. one is a hell continent (jungles, full of things that want to kill you, has resisted being settled, only one city has managed to stay livable) on the verge of an apocalyptic event that happens cyclically when the old gods break loose from their chains and fuck shit up. and also the emperor of the old world is on his way? we’re still figuring out wtf is going on and how it all works but its a fantastic world!      the other is a sea-faring adventure, which hasn’t been going on for as long so the arc of the campaign isn’t totally clear yet but we’re sailing the Deepsea, an area that resists being mapped and is full of mysterious magic. there’s very little record of what lies here so! lots of sea and island shenanigans are to be had! it’s been a ton of fun so far!
5. favorite npc    this is SO hard....but there’s a recurring npc in my one campaign named Podge, who travels around with his minotaur buddy selling/trading random and often magical objects. he’s grumpy and funny and seems to always know more than he should and he’s GREAT.
6. favorite death    hmmm..... its hard to think of but there was the time we were sent to save a logging camp from a werewolf and ended up burning everything down and killing all but maybe one person? that was bad but also extremely funny and very telling of our competence level.
13. introduce your current party      im in 2 campaigns so first, the smaller party, in deepsea:      Ash, the tiefling bard      Malefic, the dragonborn paladin, just joined the campaign because he washed up on an island and has no idea what is going on        Talath, the tiefling warlock, who is VERY good boy, immediately started referring to Ash as his grandmother, which she went along with, to the point that the GM thought our characters were canonically related even though they’d just met       the other party, Rendithia:       Gnimble, the [redacted] monk (my pc, race is a mystery to the rest of the party because they wear a plague doctor outfit at all times and have never shown their face or body). They look terrifying but are very gentle and kind but also lethal if you threaten someone they care about.         Krita, the tiefling rogue.         Fineas, the nervous gnome wizard who just wants to go home but is now on this wild quest to the most dangerous parts of the continent          Balasina, the dragonborn bard, has lots of costumes she switches between including a bear costume and a nun costume, casts spells by telling bad dad jokes, force of chaos           Gideon, a skeleton artificer? alchemist? he does potions and fire and stuff, does not know how or why he was resurrected, just wants to Rest but also has to do the Right Thing           Viertree, the dark elf warlock, has a mysterious dark past but is really just a giant fucking nerd doing his best            and also Gris, the kobold rogue, who will come back....eventually.
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