#i was trying to tumblr sexyman him back then
jazzzzzzhands · 8 months
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Inktober 2023 Yr 8. Day 21: Smile
I confess i did this soooo long ago and i never posted it but im running out of time, so i can't afford NOT to use it! I swear I will draw him more Goober next time!!
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s0ckh3adstudios · 26 days
Can I just say the reception to episode 2 of The Amazing Digital Circus has been absurd and NOT in a good way.
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johnsspacesuittight · 6 months
I still think about the time when Strange Aeons made a video about tumblr sexy men and brought up the fact that people were/are into the Madagascar penguins which shot into me the memory that I indeed find Kowalski the Madagascar penguin sexy and I will never come back from that
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concubuck · 2 years
My question is, if he can control aspects of his entire body down to if he has a womb or not, can’t he just shapeshift his womb to manipulate it so that the fetus is…rejected or something? Or cut off from the rest of the body? Or is the fetus too grown for that?
There's something most people never realize about Alastor:
He may be a damned sinner, or a serial killer, or a cannibal, or a demon who's shredded the humanity that once resided in his soul; but none of that changes the fact that once upon a time, over a century ago, he was raised Catholic.
That's not to say he's totally against the idea of simply snuffing out the fetus—whether alone or with medical assistance. It's just that as shocked as he is, it takes a couple of hours for him to remember that it's an option.
And once he does remember, he places that at the bottom of his list of options, to be considered only if he concludes none of his other options are tolerable.
Anyway, he's got reasons not to jump immediately to making his stowaway walk the plank.
First, the pragmatic issues. Being stuck with a pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean being stuck with a child, particularly for a succubus. Succubi are, in fact, one of the only demonic species in Hell that don't suffer from abysmal fertility rates. There's a waiting list a thousand miles long of imp couples eager to adopt a lust demon's likely-accidental offspring. If he chooses to carry the fetus with the intent of letting another couple adopt, he'd be seen as performing a public service. Heck, he's blathered on so much about his six forms of birth control, he might even be able to act like the only way he could have gotten knocked up is he did it on purpose.
Conversely, if he doesn't carry it to term and if anyone ever finds out... well. It won't win him any points, either amongst sinners or demons. He'll just be another succubus slut, won't he—and, worse, he could be painted as not civic-minded. And that could have career repercussions. (As could having an illegitimate child; but so much of his life as a demon is about weighing options to figure out which is the lesser of two evils.) He has to consider his public perception, always, before making any big moves.
And—second—he has to consider the medical issues. Like: how, exactly, precisely, does he remove a tiny living thing latched inside of his body, when he knows so little about the environment surrounding it that he didn't even notice that it was inside of him?
How long has it been in him, anyway? How old is a fetus before it can be felt? He doesn't know. He's never had to know. For 120 years this was a question that could never become personally relevant to him. Maybe like, a month or two? Women probably start showing around 2 months, right? If there's a gradual steady increase in size from conception to birth? He might be showing late, since he lost so much weight in June. Maybe 3 months, then.
The big secret of Alastor's shapeshifting is that almost all of it is surface deep. Just ripples in his skin, little nudges of the shape of his bone, scooting around the material already there without deeply altering it. His more absurd alterations are typically equivalent to conjuring up a strange item to magically glue on top of his anatomy without fundamentally changing it. His most spectacular and dramatic are usually literally illusions. He's like a movie special effects department: the masters of the art don't turn human beings into dinosaurs, they use extremely convincing costumes and CGI to make humans look like dinosaurs.
There is some real magic below his costume tricks. For instance, coming up with functional vag dentata, jaws included—that took actual skill and effort to construct, more effort than he's put into any other transformation. But that's because that's something he wanted to be real.
Or giving himself a real functional set of reproductive organs he wasn't born with. That, too, was a real change. But even at that, he didn't make it. Decades ago, he found a magical shortcut to access the anatomy he would have had if he'd been born with slightly different genes. He doesn't need to know everything about how it works to pick it up and stick it inside himself.
All of which is to say: he doesn't know how to just kick a fetus out. Repeatedly banishing his womb didn't do it. He could figure out how to do it, probably—hopefully—he assumes he can probably figure out how to do it, he assumes, if he looks into it—but right now he doesn't know. And he's not going to just try it without already knowing. If it seems too complicated, he's probably better off just getting a doctor to do it.
At any rate, he wants to know why it's there, and how it's there, and how long it's been there, before he considers evicting it from his body.
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cornfieldsrambles · 8 months
omg ok SO
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Meet the Lords in Black. Charming, aren't they?
Yes, Wiggly does indeed have four brothers who all do different things, so I'll cover them one by one, in order of introduction (since we've already met each of them in Nightmare Time at least once). BTW Nightmare Time has a fuckton of lore in it that I won't go into here, so even though I am about to spoil significant parts of it for you, I do recommend watching it, it's really good and if there's enough interest they might make a third one!
(Also you might notice they're all in doll form in this picture. This is how we knew them up until NPMD introduced us to what I call their Tumblr sexyman forms. Which are rad as hell by the way.)
So you already know Wiggly. That little green fucker, Wiggog Y'Wrath, the Capitalist Cthulu who does uwu-speak and starts a cult by invading people's minds. This will become a bit of a reoccurring theme with these guys. He's also the only one to successfully start an apocalypse, and the only one to have attempted to birth himself into our reality. (Or is he? We'll get to that...) He does seem to have some kind of dominion over the other LiB, as whenever all five of them show up there's always emphasis placed on him, like in NPMD where he does most of the talking while his siblings occasionally butt in.
Now for Bliklotep. Blinky seems to have slightly lower-scale ambitions than Wiggly, but don't let that fool you. Eyeball Boi is still incredibly dangerous. He runs an amusement park, WatcherWorld, deep within the Hatchetfield Witchwood. But it's not for the amusement of the patrons. Oh no. It's for Blinky's own amusement. Once you step inside, every insecurity, every shred of potential conflict will be ripped to the forefront, turning people against each other to the point of trying to kill each other until he's fully infected their minds. It's implied that, if not all, but a significant chunk of the workers at WatcherWorld were once patrons before having their minds taken over by Blinky. He's also implied to be the thing in Trail To Oregon that Jack Bauer sees during his venom-induced hallucination, as Blinky is referred to as "The Watcher With 1,000 Eyes", which is exactly what JB says he sees? Making Blinky the only LiB to induce a Starkid crossover. My headcanon is that the Dikrats founded Hatchetfield. But regardless.
Next up on the roster is Tinky. T'noy Karaxis, the Time Bastard. You may be wondering about that one line in NPMD where he recognised Pete as a Spankoffski, and said he "could have the whole set in his toybox". Has Tinky gone after Pete's relatives?
Well. Um. You know Ted, right? Yeah, his name is Spankoffski. He's Pete's big brother. We actually got the surname reveal before the brother reveal, lol. And that's not the only reveal we got about Ted. Our boy Teddy Bear has this whole entire tragic backstory and it turns out he gets fucked over in literally every timeline! Isn't that fun?
So, to summarise an entire episode: Tinky makes travel fuckery happen, Ted wants to go back in time to fix his life, accidentally goes back to before the time machine was created and gets stuck in the past, literally. Tinky is watching and laughing at the whole thing, then shows up to blow Ted's brain to smithereens with his weird little magic box, the Bastard's Box, where he stores all the people he toys with. Anyway Ted eventually catches up with the present by aging, except now no one knows who he is, he's... actually I won't spoil that. But once he dies he ends up eternally trapped and tortured in the Bastard's Box. Yaaay.
Fast forward to Nightmare Time 2 and we get introduced to Nibbly, in possibly the most unexpected way imaginable. He's revealed to have been behind a whole episode literally right at the end of said episode, and even though it was kind of foreshadowed, it hits you like a freight train in the best way. Remember when I said Wiggly was the only one who tried to birth himself into reality? That was kind of a lie. Nibblenephim can sort of do that anyway. Every year, he can possess a bunch of carcasses and create a living form to walk the earth for one night. He also has a cult of followers who provide him with the carcasses, as well as a sacrifice to feed on. There's a little more to it, specifically with how the sacrifice is chosen, but again, I'm trying to spoil as little as possible. Go watch Nightmare Time. Nibbly also seems to have a "pig" motif, and his theme song, The Nibbly Ditty, is a banger, easily my favourite of the three LiB theme songs we've heard so far.
And finally, we are introduced to Pokotho, in the very last episode of NMT2.
Except no. We were formally introduced to Pokey there, yes, but we've seen his apocalypse already. Long before NPMD, before Nightmare Time, even before Black Friday.
Yeah, remember me saying that Wiggly was the only one to successfully start an apocalypse? That was also a lie! Pokey already did that, and he did it without ever showing his masked face. Remember The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals? The blue spores that came down in a meteor and turned everyone into singing zombies? That was Pokey's doing! That's his blue spores! That's his apocalypse!
This also provides an explanation for why blowing up the meteor didn't work. Emma and Hidgens were right about the hivemind thing, but wrong about the location of the central brain. It wasn't the meteor - the meteor was just the vessel which carried the spores to Earth. The central brain was sitting safely up in the Black and White, laughing as Paul blew himself to smithereens. The central brain was Pokey, the Singular Voice, the most uncompromising of his brothers. The one who hates every voice that is not his own, hence the hivemind and making all of his zombies speak in HIS voice.
Anyway in NMT2 he's happily collecting musical zombies by taking on a human form and infiltrating a fighting ring of superpowered children until he has enough to kickstart another apocalypse. (Don't question it, we're almost done). He also calls himself Otho, not Pokey, making him the only LiB to have two different abbreviations of his name. Hannah is also there (remember her? Lex's little sister?) and she is like incredibly important to this whole thing, she has a super powerful mind, but that's a whole other thing.
But I did mention Hannah for a reason. Because you said "Wiggly's SIBLINGS". And while the Lords in Black are always referred to as brothers, they do have one more sibling. A sister. A Queen in White. And her name is Webby.
Yep, Hannah's imaginary friend isn't imaginary, who could have guessed? She's benevolent, always trying her best to combat her brothers' antics, but given that there's one of her and five of them, this is a bit of an uphill battle. Webby doesn't have a full name that we know of, nor does she have a doll. We don't know much about her. And she may not be all-powerful - but then again, neither are her brothers.
Infodump concluded. Hope this helps, it was very fun to write.
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strawberryraviegutz · 1 month
I really REALLY hate those kinds of stupid “hot take” posts. I think they’re just garbage to purposely farm more discourse to cause infighting, but I’ve been holding this in for so long and I need to get it out of my system so here it goes.
Alastor fans are allowed to dislike Valentino. Valentino was made to be a dislikable Villain while Alastor BY VIV’S OWN WORDS is a chaotic neutral antihero based off of Dexter with a moral code. Of course people are gonna like Alastor more than Valentino. The antihero/vigilante is a very popular beloved trope. I mean just look at Magneto and Venom.
You guys claim to want more nuanced characters but when we try and tell you that Alastor is more nuanced BASED OFF OF EVIDENCE FROM THE CREATOR and little possible context clues in the show we get accused of “babying/woobifying him”(as if Val fans haven’t done that to Val). This isn’t a hit piece against all Val fans/simps btw. I may hate that moth, but you guys should be allowed like him without receiving hate and or death threats.
It’s not “hypocrisy” to dislike Valentino or the Vees and like Alastor for the reasons I said above and the four of them aren’t comparable. Yeah they share some traits but overall the only thing Alastor and the Vees have in common are the mistreatment of the souls they own. Like I said, Val fans shouldn’t be attacked for liking him but the thing is…if you’re gonna preach those words then do the same for Alastor fans/simps because we get attacked too.
(Again it’s not all Val stans but it sure it a lot of them. I’ve all so seen Val haters do it too.) Yall claim not to harass people over fictional characters yet will go under Alastor posts and or discussion threads and be like “Uhm actually him and Valentino are the same🤓☝️”.
“He’s worse than Val” “Why can’t we just have a good villain” “Just accept that Alastor is a villain stop babying him” when we’re just minding our own business. Not to mention people going under fanart of Angel! Alastor and being like “erm actually he’d never go to heaven🤪”.
Along with yall bullying the hell out of Alastor selfshippers/simps and using tumblr sexyman as an insult(which reaks of internalized misogyny btw because majority of Alastor simps are women + women are always the first to be made fun of when it comes to characters that Classify as tumblr sexymen being found attractive by them or any character you personally wouldn’t find attractive.)
And yall going around and keep calling Alastor ugly under posts about people gushing about him and i don’t mean lighthearted jokes either because i make fun of the back of his head sometimes too. And full blown harassment. When an Alastor fan provided evidence of Alastor being a more nuanced character which were clips from Viv’s streams, people in the comments and qrts were being extremely rude and dismissive. It got so bad that op deleted the og tweet.
Don’t go around and claim to be against cringe culture but then make fun of people for finding Alastor attractive. And for goodness sake STOP FUCKING CALLING HIM A SLAVE OWNER. And yes he owns souls but that doesn’t matter.
Alastor is canonically half black and its overall disgusting to slap the label “slave owner” onto him knowing damn well that he grew up in the Jim Crow era of America in the Deep South of Louisiana. His existence as a mixed black person back then was basically considered an abomination. With how terrible it was for black people back then, Alastor probably bore witness to a lot of messed up shit growing up and if that’s the case then it’s no wonder he’s so messed up in the head.
This type of behavior has been going on since the days where we only had the pilot and it’s only gotten worse since the show came out. As soon as I saw that scene with husk and Alastor in hell’s greatest dad I automatically knew what was coming. I’m not saying that Alastor Is a good person nor am I saying that what he did to husk was ok. But to go after/make fun of Alastor fans,purposely denying evidence of his character while in the same breath preach against bullying people over liking certain characters makes YOU the hypocrites. So much for anti-harassment. I’m tired. Bye.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Love the Dragon goddess mini series and it got me thinking, What would all the boys you wrote for in the series do if their wife won the Untimate MILF contest ( inspired by the ultimate Tumblr sexyman contest ) and how would they react to that. The gag is, the Boys's wife didn't even compete and/ or qualify for it 😂.
-He could only gawk, seeing the photo of you wearing a black bikini, holding a whole watermelon on your hip as you smiled down at your twin sons. It had been a large beach party with all of the gods that happened about two months ago.
-Now, seeing that precious photo of his wife with a banner next to her saying ‘Winner!’ he felt rage bubbling up in his belly.
-This contest was a yearly occurrence, getting all sorts of entrants, and you weren’t even one! Someone else had put you under ‘other’ and your photo got so many likes that you won by a landslide.
-He leaned back, horror filling his being as his gorgeous wife was now Valhalla’s hottest MILF!
-Kojiro- He did his best to hide the photo and the knowledge of the contest away from you, not wanting you to get embarrassed, but that plan quickly went out the door when your sister-in-law, Blossom, congratulated you, showing you the photo. You had been embarrassed, holding your cheeks as you saw that so many people had seen that photo of yours, your face blazing red. Kojiro admitted that he knew about you winning before he had to explain that someone else entered you and you won as a wild card entrant. You felt a bit happy that you had won, thinking it was a beauty contest, before you asked him, “I’m happy that I won, but what’s a MILF?” Kojiro turned into a stone statue, internally panicking.
-Hades- His phone cracked in his hands, seeing that you had won, and that an anonymous person had entered you as a wild card entrant! He stood, instantly knowing how, and marched right to Zeus’ house, kicking the door down, flames surrounding him. Zeus had to plead for him, begging him for forgiveness, trying to appease him, “But now all of Valhalla knows how beautiful Y/N is!” Hades picked Zeus up, holding him by his neck, “Yes they do, and now I have to explain to my wife and the mother of my children what a MILF is!” Zeus, despite being in danger, howled with laughter, finding it hysterical that you didn’t know what a MILF was.
-Buddha- He instantly grinned, only for a moment, seeing that you had won, until he saw that you didn’t enter, and he sure as hell didn’t. He smile fell into a deep frown, seeing that someone anonymous had submitted one of his favorite photos of you without yours or his knowledge, and you had won. He inhaled deeply before he stood, coming to find you. His heart leapt when he heard you calling out for him, sounding distressed and almost instantly he was by your side, seeing you looking at your phone, “Look at this! I won this contest, but I didn’t enter.” He calmed you down, telling you someone else used your photo and you won because you were so stunning. You had thought it was a beauty contest until you saw the name of the contest, tilting your head to the side, “What’s a MILF?” he had been taking a sip of tea and instantly spat it out, looking at you with wide eyes.
-Beelzebub- He stared down at his phone, annoyance quickly rising before giving way to anger, seeing your photo, one of his favorites, plastered all over Valhalla web, as the winner of the yearly MILF contest. He had enough problems keeping men away from you, this was going to complicate things even more!! You knocked on the door to his office, “Love~ can you answer a question for me?” he looked up, his annoyance leaving as you came over, making yourself comfortable on his lap as he hugged you before you started, “Oh~ you’re looking at it too. I didn’t enter this contest, did you enter me?” he pouted, hugging you, “No I didn’t, I like keeping your body for my eyes only.” You smiled gently at his words, pecking his forehead before you spoke again, “I’m a little embarrassed that I won a contest that I had no idea I was in, but what’s a MILF?” Beelzebub.exe has stopped working and burst into flames, as his body turned to stone, in complete shock at your question.
-Tesla- He had quickly hacked into the server, tracing the photo back to the source, finding that some younger gods who thought you were very attractive entered you after seeing this photo. Nikola was quickly on the phone, a grin on his face as he called Brunnhilde, “Hello Miss Brunnhilde, I would like to cash in one of the favors you owe me please.” There was nothing he could do about getting the photo off the web, as almost everyone in Valhalla had seen it for the contest, but he could teach those younger gods a lesson. He sought you out, finding you looking at your phone with confusion, question marks flying around your head. You perked up when he entered and he was quick to kneel beside you and peck your cheek, “Nikola, do you know what a MILF is? Because this says I won.” Nikola panicked, stammering and stumbling over his words, panicking that you didn’t know, dreading telling you.
-Poseidon- His phone was immediately shattered in his grip before he grabbed his trident and stood, heading to the culprit who did this to you. Anyone who had been in Poseidon’s way had quickly leapt to the side, afraid of his unbridled fury as he kicked down Zeus’ door who instantly paled, “I’m in trouble!” Zeus had entered you into the contest, being anonymous and entered you as a wild card, as you hadn’t applied yourself to the contest. Poseidon spent hours chasing after Zeus, wreaking havoc and causing thousands worth of damage, but Zeus hadn’t helped, “You should be happy! Y/N is the hottest woman in Valhalla!!” by the time he returned home, Poseidon was exhausted, having chased and beaten Zeus accordingly, having to be pulled off by Hades. You were waiting for him in bed as he came in and he sighed, seeing you before coming over to melt into your arms. You stroked his hair, as he had been absent all afternoon and you couldn’t reach him on his phone. Once he got comfortable you spoke up, “My love~ do you know what a MILF is?” he instantly froze, his rage returning as you didn’t even know what a MILF was, ready to issue a round two on Zeus as he cuddled you, not answering.
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*Mariah Carey Voice* ITS TIIIIIME!~
White Lily Update LETS GOOOOO!
But seriously, I am so excited for this update, and can't wait to see what they have planned! Going off on first impressions here, I LOVE the fallen heroes 💖, especially this lil jester🤡💙
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Just by his silhouette alone, I was HOOKED💙💖
And already my predictions! Strip in everyone, these are gonna be good ones!
For starters, it's obvious that they, Shadow Milk Cookie, will play a big role in the story, especially since they're the one holding Pure Vanilla Cookie's souljam
Speaking of which, I can totally see them going after PV during the new chapter, through at least some sort of magic, tormenting him in an attempt to steal back the souljam
Better yet, I can pretty much all the fallen heroes doing that, trying to get into the ancient's minds, trying to get back their power
Mostly important, I can totally see the group each of them one by one, Shadow Milk being the "final boss" of sorts
For now, that's all the predictions I have!
Last thing I wanna mention, I know so many people already love this guy(because jester🤡) but what's really gonna make or break this character is their voice. Cause if the devs pick the right VA for them, they could become the next ✨ tumblr sexyman ✨
Anyways, I'm excited for this new update and I'll try my best to implement some lore for the writing of the fae in Starlight Starbright, as well as in AAEAOTT. I don't really plan on changing much, just a few tweaks!
Be on the lookout for my other projects And as always stay tuned^^
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fearforthestorm · 1 year
hey hi mcytblr i have a polite request to make of y'all! this is my streamer his name is viking and he's a pathetic wet cat who lost horribly in the mcytblr sexyman bracket and my favorite hobby is bullying him. he's doing this thing where - see the embedded short - for every subscriber he gains, he has to place down another iron block in his 2-year hardcore world! and like yeah i know iron is farmable and stuff but he still has to actually place the blocks and do you know how annoying and hilarious it would be if he had to place down a shit ton of blocks. it would be so funny, and also like come on if i don't constantly do everything i can to make his life harder am i even trying.
sooooooooo, that said, if you're so inclined, please subscribe to him and/or reblog this post to help me bully my streamer :>
(and, hey, if you wanna watch some of his actual videos before you just subscribe to this guy because someone on tumblr said it would be funny, that's TOTALLY understandable - may i recommend his Life Loss episode 1?)
okay that's all, thanks very much for your time i appreciate it o7
[Video description: a YouTube short filmed in Minecraft, featuring VikingPilot narrating to the camera as he plays.
"So in my hardcore world, people keep asking me, what is that?"
The video shows a tall mountain of about 2,000 iron blocks.
"To which I say, it's a mountain of iron, duh! But it got me thinking, what if we made it bigger? For every subscriber this video gets, i will add one iron block. Yes, that means YOU can make ME do more work! Will we end up with a massive mountain-"
Cut to a huge mountain range of solid iron-
"-Or, will I have one block?"
Cricket chirping noises as his character crouches on a single iron block.
"The choice is yours! I'll check back in on this in a couple days."
/end VD]
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sansxreaderbraindump · 7 months
i had a dream that y/n becomes S T O N E R I F E D
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"7/11 stoner worker x tumblr sexyman skeleton" (this need to become a fanfic, or crackfic by how silly goober it sounds) legit just dreamed y/n as a under minimum wage 7/11 worker and they smoke zaza. /srs so it goes like this Y/n stole a brownie "thinking it was a normal brownie" but nah they just accidentally ate a weed brownie from other 7/11 worker. so y/n is fucking freaking out about being fired from getting high on the job and is starting to feel the effects of the zaza then here comes "sans undertale" (*crowd laughing sfx*) entering the store and grabs some "Trolli sour bites crawlers" to go. Sans comes up to them to buy the candy to go and Y/n is sweating (stinky) and is trying to fight back the weed effects. sans, concerned asked them "*ey kiddo, you alright? you ain't looking so dry." (*crowd laughing sfx*) Y/n looks at him with zaza eyes and does the Jslutty shocked face pose and yells out "DEATH FROM SOUL EATER!?!?"
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then i woke up to my alarm clock, MAN I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT >:( but life be kicking you in the balls sometimes ;-; finally got this out of my head, ngl this is pretty funny.
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sweetmariihs2 · 5 months
🪄My thoughts on Cedric The Sorcerer🌙 (until now)
(not that anyone cares idk i just wanna talk about him, it's a lot of random thoughts and it's messy, but it's fun to read I guess)
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Did you like that cute moodboard I did for him? It took me like 10 minutes I loved it. It fits him so well I'm so proud of myself for doing this. The whimsigothic aesthetic matches him so well I wish more people knew it so we would have tons of moodboards and cute stuff of him in this aesthetic it would be so nice. Ok let me start my post
I wanna share some headcanons, talk about my first impressions, it's not really organized I just wrote down whatever I remembered and the result was that. I wanna share my new hyperfocus with more people, that's what I'm doing here today :)
Everything started when I saw this man on Tumblr and though "who's this guy and why is princess Sophia next to him?", when I clicked on the hashtag out of curiosity I understood that it's because he's a character from the cartoon, and I was like "lol another tumblr sexyman again let's move on keep doing my things and interacting with my fandoms" (december 24)
I also mentioned it to my friend on IG bc I saw a reels that was like "you don't have any weird fictional crushes right?" and then proceeds to show us an edit of him with millions of hearts around. I sent it to her and said "omg I saw ppl talking about this on tumblr" and we just laughed a lot because it was something we did not expected (not mean laughs, they were genuine laughs of shock and because that was very unexpected like HOW IN THE WORLD, and she remembered him in the show while I didn't)
Some days later I saw more fanarts of him on tumblr and that made me a little curious, but not enough to search about the subject.
After some days I just couldn't forget him, and that's when I searched his name on youtube purposely trying to find compilations of his funny moments to understand what was happening
And boy I did
At this point was just having fun and laughing thinking "omg another guy who's sassy, has good personality and is another ugly-atractive character that has a fandom on tumblr, I got it, he's very nice" and I went to do other stuff again but this man just DIDN'T CAME OUT OF MY MIND
Just making an interruption here, I loved watching Disney Junior as a kid, maybe when I was six or seven, idk I don't remember, and I was a huge fan of Sofia The First, it was one of my favorite cartoons from Disney Jr alongside Doc McStuffins and Art Attack. AND I JUST DON'T REMEMBER CEDRIC IT'S LIKE I NEVER SAW HIM IN THAT SHOW, EVER. I literally don't remember him being part of the cast i'm sorry Cedric 😭 now he stands out so much to me, he's carrying the whole show on his back. Btw now that I mentioned Disney Junior I would like to say that here in Brazil Sofia First is actually called Little Princess Sofia, and Doc McStuffins is Doctor Toys. Sometimes I call Sofia "Princess Sofia" but I don't even know if that's how they call her in the english version, I watched everything on portuguese 😭 but ok let's move on (I have more things to say related to the brazillian dub, but let me finish my train of thought first)
As I was saying this man just didn't came out of my mind, and I was like "Oh no another hyperfocus where people around me will make fun of me because they will say that he's ugly and that liking kid's shows is something weird 😭 I can't take this anymore" and I tried to deny it but I CAN'T i'm almost making a pinterest board for him, I just accepted my fate (gonna draw fanarts soon and no one can stop me)
I found a list of every chapter he's in and i'm watching every. single. one. of. them. I watched the movie first, and boy this is gave me so much nostalgia because I remember some vague objects and scenes from when I was a kid, I used to love the Disney Princesses, when I got a little older I started watching Descendants, I grew up watching Tangled and Frozen and I swear to god I almost teared up from nostalgia during the episode Rapunzel shows up, and they didn't changed her voice actor, that's what got me. It was like travelling back to a time I didn't even remembered that existed anymore. Because since I haven't seen Sofia The First in about 10 years, I don't even remember anything FROM the show except for some parts, and that this show had so much old Disney energy that I didn't even know made a difference, but it does.
I'm sounding like a granny here but (i'm not even in my 20s yet) it feels like another time, Disney changed so much. Some of the new movies are good, some are bad, I see Disney much more as a company that wants money and makes movies instead of that perfect place where all dreams come true and every girl is a princess (Here in Brazil I never had a dream to go to Disneyland because Disney in the early 2010's invested more in products and blue ray DVDs in Brazil, since the parks were in the United States and we weren't really the target audience for that. So they didn't minded making publicity about it, so I just watched the movies and Disney Junior). Everything felt more magical when I was a kid, I spent my days watching DVDs and sometimes had some Disney princesses themed toys, it was so fun playing pretend that I was a princess and I really felt like one. Rewatching Sofia The First made me feel like this again because they made this show at the time that their public were HUGE fans of the Disney princesses and it has the same characteristics, plots, even styles of the songs and soundtracks, visuals + I watched it when I was younger. It's not just "princesses" it has the whole Disney girly early 2010's magic into it and it made me so bittersweet, even if they tried they could never do nowdays a movie inspired by that time and give me the same feeling as a REAL movie from that time does. Sofia The First: Once Upon a Time was like watching a new movie from that old Disney, one that I didn't saw before, but at the same time I did, and that's the best part. The end of the movie gave me so much nostalgia that I almost cried too. That experience was amazing :")
It gives me the same nostalgia that I feel when I hear that song "a dream is a wish your heart makesss" it makes me cry how I miss to be a little girl again (i'm crying right now btw i'm very intense with my emotions)
(And hell I don't remember Cedric at all, since when he was there the whole time? Now that I know that he's there I'm feeling like really reeeeaaaaalllyy vague memories are trying to come back in my head, but I don't know if my brain is doing this on purpose or i'm just confusing him with an equally vague memory of Cruella. I guess it's the first option, I'm trying so hard that my brain is making up memories. Weird.)
But yeah at first I saw everyone falling to his feet and even though I understood that he was very funny and had a well-writen personality I couldn't really get why people were romantically in love with him. Well um I actually got it, he was a good character and was one more of these strangely atractive characters that people fall in love with, I've been there too. But I just couldn't see what was so atractive that people were simping over him, for me at that moment he was just funny and fits very well the "let's make a fandom" type of character, like for example Preminger from Barbie Princess and The Pauper. But then I thought "idk what i'm talking about i'm demisexual lol let's wait a few days" (That happened before. Many times.)
And I'm like. I don't know what's happening to me I'm so susceptible to weird (in socially non-fandom people's words) crushes and I thought I wouldn't be afected this time. Just so you can have an idea some of my last crushes were: Dr Flug from Villanos, Jackson Jekyll from Monster High, Victor Frankenstein from Okegom, Raggedy Andy, Mettaton from Undertale (and UnderLust), THE Eddie Munson (for a whole year and some months, and I was so bullied after his "trend" ended because people said that his fans were cringe and everything (that's fake lol they are very nice)), 70% of my list are just nerds and sensitive guys with different types of mental illness yay my fav type
and now I think I'm feeling unironically atracted by this man it's just happening really slowly 😭 (DEMISEXUALS ‼️‼️⁉️⁉️💥💥💥💥💥👊👊👊👊)
I'm gonna be honest with you, at the moment I can't decide if I like him or not I'm so confused at the same time that I get it I also don't like how tf am I atracted by this man 😭 and then I'm like hmm he's acually cute let me search for some fanfiction
I'M SO CONFUSED I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE i guess I'll just wait to see what happens
you guys know that tiktok audio "at first I was like 'hmmm feet' as a joke,,,,, but bro....... I don't think that's a joke anymore...." (that's me rn but with Cedric)
Also I would like to take this oportunity that you're listening to me talking about Cedric to say the most important thing that this fandom needs to know:
We need more Cedric representations in Whimsical/Whimsigoth/Whimsigothic aesthetic it's like it was made for him just search that on Pinterest please you won't regret
And I'm here wondering what kind of songs he would listen to. I think he would like dark fantasy music, or witch music. I don't care if he's on medieval era and people didn't had access to a lot of music genres at that time, we are talking about disney nothing is historically correct
I can't help but think about Lana Del Rey but being a huge fan of her songs I don't think that it matches his tastes. I guess he maybe would like Aurora's last album, The Gods We Can Touch. I don't know why, it's the witchy vibes I guess. But I don't know, it's still not something that matches him a lot. EXCEPT FOR THE SONG MIDAS TOUCH FROM AURORA. IT'S PERFECT FOR HIM YOU GUYS SHOULD CHECK IT OUT
The cover isn't giving the aesthetic though, Aurora made this song for a show and then put the show album cover unfortunately. But her aesthetics are usually whimsical and magic, inspired by theatre, greek gods and tarot. This song is so good 😭
And of course there are songs like Everything Matters that fits his vibe but idk it depends on who's listening since it's not about the lyrics. The Innocent has a small part who matches him a little, the whole song has that witchy vibe dancing around the fire, I don't know how to describe it.
Coming back to Cedric I think my favorite scenario is him having an apprendice not too much younger than him. I think it's cute. I've never seen any fics like this (in fact I just read like 5 oneshots which is almost nothing) and if you guys know any let me know. I think it's just nice the idea of living with him and being his apprendice while having like a romantic tension between the two characters. It's cute
Also remember when I said I was going to talk a little more about the brazillian portuguese dub? So, something that I thought was really funny happened to me: In the first season he had his voice actor obviously and I was already used to his voice some time after watching the cartoon. It was very funny to me because the first time I saw a "scene compilation" of him it was in english, so hearing him talk in my language was fun. And btw his voice actor did a really good job voicing him, he (had a similar voice and) was really expressive just like his english VA, so like, really nice 👍
And then at some point in season two, from one episode to another, his voice actor suddently changed????? And obviously I got a little sad because his first VA was really good and I was used to his voice :( but the thing is: The new VA wasn't just a new one, IT'S THE SAME GUY WHO VOICED DR FLUG HERE IN BRAZIL AND I WAS LIKE OMG
THEY ARE SO SIMILAR IN PERSONALITY AND NOW THEY HAVE THE SAME VOICE WITH THE VOICE ACTOR'S MANNEIRISMS AND EVERYTHING (because that VA really has an specific way to talk, he stutter a little, sounds a little ironic but at the time really anxious, make some funny sounds for no reason sometimes like his screams)
I was really upset when they changed all the brazillian voice actors in Villanos, and that Flug didn't had his full-of-personality-and-expressive voice anymore :( the new episodes now have new voices and eveything, and they did their best, but it's not the original voices anymore and it doesn't hit the same yk? And then BAM CELDRIC HAS DOCTOR FLUGS VOICE NOW BITCH TAKE THIS
and the fact that Sofia The First was dubbed even before Villanos came out it's so funny to me
So yeah let me show you guys his amazing work at voicing two of my favorite characters:
After they changed Cedric's voice actor I was a little annoyed by the fact that I couldn't hear Cedric anymore, just Flug 😭 but now I'm slowly getting used to it and it's starting to sound like Cedric again.
Before that happened I could see some similarities between the two but I thought that I was just thinking too much and trying to connect two fandoms that I like, so I just forgot about it. After that happened my mind just blew it all make so much sense right now
And they are so similar in personality that I had to make a list of everything they have in common:
They work for guys that are completely blind to their talents and think that they're just idiots all the time
They have more potential than people think
Their projects/spells always go wrong because people keep disrupting their public moments, and so they are seen and weak and dumb (when they're not)
Science/Magic guys (they keep throwing liquids from one pot to another and saying difficult words, only for someone to stop them halfway and the substance explodes in their face, making them angry because this person once again interrupted their project that was going perfectly)
Self-confidence issues
Anxious mess, are always nervous and scared of something bad happening all the time
Childhood trauma because people never really saw their acomplishments and again and again kept repeating that they are idiots who don't know nothing (when they are geniuses!!)
They say that they're mean and they say that they do mean things when actually they are just really nice. They just choose that path because they think it's the only one that can bring them sucess and recognition in the future, but they were never made for this. They just do that because they want to proof their value to people who can't see it.
At the same time that they are mentally unstable, sometimes their confidence is so high that they start to act arrogant because "they're too smart and their projects are amazing": "I love what I do I'm the best sorcerer/scientist in the world"
But when they need to show that to people something bad always happens (because of other people!) And their plan fails, leaving them with confidence issues
"I'm too smart you guys don't deserve me"
"I can't do anything right omg i'm so stupid"
Their movements and maneirisms are so expressive, they're both skinny and tall and keep making those anxious poses, fidgeting with their hands, always anxious, scared of something, thinking too much and overall being nervous and ankward around their bosses
Boss just treats them as failures and gives them orders, in which they respond in the most submissive and saddest way because they're just miserable and just two little guys who are trying to proof their value in a place where no one even see them as people
But sometimes they are genuinely egoistic and egocentric because duh they're the best sorcerer/scientist out there, hello everybody is gonna know their name when they rule the world bye
They act so stupid and lovesick in their official crushes episodes, it's so funny
And even if we never saw Dr Flug's official face there is a design out there in the fandom where he has black hair with white streaks on his bangs so like 👍👍
Well um I guess that's all I have to say about this subject for now
These are my thoughts 🫶
I feel like I said a lot in a short amout of time but I'm here writing since 04:30 AM and now it's 07:47 AM so like. yikes
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theenpcbracket · 11 months
Seeding Round: Poll 6
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Image IDs included! Click the images to see the full character please!
More about each NPC below the cut!
Character Descriptions are in the order of their appearance in the poll!
Character 1
Name: HE Party: The Misdemeanor Mateys Relationship to party: Businessman, aggrivating party stalker, final boss
What makes them the best NPC: Mysterious tiny man with static for a head, and the loudest screechiest voice you can imagine (DM once blew out their vocal chords because of him). Levitates and teleports at will, and can pop objects in and out of existence. Runs a business granting magical favors. Originally tried to hire the party to help his business but the group said "fuck no". Now regularly pops in to nag, cause trouble, or play meme songs on a calliope, and occasionally provides useful information. HE controls an alternate dimension called the Mercantile Pile full of items from different times and places, including lots of modern-day technology (unlike the D&D campaign setting). He can be summoned by writing out his name. His calling card is a 7 of Spades, which he can also use to influence the world & cast spells remotely. HE mainly wears business suits & suspenders, but has also appeared in a hazmat suit (riding a tricycle), turtleneck sweater and thigh holster, wetsuit with suspenders painted on, sequin jacket with '69' on the back, peacock burlesque, and nurse drag outfit. He once killed 20 guards with a snap of his fingers. He also destroyed a walkman with a flamethrower. Implied to be the father of the ultra-powerful kid whose primary pastime is handing out enchanted "friendship nuggets" [chicken]. His #1 business competitor is Michael's Wonder Emporium. Eventually turns out to be one of the most central characters to the story.
Quote: "STAY OFF MY THRONE!" "You're going to call me when you need me!"
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Character 2
Name: Parsnip Party: Soup Squad Relationship to party: [Submitter's PC, Barley's] pocket frog/run off prince from a nearby land
What makes them the best NPC: Tumblr sexyman material, and has fighter stats as a druid. He uses wildshape for the express purpose of tagging along with a literal child. This lead to him literally melting in Barley's bag once.
Quote: "So what's with the, uh, rivalry you have with the wizard that's trying to kill us, Barley?"
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Character 3
Name: Mary Byram Party: Ambiscade Gang Relationship to party: Coworker, divorcee
What makes them the best NPC: Mary Byram is living proof that the song “No Children” by The Mountain Goats doesn’t just have to be about romantic relationships gone wrong. She’s a bright red tiefling rogue with a storied past, currently working for a guild called the Thinfingers alongside one of the party members. Previously, she worked with a tiefling rights movement called Hellflame, but something happened there that she doesn’t really talk about. She’s still passionate about both the movement and the group, though.
Our bard lovingly calls her “Mare-Bear.” She hates this. She’s a day drinker. She’s exhausted always. She cares so much but will never admit it unless under duress. I think she genuinely thinks that god cursed her by metaphorically putting her in a get-along shirt with our rogue PC. Their dynamic allowed our party to coin the term “Coworker Divorce” except they’re literally not allowed to actually get rid of each other. She is also constantly saddled with the skater-pilled rogue who was also submitted to the bracket, so she’s usually outnumbered when it comes to harebrained schemes. She’s largely anti-antics, but is down for some antics if she's in control of them. She’s a mastermind and usually gives the help bonus action either by telling people what they fucked up or by telling them NOT to fuck something up. She deserves a break she’ll simply never get.
Quote: "Thoughts?" -the warlock, asking Mary about a proposed plan. "...More than you. Apparently." -Mary
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tillywunderwing · 1 year
Old Bill Cipher was hopping around
Tumblr City like a big playground
When suddenly Megamind burst from the shade
And hit Bill Cipher with a Mindgrenade
Bill Cipher got pissed and began to attack
But didn't expect to be blocked by Black Hat
Who proceeded to open up a can of Hat-Fu
When Lewis Pepper came out of the blue
And he started beating up Blackquille Hat’neal
Then they both got flattened by the Mindmobile
But before it could make it back to the Mindcave
Jack Skellington popped out of his grave
And took an AK-47 out from under his hat
And blew Megamind away with a rat-a-tat-tat
But he ran out of bullets and he ran away
Because Herobrine came to save the day
This is the ultimate showdown of sexyman destiny
Objects and twinks and explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the ultimate showdown of sexyman destiny
Bill Cipher took a bite out of Herobrine
Like The Warden took a bite out of crime
And then Black Hat came back covered in a tire track
But Slenderman jumped out and landed on his back
And Megamind was injured, and trying to get steady
When Jack Skellington came back with a machete
But suddenly something caught his leg and he slowed
Nagito Komaeda took him out with his hope
Then he saw Bill Cipher sneaking up from behind
And he reached for his gun which he just couldn't find
'Cause Megamind stole it and he shot and he missed
And Slenderman deflected it with his fist
Then he jumped in the air and did a somersault
While Jack Skellington tried to pole vault
Onto Herobrine, but they collided in the air
Then they both got hit by a Reigen stare
This is the ultimate showdown of sexyman destiny
Objects and twinks and explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the ultimate showdown
Angels sang out with immaculate amour
Down from the heavens descended Cecil Palmer
Who delivered a kick that was powered by the weather
Into the crotch of Nagito Komaeda
Who fell over on the ground, writhing in pain
As Megamind changed back into Normal Brain (?)
But Cecil saw through his clever disguise
And he crushed Megamind’s head in between his thighs
Then Professor Venomous and maid-dress Raymond
And the Once-Ler and Turbo and Ingo and Spamton
And Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice and Wheatley
And trickster god Loki and self-aware Benr(e)y
Alastor, Dr. Habit, Junkrat, Guzma, Almond Cookie
The whole cast of Goncharov (1973)
Bruno Madrigal and Purple Guy
Tony the Clock, DOC OCK, and King Dice
All came out of nowhere lightning fast
And they kicked Cecil Palmer in his radio ass
It was the bloodiest battle that the world ever saw
With tumblrinas looking on in total awe
The fight raged on for like two weeks
Many lives were claimed, but eventually
The champion stood, the rest saw their better
Sans Undertale in a bloodstained sweater
This is the ultimate showdown of sexyman destiny
Objects and twinks and explosions as far as the eye can see
And only one will survive, I wonder who it will be
This is the ultimate showdown
(The sexiest showdown)
This is the ultimate showdown
(The sexiest showdown)
This is the ultimate showdown
Of sexyman destiny
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oldmemoria · 8 months
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caught up with cringetober because I literally forgot to do it, individuals and explanations under cut
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Day 1: Heterochromia I’ve come to the revaluation that my sona is already cringe as hell considering not only can his entire body change color but he also has differently colored eyes as a staple of his design. They’re usually yellow and blue but this time I color picked the blue from the trans flag and the mint from the Vincian flag for this color palette, it turned out really pretty :)
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Day 2: Self Insert Now she isn’t my self insert anymore, but back in the day when I was at “peak cringe” she definitely was. This is my warriors OC Icypelt and I have a post going over part of her story on my profile somewhere. She’s been through a lot and I think her modern design is very pretty :)
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Day 3: Unnecessarily complex fit/design Spider scene is kinda infamous in my brain for having wayyy too much detail but I love them and I think this might be my favorite one out of this batch, super cute, the pose is really cute and the colors are nice and fits her really well :D
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day 4: Angel x Devil inevitable MCR reference ik, Helena and Revenge, love them dearly. Poor revenge man this one is cute and looks like a sticker!!
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Day 6 (I skipped day 5 because I didn’t want to open up ms paint today): neko i kinda hate this one but cat Gerard yay
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Day 7: Pinterest base at first I wanted to draw hobie in place of Gwen but I remembered that I haven’t really drawn Mikey with her even though they’re supposed to be friends so I drew her instead. Idk. The height difference is not accurate because of that but Jumping Spider is small because he’s based on a jumping spider and those are tiny who would have thought
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Day 8: tumblr sexyman i have never played undertale a day in my life i just know a lot of people wanted to jump sans’ bones
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day 10: fursona i already have a fursona I already drew and yes I colorpicked from the lesbian flag how could you tell /j
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Day 11: Yandere LYLA is technically canonically a yandere because spoiler alert she tried to kill Miguel’s fiancé via overheating her in the shower (essentially literally boiling her like a lobster) because she was “in love” with him (she said if she did have autonomy and had feelings the would be in love with him but she doesn’t but idk who knows I don’t).
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day 12: niche interest ik MCR isn’t exactly “niche” but the black parades story in particular has always caught my interest and I have my own interpretation of it and a whole kind of story I’m still developing and character arcs and headcanons and interactions and yeah you get it, death in particular has evolved into god knows an OC on his own I just keep him attached to MCR because… it makes more sense that way, ig-
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day 13: creepypasta does this count- whatever grimdark is just the same thing as a creepypasta- I’m not really in the MLP fandom anymore but it was my first ever “fandom” I was actually apart of. My first hyperfixation if you will. I wasn’t in the grimdark part of the fandom because I was too young for it but I was actually watching the izzzyzzz grimdark video and I was like “oh” and drew a rainbow factory Rainbowdash. Honestly I should draw ponies more they’re fun to draw
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Day 14: candygore (?) im not good at drawing candygore and since I was rushing this o didn’t do it as well as I thought I can, but it still turned out pretty cool
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Day 15: song lyrics aaaa inevitable hesitant alien drawing this one turned out so cute!! The colors and the sparkle eek so cute aaa action cat lyrics I’m breaking down right in front of you I’m sorry
planning on doing the rest of the month now, maybe not exactly on time since I’m still in school but I’ll try to get 31 drawings out by Halloween. Love the idea of cringetober because I just love all things cringe. Ack this is so good
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ownerofthisaccount · 9 months
I have returned with more Fanart! Is it a surprise anymore?
Now what is surprising is that this isn’t towards the ChimeraEmmet Au by @raisans-art like I seem to have been doing a lot recently. I have other AUs I love and even some ideas of my own for the possible future. But just in case you thought I was over with that…
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There are things possibly in the works towards that what if, though as I said in a previous post that’s gonna take at least a week if not more since I have multiple projects I’m working on(also before anyone ask, that and every project I do with the twins is PLATONIC. Even the chimeras that aren’t them anymore, the twins are still brothers. I will never ship them, it’s all platonic family stuff)
But with that out of the way, what this post is really about: the Submas Tournament! This been going on for a while now and we are officially in the final six(hopefully I counted correctly anyways). A lot of people joined in on this by submitting their own Au, making fanart, or just interacting with the posts and votings. The twins have brought us all together, whether we been in the fandom since they debuted in Gen 5, their appearances in the anime manga or masters, or recently with Ingo being a warden in Hisui where we either have him a happy ending or decided that wasn’t tragic enough. I myself joined after seeing Ingo in the Tumblr Sexyman bracket and being informed of his story as I hadn’t played Legends Arceus till recently. Yin Yang is my all time favorite symbol to use in writing and I am attached to stories that feature caring siblings due to my own siblings being such an important part of my life, so I gravitated to these two hard. Here’s hoping fir a BW3 with Emmet as a big focus point to give a true conclusion to the two’s story.
The fandom are incredibly creative with their depictions and AUs, whether it be set in universe, based on a different media, or a form of what if. Currently I myself am reading two AUs. The first is Masking, which was in the bracket but unfortunately got out in the first round. It’s about Ingo dying under mysterious circumstances and being reborn as the eldest son in a Zoroark Pack as he slowly regains his memories and practices illusions to try to get back the life he lost. That’s all I can say without giving spoilers but it’s an amazing story I highly recommend:
The second with I believe wasn’t in the bracket is an Au called Lay Your Ghosts to Rest. This is a dark and sad but really well written Au about Volo killing both Ingo and Akari in the past while cursing their souls to wander the earth forever while being unable to reunite. 150 years later Emmet learns about this on a ghost hunting show and decided to team up with Elesa to break the curse the two been suffering from and possibly find a way to prevent their deaths in the first place. Again, it’s all I can say with spoilers and both this and Masking are still ongoing but if you are able to handle some of the darker topics like trauma, anxiety attacks, and death than I 100% recommended it.
But now we only have six AUs left in the running for the crown of best Submas Au of 2023. All of them are beloved in the fandom and have a shot at taking home of the win, so let’s take a moment to highlight the ones that come this far and give them the praise they deserve(and of course, all the ones in this tournament and even the ones not nominated in deserve their attention as well. All of these stories were created with passion and heart)
Our lovely Au candidates!
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Misfits Au by @hehe-hoho-ohno is a Toyland Au with our favorite conductors as toy soldiers that were created with small defects and were ostracized for it(sorry if I get any details wrong with this or any of these AUs. I’m a bad explainer) and Emmet as the current candidate for the Tournament. Admittedly and sadly I know the least about this Au as I haven’t had time to read it yet, though it is on my watchlist since from some the summary and a couple comics I’ve seen, it seems like something I will enjoy. But still, it’s an interesting concept with a nice design and one that still should get its attention. The competition is tough but Perhaps our littlest member got what it takes to win it all
Mechanical Errors Au by @marchy-emmet is about a world where Ghetsis succeeded in his eternal winter and the Subway is one of the only safe spots left. Elesa creates two robots in order to help out: one being a protection robot named Ingo designed to keep things safe and the one for the tournament, Emmet the entertainment robot designed to keep morale high. However the two start gaining sentience and emotions they were programmed with. I’ll keep all these descriptions brief since I want you all to give them a read yourself, but as someone who adores the concept of robots and the concept of how they react after gaining sentience I really enjoy the read. Also the design for robot Emmet is adorable. He may not be programmed for battles like this, but we will see if he can still pull it off.
Ghost Worm Au by @blaiddraws is the first Ingo entry I have mentioned and also the first Au I ever read going into the fandom. I’m obsessed with transformation stories and especially towards Ingo being a Pokémon since it feels fitting for him(he’s this incredibly talented trainer who forms such strong connections he didn’t even have to catch the alphas to convince them to join him in a battle and a couple of his lines in Arceus, especially towards electrode, could be seen as foreshadowing. Watch Ingo become our first rock/ghost Pokémon) to become one, so this story of him become this cool fanmade train worm before Orthworm even existed was such a fun concept. The design is perfect for the story, the comics are well drawn and still great to reread, and it feels almost like the grandpappy of the Submas AUs, at least to me. He may of died, but can he still show the fandom loves him even if he were a worm?
Under the City Street Lights/Over the Garden Wall Au by @coramatus is a perfect example of when the fandom stares at Ingo’s situation and goes “okay, but how can we make him suffer more?” A confession? I haven’t watched a full episode of Over the Garden Wall. I know it’s an amazing show and it’s only 10 episodes, but I’ve been procrastinating on it for years. I’ll hopefully watch it for Spooky Month. But even without knowing anything about the show that isn’t the Beast, this is a fantastic Au. It puts Ingo in the Woodsman shoes as he betrayed everyone to go around collecting oil to keep the lantern lit as the Beast convinced him that his brother’s soul is in there. Meanwhile the actual Emmet arrives and attempts to convince Ingo to come with him, but the latter believes he’s just a Zoroark and causes him to fall into a River. Emmet then teams you with Volo who’s now a tiny Starly to try to still save Ingo. There are written portions as well as a master post of comics depicting what happened in the story that I highly recommend. We love torturing Ingo and especially the Woodsman, so is that enough to make him win?
Team Conductors Au by @teamconductors is yet another media I’ve been putting off that still intrigued me enough to read it despite never playing a Mystery Dungeon Game. In this, Ingo is sent into the world of Mystery Dungeon as a Hisuian Sneasel with his brain somehow even more fried where he comes across Emmet as a regular Sneasel after sending out a distress call and almost dying day one of being a Pokémon. Together the two decide to form a team called Team Conductors while still wearing their now oversized jackets. This is a good read especially for those who are in the Mystery Dungeon fandom or like humans turned Pokémon stories. The Mystery Dungeon fandom is one of the strongest and more persistent fandoms ever, so is that power enough to win?
Placeholder Au by @blaiddraws again is another ongoing story narrative that definitely caught a lot of people’s eyes. It follows Emmet as he wakes up in Hisui without a clue how he got there or where Ingo is. Strange things pop up like evidence Ingo been there or everyone seeming to know Emmet despite him not knowing them. Throughout it mainly questions are popped up like what happened to Ingo, why does Emmet have these gaps in his memory, why do everyone seem to know him, and much more. I’m afraid this is all I can say without spoiling things but it is fun to try to decipher everything before the big reveal and the reveal is a satisfying payoff that leaves more questions than answers at the same time. I can’t recommend it enough and we will see how well Emmet(?) does.
Mine again, congratulations to everyone that made it this far in the competition and I wish you all the best of luck in the rest of the @ultimate-submas-tournament
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topazshadowwolf · 2 years
Win or Lose
I wrote a thing concerning the "Tumblr Sexyman among AU Sans" contest currently going on. (link to it: here.) Currently, Noot is up against Glitchy. And while I'm rooting for my Dadmare, this made me think about how he would react to this...
Nightmare sat in the library feeling as content as could be. This was his favorite armchair, he was reading a good book, and a warm drink beside him. All of this was pleasant. All of this was good. His home, his castle, literally so, was no longer a lonely space with his boys men around. Even if they were not in his presence, knowing they were there when he had need of them, or vice versa, was all he needed to feel at peace. Nightmare was, after all, an introvert at soul.
Just as the action was building in his book, he heard a voice and thundering of multiple feet in the hall. “boss!” Killer, and by the sound of it, the rest of them as well. Sure enough, Killer burst into the library with Cross right behind. As for Horror and Dust, they both made a slower and calmer entrance. In Killer’s hand was one of their cell phones with something up that he was trying to show Nightmare.
“it’s now you versus error!” Killer said with a grin.
“yeah… but you’re currently losing…,” Cross sighed.
Placing his bookmark, he set the book aside to continue later. Nightmare took the phone and looked at the screen to see what was concerning his henchmen so much. “Ah… this is that,” Nightmare paused for a moment in thought, “attractiveness contest you all were discussing. I was entered?”
“don’t you remember us saying you beat horror?” Killer asked, and Nightmare hummed.
“Yes, I remember now,” Nightmare looked at the previous pairings and then got a smug grin. “So, I beat my brother as well; it seems that his boyish charm only got him so far. That was likely your downfall, too, Cross. In the end, maturity will win as it is an aspect of attractiveness on its own.”
“yes, but… what should we do? you’re losing to that glitch?” Killer asked, and Nightmare looked up from the phone to the henchmen and then back down to the phone.
He looked over the competition for a moment, sighed, and offered the phone back. “I may be two steps away from being diagnosed as a narcissist, but I don’t care what a bunch of mortals think of me on the internet. The fact I beat my brother is victory enough for me. Besides, if Error wins, look at who he will be up against next. I may not have a crystal ball, but I highly doubt Error could win against Fell in a contest of that nature. And Fell is winning his current contest easily.”
Picking back up his book, he opened it up as he leaned back into his chair, “As to how Fatal Error got that far with his face looking like that is a wonder. TucanSans clearly has more…,” Nightmare twirled a tendril as some do a hand while searching for the right word, “appeal, at least in the classical sense. Either there has been a major shift in what is considered physically attractive, or this has devolved into a popularity contest.”
“so, you don’t care?” Cross asked.
“Please, I have a big enough ego that I am interested in the results. But is it big enough to have you four campaign for me? No. First of all, you four would somehow mess things up.”
“yeah, we would,” Dust said with a grin.
“As much as I would love to gloat this over that stupid glitch, the idea of him losing to Fell, ‘Abomination 13’ as he calls him, makes me grin. That hobo likely isn’t even aware this contest is happening as he hides in the Antivoid, eating chocolate and watching UnderNovela. When he finds out, and I will be sure he does, I know there will be no place he could go, no distraction he could think of, that will hide the negative emotions he will feel,” Nightmare grinned, “So, win or lose, it is a victory for me.”
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