#i wasnt sure whether to post this on monday when i was back from my break or now esp bc ive been on a art rush
employee052 · 21 days
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Happy 4/32.
(+ 432 pre!TK doodle)
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stuclyblrs · 5 years
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hi everyone! i spent this past semester (spring ‘19) studying abroad in china so i wanted to make a post about my experiences! i hope this can help you in deciding if you want to study abroad and help you while you’re abroad! **this post is directed at study abroad programs through a university in the us - i have never done other programs so i cannot speak about them**
choosing to study abroad
i do want to start by saying you dont have to study abroad. this is something that is definitely being pushed lately by colleges (at least in the us) and it can feel like that you must study abroad to get the full college experience. however, its not something that’s necessary or right for everyone and you don’t need to feel pressured to do so. for me personally, i knew i wanted to study abroad in china long before i entered college whereas some of my friends weren’t interested until they started college and learned more about my school’s programs and hearing from upperclassmen who already studied abroad. some questions to ask yourself when deciding if you want to study abroad
will this benefit you as a person, whether its academically and/or for personal growth?
will studying abroad mean you have to take out more student loans that you don’t think you can fully handle (more on this later)?
is your only motivation only to have a more relaxed semester at a country where its legal to drink and/or for resume building? well these aren’t bad things necessarily - live your life the way you want to! - you might not have the amazing time that you’re thinking you will if these are your only motivations
are you (or will you) be able to mentally/emotionally handle the extra challenges that come with living and studying in a foreign country?
this is just a small amount to consider when choosing to study abroad, but another important thing is do what feels right! feel a calling to study in a specific country - then consider it! don’t think traveling is for you despite everyone pushing for it? - then don’t worry about it!
when and where to go 
things to consider when determining when
how long do you personally believe you can handle? will a shorter summer session be better so you’re not away as long or do you want a full year for a more immersive experience?
which semester/summer fits best in your schedule? do the classes offered during this time keep you on track?
things to consider when determining where
what location has classes that fit your major/academic goals? if you’re ideal location doesn’t offer what you need, are you okay with doing a summer session or graduating a semester late?
where are you interested in traveling? have a language or culture you’re really interested in (this is why i chose china for my location!)? is there a place you don’t think you’ll get a chance to visit otherwise?
what are the costs for each possible location like? don’t forget to consider paying for food, transportation, activities, and other travel
if your school doesn’t offer a program in your target location don’t let that deter you from studying abroad. a lot of times universities allow students from other universities to apply to their study abroad programs. start by talking to your schools study abroad office/program to see if there are universities that your school already works with!
as i mentioned in determining if you should study abroad, one thing that should be considered is money. if studying abroad means you have to take out extra loans that you’re not sure if you can handle, then it might not be the best choice at the moment - there will be other opportunities in your life to travel and not studying abroad does not mean your college experience is incomplete. do whatever is best for you.
when it comes to determining the cost of a semester abroad, do your research! contradictory to what i just said, in terms of student loans, it was cheaper for me to study abroad due to housing being cheaper. however, i still had to spend extra money on plane tickets, travel, food, and other experiences, so it’s not just the cost of tuition and housing that needs to be considered when budgeting for study abroad. not everything will be budget breaking though, food was incredibly cheap relative to nyc in china, so that was another aspect where my semester abroad was cheaper than normal. additionally, with doing your research on the costs of studying abroad, don’t forget to research scholarships! i received two extra scholarships from my school that were strictly study abroad related and there are plenty of outside scholarships related to general study abroad, different majors, and certain locations.
some tips on saving money for study abroad
once you’ve decided to study abroad work on saving money - set a specific amount of your paycheck dedicated for time abroad, think about maybe skipping getting takeout and cooking at home to put that money towards abroad, possibly get a second job during the summer/other breaks
determine beforehand where you want to travel within the country/neighboring countries beforehand so you can approximately figure out what you’ll need to spend to achieve these travel goals
make a budget for daily expenses (food, transportation to campus if needed) and keep track of your spending
take advantage of programs hosted for study abroad students. about half of my traveling to other cities was done through the study abroad program, which cost a small fraction of what the cost would’ve been if i did it on my own
be flexible! there is a good chance you will go over your intended budget, but it is okay - money can comeback, time will not
with that being said however don’t overdo it, there’s nothing wrong with going a bit over for some extra experiences, but you don’t want to break the bank 
in terms of being far away from my family, it wasnt that big of a change compared to a regular semester as i don’t see them during the school year. however, i did miss nyc and my friends very much. it was hard to deal with at certain points, especially when i was having a difficult time with school but here’s somethings i did to help:
set up times to video chat with family and friends - and try to make it a regular thing
send your friends dumb things that you’re doing - dying over homework, eating good food, some animal you saw on the street, a meme that reminded you of them, and so on they’ll be missing you too
make new friends! i know thats easier said than done, but other students in the program are in the same situation as you and will be feeling homesick. set up a semi-regular time to hang out (i made friends with my roommate and another girl and we hung out nearly every saturday to play games on the switch)
some easy ways to get to know people at the beginning are have lunch/dinner together, talk to people in your classes (especially in language classes if you’re in a country that doesn’t speak your native language), hang out with your roommates
participate in any opportunities hosted for study abroad students that you can. it’s a great way to meet other students and get involved in the local culture while spending less money
finally, its important to remind yourself that you have this amazing opportunity to study in a foreign city/country/culture. it is very normal/expected to feel homesick, but reminding yourself of this helps to bring yourself back into focus and enjoy your experience
balance between academics and traveling
this is something i did struggle with and i still do wish i had planned my time better so i could’ve done more, but in general its about finding balance similar to how you would during a regular semester with classes, extracurriculars, friends, jobs. since i wasn’t involved in any extracurriculars or didn’t have a job while abroad that freed up a lotttt of time that i don’t typically have to focus on school work during the week and travel on the weekends. when planning to travel outside of your host city, you’ll want to plan ahead as much as you can as those times are the hardest times to keep up (i had one class that was based on three papers... and two of them were due after weekend trips hosted by the study abroad program not fun man!) here’s some advice that i have for this
save ‘big’ trips for time off - i went to beijing over our spring break, which was the best time to go as i didnt have to worry /as much/ about my work and i could spend more time there compared to my other travels
spend time in the country either before or after. other than beijing, my other ‘big trip’ was to chengdu/xian/zhangjiajie where i visited these cities back to back right after my finals were done
use the time on the plane/train/car/whatever to do some work. i know its easy to just fall asleep or be on your phone, but you’ll be glad that you did some work once the next school day comes
talk with your professors! they will understand that you are a study abroad student and have limited time in the country - one of the weekend trips hosted by my school left before my friday class but we had quizzes every friday in that class so i just let my prof know that i had this opportunity coming up and he let me take the quiz the next monday
try to do your work during the week to leave the weekends free. i would suggest to even save traveling around your host city should be left for the weekends, unless there is some special event going on so that way you can maximize study time during the week and have the weekend free for travel time!
use whatever planning system typically works for you (traditional planners, google calendar etc.) and as soon as you know you have assignments/tests/quizzes, put that in your calendar and start working towards them immediately. also schedule in time to study so you can work towards tests/quizzes everyday so you can travel without worry
i felt i did a good job of balancing travel and academics, however i felt i didnt explore shanghai as much i wanted to. if i had planned out my study time better, i could’ve opened up more free time on the weekends to go out in the city.
other advice
if you’re not in college yet, make sure you’re researching schools that you look at their study abroad programs and that they have the location(s) you’re interested in!
let your advisor know that you’re planning on studying abroad as soon as you can (even if you’re just thinking about it and aren’t sure yet) so they can help you stay on track and plan for it
with that last point being said, don’t solely rely on them - do your own research, check which classes are offered, save any emails confirming that classes abroad will count for your classes, keep track of application requirements and deadlines and so on
i hope this post is helpful in your study abroad journey! if you have any further questions please feel free to message me✨
bonus! check out my day in the life in shanghai video :]
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to a weekly collaboration between FiveThirtyEight and ABC News. With 5,000 people seemingly thinking about challenging President Trump in 2020 — Democrats and even some Republicans — we’re keeping tabs on the field as it develops. Each week, we’ll run through what the potential candidates are up to — who’s getting closer to officially jumping in the ring and who’s getting further away.
Although there was a lot of attention this week in the media on whether major names like Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke will get into the Democratic presidential race, candidates who have already been on the official campaign trail staked out positions on big issues that have been in the news. Although Democrats are generally unified on immigration — denouncing President Trump’s proposed border wall — fractures are forming around “Medicare-for-all” proposals and the “Green New Deal.” Progressive candidates have faced some pushback from the field’s centrists, who believe that their aims could be achieved in a more incremental fashion.
Here’s the weekly candidate roundup:
Feb. 8-14, 2019
Stacey Abrams (D) On Friday, Abrams is visiting Washington, where she will deliver a speech at the Democratic National Committee’s Winter Meeting and participate in a discussion about race and political power in the United States at the Brookings Institution. Michael Bennet (D) The Colorado senator hinted at a presidential run during an appearance on “Meet the Press” on Sunday. “We’ve got a million people that are going to run, which I think is great,” he said. “I think having one more voice in that conversation that’s focused on America’s future, I don’t think would hurt.”
Bennet discussed his diverse professional background as one of the ways he was different from the field’s current candidates, citing his time in business and as Denver Public Schools superintendent.
On policy, he joined many Democrats in supporting a public health care option but said that such a plan did not necessarily mean that private insurance should be eliminated. Joe Biden (D) The Washington Post reported Thursday that Biden was still undecided about a presidential campaign, noting that he originally intended to decide by the end of 2018.
On Wednesday, CNBC wrote that Biden is signaling to several Democratic donors that he is leaning toward joining the presidential field but that his decision is not yet final.
The former vice president eulogized the late Rep. John Dingell on Tuesday, saying that the longtime Michigan congressman was one of only a few people he “looked up to.”
“He gave me confidence,” Biden said. “He made me believe more in myself more than I had. John had that special capacity to do so. Because when you are with him, you knew you were with greatness.” Michael Bloomberg (D) The billionaire former New York City mayor is prepared to spend at least $500 million during the presidential campaign cycle to defeat Trump, Politico reported Wednesday.
“That’ll get us through the first few months,” said Kevin Sheekey, one of Bloomberg’s top aides, noting that Bloomberg put $100 million into his last mayoral election.
Last Friday, Bloomberg told The Associated Press that he would reach a decision on a presidential run by the end of February and pushed back on speculation that he would not run if Biden launched a campaign. “My decision doesn’t depend on what other people are going to do,” he said. “My decision depends on whether or not I think I can make a difference.” Cory Booker (D) Booker visited Iowa and South Carolina during his first weekend on the campaign trail as a declared presidential candidate. In Iowa, the New Jersey senator continued to pitch his theme of unity and optimism to voters. In South Carolina, he addressed racial discrimination, saying that the country needed a leader who is “telling the truth about racism, not participating in racist statements, demeaning and degrading people like we’re seeing now.”
In an interview with MSNBC on Tuesday, Booker said that if he wins the Democratic nomination, he will “be looking to women first” when he considers a running mate. “I believe there should be a woman president right now, and I worked very hard to get one,” he said. “We have such a great field of leaders. I think that you will rarely see a Democratic ticket anymore without gender diversity, race diversity.”
This weekend, Booker will be in New Hampshire for six events across the state. Sherrod Brown (D) Brown said that he’s “not ready to jump” into the presidential race during a Christian Science Monitor breakfast Tuesday. But he has given himself a March deadline to come to a “joint decision” with his wife, journalist Connie Schultz.
The Ohio senator rolled out two bills Wednesday with Democratic colleagues on Capitol Hill: The first is a “cost-of-living refund,” which would double the Earned Income Tax Credit; the second would lower the Medicare eligibility age to 50, allowing people to buy in voluntarily. Steve Bullock (D) The Montana governor will visit Iowa this weekend. Bullock has said that he is unlikely to make a public announcement about whether he will launch a campaign until later in the spring, after Montana’s state legislative session. Pete Buttigieg (D) The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, joined MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday morning for a lightning round of questions on where he sits on the ideological spectrum. “I consider myself a pretty strong progressive, but I don’t consider the left-center spectrum to be the most useful way to look at our politics right now,” he said.
Last weekend, Buttigieg made his first trip to Iowa since announcing his presidential exploratory committee. While there, he shared his support for “Medicare-for-all” and the Green New Deal (which seeks to make massive public investments to combat climate change) while continuing to play up his military background and executive experience.
In an interview with New York magazine, Buttigieg expanded on how his local experiences could be helpful in the Oval Office, using South Bend’s sewer system as an example. “They’re so important that we make sure they work basically all of the time. Which is why you never think of them — that’s kind of the point,” he said. “But it’s not that different from national security. It’s like I say, the more freedom [people experience], the less they think about it.”
In both the New York magazine story and an interview with CNN, Buttigieg was critical of the social views of Vice President Mike Pence (a former Indiana governor and U.S. House member), saying to CNN that “politically [Pence] is a fanatic and he damaged our city and our state through choices that his social extremism led him to make.” Julian Castro (D) In a CNN interview Saturday, Castro said that even though he knows his candidacy has “special meaning for the Latino community,” his message is intended to be all-encompassing. “I’m also aware that I have to have policy proposals and a vision that includes everybody,” said Castro, who is a former mayor of San Antonio and served as the secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the Obama administration. Bill de Blasio (D) De Blasio was scheduled to visit New Hampshire on Friday, renewing speculation that the New York City mayor is contemplating a presidential campaign. But he canceled the trip after a New York City police detective was killed during a robbery Tuesday. John Delaney (D) The former Maryland congressman spent the first half of the week in New Hampshire, his 14th trip to the state. He opened an office in Manchester and attended a “politics and eggs” breakfast at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics — one of 10 events in three days.
Delaney broke with several other Democratic presidential contenders by revealing that he was opposed to the Green New Deal. Tulsi Gabbard (D) During her first visit to Iowa as a presidential candidate, the U.S. House member from Hawaii and National Guard major touted her dedication to service and outlined her views on foreign policy, responding to criticism over her recent comments about Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In Iowa, she said he was a “brutal dictator” but said that she didn’t feel the United States should be “the world’s police.” Kirsten Gillibrand (D) Gillibrand toured South Carolina, with seven stops across the state, from Friday through Sunday, including meetings with Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin, who leads the National Conference of Mayors, and a group of women leaders.
The New York Times highlighted Gillibrand’s “feminist campaign” Tuesday, describing how advocacy for women has already become a centerpiece of her candidacy and one that differentiates her from fellow female Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren thus far.
This weekend, Gillibrand is again visiting New Hampshire for a collection of meet-and-greets, walking tours and town halls, after having traveled to the Granite State just two weeks ago. Kamala Harris (D) Harris attracted headlines Monday after she admitted during a New York radio interview to having smoked marijuana in college. “I did inhale,” the California senator said. “It was a long time ago, but yes.”
The remarks came during a larger discussion about marijuana, during which Harris said it wasn’t true that she opposes its legalization. She said that she supports legalization but has “concerns” and that its effects on users should be researched. John Hickenlooper (D) The former Colorado governor visited New Hampshire on Wednesday and Thursday and said he’s going to decide on a presidential run in the next “six weeks.”
During his stop at a Manchester house party, Hickenlooper joked about his unusual surname and how it taught him in his childhood how to “deal with bullies” — a reference to how he would approach running against Trump.
Hickenlooper added that he still wants to learn more about the Green New Deal and criticized Trump’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border while also saying that there are “border security issues” to solve. Eric Holder (D) After a speech at Drake University in Iowa on Tuesday, Holder, a former U.S. attorney general, said he would reach a decision on a presidential run in the next three to four weeks. “I’m concerned about the direction of the country,” Holder said. “I think I’ve got some ideas and visions that I think would be useful to the nation.”
On the issues, Holder said that the U.S. was “at a point where we should think seriously about [marijuana] legalization” and that he supports the Green New Deal, labeling it “our generation’s moonshot.” Amy Klobuchar (D) Klobuchar launched her presidential campaign Sunday during a snowy outdoor event in Minneapolis. She outlined her humble political roots and described her motivations for getting into the race. “I’m running for every parent who wants a better world for their kids,” she said. “I’m running for every student who wants a good education. For every senior who wants affordable prescription drugs. For every worker, farmer, dreamer, builder. For every American. I’m running for you.”
In an appearance Monday on “Good Morning America,” the Minnesota senator defended herself against allegations that she was abusive toward her Senate staff, conceding that she is “tough” and “push[es] people” but said that it was because she holds “high expectations.”
She mocked the president after he, referring to her kickoff rally, tweeted that it was “bad timing” that she was “talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures.”
“I’m sorry if it still snows in the world,” Klobuchar said on “Good Morning America” on Monday. “But the point is that we know climate change is happening.”
Next Monday, Klobuchar will participate in a CNN town hall in New Hampshire. She will then travel to Iowa on Thursday. Jeff Merkley (D) Merkley is “still exploring” a run for president, he told Northwest Labor Press this week. The Oregon senator denied that his decision will be based on whether Bernie Sanders, whom he endorsed in 2016, decides to run. Seth Moulton (D) After telling BuzzFeed News on Monday that he is thinking about running for president, Moulton confirmed the sentiment publicly Tuesday during question-and-answer sessions after a foreign policy speech at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.
“I’m thinking about running for president,” Moulton said in the BuzzFeed interview. “I’m not definitely running, but I’m going to take a very hard look at it. A very serious look at it. Because I believe it’s time for a new generation of leadership, and we gotta send Donald Trump packing.”
The Massachusetts congressman added that his decision will not be based on who else launches campaigns, saying that he doesn’t “look at this as a horse race.” Beto O’Rourke (D) As Trump held a campaign rally in El Paso, Texas, O’Rourke defended his hometown during a protest march Monday, criticizing the president for his rhetoric on immigration. “We are making a stand for the truth, against lies and hate and ignorance and intolerance,” O’Rourke said. “El Paso has been the safest city in the United States of America not in spite of the fact that we’re a city of immigrants but because we are a city of immigrants.”
Trump mentioned O’Rourke during his event, referring to the former U.S. House member as “a young man who’s got very little going for himself, except he’s got a great first name.”
Politico reported Wednesday that O’Rourke met with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to discuss a possible run for Senate against Texas Sen. John Cornyn, a Republican, in 2020. Tim Ryan (D) Ryan is “seriously considering” a presidential run, he said on CNN’s “Erin Burnett Outfront” on Wednesday.
The Ohio congressman, perhaps best known for his 2016 challenge to Nancy Pelosi to lead House Democrats, added that he doesn’t “feel any pressure for any timeline at this point.”
“The country is divided,” Ryan said. “We can’t get anything done because of these huge divisions that we have, and people in communities like the ones I represent … are suffering because of this division. You can’t win the future divided.” Bernie Sanders (D) Sanders is leaning toward announcing a presidential campaign by the end of February, Fox News reported Thursday, citing two sources close to the Vermont senator.
Earlier in the week, amid the controversy that engulfed Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat, over a tweet interpreted to be anti-Semitic, Sanders called the freshman congresswoman to offer his support, The Daily Beast reported. Howard Schultz (I) The former Starbucks CEO continued to face criticism from Democrats over his potential independent bid for president, and Schultz returned the favor, discussing his misgivings with both Democrats and Republicans at a CNN town hall Tuesday. “Both parties today on the far left and the far right are more interested in partisan politics, revenge politics,” Schultz said. “I think we could be doing so much better than we are.”
During the event, Schultz acknowledged that his “business experience is not qualification to run for president.” But he argued that he could bring a pragmatic, results-focused approach to combating problems like climate change and economic inequality. Elizabeth Warren (D) Warren officially jumped into the 2020 race, announcing her candidacy for president at a rally in Lawrence, Massachusetts, last Saturday. Before a crowd of 3,500 supporters packed into Everett Mills — the site of one of the most famous labor strikes that catalyzed massive changes to labor rules — Warren said: “Millions and millions and millions of American families are also struggling to survive in a system that has been rigged by the wealthy and the well-connected. Hard-working people are up against a small group that holds far too much power. … Like the women of Lawrence, we are here to say enough is enough!”
Warren took the stage to Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5” before making her official announcement and kicking off a tour through early-voting states. She made her debut as a presidential candidate in Dover, New Hampshire, before heading to Iowa on Sunday. She continues on to South Carolina, Georgia, Nevada and California this weekend. Bill Weld (R) Weld, the former governor of Massachusetts and 2016 Libertarian vice presidential candidate, is attending a New Hampshire Institute of Politics “politics and eggs” event on Friday.
Citing Republican sources, WMUR reported Wednesday that Weld’s remarks at the event will include a “substantial move toward a challenge to President Trump.” Weld recently re-registered in Massachusetts as a member of the Republican Party. Marianne Williamson (D) Williamson, a popular self-help author and one-time congressional candidate, was profiled by ABC News’s “Nightline” this week. She explained her desire to get into the presidential race, despite her lack of political experience.
“I think what we need in the White House is more a visionary than just a political mechanic,” she said. “America is morally off course. … More than anything else in America today, we need a moral and spiritual awakening.”
“We need an awakening of American minds,” Williamson added. “Show me any traditional politician who’s had a 35-year career at that kind of awakening. That’s a skill set. That’s experience. That’s expertise. And I believe it is a qualification that would — you would do very well to put in the White House.” Andrew Yang (D) Yang is spending his own money to demonstrate his proposed “Freedom Dividend,” a form of universal basic income that would pay all Americans 18 years or older $1,000 per month. One family each in Iowa and New Hampshire are already receiving $1,000 per month from the entrepreneur, according to CBS News.
ABC News’s Kendall Karson contributed to this report.
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lotsofdogs · 5 years
Sadie’s Birthday Weekend
This crazy furry lady turned ELEVEN years old on Sunday!
I cannot believe Sadie has been in our lives through our engagement, marriage, multiple moves, children and all of the highs and lows in between. She’s a wiggly source of energetic joy in our lives every day and we tried our best to make her feel extra loved on her special day!
But let’s back up a bit to recap the weekend in chronological order!
Is it just me or does it seem like everyone in the world is watching “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” on Netflix and cleaning and organizing their homes? I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, Marie Kondo’s hugely popular book years ago, and watched one episode of the Netflix show (is she not just the most delightful person!?) and while I wasn’t inspired to go on a tremendous cleaning spree in our house, I did spend a little time on Friday night going through my clothes. I used her “Does this spark joy?” mentality to figure out which clothes to get rid of which I admittedly found very helpful.
Simply asking myself whether a particular piece of clothing sparks joy and makes me happy somehow allows me to get rid of clothing I’ve had in my closet for years without as much struggle as when I just go through my clothes with a passing glance. I ended up with a small pile of  clothing to donate and hope to go through the boys’ clothes soon, too.
Aside from a bit of cleaning, our Friday night was a good one! I made homemade mac and cheese for dinner and we had a dance party with Chase after Ryder went to bed that cracked us up. Chase was all about showing us his “pittie move” which was basically him jumping and dancing around in circles scratching his armpits. Life with a three-year-old is never dull, that’s for sure.
Saturday morning Ryan and I were both up a little after 5 a.m. when Ryder’s Owlet sock went off (thankfully not the red notification, but the yellow one notifying a lack of signal reading) and neither of our minds would shut off after that so we headed downstairs. I read way too late into the night again (I finished Educated by Tara Westover and would highly recommend it!), so I kicked off the day with a much-needed cup of coffee and my devotional before I spent some time meal planning.
Once the boy were up, we decided to spend the morning at Latta Plantation for a nature walk despite the dreary weather. We wanted to do something outside so Sadie could join us and even though it was cold and drizzly, the tree coverage at the nature preserve kept us dry.
We brought Chase’s bug net and magnifying glass along on the walk and he was in heaven.
I wore Ryder facing out in the ErgoBaby and we joked that he was pretending to hike along with us because he kept swinging his legs and seemed to be loving every second.
I hope our boys grow up loving the outdoors and nature as much as they seem to right now!
It took us a little more than an hour to cover 1.25 miles (Ryan wore his Fitbit) so we weren’t hiking at warp speed but we took our time and stopped a bunch to look at things like twisty sticks, big rocks, mud puddles and more. Saturday morning served as a wonderful reminder that kids don’t need much other than the outdoors to have a ball!
Before heading home, we swung by Chase’s best friend’s house so he could play with Claire for a bit while we chatted with our friends Lauren and Tony before it was time for lunch.
We let Chase skip his nap on Saturday (we usually at least encourage him to have quiet time in his room) and he was awfully excited for a rainy day afternoon movie with Mom and Dad while Ryder was napping. We watched Madagascar and I totally forgot how funny that movie is even for adults! Ryder took an extra long nap on Saturday and by the time he was up, we came up with a game plan to knock out our grocery shopping for the week and pick up pizza and cupcakes for dinner on the way home.
I stayed in the car with Ryder while Ryan and Chase popped into SweetCakes and grabbed an assortment of cupcakes and let’s just say we were all in a sugar coma by the end of the night.
Sunday morning began with extra love and hugs for the birthday girl! Ryan thought Sadie would love kicking her birthday off with a morning walk but our former Florida girl was not havin’ the cold temperatures and super-breezy gusts of wind. Instead we all eased into the day in our pajamas and played at home until it was time for church. We made it back home around 11 a.m., just in time for and early lunch where Ryder tried a combination of green beans, peas and apples.
It’s honestly blowing my mind to see how excited Ryder is about food! It’s just such a stark contrast to our experience feeding Chase as a baby (and even now because play is still 1,000 times more important to him than eating) but it’s been so fun to watch Ryder grab at the spoon and get all wiggly and enthusiastic when he knows food is coming his way. Please oh please let this last!
Ryder and Chase’s naps didn’t line up at all on Sunday so we spent the rest of our weekend close to home with the kids and Sadie. In the late afternoon, right after I settled Ryder in his crib for his afternoon nap, Ryan managed to get Sadie out on a walk with Chase and they packed up Chase’s Instax camera and photo album to take pictures on their walk to show me when they arrived home.
I used the quiet time I had at home while Ryder slept to prep some food for the week ahead and also got a jump start on this blog post before everyone was back home and it was time for Sadie’s annual birthday food challenge!
This year we decided to pit last year’s food challenge winner — breakfast sausage — against one of Sadie’s favorites: Chicken thighs! We make a lot of chicken thighs in our house and when Sadie is lucky enough to get a few bites of them from time to time she seems to go crazy for them so we figured it would be an interesting match up.
As always, we let her sniff the two plates of food before Ryan stood back with her and then released her to see which meat she’d go for first.
And the winner of Sadie’s birthday challenge this year is…
Chicken thighs!
Ryan and I were both shocked, to be honest! We thought sausage would win by a landslide but she was all about the chicken thighs. Maybe she could tell they were fresh off the grill!?
After Sadie’s birthday challenge, we all dug into chicken thighs and roasted sweet potatoes for dinner before calling it an early night. I started reading One Day in December on Saturday evening and am enjoying it so far. I was looking for a light and breezy read and it seems to fit the bill!
As far as plans for the week ahead, it will be a busy one with the kids because Chase doesn’t have school today or tomorrow. We have a play date on the agenda today and I’m hoping to make it to Burn Boot Camp and get some work done if the boys’ naps coordinate as well! I hope you all have a great Monday!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/sadies-birthday-weekend/
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Bottom of the Barrel - Debrief
1. How have you been committed to your own health in preparation for the gig?
every Monday and Tuesday before we rehearsed, there was a vocal warm up session held, i found it very useful as i have found out many different things about the functions of the vocals and the organs that are used whilst singing and why it is important to exercise them so a singer can perform to their best ability.
these sessions consisted of various vocal and facial exercises that at first we all found quite funny and silly but yet to find out that they do really have an impact on our performance as singers. One thing i found interesting is when we would work out and stretch our bodies, as i didn't realise that the whole body impacts the voice when it comes to performance, whether your tense, slouching, or just standing in a certain position.
2. How did you and the company make key decisions and changes?
each Tuesday, we would all spend a day in the venue going through and watching each groups work and after each performance we would be asked to give constructive feed back and to also be given constructive feed back by the other students/members or the gig as we all felt that it was most fair to decide on what should be in the show or not as a company. we all made sure that what ever was said to your band(s) was taken into consideration and worked on as we all wanted to make sure that we gave the best performance we could give.
3. How have you contributed to the decision-making process?
i made sure as a performer and a member of 2 groups that i gave my opinion and ideas when it came to decision making, but i also made sure my contributions either worked well with other peoples ideas or if someone else didn't particularly like my idea, i would listen to what they don’t like about it so i can see if i could construct the idea that every one agrees with.
4. What key roles were you undertaking? (organisation/marketing/composing) Include screen shots/links and photos of any marketing materials
i took the key roles of a keyboard player/vocalist in one of my groups and one of the singers in a trio. i helped out promoting the Bottom of the Barrel pages on certain social media platforms, mainly Instagram, i posted on my personal social media to go follow the page promoting the show and it came to a great success, most of my friends followed back.
5. Describe how you researched your roles and how you applied the things you found out.
i did various research but not that much as we felt like it was not needed as most of the time we felt confident with what we were doing when it came to the necessary stuff such as lyrics, keys, chords, timing, instruments, we had it mostly all under control. 
6. Describe exactly what you have done in your roles, detailing any problems that you have encountered. What went well and less well and identify the most obvious ways in which improvements could have been made. (How practices could be altered to achieve greater success). You will need to provide an evaluation of the reasons behind the successes and a well thought out explanation for future improvements. How did your roles within the project made a difference?
On the final day, the day of the performance, an incident occurred, Marie, one of the singers in our trio, lost her voice, she couldn't say a word and she had to sing lead in a song and vocalise for the others but there was no chance of her going on stage and performing. So we discussed as a group we will not perform the song she sing lead on and perform the other two songs without her harmonise/ back up vocals. this was a difficult decision as it was so last minuet and we did realise that the songs we performed without her did sound different and like something was missing, but she taught us her parts of harmony and we managed to improvise. I was a keyboard player/vocalist in Bleach and i believe our performances went well, during rehearsal there was no particular problems, the biggest problems to occur that weren't even problems was if someone forgot something, which was easily sorted as they would just get a spare instrument or cable or capo from the office to borrow, even tho it wasn't the best quality, it still worked for the time being.
7. What went well and less well in other people’s roles?
What problems have you encountered with company discipline during this project? (timekeeping, concentration, respect issues, communication skills etc…)
me being in 2 groups caused some problems, the trio was formed quite last minute so at first rehearsal time was just when we had free time as we didn't have an actual rehearsal slot, us all being in different groups caused some difficulty as there was hardly ever a time when we were all free.
8. What problems did you have technically playing the music? Analyse all solutions.
no particular problems, it was mostly just sorting out levels most of the times, but i would have to say the main issue was having trouble hearing the vocals in the songs, it was mainly due to the fact the level of the instruments over powered the singers so we had to make sure we played to a certain level.
9. Look for good examples of staging, energy, movement, body language, spontaneity, connection between band members. Also post a video of another groups performance and add your own feedback on its strengths and weaknesses
i believe when performing in bleach we were all in the zone, doing our role the best we can, which we did and it was great, but we could of connected with the audience a bit more if we all moved around and maybe interacted with each other on stage, giving eye contact, smiling at each other etc. In the other group, the trio, our songs were a lot more slower so it would so it was a bit more different connecting with the crowed, we added facial expression and hand gestures to express emotion whilst singing which was great but maybe making eye contact with the crowed maybe would off drown them in and connect with the music more. When performing the song, You make me feel, we decided to add a dramatic pause to the build up, but i didn’t want to just make it a dramatic pause, so we decided to add some comedy into it as i love making people laugh, so when i paused i made a facial expression and kept my finger up waving it around to indicate people to wait and the audience loved it, it also really brought the people in and drawn them into what was coming next.
10.  Analyse your groups connection with the audience? 
when performing in both groups i made sure that i done my part of trying to entertain whilst doing my job as a band member, i do feel like we connected to the crowed when it came to the crowed liking our music and enjoying it, but i feel like they didn’t particularly feel or connect with the music, i think the main cause to this was when we were all performing our parts either on guitar keyboard  base drums or just vocals, we were all in our own little world, we could of connected with each other more which would of then make us connect with the crowed.
11. Did you get any audience feedback? What did you find out?
yes i did, very positive feedback from my friends and family and other audience members saying that i have great stage presence and that i connect with the audience on an amazing level. i found out that when i go on stage its like i become a different person, i switch persona, into this more energetic, fierce, passionate, confident person and i do admit that when i go on stage i do kind of pull of a character, a character that i created that tries to spread joy, positivity    and a message to everyone that watches that hopefully inspires them. But i cant lie, i still get extremely nervous for performances, i used to literally shake on stage, but i faked it till i made it.
12. Any other problems that you engaged with that have not been mentioned so far?
No, non that i haven't mentioned or discussed.
0 notes
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Whats a good, less expensive, insurance for a younger driver?""
i'm 19 and have had my liscence since i turned 16, i have a clean driving record and even got a perfect score on my driving test 3 years back. My car's been under my dad's name for the last three years but i plan to move out soon and want to switch the car into my name. does anyone know of a good, less expensive car insurance that would be affordable, and not have high rates just because i'm a younger driver.""
Where can I find non-owners insurance?
I need what is known as an SR22 which is also non-owners insurance. I have looked everywhere and it seems like nobody has a policy for it. If anyone knows anything about it. Please let me know.
Which auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I disagree with the use of credit scores and auto insurance, and would like to find an auto insurance company that doesn't use the method when selling me their service. Does anyone know of companies that don't check your credit, and instead uses your driving record, age, etc....like it used to be?""
Did I get a good quote for my car insurance?
I am 28 years old and recently passed my driving test. My full UK driving license is 4 months old and I got car insurance with my uncle for 43 a month including 7 years no claim bonus, 506 a year. Is that a good deal?""
Did Alanzo have car insurance in Training Day ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=InPoPRfqNWM If he didn't have car insurance why do we have to?
How much will my insurance raise after DUI and totaled vehicle?
I totaled my 2005 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Friday night and got a DUI. I have been with Nationwide for a number of years, and had a pretty exemplerary driving record. I was paying about 100 dollars a month full coverage as a 26 year old male on my Jeep. Does anyone have an educated guess at what my insurance rates will do now? I'm trying to decide, when I get my license back and buy a new car, if I should be looking at a sports car with full coverage, or if insurance prices alone are going to make me want to get something cheap with liability coverage. By the way, I live in West Virginia.""
Does an insurance consultant in Massachusetts need to be licensed?
It is corporate insurance, not personal.""
Does anyone know of any good and affordable marriage counslers in york pa?
My husband and I desperately need marriage counseling before it is too late. We are very poor and can't afford much. Does anybody know of someone good and affordable? My health ...show more
Car Sales/Insurance Sales?
OK, so just want an opinion. I just got a job to sell cars. Its slow right now, they said avg salesman sells about 8 cars a month. its a 1,000 draw,. $500 per month, and %25 to %30 commission. But I also got accepted to be an insurance agent for Farmers, all I have to do is pass the license test. But this could take up to a month. And Im not sure how the pay works, if its 100% commission, or whatever. I might not be making money for a while when im first starting up. If they offered some type of base pay then I am leaning towards the insurance agent, but then again the economy sucks right now. Any advice..which would you take? I am thinking of just doing the car sales for a while, save $$ and then get into insurance afterwards, but I might lose this opportunity. What do you think...thanks.""
Do you have to have car insurance? dont answer if you dont live in texas please?
I want to get my drivers license and i dont have a car so therefore i dont have car insurance. Can you get your license without having car insurance? Also would i use there car to drive or do i have to bring a car bc like i said i dont have one? And if i was to use someone elses car would i have to be on there insurance? Because if i have to then thats like saying you cant get a drivers license without a car or car insurance which wouldnt make that much sense. And please dont answer my questions if u dont live in texas
How to get health insurance for my wife.?
Just found out my wife is newly pregnant. I just switched jobs and am not eligible for insurance for 90 days (at which time I'll add her). Unfortunately though, we obviously need to get to the doctor before 3 months from now and have the preliminary check-ups and stuff. Is there anything I can do?""
What are the best/ cheapest private health insurance providers in wisconsin?
23 yr old male, good health medical, dental, and vision plans? Thanks!""
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers?
I'm 19, and I cannot continue driving with no insurance.. im going to get pulled over!... I can afford monthly insurance for about 150/mo but everyone is charing me double that.. i think i tried every company.. any suggestions?""
How much would insurance be for a BMW 3 series from 2001 with 150k miles?
My dad said he'd buy me a BMW if the insurance isn't considerably higher than my brothers, who drives a 2004 VW Golf. I'm a 16 year old male and will probably be driving within a year but I want to know whether the insurance would be considerably higher than a golf. We live in Dallas TX Thank You""
How much will my insurance go uop?
i was in an accident not to long ago. My car was totaled and my insuranced paid it off ($13,000) it wasnt my fault but im 20 and ive been driving for 3 years but recently got my license last year. i was already paying 250 a month, how much more will i have to pay?? my car was an 05 altima. now its a case of he ran a red light, versus she ran a red light""
Where can I find affordable insurance when living on disibility?
I am disabled and I only earn a certain amount per month, and I also have a wife and child. I just want to cry sometimes.""
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
I would like to buy a car.How much is the price of the car insurance about? I am going to buy a 1300cc car.?
Insurance E-bike?
I live in california and I would like to know if I need an insurance for my e-bike if I hit someone or something. If you could post the web page you found it on that would be nice. Thanks
Does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies for new drivers?
I am coming up to 19 (1 week) and have had my UK Full Manual license since December 2012, it's now May 2013. I have tried everything to find cheap car insurance online and it's virtually impossible! I don't know if it's my area that I live causing it to be so high, or my lack of experience with driving. I have tried different addresses (i.e. family members) not in to be fraudulent but to see if it is the area, which is proving to be quite true. But I've tried insurance comparison websites and asked friends who they got their insurance from and still no good. My cheapest quote is around 2,000 which I just can't afford. I am going to university in September and will be going on various placements within the weeks I am there, so a car would really help get me to places easily. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on lowering the cost of insurance, somehow? I've tried all these telematic sites but it's still too high. Also, could anyone recommend any sites I could try for my insurance quotes? N.B. I haven't purchased a car yet (as there is no point if I can't afford insurance) but is there a year which can help to lower the cost of car insurance? Such as, rather than having a 10 year old car (03 reg) having a 3-4 year old car? Any specific year? Thanks very much.""
What happens after you buy car insurance online?
Just curious as I'm planning on buying a years insurance for the first time in my life (I'm 17) from the post office website. Either that or could I pay at my local post office branch? I'm so close to getting my own car and then insuring it seems so simple that every time I think of it I start to physically shake!!! Thanks!
Car insurance for rural carriers for usps?
Doen anybody know if your car insurance rates go up if you are a rural carrier for usps ? I have state farm insurance and have been a little nervous my rates would go way up.
What's a site I can use to see how much car insurance would be?
I want to see an estimate
""I drive a work vehicle 5 days a week, shouldn't I get a low rate insurance for my own car?""
I've started a new job few months ago, where I'm provided with a work vehicle (insured by my work) and I drive this work car 5 days a week (Monday thru Friday) ... I still have my own car and I'm not getting rid of it, but the question is shouldn't I get a lower rate insurance for driving my car only in weekends, if any?""
Why do we NEED car insurance?!?
Why is it the LAW that we have car insurance?? I honestly think it's stupid. Shouldn't we, as free Americans, be able to make the choice of whether or not we want insurance, and still legally drive a vehicle, as long as we have a license, at our own risk? Kind of like if you go skiing or snowboarding, you go at your own risk, you're not forced to get skiing insurance , or boarding insurance , or anything like that. I mean, think of this situation: I have no insurance, and I wreck into somebody. They have insurance, so they are covered. I don't, so I will either have to get rid of my car, or pay for repairs myself; that's the risk I took and this is how I'm paying for it, by being car less or spending tons of money on repairs. But why must we be forced by law to have it, or NO DRIVING FOR YOU says big ole' government?? This is angering me because I'm currently in college, without a car, and while I can walk to my work and school, it's still about 30-45 minutes each way to walk, and if I could get an old car for cheap, it would make my life MUCH easier and less of a hassle.""
Is a mazda 3 a sports car too a insurance company ?
will a insurance company consider a simple mazda 3 a sports car ? like not a mazda 3 speed , just a normal mazda 3 sedan 4 door""
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Need cheap no-name insurance companies for motorcycle insurance?
Well, i live in Florida where motorcycle insurance is not required at all. But I need comprehensive insurance at least (and maybe liability too) so that I wont have to cry over a stolen bike after a week of purchase. I'm buying this bike in cash (2008 ninja 250R) and still big insurance companies like progressive and geico will charge me a thousand bucks a year for liability and comprehensive coverages alone. So, I need to know the names of some small insurance companies who wont use their big and flashy names to jack up their prices. please help. I dont wanna pay 1000 bucks a year for a 3500 dollar bike. Thanks.""
Fast old car that isnt cost millions to insure?
I am 17 i understand that the insurance on a very fast car would be millions! but i was wondering does anyone know an old fastish car that the insurance isnt tonnes and tonnes of cash in the UK
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
Why has my car insurance went up?
mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?""
Report to insurance or not?
i was driving down the freeway yesterday and a rock hit my windshield. it now has two huge cracks. and i have to get it replaced i know it cant be repaired. my deductible on my insurance is $500, should i report it to the insurance or not? would it be cheaper to just fix it myself?""
No insurance ticket?
I got a ticket today for no insurance. I know I can go to court and show proof of insurance and just pay court costs. After I show the court my insurance card, are they going to contact the insurance company to make sure it is valid? I'm sure you know why I am asking.""
What is the cheapest motor vehicle insurance company in NY right now?
I wanted to know if anyone knew of any good insurance companies with low rates. I'm kinda sick of the one I have now Geico. Service is not great, guess they spend too much money on commercials and none on customer service. Any info would be great! Thanks.""
What is the best health insurance company to go through for maternity insurance.?
What is the best maternity health insurance company to go to in Tennessee. Me and my hubby want to start having a family and need to get some insurance.
What are the cheapest insurance companies in Canada?
What are the cheapest insurance companies in Canada?
Emergency answers asap! Cheapest car insurance just to be legal?
We just need to drive from texas to PA, and we're not going to keep the plan. we just need to be kept legal from pa to texas, i realize we'll need 6month car insurance (assuming temporary car insurance is a myth) we need to leave tomorrow and we will be on the road a few days geico dropped us immediately after a car side swiped us, so that is on the record. yes, the cancellation is effective. we don't have time to investigate, I really just need cash numbers or whatever advice you may have.""
Where can I find cheap health insurance?
My wife is epileptic and health insurance is difficult to find for her due to her pre-existing condition anyone know what I can find.?
About how much would the insurance for 16 year old driving a 1997 Chevrolet Camaro?
In Missouri about how much would car insurance be a 16 year old with good grades be for a 1997 chevy camaro, or a 1997 pontiac firebird. And also, what is the cheapest car for a 16 year old to insure? Thanks""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm going to be seventeen soon and I'm just curious how much it will cost to insure me. My parents have USAA and they have some kind of family type plan with me my sister and both of my parents. I will probably be driving this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I don't care about your opinion of the car, and I don't need a lecture on the fact that I shouldn't street race I just want a ROUGH estimate of how much it will cost per year or per month or whatever you can find""
How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?
How does a LAPC in Georgia get on insurance panels?
Is it okay to drive an unregistered car with insurance in California?
I'm in the process of getting the paperwork for registration, but it's taking longer than expected. The previous party (who I bought the car from) already gave up title to the car. I have the bill of sale and insurance and have been staring at an undriven car. Can I drive it? What are the consequences?""
How much would insurance be on a 1993 mazda miata mx-5?
i am a 17 year old that has already had one speeding ticket if that helps.....but how much do you think the insurance might cost?
Will 3 points increase my car insurance by much?
if so how much? Is it very bad to get 3 points?
Whats the cheapest insurance company?
I need to know the cheapest car insurance to use? I'm an 18 y/o female single living in Portland,OR I graduated Ive never been in a car accident I took drivers Ed The car ...show more""
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
How much did using my SSN to get a car insurance quote hurt my credit?
Motorcycle Insurance?
Ive been trying to find online quotes but am unable to (don't know why, but they cant give me a quote online). Anyways I was just wondering what insurance company would you recommend for motorcycle insurance? I want to buy a bike, I don't have my M1 (because I don't want to take the test before getting the bike), and obviously I've never taken the motorcycle course. Yea I know it would be hard to get a quote given that I have zero riding experience or licensing but cmon do you really expect me to get my license only to have it expire in 90 days without even having a bike yet? Anyways when you started out what kind of insurance were you paying and with who? Also is 600cc pushing it? will that screw me over for insurance? I was looking into getting a honda 600. Thanks!""
Can 2 insurance policies go on 1 car ?
hello all .. i sold my car today basicly because i couldnt insure the insurance or fuel anymore as my hours have been cut in work . now my question is .. can i insure my mums car which is already insured by her .. reason i ask is if i cancel my current policy i will have to pay the full years worth of the car i had previous which would be 1000 pound , so i was thinking to insure my mums car to keep my insurance going ? is this possible ?""
What is the cheapest/best home insurance right now?
my home insurance just went up from roughly $800 to $1300 a year! Is their a better, more affordable one out there? Thanks""
How much is car insurance?
i'm 18 n i want 2 get a car very soon. i'm paying for my own insurance so i want 2 get an idea of an estimated price. if i get a care made between 1999 n 2005. so if any1 has an idea can u please help me out
Adding car insurance to existing insurance...?
I don't have any car insurance, and never had any, but my elder brother does. He has his own car as well. I read it somewhere that it's cheaper to add a name to an existing car insurance because first-time drivers usually have high insurance. If I were to do that, will I have to drive the same car as my brother does? Can I buy another car and add my name to existing insurance of my brother? I apologize in advance if it sounds like a stupid question. This is my first time and I don't have any experience with this. Thank you in advance.""
How much do teens pay for car insurance a month?
If i am 17 years old buying a brand new 2009 car sedan about how much will i pay monthly on insurance?
aaa car insurance quote nc
aaa car insurance quote nc
Do you have to pay for insurance if you get your learners permit in California?
I am 15 and am getting my permit next week and I was wondering if I would have to pay for insurance if I drive my parents cars.
Average cost for motorcycle/scooter insurance?
Im considering getting a scooter or small motorcycle, and was just trying to estimate my monthly payments, including insurance. Could you please give me an estimate or exact numbers on how much i should expect to pay? And is it generally cheaper with a smaller bike? cheapest with a scooter? Im 25, no accidents or tickets whatsoever, and am looking for something between 80 and 250 ccs.... Thanks!!!!!!!""
Do you need to buy the car before getting insurance for it?
I am looking for my first (used) car from a private seller, and I would like to be able to drive it home, so will I have to buy insurance for it before I buy it? And will I have to own the deed before I get the insurance?""
""How much would it cost me for motorcycle insurance in toronto, ontario?""
I'm 16, going on 17 in march, and have my G1. I have a 1984 Honda cm250 custom that has been sitting in the garage and I've decided I'd like my M1 as well. Before I get it I was interested in how much I would be looking at paying for it per month/year. It would be used for pleasure, to get to and from school, and the odd day to go driving, probably less then 12 000km a year. If there's any info missing I'll gladly add it in. Here's all the info on the bike: Years Manufactured: 1982 - 1984 Category: Classic, Custom Engine & Transmission Engine Displacement: 234.00 cc (14.28 cubic inches) Engine Type: Four Stroke Twin Horse Power (kW): 17.00 (12.4) @ 7500 Compression Ratio: 9.4 : 1 Compression Pressure: 170.7 psi (12.0 kg/cm2) Bore x Stroke: 2.09 x 2.09 in (53.00 x 53.00 mm) Valves Per Cylinder: 2 Fuel Control: OHC Ignition System: CDI Cooling system: Air Gears: 5 Number of Plain / Friction Plates (cutch): 6 / 6 Transmission Type / Final Drive: Chain (1982, 1984) Belt (1983) Weight (including oil and gas): 317.5 lbs (144.0 kg) Top speed: ~75 mph (120 Km/h) Fuel Efficiency: ~50 mpg, city (21 Km/L) Engine & Transmission Front Wheel Dimensions: 18 in Rear Wheel Dimensions: 16 in Front Tire Dimensions: 3.25S18-4PR Rear Tire Dimensions: 110/90-16 59S Front Tire Pressure: 25 psi (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire Pressure: 25 psi (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire Pressure (>200 lbs): 32 psi (2.25 kg/cm2) Front Fork Travel: 5.5 in (140 mm) Front Fork Oil Capacity: 4.56 fl oz (135 cc) Rear Fork Travel: 2.9 in (75 mm) Front and Rear Brakes: Expanding Brake (hub) Engine & Transmission Spark Plug Type (NGK / ND): CR7HS / U22FSR-U Electrical System Voltage: 12 volts Alternator Output: 190 watts @ 5000 rpm Fuel capacity (total): 3.3 gal (12.5 lit) Fuel capacity (reserve): 0.4 gal (1.5 lit) Oil Capacity 1.6 qt (1.5 lit)""
Got a fine for no car insurance.?
I got a fine for no car insurance in CA, what will possibly happen to me? I'm fearing the worst...although there should be no excuse for it I didn't have the money at the time.""
Cheap Auto Insurance (Liability)?
I need to register my tags which has expired. I know I need to be insured before doing so. I am looking for an Insurance company whom would insure me today with all proper documentation (today) . Does anyone know of such a company with affordabile rates? Ex: $45.00 or less monthly. I live in Georgia outside Atlanta.
What are your opinions on insurance companies?
hello there.... I need to know what do you guys think about insurance companies.... thanx in advance :) P.S:- it is a school project
If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?
If my camera is in my car and it is stolen will my auto insurance cover it?
How much would insurance be on property based business?
i have a few acres and was wondering what the insurance would be if i decided to open up a atv/rv park on my land~i would have a waver that made sure all that rode would be rideing at their own risk etc.plus any other limations you could think i might come acrross~
What Classic Cars are cheap and cheap to insure?
I'm coming up to a point in my life when I need to buy a car. (16 years old UK). I want to get a classic car like a classic VW Beetle or an Austin Mini, something with real character and not a typical first car like a Peugeot 106. Have you any suggestions on some cheap cars to insure and ones that you can buy the car for less than about 600-700 used? Thanks.""
""The shutdown has cost 22 Billion in 11 days, how much health insurance would that buy?
in your opinion
""Is it normal for car insurance to cost more than the previous year, even though I made no claims?""
My insurance is coming to an end soon, I last paid 689 for car insurance and was going to consider staying with the same company and let them renew my insurance automatically but then they said that this year it would cost me 978. Isn't car insurance supposed to reduce a little each year? I know prices can change but I have not made no claims yet they are asking for over 200 more this year, is that normal? Other companies that I have used for more than a year in a row have always gone down in price each year but this one is going up?""
Insurance for a 16 year old. ?
I turn 16 on December 30th, and i can get my license on January 4th. I know insurance costs less if you have a 3.0 or something like that in California, thats the state i'm asking about. Our new semester starts when we go back to school on the 3rd or something like that and i will have all a's. I was wondering if anyone knew if they look at those grades, or the final grades from the semester before? this is for the deduction on the insurance, anyone know?""
Affordable health insurance for self employed in Missouri?
Affordable health insurance for self employed in Missouri?
Average motorcycle insurance cost for 17year old male ?
How much would insurance coverage cost me? I am going to take the rider safety course. I have no previous accidents and have above 3.0 GPA. I want to get a Kawasaki Ninja500 because I heard they are great for beginners and are decent bikes as well. Any tips, advice, general information would be much appreciated!""
Which insurance company offer the lowest price to insure my car? I have a Ford contour 2000 y.?
i need for emergency to insure my car in the cheapest way-very important.That's why i need the best offers from insurance Companyes
Can a cop get life insurance?
With the way the economy is...I am considering being a cop after I finish my degree in human development(good for kid teaching). Anyway, can a cop get life insurance? Does it cost more?""
My own insurance if i file independent?
Im 18, if no one claims me as a dependent on their taxes (so i claim independent), will I be taken off my parents insurance? and if so, is it health or life insurance or both? and what are the best insurance options for me if i have to get my own?""
Car insurance question?
I just turned 16 and got my driving permit. I would be using my grandmothers car and she has erie insurance. My question is.. Am I allowed to practice driving on the car even without getting insurance? She insists that I'm not allowed to unless I get insurance but everyone else I know does it without. She thinks that I am going to get in a crash because I can't keep my room clean. (wtf?)
""I'm just wondering, is there anyone here who can't get health insurance?""
If you do have it, how do you get it? and if you don't have it, why not? Spiritually speaking, of course""
What auto insurance should I have for a car that stays in garage?
I live in California, I do have a car that I am not using anymore and it stays in the garage until I decide to sell it. By California law, is there any law that you must have insurance for car? even if it is not being used. if there is a law then what is my best options for auto insurance? Thanks, I appreciate any answer!""
Student health insurance...please help?
So, I'm looking for my first health insurance since becoming independent. What is a reasonable amount for the deductible and monthly payments, coinsurance and the price per office visit? I really have no idea...thanks for any advice. i'm a full time student btw and i'm 19 female""
Can I stay on my parents auto insurance policy if I move out?
I am covered under my parents' insurance policy (Ontario), but am planning to move out on my own. I do not own a car but I want to maintain coverage so that I have a good rating when I do decide to get one, and for the rare time I borrow their car. Can I stay on their policy even though I live elsewhere?""
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
Who should I trust when it comes to auto insurance?
I am looking for Auto Insurance but want to deal a company I can trust.
aaa car insurance quote nc
aaa car insurance quote nc
Best car insurance for 17 yr olds?
been quoted silly money for car insurance...anyone know who is cheapest for 17 yr old 1st time driver????
Will my car insurance go up because i have a child with a driver's license?
Hello, I am writing from Tucson, Arizona and I have 2 teenage sons (16 & 17) that both live in Wayne County, Michigan (near Detroit). The boys live with my ex-husband and he wont let them get their driver's license because he claims 'his insurance rates will go up'. ???is this true???? (I have a 21 year old daughter and when she was 16 with her driver's license I just excluded her from my insurance with one company and when I switched to another company, I just ommitted telling them I had a teenage driver. Does anyone know who this works in Michigan, Harper Woods, Michigan, I believe he has just a local company with no-fault insurance, state basic minimim insurance. ???Or if the boys do have to get their own insurance when they do get their own car, does anybody know the best rates for new teenage drivers with a good record???? thanks""
Healthcare Homework help?
Here is what i need to find: 1) explore insurance costs for patients with and without cancer 2) will the new Obama healthcare act help patients with cancers be able to access affordable health care insurance rates? 3) do hospitals have the right to reject some patients and refuse care? 4) what are the local, state, and federal laws regarding right to treat? Okay so i've already done some research but some of the questions are kinda vague and im having trouble figuring out what to say and finding info...especially #1. It's supposed to be placed on a poster board for a showcase so it needs to be nice. I dont know much about healthcare so i dont know what i need to focus on?""
Why are insurance group 1 cars so expensive?
Looking at insuring a car - in the UK we have insurance groups for cars, I can look at an Astra in group 16 and second hand I can see decent ones for 500-1000, but when I look at the shittiest cars known to man, the ones in group 1 - they are all 5000-7000 minimum SECOND HAND. Why the hell is this? If I wanted to be ****** in the *** financially, I'd rather it be with the insurance because at least I'd have a decent bloody car.""
Insurance Question?
If I am pregnant and my current employer provided insurance covers maternity but then my husband gets a job out of state and we must move will his comparable insurance pick up my maternity costs even though it is a pre existing situation?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
How much does insurance cost for a new young driver with a brand new car in newyork city?
Cheapest Motorcycle insurance?
I have a job & have paid my car insurance fully each month since I was 16 it was expected of me. I also tend to pay for my motorcycle insurance I have 2 jobs & go to College. I have had 3 speeding tickets 2 in 2008 & one in 2009 2 were around 10MPH over & the 3rd was around 15ish. I have my reasons for speeding regardless drive down the interstate & find more then 3 people that don't speed..SERIOUSLY I HAD PLACES TO BE cops are prejudice. Anyway I want a 02 or newer Motorcycle & state farm is my current provider although I know that are Top Of The Line & I just want the cheapest insurance for motorcycles. I understand my rates will be higher then average but I turn 21 in a year and it can only drop. I just need some Input here. Thank you!
How much would insurance be for...?
A 2001 Audi TT, Turbo I think. It would be for a 16-17 year old. Kept in the drive way or a locked garage. I think the car itself is about $6,000 without tax. Dont tell me abunch of stuff like all these statistics and stuff like depending on .... I just want your personal opinoin/rough estimate how much it would be per year or month. I would probably be the occasional driver, and my dad would probably be the primary driver, even though Id drive it more often. Just give me a rough estimate in your opinoin.""
Help Buy Auto Insurance!?
Hi, Just bought a care and now as a second step looking for a auto insurance, must be cheap, reliable and have a good history of dealing with auto insurance. Regards!""
Car insurance???????????????
im 17 and bout 2 insure my car, iv got 1 year no claims bonus on a moped, can that be used to save money on my car insurance.??""
Car Insurance quotes - when you get an online quote and it asks you?
how much your car is worth, do you quote the price you paid for it or its present price..? I ask because if you think about it you could have bought your car last year for 12, 000, and one year later it's worth 9,000. If you car is written off it isn't as ther inusrance company will pay out on the amount you paid for the car.. this happened to my brother and they only paid the value it was worth on the day of his crash which was considerably less....""
How much will my insurance increase after I got a DUI?
I'm an 19 y/o male. I already know I made a bunch of big mistakes in my life, I just want to know how much this portion will cost.""
""I am buying a used innova car, will the car insurance be in my name?
The car is having a loan of Rs 350000/- & i am planing to take over the loan. But if any thing happens to the car in the loan period will the insurance company pay to me or the owner who has made the insurance.
Used 2006 mustang v6 insurance for teens?
how much do you think insurance will be for a teen ages 16-17. (estimate) will it be cheap or expensive because it is used. and what if it is under the parent's plan? thank you
""Does car insurance go down when you move to a different state, if so how do i lower mine? (see details)?""
I used to live in LA and my car insurance was 46.00. Well, I went to progressive and did a quote with my new address which is in TX and my car insurance quote is for 26.00. How do i go about getting these new rates since I no longer live in Louisiana.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I'd like to know the insurance price for a 1.8 litre car, about 5 years old, driver being older than 26 years old, and no claims bonus not included, in different countries. In Ireland I get a quote about 1,200 Thanking you all in advance !!""
""Heres another crock of feces, about car insurance!?""
Apparently I didnt get the lowest rate because I didnt open an account or have a loan before age 25. What the F? does that have to do with the ability to drive a car? Also not because of no history of car loans or leases. Once again, What the F? does that have to do with the ability to drive a car? Also not because I have 2 accounts in good standing. I need more? or less? Once again, What the F? does that have to do with the ability to drive a car? Your company has never paid one dime to me or because of me. YET YOU BASE YOUR PREMIUMS ON NON RELATED ISSUES! F?ING BITE ME, WHAT A BUNCH OF SCAM ARTISTS! No wonder people commit insurance fraud. Because insurance companys F? you all the time. Another good one, recoupment fee. If you get money you have to pay it back. What was the purpose of the insurance in the first place? Now I know why we need billions of gallons of oil so much. Vaseline is a by product.""
How much would the treatment cost for stage 3 non-hodgkin's lymphoma if you didn't have insurance?
My friend put a friend of hers who was just diagnosed with stage 3 Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in touch with me today, but I really don't know how to help her. She's 21, fresh out of college but unemployed, and does not have insurance. I don't know why she wasn't still on her parents' plan, or how student healthcare insurance works. She's terrified not just about the diagnosis itself but the cost. She was already financially strapped and trying to figure out how to pay for housing after college. I had Hodgkin's Lymphoma at 16-17, but my parents have insurance, and they are the ones who handled the bills. I never paid for anything myself so I really don't know about the cost involved. I saw one bill for my radiation and was literally shocked-still by the amount. It was like $1500 for each treatment I think, and I was getting them Monday-Friday then. Chemo was much more, but I never saw a bill for it so I really don't know the price. I did see a bill for one night I spent in the emergency room when I had this awful infection and a terrible fever, and without insurance that one night would have been over $7000! With insurance I think it was like $2400. All of my treatments and doctor's offices are in posh medical facilities in affluent parts of Los Angeles like Beverly Hills and Westwood / Bel Air, so perhaps that's why my medical care was so much. I honestly don't know. I wish I knew how to support or advise this girl. She's too old to attend the support group I went to, and I don't really know that much about NH-L because it's quite different than HL. I was fortunate to never have to be concerned about the finances, and I don't even know what the total amounted to since my parents won't tell me. They said, that it's not my concern. It was all medical care for me, so you'd think it would be my concern, but whatever. Will her oncologist's office help her to find financial support? How does that even work? What do they do if you can't pay? It would suck if she had to file bankruptcy this early in her life. Won't that keep her from getting a job, a loan for a house, and everything else? She went to USC. Can recent alumni be treated at their hospital for a reduced price? I was treated at UCLA, and I think at UCLA students can get medical care at a reduced cost. At my school I think we can as well. I don't know. You just show your student card. All bills are sent to your parents, so I don't know how it works. What should I tell her? She wants my help. All I really know to do is to send her the links I have on my profile. I can give her emotional support, but am clueless about financial support. What's the total cost of this going to most likely be for her?""
Cheap cars to insure at 18?
Im looking for some cheap cars to insure for an 18 year old. Stuff like 106 quicky's, gti's, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive been wanting a clio williams but there very dear on insurance if u can give me a price for any of these cars from the top of your head it would help thanks.""
How much would car insurance cost for me if I got a car?
I'm 22 years old and have been driving since I was 18. Never got pulled over, a ticket, or in any accidents since I've been driving. Been on my moms insurance since then but I'm looking into getting my own used car and just curious as to how much it would cost for someone like me.""
How do I drive a new car home if I can't get insurance on it for another 2 weeks?
My insurance company said they need the car title before they can give me insurance on the car. This doesn't make any sense, the dealer say they cannot hold on to the car once it's bought because it's not their responsbility anymore. But I need to buy the car to get the title and the title won't be processed for 1-2 weeks. So once I buy the car I need to take it home but that means driving without insurance, what's going on here is it okay?""
Would a 2001 jetta VR6 be expensive for insurance?
Would it be expensive for insurance, im 17 almost 18 male car costs around 6000""
What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?
Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!""
Is Progressive a good auto Insurance provider?
I have used Geico for years. I have been extremely satisfied with their service. However, my premium is still more than I want to pay. I got a quote for Progressive and it is considerably less. Anyone out there have Progressive and satisfied with them? How have they handled claims in the past? Any other good, reasonably priced auto insurance companies?""
Start up restaurant in chicago need insurance.?
I'm looking for affordable insurance that want break the bank.
aaa car insurance quote nc
aaa car insurance quote nc
0 notes
airoasis · 7 years
Inspiration In Defeat-- My NABBA 2016 Bodybuilding Inspiration
Coming off my efficiency at the NABBA North Britain 2016, im entrusted mixed feelings. Nevertheless the biggest sensation I have inside of me is motivation.In my newest bodybuilding
program, I got in the the"Mr Class 2 "category for the very first time. A huge step up from the amateur category I did relatively well in way back in 2016, placing 3rd at the North Britain, and after that 6th at the NABBA Britain finals. In 2015 I positioned Second and got a welcome to the UKBFF Britain finals, which i decided not to do.I knew the action up to the Mr class would be a huge dive in competition, and I believed I was "ready to rumble". This simply wasn't the case however, which was obvious from my body in the line up versus 6 other bodybuilders.The NABBA North Britain 2016 Program I went into the program understanding I wasn't looking as excellent I ought to( or might)have,
which i'll go over further below. I still wanted to do it, as I didn't look "out of shape". The afternoon judging was satisfying, with a buddy of mine competing in the first timers, a few lads from the health club I train at competing in the Juniors, and another buddy completing in the exact same class as me.The delays throughout the afternoon seemed to make me more anxious as I was just waiting and waiting. I understood there was 7 in my calss after I signed up, and from hearing just a handful of the competitors names, I understood quickly id be coming last.I validated this to myself later that day when I went backstage to pump up and saw my competition.A sense of"wtf am i doing here "conquered me, but I thought fuck it, im here now, absolutely nothing I can do besides get up
on stage.In a line up of 6 other monsters its hard to stick out at a bodybuilding show, however I struck my presents the very best I could, then waited on the night show.The night reveal itself was great. There was a table of 10 family and friends seeing the entire thing. I was enjoying myself up until it was time for me to get back up on stage(I jest). Nevertheless when I heard "and in 7th
place ... Adam Foster"a fire was lit under my arse.Not because I seethed with the decision-- it was fare. I looked the worst on phase. I was dissatisfied in myself for letting myself get last.What Went Wrong?In all honesty, absolutely nothing "major" went wrong. I started my contest the weekend after Christmas, and
before new Year. Lots of time to obtain all set, 17 weeks I think it was.On New years Eve I went for a meal out in a dining establishment. Something I don't normally do throughout contest prep. Outside of this however I was bang on with my food choices, meal
timings, and macros. Throughout contest prep i always aim to be absolute bang on as its the only way to even attempt and build muscle and lose fat at the same time. If you aren't 100%liable for whatever in your diet plan, then you can't anticipate to make correct gains.I saw the very first few weeks as "transitioning"phase from "normal consuming "to full blown contest preparation. Other than the really unusual meal out someplace, in which I kept my food options standard, a chicken and rice, steak and potato, i was quite full on from week 17 out.I came down with tonsillitis on New Years Eve, and was ill with that for about 2 weeks. I lost well over a stone because duration, and sadly it wasnt all fat.I felt so weak, and might hardly train when I had it, however a few weeks into prep i felt"back to typical "and I really think this assisted kick start some of my fat loss, as the bloating I had before beginning prep instantly went. Not the way id recommend to lose weight, but hey it worked.Following this, I was improving almost week on week. Something that normally doesn't take place for me during my contest preparation.
I was dieting on 400g carbs practically all the way through my contest prep. I did a week of carbohydrate biking to burn some more fat, but in all honesty, it wasnt really required. I ended up increasing my everyday carb consumption to 450g of carbohydrates, and i will still burning fat.I was just doing cardio 3 times a week, typically id be doing it each day, or 4 times a week at 40 minutes. Whatever was complementing my diet, training and exercises at simply 30 minutes cardio, and a constant carbohydrate intake.I was 6 weeks out and looking on point. Then things went hectic.As a little background, I work in digital marketing. I work a day job, but I likewise lecture at University to marketing students. Outside of this, I likewise run my own web tasks and provide freelance work.Everything outside
of the gym, had a massive effect on my fitness center life, and it just went downhill from there.Full Time Task Modification Increased Workload With University Lecturing Increase In Individual Web Tasks Boost In Freelance Work Organisation Trips I had actually an increased workload, between my day task, lecturing, and totally free lance work, I was running myself into the
ground. I was working long days, and going on service trips, captured up in conferences, missing out on meal timings.The finest service meeting I had was actually heading down to the Myprotein Headquaters. I was welcomed due to the my protein discount codes I publish, and due to the fact that of some
of the myprotein supplement reviews(its likewise how I get all my
bodybuilding supplements dirt inexpensive )Absence Of Focus, Absence Of Motivation I was going to sleep tired, awakening exhausted. This had a direct effect to my exercises, I simply couldnt train as hard as I desired to.I was having a meal out possibly when every 2 weeks, Wagamamas particularly. Their beef and rice bowl."Clean eating"however the exact macros-- i didn't understand. I lost focus, observed progress was actually reversing, and lost motivation.I began going through the motions. Not what you have to be doing when in contest preparation. Outdoors of my usual bodybuilding workouts and cardio sessions, I likewise started Mixed Martial Arts training. This was something I did when I was more youthful. I was doing this for a few weeks, a few times a week, on top of all my other training. I never ever hurt myelf during my brief stint of training throughout this contest prep, but it definitely disrupted my recovery and workouts.I never ever missed out on a workout, or a cardio session, but my sessions just weren't as intense as they required to be. I was essentially fitting my workouts in around my working day, to allow me spare time on an evening.As such, I was training at an Xercise 4 Less industrial gym through the week. Its not a bad fitness center, it simply made me lack drive. Its fine for cardio, but i've discovered that in order to get the finest from my weight exercises, I require to train at my routine gym in Hartlepool, preferably with training partners on big days such as legs, or chest.This became a cycle, as the lack of focus for bodybuilding implied I wasnt consuming over my meal timings, and meal preparation beforehand. Instead I was just eating around lectures, without appropriate planning. I was often forgetting to prep my rice, so buying microwave rices, which have higher fats.It was just a combination of a great deal of things leading to a poor end result.Lessons Learned Bodybuilding is all or absolutely nothing As quickly as you begin to half arse your diet plan, or exercise, whether deliberate or not, you're losing your time. Sure I could go on vacation, or on a beach, walk with my t t-shirt off and look good-- however that isn't really competitive bodybuilding.For me, i got too focused on work, and took some of
my focus far from bodybuilding. Long term is that a bad thing? Not always. Im dealing with my profession, which will pay long term dividends. Is it bad for my bodybuilding. Yes.What I have to do is balance this. Rather than requiring myself into the fitness center when is practical so i have more leisure time on an evening, I require to stick to my strategy, since it works.Sticking to the diet plan is essential This if obvious, and its not a lesson i've learned
here, its simply something i have to hammer down on.I know that swapping a meal or post exercise shake for a protein bar isn't really optimal.I know that waiting 6 hours between meals, then making up your macros on an evening isn't as effective(for me a minimum of) as routine meals.Its just something that with a larger workload, I kinda ignored and believed"it will do". It wont do, it didnt do. Don't Get Arrogant Kid 6 Weeks out I got complacent. 6 weeks out is when things began going in reverse.Its something i have actually never ever done, and I can only envision that because of an absence of focus, and prioritising other things, I did get contented, which resulted in the above.I cannot and will not do it again.Don't Compete Unless You Can Devote
100% 100 %or nothing is an age old, cheese filled cliche quote, but it applies.If you have a focus on building a business, raising
a family, relationship, studying towards a degree, or other commitments there is
nothing wrong with that.Bodybuilding is a selfish way of life and self-centered sport. You need to make sacrifice to a particular degree, and put other focuses on the back burner throughout contest prep.If any of your dedications indicate you cannot put 100%into your bodybuilding 100%of the time throughout a contest prep, then you cannot
anticipate to position well.I've learned this the difficult way and im now able to speak from experience.Refocused & Motivated For Bodybuilding As someone who completes, and has put last, this has actually been an enormous kick up the arse. I remained in the gym 9 o clock Monday morning, pushing harder through a chest exercise.
Harder than I had actually provided for the past 5-6 weeks.Tuesday I trained with Eddy Ellwood for a Quad exercise, as Im typing this, im in fear of standing and sitting, as there is a slight(
see incredible )pains in my legs. Its a naughty however nice sensation-- and I love it.Im going to be refocused with my exercises, meals, meal timings, weight sessions, and cardio sessions. Basically, ive got a fire under my arse, and its not going out.If you want to keep up to date with my training, and receive my workout ideas, supplement evaluations or get diet
motivation then sign up for my newsletter or follow me on; http://www.facebook.com/shreddybreklol!.?.!http://www.youtube.com/shreddybrek!.?.!http://www.twitter.com/shreddybrekgym!.?.!http://www.instagram.com/shreddybrekgym!.?.! The post Motivation In Defeat-- My NABBA 2016 Bodybuilding Motivation appeared first on Shreddybrek.
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