#i will get it back even if its gonna be an ugly fight the entire time
shotmrmiller · 3 months
im ngl i've been driving myself insane with the thought of harboring Ghost in your home. Like in the 09 mission The Hornet's Nest where Roach falls off the one roof?
Yeah, make that Ghost and there's no other choice but for the guys to leave him behind. The LZ is too hot, the enemies are swarming like moths to a flame.
The floor comes to him.
He grits his teeth at the agony, choking back a scream. Ghost just fell off a height that should've broken at least a couple ribs; maybe they did, he doesn't know, there's too much adrenaline coursing through his veins.
He's seeing duplicates, the buildings in front of him blurred. There's buzzing in his head, loud like bees. His chest aches, it burns with the lack of oxygen. His throat feels swollen as he wheezes; each breath feels like shards of glass in his lungs.
The white noise dissipates slowly. His vision realigns, lines and details sharpening. The unseen force that squeezed his throat finally lets go, setting him free from its deadly hold., his chest expanding to the point of discomfort— deep inhale, loud exhale.
Breathe. Focus.
There's radio chatter in his ear— Price snarling at Nikolai to fucking wait, that they can't leave him there in the hornet's nest but even with his vision blurred, Ghost can see that they're getting lit up, and he's not gonna have the entire team blow to bits in the helo over him.
He's just one man, and there's a whole world to save.
There's a searing pain in his arm when he shifts, he can't remember the last time his eyes welled up with tears, but fuckin' hell does it hurt.
His hand trembles violently, and it takes him a couple of tries to finally get his thumb to firmly press down on the button of the radio in the front of his tac vest.
"Leave me! Just go!" he roars.
Price argues back that no man is to be left behind, but Ghost can hear far too many voices in a different language get louder. They'll be killed hovering in the air like that.
"Price! Go!"
The voices in his ear are deafening. He rips off his headset, letting it sit around his neck.
The helicopter above him disappears.
The avalanche of footsteps gets closer and with a strangled noise that scrapes the back of his throat, he moves. Move to safety, get away from them, hide.
Ghost pushes forward until he stumbles, falling onto one knee— using his injured arm to stabilize. White hot pain licks from the wrist up, flames threatening to consume him whole.
A few stray tears escape the corners of his eyes.
He's too blinded by the throbbing in his body to realize that someone is grabbing his other arm.
"Can you hear me?"
Ghost thinks he might be hallucinating your voice. His agony is transcendent.
"Hey! We don't have much time!"
He turns his head to his left, and there you are. A civilian, by the looks of it. And you're trying to lead him away. Where? Are you leading him to a trap?
"Quickly! They're almost here! I can hide you, but you need to get on your feet!" you piped.
Ghost gets up without a fight, decision-making dulled by everything he's feeling.
"Come on, this way!" Your hand grabs his forearm tightly as you drag him away. He trudges behind you, breathing ragged.
Clarity comes and goes, but then he feels your small palms push him forward, into your tiny home.
His eyes drag as he takes in his surroundings. A tiny television in the living room to his left, and an ugly brown couch placed in front of it. To this right is your kitchen, food still steaming on the stove, and a scratched teak dinner table with just two chairs sits by a dirty window.
"Okay, okay. They shouldn't come in here, but if they do, I want you to go to the bathroom and sit in the tub with the curtain closed. Understand?"
His chin tips forward unbidden.
"Good. Uhm, I saw that your right arm is injured. A makeshift splint will have to do, alright?" You briskly walk away, opening the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink.
Ghost stiffens, swallowing thickly. If you pull anything underhanded, he's going to have to kill you.
The tension melts from his shoulders when he sees that you're simply pulling out a first aid kit, and some other stuff to wrap his most likely broken arm up.
You pull out a chair before opening the kit. "Sit. I'm not standing while I do this."
He huffs but complies. "Yes, ma'am." Unafraid to order a stranger around. How peculiar.
The minutes drag on, each one more agonizing than the last. It's a relentless cycle of pain... until it finally stops. The residual pain makes him dry heave.
"Whoa there, please don't puke."
Ghost gives a pained chuckle. "I'll try."
Your fingers tighten the knot in the fabric. "Can't say it's pristine, but it's better than having your arm dangle uselessly, I think." You stare at your handiwork for a second longer, before rising from your seat.
"I'm not sure who you are, but you look like actual military and not a thug with a gun. Did you have a team?" you quietly ask as you put away the medical supplies.
He cuts his eyes to you and doesn't answer.
"Yeah, I suppose it wouldn't be smart of you to blindly give information I don't need to know."
He shakes his head imperceptibly.
"Right. Well, I'm sure you know that we need to lay low, so unfortunately, that means no tv. Sorry." How cheeky.
Ghost simply hums in response.
He looks down at his injured arm. It's wrapped tightly, enough to keep it from moving but not enough to cut off his blood flow.
Not the work of a regular civilian.
You must've noticed him scrutinizing your work because you speak up. "I've worked in the medical field before. Nothing spectacular, but I can deal with a broken bone or two."
He closes his eyes, feeling the exhaustion of the day creep up on him.
So bloody tired.
Ghost takes a breath and opens his eyes. No rest for the wicked, he thinks.
He puts his headset back on, as well as he can with his one arm.
There's a crackling sound in his ear.
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002yb · 4 months
jason and roy have a longstanding guys being dudes thing where they text each other pics of their gnarly bruises and not too serious wounds so that the other can be like “woah, i can see the tread pattern of the boot just from the bruise!” because these things are cool and gross in the way that dudes find irresistible and here is a guy who will valorize it without all the you should have been better undertone or smothering worry and it escalates until one day when jay gets a fingernail ripped off and his first thought after all the danger and blood is ha! this beats roy’s thing from last week and like they are somewhat aware that its kinda abnormal but their text convos are a safe space free from shame or judgement so its all good until someone gets a glimpse of pure gore followed by a winky face emoji when jason goes to open his phone
Just gonna casually bring this around to something more dickjayroy, because of course I would. All the above, but:
Dick and Roy running a mission together and, while successful, isn't without casualty. It's nothing they won't survive, but they're a little fucked up. Dick more so, but he's a scrapper. He'll survive the wait for first aid while Roy takes some sick and sleazy mirror pics for his boy Jaybird. It's all good.
Dick might be a little concussed and bleeding on Roy's couch, but Roy can't not share the road burn that stretches up his arm and shoulder.
Roy hearing Dick call for him from down the hall. Just a thoughtful check-in of, 'You okay?' Like Dick in his current state of wooziness and pain has the wherewithal to come help Roy if needed. The thought is sweet.
The fact that Dick would find the resolve to help Roy even as Dick is s t r u g g l i n g is mildly horrifying though, so.
Some cute banter as Roy sends his message off, calling out to Dick that he's good but also for validation that Roy looked cool while he was skidding across asphalt earlier. He was, right?
Pffft, Dick trying to be playful/teasing when he agrees, but he's so fucked up that it comes out sounding more genuine than anything and Roy is ;U; as he settles in to take care of his friend. Helping Dick out of the top of his costume only to pause because - wow.
Just Dick lacking all self-awareness. He's hurt. He's tired. He's got someone he trusts looking after him, so. Dick just slouches on the couch, head tipped over the back of it. Boneless. Dazed. Chest and abs a beautiful sight - all toned muscles heaving with shallow breaths, and like. Dick being hot is nothing Roy blinks an eye at, nah. It's the ugly, weeping wound in his side that does. Blood stained and irritated and already showing signs of bruising crawling up his ribs.
Of course the camera comes out. Of course Roy sneaks off a picture to Jason (it only shows Dick's wounded torso, even if Dick's scowl is handsome and deserves to be seen by more people than Roy lol).
Anyway, Dick joking about if Roy got his good side. To which Roy snickers because Dick is all good sides; but yeah, for sure.
Then Roy proceeds to actually tend to Dick's injury. Cleaning, stitching, distracting. Dick being a model patient, disturbingly still although he's sweating through all the pain. Seemingly ignoring Roy, only he'd never. Because whenever Roy stops talking Dick opens his eyes to look at him until Roy starts talking again.
Just Dick finding comfort in the sound of his friend's voice ahhhhhhhhhh. ;A;
In which a Roy and Jason ask becomes entirely Dick and Roy omg. This happens every time but in my defense they're perfect, so.
While Roy's hands are all bloody from patching Dick up, a reply comes through on Roy's phone. Roy telling Dick to check it for him.
Which leads to a little coy game of, 'what's your password?' and 'hah! like you don't know,' and 'if it's not my birthday idk if i'll recover,' and 'bull. what's your password?' 'the day we met ;)' which it isn't, Roy would discover later. Which would lead to lots of laughs and play fighting and it'd be cute af.
Anyway, Dick checking the message and seeing that the picture Roy took of him went to Jason, of all people. Jason - who has no idea who he's looking at.
Letting Dick read the texts is top tier distraction plan, on Roy's part. Also, it ends up being funny.
Just Jason being genuinely confused because he doesn't know about all of Roy's missions and stuff. So he's just like, 'hot damn.' 'i know that's not you who's mr.man?' and extra stuff about the actual injury with Jason trying to figure out what happened and being all thirsty because he'd take a bite fr
And it makes Dick laugh and ow, but it's so dumb
Dick taking the cheekiest photo with Roy that shows how he's stitching Dick up and tbh? Roy thinks it's criminal the sort of devastation Dick can cause when Dick tries. In that same vein, he's just as devastating when he doesn't try. That's neither here nor there though.
Roy cackling as they send off the photo and watching through titters at the ensuing silence, the indication that Jason is texting before he disappears before coming back again and going away.
Something something with Roy and Jason being fascinated by injury and gore. Meanwhile, Dick is all there for the emotional damage and injury through flustered feels. He's w/e about a bleeding wound, but blood rushing to Jason's cheeks in a blush? That's what Dick would want a picture of.
Commence Roy and Dick having their own text conversation that is entirely photos of just that LOL.
Roy's just living his best life and he deserves it.
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choccy-milky · 6 months
Hi! I started reading your story sometime in the last week and I’m OBSESSED! I normally don’t have much patience and can’t get myself to read anything past like 15k or anything that’s still being worked on, but your story hooked me almost instantly! I really liked the description and decided to give it a try and I’m so glad I did. The detailed descriptions you give pull me into the story and the way you seamlessly switch points of view feels so natural. I just wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying reading so far and I’m excited for more! ❤️
AW TYSM😭😭 this means a lot, esp since ive been kinda self conscious about the length of my fic lately (and also how long its gonna end up being once im actually done LMFAO) and ik my chapters have gotten ginormous BAHAHA so im glad that even if you don't usually read long stuff you still gave my fic a try and enjoyed it so much + are looking forward to more!!💖💖so ty again😭🙏 AND as usual i'll be using this to answer other asks:
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thank you and AA im glad to hear it!! a lot of people have been telling me ive been inspiring them to draw lately and i love it (im just sorry i dont have any concrete tips to give people other than keep practicing LOL) but good luck and i hope you keep at it!!🥰🥰
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GIRL IDK, IDEK HOW LONG THE STORY IS GONNA BE, but assuming im still brainrotted even when its done then YEAH u wouldnt be able to stop me if you tried😊 (im glad you like them so much as well, ty!!😭)
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thank you!! and yes i usually have at least a vague idea of what i want in the story before i start, though a lot of it didn't become concrete until i started writing/things evolving from there. i made a big (slightly) vague timeline of the entire fic from beginning to (almost) end, and then i keep fleshing it out from there as the ideas keep coming to me/evolving, and for each chapter i make an even more detailed outline, and THEN i get started on the final chapter. so its a bit of a process bahaha, but the brainstorming is really fun!! as for any advice, im not sure. maybe just brainstorm/write down scenes and ideas that you know for a fact that you want to put in your fic, and then try to find a way to connect them to other scenes from there and work backwards. basically WRITE WHAT YOU WANT TO READ, cuz like im my own biggest fan fr, thats the most important part LMAO
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LMFAO speaking of outlining future events.....this may or may not happen in the future/in an epilogue when clora is pregnant and she got those pregnant woman hormones that seb is fighting for his LIFE to keep up with HAHAHA
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ive been drawing since i was 4 years old so...a while. LOL. and if you even look back to the beginning of my blog, my first drawings of seb were SO UGLY💀💀 so if you just keep drawing you constantly get better naturally (also in response to the other ask you sent as well, i use clip studio paint to draw!)
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AW TYYY. AND YES CLORA WILL HAVE ANOTHER MC MOMENT, the ranrok confrontation is still coming, after all...👀👀 and true, idek who would win if clora and seb duelled again with neither of them holding back, but u are so right. even if clora DID win that would do nothing to change sebs mind about how protective he is LMFAO. THANK YOU AGAIN im glad you like my fic + drawings so much!!💖💖
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BAHAHAH in my fic (for smut reasons and so that they could be 17 when they did the nasty) i made clora's bday april 3rd and sebs february 12, so clora is an aries and seb is an aquarius (and yes i just checked and apparently they ARE compatible, so seb can rest. also i just read up on aquarius and damn it unintentionally suits seb so well?? LOL "Aquarius is undoubtedly the most innovative, progressive, rebellious, and humanitarian. " and "They have incredible energy, though they may not always use it wisely. They find it easy to get through life on charm and good looks." LMFAO. ok king we love that
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pokenimagines · 1 year
SFW | Volo | Fic
How would a... reunion of sorts go down with Volo and Reader post-story. Like there was something there before the whole Twist happened at the Temple, but there was never the chance to explore what that something was.
I don't even know what to say. I am so tired that I legit have no idea the what the words I just wrote were. Queenie is gonna have to work some magic. This is also a big angsty, but has a happy ending.
Rules | Discord Server (16+)
SFW Volo: Research Reunions
It had taken far longer than you anticipated to locate Volo after the...incident. He knew the wilds better than anyone else, so he wasn't exactly easy to track down. Thankfully, you managed to find him in a run down cottage hidden in a grotto.
"Volo..." You called attention to yourself as you hopped off Wyrdeer. You could see the blond man's eyes widen for a moment before narrowing. You could see him reaching for one of the balls on his hip, waiting for you to throw the first shot at him. You just put your hands up, showing you meant no harm.
"What are you here for?" Volo said, deciding you weren't about to be a threat to him. He still didn't want to see you, but at least he knew you weren't there to attack him. Not that he didn't deserve it after trying to actually kill you.
"Is it so wrong for me to want to see you again?" You said, getting closer to him. You could now see him clearly. He had bags under his eyes and his clothes were a bit messed up. His hair was back in its normal style, but you noticed it was a bit longer with a few tangles. "You look like shit..."
"Thanks, I appreciate that." Volo said with some bite to his voice, "Now what do you really want?"
"I just...wanted to see you again is all...really. I've missed you, y'know." You said. Volo looked at you like you grew a second head. He had tried to kill you and restart the world. He had sung about how much he hated your very existence. Now you wanted to...see him? You missed him?
"Why?" His voice was a bit softer now.
"Because...before all this, it's not like we hated one another, right?" You asked, hoping that your entire relationship wasn't built on lies. Before all this went down, you two were close. You'd even considered asking him out at some point; once everything happened, he disappeared. It had taken literal months to track him down. It might be naïve of you, but you wanted to cling onto the hope that he didn't hate you this entire time. That there really was something there.
"I've hated you since the moment I learned about who you were." Volo said, but there was something behind his eyes. You could tell it was a lie, he was telling to himself more than you. You took a step closer, taking his cheek in one of your hands, cupping his face gently. He stiffened up under your touch as you looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Is that really what you think, Volo?" You asked, desperation lacing your voice. You swore you heard your own voice crack near the end. When did these tears start falling from your eyes?
"I...I do." Volo said, pushing you off him, "You ruined everything, you know." He spat at you. You felt a shiver run down your spine at the hatred in his voice.
"If that's what saving you is, then I guess I did ruin everything." You said, getting agitated with the man. "At least I won't lie about what I did. Ya, I fought you, then I fought god himself. And I ruined everything you had worked for. Is that what you wanted to hear?" You asked, placing a hand on your chest.
"This world is disgusting, you know." he said, stepping towards you again.
"It holds beauty despite all the ugly of it." You said without missing a beat.
"How can you say that? Do you not remember when you were exiled from the village, over something you had no control over? You forgive things too easy." He said, looking down at you with pity.
"It's better to forgive then to hold onto all that hatred." You said, "It looks tiring...you look exhausted Volo."
"I'm fine." He said, though his fight was slowly leaving him.
"Like hell you are...I don't care if you hate me, Volo. I still love you, just like I did before all this happened." You said, finally admitting to the bottled up feelings in your chest.
"Then you're an idiot." Volo said and you scoffed.
"Says you..." You murmured, "Did you really never feel anything for me? It was a lie this entire time?"
"I..." Volo said before groaning, "I think what I hate most about you is how much I love you. It's disgusting and unneeded; it's distracting. If i hadn't let my feelings get in the way, I would've succeeded."
You were left speechless at the sudden confession before you let out a sigh and small smile, "Well, at least you're being honest now..." You said, walking over to him and grabbing his hand, "Can we start over, Volo? Before this whole thing started?"
Volo didn't move away from your hand, but he did take a moment to stare at it, "We can't go back." He said, his eyes looking pained, "What's done is done. There's no pretending like this never happened. If I ever tried going to one of the villages, they'd attack me on sight."
"Then let's move forward...you know you always did tell me all about the regions you had visited. They wouldn't know anything that happened." You murmured, playing with his hand. It was warm and felt right.
"You want to leave Jubilife and run off with me?" Volo asked, his voice just letting you know how ridiculous he thought the idea was. "That's the worst plan you've ever come up with."
"Then how about I just stay here with you, on the outskirts of the town. I don't really care about what happens. I've done all I can for Jubilife...the pokedex is complete. I've already done what I've set out to do." You said before looking up at him, "You know...we could always discuss things inside over a cup of tea...I brought some stuff with me."
Volo sighed before giving in, "Fine...you win this time. Come on." He said, already heading to his home with his hand in yours. This wasn't some magical, fairytale kind of love you had always hoped for, but it was the start of something special. You just knew it.
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zaynesaurora · 2 months
so rafayel is as of now my little stool for books since his myth pair isnt coming home, and for celebrating the downfall of my sanity here's a fresh can of worms 🫙 the boys as girl dads:
Zayne's daughter would be Jasmine (its the only right answer I will fight a bear if denied), I feel like she'd be a lil ball of sunshine just jumping off the walls but would try to act serious when her papa is around, Zayne def knows abt her act. He also knows that one candy is all it takes for his lil girl to get her to do anything she doesnt wanna do: veggies are ugly? Oh too bad ig I'll save this candy for next time, dont wanna brush your hair? So you dont want the strawberry lollypop I saved up :(. When bring your kid to work days comes about everyone is just getting whiplashed cause Zayne keeps on switching from work mode to dad mode (also he def makes her go play with the bunnies they keep at the hospital)
Xavier oww Xavier :( mans tired but he stays alive for his little sunshine, half asleep in the middle of a tea party with a tiara on his head. I think he'd want to name her after a celestial body but since Im not too familiar with that stuff I'll leave that up for grabs, or maybe even after sum flowers (imagine xav asking Jeremaiah abt their meaning eueue). I feel like he'd just do whatever she asks of him, mans just folding at any requests and gives us a hard time doing sum discipline; somehow we end up with our little baby and xavier giving us doe eyes cause "why did u say no to her😦". And since Xavier lowkey gives off scary dog priviledge I can just picture him holding hands walking down the street with his lil girl and just throws daggers eyeing at lil boys trying to play with her(someone hold this man back its called play date for a reason)
Rafayel would want to name his daughter obv something sea related, like maybe some old Lemurian names or even after water nymphs so again names are really just up for grabs, maybe mix n match and come up with something brand new yeah? Between him and our daughter idk whos supposed to be the adult tbh 😭 i feel like when his lil girl throws a tantrum he just starts crying along with her, and she'd stop crying cause like ??? . Prepare to come home and just see paint everywhere and a very proud daughter holding a cute little canvas covered in colors all proud, meanwhile Rafayel hiding behind the couch cause he knows a storm is brewing. Also when the kid has a hard time falling asleep u can just hear him humming songs to her until she goes to sleep eueuueue😭
Thats all enjoy my worms, made with love 🧜🏻‍♀️
— you guys are so intune with making me feel things i love girl dad!aus so much you dont understand !!
under a break bc i waffled big time
jasmineeeeee stop im gonna burst she would have a little lab coat and a fake stethoscope:(( and she’d check zaynes vitals im weeping he was designed to girl dad hes so protective of her :(
jabshsja xav the tired dad!! so true,, he was also SO GOOD at settling her when she was a baby bc man can he nap so she was so used to contact naps with him it was near impossible for you to be able to put her down to sleep :/
raf omg hes SO competitive with her its ridiculous but also he’s kinda jealous at the beginning because she gets all your attention and hes just ‘well this is gonna be hell,, what if i waste away’ AND THE FIRST TIME HE CHANGES A DIAPER oh hes definitely dry heaving
who’s baby girl is his entire life and his best friend, she’s like a little tiny version of him they have inside jokes from you and everything😭 and she absolutely gets her heart broken every time he has to go on long work trips but he would make up to her when he returns with little trinkets from where ever hes been and she has an entire shelf dedicated to daddies gifts waaah im melting (he also lets her play hairdresser on him and will come to you about something mundane with two tiny pigtails) anyway let me cry
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cursedvibes · 9 months
To have such a long boring fight that I skimmed over every week just to have Gojo die feels kinda... Pointless?? Idk it just feels anticlimatic af. Villains winning in Jujutsu Kaisen is not a big plot twist at this point. Also I think Sukuna is ugly and needs to be humbled and more than Gojo dying I think he's gonna be all smug now. Unless Gege pulls the same shit that happened during the Toji VS. Gojo fight. Plot twist within a plot twist.
To be honest, I didn't expect him to die either. I thought he would get majorly depowered - just like Sukuna - to make the story more interesting because he clearly couldn't stay just as he was or everything would be over in 10 chapters. But I didn't think he'd bite the dust so soon. It does make some sense though because this entire fight it seemed like Gojo had barely any long lasting plan besides countering what Sukuna throws at him and trying to get hits in when he can, which only worked in Sukuna and Mahoraga's favour and destroyed even more of whatever is left of Megumi's consciousness. The execution was just terrible. I would have less of a problem with it if it was a team effort, but when you send Gojo in there alone with seemingly barely any prep, what did you (protag team) think was gonna happen? At least the other characters will finally have room to move and develop now.
I would have liked Sukuna to take more damage and come closer to losing to spur some character development, but a lot of that is probably saved for his confrontation against the students, mainly Yuuji. Same goes for using more CTs than just Cleave and 10 Shadows and bringing out Yorozu's gift. Yuuji is much better in humbling him anyway, especially in an emotional sense. He's not the strongest, he's Sukuna's ex-cage and in his eyes lowly vermin (that has a unique power over him). It's very easy to get a rise out of Sukuna when Yuuji is around, he's not as collected as with such a far removed opponent like Gojo. That's also why this fight happening at all confused me from the start. Aside from "strength brings loneliness", there is almost no connection between Sukuna and Gojo on a character level and even that barely got any focus. There's the task of freeing Megumi, but Gojo seemed to just forget about that. It's not even a concern to him when he's dying and Sukuna still alive and more or less well.
All that one eye foreshadowing did make me wonder if Gojo would come back somehow, but after the Hidden Inventory reunion and Gojo half lying on the ground it would just feel cheap. Not to mention, that this would be like the 6th death scare we got for Gojo during this fight? Just give it a rest already. "Gojo won!" "nevermind, he's dead" "jk he's alive again" that would just be...bad. These scenes would lose all impact they had. The death scare against Toji worked because it seemed realistic and wasn't danced around ad infinitum. Clearly Gege put more thought into the airport scene than the whole fight (at the expense of Gojo forgetting his students exist), so I think this is it.
While it was pretty bad, most likely the worst fight in jjk, it has to end somewhere and the plot has to move on. Put it out of its misery. The students and remaining sorcerers all working together to overcome Sukuna and Kenjaku is far more meaningful than anything we've seen in the last four(4!) months. There will be stakes, people will have to fight smart and not just rely on pure strength and I'm pretty sure with Yuuji back in action, the character writing will improve again as well.
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lightningonatether · 1 year
Plushie AU: How do Punz and Dream act around Sam post reveal? Does Sam stay in his Plushie form? How do things change as time goes by and the shock of the reveal fades away?
…I have this image of Punz specifically taking revenge against Sam for the prison situation by treating him as a pet cat. Collar and pet toys and everything. 😂
oh god this is a very Thick ask... im not sure i can answer all your questions in one. im gonna focus on short term(say, next few months) consequences of the reveal. i wanted to answer this after i finished my reveal comic but its taking SO DAMN LONG. so instead im answering it now.
dream: he feels... betrayed? maybe not quite the right word. but he was ready to be done with sam. hed given sam a way out. from dreams perspective, this feels kind of like sams obsession rearing its ugly head again. he tried to leave sam behind, give them some distance, and then sam somehow violated his trust AGAIN. it feels, in some ways, more vulnerable than last time. dreams hugged him and cried into his fur for fucks sake, nobody was supposed to see that. to cope with having a guy he just cant seem to get rid of, dream avoids him. he doesnt touch him except when he thinks of something he'd like to test, and doesnt talk to him unless its a short command, he doesnt feed him, he doesnt let him out, he just. doesnt do Anything. that involves sam. he tells punz, you persuaded me we should keep him alive, you take care of him. which punz does :) gladly :)
punz: feels... anger, of course. but most importantly, he feels like he can FINALLY do something to make up for all the ways in which dreams been hurt. he can finally hurt someone back. because sam is now Entirely at his mercy. dream tells him he doesnt care, as long as he doesnt die. so youre right to single punz out. punz is Very interested in taking revenge. hes no stranger to violence and hes got an imagination and a year of pent up frustration to take out. he dedicates a bit of his time to making sure sam will stay perfectly obedient. not even Try to escape. its a thinly veiled excuse to just hurt sam and he wont deny it when sam points it out. it still technically counts as obedience training, right? you take it, you beg, you tell me just how sorry you are, and you dont fight back. because if you do, that just means i have to hurt you harder to make it stick. he thinks sams scum!!! and hes very open about it!!!
(its a funny role reversal. punz is obviously not quackity. dream has to remind himself of that sometimes. and punz is right to be angry, anyway, dream understands why he is, so dream wont stop him. a few times he has to come clean sam up afterwards. neither he nor sam really want to acknowledge how famiiliar this feels)
these also arent like... regular. theyre not planned. punz is having a bad day? sam looks at him wrong? usually he just gets a kick or a glare, but sometimes.. Yeah Hahah. remember i mentioned declawing? thats at the very least a Threat. not sure yet if punz follows through but... its a big possibility.
sams pov will Have to be another ask this is getting long
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Yeah yeah Breg wants to be a dad and all. But how would he be as a dad lowkey??? Like is mans real ready for somethin like that? Its just so cute and funny for me to imagine though lol
This 8ft monster and this tiny baby. Like genuinely tiny. And small. And very vulnerable.
Thinkin bout whether he’d be the kinda dad to try and get the baby to say Dada as their first word or mama-
I do wonder if he can even handle when the kid starts gettin real rebellious and emotional. Like im sure he readied himself for this moment, and cause Reader would warn him bout soon enough their babys gonna say mean things and do hurtful / weird / dangerous + stupid shit. But itd probs hurt when the kid starts saying I hate yous and insults or something when they fight.
Bet he’d dread the day the baby actually grows up and leaves the nest and all that. Ooo as for potential lovers for the kid, would he approve???
Btw i just imagine when the baby has to get their shots and Breg is there watchin reader holdin the baby gettin injected with the needle and as soon as the baby starts crying he prob cries.
In the masterlist, there's a couple of posts that describe how Breg handles parenthood, in different settings of course. Such as Breg with an obsession who takes in a baby breeder, Breg and a "miracle pregnancy", and Breg with a single parent s/o. I think those are useful to give you a basic gist of things.
In general, is Breg ready to be a dad? No, fuck no. Maybe to a breeder hatchling he is, but to a human child? Not even close. He desperately wants to be a dad and has a very optimist mindset about it. The breeder is very willing to learn, but it'll be a challenge.
Whether the bay says "dada" or "mama", he's still overjoyed.
Anything that has to do with hospitals and doctors is extremely stressful for Breg, and he's going to be glued to your back the entire time, wanting to get things over with as soon as possible. The crying has him so tense he might just pop. His skin is constantly flickering and he'll snap at anyone who touches you two without warning. He never quite grows out of this, and you'll have to explain to the kiddo why daddy is so tense around hospitals, in a really soft and age-appropriate way naturally.
Breg has seen many tantrums in his unfortunate time within the facility. Ugly ones, things that mark you, from adults. He can handle most tantrums the kid throws at him without getting scandalized, but the "I hate you"s will kill him inside. Breg won't physically snap at them, but he does leave the situation, instead of addressing and chastising the kid. He's very, very concerned about safety and fights between peers especially, his tendency to shelter needs to be rebuffed every now and then. It'll calm him down if you invest in self-defense classes for the little one.
Lovers are scrutinized lightly, all things considered. Up until heartbreak happens. Oh boy, he's not going to enjoy dealing with that. Remember, Breg is yandere, he will kill for his child if he deems it necessary. While they're underaged, he can and will constantly warn them that mates have to be very carefully chosen and that they're not ready for that. As an adult, the breeder won't interfere too much in his kid's choices, but he will have a couple of tense, definitely threatening conversations with their partner. You know him by now, don't let this happen.
Leaving the nest always hurts, for most parents really. Distract the breeder or he will help himself to your kid's new place, just to make sure everything's okay. I can only picture your poor kid rolling their eyes as they open the front door to Breg snooping around, and then you have to come by to pick your dumbass up.
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callibones · 13 days
new episode of doctor who (Boom!) was almost AMAZING. it was easily my favorite episode of the new season. it was almost a FANTASTIC return to form that i almost THOROUGHLY loved from start to finish!!!!
i just wish theyd stuck the landing. like. Come On....
my favorite episodes are the scary ones. shoutouts to midnight, my Favorite Episode Ever, which i went to go rewatch in a dark room after watching Boom!, for being the like. equivalent of what this episode could've been if it had stuck the landing. because both of them have a LOT of similarities, right?
(spoilers ahead!)
like. one location. almost entirely performance-based, with the doctor doing a lotta the heavy lifting. the doctor's bff DNI. the doctor is in danger and Really Sells It Well with acting. deadly environment ravaged by capitalism. it practically begs comparison! but i'm going to assess Boom! on its own merits in a minute, 'cause i don't like thinking about what things Could've Been. it coulda been anything. but it was this! i'm mainly gonna bring up midnight to talk about the endings of both episodes, cause i think there's something interesting to say there.
first: boom! is BRILLIANT as a suspenseful episode. it had me gripping the table and holding my breath and getting So scared. and its big Twist that there's No Real War was brilliantly foreshadowed and a SUPER COOL REVEAL. i love when the doctor's whimsy gets fractured by their utter disgust for war, and that comes through in Full Force here. ncuti gatwa has been so extremely excellent in every performance he's done, and here he's just Perfect. he plays the fear and the burying of emotions and the disgust and the spite so wonderfully, and he's completely believable the whole time.
so i loved that. and i loved how genuinely gross it is to have a corporate ai reconstruction of a dead guy explain how the corporation valiantly did all they could! that was really well done and i loved the Thoughts & Prayers robots a lot. not just cause i love robots too!!!!
so we had a wonderful and incisive episode that did some really interesting things and had a really scary premise, and then all of a sudden a magic wand gets waved and all the scary and bad things go away. and that's where i soured, because, like... c'mon, man. again, ncuti gatwa plays this excellently, but the writing here is like. Oh look! the AI brought down the Extremely Massive Corporation That's Been Causing Wars offscreen and it's gone now and everything's ok! :-] and the AI is back to being the real guy and everything's all good now.
my opinion's that i like it Much better when the doctor doesn't just like. Instantly solve problems. one of the big reasons the russell t davies era is so beloved is its respect for side characters. at least that's what hbomberguy said. the side characters here are excellent and well done, but they don't get to influence anything! sure, the AI takes down the corporation, but we don't get to understand what that looks like or means or how it happens or how it affects him. he just Goes And Does That.
i like when the doctor has a smaller situation to address, resolves that, and gives people the will to fight on. because he literally NAMES capitalism as the issue in this episode. he scoffs at it and is disgusted by it and horrified by the war economy.
and then instead of giving the audience any hope that You Can Fight Back, a magic ai takes down the corporation. we never get to feel like the corporation is even People. it's naturalized as this Evil Profit-Maximizing Thing, and unlike many of the better capitalism-tackling episodes or just. like. ugly human action tackling episodes, we don't get to feel like the big corporation is something People Chose To Do.
in midnight, we don't get to see the resort fall apart. we hear that they'll PROBABLY move. will they? who knows? but we get something much more chilling that makes me deeply sick to my stomach, and that reflects all of the people in the room and how they're complicit.
when the hostess gives her life, the doctor turns to everyone and asks them: what was her name?
nobody knows. she was just a hostess. this world was just a resort to them. ALL of them were complicit.
that episode doesn't end on a pretty note. it ends on the doctor being genuinely scarred by what had just happened, looking deeply upset and asking donna not to joke about it. which is to say: we don't need a pretty bow on everything! i want to be inspired to care. and also get to walk outta the episode holding onto some of that REALLY WELL DONE fear.
i hope Boom! isn't the darkest this new season gets, because it was PERFECT when it was dark. and then someone reached over and yanked open the window and so much light streamed in that i couldn't see The Point.
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bowiebond · 2 years
Munver body swap AU, they each wake up in the other's body and bed, Eddie proceeds to snoop the hell out of Jason's stuff and may or may not ruin his reputation in the process of what he finds, but I can't decide what Jason would do 🤔
Eddie waking up in a room with a giant king size bed and dark blue sheets and covers; Jason’s room is decorated in basketball posters and trophies, his school books from the previous years on a shelf by his desk that’s kept neat and orderly. But he’s got a poster of JAWS and pictures of him at aquariums, one even with Chrissy, polaroids on his mirror of his teammates and Chrissy. His letterman is tucked in his closet, and his shelves are filled with books on aquatic animals, but mostly sharks.
Eddie is starting to think Jason is a nerd too, honestly. Just in a different way. Probably wants to be a marine biologist if he can’t make a career out of laundry baskets.
His wardrobe is filled with polos and khakis, jeans and jackets that could be confused for a letterman with their shape, but there’s only one with Hawkins Tigers printed on it.
Eddie knows immediately when he looks in the mirror and sees Jason that he’s been hexed or cursed or something. He should be freaking out but his first thought is how good this is gonna be. Rubbing his hands together like the little devil he is and his expressions look weird on Carvers face, but whatever.
He gets dressed (and peaks at what he’s equiped with - he’s kind of mad that Jason’s thicker but he’s longer so he could suck shit) and practically bolts down the stairs, half dressed like he usually is when he rushes out of his own trailer.
“Jason, what’re you causing a racket for—? Do you plan on leaving the house like that?” Mr Carver’s face is twisted in disgust at Eddie’s choices; tightest jeans he could find that he just ripped up messily with a pair of scissors, dirty sneakers that look old and well worn - did Jason fucking hike? - and a black polo with the collar undone. His letterman was tied around his waist and the colourful shark watch Jason already had on matched with an ugly souvenir bracelet that looks like a shark eating a surfer. Fucking gold. He couldn’t believe Jason owned something so dumb.
Eddie grinned with Jason’s lips.
“Sure do, Paparino.” Eddie winked with a click of his tongue and before the older man could recover he grabbed his face and licked the left side of his face and smacked a loud kiss there. “Bye bye!”
He only hears the explosion after he’s closed the door, cackling as he ran towards Jason’s car. Oh this was going to be fucking amazing.
Jason on the other hand wakes up with a crick in his neck. He’s groggier than he’s ever been and it takes everything in him to raise his head from his pillow, groaning with closed eyes. Did he drink the night before? He knew he had to get up, but it felt like fighting a battle just to leave his sheets.
He yawns as he stumbled out of his bed, the floor freezing. He hisses and finally pries his eyes open only to scream. Those were not his feet, or his boxers, or his fucking floor.
He whipped his head around at the room. It was tiny compared his one, posters almost entirely covering the wallpaper, water stains on the roof, a vanity in the corner. Jason almost tripped over what looked like a cushion chair as he made his way towards it, grabbing the red guitar and placing it aside so he could see himself.
Munson. He was looking at Munson’s mug.
He screamed again and a thunder of footsteps followed.
“What’re you screaming about boy? You alright?” Jason whipped around and almost lost balance, crashing against a black acoustic guitar with white painted words on it. He didn’t break it, but it did fall to the floor loudly and he rushed on instinct to grab it, to secure it back into its place.
“You’re not the quietest kid, but you aren’t usually this worked up? Was it the nightmares again?”
“Nightmares? What? No, I—“ Jason pointed at his reflection dumbly. It occurred to him that he must look insane. This was Munson’s uncle, he worked the auto shop his dad took his car to for tune ups. And right now, he was wearing his nephews face. What was he supposed to tell him? ‘Sorry, I’m actually Jason Carver, I’m inhabiting your freaky nephews body right now and am currently freaking the fuck out over it?’
“…are you high? This early? We have rules here, respect for each other, Eddie, and you know I don’t like you doing that stuff before school. After school and in your room with the window open is all yours, but—“
“I’m not high!” Jason’s voice cracked around the high pitch of his denial. He wasn’t high, Jason refused to touch that stuff, even if Munson did.
“Alright, alright.” Wayne put his hands up in surrender. “But if you’re having nightmares again, you know you can talk to—“
“I’m living a nightmare right now, I’m gonna get dressed and leave.” Jason cut him off with a finger and a disingenuous smile. He looked at the closet and ruffled through it wildly, grabbing the first jacket he could find and cracked open the dresser to wrangle on a pair of jeans.
“Why are these so tight?!” Jason cried and Wayne watched with wide eyes.
“…Are you sure you’re not still high?”
“Please leave me alone!” Jason begged in defeat and Wayne tutted but closed the door. Jason banged his head into the dressed with a groan.
“I’m going to kill Munson.”
He got the stupid jeans on (not before taking a peak because okay, he was curious, school boy shit you could call it, but he was a little jealous Munson was fucking hung. At least Jason has girth, skinny asshole) and rifled around for a set of keys.
He had never felt so discombobulated. Munson’s room was cluttered unlike Jason’s, and it made his anxiety spike the longer he couldn’t just find something because Jason put everything in specific spots, never moved them so they didn’t get lost, always put them back when done with them.
When he finally found the keys, he almost cried in relief before tearing out of the room.
“I made you tea if you’re ready to ta—“
“Bye!” The trailer door slammed shut and Wayne blinked in surprise.
“…If I didn’t love that boy, I’d smack him.” He poured the tea down the drain and huffed.
Jason and Eddie would see each other at school and Jason would drag him away; which is a hilarious sight because the basketball team is up in arms at the freak stealing their captain but the captain is insisting it’s fine. After acting all weird all morning.
When they realise neither know what caused this or how to fix it, they’re stumped. Cue Jason begging Eddie not to fuck over his entire reputation and life, and Eddie decides he’ll only do it if Jason pretends to be him, like actually tries.
Jason hates pretending to be Eddie because he’s not but somehow he’s able to manage it. Eddie is going a little insane because he’s used to his brain being very loud but Jason’s is pretty quiet outside when things around him get too much and he feels like screaming at anything and everything. Eddie has had to hold back from full blown meltdowns that he never even knew Jason had. He wasn’t very good at social cues anyway but Jesus, his brain felt like slush after a day at school and he found himself flipping through his dumb shark books.
Jason on the other hand has to manage Eddie’s mood swings, the spikes of anxiety at nothing, the sluggishness of depressing thoughts swarming him, the constant clutter in his brain that seems to work for him sometimes and then other times not. He has to refrain from saying the first thing in his brain, to implant a filter that’s barely working. He can’t focus on anything in class and it brings him to near tears because how does Eddie even deal with this? All the time? Is this why he does drugs? Was it because of drugs? Is this why he never graduated? Jason wouldn’t be able to either honestly. Somehow, he ends up playing with Eddie’s guitar in turn, not very good, but his hands have somethings memorised at least. The metal music is starting to make sense to his brain, so loud it drowns out his own constant monologue.
There’s also there families and friends. Chrissy who pin points that Jason’s different recently but that she’s pretty sure it’s because he seems happier and she’s glad for it. Eddie is starting to get Jason’s attitude with his parents; they’re both right assholes in that snide, rich people way. In the ‘reputation is everything to us’ way because their egos are so fragile that they have to pick at others. No wonder Jason was such a perfect golden child; he doesn’t have room to be anything else.
Jason feels weirdly at ease with Wayne, even if the older man looks at him suspiciously like he’s not sure if his sons been replaced by a clone. He’s away at work most of the time but he’s supportive, a bit gruff but always smiles at Eddie - at Jason in turn. He watches JAWS with him when Jason asks awkwardly because it’s been weeks since he watched it and he’s itching too.
DND is where a problem occurs; Eddie can feign being decent at Basketball, or faking a minor injury he should stay off for a couple weeks, but Jason can’t feign his knowledge of DND or LOTR.
They don’t know how long this will last so Eddie says he’ll teach him everything and write the campaign he’s halfway done drafting with him.
Cue the romance. It’s awkward, being each other’s bodies. It’s been weeks and they already know all the moles, freckles, birthmarks and scars on each other.
And maybe Jason’s body has a reaction to Eddie’s body even if Eddie, the one inhabiting Jason’s body, isn’t trying to go there, you know? But it’s a strange thought; how much of their brain chemistry remained in each other’s bodies and influenced each other.
Eddie kisses his own face to find out. Because he knows his own body is wired to want to fuck just about anyone if he gives it more than a second thought, but Jason’s? Perhaps it’s a fluke.
It’s not. Jason himself, his soul or whatever, seems wired enough to want him back just as badly.
I like to think, funnily enough, it’s after they’ve fucked that they switch back. Like they orgasm and then suddenly BOOM, Jason’s got his dick inside Eddie instead of inside him, and it’s a little disappointing honestly sksksk
Cue them switching because if things are back to normal, they’re fucking each other without having to stare at their own face okay?
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aurora567 · 1 month
Pandora's Gift Ch. 12
Warning: this story will contain mature content such as but not limited to sex, cursing, blood, violence, breeding kink, A/B/O themes ect.
Word count: 3194
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What happened next is a bit of a blur for the woman as she hangs off Bakugou as he leads her out of the building able to lower her mask from his face. The fit had not been perfect and his own world spun a little as he fought back the drowsy feeling. Though when he lowered the mask so he could make a call to report the event her scent hit him like a brick wall. She had pulled off one scent patch and ripped at her already ruined suit allowing the skin and scent gland to power up her quirk and end the fighting in a matter of five seconds. But now the smell of fresh strawberries was almost overpowering. He raised her mask back to his face taking a few deep breaths as he realized the mask also served the job of filtering not only her poison but hormonal scents from assaulting her. Seems the stupidly ugly mask truly had some important uses.
Sakaki was still softly giggling as she seemed all too happy to wrap her arms around Bakugou's waist allowing him to free up the hand that had held her shoulders making sure she didn't topple over and hurt herself. Dialing the local police chief he raised the phone to his ear waiting for the line to be picked up before removing the mask from his face. He couldn't get it to fit over but just holding it up to his nose and mouth did the job well enough.
"We hit a snag. I need an ambulance, and at least a dozen cop cars sent down. And a lot of cuffs," the blonde growled unhappy about the events and how they unfolded. Though the giggling drunk idiot that was nearly curling herself around his waist was an entirely different story. Her touch set his skin a fire as she wrapped her arms around his stomach. Her face was nuzzled up along the side of his ribs. The two of them were probably a rather hilarious sight he was sure. And yet he couldn't bring himself to forcefully push her off.
He did softly try to pry her off of him to see if she could stand on her own but the whine that came from her had him pause. Those dark eyes of hers were glazed over softly as she looked up at him with half lid eyes. With a huff the blonde simply crossed his arms over his chest unhappy with his predicament but had no real choice. He couldn't bring himself to forcefully pry her off. At least not till the ambulance showed up and he hauled her with him to have her checked out since he had noticed the cut across her stomach. Though it gave him a good sight at the tone pale skin of her stomach he was more worried about the cut itself even though it had stopped bleeding he was still worried. So once the ambulance had pulled up he was quick to start dragging the drunk girl over.
Though at the sight of the parameters the woman seemed to come alive at least a little bit as she uncurled herself from Bakugou's waist.
"Osaka! Izumi!" she yelled out happily, staggering over to the man and woman who stood at the back of the ambulance after having opened the door. Both greeted the dark haired drunk with soft smiles as both reached out for her.
"You used your quirk I see," Izumi said as she tried to help hold the woman who was taller than herself up with her coworker. The brunette man who helped hold her up just laughed as the hero in their hands whined that she had to. Of course the two paramedics glanced up at the angry blonde who was tailing after the woman.
"She is injured as well," Bakugou growled as he watched the dark haired woman hanging off the two paramedics. That drew their attention as they forced the woman to sit down on the floor of the ambulance checking out the cut across her stomach. A little disinfectant, some gauze and tape had her patched up and good to go. Though she was still incredibly drunk.
"She's gonna be like this for at least another hour or two. Just get her somewhere safe and let it run its course like any normal drunk," the woman said with a light laugh as she watched the dark hair hero hugging her male coworker as he was trying to pry off the drunk. The sight had the blonde man growl softly. He knew it shouldn't bother him and yet seeing the woman hugging another man irritated him. Even though it was clear the poor beta was trying to get away.
Ugh what was Bakugou supposed to do with her? They had walked and the agency was a good number of blocks away as was her home that was even farther. His and Kirishima's place was closer. But he didn't exactly like the idea of spending the rest of his work day babysitting a drunk woman. With a quick call to Kirishima he informed the redhead of the issue before he walked over and helped pry the woman off the two poor paramedics. In turn she once again curled around him once again.
Luckily Bakugou was able to get one of the police officers to drive the two home. Which was a mildly odd car ride with the usually annoying woman curling right up along his side. And well he was pretty sure she slept the car ride back to his place before he was shaking her awake. Though the car ride had been hell of its own. Her scent had quickly filled the small backseat. Even with the stench of sweat and whatever else may have been on a villain when arrested. And it didn't take the back seat much to smell like a fresh strawberry patch. It was a mouth watering scent as her warm body curled up along him. And that was only with one single scent gland uncovered. How sweet would she smell with all four off? And had she smelled this good on Saturday?
Finally the car rolled to a stop and Bakugou was shaking her to try and force her awake, having hoped she would have sobered up a little bit since getting away from the scene of the battle, but as her eyes barely opened he could tell he wasn't about to get lucky. This was going to be a long afternoon watching over her. Not having the patience to wait for her he crawled out and carefully pulled her out with him before throwing her over his shoulder. Which in turn had her giggling softly still half asleep and drunk. The cop gave him a funny look but Bakugou didn't have the time to worry about the damn extra as he mumbled a thanks and stormed up through the front lobby of his own apartment.
Taking the elevator up to the top floor he walked out and stepped a few steps towards his door. Placing her carefully on her feet he reached for the spare key since his home keys where still in his locker at the agency. With her holding onto him and mumbling something he opened the large door to his and Kirishima's shared suite. Leading the way in he helped her into the large suite before closing the door behind him. But it seemed that was all she needed to start purring.
Well fuck, Bakugou had not thought about how it was probably a very bad idea to have an unmarked omega in the home of two inmates alpha's. And add salt to the wound, she was drunk. And now in her drunken state she started stumbling into his home. She didn't even take her shoes off which had Bakugou growling. He had to rush and try to undo his combat boots before throwing them over his shoulder towards the door and taking off after the woman as she disappeared into his home.
"Fucking dumb ass," was the string of curses that came from the blonde as he chased after the woman to find that she had actually found his room and she had curled herself up in his bed. She was purring happily with her nose embedded in his pillow. But it was the heavenly scent that was coming from her that hit Bakugou hard. Her scent had grown stronger and so much sweeter. The smell of milk chocolate was just as warm and welcome as the smell of strawberries mixed with it so well. It wasn't hard to tell she had removed the patches from her skin that had previously kept her scent hidden from the world and the blonde.
One moment Bakugou had been frozen in his doorway to his room the next he was standing in front of his bed. It was when she picked up her head at the sound of his approach that had him snap back to himself trying to rein his alpha back under control.
"Dumb ass you didn't even take your shoes off," he growled and moved to the foot of his bed reaching out to undo her own combat boots pulling them off her feet as he listened to her whining softly as she slurred her words saying something about how comfy the bed was. It wasn't till both her shoes were off and he stood up with them in his hand about to turn and leave her be when her voice had him freeze.
"Katsuki," she whined out his name, those dark eyes half lid as she picked her head up from his pillow. She had never said his first name before. Hell he didn't think he heard the woman call anyone by their first names even in high school. And just the way she whined his name instantly had his pants grow tight, she sounded so needy as his name left from her lips and he could tell it was a silent invite to join her in his bed. This was a dangerous situation as he felt his chest rumble with a low groan as he wanted to so badly in the moment.
"Go to sleep dumb ass," was the only words he could get out but his harsh normal tone was absent as he quickly grabbed himself some clean cloths from his closet and nearly ran from his own bedroom closing the door behind him before he ditched her shoes by the door and headed to the bathroom to change out of his hero costume and went for a shower entrusting the drunk woman in his bed would stay there and actually sleep off her drunk stupor.
Getting ready for a shower was much needed. Not only did he want to wash the sweat from his body but he also had an issue that he needed to deal with before he could risk going back into his house with a drunk idiot that was not locked in his room and could all too easily be out roaming his home. Though a part of his mind was very loudly reminding him that the omega in his bed was more likely scenting his pillow than roaming his home. Stepping under the hot water he groaned softly, both at the soothing water over his tense shoulders but also at the blood that rushed to his dick as the mental image of the dark haired woman curled up in his bed scenting his bedsheets or pillow filled his head.
What a pain in the ass, a simple image popping into his head had his dick twitch. His shower was going to serve a few purposes; it seemed as he wasted no time in reaching down and wrapping his right hand around his length before lazily giving it a few slow tugs letting his mind wander back to the woman in his bed at that exact moment. Thinking about that sweet scent of her, wondering if she would taste as good as she smelled? His grip tightened and his speed picked up as he wondered what she would sound like. Of course his mind instantly remembered the way she called his name. The thought of the needy whine that had left her lips had him groan softly. Fuck that had been a beautiful sound, and oh how he wanted to hear it again.
The sound of the shower was a welcome cover for the soft groans and grunts that escaped the blondes lips which gave him the courage to continue his actions as he imagined what it would be like if he was to join the woman in his bed. He knew that such thoughts should have been avoided. They were after all currently working together. He could just imagine the lectures he would get if anyone knew about the festering feelings for his fellow pro hero. And yet that didn't stop his imagination from having a hell of a fun time as his left hand rested on the wall of his shower while his right worked hard with his hips bucking into his hand. Till finally he let out a low throaty final moan as he painted the bottom of the wall with his cum.
Panting softly as the still hot water washed over him he raised his left hand off the wall of his shower and ran it through his hair. Though as his tongue ran over the soft skin of his bottom lip he tasted the copper droplet that sat on his lip. He never even noticed he had stuck his lip between a sharp k9 tooth and his bottom teeth. Apparently he bit down hard enough to break the soft skin. Fuck when was the last time he had rubbed one off in the shower outside of his rut? Back in high school maybe? Damn it he usually had better control of such animal instincts than this. Was his rut coming on? The timing was a bit off but then again when was the last time he brought home an omega? It had been some time as he didn't often make a habit of bringing women home at all since he started to quickly climb the rankings.
He tried to blame it on the lack of experience he had with having an omega around and a waver in his self control as he then started to actually wash himself and shower. He didn't wish to linger on the slight guilt after he washed away the evidence of what he had done before he started washing himself off.
Once he was adequately clean the blonde jumped out of the shower. Dried himself off before getting dressed. Ruffling his blonde hair with a towel trying to dry it he finally heard the front door open and close. Oh he hoped that was Kiri coming home or he was gonna be pissed if he had to chase after a drunk woman who was trying to leave.
Towel still sitting on his head the blonde walked out of the bathroom only to be greeted with a wide toothy grin from Kirishima who was sitting in the living room with the little dark haired rugrat sitting beside him.
"Hey Bakubro. How's Sakaki?" The redhead asked, smiling at his roommate.
"She stole my bed. Hopefully she's sleeping off the effects of her quirk," he said simply though he didn't miss the flicker of uneasiness that seemed to cross his friend's face. He couldn't blame his friend for being concerned. He hoped it was a look just for the women's health. But both men were all too aware of the issues that could happen with an unmated omega in an unmated alpha's room. The chance she could go into heat was high. Then what would the two alpha's do? It would surely spiral them both into a rut and that would be dangerous as well. The kid had been sitting beside his favourite hero looking between the two men, still rather confused.
"Is aunty okay?" The child's voice seemed concerned which quickly drew the attention of both alpha's.
"She's fine. Just taking a little nap. In the meantime you'll just have to hang out with us," the redhead said quickly, smiling at the kid which had Hatori more than happy once again. A little reassurance was all he needed and he was happy and content. Actually maybe happy was an understatement. The kid was nearly shaking with excitement as he started to quickly ramble off how awesome it was he got to spend the afternoon with the two heroes. Bakugou was pinching the bridge of his nose as he listened to the kid go off. Though Kirishima seemed far too happy and even encouraged the behavior. Damn it and Bakugou couldn't even go hide in his bedroom since it was taken and he didn't dare open the door again after the way his body had reacted the last time.
"You watch the rugrat. I'm gonna go grab some groceries for supper," the blonde said, turning on his heel to toss the towel into their small laundry area before heading to the front door to slip on some shoes before he headed out of the apartment leaving Kirishima alone to watch over the kid but also the drunk woman. Though it shouldn't have been a hard task. After all, how hard could it be to keep a kid happy and busy? The drunk was already hopefully asleep. He knew he shouldn't have just ditched his best friend like that. But after enjoying his shower more than he should of staying in had been making his skin crawl. And anyways he was only gone for a little over twenty minutes before he was riding up the elevator to his floor.
And of course walking back into the apartment with his hands full of bags of groceries he wasn't surprised to see Kirishima sitting on the couch still with the rugrat beside him and some kids movie playing on the large tv hanging on the other side of their living room wall. Had it been anyone else who walked in the watch both of the two idiots enfolded in the movie they probably would have laughed at the red head. But Bakugou just continued to scowl as he made his way to the kitchen a simple wave from his roommate was the only greeting he got.
Sakaki's scent was still lingering in the house, even with her in his room and with the door closed he would still smell her in his home. Growling Bakugou tried to distract himself as he started right away at preparing some curry for supper. Though it was a bit earlier than their typical meal time with both men home earlier than their normal shifts. But the situation was a rare and unusual one, what else should they have done? Clearly Sakaki and Hatori couldn't have been left alone at her apartment. It seemed only right to bring them both over. But still what other issues was this decision going to cause?
Next Chapter
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fuerstinlya · 11 months
Royal greetings!
There's a endless number of other realities and s/o had the brilliant question if there's a reality where I end up together with Sendak/Prorok/Kolivan!
-> Post they're referring to
-> the question
And last but not least:
But at first, since its canon in my Story, heres a SPOILER WARNING
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Isn't she the cutest??
Look at her ears, her nose, her eyes... she's adorable!
She has great manners
Scared that people would leave her
Kolivan is her father
She looks a lot like her father, and it's fucking cute
Kolivan is the proudest dad in the entire universe and spoils her ROTTEN. (No matter what she wants, she'll get it. Like Lya.)
Was BORN with a wisdom mark (as the first veluryan child ever)
People have high expectations of her since her parents did essential work in the war, but she was born with only one ability. (That's a bit of a shame for a veluryan)
But Lya couldn't be happier because having more skills than her mother back then ended up hating each other, also she would always protect her daughter
"Remember my dearest child... I made this world safe so you could grow up carefree and happy. have no fear. mom and dad are always there. You are not alone, never. They are all there."
Lyra thinks she'll never be good enough to follow in her mother's footsteps
It was the first time that Lyra saw her mother crying and having a mental breakdown when she told her exactly that. Not even Kolivan could stop her tears, as Lyas trauma came up again
What Lya said to Kolivan, still pregnant after having a deep conversation with him about her relationship with her mother: "If my child ever tells me that they hate themselves, think that they're ugly or that they're not good enough... then i've failed as a mother. then I'm no better than my mother, who kept beating me up about it. ...I'm scared, Kolivan."
"You're ALWAYS enough, Lyra. You hear me!? Always... You don't have to prove anything, you understand?! You're my loved daughter. My oldest and only child. I've tried EVERYTHING to be the opposite of my own mother because I love you. Mommy loves you, Lyra! I need you! You're enough! Please... I'm BEGGIN you don't say such things ever again... please..."
Little did she know:
she actually saved her mother's life in the war.
at the end of the fight, Lya tried to revive everyone who died in the final fight against Honerva. Even Allura. But her powers were not strong enough to do so, in the act of reviving all she lost her mind and traveled into the in-between where she was able to speak to the God who gave her that power.
They made a deal that every person gets their life back and that Velurya exists again, but Lya has to sacrifice herself.
She didn't even hesitate. it was her goal from the very beginning, and everything was planned to be prepared for this moment. It'd be her final mission, a mission with pride and honor.
this is what she was born, raised, and trained for. everything to one day be able to give her life back to her ancestors. she smiled with a pure heart for the first time at that moment because she felt that she could give something back to her father.
Oh, but there was a plot:
Veluryan blood ran twice through her veins, and she suddenly woke up in a bed with bandages around her body.
She survived.
Lya soon knew what was going on and was a little bit embarrassed, tho. She didn't think of the "consequences" if she's gonna live
She knew that she'd die from the very beginning. She also knew when she'd give her life to others, and when Shiro announced the last day before the last fight Lya wanted to spend time with her family.
But Lotor was still unconscious (Lya revived him), and Stella went partying with her friends (she never ever thought that there's even a chance to lose the war, so she didn't worry and celebrated. Lya wasn't sad about it, she was happy that Stella had fun. ...ok, she was a little sad about it.)
So Lya decided to make her last night on earth and being alive something special.
She and Kolivan had been together for two deca-phoebes (the time they started being closer is when Lya stayed at the BoM and Voltron disappeared for 3 deca-phoebes) and Kolivan fell in love with her. He wanted to court her properly and was waiting for Lotor to wake up to ask him for his permission. But Lya had a different plan.
she would have liked to do it according to the traditions of her religion, but since it was her last night, she wanted to show Kolivan how much she loved him as she was never really good with words.
...and that resulted in Lyra.
Lya never wanted to have kids. She saw herself more like a rich auntie and only waited for the day when Stella would expect a baby.
The deep fear inside her of becoming like her cruel mother had always put her off. In addition, pregnancy was associated with a lot of pain (you can find out more about the pregnancy of a Velurian woman here)
But now she was pregnant herself.
She understood that this child saved not only her but all lives, and so she decided to carry this child. It was a matter of pride.
She's going to be a mother, no matter what Kolivan would say.
he was so happy about the news and began to cry. He was overwhelmed by everything: winning the war, having freedom for the first time in his life, and finding the love of his life. And now his bloodline wouldn't end.
So Lyra was never planned, but that doesn't mean that she isn't loved by her parents. That's a message to all of you: you're loved and needed.
(And Lya never regretted her decision to give this little life in her body a chance)
Thank you and stay tuned darlings
- Fürstin Lya
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literalite · 1 year
i know youre on hiatus and i hope youre doing well away from tumblr, but, when you come back, let us know your thoughts on genshin’s 3.3 update please! i’m excited to hear what you think about scaramouche’s story ❤️
literally just finished the interlude quest, lets talk about it!! (going to contain spoilers for kazuha's story quest, the inazuma archon quests, the sumeru archon quests, and also the sumeru interlude quest obviously) this is going to be quite long (he is one of my favourite characters and is steadily powercreeping my lore favourite albedo to be no.1) so maybe don't click unless you like absolutely want to fhgjkl
okay to start off with i'm gonna talk about what i expected was going to happen with this interlude slash what is essentially our favourite ex fatui puppet's character quest.
due to the memes and shit about it i initially was kind of wondering if this would be some sort of community service redemption sort of quest for him, something along the veins of him doing things nahida just tells him to or stuff the traveller wants. i figured maybe we'd see a fight scene between traveller and scara, maybe he tries to backstab us or flee or even go see ei. these are all initial fleeting assumptions i developed right after finishing the sumeru archon quests. to be honest kazuha isn't a favourite of mine so the thought of the tatarasuna smithing plot even making it back into the main storyline genuinely didn't cross my mind. like i cared about it because scara was in it but i didn't expect it to be relevant again
after the trailer for the 3.3 update i had a change of opinion again, this time more rooted in worry. genshin has a problem with its antagonists (namely: the raiden shogun/ei) where we get a character presented as directly opposing the traveller, directly causing issues at the cost of characters' lives and freedoms, only to get woobified in service of making them a suitable travelling companion to our main character. i understand they have to try for some semblance of realism as to why our playables are lending aid to us, but i kind of think they lost that a long time ago without even really noticing it. why is the acting grandmaster of the knights of favonius (for example) accompanying us into the desert of sumeru when she ostensibly has a very busy 24/7 job basically running an entire city. how is childe with us when they've sent him from liyue to snezhnaya to inazuma and now to who knows where. they’ve tried very hard to make this “make sense” when it literally never has. and i was extremely wary we’d get a passive puppet mindwiped version of scara. WHICH ALSO MADE NO SENSE, because he very visibly retains at least a good portion of the personality we know and love/hate. look at this fucking face
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this is not the face of someone who has a redemption arc. my worry was that somehow they’d get him to apologise for his actions, and have the traveller forgive him wholeheartedly. i was worried they'd wipe his mind, somehow retain his personality, and just hand him over like here you go here's playable scaramouche. he's still a massive bitch but he's #good now. i HATE that. i’ve never wanted him redeemed. i want the weight of his sins and his guilt and his abandonment and his rage and ugliness because to me it makes him one of the most realistic characters genshin's ever managed to write. i don't really know or care how many people share this view, but i would've been happy if they handed him to us straight from laughing in our faces about teppei's death. his scheming killed signora. i wanted that straight from the tap.
so, the quest itself. it got me good i'll admit. when he basically had a crack at erasing himself from existence my jaw genuinely dropped because for me that was... both exactly what i would've done in his position with his power and also a place i'd never expected genshin to actually go. we talk about someone killing themselves in cyno's story quest (murtada radkani and then his father, taj radkani) but he actually tried it- i feel like someone might try to debate me on this but that's the only way i can see it interpreted. we know he's tried and hoped to end himself before but it was kind of??? gratifyingly shocking to see him do it again. and in service of the humans he's continually spoken about with loathing before. it just made him very... real i guess. there's no endless well of hope he just pulls from out of nowhere, it's in service to people he loved and lost centuries ago. he does it without a shred of concern as to what it would cause in the modern day to the real life descendants of the people he'd both loved and killed. IT WAS SO IN CHARACTER. i wasn't celebrating it but from a narrative perspective that was literally perfect. he's gone and im so happy gi has made a good story choice im like sick about it
then the "erased" scaramouche reappears and i let out a sigh of relief that i wasn't even aware i was holding. like i knew he wasn't DEAD because, well, i'm running around sumeru city with him literally equipped in my party and also he hasn't gotten his vision yet so he can't just die. tbh i totally forgot about the "you can't fully erase yourself from existence" thing from rukkhadevata until the traveller brought it up. immediately following my joy that my boy is not Dead dead i go.. oh shit. is this the erasure part??? is his terrible awful beautiful personality just gone and we're left with this fruit picking stall boy? was genuinely concerned about it but i reserved judgement until we entered the dream
guys....... i was so happy. we finally fleshed out lore that i'd been picking at in my brain and it was so fucking good. the pacing was good the dialogue made for a good translation we even got a return to the place where he nearly killed us. he got a fresh start but he didn't. he remembers we remember he's not trying to destroy everything around him but he's not like loving and happy and perfect. essence retained!! i don't really enjoy seeing nahida just. in general she kind of gives me the ick what with her design and all so im glad she stayed as a Voice for most of the quest. i could concentrate on what mattered. i'm nothing if not biased so while this is not my favourite story/archon/interlude quest (that title belongs to xiao's chasm interlude quest) this might be in the top five. top three mayyybe
i do have my gripes with the quest. i really wanted to see him have a genuine modern day confrontation with ei, but now with the erasure/history retcon she doesn't even remember creating him (her and yae's voicelines about him are removed, as are childe's), which is a massive shame yet also strangely fitting. like not to unpack this but sometimes the best thing you can get from a mother who thinks she's done nothing wrong is a clean break. still, i would've loved a confrontation of some sort, and i'm hoping for either that or a fight with dottore as his actual story quest. i also wish we got a unique model for the "puppet" scara that katsuragi found in the shakkei pavilion but we already have two different models for him so i think i'm just nitpicking there.
as for what i ended up (re)naming him, i chose itsuki, specifically 五希. this specific variation of the name means (five) (hope) and is mostly used as a last name, which might make me change it if i find something suitable (i was doing this pretty fast so i had to hurry up with the name, didn't get a ton of time to think it through). i named him this because i won him 50/50, on pity 50, and also this would be his fifth "official" name (the first four being kabukimono, kunikuzushi, scaramouche and then shouki no kami). five is also a pretty important number in asian culture, with it being associated with both good and bad luck (fitting for a character made in such shades of gray as scaramouche), and if i'm getting the information correctly, five is also representative of the ideal of freedom, a pretty solid match for someone newly bestowed an anemo vision. the raiden gokaden were five houses of smithing, of which scaramouche destroyed all but two. additionally, itsuki as a first name is often translated to "tree", and as someone who was "reborn" from irminsul it felt suuuper appropriate. i'm gonna touch base with my little sister (she's half japanese and super fluent) to make sure i'm not just shooting into the dark though, so i'll update if i end up changing it again
EDIT: touched base with her she said and i quote “it’s a bit weird and unique but it’s fine” so im keeping it. happy nameday my beautiful boy itsuki
tldr, i'm pretty happy with the quest, im glad my boy kept his bitch personality, and i renamed him itsuki (name change pending maybe)
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bronzewool · 11 months
Shadow & Bones Review- The Rambling Edition
I'm gonna quickly throw random thoughts at the wall that I didn't include in my initial review, either because it would have gone on several side tangents or were just too minor to bring up.
First of all, the book does a poor job of describing how sickly Alina is supposed to be. The most we get are scenes of her being described as scrawny or the weakest in her unit. This is superficial writing because scrawny does not mean ill and is only brought up when comparing herself to the other girls Mal does find attractive. Also, she's the cartographer, so she doesn't need to be the strongest.
It's not until she gets a makeover from Genya, the royal Tailor, that we actually get an idea of how ragged she is and how years of unknowingly suppresing her magic has physically harmed her body. Because up until that point, the author refuses to use any negative descriptors.
The author wants Alina to be portrayed as sickly, but only in the stereotypical YA way, that she's plain in comparison to a cast of supermodels. I've read so many good adult and kids' books that give their characters diverse physical descriptors, beautiful and ugly, or even painted an entire character's backstory so vividly without actually describing their facial features.
The biggest reason I can't stand YA anymore is its strange obsession with beauty standards, but not in a way certain people have certain types, but in the generic "conventionally beautiful" vs the "ugly but not actually ugly" way, which means nothing to me. You don't need to sell how attractive a character is, you just need to sell the idea this character is attractive in the eyes of this character, even if you personally don't find them attractive.
Genya becomes Alina's best friend at the school, but their relationship is very one-sided and revolves solely around giving Alina various makeovers (Also in the typical YA way of "We have to give the main girl a glow up, but she's not allowed to enjoy it otherwise she's vain and we cant have that."). Beauty means everything to the Grisha, but it gets old real quick when you remember there are kids dying in a literal war zone while Alina is worried over what she's gonna wear to the ball.
Alina makes two other friends who stick by her side after the school turns on her, but Alina is so dismissive of them for being valley girls, it's actually funny how hypocritical she is.
The book also flip-flops between wanting to portray Alina as a loser and popular. A mean girl hates Alina from day one for gaining the attention of The Darkling, and picks a fight with her in their hand-to-hand combat class. It starts off as a typical duel with the more experienced mean girl winning, but Alina gains the upperhand through hardwork and determination. Mean girl then fights dirty by using magic and the teacher spots this and puts a stop to it. The twist is fine because normally, the teachers are oblivious and the bullying goes unnoticed, so that's refreshing, but it makes you wonder what the point of the chapter was. She was only introduced that same chapter and is gone for the rest of the book. Even the other stuck-up mean girls didn't like her, so who cares? Alina getting good at martial arts doesn't even come back later on in the book because she wins the final battle using sun magic.
There are wonderful moments in this book, particularly the chapter when Alina finally figures out why she can't use her magic and has a heartbreaking revelation when she remembers suppressing her powers for the first time as a child to stay with Mal at the orphanage, and how tired she feels clinging to a boy that will never look at her the same way she looks at him. The warmth she feels finally letting Mal go and living for herself is such a breath of fresh air you can practically feel the burden she's been carrying all these years lift from her shoulders as she finally summons that small ball of light.
The book has good moments like that, but it takes a great premise and ruins it by stuffing our main character into a box and shipping her off to high school.
Also, the fact Alina is a cartographer is never mentioned again after the first act. She has some artistic skills for drawing maps but it's not important to the plot or her character.
I have no complaints about the The Darkling, except his name is, The Darkling, and he's an immortal teenager. Anything problematic about him I love. Also, Mal is a dick. Just saying.
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sc3n3kitt3h · 2 years
My thoughts on pokemon scarlet and violet so far!!
first off, general thoughts: It looks good!!! the framerate in the new trailer is way better now which is cool, I like the sorta open-world style of newer games so i'm glad thats, like, a more permanent thing now?? i guess?? i dunno how 2 phrase it, but i like the direction the series is going!!
more under the cut (warning, this is gonna get LONG):
I think its really weird that pl:a JUST came out a couple months ago, and now they're releasing another game??? Already??? gamefreak already has such a small amount of time to make pkmn games, and legends: arceus was kind of a big game!!! So are they... ok??? they're probably super overworked already!! The whole situation with gamefreak just sucks in general. They HAVE to release a game every 2 years and games are getting kind of worse over time (I mean the mainline ones, not spinoffs like pl:a or new pokemon snap) and it really shows how overworked the devs are! Merch and anime can't come out until new games come out, and theres always lots of demand for new pokemon games in general!! The entire franchise revolves around new games coming out every 2 years, and its a shitty situation no matter how you look at it.
Speaking of games getting worse over time, the GIMMICK. the gimmick is baaad. Again, I don't think this is really gamefreaks fault!! I'm pretty sure they HAVE to make a new battle gimmick for every game, or else they would have brought mega evolution back a LONG time ago. I like the lighting effects i guess!!! everything else looks kind of ugly. :(
Anyways, with all that negativity mostly out of the way!!! here are some way more lighthearted thoughts about the game so far. (man, talking about all that really screwed up my mood... >:T)
The trainers!!!! oh man oh wow!!!!!!! Theyre so cute!!!!! i looove mela so much shes SO COOL!!!!! (i KNOW people are gonna be really weird about her which sucks though. these are kids!!! in school!!!!!) I love love LOVE her whole style a whole lot. The team star guys are pretty cute, theyre not as cool as team skull or anything though. they're really generic. It's fine with me as long as you get get some star glasses 4 the player, too!! I hate that we're just fighting a bunch of school rebels tho. i wanna BE a rebel, not fight them!!! >:P!!!!!
Other than that i like brassius!! i like how different he is from other grass type trainers. I don't like the professors 4 this region tho, idk why. theyre just boring 2 me :P. Penny looks like she gets into slur discourse in tiktok comment sections. Nemona is fine!! Theres nothing special about her, really. Jacq is pretty neat!!! So is Geeta even though her hair really throws me off 4 whatever reason.
Anyways, now for the pokemon themselves!!! So far this gen is a really mixed bag!!
I LOVE YOU FUECOCO OH MAN OH WOW!!!!!!!! thats totally the starter i'm picking. No complaints, just little lizard dinosaur thing swag!! <3<3<3
Sprigatito is also cute!!! I love the fact that it has a kneading move. Its kinda generic, but i like it a lot anyways. The only thing that i dislike about this little dude is the shape of its head. its face is so flat.... it has NO snout 2 speak of........ but other than that its great!!!
Quaxly is... there!!! i kinda feel like this is gonna be a tepig type of situation where theres nothing WRONG with it necessarily, but it's just kind of boring or not as "cool" or "cute" as the other starters. Its good, but not as interesting as the other starters!!
The legendaries are neat i guess. I dunno why they're motorcycles but whatever! Its cool!!! Like, i get that it fits for violet, since these games r all about past vs. future and all that, but what about scarlet?? I know a lot of people r put off by the necks or whatever (there are a lot of lizards in this gen, huh?) but i have no problem with them! Speaking of which, cyclizar is... kind of ugly!!! whys it barf green!!! i just don't like it im sorry.
cetitan is SCARY. WHY ARE ITS TEETH LIKE THAT???? I hate looking at it actually. People keep talking about how creepy grafaiai is, when THIS THING is right here... o.0"'
I LOVE ceruledge and armarouge!!! i like armarogue slightly more cuz of the fire at the top of its head + the general shape of it. Hard 2 explain... Like, the legs. The armor. its SHAPED!! ceruledge is also really awesome tho!!!! these 2 r single handedly making me STRUGGLE 2 pick which game i'm gonna get cuz I REALLY want armarouge but ceruledge is also really cool and i like miraidon more than koraidon and i have nobody 2 trade with ;-;... sighhhh. I hate choice paralysis. I should probably just spin a wheel or something...
I actually really liked klawf until about 30 minutes ago when i read the website and apparently it can rotate its eyes 360 degrees???? which is CREEPY.
LECHONK. Lechonk is wonderful. So are fidough and smoliv. i would kill and/or die 4 them all. 11/10
Pawmi is this gens pika clone!!! I think its neat :]
Grafaiai is..... scary!! it's not the eyes for me, its the FINGERS. They're long and spindly and thin and it creeps me out. Lemurs r cool and they deserve a pokemon that isnt!!! like that!!!!!
last but not least, paldean wooper!!!!!!!! my boy wooper is getting some love.... itll never live up 2 the original wooper, who is the ultimate + optimal life form, but its a great second best. :0]
I have 2 wishes 4 this game..... those being clothing options other than the uniforms and also cute twintails. Preferably frizzy ones. Gamefreak better deliver on these or else i will be kind of sad and thats about it. OH ALSO i hope boys can wear girl clothes and vice versa, like in animal crossing. That probably wont happen though ¬_¬
Thats about it!!! I'm generally rlly optimistic about this gen!!!! it looks great even when it doesnt (grafaiai, pkmn professors, klawf and cetitan I'M LOOKING AT YOU) lolz!!
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sludgecoveredpeasant · 3 months
March comes in like a lion for sure:
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⚠️ On the verge of getting involved w my closest friend who's in an open relationship (but who's longterm partner who agreed to it from the start is taking it out on them despite saying it was fine and not a problem)
spent entire night talking and having my heart brain and quite frankly my PUSS fight for dominance so i got hardly any sleep due to how if we kissed it would be decidedly non-ethical non-monogamy and its a hard and complicated situation that i feel awful about despite not doing anything wrong
......... The council is deciding my fate as we speak (they're talking about it and I'm seeing her later tonight where she'll deliver me the news wrt whether it can come to anything)
alot of misconceptions/things left unsaid have been cleared up, happy that I'm capable of being liked and I'm being confronted by multiple girls flirting with me this past few months so i have to build my confidence and accept that I'm not repulsive or weird to an offputting degree
⚠️ constant beefing coming to an ugly ugly head btwn Sober narc posh english autistic flatmate who pathologically cannot communicate nicely vs. Alcoholic polish girly sliving recklessly flatmate who is constantly made uncomfortable by his narcness and lack of social skills
Unfortunately i see the best in people and i fundamentally love everyone even when I'm pissed off beyond belief and frustrated, if i have to go back to being the middle man lawyer then I'll do it even tho it's hard i miss living with friends you know, they can't communicate together but i know how to talk to each of them so I'll do what it takes or else we're all gonna do something individually drastic
🗝️ It's like the Western Front like I spent the night confessing to and talking to and holding my fellow soldier in the trenches (and having to physically stop myself from unconscious movements out of propriety) and the next morning going over the top of no man's land and juking across landmines and running straight thru artillery fire on and on with my head down
and then I'll get the otherside and idk what it'll look like
im brave and hopeful and ready for the first time
caught in the stillness of being sure
it's never easy fighting for it undeterred still
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