#i wish it was a little cleaner because i used light blue and lavender on the pillow but it didnt scan it :o( but thats ok im just happy
puppyeared · 2 years
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kk sleepyhead
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Something hoochie with Luke and working on his solo album
Taking limited requests. 4 slots left.
Hoochie, but make it soft. So soft. CW: NSFW 18+ Content.
Dealing with things positively sucked and Luke was sure that his plan previously to keep living, keep burying was the best for him. But there was progress--and he couldn't deny that. He could actually talk to you about things. The wall that made it seem like it was always going to be on an emotional island or emotional hell was cracking and it felt good.
But it fucking hurt--to realize so many mistakes he made. Knowing that's not the kind of person he wanted to be, not anymore. And right now, he fucked up. You asked him to help you clean the kitchen taking the trash out and help you clean the top of the cabinets. Easy work really in the grand scheme of it all. If it had just buckled up and got fucking down to it, he would be done already.
But the house is way too silent. At first he doesn't hear it due to the guitars and keys in his ears, but in his pause and stretch in the computer chair, he realizes in fact the house is too quiet. When he looks up to the time in the right hand corner of his laptop, his jaw drops. He asked for five more minutes before helping you. And you agreed--because five minutes was reasonable. But not this. This was far from reasonable.
"Holy fuck," he mutters, spinning around in his chair. "Babe, I'm so sorry," he shouts, only realizing the door is closed and most likely keeping his voice from carrying outside of the makeshift studio. "Babe!" he calls again, taking the hallway in a half job.
How had an hour passed? One moment he was just importing tracks, fully intending to stop there and but then he wanted to check them to make sure the takes were as clean as he could get them before cutting anything else together.
When he skids to a halt in the kitchen, you're at the table, a plate of crumbs in front of you. "I know I asked for five minutes and then I totally spaced. And it's not an excuse. I should have set a timer. I'm very sorry," Luke says, approaching slowly from your left.
"I'm trying hard not to blow my top, Luke. I just--I agreed to the five minutes because that was reasonable. I figured I could do something else in that time until you were ready. And then I tried to knock and call your name. And you didn't answer."
"My headphones were on. But really, I should've set an alarm. I can help now. Do you still need help?"
You shake your head. "No, I finished it up."
"Baby, that's not safe. If you had of fallen--"
"I didn't fall," you interrupt, staring into the glass in front of you. The water glistens in the sun and for a moment you hate it. Hate how pretty it is, how much it doesn't care given all the shit you're going through right now. And you know it's not right to blame sunlight and water. And you're trying not to blame Luke. You're trying not to make him into the villian.
Luke doesn't like how sad your voice is. "Let's talk about it?" He walks around the table and settles across from you. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I just--" you start and then stop. "I feel like this has been happening a lot. And I don't want to feel like I'm being neglected."
He never meant to make you feel that way. But just because he hadn't wanted to, didn't mean he hadn't. "I'm very sorry I've made you feel that way. I know I need to do better. Do you think you have that kind of capacity? To give me time to get better?" The language is awkward on his tongue but his therapist says not making assumptions and using language that gives others choice is going to serve best. So he's careful as he speaks to make sure he's not making any assumptions on your behalf.
You sigh, but nod. "I do. I think that maybe putting household stuff on a schedule can help?"
Luke nods. "I like that idea. It would force me to track of time too." The silence envelopes the two of you and you look up to his face. Luke looks pensive, as if trying to decipher something.
"Is-is there something else you want to say?"
Luke blinks, turning his icy blue eyes back to you. "Not right now. But when I get the right words later, I'll let you know."
You nod, picking up your plate and taking it to the sink. Luke's voice floats up from behind you. "Do you need help with anything else?"
"No, I think I'm going to take a nap."
Luke hums, to let you know he's heard you. And when you shuffle just over to the couch, Luke walks back to the sink, washing the plate and a few sparse cups left by the two of you.
You curl up around Petunia and drifting into sleep isn't hard. Luke watches your breathing slow and become steady. He keeps his distance in the kitchen, watching you from the table. If you already finished cleaning the kitchen, he wonders if cleaning the bathrooms were next on your list.
Yeah, he can do that. Clean the bathrooms, and do the laundry. And once that's done if you're awake, he'll draw you a bath. First he checks to see if your favorite sweets are in the pantry. If they aren't he'll go out and get them and a few other grocery. But you're well stocked. So he careful goes down the hallway, grabbing all the cleaning supplies.
Luke's careful to shut the door to the bathroom so the running water doesn't wake you. He sprays down the tub and walls and let's it sit for moment as he clears off the counters and the top of the toilet cover. Once those are clear and cleaned he turns his attention back to the tub. With that clean he wipes down the mirror and lines the inside of the toilet with cleaner.
It gets a little stuffy, so he cracks the door just a smidge. His har flops in his face, and he pushes it back with the back of his hands. He can't keep letting this kind of stuff happen. Maybe Mondays are kitchen days. A way to reset after the weekend. Then Tuesdays could be laundry. Or maybe Tuesday's can be bathroom days and then Wednesdays can be laundry.
Done with the the first bathroom, he carries his supplies to the master bathroom.
Something about laundry on Wednesdays feels better to Luke. Right now it's being done on as needed basis, and there wasn't anything wrong is that. But he felt like sometimes because of this he was constantly running the bottom of the barrel for his own clothes. So doing it more consistently would help him with that.
Luke finishes the master bathroom quicker than he anticipated and then heads to the half bath and cleans that quickly. By the time he's done his shirt is just starting to cling to him. He feels off the gloves, puts all the buckets and cleaners back up. You still sleep peacefully on the couch and Luke grabs the laundry pins from the closet--both yours and his.
While laundry wasn't always Luke's favorite, mostly because separating out the delicates, darks, and lights, made his head hurt, he threw together a little chart that you got lamented and hang up in the laundry room to help whenever he's not sure. And it feels stupid sometimes, but at this point it's just about making sure that he can do things done, no matter how they get there.
Luke runs the light colors first with only a handful of delicates. The darks is a larger pile, but he's worried if he runs them first something will get left behind and stain.
By the time he gets lights out of the dryer and starts to transfer over the darks into the machine, you knock on the door modeling. Luke smiles as he looks up, letting the few things in his hand, drop into the dryer. "How was your nap?"
"It was good." You spy the basket full of light colored clothes and go to pick it up but Luke's vocalizations to get you to drop the basket stop you.
"I got it. How about I draw you a bath once I get all these into the dryer?"
"Luke, you don't have to."
"But I want to," he counters, head dropping to make sure the shirt in his hands can go into the dryer. It can't so he drapes it onto the pile on the side of other things that need to get hung up to dry.
"Will you join me?" you ask, hiking up the basket in his distraction.
"If you'd like."
"I would."
When Luke turns, he sees the basket in your hands. "Hey, I told you I was going to do that."
"Well if you're joining me in a bath, you're going to need help folding clothes."
For a moment, he glares at you, but when you don't back down he hiccups out a laugh. "Fine, I guess."
The water's warm as you step into it, Luke's already submerged, pressed up against the back wall. You settle between his legs and let the bubbles lap up against your chest. Luke encases your waist once you're under the water with his arms. The bubbles smell like lavender as the scent softly creeps up your nose.
There's not many words. Not even as Luke kisses across your shoulder and his fingers skate across the skin of your side. You sigh at the feeling and sink further into him. "I'm sorry again," he whispers against your ear.
"I accept your apology," you return just as quiet. "We'll just have to figure something out. Like we always do."
Luke smiles for a moment. Like we always do. Because you two always do. You manage to work things out and come out better. He just wished it wasn't always something to fix. he wished that he could get it together without it falling apart. It felt like a leaky boat sometimes, just scoping out enough water to keep afloat.
He just barely catches the feel of your hands running over his thighs and he shivers. And it's just stillness for a moment, maybe even two. But you stretch up and turn just a hair to kiss him. And Luke lets himself go into the kiss. His hands wander your body, gripping at the flesh and it's just enough pressure to make you moan, just enough of squeeze to make you give into the tingly that runs down your spine.
The water sloshes just a little as you spin all the way around, climbing onto his lap. You're thankful for such a large bathtub right now as your arms wind around his neck and you find his lips again in a kiss. It's slow, not rushed in any sense, but still dizzying. You pull away from Luke and he chases you down.
A giggle falls from your lips. "Thank you," you whisper. "For doing this. But for also working hard to make this relationship work."
Luke should be used to the patience, to the gratitude. But it still blows him away everytime you are firm, but willing to help. "Thank you. For, like, literally everything."
You two share another kiss, deeper than the last and you ever so gently rock against Luke's length. Luke groans into the kiss. "Please," he says so softly against your neck, his lips barely closing around your skin to give you kisses.
"Hmm," you start with a devilish grin crossing your lips. "Please, what? I need words."
His fingers dig into your hips and the air's leaving his lungs at the feeling of you against him. With a firm grip onto his hair, you tilt his head back. His eyes are blown but he smiles at you. "Of course you need words," he finally responds.
You quirk an eyebrow--a warning. But Luke's never needed more than that to get back in line.
"Please fuck me," he finally returns.
"That's more like it," you smile and seal his lips in a kiss briefly. "I'm more than happy too."
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What I Wish I Knew A Year Ago About Ellenbrook
Women's Beauty, Skin Care Tips
Lots of times it is based on inner beauty as well as external beauty when people believe of somebody that is gorgeous. Both of these things are in your control to change. You actually need to have both to look your best. Here are some pointers to get you begun on your own personal beauty experience.
For a practical container to bring a few of your preferred moisturizers fill an empty lip or a little jar gloss container. This completely portable container can be stashed in your purse, automobile, travel bag or perhaps your desk drawer at work. When your skin begins drying up, apply a drop of moisturizer.
Invest the extra money in a set of quality makeup brushes. Keep in mind, these tools will be touching your face each and every single day. Investing more on these brushes can get you a set that will last for several years. You should likewise pick up a bottle of brush cleaner, which is to be utilized frequently, at least two times per week. This eliminates dust and bacteria.
Put Vaseline on your eyebrows before you go to sleep. This will make your eyebrows look much better and glossy. Because it can trigger unwanted acne breakouts, avoid getting Vaseline anywhere else on your face.
You can play them up by adding eyeshadow, liner, and mascara in colors that are especially lovely for your eye color if you have striking brown eyes. Try to find abundant, matte shadows in shades of green, copper, and blue. These colors add depth and strength to your eye color, especially when topped with a couple of coats of navy mascara.
To highlight green or hazel eyes and create a candlelit effect, choose eye colors that highlight the gold and green tones in your irises. If you have green or hazel eyes, wear colors that are light brown, lavender and other tones of purple.
Sodium bicarbonate can bring out the shine in your hair! Basically a bit of baking soda in the hair shampoo you will use. Wash your hair as typical. This strips away item accumulation and leaves your hair looking clean and shiny . Don't use this normally, you can do this when a month.
To keep feet looking lovely, particularly throughout the warmer, drier summer season, attempt applying Vaseline to them every day. It will keep them smooth and soft. Go get yourself a pedicure and a set of brand new sassy shoes, and you'll have the best looking feet of the season.
Avoid licking your lips. When you constantly lick your lips, instead of end up being damp, they really dry. Try carrying a lip balm or gloss in your pocket or purse, and put it on anytime you feel like doing some licking. You will soon find your lips in stunning condition.
When you put on eyeshadow, position the mirror below your face. Avoid pulling on your eyelids or putting pressure on them. Ensure you look down, which will help you get the application right the very first time. Apply your shadow thoroughly, and you will not require to stretch your lid.
When styling your hair, keep the back of your head top concern. This location is more difficult to design and if you're tired as soon as you get around to that area it can ruin your whole appearance.
In order to prevent breakouts and preserve pure makeup colors, you should often wash your makeup brushes. Use a mild soap and warm water to rinse up until the water runs clear. Completely rinse the applicators, and t There are a lot of things to be found out in the age of 20's. Any 20's lady is surely a matured and now they also require to be fully grown and not remain amateur. They must understand - how to be delighted, a well adjusted individual, to prepare for themselves, overcome the jerks who ghosted them and a lot more. It's the time for them to do explores Ellenbrook the most recent patterns. Definitely, females make lots of errors throughout this decade too, but we 'd like to think that the lessons found out outweigh the growing discomforts.
In order to make the journey easier here are, some handy beauty pointers and tricks for ladies; they conserve you in the face of lots of hangover mornings or when you are running late for a conference with boss having no time at all for polishing.
Move down for some life-saving beauty suggestions for women in their 20s! By Vanessa Berlin:
Experiment with colors:
Explores colors on your lips and eyes teaches everyone this one thing don't overuse the black liner.
Make Up For Fresh And Unique Look:
Start your make up by applying a darker shade lipstick around the lips, leaving the centre of the lower and upper lip removed. Then use a shade 2 to three tones lighter at the centre of the lips, simply to create a ' sundown' look.
Take in cacao for its better health benefits:
Cacao is abundant in anti-oxidants, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, calcium, zinc, copper, iron and manganese , all of which assistance to uphold healthy skin, develop strong nails, good hair and give more health and beauty advantages.
Eye cream is actually worth buying:
By your mid-20s, discover an eye cream that will bring back wetness to the locations above and below the eye. Wear sunglasses that protect against UV rays.
Drink water:
Drink one glass every two hours to eliminate waste without overtaxing the organs. DON'T expose yourself to pollution, quick food, sun or stress. The repercussions of our hectic lifestyles can wreck terrible on our bodies and skin.
Apply Sun cream:
20s are the times often when, the irreparable sun damage is done. Start utilizing sun screen not only on the face but on other part of the body also having direct exposure to sun.
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Grow your hair:
The hair grow is considered strong with plenty of length and when it continues to produce itself. DON'T exaggerate the heat styling, usage bad hair shampoos or conditioners, and keep track of the amount of drastic color changes.
Prevent smoking at all costs:
Cigarette smoking is a bad skin habit and needs to be broken as soon as possible. It limits the blood supply to the skin, each time you breathe in a puff simply keep in mind, you're triggering wrinkles around your lips. hen permit to dry on a tidy hand towel. This helps to keep makeup from constructing up. It also eliminates germs that can harm your skin and trigger acne.
It is very important to have both inner beauty and outer beauty to be thought about truly stunning. You may appear pretty at first, though if you have a bad character, your beauty will diminish really rapidly. Take the advice this post has offered you to take your beauty to the next level.
When individuals think of someone that is lovely, many times it is based on inner beauty as well as external beauty. Here are some pointers to get you begun on your own individual beauty experience.
When individuals think of somebody that is gorgeous, many times it is based on inner beauty as well as external beauty. It is essential to have both inner beauty and external beauty to be considered genuinely beautiful. It is crucial to have both inner beauty and external beauty to be thought about really lovely.
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