#the pastels i used are like two different types because one is way too soft and the other has like a nice rough quality
puppyeared · 2 years
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kk sleepyhead
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lemon-boy-stan · 2 years
sex with nct 127
Taeyong is very flexible, and not just because he's a dancer, but because he has a lot of duality. He can both sub and dom, and he candefinetley give you multiple orgasms. Taeyong hates sharing you. He doesn't like other guys touching you and he doesn't like other guys watching you. His favourite place to fuck you is in the privacy of his bedroom when no-one's around (not even a hotel room, because that's too risky). TY loves his pet names, and has different pet names for different moods. He's not that much of a fan of being called "daddy", but if you call him Yong or Yongie, he'll pretty much give you whatever you want. When he subs, call him "baby boy" for extra points because it makes him super whiny. He can get pouty and jealous sometimes, where you have to show him how much you love him, and other times he can get huffy and angry, where he has to fuck his feelings into you. Big switch vibes.
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Taeil likes making sure you feel good. He loves being as close to you as possible, and always makes sure that you’re the one who cums first. He hates sharing you, and it would never happen, because he believes that sex should only be between two people that love each other; it’s not a jealousy thing, it’s just one of his morals. He can be rough sometimes, but his movements are always filled with love, it’s kind of hard to explain. Aftercare is one of the most important things for him in the world. He has to make sure you’re okay; and he’s very safe, too. There’s definitely no accidents with Taeil. 
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Johnny knows he’s powerful and knows he's good-looking. He’s a dom, and can often switch between hard and soft, but finds it amusing if you ever try to take control. Of course, he’d let you if you asked him (he probably wouldn’t like it), but if you tried it halfway between sex he’d just laugh so loudly it wouldn’t be funny. He loves how small you are beneath him, how helplessly out of control under his grasp. He’s always such a cocky fuck. You think he hasn’t caught you staring at his chest all the time? You thought wrong. He’ll definitely bring it up next time you’re in bed together. Think he doesn’t see you staring at him during his dance practice? He’ll announce it and take you right then and there. He may be open to sharing you, but only with someone he really trusts (and only if, after, he gets to remind you who you belong to). If he hears you moaning in your sleep, he’d be the type to wake you up with his tongue in your cunt. He also has a huge breeding kink. Johnny's a very fatherly like person, and all he's ever wanted is kids. Even if you're on birth control, he loves seeing his cum dripping out of you.
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Yuta’s the kind of guy who you know is a freak the moment you look at him; with his chiseled jawlines, long hair and pulverizing dark eagle eyes. Loves being in control, but can also be a bit of a bratty sub, too. Adores knife play. Actually hates seeing you hurt in non-sexual scenarios, but is a fucking sadist in bed. Is obsessed with the way the tears stream down for cheeks and how you beg and beg for him. Loves when you dress all innocent for him, in pastel lingerie and whatnot. Yuta loves marking you as well. He doesn’t use metal knives because he’s scared he might actually injure you, but he does enjoy leaving lots and lots of red bruises on your skin. He’s the type to finger you under the table in front of all your friends, but do not even think of touching him under the table. If you even so much as go near there, his hand will fly down and his nails will leave a mark on your skin, lip curling as he turns to you, “what are you doing, sweetheart?” eyes blazing with fire. 
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I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Mark Lee is the sweetest boyfriend to ever exist. Honestly, though, I think a good sexual experience with Mark would probably happen while you're both drunk, while he has no idea what's happening and is fumbling to undo your clothes. He's the kind of incredible one-night-stand whose name you can't remember at all, but when you see him again it all starts coming back to you. He's very intimate with his s/o. He loves leaving sloppy kisses (whether drunk or sober), though he doesn't know his own strength. Yeah, while Johnny's the kind to break the bed during sex, Mark's the kind to break the bed by jumping on it, but he'd definetly blow out your back by accident. Even though he hates leaving marks like hickeys, for some reason in the morning he always gets confused when he sees bruises on your body. He doesn't really mind who's on top, so long as the night ends with both of you satisfied.
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I've said it once and I'll say it again. Jaehyun is sexy everywhere, and mean everywhere. He lives somewhere between the fine line of cruel and sweet, but it's the idea of getting caught that gets him going. If it's in the supply closet of an Inkigayo room fifteen minutes before the show starts, he's already shimmying off his pants. If it's in one of the member's rooms after they've majorly pissed him off, say no more. Jaehyun is often a very private person, but once he's riled up and horny, he doesn't care. Jaehyun sees sex as a way to relieve your stress and to destress, so you can bet for sure some of the best sex with him is when he's mad; especially with that monster cock of his. Often he tries his best to be gentle, but he forgets how strong he is.
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Haechan looks like he's innocent, but he's got a lot of tricks up his sleeve, some of which he learnt from his hyungs (like edging), and others that he learnt on his own, or is just a natural at them. Donghyuck is a big believer in teasing and, ever since he learnt about it, edging. He doesn't really care who's in control, he's a great dom and an amazing, whiny sub. He's so energetic all the time, so of course he'll have a lot of stamina. He loves giving and recieving both praise and degration. He's not as freaky as Yuta, but he does enjoy using a few toys.
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Doyoung is a shitty little tease. He adores foreplay, and pretty much anything that will make you drip for him. He may seem awkward and even possessive, but Doyoung actually really enjoys sharing you; whether physically or with another member watching. He's a big exhibitionist, so he loves showing his members how many times he can make you cum. Speaking of, if he even sees a vibrator in your room, he's probably the type of guy to have a contest with it, seeing how many more times he can make you orgasm than the "fake plastic dildo" can (I have no idea what a fake dildo is, ask Doyoung).
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Jungwoo sometimes looks innocent or even unexperienced or maybe not even into sex at all, but in reality, he's almost as freaky as Yuta. He loves making you cum, loves hearing you scream his name and absolutely adores taking you from the back. Honestly, he'd probably put a vibrator in you the whole day just to see if you'd break. He's not the jealous type, but when he does get jealous, he gets toxic, and he certainly doesn't like sharing you, but he's quite proud when he's telling stories of the two of you to his hyungs; enjoys when he knows they can hear you, and probably is another one who'd break the bed by accident (though he'll definetley be cocky about it and make it look like he did it on purpose).
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surshica · 1 year
request : chishiya x black!fem reader
genre : fluff — imagines
warnings : contains swearing and kinda ooc chishiya
A/N : this request made me squeal and kick my feet n shit omg. i tried making imagines OK BUT THID MADE ME WANT TO MAKE ANOTHER RAHAHSHSH. anyways ENJOYING HAHAH I TRIED.
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chishiya knew abt you since you had thick long curly hair
he thought it was too much of a distraction to have your hair half up half down with the curls, they weren’t even distracting; he was just mesmerized by the curls
i mean what can you say not a lot of japanese women have dark skin and beautiful curly hair.
it took him a while to even talk to you since you had that natural rbf.
when he actually finally to talk to you, you were the most down to earth person; he just assumed that you were rude because of the rbf.
to his dismay you were in fact taller than him, he hated the fact you had to look down at him but it gave him some butterflies.
whenever you two would hang out he always noticed you were the type to dress up; not in a formal way but in a very fashionable sense.
you always had some kind of makeup on you but you would mainly carry gloss with you. chishiya watches from afar when you reapply the gloss.
he was a strawberry person and you were a coconut person.
ever time you passed by him at the hospital he would get a whiff of coconut coming from your hair even during the winter; he found it quite relaxing
you would always ramble to him about work and the shitty people at school since you were going back to school #scholar!!!
he noticed you express yourself a lot through hand emotions as well.
whenever you put your hair up in a bun or tight ponytail he would be like ‘the curls 😧’
he wants to play with the curls but never does because he doesn’t want to seem weird
OMG IMAGINE HIM BEING INVITED OVER RIGHT, and he goes into your bathroom and he sees so many different products and he asks you “what’s this”
pure shock washed over your face
you had invited him over to help you with an assignment for your clsss but instead it turned into an hour discussion about the products
boy was mesmerized pt.2
he even went out his way to use the products you told him to use AND LORD BE HOLD it made his hair softer
like for your birthday he got you a bunch of hair products and jewelry that he thought you’d love AND HE WAS RIGHT
he got you some cute bracelets and necklaces and the next time he saw you at work you showed off your bracelets he got you
he loved the way pastels and nudes looked on your skin tone.
you had a dark skin tone with pink undertones so even the slightest blush was visible
he would get dirty looks from people since you were not the same pale skinned japanese you see; but he seriously DGAF.
you always invited him over for dinner since you knew he wasn’t the best cook; he didn’t show it but he did enjoy the food
“chishi!! should i straighten my hair? i feel like curls are too much of a hassle to take care of.”
“no.” “the curls give personality. i cant say the same about straight hair”
he seriously can’t decide if you look better with your natural curly hair or the braids.
that took you by pure shock tbh, you looked at him and laughed at him, “you don’t have to ask chishi. we are besties”
like he buffered slightly and you didn’t feel his hands mess with the curls BUT INSTEAD YOU FELT HIS FACE PLUNG INTO THE CURLY FLUFF.
“soft.” was all you heard escape from his lips.
luckily you and chishiya were right next to eachother when the fireworks went off. that didn’t mean you weren’t shitless scared none of the less
you stuck next to chishiya until you two made it to the beach.
you weren’t as scared anymore but rather confident and more witty. still uber friendly to everyone in the beach
you even met kuina and you two bonded SM.
kuina and you became shit talking buddies with chishiya with you.
you were wearing the bracelets he would give you, you even noticed HE WAS WEARING THEM. you felt some butterflies teehee
even during these terrible times you still had time to maintain your curls, they weren’t happy with how they looked so you ended up cutting it to a shoulder length.
chishiya was so upset he didn’t talk yo you for some time at the beach
when you finally confronted him about it, to your surprise he was mourning the loss of the long curls.
most of them time during the beach kuina felt some of the most romantic tension EVER.
kuina would always tease him about it but would deny it saying you’re only besties.
while at the beach, you kinda stuck out like a sore thumb. everyone was pale japanese women/girls. and you were a tall dark skinned beautiful black women
you caught niragi’s attention so many times yet you always turned him down, you weren’t scared of him.
chishiya didn’t want anyone touching you so he became your own personal body guard even going to games with you.
kuina literally did everything in her power to get you two to date but yall were so delusional she gave up.
as time went on you met usagi and arisu and you absolutely loved them
but after finding out what chishiya did to them, you were upset and disappointed with him you stopped talking to him all round.
he got scared because he didn’t see you at all on the cameras for witch hunt but he found you simply in the bathroom doing your hair chilling
he didn’t know how to apologize but he just looked at you with a sad eyes. you gave him the eye roll forgiving him.
since the beach was going to shit, you put on some white shorts and a jacket leaving with him.
even in just shorts and a bikini top he had these butterflies ALL ROUND.
the two weren’t surpised when mira was the one behind all of the games, but having the jack of spades be the first one to come after the two of you? shit was messy.
you had to grab chishiya since this mf wont run for his life.
you ended up getting separated from the gang so it was just you a chishiya.
you were so over games but yet he wanted to do more and more and more.
since it was basically an apocalypse your curls started to dread and you hadn’t found the time to even do makeup
chishiya was fairly upset that your curls weren’t curling anymore, it became his life goal mission to get out of this hell hole.
when niragi shot chishiya YOU COULDNT EVEN STOP THE SASS.
you had wrapped him up in the bandages you had in your bag, he would tease you about being so tensed.
“chishi if you don’t shut up i’m going to hurt you even more”
chishiya had realized that maybe he should go for the risk in life.
“maybe when we get out of this hell hole, we can go on a date.”
“are you asking me on a date?”
“and if i said yes?”
the fireworks went off, a smile caved onto your lips “i accept your offer”
you weren’t seriously injured but you had to find chishiya and ofc you found him in the spot you and him would always meet up at
he was more concerned about your hair running his hands through the now short hair curls
you even went on a ramble on what happened, you kept looking at him asking if he was okay
he had to get on his tippy toes to give you a peck on the lips.
“sometimes you ramble too much.”
you bent down giving him a kiss before quickly pulling away cover your flushed state.
“and i’ve been waiting for that. you took forever chishi”
“you know i never thought you’d like me that much chishi~”
“what can i say? i like your curly hair. it really made me mesmerized”
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howtodrawyourdragon · 11 days
What texture/paper/background do you use for your digital drawings? I really like it!
I'm actually using a brush from a trick that I learned from this 4 year old video:
They show two ways to make a textured canvas on Procreate, but I've only ever followed the first option.
Basically, I grab a regular white canvas of my choice.
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Then I take these colors:
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The Main Color I just fill the entire canvas with by dragging it out of that little circle at the top right.
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Then I find the brush "Soft pastel" amongst my default brushes in the tab "Sketching." and take the Texture Color before lightly brushing all over the canvas with the brush on its largest size. But only once and on a separate layer.
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You already get a little bit of a texture going. Then I take the second layer (the textured layer) and change the mode to Multiply. Which makes it darker and makes the texture contrast harder against the plain first layer.
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I merge both layers before finding "Hue, Saturation, Brightness" in the Adjustments tab and I play around with only the Saturation bar on the bottom until I get the exact shade of paper that I want.
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The difference from before and after I play around with the Saturation bar. (Which stands at default on 50% I'm pretty sure)
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And I do that before every drawing that I do on "paper."
It takes less than 5 minutes and really gives my art that textured feeling that I really enjoy. :)
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I don't even have to stick to the brown color I showed for sketching and lineart because most (if not all) colors fit. The lineart of the middle one is actually a dark green.
Though for the Snotlout piece I used a different brush to create a different type of texture and I can't remember which one.
For the coloring in the Femcup piece, I only used the default "Round Brush" from the Painting section, but because I didn't press too hard, the texture still came out as if I drew her on actual paper.
For the sketching and lineart, I tend to use the default "Ink Bleed" from the Inking section.
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wildflowergull · 10 months
tell me abt Zeph and Winston's regression :D! What kinda stuff do they like to do? Do they have a particular age range/petre?
wa!! nice to me jumpscare !!!
because they’re both immortal, I think they have a really hard time giving exact ages during an age check. Zeph has existed as long as dreaming and wishes have existed and Winston is almost 6000 years old. age is a number they don’t remember what being a newborn is like sksjfjf
both of them like soft things like blankets and plushies but in different ways.
Zeph is kind of a personified concept/idea- the infinite dreams, a part of the universe that is ever expanding type deal- he likes being wrapped up tight in a blanket burrito, it helps him feel more tethered to his current form/body! very cozy. hug him when he’s a burrito and he will love you forever
Winston is the exact opposite. HATES it when his blankets are too tight to move. if he can’t move he freaks out and will bite you. rubs his face on blankets and soft plushies and other things like that :3
Lover of pastels. Baby blue and light yellows and pinks and lavenders
Cargo shorts and oversized hoodies that are stolen from his big brother or caregivers
So so excited about everything, the tip of his tail wags a lot. he points out things that excite him. He does flappy hands and rocks back and forth on his feet and babbles
Usually has a pacifier on hand, they’re all customs! Space and fish themed mostly with one or two bunny ones :3
Any time he sees an orca on anything he points and bounces and says “it’s me!! it’s me!!”
LOVES fish and space !! taking him to an aquarium or planetarium is the best thing you could do for him :3
Also loves bunnies and cats :D he’s scared of dogs
He doesn’t technically need diapers but he likes the comfort :3 his favorite irl diaps would be bunnyhopps !
Perfectly content to curl up on the floor and read stories to her stuffies
Despite being an anthropomorphic orca she does not pet regress skdjfjf
Very eepy little guy. Side effects of being a dream spirit <3
Is too old to care about being embarrassed anymore, he just enjoys whatever he enjoys and everyone else gets to deal with it
Puppy regressor!! side effects of being a werewolf skdjfjf - seemingly endless energy, uses it all to run around the fields outside his manor. eats dirt and messily braids flowers into his hair
Surprisingly well behaved, if not a little restless. Cannot stand still. You try to wipe the dirt off his face and have to keep reminding him to hold still every two seconds
Tail is always wagging (this is true when he’s big too)
Hangs out with the cows and sheep and pigs and chickens. Starts acting like them. Has learned not to touch them
Because all of his teeth are super super sharp, he has to be reminded not to chew on his knuckles. Pacifiers are a little too frail, and chewelry and other stuff is too soft and he breaks it. he has actual chew toys so that he doesn’t have to replace them every time he has a baby day sksjdjd
Colorful plasters on his hands and arms and face and knees. He can be convinced to wear a shirt and it always has a cartoon character on it. Cargo shorts or gym shorts, never pants when he’s little
Sometimes wets the bed. Finds comfort in diapers but doesn’t actively seek them out, like if you tell him to put one on he will but he won’t put one on on his own
Loves music :D
Always outdoors, making games, trying to help out in the garden/farms/with the animals
Can’t go out in the sun no matter how much he wants to
LOVES rainy days, apparently those count as “not in the sun” so he gets a bucket, a raincoat, and goes looking for snails
Doesn’t wear shoes
Somehow always has dirt smudged on his face
His hair is an excellent way to ground him, brushing it can calm him down. Make sure to get the back of his scalp and his neck, those are his favorite spots
Doesn’t mind bathtime! That’s when he plays pirates :D
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tarrenterror25 · 1 year
Idk if you’re still writing for the rogues but if you are then what about them (any, or one, it’s entirely up to you!) with a goth s/o? Hope you’re well and good luck with these next couple weeks! ❤️❤️❤️
I want to write sooo much more for this, but don't have the time currently, but hopefully I can give a much more detailed blurb in the future! 😭💕 I hope you like these!
Thank you for the luck! It's a crawl, but I'm almost done with it!
You know I gotta do Two-Face and Black Mask for this one.
-Obviously, Two-Face likes the more uh, risqué clothes you wear.
-Harvey actually...kinda likes the music. The more synth sounds, anyways. Two-Face digs it, too, but neither of them really care for anything leaning towards metal, gives them a headache. Likes artists like Blutengel, Gary Numan, some Bahaus
-If anyone tries to say anything about your style, both are ready to throw hands, no questions. He is your ride or die.
-the type of goth that I think would pair well with him is either (I may be projecting here, I apologize) a soft romantic goth or a chaotic pastel goth. The reason being the contrasting styles and personalities, ya know, because duality and all.
Black Mask
-Definitely is into corporate goths (the tight skirts or pinstripe pants and classy jackets, etc.) If you have an inverted goth aesthetic (white instead of black) and you wear the more romantic/vampire style, oh he's definitely approaching you first.
-He digs the corsets. A lot. (Guy, gal, or gender neutral, doesn't matter, he loves that shit.)
-He loves the macabre side of your style: the skulls, specimens, and all the spooky things. He'll even let you put some of that stuff up in his place.
-Someone says something about your style, it's on sight.
-Some artists he digs are Priest, ††† (Crosses), and he doesn't mind if you throw on some Type O Negative.
-I can see him be really into someone with a cybergoth style.
-He digs the heavier music for SURE. Likes stuff like Combichrist, Ludovico Technique, and Slipknot
-Super supportive of your style and loves helping style you; he'll bring you any spare tech bits and baubles for you to use for your looks.
-loves to go out dancing and to concerts with you!
-If you wear the big skirts/dresses/frills/ruffles/lace, he's just super careful that you don't catch on fire
-he's got major golden retriever energy for you!
-I see him being more intrigued by someone with a nu goth style. It matches his more polished looks.
-he's going to try and seem like a know it all, but this is clearly something he knows little about and you can either choose to playfully school him and affectionately put him in his place or be casually aloof about it like "oh, yeah, guess that's cool" which will bother him and make him chase you to impress you with his knowledge
-he doesn't mind that you dress different, he's got way too much confidence and audacity in himself and he's going to give some to you (if you need it). Head up, shoulders back, and show these people who's the superior one.
-I see him liking stuff like She Wants Revenge or Depeche Mode
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Hiii!! For the 24 days of Christmas I think
“i could always wrap myself and call it her christmas gift” is sooo Lance Tucker 😂 maybe Bucky too 😂😋
You write them so good and both would be dirtyyyy to say something like that 😂🥵
pairing: lance tucker x reader
a/n: thank you so much for your request! if anyone else wants to participate, here’s the instructions
12 days of christmas - day 5
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There were two things that Lance Tucker could not stand in his gym - the constant presence of Hope and her annoying side kick and the ballet teacher who had the second floor of the gym, albeit for two different reasons. Hope was just annoying and having her weigh in on his training decision was the worse thing that had ever happen to him while Y/N, Y/N was annoying because she kept refusing to flirt back with him. In his mind, that woman was playing tricks on him, constantly wearing pale pink bodysuits, with her hair pushed back and matching pink leg warmers. God, he was his fantasy wrapped up in a pink bow and no matter what he did, whatever romantic bullshit he followed, she still could not care less. All she cared about were the little brats she taught who could barely stand up for more than five minutes.
Like clockwork, she walked through the gym, her air buds gently tucked in her ears as her pony tail bobbed up and down - god, that ponytail teased him. He smirked from where he was standing, leaving his student to make his way towards her. She sighed, taking her air buds before setting her hand on her hip. 
     - Good morning, Y/N. - he smiled. 
     - Good morning, Lance. What do you want? Did you impregnate another one of your athletes? 
     - Why? Would you like to take their place?
     - Bye Lance. Do not terrorise my students. 
     - They’re 5. They’re afraid of their own shadow. 
She rolled her eyes before taking the stairs, giving him a view of her ass which had to certainly hold place in the 7 Wonders of the World. He licked his lips before returning to his job and sadly returning to having to listen to the most annoying woman in the world - Hope. 
      - I don’t know how she hasn’t gotten a restraining order against you, Tucker. 
      - None of your fucking business, blonde devil.
      - What are you gonna give her for Christmas this year? An STD? 
      - I could always wrap myself and call it her Christmas gift. 
      - Good, maybe she’ll punch you and let me watch.
Y/N was pretty much harmless, she did fit the stereotype of a ballet teacher; nice, soft, sweet and always dressed in pastels. He used to think that wasn’t his type, that bows and lace reminded him too much of sugary sweetness to actually turn him on, yet here he was, hopelessly devoted to the ballet teacher upstairs. The day dragged down as it always did, with her coming in and out to run different classes before happily talking to the parents. Ballet child parents sounded a lot easier to handle than crazy gymnastic parents, but to each its own. Soon, the day came to an end and the blonde devil had left, leaving him to clean chalk dusk from all over the gym. 
     - Do you need help? - a melodic voice made him turn around. - I thought Hope was going to help. 
     - The only thing Hope helps at is spending the gym’s money. - he rolled his eyes. - Yet again, I wouldn’t want to see such a pretty lady dirty herself. 
     - Not a sex joke? My, my, Lance Tucker, are the holidays doing a number on you?
     - Don’t know if any of your brats are still around. 
     - They are not brats. - she crossed her arms. - Just because they ask you questions does not mean they’re brats. 
     - How many times can a 5 year old ask what an Olympian is?
     - Maybe they don’t see you as an Olympian. - she shrugged. 
     - I think you hurt my feelings. - he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. - You can only fix them by letting me take you out. 
     - In your dreams, Tucker. 
     - Oh darling, you do much more in my dreams. 
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starry-skies-116 · 11 months
Samuel Lee Witwicky: Body Headcanons/Facts (Reboot AU)
Sixteen year-old Chinese-Australian American. So naturally, he has both traditionally ‘asian’ and ‘european’ features, that being golden-toned/warm-toned porcelain-esque skin with freckles. It’s a far cry from the stereotypical pale yellow- think of Mari and Sunny’s skin tone from OMORI (at least, Sunny before the pizza came).
Despite the height difference not really being all that much, he’s the shortest one (he’s 5’3/160 cm, Mikaela is 5’6/167 cm, and Heidi is 5’4/162.6 cm).
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Despite being somewhat slim, petite and mildly toned, unlike other asian characters in Transformers like Miko Nakadai, his body type actually has some pretty prominent curves. His body type is actually really curvy around certain areas, and he's one of those trans guys who's not a skinny white twink (no offense meant by this /gen). One of his associations is nature, healing and life, and nature is plentiful with its bounties. His skin is also really soft since his parents urge him to always take care of it. This is why he likes to bind- he doesn’t mind being curvy in areas like the hips and thighs, etc, he just doesn’t like the curves on his chest aka breasts (someone pay for his top surgery or I sue /j) 🙂
He has traditionally really gentle and traditionally ‘beautiful’ features, like a button nose, dimples, bow-shaped lips, etc. But the one that stands out are his beautiful, bright and sparkling green eyes that’s inherited through his father’s side of his family (descended from Archibald). He also inherited his freckles from that side of the family too.
He has iridescent rings around his pupils that are an indication/foreshadowing that he’s not exactly ‘human’. Whenever his powers are triggered, or whenever he wills himself to use them, sometimes the pupils or the whole eyes light up with that blinding gilded light. And whenever the transformation into his other ‘Transformer’ form is triggered, they flash green.
Speaking of eyes, did I mention they’re monolid eyes? And they’re what some call ‘peach blossom’ shaped? And he lines them with red eyeliner? Bro is straight rizz material-
Trans dude, bisexual and polyamorous, born intersex (PCOS): him being trans and intersex plays into his body type where he has quite a bit of body hair on areas like his chest and legs. There’s not as much on his arms, though.
An INFJ Pisces and supreme peak autistic, what can I say lmao-
Sam dresses very modestly and formally, usually in collared shirts and in patterned sweaters/sweater vests (but mostly sweater vests). And most of the time, he wears baggy, decorative zip-up hoodie jackets atop them. Sometimes he wears cardigans or painted/decorated jean jackets, loose tops with floral or other cute patterns, and shorts. In the winter, he slaps on trench coats over his outfits along with cute gloves and scarves.
Sometimes his aesthetic is light academia with dark vests, sometimes it's cottagecore, sometimes it leans towards cute, muted pastel kidcore, sometimes he has a few retro-esque fashion items on, who knows? At the end of the day he looks as cute as he is on the inside 😊
But on some occasions, he does have blazer top jackets, y2k accessories, and turtleneck top wear that he wears on some occasions. Mikaela encourages him to wear them more often because she and Heidi both think that it makes him look awesome. He deserves to feel happy in his own body. Some of the blazer jackets have Chinese patterns, others have 80’s/90’s patterns. He sometimes adorns them with a pin or two.
If this man has his first date in the future, he’d wear a hanfu to it. He’d wear a hanfu to prom. He’d accessorize in all the cutest ways, and thinks it won’t look good. People proceed to die.
Y’know those Pacific Rim drivesuits that the pilots always wear? Think of Sam wearing something similar- that’s what he always wears into battle. There’s always a belt that he wears that has the steel Autobot crest on it on the armor/pilot suit.
Sam 👏 wears 👏 makeup 👏
And that’s on PERIODT.
He wears tinted and scented lip gloss, sometimes even those glossy expensive brands of lipstick that his mother owns, he learned how to properly apply eyeliner from his mother, he puts that on top of a bit of light foundation and blush, but even then he’s so damn pretty without makeup.
You cannot tell me that this man doesn’t have a natural blush on the tip of his nose and his cheeks, and some across the bridge too.
And jewelry?? On god. He wears those ebony stud earrings lined with gold with an amethyst dangling below it, those are his favorite earrings- and he has necklaces and pins, and he even has pearl jewelry and so many y2k-esque rings on his fingers that he likes to twirl and play with. He has jewelry for EVERY occasion.
He only wears the rings sometimes, though- he already has his bracelet to toy with.
And nail polish. He either goes with the glittery light purplish pink one, or the straight black nail polish with the extra shine, because that’s what suits him the most in his opinion.
He loves flowers and plants so much that he has a eucalyptus leaf and flower anklet that he wears on occasion.
Not to mention the Buddhist clay and brass bead bracelet that he stims with on occasion, twirling it around his finger in repetitive patterns as some sort of self-grounding and self-soothing behavior. He even sometimes chews on the jade pendant of the necklace his mother gave him- he wears that shit all the time.
Naturally, Sam’s body is capable of some pretty weird stuff, as you can imagine if you have the heart of a literal primeval CREATOR GOD merged with your own since your birth that’s been altering your DNA and fundamental molecular structure to superhuman levels-
When he transforms into a more robotic form, he pilots it like a mech or a jaeger with his own body in the ‘Transformer’ body’s spark. It’s an extension of himself, like he IS the body, because of the nature of his heart as well as the neural link established with the suit. If the Transformer body feels pain or takes damage, then he feels the pain of that damage and takes that damage as well. The only exception is severed limbs- in which case, the limb of Sam’s ‘human body’ merely is disabled/paralyzed until repair/medical aid is administered. Think of how Mark from Mech X4 operates the Mech itself. Coupled with that, the mech has all of the standard abilities of a Transformer, including an alt mode.
He can breathe underwater and in space when transformed. Or, rather, this is because he feels no need to breathe when transformed.
You know Blue Beetle’s mechanical scarab wings? Well, think of Sam’s more robotic form having those. The scarab wings with the sunset color palette, glimmering in the light as they unsheathe, having the ability to shift and turn into a shield of sorts as they arch over his head and in front of him, expanding their area to shield his body… foaming at the mouth rn help-
These come with side-effects, such as enhanced reflexes, strength, senses and dexterity, and the ability to interact with Cybertronian technology as well as reading several different scriptures/forms of Cybertronian to an extent. Given how Transformers sometimes communicate via telepathy or technopathy without any sensory channels/input required… Sam also has these kinds of abilities pertaining to the mind. He can establish neural links with other living beings and dreamwalk, creating a metaphysical manifestation of their realms of consciousness to navigate and telepathically talk to them.
Sometimes, he can even revive dead life such as plants, and on rare occasions he’s accidentally created new life. Other abilities include absorbing and redirecting energy, kind of like Black Panther’s nanotech suit.
When Sam grows older, I imagine he’ll have a small ponytail and have some beard facial hair. I imagine him also gaining a few more centimeters, in addition to maybe getting himself a tattoo of the Autobot crest. He’ll also embrace his body and grow into it, learning to be proud of who he is and not deny or show shame for parts of himself. He’ll also ofc have a few battle scars, because who wouldn’t when fighting in a war honestly. C’mon guys /lh 
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sukirichi · 3 years
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request: SWIMSUIT SHOPPING WITH JJK CHARACTERS — (yuuji, megumi, and gojo satoru ver!)
notes: i’ve reached a point in hell of no return, help 😩 anon knows exactly what she’s talking about and i’d be more than honoured to add on to this concept
warnings: nsfw content such as public sex, overstimulation, degradation, manhandling, oral sex (f and m receiving), road head, and slight cumplay (nsfw under the cut!) + this is unedited/not proofread,
(all minor characters are aged up)
masterlist ! requests are open
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he’s a pretty innocent boy
in a way that he’s not always dirty minded instead of him totally being...well, inexperienced
so when you ask him if he can come with you pick a swimsuit, he happily agrees
he loves going shopping with you and is extremely patient even if you take half an hour in just one shop
he’d happily carry your bags for you
seriously, this man is so low maintenance, he’s not going to ask for anything else or whine that you’re taking too long or that he’s hungry
he’s REALLY really patient and supportive of you
and even though he’s not an expert in women’s fashion, he’ll honestly give his opinions if he thinks a dress or shoe looks good on you or no
he might also remind you just how convenient your outfit would be on the event you plan to use it t
but this time, it’s a different case because you’re buying a swimsuit
now, yuuji’s seen you naked before so it’s nothing new to him anymore, but the moment he walks inside the swimsuit shop with all types of frilly bras and colorful pieces, he’ll immediately duck his head down in respect
he’s pretty fidgety the whole time
if you bring up a certain red polka dot bikini in front of your clothed body, tilting your head to the side innocently to ask, “how about this?”
yuuji’s brain will fry right then and there
he can imagine just how great you’d look in it, but he doesn’t want to be rude or too obvious so he’ll just nod and go,
“yeah, babe, that’d look great on you!”
he’s pretty silent the whole time, but really, all the blood’s rushed to his cock already
the whole drive back, yuuji is already so sensitive and clenching his jaw with his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel while you sit next to him, hiding your smirk
you almost want to laugh at how flustered he is, but he’s trying his best not to show it
but you’re not that bad, and so you ask him to pull over because the tent in his pants looks so uncomfortable and you doubt he’ll be patient enough to jack off in the bathroom when you both go back home
he’s confused at first, glancing over you with worry
“why, what’s wrong? did you want to go somewhere else?”
“no,” you laugh, pushing your hair back into a makeshift ponytail
and THAT has yuuji driving recklessly and swerving real fast and furious style because he knows what’s about to happen next
despite his eagerness, he’s still concerned about you, breathing heavily as you lean over your seats and start to unzip his pants
“a-are you sure about this? you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to,”
poor baby is already shaking the moment your nails rake over his thigh, your breath just ghosting over his clothed erection which is already damp with pre-cum
this makes you hum in agreement because yes of course you’re sure
you had a feeling yuuji would be turned on with this little escapade anyway, but you didn’t think he’d be this needy already
now it’s time for you to relax your throat and prepare yourself because yuuji is THICK
safe to say, all your arrogance is gone the moment you choke on his length, his big hands helping you keep the hair away from your face
meanwhile, yuuji is messily thrusting his hips up to your mouth, enjoying the way you just feel so warm around him
“f-fuck, baby, feels so good. i can imagine you already in that flimsy material, you’d be so pe-perfect, fuuckk.”
your chest swells with pride, always having been weak when it comes to his praising
once he reaches his high and paints your face white, yuuji lazily pulls you closer to him to kiss you, moaning when he tastes himself on your lips
you only giggle at how romantic he is even when your hands are still stroking his softening cock, and yuuji shudders a bit at the gesture
because he’s been such a great and supportive boyfriend today, you swipe at the cum near your lips, which makes yuuji’s eyes darken when you collect it with the tip of your tongue
then, as innocently as you could bat your eyelashes at him, you grin,
“would you like to see me wear it tonight? just for you?”
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“gumi, can you come shopping with me tonight? there’s a pool party this weekend with my friends and i need a new swimsuit.”
he wants to say yes because duh
but he also wants to say no because he’d rather not walk around in public with a raging erection
and we all know megumi is big, like come on, he’s toji’s son
like yuuji, i don’t think megumi is that perverted either, but he’s still a teenage boy with raging hormones
he may have more control over himself than yuuji, but he knows his limits
a swimsuit is honestly so innocent — it’s not even half as tempting as when you surprised him with a white lingerie set (which resulted you two in not getting out of bed the whole weekend lmao) so he wonders why the hell he’s so nervous
eventually he convinces himself that going with your girlfriend while she shops for a swimsuit isn’t anything new and it’s just a “normal couple thing” so bedgrudingly, he sighs and agrees
which he immediately regrets the moment you head straight for the skirtinis
there’s so much to choose from, and his eyes widen at the absurdity of how there’s so many designs and patterns
i feel leki megumi is a cheapskate, so he’ll be more focused first on criticizing the price tags before looking at you
“25 dollars for this...thing?”
he’ll shake his head in disapproval, but then straighten up when he sees you frown
“i think it looks cute. don’t you like it?”
you push up a frilly pink skirtini, the shade a soft pastel one that just looks so innocent and cute on you
it doesn’t help that you’re gazing up at him under your lashes either, a small pout on those kissable lips
he admits it does look cute, even cuter because you’re the one wearing it, but he still doesn’t like the price lmao
or at least...not until he’s seen you wearing it
once you’ve both gotten home, megumi heads straight to the kitchen because he’s been so parched (he won’t tell you that he’s been subconsciously swallowing his saliva the whole time, showing him material by material until it all gets suspiciously thinner and more revealing)
he doesn’t like limiting you or telling you what to wear, either, so he just follows you like a lost puppy, careful to note stare too much at anything to not make anyone uncomfortable
but then he goes back to your shared room, just about ready to call it a day since you sure did take your sweet time, and he sees you strutting in your underwear in front of the mirror
megumi freezes at the door like a lagging npc LMAO
you smile, turning to him as if he hadn’t just caught you checking yourself out, which he doesn’t blame you for because you look absolutely stunning in it
the skirt just hides the supple flesh of your thighs, but really, he’s more stunned at how your ass looks so perky in that skintight material
megumi looks away, flushed, running a hand through his hair because he’s too much of a gentleman to outright say he finds you so sexy in fear it would sound weird
but you take his sudden aversion something else, and you wrap your arms around yourself a little consciously, voice turning small
“does it look bad on me?”
he immediately picks up on how small you’ve made yourself, his eyes snapping to yours
“no, you look amazing! why would you think that?”
you pout, “you suddenly looked away. it felt like you don’t really like it.”
at this point, megumi is such a blushing, stuttering mess, approaching you carefully with his words stll stumbling over one another
“that’s not true,” he sighs, rubbing his hands on your bare arms, finally letting himself loose and shamelessly staring at how your breasts are just right under him, waiting to be touched
the tension in the room begins to thicken, and you shiver when his hands trail down your hip before squeezing the flesh almost possessively
“beautiful,” he’d murmur almost absentmindedly, and by the time you’re practically melting in the heat of his gaze, megumi just goes ‘fuck it’ and straight out kisses you
he’s gentle though
he knows you felt insecure and so he wants to take his time with you, touching you in places he knows you liked, curling his fingers in just the right spot that has you seeing stars
he doesn’t do anything that would make your body shake, but it still feels good — a lot more like lovemaking
and it is
he wants you to know he loves you and that you’re the most beautiful being ever in his eyes
megumi will kiss you starting from your calves and up to your belly, where he hovers for a minute before changing his mind and diving back down to where you want him the most
small, kitten licks in your core that has you dripping in his tongue, your hands fisting his hair
megumi doesn’t stop telling you how pretty you look just like that, loosing yourself in the pleasure he’s giving you
he doesn’t neglect your breasts; one of his hands reaching up to softly pinch the beaded nipples which has you riding and humping his face even more
megumi buries his face in your heat in that moment, his nose bumping your clit every now and then, and you feel so beautiful with how he can’t seem to get enough of you
he knows this just by the way you clamp down on his tongue, sweet juices coating his lips and he drinks it all like a starved man
“cum for me, sweet girl,” he coaxes, his thumb pushing your lips open as he watches you come undone for him
“that’s right — fuck — you’re so gorgeous, so perfect, just mine.”
and just when you think he’s had enough, megumi only flips you until your core is right on top of his face, his large hands merciless as he pushes your hips forward and backward on his tongue
similar to before, you and megumi stay in bed all day long with him going round per round, never getting tired of making you feel good until you’re just laying spent on your bed, juices flowing out of your abused core
you push megumi away when his fingers slide in your inner thigh
but no he’s not quite done with you yet
“no,” he growls softly, pushing your hands away and pinning you under his weight. “i’m not stopping until you finally see yourself the way i see you. so divine, so ethereal.”
your body is something he’ll never get tired of worshipping
you’re hella tired
but hey who are you to complain
you only wish megumi hadn’t ruined your swimsuit with your cum, but after a promise that he’ll jsut get you another one, you lose yourself to another mind blowing orgasm
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let’s be real here
you know EXACTLY what you’re asking for the moment you dragged him into a swimsuit shop
you don’t even bother asking him if he wants to go anymore because gojo being gojo, he’ll be whiny about it, saying you could just surprise him the moment you get home
to which you roll your eyes and say, “this isn’t for you, gojo.”
hah, but anything that is yours is his, and your body is definitely his
gojo is nothing but bored
he wants to go home already and just fuck you already, and he’s getting on your nerves so you threaten that you’re not letting him touch you for a whole week if he doesn’t shut up and accompany you for once
it’s not that gojo is mean and unsupportive of you, he’s just so horny in that moment he can’t think straight
but he also really, really likes touching you so the big man just pouts and crosses his arms
sighing loudly and rather dramatically
it only takes a few seconds before gojo straightens up, peeking under his blindfold when you pick up a plain black bikini with the top knotted behind your neck
it’s not really your style though, so you’re about to move to another design when gojo whines
“wait, why not that one? it would look great on you.”
ofc you know i’ll look great on you, but it’s not your favorite, and it’s fun to tease gojo so you shrug nonchalantly, picking up a dark blue legsuit instead
gojo absolutely LOSES it
man takes off his blindfold just to glare at the material as if it offended him
“babe, what the fuck is that?”
“it’s a legsuit, perfect for scuba diving. plus, it protects my skin from the sun. i wouldn’t want a sunburn.”
the way gojo laughs is so cocky you consider choking him with the suit
“that’s what you have me for?” he points to himself incredulously, “i’ll put the sunblock all over your body babe, you don’t even have to worry about that.”
“please. i’d already be stripped down to my birthday suit before you even get to open the bottle,” you scoff, muttering under your breath, “damn fucking horny guy can’t keep his thing inside his pants.”
however, this doesn’t faze gojo
“and what’s so wrong with finding my girlfriend so sexy and hot i want to fuck her all the time?”
honestly what the hell were you thinking, assuming that you’d one-up gojo when this man would always be superior when it comes to being dirty LMAO he is just so shameless
but whatever, you ignore him, heading to the checkout with a self-assured smile
gojo trails behind you, his anger radiating off of him so strongly you can feel it
“y/n, you can’t even swim. don’t fuck with me and say you’re buying that to ‘scuba dive.’”
“what, so i can’t learn now?”
“just buy the black bikini. it looks great on you.”
“i told you already, i’m not buying that and wearing it for you. i only dragged you here because i need someone to carry my bags.”
you know what happens to brats?
they get punished.
and that’s exactly what happens
gojo grabs your wrist rather roughly back to where you’ve left the black bikini, and not only does he shove it to your chest, commanding you to wear it, but he also shoves you in the nearest dressing cubicle
next thing you know, gojo has his palm over your mouth as he pounds into you from behind, absolutely railing you to the point tears are flowing down your cheeks
“look at you — not so bratty now, are we? you’re just a slut for my cock, aren’t you, sweet girl?”
gojo lifts one of your legs up in the crook of his arm, forcing you to look at the way your pussy greedily sucks him in in front of the mirror
you’re so wet that the squelching of your pussy, along with the slapping of skin, resonates in the cramped space
you reach behind gojo and move away from his hand, gasping breathily while your breasts bounce
“gojo, ah, shit — we might get caught.”
“do i look like i give a fuck, baby?”
no, he doesn’t. and he proves this by pushing you down by the back until your cheek is squished against the mirror, your ass pressed against his pubic bone
with the way gojo’s hips are angled and his long cock is hitting places only he can reach, you no longer care about people finding you in this position
your mouth is open, eyes rolling at the back of your head and drool even begins to slide from your lips
this makes gojo laugh, two of his fingers rubbing against where you two are connected to gather your wetness before shoving it into your mouth
“shut the fuck up, you slut.”
gojo’s large hands then comes up to grab and squeeze your hips roughly; you think he’ll leave bruises there or marks in the shape of fingers
he’s basically using you as his fucktoy now, paying no mind to how you’re crying from how he’s hitting in so deep and fast
your body just transcends into a different dimension
you’re fucked out, crying and begging for him to go slower
“gojo — baby — p-please, a little more gentle, ah, fuck.”
“what was that?” he teases, bending forwards to nip at your ear. the sudden shift in angles has the tip of his cock kissing your cervix, and you immediately clench around his cock.
gojo taps your lips when your eyes shut close from the exhaustion, barely able to comprehend anything else other than the familiar coil deep in your belly
“i couldn’t hear you, princess. speak louder.”
“slower, please,” you beg, placing your sweaty palms flat on the mirror in an attempt to hold onto something. “too much, satoru, t’much.”
poor you, his baby looks so tired and fucked out
with a sarcastic sigh, he kisses the pads of your shoulders, then bites the knot of your black bikini until the material falls to the ground
your breasts are now free from its confines, and his rough hands reach to fondle them
you expect him to grip it possessively like how he always does, but instead, he massages them with tender care, whispering sweet nothings in your ear
one of his hands reach over to where your hands are, looping it through your fingers while his thrust slows down
he forms a tantalizing pace of hitting deep before pulling out in a such slow, torturous fashion then slamming back in until he bottoms out in one thrust
it’s dirty, lewd, and still very much wrong — but it feels so right and it’s rare that gojo ever listens to you so you find it romantic
gojo isn’t the least bit apologetic when you’re both kicked out from the shop
because in the end, he won, and he holds your shopping bag with the cum-stained black bikini proudly all the way back to his car
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sleep3deprived · 3 years
Tokyo Revengers With a Bubbly S/O
Pairings: Ryuguji “Draken” Ken x F!Reader, Baji Keisuke x F!Reader, Hanma Shuji x F!Reader, Kisaki Tetta x F!Reader (Separate)
Warnings: Some language, Slight suggestive content ?? Roughly edited (updated and properly edited)
Genre: Fluff
Buy me a Kofi (don’t feel pressured)
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Ryuguji “Draken” Ken
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People look at him and think how you ended up with him
You’re just so...
bubbly and happy
how did this even happen
But regardless of that, Draken didn’t care what others say ‘cause he just loves you too much
Though he’ll never say that to you like that
Tsundere ass type beat
But anyways
He loves how bubbly you are
Draken finds you unbelievably adorable.
When you ramble on and on about some random topic that he can’t keep up with anymore, he just stares at you when you do
The way your facial expressions and hand gestures are all over the place just makes him want to grab your face in his hands and squish it
Which he does multiple times when you talk
It took you a while to figure out why, but when you did on your own, it makes your heart beat a little faster
He finds it even cuter when you get excited over anything
You find some cats on your walk home together? The way you squeal and run to them makes his heart flutter
When he surprises you with a gift, no matter how small and you giggle the whole time? His heart squeezes with every giggle you let out
He swears you’re gonna be the death of him
Draken is just undyingly in love with you.
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Baji Keisuke
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Something similar to Draken
Except he sometimes indulges in your bubbliness
When you get excited over something? He will too
Now there are two screaming dumbasses
But Baji loves your energy
Sometimes though, it’s a little overwhelming for him and he doesn’t really know how to react
So his conscious goes
Headpats :D
So he pats your head with a blush dusting his cheeks
You’re sometimes just a little too cute
This boy lives on your praise though
When you get so happy over something he did, the way you shower him and only him in compliments leaves him wanting more
He’s so soft for you, like a whole other person
You have this thing where every time you see him, you jump into his arms
So now it’s just a thing between you two that when you see each other you run to him, only for him to already have his arms out and spins you around once you’re in them
All Baji wants to do is keep happy as much as he can, the same way you do to him
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Hanma Shuji
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How do I even like this bastard
He’s such an ass
But he's so fucking hot oml
Another one where people think “Wtf”
'Cause ...“wtf”
No one thought he’d end up with someone as bubbly and happy as you
He’s the type to try to burst it, but then seeing how happy you are with your cute smile and everything
He’d rather die than break it
So he opts to keep his mouth shut
It’s funny though when you two go out in public
He has this intimidating and dark aura
But you?
It’s so welcoming and loving, people do double takes
And then your styles are pretty different too
You prefer wearing lighter colours, so your wardrobe are mostly pastels and such and dresses and things alike
Hanma gives two rats ass what he leaves the house in
You force him to change and he begrudgingly does because when you see him in something decent you get flustered
Again though, sometimes he wants to bring you to his reality of life
But the way his breath gets caught in his throat when you give him that smile that’s only reserved for him
Hanma thinks that his reality is too imperfect for an angel like you
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Kisaki Tetta
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I don't like him, but the latest episode of him made me write this so leave me alone
Kisaki is the type of man to keep to himself
The only time he actually goes around is when he needs people, whether for help or his own personal agenda
But you?
It’s different...
He won’t admit it, but there’s no way he’ll ever use you in any negative way
He cares so much for you, whether you know it or not.
But saying that, he doesn’t have many friends nor does he want any
He doesn't deserve any
But you on the other hand?
All Kisaki thinks is “Why tf does she make friends with everyone?”
He complains about it all the time
“Did you really have to get the number of that bakery cashier? We’re probably never even going to see them again”
But little do you know that he admires that about you
The fact that he’s with someone who has such a loving vibe and is so approachable and happy and people find pleasure in talking to and befriending you
It makes him go
“that’s my fucking girl”
Of course though, you have no idea because this ass will never tell you that
He’s very serious at times, so your bubbly self literally hanging off his arm while you point at things happily is a sight to see
Little do you know the soft smile that graces his lips when he watches you do it, falling in love with you all over
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
(for the interaction with forced ager Aizawa! I hope this is workable? I wasn't really sure how to write it?)
"Hey there baby boy, look at you! Absolutely adorable there all swaddled up in your blankie! You want some juice? Babey boy want some appy juice?!" Your voice was pitched just high enough to hit that teasing baby voice. I mean come-on, theres no way you couldn't tease the restrained hero. Especially when his glare couldn't have been less effective as he squirmed for any sort of leverage he could find trapped swaddled tightly in a blanket. You may have been just as trapped alongside Shouta, but at least you had the freedom to *move*- Hizashi gave you that at least. Though seeing him helpless in front of you...You kind of wanted to see how far you could take things before you were caught.
tw.forced agr3, a sprinkle of physical abuse, mean reader, baby vs baby pfffff MILESTONE CHARACTER INTERACTION EVENT It's sick, sick, sick, sick how much enjoyment you're getting out of his predicament. The way he squirms and shifts against the restraints as you taunt him, while Hizashi is just out of earshot, tinkering in the kitchen. (The telltale mix of metal on metal and soft rock music (and the occasional sung line) mingles in the background while he’s preparing lunch for the three of you.) The way his bloodshot eye squints at you with fatigue, irritation and disbelief is downright delicious and the way he wriggles just a little harder at your mocking words ignites some twisted glee deep, deep down in your belly. A taste of his own medicine, if you so will. It feels good. Freeing, even.
Your pacifier is in your hands, plucked from your mouth by your own free will, by fingers that can move around if they so please. You wriggle them at him in a mock wave, the meanest, most disgusting little grin on your face.
"You're just a little baby now, daddy", you coo while he tries to answer, but he can't even say anything. His mouth is kept behind a baby-blue pacifier gag (the same model you used to wear) and only grunts and loud breaths tell you he is beyond irked by your behavior. Good.
It’s funny, really. How quickly the tables have turned on him. How he’s restrained now, a grown man in infantile onesies and cutesy bdsm restraints as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. How he mirrors you now, with the stark difference that you can at least crawl around him.
Because you have been good and he hasn't. No, his incessant movement and protest keep you up at night, his refusal to eat hinders your meal times - he’s a fucking brat, that’s what he is. You can understand him, of course. As much as you hate to act like some toddler, there is no escaping from these two men - now only one, but still. He’s better off accepting his new life, just like you did. Play nice and get rewarded, even if it’s vile. And as you sit on a pastel-pink carpet, you might just do your part.
"Do you want to play horsies?”, you ask while you bat your eyelashes at him. The stupid toys are all over the room, with your two favorites right next to you, big and expensive. He never was (still is?) the type to get down and dirty with the figurines just like Hizashi does and now he’ll get to experience just how mind-numbingly dumb they really are.
Your face twists into mock concern as you wait for an answer - one he can’t provide. With a shrug, you pick the two up and hold them in front of his face, seemingly waiting on him to take one.
"Oh no, daddy - you can't! No hands to play with, hm?", you pout. "Don't worry, I'll play for you, too.”
One unicorn in your dominant hand and a pegasus in the other, you let them soar through the air while making all sorts of weird play noises, annoying and loud. You watch him as they circle in front of him, his one eye sticking to their movements and he calms down a little, probably under the impression that you’ll shut up for now. Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. The horses are made out of plastic, every sharp edge carefully rounded to avoid injury - but kids are kids and they love to play rough, don't they? You giggle a little as you hold the unicorn next to his face, gently turning its head so it touches his skin slightly, suggesting a tender kiss.
"Oh, look! She loves you. Loves you so so so much!", you coo at him, eyes crinkling into the fakest smile you can muster. “Just as much as I love you, daddy.”
You ram it into his cheek with little concern for his comfort. You want it to hurt. Making the most obnoxious kissing noises as you grind that stupid toy with its light-up effects into his stupid face and he can't do anything about it, can't even tell you to stop. Just a helpless, stupid baby as you stab, stab, stab, stab his cheekbone, where the skin is paper-thin and where it’s bound to be painful with the force you’re applying. It’s silly, it’s absolutely laughable, but so are two grown people in diapers playing pretend against their will in pastel-colored walls. He tries to turn his head away, but his wriggling makes you miss your target until the plastic sinks into the skin just below his good eye. You can feel the resistance that is his eyeball and it must hurt, because he immediately stops. Those dark lashes are cast down as you stay just as still as he does, until something trickles out behind them, slow and wet.
A tear? No way. You both watch each other for a couple of breathless seconds, you with morbid fascination and him with betrayal in his eye. The sight makes your belly coil with something akin to triumph and you finally let the toy slip out of your grasp as you lean closer, lips parted in anticipation. He’s oddly beautiful like this, defeated and weak.
You swat away a couple of loose strands of hair before you take his face into your hands and press a kiss to the red spot that blooms on his skin. And another. Then another.
You kiss and bite and lick the mark until the radio stops and he tries to shake you off, until you can taste his blood through your teeth, until Hizashi’s heavy steps are right in front of the door and you know you’ll be in deep, deep trouble. You can’t bring yourself to care.
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peachesofteaches · 3 years
Queen Peaches 🍑 would you bless us with a blurb. Like maybe y/n is studying for uni and it’s taking up a lot of her time so Damon gets all needy and sad but when he shows up she’s having a meltdown bc she’s so stressed and he just babies the fuck out of her and maybe a soft blowjob.
HERE YOU GOO! So cute v fluff. Enjoy
Word count: 2,604 (18+ filth)
Damon stood in the living room of his girlfriend's childhood home, politely dismissing her grandmother to make his way upstairs to her bedroom. The old stairs creak beneath him as he nears her door. It reminds him of when she still lived here before she went to college. He was always intrigued with her, coming to check on her in the middle of the night or press his ear against the wood to listen to her, Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena during a sleepover.
With the end of term approaching, Y/N chose to come home to study. Damon remembers her mentioning how she wanted to spend more time with her grandmother so he didn’t bother trying to coax her into staying at his place. Usually, she comes over for sleepovers almost nightly, but recently she’s been studying in her room, isolating herself from her friends and her boyfriend.
It’s not by choice- he knows. Yet, this is how she handles stress, as unhealthy as it is. He misses her though. Misses the sound of her laugh and her smell surrounding him. The pitter-patter of her feet in the boarding house. Finding locks of her hair everywhere. She hasn’t texted him back all day, or anybody for that matter, and after a long talk with Bonnie about how Y/N stresses herself to the point where she gets sick, he decided to intervene before things got bad.
He hasn’t been up to her old bedroom in years but when he opens her door, it all comes rushing back in an instant. The walls of her room are still painted a faint yellow and fairy lights are strung up across the wall, casting a warm glow across the room. Posters decorated her walls along with an assortment of framed photographs that had gathered dust over the years. Her bedspread was still white, holding a pile of pastel stuffed animals that all stared at him as he walked in the room. His eyes fell on his girlfriend who sat at the white desk facing the window, headphones over her ears, aggressively typing on her computer.
Cold coffee mugs cluttered up the corners of her desk along with assorted pens and pencils and could hear the quiet thrumming of Deftones playing through her headphones. Not wanting to startle her, he picked up a build-a-bear off her bed and threw it against the legs of her chair. Her shoulders tensed before she turned around with a furrowed brow, softening when she saw Damon standing by her window.
She pulled the headphones off her ears, laying them against the keyboard of her laptop. “What did Peach ever do to you?” She said, leaning over to pick up the pink plush bear and hold it against her chest.
Damon smirked and walked over to her, bending down on his knees to kiss her deeply, fingers tangling in her hair. He could feel her body relaxing into the kiss and her hold on the bear loosened until it laid in her lap, staring at Damon with beady, plastic, eyes.
When they pulled apart Y/N’s hand went to her lips, feeling the tingling sensation that arose. “Hey.” She greeted, her cheeks turning a pink tint that blended in with the glow of the fairy lights across her walls.
“Hey.” He responded, bringing his hands to rest on her knees where he squeezed assuringly. “How’s the studying going?” He peered over to the computer, finding a written essay on a google doc. The side of the document was heavy with comments and edits made at different points during the day.
She sighs, glancing at her laptop. “I finished my research paper. I’m just trying to edit it now.”
“You finished everything else though?”
She nods quietly, blinking at the words on the screen. He draws her eyes back to him by swiveling her desk chair back and forth. “What's wrong, cutie?” He juts out his lower lip when he finds tears glistening behind her eyes.
She shakily raises a hand and swipes at her eyes before the tears fall. “I’m just mad. At myself. Nothing sounds good and I used the word ‘and’ too much. It sounds stupid.”
“How long have you been working on this?”
“Seven hours.” His mouth falls open at her answer. He doesn't know why he’s surprised. Her eyes are squinting and she’s worked a wrinkle between her eyebrows from staring at the computer so intensely. He wishes she would wear her glasses while she was working, but she’s always losing them and never wants to wear them. Her lip quivers as she snaps shut the lid of the laptop. “It’s awful.”
Tears fall from her eyes, marking up her doll-like cheeks in wet trails.
“Awh, baby.” He draws her in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her torso when her head falls to his shoulder. Her shoulders quiver with the oncoming sniffles and tears that prick at the cotton of his shirt. “Shh, shh. You’re under a lot of pressure right now and you’re probably really tired. Hmm?”
She doesn't answer, just cries into his shoulder letting the weight of the stress she’s holding melt onto her boyfriend. He holds her steadily, slightly rocking them side to side as she works to calm herself down.
“Listen,” he said, taking her face into his hands. “Let’s get you cleaned up and take a little nap. I’ll wake you up in an hour so you can get back to work, ok?”
“No-” She protests before Damon holds up a finger, hushing her retort.
“Ah-Ah. How about tomorrow we can go bother old Stefan and get him to read your paper before you turn it in? He’s always been better at that kind of stuff than I am. Then after we can go see a movie, or do whatever you want.”
It takes her a minute before she nods with her cheeks squished between his palms, letting her body fall forward when he brings her close for a kiss. “C’mon, now,” Damon says, gently pulling her to her feet by her elbow and wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her as they shuffle into the bathroom.
Under the harsh white light of her bathroom, Damon can see the purple shade underneath her normally bright eyes. Her face looks so dejected and exhausted that it makes his chest twinge with an ache to hold her. They share soft words as Damon hands her a damp washcloth to wipe her tear-stained cheeks with. He combs through her hair with a brush, sighing at the silkiness of her locks. Y/N’s eyes melt closed as he brushes, the soft bristles against her scalp soothing her.
Damon’s got her into a pair of panties and one of his old shirts, which has been hiding in one of her drawers for the past two years. He knows she finds comfort in wearing his clothing, similar to how he finds comfort in smelling hers.
He tugs the hem of the shirt down to her thighs, smiling slightly when she leans into him for support. He strokes her back reassuringly, pecking the fleshy part of her cheek. “Have you eaten anything today?”
She shakes her head against his chest and Damon frowns because if she hasn’t eaten anything today he doubts she’s eaten the other days it’s been like this. “I can’t eat right now… too anxious.” She says, her voice muffled in his chest.
Damon sighs, peeling back the top corner of her white comforter and situating her beneath it. “Then I’ll make you something when you wake up. Deal?”
“Mmm.” She mumbles, stretching out her arms to Damon. “Cuddle with me?”
After kicking off his boots, Damon slips into the bed beside her, instantly bringing her body to his chest. She nestles her nose against the warmth of his throat, her breath soft as she exhales against the skin. They sit in silence for a while, soaking up the warmth of one another. With all the stress of dead week, Y/N has hardly had time to share with Damon. It makes her feel like a terrible girlfriend.
She’s been shut in her room, pouring over term papers and projects, giving them her all, and exhausting herself to the bone. She just wants to do well. Wants to be proud of herself. The thought of school has her tensing again and her ever-so-aware boyfriend notices, beginning to massage between her shoulder blades.
“Just relax, baby. I got you.” He assures her, dropping sweet kisses onto her hairline. His body feels so warm and sturdy beneath her that it spreads an all-too-familiar feeling throughout her body. His hands are rubbing gentle patterns into her skin as arousal grows in her abdomen. She shuffles a bit on his chest before she lifts her head, peering at him through the layers of hair in front of her face.
“You should try to sleep.” Damon’s voice is gravely, she can hear sleepiness in it. She sits up so her legs straddle his hips.
“I just want- I want to-” Tears prick at the corners of her eyelids and need bubbles in her chest so harshly she feels like she might go into a fit. “I want to suck you off.” The words slip from her quickly before she can catch him. Usually, Damon’s having to coax her wants out of her with teasing measures except that now she’s too tired to care and she just needs something to hold onto.
Damon rests his hands on her thighs, rubbing his thumb at the skin. Her eyes are beady, glistening in the fairy lights of her bedroom. “Baby, let's get some rest, hmm?” He tries to brush off the subject because he’s worried this is tired Y/N talking and he doesn't want to start anything if she’s second-guessing herself.
“No!” She whines, jutting out her bottom lip. “I don’t want to rest right now, I can’t. I need you.”
His mouth forms a slight ‘o’ o shape when he realizes how she needs him. Soft, coaxing, supportive. He drums at the top of her thigh as a way of giving her permission to situate herself between his legs. Her head comes to rest on his hip bone where her warm breath sends goosebumps along the skin. Damon’s sensitive to her touch right now. They haven’t had sex in a couple of days and it has his mind spinning with filth. As much as he tries to hide how much he’s aroused- this is her show after all- he can’t help the semi that stretches the crotch of his jeans.
With a small hand, Y/N presses her palm against the tent of his pants, squeezing over the bulge and biting down on her bottom lip when Damon cranes his neck against her pillow, his mouth falling open in pleasure. She wants to make him feel good because he does so much for her. He’s patient and understanding. He doesn't see her crying fits over school as silly or naive.
With dainty fingers, Y/N pops open the button on Damon’s jeans earning a soft, relieved, sigh from him. She pushes away the rest of his clothing before taking his dick into her hands, sliding him into her mouth. She sucks and licks at the pinkish tint of his member before relaxing her jaw and filling her mouth.
Damon groans loud, reaching up a hand to brush away the fallen strands of hair that gather in front of her pretty eyes. He wants to watch her face while she sucks him off and his arousal grows when he sees her eyes closed and her face relaxed as she bobs her head. Her head comes up to lick repeatedly at his slit. His hips jolt with her movements, bucking up into the velvety insides of her mouth when she opens up for him again.
“Fuck, baby. You’re so good at that.” He murmurs, composing himself to finger-comb her hair behind her shoulders. One of her hands wraps around the base of his cock, squeezing with two fingers. She gazes up at him through thick eyelashes, taking in his pleasured expression. It urges her on further and she goes so deep that the tip of her nose brushes against the skin above his groin.
He has one hand holding onto her thighs while the other strokes her cheek softly with a thumb. “So good, baby doll. Right there.” He praises her with a soft voice that makes her feel taken care of and small. Her body is warm with the affection that swirls inside of her. She’s already starting to notice how her brain is calming down. She can only focus on Damon and it makes her feel a lot better. She knows she’s doing a good job with this because he’s told her before and his expression is pure bliss.
“You’re so perfect, you know?” He continues stroking her cheek so gently the act alone makes her want to cry. How he can be so gentle while she’s giving him her best head, she doesn't know, but she’s not complaining one bit. The reassurances are all part of the fun. “My perfect girl. I love you so much.”
She moans around him, feeling the wetness of precum slipping down her throat. He gives her little warning about his incoming orgasm, panting at her to get off before he comes but she stays where she is, continuing her pulse until he’s coming hard into her mouth. Spurts hit the back of her throat, coating her mouth in the stickiness that tastes sweet yet bitter at the same time. She swallows the cum gratefully before she pops off, a string of spit stretching from his tip to her mouth.
She smiles as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. “Holy shit, babe.” She crawls up beside the bed, situating herself on her side in the crook between his arm and his torso. “You don’t want a turn?” He asks, gazing at her tender expression. She shakes her head, blinking sleepily.
“No, I just want snuggles.”
He finds her lips and takes them to his, kissing her passionately. He can still taste himself on her lips, they’re sticky and he wants to coax her into the bathroom to brush her teeth but her eyes are growing heavier by the second and soon, she’s asleep.
He’s done some tidying up around the room, took down the coffee mugs that crowded the surfaces in her room once he made sure her grandmother was sleeping in her bedroom. He unplugged the fairy lights and switched on her bunny nightlight, tucking Peach beneath her arm then situated himself in bed beside her, stroking her back. Then, as promised, he wakes her up an hour later. Something tells him she won’t be waking up to edit her paper but he does it anyway to avoid her being upset with him later.
“Hey, baby girl.” He coos, playing with her hair until her eyes peel open slightly. The bunny night light casts a pink glow across her face that she turns away from, burying her face back into his chest. “It’s been an hour, do you want to get up?”
“No.” She pouts, sleepily pushing his shirt off his body. “Can you spend the night?”
He takes off his shirt and pushes off his jeans. He knows she likes the feeling of his skin against hers. It’s warm and smells like Damon. He situates himself on his back, pulling her close once more. “Sure.” He agrees, his whispers landing against her cheek.
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360iris · 3 years
NSFW Alphabets: Sirius Black (Poly!Marauders Edition)
In which Sirius is in a polyamorous relationship with James, Remus, yourself and Lily.
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s the type that almost immediately launches into your specific after-sex routine. He’ll leave the holding and kissing part to the others while he gets warm rags and a pitcher of water.
Makes sure you’re all cleaned up and having a clean set of sleeping clothes on; might even fix your hair so it’s not all over your head depending on how crazy the night was.
Very much the quietly caring type.
B - Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite aspect of himself is his hair, he devotes so much time, money and care into keeping it soft and long. He loves when you or the others play in it (despite how many times he might grumble, it’s an act). Not to mention when he’s giving oral and you pull at his roots? He’ll work even harder to please you.
His favorite aspect of you are your hands. He loves that you’re almost all hands, always subconsciously grabbing for him; it makes him feel wanted, needed even. Enjoys when your hands are in his hair, holding his own, or mischievously drifting over his thighs.
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He loves seeing you swallow, there’s just something hot about it that gets him going? He also gets a kick out of coming on your chest, thighs or butt? It’s probably a marking territory type of thing.
D - Dirty Secret
Extreme throat fucking is probably his favorite way to get off. Forcing himself down your throat until your lips are touching his base and then holding you there by the hair at the base of your neck until you’re crying from the strain? Most definitely his thing.
When he has to pull out for a second to let you cough and try to catch your breath, he’d 100% spend the time degrading you.
“It wasn’t even that long, stop you sniveling and get back over here. Didn’t you say you wanted to be good for me?”
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Very! Probably the most experienced out of all the Marauders.
The man is downright gorgeous, with the darkest onyx locks that fall past his shoulders; not to mention a tongue and wit that’s sharper than a sword. Interested partners flocked to him and he got plenty of physical use out of those encounters, but he never paid mind to them emotionally. His heart was set on particular group of dummies.
He knows what he���s doing and knows how to pinpoint what you like by watching your reactions. He’s very adaptable and changes his approach around your needs. A very sexually intelligent and intuitive partner.
F - Favorite Position
Doggy style for when you’re being punished, it’s a way to distance the intimacy and focus on the act. Also allows for easy spankings.
The Ballet Dancer and the Upstanding Citizen are his usual go-to positions bc they allow for face-to-face interaction.
He loves getting to see your reactions during sex, not only does it allow him to gauge how to best please you, but also gives him a sense of satisfaction to see you come undone up close.
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc?)
His during sex humor is usually derived from him degrading you. He’ll laugh at you for how whiny and needy you’re being or for how quickly you came. He enjoys being a sarcastic asshole.
H - Hot Spots (A place that drives them crazy when touched)
Massaging his scalp really gets him going regardless of if he’d directly admit it or not. The second your fingers begin caressing gentle circles in his hair, he’s melting into a puddle. Very puppy of him to be honest.
Rubbing the back of his ears probably gets him too, I have a feeling they’re quite sensitive to touch.
I - Intimacy (How are they in the moment, romantically?)
His intimacy is very serious, all lingering steely stares, face-to-face closeness and caressing of your hips. His love is quietly passionate and searing.
Because of his childhood and being disowned at sixteen, he’s been very weary of caring about others. He had Remus and James and that was enough for him. He could love them freely and know it wouldn’t burn him.
With you however, he couldn’t begin to control his love. The way you seemed to understand who he was at his core. The way he could love you no matter the weather or the consequences. The way your opinion of him never swayed, even when he was hurting the most.
His love for you is the unsung and unspoken kind, no need for the words because you can feel his adoration through his actions. Through his unwavering stares and tender caresses.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He’s not obsessed with it, but if he’s feeling particularly overstimulated in the mornings or after a Quidditch match, he just might stroke himself in the showers. He could also be into the idea of mutual masturbation.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Impact play + sadism
He enjoys seeing the aftermath of sex. The bruises on your thighs, love-bites on your neck and the lingering redness on your butt.
Corruption kink
Remus was the first partner you’d had before he’d introduced you to his friends. Sirius loved seeing how they slowly trained you into becoming more confident and sexually aware.
The process of getting you to point where all your inhibitions are abandoned and the only thing you can even think of wanting is him, thrills him like no other. All shame, embarrassment or guilt gone.
Whether it’s in an abandoned classroom, the library or an empty hallway, he loves the anticipation; the paranoia and pleasure in your eyes.
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere but his favorite has to be abandoned classrooms. Your button-up wrinkled, skirt hiked up and figure bent over a desk. What can be better than that?
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
His love for you motivates him like no other. The need to see you under him with watery eyes and puffy lips begging him to do something, anything.
N - No (Something they won’t do, turn offs)
Big no to bodily fluids that aren’t spit. Doesn’t do CNC, he wants his partners to be eager and willing so even the act of genuinely not wanting it turns him off.
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’s fine with either because they give him a different sense of pleasure. He’s very observant so once he’s assessed what pleases you the most, he leans into that hard until you’re shaking.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Slow but impacting, allowing you both to savor the way he slides into you. The pain of the stretch but also the pleasure of the veins and ridges of his length.
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
He’s definitely not the type to say no to a quickie unless he’s intentionally playing a long game. Usually he has no problem pulling you away from to group to fuck in a random broom closet.
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks, etc?)
He’s all for trying new positions or fucking in different locations. By no means is he vanilla.
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Three rounds at most on a good day! He could probably last an hour or two, with foreplay and all.
T - Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
He has dildo for himself when he wants to masturbate or for when he lets you peg him. The rest of the toys are for the sole purpose of overstimulation either you or himself.
U - Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
A teaser one hundred percent! The power edging gives him over you is intoxicating. Denying you release until you’re sobbing makes him overly giddy. Definitely the time when he’s smiling the widest.
V - Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
Grunts, curses and sighs are the most you can get from him regularly. Introducing vibrators can easily change that however.
W - Wild Card (Random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He’s secretly into pet play? Loves reminding you that bunnies don’t make noise. You can bet on pastel collars, lingerie and tail butt plugs (if you’re into of course.)
X - X-Ray (What’s going on under those clothes)
A very lean torso, he’s not insanely built but definitely has firm muscles. Very nice abs from all those years of obsessively playing Quidditch.
His penis is about 6-7 inches hard, a few veins along the length of it with a protruding, pink tip.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Average, he’s not always thinking about sex but he’d never turn down an advance from you or the others. I’d say a healthy amount.
Z - ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
Pretty quickly? He’s not one to stay up chatting so I’d drift off after making sure you’re all comfy and properly taken care of.
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djarrex · 3 years
Hello beloved mutual, I am here to request some more Order 66 Rex content because I Uhhhh adore him, and I adore you, and I adore your writing. :D
So! Here is my wee request: How does Rex handle his cyare’s symptoms when she’s pregnant? For example, does she get sore often? Lots of morning sickness? Anything like that?
(Or, in other words: I am ill all the time and want Rex Gayiyla to take care of me and I am channeling that through your incredible work)
Hello my darlin' Ro I am here to deliver on your request <3 also. PLEASE I adore you and your writing :')
I did write something where Rex helped to ease the pressure off his beloved's back by doing that pregnant belly lifting thing that was trending on tiktok [find it here] so I'll add in some other ways that shows just how dutiful and caring of a partner he is.
***This takes place when Priya was still a bun in the oven (third trimester). fluffy ficlet with pregnant!reader and a very dutiful future dad!Rex. not fun pregnancy symptoms.
should be preparing for the Elementary Ed K-6 Exams but
Find the rest of this series on the Post-Order 66 Rex ML
Everything aches.
Sure, you've made it over that constant fatigue and morning sickness hurdle that lasted way longer than necessary, but these last few weeks have been a totally different bolo-ball game. It isn't like Rex and you were unaware of what the possible symptoms would be upon entering the final stretch in the pregnancy, but the knowing before the occurring doesn't make this any more enjoyable.
You try not to complain too much, because you know that Rex is trying his best and it stings him to see you in any type of pain, but sometimes it’s just too difficult to mask your discomfort when you’re groaning and cursing as you hobble throughout the house. Your back and hips hurt for a good portion of every day, your breasts are sore, and underneath the fluid-filled fatty tissue lies a slight burning that travels to your throat and stays there. 
Everything's swollen.
Rex massages your feet, rubs your legs, your back. A soothing lotion he’d picked up in town is what he uses to rub you down, and you feel as if you’re glowing after he spends nearly an hour coating every inch of skin with tender hands that move across your stretch mark covered flesh with unconditional love and care.
You’ve been craving strange things; things that were always on display in the markets littering Coruscant’s shopping district that you never had given a second glance to back then, which are now things that you wouldn’t be able to find nearby on your new home of Dantooine, but your body doesn’t regard that - wanting those potent, exotic fruits regardless. Rex had once even traveled to a further town that was several klicks from the nearest one just to see if he could find what the baby is making you long for - with no luck. It upset him more than it did you - coming back empty handed in terms of what the objective was, though he did arrive with a pretty and soft pastel baby blanket he'd found in a shop that specializes in the sale of miscellaneous baby items, little tooka kittens stitched in a rainbow of colors in a pattern across the material.
Rex always ensures you have full a cup of water somewhere within your arms reach at all times. Hydration is extremely important, and you know that, but it's truly not fun having to get up from where you have your feet elevated just to shuffle to the latrine every half hour.
Lately it's been a little more difficult to doze off at night, but when you finally are able to drift into a deep sleep, it's pressed up against Rex's warm body - his arms wrapped around you and holding you close to him. He rubs your head and back until sleep overcomes him, and with any luck, it isn't too much longer before you're right there with him.
It won't be long before Priya joins you two in the galaxy...
We're in the homestretch.
tagging @thefact0rygirl because Vee's my po66 Rex bff tbh <3
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bakugohoex · 3 years
So theres this small little blip in the manga (no spoilers) where Jean dreams of having a family, do you think you could do this with his S/O and then he wakes up before they have to leave for Marley, and hes just so wonderstruck because it felt so real to him? Your Jean writing is just 💗💗💗
”it was the both of us, we were happy.”
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pairing: jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: fluff and slight manga spoilers 
word count: 1300+
a/n: hi, i kinda always end up reading a summary of a requets in my head and then branching into random shit but hopefully you like this, thank you so much for the support anon and thank you to @hedwigs-quills who swayed me to write a jean one shot
summary: in which on the ship to marley, jean has a dream about a family with you, as soon as he wakes up his need for it to occur overtakes him
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The broiling day smothered your faces, Jean outside on the balcony leaning against the frigid window provided some cool to the deep warmth. He stared out into the red and orange hues that cascaded through the sky, the deep ember providing a different type of comfort that he had never experienced. He gazed back through the window, your frame on the other side, letting air out but you sat on the opposite end.
His gaze had fallen onto your face, your eyes sparkling under the rays of golden beams. Your mouth twitching to a smile, the adoration you had on your face in a single moment. The few strands of your hair captivated your face, it framed you perfectively and with your legs crossed. He watched with your skirt riding up, the movement made his eyes graze across your smooth skins, your thighs pushing together.
The only thing that captivated him more than you was the soft plush fingers that trapped your own. The cooes and gargles that came from their mouth, the unkempt baby hairs and the dribble came from their mouth. The delicate baby had a soft tenderness when in your arms, you brought his baby boy into your face, kissing his cheek which produced a wide toothless smile.
Jean continued to watch the baby you had made with him, had created the little family that he had always dreamed about. You noticed him staring at his perfect wife and child, even with the beauty of the scarlet sky. The beauty of his family with the woman he loved was incomparable.
“Jean.” It was a soft whisper, holding your baby against your body.
He opened up the window more to let you creep onto the balcony, before putting his arms out, “come ‘ere.”
You complied, resting upon his thighs you had always loved to sit on, the baby looked so much like you both, the brown specs of hair and y/e/c eyes. Made him in an instant know that this was everything he had always wanted, always dreamt about. He kissed your temple, your head against his shoulder, you could feel the stubble brush against your own jaw in comfort.
The baby you both had created falling off into his own loose sleep, “I love you Y/n.” It was almost a whisper, but you turned to face the boy you had watched grow up and fall in love.
“I love you too.” His lips were soft on your neck, little whispers of sweet nothings. One firm grip on your waist and the other on you and the baby, he had fought for this, fought against the titans for his happily ever after. He would protect you and his new family for the rest of his life if it meant you both finally got the award from your suicidal sacrifice of comfort and peace.
The red hues become bluer and blacker, the soft snores erupting from your nose, it was comforting for Jean. He had waited for you to sleep before falling asleep himself, he just wanted to make sure you felt safe in his arms. Even if you never admitted it to the boy, the only place you truly felt safe was with him and your baby.
He watched the boy play and grab at your hair, a soft chuckle coming out as he brought his finger to the little ones much tinner ones. In an instant the boy grabbed a hold and he had found a new love that filled his heard even more than it had been before. The boy and his wife were his life and he’d be damned if titans came again to ruin what he had established. Another soft kiss into your hair, the smell of mango coming from your head engulphed his nose.
He finally tightened his hold on the two of you, he would protect you, that was his job. He would protect you, he wo…
The waves crashed against the stolen Marleyan ship; the smell of salt dusted under Jean’s nose. Your head rested against his body, his arms around your waist and heavy snores coming from your mouth. He stared down, a wide yawn after feeling his own body resting against the metal rails, he noticed you move yourself to feel even more encompassed between his arms and chest, your head resting against his broad chest.
Your other hand placed against around his neck lowly, you stayed curled up in his arms, he watched over you thinking about the dream he had just had. He had only woken up due to the splashing of a wave hitting the ship to rock it a bit. But even then, the dream, you and him, and the baby it felt too real. He looked out into the distance, once this was over, once you had won the war against humanity, he’d make his dream a reality. He promised himself that he would have the family he deserved with you.
Moving the stray strand of hair away from your face, you started to stir, your eyes widening at how he looked at you with love.” Hi baby.” You were a lot less tired but remained in his arms out of comfort.
“Hey princess.” He whispered kissing your temple just as he did in the dream. You felt the stubble near your jaw and feeling of it grazing across your face made your heart flutter.
“Your dream seemed intense.” You spoke yawning and wrapping your arms tighter against the boys body. He had fallen asleep first under the light blue almost pastel skies and seeing how concentrated he had looked it perked your interest.
“I had a dream.” He continued to look past you; his gaze fixated on the endpoint of it all.
You laughed at the obvious statement, “I’d hope you would have.”
He rolled his eyes shaking his head before speaking again, “it was the both of us, we were happy.”
You looked tenderly at your lover, he was picking up and remembering every last bit of his dream and you wanted to hear it all. “Why were we happy?”
He hadn’t been meeting your eyes, but at the question he finally looked into your delicate caring eyes. The fruitful tenderness you brought like a free element that engulphed all the horrors of Titans and only provided adoration. Taking in a sharp breath he began to explain the dream, explain every moment from the soft hues of the sky to the little fingers of your baby. To the way you dressed ad how even in his dreams you gave him the same love and comfort that you gave to him in real life.
“…I had a family with you.” He ended with and the smile that had fixated on your face had refused to leave. He watched your lack of speech; you were silent, and he was fearful that you didn’t want this with him. Even with the smile he was conflicted on it being a callous smile or a sorrowful smile where you would confess it was never going to happen with him.
Seeing the fear in his eyes, you brought your hand to cup his face, the stray hair grazing your palm and you softly kissed him. It was the same feeling in his dream, even more so with comfort and love. His lips tender and seethed with the taste of saltiness and sweat from the heat, you didn’t care though enjoying every last moment of it. After a couple seconds you finally departed and you could see him still worry, speaking the six words he had craved you to say, “I want a family with you.”
In an instant he knew what he was fighting for, why he was going to Marley in the first place, to beat them all and then, he would finally have the happiness he deserved. The happiness you both deserved together.
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werewolf-witchboy · 3 years
Tokoyami Fumikage X Male Reader
Being A Witch Boy And Dating Tokoyami
WARNINGS: none uwu
Being a witch has nothing to do with your quirk, you just like practicing the dark arts and witchy things.
I'm not going to mention what your quirk is, so you can imagine that you have whatever quirk you want, or you can imagine yourself as someone without a quirk.
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💀 Tokoyami had been fascinated with your hobby of witchcraft ever since he met you. He was most fascinated with the fact that your actual quirk has nothing to do with how your witchcraft works.
🕯 He had already thought you were cute before, and he had been in that time of his life where he was starting to question his sexuality a little- but after you showed him your witchy interests, he fell hard for you.
��� He may be a dark and edgy birb boi, but he's also quite shy and awkward. He probably would have never confronted you about his crush if you hadn't told him your feelings for him first.
🕯 When y'all started dating, literally everyone was like "FINALLY!!" cuz it was super obvious that the two of you were meant for each other.
💀 When it comes to what type of witch you are, i'd say you're a witch of all traits.
-You love dark and spooky things, but you also love pastel colors and nature.
-Your room in the class 1A dorm is most likely full of plants, candels, a variety of antiques and trinkets, and shit that you can't buy at stores until it's around Halloween time.
🕯 Tokoyami likes to ask many questions about all of the different types of things you do, and he actually pays attention and is super interested. You'll even teach him some new things, and show him how to do them himself.
💀 You love Dark Shadow as much as you love Tokoyami himself. Though they're both very different in personality, you find them both charming and adorable (despite them both saying they're not "adorable," they're dark and spoopy lmao).
🕯 He also loves your animal familiar.
-Your familiar rarely comes out of your bedroom. Since you're dating Tokoyami, you allow him in your room (which means a lot more than he probably thinks it does, cuz spaces where witches do their magic and recharging are very sacred to them) so he gets to see your familiar quite often.
💀 It's rare for familiars to show affection to anyone that isn't their bonded witch, but your familiar absolutely loves Tokoyami.
-They'll hop onto his lap immediately as soon as he sits down in your room.
🕯 Both you and Tokoyami thrive in the darkness, so there are often times where you both hang around in your dimly lit room cuddled up together just talking all day (or even sometimes laying there in comfortable silence).
-You'll be in there together for so long that all of your friends will start questioning where you're both at, and not even realize that you're just in your room.
💀 He obviously likes you a whole lot, but he's super bad at saying it with words. He's just shy and bashful. BUT THEN DARK SHADOW EXPOSES HIM LMAO-
-You'll be standing there looking super cute, and Tokoyami will just stare at you and want to say something so badly. Then Dark Shadow appears and is all like "wOw yOu'Re sUpEr hOt" and Tokoyami just dies right there in the very spot he's standing cuz he can't believe that just happened.
🕯 That's another thing- Tokoyami stares at you a LOT. He even did it before y'all started dating, but now he doesn't even try to hide it.
-You barely noticed at first, but once you started noticing how often you catch him staring at you, you can't help but tease him a little.
-You'll stare at him back, directly in the eyes, and he'll get super flustered and embarrassed.
-Then to calm him down and make him feel less embarrassed, you'll giggle at his flustered-ness and give him a lil beak kiss...which just makes him even more flustered.
💀 He's definitely the type who wants to be a total romantic, and speak all poem-like to you, and shower you with praises, ect. BUT he gets so flustered when it comes to affection, and second-guesses himself when it comes to his ideas of showing affection.
-He's scared of coming off too strong, or seeming to clingy, or even not doing enough, so he never really gets the chance to act out any of how he wants to show affection- and to top it all off he can't help but be absolutely smitten every time you give him affection of any sort, and he'll not know how to react to it.
🕯 You never call him out on his shyness or how he reacts to your affection, you're not offended with any way he reacts to you. You think it's super cute how innocent he seems when it comes to all of this, and of course you encourage any time he gets a little bit of confidence to hold your hand or compliment you (without the help of Dark Shadow lol).
💀 His feathers get all ruffled when he's flustered, and OMFG it's too cute. 🥺😭
🕯 Something that he loves so much is when you borrow his clothes. Because for him, it's kind of a way to show affection towards you without being super direct about it.
-So him being like "you're cold? here, wear my sweatshirt" translates to "TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME, KEEP IT FOREVER, I LOVE YOU FJSKDJFHR-"
💀 Don't come @ me- Tokoyami listens to death metal, but he'd totally vibe with something like kpop if you introduced him to it.
-He's definitely a Loona stan.
🕯 Highkey though, now that I think of it- he probably also listens to Joji and Billie Eilish.
-Like, really moody sad boi hours indie music.
-He'd have Will He playing in his headphones, and he'd be all edgy and in his feelings, but he'd also be doing something like baking cookies at the same time lmfao.
-He'd have a playlist named "songs to cry to," but he'd be listening to it while knitting sweaters for puppies or something.
💀 No, you didn't ask me what kind of music that I think Tokoyami listens to, but you got it anyway. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
🕯 If he's at a store, and sees something kinda spooky looking that makes him think of you, he'd quickly get it and think all day of giving it to you, and he'd want to watch you add it to your collection of lil trinkets and antiques.
-....But he'd chicken out so hard I stg.
-This poor baby would rehearse how he'd give it to you in his head over and over again, and then when the time comes to give it to you, he'd get suddenly so tongue-tied and worried if you'd actually like it or not.
-But, of course, you love whatever he gets you every time. Your always super surprised when he gets you something, cuz it's not your birthday or any special day, and you never expect gifts from people.
-Every time you accept a gift from him, you always want to squeal, tackle him, and shower him with kisses- but you resist doing so with all of your being, cuz you know he'd malfunction.
-Instead you very profoundly thank him many times, and give him one especially loving kiss.
-Seeing your extra surprised and happy reaction always relieves him so much, and it makes him want to do it all over again and gift you a whole shop full of trinkets. His lack of hundreds of dollars is the only thing that stops him.
💀 You're the type of person who wears a lot of black, and scatters bright colors here and there within your look. Your style ranges from goth to pastel e-boy.
🕯 You don't like to change other people's styles or tell other people what to wear, but every once in a while, Tokoyami expresses an interest in dressing like you- which you go NUTS over.
-You'll let him borrow your pastel sweaters, and he'll let you put bright colored hairclips in his feathers.
-He now even owns some pastel colored clothing of his own, that you either gifted him or he secretly bought himself at some point.
💀 He used to be shy about changing up his style every once in a while at first. Whenever you'd take pictures of him wearing bright clothes, he'd softly ask you not to show them to any of the others.
-Eventually he became confident enough to go out in public those rare days he'd wear bright colors, and everyone is always super supportive of the different style.
🕯 He had never been in a relationship with another guy before he started dating you.
-He started questioning his sexuality around the time he started high school, but it was never a priority at first because he was more focused on working hard to get into U.A. and thinking about his future being a hero.
-aNd tHeN hE mEt yOu, and now we're here lol.
-ANYWAYS, y'all go to pride parades together.
-Something he isn't shy about is his sexuality, cuz as soon as he realized how he felt about you, he was all in and that was that.
-Y'all go all out for parades with face and body paint, and shirts with your flags on them, and even sometimes bringing signs and flags to hold up and wave around.
-Some of your friends will come with the two of you, whether they're there because they're also lgbtq+ or just because they support it.
-It's the most social the two of you are the entire year, cuz your both introverted lil emos that don't really talk to many people outside of class 1A.
💀 So yeah- I think Tokoyami is highly underrated and I'm extremely soft for him. He's an emo birb boi, what is not to love.
-I believe in emo birb boi supremacy.
-Rise all Tokoyami stans, we shall take over the entire anime world someday.
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