#i’m so curious as to how they all died like their actual causes of death
aqricus · 2 years
i just finished watching the black phone and i’m ngl i was SO certain that robin was gonna rock the grabber
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superluver · 8 months
Together again | Gojo Satoru
wc: 1282
warnings: MAJOR SPOILER WARNING, SPOILERS FOR SHIBUYA INCIDENT ARC AND MANGA, Chapter 236, mentions of pregnancy(literally one word), FEM!Reader, Wife reader — NOT PROOFREAD
(I didnt put an exact warning because it would literallt give away what happened)
Pairing: Husband!GojoxWife!Reader
desc: You meet with Gojo after two long months
He doesn't remember much, just a blink and he was back as his high school self. A female, hand on her hip, a curious expression written all over her face. Staring at him, she tilted her head. “Satoru? What are you doing here?”
Satoru Gojo wants to laugh, like this was all some cruel joke.
Here you were, in front of him after not having seen your face(though younger) in almost 2 months since the incident in Shibuya— where you died.
He partially blamed himself. He watched you during your last moments, and selfishly, he’s grateful he didn’t actually see your death. His wife, his one and only. He smiles, and laughes as he pulls you in by your waist into a hug. “My boy did so good,” you whisper, allowing him to dig his head further into your torso as you giggle, your own fingers curling in his hair.
You smell exactly the same, like home. A home he never got to give you.
After he’s done being whiny, and well, a child, he pouts, throwing his head back.
“Aw man this is awful!” He shouts, and you laugh. The person he doesn't realize sitting beside him speaks up.
Suguru. His best friend, the one he had to kill, the one that would keep him up at night. The one that—
“Guess you were wrong.” you giggle, and Suguru stares at the two of you like you were keeping a secret joke from him.
You point at him mischievously, “He was all like, when you die you die alone, to his students, but look at the reality of it— well not really reality but still!”
He whines, “(Y/N)!!!”
Suguru breaks the ice, “How was the king of curses?”
Satoru huffs, shaking his head with a half hearted grin. He nods his head so the side, the empty seat beside him— which you take, his hand taking yours while you sit
It’s cold, just like his.
The tip of his nose hits the back of your palm, his eyes are closed before opening halflidded, staring out into the floor. His eyes peer over the overly tinted glasses, responding, “That guy was too damn strong, and he wasn’t even trying.”
It was almost mumbled, like a child complaining. Still holding your hand, he looks at Suguru, “To be completely honest, I don’t think I would even be able win.. regardless if he had Megumi’s cursed technique or not. The guy had too much up his sleeve.”
Your free hand pats his arm, laughing loudly you shake him lightly with a coo, “It’s alright, you’re my loser anyways baby,” you say with pressed eyebrows and puckered lips, almost teasingly.
He rolls his eyes, biting your hand lightly.
“I gave everything I had. Just a little sad you guys weren't there to support me, maybe you would’ve been able to give me a slap on the back to motivate me,” He jokes, shaking his head with closed eyes, imagining Suguru and yourself in the crowd of students.
“I’m glad that he was the one to kill me.” He confessed.
Somebody stronger than me. He wanted to say.
“It’s kind of gross hearing that from you, Gojo. You sound like a samurai general.”
You’re laugher bubbles up from your throat, tears forming as you turn back feom your seat.
“Kento, you’ll never change, will you?” You laugh, watching Satoru smack Nanami on the head multiple times, ruffling his hair in the process. You get up, releasing Satoru’s hand to sit in the seat besides Nanami. Smiling as the seat behind you is now empty.
It was for her, she was the last of the group, and you hope she wouldn't be here for a while.
“I won’t justify him, but I’ll sympathize with you.. I guess..” he mumbles, causing you to slap him on the shoulder with no ill intent, laughter from his stoicness.
“Hey!” Satoru snaps back, and you reach over and pinch his cheek.
“What I’m trying to say is, it was a fitting way to go out, Gojo.”
“You should be morw polite to your Juniors.” You chastise Satoru.
“I was already nice enough to you!” He retorts, and you tilt your head with a smile. His hand takes yours that was clipped to his cheek back in his,
“What was it like for you guys in your last moments?”
You blink, looking around the room.
“It was kind of scary,” you start, and he clenches your hand slightly. He remembers how the two of you split, you pecked him on the cheek with a determined expression, clenching your fist you told him you would be back, before warping to Harajuku. It was the last time he woult see you conscious.
You had crossed paths with Mahito, and you had it under control, until you didn't. Your weak nature, strong virtue, Satoru told you these would get in the way of you becoming a sorcerer, but you would always brush him off, telling him, I’m fine.
But you couldn’t help it, seeing a small girl in the line of Mahito’s path of destruction. Your arm was the price to pay for her life.
And, maybe you had lost too much blood, you cant remember, it’s a blur, but Satoru remembers.
Your leg contorted in a way he coulf only asume was unfoxable, your arm missing, eye streaming blood, you were dead. But his six eyes said you were alive, that you both were. And he was hopeless, tued up by the prisom realm, watching your eyes dim, he watched you die.
“To be honest, I wanted to quit with Kento, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave you alone doing all this. I don’t regret it to the end,” you smile loving at him, and he feels like vomiting.
“I would do this a thousand times over if I got to be with you every time.” You tell him sweetly, and Nanami coughs, “Enough with the sappy shit.” He grumbles.
You laugh again, and stare at Suguru. He looks back at you, and you feel your lips curling back up into a brighter smile. The man who defected, the man who left you all, he was here, and with you all.
“Once,” all attention back to Nanami. “When I was discussing with Mei-san about where I should move, she told me to move North to become someone new, and to move south to stay the person you are. Naturally, I chose South. I think it’s ironic how I died while betting on my future. But it wasn’t too bad because of Haibara.”
Haibara grins, “Aw! You’re too kind!”
“I see..” Satoru says, and you squeeze his hand back. His head snaps upward, looking right in front of him to Yaga, his voice as annoying as ever, “Yo Yaga! I thought you said no sorcerer dies without regrets!”
You laugh, and he laughs back, the room filled with laughter, Riko, Kuroi, Kento and Yu, Suguru, even Yaga.
“Now I’m hoping this isn’t a dream.” He confesses, while standing up, and you smile.
“It’s not, ya big loser!”
You shout, standing up from your chair and throwing yourself over it, crushing him. He falls back onto the ground, and Suguru jumps on top of you, Yu crushing him as Satoru wheezes, and you see him smirk.
“Welcome back!” You grin, Suguru’s face smushed next to your own. Haibara’s chin resting in between the two of yours.
He takes in the scene in front of him, everybody he’s loved all together, and finally, his arms wrap around the three of you, and he’s just so happy, that he doesn’t even Think about going back.
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witchlingcirce · 2 months
AHHHHH we got Promo for the new season today so I wanted so share my thoughts and opinions 🫶🏼❤️‍🔥
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First off… THE OUTFITS, OMG ACTUALLY GORGEOUS. They’ve obviously upped the quality this season and I am FOREVER grateful. Emma D’arcy and Olivia Cooke look absolutely STUNNING.
I really enjoy how they went with a very Daenerys season eight looking outfit for Rhaenyra. It’s probably a reference to her gradual decline into cruelty (ugh hate how this happened to Dany in season eight but irrelevant). Love how there giving Rhaenyra good old Targ colours!!! GORGEOUS.
Don’t even get me started on Alicent, Olivia Cooke is one of the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. The outfit is so flattering, the fabric is gorgeous SHE IS GORGEOUS. The detailing on this dress is actually so stunning. Green and auburn/red hair is actually like perfect Olivia.
I’m really liking the expression on these two ladies as well. In the bigger poster that this promo is apart of, you can see that it’s Alicent kind of looking at Rhaenyra. I feel like this is meant to represent Alicents inner turmoil with her decision. I think ultimately she kind of regrets, I’ve read some 🚨leaks that say that Aegon stops listening to her, and I think that ultimately makes her realise maybe all of this wasn’t worth it🚨 while I do think it’s a look of regret, I mostly think it’s a look a grief. B&C causes Alicents daughter to go into horrible grief and also leads to the death of her grandson. Very interesting! Cant wait to see what Olivia Cooke has in store this season.
For Rhaenyra I think it’s a look of determination. She completely looks past Alicent and it looks as if she’s looking at the iron throne. I’m so happy that this season there giving Rhaenyra the same cunningness and agency she had in the book. I kind of hated how in the show you didn’t really feel the desire she had for the throne. But THIS SEASON! I have so much faith.
There both so gorgeous as well!! I think these are my favourite promo images.
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Hmmmm I wonder if this promo could foreshadowing to any possible events in the future….hmmm…..hmmm…..
Anyways, both of these promos are really cool. I really like how they both have there swords out (ofc Aemond sword isn’t as cool as Darksister…), there both in front of there banners ready to fight for there team!
I’ll be honest I don’t really have much to say about these promo’s itself other than it’s obviously setting the kind of rivalry these two have (sort of.)
Although for these characters I’m really curious on where there characters are headed. I think at the end of season one we saw that Aemond kind of regretted his decision in killing Luke (whether that’s cuz he didn’t wanna actually kill him or didn’t wanna deal with the consequence) I’m really interested in how he will handle it. I don’t think he’s in Kingslanding when Jaehaerys dies but I wonder how he will handle the news. ‘Son for a son, an eye for an eye’.
Daemon I’ll be honest I can kind of assume will probably stay the same, I feel like the type of character he is was set up nicely ect ect. I’m curious with how him and Rhaenyra’s relationship will be. Obviously it’s a bit rocky, with him choking her, and also him organising B&C against her wishes, I’m very curious! Matt Smith will be phenomenal.
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Aegon I hate you but you ate this ONEEEEE little thing. His promo ate so bad guys I’m sorry like… who let him serve that much?? Also RHAENYS IS FREE FROM THE CONE HEAD! THANK GOD! I PRAYED FOR TIMES LIKE THIS.
Overall Aegons promo is probably the most ‘symbolic’, in the corner you can see one of the swords going through a green banner, probably to symbolise his usurpation and how the throne isn’t ‘his’. I also find it really interesting how he’s holding his crown and not wearing it, whereas Rhaenyra is wearing hers. I think it’s to show how the iron throne is something that Rhaenyra WANTS it’s something that was promised to her for most of her life Vs Aegon who was kind of forced upon the role.
Also interesting that Cristons hair is long and in BTS pics we see that he has short hair, I wonder if he cuts it during the season. I also like how he’s next to Aegon, “kingmaker” also a sign to how he becomes Aegons hand of the king.
I dont think theres anything to say about Rhaeny’s and Corlys other than that RHAENYS SLAYS!! Thats my queen FR.
Also, I want to point out at Aegons window we can see Vhager (you can tell by the sag, lol.) and at Rhaenys we can assume thats Meleys… Rooks rest anyone?💔
ALL the promos where so amazing, good job to everyone who worked on them and I will BE DISCUSSING THE TRAILER TMRW.
Olivia Cooke posted Trailer(s) I saw someone on twitter mention how maybe there will be a team green trailer and a team black trailer??? I HOPE SO.
Im really hoping that we see Jace and Baela in tbe trailer tomorrow… guys i miss jace 😭
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lavendarneverlands · 2 months
Refresh/Remind me with fanon & canon as I reread please and have so many questions after finishing all of ACOTAR (onto TOG & CC next)
— Were all the high lords except for Tamlin previously captured & trapped for all 50 years? 
— What was the Night Court doing while Rhys was UTM?
— Is Mor’s power truth (if so, how does that work)?
— Did Rhys know Clare Beddor was a real person or did he think it was a fake name? (Couldn’t he read Feyre’s mind the whole time)?
— Were Rhys first words post UTM to Mor “she’s my mate”?
— Whatever happened to the child of the blessed Briar girl that Feyre saved?👀
— Is there any more canon than the single “she’s beautiful”🥹 Mor x Emerie scenes? Are they mates?
— Does Cassian ever ACTUALLY say “I love you” to Nesta?😭
— Was Nesta “technically” a witch when she had stolen Cauldron powers?
— Is Gwyn Azriel’s mate (Canon or Fanon)?
— Is Gwyn’s full name Gwyneth Berdera?
— Is their currently a High Priestess (or did they start a new rule post Ianthe)?
— Does Rhys, Cassian, or Azriel have a last name?
— Does Tamlin have a mate?
— Is Bryce from Crescent City (or is she a fan-made character)? / Is Bryce the same as Bryaxis? *If this is a major spoiler please don’t answer as I’m reading Crescent City and Throne of Glass next. 😅🤣 lol*
— What decides what the Bone Carver appears to you as?
… Thing to save you, Worst fear, Thing that will destroy you? Etc.
And what does it appear to each character as (Cassian especially)? — Along with what does Cassian see Bryaxis as?
— Speaking of… WHERE THE HECK IS BRYAXIS? How will Feyre get her😅 … Is that bargain technically broken (can bargains even be broken) if so, could she (and therefore Rhys) die from it??
— What/Who gave Cassian the chest, heart, and throat scar?😬
— Can mates be unrequited, ignored, once in a lifetime, multiple, platonic, etc.
Could for instance: Elain be Lucien’s mate, but Elain’s mate be Azriel, and Azriel’s mate be Gwyn? *or Lucien having a second mate in Elain after his tragic first love (can’t remember if his autumn court lover was his “mate” or not).
— Who holds the title “Queen of Queens” (is this fan given?) I’ve seen it both with Nesta & Mor and I’m quite curious in each characters “Court” story/placement.
— Can you rule a Court without being an Heir/Spouse? (though Feyre totally earned it, honestly it was more like an overdo promotion, so NOT saying she “JUST MARRIED HER WAY IN IN” to be clear)… More like: Could Lucien (being a double sided illegitimate son) be given the reigns to Spring Court (if Tamlin died, retired, was exiled, or goes into the intensive therapy that he so desperately needs)… In that could Elain then become High Lady of Spring Court (or just be given it or “Mother” chosen for her own character (mate aside)); cause she has the vibe (plus it would be cool triad yin-yang with a sister of night, another of death (and now mother given power… so life? … Is Nesta now life & death?) and the last being her (Elain) & of spring (it would have real Mother Nature / Persephone vibes).
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Just had a thought about the supernatural harem, unless the reader becomes immortal or something during the story doesn’t Maddox just “win” the harem automatically? Cause from what I remember when they were introduced he gave up his heart to the reader to bring them back to life and with that trade was the whole deal where Maddox would come get their heart back when reader dies and in turn would kinda just claim them(? Idk how to put it) in his realm place. So like, doesn’t that mean that even if the reader goes for someone else in the harem it doesn’t truly matter cause Maddox has them in the end? I guess Baron could win in the end too cause of the contract but I feel like Maddox’s whole heart trade kinda overruled it and also idk the power scale of these guys but I don’t think Baron’s defeating an incarnation of actual death-
Idk if there’s ever supposed to be a “winner” of the harem since most if not all the posts with the harem implies the reader dating none of them or all of them, but either way I’m just curious about this. Maddox being secretly OP is kinda sick ngl
Yes... so long as they reach you first. Maddox cannot pass the gates of heaven nor hell. Being on earth is already throwing things out of balance, but at the same time they are part of whatever's keep it in check by being around you. The other reapers are relaxed on Maddox as they are the youngest and only former mortal of their rank, but rules are rules. The second you died Baron could potential try to take you for himself, but in an alternate scenario where they are not friends Maddox could easily take down Baron and Alasdair wouldn't fare much better.
There isn't a winner for the harem since... it's a harem. I thought about doing branching endings if I ever went back to the main story, but in the true end you're stuck with them all. It's ambiguous if they love each other romantically as they love you, but the boys (and Mad) do care for one another despite how much they butt heads. They carry off each other's weaknesses and are a package deal for their mortal spouse. It will be tough when your days are numbered and you have to decide where you'll go, but until then they enjoy every day they have with you - together
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lovingdabeessss · 7 months
I personally love your headcanons, so like just curious but what do you think would have happened if Yang (bless her) had actually physically died - let’s say instead of just swatting her to the side the blade actually stabbed her when she took the hit - in the Ever After, cause given what we do know, the options are:
1. Drink tea, whole body (plus soul?) ascends
2. Get murderized by a cat, clearly Alyx did not go back but at the same time she left a part of herself behind as a wish to help Jaune go back so you know (so no body but the soul ascends)
3. The usual ways that Afterans ascend like dying
Like assuming everything else remained the same (maybe Jinxy was in the mood to loot a corpse, I imagine that looting a dying Afteran must be quite profitable, they do come back with new stuff after all), imagine what the Blacksmith must have thought when another dead human appears but with an arguably more intact body and the worst possible phrasing of a dying wish on the planet.
I’d go insane id never be normal about it like I’m already not normal about how similar those two scenes were, and here I am, less normal
I think that if she had died within the ever after she’d ascend
Because that tea gave less of a vibe of being spiritually helpful and more of a just actual poison vibe
I also 100% think jinxy would rob the dead and disabled it would be INSANE if in this alternate timeline the first thing they see from Yang is her prosthetic being sold off by jinxy along with penny’s sword like obviously so so so painful also at this point makes him kinda a grave robber which is very funny
If it’s all about emotional acceptance then at that point yang would’ve accepted everything that was happening to her including her death because in her head everyone she loved was safe and going to get to the other side of the portal so it’s all fine and she in cannon accepted that she was dead even when she wasn’t she was like “oh I thought we were in hell” and was just suffering with that till Blake got her fairytale self insert dreams to come true (she’s so real for that I love her)
I think she might get herself stuck In between actually ascending tho because she refuses to address her feelings ever and would just accept that as the afterlife till she was told she could get back to her loved ones
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere Poseidon and Beelzebub and Thor and with kianna komori like in this scenario they meet her during Ragnarok as a petite girl holding a parasail but they end up confessing their
feelings but she declined thinking they're just going to hurt her or have ill intentions with her and she makes it her personal mission to avoid them and stays close to Papa Adam
But she does have feelings for them but she just pushes them down thinking it's worthless to have feelings for someone that wants her dead
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-He had been walking around the arena, waiting for this tournament to start, curious as to what humanity had to offer against the gods, but he wasn’t anticipating much. Humans had always been weaker than the gods, they were made that way of course, but there was something in the back of his mind, telling him that something was wrong- the Valkyries were planning something.
-He knew it was true, he just didn’t know what, but he wanted to find out. He was willing to spare some members of humanity, maybe just taking out the majority in some natural disasters, like floods, again. But to see these Valkyries going around, acting so confidently, it irritated him.
-In his irritation, he almost missed a flash of something- or rather someone. It was a young maiden, dressed in frills and bows, holding a parasol over her head, looking so dainty and delicate, but her face- your face, held no emotions other than what looked to be sadness, but he couldn’t say for sure.
-He had never seen such a maiden before- you looked so young, so fragile and petite, but there was something about you that drew him in, like a fly to honey. You were a human, that much he could tell, and he did feel slight irritation that he wanted to know more about you- a mere human.
-You heard the footsteps and turned, seeing one of the fighters for the gods there, which made your eyes widen only slightly and only for a moment or two, but other than that you didn’t react, not even in fear or worry.
-This caused (Love) some mild confusion, you obviously knew who he was, as you had recognized him, but you didn’t seem bothered otherwise- most humans, and even most of the other gods, were afraid of him- afraid of his power and what he could do.
-You went to turn back towards the massive arena, twirling your parasol daintily, when he spoke, “Aren’t you afraid?” his question made you pause, before turning back, curious as to why he wanted to know.
-Your voice was soft and gentle, but there was a lingering sadness in it, like you had been hurt and betrayed too many times in the past, “Why would I be afraid? You gods know that, even if you lose, you can still wipe out humanity. I’ve heard many of you saying so- I’ve died once, and I’ve lived through wishing for death every day of my life- so why would I be scared of dying again? I know at least this time, if I die, I will finally be free.”
-Your words stunned him, hearing this, it aggravated him that you believed the gods wouldn’t be honorable to hold up their end of the bargain, if humanity somehow managed to defeat the gods. He had to pause, realizing why you probably felt like this, as there were many gods who never did uphold their end of bargains, so why would you and humanity trust them.
-It was your words about yourself, however, that drew him even closer, hearing that you had wished for death and peace for your whole life, and that you were okay with dying.
-It made him curious as to who hurt you- who made you so welcoming of death? You saw his curious gaze and you turned from him and started to walk away, “I’m leaving- I will not be used by anyone else.”
-He started- holding up a hand as if to reach out to you, surprisingly himself on how observant you were but also surprising himself that he actually reached out to you.
-You were a curious human- he wanted to know more and more about you, but there was also a fire in his belly, one that wanted to keep you all to himself, to protect you from the horrors of the world and what you lived in fear of.
-That was it- he was sure that you were just scared, putting up a front, to protect yourself from being hurt from someone unworthy of your attention. He would prove it to you- he would prove that he was strong and that he would keep you safe.
-Nobody would be able to hurt his adorable little doll again.
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Sometimes I wonder what the nameless bard's situation is like with regards to his family, especially since he seems he was very young yet played such a strong role in the rebellion. Did he have parents or parental figures? Was he an orphan, with just a wind spirit to keep him company? If not, did Venti know his family and pay them a visit after accending to godhood and taking their kid's image? Or did life under Decarabian micromanage families apart from each other and they never cared for him nor did he really know them, or was life expectancy not all that long under Decarabian's rule and orphans were common? I really really wonder what an average person's life was like under a god who doesn't understand humanity but micromanages and watches over everything and the sort of world the nameless bard would have grew up in that resulted in his befriending a wind spirit and leading a rebellion
To me, I’ve always headcanoned NB as someone who’s biological parents either died or left him when NB was very young/a toddler, so he most likely didn’t have any memories of them. He’s (many of the things i’m about to say are entirely headcanons/theories, with nothing in canon) lived out a lot of his life on the streets, relying on the hospitality of strangers and donations from his own performances to survive, but oftentimes he had to steal to survive in case those things failed him. He’s never gotten a proper education, but he’s thankful he managed to teach himself how to read, write, and do basic arithmetic, otherwise he couldn’t be where he is now (as in “being a rebellion leader known for freeing Mondstadt from its tyrannical leader”, and not as in “dead”).
As for wispti/wisp venti, I headcanon as NB having met them a few years before he died (I hc NB as having died around 16-17, so that means he would have met wispti around 12-13).
In my opinion, the order he met the old mond gang is met wispti -> met the redhaired warrior a few months later -> met Amos (NB met her in person and maybe had a few conversations but they still distrusted eachother) -> met Gunnhildr some time after that -> Amos joins the rebellion. The Old Mond Gang is extremely found family to me, and I hc that if things weren’t The Way They Were, Amos and/or RHW would have legally adopted NB (coparenting).
I think that most of the people in Old Mond didn’t have that much money, and people living past 50 was very rare. Not only was medicine not very advanced, but there was most likely not a lot of clean water and food available (farming either had very poor crop turnouts or needed special machinery and mechanics to even make possible), so illnesses and starvation were the most common causes of death, and the mental health of people weren’t much better. Interestingly enough, while it makes a lot of sense for there to be a lot of poorer people, I am curious if there were any extremely rich people other than decarabian himself. We don’t know much about any sort of nobility hierarchy, and since decarabian (probably) isn’t human, royalty couldn’t have been a status granted by a bloodline. The only thing we canonically know is that he did have slaves/servants, and Gunnhildr’s dad did work under him (nothing is elaborated on what he actually did). Which also begs the question of what role Amos actually had. I’ve seen so many thoughts and theories on what her and decarabian’s relation was like on a personal level, but not much about what it was like politically. While their marital status is unknown, if anything, canon hints that they aren’t married, but me personally I headcanon them as being married (mostly for political reasons) and Amos being the “Queen” of old mondstadt, second-in-command only behind decarabian himself, although how much power, money and influence she had prior to leaving him and/or joining the rebellion is up for debate.
Side note- I do find it funny to headcanon NB’s parents as being alive and having somehow fled to another nation. They’re having a conversation about how their son is a teenager at that point and is probably in his “rebellious phase”, being unaware until years later that his rebellious phase is over, not because he’s an adult but because he died. from the rebellion. that he staged. to kill a god
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consumeroflemoans · 9 days
What's your thoughts on a Shroud brothers reverse au? Like Idia is the one to die, and Ortho survives and so he builds a new "Idia". This is technically a personality swap au, but I think it would be neat.
I'm not sure if either of them would be Ignihyde's housewarden in this au, but for simplicity sake we can say Ortho is the housewarden and Idia helps him out with his duties. Ortho is a first year at NRC and Idia is the 'protective older brother' that's accompanying him to NRC.
I do think Idia being 'older' than Ortho means he would be more pushy about Ortho getting out and socializing since "he's a growing boy" and all but wouldn't force it, since he doesn't want to push Ortho too much out of his comfort zone. I would say he's about 50% more protective than regular Ortho, since he doesn't want Ortho to get hurt.
Ortho himself is a tech prodigy, and he does enjoy anime just like his brother did. But I like to think his passion for anime comes from it being his older brother's passion before he passed away. And so Ortho sees anime as like a comfort and a connection to his older brother. I don't think he would be as big as a shut-in as regular Idia is, since he doesn't want to disappoint his older brother by staying inside all the time. But he definitely does still spend most of his time inside his room either playing video games or making new gear for Idia.
Events of book 6 would play out the same way, just switch Ortho and Idia's roles.
And because vilidia is on my mind 24/7 gotta touch upon it here. Which is to say I'm not exactly sure how their relationship would work out in this au. But hey maybe love can bloom between a robot and a model, I will say if they do end up dating, then it would be after book 6.
Ok ok I just had some ideas for this sort of AU.
I’m kind of thinking along the lines of their earlier personalities. Ortho was always the one sort of more passionate about adventure and I feel like Idia dying because of that would either go one of two ways.
1. Ortho takes his love of adventure and exploration to the extreme with the mentality of ‘hey, it doesn’t really matter if I die since my big brother died just like this’ I think this could be a fascinating exploration of Idia’s trauma though Ortho’s more outgoing personality.
2. Ortho causing Idia’s death leads to him being extremely hesitant to try anything new. He relied a lot on his older brother earlier on in his life and I feel like losing that support could make him far more timid. They are different people so I feel like the same traumatic event would cause different effects on them.
On another note, I am curious how the age differences would work with them. Because Idia was older than Ortho, by the time Ortho successfully built Idia he would probably be older than his brother was. I probably worded that so badly omg. Basically, would Ortho build Idia as an older, adult version of himself he’s never met or would he keep Idia as the child version of himself he remembers? That would kind of shift their sibling dynamic if Ortho was suddenly the older brother.
Ortho doesn’t really know what Idia would be like as an adult, so there’s no sure way of creating an AI that would still be Idia.
Actually Ortho being really mature for his age as a 16 yo would be fascinating in contrast to og Idia. He still enjoys video games and anime because they remind him of his brother, but I’m fascinated by the idea that because he didn’t have that figure caring for him anymore, he had to care for himself more.
Also aauaugh Vilidia
Vil asks for Idia’s help from Ortho for his film studies club. Having a robot around is handy for heavy lifting and reaching places humans can’t. Not to mention he’s more bearable to be around than most humans.
Vil ends up suggesting aesthetic designs for the metal armor- even robots should look good, after all. He can’t help but find Idia pretty, as odd as the thought is.
And then there’s Idia. Who wants nothing more than to be more human so he can be with his brother just like they were before. So he studies Vil, learns his acting and how humans truly work from him. He grows fascinated by this man with so many different masks on. He starts spending more and more time, wanting to know more, obsessing over it.
And after the events of book 6, he finally begins to truly feel. His fascination develops into an infatuation and into a crush from there- though he has no idea what’s actually happening. Vil saved his brother’s life, of course he feels affection towards him. Surely there’s nothing more going on than that.
Oh, but Ortho knows. He can see it in the way Idia’s computer brain fires. Idia becomes erratic around Vil, even if he doesn’t realize it. And who is Ortho to deny what his big brother wants?
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I was raised Protestant so I don’t have any background knowledge here but I’ve always been SUPER curious about the saints and how it all works, no obligation to explain don’t worry about it, but I’m finding this tournament very interesting and a bit educating. Like I didn’t know about the whole “pre-saint” thing (can’t remember the word well enough to spell it) like the church or whoever designating that someone will become a saint once they die if I’m understanding that right from the context clues I haven’t googled things yet for further research.
OK! Happy to help! The professor in me won't let this ask go unanswered.
There are two kinds of saints. Capital S saints are people who the Church has declared are in heaven/with God because of a) exemplary, holy lives they've led, and b) signs of miracles (often medical ones) where people pray for their intercession. Little 's' saints is anyone and everyone in heaven. So, in theory, your grandparents, great grandparents, etc.
Big S, canonized saints, is what this tourney's all about. What Catholics believe: when people go to heaven and they are with God, they are literally closer to God than we are. When Catholics pray (talk) to saints, NOT WORSHIPPING, that is reserved for God and God alone, they're asking for help. Worship = praise, love, adoration, service, acknowledging power/glory/majesty. Praying to/talking to - let's have a chat.
Think of it this way: have you ever asked a friend to help you move? You've got a super heavy package and need help taking it from point A to B. Technically, you can do it all by yourself, but you can get a friend to help you, or several! Catholics ask these saints, or friends, to help with prayer requests.
We believe that the saints can hear us when we pray to them, and will help us. They want to help us! You'd help a friend in need, yes? This is what the saints are for all of us. Friends! Free friendship for free help with God! What a fabulous deal!
The pre-saint business comes with beatification. When a holy person dies, there's a five year waiting period before their cause can be opened for canonization. In the past, 3 miracles were needed, but now only two are needed for canonization.
The process goes like this - person dies, wait 5 years, go through investigation to make sure the person was actually a good person. Martyrs go straight to Blessed stage (2nd to last before Saint). Venerables are non-martyrs but still super cool holy people. They need at least two miracles. Martyrs need one.
In the past, incorruptibles were considered miraculous, e.g. people whose bodies mysteriously/miraculously don't decay after death. Nowadays it's not considered good enough for a miracle because burial conditions can impact this and it's hard to verify. I mean, people still go apeshit over incorruptibles (I do) but it's not enough to be a miracle.
What IS a miracle: very commonly it's medical miracles. Tumors that disappear overnight. Diseases that disappear. Things doctors said couldn't happen and then they do happen.
The Vatican hears thousands of cases a year, they have a team of medical professionals, and most of the miracles don't qualify as miraculous. They're REALLY rare. For a lot of saints, it can take hundreds of years to go from one step to the next because the professionals try to prove that there was no medical reason why something would disappear or be healed.
The miracles, combined with holiness, 'prove' that these people are truly with God because God has worked through them to produce a miracle. The miracle is not the saint's doing, per se, but rather God working through the saint. We thank the saint for 'bothering' God enough to hear our prayers.
Again, you can go to God directly, but imagine if you had a ton of friends bugging God about the same thing. The persistent widow of Scripture comes to mind, or all the prophets' bothering God in the Hebrew Scriptures. The more friends you have bothering God, the better off you are.
This is why Catholics, in particular, are SO fond of Mary. She is the mother of Jesus, the mother of God, and what's Jesus going to do? Ignore his mother? Hell no. He's going to pay attention, and maybe it doesn't always work (Mary's a busy lady with all our prayers) but she listens and intercedes for us.
This is why saints are so rad. They're normal folks like you and me who led exemplary lives across so many circumstances and are now enjoying the splendor of heaven.
I'm personally gunning for little 's' saint. I doubt I'll be cool enough to be a canonized saint, and that's ok by me!
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soaringeag1e · 10 months
Escape {60}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Character Death, Anger
Words: 3,047
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist - Patreon
10 more chapters to go!! The countdown is on!!
“You seem nervous, Sammy.” Dean smirks as he drops his keys and wallet into the little basket. “Not used to visiting prisons, huh?”
“No, actually, I try to avoid that as much as possible.” Sam tells his brother, glaring at him as he too empties his pockets.
“Well, hopefully this won’t take long and I can get you back on sacred ground.”
“Funny.” Dean can’t help but laugh at his brother as the two of them move towards the bars separating them from their destination. One of the guards gives the okay and within seconds the gate slowly opens. “You sure it’s okay that I’m here.”
“I need you here to prove that the deal is legit. That and I think having an actual lawyer here will help him talk.”
“I mostly meant because of my relationship with Y/N.”
“Please. He doesn’t know your involvement with her just like he doesn’t know mine. Just restrain yourself from reaching across the table and strangling him and we’re all good.”
“I’m sure that’s a task for you.” Sam meant it as a joke even though he knew there was some truth behind it, but he didn’t realize how true that statement was.
“It sure is.”
Just as they’re walking up to the interview room Dean is a little curious as to why there’s a few officers waiting there. At first he thinks it’s because they already have Paul in the room and they’re just standing guard, but when they turn their attention to the brothers just as they walk up to the door, Dean begins to think differently.
“Gentlemen.” Dean nods and then goes to reach for the door handle, but that motion ends when the sheriff speaks.
“Detective Winchester. I’m afraid Mr. McConnell isn’t available for any more interviews.” Hearing that of course pissed Dean off. He wasn’t stopping until he got answers from Paul. 
“And why is that?” Dean demands, his anger about the situation clear not only in his voice but also in his eyes.
“I’m sorry detective.” the sheriff apologizes, getting Dean to feel more upset. That is until he explains why. “Paul McConnell was found dead in his cell yesterday morning.”
It was a struggle to hold in the anger he was feeling. As Dean looked down at the lifeless body he wanted to scream. He wanted to reach out and strangle the man. He was desperate to bring this sick individual back to life just so he could kill him himself. 
Dean was pissed.
“39 and he died of cardiac arrest?”
“It happens more than you think.” Dean’s teeth grind together before he looks up at the coroner.
“What caused it?”
“Well…” The coroner dips his head a bit before walking to the base of the table. “If you’re looking for a better answer than nature just decided it was his time, then I don’t have one for ya.”
“So you’re trying to tell me that this was completely normal!?” The coroner only shrugs, clearly not having a better explanation. 
“I’m sorry detective.” With a heavy scoff, Dean looks back at Pauls corpse, his jaw tight and teeth clenching together while he continues to hold in his fury. Then without another word, he spins on his heel and heads for the exit. Sam takes a moment to thank the coroner before following his brother, barely keeping up with him in the process.
Exiting the building, the door just about closes when Sam is able to catch it and push it open enough to slip outside. Dean was already halfway to his car at that point, so to make sure his brother didn’t leave without him Sam changed his pace to a jog, his long legs getting him to catch up fairly quickly.
“This is unbelievable.” Dean huffs, looking back at the hospital with fire in his gaze. Sam releases a somber sigh knowing there isn’t really anything he can say to make this situation better.
“I’m sorry, Dean.” Sam sees the veins in his brother's neck strain themselves under the skin and he’s waiting for him to yell out in anger, but he continues to fight off that urge and instead slams his hands against the hood of his car.
It looks like Dean wants to say something but then he just continues to shake his head. If anything he was having his own argument silently with himself. Sam knows that this was the last lifeline. The only way Dean was finally going to be able to get the name of the man behind everything that has turned his life upside down and this too was taken away from him. Sam felt just as helpless as his brother. 
“What can I do?” Acknowledging that Sam was actually there, Dean looks across the roof of his Baby, seeming just as speechless as he was seconds ago.
“I don’t know.”
“Okay.” Sam replies in a soft voice. “Well, if something comes up and I can help…let me know, okay?” Dean takes a moment before nodding and then pulls his door open. Sam looks on in defeat for a moment before joining his brother and then they both ride in silence back to Sam’s car.
Styles was clued in on what was going on with some random texts from Dean, but considering the situation and how upset Dean was, those texts were cut off. So Eddie wasn’t completely updated on everything that the detective had been doing without him. So when he saw his boss walk into the station and storm into his office, he was quick to get out of his seat and follow him there.
He catches the door before it slams shut in his face and carefully pushes it open, slipping into the room and shutting the door behind him before his boss could yell at him to get out.
“Did the deal work?” When Dean slams his keys on the desk and just glares across the room, Styles understands that something went wrong. Just wasn’t sure what. “What happened?”
“He’s dead.” Dean spits out after he’s dropped himself in his chair. 
“Paul McConnell? He’s dead. Found in his cell yesterday morning, cardiac arrest.” Eddie is just as shocked by the news as Dean was, but he’s a lot lower on the anger scale than Dean.
“You’re kidding.”
“Do I look like I’m fucking kidding!?”
“No…” Styles sighs, hating that he didn’t think that statement through before it came out. But after taking another breath, he takes a seat across from his boss, trying to unscramble the problem in his head. “It just blows my mind that he has a heart attack after you fight to get this deal pushed through for him. The odds are just…” Styles can’t even finish his sentence he’s so mind blown.
“Yeah, well…it happened.” Eddie wants to ask questions that he knows will only get him smartass answers so he stays quiet, letting all the new info sink in. “I just want to know why. Why do I keep getting this close just to have everything taken away again!?” Eddie’s thoughts are in overdrive because just like Dean he finds it very strange that someone so young would have a heart attack, and for it to happen right now? Maybe it was just a horrible coincidence, but he wasn’t fully convinced.
“What if it’s not a coincidence?” Dean’s anger is far from gone when he hears Eddie say this and seeing as his brain is still fueled by rage it’s hard for him to see what his partner is getting at.
“Just hear me out.” Styles tells him, shifting in his seat so that he’s facing his boss head on. “We have this mans DNA in our hands, just days away from finding out who it belongs to and what happens?”
“It gets snatched.” Dean answers, irritant still in his voice.
“Exactly.” Eddie says with excitement and succeeds in getting Dean’s full attention now. “Then, Paul not so subtly confesses to you that there was someone else working with him, most likely pulling the strings throughout the whole operation, right?” Dean nods, his thoughts trying to jump onto his partner's train. “You fight to get him off death row in exchange for a name and then…”
“He winds up dead.”
“YES!” Eddie slams his hand on the desktop, making Dean flinch a tad. “So what if someone went in there and did this to him to shut him up?”
“It makes sense.”
“Damn right it does!” Eddie is almost too excited that he’s come up with an answer that he doesn’t realize there’s still big holes to fill up.
“But how do you give someone a heart attack?” That’s when Eddie pauses in his self celebration and his mind goes back to researching. Dean of course is hoping he has a quick answer for that too, but it’s clear that he doesn’t.
“Could be a drug.” Eddie finally says, but shakes his head a bit. “But the toxicology report will take some time.” They both feel the defeat with that, but just like everything else, they have no control over it.
“Well, hey, it’s a theory. So what can we do in the meantime?” Again, Styles thinks it over and starts with something that can be a longshot, but it’s something. 
“We can look into Pauls visitors. See if anyone suspicious has been coming to see him.” Dean nods slowly.
“And we can give the coroner a heads up, make sure he looks over the body again to see if anything looks off.” Dean continues to nod, happy that Eddie has a clearer mind than he does because with how upset he was, the basic answers would not come so easily.
“Alright. Why don’t you head back to the hospital, talk to the coroner because honestly…I really don’t want to see him right now.”
“Okay.” Eddie agrees, getting out of his chair.
“And I’ll head to the prison, get the log and possibly look over some security footage if they’ll let me.”
“Great!” Styles cheers, already heading for the door while Dean swipes his keys from the desktop.
“Say we try to meet back here in about an hour? A little more?”
“Sounds good, boss.”
The list of visitors for Paul wasn't very long which Dean was grateful for but also nervous about at the same time. Smaller list could mean an easy find or just a complete loss, and with how his streak has been going…he was leaning towards loss.
He looked up every name on the list, finding out where they lived, who their families were, if they had a criminal background of any type. Pretty much found everything on them except their shoe size and unfortunately everyone came up clean. Except for one person.
“Alright, the doc thought we were crazy to think it was anything but a heart attack, but I made sure he would look into it further for us.” Styles explains as he enters the office, two coffee cups in his grasp. “How did it go at the prison?”
“Well,” Dean starts just as he takes the hot coffee from his partner. “They wouldn’t let me see any footage because the one to authorize that is on vacation.”
“What’s that like?” Dean sends Eddie a quick grin and then takes a drink.
“But, I did get a very small list of visitors.”
“Is it bad that I find that satisfying?” A tad confused, Dean looks for an explanation. “You know, you hear about all these monsters in the world and the majority of them get this fan base and usually the list of visitors and letters coming in is…well, it’s a lot. So, to know this guy didn’t get the fame…I like it.” Looking satisfied, Dean had to admit he agreed.
“Me too.” he says, earning a nod from his partner before he takes another drink. “So, everyone on here checks out. All but one.” he tells him before reaching for his printer and yanking a piece of paper from it before sliding it across the desk. Styles looks over the man on the paper, starts with his name and lets his eyes scan down the paper.
“Okay? What am I looking for?”
“Look at the line under his name. Right under his birthdate.” Sitting back in his chair, Dean enjoys his coffee a bit more as he waits for his partners reaction.
“What the fuck…”
“Right?” Meeting his boss's gaze, Eddie soon shakes his head and looks back down at the paper a tad impressed.
“This guy’s good.”
“Yeah.” Dean clicks his tongue and sits back up in his seat. “That or a dead man really did visit Paul McConnell.”
“Shit.” Styles lets out a breath, finally taking a few sips of his own coffee. “So instead of helping it seems that this just put us right back to square one.” Dean shrugs, seeming a bit defeated, but more tired now than anything.
“Meh. It was a good idea. But like you said, this guy is good. He always seems to be a few steps ahead of us and I have no idea how to cut him off.” As Dean drinks more of his caffeine pick me up, Styles grows a bit uncomfortable, glancing at his friend and having an inner battle in whether or not he should tell him about another idea that came to mind. “You alright?” Stiffening in his spot, Eddie starts to silently kick himself for not being more relaxed.
“Uh…yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” he tries to play it off and takes another drink of his coffee. But by the way Dean is staring at him, he knows he’s been caught and there’s no point in keeping it to himself anymore. “Alright.” he sighs, setting his cup down and leaning forward in his seat. “I’ve been thinking about another way that we may possibly find out who this guy is.” he can see the excitement grow instantly in the man across from him and he just knows that it’s not going to be like that for long.
“Okay. How?” Taking a second to pull himself together, Styles sighs softly and prepares to get whatever comes next.
“Well, technically there is still one person that could identify our guy.”
“Alright, Styles…you know how I hate it when people drag things on. So what the hell are you talking about?” Eddie takes a moment to swallow down his fear of upsetting his friend and just lets it out, but not before his eyes land on Dean’s phone. That little glance clued Dean on what was coming next and just like Eddie thought, his excitement died down fast.
“If he was in that house at any time then Y/N would know.”
“No.” Dean says instantly. 
“Look, I know it’s not ideal but she is the only other option we have right now.”
“And how do you suppose we go about this, Styles!? She doesn’t remember! For all she knows there was only one man! One! And that was Paul!”
“Look, man, I understand okay? That’s part of the reason why I didn’t…”
“Then what are you suggesting!?” Taking another moment to ensure he makes it through this conversation, Eddie takes a few more breaths and thankfully Dean doesn’t cut him off.
“Law enforcement has a tactic they use for people who have been through traumatic instances and can’t remember certain details.”
“Oh, God. Please don’t tell me you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking.” Dean falls back in his chair, his fingers roughly massaging his forehead.
“It’s known to work ninety percent of the time, Dean.”
“Yeah, but at what cost!?”
“Listen…I know it’s not a good idea and I really wasn’t going to suggest it. But if you want to cut this guy off? This is our only other option right now.” It’s definitely not sitting right with Dean and Styles knew that going into this conversation. In all honesty, he didn’t feel right about it. But this was their only option for them at this point in time.
“So, what? I get Y/N in here and we put her into this interview where she relives that hell hole all over again and then what? What happens if she still can’t remember? Because I’m beginning to think that if he was in that house and God forbid in that room with the girls, I’m really thinking he drugged them. He knows how to cover his ass and he wouldn’t risk them seeing his face.”
“I agree. But even if they were drugged, maybe she can remember simple traits. Smells? His voice? Who knows?” Dean subconsciously shakes his head a bit more, every part of him that wants to protect you telling him this is an awful idea. But the professional part of him knows that his partner is right, and this is a good idea.
“Okay, well then the next thing. We’d need to find someone who is authorized to do a cognitive interview. Because not just anyone can do it.”
“I know a girl.” Dean seems taken aback by that fact. “She’s worked with the FBI for years but also does some side work to help precincts all over the U.S. She’s good and she’d take good care of Y/N.” Dean felt sick to his stomach for even thinking about doing this. “We can at least ask her, you know? It’s not like we need to force her to do this.” Dean nods, liking that fact.
Though giving you a choice made it seem a bit better Dean still didn’t like it, but the detective part of him reaches for his phone anyway and opens up his messages. He knows that there is no way he can speak to you and not worry you with his own distraught voice, so this was the only option he had to get a hold of you.
-Hey, honey. Is there any way you can come by the station for a bit?
He feels bile rising in his throat as he hits send. His heart is beating like crazy as it slides down to his feet and honestly, he feels as if he could pass out.
-Of course! Give me 15 minutes
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mimzalot · 1 year
im a pacifist, but... (Claude von Riegan FE3H)
copied over from twitter - written circa 3H, prior to starting 3Hopes
kinda love that Claude is like "I'm as close as you get to a pacifist route, I like to avoid bloodshed" and his right hand man can kill you six ways from Sunday and left hand lady has a giant axe and can KO u in one hit and his named retainer is a war hero and –
not to get into it but imho this is actually a pretty accurate way of how “pacifism” tends to operate. Claude is the ideological focus but the pragmatic approach demands violence. and there's something to look into re: how Hilda, Lorenz, Judith and Nader carry violence in his stead
I think people get into this when they assess Claude bouncing his ideology off Edelgard's violence because that's essentially it - it doesn't mean Claude facilitates this violence, but of course a pacifist angle doesn't exist without something to oppose. so they work in tandem.
Claude deals in violence too, though I think he manages to avoid too much of it - but the necessary violence doesn't go away, and I'm interested in how it then becomes the responsibility of those in his immediate vicinity. some would call that cowardice. and they do!
on the flipside they could call it a sort of moral integrity that's difficult and must be protected. Claude distancing himself from the violence keeps Claude afloat, and they need Claude to keep his clear leadership. so protecting his integrity by violence is... good, then?
in any case I just love the dynamic of compassionate scheming diplomatic leader sitting at the centre of like five murder machines all willing to throw their lives on the line to protect his vision of peace whew yeah that's the good shit
and the best bit is that Claude is under no illusions, so if you consider that Claude always offers an out, and never wants bloodshed, and sees the inherent value of all people, then you gotta wonder whether he's withering away every time someone dies for his cause. aha! eek!
tis a moral conundrum, no?! he needs to empower people to fight for him even if he's morally opposed to the subsequent fighting. Claude doesn't deal in cognitive dissonance so you can rest assured that the violence he inspires is just as internalised as the violence he commits.
how do you sleep at night when you believe whole-heartedly that violence isn't the answer but have to choose that answer anyway? all the lords say "it's necessary" but the other two seem more inclined to say "and it's right" (whether they believe it fully or not) - Claude doesn't
also interesting to me that Lorenz prefers to avoid bloodshed and Hilda just hasn't really thought about it, because I think both of them need that guidance from Claude to avoid falling into that "necessary righteous violence" angle that war-faring Fodlan has BUT IN DOING SO…
they become frightfully powerful allies for Claude that are capable of all the violence, and also, all the sacrifice. so proximity to Claude's pacifist outlook bolsters your willingness to die for Claude, if you wanna look at it that way. damn LMAO that's rough buddy
Claude inspires you to live! and in doing so inspires you to! uh! die. for him, this time. whew. lucky Claude spent most of his upbringing fortifying himself mentally otherwise this spiritual predicament might just kill a guy's spirit haha hee hoo
and I haven't even started on Byleth, where Claude dumps the task of violence AND leadership. he doesn't feel good about it though. and the cool thing there is that Byleth is arguably not into the idea of needless death either, and is OP enough to handle it... which Claude knows.
I guess this is all surmised by the "yet you participate in society! curious!" comic where just because Claude doesn't like a thing doesn't mean he won't utilise every aspect of that thing because that's the resourceful, productive thing to do when faced with unbelievable odds.
addition: this is coming up a lot in the early chapters of Golden Wildfire where Claude is forced to not only respond with violence but facilitate violence among the unwilling Alliance as retaliation to impending war, which is a little moral paradox that really shows how difficult it is to match up ideals and practice.
similarly, I’m keen to get into the idea that an anti-war outlook is also just tactically sound from where Claude stands in the world, regardless of how he might feel about it. of course an Empire will see war as their tactically sound option, whereas an Alliance cant afford that sort of behaviour. it’s an interesting and ongoing exploration of the strength of moral imperative vs. tactics, and where they intersect, falter, thrive, etc.
really chuffed about this and figure I’ll have more to say about it when we reach the end - but it’s early days! Shez is a fascinating addition to this as the ‘merc that needs violence to thrive’ and I’m primed and ready for more intrigue to come.
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microwavingtoniii · 4 months
how the hell why the hell fucking plushtrap
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Him. Plushtrap is a character that appears briefly in FNaF 4 and Ultimate custom night. This is a plush modeled off of Springtrap from the previous game.
Seems pretty reasonable right? Wrong. Why the hell is there a plush of Springtrap. The corpse of a murderer in a fursuit that nobody should know about. He was completely forgotten until Phone Dude found him. There’s a lot wrong with this. First of all, a plush of a murderer. Safe to say, acknowledging and profiting off of several deaths caused by and because of the actions and negligence of their own company isn’t a very good idea. There is no real reason to actually make this plush. Adding on to this why the fuck are they making plushies of a literal known corpse. Why would this company appealing to children make a plush of a corpse. Even though you can’t really see the corpse, 2 seconds of googling about him will have literally any kid looking at images of murderer corpses which idk man might not be the best thing and lastly why the fuck does anyone know who springtrap is. Afton is locked in an abandoned restaurant and nobody knows what he looks like or even if he’s in a Spring Bonnie suit who the fuck would make this without knowledge of him
Now I did some research and a few people were also curious on this and people usually respond with something along the lines of “plushtrap is just a spring bonnie plush that the player character hallucinates him as a springtrap plush” but first of all in Fazbear Frights (which is a controversial source for lore but. Idc) the Fazbear company does make Plushtraps (which is weird and bullshit as we’ve discussed) and second of all WHY WOULD THE CHARACTER HALLUCINATE SPRING BONNIE AS SPRINGTRAP. Again, literally nobody knows who springtrap is, so unless this is post FNaF 3 Michael (which I’m pretty sure we are but still) or we’re playing as fucking phone dude we simply have no reason to hallucinate him as Plushtrap.
Buuuuuuuuuuuuut I do have some broken and weak theories if you’ll listen
The general explanation for Scraptrap is that Afton used another different Spring Bonnie suit, but this suit was one of the springlock failures mentioned by Phone Guy in FNaF 3, but what about the person who got springlocked? What happened to them? There are two ways that this could relate to plushtrap, one explanation is they died and became RWQ, and plushtrap is modeled after them, or they haunted the Player Character’s Spring Bonnie plush and physically altered the design somehow to make the plush look like Springtrap? Idk man there’s not really a reasonable explanation for Plushtrap that I can think of.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Lightning Round Pt 2!
Mostly relating to Adeleine + Angst
Long answers to quite a few of these, so buckle up!
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Honestly, I'd say he pretty much did? Not with any specifics, of course, but that's basically what's happening in the last page. It takes Adeleine a moment to even absorb the meaning behind Dedede's quiet apologies, but as her surprise turns to sadness, she understands those words mean that, somehow, he knows her brother is already gone...
Dedede, for his part, knows better than to tell a young kid explicit details of how her missing older brother died. You don't do that to a person, especially when the sudden death itself is a life-wrecking shock. If, after she calms down, she tries asking him for more information, I think all Dedede could bring himself to say would be something akin to, "By the time I encountered him, he wasn't your brother anymore..." He may or may not reassure her by saying that they got the bastard who did that to him (not knowing if it his transformation was Zero's fault or not. But it's easy enough to imagine blaming Zero.)
I think if, after having enough time to process her shock and grief, Adeleine were to later learn that her brother's end fate was becoming one of Dark Matter (and maybe she eventually figures that out on her own based on Dedede's words and confronts him with it, because he still can't bring himself to tell her) that would eventually coalesce into a strong desire to stand up to Dark Matter(s) wherever it appears again. She's already shown herself to be very curious and intelligent girl. She might try to do some research on the Ancients to try and figure out what caused that to happened to her brother and see if she can find a way to stop it from happening to anyone again.
(Other thoughts: I don't think Dedede would tell Kirby about this? I don't think Adeleine would bring it up to Kirby either, now that she knows. I don't think she would ever blame Dedede for holding back on not telling her everything, even when she finds out the truth. I think that even though it was Kirby who dealt the finishing blow, Dedede would take personal responsibility for DMS's death and the loss of Adeleine's remaining family. That out of sheer guilt, he'd feel better if Adeleine thinks he was the one who did it. I also think he'd probably be a little more haunted than usual by flashbacks to that particular possession for a while. And I think he'd do everything possible for her to be the "big brother" she lost.)
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Ooh, yes! Yes! Good of you to bring this one up, Anon! I actually have considered it, even before this ask! (I keep running out of energy before I get to that trans-feeling and non-binary characters in Kirby post... sob...) 
But I think trans-girl Adeleine is one of the niftiest explanations for the Ado > Adeleine discrepancy and it's one I'm a bit fond of! (I don’t treat them as entirely different, but I don’t treat them as 100% same-person-no-changes either.)
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You are welcome, my friend... Fufufu...
And, ugh, same! It's easy to look down on poor, benighted DL2 for a lot of reasons but Blade's two-part reveal deserves to be treated as something as shocking as the Nightmare reveal in Kirby's Adventure at least!!
Okay, that idea would be AWESOME! Just a few cutscenes sprinkled about, having it be treated almost a mystery like, "Didn't we defeat this guy in the last game?!" and then the Zero reveal in the end....
Ahh, you've hit upon my favorite thing about Blade, which is that he really seems to possess more independence/personality than the foot soldiers. And I like (in this HC) the idea some others had that Adeleine's brother was so strong (mentally, perhaps) that even though his transformation to Dark Matter was complete (...and irreversible...) he still maintained some fragments of individuality within the collective. (Kirby's Seven of Nine??)
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Aha... That's totally fair, Anon. I do write a LOT of angst. 
For what it's worth, while I'm happy to poke fun at my inclinations, I don't consider them too much of a problem because I think everyone else in the fandom does a really good job handling the feel good fluff in my stead??
I mean, I guess we could all just agree to write and draw happy things, but not every day is happy, you know? (...Boy, I should know...) I'd like to think my angsty stories speak to those who need something moody when bright and cheery stuff is too bright and cheery for them.
(A fitting metaphor for someone who suffers from light sensitivity?)
Also, the "happy ending" to my stories is usually right there in the games. Because... Adeleine makes it. She makes great friends and goes on to have memorable, world-saving adventures with them! She forms a strong bond with King Dedede! Just because this story ends with her crying into his arms doesn't mean her life or his is miserable forever!
Some characters? Yeahhh, there's not much I can do to give them happiness. I can come up with AU or whatever, but if I'm writing in canon/canon-adjacent, there's going to be as much angst as the situation demands. Especially if it's the situation I want to explore. (What hurdles stood in the way of Taranza and Joronia becoming an actual couple in the past? What was going on in Max's broken mind when he saw Susie again? Did Elflilin inherit Elfilis's horrific trauma after absorbing their soul? Is Galacta conscious in their crystalline prison for all that time? Is Dedede going to get paranoid about constantly being used as a meat puppet?) 
Some of these questions are depressing for sure, and some of them don't have happy answers, but they stir something in the heart. And it's that wibbly soul-stirring feeling that pushes me to pick up my pen and draw a four page comic over the course of 24 hours in the first place. ^^; I don't think I’d be as energetic about drawing a comic if it had no "arc." I don’t think I’d be drawing much at all.
Now Magolor is probably the character I make suffer the most. (???) Honestly, I just find him super fascinating and because he's a liar, you almost have to put him under extreme pressure to squeeze anything true out of him. And yeah, I, uh :cough: have a small bevy of half-completed Master Crown-gone-even-worse stories that end with "Uh oh! I guess you are doomed forever now!"
But even then, my longest, most in-depth Magolor story, my ongoing gijinka one where I put him through the wringer and run it back several times more for good measure - the story where I do more emotional (and physical...) damage to him than in probably any other, the story that is going to require more and more content tags as it goes on - has a 100% unambiguous happy ending.
Because I like when things end nicely too!
(Also, I do tag for angst!!)
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How do I write angst so well? I-is that a compliment?  Is it okay to be flattered by this? /srs
1) So, err, okay. I'm a very empathetic person. Like, TOO much empathy. (Hyper sensitive to boot. Wheee...) I'm the kind of person who can't afford to check the news because even a little thing will make me sad all day. (It’s why I interact with so few people outside the very tightly controlled space that is my blog, too. Outside of this place? I’m fragile like glass.) 
I can't even watch feel good videos because I start to think "...Oh no! What about everyone else in a similar situation who didn't get saved?!" No joke, it's actually a serious problem in RL that makes even simple chores tricky, but being able to put myself in the shoes of most everyone I encounter has the surprising benefit that it is rather excellent for writing fiction!
When you've accidentally opened yourself up to the reality of people dying, people grieving, and people suffering to their last to the point that you can't go the day without thinking about them... you start to analyze and internalize that pain. In order to move on with your life, you safely compartmentalize it and... in my case, when you're ready to, you crack open those sealed boxes and you use a few droplets of that feeling like it’s.... >.> a certain liquid you only use in very small amounts to sweeten a dessert for your fiction.
2) I worry that this is going to be an unpopular answer (it's not an immutable "rule" but it’s worth keeping in mind) but my other trick is... I'm just plain old! XD I'm older than most of you reading this by at least 10 years. That's 10 more years of lived experience, good and bad. Years to study other writers’ stories, both the famous and the fan-fictional. Years to study people. 
It’s extra time I’ve had to have my heart broken and my dreams smashed. Time to feel like I've ruined everything and time to feel like I can still carry on. There are a few “Eragons” out there (does anyone still remember that book?) but for the most part, the people creating our favorite commercial works also lean on the older side! Now, I think that pain is pain. And the pain you feel at 16, 17, 18 and onwards is very real and very true and you can write about it with great effectiveness if your intent is to share with others! And, as you get older, you will (...unfortunately...) pick up more painful experiences and that will allow you to refine those emotions you already know. To find the middle ground between many extremes and narrow in on exactly what you want to convey!
3) I write what I love. I can't help it! I love angsty stories! I've loved them since I was a little Dess! (I've also empathized with "the bad guys" since I was little, haha. Heck, maybe that’s related? Maybe because bad guys always got bad guy endings, I got used to seeing my favorite characters get punished???) 
Anyway, I don't know if this is a rule either, but it's fair to say if something is a genre or style you love, you're probably going to be a little better at it than the others. If only because you've got more experience in it and are more likely to recognize the tropes. What's good. What's bad. What is effective. Your vocabulary for that style of work is going to be better.
I mean, if you asked me right now to write Meta-dad fluff? I'd...probably struggle. I don't read enough "d'aww" inducing feel-good stories to know what exactly evokes those feelings in those who love that genre the most. ^^ Like, would Meta just...buying Kirby some ice cream count?? Is that a thing? I can make guesses, but I don't know it as well as I know that Meta Knight is a character who prides himself on having a tightly maintained image, so anything that disrupts that beyond his control is going to rattle him and when a strong character is forced to expose a weakness, it triggers an emotion.
A lot of times, angst can be, err, farmed (?!?) by playing around with opposite traits. Adeleine is a cheery, proactive girl. In fact, we've only EVER seen her be cheery. Getting her to cry is going to cause a reaction. Meanwhile, Dedede is always bold in his actions and very LOUD, so seeing him speak softly as he avoids saying the obvious is going to create some kind of emotional reaction.
Marx, one of my favorite characters, is a funny silly grape boy who never did anything wrong (tm) so I personally love to see him do the unexpected. Be pensive and intelligent. Have his feelings hurt and show fear. Secretly crave friendship despite an attitude that most are likely to find highly abrasive.
I already mentioned above that I find it very effective to put Magolor in a situation where he is forced to confess the truth. But then there are characters like Bandee, who I think is adorable... but he's a squire-type character who's training to become like his heroic idols and...
...My brain doesn't produce a lot for him because the opposite of that would be... um, have his illusions be shattered? But I don't want to see him be disillusioned with Dedede or Kirby. He could be forced to take the lead, but that feels like it would take a lot of setup? (There are several cool "future!" stories out there where Bandee grows up to do exactly that. Which is quite neat.) 
Morpho is someone we know so little about, I'd basically have to make stuff for her to begin to find ways to make her pull at the readers heartstrings. But I can use her as a threat to make other characters react! Anyway, in the end, I can't always make the angst work magic for every one. ^^
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Thank you so much. I was really glad to see how accepting everyone was about my post. It's a little frightening to talk about serious issues, even on a personal space, because we're all so public out here on the internet! (In fact, I’m even an eensy bit nervous writing all that stuff up above about my feelings on the importance of writing and allowing angst! Even though I think most of my readers already know and accept my love of the genre...!)
So in that way, I really appreciate what you said!
But oh, I'm sorry to hear that about last month. Sending you warm thoughts for this month!
Same for everyone else!
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dcvilgrams · 6 months
I’m actually curious of one thing: how did xhura become a demon?
EDIT: oh hey so i actually posted the events of the 'you're a demon, xhura' convo what'd'ya know~
eee hello @amberrskiies! yes yes i love talking about this so buckle up~
so in the events of Lesson 16, Xhura was the one who was sent back in time to find out how Belphegor got free — & thus he was the one who was killed, & who Barbatos reversed the death of by choosing a reality in which he never died at all
but something wasn't right. Xhura kept having dreams & recollections of the reality where he died, even after Barbatos said the residual magical knowledge from time-traveling should have faded. they eventually discovered that Xhura was somehow caught between the two realities; one where he died & one where he didn't — which led to him repeatedly falling into these magical 'coma'-like episodes where his body was for all intents & purposes dead, but he was still awake & conscious in his mind, just trapped
the only way any of them could figure to fix this was if Barbatos made a pact with Xhura & agreed to share his power over manipulating reality — where Xhura could tap into it himself & just 'pick' the reality where he never died
only Xhura ended up tapping into way more than anyone would have expected. he was already terrified of returning to the human world after the exchange program ended because he had nothing & no one to return to. yes he could have made a home with Ayla but he'd come to love & embrace the Devildom so much in his short time there that he was already willing to do anything to find a reason to stay there
& tapping into Barbatos' power gave him the push he didn't know he needed to turn his burning wish into a reality
the official explanation is that Xhura — who was a descendant of Lilith on his mother's side like Ayla was on her father's side — wanted to belong in the Devildom so badly that the part of him that was Lilith's angelic blood 'fell' much like the brothers themselves when they were cast into the Devildom
it started with a pair of cosplay horns Levi gifted Xhura as a coping mechanism following the aftermath of his pact with Barbatos, which he was warned would cause the equivalent of a severe depressive episode. they were just clip-ons, but Xhura loved them so much that they eventually manifested into the real deal
& then other circumstances led to the wings, & other other circumstances led to the tail — which led to Xhura having to conceal one over the other since no demon in recorded history has had both. he went a little overboard on the 'belonging'
& that's how Barbatos realized that Xhura was unconsciously & unknowingly using his ability to manipulate reality to transform himself into someone who truly did belong in the Devildom — a demon
believe it or not that's the shortened explanation of everything — since it doesn't cover Diavolo's mother (Xhura's ancestor on his father's side) who was the first human to transform herself into a demon — but there you have it!
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hollow-indigo · 6 months
hiii !!! ik this isnt abt the 3 main ocs but ... do u have any more info on the maskmaked, the messenger and their siblings ? i saw them in a wisteria and fallen post once and ever since ive been so curious but i cant find any stuff abt them ! thank uuuu !!!
Ah yes! some of my silliest OCs
Let’s start with…
The Maskmaker (They/Them)
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of course, the Maskmaker lives up to their name, making masks that either serve as a cosmetic item, or something to help up your defense, attack, etc. They’re taller than most people (I believe last time we talked about it we decided 14ft fall through for convenience of getting through doorways that might change). They are very playful and lighthearted… unless you’re a rude customer. Rude customers get used for the Maskmaker’s personal project. The Maskmaker is also wearing a mask of their own creation. one that makes their face look more friendly, so people aren’t scared to approach them. They are the one who helped Fallen learn to hop between AUs, as well as the one who made their mask for them. They always greet people with “Welcome back”. their eyesight isn’t usually the best, so when they think they’ve seen you before, either they’ve seen an alternate timeline of you, or an AU of you.
The Messenger (They/Them)
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A Creature made of a mist/smoke like substance, with 5 glowing yellow eyes and is cold to the touch. I only say the eyes part because the best image I have of them is a side profile, which is the image above. The Messenger is a being faster than light. Summoning them to deliver a message is often more effective than anything else, especially since their messages can be delivered across universes and even multiverses. As is obvious in the Image, the Messenger and Wisteria are quite close, the Messenger being the few people Wisteria trusts to actually fall asleep around for once. However, unfortunately due to how busy the Messenger tends to be, they can’t always help Wisteria when he needs it. Messenger’s voice claim (aka the only solid voice claim I have) is Markiplier. While their face and probably their jacket will stay the same, their design is mostly unfinished and is subject to change.
The Ringmaster (They/Them) (is currently being redesigned so i’m putting their inspiration image as a replacement)
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The Ringmaster is quite different from the other two, their job focuses more on entertainment rather than a craft or a service. The Ringmaster hosts their own game show, only accessible to few. All contestants are picked randomly, their consciousness being transported to the game show while they sleep, causing many people to think “woah. weird ass dream”. The two ways to wake up from what the players perceive as a dream is to either lose a game in the game show (which “kills” them) or to win the entire thing. If you win, you get a few things. Some money, a signed poster, and an invitation to be a spectator of the show whenever you wish. If you lose, the pain lingers from the death suffered for only a few minutes after waking up. (So, essentially, deadly mario party. but, no one actually dies, and also you can end up in a game with Kris Deltarune and an Inkling from splatoon.) If someone refuses to cooperate and play the game, then the Ringmaster threatens the life of the person they love most. They always know who to choose, and it always works.
The Dollmaker (They/Them) (who is also currently being redesigned but I have no replacement pictures)
🐇 (<- the placeholder)
The Dollmaker, resembling a living rabbit plushie, if you can guess, makes dolls! Similarly to their siblings, they are also quite tall, but less in the menacing way and more in the “holy shit giant huggable creature” way. Both their presence and their dolls create a sense of comfort to anyone nearby, which naturally draws the attention of those who wish for something to remember their lost loved ones by. The Dollmaker has squeakers in their paws, and their mouth is actually on their chest, giving the illusion of a doll with a voice box. The Dollmaker constantly gives off the scent of cotton candy. They have a strong sense of justice and for what certain things the Messenger does, they don’t have the best relationship with them. The Dollmaker often feels too guilty to charge any sort of price for their dolls if it’s one made to mimic the appearance of someone who had passed, but they’ll eventually give in if you’re insistent enough.
those are the only ones so far, this post will probably be edited once I have actual references for all of them, and once I have a proper tag for the Maskmaker’s family
I hope I didn’t miss anything lol-
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