#Dess Answers Questions
desultory-novice · 1 year
Its common knowledge Kirby is non-binary or specifically of "unknown" gender in Japanese but what is the translation for Meta Knight? I remember this Tumblr post stating that is was the same as Kirby in a Japanese wiki but I'm not sure of the authenticity of that post.
Oh gosh, that sounds like an old post -I- made! Ehehe...
...But, yes. Same general deal for Meta Knight. I mean, you can find people who will argue that Meta Knight is definitely 100% canonically a guy (ran into one doing the research for this post, in fact) and there may be some old source somewhere that state it as well, but all modern sources/the Kumazaki era? No stated gender.*
*To the best of my knowledge!!
Honestly, MOST characters in Kirby do not have a stated gender. One of the few characters I can think of who is explicit about theirs is Susie, who often talks about being a "beautiful woman." Now, some of those gender-unstated characters do use gendered pronouns.
Or should I say...semi-gendered pronouns.
Because while the Japanese word 彼/"kare" is the equivalent to "he/him/his" in English, it's also used for mixed groups of multiple genders, a situation where we would use "they" (plural)
Most of Kirby's core cast were designed before a lot of LGBTQIA+ issues were brought to light/publicly talked about/the language to describe themselves as developed by actual LGBTBQIA+ people existed. But even now (or at least, last I looked) Japan still lacks a commonly accepted non-gendered third-person pronoun. Some do use 彼 in such cases. (And some don't, using the non-gendered phrasal pronoun(?) あの人/"that person" or あの子 /"that kid")
What this means is that 彼 alone (ie: not used with a gender noun) can't really be used as a proof of a character's gender. And 彼 IS used for Meta Knight. 彼 is also used for Kirby, who is non-binary/pangender/any gender/un-comfirmed/take-your-pick-cause-I'm-not-telling via word of Kirby's original creator, Masahiro Sakurai. And modern HAL Labs, via the consistent use of the non-gendered word 若者/"youth" to refer to Kirby in official materials to this day. (NoA and most English-language media use masculine pronouns for Kirby when talking in English. At least, MOST of the time they do.)
Now, similar to sticking to the non-gendered 若者 when talking about Kirby, Meta Knight is always described as a 仮面の剣士 -- a "masked knight." Not a "masked man"/仮面の男.
So, there you go.
Of course, the official ambiguity of Meta Knight's gender doesn't mean that you can't continue using the generally/commonly accepted and/or English ver. genders for him(?) and all the others. Whatever Meta Knight's gender, he (?) could still use he/him pronouns! Like most word-of-god in Kirby, it just means that you're free to tailor the interpretation of the world to suit you!
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mossdestruction · 3 months
If you had three wishes, what would you do with them?
1. twelve halloweens. halloween once every month. sorry noelle halloween is better
2. my brother becoming a college dropout so he can hang out with me everyday
3. world peace ???? infinite supply of chocolate
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ferronickel · 9 months
Say, if Dess is present in Looking Glasses, what happened to her in the world of the comic? Like, how did she disappear, and how did she return?
Good question! I plan on covering most of this over the course of the comic, and some of the timeline is still a little loose, so I'm not going to get into too much detail here.
Dess disappeared around 6-8 years before the start of Looking Glasses, while she and Kris were exploring the bunker in the woods. Asgore's investigation fails to bear fruit as all he has to go on is Kris's word that Dess was "taken" by something. Dess, meanwhile, spends the intervening years trapped below the ocean of darkness until she is rescued by Kris, Susie, and Ralsei as part of the climax to their adventure. Her return ends up making the existence of the dark world more common knowledge around Hometown.
Basically, I'm working off the assumption that we will find and save Dess during the course of normal gameplay in Deltarune. I'm interested in exploring what happens to her next.
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deltaruminations · 1 year
i wish i could properly articulate my brainworms about dess and wingdings deltarune having been peers and friends and why i think the idea is fascinating but i just keep getting overwhelmed by the sheer Possibilities and Implications and tripping over myself about it. i’m just. oooouuuuggghhhh ooobh girl ness & teen giygas. non-diegetically ascribed enemies who defy their “purpose” and become friends instead because from their perspective they’re just Normal Kids who complement each other well. and yet they end up fulfilling their fated roles of opposition anyway in spite of or maybe partly because of their care for each other. and maybe they continue to be cosmically at odds well into the timeline of DR the game but the nature of their roles is shifted and jumbled by context or extraplanar shenanigans and/or obfuscated and skewed by narrative manipulation on the part of someone trying desperately to prove to himself that he isn’t doomed to be a villain but is still approaching the problem as if he is one
here’s a thought: at least one of them possibly gains enough metanarrative awareness at SOME point via SOME means (shadow crystal? shattering? word from a FRIEND?) to figure out he’s villain-coded and probably destined to (according to the logic of a video game) hurt and/or murder his best friend over and over until she finally succeeds in killing him. how far would he go to keep that from happening? would he, again, do Villain Shit? would he remove his friend from the game, leaving her in some kind of stasis outside the narrative, to keep her (and, of course, himself) “safe”? would he remove himself from the narrative, so she and the world are safe from him, then task others with picking up the pieces he left behind? what if the narrative needs a hero and a villain — what happens when one or both are missing? will the universe attempt to self-correct, and if so, how?
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the-white-soul · 2 months
opinions on bees and cheese?
(Going to assume you mean Kara)
(Kara) "Finally, a nice anon just asking about bees and cheese. I love cheese. It's one of my favorite foods ever. Unfortunately, I've grown tired of it sometimes, but I will want to one day have some of the cheese here. I've heard that Europe does cheese right. With bees on the other hand, I do not like certain bees. Yes, I know they are important, but all I can remember is when Asriel accidentally got stung and screamed for a while. I was three and I still remember his scream. It was as loud as an atomic bomb to me. So, I'll always be bitter about that. Hey, guess it's justice for me to make all those pranks on Noelle in the future. God, I miss her."
(Dess) "Do you want to talk about it?"
(Kara) "No, I only wanted to remember her. Oh, I got really sidetracked there, friend. The short answer is I love cheese and love some bees and hate others."
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Noelle misses you, Dess. She misses you a lot.
*No... she doesn't.
*The angel can't miss me... we made sure of that.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 months
For the Love of God(dess) || CL16 {2}
Summary: Greek God/dess AU. You show Charles a part of your world and he shows you a part of his. Warnings: angst, fluff WC: 2.6k Part One || Two
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The old stone path should have been worn for all the centuries that it had been used as the entrance to Olympus but it was still as perfect as it was the first time you walked it. Nothing ever changed, not since the war ended and a new hierarchy settled among the gods. For two thousand years nothing had changed in the Eternal City.
“Love, what have you done?” The imposing form of Ares filled the road to your temple, his arms the size of your waist. His molten red eyes barely glanced at the man at your side before snapping back with a double take. “Kàrolos?”
“Uh, so everyone keeps saying,” he answered quietly, his eyes sizing up the God of War as he spoke for the first time since arriving through the portal. “And you are?”
“Intrigued,” Ares said with a smirk. “Good luck.”
The god vanished and Charles rubbed at his head, murmuring, “Fucking weird dream.”
“You’ll wake up soon,” you sighed. It might not be the wake up he expected, but it was coming - you just had to find Athena. “I know someone who can help make sense of this, we just need to get you back to my place first. It’s right over h-” your words froze as turned towards your temple. 
Where grey stone walls had stood, great white pillars of marble rose. Where empty garden beds lay, hundreds of white roses bloomed. 
Your temple had been restored.
“This is your home?” Charles asked, a little awestruck by the sounds of it. It was quite amusing that he walked among the gods but he found beauty in a building of all things.
“Our home.”
“I have a home - in Monaco.”
You opened your mouth to argue but saw the quiet desperation in his features. He was clinging to his humanity and it forced you to remember that this wasn’t the Kàrolos you knew, this was a stranger. The only resemblance they held were their eyes, but they were the window to the soul and they still had the same soul. 
“Let’s just go inside.”
The doors beyond the marble arch swung open on your approach and the interior had changed just as much. The vast room was open to the sunlight and a fountain filled the centre, the sound of bubbling water a calming feature. Open arches led to more rooms but you made your way to the furthest one. 
Charles followed sedately into the bedroom and out onto the balcony that overlooked the city. Above rose the peak which Zeus had claimed, his golden palace glittering beneath Apollo’s sunshine. Below, the forests of Artemis spread far and wide with lush green canopies and the Orlias river winding through it. 
Your palms warmed on the stone railing as you watched a herd of deer pick their way to the river for a drink. “I know you have a million questions and I’m sorry for…everything.”
Charles’ shoulder leaned into yours as he drank in the scenery but he jumped back when an owl swooped in, the spotted wings brushing his cheek. A flash of light burst from the owl and bare feet touched down on the balcony. 
“Hmmm, you have had quite the night, Love,” she said with an appreciative look over Charles. She reached out to his face with a smile and wiggled her fingers. “May I?”
“Why? What are you going to do? Who are you?”
“So many questions,” she laughed. “I am Athena, I am knowledge, and if you want the answers then you will let me touch you.”
He looked to you for help and gods damned if it didn’t make something in your chest hurt before you nodded. He swallowed the fear of the unknown and trusted you as he stepped into her waiting hands. Lightning shattered his brain, blinding him with flashes of images that moved too fast to see. But he knew. Knowledge expanded and exploded in his mind at an exponential rate until he knew everything. Thousands of years of history burned into his retina in less than a second. The history of the gods and goddesses that called this place home. The history of the wars and the destruction it brought. The history of you and everything you lost.
He knew it all. And it hurt more than the pain that splintered his head.
He didn’t even realise he collapsed until he felt the softest mattress dip beneath his weight as you laid him down. Your concerned face appeared above him, the sun catching your hair and weaving a golden halo around the strands. A thought crossed his mind and he laughed, shaking his head.
“What?” you asked curiously as his fingers twitched like he had to fight the urge to reach out to you.
“When we met I thought you looked like a goddess, but of course you do. You are.” He looked to the balcony but the owl had already taken flight back to her palace on the hill. “I’m not him, you know.”
“I know.” The man you loved had died a long time ago. You had your time together, no matter how short, and you had mourned for him. It was time to move on. “I don’t want you to be Kàrolos. I want to learn who you are, Charles.”
“And what if you don’t like who I am?”
“I am the Goddess of Love,” you teased, climbing onto the bed to sit beside him. “My arrows don’t work unless there is compatibility between the souls. Psyche is probably better off explaining that but my power only amplifies what attraction is already there. Can’t say I have been on the receiving end of it before. This will take some getting used to.”
“What will?”
“The want, the need to touch you,” you confessed as you looked down at your hands that gripped the bedspread tightly. “It is difficult to be this close and not reach out.”
Charles frowned. “You loved Kàrolos but you didn’t use an arrow?”
“Not everyone needs an arrow to fall in love. Like I said, it only amplifies. People find love on their own everyday, only some need a little poke in the right direction. Those friends who have been dancing around each other for years, the abused who don’t think they are worthy of being loved, the colleagues who only flirt at work. The fates weave their tapestry with a trillion threads of life and when there is a snag, like two lovers who failed to meet, then I repair it so the loom can continue its creation.”
Charles blinked as he began to understand how complex the roles of the gods were. “Fuck.” 
You laughed and his lips tugged up at the sound. 
“I don’t mind, if you want to touch me,” he admitted quietly, reaching for your hand and unfurling it from the bedding. His hand was larger than yours but your fingers settled between his comfortably and your body sagged with relief. “So what do we do now?”
You shrugged, not exactly knowing the answer yourself. Time was plentiful so there was no rush, but you were eager to find out who it was your heart had been given to. “What do you enjoy?”
Charles’ smile dropped as he suddenly remembered the world he had left behind. “Shit, we need to go back. I have a race this week.”
“Breaking News: Peace had been brokered between nations all over the globe in a dramatic turn of events. For more information we will be heading to our correspondent at the United Nations HQ…”
Charles turned off the TV in the hotel but he didn’t miss the way your eyes remained fixed on the screen, or the way your lip wobbled. Crossing the room, he grabbed your hands and bent his knees so you were eye to eye. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s my fault,” you whispered through the lump in your throat. “I failed my duties.”
He looked back at the TV where you could still see the breaking news. Peace had come after two thousand years of skirmishes and wars on the mortal plane. There should have never been wars to begin with. 
“That isn’t your fault,” he argued, but he had the knowledge of the gods, he understood how your power worked. The gods were a fragile ecosystem that required balance. You were the balance to Ares’ power and his effect on the world.
“I was weakened when Kàrolos died, I lost half of myself, half of my strength. It left Ares unchecked - of course it is my fault.”
Charles wrapped his arms around you, tucking your head into the crook of his neck so you couldn’t stare at the TV. “You’re making things right now, that’s what matters.”
“It’s not even me,” you laughed bitterly. “It’s you. I couldn’t do this on my own.”
“Come on,” he said as he started to drag you towards the door.
“Where are we going?”
“You need a distraction, and I know just the thing.” 
Charles drove to the circuit he would be practising on in the morning and it was relatively quiet as he led you through the paddock. A few teenagers excitedly asked for photos with him and you smiled as he stopped to talk with each one. He was so different to Kàrolos. Kàrolos was a warrior, proud and unmoving. Most children gave him a wide berth when they saw the scars that littered his body. It wasn’t in him to idly chatter or placate others, the only soft spot he had was for you. 
“You’re very patient,” you commented as he waved goodbye and continued to the edge of the track. 
He smiled shyly and looked at his shoes as he shrugged. “I try my best to talk to fans, especially when I have the time. Take a few laps with me?”
You followed his gaze to a Ferrari that was parked in the pit lane. “I’ve never been in a car.”
“No, really?” His eyes were wide with disbelief and you laughed at the innocence in those eyes. 
“I go where I want, I’ve never needed to drive.”
He grabbed your hand and excitement flowed through you as he set a quick pace to the car. “Trust me?” he asked as he opened the passenger door.
You were immortal so it didn’t matter if he crashed. Sure, it would hurt but you would eventually heal. But the question felt heavier than just asking if you trusted him not to crash, more that you could trust him to keep you safe. “Yes, I trust you, Charles.”
You slipped into the seat that was moulded to cradle you before he bent down and buckled the clips in for you. His cologne reached your nose at the close proximity and you inhaled deeper as you committed the rich scent to your memory. 
“Is this comfortable?” he asked as he tugged the harness.
“It is…managable.” Restrictive, confined, and claustrophobic came to mind but you didn’t want to worry him as he went around to his side. There was energy in his step that had been missing in Olympus, an ambience that brightened the moment he arrived at the racing track, and you wanted to keep that light in his aura. 
“We’ll take the first one slow,” he promised as he started the engine and gripped the wheel. 
You had flown into battle on the back of a pegasus, you had held onto the fins of charybdis as they raced through Posiden’s domain. Nothing came close to the thrill and the speed of Charles’ car. 
Your heart jumped up your throat as you were thrown back into the seat and then the world around you blurred. Everything faded away except for the window ahead and you didn’t dare blink in case you missed a moment. There were no thoughts on the what ifs of the future, or the regrets of your past. There was only the car, and Charles grinning at you.
“Are you sure this is slow?” you asked with a giddy laugh as the adrenaline reached your head and the initial surprise was erased.
“Hold on, cherie.” The engine roared louder and like a beast it leapt forward. A scream of exhilaration filled the car as Charles lassoed the metal beast and wrangled it through each corner until he finally slowed to return to the pit lane. 
“I finally understand the obsession,” you admitted as he parked back where he had left. Your fingers were almost stiff where they had gripped the harness over your chest and you flexed the feeling back into them before unbuckling it. “I can’t even describe it, but I feel alive - if that makes sense? I can’t think quite clearly now.”
“I understand.” Charles smiled softly and wiped away the stray tear that ran down your cheek from having your eyes wide open for so long. “It’s getting late.”
You climbed out of the car and looked up to see stars dotting the desert night sky. It felt like time stopped while you were in the car but nothing could stop time and it all came rushing back. “Can we do this again?” you asked, a little sheepish at how needy you sounded.
“Of course,” Charles promised, taking your hand as naturally as breathing. “After this race it’s winter break and I am all yours.” He stumbled and caught himself. “I mean, if you want to hang out and, uh, stuff. I don’t have any plans, but if you do we can figure something ou-”
You rose onto your toes and kissed his cheek that was turning pink in the moonlight and he fell silent. “I don’t have any plans either.”
Charles stared at your lips, still feeling the warmth on his cheek and he touched the skin as a smile tugged at his lips and he nodded to himself. “Okay. Okay.” 
“You’re cute,” you said as you felt the urge to kiss his lips next.
His nose wrinkled at the compliment. “Cute?”
“Amongst other things,” you added, biting your lip to keep your other thoughts to yourself. 
He grew confident and curled his finger under your chin, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip and pulling it free from your teeth. “You’re beautiful.”
Your lungs refused to work as his head dipped down slowly, giving you time to change your mind. You could still feel the remnants of that thrill in your veins and the charge was electric as you gave into your desire and threw your arms around his neck. The kiss started slowly, hesitation holding you both back as you tasted the chemistry, but it grew deeper as his arms curled around your waist, pulling your bodies flush. 
The track faded away as you spared one last critical thought to teleport back to the hotel room. Charles blinked as he looked around the bedroom, but the surprise turned to a smirk. “That is handy.”
“You can do it too,” you said as your fingers traced the hem of his shirt. “You can just have to picture the image in your mind.”
Cold kissed your skin and you looked down to see your own shirt had disappeared. 
“Holy shit, it worked,” he gasped. “Oh, shit, sorry.”
Your shirt returned in an instant but it was now the same shade of red as his team colours. 
“I wasn’t complaining,” you smirked but the humour dimmed as his hands came to rest on your waist that was still wrapped in red cotton. “We can take it slow, Charles.”
“Is that what you want?”
“I want you, not your regrets. I want you to be ready.” Ready for an eternity together.
Charles sat at the edge of the bed and pulled you onto his lap. “The first thing you should know about me is I have never been good at going slow,” he admitted as he cupped your cheek and crushed his lips to yours.
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petra-creat0r · 8 days
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 5 Secret Boss
IT'S WIZARD TIME MOTHER████ERS!!! No time to explain! I cast kooky crazy wizard dog!
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Okay maybe there's some time to explain. Everyone, say hello to Doggone. My idea for Fool's Fate's chapter 5 boss and my submission into @grimmdeltarune's Chaos Clash Tourney! Remember when I said I was gonna go with a busted police radio? Bam! I lied! Crazy wizard dog be upon ye!
Okay but what's their origins? I need to explain where I got the name dog gone it! (Hehe, get it? That's where their name's from.) As for item, Doggone is a newspaper clipping about Dess's disappearance that's in an evidence folder at the Police Station. It's staff is even a branch with Dess's fur found on it that was also in the evidence locker.
"Lorrie, how did you get crazy wizard from that? " I hear some of you reasonably ask. All in due time, my little pupils, for now we must get onto text quirks! For Doggone's text, a lot of it their text gets blacked out and censored. Not all of it, mostly proper nouns like names or places, but also just random nouns that seem randomly censored. The exception being anything or anyone mentioned in the news paper clipping Doggone is in the Light World. I can show some examples under the cut with their backstory and dialogue. The only times Doggone can ONLY use words specifically from that clipping are when it's trying to talk about stuff the man doesn't want revealed.
For Doggone's soul mode, it uses the purple soul mode, like Bitsy. Just Doggone's purple soul mode attacks are lines of text rather than spider webs. Also unrelated to the soul mode but another fun fact about them before I get into backstory and stuff. Doggone is flat like paper. Literal Flat Stanley/Paper Mario physics. They seem like they might have mass, but when viewed completely from the side, they're just a line.
Backstory and Dialogue under the cut (Fair warning, it got really, REALLY long...)
Dogson D. Gonit. Investigative Journalist and reporter for the news station in the Police Station Dark World. Never an actual detective or private investigator, those sorta roles were filled by Captain Chariot and the guard, but Dogson always did his best to sniff out the best story. A true sleuthing pup, Dogson's keen nose and sense for a good scoop was something which found him a lot of success in his career, especially when it came to reporting on potential new cases for Chariot's guard.
That was until one day a particular Lightner went missing in the Light World.
Missing person's cases were some what rare in the Station Dark World, and Hometown in general. Most the time it was just some kid who pretended to run away or got a little lost playing in the woods and many of them were solved before a reporter like Dogson got to report on it at all. More often then not, the missing cases Dogson reported on where lost pets or items. But the case of Dess Holiday was a special one. It was something the entire station seemed to be talking about, and one that went unsolved long enough that Dogson got to report on it, and not just in the missing section of the paper.
"LOCAL GIRL GOES MISSING IN WOODS. On September 15th, 212X, local girl December "Dess" Holiday was reported missing. She was last seen playing in the woods with her younger sister and two neighboring kids. After loosing track of her, Asriel Dreemurr, one of Dess's neighbors contacted local police, reporting to Chief Asgore and Deputy Undyne that Dess and Kris, Asriel's younger sibling, had gone into the bunker in the forest and wouldn't respond when Asriel and Noelle Holiday, Dess's younger sister, called for them, after which Asriel went for help. After managing to rescue Kris from the bunker, the police weren't able to locate Dess Holiday and even though questioned about what happened, Kris was reportedly too shaken to answer. Mayor Carol Holiday, Hometown mayor and Dess's mother, has ordered a town wide search and advised citizens to stay away from the bunker. Are the towering trees surrounding our sweet little town really as safe as we thought? More on pg 12."
The case of the missing Holiday was a big one in the Station Dark World, with a lot of pressure on both Lightners and Darkners to perform and find her. This was something Dogson was well aware of, and he had every intention to report on every new bit of information that came the station's way. Yet it seemed by the time Dogson was ready to print his next update on the case, the buzz around it had already died down. Captain Chariot refusing to let Dogson release the story because of "bad PR", instead focusing on a story from one of Dogson's colleagues about the new police chief in the Light World. According to the Captain, anything new about this case had to go under the radar and eventually it seemed like the case was dropped all together, the trail going icy cold.
Dogson wasn't so content to just drop a scoop as big as this though, and so after putting on his jacket and hat and kissing his wife goodbye, the journalist set out into the depths of the Paper Trail Forest to find the Evidence Locker in hopes to find something to get Captain Chariot to reopen the case.
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Ms. Gonit: And I'm afraid that's the last anyone's heard of him.
I've tried to convince some of the guard to go looking for him myself, but it seems none of them want to risk it...
Lightners, you seem strong, aren't you?
If you decide to venture towards the Paper Trail Forest, would you be willing to look for my dear Dogson for me?
These past few years have been tough, and even if the worst I fear has come true...
Some closure at least would be nice.
Accept ❤ Decline
Accept ❤
Oh? You will look?
Oh, thank you so much, Lightners. You can't imagine how much this means to me.
Here, ever since that KNIGHT came around, I never know what Captain Chariot has decided to lock down.
If you ever find any trouble making your way into the forest, take this.
*You got the PIN KEY.
It may not work on every lock, but I hope it can at least aid you somewhat.
No one really knows what happened to Dogson D. Gonit out in those woods. The only thing his wife and family knew was that he never came back. In all honestly, Ms. Gonit expected her dear husband to be gone forever. In a way... he was.
Dogson got lost looking through the Paper Trail Forest and couldn't find his way back. He wandered and wandered for what felt like days looking for the Evidence Locker, or at the least the exit, yet it seemed like he was just chasing his own tail. Just going in endless circles and circles, every corner he turned looked like the last, the pages and pages of leaves all blending together as one. It was maddening.
It wasn't until all hope seemed lost when Dogson found somebody. Or rather, was found BY somebody. A strange someone, a man who offered a helping hand. A man who led Dogson to the Truth. Not the truth about the case of the missing Holiday as the straggled reporter might have hoped when he agreed to follow the man out of desperation, but a greater Truth. A Truth which showed him just how trapped he was... A Truth... which broke Dogson freed Doggone from the burdens of it's mind.
Dogson was gone. A life forgotten along with the name. Now there was only Doggone. A crazy old Darkner believing themself to be a powerful wizard, living out in the woods and on an eternal quest to find the Evidence Locker the Chamber of Truth. Doggone may not know why it wants to get into the Chamber of Truth, they just knows they have to find it. Inside such an illusive and mysterious trove of treasure and truth there must be something truly great and powerful, after all. Some kind of artifact befitting a great and powerful wizard like Doggone.
And Doggone seemed to find the perfect opportunity to get to the Chamber of Truth when it saw three young Lightner heroes enter it's domain...
*Doggone jumps down from the trees and in front of the party*
LET'S SEE, A ██████, A ██████, AND A ███! HOW WONDERFUL!
Remie: ... That's just a very tall tree, ribatto, ribatto...
Remie: What is your name, if we may ask, ribatti, ribatti?
████? HOO HO! I FORGOT THAT LONG AGO! ██████? ███? ██████ █ █████? I DON'T KNOW!
Remie: D-doggone...?
Remie: Um, s-sure... Ribatto, ribatto.
Remie: -._-. CK...
Remie: Um, could you maybe repeat-
*In a puff of smoke or... spores? Doggone disappears.*
Remie: I'm afraid not, ribatto, ribatto...
I had a lot of fun coming up with Doggone, especially since I was on call with friends and we kept referencing wizard memes. Originally, I just had the idea of a journalist who got lost investigating the story of a missing girl (cough cough, Dess, cough cough), but I worried that would step on Detective Noir's territory too much. I think with the wizard aspect, I no longer have to worry about that.
Doggone and Noir are still rivals though. Even if Doggone has completely lost its marbles and will try to interview people by asking them to step into its office, that is really just a mossy clearing with a stump in the woods or a bus stop.
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Imagine reader being a guide in Linked Maze. They are sort of the protector of people who end up in the maze. They're pretty shy and end up not showing themselves to most, who end up with such a terrible fate. They leave the Links little things to help along their journey, such as food, weapons, and medicine.
Only one of the Links has seen you before—Wind. It was only a brief interaction as well. You guided Wolfie to him using your abilities. Wind only saw you for a moment. You were gone in less than a blink of an eye. He still thinks he imagined it until he actually meets you for the first time. He was overwhelmed with so many emotions. He saw you as what you were for those stuck in the maze—a protector. 
He wanted to throw himself at you and cry on your shoulder. He wanted to demand answers. The first time he met the guide of this place, you didn't even exchange words. You disappeared after a few minutes. He was devastated after that. It was your first official meeting, and he didn't even get to say 'thank you' or ask any questions like, 'why did you help me?' That's when his obsession with you started. It was just an inkling of a need for safety that evolved into a desperate devotion to you.
Wolfie is your familiar at this point. He helps guide the Links through the maze and makes sure they don't end up gravely injured. He hasn't actually ever seen you. He just hears you and follows the scents that you waft into his nose. He's not suspicious of you. Your life force is positive. It reminds him of what he feels in the Triforce.
You guide the Links together and keep those awful monsters at bay. You wish you could warn them about what's to come, but you are unable to. You can only leave clues. You are the guide of the maze—the protector. Someone who was tricked into leaving the heavens by a deity who fell from them. You would tell them everything if you could, but if you did, then you'd reveal your location to the corrupted God. 
One word and it's all over. One word and the Links will fail their mission.
You wish you could tell them that something worse than Demise was plotting to take over the heavens and destroy the goddesses. Alas, you cannot. The evil deity injured you gravely. If you seek refuge in the heavens, then you leave a possible opening for the evil being to sneak in. You have learned from watching Time on his adventures.
So you watch from the shadows and guide them when you can. You don't realize how dependent they are becoming to your presence. You understand how far their yearning goes.
Four gently probes Wind for more information about your meeting with him. Wind shys away from telling him because he wants to keep you for himself. Warriors is a little jealous but keeps the two calm. 
Time knows more about you than the others. He met you once on his journey. So technically, he has met you before, but since you have been forced to take a mortal form. He hasn't seen you since you were injured and forced to look over them in the maze. Somehow, he knows you're out there. He still has that ritual for summoning you. You should've never given it to him. You don't understand how many times he has wanted to use it but ultimately decided against it. He's the Hero of Time! He's the Hero of Time... He's the Hero of Time? 
Why would someone so important, a god(dess), want him bothering them?
The rest of the Links are a bit confused about you. Your presence is enigmatic, to say the least. You are like an unspoken rule among them. All of them need to know more about you, but they refuse to cooperate with each other when they learn something new about your existence. 
The only question that really remains is: will they ever escape the maze? Or will you fail in your mission of protecting them?
Ignore the fact I went so off canon for this. comic & characters — @linked-maze
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91dawsonmercer · 2 months
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We've been adjusting to the move pretty well for the most part. The Devils are playing the Canucks tonight so mom and dad are visiting and Odessa is absolutely loving all of the attention she has been getting.
Poor Quinn has been getting her ipad shoved in his face every five seconds, Luke was forced to play dolls and Jack is honestly the only one that hasn't been tortured with something yet.
"What team are you rooting for tonight, Dee!?" Dad asks, and Quinn smirks at Jack and Luke as she runs into the room with her baby Canucks jersey on.
"Odessa!? Get that garbage off right now." Jack says, shaking his head. "What happened to the Devils being the best team?"
"Not when Quinner is playin'." She tells him, and Quinn holds up his hand for a high-five. "That's right, Dessa. Let them know where they rank."
"I'm telling your buddy that you're a traitor." Jack says.
She shrugs, holding her arms up for Quinn to pick her up. "Owen will forgive me."
During warm ups Owen immediately pointed out that Odessa's jersey was for the other team and after a little bit of explaining he understood why.
The whole game the kids were talking about stuff that was going on with the bench.
"Dawsy has an ipad?" Odessa says, pointing.
"Do you think he's watching coc'melon?" Owen asks.
Reanne and I both laugh.
"That's definitely what he's watching, guys." Reanne answers.
The Canucks end up winning six to four and Odessa is letting Jack and Luke have it.
"You lost." She points at them.
"Yeah, Dessa. We know." Luke says, picking her up.
"Where's Dawsy?" She asks, looking around for him.
"He already left. You'll see him at home." Jack tells her and I look at him confused.
"What?" I ask.
"Mom, Dad and Luke are babysitting. We're going out." He says.
"Don't I have a say so in this?" I question.
Back at the apartment, Odessa is giving Luke attitude about getting ready for bed.
"Your clothes are on your bed. Go get changed." He tells her and she shakes her head no. "I waiting for Daws."
"We won't leave without you getting to ask him about the ipad, Dess. Let's go get changed into your pjs." I say, picking her up and carrying her into her room.
I get her changed and she grabs her blanket from her bed before running back out of the room.
"Dawsy!" She yells, her voice echoing through the apartment.
"Hi, Dess. I heard you got something to ask me." He says, picking her up.
"You lost."
"I did. Was that all you had to tell me?" Dawson laughs.
She shakes her head no. "Were you watching coc'melon?"
They all look over at me confused.
"She seen you on the ipad and Owen and her were taking bets if you were watching cocomelon or not." I tell him.
"Oh. No, I was watching a replay of the previous play." Dawson tells her and she nods.
"Okay, you asked Dawson your question. Now it's bedtime." Mom says, causing Odessa to reach for her.
"Be good for Mimi, Pap and Luke, Okay. Don't give them any trouble about going to bed." I kiss her cheek and she wipes it off. "I won't, Mommy."
"Alright, let's go before she somehow manages to get out of going out." Jack says, practically dragging me out of the apartment.
In the Uber ride to the bar, Jack turns around in the front seat so he's facing us.
"We aren't being sappy emotional drunks tonight, got it y/n." He tells me, and I nod.
I've always been the type to get drunk and let my emotions get the best of me, but I'm determined not to let that happen tonight.
I bought first round because I technically owed them it since they all helped me move in, but after that, the guys wouldn't let me pay.
Jack and Nico went to get us more drinks, leaving Dawson and I at our table. The drinks start to hit, and I start to think about everything and feel like I'm failing Odessa. I start to cry, and Dawson looks over at me.
"What's wrong?" Dawson asks, pulling me into a hug.
"I just… I feel like I'm not doing enough for Odessa. She's been through so much with the move and everything, and I just want her to be happy. But sometimes I feel that I'm not doing a good job as a mom."
Dawson pulls back slightly to look at me. "Y/N, you're an amazing mom. Odessa is so lucky to have you. Moving to a new place is tough, but she's adjusting. You're doing everything you can for her, and that's what matters. Don't be so hard on yourself."
I smile weakly. "Thanks, Dawson. I really needed to hear that."
Jack raises an eyebrow at me as he puts my drink down in front of me. "Everything okay?"
Jack and Nico return to the table, carrying a fresh round of drinks.
"Yeah, just had a moment." I reply.
We drink our drinks and uber back. Deciding to go to Dawson's apartment so we didn't risk waking Odessa up.
"Nico and I will take the couch. Y/n, you're with Dawson." Jack tells me.
"Is that okay with you?" I ask Dawson, and he nods.
I follow Dawson back to his room, and he grabs a pair of sweats and throws them at me.
"The bathroom's right there," he says.
"Thank you," I reply, heading into the bathroom. I change into the sweats and return to the room.
We get into bed, and can hear Jack and Nico yelling at each other in the living room.
"Get your nasty feet out of my face!" Jack's voice rings out.
"Get your face out of my feet, Hughesy," Nico retorts.
Dawson laughs, shaking his head. "Those two are like an old married couple."
I laugh, nodding in agreement. "They really are."
As we drift off to sleep, I feel a sense of contentment wash over me. Tonight may have had its emotional moments, but being surrounded by people who care makes it all worth it.
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deltatraveler · 22 days
so, I have multiple questions regarding the game, if it's too spoiler heavy then you don't have to answer it
-Will we be able to use attacks in the overworld of section 4?
-Will we be able to hang out with Sans and Muffet in section 5?
-Is Chara gonna be a silent protagonist in section 5?
-I know that there won't be anymore earthbound but will Dr. Poopypan- I mean Andonuts make a cameo in the future?
-Will there be any toilet humor?
-Will there be any important darkners in the future? (pls I need my precious living inanimate objects so this game may feel like a crossover)
-Did HUECYCLES give you permission to use their Dess sprite?
- Before LightClear, yes. Enemies will surrender when at low enough HP, and you will have the option to finish them off or spare them. After LightClear, it's just normal battles.
- No comment.
- The current plan is that they will have very minimal dialogue and remain mostly silent.
- No.
- Wuh
- Maybe Ralsei will become more important, and we plan on Lancer and Rouxls Kaard appearing in some way, but otherwise no comment.
- Yeah. In fact, a few aspects of Huecycles Dess (some sprites, her soundbyte, and "Little Supernova") were developed in part from her inclusion in Deltatraveler.
- No comment.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
What do you think about the Master Crown having a mind of its own?
This is an incredibly well-timed ask, Anon, because I have just seen this fairly convincing theory bandied about on twitter...
...You know Magolor's crying during the True Arena? (Yes. Dess is back to talking about the True Arena. It never stopped messing with me, btw. Especially when stuff like this comes out.) So, anyway...
Since a number of people have been hearing "help..." "...no..." and "...stop..." someone posed the question: Doesn't Magolor tell you in the pause description that he WANTS to end this? He also sounds resolved and even has room to be a little sassy toward the end.
Isn't it weird he should say one thing (bravely/confidently, even if it's a false confidence) in the pause screen while crying pitifully for mercy in the battle itself?
...And then came the horrible theory...
Those aren't Magolor's cries at all. His consciousness has been submerged/drained. He's gone the moment you grab The Apple.
The Master Crown is using his body to MAKE THOSE NOISES to inflict psychological damage on Kirby.
It fits with classic Kirby gameplay lore, right? If you go through the fight without pressing pause, you think that Magolor is begging you to save him. To stop hurting him. Crying out your name again and again and again. It's only when you press pause (where all the "true" information in Kirby is stashed away) do you learn that Magolor has come to terms with his fate. The "real" Magolor does not ask you to save him. He just wants you to destroy the Master Crown. Something the Crown has a vested interest in stopping. Thus, it decides to use "Magolor" to make you not want to hurt "him."
And if that's the case? I'd say it DOES have a mind of its own...
...and that mind is pretty damned vile. -- Dess acknowledges this goes against my earlier supposition that Magolor was communicating with the Lor to communicate with you, but I decided I like this theory better because it explains the strange contradiction between Magolor's cries and Magolor's true thoughts.
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l3viat8an · 8 months
Omg, God/Goddess MC😖😩
Golden horns that grow just above the ears and stop about 3 inches above their head
A third eye on their forehead that glows white
A birthmark on their stomach with a person balancing the 3 realms
MC's pupils are a raindrop (but yellow, you'll see why)
A white and gold striped halo that floats right above the horns
4 Large White, feathery wings, with some gold feathers. (Sorta like Lucifer's when he was holy😭)
And last but not least! Wait for it... Wait for it... Still waiting... THEY CRY GOLDEN TEARS 🤩 (so when they hit the floor, it turns solid)
Maybe MC had a bad day, they're stressed and tired, their body hurts. They have a headache from the brothers shenanigans and so they release the horns and halo they've been hiding(along with opening their third eye. Their back hurts from being curled up in a corner all day, so they let out their wings. They move to the middle of their bed, They're balling their eyes out. And then somebody walks in. (Maybe they have on a see-through shirt or croptop to see the birthmark)
I literally just wanna know how you feel abt the concept of this🤭
How do you think they will react? Maybe shookith🙈
Inspired by Tears Of Gold by Faouzia✨
Omgomg- this sounds sooo cool!! ‘n MC sounds so pretty!!! The horns!!!! The wingssss!!!!!! 😩
No matter who walks in MC has to answer some questions jsksjsj- (tho it’s worse with Lucifer or Satan because they’d want practically interrogate MC (jokes jokes-))
Imagine Mammon walking in ‘n being torn between trying to comfort MC and frozen in place because, like, gold tears are staining their bed and think of all the grimm that could be- comforting MC wins out but he’ll be asking about selling their mattresses later helpshsj
Or Lucifer walking in to apologize for dragging MC into another drama filled day, but they’re wrapped up in their wings crying. Wings and horn…gold tears he probably already knew MC was a god(dess) even if they didn’t tell him but he’ll try to calm them down by asking questions. Simple things at first just to get their focus on something else.
Asmo sees MC crying gold and wants to help- but when he moves to sit on the edge of their bed to comfort them he starts gently running his fingertips over their feathers…then he’ll realize what he’s done and apologize, saying they’re just so pretty…
Levi is stuck in the doorway- like I’m not sure he’ll be able to help or even move for a bit- one of the other brothers has to come slap him out of his awestruck state-
Satan freezes too- but it’s because he knows what he’s seeing and he knows when his emotions get like this he wants to be left alone. But it’s MC…he wants to help them, asks what’s wrong and- well he’ll just have to wait.
Beel or Belphie walking in and the first thing they think of is how much MC’s wings resemble Lucifer’s old wings. Those same white, fluffy, wings he used to wrap around them when they were scared- then slowly taking in the rest of MC’s body. The little horns, the third eye….the tears.
Uhhh- anyways- I rambled too much I’ll have to come back to this again when I’m actually, fully, awake shkahaja but I love the idea sm!!!!!
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candleholder-dev · 5 months
Four questions
Would jevilstail and Dealmaker be separate characters even though they come from Jevil and Spamton, or do we not play as Spamton and Jevil as we know them to be?
Does the story of the game change if you play it in hard mode with Dess as the leader?
Will we see Susie and Ralsie?
And finally, are Kris and Noelle the main antagonists of the game?
Sorry if these are too many, It was originally just two questions but more kept popping up in my mind. I just really like this idea and I've wanted to write something like this for a while now, also I really love the designs of the characters
Thank you, even if you don't answer this, thank you for working on this game!
Dealmaker, Devilsknife, Jevilstail and Puppet Scarf are all separate characters, both from themselves and from Spamton and Jevil.
Yes, it changes quite a lot, regarding the focus of the story, dynamics and ending.
Nope, haha, that's an interesting question. Risku and Nataline (reflections of Kris and Noelle respectively) are enemies in the game, though.
Thank you btw! The team appreciates that!
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tigerbears · 2 months
How old was Noelle when Dess Holiday disappeared?
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One day I decided to answer this question by searching for Spelling Bee’s with the word “December” in them to estimate what grade/how old Noelle was when Dess disappeared, and it made me feel like Noelle goddamn Holiday searching for Dess. (I kept getting Spelling Bee’s IN December.)
But I found a few spelling bees that had December in them. Here’s what I found in my research.
Archdiocesan Spelling Bee Word List:
3rd to 4th grade. (8-10 years old)
Scripps National Spelling Bee:
3rd grade in the One Bee category. (8-9 years old)
2021 Words of the Champions:
One Bee. (The other spelling bee says one bee is between grades 1-3. Seeing as that one lists December as third grade, it's safe to assume it's third grade in this one.)
5th Grade Summer Enrichment Activity
5th grade (10-11 years old)
Assuming the Spelling Bee was shortly after December disappeared, Noelle would be somewhere between the 3rd and 5th grades when Dess disappeared. (So, 8 to 11 years old.)
(If the links ever die I put wayback machine alternatives under "the "keep reading" line for most of the links.)
Archdiocesan Spelling Bee Word List.
Scripps National Spelling Bee:
2021 Words of the Champions:
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5th Grade Summer Enrichment Activity
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veliamore · 1 year
psst..guess who has another req! Hanako, Nene, Kou, Natsuhiko, Sakura, and Tsukasa with a y/n that looks angry/sad as their resting face (also if u want me to limit my reqs, pls lmk i dont wanna overwhelm you <3!!) - 🐝
don't worry , reqs are not a problem , i just have a lot to study so im a bit slow !!
angry / sad resting face
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; hanako :
when he met you he always tried to avoid talking to you much because he thought about what reaction you could have towards him ( he was a little scared of just you tbh ) ; tho he has to admit that your face looks fascinating even if you look always angry / sad. When nene asked you gently if you were really angry / sad , hanako butted in the conversation , he wanted to have an answer about you face ; you explained that it was just your resting face , you weren't really angry nor sad. This explanation calmed down the boy , he began to have more conversations with you and actually noticed that your personality was far different from the "emotions " you show on your face.
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; yashiro :
she felt intimidated by you but curious too ; even if your face looks angry / sad she still thinks you're really pretty. She tried to talk to you and realized you are actually a nice person. Seeing the people avoided you because of your face she introduced you to aoi , hanako , kou and mitsuba. Her favourite hobby is to squeeze your cheeks so that you look like your smiling ( with your consent ofc ) she loves your resting face but she also loves seeing a smile from time to time.
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; kou :
he was kinda scared of you because you kept watching him with your angry / sad look. Little did he know , you thought he was really cool and wanted to be friend with him , you just had a problem on approach him. Instead he thought you had some problems with him or you hated him. He asked some recommendations to teru and he said to try and talk to you , like civil people. He found you on the roof alone ; he felt bad for you , maybe you weren't a bad person like he thought at first. He asked you to explain and you admitted you just wanted to be friends ; he was shocked but accepted right away.
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; tsukasa :
he liked your espression and told sakura that he wanted to know you well. he bombarded you with questions of why you looked always angry / sad ; tho he was just curious , he didn't mean any harm ( for now ). You became his second ( third if natsuhiko is an assistant as well ? ). He began to be attached tto you much more than he does with sakura and he wanted to take parts of his evil plans 😦. He does the same thing yashiro does eith your cheeks but he doesn't ask permission.
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; sakura :
instead of an angry / sad face she has a tired resting face ( and it's so beautiful on her let's be honest ). She's silent most of the times but she thinks that your face looks pretty too and distinguishes you from all the others. The times you smile , you can be sure that she'll remember it. Overall she treats you like a normal human being unlike others .. ( i don't know what to write for her anymore )
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; natsuhiko :
he literally doesn't care about your resting face , he thinks everything about you is beautiful and treats you like a god / dess ( have you seen how he treast sakura ). He will not ask you about your face and try to make you smile by force. He gets all blushy if you look at him with your angry / sad gaze. If you smile at him he will literally faint please help him.
natsuhiko is so underrated ..
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