#icebreaker Hannah grace
your-nightmare-brain · 8 months
“Forgiving people who repeatedly let you down is like sticking your hand in a fire over and over and expecting it to not keep burning you.”
Wildfire - Hannah Grace
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holomermaids · 8 months
so i read Icebreaker and Wildfire by Hannah Grace this week and i really want a book, or short story, or something about Robbie and Lola because they are adorable and i love them
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notsominx · 9 months
Did anyone else wanted more from Henry in Icebreaker by Hannah Grace?? Just me? Because he was such a sweet nonchalant character. He was a really good side character. And Although he wasn’t for the storyline, he did when my heart a whole lot!!! After I finished Icebreaker, I felt over dizzy for Henry. Till now I cannot stop thinking about what more can he be. I want to write a character like Henry. Speaking of character, Hannah is really great at writing. And character development is amazing! Such a good author!
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evacrstairs · 4 months
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icebreaker (nathanstassie) headers. like/reblog if you save or use. ⛸️
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abramsicon · 22 days
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icebreaker headers — like or reblog if you save.
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maddiesflame · 2 years
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Icebreaker headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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icouldbeaduck · 1 year
there is truly nothing scarier than reading filthy smut in a church
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cillaluv · 1 year
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late night reading🤍
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elizadeeznuts · 11 months
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I was so bored during class earlier that I drew Anastasia, if I get bored again maybe I'll draw Nate
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mzz1998 · 4 months
Stassie and Ryan in Chapter Three
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crying-on-the-floor · 2 years
I just finished Icebreaker by Hannah Grace and I am so upset. I hated that ending so so so much it angers me. If you want to read the book, try it it’s rlly good. Spice is amazing- characters and situations are incredible.
Just know, it’s all super slow slow burn for how it progress(not even their relationship tho), and the ending IS SO QUICK AND RUSHED.
It’s like reading Teh Lord Of The Flies again. Super slow book and rushed ending.
Now I can’t sleep bc my body feels upset taht I’m tired and caught up on the book and it makes me even more upset bc I am so mad it ruined it and no one warned me so I’m warning you.
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ayyahsbraindump · 1 year
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace: An example of poor Muslim representation.
Okay, if you’re reading from my blog page (is that what it’s called?) I’m sure you have guessed that I am a Muslim and that representation in books is really important to me. I want to mention that I don’t really care if there isn’t Muslim representation in books and I don’t actively seek it out, as a lack of representation doesn’t really change much about the book nor the characters for me personally but I am fully on board with the concept of creating more inclusive books! That being said, if representation happens to be in a book I’m reading, I do have an issue with poor Muslim representation, specifically when it feels blatantly ignorant towards my religion.
Now I want to say, I love the idea of a flawed character, and don’t mind if they decline in character progression- I think it makes for an interesting read! Personally I feel it has to be done in a specific manner, where the flaw is described in depth and analysed critically and with precision. In doing so it makes for a less biased take on a person’s flaw and the complexity of said characters issues makes me feel more conflicted as to my feelings towards them. Enter Sabrina: a party animal in college who drinks and flirts with boys. Oh, and she’s a Muslim.
For anyone who is unaware, in Islam drinking is prohibited, simply for the fact that it is a prohibited food by God. Flirting is also not allowed and segregation is encouraged as Muslims believe in marriage as opposed to hookup culture or other romantic relationships (no hate to any other ideas on love- you do you!). Most call it strict and oppressive rulings but regardless it’s a religion and our beliefs should be respected (all beliefs, cultures, differences etc should be respected regardless of if you don’t align with them!!).
Now, I am aware that Sabrina is a side character and has little to no interest regarding the plot of the book- I’m pretty sure she’s just introduced to interest readers into Hannah’s next book? (from what I’ve read so far). However, pinning Sabrina, a Muslim woman, down to these characteristics can be harmful in my opinion as us Muslims already are seen in a negative light due to media and society, and since we barely have any representation to begin with, making us look bad can make others assume that’s just how we are and further feed into this idea that Muslims aren’t good people. And I, alongside so many others, have been through instances of hate towards us because of the misunderstandings that society has created about Islam. Again, I love the idea of a flawed character but the way Sabrina is written is just messy and speaks ignorant. And had Hannah Grace simply not made Sabrina a Muslim, I would’ve felt indifferent about Sabrina. I understand not everyone will feel the same way but I made this account to rant so I’ll do exactly that :)
*A quick note: this example is not as serious as some other books I’ve seen on social media (It All Comes Back to You was probably the worst Muslim rep I’ve ever seen) however this is my current read and is still harmful so I will speak about it.
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noveljoys · 1 year
hit the 50k word mark on my work in progress!
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a little over half-way there 💪🏼
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Hannah Wells 🤝 Anastasia Allen
Falling for the ice-hockey Captain
Knowing a toxic guy named Aaron
In therapy for a time
Cries in said ice-hockey Captain lap (while in their boxers)
Gets pregnant in their 20’s
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boundtoletters · 1 year
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📖 books i read in 2023: icebreaker by hannah grace
“You ate twenty chicken nuggets in about four minutes. It was like you were in an eating competition, but you were the only contestant. I’ve never been more in love with you.”
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highladyofterrasen7 · 7 months
This is an appreciation post for all the authors who write books set in the past few years AND DONT MENTION COVID
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