#icelandic spar
vpofcookies · 8 months
Another rock post be upon ye!! How about.... OPTICAL CALCITE
Also called Icelandic Spar or even Viking sunstone!
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Despite all of the fancy names, optical calcite is essentially just exceptionally clear calcite. However, calcite is so cool and deserves all the love <3
Fun properties, double refraction, and the reason behind the names below the cut!
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Calcite is called Icelandic spar, due to the area it was most famously mined. It may be called optical calcite if it is exceptionally clear. Calcite (CaCo3) has several notable qualities! Some that are commonly used for its identification are: 3 on the Mohs hardness scale, twinning, birefringence (if y'all ever want a brain melting post I will totally deep dive into birefringence for y'all, I'll talk about a lot of the basics of it here!), effervescence with hydrochloric acid, and distinct cleavage planes. The cleavage is probably the most well know! Look at those perfect 6-sided polyhedrons below! It has three perfect cleavage planes at 60-120 degree angles.
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However! What I will be talking about most are the optical properties that give this mineral it's nicknames!
Calcite has a very cool property called double refraction! This is a principle of birefringence (which means that light passing through the crystal refracts at different angles for different polarizations. think polarized lenses in sunglasses that block light moving at a specific angle!). Unpolarized light passes through the calcite and is polarized by the crystal! Splitting it into two rays, one moving in the original direction and one splitting off, causing images to appear doubled!
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Since the double-image is caused by the distortion of light as it passes through the crystal, the size of the crystal impacts the spacing of the images (as shown above in the chart and below in an example with three pieces of calcite)
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The 'ordinary ray" (original path of light) makes an image that stays in place, but rotating the crystal causes the double of the image (the extraordinary ray) to move. The double image occurs if the direction of the polarization is at an angle to the ordinary ray, rotating the crystal 90 degrees can cause the polarizing direction and the ordinary ray to align, eliminating the double image (shown below).
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Interestingly, trilobite eyes are made out of calcite! The many lenses of their eyes are all oriented at the C-axis of the calcite crystal, the only axis that aligns the incoming light and polarized direction, eliminating the double image!
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When most people think of a sunstone, they think beautiful feldspars with shimmery orange flecks, or of the man-made, glitter-filled orange stone.
When historians came across discussions of sunstones in Norse texts, they at first thought it was a reference to some mythical stone, or perhaps a real stone tied to mythology in its origin. Then, more texts discussed the use of this "sun stone" in navigation. It wasn't until years later that it was proposed that the sunstone could be calcite, because there was no clear description of how to use a sunstone.
There are two proposed methods for using a sun stone in navigation, the simpler dot method and the more commonly accepted color method (not official names, just the easiest way for me to describe them).
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The 'Dot method' involves drawing a mark on one side of the calcite piece. Using the properties we discussed before, and holding the stone at the correct angle, you can calculate the direction of the light source by looking through the stone until the double image of the dot on the opposite side turns into one image. Because rotation affects this process, and because some texts refer to the color yellow, this is the less supported theory.
The 'color method' involves moving the stone until it appears yellow, which is caused by a phenomenon called Haidinger's brush. This makes it so that polarizing minerals may show a yellow pattern when facing away from the sun. This pattern appears more distinct against blue backgrounds (e.g., the sky) and is brightest 90 degrees away from the sun. When tested, it was found that you could calculate the East-West direction within a few degrees by finding the two points where the yellow color was brightest and calculating intersection, even when the sun was behind clouds or set beyond the horizon line.
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Thanks @earthgeco for requesting more rocks!!! You have activated my trap card. As in. You are now trapped with me as I tell you about rocks. (I have more posts under my rockposting tag as well!)
Image sources: 1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10
Images from me: 2, 5, 6, 8
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svengaakuinhirvi · 2 years
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pedaloftheday · 6 months
The Iceland Spar is a dual channel looper like you've NEVER SEEN BEFORE...check out our demo to hear this one in action!!
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kieselguhrkid · 1 year
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Part 2. Iceland Spar Against the Day by Thomas Pynchon
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reddpenn · 3 months
Do you have any neat calcites?
Do I ever!! Here are just a few of my favorites.
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Here’s a specimen of huge brown barite crystals on a druzy of yellow calcite, from Elk Creek South Dakota.
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Under a long wave UV light (365nm), the calcite fluoresces yellow, and the barite fluoresces pale blue.
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The barite also has very strong yellow-green phosphorescence, meaning it glows in the dark for a while after the UV light is removed!
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This is mangano calcite, a form of calcite that gets its faint pink color from manganese.
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This specimen features lenticular crystals and a cool “pagoda” formation!
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And of course, here it is showing off what mangano calcite is most famous for: its gorgeous orange-pink fluorescence.
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Here is some classic optical calcite! Although it’s often called "Iceland Spar", this particular specimen is from Mexico.
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Optical calcite is known for its birefringence, an optical effect in which it doubles the image behind it! This is because calcite’s crystal structure polarizes the light passing through it, splitting it into horizontal and vertical wavelengths. All calcite technically does this; we can just see it happening in optical calcite because it is very clear and easy to see through.
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This beautiful, water-clear specimen of dogstooth calcite crystals is from Linwood Mine in Iowa. It features very distinct phantoms!
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Phantoms form when a thin layer of some other mineral begins growing on the surface of the crystal. As the calcite continues to grow, that layer becomes trapped inside of the crystal, becoming a faint record of the crystal’s size and shape when it was much younger! Calcite phantoms are especially interesting because their image is distorted by birefringence.
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This piece is a columnar calcite from Fujian Provence, China! Note the uncommon column shapes of the crystals.
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It fluoresces a lovely orange red!
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And of course my favorite calcite of all! This specimen is cobaltocalcite from Morocco. While that hot pink color looks totally dyed and fake, it’s actually completely natural! Cobaltocalcite gets its distinctive color from atoms of cobalt in its molecular structure.
There's more calcite in my collection, but these are the best, I think!
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killuasghost · 27 days
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↠︎ plot + warnings: hcs on college!jjk men with f!reader roommate and their many adventures with one another!
↠︎ featuring: nanami, toji, choso, gojo, and geto
↠︎ continuing my college!jjk series and we're starting with this! i love the idea of reader having her own relationship with the boys and vice versa!
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➞︎ it isn't often that you guys get to go on adventures together.
➞︎ most of the time its a bunch of mini side quests with one another at different times.
➞︎ when you have afternoon classes, gojo and geto are usually finishing up their day as well.
➞︎ which turns into the three of you taking the train into tokyo, blowing gojo's money on sweets and food.
➞︎ sometimes you guys catch a car meet on the off chance y'all end up on that side of town when its happening (a/n: i hc the group to be into cars but geto, toji, and choso are the biggest gear heads)
➞︎ some days, you and nanami spend mornings together.
➞︎ mostly spent in the nooks and crannies of libraries or by the window in a bakery/cafe.
➞︎ sometimes, when you guys have book club, he'll put together a picnic for the two of you.
➞︎ there's a garden with a bunch of Japanese maple trees that the two of you found once.
➞︎ it's y'all's secret third spot. 🤫
➞︎ surprisingly, choso started tagging along with you to toji's practices/matches after a couple months of you doing it.
➞︎ while you were focused on the 'pr' side of things for the boxer, choso took on the role of sparring partner.
➞︎ so now, you had not one, but two gym bros on your hands as choso started hitting the gym srsly.
➞︎ don't worry, it's not always a fist fight with those guys.
➞︎ choso is always finding some new spot to try, mostly art or herbal shops, and toji drives while you tag along for the ride.
➞︎ meanwhile, toji's always finding some mountain to hike! gd its exhausting keeping up with him sometimes!
➞︎ but they're the only two to stick around for when you have your 'bring it on' marathon, so you endure :)
➞︎ geto is in the tattoo shop late at night some weekends and whenever you're available, you pop a squat on the comfy futon he has in his space and chill.
➞︎ he appreciates the company whenever he's working on a client after hours or working hard on designing a new piece.
➞︎ he uses you as a gauge for when he's been working too long. if you've been silent for more than an hour, he knows it's time to wrap it up.
➞︎ gojo is a slut for his monthly massages. he got you one as a birthday gift one year and y'all have been going together ever since.
➞︎ he's always the one you're trying bazaar shit with. cos why tf did he fire up the private jet just so the two of you could visit the blue lagoon.
➞︎ in ICELAND btw
➞︎ toji secretly likes to cook.
➞︎ like loves to cook actually.
➞︎ you only found out when it was just the two of you at home one weekend (nanami on a business retreat with geto, gojo visiting his family (begrudgingly he says), and choso went camping with his brother's) and toji threw down after the joint sesh y'all had.
➞︎ i mean the spread was spreadin'
➞︎ he swore you to secrecy, cooking was smth he didn't want the other's taking advantage of (he's just scared of rejection ((that wouldn't happen)) 🙄).
➞︎ one time y'all took a dessert class and learned to make matcha swiss rolls 🤤
➞︎ toji looked cute in his lil apron and hat ;)
➞︎ choso invites you to art exhibits with him and drags you along to the newest infrastructure being built in the city
➞︎ there's a local pottery/glass blowing shop in downtown Sendai, that the two of you frequent to make clay pottery.
➞︎ at some point, choso designs the most beautiful sculpture out of clay and all of you show up for he showcases it at his first art show!
➞︎ you were the sculpture
➞︎ every once in awhile you guys link up for a group activity.
➞︎ its usually toji's fights but most recently you guys went to the opera!!!
➞︎ geto somehow ended up on stage for a brief moment but that's a story for another time cause 😅
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filurig · 7 days
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its been a while but new pareidolia creature!! ive been thinking of making these for a while. in case u don't know what an älgfrode is (a bit more of a niche nordic mythology creature), an älgfrode (or elgfróði in icelandic) was mentioned in hrólfs saga kraka, one of the old norse hero sagas. while the context for that was one specific character i just wanted to make moose people..
more info abt my creatures below the cut...
they wear more clothes than in the ref this is just to show their anatomy LOL. clothing is actually very important to them and textiles will almost always have a role in any tradition/significant social event. their textilework is very renowed and is one of the trades that cause some other vättar to want to trade with them as mentioned in the ref!
one potential reason for their high level of defensiveness is that their species suffers from a higher than average infant mortality rate - with time, this mortality rate has lowered from what it used to be, but when the species first appeared, it wasn't unusual for a mother to have to give birth to many calves before one even made it to adulthood. this rooted a deep set vigilance in them - even now that the rates have stabilised a bit. the high mortality rate was probably due to the affected "shift" gene sometimes activating improperly which could result in stillborns. with time and selective pressure new gene mutations would arise in the species that "counteracted" the instability of the first initial one and made the infant mortality decrease. it is, however, still a little higher than usual for similar species, and so it is traditionally encouraged to have many children.
gender roles for älgfroder are interesting - there is a strong sense of "equal strength", or "laorhgr" in älgfrode, which is important. while males are usually slightly larger than females, there is emphasis on the importance on a pair being able to stand their ground both physically and emotionally to the other and a relationship can only go ahead if a spar between two älgfroder is fair. this extends to an interesting dynamic that involves polyamory. älgfroder can be both monogamous and polyamorous, however polyamorous relationships often only arise when there is a big physical differential between two parties. the belief is that if one party is stronger than the other, that strength can be equalised if the other party is accompanied a second partner of similar strength - usually this happens between one strong male and two females on the smaller end. that way the resulting relationship has achieved "laorhgr". this ofc varies as everything does but ya. basically if you are a big strong älgfrode dating a small petite älgfrode it's seen as shameful and barbaric. there is also a bias to heterosexual relationships as it is seen as an important social duty to at least successfully raise one calf.
dhukohr are the more commonly occuring intersex condition in älgfrodar, but there is an equivalent to it for "males" where they fail to grow antlers and have very small dewlaps due to low testosterone levels - those are usually referred to as kvikohr. they are often recognised as their own gender respectively however there are many that identify as men/women too. some of these dhukohr/kvikohr are actually moreso trans than intersex - simply having utilized faerie dust in order to transition. this can be a bit of an ordeal though because usually this requires being administered it by a tomte which, depending on the settlment, can be a tense negotiation, although individuals usually have a less hard time with that.
älgfrodar and bäckahästar can hybridise and do sometimes produce fertile offspring! i would have to think more about this though erm. but i think it does and can happen. there is a sense of rare camraderie between the two species in many cases but especially so between älgfrodar and bäckahäst communities that choose to spend more time as their faun shift than their base shift - in fact a few of these bäckahästar choose to integrate into certain älgfrode settlements, but this is more of a rare occurance. most bäckahästar that possess "unishift" clothing have actually had them made by älgfrodar, or at least had the fabric sourced from them
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eveistdiepommes · 4 months
What activities does Sweden enjoy doing with each of his nordbros? And his sons?
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If it wasn’t for this ask, I wouldn’t have gotten to draw the cutest doodles I’ve drawn to this day!! Thank you so much for your ask, Anon!! 😊🫶❤️
I think for Sweden, doing actions comes easier to him than words! Parallel play and quality time is very important to him! Let’s go down the list!!
Iceland- Sweden and Iceland get along amazingly! Like I mentioned, Sweden seems to have a calming effect on Iceland. Iceland can get heated about stuff pretty quickly (his volcanic nature!!) which can lead to outbursts or meltdowns that leave him drained and tired. Because Sweden knows what’s that like, both from personal experience and from experience with his sons, he’s very well suited for grounding Iceland! The important part is that Sweden treats him as an equal, not like a kid, and Iceland really appreciates this (even if he won’t say it outright!) Their activities usually involve critical thinking, video games, chess, stuff like that! Iceland loves the challenge, but he also loves knowing that he doesn’t have to worry about getting too frustrated around Sweden. He can wordlessly count on Sweden to keep him levelheaded!
Norway- Sweden and Norway are very close friends! Norway doesn’t pressure Sweden to talk like others who don’t know him too well might. Their activities very much fall under the term “parallel play!” They don’t have to be doing the exact same thing, but being around each other, not being alone while they do their own activities, makes them both feel happy. Most of their time spent with each other is in quiet environments, hiking nature trails, reading in the same room, going to the library to get books to read in the same room, stuff like that! Though, sometimes Sweden can get a little too absorbed in his activity, in which Norway reminds him to eat or drink some water.
Denmark- Sweden and Denmark are best friends til the end! I believe they get along well more so now than in the past, but their rivalry has never ended! Instead, it’s grown into something they use to push each other to be better! Their activities involve a lot of physical movement or manual labour! They build, craft things, they chop firewood for the other three, and they even spar with each other! Things might still get a little petty, one of them might play a little dirty to “win” at whatever they’re doing, but there’s no genuine malice! Denmark really brings out Sweden’s mischievous nature, as he enjoys messing with his friend, especially when he doesn’t expect it!
Ladonia and Sealand- OKAY OKAY OKAY this is my favorite thing ever! You guys already know I’m a sucker for family dynamics! Sweden spends time with his sons by creating bright and warm memories! He feels so lucky he is able to have kids, to have a family, despite being a “nation.” And he feels so relieved he can give his children a safe and almost normal childhood. Sealand had come into his life with his own bad memories, since he manifested in the midst of WWII. But Sweden is grateful he can protect and guide his son now. Ladonia is younger than Sealand, and thus, he really doesn’t have a scary past. I think Sealand was the last of the nations to manifest and have to deal with that fear so young, but I can explain that in another separate post!! All this to say, Sweden feels honored he can be for his sons what he wish he had as a young nation! He brings them on many excursions, and each one is filled with whimsy and adventure! Sealand, being energetic and rambunctious, loves going anywhere and everywhere! His younger, but taller, brother Ladonia prefers staying indoors due to the nature of his being. But Sweden believes Ladonia needs more fresh air, and Sealand could definitely benefit from getting his energy out, so they do things like fishing! That’s become their favorite thing to do! Ladonia can’t swim, so he wears a life vest in the boat. Sealand helps him put it on and makes sure his younger brother is secure and safe, much to his annoyance! It’s a very precious display, and it makes Sweden’s chest warm! It takes Ladonia a bit to get used to fishing, as he gets nervous catching fish and reeling them in, so to ease him into it, Sealand or Sweden help him catch one and hold it for him to touch. Ladonia eventually holds his own fish and suddenly feels very proud!! After hours of having fun, and with their bellies full from Finland’s home cooked lunch, Ladonia and Sealand fall asleep in Sweden’s truck as he drives them home. And Sweden snaps a picture of how cute they look before carrying them inside, with Finland’s help of course.
I love the doodles I did for this ask so much, so you guys get my favorites without the text!! If you guys want me to post the other two without the text, just let me know!! I’ll try to clean them up a bit!! Sorry this took so long, Anon! I just had so many ideas and I was so excited, I had to calm myself down enough to draw them!!! Thank you for this ask!! It made me so happy to doodle all of these!!
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thesobsister · 6 months
Björk, feat. Rosalia, “Oral”
A Vespertine-era track from Björk on which she collabs with Rosalía, accompanied by a deepfake video of the two martial arts sparring, all to benefit the fight against open pen fish farming in Iceland.
Here’s an interview with Björk for more backstory:
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alolanrain · 1 year
Ta!au HC but Hisui addition
\ Ash and Dawn naturally fall into the unspoken position that Dawn would do most of the talking-if the other people weren’t being rude-and Ash would be a silent shadow behind her. 
\ I haven’t really placed when their Ebbie Debbie to Hisui is, between Ash’s first break right after Unova for Extra Angst™ or after Ash leaves Kalos-think he’s on the plane with Pikachu and then just straight disappear before the plane lands in the next region-so before his second, but regardless this is when Ash gains a lot of his height and muscles. like he shot up in Hisui regardless of his age and or when it is in the timeline. 
\ like he’s 5′3″ going in and 5′7″ coming out with a body mass of around 200+ of pure muscle. Dawn also gains a little bit of height, going from 5′3″ to around 5′5″ but she’s only gained like 30 pounds which she finds a little unfair-even if Ash did 90% of the heavy lifting just he could avoid conversations. 
\ its scary how easily they both fall into a method of nonverbal communication. having an entire argument with just a few glances, which Dawn actually wins most of the time, and they copy a lot of movements. 
\ “Look! over there!” *Ash and Dawn making the same move and moving at the same time despite probably being across the room from each other*
\ Ingo is brought in before they gain the rank to go to the Cobalt Coastlands and it’s the first time the majority of the survey corps hear Ash speak more then a couple of sentences at once. just like in my fic-Backyard Brawl-Ingo regains his memory in the same way but it’s a lot more bloody. they have to be pulled apart from each other and Ingo goes on this rant before stopping and realizing that he remembers now. 
\ there’s not a lot of healing in Hisui so Ingo just naturally sticks close to Ash and Dawn over the Pearl Clan and avoids Irida like the plague. getting rid of the Warden gear and instead wearing what ever Dawn is able to put together for him. which is actually some really good clothes despite being more modern looking then Hisui’s traditional clothes after she befriends the clothe shop lady. 
\ Ingo also gets Ash to open up more, talking and sharing stories of their double battle in Unova with Cilan, and something in Dawn’s chest unfurls itself since Ash was getting more and more quite. 
\ Pikachu is a beast in Hisui as Ash doesn’t need him to really control his strength against Alpha Pokémon and both Dawn and Ingo realize just how powerful the duo are when it’s Ash being the one to physically take down the Alpha Garchomp in the Alabaster Iceland's after Pikachu gets thrown off the sheer cliffside by it. Don’t worry Ingo caught Pikachu before he landed on the ground and seriously hurt himself. the Alpha Lucario was drawn by the fight and the aura signature so that battle between it and Ash happened right after Garchomp was caught. 
\ Rei is terrified of Dawn and Ash and it shows but he still follows after them when during survey work because he knows he won’t be hurt by the other Pokemon. 
\ Rei also doesn’t start trusting them until they start looking around the Crimson Mirelands and his Pikachu doesn’t do well towards a lot of the Pokémon there. Ash takes the time to struggle with himself to help the kid-he’s about 14 around this time at least which hurts Ash’s heart more then he cares to admit-and his Pikachu bond and strengthen each other. 
\ the only time Dawn and Kamado can be in the same space for long periods of time before Dawn snaps is when she’s either sparring with Ash and Ingo or watching them off to the side. Kamado always seemed to have some kind of free time when the two male trainers dominate the mat after an early dinner. 
\ Kamado is totally attracted to Ingo but he shoves it down since it’s wrong to him, this may or may not lead to his ancestors having a natural preference towards strong and lean women-until Rowan can get his hands on the real deal and falls head over heels after actually getting to know Ingo after he gets dragged back from Hisui 
\ Adaman has to play messenger between Ingo and Irida and though he gripes about it to Dawn and Ash out of ear shot he knows Irida is hurting bad and can see just how hard Ingo is trying not to think about the trauma of being gone from his timeline for years. 
\ Mai totally shows Ash and Dawn how to consume Hisui weed and their smoke sessions are the only time Ash will speak for hours on end. his voice raspy and kind of broken from disuse but the two will always encourage him to cotninue speaking. 
\ Adaman has to play peace keeper between the future Trio and Melli until the very last moment that Melli tries to stop them from helping Lord Electrode. he just raises his hands, tells the trio that Melli is all there's, and just walks off far enough he doesn’t see nor hear what's going on for a few hours. he feels extremally guilting for leaving behind his childhood and best friend in the grasp of the trio but Melli needs a strong grasp of reality that Adaman can’t offer. 
\ Ash and Sabi vibe hard after he caught her before she could start their game of chance. he lets her go so they could still play but he immediately gains respect from Sabi for just how fast, flexible and strong he is. 
\ Lian reminds Ash of Max and after helping Lord kealvor Ash stays in Dawns shack that night to whisper stories of the small Hoenn boy. how he’s started his journey and is around 12 to 16 now depending on the timeline of when Hisui happens. how his partner is a shiny Treecko that Ash tries to draw from memory. 
\ it’s the first time Dawn has actually seen Ash break down under all the stress that Hisui had shoved upon them and neither get sleep that night. 
\ Dawn absolutely does capture an alpha Empoleon while Ash ends up with the Alpha Torterra. surprisingly Ingo capture's the alpha Infernape as it reminds him of his Chandelure back in Unova. the warmth Infernape brings him actually reduces the amount of nightmares Ingo has through out the entire night. 
\ out of everyone in the survey corps, Professor laventon is the trio’s favorite hands down
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Protection is essential to learn for any spiritual practices. It comes in different forms.
*Note:Crystal and herbal correspondences may vary from practice to practice or person to person. Depending on what source you use. You can get different results. It is important to do your research when it comes to finding what works for you.*
Banishing can take many forms. You can perform your own rituals for the purpose of banishing.
Herbs/incense and smoke cleansing
Like mentioned in the cleansing section of this post herbs and incense can also be used in for banishing. Look in the cleansing portion of the post for the list.
Lesser banishing of the pentagram(LBRP)
This is a ritual used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. You can use this format or formula to create your own banishing ritual. I will be posting a ritual that is a bit different than the Golden Dawn one. For the original click here
Simple version
Start at the north and while using your dagger, wand, herb or incense say
I call upon (name) to banish all negative energies and anything that wants to harm me out of my space.
Turn to the east and repeat this. Same for south and west.
Return to the north and close the ritual. You can say it is done. You can also replace (name) with the elements.
Just like with cleansing you can also use this for banishing. Look in the cleansing portion for a list of methods.
Land spirits
This is if you are a practioner who works with the local land spirits of the space. Since the land is their land they probably won't like any unwanted visitors. Simply call out to them and ask them to remove the energies or beings you don't want. Do leave them an offering and say thank you when done.
The same can be said for any deity you work with.
Cleansing is the act of cleaning negative energy out of a space, objects, or person. Herbs and incense are commonly used.
Crystals can be used to absorb the negative energy. Put the crystals in a space or on an object or person to draw out the negative energies. While any crystal may work for you there are some commonly used ones for this.
⬩Clear quartz
⬩Iceland spar
⬩Orange calcite
Smoke Cleansing
Smoke cleansing can be used with herbs or incense. Visualize the smoke taking away all negative energies. Please do not smoke out your house to the point it's unbreathable.
⬩Sage (there are different kinds)
Sound cleansing
Sound can be used for cleansing and banishing. Ways of doing this can be
⬩Singing bowls
⬩Or anything else that can produce a sound
Warding is building barriers that keep out negative energies or beings you don't want.
Amulets are things worn to ward of negative energies or beings and protect the wearer. Traditionally made from things like stone or bones. Every culture has their own version of an amulet. Examples being
⬩Evil eye/Nazar Amulet
⬩Taoist Amulets like Fulu/Ofuda/ Bujeok
⬩Hamsa hand
⬩Meket like Ankh or Eye of Horus
Charms were originally chants or songs sang. A charm can be made from anything and is used to draw in or attract things like good luck.
Used to attract something specific to the wearer. Sometimes inscribed with certain symbols like runes
Some crystals are commonly listed as warding crystals so here is a list.
⬩Black tourmaline
⬩Clear Quartz
⬩Golden Tiger’s Eye
⬩Rainbow Tourmaline
Sigils are symbols that are used for a specific purpose like protecting, calling a being forth, or attracting/manifesting certain things.
You can simply create a symbol for the use of protection. You can charge these sigils with sun/moon light, herbs, crystals, deity blessings.
You can also include using runes or other symbols like the Ankh or Eye of Horus into your sigil.
Plants are a great way to ward the space. Taking good care of your plants will provide the space with energy and life. They can protect you in return. If your an aminist or even a shamanic practitioner you can ask the spirits of the plants to protect you.
*Research what is and isn't safe for your pet and put them out of reach of any animals.*
⬩Aloe Vera
⬩English Ivy
⬩Jade Plant
⬩Lucky Bamboo
⬩Money Plant
⬩Peace lily
⬩Rubber Tree
⬩Sage (there are different types of sage)
⬩Snake Plant
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Follow my main blog where if you want other content. I will post information about deities and practices. I may soon update this one to include links to each pantheon
If you have any other questions feel free to join my 18+ occult server.
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vpofcookies · 29 days
Technoblade assigned rocks/minerals based on vibes only:
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(list below the cut)
Rubies, garnets, alexandrite
Ruby in zoisite
Amber, Honey calcite, citrine
Mahogany obsidian
Smoky quartz, rose quartz
Feldspar (especially k-feldspar)
Fire opal
Copper and gold
Calcite (especially dogtooth and Icelandic spar)
Golden rutile quartz
Image Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
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svengaakuinhirvi · 5 months
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randomwriteronline · 11 months
He’d started visiting the Highlands much more often since... Well, since he had decided to change up his morning training regime from five laps across the Icelands while dragging Avaluggs on his shoulders to a more leisurely run up the mountain’s nearly vertical cliff walls ever other day at a nice 50 kilometers per hour pace.
It just so happened that he would stop right at his fellow warden’s hut and have a kindly offered bite before making his way back.
Pure coincidence!
He definitely wasn’t doing this specifically to see the man he’d just gotten engaged to in secret (mostly out of boyish embarassment) and get a chance to kiss him awake since he so disliked getting up early.
What a silly assumption.
So silly.
Ahahah, ahah, ahahahahah, ahahahahah, ahahah ahah, ahah, ah-ha.
He was so lucky his absolute insanity in regards to exercise had nobody questioning his motives for choosing a different method of physical flagellation, because he would have betrayed himself instantly otherwise.
Of course, Gaeric didn’t think about any of this as he was running up Mount Coronet; he thought of his partner still sleeping as still as a stone, face up, snoring his nose away, and the image distracted him long enough not to realize he was trying to walk his way up a rock wall that was literally perpendicular to the ground.
Not that it would have stopped him from running up it. He only wasn’t able to at the moment because he wasn’t concentrating.
He still arrived at Ingo’s hut a little later than he usually would. Not that it mattered much - the Pearl clan was much more lenient with hours and schedules than those impatient folk of the Diamond clan - but maybe his fellow warden would have protested a little at not “having gotten his engine revved up” at just a few minutes after dawn, whatever those words meant in the grand scheme of his cloudy mind.
A familiar cry put him on high alert just a few meters before the small stretch of flat land his partner had made his semi-permanent residence: he knew there were Machokes by the river, but a Machamp? So high up on the mountain? Even the Alpha specimen in the Icelands wouldn’t have dared.
His worry spiked at the sound of a human grunt.
Powerful legs speeding across the rocky terrain, Gaeric rushed over to help just in time to see... Hm!
Well! He was definitely seeing.
And describing what he was seeing as surreal might have been... Perhaps on the diminutive side.
First of all, the sentient mass of muscle that was the Machamp was flailing its four arms to catch its opponent in them to little avail, powerful legs locked in a strong grip and sturdy body held up in the air.
Secondly, Ingo was the one hoisting the beast up on his back and shoulders, struggling under the weight a little but showing otherwise no discomfort of fear.
Finally, with a loud groan-like yell, the fairly average bodied warden adjusted his hold onto the much more powerful creature and hurled it at the ground with the great precision that comes from carefully practiced technique, yet still maintaining an admirable control over his own strength so that the Pokémon would not get too hurt when impacting the dirt.
Ingo fanned himself with his cap for a moment as he bent down on his knees. Maybe he’d gone a little overboard with that, which was why he felt like the breath got knocked out of himself...
He turned to find Gaeric staring at him with eyes wider than Almighty Sinnoh.
“Oh!” the foreigner noted, face lighting up: “Beloved! Hello!”
“Hello, love,” his fellow warden greeted faintly before getting to the point: “Did you just throw that Machamp?”
“Ah, yes! You did mention I should have exercised more to help me overcome my morning drowsiness, so I thought perhaps some friendly sparring might have done the trick!”
“With a wild Machamp?”
“Oh, goodness, no, she’s been part of my team for ages! You must have seen her last before she evolved.”
Machamp did grin at him and wave with great familiarity, and it had been a while since he’d gotten a good look at Ingo’s team on account of them being always cooped up in those apricorn spheres of his.
Still, Gaeric insisted: “Are you sure it’s safe for you?”
“I can assure you I’ve run all necessary safety checks beforehand, as I always do, so I have solid proof that this activity is perfectly within my limits,” Ingo reassured him, only to casually hit him with a complete curveball out of absolutely nowhere: “Additionally, Fighting types tend to still be notably less hazardous that Dragons, so the dangers to my person are heavily limited.”
“Wh- Dragons?”
“Yes, I have mentioned Dragon types. Would you like some tea?”
“You wanted to wrestle Dragons?”
“Truthfully I believe I was trained to wrestle Dragons specifically - I’m finding it strangely harder--”
“--To do the same with Machamp despite her being very much built for it.”
“You were trained? To wrestle Dragons?”
“It’s only a supposition, but it would explain why I thought of Dragon types first.”
“To wrestle them?”
“Yes - are you feeling alright? You seem a little breathless. Come in and rest a little before you go back, will you? I’d rather you don’t faint on your way back.”
He managed to drag the strangely bewildered man into his hut and get him to drink a cup of tea before he fell over due to what appeared to be a dangerously low glucose level in his blood stream. He briefly wondered, handing him a Razz Berry, if he had perhaps forgotten to have a little breakfast before setting out today. It was unlikely, though - he was absolutely unhinged, but not enough to forget basic safety measures.
“So you could throw me,” Gaeric suddenly said.
“Oh,” Ingo replied in an instant, no hesitation whatsoever: “Easily.”
His partner looked at him with huge eyes again.
Then he took another sip of tea, swallowed it down as his face reddened with blush, and smacked his lips as though to collect his thoughts better.
“That’s hot,” he commented.
Ingo blinked; then he smirked, very pleased, making the sturdier man fumble and hide his face behind his hands in embarrassment.
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iwant-fuitgummi · 11 months
Kaeya Headcanons!!!!!!!!!! (FF = Found Family)
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Kaeya Alberich-Ragnvindr
Genderflux, Demisexual, Demiromantic, Bi
In an unlabeled relationship with Huffman Schmidt
Family: Crepus Ragnvindr (Dad), Diluc Ragnvindr (Brother), Jean (FF Sister), Eula (FF Sister), Bennett (FF Brother), Klee (FF Sister), Collei (FF Sister)
Best Friend: Rosaria Nacht
Kaeya is genderflux. This basically means that they're genderfluid with fluctuating intensities. They feel masculine most of the time, but often feel like a girl, too. They paint their nails different colors to let people know what pronouns to use. Is this me projecting onto Kaeya? Maybe.
Kaeya loves wearing dresses. They make him feel beautiful. However, he also loves suits. It's always a challenge to pick out an outfit for special occasions. One constant in his outfits is the fluffy scarf.
Kaeya's right eye is partially blind. It has a burn scar over it from his fight with Diluc. He uses his eyepatch and his hair to cover it.
She has nerve damage in both of her hands and her left shoulder from severe burns.
Her left leg is a prosthetic, which she often switches out for a peg leg to play pirate with the kids of Mondstadt. It was amputated when Crepus first adopted her, as it was severely damaged.
Despite what most people believe, Kaeya is actually incredibly shy. Although he is beloved by many people in Mondstadt, he is very selective about the people he gets close to. This is due in part to his paranoia. There are few people who’ve given him any reason to trust him in the past, why should he start now? One of the few people he opened his heart to ended up dead, and the other almost killed him. 
Kaeya and Eula bond over their family issues. Kaeya sees her as a sister. They’re both considered untrustworthy by people in Mondstadt, so they support each other as much as they can.
Kaeya taught Bennett how to use his sword. They still meet up to spar sometimes, and Kaeya’s constantly giving him tips. It reminds Kaeya of sparring with Diluc when they were kids.
After Collei left Mondstadt, Kaeya felt incredibly guilty about the way they went about their investigation. They went to Sumeru with the traveler and apologized to her, explaining what happened. After a while, they became best friends and now see each other as siblings.
Kaeya has 3 big dogs: an Icelandic sheepdog named Sigrid, an Australian shepherd named Eira, and an Irish setter named Annika. He also has a cat, a Scottish fold named Fiske. The three dogs are girls, but Fiske is a boy. All of his pets live inside his house and, a lot of times, they sleep (or at least try to sleep) in his bed. He loves them too much to say no, even though they each have their own comfy beds. All of them were strays who were terrified of people until Kaeya came along.
Kaeya’s house is incredibly clean, despite the amount of pets he has. He's a very tidy person.
Kaeya is a great cook. She doesn’t often cook for herself, though. She's too busy with her work to bother. She makes home cooked meals for her pets more often than she does for herself.
It took forever for Kaeya to notice that Huffman was into them. But when they did notice, they began to realize just how much they liked him back. Kaeya doesn't fall first, but when they do, they fall hard.
Kaeya helps Mika train to use his vision.
Speaking of Mika, Kaeya uses his position as Captain to make Huffman and Mika spend time together and bond by bringing both of them on missions with him. He doesn't have a good relationship with his brother, but maybe he can save the Schmidts from that same fate.
Kaeya is often invited to other nations for diplomatic parties. This is due to his charm and charisma. He's invited to Fatui-run balls at the Zapolyarny Palace, where he gathers intel on the Harbingers without them noticing. He's just that chill.
They still send letters to Diluc occasionally, updating him on their life. They also send birdseed for his falcon.
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dramioneasks · 2 years
HP FESTS: Dramione Double the Trouble (Part 2)
Dramione Double the Trouble 2022:
i fear/no fate by EnchantedPixie495, ifyouwereamelody - M, WIP - It’s disorientating, the way the dream rushes over her. One minute,  Hermione’s lying in the dim of Ginny’s room at the Burrow, and the next, she’s blinking in the face of bright lights, music, laughter…Strange.It doesn’t even feel like a dream, really. She doesn’t feel like she’s sleeping at all; it’s more like standing in a memory, as if she’s closed her eyes and tipped head first into a Pensieve. - - -For Double the Trouble (Dramione) 2022 Prompt set: "Betrothed Draco - Soulmates - Yule Ball"
Wish You Were Mine by ayaka_arts, LeilahMoon - T, one-shot - Draco is jealous and wishes he’d paid attention in French lessons.
Protect Her by keerthi_draws (KeerthiWrites), maraudersaffair - E, one-shot - Aurors Hermione and Draco go undercover as a couple. The problem: Draco is entirely too overprotective.Another problem? They have to share a bed and Draco wakes up aroused.
Blood Binding Promise by meare, Solstice_on_ice - M, one-shot - no summary
Sex & Healing Potions by sodamnrad - E, one-shot - Draco knew her body.Every scar and ailment since he’d started healing her.When she was angry—at Ron for being an arse about how she handled an arrest, at Harry for getting all the best cases, at Robard’s blatant sexism towards witches on the team—Draco would circle his fingers into that sore point on her neck and her words would melt away and her eyes would drop to half-mast and he’d take her to bed until nothing mattered but the present moment.
A Hint of Cherries by Bookloverdream (Blessedindeed), Lady_Andalion - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is living a nightmare. Only one thing can distract him: keeping score of his verbal sparring matches with Granger.(That, and the scent of her stupid, delicious hair. Did he say delicious? He did not.)But Draco is playing a dangerous game; one that could have serious consequences. A sixth-year tale of enemies-turned-frenemies.I think we all know where this is going. I hope you enjoy the journey.
Hospital Pas de Deux by echoesofmyfootsteps, RaymondShaw - T, one-shot - Hermione's Tuesday night shift in the hospital wing should have been an uneventful affair. Instead she finds herself tasked with curing all manner of complicated charms for her fellow 8th year students, one of whom has a very unique curse: Draco Malfoy, who leaps and twirls with unexpected alacrity, performing part of an iconic ballet dance. The problem? He can only be cured if someone dances it with him. And the only person who can do it is Hermione herself. Part of DoubleTrouble Fest. Prompt: 8th year - hospital wing - Draco's unexpected ballet skills
The Lion, The Snake and The Science Museum by janelealart, pandora_rose_xo - G, one-shot - On a rare day off together, Hermione finally convinces Draco to let her show him Muggle London and all the wonders it holds - well some of them. They can't do everything in a day.
A Song of Ice and Fire and Awkward Ex Boyfriends by blue_string_pudding, EnchantedPixie495 - M, 8 chapters - When a dragon thought to be extinct for a century is spotted in Iceland, Hermione somehow ends up playing chaperone to the trip to see if the rumours are true.And who doesn't want to trek across a snowy wasteland, towards what may - or may not be - a huge, firebreathing beast, with the world's most exciteable red head and your ex-boyfriend?
If it's all in my head tell me now (tell me I've got it wrong somehow) by emsallthat_art (emsallthat), gemgirl28 - T, 5 chapters - This would be the third annual Malfoy Spring Benefit Gala, an event that took place in the Manor’s gardens and raised money for a different charity each year. The first year it was a fund that would subsidize the cost of potions for those with incurable ailments, such as Lycanthropy. Last year it was to benefit St. Mungo’s, specifically the Janus Thickey Ward. This year it was school supplies for underprivileged children.And it was all utter horse shite.The gala "just so happened" to be the same night as a benefit and awards gala at Oxford.The first year it was a coincidence. The second year it was odd, but Draco dismissed it. This year he couldn’t ignore the truth.His parents were intentionally planning an event the same night as the Muggle event Hermione invited him to. or Draco doesn't realize he's being forced to choose between his parents and Hermione until it's too late.
the dragon prince by emsallthat_art (emsallthat), where_ivy_grows - not rated, one-shot - Draco could think of a thousand ways a man of his age might choose to spend his Saturday night. Twenty six, single, good-looking, and heir to a not-insubstantial fortune—any other man in his position might have preferred to go out, socialise, maybe find somebody to take home for the night.And yet, here he was. Twenty-six, single, good-looking, rich, and… currently babysitting a precocious six-year-old with a knack for worming her way into his cold, cold heart.
Tear The Moon by Maria81, Pia_Bartolini - E, WIP - This wasn’t what he wanted, when the ritual fires were lit and incantations uttered. It was supposed to draw in a Muggle, some passerby unfortunate enough to be in the vicinity when sacrifices were demanded. Not a witch.And absolutely, definitely, one hundred percent not this specific witch.This was a cock-up of absolutely catastrophic proportions.* * * *Canon divergent sixth year fuck-or-die.Yeah. I went there.
Autumn Falls by Efinna, NordicNightshade - T, one-shot - “Hermione looked through the diamonds of lead that latticed the windows of the college library. The falling leaves reminded her that another year had somehow passed and the forlorn feeling haunting her since leaving Hogwarts was still lingering.“
How to Catch a Lucky Star by ambereyedsnek, RaymondShaw, thisisanomdeplume - E, 2 chapters -  Before the war, Hermione had nightmares about space. It was cold, black, and lonely. Space is also dangerous, and full of things one might run into. When she'd wake, she'd thank her lucky stars.
Egyptian Dust and Wanderlust by Ash_ling_ook, Maria81 - E, 11 chapters -  Why on Earth did I write a sexy adventure/horror story starring Draco and Hermione with a heavy-ish side of (platonic) Ron? Lord help me, I don't know…but it's 'The Mummy' AU that I didn't think anyone cared for but I needed to write. As it begins, Hermione is in a career she always dreamed of as an archivist who travels to foriegn countries. So why is she feeling so stuck? Draco is wasting his time in a prison cell in Azkaban after a less than desirable business venture he pursued out of boredom and maybe a bit of rebellion. Is he truly feeling apathetic about life post-war or has he just not been challenged by the right person? Ron makes an outlandish discovery bolstered by the enticement of riches. His need for help on his quest brings him to Hermione. The curious circumstances of his discovery lead them to Draco. What they uncover in the hidden sands of Egypt sets forth an unexpected mission to save the planet. A Dramione romance set in the world of 1999's epic blockbuster story, The Mummy. (Some original characters from The Mummy have been used).
A Study in Red by emilyinwonderland, emsallthat_art (emsallthat) - M, WIP -  Draco Malfoy is a life-time member of the Death Eaters, a mafia organization that has ruled London for generations. When a rival gang threatens Draco's business, he fights to protect his honor and save Hermione Granger, who's been caught in the cross-fire.
Mirror, Mirror by Lostinthenightrain, meare - M, one-shot - Curse Breaker Hermione Granger disappears from the Malfoy Manor. The only suspect - Draco Malfoy.
Lavender and Sunshine; Love of Mine. by Teamtuttle, Tiny_Q - M, one-shot -  After a passionate night together and a week of chasing, Draco finally crosses paths with Hermione.
I Want Her by janelealart, leydileyla - M, one-shot -  The second I’d apparated in their front yard, she was the first thing that I saw. Not Potter and his wife smiling foolishly at me, not the grand villa that he spent his summers at, not the beautiful orchard that surrounded us. The first thing my brain registered was her in that damn white sundress, sitting on the balcony above the entrance of the building. Her head, adorned with those dreadful curls, buried in a book as it always was. She hadn’t even bothered to glance my way to acknowledge my presence. As though I was nothing. Insignificant. And it was enough to drive me up a fucking wall.
Honor Among Thieves by Bookloverdream (Blessedindeed), incognitotoro - E, one-shot - A Dramione Cat-Burglar AU for Dramione Double the Trouble Fest.The eerie moonlight illuminated his pale skin and a flash of white-blond hair that had escaped his hood as he gazed down at his prize, her prize. The eye of Dionysus, sparkling in his outstretched palm.The very sight of him irked her. The sheer arrogance of it. No disillusionment charms, no disguises, not even bothering to stick to the shadows, the cocky little-“Your disillusionment charms could use some work.” He called, his voice soft and smooth, but still cutting through the quiet night air like a knife through butter.
Balefire Bright by DarkoftheMoon, WinteryMix - M, one-shot - In a nearby town the muggles lit bonfires and danced in colorful costumes to celebrate May Day while Hermione Granger settled in a small clearing for Beltane. It was an ancient festival, one that was celebrated around the world in many ways and under many names. But here, in her circle of ancient rowan trees, she would not create a May pole. Nor would she wear a white dress and flower crown. Beltane, she learned, was a time for power.
The Scent of Forever by Ceilidhchaos, KoraKwidditch - E, one-shot -  Auror Draco Malfoy saved his partner Hermione Granger from a werewolf on their last assignment, but at his own expense. He's been in a coma for nearly two weeks and the prognosis is beginning to look grim. However, Hermione has refused to be removed from the bedside of the partner that she feels much more than camaraderie for, hoping that when he finally wakes up she can find out if he feels the same.
His Golden Girl by ambereyedsnek, Stein048 - M, one-shot - Draco returns to Hogwarts to complete his 8th year, only to find that he shares almost his entire schedule with Hermione Granger. Oddly enough, she doesn't seem to hate him as he thought she would. This is one of my first attempts at fluff with no stuff. Just a feel-good piece. beta reader- thisisanomdeplume
What the Portraits Saw by RegretfulPrince, Schmem_14 - M, one-shot - Portraits are meant to be seen and not heard, or so you've been led to believe. Verity the Virgin is merely the portrait of a simple girl painted into an unimaginative pastoral scene. Her world is upended when she catches a mysterious thief trying to make off with some Malfoy family valuables.A slightly unhinged tale of seeing and being seen, and perhaps the death of Verity's innocence as well. What would her mother say?
Just Five Years by RaymondShaw, Stein048 - M, one-shot - Draco finds himself bound to Hermione Granger by a Marriage Law.Artwork provided by the talented RaymondShaw. (A thank you to my beta-reader Slytherclaw_xo )
The Unexpected turns in Draco Malfoy's Life by Iamnotanidiot - T, one-shot - There were many things that happened in last four years in Draco Malfoy's life that were completely unexpected.His mother, Narcissa Malfoy, going behind Voldemort's back to join the Order? Yes, unexpected. His father voluntarily joining him and his mother to the Order, and that too without throwing any tantrums? Completely  unexpected. Dating and falling in love with his infuriatingly stubborn, hot-headed, know-it-all, childhood nemesis? You've got to be kidding him if you thought that he had it planned, leave alone expected. Even after all of these unexpected turns in his life, Draco certainly did not except to become a father at twenty. Not in the middle of a full-fledged war.
This fest is ongoing.
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