#look at my cool rocks
reddpenn · 3 months
I’m back from my rock show! I got some Cool Rocks!
First, the agates.
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Another Turkish stick agate to join my collection! I can't get enough of this stuff. These form as pseudomorphs of selenite. A bunch of criss-crossing selenite crystals grow inside an empty pocket in the rock, and then the space around them fills in with agate. Eventually, the selenite crystals dissolve, and the hollows they leave behind are also filled with agate, preserving a record of their shapes!
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Bonus! This pair has a nice green fluorescence.
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Here is another Turkish agate. (Almost all of today's agates are from Turkey; Turkey produces some beautiful agate specimens.) This one has a really interesting pattern to its banding.
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I actually picked this one out for its fluorescence, which is a stunning bright green.
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Also from Turkey! Growing inside a super cool crust of volcanic rhyolite, this agate is called sagenite. Sagenite agate has a fibrous appearance because it is a pseudomorph of a fibrous zeolite mineral.
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The last two from Turkey: a pretty red specimen with a sparkly central vug, and a weirdo with squiggles of yellow. What’s going on with that guy?
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This one is from China! The red and orange agates from this locale are called "Fighting Blood" agate. I already have a Fighting Blood in my collection, but I thought this one was neat because its vug is full of amethyst!
Here are some things which are not agate!
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This one is a lead mineral called plumbogummite! Specifically, these crystals are a pseudomorph of another lead mineral called pyromorphite. Over time, the lime green pyromorphite crystals were slowly replaced by the tealy plumbogummite. In a few of the broken crystals, you can still see a green pyromorphite core!
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Hyalite opal! This rock has been on my bucket list, I am so excited. This form of opal is known for its water-clear, jelly-like globule formations. Though typically a colorless mineral, this specimen is tinted yellow due to iron staining. It’s also a mineral famous for its bright fluorescence… but this specimen’s glow is utterly unimpressive. :c I will be on the lookout for a more glowy specimen at future shows. Honestly, I’m just happy to finally own some at all!
This year, I also got some high-end mineral specimens! Take a look at these beauties.
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Roselite! This rare, toxic mineral is full of arsenic. If I ate it I would probably die! Roselite’s deep red color comes from the cobalt in its chemical structure, and makes it highly sought after by collectors. This specimen is showing off a well defined lenticular crystal habit! Again, I cannot overstress how rare this stuff is. I spent… an inadvisable amount of money on it.
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Oh, the best and most sparkly boy. This is wulfenite! I have wanted a piece in my collection for so long, and I’ve been waiting for just the right specimen to come along. It's a lead mineral, and it forms the coolest square, tabular crystals! This mineral is extremely brittle, which makes large, intact crystals of it very hard to find. But check out the huge tabular crystal on the right side of this specimen, it’s bigger than my thumbnail!!
And finally, I could not resist buying something silly.
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This is Tully. He's a plush Tully Monster, which is my state fossil!
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cringethursday · 2 years
My physics professor just told the class the wildest story from when he was in grad school about building a high voltage unauthorized Tesla coil with the ability to kill a man
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cindi10 · 2 years
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judyalvqrez · 1 year
there was something really jim henson-esque and campy about how some of the non-human races were portrayed in the new dnd movie that i really enjoyed. they could’ve easily gone the shitty cgi route or just not shown those races up close at all, but no, they said you want a bird man? we’re gonna get you a bird man
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haunted-desert · 6 months
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courviknight · 5 months
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happy holidays and a happy new year, @ko-rka!! i am your secret santa for @fmasecretsanta ^^
i drew for you emo punk ed fashion, cats, and stars... and let me tell you, it's been SUCH a pleasure drawing as i've listened to your mcr playlist!! i ended up liking a lot of songs on spotify back-to-back, but some of my favorites were "to the end" and "sleep"
i hope you like it, and i'm wishing you the best for the new year! :]
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hrokkall · 1 year
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
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I never quite finished these two cards the first time i tried making a PJO major arcana and I never posted them. I really like the designs though so I’ll probably try to do something similar when I draft them again
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geoledgy · 1 year
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scientist swag
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royalarchivist · 1 year
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Maxo: I haven't received an answer. Is there no one else on the island? Is it only us and The Federation?
How are we going to find answers about this mysterious island? This island, with a challenging but beautiful landscape, has pushed us to find out what hides in its depths.
With each sunrise our hopes to find life signs beyond our little community vanish... leaving a void in our souls. This is the story of people obligated to stay on an island looking for answers and a path or the truth... in the midst of an enigma that seems endless.
As days pass by, our courage and determination are being tested by the challenges of the island revealing secrets that threaten our view of reality.
The members of the Federation, an enigmatic and almighty organization, seem to be the only ones who possess any information about this place.
But their intentions and loyalty-
[Subscriber TTS plays]
But their intentions and loyalty are questionable. Will they guide us to the truth? Or will they guide us further into the abyss of the unknown?
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medi-bee · 1 year
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My beloved children (Pistachio, Vanilla, and Licorice) were being very polite for their auntie Moon.
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reddpenn · 7 months
Skeleton quartz with a very tiny bubble in the exact center! Do you see it moving around inside its little fluid pocket?
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Skeleton quartz is a type of hopper crystal, a crystal whose faces grow much faster at the edges than at the center. This leaves hollow gaps at the center of the faces. In skeleton quartz, these gaps are called "windows."
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This piece has an open window which extends down deep into the quartz, through many layers of growth. It also has a closed window - a place where a window used to be, but the quartz grew a complete face over top of it, sealing it off. When windows close like this, they can trap air, fluid, or bits of particulate like carbon or clay inside. This quartz crystal grew in clay, so the closed window has clay trapped inside it.
That's also how our little air bubble ended up in there! He's trapped inside a small window which closed when this quartz was much younger.
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What a pretty little specimen!!!
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momomallowart · 9 months
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The new CG has me in a mood (and the mood is punk goes pop) ʕ≧ᴥ≦ʔ🤘
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devilsrains · 11 months
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led zeppelin, by neal preston
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Space girl
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ssaraexposs · 1 month
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Atsushi looks so majestic wearing Rashoumon (and also so fucking confident in it, like this isn't the first time!)
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