#idek what this movie is about
ndcgalitzine · 3 months
It's like the universe is trying to make up for all the shit I've been going through these last few weeks, with all the amazing new Nick Galitzine content, and now I'm gonna have Matt Bomer in a film with freakin' KEANU REEVES and CAMERON DIAZ???
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omonolith · 2 years
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his hair…………. his side profile…… andy samberg you are so so so so so beautiful………
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loverrrrrr17 · 11 months
Can we talk about how America Ferrera delivered this insanely beautiful and impactful monologue about the hardships of being a woman. One of which is the fact that women have to be accountable for men’s actions which she says herself is insane.
And yet.
Here we are. Having to explain to men that the Barbie movie is not anti-men or sexist or meant to make men hate themselves.
We have to, yet again, be accountable for what men feel, and explain that, oh no we don’t hate you! We didn’t mean to upset you! Because the whole point was lost on them.
And now instead of my dash being filled with the magnificence of Barbie and the discoveries she’s made or even just the fact that Ken starts taking control of his life, I am instead somehow subjected to discourse after discourse of people needing to break down the movie so men will stop complaining about it.
I just. Wow. Being a woman. It always comes back to this, doesn’t it. And I hate it. Because we deserve more honestly.
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holdnogrvdges · 15 days
when are we going to discuss how the first initials of art-tashi-patrick make up ATP which is the energy currency of the cell…..something to think about
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arrakisser · 2 months
question. how do you piss in a stillsuit? where does it go????? does it get recycled into drinkable water as well
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janiedean · 3 months
I'm not even gonna go into the oscars because I knew they were gonna give everything to opp*nheimer anyway and everyone knows my opinion wrt nolan but I am once again not surprised to see them giving absolutely nothing to the scorsese movie which was by far the best of the bunch they truly will never have the spine to give awards to anything even remotely controversial will they
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peetaparkker · 11 months
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femmespoiled · 10 months
I find it very weird that people who consider themselves "advanced" in feminism feel so comfortable dissing what I'll put nicely as feminism 101, as if everyone has to go from 0 to 100 in a day or else it's all trash and fake
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turdofanerd · 3 months
So you like mean girls :) ?
I haven't watched it yet, but I keep meaning to heh :)
I have heard a couple songs from the musical (I think) that I really like! Including the one with that line :D
...I don't remember what the song was called tho lol
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lxstingravity · 11 months
the fact that i was so foolish to think that id find anything other than memes and people being disappointed that the trinity explosion wasnt big enough in the oppenheimer tag on here. honestly no idea why i thought id find more than like two serious takes on this topic lmao
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I swear to God , or whatever is most holy to me , if i ever make it big, as in money wise??? I'd just cast dylan O'Brien and tyler hoechlin in a gay drama where they meet after going their seperate ways for years , only when derek's nephew(hem hem son) is getting ready to go to college . They actually talk(fight) it out , finally reveal their feelings .
Stiles was like ," I couldn't face you after i woke up with your sister of all people!! I don't do that derek. I was madly in love with you!!!! And i don't even remember how or what happened"
Derek was like " i already forgave you. She already told me you both were blackout drunk and she was high on- wait . You.....loved ?? Me??? !? "
And then they proceed to have the bestest hottest most romantic lovemaking scene in the history of film , and their son has to gag everytime they're on screen together coz they're oh so sappy.
I WILLL do it. I'm threatening you all , whomsover it may concern.
I will make them kithhhhh 😡
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toastybugguy · 1 year
ever think about how Teen Wolf just screwed over what could’ve been a perfectly good character like Parrish by making him have a half-baked romance subplot with a high schooler. yeah.
so like why’d they do that again but main character edition.
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alchemyne · 4 months
i don't want to turn 25 rant in tags
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torifuckingspring · 9 months
i hate people who feel like they can only love movies that are masterpieces or classics because while i appreciate the point of view or whatever you can like trashy movies and enjoy watching them out of spite because even red white and royal blue isn't a fucking masterpiece in my mined. it's just a movie that makes me feel happy and it's not perfect and people don't have to love it but appreciate the cheesiness. appreciate the little details. appreciate the work that has been put into this movie to make it what it is. this movie is important and it is good. not everything should be amazing it can just be good enough.
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compacflt · 1 year
I love that your Ice (and Mav from what I can tell) are bad with money. Why? because they should have set up an LLC to share their money. Wingmen inc. LLC LMAO.
The new thing in this economy (not so much back in the 80s) is that everything is so unaffordable, especially housing, that investment partnerships and buying houses with your friends is being touted as a solution by many financial influencers.
Ice and Mav buying a house together as "investies" *totally platonic natch. would not make many blink an eye these days. Its the new path to home ownership when houses cost like a half a mil for a starter home.
And they want to live in San Diego?!! They will need a third co-investor.
lol i was a teenager not two months ago so i might be the wrong person to seriously talk to about the financial logistics of my own fanfic lmao
in october when i was editing that chapter where they buy the house (which they should not have done, i have grown as a person & know better now, but too late) i had to ask my mom about how “two friends would go about buying a house” (ultimate cringe.) and had the intelligence to screenshot that conversation for history LOL so see fig. 1 for reference as to how utterly clueless I was
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glitterghost · 1 year
Take me back to all weekend hangouts with friends. When nothing else really mattered but laughter, snacks, and late night shenanigans.
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