#idk if anyone has already uploaded this. but i thought it was cute and wanted to share :)
thedevotionaltour · 5 months
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Matt Murdock - John Romita Jr., 1993
29 notes · View notes
megismorallysunny · 8 months
i might upload 2 today bc i have a lot, not from today just in general, so much so that i wrote it down. i had science first, turns out the school wanted every teacher for their first class to show their classes the new one way system because they felt it was clogged up. its really fucking stupid and we were supposed to follow it as soon as we left first class.. spoiler alert no one did, absolutely no one, i didnt see any teachers not following but no students are. I feel like using that system its only a matter of time before a 1st year gets hit by a car, your supposed to go outside to get to some classes that would have only been a few metres away now, and the way you go sometimes has cars on it, i seen one going pretty fast just a minute after class started.
i had irish after science and turns out that irish hw i was doing wasnt even the hw, and i had already done the hw a week ago, omg i just cant but it was a-ok. after that was maths, everyone was in for once so there wasnt enough seats for everyone, hopefully 4k4 and his other friend 5k5 dont steal my seat, i worked my ass off for that. a student who came 2 weeks ago, nickname -bluebird, is just annoying, its not that shes done anything wrong its that shes a complete loner, wont talk to anyone, not like ive tried but more in the sense, you wont hear even a squeak. in business she doesnt take down notes, in maths she doesnt do questions (not that i can say much) and in french she doesnt even know ça va and wont do her french hw. so yeah plain infuriating. i did my english hw wrong after i spent an hour carefully constructing only a third of my answer for an hour last night. my friends went to the shop but i didnt bc i wanted to stay in the cspe classroom and eat my lunch and maybe also read trollhunter fanfics, hard enough to find good ones involving a very cute and fluffy relationship between jim and walter. anyways we had to have a fake election in cspe, to try out ballot box voting, in first year for student council i tied with another girl for top votes. guess how many i got this time? yeah thats right a solid one, thinking about it makes me sad, does no one like me anymore??? but i laughed at the time even tho every1 looked back at me, it felt really dehumanising, the only way i deal with bad situations is by laughing and joking, and that situation made me feel a little shit.
made me also feel real great when aprciot turned back at me and said i put you 5, its like he constantly tries to talk to me and be my friend and when i ignore him he gets mad, its not great that i was standing beside granite today and apricot started pushing granite and while he did that his hand touched my tit. great. made me feel just great, it wasnt on purpose he wouldnt even try.. well he did say consent didnt matter today if it was me. he was obvi joking but considering he tried to sa someone before and this day a year ago, "mango" his friend and apples friend sent diorite a voice message saying apricot said he was gonna do a thing to her. idk im sorry i feel uncomfortable typing out the word rape. but yeah thats what he said apparently. doesnt make it better he could walk to her house and he knows where that is. but unfortunately it is what it is no matter how cruel it can be.
anyways, after cspe i fucking raced through the classroom to get to another because it had a door to the outside which was closer to the door to the other outside door to get to or religion classroom, we had a proper sound sub, she was rly nice and i thought she was a bitch because of her hairstyle but she really wasnt, AND I GOT MY FAVOURITE SEAT!!!! mission acomplished, my friend was happy bc i always run to get good seats and i actually did unlike last time where some people were unfortunately quicker.
idk if i mentioned this but i learned about shifting maybe early 2021 and it didnt really go anywhere, id tell you where i have planned out for me to go but it would be embarassing, i have one for the embarassing one and one for a library, filled with extensive knowledge and characters from shows i watch. anyways my body felt like it was floating last night, just like my first shifting attempt nearly 2 years ago now, i nearly did it but i chickened out, opened my eyes and couldnt ever do it again or get those symptoms. when i woke up at 4 in the morning i was half stuck in a dream, and was trying to do my tasks to meet my goal, i dont even remember what my tasks or goal was.
i skimmed the entirety of sex education, it was my first time watching it, it was pretty good, i really liked ruby she was definitely my favourite i also really loved roman but cmon ruby, she was so good also aimee. i redownloaded farmville2 so its time to relive my farmer life whoop whoop. ill do another blog post later. anyways goodbye have a good morning, good day and good night
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binunus · 3 years
college bf!bin
a/n the duality of this man??? i’m deceased...anyway i did not think this would go this long but uh my hand slipped...happy birthday binnie!
word count: 5k
genre: fluff, smut, (tiny) angst _________________________________________________
ugh yo
bin is so??? infuriatingly hot??? yet cute at the same time
major: exercise science
and because I love mermaid prince/the beginning, he’s been on the swim team since first year college
swam varsity starting his second year
besties with eunwoo, they were roommates their whole college career
alright so bin loves making friends
he’s so playful and talkative once you really get to know him
but his aura?? tbh very intimidating
like he has an rbf and just like he’s so tall, broad shouldered, built, like he just carries himself very strongly that you will get intimidated when you first meet him
very well known in the university
literally has a professional photographed banner of him hanging in the athletic building with the gold medal he won freshman year
a little embarrassed about it
not really, only when the boys (as in literally the other five) tease him
myungjun: woOoOw bin that guy on the banner really looks like you, don’t you think?
rocky: we geeeeet it you’re a star athlete
blah blah blah you know the vibes, they’re endearing
so how do you meet bin?
basically you’re a friend of a friend—you’re eunbi’s (sinb) friend
you’ve only met bin briefly from time to time, but otherwise you never really had any reason to get acquainted with him
your only encounters of him are when he wants to annoy eunbi and she immediately puts him in his place
but then suddenly in the spring semester of your 2nd year, you and him are in the same 8 am
a boring statistics gen ed class that everyone needs to take in order to graduate
you were running a bit late during the first class meeting—you woke up 30 minutes after your alarm and literally rushed out of your apartment—you made it to class with 2 minutes to spare
most of the seats were filled up already, except that one seat in the back left corner by the window next to the one and only moon bin
oh would you look at that
you felt a bit relieved honestly, you didn’t know anyone else in that class so at least you saw a semi-familiar face
he grinned at you when you sat down
“hey y/n”
you were a bit taken back, “you know my name?”
he laughed a little, “yeah of course, you’re one of eunbi’s really good friends, why wouldn’t I know your name?”
before you could respond, the professor started class and ceased your conversation
one thing you realized as the weeks start to go on
you and bin could not give any two fucks about statistics
no offense to stats lovers
every 8 am on mon/wed/fri, neither one of you would pay attention in class
you both enabled each other to not pay attention basically
so when the professor announced the content and date for the first exam
you and bin literally looked at each other with the same expression
you were both fucked
after class was dismissed, instead of the two of you quickly packing your things and fleeing the room immediately, you both lagged a little bit
you: so...do you know anything that’s going to be on the exam?
bin: uh...no? y/n you’re literally right next to me, you know I don’t do jack shit in this class
you: well fuck, how are you gonna study then bin?
bin: I was probably gonna ask my roommate to help me, he passed with a 96 when he took this class
you give him the best puppy dog eyes you could muster up, you lean in and clasp your hands together like you’re praying
“can he help me too...? please?”
bin’s eyes go a lil wide bc you were a bit closer than he was used to and shit was his heart racing rn?
bin: uh...yeah...sure, i’ll text you to come over when we’re gonna study
you beam at him and like in your excitement you give him a hug
“thank you thank you thank you! i literally cannot fail this class. I’ll see you on friday bin!”
with that you grabbed your bag and just left, leaving bin shocked
he’s surprisingly a shy boy okay!
he always thought you were cute from when he first saw you hanging out with eunbi, but ofc he never thought any more of it
until you guys had this class together and he started to think every day, that wow you are really cute
bin texts you the next day
coincidentally, eunbi texts you too
bin: hey this is bin, if you’re free in an hour my roommate’s gonna help me go over the material in ch. 1
eunbi: why did bin ask for your number
you to bin: yes! send me your addy and i’ll be there :)
you to eunbi: we’re in the same stats class lol and we’re gonna study for our exam next week
eunbi: lol moon bin studying? you might wanna bring some wine with you for emergency y/n
you: lol what do you mean by that?
eunbi: binnie hates studying, but good luck!
ahh, eunbi becomes unhinged when it comes to bin
but you know it’s bc they’re that close, they’re literally childhood best friends, more so like siblings
still, studying w him couldn’t be that bad right?
spoiler alert, it went alright
you felt bad showing up to bin’s apartment empty handed so you picked up some coffee before you arrived
you officially meet bin’s roommate, eunwoo, and you’re floored for like 2 minutes bc literally how can a man like him be real?
cue bin being a bit jealous bc yeah he knew his roommate’s perfect but like damn did you have to be affected by him too :(
eunwoo’s a good teacher alright? you actually understood the material from him
you: idk what eunbi’s talking about, you’re actually not that bad at studying bin
bin being offended: oh god what did eunbi say about me
eunwoo smirking: maybe it’s because you’re here y/n, bin usually doesn’t focus this much when it’s just me trying to help him
you: ???
bin in his head: i can’t trust anyone huh 
before you left his place, you and bin planned to meet up and study one more time before your stats exam
it was just you and bin this time
although you’d never admit it, yes you tried to look good for meeting up with him
yeah he’s a friend?? at least you think you were at that level?? but still, he’s a cute friend and you really didn’t want him to see you looking crusty
you and bin end up studying for a whole 5 hours
granted, half of that time you two were messing around, eating food, trying to procrastinate for as long as you could
bc even though you two had a good handle on the material now—thanks to eunwoo—you both still hated statistics
you knew bin started to get more comfortable with you bc he started teasing you
it made you happy hehe so ofc you started to quip back at him
not at the intensity that he and eunbi do but it’s enough for you :)
he walks you back to your apartment after your study session
wow what a gentleman
bin waving bye at your door with the cutest smile: see you in class y/n :)
mayhaps your stomach did a little somersault
on the day of your exam you were freaking out
you have test anxiety ah ha ha
you woke up at 5 bc you were paranoid about being late to class
you’re like hastily looking over the notes again when you get to class like are you really prepared omg you’re psyching yourself out hella
bin comes in with 2 cups of iced coffee and he’s like woah are you okay
you: i woke up at 5 bin, idk if i can do this omg
you are like visibly in distress rn and he feels like a pang in his chest 
he was gonna mess with you and say like “bet im gonna get a higher grade than you” but he smartly decides against it
instead, he just takes your hand and gives it a little squeeze: y/n, take a deep breath. you’re going to do great, you studied your ass for this and we both know that you got this material down—even eunwoo hyung said you were gonna ace this exam. just trust your instincts, okay? breathe with me.
he was staring at you so intently and genuinely when trying to calm you down
your anxiety yeeted and suddenly you felt shy
you: th...thanks bin...
bin was worried about you while taking the test rip, he kept secretly glancing at you (while also trying not to make it look like he was cheating) just to make sure that you were okay
he walks you to your next class after you both finished your exam
bin: you sure you’re okay? you said you woke up at 5, did you even eat breakfast? let’s get food after your next class.
you were feeling better after the test but like you got so endeared at his fussing
yes you and bin got lunch that day
your exam results were uploaded the next day
you immediately called bin: I GOT A 95
bin: i told you that you would ace it! i got a 90 hehe
you: bin i literally owe you and eunwoo my life, lemme buy you guys food or something
you hear a little bit of bickering over the phone and suddenly you’re talking to eunwoo
eunwoo: i would love some sushi, but since bin can’t eat seafood, why don’t you come watch his swim meet this weekend :)
you: o...h...o-okay yeah i’d love to watch, what time is it? :)
eunwoo: it’s saturday at 10 am
you: okay! i’ll see you there bin
bin already planning on drop kicking eunwoo
cha eunwoo—best wingman™
you basically beg eunbi to go with you to bin’s swim meet
eunbi: i know bin can swim, why do i have to watch him flounder around under water
also eunbi: faster bin! don’t you fucking dare lose!
bin places first this meet
are we shocked? no
okay you mentally prepared yourself for seeing him shirtless, but clearly you didn’t prep enough bc you’re on the cusp of drooling when you’re watching him from the bleachers
and let’s face it, you’re not subtle and eunbi knows everything so she’s literally closing your jaw for you and like messing with you
eunbi: y/n, you’re really sure you like bin? he’s a good guy but c’mon, i think you deserve better
you: since when did i say that i like him ???? and what do you mean ??? i think he checks...all the boxes...for me...
eunbi: maybe it’s bc i’ve known him since when he used to wet his pants so i don’t understand why people are attracted to him, but like...really, you’ve been checking him out since he removed his shirt. even the ref can see that you’re simping over him
you and eunbi meet up with eunwoo and the rest of bin’s friends—that you haven’t met yet but know of
jinjin: oh so you’re the y/n that bin’s been talking about *wink wonk*
baby you’re blushing
even more so when bin comes up to your group
mmm middle parted wet hair, muscle tee and white sweats, towel around his shoulders
he’s so hot ???
you’re all congratulating him blah blah, but like bin keeps glancing at you and all you can do is just smile and like nervous laugh
sanha: y/n! eunbi noona! you should come eat with us to celebrate bin hyung’s win
eunbi glances at you, little smirk on her face: i have plans, but i know y/n’s free! bin you make sure they get home safe after y’alls dinner plans :)
hwang eunbi—best wingwoman™
dinner with the boys was chaotic, you were talking and joking around with them as if you didn’t just meet them today
*you about to get your wallet*
bin, not even able to look at you: it’s okay y/n, i got you this time
cue the boys teasing
astro: kings of making fun of each other
rocky as the group is splitting up: walk y/n home safely hyung :) don’t stay out too late
bin: sorry about them, they’re a bunch of loud idiots...ah haha...
the walk back to your apartment is actually pretty sweet
he didn’t know if you would actually come watch his meet or not but he was excited when he actually saw you
you talk about small random things about yourselves, but it’s not like useless information, you bet that both your subconsciouses are keeping track of whatever y’all are talking about
you give each other a “friendly” hug goodnight...that lasts like a minute or so
and while you’re hugging, bin just can’t help but think that wow you fit so perfectly in his arms
and on the other hand, you’re thinking he feels so warm? so safe? you don’t want to pull away?
but ofc the hug has to end and you’re thanking him for walking you home and he’s like glued to his spot waving goodbye sweetly and waiting for you to go inside so that he knows you’re safely in your apartment before leaving
bin sighing dreamily as he walks back to his and eunwoo’s place
eunwoo waiting on the couch with a glass of water: how was your date ;)
bin: it wasn’t a date, i just walked y/n home
eunwoo: yeah, but you want it to be a date
bin: ...shut up
god why is the pining stage so long
alright everyone knows you and bin like each other
it becomes pretty obvious after the swim meet
you and him fall into this little routine of switching who buys coffee for your 8 am
and then he’d walk you to your next class afterwards
you both still don’t pay attention in stats, sorry
but that means more outside study sessions dates
you come watch his swim meets, whether astro’s there or you’re just watching by yourself
and then you and him get lunch?? early dinner?? right afterwards, it depends on whenever his meet ends
but like??? neither of you have confessed your feelings for each other
even though you both have like a little hint that yeah the feelings are mutual
you and bin are literally like this for 3 months, like damn the semester is almost over
eunbi and eunwoo are tired of your shit, they’re both just like: when the fuck are they getting together? we’re sick of this.
alright so the masterminds literally pay one of eunwoo’s friends from his major to ask you out while you’re studying with bin
let’s do mingyu why not, he was in your korean history class last year
you and bin are in the library, half studying half goofing off per usual
eunwoo, eunbi, and mingyu are at the opposite side of the floor
mingyu: u sure bin won’t clock me for trying to ask out y/n
eunwoo: probably not??
eunbi: just do it please
mingyu giving them both the finger before walking up to your table
“hey y/n...i was wondering if you’d like to get dinner with me...as a date?”
you: o_o huh?
mingyu: i always thought you were cute from when we had class together last year, but i never had the balls to ask you out or anything...you’re not dating anyone, right?
you glance at bin to find that he’s already looking at you with an expression that you don’t really know how to read
you: um...well no I’m not-
bin: actually, we’re dating so y/n can’t go out with you mingyu, sorry.
mingyu’s not even phased, he just gives you a thumbs up and then leaves
you’re confused like literally what is going on—and then you process what bin said and you whip your head to look at him
bin: sorry i said that...i just felt...jealous i guess when mingyu asked you out
you: I wouldn’t have said yes anyway...I sorta like someone else
bin: fuck it, the topic already came up...y/n I’ve liked you for a while now but uh...I don’t know I guess I was scared to tell you because I’m scared of rejection
you just laugh, but not mockingly! more like bin you’re so cute wtf
“bin, why would I reject you when I’ve literally been into you for the past four months?”
it’s safe to say that you and bin officially began dating after that
eunwoo texting in their gc: bin and y/n are finally together
myungjun: fucking finally
bin: how...did u know that eunwoo...?
*eunwoo has left the chat*
alright but bin’s charm?? flirting?? teasing?? sweetness?? up 1000%
bin is touchy y’all, in private his hands are always on you, whether it be sexual or not sexual is up to you
he restrains himself in public ofc, the most he does is put a hand on your waist or hold your hand
eunbi threatens bin early on in your relationship: bin you’re like my brother, but y/n’s one of my dearest friends and if you as much make them cry i will kill you
ofc bin is still eunbi’s punching bag, but when you three are hanging out, he’s dramatic and acts like he’s hurt so he’s like whining to you
sometimes you play along and coo at him like: aww binnie, where does it hurt baby?
other times you’re like: you really think i believe that?? with the size of your biceps??
eunbi: excuse me while i vomit
okay but binnie? bestest sweetest boy
yes he looks all big and intimidating
but he’s soft—especially for you
your nicknames for each other are either “bub” or “baby”
yes will join in making fun of you with the boys, but when you start pouting he’s a goner and will defend you
bin is also a big cuddler, but i mean you’re not complaining hehe
he’s the big spoon, no questions asked
okay but being in bin’s arms is like your favorite place in the world
his frame literally just envelopes you and all you can feel and smell is him and it’s so??? content, you feel at home with him
you feel bad in the morning bc like his arm has to be sore from your weight so you try to like get out of his grasp, but he literally just whines and hugs you tighter
okay but just imagine you and bin napping and his arms are around your waist, his nose is buried in your neck and he wakes up like nuzzling his face in your shoulder like a puppy
im soft
one week you’re staying over at bin’s apartment and then the next week he’s staying over at yours, the cycle goes like that
if you’re one of my ladies with a ~vagíne~, he will buy all your cravings and your tampons/pads, literally anything you want that week, it is yours
doesn’t really get jealous now that you two are official, he knows that you’re his and he’s yours
you two lightly bicker like friends, but you’ve never had a terrible fight before
you were really close to though—or...like you did?? but it was resolved really quick
one of the only problems of bin is that he hates showing weakness and it takes him a whole lot to truly fully 100% be vulnerable with someone even if it’s someone close to him
he pulled a muscle in his arm and it cost him one of his swim meets
he had to go to rehab for like a month and you knew that mentally he’s been off bc of it
you try to ease talking him into telling you about how he’s really feeling but he just kept dodging the subject
one night after one of his rehab sessions, he came back to your place and you’re just like
“hey bubbie, how was rehab? how are you doing?”
and he just snaps at you: stop asking me how I am, y/n, it’s getting really annoying
you’re taken aback, like what the fuck where did that come from?
your eyebrows furrow and you cross your arms bc you are not going to get spoken to like that
“so me worrying about you and wondering how your recovery’s going is annoying? that’s what a partner is supposed to do, moon bin. what’s going on with you?”
bin: you’re being suffocating! it’s the only thing you ask me about nowadays, sometimes I—
oh boy you got mad
you: I ask you because I know you’re not telling me things! I know you’re suffering by yourself and I want to let you know that I’m here for you, I want to help take some of the pain away or at least help you deal with it because I’m your partner! but how can I if you can’t even let me in?? we’re fucking dating moon bin, we’re supposed to go through rough times together. and you call me suffocating...? 
bin’s silent and he’s looking at the floor
you sigh, tears are building in your eyes because you’re frustrated and a bit hurt by what he said, and your voice cracks when you speak again: if i’m suffocating you, then you should leave. text me or something when you can breathe again, I don’t know.
there’s a bit of spite in your words, hidden by the pain
bin sees the tears rolling down your cheeks and that’s when he knows he fucked up
he’s never seen you cry before—besides like from a sad movie or something
so like the fact that he made you cry and hurt you with his words? damn he hates himself rn
he immediately wraps his arms around you, and you like try to push him to get away bc why is he hugging you? didn’t he just say that you were suffocating? why is he confusing
bin: baby, I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have taken out my frustrations on you, you’re not suffocating me I promise...you’re right about everything, I should be sharing things with you and telling you how I’m really feeling...I’m sorry.
you don’t say anything and just like sniffle and he picks you up and brings you to your bedroom and then he just lets it all out
he tells you how rehab is hard and like yeah his muscle pain is going away, but he doesn’t know if he can swim as fast as he used to and that scares him
and he tells you that sometimes he’s thought of giving up swimming since his injury, but then he thinks of you and that’s how he’s still going through with rehab
you’re his motivator and comfort but he doesn’t want to show you his weak side bc he hates that part of himself
and at this point, bin starts tearing up and you’re like stroking his hair to try and comfort him
bin: I’m not good at telling my feelings baby...probably why I didn’t tell you I liked you until 4 months later...but I promise I’ll work harder and at least try and tell them to you.
ugh pain
anyway your communication with serious things got better after that encounter
eunbi finding out that you and bin argued and he made you cry and she literally punched his stomach
you: omg eunbi stop
bin: it’s okay...I sorta deserved that
eunbi: why...are you not swearing at me? shit, bin are you okay?
he nods to the girl and just puts an arm around your shoulder: we talked things through, don’t worry. I’m all good now, but I did deserve that punch because I hurt y/n when I promised you I wouldn’t
bin ends up having a full recovery and bam his first swim meet after he got the clear from the PT, he gets first place again
all the boys and you and eunbi were there supporting him
bin was hella nervous before the meet started, but you gave him a little good luck kiss and was like: I believe in you bub, no matter the result, as long as you give it your all and don’t hurt yourself again, you’ll be the winner to me :)
this was actually when the first “i love you” was said
after your little pep talk in the locker room, bin’s just hugging you and holding you for comfort
and he just went out with it
“I love you y/n”
you blush hella hard bc you were not expecting that
obviously you’ve been feeling it like yeah your feelings for bin have grown into love for a while now
you just bury your face in his chest and hug him tighter
“I love you too binnie, now go get em bub.”
he smiles and kisses you and tells you that he’ll see you after the meet is over
you come back to the crowd where the boys and eunbi are and you just have a huge smile on your face, you’re literally glowing
myungjun: please tell me you guys didn’t fuck before his swim meet
speaking of fucking
okay let’s get down and dirty ladies and gents wink wonk mmm grr bark bark
bin is so sexy y’all like i dont need to tell you that
he’s 100% a tease
you have a little muscle kink hehe
which bin very much uses to his advantage
if bin is wearing a sleeveless shirt, you bet he wants to smash that day
will walk around shirtless after a shower or after a workout just to turn you on and then depending on his mood, he might tease you for like an hour or you’ll just get right to it
he’s very proud of his body and the work he put into it and knowing that you get turned on from one look of it?? gives him an ego boost, he loves it
one time at a party, he wore a crop top (mm hello bad idea bin) and you literally went feral
you dragged him inside the nearest bathroom and just started making out
he’s an ass guy
...all of astro are ass guys, it’s just obvious with how much they slap each other’s asses and poke each other’s assholes
okay you know how he’s touchy right? i mentioned that earlier
he always wants you on his lap
even if there’s a space available, nope your seat is his thighs
ofc when the situation allows, like you’re not gonna sit on his lap in class duh
most of the time in public like if you’re hanging out with the boys or something, it’s innocent
but if he wants to be a tease, he’ll literally just tighten his grip on your hips and grind you down onto his cock
subtle, he won’t straight up thrust into you
just enough to get his dick stirring and make you feel the outline of it through your pants
and then he just stops and hugs your waist again?? wtf
his major’s exercise science right? will ask if he can practice on you for anatomy and physiology, but you know after touching you in a couple places, y’all will just end up fucking
likes to bite and mark
very proud seeing the hickeys he leaves on you
you can bite, but you can’t bruise, idk his upper body is exposed a lot bc swimming so you can’t really leave any marks on him unless it’s the off season
foreplay’s cool, but he prefers the main event, he just wants to be in you
as much as he loves doggy, his fav position is the hook
(it’s when your legs are on his shoulders ohoho and it just lets him fuck you in a deeper angle mmm)
also in the hook, he can choke you
if i have a choking kink, you have a choking kink
okay little tangent, choking is so hot?
like just imagine you and bin are making out, he pushed you against the wall, literally grinding his hips into you, and his hand just comes up and squeezes your throat? that’s so sexy
likes butt stuff oops
i don’t make the rules, he just does
daddy kink, but no power play
will not degrade you (even if you really just want him to call you his dirty slut) bc he really values seeing you as equals
seeing your face when you cum is a must
almost always: you cumming → bin cumming
nothing gets him off more than knowing that he’s making you feel good
after !! care !!
sweetest boy!!
will clean you up with a warm towel after sex
and if you’re one of my ladies, he will always remind you to pee so that you don’t get a UTI
if y’all had a marathon or something, he will draw a bath and carry you to the bathroom and you will bathe together, so soft
always ends sex with an i love you :’)
okay let’s get back to the soft stuff
special thing about swimmer bin: pool dates
sometimes when he’s practicing and it’s just him, he asks you to come to the aquatic center and you two end up splashing around and being cute together
he like knew that you were the one for him some time during senior year
it was the holidays and his parents invited you to spend christmas with their family since your parents were out of the country this break
his parents and sister liked you immediately—which you were so scared about, but bin just knew
you woke up early christmas eve (and bin was out like a rock) so you just went downstairs to brew some coffee or something and you saw that his mom was already starting on making food
naturally, you offered your help and she was like no, you’re a guest y/n, but obviously you started helping
bin comes downstairs like an hour or two later to see you, his mom, and his dad just cooking and listening to christmas music and talking and his heart just like swells??
you: morning binnie :)
his mom: how can you be sleeping when y/n’s here helping us with christmas dinner
his dad: what kind of boyfriend are you, son?
just kidding all jokes
but that’s the moment when he knew
best boyfriend bin ugh
he becomes a legend in the school for swimming
but doesn’t continue after college, he’s all about becoming a physical trainer after graduation
he goes to grad school, while you’re out working in business
bin moves in with you after graduating, it was the obvious next step
you do talk about the future together, but obviously bin’s still in school and you’re both fresh from undergrad so there’s no rush yet to tie the knot
doesn’t stop his or your parents from talking to you two about marriage tho oops
ugh but the domesticity after bin moves in with you? superb
like yeah obviously you both basically lived together anyway when he still roomed with eunwoo just from how much you and him spent at each other’s places
but like your apartment is now both of your place and it’s like your home is finally complete
your apartment becomes the reunion place for the boys and eunbi
at this point everyone knew you and bin were gonna get married eventually
eunwoo and eunbi: we did that ;)
and that’s how you and your college bf!bin live happily ever after uwu
happy birthday binnie moonbob ♥
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morbidanthem · 4 years
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-> Prompt HERE <- By: @otpprompts
(( A/N: Here is the other part, again, I’m trying to clear out my Google Docs. I will probably upload this to my AO3... maybe. IDK yet. ))
Continuity - Boku no Hero Academia
Character(s) - Mirio Togata, Fem!Reader, Shouta Aizawa Parring - Fem!Reader/Mirio Togata Genre - Fluffy Rating - M for Mature Warning - Cursing, Implied Heavy Petting
Word Count - 2,183
➡️ [ Izuku Midoriya Ver. Here ] ⬅️
✏️Written 06/13/20 - ??/??/20✏️
Mirio Togata
“Oi, there is a surprise Dorm Inspection in Five Minutes!” You heard a loud feminine voice shout, it was coming from right outside of your dorm room door, and you took notice that they hadn't even bothered to knock on the door.
You ignored the shouting though, as the sound was nothing more than an annoying muffle that was easily tuned out.
You were too focused on what was going on on top of you to really care about what the voices in the hallway were screeching to you.
The one and only boy scout, Mirio Togata, had you pinned hard to your mattress while his strong hands gripping your wrists above your head as you whimpered under him in submission.
He didn't seem to pay any mind to the voices in the hallway either, as he groaned into your mouth at the warm feeling he was experiencing in his core, as you began to defy his display of dominance by sliding your tounge around his to try and wrestle the control he had over you.
You wanted to break free from the grip he had on your wrists, but even without his quirk, he was still able to over power you with his physical strength.
It drove you wild, as you felt a shiver jolt down your entire body and through your spine.
It was pure ecstasy.
Moments like these were so few and far in between… you don't think you'll ever get your fill of Mirio Togata.
“Hey! You and your Boy Toy need to throw some clothes on and separate before the Teachers or Class Rep. catches you!” The snickering singsong voice shouted again, this time banging loudly on the locked door.
You grunted uncomfortably as he pulled away from your lips a little too quickly, causing a small pop to reverberate through the room from the sheer force of separation between the two of you.
"Ugh, OK! Thank you, Nini!" You shouted in response, as Mirio looked down at you with a quizzical expression on his face.
You couldn't help but memorize the flush on his face so deliciously mixed with the color of his slightly swollen lips.
"This boy will be the death of me."
"Didn't we just have a Dorm Inspection last week?" Mirio asked, moving to wipe his mouth on the back of his hand, while he began to sit up straight. He was still straddling your hips, as you both strain to listen to the incoherent yelling that was going on through the door.
'Dude! Help me hide my stash!'
'Does anyone remember if we were allowed to have snacks in our rooms or not?'
'Ok, but how much trouble will I get if my room is trashed?'
"You have enough time to fix your room, right?" You asked, as you tapped Mirio's thigh to get his attention back onto you.
"Yeah, besides some dirty laundry on the floor, I'm good." He smiled, shifting his weight off of you, so that he was sitting next to you. You yawned and stretched as you sat up, watching Mirio trying to piece together a puzzle in his mind.
"I wonder why they keep doing inspections so frequently like this..." He hummed loudly, placing a hand on his chin, with a very cute thoughtful look on his face.
"Probably because of me." You sighed, stretching your legs as you stood up.
How long had you two been "napping'' anyway?
An hour?
Who knows.
"What?" Mirio asked, watching you with so much interest in his gaze, as you began to clean your ruffled aperance.
You casually tried to smooth out the wrinkles on your tank top, and shifted your lounge pants so that they sat on your hips once more, instead of down past your thighs… When has he had time to pull your pants down?
"Haru is absolutely hellbent on catching me doing something wrong." You spoke, with a very nonchalant tone to your voice, while you turned to help fix Mirio's disheveled appearance as well. "He hasn't forgiven me 'ruining' his chance to date you, you know."
You could have sworn you've had this conversation with him, but judging by the surprised expression on his face, you've probably forgotten to mention it.
"No! I didn't know that!" He replied, shocked, as you ran your fingers through his hair to try and brush out the knots that had formed in it earlier.
"Huh, it must've slipped my mind,I forgot to tell you that part." You laughed, sending him a cheeky smile as you continued. "He has a huge crush on you, and is mad at me because, because I quote- 'dug my claws into your heart and refused to let go'."
"That's… there is a lot to unpack here…" He mumbled, turning his gaze to look at the floor.
God, when he is all distracted in thought like that, you would have loved to just grab the back of his head and pull him in close until your lips swallowed his in another passionate kiss… but, getting any more intimate can cause the clean-up to take a lot more time than the Five Minute warning you just got.
Good thing the two of you didn't get very far in that time.
Because, you honesty might not have been able to stop had he gotten your pants further down your hip.
"God, Mirio, you really are oblivious." You laughed out loud, as you brought yourself back to reality, by standing in front of him and smoothing out the wrinkles on his short.
Instinctively, he placed his hands on your hips, as you continued to grooming him while he sat on your bed. He couldn't help but huff at your words though, a cute pout replacing his once quizzical expression, as he turned his face up to look into your eyes.
You can see he had questions he wanted to ask, as that curious glint never left his gaze.
You don't have time, really, you don't have time to stand here and fix his appearance either… but you just can't seem to keep your hands to yourself when you were around him.
"Wait… So what does calling a surprise inspection have to do with you, though?" He asked, pulling you into a hug, as you giggled and patted at the back of his shoulders.
"I am offended right now, I can't believe you forget about El Perro!" You spoke in a dramatic tone, a mock hurt present in your voice as you couldn't help but tease him. "Dios Mio! I am hurt! Hurt on El Perro's behalf." You laughed as you felt Mirio's shoulder shake under your grip, as he began to chuckle as well.
"I did, actually. He is so quiet that I forget he lives in here too." He said, turning his head to look at your closed closet door, with his trademark smile back on his face.
"That's how I've gotten away with having him for so long. Not even my Mom knew I had him, she would have kicked my ass if she ever found out." You chuckled, as you pulled away from Mirio's grasp, to meander over to softly pull your closet door open.
There he was, El Perro, the infamous Black and Tan Teacup Chihuahua.
The dog himself was no bigger than 2 pounds, and could easily fit in the palm of your hands. He was a short hair, and had the cutest bug eyes you've ever laid your eyes on.
He wagged his tail happily, as you went and picked him up off of his pillow, to hold him against your chest, as his tail wagged happily at the affection you were showing him. Your fingers caressed through his long soft fur, as he begins to pant as his tail wags harder.
You cooed at him, saying how cute he was, as you handed him off to Mirio so that you can go through the routine of hiding the evidence the dog leavea behind.
You heard Mirio laughing in the background, as you went to work by hiding the dog's bed and food dishes that were on a small dresser in your closet.
You began by unceremoniously shoving his bed and blankets into a large pillow case, quickly shaping it to make it look like a rather terribly lumpy pillow. But that was the whole plan though, as when the teacher looked into your closet, they would just assume that it was shoved in the closet because it was uncomfortable to sleep with.
His food was already hidden in a cereal box that you had, it was cleverly placed next to other various snack foods that you were allowed to keep in your dorm for midnight snacking. His water bowl was collapsed, and was easily clipped to your backpack that was hanging up next to your clothes, so it looked like something that you would use for hiking.
You were an expert at this by now, and if your Mother was never able to catch you, then it was far beyond the reach of the nosey Class Representative and his gaggle of teachers.
Five minutes... two minutes after your messing around was done, was more than enough time to hide the evidence that you had a dog in the dorms.
The final piece to complete your charade, was a baggy black sweater that you slipped on over your tank top, just as there was a loyd knock on your door.
"Hey, it's inspection time, open up." You heard a bored voice speak, as you quickly took the dog from Mirio's hands, and gently slid him into the pocket of your sweater.
El Perro was used to being in your pockets, so it took him no time to settle and be still, as you placed your arms through the pocket of your sweater as the teacher walked in.
"Aizawa? You're inspecting the 3rd Year Dorms?" You blurted out in shock, as you unlocked and opened the door to let the tired looking teacher into your room.
He always seemed to have bad bags under his eyes.
"Yeah." He sighed. "Your Teacher is off, having an exciting weekend…" He mumbled flatly, as you and Mirio stood off to the side as he began his inspection by opening up the drawers to your dresser.
He really looked tired, more so than usual, which made him not really inspect much of anything.
You could tell he just wanted to get this over with, as his eyes lazily roam around the room.
"You're not off having an exciting weekend as well?" You chided, as he slid the closet door open, while he scanned the small nook.
He didn't answer your sarcastic question.
He didn't even really acknowledge you'd actually said anything.
He also didn't say anything about all the snacks you had stashed in there… but, he probably didn't really care about that.
That isn't what he was looking for.
"Your Class Rep. wanted to call an emergency search. He was convinced I would find something amiss in here." Aizawa mumbled, mostly to himself, as he slid the door shut slowly as he turned to face the two of you. "What did you do to the poor kid?"
"M-Me? C'mon Aizawa, I didn't do anything..." You muttered, flabbergasted he would accuse you of anything, as you gave El Perro a little squeeze in your pocket.
"Right." He said, rolling his eyes at your feigned ignorance. "Just make sure you're behaving in here, no… after hour dorm visits."
"Of course!" You laughed loudly, spoke a little too quickly, and if you were to ask Aizawa's opinion he would look further into why you both had the door locked before he came… but he had so many more dorms to check that day, he just nodded and walked out. "Your Dorm Check is coming up soon, Togata, you should head over there now so I don't have to wait for you."
"Right! I'll be there!" Mirio said, watching Aizawa turn and leave the room, as he intentionally left the door wide open.
"Why does everyone think I'm the instigator?" You huffed with a scowl on your face, as you turned to face Mirio, who had a big smile plastered on his face.
"What?" You laughed, his smile infectious, as you pushed him on his chest lightly.
"Oh, I was just thinking about how much of an instigator you are." He laughed too, as you playfully slapped him across the chest.
"Tch, whatever!' You tutted, as you tried to push him out of your dorm.
He barely budged.
"Go away, Lemillion, lest you fail your dorm check for making Aizawa wait."
He just laughed again as he turned to leave your room, but not without giving you his trademark goofy smile and a small wave.
You waved back, as you watched him disappear out into the hallway.
'Girl, that boy is going to get you into trouble if you're not careful.' You thought to yourself, as you closed the door as you went back into your dorm.
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valla-chan · 3 years
65 Questions You Aren't Used To answered by ME
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
    Sometimes, but it always goes away fairly quickly.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
    3, im not actively afraid of the dark itself but it can exacerbate paranoias
3. The person you would never want to meet?
    The guy on reddit with like 100 different parasites he spreads to people around him
4. What is your favorite word?
    Catgirl or Ghost maybe idk
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
    Monterey Cypress
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
    Oh my god my hair is so fucked, i look dead in the face too
7. What shirt are you wearing?
    gray longesleev :)
8. What do you label yourself as?
    gray-ace trans girl who is probably actually nonbinary but ignores that for the sake of simplicity
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
    in a voice call watching my friend stream hl2: lost coast
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
     gf :)
13. Your worst enemy?
    congress republicans
14. What is your current desktop picture?
    I have 3, and currently all of them are on images of hatsune miku
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
     No Children - The Mountain Goats
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
    Mitch McConnell
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
    Donald Trump
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
    A clone of myself, who i would make work on my portal mod lul
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
    My hair perhaps
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
    I dont know if this would make me male, female, or a trans man!
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
    Getting people to like me when i want them to, i guess? It sounds manipulative but if you dont use it to manipulate people, and you dont always do it (because sometimes you dont want the person to like you), then is it?
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
    I am afraid that my perception of other things is inaccurate and eventually i will realize that people around me regard me as someone who is very much detached from objective reality.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
     Crab+lobster mix, avocado, cheese, caramelized onions, bacon, sourdough bread, basil+a bit of garlic, and probably other stuff i cant think of.... oh and sunchips stuffed inside that i could pull out and eat.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
    Save it!!
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
    1) If you die we eat you
29. What is your favorite expletive?
    simply saying the word KILL!
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
    My computer :( it would cause the most extreme impact to have it be destroyed. i would feel terrible about everything else though
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
    I’d rather not say.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
    sounds awful :(
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
    My kitty :(
34. What was your last dream about?
    I was playing a hidden level in Frogger: the Great Quest but then @ sleepysoul DM’d me to ask what my newest video was about cause she was weirded out by it, and i went to my youtube channel to find this bizarre video about crab-catching, which slowly descended into this video showing bizarre and cosmic horrors. For some reason i thought i uploaded it and tried to defend the video, but i could not explain it
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
    I am a good 3d modeler, texturer, game mapper, and other things that have to do with digital 3d artstuff
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
    All of mine are tan or dark blue. super lame and boring
39. What type of music do you like?
    Most currently, it fluctuates between “weirdcore” type aesthetic playlists of music, and anything Vocaloid.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
    Sunrises, because im usually not awake for them so they are extra special
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
    strawberry maybe
43. Do you have any scars?
    One on the side of my butt where i tore it open on the bathtub faucet, one on my elbow from a bike accident, and 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
    I dropped out :(
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    my cheekbones and eyebrow ridge stick out so weirdly, id make it not look like that
46. Are you reliable?
    on small things? yes. on big things? nope, not in the least.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
    Have you finally gotten out of this rut and found happiness and success?
48. Do you hold grudges?
    i kinda do but try not to
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
51. Are you a good liar?
    only when im not trying to.
52. How long could you go without talking?
    consecutively, maybe a fourth of a day
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
    I’ve helped, but never done it myself!
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
    Oh, believe me, no. But i do it anyway because its objectively hilarious
56. What do you like on your toast?
    Not beans.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
    Miku :)  (it turned out so badly i scrapped it)
58. What would be you dream car?
   Golden Leopard Print Golf Cart
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
      I lie down as to not pass out (and cause warmn wotter....)
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
    E? (it has a nice synesthetic color)
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
    gremlins. strange beings. they are very strange and creepy-ish but can be cute but RARELY. keep away.
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nightglider124 · 3 years
2020 Creator’s Self-Love Extravaganza/Creator Tag Meme/8 Favorite Works
Tagged by @tarisilmarwen  - Thanks for the tag, gurl! <3
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Well, shit. I have uploaded practically nothing in 2020 LOL. Like... I’m cheating with my answers but hey, we’re gonna count my favourite robstar week oneshots as individuals cos otherwise, I don’t even make half of the 8 lmao.
1.) Subscribe
Ahh, my current main multi-chapter AU fic that I actually started in August 2019 but I reckon it has seen most updating this year, tbh. It’s honestly one of my favourite AU concepts that my brain has ever birthed. A YouTube AU with Gar as the channel owner just feels like such a Gar thing and I’m so excited to keep going with it in 2021. 
2.) Nova 
I actually love this oneshot that was completed and submitted as part of my involvement in the dickkory zine that was created early 2020. I only posted the excerpt on tumblr which you can find by clicking ‘Nova’ as I thought I’d keep the whole thing just as an exclusive thing for the zine. But, I really loved writing that and felt my final piece was pretty great considering there’s a word limit and a specific theme to follow and it was such good fun, all in all so loved that one. 
3.) Simulation
I actually forgot about this oneshot until I was scrolling through my tumblr tags like ‘wtf did i even write this past year??’ and I remembered the atrocity that was JLD: Apokolips War and how the burning need to write a fix it fic for all my dickkory pals was literally overwhelming. I was actually pretty happy with the final product, despite it’s length. And also, it gave me the dcamu dickkory ending that I wanted lmao.
4.) Robstar Week - Day 1: Star-Aligned/Destiny
I think I was actually pretty negative about this when I initially posted it for Robstar week but since then, I have come to appreciate that writing anything during this last shit show of a year is a miracle so y’know, we’ll take it as a win lmao. I actually really did enjoy writing a oneshot that’s mostly between Dick and Wally and talking about Starfire cos it makes me smile. 
5.) Robstar Week - Day 3: Tamaran
Another addition for Robstar week that I actually really enjoyed reading as I love writing little moments such as these between the two dorks. Anything that is remotely adorable and intimate in a fluffy way is like heaven to me; whether I’m reading it or if I happen to be writing it XD.
6.) Robstar Week - Day 4: Fantasy AU
My absolute faveeeee for Robstar week, to the point, I am now in the midst of planning a whole AU multi-chapter fic around it. I fell in love with the idea of Dick basically being akin to a Witcher and being paid to ‘deal with’ Kory, a magic user which is prohibited in the lil made up world. I honestly vibed with the idea so much and even now, I love it. There’s so many more details and plot I wanna add into it so it will eventually be a whole fic but... it’s been shelved for a little while til I get Bound and Subscribe updated to where I want them. 
7.) Robstar Week - Day 6: Wedding Bells
I may start to sound like a broken record but this happens to be another submission from robstar week that I really smiled at whilst writing. It was great to take a fairly common prompt and just do an actual wedding so it was fun to slightly spin that around for how I wrote it instead. 
8.) Robstar Week - Day 7: Constellations
I already mentioned how I love writing Robin and Starfire in these little cute and intimate moments that are filled with sugary fluff. This is kind of another one. I really do believe they would have these little games or things between them such as a game revolving around constellations and guessing. Idk I just really enjoyed this one as well.
I honestly did not think there were gonna be 8 to list lmao. I wasn’t overly active in 2020 due to... *gestures around me* the state of the world for the majority of the year. I’m hoping 2021 will be a more productive year for me in terms of updating current projects as well as bringing some new things to the fic table. 
I taaag: @fireflyxrebel-writes @loubuggins @stefanotis @ships-bynoa and @spaceprincessem + anyone else who wants to jump in on this!! <3
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ariannjs · 4 years
KARIN | A SasuSaku FanFic (10/10)
(Karin - Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9)
Hey guys! It's been a whiiiiile! I'm so sorry that I'm just uploading this now. To be honest, this epilogue has been finished since last August but idk I felt quite afraid to post it that I totally forgot all about it@.@ Nonetheless, here it isss! Accck I'm shy! HAHA. But here's a late New Year and Valentine's Gift to you all, SS fam!
Thank you for journeying with me as I wrote my very first multi-chaptered SasuSaku fic! I am extremely grateful for all of your encouraging comments on this and all my other works. 2019 has been really difficult but I praise God because this writing journey became highly therapeutic for me that it led me to meeting more SS fans as well! So yeah, Arigatou Gozaimashita!
Alright, I won't hold you back for long, here's the Epilogue of "Karin"! Enjoy!xx
The only time that Sasuke Uchiha had felt incredibly nervous was back when his father was mentoring him on how to use Katon. Though many years had passed, he could still vividly remember that heart-pounding, stomach-twisting sensation of not knowing if he’d be able to produce an impressive result as his father’s eyes were fixated on him. 
And now, he could feel the same thing with what he was planning to do.
Although they didn’t really have the best father-son relationship, he knew that if Fugaku Uchiha was still alive, he’s the best person who could give him the most logical advice that he needed at the moment, considering that they were, in many ways, similar in terms of their personality. 
That’s why absurdly, he wished his father was here to tell him how to execute his plan in a step-by-step manner like how he passed on to him the Great Fireball Technique.
Sasuke wasn't the kind of person who finds asking questions necessary, a manifestation of the superiority that tended to be his facade even in his most vulnerable state. But if only he could, there were lots of questions that he would like to ask his Otou-san.
How exactly did father ask mother to marry him?
Did he feel as insanely apprehensive as I am right now?
Did mother actually say yes on father’s first attempt to ask?
How many chances does a man have anyway, just in case...just in case the woman says no?
These, and probably a lot more.
With thoughts all over the place, Sasuke fidgeted on the couch as he watched Sakura make funny faces at the giggling Suika on the floor of the Hozuki’s living room. 
She’s still so annoying, he couldn’t help but think. Doesn’t she have the slightest idea about how much he was falling in love with her all the more each day?
Observing Sakura with Suika has been one of his favorite past times ever since the redhead baby was born. It just showed him much of the pureness of her heart towards people, children in particular. And it only solidified his resolve that he has made the right decision – probably the best in his life so far – about spending the rest of his life with his female teammate in his genin squad.
He planned to ask her that special question today, when the opportunity arises. His brain has been trying its best to figure out how to do so ever since he came out of the hospital weeks ago. But being Sasuke Uchiha, there was no grand preparation and sappy romantic gestures despite the ridiculous suggestions of his best friend and the disgusting persuasion of his sensei for him to read his favorite book. All he knew was it was completely fixed in his mind that this woman was the one he wanted to marry.
And today was the day that he’s gonna make Sakura Haruno say yes to being an Uchiha.
So while they were waiting for the Hozuki couple to finish packing their belongings, he was on the alert for any open chance to bring up his question in the same way he has his guard up whenever a possible enemy is lingering around.
“Is something bothering you, Sasuke-kun?”
Tch. Why does she have to know him so well?
He tersely shook his head, eyes on Suika who was curiously staring at him with her tiny hand in her mouth.
“You know I’m always here to listen when you’re ready.” Sakura showed that breathtaking smile of hers that seemed to be reserved just for him. TCH! 
“Oh, you want to go to Uncle Sasuke? Okay! Okay! Stop bouncing!” She then giggled to the kid, leaned to carry her, and then placed her on Sasuke’s lap.
Suika stretched an arm out to reach for his face, and for a moment, it was effective in drawing his gaze away from Sakura. But the head medic moved closer to wipe the side of Suika's mouth with a bib as the baby babbled incoherent words.
For a second, Sasuke's mind went blank, bringing him to a different timeline wherein quite the same scene was happening as if he was in a genjutsu. It was breathtaking. His heart constricted with longing for the surreal image to become a reality, despite it being far-fetched. 
Years ago, he never imagined that he would have the chance of having a family of his own. And yes, even up to now, the idea was still something that his mind wrestled to accept as something that he deserved.
But then, his eyes met Sakura’s once more. And just like all the other times that he has met her gaze, something inside him changed and made him feel like it's just so easy to drop all his hesitations because of her – for her.
“Wow! I can’t believe it’s our last day.”
Their heads suddenly whipped towards the bedroom door as their redhead friend exited, followed by her husband who had just finished sealing their baggage in a scroll.
Half irked yet half relieved with the interruption, Sasuke sighed as he handed the baby to her frowning mother. It was a good thing that Sakura didn't realize he was about to tell her something important. 
Maybe later, then.
Suigetsu shrugged. "Some things really come to an end, Karin."
“That’s sadly true,” Sakura joined in the conversation, approaching the Hozuki matriarch to pass on the baby's bib. “But the good thing is that every time a season ends, a new one is about to begin.” She smiled at the woman who has become one of her closest friends. 
It was saddening to see their family leave, but she’s just so excited for them to finally reside in a place they could truly call their home. Besides, they deserved it after everything they've been through individually and as a family.
“It’s time to go.” Everyone turned to the Uchiha who was already standing by the door.
So with a toothy grin, Suigetsu placed an arm around his wife’s shoulders before saying, “Let’s go, Karin. I’m excited for you and Suika to see Hidden Mist.”
The walk towards the gates of Konoha seemed like a trip down memory lane. So when they finally reached that familiar arc that welcomes and sends off Konoha's villagers and visitors, Karin wasn't able to stop herself from handing over Suika to her husband and then throwing her arms as tight as she could around Sasuke.
"Karin. How many times should I tell you to get off me, especially because you're a married woman?"
The redhead chuckled at that, amused with how detached he still was – well, except for a certain pink-haired maiden. "My husband wouldn't mind though!"
Sasuke rolled his eyes but found himself glancing at the other woman with them, wondering if she would mind about the situation. However, he only caught her laughing cutely at the ordeal. He couldn't bring himself to scoff.
Pulling away for the Uchiha to be comfortable, Karin sheepishly said, "Thank you so much for everything, Sasuke. I'm so glad that you've found redemption for yourself. No doubt, you'll be able to help more people inside and outside this village. Like us. I will never forget this."
Karin realized that staying in Konoha was the happiest moment of her life so far. And she knew that despite her initial doubts about the idea, everything wouldn’t happen if her husband didn’t force her to join Sasuke in going to this place for her and their baby's safety. Yet she never expected that the decision would be life-changing for all of them.
Suigetsu agreed with a nod. “Sasuke, you've done so much for us. I owe my family’s life to you. I honestly can't thank you enough."
The former leader of Team Taka was stunned at the way his teammates expressed their gratitude to him. He never even thought that there's anything anyone should thank him for. If anything, it was them that he should've thanked for they've shown him a glimpse of what a transformed life and an assured future look like. But as usual, he was not exactly good with words. 
Remembering how they've witnessed the majority of his worst years yet they're still here to stand by him, Sasuke's eyes softened as he gave the couple a simple yet meaningful nod in response.
The pink-haired maiden beside him was smiling the entire time. Sakura didn't know all the details of Sasuke's journey with Taka, but to see him developing such strong bonds even outside of Team 7 was something that she considered a breakthrough. It gave her joy knowing that this scenario was an assurance to Sasuke that he won't ever be alone anymore.
"Before I forget, please bring these pills that would help in keeping you from the cold during your travels," Sakura then handed a small pouch to Karin. "This is helpful especially for Suika since this would be her first exposure to such cold weather."
If Karin was able to stop her tears from falling while talking to Sasuke, she wasn't able to contain it anymore while staring at the pouch given by Sakura. This woman has done so much in bringing out the best in her without her knowing. And so, she also enveloped her in an embrace that's so rare for Karin to give, well, except when it's for her husband and Sasuke.
“Sakura, you’ve saved my life not just once. And then you've shown me the kind of life I never imagined I could still have. Thank you for trusting me and for believing in my potential.” Karin sniffed while Sakura gave her a pat on the back, unable to stop a tear from falling as well. And then the redhead pulled away, instantly wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand with a big smile at her senpai. "I'm not usually like this but—ugh! It's because of the two of you!"
At her loud remark, Sasuke raised an eyebrow while Sakura ended up cackling with a hand on her stomach.
"Whew. At least it's not me this time." Suigetsu snickered too, rocking the baby in his arms that was awakened by the voice of her mother.
Karin almost landed a punch to her husband's liquefiable head, but thanks to Suika's sleepy murmur, she opted to avoid violence to carry the baby again. "Ssh. I'm sorry, kid. Mama's a little different today because of your godmother and godfather." She stuck a tongue out at the two and Sasuke could only snort as Sakura continued to laugh.
"Ha. Sorry, Karin could be crazy at times, or…" The Hozuki patriarch paused and pretended to contemplate. "...actually, most of the time."
"Hey! You're lucky I'm holding your daughter!"
"Kidding, guys. I love that woman nonetheless." 
Sakura and Sasuke didn't fail to see the tinge of maroon on the redhead's cheeks before she turned around to hide it. Uncomfortable with such things, the Uchiha scoffed at the sight of his old teammates. But then, he slightly jerked as something hit his side almost close to his ribs. 
When he shot a sharp glance at the woman beside him, Sakura was just smiling innocently at the Hozuki's. Yet this doctor might need to heal something later, courtesy of her pointed elbow.
Suigetsu noticed the interchange and smirked a little, having high hopes that one day, these two would finally end up like him and his wife. He then grinned. "But really, the two of you have made a difference in our lives. We'll surely remember this and even tell Suika one day. Sasuke, you better visit us in one of Orochimaru's hideouts. And then bring Sakura-san with you."
"As if I'd want to go back there."
Scrunching her nose, Sakura shivered at the prospect of being in the aforementioned place. 
Karin wasn't able to stifle her guffaw as she faced her friends again. "But we don't know, Sasuke, what if you'd eventually need to visit? And that would be nice! I want Suika to meet you both one day!"
"Tch. You'd really want your daughter to grow up in that dumpsite?"
"Oi! You kind of grew up there too!" Suigetsu teased.
Staring blankly, Sasuke fought the urge to burn the couple with his powerful eyes for the sake of their daughter. And then he said, "You better leave now. It's almost dusk."
"Fine then, yes, sir!"
"Take care of your family, Suigetsu."
"Always. And you, take care of Sakura-san!" There was a smirk on Suigetsu's lips as Sasuke remained silent at that. But he knew full well, Sasuke would cross time and dimensions and even give his life just to protect Sakura. This time, his strength would be used not for his own selfish agenda, but for the sake of the people he cared for. Just like what he did for Suigetsu and his family.
"Oh. This is real now, isn't it?"
Sakura reached out and gave Karin's hand a squeeze, looking down on Suika who was now awake after all the commotion with her parents and godparents. A giggle escaped her tiny lips upon seeing Sakura, making Sakura frown a bit as her green eyes met the baby's purple ones. "Yes, it's real now, Karin. But this ain't goodbye. See you soon." She smiled one last time before moving aside, waving a small goodbye as the Hozuki's finally exited the village hidden in the leaves.
Sasuke and Sakura silently remained on their posts as the two figures became smaller from afar.
Until Sakura murmured, "They're such a beautiful family, aren’t they?" Slowly, Sasuke tilted his head to gaze at her. And at that very moment, everything felt right. He took in her beauty as the setting sun made her face glow and the breathing wind made her cherry blossom hair sway in slow motion. It reminded him of those times in his redemption journey that he marvelled at the sight of Cherry Blossom trees because it made him feel like she was beside him, albeit far away.
Now that it became real, he thought of how wonderful it would be to have more peaceful moments like this with her. So as they stood in the place where he first broke her heart, he finally chose to drop all hesitations so he could do what he wanted to accomplish before the day ends, with high hopes that he could also give Sakura a new memory with him in this place. 
"Sakura. Do you...want to have something like that?" The Hozuki's were already out of sight but his first female teammate continued to stare at a distance. "A future family?" She smiled, clutching her hands to her chest as she thought of the only man she'd want to spend the rest of her life with. And then she said in a soft voice, “I've...I've always wanted to." "I want to have that too...with you."
With wide eyes, Sakura turned to Sasuke who was now looking at the path his friends walked on. There was no trace of humor on his face, only an expression that showed solace and expectancy. “S-sas—”
"But Sakura...it is clear as day that you deserve the best. And that’s...that’s not me." Sasuke’s gaze fell to the ground. "I'm not even exactly a good man, so I'm far from being the best for you. There were so many things that I've done that destroyed and hurt so many people, including you and the ones that you care for. So even though I'd...I'd really want a future with you, I don't think you deserve someone whose past is as wicked as mine."
"Sasuke-kun, all those is exactly what you've said – a part of the past. My love for you is not based on what you've done or what you would do. It's simply based on you, Sasuke-kun. Just you. Anything else doesn't matter, as long as...as long as I know that you deeply love me." She paused. "Do you love me?" There was a momentary pause as he looked up at her dazzling eyes. But it wasn’t because he was doubting his answer, for Sasuke has always been sure. 
For a second, he wanted to chuckle at the irony that Sakura Haruno could read words and situations, analyze lab tests and battle strategies, but she couldn’t read and analyze the feelings that Sasuke Uchiha has for her.
It was not her fault that he hadn’t made himself crystal clear yet though. 
So he thought of the best way to vividly convey his answer to her question and firmly address her uncertainties about her standing in his life all this time. 
He then settled in responding through the best and significant way he knows. Smiling a little, he gently tapped her forehead right below the diamond-shaped mark of her strength before saying, "You should know that by now.”
Just like the first time Sasuke did this, Sakura's eyes widened and her lips parted a little as her cheeks became painted with pink. The only difference now was that she stared back at him with recognition, eyes brimming with tears of none other than joy. To know that her love was reciprocated for such a long time already made her feel elated more than ever.
For so many times, she has almost given up in waiting. But it was true all along, being loved back by the man she has always loved was worth the long wait. She regrets nothing for even after everything, it all came down to this. Sasuke looked away as he remembered something. "That time you've been avoiding me because of Karin...it made me realize that I couldn’t stand a life without you." He muttered something like "Never again" and then faced her with his mismatched eyes focusing intently – lovingly – on her green ones. "If you’re willing to make things work together with me...Sakura, marry me." Sakura's tears finally fell upon hearing those last words that she thought she would never hear from this man. She didn't even have to contemplate on what she would answer for she immediately said, "I could never imagine loving and marrying anyone else, Sasuke-kun." 
And then she tapped his forehead in the same way he did with her, making Sasuke's eyes widen and his heart flutter in a way that he never felt before. His lips curved into a smile as he pulled her into a long embrace that surprised even him. But as Sakura melted in his arms as if she had always belonged there, he felt completely relieved that he got the answer he had prayed to receive from her. Maybe this was what Suigetsu had felt when Karin agreed to spend the rest of her life with him as well, he thought.
The satisfied smile on Sakura’s lips after they pulled away made Sasuke’s heart skip a beat. It still felt like he was dreaming, the fact that he was staring at his wife-to-be. “Let’s go home.”
“Yours or mine?”
Sasuke slowly grabbed her hand, after all, he has every right to do so now. “Ours. From now on, you have to be comfortable around the Uchiha compound. I’ll just walk you back to your place tonight.”
As the two of them walked hand in hand back to the village, two pairs of eyes continued to watch them from the nearby trees.
“Heh, Kakashi-sensei, this is a lot better than the last time the three of us were here with Karin, ‘ttebayo!” 
August 2019 | AriannJS
8 chapters. 8 characters. 8 months. It's a wrap! *cries in G#m* This fic is now saying sayonara! But hmm...who knows, I might actually get to finish a one-shot sequel for this. Well, we'll see. ;) Arigatou Gozaimashita, mina-san! I appreciate you all!
- A
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onisiondrama · 5 years
11/21/2019 Patreon Stream Hour 3 of 5
Greg decides to go through old footage live. He gets up to get a pile of hard-drives.
Greg asks if anyone seen the full candycorn video. He says apparently this person has a ruined career because of him. He asks imagine he if used that excuse, “it’s all everyone else’s fault.”
He tries to set up a hard drive and says there’s a video of him fucking somewhere so he has to be careful. He laughs and says he admits too much.
He says it sucks people don’t show the full context of the clip. He says he only saves videos that were hard to make. He says he deletes every Speaks video. He says these hard drives have everything he has ever done. 
He says one of the hard drives were extracted when it was a raid, so he’s not sure how to get files. He asks if anyone know how to repair raids. Someone suggests to bring it to best buy. Greg says it’s 16 tb of data. He says it would be nice to have the original banana song footage. His patreons give suggestions on how to extract data. Greg explains it’s a raid hard drive so it’s multiple hard drives interconnected and it chops up pieces of data among the different hard drives. A Patreon walks him through how to plug it in.
Greg walks away for a second and a patreon says he’s reading the stream chat and they’re all giving Greg shit. Greg comes back and says the stream chat is the most messed up thing ever. Someone says it’s worse on twitter and Greg says he doesn’t read twitter.
The patreon continues to walk him through how to access the hard drive. They can’t get it to work and Greg decides he’s going to take it to a professional. He says his entire career is on these hard drives and the unedited bloopers of footage people are releasing like it’s real.
Greg asks his patreons how they would feel if they acted as a character years ago and now people are acting like you’re the character. He goes through the story again and says he did it because he likes seeing people outraged, but now people are calling him a monster. He says he wishes he didn’t fuck up the hard drives because it would be nice to smear it in people’s faces.
Greg gives up and decides they are going to play League of Legends.
He corrects a Patreon that calls him Greg, says it’s James now. Greg jokes that the FBI is going to show up and ask him if he’s Greg Jackson and he’s going to say no and they’ll leave.
He goes on again about how upset he is that people are watching the candycorn clip out of context because now he could lose people that aren’t crazy obsessed. He says it won’t be relevant for long, but he likes everyone knowing the truth.
He says we’re talking about someone that admitted they faked a seizure on camera. A patreon asks “wait that wasn't real?” He says it wasn’t real. He says at the time she had weird episodes all the time so he thought it was normal. He says her uncle asked him if he really believe the age reverse shit and the rainbows. He said thought it was a split personality or her own personal issues she was dealing with so he recorded her to show her the footage later. He compares it to someone being drunk and being unaware of what they’re doing. He said he asked her multiple times if he could release the video as an educational video on mental health because he needed to release a video that day or if she wanted him to work all night. He says she told him to upload it. He says she later on said she was fucking with him. He said he was told there was a video on tumblr where she admitted that. (I have never seen or heard of a video like this and I’ve been blogging about him here on tumblr for 8 years.)
He says his advice to everyone is to not get to know anyone and you’ll be fine. Someone jokingly says “forever alone”. Greg says forever alone people don’t know how lucky they are, his Patreons laugh but he’s serious. He explains when you’re alone you don’t have to deal with people turning your reality upside down. He compares it to a cult or a religion.
Greg says to prove he’s not a cult leader, he asks his Patreons if he makes them feel like their special and loved by him and they say no. Someone says when he says something nice to them it makes them feel weird. Greg doesn’t acknowledge what his patreons say and says that’s how he felt in that relationship. He said cult leaders make you feel like you’re valuable and they are the only way and you put up with their crazy shit because you think they have the answers.
Greg says he wishes he was worse at acting (back on the candycorn video). His patreons laugh and someone says that’s a hard flex. Greg says no he’s so good at acting it’s stupid. He says some people can’t do this on command. He starts telling a specific patreon that they are worthless without him. He goes on and on but tbh he didn’t change his tone or expression from before he started showing off his acting skill so idk. Then he starts singing Feliz Navidad, I guess to show how fast he can switch his acting, but again he has the same expression and tone lmao. Now he’s going to do another one to show off how he’s such a good actor that he can act like a bad actor. He says the same thing to that patreon, but in a valley girl accent. Now he’s going to do it, but even worse acting. He says the same thing, but by saying the lines like a question, but choppy and loud. He asks his Patreon if that’s good acting and they say it was perfect sarcastically. Now he’s doing it “for real”, he’s acing mad. I’m so over this lmao.
Greg says if he wanted to be a psychopath, he’d be the best psychopath. I think he’s talking about acting. He says he’s so typecasted that he can only make one type of video, acting like a psycho.
Someone says they want more Emo Charlie, but Greg tells them Emo Charlie is dead, he shot him. His Patreons are upset and tell him to bring him back.
He says he made a video with Shiloh where he put on a head camera and walked in on her in the shower and she’s pissed. Greg says that was acting, but his Patreons already knew. He says they would make videos to create drama for the sake of drama and it sucks people now chose which drama was real. He says he did it to himself though, he shouldn’t have made these videos look real. He says he and Shiloh were both really good acting and they created real moments. Greg says she was actually nude when they made the video, but he censored it and deleted the footage.
A Patreon asked if Greg remembers the videos he made with Joe Nation where he punched Greg. Greg says he just showed up in the video, he had nothing to do with it. Greg says that video aged well and his Patreons should tweet Joe to tell him to re-upload the video he made with Onision. Someone says it’s still up, but Greg says he should re-upload it to get views and likes.
Greg asks his Patreons if they like his reenactment of the masturbation thing from last night. (The recent video he made of himself as Shiloh crying outside the door while he masturbates inside) One of his Patreons enthusiastically say she loved it. He thanked a patreon because she is the one that told him that was said about him. He says you can’t accuse people of stuff that sounds real and accuse them of masturbating in the other room while you’re crying because it throws everything off. You have to be believable. He asks if his Patreons ever met anyone that did that, he didn’t think it was a real thing. A patreon asks what and he says the implication was someone was crying and banging on a door and in response he dropped to his knees and masturbated to the sound (Shiloh didn’t say this) and they knew he was doing it because they could hear it through the door. He says that sounds aggressive.
He asks again if that’s a real thing people do and a patreon asks didn’t social repose like it when girls cried. Greg says he’s mean to people when they cry. He says hes not into it. Greg says he likes feeling desired so any negative response is a turn off. He says liking being unwanted seems rape-y.
A Patreon says they like when there’s initial rejection, like a challenge, but not in bed. Greg disagrees and says there needs to be a prior discussion that there is going to be back and forth. The patreon clarifies they mean when someone plays hard to get. Greg says he doesn’t know anything about that. Someone jokes “of course you don’t” and he says he really doesn’t know what they mean. Someone says “the chase” and he says he doesn’t know what that is. He says he guesses he had a chase with his ex wife because she didn’t like people talking to her when he first met her. He thought it was so cool that she was anti social. He said she wasn’t interested in him at first, but months later she hit him up on AOL instant messenger and she invited him to her house. He asks if that’s a chase and someone says “um. yeah.”  He pokes fun of himself and says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
A Patreon says they like emotionally unavailable men that she has to chase. Greg says people would be running forever with him because he emotionally shut himself off from a lot of concepts. He says opening yourself up is consistent with being hurt and wearing your heart on your sleeve seems cute, but it’s actually the worst. He compares it to leaving cash out and someone stealing it.
They talk about League for a while. He brings up the candycorn video again. He says it’s weird hearing himself and being like oh shit I was way too good in that. He says and people say I’m a bad actor, but they think it’s reality.
A Patreon says they’re waiting for them to make a Netflix movie about him. Greg agrees and said he was talking to Kai and asked what are they going to do now? Everyone already said everything and he says oh Netflix special. Kai says they wouldn’t do a Netflix special because it doesn’t involve facts, only hearsay so they wouldn’t want to get sued. He says then they talked about R Kelly and Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson can’t sue because he’s dead so of course they’re going to do stuff on him and R Kelly can’t sue because he’s obviously guilty. He says there is a video and transcript of R Kelly with someone that is underage and that’s why corporations are willing to do stuff on him.
He says he doesn’t think anyone would pick up a hearsay situation, but if they did that would be interesting. A Patreon asks if he would watch it and Greg says he hasn’t watched anything so far besides the candycorn clip so he can’t say he would. He says you’re obligated to sue a major corporation that would take part in that just because it’s obviously hearsay and they can’t release statements like they’re legitimate when it’s hearsay. He says individuals aren’t worth suing because they don’t have money. He says if you wait for a Netflix to pick it up and make a massive lawsuit out of that, people will realize it’s all hearsay and you walk away a multi millionaire. He says if Netflix picks it up its good for him.
A patreon says now that everyone said something, things will probably die down. Greg says no, they’ll still make videos because he’ll continue to draw traffic. He says he causes people to be endlessly successful.
A Patreon says Greg should make a drama channel to comment on what drama channels say. Greg says it’s exhausting watching people say bad thing about you. He says if he was a sociopath that would work, but he actually has feelings.
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a short update
Hello, darlings!! I know I haven’t posted anything in a while, and I don’t know if anyone cares, but it’s because school has been ruining me. It’s nearing the end of the semester, so there’s been a lot of tests and crying, and there’s still more in the following weeks to come :(( 
Hope you all understand 😊
But I’ve been working on one of my wips, which is a soulmate! au with Jaehyun, and I’m pretty close to finishing it, so I will hopefully upload it by next week or so.
It’s a pretty long fic, with like 30k words because I like suffering :’(, and it’s somewhat fluff, somewhat angst, a little bit of enemies-to-lovers?
Idk how else to describe it lol, so here’s a little preview to hopefully make you guys excited for it :)
Suddenly, music fills your ears and you turn to the source. Your eyes zero in on a questionable sight, and so you tug on Jaehyun's sleeve until he's turning around, his eyes wide from confusion. "What's going on over there?"
You lift a finger to point in the direction, and his eyes follow it to land on a couple. Jaehyun's lips curl into a mischievous smirk as he replies, "It's a man and a woman, sweetheart."
"Obviously." You roll your eyes at his answer. "But what are they doing?"
"Wait, you really don't know?" Jaehyun takes a good look at your face to see if you're joking, but when you stare back with genuine eyes, he says, "I really thought it was obvious, but they're dancing."
"Dancing?" you repeat in surprise. "I admit they have the correct form for it, but they're barely moving. Is this a new dance I've never heard of?"
At that, Jaehyun erupts in laughter, and your eyes narrow at him. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing," he assures while waving his hands. "It's just really cute how clueless you are."
A pout from you makes him chuckle, so you turn to the couple to watch them again. On second inspection, you admit that it almost does look like dancing, as they are huddled close together with the woman's hand resting on the man's shoulder. The only problem is that they're only taking small steps as opposed to the great strides that you're used to. You were pretty sure that for them, it was less dancing and more of an excuse to hold each other tighter.
Jaehyun eyes you as you stare at the couple, your brow still furrowed, and he smiles at the cute sight. "Do you want to try it?"
"Huh?" You are so engrossed in the odd spectacle that you barely catch a word he said, and when you look at him properly, you gasp at his actions.
Jaehyun is bowing, his head lowered, with one arm behind his back. He offers his other hand to you with twinkling eyes. "Would you do me the honor of being my first dance tonight?"
Your own eyes light up as you say, "That depends. Will I be your first and only dance tonight?"
"Of course, my princess."
"Then of course you can dance with me, Jaehyun. I would be honored to." You accept his hand, and as he leads you to the floor, you tease, "I bet you did this with all the town girls."
Jaehyun flashes you a grin. "Guilty as charged, Princess."
"So will this be different from those other times?" you ask as you two stop in the middle. Your hand goes to rest on his shoulder as he gently places his hand on your back.
Jaehyun reaches for your free hand to lace his fingers with yours, and your heart races at how warm and pleasant his touch is. "Oh, it's already different."
You raise a brow at his response. "Because of my status?"
He takes slow, small steps and you follow. "Because you didn't even consider this as dancing."
"We're barely moving, we're just standing in one spot and taking small steps."
"Well, this is supposed to be romantic."
"Romantic, huh?" you muse. "Is that what you are? A secret romantic at heart, only to hide it by pretending to be cold?"
Jaehyun's ears turn red. "Well, maybe so. I'd never thought of myself that way. But I guess it makes sense, seeing as to how I know what girls like."
"You think you've got us figured out, hmm?" You throw a smirk at him. "So tell me, what do girls like?"
"I know they like it when you twirl them around." And to prove his point, he pulls away from you and lifts up your intertwined hands as he waits for you to twirl. So you do, and just when you start to feel dizzy, Jaehyun lets go of your hand to pull you in close to him.
After regaining your composure, you realize the compromising position you two are in: your body is pressed close to his, without any space in between. Your face heats up at the way Jaehyun is holding you so tightly, his arms gathered around your back, making it so that you can feel the hard panes of his chest through his thin shirt. His body heat is practically seeping into you, and your head spins at the thought of how much hotter his body heat could be without clothes.
"W-what are you doing?" you stutter as you try to push Jaehyun back, but he keeps firm and doesn't move at all.
"Just showing you another thing girls like," he hums.
"I don't like it." Your heart thumps wildly as you push him again to no avail. "You're too close."
"I thought girls liked hugs."
An exasperated sigh leaves your lips. "You're going to be my husband, and yet you insist on fooling around like this."
"You're going to be my wife, and yet you insist on pretending like this."
Your brow furrows. "What are you talking about?"
"I know you like me."
You squirm in his hold to stare at him incredulously, and he smirks with an arched brow, daring you to deny it. To your surprise, you find that you can't as you say, "Of course I like you, Jaehyun. It's only natural that I do, isn't it? Because we're soul-"
"Is that really the only reason why?"
You blink in surprise at his interruption, then look away to sheepishly admit, "I liked seeing your carefree side today. You should show it more often."
It's Jaehyun's turn to blink this time, but then suddenly his features soften and he's grinning so bright, you think you might go blind. "You know, I thought that about you too. A laugh from you sounds so much better than an insult."
Embarrassed at your past behavior, you protest, "Hey! You were rude first!"
"But I like you either way. You're adorable just the way you are, Y/N."
Flustered, you throw your arms around Jaehyun and hide your face on his shoulder, and he laughs, knowing fully well the effect he has on you. Then he tightens his hold on you again as he sways with you to get back into the rhythm of dancing.
Suddenly, you understand that couple from earlier as you find that this "dancing" proves to be much more enjoyable than the ballroom waltz that you were accustomed to.
Although your heart still can't calm down, the feeling of Jaehyun's broad arms encircling your waist is oddly comforting, soothing in a way that only he can bring about. Or maybe it has something to do with his warm chest, where you can feel his heart pounding just as fast as yours.
Knowing that he's just as nervous as you relaxes you, and you finally decide to lose yourself to the music as you two sway.
“Wait.” Jaehyun stops moving, and you pause. “The rose is starting to slip.”
He reaches for your hair, tucking it behind your ear. His fingertips are soft as they brush the shell of your ear, and as he adjusts the rose, you can’t help staring at his handsome face.
Wind brushes through his brown hair as he concentrates on the task at hand, and your cheeks grow warm at how close he is to you.
“All done.” He looks at you, ready to resume dancing, but when you continue staring into his eyes, he rests his palm on your cheek, stroking it softly as he inches closer.
The look in his eyes is full of wonder and something unreadable, and soon, all you can feel is his breath ghosting over you.
His eyes flutter shut as his pretty lips come into view, and your eyes close in anticipation as you wait to finally kiss him…
But it never happens, and you feel the disappointment rise in you as the music ends abruptly, bringing you two back to reality.
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valen-but-not-tine · 5 years
tezz, blake, agura, and mermista for that ask meme pls?
Fair warning a lot more of the questions have to deal with shipping than I thought when I first reblogged the ask meme this is for a /while/ ago, and I’m not really a big romance person (except one of these is in a HUGE ship of mine and I’m certain that was intentional ave.
got long, it was a long meme, and 4 characters
Tezz Volitov
What I like about them
well. that’s really hard to answer. to quote you, avery when I mentioned having trouble w this question, “I like him because he’s Tezz”
He’s everything that normally annoys me but done well to where it doesn’t?
cocky arrogant tech savvy bastard. but he has extremely strong sense of morals. Like boy took one look at the red sentients and was immediately ready to fight a war by himself and dedicated himself to being a one man rebellion.
What I dislike about them
how long it took me to answer the first question, he’s not my normal type, like for real I think his archetype normally annoys me, but for some reason the exact way he’s written gets around that.
Favourite moment
the entirety of the episode “Lord of the Kharamanos” Tezz making friends with tromp and once again showing his strong sense of morals with his absolute refusal to leave the kharamanos alone to fight the Vandals. I think this ties into why I love him so much, normally his archetype would have been the one willing to leave them to fend for themselves, helping them is a risk, but Tezz doesn’t even consider leaving, and is insulted by Vert considering it for even a moment.
Least favourite moment
The best quality version of his introductory episode on youtube is cut into 2 parts and the uploader split it /right/ in the middle of dialogue.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
BACK! STORY! what’s his family life like? what did he eat when he was stranded?
An interesting AU for this character
This is pretty general for bf5 as a show, but in the the bf5 fused webisode “Cold Fusion” Sage is shown making an instruction type video for if they lose, somebody else could potentially take up the fight, and she deletes it at the end as Vert tells her the war will end with them. But what if she hadn’t. And then. what if they had lost? Tezz wasn’t part of the team yet, if the bf5 lost before he joined, but someone else (Grace?) found the video and picked up the fight, and then he joined? I don’t have much thought (well actually I have more than I’d like to admit) put into this idea, but ever since seeing that 50 second webisode, I’ve had that hmm what if idea in my head, and the only way I can really “see” it happening is if there was a similar situation to the shadowzone episode, where our bf5 meet the group that took up the fight when they died, team led by grace, with tezz, zen, and the rest of the group is ocs, but if this were a plotline I’d love for one of the team to be one of Agura’s brothers who came looking for her when she dropped off the face of the planet.
A crossover
umm I was really into storm hawks at the same time as I was into bf5, tho bf5 has withstood the test of time, so combining the 2 is something I’ve put some thought into before, but really w bf5′s setup of being able to go to different dimensions battlezones writing a crossover for really any show wouldn’t be hard.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I don’t have a lot of ships for bf5 as a whole, if I had to say one Tezz/Sherman, I love the interaction where someone asks if tezz is the brains of the operation and sherman says tezz is the left brain and he (sherman) is the right
Other ships?
Tezz/AJ I guess, in the finale when they sent the og team in bc “they started it, you should be the ones to end it” they had some cute interactions
Tezz and Tromp, lord of the kharamanos gave us so much good tezz content.
bf5 didn’t have a lot of romance, so there was never a set up that made me go NO but anyone with zoom is a full stop for me, there’s no canonical ages, but zoom reads as 16 to me, and most of the other cast as young adults, but adults.
An assortment of headcanons!
He’s Autistic!
Boy had a Bad Home Life, the boy was like 9 when he got himself stranded in a battlezone, and wanted to get back to earth because it’s where he’s from, but he /never/ mentions getting back to people. like it’s one thing if his parents just let him do whatever and he was experimenting in his free time, but he didn’t try to find anyone when he got back. and he immediately was ride or die for the bf5. the show probably just didn’t have time to touch on it, but with what we were given I can not see him having a good relationship with his family.
Blake (asuming Belladonna)
What I like about them
Listen I love revolutionaries. love me some characters fighting for a cause. Blake don’t back down.
What I dislike about them
how much Sun is tolerated lol
Favourite moment
When she stared her abusive ex in the eyes after he asked “what made her think she could win this time” and said “I don’t have a choice, I have people who actually care about me, and I promised I’d never leave them agian. So I’m not dying now!”
you tell him blake
Least favourite moment
90% of the scenes she shares w sun lol. why couldn’t we get more time with her parents? oh right sun took up any time they could have had lol.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
An interesting AU for this character
au where Adam never touched her.
A crossover
She-ra and the princesses of power, blake/yang and catra/adora, blonde jock and their cat gfs interacting
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Uh Bumbleby without a doubt. they’re the slow burn we never get with queer couples, and while they’re not “canon” yet, that’s because they’re a slow burn, and they’re getting proper developement, but even so, them having feelings for each other is canon, to a point where Arryn Zech, Blake’s va got a motherfucking bee tattoo. like they’re /the/ main couple of rwby, Arryn mentioned Yang as someone who was in love with blake at a panel and had to be reminded to mention Sun. that’s cast tho, their interactions in show?
Yin/yang symbolism where they’re both both at different times, beauty and the beast allusions, character with abandonment issues/character who has a tendency to run, excellent fighting synergy? I could literally talk about how much this ship means to me for hours (you’ve heard a lot of it sporadically ave) and it truly means a lot to me, I’m not normally a romancey person, but something about a show I was into before knowing (or really admitting to myself) that I was queer giving me that rep? in 2 of my favorite characters? I’m used to seeing shows w queer rep bc I heard there was rep and decided to check it out, but Bumbleby seemingly happened around me already here. they’re not a queer bait. one of them isn’t going to die. and they love each other so much.
Other ships?
Listen. no other possible ship for blake (or yang) holds a candle (ha sweet burning the candle reference) to bumbleby. I’m not gonna go into it explicitly, bc the person who sent this ask isn’t there yet >:) but (as much as irl, friendship is just as important as romantic relationships, and I hate the idea of romance being “more”) the show has built up yang and blake in such a way that if anyone else wanted to be even considered they’d have to compete with the other. if you’re considering getting into rwby, Heroes and Monsters was the ep that a lot of the fan base realized that hey, they’re actually doing bees? and that’s bc there’s a scene that is so powerful with the 2 of them. from a storytelling perspective no other ship has the substance to compete with the bees.
Blacksun. Blake and Sun work better as friends than they ever could as romantic partners, Sun has feelings for Blake, but they’ve always been one sided, and the only time he’s been on screen that didn’t have me rolling my eyes or wishing he’d leave blake alone so her parents who she hasn’t seen in years could maybe get some of the screentime he’s hogging was when he was recovering from being injured and blake is all “this is why I had to leave, my friends get hurt bc of me” and he was like “that’s our decision to make, I’d do it again, and I know Yang would do the same” like yeah he continues to flirt while in menagerie (sp?), but as soon as he realizes that she didn’t run off to fight the white fang alone he spends his time trying to get her to go back to her team.
Tauradonna. I’ve also seen the “ship” called Animal Abuse and ouch if that doesn’t just hit the nail on it’s head.
An assortment of headcanons!
when blake and yang kiss for the first time her ears are going to twitch.
Agura Ibaden
What I like about them
listen the second thing she does in the show is tear a robots head off do I need to give more words than that?
What I dislike about them
I mean one of my only complaints w bf5 is I want more girls, does that count? I wanted to know more about her backstory in general too, like 5 brothers? at least one nephew? warrior princess? give me
Favourite moment
The first time Vert isn’t there and Stanford challenges her right to be second in command and she just shuts him down hard and takes charge.
Least favourite moment
uhhhhh. idk whatever made agura/stanford a bigish ship in the fandom
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
Listen. The toy line, which technically yeah sure not technically canon, but the toyline. calls her a warrior princess. was this just to sell toys? yeah probably. am I still intrigued. most definitely. Is Agura a motherfucking princess!!??
An interesting AU for this character
I can’t use the au I used for tezz, cause she’d be dead in that one. hmm. I just had a galaxy brain idea but what if everyone on the team got weapons with their vehicles and not just vert.
Give Agura a big sword.
OH SHIT I forgot about an idea I’ve had in the past but I don’t want to erase the give sword idea, one of those swapped aus shows have, agura and tezz are swapped tezz is on the team since the begining, is a little better w people, not by much he’s still but he didn’t spend his childhood alone fighting robots and sentients, and Agura got stuck on Vandal and becomes warlord within a year. Basically, trapped on alien planet--> I run this now. by time bf5 meet the vandals they’re allies not conquerors.
A crossover
yeah really just read what I wrote for tezz’s, the only way agura’s would change is if she’s a warrior princess like xena that could be fun, but cars and bf5′s whole thing would be super out of place.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
don’t really have any, Agura/Grace if I have to
Other ships?
Agura and the Cortez brothers!
any straight ship with her is lame
An assortment of headcanons!
I know I’m not over the toyline but like. what if she was just a princess the entire fucking time. and was just way chill about it. imagine the shutdown
Stanford: ~I’m 189th in line for the throne~
Agura: cool I’m 2nd, but if it becomes relevant before my nephew is an adult I’ll be acting monarch until he’s old enough for the responsibility.
Stanford.exe has stopped responding
What I like about them
I like swimming, she’s a mermaid
What I dislike about them
she’s vaguely got rude older sister in a sit com where the younger brother is the main character written by people who don’t have siblings, but like not really?
Favourite moment
“mermista will swim through the sewer system” “I’m sorry mermista will what?” but she still does it.
Least favourite moment
hhmmm not sure, she was in 5 episodes and I liked her, I guess early on when I saw her and sea hawk interact before I knew what their relationship was like and I thought she genuinely didn’t like him her intro scene was kinda :/
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
well I’m expecting a princess with fire powers eventually (I haven’t seen original she-ra so I don’t know if that’s an accurate assumption) and fire/ water powers are always cool to see interacting.
An interesting AU for this character
maybe I’ve been reading too much of that she-ra dnd blog but she’s an eldritch knight with the control water cantrip and that’s gud
A crossover
it’d be neat to see her and Lapis Lazuli interact
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Mermista/Sea Hawk. It’s a twist on what we normally see where the guy in a het relationship is emotionally distant and the girl does all the emotional labor, but even then mermista obviously cares about sea hawk a lot, she is just not comfortable expressing affection, and he respects her boundaries and absolutely adores her.
Other ships?
did you see how she looked at adora after she transformed into she-ra? I don’t actually ship them but every princess is gay for she-ra
With what we have so far I’d like to say frosta, just cause water/ice powers.
I don’t think I’ve seen anything with her that I had a negative reaction too   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I mean I guess frosta, we don’t have confirmed ages for any of them except for forsta who is decidedly way younger than the other princesses.
An assortment of headcanons!
the girl is bi
she had the mermaid tail before the people legs, and the tail is the default setting
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angelixii · 6 years
Changlix YouTube AU!
No one is an idol here!
Yes this is gay so if you don’t like it then just ignore this.
Pairing - Changlix (Stray Kids’ Changbin and Felix)
here goes nothing ig
Felix has had his YouTube channel for about 6 months now with a total of around 400,000 subscribers. He uploads a mixture of things like challenge videos, gaming, and occasionally covers of him singing his favorite songs. He also has Changbin, his “flipping adorable” boyfriend as he likes to call him. Changbin doesn’t have a YouTube channel, but Felix always makes him have an appearance on his channel. When Felix asks him to join one of his videos, Changbin always says something like “I don’t want to” and, “it’s stupid”. But the Australian makes him do it anyway, and by the end of the video both him and Felix have tears in their eyes from laughing so hard.
But today, Felix isn’t making a normal video, he couldn’t, it was August 11th, or in other terms, his boyfriends birthday. So instead of his usual videos, he decided to film the surprise birthday party him and his friends were throwing for Changbin. Their friends being Woojin, Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin!
The party was being thrown at Chan’s apartment since his was bigger than anyone else’s. Hyunjin and Minho were out with Changbin at some coffee house to get Changbin out of the apartment, so the rest could set it up. Felix stopped helping Jisung and Seungmin with the decorations, pulled out his camera and started filming.
“Hello guys!! I know I don’t normally do vlogs, but today is Changbinnie’s birthday! So me and the others thought we would surprise him with a little secret birthday party! Hyunjin and Minho are currently with him at some coffee house while the rest of us help set up for when they get back.” As Felix had finished that sentence, a sudden ding had came from his phone. He fished it out of his pocket and read the message that had came from Hyunjin.
Hyunjinnie: We are leaving the coffee house now, on our way back
“Are they on their way?” Jisung had asked Felix after he read the text.
“Yep! So i’ll go tell the others while you two finish up the decorations,” Felix had said to both Jisung and Seungmin while walking into the kitchen.
“Gotta go see what the other dummies have done with the cake they baked,” the Australian had said to the camera he was still filming with.
“NO! It’s fine don’t touch it anymore!” Woojin had yelled at Chan and Jeongin while pushing them away from the cake that to Felix, looked surprisingly decent.
“Wow, I didn’t think you three would actually pull it off. Just hope it tastes good,” Felix spoke as he directed the camera to the cake that had “Happy Birthday Changbinnie!” written on it.
“What, are you doubt our cooking skills?!” Chan had gasped while pretending to be hurt.
“Uhm noooooooo. Anyway, Hyunjin texted me they were on their way, so this cake better be done. I’m assuming it is.” Felix told them.
“Yeah, it’s only done because of me. The other two just wanted to eat the icing.” Woojin spoke, slightly annoyed.
“But its so good!” Jeongin protested with a slight frown.
Felix chuckled then turned to the camera and said, “Well, gotta go set up my camera so we can see Binnie’s reaction. See you guys then!”
He then turned off the camera, turned to Woojin and asked, “So, you’re taking out the cake right?”
“Yeah, who’s gonna watch for when they get here?” Woojin questioned.
“I’ll do it!” Jeongin cheered as he ran to the front window in the living room to watch for when they arrive.
Felix had just finished up setting up his camera and talking to his viewers when Jeongin screamed, “They’re here!!”
“Oh, well gotta go hide!” Felix told his viewers while waving to the camera and running away to hide behind the couch with the others. Jeongin turned off the lights and ran behind the couch as well.
The door suddenly opened and once Minho flipped the light switch everyone jumped up from behind the couch and cheered, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANGBIN!!!”
First, Changbin had a slightly frightened look on his face, but as soon as he recognized, he suddenly had a big smile on his face.
“Did you guys really do this?” Changbin asked as he was being squished in a big group hug by everyone.
“Of course we did silly!” Felix said while giving Changbin a kiss on the cheek.
“Come on let’s blow out the candles!” Jeongin said happily as Woojin had walked in to the kitchen and got the cake without anyone noticing.
After they all said happy birthday and gave all their gifts to the birthday boy while Felix filmed of course, everyone began to start up their own conversations. Felix had already ended his vlog and put his camera away, not worrying about all the editing until later obviously, he had to spend time with his birthday boy! So that being said, Changbin was sitting on the couch, and Felix went over and plopped down on his lap, which to them was completely normal.
“Lemme guess, you planned this?” Changbin asked while snaking his arms around Felix’s waist like it an instinct.
“Of course I did,” Felix giggled while resting his head in the crook of Changbin’s neck.
“Well thank you Lix,” Changbin spoke, “Love you,” he continued while kissing the top of Felix’s head.
“Love you too Binnie~” Felix softly spoke as he closed his eyes and snuggled closer into Changbin’s neck.
“Aww, look how cute~” Hyunjin cooed after he had raised his head from his phone screen to look at the couple, which caught everyone else’s attention, and made everyone follow along with him.
“Shut up, he’s sleeping,” Changbin whispered after he noticed his Lix had fallen asleep, most likely from the big day he had planned.
Oof I finished,, I haven’t really written much before, so this probably is horrible. I would proof read it, but if I do, I might delete this whole thing because I don’t like it. Idk what else to say except sorry for wasting you time with this..
But anyway, thank you to @weetaliix and @beeaaniee for the idea! Love you~
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nonbinarypastels · 6 years
About & FAQ Page
This page was last updated on July 31, 2018
About nonbinarypastels
This blog was created to combat REG (reactionary, exclusionist, gatekeeping) politics in the LGBTQIA+ community as well as other forms of harmful conservative rhetoric that’s become so common on tumblr through the spreading of positivity and information based posts. My goal for this blog is not only to validate and support LGBTQIA+ people (and people of all marginalized identities) but also to encourage people to be more accepting of others, more able to think critically about all issues, and more passionate about making a positive difference not only in their own lives but the lives of those around them.
What I post about
Positivity — Not only nonbinary positivity but positivity for all  LGBTQIA+ identities and other people as well.
Social Justice/Politics
Mental Health/Mental Illness
Critical Thinking Skills
Miscellaneous Other Topics
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This blog is inclusionist. I believe that all aromantics and asexuals belong in the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m also firmly against other exclusionary rhetoric that seeks to exclude any non-cishet (by which I mean non cisgender, heteromantic, AND heterosexual) group from the community.
This blog supports creative freedom and a safe fandom environment. I don’t care what kind of fiction people write/read or what they ship as long as all of their content is tagged properly and kept in appropriate spaces. While I think media criticism and having civil discussions about what we’re writing and reading and why is a good thing, I think the ‘anti’ community on tumblr totally crosses the line with their behavior which goes beyond legitimate media criticism and straight into cyberbullying and harassment.
This blog does not support radical feminism. Radical feminism is a harmful conservative movement that harms and attempts to control the lives of marginalized people. I do not support any form of radfem rhetoric.
This blog does not support trasnmedicalsim or truscum. These are groups that actively harm trans and nonbinary people by pushing reductionist, transphobic rhetoric and policing the identities of trans and nonbinary people.
This blog is queer positive. I will not censor the word queer or exclude queer people from this blog or the community.
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——————————————————————————- Call Me Out Would you like to tell me that the term ‘a-spec’ was stolen from autistics and that it’s problematic to use it to refer to ace/aro people?
Would you like to tell me to stop including the ‘I’ in the LGBTQIA+ acronym?
Would you like to tell me that butch and femme are lesbian-specific words and no one else has the right to use them?
Would you like to tell me not to use queer as an umbrella term?
Why are you intolerant towards conservatives?
—————————————————————————– Questioning Do you have tips for figuring out your gender identity?
Is it okay to use they/them pronouns if I’m still questioning my gender and might be cis?
I want to question my gender but I’m afraid I’m faking it all?
———————————————————————————– About Being Trans + Nonbinary Are nonbinary people trans?
Am I still agender if I have feminine interests/hobbies?
Can you be lunarian and agender?
How do you deal with nbphobia?
What do I do if my friends are nbphobic?
What’s the difference between being nonbinary and being a tomboy?
Can you be nonbinary and prefer she/her or he/him pronouns?
Are nonbinary people to blame for trans people not being taken seriously?
How do I deal with people saying nonbinary people are responsible for trans people being made fun of?
Is trans day of visibility for nonbinary people too?
Is there any proof there are more than two genders?
Do you think it’s fetishizing for people to say they’re attracted to nonbinary people?
Am I still trans/nonbinary if I didn’t always know from a young age?
Am I still nonbinary if I never want to come out?
How do I overcome internalized nbphobia?
What can I call the nonbinary person I’m dating other than boyfriend/girlfriend?
What’s your opinion on “there are only two genders” jokes?
Who is allowed to ID as nblm/nblw/nblnb? Do I have to have a certain alignment to ID with these terms?
———————————————————————————- About Presentation + Dysphoria
Do you have any tips for dealing with dysphoria?
What’s the difference between social dysphoria and body dysphoria?
How can I write about trans/nonbinary characters who have dysphoria?
How can I bind safely if I can’t afford to buy a binder?
Do you have any advice about buying your first binder?
How can I look more androgynous?
Is it normal to want top surgery but not want to take T?
What can I do if I hate my voice?
I want to change my hair but I’m afraid people will hate it?
—————————————————————————— About Sexuality How can you be sex-repulsed without being asexual?
Can you be in a queerplatonic relationship if you’re not ace/aro?
What’s the difference between demisexuality and regular attraction?
Is pansexuality transphobic/biphobic?
Do bisexuals have straight-passing privilege?
Can you be asexual and still like masturbation?
Can you be wlw and mlm at the same time?
Can you be nblw, nblm, and nblnb at the same time?
How can lesbians use he/him pronouns?
What is the split attraction model?
———————————————————————— About Coming Out
Are you looking for coming out tips and encouragement? Please check my coming out tag!
Is it okay to come out to my friends before my family?
How do I explain being nonbinary to my parents when they just don’t get it?
Do you have any advice for coming out as nonbinary?
How do I come out to my parents?
How do I get my parents to use my name/pronouns and accept me?
Fandom & Fandom Discourse Related
What is an anti?
What have antis ever done wrong?
How can I deal with antis who are harassing me?
Do you support pedophilic ships?
What’s your opinion about MAP discourse?
If you’re not a bad person, why do you like bad things in fiction?
What is purity culture?
What is your opinion on RPF?
What is fujoshi discourse?
——————————————————————— Misc. How do you handle ignorance?
What’s an invisible disability?
What is TERF/radfem rhetoric?
How do I know if I have an eating disorder?
What’s the difference between being squicked and being triggered?
How do you deal with bigots?
Why can’t someone be both anti-SWERF and anti-kink?
When was gay used as a slur?
How do you find out about the free samples you post?
What is your opinion on self-diagnosis?
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all-the-cliches-lwa · 6 years
Passing On Epilogue(s)
Alright, so I decided to upload them both at once, cause they’re both really short, at least compared to the other chapters. While on ffnet and ao3, these chapters will be separated, I didn’t want to make separate posts on tumblr so I will be separating them as Epilogue part I and Epilogue part II in this post. 
Anyway, thank you so so much for taking time to read this story and for whatever reviews/comments/support/reblogs/tags it got. It honestly means so so much and I really enjoyed looking back at what anyone said/had to say. 
I’m not too sure what I’ll do after this story though, because work is really hectic, some nights I get back home like 10 or 11 pm. I kinda have a thought in mind, but idk how long it’ll take for anything concrete. 
All that out of the way though, again, thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy the final part of this story. 
Summary: Bernadette Cavendish was a wonderful witch, a blessing to all who knew her. Unfortunately, she had passed on all too soon. Every year since then, the Cavendish family would visit her grave to keep her memory… and every year Diana couldn’t help but feel more and more alone. This year, however, Diana had someone she wished to have with her, in the hopes that, this time, things would be different.
First Chapter
Previous chapter
Epilogue part I: ffnet ao3
Epilogue part II: ffnet ao3
Epilogue Part I
This was a mistake. A miscalculation. A lapse in judgment.
“Awwwwww!” Akko squeed, her voice reverberating throughout the bedroom. “Tell me about this one! Tell me about this picture!” Akko pleaded as she pointed at the  photo album.
At a picture of five year old Diana giggling as she hugged a bloodhound pup that was licking her face.
Diana crossed her arms, her face turning a deep red as Akko continued to shriek in delight.
How could she have forgotten about these pictures?
“Ahhhh!” Akko shrieked in delight, again, now shoving the photo album in Diana’s face. “You’re soooo cute! Why didn’t you ever tell me you used to have the Shiny Chariot Pajama set?! It’s just so… you were just- Ahhhhhhhh!!!!”
“Akko… this isn’t why we collected these albums...” Diana protested weakly.
“Oh, right. Right. Sorry about tha- Oh. My. Gosh. Diana!” Akko yelled. Diana turned  to the album and then immediately darted her eyes away from the image on the page: an image of her, muddied up, hugging a pony. “You’re sooooooo adorable!”
Diana huffed.
Where did Aunt Daryl even find this album?!
Diana had wondered why her aunt, who had been nothing short of intolerant and unwelcoming throughout that entire weekend, was actually willing to help them search for old photo albums… but it was no wonder if this was the end result.
Somehow, just, somehow, Daryl had found the one album with every embarrassing photo Diana had ever been a part of. From the standard fare of silly baby photos of her to these ones that Akko had just discovered.
The photo albums Anna had helped gather were still untouched a half hour later, Aunt Daryl having insisted they start with the one she picked out. Diana knew that smile looked far too much like a smirk to be anything good.
Honestly, Diana doubted that this photo album contained any pictures of her mother. At this point, she was pretty sure it solely housed pictures of herself in her youth.
Diana had given up trying to pry the album away from Akko’s hands, a well placed pout from her excitable girlfriend being more than enough to dissuade her from trying to wrestle the photo album away… but that didn’t mean she had to sit back and look at such humiliating pictures.
Simply listening to Akko’s excited hollers and squeaks was far more embarrassment than she could take.
But suddenly, the sounds stopped, and Diana wondered if Akko had finally finished that album and wanted to switch to a new one.
She waited quietly… but when Akko had not asked her if she wanted to open another photo album, Diana arched a brow. She turned around to see Akko staring at a page, silent… almost as if entranced.
“Akko?” Diana called out.
“Neh, Diana,” Akko said slowly as she turned the book around, “can you tell me about this one?”
Diana’s eyes widened when she saw the picture on the last page.
It was one of her, still in that Shiny Chariot pajama set, minus the hat… but she was asleep, her head rested atop her mother’s lap. Her mother’s hand rested atop her chubby cheek, and her mother was looking at the camera with an index finger raised to her lips, shushing whoever was taking the picture.
It… was a memory Diana hadn’t thought of in years, yet was one she would never forget.
Diana closed her eyes and smiled, recalling exactly what had transpired that night. What her mother had told her.
A story.  One that linked generations of Cavendish family members. One near and dear to her heart.
She could still remember everything. The inflections of her mother’s voice, from the emphasis placed on certain phrases and the, occasional, silly voices she would use. More importantly, she could still remember her mother’s presence beside her, the soft hand on her face, keeping her safe and warm during a frigid, dark night.
Diana could feel her mother’s warmth from that night wash over her as she reminisced. The corners of her lips tugged up even more.
“That night, I was having difficulty sleeping… My mother noticed… so she took me in her arms and laid my head on her lap. She then told me a story to help me fall asleep… one that quickly became my favourite story.”
“Ooooh?” Akko asked. “Your favorite story?”
“Yes.” Diana answered, opening her eyes to look towards Akko. “Would you, perhaps, care to hear it?”
“Of course! Just, wait wait!” Akko zipped across the room, pushing the photo albums towards the bed. Then she grabbed Diana and dragged her to the bed as well. Akko jumped in soon after and snuggled into Diana’s side. “Alright, ready!”
Diana giggled as she ran her fingers through chestnut brown locks. She closed her eyes and thought back to that very night, the night she slept atop her mother’s lap and heard this tale for the very first time. A tale she had since heard countless times, yet had never grown tired hearing.
A tale she now wished to share with Akko, the person she knew she truly wished to share everything with.
She could not think of a more perfect story to begin with.
Diana took a deep breath and looked straight into Akko’s bright, excited eyes. She rested her hand on the side of Akko’s head, and slowly brushed her thumb up and down Akko’s cheek.
“This... is the tale of The Wise Woman Beatrix. It is a story that has been passed on through several generations of the Cavendish family, from the very beginning to my mother, and finally, to me...”
Epilogue Part II
The trees rustled in the whistling wind. The dying glow of the nearly setted sun tinged the greens of the forest in orange.
Diana took a deep breath and walked up to the lone grave, surrounded by trees on all sides. Her heart felt heavy… not unbearably so, but enough that it weighed her down, making her already slow steps linger.
She stood in front of the mound of dirt, a few feet away from the marble tombstone, where her pink and white carnations, and a few fallen leaves, sat. Still... no sign of tree growth. Not even the littlest sapling.
Yet, that thought didn’t fill her with the same wave of grief. She didn’t feel like her heart was being stabbed or ripped out. There was no sudden jolt of pain, nor any dull, lingering ache.
She just felt… heavy. Her heart still cloudy… and she could still feel herself being pulled down… but she felt like it was something she was capable of enduring it.
The sight of the bare grave didn’t leave her feeling lonely… at least not quite as much. Within the empty darkness that filled her chest, she could now see two lights… one which she knew was her mother.
Diana raised a hand to her heart, right where those two lights resided.
She was okay.
Her mother was there. In her heart. Just like Akko said.
She was still here.
Diana knew this. Told herself this.
And for a moment, she was at peace.
Still, as time passed, Diana couldn’t help but remain focused on the grave.
Seconds went by. Minutes. The glow of the sunset began to dim, the orange light dulling.
Slowly, her breaths grew more shallow, more uneven. The heaviness in her heart continued to grow, slowly becoming more burdensome… more familiar.
Diana clenched her hand around her heart, trying to will it to stop, but, despite her best efforts, a familiar ache found its way there, spreading out in waves into every limb with each and every heartbeat.
A chill wind blew past her and up into the air, blowing the leaves that rested atop her mother’s grave into the air, leaving nothing but the flowers she had left earlier.
Staring at the dirt, Diana’s vision began to blur, her eyes began to sting.
The sun had set, and the dark of the cold night surrounded her. She began to lose sight of the light in her heart.
The hand that was clenched around her heart began to shake.
“Diana, are you okay?”
Diana felt a hand press on her shoulder, and her breath hitched. She looked to her right and saw Akko beside her, a lamp hanging off of her side lighting the surroundings a gentle green.
“Akko?” Diana whispered before reaching up to wipe her eyes. “Akko, what are you doing here? I thought I asked you to wait for me.”
“Yeah, and I told you the moment it looked like you needed me, I’d be right here,” Akko said in reply. “I told you, you’re not going to have to feel alone if I can help it.”
Diana smiled and reached her hand up to meet Akko’s. She took a deep breath and calmed herself.
“Thank you Akko.”
“No worries!” Akko grinned, before jumping slightly. “Oh right! I have something!”
“Something?” Diana tilted her head.
“Yeah!” Akko said as she put the bag that had been hanging off her shoulder onto the ground. “You told me your mom loved flowers so I thought I could try and get one.”
Diana giggled, amused, as Akko struggled to reach down to the bag while also still trying to keep both of their hands together. Diana’s eyes widened, amusement making way for surprise, when met with the bright yellow flower Akko managed to wrestle out of the bag.
“A… sunflower?”
“Yep!” Akko grinned.
“How… where…” Diana blinked, “Where on earth did you find a sunflower in the winter Akko?”
“We went into town earlier remember? I saw it in one of those old magic flower shops!” Akko said. “The nice cashier even gave me this neat little container that kept it fresh all this time. Think she’d like it?”
Diana’s blank stare slowly warmed, another smile finding its way on her lips.
“Yes, she would have loved them… She always did love sunflowers in particular.” Diana said.
“Yes!” Akko cheered.
“Though… you are aware that the moment you remove it from its container, it will begin to wilt right?” Diana asked, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes.
“Huh?!” Akko cried. “No! That’s not good! Why can’t I keep it in this thing?”
“That container is likely only charmed to last a few hours,” Diana confirmed.
“Mouuu!” Akko pouted, staring at the sunflower glumly.
Diana hummed.
“Perhaps I could teach you one of the spells I had promised to show you earlier?” Diana offered with a smile.
“Ooh! A spell?” Akko perked up immediately. “What does it do?”
“Well, it keeps the flowers perfectly healthy, at least for a few weeks,” Diana said, gesturing to the two flowers she had left yesterday, still the same perfectly bright white and pink.
“Oooh! That’s so cool!”
“Yes it is,” Diana chuckled. “Now take out your wand.”
“Wait, my wand?” Akko asked.
“That is correct,” Diana confirmed. “You will be casting the spell after all.”
“What?” Akko yelped. “But, but, what if I mess up and hurt the flower?”
“It will be fine,” Diana smiled. “I’ll help after all.” Diana reached forward and took Akko’s wand from her side. “The spell is Floreo Veraserprae.”
“Floreo Veraserprae?”
Diana nodded. “Yes, just like that. Now take your wand and face its tip downwards, towards the flower.”
Akko slowly took her wand from Diana’s hand and listened to the directive.
“Good,” Diana nodded, “Now, when casting the spell, simply channel your magic through the wand and imagine the flower flourishing.”
Diana then reached up and gripped her hand around Akko’s.
“H-Huh?” Akko stammered, her face beginning to colour. “Wh-what-”
“I am simply going to help you channel your magic,” Diana smiled. Akko nodded shyly and smiled, and Diana took that as her cue to continue. “Now, together, on three. One. Two.”
“Floreo Veraserprae”
The magic condensed into a droplet at the tip of Akko’s wand. The droplet fell onto the center of the sunflower, and it rippled throughout the flower in luminous green waves. With each wave, the petals straightened out, and their yellows brightened, bringing justice to the flower’s namesake.
“And perfect,” Diana said, admiring their work. “Well done Akko.”
Akko giggled bashfully before crouching down to place the flower together with the pink and white carnations. She quickly got back up and took her spot, standing right beside Diana. She then leaned to her left, resting her shoulder on Diana’s arm, and tilted her head to the side, resting her head atop Diana’s shoulder.
Diana smiled and rested her head on Akko’s.
With the soft glow of the lamp lighting their surroundings, the two continued to stand there for a moment.
The chill air blew past them, but their presence managed to keep each other warm. Diana continued to look down at her mother’s grave, but before she could begin to feel signs of her heart aching, of her losing herself, Akko interlocked their gloved hands together, keeping her grounded.
And together, they stood, gazing upon the tomb.
When the light of the lamp began to dim, Akko shifted her head.
“Hey Diana, are you ready to go back to Luna Nova?”
Diana took one more lingering glance at her mother’s tombstone before nodding.
“Alright,” Akkos said, squeezing Diana’s hand once before separating so that they could turn around. They took each other’s hands once again as they walked out of the forest.
Before they went too far, Diana took one more look back at the tombstone. At the flowers sitting just in front of it. Her white and pink carnations and Akko’s bright yellow sunflower. She smiled before looking forward once again.
Walking away, Akko leaned her head on Diana’s shoulder but flinched when she felt the crunch of leaves beneath her. She looked towards Diana’s side and gasped.
“Woah! Diana, you have, like, a whole lot of leaves tangled up in your hair!”
Diana giggled, amused by the sheer surprise in Akko’s voice.   
“Is that so?” Diana pondered aloud. She raised a hand up to her left side and felt a leaf crumble between her fingertips. “Hm… it appears you are correct. Perhaps you could... brush my hair as we fly back to Luna Nova?”
“Ooooh yeah!” Akko replied, her face splitting into a wide grin. “And then you can tell me even more stories!”
Diana smiled and nodded her head.
Akko immediately picked up the pace, running through the forest with Diana in tow. Diana chuckled as she tried to match the pace, already excited to share even more of her stories and memories with Akko.
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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wow I let this build up didn’t I.... updates on the ViVi inspired hair, Sim download info, some sweet people, some K-Pop, and other stuff below
@agentwashsims​ said: I️ knew you wouldn’t disappoint on the curly hairs!
Thank youu! lmao it is a pretty basic edit but I’m glad you like it ;-;
Anonymous said: Could you convert the solid colored EA Cruella DeVille style for girls or tots?
Actually it has already been converted HERE (warning: she uses an ad thing :( )
@pierce-the-rachel​ said: Okay hello I just love your cc so much!!! Like you're amazing I what you do. Much love<3   
Thank you so much omgg I am not nearly close to being amazing but I appreciate it <3
Anonymous said: Hi! Is there any chance your sim that modeled the Braxton hair will be up for download? Along with his cc?
Yes! In the next week he 100% will be. Taylor will be posted tomorrow :)
Anonymous said: What skin do you use on your male models? It looks the same as the female one but I can’t find it in CAS.
Check my resource page for my default. I don’t have the overlay labeled on there but in the next few days when I have my male model for download it will be listed there.
Anonymous said: I love your whistle skinny jeans alot, I was wondering if you were ever thinking about making one without the jacket around the waist? Sorry for wasting your time :P
That is sadly out of my ability :( but I am glad u like my whistle skinny jeans!! Not a waste of time to give someone a compliment
Anonymous said: Not exactly an ask but. I love your cc, you create beautiful content, and no matter what others say someone is gonna like it :)
Thank you soooo much omfg I really fucking appreciate stuff like this.
Anonymous said: Your creations are so awesome! I always love coming to your page and seeing all of your amazing creations!!
Thank you!!!!!! omg I feel bad that I never respond to these until I do these things, you guys that send these prob think I ignore them ;-; but for the people who read these and who send them: I really appreciate it like so much ;-; it has been a meh couple of weeks which is why CC has been slow but I love you all so much <3
@raivynmoon​ said: Omg why do you always get so much hate from anons? I’ll tell you why, because you’re doing things right and toxic people get jealous. Don’t mind the haters, you’re amazing! Happy new year ❤️ 
I actually don’t get that much hate! I never really pay them any mind bc I know as long as it is something I like that I will release it. People do def prob get jealous they can’t mesh stuff that well, not saying I am the god at it, but I do have some talent in that area from doing it for a while. Happy new year to you too!!! and thank you for the ask <3
Anonymous said: hey i just want to say that all of your cc is amazing, you put so much time and effort into it. of course everyone can give you feedback and opinions about what you make, but you are the creator so you can do whatever you want with it. that anon below was just rude, inconsiderate, and isn’t really helping anyone. that person obviously doesn’t make cc hair, because im sure then they would understand and not be a total jerk about it. maybe they should just stick to makeup, instead of hating.
<-- what she said (thank youuu)
Anonymous said: well I think that all of the hair you make is really great, even if not everyone likes it. You spend so much time making these amazing hairs and shout-out to the person below: why would you waste your time hating on somebody else’s hard work when you could be creating makeup cc? You don’t put your effort and time into creating this kind of stuff, of course I know you were also giving feedback.
Thank you <3
Anonymous said: THE HAIR IS CUTE AF
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Anonymous said: Wcif the hair in your "In The Time Spent With You" post? Thank you!♡
Deleted :( I never got it to look how I wanted so I never finished it
Anonymous said: I'd just like to say that the hair looks pretty, honestly your hairs are always high quality and never fail to dissapoint, I'd just say that it could be a little puffier on the sides, and over all ignore the haters, they probably couldn't make anything close to what you're making! Luvs. 
Thank you!! I tried puffing the sides up some, here is a comparison pic:
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(brown is now) (blonde is before)
@twirlyb​ said: I love the idea of the hair and I think it looks good so far but so you think that there's anyway to add for volume? I love the hair that it's based on and I really want to have it in game. I Completely understand if it's not an option but I though I would ask anyway. Btw I think your hairs are amazing. I went mostly cc free for a while (not anymore could handle not having cc but) and the only things I kept were my defaults and some of your hairs that I absolutely can not live without.
Refer above lmao
@cutesimmer23​ said: Hi , anonimus , I have a message for you. If you think Austin's cc is trashy , it's just your opinion. His ccs are one of my top favourites , and I support him in all that he does , even if that's not too good. He tries to do something and , even it's not perfect at the first time , he tries to perfect it. I really love his cc . And I have something more to say. If you are that good at cc give Austin a message (not anonimously) and then we will see who's the best. We love you, Austin!
Thank you <3 You're lovely for sending me this
Anonymous said: heyy love your blog and all of your creations. wcif ALL of your sims? do you ever upload them to the gallery?
Macie is already posted, link on my resource page. Taylor will be posted tomorrow, and my male model will be posted next week. The rest idk
Anonymous said: um can that damn anon piss off. your content is absolutely amazing and some things aren't for everyone but someone out there will love and appreciate it. also the hair in your profile picture looks gorgeous. is it released yet? and the wip you posted is cute af. ignore those haters <3
Thank you <3 Hair in my profile pic is my HyunA hair :)
Anonymous said: Hi, so sorry if anyone has already asked this, but I was wondering hat your origin ID was, since your sims are super cute!? Ps. I'm totally in love with your blog!!!
My origin is Spotharris but it does not have much on it right now, Ps. thank you
Anonymous said: Do you have any K-Pop albums? Which ones?
Oh my! I have a few! I have Red Velvet’s Perfect Velvet, and 6 LOONA albums (Kim Lip, Jinsoul, Choerry, Yves, Mix & Match, and Max & Match)
 Anonymous said: I miss you having Macie as your icon :(     
Me too jush she needs to make a comeback     
Anonymous said: Hey I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to make a middle parted hair side parted ?? please
I might do a livestream sometime in the future that is me remaking a hair like Joy or something where I did that. I am really bad at video stuff though so like... someone help?
Anonymous said: Can I just say how much I absolutely love all of your hairs? Like your so talented in making cc. Please keep up the great work!
Thank you!
Anonymous said: Can you convert the cupid eyes you posted for dogs/cats? It's fine if you can't, jw!
rip I can but I really don’t want to ;-;
Anonymous said: I just want to say I love you so much! All your creations are so beautiful and I use them ALL the time. Happy Holidays! ~ V
Happy late holidays!
Anonymous said: Do you have all of your own CC in your game?
Nooooo lmao
Anonymous said: does ur hyuna hair work with the ombres?
She does not :(
Anonymous said: make more diverse sims
Anonymous said: yo i remember when you first started out and you were just starting.  now you've improved a HELL of a lot. like WOAH (i love your cc)
we don’t speak of those times in my life ok
Anonymous said: I don't know if you are open to cc requests, so if you are, would you ever consider separating them utility jacket from cats and dogs? I've seen so many people recolor it but I can't find it as an accessory, and I've looked everywhere.
A friend of mine tried it but it was really glitchy :( Maybe in the future I could give it a go?
Anonymous said: LIPS, HIPS LIPS, HIPS (ahh, ahh) L-LIPS, HIPS (ahh, ahh) Hi-hi-hi-hi-hip (POP!)
yes i agree with everything
Anonymous said: I have the same b-day as you
only legends were born on that day. and December 2nd.
Anonymous said: Your birthday is the day before mine and the day after my sister's            
So close to being legends.... sad
Anonymous said: I thought, you're female😅😅🔫
rip ur mind after i blew it up by being a male
Anonymous said: damn didnt know u were homophobic lol
Anonymous said: fmk: danny devito, shrek, and jim carrey's the grinch
fuck danny bc idk who it is and i know a hot danny. marry the grinch bc he i like mayor of whoville after the movie. kill shrek and take the donkey.
Anonymous said: ahHHHhhHh idk why but i love you so much(not in a weird way u pervery xddd)
thanks babessss
Anonymous said: You should start a gameplay
I dont have the computer or the time for that I am sorry to say
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enigmaticgale · 6 years
houshin engi 100 questions
ariana linked me this and as we all i know i physically cannot shut up about this series ever, so here we go
endgame spoilers below!! if anyone actually cares, lol
1. What is your name? inigo montoya. you kill my father. prepare to die. NO i’m yarrow but i can’t imagine anyone who reads this won’t already know that
2. When did you get into Houshin Engi? january 2012! so.... much later than everyone else i’ve met who’s already into it. i’m babby 3. Did you read it in Weekly Jump magazine? Or the tankoubons? Or both? i read the snoopycool scanlations on mangapark dot com. that probably wasn’t the original website but fuck if i can remember what it was 4. Do you own all 23 volumes? yeah, four times over lol. 5. Do you own Houshin Taizen? hell yeah 6. Do you have the special Houshin Taizen that came with Akamaru Jump? i hate that i know this is a thing now because i won’t rest until i add it to my collection  7.Do you want a Houshin Taizen 2 to come out? yeah put birthdays in it this time fujiryu you hack 8. Did you watch the anime? i’ve seen it twice but only remember one watch lol. i’ve seen the sub and i’ve probably watched the first two episodes 5 times in the dub trying to watch the whole series through. no dice. oh this is about the old anime. i’m only part of the way through the new one because my adhd kicks my ass daily
9. Did you tape record it? man when were these questions written lol. i don’t even know how old i was when the anime aired in the states. did it even air in the states 10. Give your honest opinion on the last episode. hey studio deen? what the fuck? the fuck was that? you bastards? 11. Do you own mp3s of the opening and ending songs? sure do!
12. Do you buy the soundtrack albums? i got both. and then the 2 character song cds. and then 3 of 4 drama cds 13. If you answered ‘yes’ to #12, what is your favourIte track? MAN that’s tough?? probably... chi-kou-go-itsu because when taikoubou is like “IKITERU” in the chorus i’m like. god it won’t let me upload an image here this website is BROKEN. i’m that one gif of that black woman crying and nodding and then she wipes away her tear
14. What Houshin Engi merchandise do you own? what don’t i own. i need to update that album actually 15. Have you ever bought any of the Senkaiden games? yeah i got both.  16. If you answered ‘yes’ to #15, which ones have you bought? i’ve considered buying a wonderswan so i can play them because god knows where the rom i found is but i can’t read jp for shit 18. Could you name all the characters in Houshin Engi? not off the top of my head in a list but if you showed me a picture there’s a 98% chance i’d be able to tell you who they are 19. Favourite male character(s)? youzen and taikoubou... my first fave was roushi. i also like fugen and shinkouhyou and kouyuuken “who’s kouyuuken” haha. he’s the longhaired shisei. yes yes, my tastes
20. Favourite female character(s)? yuukyou is my DORTOR, i love ryuuktisu and kibi too! also seiba.  21. Which is your favourite Taikoubou outfit? i don’t really have a preference! though if you made me pick it would probably be his first one. baby outfit
22. Your opinion on Youzen’s outfit during the fight against Jyoka? i’m emo over him wearing his daddy’s paopei but that’s more of necessity than of sentimentality huh 23. Your opinion on Fugen’s shoulder-revealing shirt? how does it stay ON!!!! 24. Have you ever imitated Dakki’s speech pattern? i’m a guy 25. If you could transform like Youzen, who would you turn into and what would you do? GOD DJESUS.... i’d make myself a foot taller. and also have blue hair. and cure my damn dysphoria . please i want this transformation ability so bad lol
26. Which act/chapter is your favourite? i love the whole manga but the sennin war arc gunches me the hardest 27. Which anime episode is your favourite? bold of you to assume that i remember enough about the anime to differentiate what happened in which episode 28. Which volume cover is your favourite? that’s hard!!!! ummm...... volume one. i like taikoubou 29. Which title — be it volume title, chapter title, or episode title — is your favourite? bold of you to assume i remember episode or volume titles. as for chapter title... there are a lot of great ones but one that always stood out to me is “Chuuoh, Son of Heaven”. idk why. i just like that aesthetic i guess. son of heaven
OH i also really like 141 and 142 which are “ A Blinding Light, A Deafening Silence, And Then...” “An Eternal Happiness” ^___T sennin war arc 30. Have you ever cried while reading Houshin Engi? bunchuu’s death gets me every time though my definition of “cry” is probably a bit. loose. my very first reread though, i had to get up from my computer and stop reading because i physically couldn’t see. musta been a day 31. Do you still buy the calendars? STOP TELLING ME ABOUT MERCH I DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT BECAUSE NOW I’LL HAVE TO BUY IT  32. If you answered ‘yes’ to #31, do you keep the old ones up? FUCKA YOU. yeah i’d display them somehow 33. What is your favourite quote, and who said it? “I learned the greatest courage is telling people my weakness. So I don't want to run anymore: not from you, not from myself!” by youzen. i also really like the line youzen has in the tournament arc where he says there’s no way he can lose because he has the powers of everyone he’s met but the quote i actually listed is more Feelsy 34. Do you have a favourite romantic pairing? hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa youbou. 35. Say anything you want about that favourite pairing? bold of you to expect coherency from me 36. Why are you into that pairing? nnMMBBmbmbbbb god i’m. gay. the tl;dr is i relate a lot to youzen and i love taikoubou a lot so it’s like self insert without the self insert lol. i’m really laying myself bare here in full sincerity 37. Have you thought of a perfect song for that pairing? What song, and by whom? yeah i gotta.... whole gotdamn playlist. please listen to it 38. Which houshined character do you want resurrected? here’s my postgame fic where everyone gets resurrected eventually. yes even all the rando youkai  39. Which character made you think “I’m glad s/he wasn’t houshined!”? probably..... youzen? or nataku. anyone who has a brush with death and then Wasn’t. 40. Which of the Konron 12 would you like to be scouted by? gyokutei!!!!!! 41. What are your reasons? *points at him* dad 42. Suupuushan, Kokutenko, Kokukirin. Who would you want to ride? kokutenko!!!! luv cat
43. Do you have any friends who like Houshin Engi? yeah!!! and i only had to bully a few of them into reading it. shocker 44. Who’s your favourite Jyuttenkun? kinkou seiba!!!  45. Did you like “Ennui Academy”? i want fujiryu to give me a full length ennui academy manga. this is only half a joke 46. What’s your favourite non-romantic pairing? BBBbbbb hmmm. i love yuukyou and her two dads and i also love youzen and gyokutei.... i’m suckerpunched by found family daily 47. Which do you like better; the Dakki Sisters or the Beautiful Sisters (Venus and Co.)? the dakki sisters  48. Do you want Roushi’s suit? depends on what i have to do to get it lol. but yeah i’m all about that lazy life 49. Name one paopei you want. i’m going to say all of them on account of being greedy and also bad at making decisions
50. What would you use it for? oh fuck. can’t make me go into work if i’m wrapped in rikukonhan’s void, right 51. Who is the strongest character, in your opinion? fukki if he’s got backup, jyoka if not 52. What is your reason? *points to the final volume* Observe 53. Which character makes you go, “I’ll never forgive him/her!!”? outenkun. basard 54. What colour do you like on Taikoubou’s hair? brown!!! my fave eye colour on him is green!! that wasn’t part of the question but i think that’s the cutest and best colour combo!!!!!! you can’t change my mind!!!!
i think fukki has black hair and blue/grey eyes. 55. Name a master-disciple combo you like. again, youzen and gyokutei suckerpunch me 58. Which is your favourite splash page? probably the very first one in chapter 1 cause i get all nostalgia over it. weh 59. Taikoubou + Outenkun = Fukki. Did you easily accept this fact? i wish i could tell you anything that i thought when i first read the manga but all my impressions are lost to time. i wish other people would remember that outenkun is a key part of the fukki equation and stop just treating him as taikoubou in a funny outfit lol. they’re different people, even if they’re similar....  60. Did the entrance of Fukki affect your opinion on Houshin Engi? again, i wish i could tell you, but 61. Do you think of Taikoubou, Fukki, and Outenkun as three separate people?
62. Where on Taikoubou’s body do you think Outenkun’s paopei’s mark appeared? .....people talked about this? 63. Who would you want to be houshined by? dakki. if i have to die i want her to kill me, sexily. sorry for making you read those words 64. Who would do you want to houshin? outenkun but he’s off limits. ...i think anyone else i’d want to houshin already done and did it so 65. Which of Dakki’s many outfits is your favourite? bold of you to assume i keep track of them 66. Is Venus scary? no, she’s very cute!! shame on you!! 67. Which paopei made you go, “That’s terrible!!”? ay. uh. keiseigenjou is pretty spooky what with the “dakki uses this to mind control hundreds of thousands of people at once” 68. What is the colour of Chibi Youzen’s horns? dark dark brown imo 69. What cup size is Dakki? WHY AREY OU ASKING ME THIS-- oh it’s question 69. haha nice 70. Who’s your favourite Colourful Trio sennin? probably taiitsu! 71. Your opinion on the brand new sennin world? luv horai.... new home 72. What is Fukki’s hair colour in act 201? ....there was talk about this??  73. Ask yourself a question concerning Houshin Engi. can you ever stop fucking thinking about this manga 74. Your response to that question? no lol!!!!!  75. In your opinion, is Nentou in love with his half sister? in a completely innocent and platonic way, you fucking freaks! 76. Did the Sennin World War leave a deep mark on your heart? FUCK YEAH IT HURTS 77. Do you own any Houshin Engi doujinshis? oh yeah we got soup 78. Kichiku, hentai, yaoi, shounen-ai, general. Which doujinshi genre do you have the most of? shounen ai probably. i am, gay 79. Do you make Houshin Engi doujins? i would if i could, probably 80. If you answered ‘yes’ to #79, do you make doujins about couples? i would if i could!!  81. If you answered ‘yes’ to #79, the amount of Houshin Engi doujinshi circles is decreasing, but do you intend to continue yours? man what audience was this intended for 82. Who’s the easiest character to draw? youzen because he’s all i ever draw 83. Who’s the hardest character to draw? anyone who isn’t youzen 84. Have you ever done Houshin Engi cosplay? i wanted to cosplay roushi in high school but predictably never went through with the idea
85. If you answered ‘yes’ to #84, who have you cosplayed? man a lot of these could really be combined into one question huh 86. Does your website mainly have Houshin Engi in it? yeah cause it’s all i ever fucking think about 87. Is there a Houshin Engi fan you can’t forgive? Who and why? :) 88. What is Hanyoutai Youzen’s colour scheme? wh.... white hair, gold eyes, ???? hell if i know. bold of you to assume fujiryu would ever give a character a consistent colour scheme 89. If Nataku were to give you a ride, where would you want to go? nataku take me to court so i can get my legal name changed. idk?!? does this mean like in the sennin world?? anywhere Scenic
90. Which of Choukei’s outfits is the best? i’m longhairluvr69 but i think he looks cuter in his later outfit.... maybe if he’d kept his long hair and put it up in a bun?
91. Say anything about the most memorable scene in Houshin Engi. bold of you to assume i have a working memory 92. What do you think of the ending to Houshin Engi? I’M SAD. it’s a very satisfying ending though. 93. Have you imagined what happens after the series’ end? i got six years worth of headcanons for it, coming soon to a theatre near you 94. If you answered ‘yes’ to #93, give more detail. NO I’M TIRED. just read my fic 
95. Have you read Parallel World Houshin Engi? what, Another Story? yeah i’ve read it. 96. Do you own “Dramatic Irony”? yeah! milk junkie sure was a story, wasn’t it. 97. The series has ended, but is your love for the series still going strong? i will be on my deathbed still talking about this manga 98. Do you really think Fukki has nothing left to do in the end? well, he’s finished everything he Needs to do, but there’s a whole wide world left for him to explore!  99. Say anything you want about Fujiryuu. fujiryu i AM coming to japan and we WILL duel in an arby’s parking lot at 3am. there will only be one survivor
full seriousness i am alive and happy today because of fujiryu so if i ever do meet him irl i’d probably just start crying lol. 100. Any last words? read houshin engi!!!!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
This is about to get crazy, are you ready? I’ve done way over 2,000 of these, I’m sure I can handle this. Have you ever done cocaine? Nope. Not interested. Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing right now? Feliz, in one of their tiny stalls that sell trendy clothes for a lot cheaper. What song would best describe your love life? I always go with Still Into You - Paramore because it’s my favorite band, it’s their happiest song, and because my relationship’s been going on for a while which is what the song celebrates. What are you going to do after this? Another survey, probably. In the mood for these tonight.
Are you wearing jeans? Hell no. I brought Cooper to the vet today (also the first time I drove out IN THREE MONTHS) and even then I didn’t opt for jeans. Have you ever kissed the last person you texted? That’s my dad, and that would be disgusting. I’ve kissed him on the cheeks though. Has anyone ever called you a whore? Pretty sure we had a bully with anger issues in 6th grade that liked calling me either slut or whore, I’m not sure which it was anymore. I was too depressed in that grade that I wasn’t even bothered by her at all. Who were you last in a car with? Cooper; I had to take him to the vet. His diarrhea had turned bloody so we needed an emergency checkup. Are you in a good mood right now? Not really. My PMS has arrived so I’m in the mood to be on the rooftop, be alone, and cry over nothing lmao. I wish I still had my vape pen. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Maybe once or twice, but it’s not the most striking thing about my face so I don’t get too many compliments about it. Have you lost interest in someone recently? In something, yeah. Quarantine (and the fact that I’m graduating) has so far made me lose interest in my extracurriculars and recently I’ve been getting irritated every time I still get assigned to do work for my org. I’m detached now, please get the hint guys. Is there anyone who you think you deserve an apology from? My mom I guess, for the 22+ years of trauma and emotional abuse. Have you ever played the guitar? I’ve played around with it, but I don’t actually know how to play it well. Has anything "cute" happened in the past week? My dogs. Could you handle living with the last person you talked to on the phone? I already do. It was my dad. Cooper is technically his dog, so when I brought him to the vet I had to contact him repeatedly via text and call to answer some of the vet’s questions. Do you ever take your anger out on others? That was definitely my tendency before, but I’ve seen how that destroys other people so I’ve made it a point to avoid it completely. What grade is the last person you texted in? He hasn’t been in school since 1993. Do you still talk to the person you had feelings for 6 months ago? Yes indeed. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? I’m quite there already, and yeah sure. I have a general field I see myself being in, but I haven’t thought about what specific job titles I want. Has anyone seen you in your underwear lately? Nopes. Where's your phone right now? Beside me. Have you ever liked someone older than you? Just celebrity crushes hahaha but no one irl. Are you the oldest child? The youngest? In the middle? Only child? I’m the eldest of two other siblings. This survey isn’t as crazy as you pitched it to be so far... Would you rather be called 'honey' or 'baby'? Baby. Not a fan of honey as in recent years it’s been used in a condescending tone to talk down on someone during an argument lol Was the first person to text you today a boy or a girl? Boy. Man, to be more accurate. Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you did? I’m sure I’ve pissed off a number of people here and there. When did you last say "I love you"? Did you mean it? Not sure, this morning I think? Yeah, I always mean it when I say it. Are you talking to anyone right now? Nope, am all about this survey right now. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? Sure, it happens. My mind’s constantly running so I’m no longer surprised if I go from thinking about a friend to suddenly remembering a sales clerk I may have had a brief interaction with five years ago lmao. What or who is on your mind right now? I’m deciding if I should go for coffee or soju tonight. But I’m PMSing, so I think the choice is obvious. Right handed or left handed? Right. Have you ever had chicken pox? Not yet, which is all the more reason to be terrified haha. I heard it’s worse when you’re older :( Did you buy anything today? Not with my money but I bought new medicine for Cooper (he’s already taking two but the vet added one more since they now found protozoa in his stool) and also ~glucose monohydrate~ to mix with his water. His stool’s looked much better ever since he took these two today so I’ve finally stopped worrying. Last person to lay in your bed, besides you? If it’s not Gabie, they’re not allowed to be on my bed. Other than people, I’ve only had Kimi lie in my bed. I’ve wanted to bring Cooper on it too, but I gotta give it to Kimi. My bed is his throne and it’ll stay his :) When's the last time you took a shower? This morning, but I’ll probs be taking another one tonight. Would you ever camp out on a beach under the stars? I honestly prefer a hotel/resort room nearby lolol. Idk, I just feel like too much sand around would just make me irritable, as much as I love the beach. Are you listening to music right now? If so, what? No music at the moment. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? Cold. Freezing cold. Make me wear three layers of clothing under the thickest blanket. I’ve had enough of tropical climate. What were you doing at 7am this morning? Playing with the pup. Were you happy when you woke up this morning? I was mostly annoyed that my body clock woke me up so early again, actually. Has anyone gotten on your nerves today? Oh my godddd yeah. I went out to go to the vet today and I figured, why not see Gabie? I called her up thinking she’d be stoked about the idea, but being the worrier/pessimist she was she instead gave me a barrage of what if’s and just sounded so unenthusiastic. It killed off my excitement by 200% and by the end of the call I just wanted to stay home lmao. What are you excited for, if anything? More and more people from other colleges in my school are starting to upload their graduation photos on Facebook and I can’t wait for my opportunity aahhh. Do you think anyone is thinking of you right now? Doubt it. When was the last time you cried really hard? I don’t remember if it was this Monday or Tuesday. My mom got annoyed over a small issue and, unsurprisingly, took it out on me and my siblings. The words thrown to us that night were a little harsher than usual so I spent my sweet time crying when everyone was asleep and drowning myself in soju. When did you last hug someone? Who was it? An hour or so ago; Kimi. Are you afraid of roller coasters, or have you never been on one? I went on this beginner-level-type roller coaster in Singapore thinking that I could at least handle that one. I was wrong, and I had a headache for the rest of the day. How's life going for you? Welp. All of my grades are in, so I’m pretty much a graduate now but I’d like to wait for the email from my college to come in before I make anything official. I feel weird about it, sad about it...I should’ve been having my graduation ceremony this Sunday. I’m proud of myself for finishing, of course, but that feeling will never feel full now. It’s just unfortunate that a virus ruined the dream scenarios I had with my dream school. Other than that I’m really just letting the days pass by at home, but at least I’m genuinely happy with my dogs. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb? I do one of that at least once a week, I’m sure. Are you keeping a secret right now? Sure. Can you go an hour without talking? Easily. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past week? Yes, my dad pulled me close for a hug earlier tonight to thank me for handling the Cooper stuff today. Is your hair longer than your shoulders? No, it’s perfectly resting on them at the moment. Are your nails painted? If so, what colour? Nopes. Do you know anyone else with your name? Two people with the same spelling, four people who share my name in general. Do you think you'll ever get married? Do you want to? I will, I’ll make it happen lol. Which do you prefer: summer or fall? If we had fall, I think I’d like it more because summer’s my least favorite anyway. Who do you care about the most? My friends and my dogs.
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