#idk if i’ve posted pics of it but the black star on my shoulder is a reference to the bowie album
909th · 5 months
literally every tattoo i have/want is based on a song, a book/poem, or a movie idgaf abt anything else
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starryseo · 6 years
background: in this alternate universe, the members of nct will have various superpowers and abilities. this bulleted series will describe them in school situations - a school of superheroes/ villains - and also outside of school, in non-magical settings, for instance, describing a non-magical job they may have. it’s kind of like harry potter in the sense that only people with powers can access this magical world (where the school is) but magic users can easily travel in between both worlds. enjoy!
johnny would be a shapeshifter & im willing to fight anyone against this
he probably wouldn’t use this much in something serious unless he really needed to
always uses it when he gets the perfect opportunity to prank someone
ten always gets t r i g g e r e d when he thinks back to his first meeting with johnny in school
they had a lot of classes together so they saw each other every day
and johnny being the ass he is
shapeshifted into an ever so slightly taller version of himself every day
and the change was so gradual that ten didn't notice
until he was going through his gallery and he sees pictures of the two of them together
the first picture, ten was taller than johnny’s shoulder
and in the next johnny’s shoulder was miiiiiles above ten’s head
and he was just like what tf dude
how could you play me like that <\3
has also probably made ten cry by shapeshifting into a taller version of him (ten) and then mocking him
but it’s all in good nature & ten always gets his revenge (will be explained in ten’s one ;))
johnny also loves playing the “Which one is Hyuck?”  game [brownie points to whoever gets this reference ;^)]
so he shapeshifts into donghyuck, and he and hyuck wear the same clothes & caps and the rest of the gang have to guess who is who
the only person to have ever guessed it correctly was mark
he was like “that one’s obviously hyuck bc look at that smirk. damn, that has scarred me so many times i can just tell that that’s hyuck”
no one understands wtf he's talking abt bc they look exactly the same
but mark’s never wrong 
so he’s now been banned from playing
he probably does still play though bc it’ll be 30 mins into the game and everyone’s still just like “uhhhhh,, idk that one could be johnny?? damn this game” and mark is straight up like “hoW CAN YOU NOT TELL THIS ONE IS HYUCK??!?!?!?! CAN’T YOU TELL HE’S INSULTING YOU ALL IN HIS MIND”
johnny is a h u g e drama fan
is always starring in the school plays because he loves transforming into famous actors/ actresses and acting like them for small, crappy school plays
people used to think the school actually hired a famous actor
but nah
it was just johnny
loves doing this to the youngers though
will ask a kid who their favourite actor is and then next week he comes to rehearsals as that actor
does it to have a good time and to make the kid happier, not to trick them though
probably has a youtube account of clips where he’s transformed into famous actors and does really bad renditions of their most famous films
like he did a parody of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back, shapeshifted into a crappy darth vader with a black curtain for a cape and was like
“Luke, I’m yo’ daddyyyyy” [even tho the actual script is “no”, not “luke” shh]
he’s done so many and like the real celebs have seen it and are like? ??? i don't remember doing this wtf???
makes him laugh so much when they go into interviews and one of his videos come up and they’re so confused like ?? that’s not even my youtube account and i've never done that?? that’s a really good look-alike damn
the magic council h a t e  h i m bc johnny wtf?? you could expose magic like that?? but no one’s actually thought he was a shapeshifter, just that he was really good at make-up and he’s hired multiple people for his vids (lmao little do they know it’s all one man)
you actually know him from school
he’s in your chemistry class and he’s got like a month-long detention for impersonating the professor when she went outta the classroom really quickly
yeah she has a long vendetta against him ever since he transformed into the principal and was telling her to make her lessons more interesting, include more experiments and banned her from giving detentions
it was going so well until the actual principal announced that a fire drill was happening later on in the day
had to happen at that exact moment in time gosh the coincidence
and johnny was just there like “ah... that was... pre-recorded??”
she literally looks for any excuse to ruin his life and vice versa
anyways, the lesson had started
and unfortunately, you were running a bit late so you came to class like 5 mins into the lesson and got a detention after school
you went to the detention knowing she’d make the 30 mins detention 3 hours long if you didn’t come
so yeah, it’s after school and you and johnny are the only ones there and she’s getting you guys to clean her mess of a classroom
she laughed whilst telling you she had the youngest year in the school doing a messy experiment last period
“i want this place absolutely spotless, i should be able to see my reflection in the beakers. i’ll be back in 30 minutes and you both better still be here.” and then she went off to the staffroom
you guys just had really generic conversations until like 5 mins in when you both gave up on cleaning the tables
he called sicheng and asked him to really quickly buy the two of you food and sicheng the lil cutie ran over as fast as he could with pizza <3
so you both just talked about your mutual dislike for the teacher whilst eating and then johnny decided that now was the perfect opportunity to prank her
johnny: “she wanted to see her reflection in the beakers riiiight :^)”
he locked the room’s door in case she came back earlier
and then transformed into her
you took a picture of him and then logged on to the computer in the room whilst he took out all the beakers and flasks he could find
you printed off like 100+ copies of her face and spent the next 10 minutes putting the papers with her face on them into the beakers
you threw away the scrap paper just as johnny unlocked the door and the teacher came back
at first she was like “trying to leave the classroom johnny?”
“no ms of course not”
you were trying not to laugh out loud at how he was trying to be good so she would let you both out quickly before noticing what you both had done
she gave you a quick talk on not being late before letting you both go
y’all ran outta that class so fast you’d give sicheng a run for his money
and then news spread around school of that teacher screaming because someone had stuck her face in the beakers etc but you and johnny had both kept it a secret and the whole school were kinda laughing at her bc apparently her scream could be heard on the top floor even tho she’s on the bottom floor lmao
no one knows who actually did it and she has no proof it was you guys so the school can’t really do much and no actual harm was done so??
but johnny came up to you that day and was like “wow, did you hear? the chem teach had the fright of her life today”
“yeah i heard, i wanna know who the masterminds behind that prank are”
“masterminds? i’m pretty sure it was just one person. you don’t need 2 people to take a pic and print it off”
“i will expose you johnny seo”
“gosh at least take me on a date first”
and you did lmao
y’all are the pranking power couple i swear donghyuck is jealous
sorry this is so late & hasn't been proofread properly rip. what member should i post next???
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anasreginas · 5 years
Greetings peeps!
I hope you’re all doing well! I am! So as I promised you, today I’m here again with another fashion review, cause there’s no way I’m missing a single one! I mean, I hope
As always, I’ll be reviwing 5 people’s outfits from the red carpet, well, there’s an expection but I mean, I’m just adding one outfit to the list hehe 😛
2019 Billboard Music Awards Fashion Review:
Cardi B:
Omg yassssss Cardi!!! 😍
Outfit 1:
Ok so I don’t like saying this but I don’t like her outfit. I mean, her body looks stunning  🤤🤤 and she’s showing some great abs, but there’s something about it I don’t like. I mean, I love the color. 😍 But I don’t like the design of the bra, and then fact that there’s a bra and a skirt gives me Jasmine vibes, idk I don’t love this for a red carpet.
Also, I like that her long @$$ nails match the dress!
Outfit 2:
On the other hand, I’m IN LOVE with the second outfit!!! She still shows abs and looks stunning! I love the color, the fabric, the shoulders, she sleeves…. I love everything about it!! 😍😍😍
Her hair in both pics *which is the same hair* looks amazing!!! Oh and I love her makeup, she always gets it done incredibly!!!
Becky G:
Yaaaay Becky G!
I’m not a big fan of this dress either. 😭 It has no shape, there’s no detail to it, it just looks really simple.. I don’t like it. And I mean, her fashion sense is really cool, out of all the things she could’ve worn, she wore that dress?
Her hair looks really good, although I’ve never been really into the hair pieces that go at the front, but I love a good ponytail 😊😊 Also, her makeup looks amazing!!! I love them long lashes!!! 😍
Also, I actually really liek her shoes, they’re white and I just love the design!
Omg Halsey!
Ok so I never thought I was gonna say this, but I actually like this dress, it’s really cool! It’s so different and it looks good! You know, there’s people who wear dresses that have different patterns, however that usually turns out bad, this is not the case at all!! 😍
The blue part looks like trash bag plastic, but who cares? I love the lace and I love the top part, believe it or not. I’m just a little concerned about the boobs, why do they always look like the dress is gonna fall off? 😂 It makes me nervous. That must’ve involved a lot of tape 😂😂
I love that her lips match the dress’ color, I would’ve liked the eyeshadow to match it too though. She should eyeshadow, that would look amazing!
She looks really good in black hair, and she actually rocks short hair, but I miss her longer hair, she could grow it out for a while 🙃
I like her shoes too, I almost forgot!
Taylor Swift: 
Ok so I’m in love with this!!!!! 😍😍😍
I love the color, like I said yesterday, I’ve been obsessed with it for years! 😍 I also love the ruffles, they make her look like a sort of greek goddess, I’m SO into that!! 😝 I love the high neck too, you can never go wrong with that!
Are her shoes the same color or are they beige? I can’t tell.
I love her hair, I love when she does an updo and her bangs alway look good, also I love how she keeps her hair looking natural!
I love her makeup, it looks natural yet amazing! I love her eyeshadow and her lip color!
Patrick Star:
Omg Patrick Star! I had never seen anything like this before! Maybe people say this is what he usually does for red carpets, but I don’t think I have seen him in one, idk
He’s rocking it! I love the dress, it looks like it costs more than my existence. I love the bangs and the fabric, yasssss 👏 grrrrrl 👏 get 👏 it 👏
I love the thing on his hair, super high fashion!!! Omg and I love the nails, they also match!!!! 😝
And we don’t even have to talk about the makeup, do we? He’s a master at it!! 😍😍😍 I’m obsessed with the eyes! 😍 I love the lips and the highlighter and argh I love everything!!!!!!
Share your thoughts with me!
Which outfit was your fave? Mine would have to be either Cardi’s or Taylor’s. And least fave? Out of this list, it would be Becky’s. Are there any outfits you liked that I didn’t mention? What were your fave moments out of this award show? Tell me!!!
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I liked making it!!! I’ll be back this weekend with a movie review! I hope y’all have an amzing day/night and an amazig week!
Massive hugs! Ana Regina 🦄
Last post                                                 About me                            2018 BBMAs
2019 Billboard Music Awards Fashion Review Greetings peeps! I hope you're all doing well! I am! So as I promised you, today I'm here again with another fashion review, cause there's no way I'm missing a single one!
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