#idk what the text tag was in this blog
sylvies-kablooie · 5 months
as someone running a loki blog in the year 2024, finding old loki blogs is such a cultural shock. what do you mean i just found an account from a decade ago entirely devoted to manga drawings shipping loki with himself. they tried to cancel me on twitter for doing something mildly adjacent to this.
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oonessawness · 7 months
I can feel the fucking markiplier itch come back. Anyways very messy Illinois doodle
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derelictheretic · 2 years
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FAR CRY 5 — Seed Themed Text Dividers
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pekoeboo · 2 months
feeling Emotional tonight and i ended up crying ugly tears thinking about Khalan again. it's always the songs from my character playlist that get me good, man 😭
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elipheleh · 10 months
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princehenryuk on instagram, per nick & taylor updates on twitter
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ozzyeelz · 11 months
The thing I love most about Tumblr (and the internet in general) is that once in awhile you’ll just see accounts dedicated to thirsting over some random guy. Just an absolute nobody. Like the last time I’ve heard of that character it was whispered to me on a foggy evening in 2008
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chibishortdeath · 27 days
Hmmm I kinda want to make a side blog for RPG Maker game development related things to be able to talk to more experienced people in that community, but at the same time I both don’t really think I’d get much attention and don’t want to accidentally spoil my own game (^^ ; ).
I have a rough story, concept doodles, a tileset, some character sprites, an enemy that walks around but can’t initiate battle yet (if I even decide to have a battle system), a couple rooms with some events, and a functioning run button, but I’m still lost on how to do much else at the moment. Especially since this program has the ability for scripting, meaning I’ll probably have to learn and actually retain another coding language.
So, I’m not very far at all lol. Idk how well that’d go over on the established fandom website, but eh.
#text post#incoherent rambling#project update#game project#I’m still also debating whether or not I can actually even make a proper horror game too#It’s the rule of like just being a horror fan doesn’t make you good at horror being afraid of something does? ya know?#I am trying to go with things that scare me personally but it’s been difficult#either things aren’t concrete of concepts enough or are wayyyy too oddly specific to make anything about#which is quitter talk I know but how does one translate the childhood heebee jeebees of watching top ten gaming videos past bedtime 💀💀💀#or like the way too broad general fear of lack of control without making it too on the nose or too vague#truly a balancing act writing is#kinda ironically I am also a little bit less afraid of hospitals after having been to one for myself rather than family members#which makes things both more and less difficult???#on one hand I have better references for them now but on the other hand I’m desensitized to it 😔#I think I get used to things a little too easily for a lot of things to stay scary#the thing was a scary movie the first time I saw it and now it’s a comfort film#funger was a very scary game until I first died and reloaded a save with little consequence and now it’s just a spooky but fun rpg#but then at the same time thinking about a movie studio logo before a movie that scared me as a kid cause there was a monster in it#still gives weird left over shivers but actually seeing it doesn’t anymore for some reason#I feel like that’s how it’s worked with most things I’ve ever been afraid of in my life besides concepts like death control or idk drowning#ugh writing is HARD#but actually making a functional and fun to play game is harder oh my god do I not know how to make puzzles#I have made swivel chairs that can be knocked and walked over but that’s about it and idk what to do with that knowledge lmaooooo#and I don’t want the entire gameplay loop to be read text search room get key repeat cause that’s boring#I have also desperately tried making a stamina system but there’s not much help with that online especially not in the rpg maker forums#the no necroposting rule sucks all the threads for questions I have never get answered and never will cause no one is allowed to due to age#anyway idk what to tag this probably won’t get seen since it’s not my usual anyway but eh whatever I’ll think about this#hopefully I remember the passwords to two blogs 💀💀💀
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It feels like an epic telenova saga googling 'QSMP' and seeing rather qsmp.co or the qsmp fandom page comes up first. Honestly the most entertainment I've had this week.
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mycorrhizastar · 6 months
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Got a new blog post up!
I read some old books, and I liked them!
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skygremlin · 1 year
Dunno if anyone's done anything more extensive with this but I wanted to translate things in honkai star rail :> like- words you see on posters and whatnot. I saw the wanted posters and wanted to know what everything else says lol
Me: I'm not going to do everything and put it up here
Also me: does most if not everything in the administrative district
I'll be using the capitalization that's used in the in game writing (i.e. one sign might say BELOBOG and another might say Belobog) also note that there are in game typos and I'll mention that after writing them. If I get anything else wrong though, feel free to lmk. I tried to get things as accurate as possible but it's hard to make out letters sometimes and/or I may just mistype ^^
I mainly go from top to bottom/left to right
Anyhoot, let's get to it! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ sorry they're out of order, I basically just put them in the order which I saw them
Administrative district, Belobog
• Theatrical posters:
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THE STARS ROSE (stardust rose poster. Interactable)
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NVASILISA AND BARBARAYAGA (unsure if the first letter for nvasilisa is correct. Leisha and Mrs. Trude poster. Interactable)
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Masks and robes (small text)//AFTER THE WHITE
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THE STAG GOS__ (?can't make out the last 1/2 letters)
• Assorted signage/billboards:
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Want to go on a trip (on arrow)
Speed efficiency safety (efficiency looks like efficienca but the poster has a worn look with some letters fading so it could just be efficiency)
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Clocks and watches
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cafe club
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Ubemouhau Masagun
UBemok Poge
Konokonbwyoulb (yeah, idk. Also all of these signs are the same. I think only one is interactable)
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it's in everything we do
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????//OUTSKIRT (top sign. Not sure what the small text is)
Identify Belobog
Durable and convenient (bottom/right sign)
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Daily Milk
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SWEET BUTTER (had to flip the image to make sense of the words)
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I might kick myself later for it not being in my "correct" category but I wanted all the milk ones together
Start your day fresh as Moomoo
Daily Milk
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Parterre Honey
100% honey
• Storefronts/buildings:
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KAMOGAN (shop with Ronald)
cappuccino, lemon Red tea, ice milk, cappuccino (again. All 3 parts of the menu basically say the same thing. I'm not sure what the small text says on the middle menu)
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Keep quiet in the museum// Half price for children
using history as a mirror (top mid)// going astray by rev (bottom mid)// UNION MUSEUM
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Belobog Appeal Office
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Belobog Grand Theatre
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BELOBOG SOUP FACTORY (idk what the small text says)
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Read freely// Belobog Book Shop// read if you want
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BOOK NWY (spelled like that)
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Do a good job in residential heating and provide better service
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Gonna be a multi-parter bc I didn't realize I'd hit the image limit lol continued
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monstrsball · 1 year
shaking the bars of my cage i need to talk about iwaoisuga or i'll die. okay, anyway, so. clothes sharing!!!
so much clothes sharing. whenever they have to separate again (long distance ://), they "accidentally" leave clothes with each other. a jacket in suga's closet, a sweater in iwa's backpack, a scarf in oikawa's duffel bag, etc. sometimes with handwritten notes tucked into the pockets. it's almost like a game to see if they can manage to do it without any of them noticing. (oikawa usually 'loses', he still leaves them with his clothes but he pouts about getting caught)
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scene-royaltylolz · 9 months
haiii helloo!!!!!!!!! how do u get ur text 2 be different colorz?!??!!
Hold down on da txt until it highlights, then u will see da colorz X3
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a-single-melon · 9 months
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ID in alt text
i really like sunflower :3c basil and sunny deserve all the good things in life including each other
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
but yeah something something like... i definitely support including content warnings as much as possible, even ones that might be particularly unusual, but it's equally important to consider the impact of listing certain things as warnings.
like that meme of "can you trigger tag lesbians" i've seen before. like... i don't mean this at all in an insulting way, but if any group of people simply existing causes you so much discomfort that you ask people to provide content warnings for their existence, whether in fiction or otherwise.... that's something you really need to unpack and work through. because that very *very* easily steers rapidly into outright bigotry, intentional or otherwise, and working through that discomfort is the first step to unlearning that sort of thing.
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gentlemancowboy · 2 years
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correct-bangtannies · 2 years
I don't even like men and I'm somehow already a military wife, what goes on
PS. Don't open the tags unless you want a big ass wall of text of me rambling on your screen
#hit#im just honestly so glad that I've become a lot more chill with the whole being an army thing#in the sense that i used to be a lot more attached and hyped over everything#i do still get very hyped and i do still have an attachment to them n their work but y'know just more toned down#(i mean i remember the days of staying up all night to watch award shows knowing damn well they'd always perform last)#(mma 2018 was an emotional rollercoaster like i legit cried a little from the tiredness and being overwhelmed with the performance)#so im glad im a lot more calm about the enlistment news than what i would've been say three years ago before they started to#take longer breaks and eventually announce the hiatus this year#it's like they did it in purpose so that the fandom would grow a bit more used to it n im glad to see that a huge majority are very calm#many are sad ofc but its not being treated as some kind of horrific news#if anything ppl are coping with humor including me lmao#so idk im mostly just happy for them that they're taking their VERY well deserved break before doing their service#i just hope everything goes well and is decently peaceful (as peaceful as enlistment can be at least lol) for them once they're there#now why am i rambling in the tags? bc i need to put my thoughts in order but i don't wanna clog my blog with a long ass wall of text 💀#I'm at least relieved to know that they already have a set plan of when they're going to go and return + BH is sure af gonna keep putting#out a lot of content that they've filmed over all these years#i mean run bts; documentaries; probably even music and ofc not all of them are gonna go at the exact same time#and ofc stuff related to the HYYH and Chakho#them being absent won't as hard for most hopefully#and hey 2 years aint nothing ive waited far longer for stuff to come out than that we'll be fine!#*cries in silksong and the YOI movie
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