bookishjules · 7 months
percy looking up at the perseus statue with his mom and being told he's named after this hero because he was "brave and kind and . . . managed to find his way to a happy ending." and then, years later, looking up at the perseus statue with a worksheet in hand, trying to study it and knowing it's the hero legacy they all care about, knowing how hard he tries to be brave and kind like his mom, but still feeling so far from a happy ending. because bad things still happen, and then he's standing in the rain and .. and maybe it's not enough just to be brave and kind, because what he needs now is to be a hero for his mom.
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whoblewboobear · 5 days
Do you think that when a teacher is evil Aguefort doesn’t fire them he just makes them do a school assembly to apologize to the school for their crimes and then they get to keep working there like nothing happened.
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ahollowgrave · 1 year
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-- you are minute. your devotion -- immense.
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9xyzt · 3 days
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hiii guys i only have motivation to draw kuroshipping#Sorry not sorry.
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dollypopup · 1 year
no other thoughts, just full baghra brainrot. she was terrified as a child, she hid as a child, she cleaved her sister in two as a child, she wanted for a child, she left near all her children, she will never be a child again, not for a thousand endless years and it will never heal. she was never allowed to be a child, her father committed atrocities, her father was a saint, she was one of his atrocities, she is his legacy, she becomes atrocious, it will never heal. she burns down villages for her child. she only has her child. her child cuts her finger off. her child commits atrocities. her child is her legacy. she was wrong. it is too late, it will never heal. she cannot stop her child, she cannot stop any of her children, she abandons her children, her children sequester her away, they are right to. it will never heal. she comes to her childhood home, hidden away, the price to enter is blood, the price is always blood, her sister was resurrected, her sister's legacy will die, she will kill her sister's child, speaks it into existence, it will never heal. she opens the grave and there is nothing inside but a broken toy, it will never heal. she stands in the fire, she burns the legacy, she says she loves her child, she says it isn't enough, it was never enough- she cuts off her child's hand, her child is her, her child's legacy is torn to the ground, a scar left cut into the dirt, just another funeral pyre- it will never heal.
it will never heal it will never heal it will never heal
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nullshocked · 3 months
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con Tags: Trauma, Toxic Relationship, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Recreational Drug Use, Dubious Consent, Unresolved Emotional Tension, Non-Linear Narrative, Suicide Attempt, Forced Prostitution, Oops all original characters, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Forgotten Realms Setting Chapter Summary: Maybe he’s being a nuisance right now, sitting in his living room in last night’s clothes, chainsmoking his way through an oncoming anxiety attack.
Chapter 2 of Circles is now up on Ao3!
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head---ache · 12 days
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reiashiftsrealities · 3 months
Nothing has been a harder decision than picking a speciality for my surgical career. Like what if I want to do all of them ☹️
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buff-borf-bork · 2 months
so fishflower's "its not fair" thing is obviously deeply rooted in emotions and sunk cost fallacy rather than facts, right?
She looked at the best way for her party to grind exp and got them great equipment, thinking that should make them the best. but then these bad kids come in and are becoming the most accomplished students at the school and possibly in the history of elmville despite doing everything wrong in her eyes, (ie fig never going to class). she's mad theyre out doing her crew with how they carry themselves and act, and not doing it HER WAY.
but her way goes against everything aguefort is about, its about as the man himself said at the end of season one, turning out bloodthirsty, violent, batshit, little maniacs. but that means her entire effort here has been nor just being unremarkable. which is where the sunk cost fallacy sinks in.
maybe this scheme isnt even about hating the badkids (though im sure she does hate them) but about proving to the academy she can be fucking nuts to.
but really, if your method of life is antithetical to your career and you cant make it work like Penny Luckstone, maybe youre in the wrong career, girlypop. try being a business major instead maybe
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myyoungroyalsblog · 2 years
Okay lately I've been thinking about this comment by Trixie Mattel when seeing Wilhelm deny that he was in the video
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It's interesting to hear the opinion who is in the spotlight much like Wilhelm (maybe not exactly the same, since Wilhelm does have to represent his country, have heirs, be perfect, ect. ect....)
But is she right? Is denying it meaning it would go away? Or maybe just away from Wilhelm? Because we still see Simon's face and people clearly recognize him when he's out
I do think that confirming that Wilhelm was the one in the video would have put more focus onto him (first queer crown prince, at least publicly, would be a big deal, even though it shouldn't be) but maybe that would also bring even MORE problems for Simon? Or would Wilhelm be there for him and protect him?
I'm just having a lot of thoughts about this comment, and seeing the perspective of someone who is closer to Wilhelm's position
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virmire · 1 year
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“Call me princess again and I’ll be picking your teeth off the floor.” 
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fragilecapric0rnn · 3 months
idk what’s in the air but life truly feels lighter and breezier
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violentviolette · 4 months
having too many thoughts about myself and my life and intimacy and isolation and lonliness and family and love and frienships
i think i just need to go for a walk. or get a lobotamy. whatevers easier u know
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xxlady-lunaxx · 7 months
Finally! | {KokuZan}
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Theme: Fluff
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Note: Ngl the picture is so cute >w<
(pt. 2 is here)
Muzan ordered the Uppermoons to him at an unusual time—close to dawn. They all bowed to him once they were all there, and he turned with a triumphant look on his face—something they'd never seen before. And it shocked them, of course. 
But then he held something up. A blue spider lily. THE blue spider lily.
A collective round of gasps filled the room, including from Nakime who hadn't known about this yet. 
Muzan's eyes sparkled. "I have gotten it, finally. The blue spider lily."
All of the Uppermoons completely forgot their formality and began speaking all at once, staring up at it in wonder. 
"Where did you find it??" Daki said, gazing up at it with curiosity.
"Have you seen if it works yet?" Gyokko added.
"Will we be able to use it??" Hantengu asked, trembling. 
"When did you find it?" Douma said. 
Akaza crossed his arms. "How did you get it? Will we find more?"
Kokushibo stayed mostly quiet though his eyes stayed on the blue flower. 
Muzan cleared his throat, silencing all of them. "I have not tried it yet. I do have more. And I'm going to have one of you to test it, to try it out." 
All of them waited with bated breath. Who was going to have the honor to use it first?"
"Kokushibo." Muzan looked down at the Uppermoon from his stand on the platform—he prefered to be standing above them. 
Everyone turned to Upper 1, who stood silently, shocked—though no one could tell. Then he said, slowly, "When is this happening?"
"We will go now," Muzan informed him. "I have already gotten things ready."
Kokushibo nodded and waited as Muzan dismissed the other Uppermoons, telling them that they will be updated when they need to be.
Then, the demon lord turned to Nakime and said, "Bring us to my office." 
Kokushibo found himself in a room with some sorts of experiments going on on a desk. He saw the other blue spider lilies Muzan had acquired and inspected them closely. 
Then Muzan said, "Alright. You must eat this flower."
"Is that all?"
(too lazy to try and think of smth more fancy.. sorry..)
Kokushibo went to pick up one of the other flowers but Muzan handed him the one he'd shown to the Uppermoons. "Have this one since I've already got it here."
"Alright." Kokushibo eyed it carefully then brought it up to his mouth. At the last second he hesitated and said, "How are we to test it? Am I supposed to go in the sun? What if it doesn't work?"
Muzan waved him off. "We will put only part of your body in the sun. Like, cut off your arm and put it there. We have to be cautious."
Kokushibo nodded. "Okay." He carefully put the flower in his mouth and sort of stood there with the stem protruding from the opening of his lips as if it was a lolipop.
Muzan sighed. "Just, uh, chew it and swallow like it is some regular food you're eating."
"Mmkkaf," Kokushibo mumbled. ("Okay")
He chewed for a moment, not used to this weird consisitency (how to spell..) and then swallowed. "Now what?"
"We'll wait because it will probably need to, maybe, be absorbed into your blood and body, right? You should rest." Muzan took his arm and led him to a room with only a futon in the middle. "Sleep now and we'll see how it is tomorrow."
(this is so friking short it's only at 500 words-)
When Kokushibo woke up, Muzan was sitting next to him, seeming to be asleep. The Uppermoon sat up and glanced at his Master. Was he asleep?
"Ehm.. Master?" Kokushibo whispered.
Muzan didn't answer. He was probably asleep.
Kokushibo lifted Muzan carefully and placed him on the bed. He draped the blanket over him then stood and walked back to the office. He looked around and saw a book open on the desk. It was information on the blue spider lily, it seemed.
Apparently it only grew in the sun—which explained why none of them had found it—and that the species was extremely rare. Besides that, a little info on how to grow it but nothing else that seemed interesting to Kokushibo. (i think yk why I wrote that)
As he flipped through the pages of the book, someone walked over next to him. Muzan glanced at the book then said, dismissevely, "We're going to test the blue spider lily today when the sun comes out. I think it's midnight right now."
"Alright," Kokushibo responded, his eyes on the book. "Did you sleep okay?"
"I should be asking you that. Anyways, were you the one who put me in the bed-" Muzan asked.
"You looked tired."
He shrugged. "I got bored of waiting."
"Why didn't you go out?"
"When you first fell asleep it was daylight. And I fell asleep around sundown. Dusk." 
"Ah, alright." Kokushibo looked up. "Well, should we go and eat first before dawn?"
Muzan nodded. "Yes. And you will need to have energy to regenerate—though I don't doubt your ability to without energy anyways."
Kokushibo nodded. "Of course."
Muzan and Kokushibo stood at the very edge where the sunlight fell. It was midday and they were going to test the blue spider lily now. 
Kokushibo held out his arm and cut it off in one swift motion. Then he kept it away from what he'd cut off so it would regenerate a new one. Muzan took the part of his arm he'd cut off and tossed into the sun.
They waited a beat, watching for any sort of disintigration. 
Nothing happened.
They glanced at each other, shocked.
Kokushibo cut off another part of his body and put it in the sun. Again, it sat there unmoving, only bleeding. 
A smile slowly started to form on Muzan's face. "It worked," he whispered. "It works!! Finally!"
In all his excitement, he hugged Kokushibo tightly. He quickly let go, apologetic, then said, "Try going in the sun fully now!!"
Kokushibo nodded. He was nervous, of course, but seeing how it hadn't done anything yet and how excited Muzan was.. he had to.
So slowly, but surely, he stepped into the sun. The light warmed his body and face and he stood there, shock filling his features. His instincts didn't say run away. He was still alive. He was here and alive. He was in the sun and alive and.. 
Kokushibo turned to Muzan and smiled. "It worked," he said. "It worked."
Muzan looked giddy. "We must tell the Uppermoons. I have gotten enough spider lilies for all of us. We'll start right now."
Kokushibo went back into the shade and held Muzan's arm as they were teleported back to the Infinity Fortress.
Nakime, who had been as interested and anticipated as the rest of them, said, "Well?"
She saw their smiling faces and realized that it had gone well. She gave them a relieved smile then brough the rest of the Uppermoons. 
"It has worked," Muzan informed them. "He can go in the sun! I have blue spider lilies for all of you! We have finally achieved what we had never had before." He grinned. "We can go in the sun."
{Word count: 1205}
Lame ending tbh
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comradeboyhalo · 9 months
this is not critical OR negative BUT i wish there were more characters that actually FELT as morally grey as foolish and bad. cause a lot of them are grey in some ways but i feel like theres not a lot of commitment to it ? it kind of goes with "qommunication smp" like its really great that so many characters are kind and ultimately choose good but part of me just wants more characters who are just really wrong in their decisions in an inexcusable way idk idk.
maybe this is just bc im an ex-dsmp blog though and my favorites there were literally the badlands and c!quackity LMAO i really dont want qsmp to ever be the grimdark dsmp was but alsooo i just get routinely surprised how resistant a lot of characters are to doing bad things dnfkdfnkdfn
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snackugaki · 8 months
... yo since when were we able to reply as our side blogs?? is it new? is a new feature test? is it being rolled out? am i the one who's been new to tumblr this whole time?????
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