#if I was fast all the other 19 QNAs would be done by now
toxictoxicities · 8 months
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader Soulmate Headcannons
It’s 2210, I have school tomorrow, am in huge amount of pain, buT I CANNOT UNTHINK THESE. Bakugou became my comfort character and so I need this while writing Flame of Healing. LETS GO!
Personally, I don’t think reader would be a hero, but their line of work is still public eye(I’m thinking modelling).
Also we are going with the Soulmate Au where their name is on your dominant wrist.
Also also, like Flame of Healing, reader has a  regenerational which can turn the users hair to a green fire.
Also also also, again, like in Foame of Healing, Reader’s mother is a pro hero named Phoenix.
You see him at the UA sports festival and see him as a mutt.
“I don’t care if he has the same name as my Soulmate Ma! They had to put a  muzzle on him!”
Even if your mother and you disagree on him she still puts in a offer for him to intern with her. She isn’t surpised he didn’t choose her she not a top 10 hero and he did win.
When you grow up and become a model you became popular quickly and would often do QnA with fans on Instagram.
It was when you were 19 you started to really follow Ground Zero’s caree and became a fan.
So much of a fan you only agreed to do shoots in his merch.
His PR team snatched at this because, comeone, who is modeling for this dude?
They asked you to do a shoot in PJs, hoddies, sports wear, swim wear, and even underwear.
Course, Bokugou had to approve of your shoots and he would get butterflies whenever he saw you. He adored the images of you in Ground Zero underwear.
You were following him on his socials anyway and his Agency followed you and reposted your shoots but he started following you back.
He noticed your name was the same on his wrist but thought it could jus be a  coincidence. That happens right.
Until you two were 20 and you modeling Agency asked if he wanted a shoot with you in a sportswear shoot.
He usually said no... but the idea of being close to you made his heart pound.
All his friends picked up in his little crush for you but didn’t understand why.
“Bro, your 21st is less then a year away! Once your soulmate sees you with her they might get jealous!”
He was slightly hoping you were his soulmate but he didn’t tell a soul that.
When he met you and the shooting range he was surpised.
You were shorter then he thought you were.
“H-hey, Ground Zero!” You smiles nervously. “I’m Y/N! Nice to meet you!”
God you were adorable.
He is surpised that they made you two cover your soulmate names but he found out from the makeup crew they started doing this to avoid people catfishing models with their soulmates name.
Which he gets so angry at the idea of.
Some guy pretends to be a models soulmate is a waste of space to him!
Hero agencies made Hero’s cover up their soulmates names to make sure they weren’t attacked but that was a recent thing.
Anyway the photo shoot-
You looked so F I N E.
He couldn’t help the butterflies he felt.
And neither could you.
You thought it was from meeting your favourite hero tho.
After the shoot he offers you his private Instagram and so you follow on your own priv.
That’s were he sees how much of a meme you really are.
Posts like “IMAGINE HAVING ED :,)”
Yeah, that was concerning.
His 21st rolls around and he doesn’t get his letter about his soulmate so he counts down when your 21st is.
Twitter was the funniest to tease him.
He started roasting heroes on twitter and you replied to your mother’s roast with “Lol imagine being related to a hero. Smh.”
He reblogs with “Imagine coseplaying as me for a job”
Bro his fans go wild
You reblog with “WHO TOLD HIM?! WHO SNITCHED?!”
Your fans find you two so cute.
He messages you on priv tho with “I would pay hella for a only fans”
“Only if my soulmate allows it Suki 😌”
He starts to doubt your his soulmate and thinks you already found them for some reason.
So when your 21st rolls around, your friends stay up to see the email, while Bakugou goes to bed at his bedtime.
He wakes up to the email and a bunch of drunken 1am texts from you.
“Can’t believe my main is my soulmate 🥰🥰🥰”
“Have I ever confessed you look hella in your hero suit? I would die to get tucked wi Th that”
11am sober you isn’t happy and hides in the apartment.
He tries calling you so many times before he decides to just post to Twitter.
“10000 Likes for me to go to my soulmates house RN”
You reply with “Bet”
He reaches his goal in 10 minutes.
10 minutes later your door bed rings.
You open the door so, SO tiny to see him.
“Oh um... Hi Suki?” You nervously smile.
He forces his way into your apartment and closes the door only to then kiss you so, SO passionately.
“I don’t have my hero costume but you wanna-“
WAY later into the day he posts on Twitter “I banged her so hard she makes Easrerhead’s training look like a jog honestly.”
Aizawa replies with “Please do not compare my class to your love life No-Life Zero. Congratulate tho”
Bakugou laughs so loud he wakes you up and you reblog his tweet. “Bitch a lair. We watched Disney movies.”
He YANKS your phone after he sees your tweet.
But now your agencies have an issue to deal with.
You two openly thirst tweeting each other on the daily.
“Can’t imagine being as hot as Ground Zero. He can Ground me any day tho 😘”
Which he replies with “🙂Baby Girl if you don’t shut the fuck up I will ground you.😈”
your fans become shippers so fast.
The media is wild.
All his friends are confused as shit tho.
Denki posts “Imagine having a hot model as your soulmate”
Which you reblog with “AH OH STINKY😪”
Which leads to Denki calling Bolugou.
“Good go fuck yourself”
Am I done? Yes. It’s now 2250 and Imma head to bed. NIGHT!
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