#if no one else got me i know the j-shawols got me
damnable-bell · 1 year
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Minho's friend from middle school interviewed him for his YouTube channel this week and shared stories of how Minho has helped him pursue his dream (plus the text conversation that led to the interview).
I hate to be corny, but I really feel that having a friend like Minho must be such a blessing on your life.
Side note: The famous director Minho studied under, according to his friend, is none other than Hong Sangsoo. Hong Sangsoo! I feel like I'm losing my goddamn mind. Minho, you just get cooler by the day.
cr: jsskmy
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lesbian-vmin · 4 years
As some one who has been there since their debut, is there a specific moment or series of moments, like a turning point that made you convinced that VMIN is the deal? I'm pretty new and I only get to see the better 2019-2020 VMIN era. I mean, I see JM, and JK or other members very sweet too, they hug and spend time alot. but for me, it was the handholding of VMIN. I don't know. There's a softness, a connection that doesn't need any words or big act. How about you? At what point did you realize?
For me, it was the HYYH era that really got me to start shipping Vmin. I wouldn’t say that I saw the possibility of them being ‘real’ then, but that’s when I first really got into that ship. Honestly, the HYYH era is where I essentially established my favorite ships in BTS. And it’s also the era in which I really became invested in them and actually labelled myself an ARMY. When I’m a fan of any idols, celebrities, artists, etc. I hardly establish myself with the fanbase because my interests change so often. I was a fan of SHINee (it was them Big Bang, and TVXQ that got me into Kpop in the first place), but I never labelled myself a shawol. Or whatever SHINee fans are called.
The HYYH era being the thing that really established my love for BTS may very well be why it’s my favorite BTS era. I almost wish I used this blog to chronicle my journey with BTS, but I have no such thing. I’d love to go back through older posts and link them and explain how my thoughts developed over time. But they don’t exist because I didn’t start being active with my own thoughts on this blog until recently. I guess it was the pandemic, maybe, that got me to actually put my personality here.
Anyway, a lot of my own personal story with life goes into me really getting into BTS, and that’s not what you asked for or what I’m here to talk about. So I’m going to quickly shift gears right into Vmin and talk specifically about why they became the ship for me.
The ships I got into before Vmin (strictly ships involving either Taehyung or Jimin) were J*nmin and N*mtae, at first. I also had a soft spot for Jik**k at times when JK wasn’t pushing Jimin away or ranking him last on a scale of attractiveness. He got a lot of hate for this back in the day. While it was the thing that kept me from initially shipping Jik**k, I never hated JK for how he acted toward Jimin. He was a child when they debuted, and I wasn’t. However, I was fifteen once, and I know how much of a brat I was then. So I never thought JK was a bad person. He always felt very sweet to me. As he aged and matured, he really shows a lot of his sweet nature now. That boy has a heart of gold (which is a very soft metal, btw, so soft heart), and that’s the reason he’s called the golden maknae. BUT before I get off on a rant of how much I adore JK, let me remember we’re talking about Vmin here. I also started to ship to Taeg* and that’s a ship that has such a soft place for me other than Vmin. (See me hinting at my love for Taeg* in my Vmin in Malta post [x])
Sorry this post is such a mess.
I’ve always had a different feeling about Vmin than everyone else did. There was a point in time where everyone was like “vmin aren’t close anymore” “their friendship isn’t good” etc. And I never saw that? I mean, I’m not saying there was never any tension between them. But I never saw a specific point in which their friendship seemed like it was weakening. For me, everything that happened over the years between them is what got me to have a special place in my heart for that ship.
I have personal reasons for shipping Vmin, and factual ones. As I’ve stated in an ask before, one of the big things for me (factually) are the songs. I’m going based on facts, so this is only their songs that are confirmed to be about them. Friends and 4 o’clock.
On a personal level of me creating theories in my own head, I think there are other songs that are about them, but they won’t confirm it.
I count Taehyung’s wish to sing the Christmas song with Jimin as it being a Vmin song as well. Though I very well admit that it could be that he just wants to sing a romantic song with his best friend, and it’s not meant to be romantic, between them. It could be that Taehyung is gay and he wants to sing a song with a male. Jimin, being his best friend, is the one he wants to sing it with. It could be that he’s not gay, and he just wanted to sing the song with a male just for representation. Who knows?
Another big thing for me was the touch thing. My sister and I have talked about this before. “If people don’t think you and your best friend are dating, you’re not really best friends.”
Okay. Well.
I can agree with that. But, for me, there’s a difference between what looks like two best friends, and what makes it questionable. When two friends are holding hands, it could look like friends. It when they start rubbing their knuckles or playing with their fingers that it starts to look questionable to me. And this is the kind of thing we see with Vmin all the time. 
Taehyung almost always reaches for Jimin’s hand when he touches him. One moment that stood out to me in the earlier days was during a Vlive video (I swear I will hunt it down and link it here because this is at least the second time that I’ve brought it up) but Jimin put his arms over Taehyung. When he does it, Taehyung reach up and slides his fingers between Jimin’s. You can see him even try to keep Jimin’s hands close when it looks like Jimin is about to pull away from him. I could be wrong, but I think this is the exact moment in which I really started paying more attention to Vmin. And it goes right along with one of my personal reasons for shipping Vmin.
I had my very first girlfriend in the sixth grade, but we very much had a ‘no homo’ kind of friendship. If that makes sense. We would hold hands and kiss and cuddle when we were sleeping together, but we never made anything of it. In fact, we hardly labelled our relationship as anything more than friends. We even rejected boys who asked us to the school dance because we wanted to go together. We never called each other girlfriends, but when I look back on it, that’s basically what we were.
I sort of got this feeling from Vmin for a while. The difference between me and this girl and them, though, is that I didn’t really know what being gay meant. They do. We were children. They’re not. So I don’t look at their relationship in the same immature way I looked at that sixth grade relationship. I think it has a similar story to it, but in a more adult and mature version. If they are in a relationship.
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crossandchange · 3 years
Catch Up Tag
Thank you for the tag @littleflowercrown13! sorry that I got to it so late :(
1. What do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Call me Flo :) 
2. When is your birthday?
I’m a Virgo
3. Where do you live?
west coast bby!
4. Three things your are doing right now?
Drinking some coffee, reading an article, and thinking about purchasing an audiobook.
5. Four fandoms that have peaked your interest?
I only have two right now: EXO-L and Shawol :D 
6. How has the pandemic been treating you?
It’s been hard to regulate my emotions. I feel like everything (good and bad) is amplified 5 times.
7. A song you can’t stop listening to?
Taemin - Criminal
8. Recommend a movie?
Knives Out -- it’s super fun. :D 
9. How old are you?
I’m an old lady at heart.
10. School, university, occupation, other?
Everything :D 
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
Winters here aren’t too horrible, but summer is too hot. so cold.
12. Name one fact others may not know about you?
I’m double jointed at my elbows :) 
13. Are you shy?
It depends upon the context. I’m not that shy in 1-1 interactions, but I do clam up in group settings. I am introverted and need my alone time to recharge, thoughl
14. Preferred pronouns?
15. Biggest pet peeves?
I have too many to count :( 
16. What is your favourite -dere type?
Hands down, tsundere. Yandere scares me out. 
17. How would you rate your life from being 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be?
7.9 -- Mental health is not so great rn, but I’ve been learning how to keep myself happy.
18. What is your main blog?
This one
19. (Nonexistent)
What was the question?? If it’s love life then yes, non-existent :D 
wait no let me amend, I am in a committed relationship with my macbook. it’s been my SO since 2015 :)
20. Is there something people need to know about you before they before friends?
Respect that everyone is different and that you can’t always agree on everything. and that’s totally normal, and we can still have an awesome friendship regardless of our differences. 
Tagging: @rabbit-alice @fightoh @sooibian @do-kyngsoo @baekinmylife @j-pping @trishmarieco @littlebeckybee @splash-is-super-effective @lilyyutodae @captivatesme and everyone else out there :D 
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zhangbalance · 6 years
Alphabet Tag!!!
RULES: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better. 
i was tagged by @my-kdrama-life <3 (thank you, it honestly so nice to get to know you!!!)
a // age: 18 (although i’ll turn 19 soon) b // birthplace: South America c // current time: 4:32 pm d // drink you last had: Orange Juice  e // easiest person to talk to: my best friend carlos!!! We can talk about the dumbest stuff and understand each other. Also we can rant forever about life, our favorite shows, biases, etc.  f // favorite songs: Oh god this is going to be long! Ummm okay so:                 - Lucifer by shinee, Sherlock by shinee, Press your number by taemin (shawol here hehe), energetic by w1, never from p101, mask by yixing, playing with fire from Blackpink, I am the best from 2NE1, hoot and run devil run by snsd, mama, call me baby, monster and black pearl from EXO, I need u from bts, I don’t wanna cry and boom boom from Svt
g // grossest memory: One time a girl i knew got drunk in a party and passed out and while she was puking all over herself I tried moving her hair so it wouldn’t get dirty, but it was too late and I ended up with her puke in my fingers.... ew.
h // horror yes or horror no: YASSSSSS I LOVE IT
i // in love? nope. Ngl i feel lonely sometimes. j // jealous of people: more than i would like to admit l // love at first sight or should i walk by again? walk again m // middle name? Maria
n // number of siblings: one, a younger sibling o // one wish: to be rich af and have a bunch of pets lmao p // person you called last: my vet, my dog is currently sick :( q // questions you’re always asked: “Are you angry?” no, I just have a rbf “DO you want to go out” nope i’m busy (i have 20 dramas, scenarios and comebacks to catch up on) s // song you last sang: Mr. Doctorman by Palaye Royale (shameless promo, check them out, they are underrated af)
t // time you woke up: Like 8:30 a.m.
u // underwear color: Multicolor (vs’s fault) v // vacation destination: dream vacation with money not being an issue? One hell of a tour around Asia, i know china but i would love to go to Japan, Korea (ahem), Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, well you name it.
w // worst habit: Biting my nails and breaking them, also i tend to bite my lips a lot too. x // x-rays: a few in my life. y // your favorite food: pasta and sushi, just any kind and i’ll be happy. z // zodiac sign: cancer
i tag: Okay so I’m an awkward potato and i don’t know a lot of mutuals through this specific blog so (also please please don’t feel pressured into doing this): @themoodytrash (potato buddies lmao) @qianct (hii!) @writtenbyrachel (hope i can get to know you better :D) @yanjuniverse (idk if you have made this before, just in case i’m sorry just ignore it :) ) @yuehuaboyz  and anyone else who follows me! If you do it, tag me so I can get to know you!!
Also since i want to know my mutuals from other blogs and tag some friends:
From @roseseob: @whyybaek, @beloved-jooheon @youzhangpang (May, it took me a while to figure out you had changed blogs lmao)
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kimcheolwoon · 6 years
i think a very real fear a lot of us have is that he will slowly fade away, or get diluted in public memory. of course we'll continue to love him just as much, and maybe learn to love others too, but eventually, there won't be anything new. his mentions will drown under all the new unlimited things that are yet to come. so i believe that if we want to openly stan others then maybe the best action is to make new blogs or outlets for them, so atleast j's space remains his and is not ever overtaken
(cont.) like.. i know that it is okay to find other avenues to cope, to feel happy again. our mental healths are also priority. but i have been seeing some people expressing those other interests in the space that used to be purely jonghyun’s, and it is.. a little hurtful. because we know that eventually there will be nothing for him. he’ll get lost under it all. so i personally feel like we owe it to his memory to retain his name openly. everyone will forget but us. so we need to keep him alive
I tend to think of my blog as my own space though yknow? It was only ever for me. And if others came and found a sort of joy or happiness or content in following then that was always nice too. A place for me to share my happiness with others. My blog was never made for one specific reason. If you look back into my archive you will see that when i began I wasn’t even a kpop blog, and that I first transitioned to exo and then i was overwhelmingly multifandom and Jongin was in fact my ultimate. It all shows in my history and that’s what I love about my blog so much is that it was a place for me to experience all these things and all these changes. And there are people who came along for the very long ride and who have stayed till now, and there were people who got off on earlier stops.
But this space was always my own. And the atmosphere that Jonghyun occupied will always always remain. But I think for anyone to hold me to a standard that I must always reblog him and him only, one that i did not create myself, is ridiculous. Because even before it wasn’t like that. Jonghyun is my ult but him and SHINee were not the only ones to put a smile on my face. They made me the happiest but they were not the only ones I had the joy of sharing in this space. 
Yes this blog is MAINLY SHINee but I am deeply sorry for anyone who came to my blog thinking it was somewhere you would ONLY find jjong or ONLY SHINee. My blog is a Shawol space that I want to open up a bit more if i am allowed.
I get the idea of side blogs as well, but it doesn’t allow for me to interact the same way that I can on here, my main. My followers know me here. I cannot voluntarily isolate myself to a domain where no one will see. That’s generally what a sideblog is initially..It is an invisible space. I don’t want my love for VIXX to be pushed into an invisible space.
And the best thing I have been able to experience so far is people messaging me and thanking me for posting about VIXX, for introducing them to a group they hadn’t known about before, or for bringing back their excitement for a group that they had let simmer out. That brings me even more joy. So I am sorry, but I cannot limit my space any more than I already am, because I AM. For you guys. Because I know who and what I was in the fandom. I know because you guys tell me and I know that what I am doing is being seen as contrary to a lot of you. 
Jjong is Jonghyun is Kim Jonghyun and he will forever be to me, and on this blog and to Shawols. His presence won’t diminish to me and on this blog and to Shawols. You just have to understand that when I go through my dash or my archive or anything and am forced to reblog for the millionth time a pic or gifset or video of him i have already seen a billion times because there won’t be anything else and this is all we have left…you have to understand that it is SAD and it HURTS because i used to be a Jjong content maker. because i used to wait wait wait for anything new to be released. because i was always always so excited and impatient. But I don’t have that anymore and there is such a big void in me. It’s so huge that I can’t even possibly think of filling it, but if I can find something that will ease the pain around the edges am I not allowed to indulge? So that I do not hurt so unbearably? 
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royal-kard · 7 years
Multi-Fandom Hidden KARD Tag
@kingkardmattthew Thank you for the tag sunshine!! 💖
1. How’d you get into KARD?
They had just released Don’t Recall, and I recall (ha.) that they kept showing up on my dash, so i decided to watch the video because the video looked really interesting. Also I had never actually seen an active co-ed group, so I watched Don’t Recall, and I was hooked!! The song was/is amazing, the group dynamic was fantastic, and now I’m here haha!
 2. Who’s your bias (if you have one)?
I like all of them equally. They all bring something unique to the group, so I really love all of them because of that. Their group dynamic is so amazing, and they’re all so chill and sweet, so it really is difficult to say I love one of them more than the others. Still, I did tell Matthew that I loved him in LA, so maybe I’m like a tiny bit more biased towards him??? But only a bit. I love all of KARD so much; it’s really hard for me to just choose one. 
 3. How long have you been a Hidden?
Since Don’t Recall. That song just snatched me up and said, ‘Hey we’re in this for the long run now. Good luck.’
 4. Any ships you’re interested in in the group?
Not really. I’ve never been one to ship people, so yeah. 
 The Other/Relevant Questions 
1. Which kpop groups/bands do you like? 
Besides KARD, I really love SHINee, EXO, f(x), VIXX, Monsta X, Red Velvet, The Rose, Day6, BTS ; honestly, the list is pretty long. 
 2. What other fandoms are you in?
I’m a Shawol, Starlight, and MeU (alongside the Hidden KARD fandom, these are the only ones I’m super invested in. I guess EXO-L too. )
 3. Boy group or girl group stan? 
Both. I used to be more of a boy group stan, but the girl groups have so much to offer, and they are really talented. I have to give the girls my love too!!!
 4. Which of your favorite groups would you like KARD to interact with? 
I would love for them to interact more with EXO, now that they mentioned they liked KoKoBop (also because B.M was jamming to KKB so hard haha!)
 5. Which group got you into kpop? 
So technically it was Brown Eyed Girls with their song ‘Sign,’ but SHINee was the first group I really got into. I followed all their varieties, live performances, interviews, etc.
 6. Who did you 1st listen to in kpop? 
Brown Eyed Girls, SHINee, and 2pm were my first K-Pop groups.
 7. Do you like any solo artists?
Park Hyo Shin is my main man, but I really like Dean, Ailee, IU, Zion.T, Heize, and Eric Nam.
 8. Do you like any other artists from DSP? 
I’ve seen a couple of April things because of Somin, but I don’t really follow any other DSP artists like I follow KARD.
 9. Besides KARD, are you into any other co-ed groups (both currently active or disbanded)?
I don’t.
 10. Have you tried showing any friends kpop? If so, how’d they react? 
I have showed two friends K-Pop things, and both have quickly become fans! Most of my friends were already into K-Pop though!
 11. Which concept has been your favorite out of any group you stan? 
I really loved VIXX’s Voodoo Doll concept ( I like dark concepts in general). I think they did a phenomenal job at pulling off the gore. I hope that KARD will explore more varying concepts in the future too! I think KARD has the potential to pull off many kinds of concepts!!!
 12. If your biases from the different groups you stan were all in the same room, who would you try to speak to 1st (y’know, after most likely freaking out)? 
It would definitely be Jonghyun from SHINee. He’s my ultimate bias, but I would really love to thank him for his music and his words because they’ve been of such great help to me during hard times. He and his work mean so much to me, so I would love to just let him know that.
 13. Aside from ‘Hola Hola’ (pff obviously), which debut/comeback has been your favorite in 2017? 
The Rose’s debut with ‘Sorry’ has been one of my favorites, along with ‘Hola Hola.’ They are such a talented band, and their song is such a heartfelt one; I’m really hooked on them too right now.
 14. Is KARD your bias group? If not, then who? 
KARD is definitely up there! But my top group is SHINee; they really mean the world to me.
 15. If you could hang out with any kpop group for a day, who would it be?
KARD. I think they would be so much fun to hang out with! Just watching them in Secret KARD, and seeing how they find enjoyment in even the smallest things makes me really just want to spend the day with them. They’re also pretty laid back, so I know they wouldn’t be difficult to get along with from the get go! 
  16. Do you have any favorite fansites out of all the groups you stan? 
All of the other KARD blogs I follow (you are all so amazing. I love you all!). 
 17. In anticipation for KARD’s future lightstick to be made/released who-know-when, whose lighstick do you like most? 
I really like and want VIXX’s lightstick. The color is so pretty, and I like that it has the star design in the lights as well. I really want to know what the KARD lightstick will look like. I also want to know what our official colors will be!! 
 18. Fandoms can be problematic and make it difficult to show pride in being in them. Which fandom are you most proud of being a part of? 
Hidden KARD!! Honestly, all of the HK’s I’ve seen and interacted with are so chill (just like KARD), loving, and talented! You have all shown so much positive love to our KARD, and you are all so supportive; it’s such a beautiful thing to see!! You are all so amazing. I really do love being a part of this fandom so much!! Thank you for making being part of this fandom such a great experience!!
 19. Which fandom name do you like the most? 
Hidden KARD because we are the ‘d’ that completes the group (which I think is the sweetest thing on the planet!) I like that sort of sentiment, so I really love the name. I also really like Starlight because it’s just such a pretty name, and again the sentiment behind it warms my heart.
 20. If you could only listen to one kpop group for the rest of your life, who would it be?
I love KARD with all of my heart; I really do, but I have to go with SHINee. 
I’m going to tag: @jellyseph @1somin @kard-j-seph @blacksomin @kawaii-shoujo-anime-palace @voonbora @coedkard @96jwoo
If anyone else wants to do it, feel free to consider yourself tagged as well!! Thank you again for tagging me! 🌻
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futureshawolhearts · 7 years
A-Z :3
!!!! I’m assuming this is for the fandom asks thingy. I didn’t think  I was actually gonna get any asks, thanks my dude :,) I put a readmore since it was long
A: Your current OTP.
I know this is two but I can’t choose between Onho and Minkey :’)
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Definitely Minkey!
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
Mmmmmmm Probably like Jongtae or Taekey?
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
This fanfic!
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
I mean there was this  shinee sherlock titty moodboard thingy
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?
I’ve been lowkey in the Harry Potter fandom since childhood 
G: What was your first fandom?
Probably Harry Potter :)
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
I don’t really like TV shows...but I guess real-life? I like watching PBS cooking and craft shows.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
I don’t want to name that ancient demon...(superwh*lock)
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
@ Shawols I love you
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
The Softest™ Minho content
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
My 10th grade language arts teacher is the one that got me into Kpop...She’s a hardcore ELF.
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
Shawols ;_;❤❤❤
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
This is really really cheesy but Queen’s “Best Friend” always makes me think of Minkey
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
?????????????????????????????? this is hard
Pinterest obsessed art/culture teacher Kibum & sweetnatured but overenthusiastic gym teacher Minho have to team up for a special hybrid class 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
I really liked 2min when I first entered fandom...but now its more of brotp type ship
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
I know people ship 2ho (Minho&Suho) but the content seems real lowkey...Also Minho&Kyuhyun...theres a trend here rip my kyuline heart
S: What's a headcanon you have?
idk if this counts but Minho’s neither the big spoon nor the little spoon...he’s the middle spoon pls back hug him and be back hugged by him simultaneously thanks friends
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
I mean i basically all the shinee ships...I like 2jae....all the Minho ships basically....mmmmmmm theres more but I can’t think of any more rn. ;_; I don’t really follow girl groups enough to have any girl ships tragically recommend me girl groups pls
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
tbh....Neville and Luna from HP was my v first ship :’)
again i know there’s more but I cant think of any ;_;
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
Poly shinee content is great shinee content tbh. I especially love Onjongho and Onminkey tho
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
 Minho’s not a character but i love him
 Donna from Doctor Who
 Hermione from HP
 Princess Leia from Star Wars
 Samwise Gamgee from LotR
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
 Queenie/Jacob from Fantastic Beasts
 Banryu/Sooho from Hwarang
lowkey Gimli/Legolas from LotR
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Most fandoms I’m in tbh??
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
I know this isn’t really a ship but like...there’s not enough soft and/or subby Minho content out there my dudes aka pls send me if you have some
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