#if people are interested I can continue exploring this thang...
wombywoo · 29 days
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v+q 🖤
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dolcetters · 4 years
THE POSITIVE & NEGATIVE; mun & muse - meme.
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TAGGED BY: @hyaciiintho​ ( ;-; AAA THANK!!! )
TAGGING (don’t feel obligated to do it!): @forsakenflora , @avadite , @yinseal , @inseparabilum , @reigningsniper , @tsume-awase​ , @canisfuria​ & YOU if you wanna!
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES  / NO / IDK (he’s fetishized a lot; thanks, i hate it)
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK (i’d lean more toward no)
Are they underrated?  YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE (stares into the abyss)
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (true neutral, my boy)
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON? ♠ || i have an ongoing joke that “canon is a slab of meat that we slow-roast at 475 degrees and carve for the juicy bits” but at the same time it’s not a joke at all, i’m being perfectly serious. i’m definitely a lot less strict than when i started for writing canon characters way back yonder, but i also DO like to keep within an array of canon boundaries because i’m not writing for an OC in this instance, i’m writing for an established character. ...it also doesn’t help that my character’s handled differently in the 4 types of media he shows up in but. i grew up reading DC comics and writing for beast boy, so i’m kind of used to “multiple takes existing for singular character”. 
that being said, my take on dol is clearly canon divergent (since... he’s alive and my default verse takes place after the nest raid) but it pulls primarily from brotherhood/manga with a couple dashes of 2k3 series (since that’s the only media that gives us a length of time that he was in the labs). but given that i follow along with just about every scrap of information provided in the manga on this clown, i’d say i follow canon fairly strictly... but there ain’t a lot to go off of, so my reins are pretty loose no matter how you look at it. my city now.
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.   ♠ || (* ̄3 ̄)╭ well, hello, there. aware of dog? yes. this is he: dolcetto mcgrouchyboots, and he is not happy to be here at all. he is traumatized, sassy, wants to throw hands with teenagers, has no sense of self worth, and will absolutely use himself as a meat shield in order to protect any and everyone he cares about. he is spliced with: dog. his favorite weapon: sword. if you listen carefully, you might hear dog-song rising on the east wind as he approaches (don’t tell him axel taped a cassette player to his back). he comes from a found family of complete and utter morons with a lot of damage, they live in a partially underground bar, work as information brokers, and are all DEFINITELY fully functioning adult people. they say gay and trans rights. if you like angry boys with a sense of humor semi-on-par with griffin mcelroy, this is the boy for YOU!!! 
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).   ♠ ||  he’s only featured in a handful of episodes/chapters across all media, doesn’t have a significant amount of dialogue, and we only ever see him lose to the protagonist(s) despite that he seems more than capable of fighting anyone else. easy to brush off as a “aw he died and that’s sad but we didn’t really know him, moving on”. from what i’ve seen in my years, people are more interested in him being a cog in the machine of “greed is sad” and less interested in... HIM. which is fair, i guess, but hhhhhh
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   ♠ || i don’t know if i can pin-point any ONE thing, but i’ve always been drawn to characters with some sort of connection or bond with animals (example, once again, being beast boy from teen titans). i also have an IMMENSE weakness for the found-family dynamic. so when the devil’s nest appeared during my first watch through of brotherhood, i was pretty much... hooked. immediately. and devastated. immediately. as for what drew me to writing dol, specifically... probably his loyalty, his drive, the fact that he WOULDN’T FUCKING STAY DOWN no matter how many times someone knocked him flat on his face. i vibe with that. grew up very much in the mentality of “fall down 7 times, get up 8″. also, he had a sword... which always beats guns on coolness factor. and i loved his fire. ...and that he was a complete fucking idiot who’s really bad at kidnapping i mean HOLY SHIT THAT’S HOW YOU TRIED TO GET HIM TO COME WITH YOU, DOLCETTO, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING--
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING? ♠ ||  dol has always been a great source of ...venting for me? <xD ever since i started writing him, i’ve always found his muse--specifically--to be extremely cathartic and comforting. i dunno if it’s because he lets the more... jaded side of me come out, even when we’re both trying to be optimistic? 
because i’ve been in 2 emotionally abusive friendships. i definitely have some left over hurt, pent up anger that hasn’t been given closure, a hell of a lot of underlying bitterness that i never got the opportunity to confront those people, BUT i still try to be. y’know. welcoming, friendly, supportive, despite a voice in the back of my head being paranoid?? i think dol continues to give me outlets to expressing that. somehow. not that i use him as an excuse to do it, more so i have more opportunities to do it when i’m writing him as opposed to writing someone like beast boy, who’s usually more on board with keeping the peace than picking a fight. i’ve also invested SO MUCH TIME and ENERGY into his background and headcanons and things that i kind of can’t quit him now, nor do i want to.
... and aside from that i just want him to have a happy ending god, fucking damnit. 
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO ( or i certainly hope so )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES  / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO ( definitely have moments but eh! ) 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES  / NO ( kind of... varies. i’d say i’m more hyper aware)
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   ♠ || i definitely like to think i do when it comes to pre-established things in canon. but when it comes to what i’ve built on my own over my years of writing for dol (and the nest members as a whole), it’s kind of my sandbox and i’d appreciate you not stomp around in it. 
unless i need to be learned a thing, like... one of the nest members, vi, is a trans-woman. i’m a cis-woman and i try to do as much research as i can and educate myself, but if i ever fuck something up please tell me, i’m doing my best but i’m more than willing to listen. i want to grow.
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   ♠ || pretty sure everyone does! >xD but yeah! i FUCKING love it. especially since i’m writing for a minor character. =//o//= it shows people are interested in him despite his overall lack of content.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?   ♠ || i’d definitely be curious as to why but i doubt i’d be offended or take ... any personal harm from it--y’know? it’d be more of a “let me hear your perspective and maybe it’ll expand my own understanding, or i might not agree after the explanation and that’s cool”! 
an exception would be for an obviously shitty one that’s shitty for no reason, like... acTUALlY, he’s TOtaLLY hom///o///pho//bic, to which i’d be like “bitch, no, get away from me; no one in this bar is straight, die mad”.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   ♠ || again, it’s cool! there’s not a lot of canon material so you can take his portrayal a variety of places. if we don’t jive, it’s pretty whatever. 
my one exception to this is probably people who, in the past, have told me i write him being “too mean”. which will never cease to confuse me. because even after al straight told dolcetto he was 14, dol was still like “I REALLY WANNA SMACK HIM but i’d just hurt my hand so you’re off the hook”, he’s angry like 85% of his dialogue in the manga... i’m just confused. where are you seeing the “uwu pupper~” persona. you can write it, that’s fine, i don’t care, just don’t get irritable when i don’t write him like a cute puppy. because here he is. suggesting we just kill izumi because she’s being troublesome. yeet. ...he’s an asshole.
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?   ♠ || whatever, just don’t be a dick or speak badly about me or him in my presence because, flawed as he is and while i won’t make excuses for him, i’ll stand up for him. go somewhere else, my dude. i, personally, don’t have the energy for your negativity. nor do i have the patience.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   ♠ ||  i’m more okay with people correcting my spelling (gently). because of the way i taught myself to read, i’d be FUCKED if auto-correct or spell-check didn’t exist. i also google correct spellings constantly. so spelling, yeah, i already know that i’m terrible at it so feel free to correct type-os or spelling mishaps, it ain’t no thang. 
grammar i’m a bit... pickier about. because sometimes i’ll purposely do a “grammatical error” because the punctuation or otherwise further drives the pacing or mood i’m trying to give my writing. i may not know ALL the rules but i break them from time to time... FOR THE ART.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   ♠ || i wanna say i am?? while i definitely do want to seriously explore and flesh out and grow dol as a muse and character, i’m “not above” goofing around, poking fun at him, or just being plain silly on the dash. RPing is escapism for me and i strive to keep my blog a peaceful safe haven on the dashboard, both for myself and my followers. 
i try to communicate to the best of my ability and despite my anxieties, and while i may not be able to follow or RP with EVERYONE (for obvious reasons) i’m open to interacting with ... pretty much anyone who throws me a bone. i’ll speak up if i’m not down for a plot or interested in a certain relationship or interaction, but i’m certainly not going to be rude or dismissive about it. i know what that feels like. i’d say yeah, though! i think i’m pretty chill. e-e you tell me.
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slingsendarrows · 6 years
Women Who Inspire Wednesday: Summer Walker
Today’s Women Who Inspire Wednesday goes to Summer Walker and her debut album Last Day Of Summer. There are too few albums that delve into the complexities of girlhood and emerging womanhood. Much like SZA’s CTRL, this album is a raw expression of self-discovery, vulnerable honesty, and unapologetic sexuality. Each song feels at times too short (averaging about two mins), but it is the deliberate succinctness that makes the subject matter discussed immediate and incomplete. She is offering personal experiences, not the right way to girlhood. Abandoning the idea of what it is meant to be for what it really is: anecdotal, at times disparate and flawed, but always real. Listening to this album brought to bear the appalling reality that even in 2018, the societal gaze on girlhood forces us to function along the restrictive and binary parameters of the “Madonna/Whore” complex. 
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But the reality of girlhood is far more complex and intricate. It is nuanced and varied but there is overwhelming pressure to perform a boxed-in and demarcated version thereof. “Talk Yo Shit” expresses the frustration a girl feels when her efforts to get dicked down are hoisted by the petard of her partner’s determination to be “respectful, courteous, and gentlemanly.” In accordance with the binary protocol, this necessitates some play-acting, pretending the low-cut top with her titties prominently on display is not a deliberate choice on her part and examining her sexually means he must not respect her by default. Her sexual desires can only exist under certain parameters and are not a means and an end unto themselves. But she is clearly here for sex so why are we going through the motions affecting this is something other than what it is? This frustration is further explored in the flagship single “Girls Need Love” in which she admits that while prioritizing her glow up and getting the bag leaves little time for in-depth relationship building, it does not negate the immediacy of her sexual needs and desires: Honestly, I’m tryna stay focused/ You must think I’ve got to be joking when I say/ I don’t think I can wait/ I just need it now/ Better swing my way/ I just need some dick/ I just need some love/ Tired of fucking with these lame niggas, baby/ I just need a thug/ Won’t you be my plug aye/ You could be the one aye/ We could start with a handshake baby/ Imma need more than a hug/ Girls can’t never say they want it/ Girls can’t never say how/ Girls can’t never say they need it/ Girls can’t never say now.
She’s not interested in a romantic love connection, simply a moment of intimacy to “get her booty rubbed,” nothing more, nothing less. The plaintive cry in the song speaks so clearly about the pitfalls of monolithic representations of girlhood and the gender performances that are required to uphold them. In Roxane Gay’s book of essays Bad Feminist, she discusses the way women knowingly and/or unknowingly perform gender and femininity, constantly aware they are acting out a role. These roles endure because the subversion thereof leads to real-life consequences: other women shame you for not conforming and along with similarly-minded men determine you are not worthy of their respect. Society at large cannot categorize you and thereby dismisses you. You are no longer seen or worthy to be understood and at times, a social pariah; you become the worst thing a woman can be, unlikable. But the interesting thing about unlikable women is “that they aren’t pretending, that they don’t or can’t pretend to be someone they are not.”
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“Last Day of Summer” delves into these complex growing pains. Trying to find yourself and lead an authentic life while struggling against outside and internalized expectations of femininity. The pervading assumption is most “acts of femininity" are for the male gaze: make-up, twerking, body-rolling, Fashionova outfitting, body enhancements, etc. That is not to say some women do not do these things seeking out the male gaze, but that is not the reason at all times, in all instances. For me twerking is a confidence booster. Few things feel better than shaking my own booty for my own pleasure as I "back that thang up!” The complication arises when you have to choose your lane for all times and all instances. When you want to switch it up it confuses people. When you decide you just want to get your “booty rubbed” then your female empowerment and independent spirit are questioned. 
One of the early girlhood experiences of this troubling dichotomy is depicted in the latest episode of Black-ish when Diane develops a crush on a boy named Wyatt. Her older sister, Zoey, helps her secure her first ice-cream date but when he texts to clarify whether he should pay or if they should each pay for their own ice-cream because he knows she’s an “independent woman,” she gets flustered and panic texts a bunch of random emojis because her trusty guide is not accessible. While this seems like a minor incident it speaks to a greater internal conflict as Dianne leaves her sister a desperate message to call her back and tell her what kind of woman she’s supposed to be: the one who is taken care of or the one who takes care of herself. 
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The consequence of all this that even the most authentic-driven amongst us are forced to pretend and smooth out the edges of our truth to fit the mold of “femininity” that appeals to our potential love interests. We become the required version of the “Cool Girl” as Gillian Flynn’s Amy laments in Gone Girl: 
Men always say that as a defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding…Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. 
Walker also considers the pitfalls of gender-performing in “Shame” and the subsequent “Just Like Me." In the former she pines for a "perfect world” in which: You’re understanding, I’m not a perfect girl/ I would drop my fears at the door/ I will only bring myself and nothing more/ And you let me be, a woman/ And you let me be, a flawed woman/ You would yearn to hear all about my past/ What I’ve done/ What I’ve did, and why/ Below my sick thoughts/ And If I needed to, I could cry/ And you would catch my tears/ You don’t wanna be nobody else’s pain, no, aye, no/ You don’t wanna be nobody else’s play, to hide from themselves/ Shame/ And I’m the one to blame. The latter feels like a continuation of thought in which conflict arises when she’s abandoned for another because she’s: Not the type of girl you bring to mom/ But we’ve got a special bond/ You ain’t the type of guy I bring to my dad/ But there’s nowhere else I’d rather be/ Than with you….You run the streets, you gettin’ cash/ You livin’ life and you spend it fast/ Just like me, just like me/Hey, why can’t we just be back together?  Even though they both know they are better together, the roles they perform for others must sadly take precedent. It’s safe. It’s boring and largely unfulfilling. But hey, it’s safe!
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Needless to say, this album simply beautiful. I could go on and on and delve into each song but I’d rather you “sit back relax your mind and just ride” along to this magnificent gem. You’re welcome!
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fucktard666666 · 3 years
He was 19 in twenty-19. His favorite crystal is Crystal Methyd, and our first binding words together were: Nothing Fucking Matters!
He complains about how his hair is growing too slow, everyday. “I can’t wait til my hair grows!” He exclaims whether it’s night or day, rain or shine, you will absolutely hear him say. I personally liked the cholo cut-so sexy! “The cholo jumped out!” And this girl said “and it scared me!” That pesky little tissue flap that he constantly burns, located on his palm, but continuously move traverse even more so that the medication can never seem to reverse. It has been frozen, and burnt, and picked on and bleached, and churned by his finger nails... baby put your hand down and stop messing with that tumor! I have never met anyone who has outmatched my dark humor. Take a break from peeling of those dead skins. Caress me around my thighs, my legs, not near my asshole though, I don’t want your bacteria to lay eggs-
In the morning, two is what you prefer. You like them in pairs-perverted as this sounds but it is true-
It is true that the things you want the most are the ones you’ll have the hardest time getting- or non at all. God forbid I wanted hair and facial hair- god did not grant me either one, almost non at all. I envy his hair growths that he likes to compare to middle easterners. It makes me smile all the time, because the bridge of his nose, says “you’re a beaner-ers!”
He’s clogged my sink multiple times, because of his constant shaving. I don’t mind it though... it’s pretty annoying, but it’s a task worth having. I usually clean it by myself when he’s not around. I don’t know, just little remnants of him made me feel like he’s around, his energy lingers upside down and everywhere, even though I’m cleaning up his mess, I can’t help but smile, I can’t help but stare-
Stare at him when he’s asleep. Brushing his curly locks, tuck them behind his ears. Whispering I love you’s when I thought he’s already R-E-M’n, but when he responds “I love you, too baby” I just be D-A-M’n inside, thinking to myself, how lucky did I get?
Lucky that even after all my fuck-ups, screw-ups, mistakes, the universe still bestowed a gift upon me. A gift that was most likely not well deserved. Was it dropped off at the wrong doorstep? I ask myself. I ponder, and wonder, and gander back at him as he does the bare minimum at his job. “You’re just flipping papers, babe.” I whisper to myself. I chuckle a little and let out a yell: do you want breakfast? I asked. He lets out a grin, a half-smile, obviously responding: yes! He has a certain tone when he’s saying “thank you” when I hand him his food. God, a nervous wreck I am whenever I cook for him. I’m no alumni from Le Cordon Bleu, but I can cook a mean... a mean... I don’t know. I can’t cook for shit, but for him I try to make do.
Half-naked in an all ivory dining set. Countless memories in that empty corner, but unforgettable nonetheless. He likes to circle names that he found interesting in his pile of SNHD papers. Hey, did you know names are just the sounds people associate to you? We both are suckers for names. We have enough collected for generations even long after the history that became.
Oh, there’s this one spot located in the middle of nowhere. Red Rock Canyons: Oasis of Stars, home of lone wolves and cayotes, hidden in the far southwest. Famous for being the road on the way to Pahrump where brothels thrive, old men jive, STD hives. I tried to go to this spot one day to remi-nice, but I could not find it at all! One more turn and I might end up in Bermuda Triang-All. He must really be the compass to this place, I stopped on the side street, I said ooh bitch, that was a struggle! This one morning, I’ll fail to ever erase from my memories. It was so, so perfect that I forgot about my open wound pounding from my head. Need I say more or will I cut an old wound, call 911? Will they respond?
Water and Oil is what we’ve become. Despite the beautiful sceneries, steamy showers, and late night epiphanies, we have become repellent- our love language, no longer transparent. We do not seem to combine, scientifically, chemical bonds to be exact. Since when did oil become non-hydrophiliac? . What went wrong? Blood and flesh, sweat and tears, have all been involved. To this day, I demand: tell me where did I go wrong?
Two good people, two beautiful souls, two visions of art, but somehow it ended in turmoil? We tried to repair all the wear-and-tears, but we did not age like fine leather. Sweet and sour, hot and cold. We have not experienced such a fine and dandy weather from the month of January until the hot summer nights of May-weathers. We did not have an umbrella to shield us from the rainfalls. How the hell are we gonna weather the storm when winter befalls? Summer has always been our season. Hot, and steamy, “hey you sucked the puss out of my nipple piercing, but I was too horny to stop you” was his reason.
A very promising relationship that ended bitterly. God, you can’t even keep us in the same room let alone pass each other merrily. What have we become? Is this when we declare each other as our enemies? Is this when we burn our sweet, sweet memories? Is this how we treat each other even though we used to be each other’s ecstasies? This is not a vision I’ve foreseen. This is not the happy ending that we wanted like from those in the silver screens.
Tropicalia, somewhere in Los Ange-Leez, far from the ocean port-landia, located at the foot of the metropo-Leez. We shut the place down, in those fly outfits, the people, the photographers, the cameras. We too fire. We too cool, we brought the half white half black, The Grandfather-esque suit, pimped out boots, fur coats in a light shade of oat, pops of old school red, 10-10-10s!!! Fiya in the streets freaky in the sheets. Thrifted goods from head to toe. Just DSLs, no need to flaunt them YSLs and Logo-
Mania-c panics, insecure Ass fights, sleepless nights, Tel-Aviv dreams, Perfecta on the radio. Sade on the stereo. Stars Are Blind has become an anthem, but Nelly Furtado strengthens our tandem. My Cherie Amour, cara mia, Amor de mi vida- it’s Friday, babe! Can we just have one good día?
Giant Pikachu, that I won for you. Every person envied the dude, who’s carrying a giant, yellow plush! Envy him! It’s his birthday! His embarrassment is accompanied with a blush! I heard a kid saying “I choose you!” No kid, he is mine! Get your own baby, this one is divine- femi-NINE as you claim to be
This is reality and truth be told, we made fools of ourselves. What’s done is done, unbecoming, yes, but we did what we thought was right at the moment. I’m out of tears to shed, but boy if I must see you cry one more time, don’t do it, on my knees I beg. I hate when I see the tears start to glisten your eyes. I’ve killed myself a thousand times for making you cry. Don’t do it, but here are just simple words to live by: forgive me. Forget about me. Now baby, will you
Seven- thirteen- nineteen; another day anotha dolla for San Valentin. He wielded his bow and arrow, struck a 20-something and a late teen. Inside a fortune cookie, holds a question
“Do you wanna be my boo thang” I giggled and answered. Yes- I think we just became each other’s regular dicks and regular bang- his everyday play ting. I blinked once, turned to my side, and my phone suddenly rang- it’s reality calling! Should I ignore it and continue to hang? Little did I know, it’s the phone call we both need: parallel worlds, perpendicular visions, and 90° angles-When you flip the right triangle it looks like it’s bent down to it’s knees- the position where I found myself as I’m begging you please
Please stay with me,
Would you forgive me now, baby, please?
Please be my baby,
Stay for the night please?
Our continuous fights with no referees
Even after some make-up sex, it leaves no guarantees.
Too bad we didn’t even make it to a full trip around the sun. I’ve made a playlist to every single one-
Every single one of the months that you’ve left me longing for your kisses and your hugs and your I love yous that I misses, and your scent, and the views when I have you bent, and everything about you and everyday my sadness increases as I hear songs about you.
I decided that I’m ready to receive what I’ve been missing by getting it myself from other bitches. Their names are Molly, Mary Jane, and some white girl who embezzled half of my riches.
LSD dreams, psychedelic visions, heavily induced in nicotine.
Adderall brain, fried in alcohol and ampheta-main
I chased highs that began from
Little did I know there’s happiness beyond the drugs,
Beyond your love,
In this universe so infinite
Found within myself, I’ve had to ignite
Ignite the fire that sparked the journey
Journey of loving myself beyond, of what used to be a vision too murky
Murky skylines of my future, now I can see so clear, so white, so pearly.
Pearly whites from the crevices of my mouth started to resurface once again
Ready to explore undiscovered depths of my being once again
Rebuilding what was lost from my abrupt healing once again
Before you came, before you saw, before you conquered, shit, never again.
The deepest corners of my soul that are left unseen
Thanks to you for sharing with me, seven-thirteen-nineteen
And for forever redefining the meaning of color
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thecryptidbri · 3 years
The first state in my lineup is Alabama. Now when looking up this states cryptid creatures the one that is most prominent is the White Thang, which can basically be summed up as a white Big Foot with a powerful scream, but choosing to go against the grain I kept looking for something else and eventually found cryptid called the Wampus Cat. This creature is described by many as a massive, panther like cat that can “swim like a colossal mink” with bright green eyes and “occult like powers” and has roots in Cherokee mythology where a woman, untrusting of her husband, dons the fur of a mountain lion and follows him while he is out on a hunt with fellow warriors but is discovered by the medicine and punished, forced to wear the coat forever and thus wanders the land as the Wampus cat, but there is another version of this story.
In this story a monster had been terrorizing villages, it was said that just looking at this creature drove people to insanity and the existence of this creature caused chaos, misery, and misfortune. One warrior befell this fate when he went searching to kill the beast and fell into insanity. Instead of doing nothing his wife put on a mask and searched for the creature. She found the beast and when it turned to face her became terrified and ran away to be never seen again. The spirit of this woman is said to still roam the mountains to keep the beast away, still wearing her mask.
As time moved on the tales continued to come back, but in different iterations. There are stories that claim a witch turns into the Wampus Cat in order to steal farm animals in areas as far as Tennesse.
Another story claims that the US Government bred Mountain Lions and Grey Wolves to create an animal for war but males and females of this experiment escaped into the Appalachian mountains. This tale seems a bit far fetched, but it’s interesting to see the different reasons behind this creature.
The Wampus Cat is also described as being able to walk on its hind legs and though this idea seems a bit odd, domestic cats have been seen standing on hind legs in multiple funny videos and to be honest, this is a tame description of this creature. One of the reasons I chose the Wampus Cat for this blog post is because I’ve been to a school where an animal by this name is their mascot. In Clark Fork Idaho their high school sports a mountain lion with a spiked ball on its tail. I remember seeing the mural and giggling, thinking it was something weird but made a mental note of the mascot's name in order to look it up later. In my research I also saw that there are multiple schools with this animal as their mascot though the descriptions appear similar to that of the lore, except for Conway Junior/Senior High School in Arkansas, whose mascot has six legs so it has “four legs for running and two for fighting”.
An easy explanation for this creature would be that it’s just a mountain lion, which seems to make sense though officials in Alabama deny mountain lions residing in that site, even with the animals living in the neighboring states and people claiming to have caught them on trail cams-which the officials constantly claim are house cats or other native species-much to the annoyance of locals.
In the end the claims to have seen a massive, panther like beast with glowing eyes continue and this beast has even made itself into the world of Harry Potter, being one of the guardians of a house of the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizadry!
Though in the world of Harry Potter it resembles a mountain lion that can walk on its hind legs, out run arrows and has yellow eyes that have the power of hypnosis and Legilimency and their hair can be used as the core of wands. I am a huge fan of Harry Potter so being able to mention this makes me a excited, plus their rendition of a Wampus Cat shows a mountain lion with six legs as well.
With all of this explained there’s one last thing I have to do, reveal my own rendition of the creature (bear with me, I’m someone who likes to draw and happens to have Procreate, I am no professional artist or even that great).
Thank you for reading! Below are the sites I used for gathering information. Don’t judge me for using Wikipedia, the information found there coincides with the other sites that I used.
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lair-of-books · 4 years
Hola Bookworms! It’s finally Friday and I’m very much looking forward to unplugging this weekend. I took today off from work (this post was scheduled) to get away for a bit since we’ll be experiencing a heat wave in New York City. I’ve got two cute new bathing suits I’m pretty stoked to try out, a new found love for Roscato sweet red wine & Playa Bowls (pictured below). Currently I’m reading Forest Of Souls (Shamanborn #1) by Lori M. Lee (Really enjoying this slower paced world building but then again that’s my thang haha!) and obsessing over John Legend’s new album Bigger Love. July is already proving to be a quality reading month with some 5 star reads. In the month of June I threw myself into reading even more diverse black voices & spent less time blogging. I’m just now getting caught up with reviews but figured I should probably wrap up the month seeing as we’re already in mid-July. Drop some love down below, how are you spending your weekend? reading? watching? writing?
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The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta – ✨4.5 STARS✨ I still stand by my original thoughts on this book, it is one of the MOST raw coming of age stories I’ve ever read. Written in verse, this is the story of Michael who is Jamaican and Greek living in London being raised by his mother. His mother is Greek, a single parent who is very supportive and loving to both Michael and his sister. Growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood & attending a school with mostly white children, Michael faces many challenges being a queer black boy. We follow his journey to finding himself and the freedom he obtains on that journey. I listened to the audiobook on Libro.fm & personally I loved getting the story narrated by the author. I listened in one sitting! ❤
The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon – ✨3 STARS✨After hearing many of my friends in the Book community express their thoughts, I adjusted my expectations on this one. I already had a Book of the Month copy as well as the audiobook from Libro.fm. I loved the friendship aspects of this story where we follow our MC as she meets two other women that happen to be dating the same man she is. An unlikely confrontation leads to a friendship which I enjoyed seeing develop. What I didn’t love so much was the romance seeing as it has the whole undercover angle & that took away from any chemistry I may have felt between the two love interests. I’d still be interested in reading possibly a story arc following the other friends *fingers crossed*
The City Of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty -✨4 STARS✨ (My Review) LOVED the world building & plot! captivating and truly memorable however I didn’t fall in love or grow attached to any of the characters. Sure I had one that stood out but that was iffy too. Character growth is on the page & I do have high hopes for the sequel being a 5 star read.
I Killed Zoe Spanos by Kit Frick – ✨5 STARS✨ (My Review) YA Thrillers! people sleep on them but truly they are something to explore! Kit Frick held me from the very first page & I could only imagine what the experience would’ve been like if I had listened to this in audiobook format since it does have a podcast feel. LOVED the unreliable narrator & the interviews throughout the book with neighbors & friends. Lastly, I’ll say that I did NOT see that ending coming & was left with my jaw hanging smh.
Abbott – ✨4 STARS✨My only wish is that this had more issues but I can’t find any info online as to whether there will be. We follow a Journalist in Detroit who is investigating a series of murders that seem to have a paranormal twist. I was hella intrigued by our MC who is a black bi-sexual divorced woman with a bit of a brooding side she settles into each night with a glass of whiskey.
All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson – ✨5 STARS✨ (My Review) My BEST read of the month! One that I will not stop recommending! I listened to the author narrate his own essays in this audiobook via Libro.fm & was absolutely invested start to finish. I said in my review that it felt like I was at the kitchen table with George hearing stories of his youth as if he were a friend. This is how I’ll aways remember my time with this book. The importance of reading stories that feature intersectionality is something I’ll always stress. This is the story of George M. Johnson a young queer black man growing up in America.
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June was a e-book heavy month for me & as I’m still donating books from my shelves I didn’t purchase any physical books. I can tell you now that this is not the case for July smh but at least I have plenty of shelf space to house my new babies. The books down below were all Kindle deals mostly $1.99 at most $3.99, I went click happy because there were so many great titles on sale so here goes…
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For many years I’ve heard Guy Ritchie get much acclaim as a director but for me personally it was seeing this movie that really caught my interest. The minute I saw the cast of characters…Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant I KNEW I had to watch! Initially it was set to be a date night at the movies but Rona put a stop to that & I waited for it to be made available on Fandango Now. We follow McConaughey who is an American expat trying to sell his very profitable Marijuana empire in London. This of course captures the attention of many of his enemies & triggers many attempts to steal his business before he can sell. TONS of action, schemes, and yea even a few laugh out loud moments. Overall a good time!
June was an intense month in the world, i was proud to see many of my bookish friends in the community amplify black voices all throughout. The efforts to bring diverse stories to our shelves continues. i’ve always read diversely with an emphasis on intersectionality but i will be amping that up further on this blog.happy reading <3’s!
Instagram: @LairOfBooks
Twitter: @LairOfBooks
Goodreads: LairOfBook
June 2020 Monthly Wrap-Up Hola Bookworms! It's finally Friday and I'm very much looking forward to unplugging this weekend. I took today off from work…
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tcxdame · 7 years
 So is it just me or does it feel like, recently, cheating has been in shhtyle!? I mean, music pushing the agenda to steal someones girl did not just come out of the blue! Girls are REALLY out here cheating simply because they see an attainable BALLER! While boys are becoming more comfortable with NON consensual polyamory. Both parties are being drawn to wo/mens other than their own and even with all of this shade, people all over are settling for the romantic minimum when the relationship they have is not exactly the relationship of their dreams. But YO! the B.S does not stop there. Our women tend to be taking uppercase L’s in these situations. While women often stick around to get their heart trampled, in hopes of working something out. Men typically will not tolerate a ‘sexually unfaithful’ significant other (s/o). Now do not get me wrong, I fasho’ know some girls that are straight dogs *enters dog emoji*, however, it just seems that men are more familiar with being caught un infidelity. BUT enough ranting, what u really want to talk about is:
“How to NOT Mingle When You're NOT Single”...for the boys who can not keep it in their pants and the girls who need more than one partner to dance.
  Although what I am about to recommend totally depends on your specific reason(s) for cheating; they can all prove useful as suggestions, and they are just that... SUGGESTIONS. HARD SUGGESTIONS. So here is where I will be listing possible motives for ones two-timing behavior, along with realistic solutions for each reason:
(remember each solution is not limited to named reason from cheating.)
If this is the case well then you have multiple options
  a. Do not be afraid to “switch gears” or “flick the bean” in simpler terms...MASTURBATE! I know I know, this may seem a bit uncomfortable or even childish to some, however, spanking the monkey is an additional form of sexual stimulation and can keep you entertained. Doing this might prove to not only relieve stress but can be relieving and actually lessen your sexual desires while you're s/o is not around. This is especially the case if you use alternative resources such as, visuals (magazines or online porn) or sex toys. These things could really expand your mind and be enjoyment enough to stop you from stepping out smoke because you're bored. Personally, I do not think that using alternative resources is considered cheating, however that is a topic for you and your partner. But anyways, masturbation alone can help you self explore, and upon discovery you can share your newfound likes and/or dislikes with your s/o *wink wink*, which brings us to the next option...
  b. GET KINKY! Use imagination, equipement, and toys! Get one of those cool closet swings for your s/o or even better...ROLEPLAY. If you have grown bored then maybe seeing your partner in a different light could assist you on your journey to becoming loyal.
  c. You can almost always find new ways to LEARN MORE ABOUT EACH OTHER and RE-DISCOVER one another ! Thing is that I do not just mean sexually but mentally, spiritually, intellectually! Maybe you are not bored with the sex alone, or at all, but you crave the thrill of getting to know them all over again. Quiet possibly, the beginning stages of your relationship may have been the most exhilarating thus leading you to grow bored when you feel as if there is nothing else to discover about your s/o. If this is the case, I highly recommend listening to the song Escape (the pina colada song).
  d. TAKE ON A EXCITING EXPERIENCES WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR S/O. Find something other than another person that excites you! Some cliche (still very fun) examples would be to go sky diving or bungee jumping but even attending concerts, festivals and doing things like getting a massage or horse back riding can be easy ways to get a thrill or escape. Once you find something that gets your blood flowing and your energy rising, then continue to do things like that anytime you feel uneasy about the lack of excitement in your life.
   a. COMMUNICATE! I can not stress this enough, communication is key!!! Talk it out as mature individuals should. Explain feelings and thoughts to each other instead of emotionally, impulsively and/or irrationally reacting.
   b. THERAPY. Now, I get it therapy is not always the easiest subject to bring up, you might even be shook if someone recommended you and your s/o attend a session. However, therapy comes in all forms!(: Maybe if paying to go to a certified “advice giver” is not your speed, you can talk to a mutually trusted friend about your partner, with your partner. This way you will not only get more realistic advice from like-minded individuals who already know/understand you but you will be able to feel more comfortable with venting and basically talking shit about each other. Of course there will be people who prefer NOT to have their friends all in the business, so for y'all...i suggest formal therapy. But everyone has their preference and like I said, these are all merely suggestions.
   c. BREAK TF UP! YOU ARE CLEARLY TOO IMMATURE TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP! Seriously dudes, if you are out here slanging that thang just ‘cause you are angry or holding onto so bottled up shit then be leave! If you both clash and tend to react in a hurtful manner, then maybe they are not the one for you! #Sorrynotsorry. Personally, I do not think you should be in a committed relationship if you cheating is a result of a temper tantrum >:(  I mean this one is pretty black and white people.
Maybe monogamy is not realistic for you! To be honest, this typically not a problem, however, when you bring another’s feelings into the mix this is a huge dilemma. SO DONT BE SHADY.
   a. REQUEST TO BE IN AN OPEN RELATIONSHIP It is quiet possible that the feelings you have for your s/o are rare and seemingly irreplaceable and you just have polyamourus tendencies. If this is the case then make it known from the beginning, be honest and once again communicate! Find a partner who fits well with this lifestyle rather than hurting someone simply because you are too selfish to let them know the deal and you fear that they will leave you.
   b. STAY F’ING SINGLE! STAY SINGLE! Stay single! 2017 needs their Casanova, male or female SO GIVE IT TO THEM! Especially with STD/STI precautions and treatments readily available. DO YOU! Just avoid hurting anyone in the process. 
Bringning You That Real,
Tiera Click - 08/16/17
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It might be writing about writing (which is what this piece is about). It might be about a sunset, or fresh peaches, or NaturesGuy observations, or romance, or relationships, or child rearing, or travel, or the scent of a wildflower bloom on a Georgia Civil War battlefield. It doesn matter what it is that I write about. I just need to write about observations and thoughts and things that bring me joy and happiness and moments. I become wealthy from my writing? Will I get a job from my writing? Will thousands of people suddenly my posts and click through and finance our dream trip to It THAT DOES NOT MATTER! What matters is that I following my passion, doing what I supposed to do, writing about observations I make and thoughts I have and my feelings and my conversations with God.
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Mineral resources wodgina lithium mineIllegal sand mining is rampant along the Nai River in Nai Province, causing erosion and threatening people's lives. VNA/VNS Photo V Kh HCM CITY A high ranking city official has demanded punishment illegal sand mining activities, saying the violation must be considered a crime. Nguy Th Phong, chairman of the HCM City Committee, has urged local closely with agencies in neighbouring provinces to prevent further Phong spoke a meeting held last Friday to seek solutions to fight sand mining C Gi waters the city bordering provinces. Illegal sand mining near Gi has reached an level, he said. Le Van Thang, who used to be a foreman at Bong Mieu Gold Mining Co., Ltd. and now works for a local company as a security guard at the Bong Mieu mine is sadly looking at the rusting, empty facilities, while saying: Mieu went bankrupt and the investor has left, but their disastrous mess remains. Life has not returned to normal. The Bong Mieu mine was the most modern gold facility in the country when it was opened in the central province of Quang Nam in 2005 amidst high sounding promises of enriching local state [Read more.] about Lessons gleaned from failing mining ventures
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expeditom · 4 years
It was a fine autumn day, when we found the most wonderful lake of the Swiss Alps in a remote valley and encountered a wild vulture.
[btn text=”Download Audiobook” tcolor=#FFF thovercolor=#FFF link=”http://expeditom.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/ExpediTom_The-Vulture.mp3&#8243; target=”_blank”]
ExpediTom in awe taking in the views
The Swiss Alps exert an irresistible attraction. Not only do they amaze overseas’ visitors, but also its inhabitants are in awe at the glance of these spectacular mountains. Every time I return from abroad, I cannot wait to see this majestic sight again.
Summer was quickly retreating and gave way to colder nights and richer earth tones. It was at this time that Philippe called me up on a Tuesday, whether I would like to do another overnighter. For many people this might refer to clubbing and going out. Yet, for me this meant prime time outdoors and sleeping under the stars. It appears to me that there is a turning point in adulthood, when outdoor becomes more important than outgoing.
Introducing Philippe – eagle-eyed, adventurous and one of a kind rascal
Swiss Alps Overnighter
Many visitors in Switzerland are struck by the extensive public transport system. There is hardly any corner you cannot reach. Even though its reliability does not always live up to the expectations, it mostly is a pleasure to just sit back and enjoy the scenery unfolding through the window. The train ride to this remote corner in Graubünden took more than four hours and it was not until midday that we started hiking. It was a leisure hike at first, became a well-trodden path and eventually changed to a single trail.
Provisions: Sweets – check
Rhaetian Railways
Philippe doing his thang
Short-cut or Detour?
We approached a thundering waterfall dropping of the cliff, which we were about to circumvent on the trail. This was the outlet of the lake – our ultimate destination. Unfortunately, our path did not cross the base of this wonderful waterfall, but we had an idea.
The thundering waterfall we attempted to reach
Instead of following the usual path, Philippe suggested taking the detour and try out the straight way up. This would allow us to see the waterfall up close. The route did not seem that difficult from below. Yet, I had some reservations about its feasibility. The last time, I refused to join in on an idea by Philippe during the West Coast Trail in Canada, he was quite bummed. Therefore, I overcame my reservations and agreed.
The thundering waterfall we attempted to reach
Slowly we drew closer to the waterfall along the steep creek. The loose gravel and massive rocks posed some serious difficulties to reach the sight. They reminded me of our Huemul Trek. The further we got, the clearer it was to me that there is now way of finding a short-cut to the lake by going straight up. Furthermore, the lose stones and Philippe in front of me posed a danger beyond our control. My gut feeling told me to turn back and after a couple more hesitant steps, I gave in. I retreated along the same path, partly on my butt and ripped my trousers. Philippe continued a few more meters before he also turned around.
The moment I gave in
Victim of the detour. Usually, I wear underpants. Usually.
Marmots and Rainbows
After eating some snacks at the bottom, where we had left off for the detour, we were refreshed and continued along the ordinary, official hiking trail. Even this one was not easy by any means. It was steep and narrow at times. Slowly gaining altitude, the weather increasingly deteriorated. First, the wind picked up and shortly after the precipitation reached us and caused a rainbow right in front of us.
The weather changed for the bad
Opting for a short break in order to sit out the rain, we found refuge under a ledge along a mountain cliff. Meanwhile, our gaze met the rugged landscape that is the Swiss Alps. The granite peaks were impressive. Suddenly, the marmots whistled loudly, and all disappeared in a rush into their earth holes. Generally, marmots either whistle repeatedly to just raise awareness or once for an immediate threat. A huge shadow appeared in front of us, but we were not sure what it was. While Philippe followed the winged creature as good as possible with his eyes, I grabbed the Sony 200-600mm Tele zoom lens that I heaved up the mountain and put it on the tripod. Paired with the APS-C camera (A6500), this gives you a full-frame equivalent of 900mm – in other words: solid reach. Luckily, the massive bird landed somewhere on the other side and Philippe was able to direct my gaze to the right spot. Thanks bro!
Swiss Alps Marmot
Ledge of the mountain
Sony 200-600mm and vulture
Ledge of the mountain
The bearded vulture
The bearded vulture – critically endangered and only about 40 individuals remaining
Serendipitous Sighting: The Vulture
There it was. About 300 meters away, the magnificent bird sat relaxed on a bolder overlooking and scanning the desolate landscape. It turned out to be a bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus). These enormous creatures can reach a wingspan of up to three meters and used to populate the entire range of the Swiss Alps in the 19th century. With the increasing use of the mountain regions by humans, their food became increasingly scarce. At the same time, vultures were subjected to rigorous hunting. Contrary to popular beliefs, vultures do not kill livestock or steal children. Their diet almost entirely consists of bones from naturally deceased animals. Back in the 19th century, the sovereigns in Switzerland even offered premiums on killed birds. The last vultures were hunted in Visp in 1886 and here is an ornithological journal from 1918 discussing the matter. The bearded vulture was reintroduced in the late 20th century, but is still critically endangered. Nowadays, there are only about 40 individuals living in Switzerland. Therefore, sightings should be reported to the Bearded Vulture Foundation. They might even tell you the name of this specific vulture.
Mind-blowing size difference between an alpine chough and a bearded vulture
Eventually, the bird took flight and after a couple of rounds close to the granite pinnacles it disappeared as quickly as it had emerged. Stoked from this experience, we continued our hike.
Bearded Vulture
Bearded Vulture
Bearded Vulture
Our very own island
On our final stretch to the lake, we came across a fellow Italian speaking hiker. He made us understand that he urgently needed to call someone. After checking reception, Philippe handed him his phone. Neither Philippe nor I understand Italian very well (not every Swiss speaks three national languages). However, the hiker’s exclamation “porca la miseria” clearly indicated certain annoyance. We wished farewell to him and crossed a meadow with lots of sheep. The vulture was clearly not interested in them – at least as long as they were alive.
The Italian speaking
Arriving at the wonderful lake nestled amidst the huge mountain peaks, we scouted the area for a suitable camping spot. It was not long, until we settled for the small island. Who has not dreamed of their very own little piece of heaven surrounded by water? We explored the area, had a look down the waterfall, which we attempted to climb and laughed about our silliness while gazing into the valley below. After observing an approaching thunderstorm in the distance, we quickly set up our tent and ate dinner from the stove. We anticipated the storm would arrive during the night, but so far, the weather at this amazing place cooperated. It was hard to believe that the scenery could change the better or the worse in any way.
Overlooking the valley and the approaching thunderstorm
Magnificent mountain lake and our very own island
Setting up camp
Mediterranean Views
The sun light just hit the surrounding peaks, when we looked out of our tent.
The sun light just hit the surrounding peaks, when we looked out of our tent. We slept well and the night was quiet without any thunderstorm. Immediately, I got up and regretted to have left my down jacket at home. The temperature at 2300 meters above sea level was only slightly above freezing, but at least there was no wind. Grabbing my camera, I climbed up on a small hill behind the island. The dark waters we had experienced the day before, turned with the soft morning light into various shimmering turquoise hues. It was hard to believe the views got even better overnight. This place is without a doubt among my top five camping spot I have ever been.
The most wonderful lake in the Swiss Alps
Most wonderful lake in the Swiss Alps
Philippe and I enjoyed the scenery for some time, before we had breakfast on our island. While the sun rapidly increased the temperature, we came up with the brilliant idea to go for a swim. Nevertheless, the lake was still freezing cold. The thought crossed my mind how awesome it would look like from above while floating with a mattress in the blue lake. Without further a do, I took my Thermarest Neoair X-Lite and tried to distribute my weight evenly. Yet, there was not much afloat of me anymore. Depending on the perspective, either the sleeping pad provided too little uplift, or I was just too heavy.
Mediterranean views in Switzerland
Floating in the blue
Our very own island
I was in there too
Now it was Philippe’s turn with his Exped Synmat UL, which has been leaking air since our Huemul trek through an untraceable hole. In contrast to my attempt, Philippe was successful and floated above the turquoise water. Moreover, the plunge allowed Philippe to locate the tiny leak and he fixed it with glue. After drying our sleeping pads and underwear, we packed our tent. We hiked over the next mountain pass and returned to civilisation. By now, the weather changed and dark clouds predicted rain.
the weather changed and dark clouds predicted rain
We embarked on the journey home and contemplated about paying a visit to Robert in Zurich. The three of us had travelled to Canada together the previous summer. The following day was Robert’s birthday but due to our tiredness, we decided to pay only a brief visit. So, we arrived in Zurich with all our outdoor gear – including the smell. After the first few beers at Robert’s place, we changed our plans to stay the night and celebrate with him at 12 o’clock. The night continued with bars, clubs and more drinks, before Philippe and I finally went home with the first train in the morning. We were exhausted, yet it was a weekend to remember. Perhaps one does not outgrow outgoing though. Yet, If I had to decide between outgoing and outdoor, I would opt for the latter. There is so much more to explore.
Admittedly, outgoing in Zurich was a harsh contrast to the pristine nature and solitude at the lake. There are some other kind of vultures around in those streets. Furthermore, while seeing the dump hole that the Zurich nightlife is, I instantly wished I were back in the mountains.
Nonetheless, this journey was an incredible trip to a wonderful place in Swiss Alps. There were lots of serendipitous moments such as witnessing a wild vulture. This majestic creature truly was my personal highlight. Apart from that, we were lucky with the weather, that no one was injured during out detour and found a small piece of heaven.
Stamp from a bar saying “Erledigt” (German for “Finished/done”)
Stamp from a bar saying “Erledigt” (German for “Finished/done”)
This was one hell of a trip! Read, watch or listen now! #vulture #overnight #swissalps #outdoor #outgoing It was a fine autumn day, when we found the most wonderful lake of the Swiss Alps in a remote valley and encountered a wild vulture.
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monosko · 5 years
  #gallery-0-36 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-36 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-36 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-36 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
BACKDROP Tea might have been tasted by an Indian in around 1040 AD while the British did it before 1662 AD, and in no time the British Tea Culture came about some three centuries ahead of India’s courtship with tea. Around 1040 AD when Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna, the great preacher of Buddhism, was in Tibet, the Dharma King made offerings to all lamas and served tea and victuals to monastic congregations. Atiśa being the King’s honoured guest must have enjoyed drinking tea that time. His experience with Tibetan cup of tea died with him in 1054 AD at Lhasa. By that time, according to the oral history of the Singphos, India must have started growing tea forest in the North-East.
THE WILD TEA OF THE SINGPHO Singphos are the same people as those called the Kachin in Burma and the Jingpo in China – a colourful tribe of Mongolian origin. Singphos have a very rich heritage of oral folklore, leaving deep traces in history of Assam. They spoke of their ancestors migrated from somewhere in the highland of Mongolia in B.C. 600-300 to their abode in the hills of Singra-Boom in Tibet . From there they formed several groups among themselves. Of these groups one went to China, one to Myanmar and one of them migrated to the Indian hilly region. Around B.C.300– A.D.100 the Singpho entered Brahmaputra valley. They brought with them their linguistic traditions and culture, and their affinity to tea being an integrated part of their mode of living. They speak Jingpo language in Singpho dialect that shares a degree of similarity with Tibetan and serves as lingua franca among Kachins. Singphos were the most powerful and influential tribes of Lushai mountain range in Mizoram. The John Company remained indebted to them for building its tea empire on the borrowed resources generously provided by the Singpho chief, Beesa Gam in 1883. Singpho people are believed to be among India’s first tea drinkers and traditionally engaged in tea cultivation. To this day, they continue to process tea by first heating the leaves in a metal pan until they brown, and then sun-drying them for a few days. When processed and brewed correctly, a cup of Singpho tea, which is had without milk or sugar, is a lovely golden-orange colour. The leaves can be reused to brew three or four cups, the flavour getting better with each infusion. Singphos also use white tea flowers, pan fried and served with rice. The traditional processing of tea, they believe, retains its medicinal value. [Sarita] Not on only in India, as the history reveals, tea has been introduced everywhere as a health drink. Taking tea as refreshment is a recent phenomenon comes in vogue before tea turns out to be a mode of socialization.
Because the term ‘tea’ often used to mean ‘herbal tea’, other than to a Camellia variety, we are not sure of the significance of some rare references to ‘tea’ (or ‘chay’) in Vedic literature found in Caraka Samhita’s ‘Pancha Karma’ prescribing heating pastes, teas, and keep them in warm chambers.’ [Charaka Samhita] There have been, however, some evidences of tea consumption found amongst the people of Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh.
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They follow the ancient tradition of preparing beverages Thang by boiling Camellia/Taxus /Acacia in water like decoction, and the Ccha Chah, a salty tea, by adding dry walnut powder, black pepper, milk (optional), butter and salt. [Negi] I-tsing a 7th century Chinese Buddhist pilgrim who left behind an account of his ten-year sojourn (676-685) in Nalanda said to have noted semi medicinal use of tea brew in India. [Achaya] Much later in 1638, in a curious account of Albert de Mandelslo, a young gentleman of Holstein who visited Seurat that time described how they took only thè (tea) “commonly used all over the Indies, not only among those of the country, but also among the Dutch and the English, who take it as a drug that cleanses the stomach, and digests the superfluous humours, by a temperate heat particular thereto.” [Wheeler] Mandelslo’s tea account incidentally coincides with the initiation of Tea in England of King Charles II, discarding our notion that Britain discovers tea before India did all wrong. Moreover, contrary to the popular views, tea no more considered a foreign breed, but a native crop of India. If not in Vedic age, tea must have been here since the beginning of the Christian era when the Singphos crossed Brahmaputra and made India their home amidst the tea forests they grew as a part of their mode of living. The tea trees remain in the Singpho land hidden from modern civilization until the first quarter of the nineteenth century.
TEA EXPLORERS The modern history of Indian tea begins in 1823 when the tribal chieftain Beesa Gaum graciously handed two tea plants to Captain Robert Bruce in exchange of a musical snuffbox – a gift from Bruce. This exchange of friendly gifts took place because of the initiatives of two protagonists of native tea, Captain Bruce and Dewan Maniram.
Maniram Dewan (1806-1858) Maniram Dutta Baruah, was a nobleman domiciled Assamese from Kannauj ever remembered for his lifelong commitment to native tea plantation, besides his activism. In the year 1839, Maniram joined Assam Tea Company at Nazira as Dewan but quitted the job next year to try his hand in tea cultivation
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independently. Finally in 1845 he developed Chinnamara and Toklai Tea Gardens, the first plantations owned by any native Indian, much to the dislike of his rival European tea planters who, according to some, by instigating the Company administration against Maniram for his alleged anti-British role succeeded in getting Maniram’s tea estates confiscated and illegally auctioned to one Mr. George Williamson at a very nominal price. Maniram was sent to gallows on 26th February, 1858 on the plea of his involvement in Assam uprising, otherwise called India’s First War of Independence. Maniram Dewan became a martyr, the first Tea Martyr of India. There is yet another assumption that Maniram, once a loyal ally of the British East India Company, wanted to take the opportunity in 1857 mutiny to uproot British rule in favour of Ahom rule; and he did that particularly to avenge the interference of the white with his tea business. [Ghosal
Captain Robert Bruce (1789-1824) Captain Robert Bruce (1789-1824), born in Edinburgh, joined the army and eventually found himself involved in establishing opium plantations for the East India Company. Sometimes he was described as ‘a soldier of fortune’. [Bruce] It was presumably on the advice of the East India Company he arrived at Rongpur in 1823 to contact Maniram Dutta Baruah who had informed them earlier of the existence of indigenous tea in Assam. Captain Robert Bruce (1789-1824) died in 1824 just a year after he met Maniram, leaving his younger brother Charles to take up his lead.
Charles Alexander Bruce (1793-1871) Charles Alexander Bruce approached the Singpho chieftain Beesa Gaum once again and obtained a canoe full of wild tea plants and seeds that he dispatched to officials in Assam and Calcutta, particularly to Captain David Scott, first Commissioner of Assam, and the rest he distributed liberally to all whom he thought might take interest. With the exception of one ‘army officer in Lucknow’ [Johnson] none of the recipients had an inkling of wild Assam tea. Captain Scott having realized its huge possibilities himself wrote to Wallich, the Empire’s arbiter on botanical matters, at Calcutta, for their cognizance and actions without any reference to Charles Bruce as his source. Nathaniel Wolff Wallich (1786- 1854), an FRCS surgeon and botanist of Danish origin, was however never serious about indigenous tea as he staunchly believed that true tea grew nowhere but in China. Moreover, as it seems, the samples consisting of mere tea leaves and seeds might not have been sufficient for identifying the species. The lots that Scott sent to Wallich in 1825, 1826 and then again in 1827, all reckoned as Camellia drupifera and not ‘true tea’. The Company authorities remained nonchalant so far Assam tea was concerned. They neither believed nor had any interest in India breed tea. Assam tea had to wait seven years more for getting recognized and finally certified through a zealous effort of an adventurous Lieutenant Andrew Charlton.
Lieutenant Andrew Charlton (≥1800- >1840) Charlton was appointed in May 1826 to command the military post at Sadiya in Upper Assam – he was there to serve as the official channel of communication with the Singpho and Khamti Chiefs, as well as exercising criminal jurisdiction over the tribes and promoting commercial relations etc. [Appointment Record. BL] In 1831 while working in the Assam Light Infantry, Charlton found tea growing in eastern Assam in the hill tracts around Sadiya (Assamese সাদিয়া ). He had learnt to recognize tea trees during his sojourn in the Dutch East Indies. With the help of his resourceful gardener he acquired some tips about tea growing and some young tea plants that he cultivated in his own garden in Jorhat. Charlton sent four young tea trees to Dr. John Tytler in Calcutta, who planted them in the Botanic Garden, where they withered and died before they could be botanically investigated. [Driem] When in October 1831 he came to Calcutta, Charlton brought with him a few plants which he presented to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society that was ignored by the Society as the sample size found too small. Next time, in November 1834 he sent tea plants with fruits to Wallich, which was found on examination convincing and finally declared that ‘Assam tea was as real as the tea of China’. Wallich wrote to the just established Tea Committee of Lieut. Charlton’s discovery of Assam tea on 6 December 1834.
Nathaniel Wallich. Lithograph by T. H. Maguire, 1849
Tea Committee The little attempts earlier made to cultivate tea in India and that too half-hearted. As long as the Company’s monopoly over China tea lasted, Calcutta, including its science establishment, closed their eyes to the possibility of tea in Assam. When the monopoly was broken by the 1833 Charter, the Company had nothing to hold on but to the prospect of new-found Assam tea or to cultivating imported tea plants on Indian soil. A 12-member Committee of Tea Culture was set up by Lord William Bentinck in 1834 to explore the possibility of a tea industry in India, with George James Gordon (Secretary), James Pattle (Chairman), J. W. Grant, R. D. Mangles, J. R. Colvin. Charles E. Trevelyan. C. K. Robison, Robert Wilkinson, R. D. Colquhoun, Dr. N. Wallich, C. Macsween. G. J. Gordon, Radakant Deb, and Ram Comul Sen.
Francis Jenkins (1793-1866) The Committee sent out a circular asking for reports of areas where tea could be grown. The circular was responded almost immediately by one Captain Francis Jenkins. Jenkins joined the East India Company and sailed from England in 1810. He was deputed by the Company to undertake a survey of Assam, including Cachar and Manipur, during October 1832-April 1833, following its annexation by the British. Early 1833, Bruce told Jenkins privately and wrote him publicly that ‘the tea plants were growing wild all over the country’ [Kochhar]. Jennings must have been convinced also by the findings of Lt. Charlton of Assam Light Brigade under his jurisdiction. Jenkins reported the Committee of Tea Culture recommending strongly for Assam tea. Based on his report an experimental nursery was set up at Sadiya. Excellent tea was soon being produced. With help from Jenkins, commercial production rapidly developed, and by 1859, more than 7,500 acres in the region were devoted to tea cultivation. Jenkins reluctantly retired from service in 1861 but remained in Assam, dying at Guwahati in August 1866. A set of Jenkins’ journals and letters dating from 1810 to 1860s were brought to auction at Sotheby’s in 2009. The genus Jenkinsia Hook. (Lomariopsidaceae) was named for him. [JSTOR]
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Gardening Assam Tea replacing Wild Tea Forest On 11 February 1835, the Committee appointed Charles Bruce as the in-charge of nurseries to be developed in Upper Assam, at Sadiya and other places. Two years after, Bruce was designated Superintendent of Tea Plantations. It was Charles who pioneered the use of the term ’tea garden’, a meaningful linguistic shift from ‘tea forest’ signifying the way tea produced in colonial environment, employing semi-mechanized systems . Charles Bruce, regarded as the Father of Indian Tea. [Sharma] Upon the whole, there seems little reason to doubt that Assam then was physically capable of producing that important article, on which eight or nine millions of money was annually spent in the United Kingdom. Eight chests of Assam teas were auctioned in London in January 1839 (Desmond 1992 p 238). This was the beginning of the end of Chinese domination of the tea market that had lasted a century and a half. [Gazetteer for Scottland]
Assam Tea Companies The same year Prince Dwarkanath had formed the Bengal Tea Association in Calcutta – the first Indian enterprise to start tea cultivation [India’s Late, Late Industrial Revolution: Democratizing Entrepreneurship By Sumit K. Majumdar. Cambridge: Univ. Pres, 2012] , and a Joint Stock Company was formed in London. These two companies got combined and formed the first Indian Tea Company called the ‘Assam Company’ – the first Joint Stock Company in India. Tea Plantation spreads beyond Assam across Indian landscape.
INDIANIZATION OF CAMELLIA CHINOIS In spite of the incredible agronomical and commercial success of Assam tea, there remained a large section in East India Company unconvinced about its worth in comparison to the Chinese camellia. They were more eager to avail the Chinese saplings for domestication because of their qualitative supremacy over the wild Assam. To report on the earlier amateurish findings, a scientific delegation, headed by Wallich, the cele¬brated Danish-born botanist geologist, including the surgeon-naturalist John McClelland, and another cele¬brated botanist William Griffith, was sent to Assam in July 1835. Dr. Wallich maintained that since the native plants were actually tea, there was no need to import seeds from China. The ‘young Turk’ Griffith, however, had completely a different view and pronounced emphatically that only by importing ‘Chinese seeds of unexceptionable quality’ could the ‘savage’ Assam plant be reclaimed as fine tea. As this wisdom was unquestioningly accepted, a young botanist, Robert Fortune working in the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens. Alongside, G. J. Gordon was instructed by the Calcutta Botanic Gardens to “smug¬gle tea seeds out of China.” [Ukers]  A deputation, consisting of Messrs. Gordon and Karl Friedrich Gutzlaff, was then sent to the coasts of China to obtain tea seeds. They succeeded in obtaining seeds from southern China that arrived in Calcutta in January 1835, and being sown, vegetated and produced numerous plants. In the beginning of 1836 about 1326 saplings sent to North-East. The tea nurseries were formed at Kumaon and Gurhwal in the Himalayas, and immediately began to grow with all that vigor aided by a small band of Chinese tea-makers whom Dr. Wallich recruited for them in April 1842. In January 1843, the first sample of Himalayan tea was received at the tea table of the British Chamber of Commerce and reportedly pronounced by the members that the fine kind of tea – Oolong Souchong, “flavored and strong, equal to the superior black tea generally sent as presents, and better for the most part than the China tea imported for mercantile purposes.” [Carey]
Robert Fortune, (1813 -1880) was commissioned to undertake a three year plant collection expedition to southern China in 1842, and in 1848. Finally, it was on behalf of the East India Company, he went to remote Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province and in mid-February 1851 Fortune brought tea-filled cases consisting of no fewer than 12,838 plants, 8 illegally immigrated Chinese tea-workers and tools of trade to Calcutta port via Hong Kong. Dr. Hugh Falconer, who had recently taken over from Wallich as superintendent of the Botanic Garden, received Fortune at Shibpore ferry ghat to take the sprouting tea-plants smuggled from China under his care. The tea plants then dispatched to Saharanpur, formerly a Mughal garden, at the lower foothill, and from there distributed to various Himalayan plantations. Some of that exceptional stock nurtured in Kumaon plantation made its way to Darjeeling, where it would eventually produce the world’s finest and most expensive teas. [Ukers]
DARJEELING TEA Coming of tea to Darjeeling was something almost accidental. It was never considered as a place good for planting tea. Even Sir Joseph Hooker (1817-1911),
founder of geographical botany and Charles Darwin’s closest friend, thought of Darjeeling as a place too high with too little sun and too much moisture to grow tea. Dr. Archibald Campbell proved it all wrong within two years of his arrival at Darjeeling as the newly appointed Superintendent in 1839. Previously, when he was in Kathmandu working under renowned ethnologist and naturalist Brian Houghton Hodgson (1800-1894), Campbell was inspired by him to care the native flora and fauna with love. Among other plants in his home garden at the height of 7,000 feet, Campbell in 1841 sowed tea with stock that came from the nurseries in the western Himalayan foothills. The trees came to bear in the second half of that decade, and the Company inspector reported in 1853 that both Chinese and Assam varieties were doing well in Campbell’s garden. Campbell established government sponsored tea nurseries in Darjeeling and Kurseong. While both types of leaf varieties were planted, Chinese ones were unexpectedly, successful. Plants from stock Fortune had smuggled out of China thrived in Darjeeling’s misty, high-elevation climate. The Company opening up land and clearing plots for tea gardens began to circulate plants for individuals and small companies. [Bengal District Gazetteers] The commercial cultivation of tea was started in 1852-53 in Darjeeling with the Chinese variety of tea bushes. Today tea is grown in forty-five countries around the world, summer-flush Darjeeling has always been the best choice of the global connoisseurs, and the most expensive as well. [Koehler]
About 10 million kilograms of Darjeeling tea are grown every year spread over 17,500 hectares of land. [Marketing Analysts] India on an average produced 1233.14 million kilograms of tea between 2011 and 2016. North India produces nearly 5 times more than South; and West Bengal produces 329.60 million kg, which is little more than half of Assam. Darjeeling tea seems quantitatively too insignificant but qualitatively the highest among the best teas of the world. [IBEF]
TEA AND ITS SOCIAL DIMENSIONS In a nutshell this is the story of Indian Tea, which the Britishers discovered, harvested, industrialized and monetized to secure their sovereignty, and left the tea legacy to India when they lost it. This over two hundred year long story tells us how the India’s own wild tea forests turned into tea gardens, and how the smuggled China tea was Indianize imbibing the essence of the mystic Himalayan, Western Ghats, Kanan Devan’s biodiversity.
Tea history, you might have already sensed, is highly illustrative for appreciating the process of cultural shifts leading to acculturation that took place in colonial India, Bengal Presidency in particular, the playground of both the Assam and the Darjeeling teas. Allow me to elaborate in my next post a few elements of the tea history for you to connect the ideas of acculturation I discussed earlier. Happy New Year
REFERENCE 1. Achaya, K. T. (1997). Indian Food: A Historical Companion. Oxford: UP. https://books.google.co.in/books/about/Indian_Food.html?id=CKIJAAAACAA 2. Bengal District Gazetteers: Darjeeling ; Ed.by Arthur Jules Dash. (1947). Calcutta: G.P.Press. https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.150149 3. Bruce, Charles. (1840) The First story is an 1838 Account of the Manufacture of Black Tea as practiced at Suddeya in Upper Assam. In: Koi-Hai. December 6, 2011. https://web.archive.org/web/20061220204732/http://livn-an.com/tearoom/bruce/ 4. Carey, William H. (1964 ). The good old days of Honorable John Company; being curious reminiscences during the rule of the East India Company from 1600-1858, complied from newspapers and other publications. Calcutta: Quins. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Good+Old+Days+Of+Honorable+John+Company+From+1800+To+1858%3B+W.+Carey 5. Charaka Samhita; Edited by Gabriel van Loon. (2003). Handbook on Ayurveda; Volume I. Durham: Center for Ayurveda. https://archive.org/details/GabrielVanLoonCharakaSamhitaVol1Eng/page/n1 6. Driem, George L. van . (2019).The Tale of Tea: A Comprehensive History of Tea from Prehistoric Times to the present time. Leiden: BRILL. https://books.google.co.in/books?id=Z6WODwAAQBAJ&pg=PA625&lpg=PA625&dq=Lieutenant+andrew+charlton+tea+Assam&source=bl&ots=baf_hPx8hM&sig=ACfU3U0t3UX- zqmLIVkXUuoXF3VXwdFEvQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfpf2KuLTlAhXQbn0KHa9mAHwQ6AEwBHoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=Lieutenant%20andrew%20charlton%20tea%20Assam&f=false 7. Gazetteer for Scottland. (2017). Robert Bruce (1789–1824). In: Gazetteer for Scottland. Edinburgh: University. https://www.scottish-places.info/people/famousfirst3224.html 8. Ghosal, Ranjan Kumar (2019), Indian history buff. Quora July1, 2019. https://www.quora.com/What-was-the-role-of-Maniram-Dewan-in-the-Revolt-of-1857 9. Griffith, William. (1847). Journals of travels in Assam, Burma, Bootan, Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries. Calcutta: Bishop’s College. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/15171/15171-h/15171-h.htm 10. IBEF. (2018). Tea Industry and Exports in India. In: India Brnad Equity Foundation – Portal. Last Updated: December, 2018. https://www.ibef.org/ 11. Johnson, George W. (1843). Stranger in India; or, Three years in Calcutta; v.1. London: Golburn. https://ia902702.us.archive.org/22/items/strangerinindia00johngoog/strangerinindia00johngoog.pdf 12. JSTOR. Global Plant Resource. [Search Engine] https://plants.jstor.org/login?redirectUri=%2Fstable%2F10.5555%2Fal.ap.person.bm000329174%3fsaveItem=true%5D 13. Kochhar, Rajesh. (2013). Natural history in India during the 18th and 19th centuries. in Journal of Biosciences 38(2) June 2013. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236674827_Natural_history_in_India_during_the_18th_and_19th_centuries 14. Koehler, Jeff. (2015). Darjeeling: a history of the world’s greatest tea. London: Bloomsbury. https://www.goodreads.com/user/new?remember=true 15. Negi, Vineeta, and ors. (2018). Tea Kinnauri, Thang & Namkeen chai: an Ayurvedic perspective. In: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. Volume 7, Issue 18, 638-649. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328802003_Tea_Kinnauri_Thang_and_Namkeen_Chai_an_Ayurvedic_Perspective_A_review 16. Santoshini, Sarita. (2016). Singpho Tea Party. In: Traveller India, Natgeo, february 22, 2016 http://www.natgeotraveller.in/singpho-tea-party-the-story-behind-the-brew/ 17. Sharma, Jayeeta (2011). Empire’s Garden: Assam and the Making of India. London: Duke University. https://books.google.com/books?id=W2dtxgZba6MC&pg=PA40&lpg=PA40&dq=a+significant+linguistic+shift,+from+%E2%80%9Ctea+forests%E2%80%9D+to+%E2%80%9Ctea+gardens&source=bl&ots=3_FfCbYj0-&sig=ACfU3U03VGNWmyb4pgp4UskXlr7w-ZBkZQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiI5a62mKvlAhXyxlkKHV9wA3oQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=a%20significant%20linguistic%20shift%2C%20from%20%E2%80%9Ctea%20forests%E2%80%9D%20to%20%E2%80%9Ctea%20gardens&f=false%5D 18. Wheeler, J Talboys (1878). Early Recods of British India: A history of the English settlements in India. Calcutta: Newman. https://ia800208.us.archive.org/17/items/earlyrecordsofbr00wheeuoft/earlyrecordsofbr00wheeuoft.pdf 19. William Ukers. (1935). All about tea; v.1. New York: Tea & Coffee Association Trade Journal Company. https://archive.org/details/AllAboutTeaV1/page/n9
BACKDROP Tea might have been tasted by an Indian in around 1040 AD while the British did it before 1662 AD, and in no time the British Tea Culture came about some three centuries ahead of India’s courtship with tea.
TEA: A BRITISH GIFT TO INDIA BACKDROP Tea might have been tasted by an Indian in around 1040 AD while the British did it before 1662 AD, and in no time the British Tea Culture came about some three centuries ahead of India’s courtship with tea.
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indochinavoyages · 5 years
How to catch a Hanoi bus
How to catch a Hanoi bus https://www.indochinavoyages.com/travel-blog/how-catch-bus-hanoi
Hanoi welcomed more than 26 million of visitors in 2018 and hopes to increase this number to 29 million in 2019. With the continuous development all over the world, plus the reputation is getting more and more world-wide known, Hanoi has been trying to improve and to expand the tourism facilities including the buses and other public transportation. It is truly easy to understand that in that 26 million, it can be business travelers, leisure travelers who set the low budget for Vietnam holiday tour; or who love to explore the city in a local way. This article will help you understand more about the types of Hanoi bus and how to catch buses in Hanoi.
Types of bus in Hanoi
Bus is the main public transportation for many of local people in Hanoi from the officers, students, elders, etc. since it is convenient, cheap and a safe place to avoid the heat in the summer or the freeze in the winter. There are multiple of them on the street with red-yellow-white, blue or green; the blue and green buses are newer and with less routes than the other. Hanoi public buses pick passengers up and drop them in the stationary points on the streets . You can see that there is a pole topped by a small blue signboard; indicating the bus number and its route.
  [caption id="attachment_15150" align="alignnone" width="960"] The red-yellow-white bus with its number and its route[/caption]
Hop-on Hop-off bus
Another type of bus which was launched in just a couple of years specially for the travelers; which is Hop-on Hop-off bus. This is a type of double decker and top open bus with fun colors and design like many typical tourist buses in other countries in the world. It has 13 stops going through more than 20 famous attractions; allowing travelers to explore and experience the city in their own way; including Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square & Hoan Kiem Lake – St.Joseph’s Cathedral – The Flag Tower & the Museum of Military History – Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum: Ho Chi Minh Museum & One-pillar Pagoda – Quan Thanh Temple & West Lake – Tran Quoc Pagoda – Cua Bac Church – The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long – The Temple of Literature – Hoa Lo Prison – Vietnamese Women Museum – Hanoi Opera House – Hanoi Post Office – Hanoi Old Quarter.
  [caption id="attachment_15151" align="alignnone" width="960"] Hanoi City tour Hop on – Hop off has 13 stops[/caption]
These buses are operated everyday from 9 am to 6 pm and buses arrive every 30 minutes. You can buy the ticket online via www.hopon-hopoff.vn, at the ticket counters in Hoan Kiem Lake and buy it on the bus. The ticket price per person is 300,000 VND for 4 hours; 450,000 VND for 24 hours; and 650,000 VND for 48 hours. There are also night tours on bus which lasts about 1.5 hours and 4 hours but you will need to book in advance.
You do not have to stay on the bus all the time; and you are free to stop at board or disembark at any bus stop on the route. The tickets with the limitation of time includes multilingual audio guide (Vietnamese, English, French, Chinese), free Wifi, USB charging ports, the city maps; and also an English speaking guide on board to help the passengers get off at the bus stop that is nearest to their hotel.
Hanoi bus routes
Some important Hanoi bus routes
  [caption id="attachment_15152" align="alignnone" width="960"] Bus stop on the street[/caption]
#07 and #17: These two bus lines will stop at Noi Bai International Airport every 15 minutes. The #7 bus will cross the Thang Long Bridge and head to Cau Giay (you can stop to visit Museum of Ethonology on the way); while #17 buses go to the Old Quarter via Chuong Duong Bridge.
#1: Long Bien Bridge – Hang Ga street – Hanoi train station
#2: Hanoi Opera House – Temple of Literature – Van Phuc Silk village
#4: Long Bien Bridge – Hanoi Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel – Hanoi Opera House
#8: Long Bien Bridge – Hoan Kiem Lake - Hanoi Opera House
#9: Hoan Kiem Lake – Hanoi Old Quarter – Hanoi Zoo – Lenin Monument
#11: Thong Nhat Park - Hanoi Opera House – Trang Tien Bookstore – Long Bien Bridge
#14: Hanoi Old Quarter – West Lake – Metro Thang Long – Thang Long Bridge
#23: Vincom Ba Trieu Tower – Temple of Literature – Fine Arts Museum – Hanoi Opera House
#43: Hanoi train station – Dong Anh town
#47: Dong Xuan market – Long Bien Bridge – Bat Trang ceramic village
How to find bus routes
There are 2 ways to find the bus routes. You can download Hanoibus app via link http://timbus.vn/ or search directly through Google maps. You simply insert your starting point and the destination, then click the transit option, it will show you the way to find the appropriate bus routes, how to reach the bus stop as well as bus timetable.
  [caption id="attachment_15154" align="alignnone" width="960"] Bus route can be searched via Google Maps[/caption]
Notes for bus in Hanoi
You cannot buy this bus tickets online in advance since they only issue the paper ticket when you get on the bus. This ticket is handed to you by a staff and you have to pay him/her in cash. The average fee for a trip is 7,000 VND per person and more depending on the distance between the departure and the end point. Make sure you carry small bills when you plan to travel by bus.
The problem while using the public bus in Hanoi to the sites is it can be crowded at the peak times such as 7-8 am and 5-7 pm daily when people go to work and get back home. Also, pickpockets have several chances to “do their job” in a knitted bus; so make sure you cover your purse/wallet and valuable items or place the backpack at the front of you.
Besides, the bus drivers in Vietnam are always in hurry though they are actually not; so they tend to stop the bus at the stop in such a short time. Therefore, you will need to prepare and get to the bus at the front door; and also, get out of the bus by its back door as quickly as you can if you do not want to miss it.
To experience buses in Hanoi, you should have a look at these Vietnam itineraries then drop a message about what you expect:
Hanoi Cycling Tour
Hanoi Walking tour
Grand Sensational Vietnam 20 days
In conclusion, traveling by bus is rather interesting for people who have long time in the capital city and also, are active and good at direction and using maps. But for everyone, I think it is still hard since you are traveling to another strange country where the traffic, the rules, the road designs… are different from your hometown. In case of having a short time in Hanoi and would like to have a private and personalized day trip, you can always contact us – Indochina Voyages!
  Daniel Nguyen - Travel Specialist
#Indochinavoyages #Indochinatours #Timlee #Vietnamtours #Myanmartours #Cambodiatours #Laostours #Thailand tours
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vietnamtour-blog · 6 years
Ultimate Guide to UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Vietnam
Ultimate Guide to UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Vietnam
Vietnam, a Southeast Asia country, is where history, tradition and culture live, breathe and prosper. As an intersection of several cultures, our country is now home to 8 World Heritage Sites, classified by UNESCO, 5 of which are cultural heritage sites, 2 are two cultural ones and one mixed heritage site is the only mixed heritage site in Southeast Asia region. Some really famous sites like Ha Long Bay or Hoi An Ancient Town, some even Vietnamese people may not know. Whichever it is, all possess unique historical, architectural or natural values for mankind, being diverse in type and size as well as their attractive features.
In this article, I will guide you through 8 heritage sites from the North to the South along our S-shaped Vietnam, and focus on the unique features of each heritage and the best time to visit those destinations, so that you can find it more easy to choose which one to visit. Let’s dive in !
1. Imperial Citadel of Thang Long – Hanoi
Situated only 900m north of the Old Quarter, the central sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long – Hanoi is the place for history lover. This very place at had been the centre of regional political power for almost 13 uninterrupted centuries, equal to 7 dynasties of Vietnam. The central sector of the Citadel embodies a unique culture from the Red River area, influenced from the North by China and from the Champa kingdom in the South.
Credited to: Lan Nguyen – Flickr
The heritage site cover an area of 18.395ha, includes archaeological area at 18 Hoang Dieu Street and relics in Ha Noi Citadel such as: Ha Noi Flag Tower, Doan Mon, Kinh Thien Palace, to name but a few. Time and the war has destroyed most of the architectural monuments, so you might not see a grandeur monument. Underground, layers of dynasties was found stacked upon each other, and ten of thousands of artifacts has been unearthed, able to partially reconstruct the historical process from 17th to t8th century.
Opening time: Tuesday to Sunday, 8:00 – 17:00 Place: 18 Hoang Dieu, Dien Bien, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi
Definitely find a knowledgeable guide to introduce about Hanoi history, or else, a visit to this site can be monotonous as there are not really much to see.
Hanoi Flag Tower is a must. Back in the 19th century, this fortress was one the tallest tower in the old Hanoi, right now it still offer expansive views of Ba Dinh Square and Hanoi city centre.
2. Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay seems to be the most famous heritage when it comes to Vietnam. Designated a World Heritage site in 1994, this bay is a spectacular seascape of 3000 limestone islands rising from the emerald waters of the Gulf of Tonkin. Most of them are uninhabited and covered by dense, green foliage, hence, cruising around countless islands and karsts exude a keen sense of serenity.
Additionally, the site’s outstanding scenic beauty is complemented by its great geographical interest. Visitors to Ha Long also come to explore the world’s most charming caves. Ha Long Bay possesses a incredible diversity of caves and other landforms, deriving from the uncommon geomorphological process of marine invaded tower karst.
Best time to travel: Spring (Mar- Apr), Autumn (Sep – Oct) are the best time to visit Ha Long, though it is fine to visit all year around
Recommendation: If you worry that Ha Long Bay may be too touristy, you can head straight to Cat Ba Town, or Lan Ha Bay, both are equally captivating.
3. Citadel of the Ho Dynasty
The citadel of the Ho Dynasty might not be quite famous to most tourists, yet the story behind this stone capital is still one of a kind. This is the only stone citadel remaining in Southeast Asia and is one of the few remains in the world. The massive blocks of stone were slotted together without any mortal, and still stands strong for the test of time – they are over 600 years old already.
Credit to: Alex Curylo
Citadel of the Ho Dynasty was recognized as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2011, represents an outstanding architectural style of Southeast Asia in the flowering period of Neo-Confucianism
The dynasty of Ho, however short-lived it is, had left valuable legacies to Vietnamese economy as Ho Quy Ly King was the one who introduced paper money and supported foreign trade by opening ports as well as expanded school curriculum to subjects as maths or agriculture.
Time to visit: Spring & Winter (November to April) Opening hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Place: Vinh Loc District, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam
For such cultural destinations like this, you should choose a qualified tour guide as there are not much visible to the eyes.
Other breathtaking destinations in Thanh Hoa: Pu Luong- A piece of serenity.
4. Trang An Landscape Complex
Located in the southernmost province of Red River Delta, only 100 km south of Hanoi, Trang An Landscape Complex is famous for its spectacular landscape of limestone karsts, foliage, rice fields along emerald rivers. It has also been dubbed the Inland Ha Long Bay.
Tam Coc in the Golden Rice Season, April – May or October
However, Trang An offers more than natural beauty – it is the only mixed natural and cultural world heritage site in Southeast Asia. The site comprises of three protected areas: the Hoa Lu Ancient Capital, the Trang An-Tam Coc-Bich Dong Scenic Landscape, and the Hoa Lu Special-Use Forest. The ancient capital of Hoa Lu, with Dinh and Le Dynasties reigning from 10th to 11th century also worth a visit for history lover.
What could be more ideal than rowing a boat through the waterways between vast limestone cliffs rising out of lush rice paddies, then passing through naturally gifted caves and grottoes?
To add to the sentiment, Trang An was among one of the major filming sites of the blockbuster Kong: Skull Island. Immersing yourself in the film setting and follow film crew steps in our tour here
Tribal Village in Kong: Skull Island Movie
Best time to visit: Almost any time of the year is good to visit Trang An. In each season, Trang An has its own beauty, from the harvesting field in Apr-May and Sep-Oct to lotus and water-lily rivers in June. However, Dec-Feb is not quite appropriate due to high chance of spring drizzle.
Activities: Top 4 things to do in Ninh Binh Vietnam
5. Phong Nha Ke Bang
Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park, possessing the oldest karst mountains in Asia, where the Son Doong – the largest cave on earth are located, has been inscribed as a World Heritage site in 2003. Hundreds of cave systems and underground rivers, many of extraordinary scale and length, make this site a heaven for those who seek the grandeur of nature.
Paradise Cave – stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations
Depend on how active you are, there are much more to explore in this 85,754-ha–nature-reserve. Going deeper inside these caves or discover them by off-the-beaten-track trails, you can absorb the splendour of the caves without having to share it with the daytime crowds.
Phong Nha Cave – a river cave only accessible by boat. Keep your eye out for the Cham writings at the far end of the cave.
Plus, at the heart of the national park harbours the world’s largest cave Son Doong cave. It’s about 5.5miles long in length and is 650ft tall at its tallest point. So large that Son Doong even developed its own localized weather system and unique ecosystem. Centuries of water erosion contributed to collapsed ceilings, allowing jungles to grow inside the cave.
Credit to: Alesha Bradford
Best time to visit: Spring (March to May). In others month in dry season (February to August), the weather is still nice, yet, it is not advisable to go there during rainy season, especially from October to December
Recommendation: More information about Son Doong can be found at Interesting facts about Son Doong and Son Doong Insight.
6. Complex of Hué Monuments
Hue was our capital of Vietnam from 1802 to 1945, the center of political, cultural and religious influence of the Nguyen Dynasty. The Complex of Hue monument comprises of 3 round: Imperial City, Purple Forbidden City and the Inner city and well as the some monuments along the Perfume River. Hué is the landmark of the imperial Vietnamese history, arts and architecture.
Complex of Hué Monuments
Credit to: Andy Leong
Like the overall atmosphere of Hue, this old citadel exudes a sense of tranquility. You should spend enough time here to really experience the beauty of this royal citadel.
Best time to visit: From February to April. Other months are still fine, but you should avoid the rainy season from August to December.
Opening time:
Winter 7:00 – 17:00
Summer 6:30 – 17:30
Additionally: From April 22 to October 15, 2018, the citadel also open at night from 7-10pm.
Ticket price: Hue Imperial Palace 150.000 VND/adult ($6.50) and 30.000VND/child ($1.20). For further info, click here.
Tu Duc Tomb – The summer palace – tomb that the king built himself. Credit to: Chai Yuen Leong
  Khai Dinh Tomb – the fusion of East and West. Credit to: Hura Cars
7. Hoi An Ancient Town
Located in central Viet Nam – Quang Nam Province, only 30 kilometers from Da Nang city, Hoi An is the most atmospheric town of Vietnam. Regarded as an exceptionally well-preserved example of Far Eastern trading port from the 15th to 19th century, the town reflect a balanced fusion of indigenous and foreign cultures that contributed to this unique survival. The wooden structures and street plan today are still well-maintained over three centuries, which is unique in the region, a strong reason why it was designated by UNESCO as World Heritage Site in 1993.
Hoi An Old Quarter
Hoi An is like a living museum of architecture and urban lifestyle. The living heritage reflecting the diverse communities of the indigenous inhabitants of the town, as well as foreigners, has also been preserved and continues to be passed on. Also, the nuances of traffic and pollution are almost absent here, befitting the peaceful and cosy atmosphere of this town.
Best time to visit: February to August (dry season)
Opt for the most exquisite options to uncover this town at Hoi An : A seductive shining jewel
Seek for balance of experience when travelling at Hoi An – Where the green and blue could be in harmony
8. My Son Sanctuary
My Son Sanctuary is a great heritage of Champa Kingdom, an ancient civilization owing its spiritual origins to the Hinduism of India. The site used to be the political and religious capital of Champa Kingdom for most of its existence from 3rd century to 1832. For that long-standing history, My Son Sanctuary presents a vivid picture of spiritual and political life in an important phase in the history of South-East Asia. The site was designated as a cultural World Heritage in 1991.
My Son Sanctuary – Ancient architectural ruins in the middle of forest
One thing really interesting about these temple is that if you take a closer look, you will notice that there are no mortal to hold the bricks together. Also, some bricks are covered with moss, while other are red. Which ones are original and which ones are the renovated ? In fact, the thousand-year-old bricks are the ones that still maintain their red color. Cham people are famous for their technique of firing bricks, and the these walls standing the test of time are the proof of their superb skills.
Location: Duy Tan Commune, Duy Xuyen District of Quang Nam Province (about 70km southwest of Danang and 40 km from Hoi An) Entrance ticket: 150,000 VND ($ 6.7 USD) Opening time: 6:00 – 17:00
Best time to visit: early in the morning before it gets too hot, or early afternoon when it is not too busy.
So that is the complete list of World Heritage Sites in Vietnam, I hope that you can now choose the one of your favour. Have a nice trip in Vietnam!
Follow us at Eviva Blog for more travel inspiration in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar!
Source: http://blog.evivatour.com/ultimate-guide-to-unesco-world-heritage-sites-in-vietnam/
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leac92 · 6 years
Journal Entry #8: 03/11/2018
This week in class, we were all involved with the Human Technologies, which is a network of artists, scholars and teachers exploring the interplay between physical and virtual experience and seeking to intervene directly in creating better futures. During this time, I participated with some theater students in collaborating a short animation that focused on the mind and body. One of the poems I found interesting was this: 
Group Collage 1
GHOST 1 is doing their thang all over the stage. GHOST 2 stands and watches.
GHOST 3 enters, before they can speak:
 GHOST 3 stands and watches with GHOST 2 as GHOST 1 is doing their thang
What is this about?
 GHOST 1 drunkenly staggers through a wall.
 GHOST 1 comes right back through the wall, slurring:
Your body is your form, both physical and intangible. Listen to it.
 All ghosts take a moment to slowly look down at their "bodies".
What is this about?
Place one hand on your head and one on your belly. The process is pretty straightforward.
That's probably less useful than you'd think.
Listen to someone's voice with care and attention.
Listen to it.
Turn around slowly and see the entire room.
Turn around slowly and see the entire room.
(aside to GHOST 3)
This is my entire world at the moment.
 GHOST 1 swells without breaking like water in a glass
To succeed, we need to expand our value--
 GHOST 2 and 3 begin swelling without breaking like water in a glass. GHOST 2 is really excited about this, GHOST 3 has no idea what the hell is going on.
And not just to the individuals to whom we are already relevant, we need to matter more to more people if we want our work to shine.
                         GHOST 1 continues to do their thang.
                        Curtain close.
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I also checked out another event that focused on "Visual Perception of Human Motion" and "Viewpoints Performance Technique". I was able to take a couple notes and also draw a few quick sketches of the people involved in the event. I need to continue practicing quick sketches and just loosening up a bit. I'm beginning to learn a lot more on line of action, as I have applied it to some of my work in the production class I'm taking. Creating anticipation poses that will help with animation, once we begin working with the 3D model. 
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We also began writing our proposal for the next 6-week prototype that could potentially be progress for out thesis idea. I already wrote a draft of a potential storyline, but I know there is going to be some changes made. However, I want to keep the same idea intact. Here is my rough draft, without editing: 
Story starts when the girl walks into a room and finds a table and a stack of paper and a pencil. At first she is reluctant to take up the pencil, for she has doubts she would not succeed. As she begins draw, she is pushed back by fear. Fear yells at her, forcing her to run away. As she runs, she makes her way into a town she's never been. As she moves through it, she becomes more familiar with it, as she feels she's been there for a long time. She becomes stronger and so, the table with the paper and pencil appear again. She heads towards it, but is blocked by fear again, but this time, fear is not alone. She is driven back by the yells of doubt, uncertainty, insecurities and fear and as she runs, she begins to feel a heavy burden that weighs her down. This has manifested into a wall. Something that has followed her all her life and has grown over time. Something she cannot escape nor choose to face because she is afraid. Afraid that what lies over that wall is failure, loss and a future that will lead nowhere. So she does not attempt to pass it because in her heart, she knows the truth. There are writings on the wall of all of her thoughts. The thoughts of what people think of her, and what she thinks of herself. As she stands there, she hears a beeping sound and turns in its' direction. She notices someone laying in the bed. It's her grandfather, who is dying. As she approaches him, he says something to her. She moves her ear towards him and he whispers to her: Do not worry about me. Focus on what's important. Focus on you. That moment, she understood exactly what she needed to do. The beep rings off into the distance as she continues forward, not looking back. As she continues towards the wall, she hears voices of encouragement and wisdom. With assurance in her heart, she touches the wall and smiles. part of the wall deteriorates and creates a hole to the other side. There, she sees the table with the paper and pencil. She makes her way towards the table, sits down and looks at the paper and pencil. She grabs the pencil and smiles, as she begins her new journey. 
I will begin developing concept art over break and make changes if needed.
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Forging ahead – News VietNamNet
Long-term Japanese investor Panasonic has recently announced it would be keen on investing and expanding its manufacturing activities in Vietnam. 
Panasonic Vietnam CEO Mr. Kazuhiro Matsushita told VET that over the past few years the company has recorded handsome growth in almost all categories, at times reaching into the double digits. 
“In fiscal year 2017, we recorded approximately 10 per cent growth in the group’s business activities in Vietnam, with the appliance and eco-solution fields growing by more than 20 per cent,” he said.
Positive attitude
Panasonic and a host of other major investors from many countries and territories worldwide have been present in Vietnam for decades. Considered a promising manufacturing hub in Southeast Asia, Vietnam’s manufacturing and processing sector continues to attract the most foreign investors. 
Projects from 126 countries and territories in 19 sectors have come to the country, worth $318.72 billion in total. Another highlight of the success of foreign direct investment (FDI) last year was the ongoing relocation of investments by multinational companies from elsewhere. 
Arriving in Vietnam nearly 50 years ago, Panasonic has now invested in five factories and a research and development (R&D) center, with capital reaching $243 million and employee numbers nearly 8,000. Most recently, its eco-solution factory in southern Binh Duong province doubled in size to meet growing demand domestically and for export. The company has developed a full-function business model, from R&D to manufacturing and distribution and at the same time actively realized its corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities. 
“We will continue to expand our business in different fields, developing the workforce through R&D activities and human resources development programs, contributing to society through unique educational and environmental projects,” Mr. Matsushita added.
Another strategic partner from Japan, the Sumitomo Corporation, is engaged in various business fields in Vietnam, such as infrastructure, manufacturing, real estate, sales of metal products and automobiles, construction of power plants, flour milling, and agricultural chemical sales. 
The company last year began construction of the Thang Long Industrial Park III in northern Vinh Phuc province, joining Thang Long I in Hanoi and Thang Long II in northern Hung Yen province. Sumitomo has also partnered with the BRG Group to develop the Nhat Tan – Noi Bai urban area project in Hanoi, with total investment of more than $4 billion.
Mr. Hiroshi Karashima, CEO of Sumitomo Vietnam, said the company has aimed to further contribute to Vietnam’s economy by inviting foreign investors and high-tech enterprises to the country. 
“We plan to develop new businesses that provide solutions to problems in society, such as developing public transportation that alleviates traffic congestion, promoting environmentally-friendly energy supply, or providing comfortable housing,” he said. “Moreover, we will continue to explore business opportunities in all sectors.”
Similar to Japanese enterprises, South Korean investors have long been interested in investing in Vietnam because of the country’s large and young population along with rapid economic growth. 
Doosan Vina, for instance, has been expanding its investments into a variety of key sectors, including power plants, water supply, cargo container crane manufacturing, and high-tech structural steel production. The company and its partners have completed four power plants in Vietnam, adding close to 5,000 MW in total to the national grid.
It’s also created 2,000 stable jobs in central Quang Ngai province. Major infrastructure the company has been involved in Vietnam now exceeds $2.4 billion in investment, and 2017 exports reached $170 million. 
“Since opening in 2009, our ‘Made in Vietnam’ products are now at work in 30 countries around the world,” Mr. Park Hong Ook, CEO of Doosan Vina, told VET.
As in previous years, of the 19 industries and sectors foreign enterprises invested in in Vietnam in 2017, most FDI went to manufacturing and processing, with around $15.87 billion, accounting for 44.2 per cent of the total. 
There was spectacular movement seen in the electricity, gas, and water production and distribution industry, which surpassed the real estate sector to be in second position, with $8.37 billion in investment, representing 23.3 per cent of total FDI. This increased investment was fueled by a number of mega projects in the country last year. 
The electricity industry has stood out in attracting large amounts of FDI as Vietnam looks to find solutions to increasing supply to meet demand. Among some of the mega projects were three build-operate-transfer (BOT) thermal power projects: Japan’s $2.8-billion Nghi Son 2 plant in north-central Thanh Hoa province, Japan’s $2.58 billion Van Phong 1 plant in south-central Khanh Hoa province, and Singapore’s $2.07 billion Nam Dinh 1 in northern Thai Binh province.
Major projects in other industries included South Korea’s $2.5 billion Samsung expansion project in northern Bac Ninh province, the $1.27-billion Block B-O Mon gas pipeline project in the Mekong Delta province of Kien Giang, and South Korea’s $886 million smart city complex project in Ho Chi Minh City’s Thu Thiem New Urban Area, from the Lotte Group.
Record FDI 
Data from the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Global Competitiveness Report 2017-2018 revealed major gains for Vietnam, jumping five places from the previous report to 55th position and 20 places from five years ago, putting it among the six economies with the best average growth rates over the last decade. 
Vietnam’s competitiveness is significantly driven by its market size, which ranks 31st among the 137 economies measured, based on a set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine productivity levels. This growth has been well-evidenced by the impressive surge in FDI over the last year.
FDI in Vietnam, by sector
Source: FIA, 2017
While economies around the world have suffered from market instability, regulatory changes and business-friendly policies have seen Vietnam thrive. Its economy has remained stable, with GDP growth exceeding the averages posted by neighboring Southeast Asian countries and emerging Asian economies. 
Its success can be largely attributed to the State’s commitment to creating an attractive business environment for both domestic and international enterprises. 
Building on the country’s solid foundations, the government has introduced a number of regulatory changes to help increase both FDI and foreign indirect investment. This pro-business attitude has also stimulated growth in the private sector, driving local business and improving competition. 
By leveraging its political stability, sustainable economy, and high-quality investment opportunities, Vietnam has become an attractive proposition for investors around the world.
2017 was, in fact, a record-breaking year for the economy, which is a very good sign for a better business and investment environment in 2018. Figures from the General Statistics Office (GSO) confirm that the economy performed better than in 2016 and recorded its highest growth for a decade, of 6.81 per cent. 
Vietnam also attracted the most FDI among Asian countries, with $35.88 billion, up 44 per cent against 2016. With recognition of significant improvements in the country in matters such as electricity access, credit access, and taxes, Vietnam climbed 14 places to 68th among 190 countries in the latest World Bank’s Doing Business 2018 report.
Limitations remain
Despite reaching record levels of FDI and high economic growth, Vietnam still needs to make significant improvements to institutional performance, human resources skills, and business innovation. 
“Firms perceive that the lack of an educated workforce constitutes a significant hurdle for doing business,” the WEF report noted. An opinion poll it conducted found that access to financing, an inadequately educated workforce, corruption, poor work ethics, and tax regulations are the five biggest ‘problematic factors’ when doing business in Vietnam.
The government has received some praise from the foreign business community for its commitments and efforts to improve the business environment and enhance national competitiveness. However, “the business and investment environment in Vietnam still has room to develop and improve further,” said Mr. Matsushita from Panasonic. 
Typically, the absence of support industries is behind the low localization rate of just 33.2 per cent, according to the JETRO Global Trade and Investment Report 2017, which is tiny compared to China’s 67.3 per cent and Thailand’s 56.8 per cent. In addition, “sources of highly-skilled engineers need to be more developed in Vietnam to suit the requirements and drastic changes to come from the fourth industrial revolution [Industry 4.0] around the world,” Mr. Matsushita added.
According to Mr. Park from Doosan Vina, Vietnam will need to consider three factors to attract more FDI. The first is the economy, as the high levels of growth now recorded need to be sustained. 
A critical component of growth is power supply, which business and industry needs to be productive. Power is fundamental to any growth, so its development needs to be prioritized. Secondly, the government should ensure that favorable tax, customs, and regulatory conditions exist for people and for businesses. Finally, there needs to be an emphasis on the development of quality HR.
To fully capitalize on FDI in the new era, the Ministry of Planning and Investment is drafting an FDI strategy for 2018-2023. With assistance from the World Bank, the strategy will focus on sectors with advantages and that foreign firms can bring more benefits to compared to domestic firms. 
Vietnam will set out priority sectors for attracting FDI, such as those that need increased value and competitiveness, including manufacturing, service, agriculture, and tourism.  
VN Economic Times
The post Forging ahead – News VietNamNet appeared first on Breaking News Top News & Latest News Headlines | Reuters.
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thebroadlife · 7 years
Ha Giang was the first destination in my 14-day travel from North to Central Vietnam. With me, this place is definitely ideal and awesome for backpackers to wander around. The reasons? Beautiful landscapes, good foods with cheap prices, and especially the experience of riding motorbikes on the passes surrounded by amazing sceneries. Also, Vietnam’s northernmost point is at Ha Giang.
Extract from my note: Arriving in Ha Giang City at 4:45AM, we had breakfast and rented motorbikes to wander around Ha Giang province … We had to go through Quan Ba town and Yen Minh town .. As we could not take our eyes of beautiful scenes on the way to Dong Van Town, we arrived at 6 p.m., later than expected. Along the way Dong Van town, there are many marvellous and picturesque landscape with the famous Buckwheat flower.. Next day, our plan was to visit H’Mong King’s Palace, and Lung Cu – the Northernmost point of Vietnam, then moving to Meo Vac town.. In day 3, except the good breakfast we had at Meo Vac and the enjoyable, memorable experience of riding motorbike on the passes at night without lights, we just were on the road all day long. Finally we arrived in  Ha Giang City around 9PM and directly went to a homestay in Tuy village to spend the rest of the night with delicious foods and special wine.
When to Go?
January and February for plum flowers, the peach flowers, and yellow rape flowers blossom.
April for Khau Vai love market.
September and October for ripen rice season.
November for Buckwheat flower season
December with snow (if you are lucky ^^!)
How to Go?
To have a full and awesome experience at Ha Giang, riding motorbike around is highly recommended. It’s better to have a round trip to enjoy the province. Here is my route: Hiring a motorbike at Ha Giang city and starting from the city → Quan Ba → Yen Minh → Dong Van → Meo Vac → Ha Giang city.
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This is the address where I rent motorbikes for the trip – Group 15, Nguyen Trai Ward, Ha Giang City. Phone no. is 091 779 7269 or 097 815 9123.
Where to Go?
Dong Van
You have to pass Quan Ba, Yen Minh, and a lot of beautiful scenes with the total distance at around 150km to go to Dong Van. Always keep your camera ready, or you will regret missing the views that you didn’t capture.
Locals call it "Dragon Eye" – the lake is seen from Lung Cu Flagpole, Vietnam's northernmost point. Ha Giang, 🇻🇳 . #thebroadlife #travel #lungcu #hagiang #vietnam #scenery #landscape #instatravel #instadaily #instapassport #instagood #instago #travelgram #lovetotravel #traveldiary #openmyworld #roamtheplanet #neverstopexploring #wonderful_places #mytinyatlas #beautifuldestinations #travelblog #photooftheday #picoftheday #traveladdict #postcardsfromtheworld #wanderlust #explore #igtravel #travelphotography
A post shared by Khoi Nguyen 🖊 The Broad Life (@khoingn) on Dec 8, 2016 at 2:13am PST
Visit: many fields of Tam Giac Mach flower along the way, Thach Son Than, Sky Gate, Double mountain, Happy Road (old), Lung Khuy cave, House of Pao, especially Dong Van Rocky Plateau, H’Mong King’s Palace, and Lung Cu Flag Tower – the northernmost point of Vietnam.
just left Ha Giang city and start our journey
on my way to Dong Van
first scene on the way
scene 1: kids are playing with the straws
at Quan Ba, we crossed this field and then come back after we found an interested scene 😀
scene 2: a woman is cleaning the straws
at Quan Ba, the location’s just appeared when the sun rises
at one of the common rest stop at Quan Ba, there is a heart-shaped grass in the hill so anyone can notice 😀
Dong Van City
scene alongside on my way to H’Mong King’s Palace
ethnic kids playing beside the roadway, I took this photos while riding at 40km/h
a market place in front of H’Mong King’s Palace
a view from the window at H’Mong King’s Palace
Lung Cu flagpole – the northernmost point of Vietnam
a scene around the northernmost point
the way which takes us to Ha Giang city
another corner of Lung Khuy cave
Eat: Tam Giac Mach pie (at Thach Son Than), spices and fast foods sold at the market in front of H’Mong King’s Palace, stuffed pancake with egg, Au Tau congee, Thang Den, black chickens and stream fishes at restaurants at Dong Van Town.
Tam Giác Mạch pie (in Vietnamese)
Dinner of the team: Stream fish, black pig meat, vegetables,..
a dish of black chickens
Au Tau Congee
Thang Den
‘fast foods’ for energy to continue the journey
Meo Vac
To come to Meo Vac, you have to go through Ma Pi Leng pass, one of the four top passes in North Vietnam. The pass is 20km long which is also named the “Happy Road”.
There are not so many places for visiting in Meo Vac but for foods… Yeah! you are going to the right destination.
Visit: hm… actually, wandering around the town is interested enough.
Eat: We went to Thanh Phuong restaurant most of the time for meals. It had a long list of foods cooked specially with North-mountain-area’s recipe. The restaurant’s address is no. 51, group 3, Meo Vac town, Ha Giang. There is a place which has Banh Cuon (stuffed pancake). It’s also a special food at Meo Vac and it’s different with the one we have in the South Vietnam. Furthermore, you should try the foods at street shops at the town too (I don’t really remember the place but you can see it while wandering around the small town).
Banh Cuon (stuffed pancake) in Meo Vac style
street foods at Meo Vac town
sữa chua nếp cẩm (in Vietnamese)
Ha Giang City
The city is the start and also the last point of the trip around Ha Giang. However, at the time we come back, we chose to stay at Ban Tuy village rather than city centre for the rest time at Ha Giang province. Here is the phone no. in case you want to book the homestay that we stayed – 094 282 50 88 or check it out at Agoda here.
The super dinner we had at Tuy village after spending a long time on road from Meo Vac to Ha Giang at night without light 🙌🏻
view while wandering around Tuy village
view while wandering around the village
Bun Vit Lang, our breakfast at Tuy village on the last day at Ha Giang
Khoi Nguyen Khoi founded The Broad Life to save his memories of places that he has been visited. And he wants to share his memories with everyone to inspire people go exploring the world.
A Guide to Ha Giang, Vietnam Ha Giang was the first destination in my 14-day travel from North to Central Vietnam. With me, this place is definitely ideal and awesome for backpackers to wander around.
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asundizzay · 7 years
I wanted to take the non-traditional route in approaching this belated Valentine’s Day post by ignoring the standard conglomeration of hearts & love, and photographing nouns that relate to some of my favorite rom-coms/rom-drams/rom-com-drams, because i’m a low-key sucker for sappy things (cheesy). I was out all day hoping to photo some movie thangs and nerds fighting the storm with their umbrellas, but nope, just got wind-slapped all around (stray branches included )–the rain didn’t start pouring until I got home because of course. 
**UPDATE (02/22): LOL it’s Wednesday. But this is finally complete. #WhyNotWednesday **
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500 Days of Summer ( 2009 )
Rachel Hansen: Just because she likes the same bizzaro crap you do doesn’t mean she’s your soul mate.
Tom and Summer were two separately flawed characters whose bittersweet union was doomed from the start. For the longest time, I saw Summer as the b-word who carelessly wrecked Tom’s heart, when in reality, Tom’s insufferable sense of entitlement and manipulative nice guy complex subtly revealed that he’s actually kind of a jerk. Except for that whole dance number to Hall & Oates You Make My Dreams and showing Summer his favorite spot and drawing painstakingly detailed buildings on her arm. That was cute. Another thing that saved this film for me was presenting the nonlinear “boy meets girl” narrative in the dude’s perspective, forewarning the audience that this is not a love story, and allowing these two imperfect humans to individually see a happy ending: Summer marries someone she truly wants, with whom she shares a genuine connection,  and Tom is refreshingly presented another “season” to start anew, with someone potentially better suited for him. Additionally, a mind-blowing color theory visually demonstrates how these two were simply not made for each other, which can be found here.
cute score: 6 ( eh cute, JGL A 10 tho )
photo: Water Court at California Plaza on the upper level of  Tom’s favorite spot in Angels Knoll, Los Angeles, 2009. 
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13 Going On 30 ( 2004 )
Matt: You can’t just turn back time.
Jenna: Why not?
In this essentially female version of Big, Jenna Rink’s 13 year-old self wishes to be thirty, flirty and thriving after some dudes and mean girls (which premiered the same year!) ruined her birthday party. On cue, magic dust spins her into an It’s A Wonderful Life-type alternate reality where she is living the dream as a rich, successful editor for her favorite fashion magazine. She reconnects with her childhood BFF, Matt, and they ultimately catch feelings faster than a winter cold. But aw dip, chocolate chip, Matt is hella engaged and about to be married, and now conflicted because Jenna has finally reciprocated his feels, but you know, commitment and whatever. A string of miscommunication and conflict occurs, then Jenna shows up to Matt’s wedding where he’s like, LOL, look  I’ve always loved you but the past can’t come back yo. Upon hearing this, she cries with intense regret, wishing she could just be 13 again for a do-over. The same magic dust gradually falls (for effect), and the scene reverts to her birthday party where she enthusiastically chooses Matt ( who grows up looking like Mark Ruffalo ) over the 80s cool kids, and their story ends all sweetly with the pair eating their favorite childhood candy on the lawn of a pink house, interestingly designed like her dream house, figuratively implying that her deepest wish has come true (or not). 
cute score: 8 ( hecka cute  the Thriller moment is still awkward for me tho and omg look Mark Ruffalo didn’t even want to do it lol click here )
photo: New York Public Library, setting for magazine’s ‘Class of 2004′ photoshoot, NYC, 2012
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10 Things I Hate About You ( 1999 )
Patrick: Yeah, and is she worth all this trouble?
Cameron: Well, I thought she was, but you know, I…
Patrick: Well, she is or she isn’t. See first of all, Joey is not half the man you are. Secondly, don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. Go for it.
A modern take on Shakespeare’s  The Taming of the Shrew ( the numerous Shakespeare references / allusions make sense now )  introduces us to the Stratford sisters, their strict father with the winning punchlines, awkward Cameron with the sidekick BFF,  the “obligatory cool kid slash model” Joey, and resident bad ( bad bad bad ) boy, Patrick Verona doing bad boy things with a bunsen burner. So here’s the thing: Bianca really wants to date Joey but she can’t date anyone until her shrewd AF sister dates, which prompts her to set up the whole “this bet gets outta hand” premise that heavily spawned in 1999. Obvious villain Joey pays Patrick to win Kat’s heart and sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You”  on the bleachers to win my heart, then he inevitably falls for her. In a callback to She’s All That, Kat eventually finds out about everything leading to the tearful read  of the eponymous (these are clearly over 10 things ) poem in class, as Patrick looks on like man I done fcuked up yo. But wait, he gets Kat the guitar she’s been wanting, insists that his feels for her are hella real and all is forgiven. Also, Cameron finally gets Bianca, and she punches Joey (whose nose spray ad is now ruined) thrice for herself, her sister and Yung Cameron. Oh yeah, and Cameron’s BFF ends up finding a Shakespeare lover just like him, lol, nerds. 
cute score: 9 ( super cute, everyone gets who they want and the real bad boy gets what he deserves! They had a band on the freakin’ roof dude )
photo: Fremont Troll, where Cameron and Bianca talk and stuff, Seattle, 2009
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A Case of You / Comet ( 2013 / 2014 )
Birdie: Success is a myth. Love’s the only true currency. After all this is done, all that really matters is how and who you loved.
Dell: Why does it feel so impossible to let you go?
Dell: It’s an addiction, you know. That’s all it is.
Dell: It’s a biochemical addiction. It’s so stupid.
Dell: If you think about it relationships are all totally narcissistic.
Dell: Basically, you’re just looking for someone who’ll love you as much as you love yourself. That’s all it is.
Two Justin Long movies for the price of fun. 
I’ve probably checked off so much of this dude’s filmography that I can easily tell you that one of his many underrated roles would be a cameo as George Harrison in the equally underappreciated Walk Hard: A Dewey Cox Story. I know… comedy is understandably the toughest genre to press onto humans, so to each his own. These two films fall in that hit or miss category–on one end, you have Sam, an author who meets a barista and quickly becomes infatuated with her, even more so after creeping reading her Facebook profile and mimicking those interests in order to attract her attention, eventually using her as a muse for his story ( A Case Of You ),  and on the other, you have Dell and Kim caught in a classic case of star-crossed lovers whose rocky relationship is dreamily depicted through a non-linear narrative of parallel universes, reminiscent of Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind  ( Comet ). Despite his ridiculous Facebook faux pas, Birdie admits that she was adding  random items to her profile to see if Sam would change, and to no one’s surprise, she still liked him anyway because if a connection is real then it’s real, and it’s extremely important, to like, just be yourself because there’s more to a person than what they choose to display on the Interwebz. And Dell and Kim continue to sail through different universes, with Dell wishing to live in a permanent world where they end up together 💔. 
cute score: 3  ( So much fighting–whether with oneself, another person, or the world, das not dat cute. ). 
photo: Light trails, space, and time to represent chaotic nature of the parallel universes in Comet, NYC, 2015 
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Begin Again  ( 2013 )
Dan: You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their playlist.
Greta: I know you can. That’s what’s worrying me.
I’ll throw in Before We Go, Friends With Benefits, or even Lost In Translation into this mix of getting to know a person as you explore a new city together–whether platonically or romantically, it’s still awesome. This particular love story focuses on the protagonists’ mutual love for music rather than feelings towards each other–though their respectable relationships with his estranged wife and her ex-boyfriend still romanticize the plot. Dan Mulligan, a formerly successful record executive drunkenly discovers Gretta James, a newly independent songwriter reluctantly singing in a low-key bar thanks to pre-late late show James Corden. He sees great potential, she doesn’t believe in herself, I mean how could she, her ex-boyfriend slash songwriting partner is none other than recent singing sensation, AdamN Levine Dave Kohl. After Dan’s business partner Yasiin Bae/Yasiin Bey/Mos Def   Saul initially rejects Gretta from their record label, the pair take matters into their own hands and decide to produce their own album together, using local talented musicians backed by the sights and sounds of New York City and the result is pure magic like fireworks in your ears, the visual “wow that’s so glorious” part not the actual “boom boom” noise part, because you would totally go deaf. This is a story about how music can bring people together (production, collaboration, Dan reconciling with his wife ) or tear them apart ( Dave cheating on Greta ), seek forgiveness ( Dave singing Lost Stars, Don Henley singing The Heart of The Matter [not in this movie, that song just popped up in my head as I wrote that lol] ), or drive passion ( Violet dreams of becoming a guitarist/ Gretta’s career kicking off ). Music is love, music is life, and Gretta’s album sells hella copies from its online release, and things are looking up for Dan and his life. Dan in real life. After encountering a series of failures/contemplating suicide, discovering Gretta, producing this album, and making amends with Saul, his wife and daughter, I guess you can say that Dan (as well as Gretta? ) was given another chance to fairly begin…again. 
cute score: 7 (  Dan drunkenly composing a song in his head, The headphone splitter scene tho, das kinda cute )
photo: Times Square, the scene stealer of the headphone splitter scene tho, NYC, 2012
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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind ( 2004 )
Clementine: Meet me in Montauk. 
It’s 3:41 AM and my body hates me. Especially my eyes.  Okay, so two contrasting personalities, Joel and Clementine, meet on a train and immediately connect like 4, only to learn that they are former lovers and Clementine had erased her memories of Joel after some petty argument, and Joel’s like ‘wtf bro’ and decides to erase his memories of her. The familiar surrealistic non-linear narrative that I heart so hard navigates through Joel’s head space, intercut between scenes of sadness and anger,  to happier times until the final memory where everything crumbles to the ground like dust in the wind, as he tries to hold onto his last moment with Clementine, after realizing that he still loves her. Other story lines, connect, Kirsten Dunst finds out she had her memory of the doctor erased and she gets mad upset, like ‘i’m gonna show everyone (who has undergone this procedure) their memory erasure records’ upset.  Elijah Wood is just super devious. COTDAMN MARK RUFFALO IS ALSO IN THIS MOVIE LOL WTF YO. The scene restarts and Joel and Clementine, meet on a train and immediately connect like 4, only to learn that they are former lovers and they’re like “oh whaa” and think that maybe starting over would be a good idea or it might be the same but they go for it anyway and who knows what those two are up to now probably making sure that they don’t forget about each other amirite lol omg it’s already 4. 
cute score: 2 ( Comet before comet was comet, not dat cute, but like Comet, beautiful cinematography is a 10)
photo: Imagine this human’s hair is orange, you know, like Clementine, ArtWalk, San Diego, 2014
honorable mentions: Garden State. Ryan Gosling & Ryan Reynolds’ things. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. High Fidelity. Say Anything. John Hughes’ things. 
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