#ikepri chevalier fic
syneilesis · 9 months
[fic] Before the Dawn
Before the Dawn
Ikemen Prince | Chevalier Michel x Reader | G | 499 words
ao3 link (later)
The Number One Hero knows your address. That's bad news.
A/N: Fourth entry to @cy-inky’s one week challenge! It's heroes and villains AU with the prompt "Who did this to you?" It's a spicy line! But I can't seem to pull it off with Chevalier, who's the hero lol So I'll settle with whatever is going on here haha.
Divider by @/saradika.
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It shouldn't surprise you that the Number One Hero knows where you live.
It also shouldn't surprise you that the Number One Hero could have stormed your residence at any given moment, given his knowledge of your address.
After all, the White Tiger is a thorough, ruthless hero, determined to rid of all threats looming over the city of Rhodolite.
That goes for you, too: an S-class villain—though only part-time, because you love your main job (video game composer). The few times you've clashed with the White Tiger have been the highlights of your career as a villain. He's strong, a beast with a blade, but also cunning and methodical. Sometimes, you wonder how you had survived all those confrontations with him. It's only thanks to your superhuman reflexes that keep you toe to toe with the hero (though you're not so bad with martial arts as well).
So, yeah, it shouldn't surprise you that the White Tiger knows where you live and that he could enter your home at any given time.
The CPU you're carrying drops to the floor with a cringe-inducing crash, the loudness of it echoing around your poster-filled walls, and you shoot the White Tiger sitting calmly on your favorite couch a murderous glare that he counters with a judgmental look.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” you bite off, crouching to pick up the damaged pieces by your feet.
He doesn't answer, merely watching you from where he's sat, and you notice that his left eyelid twitches every now and then.
His lack of response heightens your wariness. Usually, he would have snarked back with a huff, and then probably a Your interior design is abysmal, but there is nothing of the sort, and now you're kinda-sorta-maybe concerned, so you study him from where you are some more.
His skin is pale, and his breaths shallow, and the clincher—blood drips down from his temple, catching at his jaw, before it drops to his white hero costume.
The CPU is immediately forgotten.
You stride towards your nemesis, and he only looks at you approaching, neither shift nor warning.
You want to examine his wound, but the White Tiger is notorious for pummeling anyone who dares touch him. And yet, this is a pressing matter. By the looks of it he's poisoned or drugged, and wounded—just how severe you want to know.
“Who did this to you,” you find yourself whispering, tone laced with an undercurrent of anger. How dare somebody hurt the White Tiger. How dare somebody not you hurt Chevalier.
Finally, he replies: “Trifle matter. You don't need to know.”
“And yet you came to me—your archnemesis.”
He snorts. “Hardly. You composed the music of Showoff's favorite game.”
Showoff? “In any case, you have to get treatment. Why the hell would you go here? You could've gone to a hospital or something.”
Chevalier closes his eyes. Exhales a long breath. Says: “Because they're coming to get you too.”
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thewitchofbooks · 7 months
🎊Happy birthday Chevalier🎊
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aquagirl1978 · 7 months
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Be Still, My Queen (NSFW)
Tempting the Beast (NSFW)
Making the Morning Worthwhile (NSFW)
Marking You as Mine (NSFW)
Adorably Awkward
Want A Bite?
A Hundred Thousand Roses (NSFW)
My Queen
A Crown for Your King (NSFW)
The Tiger Cares
The Glasses Stay On (NSFW)
Pas de Deux
The King's Command
Just a Dream
Just Another Day
Crash Into Me (NSFW)
A Rare Treat
Torment (NSFW)
Season of Change
The Queen's Command
What a Difference a Year Makes
Kiss From a Rose
She is Mine
Twist of Fate
Read to Me
Happily Ever After
The Morning After (NSFW)
More Than Words
Take My Breath Away (NSFW)
My Yellow Rose
It Was You
No Regrets
Finally (NSFW)
Chasing Fireflies
In Your Eyes
His Human Heart
A Trip to Wonderland (IkeRev x IkePri)
The One Where Belle Invites the Suitors to a Picnic (Licht, Gilbert, Sariel, Clavis, Chevalier, Jin)
What kind of undies do the princes wear? (Act 1 Suitors)
Women's Lingerie - Do they wear it and what would they wear? (ALL)
Suitors react when MC gifts them a plushie of their crest animal - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
Suitors React to a Sick MC - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Sariel)
Jealous Princes - Part 1 (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Rio)
Suitors Reaction to Finding a Toy in Your Room (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke, Rio, Gilbert)
Children's Books (Chevalier, Clavis)
Dream Wedding (Chevalier, Gilbert)
Grocery Shopping (Chevalier, Gilbert)
MC Reacts to Fight with Suitor (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Luke)
Kisses (Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors as Vampires Biting MC for the First Time (Chevalier, Gilbert, Keith, Silvio)
Suitors React to Finding Out Belle is Pregnant (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Jin, LIcht, Sariel)
Chevalier Michel with a Lovey Dovey MC
Taking Suitor's Gloves Off (Gilbert, Rio, Chevalier)
How the Suitors React to an Unexperienced Belle (Chevalier, Clavis, Nokto, Jin)
Suitors Reactions to an MC Who Gets Lost Easily (Yves, Nokto, Chevalier, Clavis)
Suitors Reactions to Attending a Baseball Game (Chevalier's Faction)
Suitors React to an MC with an Eating Disorder/Body Dysmorphia (Leon, Chevalier, Clavis)
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ikeprinces-stuff · 2 months
*Titanic song starts playing* 😭😭
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I can be his Jack and he can be my Rose cuz nah, my man ain't drowning in the cold, icy ocean!! 😭💔✨❤️
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drachonia · 10 months
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𝖑 𝖔 𝖛 𝖊 𝖘 𝖙 𝖔 𝖗 𝖞 .
Chevalier Michel Fluff notes: felt like writing this one just to get some Chev brainrot and general headcanons out of my head. nothing too serious or crazy here. excuse my (literal) french or lack thereof. it's been awhile since i've spoken or written any of the language, so i may be a little out of practice. feedback in messages is always appreciated. otherwise, i hope you forgive me for any mistakes. <3. content warning(s): written with OCs in mind, established characters/OCs, wholesome, sleepy little tiger babies.
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A yawn pierced the silence of the royal palace of Rhodolite, the brutal beast getting to his feet and glancing at the candle on the windowsill before lifting it up to his lips to blow it out with a hushed breath, quietly closing the door behind him as he left the office. The king was lead down the hallways by a soft humming melody. The beast followed the melody like a siren’s song down the halls, the faintest of smiles upon his face as he peered into their bedroom, taking note of his wife, his Belle, singing to the two young boys as she rested her head against the pillows, letting them curl up with her. Her eyes closed in a blissful sigh, only opening up to meet his own arctic blue depths in the most loving gaze. She beamed as he moved across the room with a quiet stride, crouching down to rid himself of his gloves and slip off his shoes, climbing into bed and looping his arm behind the pillows that rested against the back of his sons’ heads. Olivier tiredly rubbing at his eyes as he yawned and smiled up at his father, drifting off quickly. It reminded Chevalier much of a certain brother of his, gently brushing the wavy pale blonde locks back from his little brow as he snored quietly. “Chevalier…” his beloved whispered to him, gently nodding at the elder of the boys, eight year-old Arsène, reading their large storybook quietly in the bright moonlight that illuminated the bed from the window behind it. His tiny fingers gently leafing through its pages as he quietly brushed at the wetness of his tired little cobalt eyes. The very picture of his father, if quite small. Chevalier smiled lightly, the smallest quirk of his lips as his eyes narrowed at the little boy that had subconsciously snuggled into his father’s side as he’d joined them to venture into dreamland. He gently grasped the spine of the book, fingers pressed between the pages as he lifted the book out of his eldest’s arms, feeling Arsène’s reluctant grip as he resisted. “Mon petit, you managed to wake before me, it is time for you to rest.” Chevalier gave another gentle tug on the book, feeling the young prince’s grip slacken, but not relent. “I was just reading the part where…wh-where…” his eyelids drooped and fluttered in fatigue as he started to drift before his body jolted slightly. He pouted and frowned up at his father, only to be met with the same smile as always. “Arsène, c’est l’heure d’aller au lit.” Chevalier hummed, leaning over to kiss his forehead, moving to do the same to Olivier’s as younger brother slept curled into his mother’s side. Arsène whimpering and letting go of the book to his father’s grip. Chevalier reached to the bedside table, plucking up one of the boys’ bookmarks and placing it between the hardcover pages. His hand gently setting the collection down and turning back to give the final goodnight kiss to his wife before resting his own head against the pillows. “Papa…?” The beast’s eyes flickered in the moonlight down to Arsène’s matching ones, full of childlike admiration, “I love you.” Some say that the rarest expression on the brutal beast was a faint smile, reserved only for his darling queen. But that wasn’t entirely true, for he had just as bright of a smile when he was reminded just how truly loved he was.
“I love you too, mon petit.” He murmured, drawing his family close as the four of them held each other tight.
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lace headers by saradika.
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revasserium · 10 months
Hey hon! 👋🏻😊
I'd love to request #153. "Miraculous ruin" from your prompt list with Chevalier Michel!
thank u for the req @randonauticrap!!! <3 i hope u like it! reqs are open!
153. miraculous ruin
chevalier; 857 words; fluff and neck kisses with the smallest wafting of angst but mostly just me meditating on chev bc... well, who wouldn't want to meditate on chev
there are no winners in wars — but sometimes, just sometimes, there are survivors.
there’s blood dark as grape skins staining chevalier’s robe when he comes back. you purse your lips and reach for him. he is still for only a moment, and then he softens, reaching for you as well, letting long, cool fingers trail into your hair, curling into the roots as he tips your head back for a kiss. another kiss. another. another.
there is blood as dark as grape skins but between your lips you crush them to wine.
his breathing is ragged and blood thrums hot beneath your skin as he grazes his teeth against your pulse, his lips skimming past your collarbones, fingers tugging at the fine material of your chemise.
he kisses you like a question, like he’s searching for the answer in the warmth of your mouth, along the backs of your teeth. and all you can do is kiss him back like perhaps, if you tried hard enough, you could give him something like an answer.
“y-y’know…” you murmur, gasping as he presses you back into the silken sheets, “i read an in-interesting thing in a book today…”
“oh?” chevalier lifts his head, his eyes bright and sharp, even beneath the hazy glow of lust, the mention of books never fails to draw his interest. you smile, shift up the bed ever so slightly to lean against the headboard, letting your own fingers trail along the delicate line of his neck.
“yes… it said that the neck is one of the most intimate places to kiss a person… even more so than the lips.”
at this, the corners of his lips twitch. you allow yourself your own smile as he tugs you back down beneath him, caging you in with his limbs.
“and how so?”
he tips your head back; you feel heat and sweetness gather in the pit of your stomach. his voice is indulgent — so much frost and cream and butter — it tells you that his incredible mind has probably already gotten to the answer. it tells you that he wants to hear you say it anyway.
and isn’t that love? in it’s own way?
your lashes flutter closed as he peppers your skin with butterfly kisses.
“b-because…” you bite back a hiss as he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, the soft of your neck, painting your skin in a daisychain of blossoming reds and purples. you’ll have a time of trying to cover them up tomorrow but perhaps… perhaps you’ll leave them —
“because it would be so easy to kill a person…” you feel his movement still, and perhaps, you think, he’s remembering a time when he had pressed a blade to your throat. such a different kind of kiss, such a different kind of bite that might have made — cool metal against warm flesh.
chevalier pulls back, watching you with steady eyes. once, you’d thought them cold, but these months and days with him had taught you otherwise. with him, you learned that there’s a heat to the blueness, a warmth to the ever-cooling depths of the ocean, the ever-widening expanses of sky. there’s fire, isn’t there? in the sun? in the stars? in the weight of the world as it presses down on the ocean floor. in the so-called monsters that inhabit those depths, but they too find a way to make light, their bodies changing and adapting over centuries to make it themselves.
chevalier smiles and he is incandescence.
he is the fire in the heart of stars, he is the luminescence at the bottom of the seas.
with him, you learned that blue is heat and fire and light and life, too. always, life.
so much — life.
“yes… it would be easy to kill you like this,” he muses, his tone almost academic in its lightness. but you feel the way his lips linger on your jugular, your own heartbeat stuttering beneath his touch.
“yes… but instead…” you close your eyes and lean into his touch.
“instead…” he echoes, kissing you slow, kissing you soft, kissing you till you are trembling beneath him, open and willing and —
“you choose to kiss me.”
to love me.
he chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, pulling you into his arms as he rests beside you on the bed.
“yes. i do.”
it’s a simple thing, but his agreement isn’t so easily earned. you revel in it, curl into him as he lets out a sigh.
there is no getting the blood out of his robes — he’ll have to have another made. and then another after that. there are no winners in wars, but you know that there will be survivors. you glance up at him, resting with his eyes closed, and you allow yourself another smile.
you lean up, slow, tilt your head and press your lips to the side of his neck. a kiss. another kiss.
another. another.
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xbalayage · 8 months
A Gentle Love
A small ficlet for @aquagirl1978 :3
A gentle touch, a simple caress lasted a lifetime as your head rests silently on his chest; long slender fingers comb in slow motions through your hair as his steady heartbeat continues to keep you lulled in a state of rest. Not once before you had Chevalier craved such innocent intimacy or even gave the thought that he was deserving of such tenderness. You looked as beautiful as a painting in his arms with the morning sun enhancing your features, yet as fragile as glass that the tips of his hardened hands would only shatter with too much pressure. He moves his hand down to your shoulder, continuing his almost ghost-like traces on your upper arm. Waking you was the last thing on his mind and he couldn't help a small chuckle to escape past his lips, the tiny little smile he shows to only you blessed past behind the fog that once clouded his mind. Smiling was still a bit foreign to him and yet, so natural on his face when you're with him. He bared his heart exposed on his sleeve for you, knowing at any given moment he could bleed out roses and die by your hand; yet, you'd kiss them softly, urgently. The world may be an endless winter to him but spring radiates from your lips, the warmth of your love thawing a heart once frozen in time, shrouded in ice. Who knew a love like this could exist outside of a storybook? Nothing could interrupt this scene of tranquility for him; the morning had long been forgotten. His once unnerving stare now filled with the gaze of a gentle tiger in love watched your sleeping body in admiration, you looked so peaceful when you slept. Like fear didn't exist in your mind when you were with him - nothing could touch you, nothing could break you. His other hand shifted off the bed to where a small rose lay and he grabs it, tucking it just behind your ear. Ah, just as he thought, it suits you beautifully. A rose by an other name would smell as sweet -- what light through yonder window breaks? It was the east.. and you were the sun. His smile moved to kiss the top of your head in long pecks, looking only once towards the window before he shifted his hold tighter on your body, relaxing to the steady sounds of your breathing; his eyes finally closed to savor this moment with you. 'L’amour est la poésie des sens. Qu’est-ce que je ferais sans toi?' was the last thought to pass his mind before the unrest in his eyes helped him back into a comfortable sleep.
taglist; @nightghoul381, @yvelk, @celiciaa, @drachonia
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art-of-love-and-war · 2 years
hi! I don't know if you also write for Ikeprince but I wanted to make a request on Chevalier as a father?
Characters: Chevalier Michel x Reader Rating: General. Word count: 1568 words Warning/s: None. Having kids. Pregnancy. Author note: I'm a simp for Chevalier, so this hc's got out of hand and its kinda long, in this essay I will---
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The announcement
This man is inexperienced in some stuff, but he is not an idiot. He immediately knew when you were feeling under the weather before you could blink, sending the royal physician to check on you when you started waking up later than usual, complaining about the soreness on your body and the stomach cramps
At first, he thought it was due to the stress you were under as the Queen Consort, and he contemplated putting more work on his plate to help you along while you recovered. 
But then the physician came running to him after checking in on you, bowing deeply before him, out of breath as he apologized over and over for interrupting the meeting with his faction. 
“Her Majesty The Queen is expecting.” Were the words spoken before Chevalier could ask what such a display was about. 
There was a heavy silence in the room then. That was broken by Luke asking “Eh? Does she have visitors?” 
Followed by Clavis laughing his lungs out.
Followed by the foxy glances of Nokto after a minute of shock.
“Tsk.” He clicked his tongue, annoyed at the idiotic reactions as he stood up, cape fluttering behind him as he exited the room with long strides to hurry to the bedroom. 
You were there, processing the news, standing before the full-length mirror to see the changes in you, despite they were minimal and barely visible, even under the eye of an expert. 
In silence, he approached after closing the door behind him. The air in the room turned heavy with uncertainty as he made his way to you.
“Chevalier--I…” words died in your throat, not knowing what to say. 
“Quiet,” he commanded, laying a heavy, yet gentle hand on your shoulder that made you feel comforted by the warmth that spread all over your body. “Come sit and read with me.” 
Despite all the work put aside, he sat down, taking you with him and holding you on his lap with a gentle embrace, the palm of his hand resting on your belly, and yours laid over his. 
During the pregnancy
You bet Chevalier takes a break from romance novels just so he can read about children and parenting in general (please let it be books about it Cybird I beg you)
You are under the watchful eye of every servant and soldier, having them come to you for every and any of your needs. After all, that’s the firstborn of The King you are carrying. 
Yet you still insist on taking on your duties as Queen as you’d normally do, just with a little more support that your multiple brothers-in-law granted you to make it possible for you to have time to rest and take it easy. 
Chevalier has it rough, not getting a wink of sleep during the nights, worrying more about the enemies that might be lurking in the shadows to harm you and your child, or about your morning sickness.
As King and Queen, you’d have days where you won’t see each other until night fell, but Chevalier moves mountains just so he can get his work done with you sitting next to him, or preferably, on his lap. 
You also bet he has his sword pointed at Clavis at all times while he makes him dismantle all of his artifacts for pranks that could cause you harm even if they are not intended. If you have an accident and Clavis is in a mile radius his head won’t be attached to his body.
He doesn’t show it, but he is truly worried every time he spends a busy day all on his own without time to check in on you. 
You have a little argument over names one day. For some reason, and taking you by surprise, he lists a lot of girl names.  
Oh, remember that Clavis dismantled his stuff? Yeah, he forgot one thing that is supposed to jump-scare Yves in the kitchen whenever he would be baking
The thing is, it did jumpscare Yves…when you and he decided it’d be great to bake something together. It was his scream of terror that jump scared you so bad that your water broke. 
Chaos ensued. Yves was panicking and you…not so much. There was not as much liquid as you’d imagine there would be, but it was enough that your gown stained. 
The first ones to come to aid at Yves’ scream were Rio, who also threw himself into a panic fit about the baby about to be born, and Licht, who happened to be as calm as you were. Thankfully Licht helped you walk out of the kitchen. While Rio and Yves were consoling each other, hurrying to see what to do to help, calling for your maids to help you. 
Your maids were prepared and they rushed to prepare the room you’d be giving birth in, notifying the physician and midwives so they could come as soon as possible. 
With all the scandals in the kitchen, people might have or have not forgotten to notify someone else, the news reaching Sariel first who dutifully smacked some sense into Rio before heading to the King and announcing the news. 
Chevalier immediately dropped all of his work, “Take care of it.”, he told Sariel as he exited the room to meet you, leaving all of his work of the day in the hands of the minister. 
Thankfully, your contractions were barely starting when he made it to your side, and you had already been stripped from your gown into more comfortable robes.
Chevalier knew you were strong, but he never put your strength to the test until he held your hand during labor, clenching his jaw to avoid showing his pain because you definitely were about to break his fingers.
He holds you, with an arm around your shoulder so he is close to your body, enough for you to feel him breathe behind you, helping you control your own ragged breathing by trying to match his. 
Your birth was private, with only the necessary staff to take care of you, but behind the locked door, there was a sea of people holding their breath, listening to your wailing…and the silence that came after, followed by a tiny cry. 
Having a tiny human
Solana Michel is named the first princess of Rhodolite to be born in a long time, after a long tradition of all boys in a family. 
You took the opportunity to rest from your duties in order to take care of Solana yourself, despite a lot of the female staff insisting you shouldn't. Which was met with an “are you serious?” look from your part. 
As for Chevalier, he is still a busy man, but this time he decides to rely more on his brothers and their talents to take some weight off his shoulder so he can spend more family time with you, still taking care of the most important matters that require him. 
He is not great with kids (this is canon btw), so the first time he held his daughter, she started crying, making him tense all over before handing her back to you to soothe her. 
It takes some more tries, but the result is the same, Solana always starts bawling her lungs out the moment he holds her. 
He is annoyed, more with himself at how bad he is dealing with his own child. 
The one time Solana didn’t cry was when you were bathing after putting her to sleep in the crib. Chevalier sat close to it, reading as usual, with the quiet rain outside as background noise. Until it started thundering.
Needless to say, Solana started bawling at the loud noise outside, making him turn to look at her and consider calling you or one of the nannies to care for her.
Chevalier was still frustrated about his own daughter not liking him, and you taking care of most of her needs, and he didn’t exactly want anyone else to do it. 
He sighs heavily, prepared for the baby girl to cry her loudest once he holds her, but once she is in his arms her sobs quiet down. 
Good thing you aren’t in the room because you’d be able to see the face of pure shock this man has. 
The baby quiets down, and he does what he read once in all of those parenting books he decided to read: he hums a lullaby he has heard you sing to her and rocks her softly so she drifts back to sleep. 
You go out the bathroom only to be greeted with the sight of him, sitting comfortably with an open book in his hand and the other holding your daughter -who is now sleeping soundly- on his chest. He only gives you a soft look once he notices you are standing there. 
Once you are dressed for bed, you offer to take her so you can move her to the crib. 
“No. I’ll take care of her.” 
Half an hour later he joins you in bed, careful of the small baby in his arms. This man doesn’t show it but he is elated and won’t let go of Solana, so that night she sleeps between the two of you. 
He definitely reads to her, and he personally teaches her how to read and write as soon as she is old enough, that way the three can share a pastime. 
Chevalier doesn’t tell you yet, but he wants to go for a second and maybe a third *wink wink* 
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violettduchess · 1 year
chevalier and prompt 3 🥺❤️
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A/N: My first entry for @voltage-vixen and @xxsycamore 's Tis The Season for Love Content Creation Challenge
Chevalier x Reader
Word Count: 754
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“I do not understand the need for a Christmas tree in the salon. Your efforts have resulted in a tree as tall as four men in the palace foyer as well as one in the gardens, not to mention the tree we traditionally provide in the town square.” His royal highness King Chevalier Michel is standing in the doorway of the aforementioned salon, watching as you artfully toss handfuls of shiny gold tinsel across branches bedecked with porcelain bells, golden orbs, shimmery iridescent ornaments that look almost like bubbles, and a massive string of white pearls winding from the top to the bottom of the dark green fir.
“Because,” you say cheerfully as gold tinsel flies from your fingertips, “it gives the room a nice, cozy holiday feeling.”
He snorts, crossing his arms across his chest. Clearly he does not share your opinion. Your tinsel has run out and so you turn toward the wooden box resting on the couch, shooting him a look. “Huff all you like but you put me in charge of decorating because you did not want to bother with something so trivial AND because you did not want Clavis booby-trapping all the decorations again.”
“Black nearly had a heart-attack last year when the tree ornaments started exploding,” Chevalier murmured.
You nod, remembering as you open the wooden box and carefully remove the golden star tree topper. “And Sariel was furious at all the green dye in the fountains.”
“Four Eyes is always furious about something,” Chevalier states as he watches you walk back toward the tree you had placed in the back corner of the salon. He must admit, it does compliment the darker tones of the room and you have done a fine job decorating it in angelic white and gold. Now as you approach the tree, a slow grin pulls on the corner of his mouth.
“You cannot reach the top.”
He sounds far too amused for his own good, you think as you assess the tree. The top is rather high but it isn’t like its giant cousins in the town square or downstairs in the foyer. This one is about as tall as Chevalier and you can reach up and push your fingers through that pale, silken hair without trouble.
“Of course I can.” Think tall thoughts. Pine trees. The palace spires. Luke. Slowly, you raise yourself up onto your toes, stretch out your arm, and will the heavy star-shaped golden tree topper to reach the top. Not.....quite.....your toes are beginning to hurt, screaming at you that they have reached their limit. Your arm is starting to shake, a weary soldier with only a few last gasps of air left before it collapses. Just....ugh....a...half a centimeter.....the topper brushes the tip of Christmas tree in the very faintest of kisses. Come on....argghhh.....
And then something hard is gripping your waist, your aching toes leave the wooden floor and your arm manages one final act of bravery as it sets the topper onto the tree before falling, exhausted, to your side. For a moment you are at height with the golden star, floating in the air like the spirit of Christmas itself, suspended above the tree in all of its now complete glory. You gasp softly as the sight, your eyes trained on the star even as you slowly sink back down to earth, your feet coming to rest on the floor once again.
Chevalier’s hands slide from your waist, forward, wrapping around you and pulling you back against him. You lean back into him, admiring your handiwork. Even in the thin winter light pouring in through the arched window, the tree shines, a celestial wonder with its white and gold ornaments, glistening tinsel and of course, the majestic Christmas star at the very top, twinkling proudly.
“Thank you,” you sigh happily as you hug his arms against you, nestling against the wide, comforting feel of his chest at your back.  He lowers his head, pressing a kiss to your temple before speaking. “I was correct in my assertion that you are too short.”
A smile, soft as snowfall, bright as moonlight, crosses your lips as you turn your head to look up at the man you love.
“I seem to fit here,” you snuggle even closer against him, pulling his arms more tightly around your midsection, “just fine.”
He laughs, a quiet sound as smooth and fine as velvet. “That you do.” Another kiss, this time to your cheek. “That you do.”
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @leotoru @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @scorchieart
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aide-falls · 1 year
So is anyone taking any Fic requests that writes for any of these? I know a lot of the main people that write for them either aren’t taking requests at the moment or don’t write for these characters; thanks!
Jude Jazza (Ikevil)
Guy Avari (COD)
Johann Faust (ikevamp)
Chev (ikepri)
Gilbert (ikepri)
Rio (ikepri)
Clavis (ikepri)
Sariel (Ikepri)
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syneilesis · 1 year
[fic] Grading papers
Grading papers
Ikemen Prince | Part of Cybird University 'verse | Chevalier Michel x Reader | T | 905 words ao3 link
Home slippers on, you pad towards the living room to discover Chevalier on the couch, reading glasses on, a paper on his hand and a stack of the same beside him, wearing the most remarkable frown you have ever seen in the entire time you’ve known him. The ends of his brows are so pulled down that you’re afraid that they’ll be stuck there permanently. Not that his scowling face is ugly, of course, but he’s just as beautiful if not more when smiling.
A/N: I mentioned this once before, but I wanted to write a self-indulgent college/university AU for ikeseries. It's just going to be a low-stakes writing exercise, to de-stress from the major fic projects (i.e., novelist AU, ocean water fic, Kanetsugu fic). Reader will always be (unless indicated) of unspecified gender. I will write for other characters too, when the mood strikes.
The first fic for this verse is, of course, about Chevalier 😂 I don't know how to write fluff; this is the extent of fluff I can write lmao. Also, sorry for the corniest ending – I didn't know how to end the fic lol
The apartment is quiet when you open the front door, dim but with enough light at the end of the hallway for you to see a pair of oxfords arranged neatly on the top of the shoe rack. A smile creeps onto your lips without your bidding, soft warmth spreading from your chest, which tempts you to just shake off your own shoes. You refrain from the urge, knowing that he wouldn’t be amused about it.
Home slippers on, you pad towards the living room to discover Chevalier on the couch, reading glasses on, a paper on his hand and a stack of the same beside him, wearing the most remarkable frown you have ever seen in the entire time you’ve known him. The ends of his brows are so pulled down that you’re afraid that they’ll be stuck there permanently. Not that his scowling face is ugly, of course, but he’s just as beautiful if not more when smiling.
You place your bag on the adjacent couch, your eyes never leaving him. “Is it their arguments this time?”
Chevalier doesn’t spare you a glance; he encircles something in the paper with the fountain pen you’d gifted him five years ago. You’d agonized over what to give him for his birthday at the time. Chevalier’s the sort of person who has everything, and you were desperate to make a good impression that you resorted to consulting Clavis of all people.
In the end, you decided on something elegant but useful.
“It’s obvious that this one didn’t read the assigned cases,” Chevalier says after a few moments. Then he immediately clicks his tongue and underlines a whole paragraph.
You peek into the paper, and have to suppress a wince. The margins are filled with comments, the body peppered with copyediting symbols – it’s a bloodbath. Silently you send a thought for the poor student who’ll receive that paper next week.
“Could’ve been worse,” you say, circling around the couch to approach him from behind. “They could’ve inserted another Please marry me after I graduate Professor in the essay. I still remember the exact moment Dean Sariel’s blood pressure rose.”
That had been an interesting week. Everyone in Chevalier’s department knows that despite his cold and ruthless personality, he’s still a popular professor in the university. Students have to fight each other to get a slot in his courses. His ice-prince reputation doesn’t deter them in the slightest. You suspect that some students fail his course on purpose to retake it next year. When asked about it, Chevalier would just glare, frown, and roll his eyes.
One had been bold enough to insert such sentence in their essay. You were there the moment Chevalier read the words. It was like watching a critical scene in slow motion: his eyebrows shooting up, eyes blinking twice before widening, glasses sliding down his nose, expression slack; then, as if flipping a switch, his face rippled into an offended scowl, storming out of the apartment and marching straight to the dean’s office. You’d been worrying over what he’d do, so you scrambled after him.
(The day Chevalier returned the papers, he made the class go through the most excruciating recitation known to man. Some didn’t survive, some returned a changed person; even today alumni and seniors still talk about That Incident in whispers, as if Chevalier has eyes and ears everywhere [which: possible].)
Chevalier ignores you and continues to grade the paper. In the years you’ve been together, you’re already used to his cold tendencies. Although he’s not an affectionate person, you can feel his love in other ways.
You press your hands on the backrest, flanking Chevalier’s head. “Why didn’t you ask your TAs to help you with grading?”
“There was no need. I can finish this tonight.”
Very efficient, very competent. Very grumpy. You grin at the crown of his head.
“If you need moral support –”
“I don’t.”
“– then I’m just here, at your beck and call.”
There’s a minuscule pause, fleeting, and if it wasn’t for your proximity you wouldn’t have noticed it. But you did, and that reassures you to proceed with your plan.
Your hands slide down to his shoulders, encircling him. Chevalier gives no indication of resistance or anything at all, so you press further, bending down to bring your face near his. Playfully, you say, “How about I give you a kiss on the cheek, for motivation?”
You tilt your head to do so, but in a surprise twist, Chevalier turns his head so your lips smack against his. You blink, caught off-guard. His eyes are bluer through the lens of his glasses, his forehead smooth and absent of creases.
He moves slightly for a better angle then closes his eyes, nibbles on your lower lip. When he retreats, Chevalier wears a look so smug you can’t do anything except to laugh helplessly and fondly.
“Did that motivate you?”
“Hardly. You just have to stay and keep trying.”
You grin at that, your heart brimming with such affection for this man. “Guess I should,” you say, unable to keep the softness and warmth in your voice.
Chevalier transfers the stack of papers to the coffee table as you settle beside him, leaning on his shoulder while he goes back to the essay. He snakes his free arm around you, pulling you firmly against him, and then it’s back to being quiet again.
Quiet, but warm.
1. I wasn't able to include it in the fic, but you (reader-chan) work at the ministry of foreign affairs. You met some years ago because the ministry consulted Chevalier about something related to his expertise (he's a professor of International Relations, with specialization in int'l law). You worked directly with Chevalier, and the sincerity and diligence with which you conduct your work had made an impression on him.
2. Chevalier currently supervises three graduate students, one of whom Clavis annoys regularly.
3. Once, Chevalier crossed swords with Professor Kenshin from the history department (they're both kendo/fencing enthusiasts). It was the talk of the campus for a whole month. It even made the front page of the student newspaper.
4. After reading that please marry me professor essay, Chevalier stormed into Sariel's office and announced that he was going to fail a student for not taking his course seriously. Sariel had to convince Chevalier that there's a better way to handle the matter; thus, The Recitation Incident came to be.
5. You and Chevalier have been living together for three years now.
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batteryrose · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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Oh wow thank you for thinking of me. I'm still alive I've just been touching a lot of grass lately (unfortunately) and I don't have the quiet and the space to write again yet. but these are my five favourites so far:
on Violence (link leads to AO3) Nokto/Adam. Tags: scriptfic, political stuff, slow burn
long fic with unique format, it was really fun to write at the time. Many topics and themes I wish were talked about in ikepri. Haven't finished it but I don't press myself about it (in hopes I'll continue it later)
Boundless Treaty Nokto/Silvio/Adam. Tags: NSFW, threesome, porn without plot, bunch of teasing going on
The tags should tell enough. This one got good reviews for my friends so… I mean…
Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap Nokto / Silvio, feat. Adam Tags: profanities, lots and lots of profanities, suggestive scenes
This one is also pretty fun. I got kinda overboard with the swearing. I have no idea why but when I'm writing these three I tend to write from Silvio's perspective and when it's just Nokto and Adam I write from Nokto's perspective. Have I ever written from Adam's perspective??
Anyway it's about Silvio crushing on Nokto while they are unfortunately in some diplomatique(TM) conflict
What happens on earth, stays on earth.  Nokto/Adam Tags:  Soulmate AU, Suicidal ideation, racism, war setting, implied major character death, happy ending, Nokto’s 1st POV
I feel like I'm the One and Only fan of this fic mannn I think it could be better but the heart is there. Actually no several of my friends were a fan of it too, which is enough. BUT MORE PEOPLE NEED TO READ IT! JUST BECAUSE ITS 6K WORDS DOESNT MEAN YOU CANT READ IT!
Anyway it's a soulmate AU, and also some sort of worst-case-scenario AU, where Yashpari is thoroughly ruled by Obsidian and Adam still serves in its military, and Rhodolite is losing really bad in the war. Nokto is a prisoner being transferred by Adam.
God Between us and All Harm Chevalier/Elfrind Tags: NSFW, war setting, loyalty/devotion love, mutual masturbation
This one was one of my best fic for a while. writing chevalier and elfrind always got me all fucked up. I Need more people to read this because it's not a sexy porn its PORN WITH THEMES. THEMES OF DEVOUR AND SUCH
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aquagirl1978 · 10 months
Thanks for the ask, Mo!
🧡 Cloud: share a fluffy conversation you're proud of.
Here's an excerpt from my fic, "The King's Command":
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I'm sorry, this time I told the AI to write "a smutty story about being f***** by Chevalier" and... 😭
The Night with Chevalier
I'm not sure how I ended up in the same room as Chevalier, but it happened. One minute I was sipping on a drink at the bar and the next thing I knew, he was standing behind me, his hand resting on my shoulder. His French accent was thick and his cologne smelled like a bouquet of flowers.
Chevalier was known for his charm and good looks, but I never imagined I would be the lucky one to experience it firsthand. We talked for a while, his hand never leaving my shoulder, and before I knew it, we were making our way up to his room.
(nsfw | minors dni)
As soon as we entered, Chevalier wasted no time. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me deeply, his hands roaming all over my body. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. It was like a dream come true.
He picked me up and carried me to the bed, laying me down gently. He slowly undressed me, taking his time to explore every inch of my body with his hands and lips. I had never felt so desired before.
Chevalier was a master in the art of lovemaking. He knew exactly what to do to make my body respond in ways I never knew were possible. The pleasure he gave me was indescribable. I was completely lost in the moment, consumed by the passion and desire that flowed between us.
Hours later, we lay in bed, exhausted but completely satisfied. Chevalier held me close, his strong arms wrapped around me. I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I would never forget.
As the sun began to rise, Chevalier got out of bed and started to dress. He turned to me and smiled, his bright blue eyes sparkling in the morning light. "Thank you for a wonderful night," he said, before kissing me one last time and walking out the door.
I lay there for a moment, still in shock at what had just happened. But as I slowly got dressed and made my way back to my own room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and contentment. I had just been fucked by Chevalier, and it was everything I had ever wanted and more.
Atelier's note: goddamn that's actually a decent fic, other than the totally wrong characterization lol
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How the Rhodolite princes would react to their firstborn/newborn
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Rating: PG-13 (?) Ikepri itself contains a lot of mature themes however, as such, mdni 🔞
Warnings: Brief mentions of (past) character death, grief, pregnancy/childbirth themes (no actual birth depicted), gn but implied afab, & the usual tragic Ikepri cannon.
A/N: Tried to write how they'd hold their kid and what they were feeling when meeting them. Spoiler warnings for the Rhodolite princes routes, tried not to bring up anything major though (Luke's is probably the most spoilery?). Tried to keep the princes' spouses GN, though implied afab bc newborns. (One very brief mention of Belle, but mc/reader is not Emma.) Might eventually make pt2 with the others..? Please read the warnings and proceed only if comfortable! :)
(Apologies for anything that seems ooc, I haven't written much in awhile and this is my first piece for Ikepri! I'm more used to fics rather than hcs, but I tried my best! o7)
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There's so much Jin can't help but worry about. His past, his future, his country... and now he's got not one but two loved ones he would do anything for. The little bundle of joy in his arms reminds him of the times when his younger brothers were born, and how cute they used to be (well, some of them, anyway). The bleary, garnet eyes trying to look into his own have him wondering.. is this how he looked to his dear mother? There's so much he cherishes, and so much he fears, but he won't let the history of Belle repeat itself. He'd fight the entire palace if he had to, but for right now, he'll settle for tackling pesky burps and dirty diapers. Jin coos at his baby, baritone voice suddenly startling the poor thing, and he can't help but pout. The baby in his arms continues to fuss, feeling hungry.
Jin pulls something out of his breast pocket, looking over at his spouse. "So.. how much longer until they can have lollipops?"
Chevalier would likely be a bit awed upon holding his firstborn, much like the quiet way he takes in Emma's precence. Chevalier is known to be awkward with his affections, as he's far from practiced, but it's been shown on several occasions how he tries to gently pet an animal that dares to come close, or how he clumsily takes care of his love when they're feeling under the weather. He may look fine on the outside, but he's actually quite hesitant, trying to sort things out logistically at first, before sort of just settling for standing there and holding his newborn with both arms. He stares down at their gentle features, taking in every detail, making sure they're comfortable and warm in their sleep.
Looking over at his beloved in all their tired glory, in his very own Chevalier-approved affection he says, "You did well, Simpleton." While he only speaks four words aloud, his faint smile speaks the thousands he didn't quite know how to express.
"Dearie me," Clavis says, holding his newborn, full of wide-eyed excitement. "They look so much like you, I can see the bunny ears already."
Being someone who values life so dearly, bringing a new one into this world, with the love of his life no less, is enough to send Clavis' heart soaring into the stratosphere. He just can't help but want to drown them in affection, but they're so small and fragile, and Clavis knows better than to risk scaring them now. He's so, so gentle with his child, unconditional love flowing off him in waves as they bond quietly (please don't get used to this, it will not last), and looks upon their splotchy tufts of lilac hair. The Lelouch genes live on through yet another generation, he smiles to himself. Clavis slowly comes over to stand by his love, placing a gentle kiss on their head.
"You're so lucky to have such a wonderful husband like me. But I'm even luckier to have you both in my life."
The happiest day in Leon's life. Second only to your wedding. Scratch that, the wedding is second.. he thinks. He's a bit frazzled from work, labor stress, and all the chaos, cut the guy some slack. No one is immune to this sweet lion's charisma, not even a newborn. They can't help but stare at his flowy hair and bright eyes, like a cartoon character come to life right before their eyes. Leon gently caresses their neck, very lightly pressing a kiss into their soft kiss to their temple. What kind of person will they grow up to be? Will they eat as much as he does? Will they fall asleep when they read too? There's a lot that runs through his mind, but ultimately, he is hopes for them to be healthy, and live happily. This child is going to be absolutely spoiled (within reason), and always have someone in their corner, rooting for them and ready to help learn from their wrongs. For now, he can worry about righting their posture instead. He tries to hold them like he read (how his partner read) in the parenting books, supporting their necks and all. It was really hard to stay awake during those, but the excitement of fatherhood helped him push through, and he's going to put it all into practice now.
"When do we start working on the second one?" (If not for the literal newborn currently in his hands, he'd be busy dodging several pillows.)
There's a lot of suppressed guilt for his mother's death in mind, and so many worries for his darling's health before, during, and after. He's a bit scared to hold his newborn, for fear of his clumsiness and "bad luck". With some assurance, he finally takes hold of them, and he could not physically be more careful with his firstborn. Clear eyes like the sky blink sleepily up at him, and Yves is fighting back tears solely for fear of them landing on the baby and somehow hurting them. The smile on his face could split his cheeks if it got any wider. The baby falls asleep in its father's arms, and he even tries breathing softer so he won't wake them. He's just trying his best, please reassure this sweet cat, he means well. (And he absolutely lost the battle against those blasted tears anyway.)
"Thank you for loving me, and for bringing our child into the world with us. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
(Twins having twins cliché may seem redundant, I made 'em different for each brother, pinky promise.)
Licht was blessed with not one but two bundles of joy. Beautiful twin boys, who had what looked to be his vibrant silver hair and his beloved's eyes. He couldn't help the memories that surged, of happier times, and the worst of times. He knew all too well just how ruthless the court could be, but he had a chance to make things different this time. Licht seriously considered building that house he'd once mentioned, and moving you all somewhere much more peaceful. One twin in his arms, one with their other parent, he feels all thought subside when the one he's holding tries to grab at his sleeve. Licht's now-famous smile blooms across his lips much the way the sun's rays appear over daybreak; subtle, then all at once. He takes a gloveless hand, letting their tiny hand hold onto his finger as best they can, eyes gleaming from the sight before him. Licht looks over in wonder at his spouse, only to find them already watching with a tired, quiet smile.
"Things won't be easy but.. I know we can handle anything. I adore you. And I adore them."
(Twins for both may seem redundant, but I changed things up drastically ok, we got this.)
Nokto wasn't entirely surprised to have twins, but he had also hoped luck would be in their corner in avoiding similar fates. Two little girls, jewel-like eyes like his, and his beloved's hair color (or so it appears, though it's hard to tell for sure with so little peach fuzz). Nokto sits at the edge of the bed, holding one newborn in his arm, and reaching his other hand out for the one in his love's arms. Aside from the memories of his own upbringing, he's now having Typical Girl Dad thoughts about how to keep them safe and teach them how to stay away from cooties (boys), among other things. With a soft sigh, he gently burps his newborn after she's done feeding, rocking her slowly as she tries to chew on her father's lucious locks. Laughter bubbles past his lips at her cute antics, and Nokto feels the stress fade away, even if just a little. His heart is still getting used to receiving love and believing in it, but it's grown enough by now to love his 3 new favorite people in the world.
"If they like my hair this much now, just wait till they start to grow their own."
Luke could not be more the picture of a teddy bear than with his newborn all swaddled up and snuggled in with their giant of a dad. He can't help but wonder if his sister is watching over them, laying next to his spouse on the bed, their newborn but a tiny dot among the two full-grown humans taking up most of the space. He promises to be there for his child the way he never really had anyone, and hopes to live more in the present now, the stakes feeling higher than ever before. A whole new life, created on purpose, gently resting in one arm and atop his broad chest, nestled comfortably and trying to suck on their thumb. Luke holds his spouse's hand with his free one, squeezing it gently, looking into their eyes with the intensity of his own emeralds.
"Look at 'em.. they're so small. Just like you," he jokes before letting out a big yawn, "But sleepy, just like me."
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All rights for the characters and original intellectual property belong to Cybird. My writing belongs to myself, Maladaptivedaydreamsx, and shall not be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Ok to translate as a reblog to this post. Ok to reblog, no permission required (for those who like to be safe and ask first, all's good little homies) 💜
If you enjoyed these, I might try to make a pt2 with the other characters soon? Likes and reblogs appreciated, thank you kindly for reading! If you have any hc's of your own, please feel free to respond with them, I'd love to hear what you all think! 😊❤️ (If you'd like to be put on a tag list for any future works, please reply, though it will be a general list for writings as I'm getting back into things slowly atm,, 🙏🏻)
Also, to the lovely person who sent this in likely about 2 years ago (after I'd stopped writing on here bc life happens) ... if you're still somewhere in the fandom and end up seeing this post, thank you for your patience, and for sending something in. I'm finally trying to combat the writer's block again! 🙌🏻
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xbalayage · 8 months
Hi, i see your Chevalier fics and I love it so much. Could you do one again? If you're not busy hehe
I was thinking about his route where MC had fallen asleep beside him and woke up beside Chevalier. What do you think Chevalier was thinking after witnessing mC had fallen asleep beside him. Something like that hehe
Chevalier/Reader Fluff WC: 283 A/N: It's been so long since I've read Chevalier's route and can't recall this scene very well - so I went about my own twist on it and did something a little diferent. I hope that was okay! :) And for once I took some inspo from a song I was listening to.
A California King bed was what it sounds like; a lavish plush of mattress fit for a king that seemed to go on for miles. Once bared empty and hallow, with the constant threat of death knocking at the door, was now warm and comfortable with the companionship of your ethereal beauty resting peacefully by his side. A romantic at heart, he never dare allow it evidently to lay present in the sea of sheets before. Chest to chest, nose to nose, palm to palm, how simple yet intimate it felt to be so close. To find comfort in the heaven sent seemed otherworldly to experience it firsthand; was he even worthy to bask in the holy light of innocence and purity when he was anything but? His hands were tainted and ruined by blood from the lives that'll never see the light of day once more. Never get to hold their loved ones again like he had the honor of doing; maybe some guilt from realizing his emotions did lay dormant in the void of his mind. The guilt of being this incredibly lucky, he'd happily bathe in holy water if it meant his sins could be repented. He never made rash decisions that wouldn't be the betterment of the nation - some innocent would have to fall. But because of you, he's realized from the flutter of your eyelashes twitching in your sleep that perhaps there were better ways at managing the forthcoming future. And it laid in the palms of your sleeping embrace. To have you, to hold you, to cherish you from dusk until dawn. And at that same given moment, her pure eyes open to stare into his soul and give him salvation. " He reached for her and he saw her smile and the voices melded into a single word from God: Home. " - Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet in Heaven
taglist; @nightghoul381, @yvelk, @celiciaa, @drachonia, @aquagirl1978, @here-for-gilbert, @alvieeru, @scummy-writes, @randonauticrap, @maries-gallery, @misty-moth, @violettduchess
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