#il duello
tvserie-film · 4 months
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Title: Arena (1944) Author: Fredric Brown Vote: 7.5/10 One of the most imaginative stories I've ever read and also interesting. The duel is both one of strength, intelligence and will in which perhaps only by chance the human being manages to prevail over the alien. A challenge that hangs in the balance until the last page and which leads to the genocide of an entire race.
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2° manche
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Se scegliete la canzone nascosta scrivetemelo in chat privata e vi invierò il testo
Regolamento e bando di iscrizione:
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colinmorgangirlfan · 2 months
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cavegirl66 · 3 months
Il gran duello di Orlando e Rinaldo per amore della bella Angelica
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deathshallbenomore · 9 months
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grazie herr roth per averci regalato un ulteriore esemplare di uomo di fine ottocento emotivamente represso alle prese con la fine di un’era e lo smarrimento da ciò derivante, la tragedia di una guerra imminente, gli orrori della condizione umana, l’incomunicabilità con l’Altro, e un numero indefinito di situazioni assai cinematograficamente omoerotiche. i suoi servigi sono molto apprezzati
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marcogiovenale · 6 months
oggi, 7 dicembre, a trieste: "storia di un burattino", visita guidata + racconto di ugo pierri
OGGI, govedì 7 dicembre, alle 18, al DoubleRoom arti visive di Trieste si parla nuovamente di Pinocchio nell’ambito di “Storia di un burattino”, mostra a cura di Massimo Premuda che presenta i graffianti acquerelli di Ugo Pierri e le espressive sculture di Renzo Possenelli per celebrare i 140 anni dalla pubblicazione di un capolavoro tutto italiano della letteratura per ragazzi, “Le avventure di…
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sauolasa · 1 year
Turchia: urne aperte per il duello Erdoğan-Kiliçdaroğlu
La Turchia rinnova il Parlamento e vota per il primo turno delle presidenziali. Probabile un ballottaggio, eventualmente in programma il 28 maggio
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just-one-more-fandom · 4 months
Io il duello tra elodie e bigmama lo vorrei vedere comunque. Per,,, motivi,,
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il duello c'è stato nel backstage a furia di sforbiciate who said that
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ilpianistasultetto · 22 days
Vita con Brand #22
-Brand, te lo ricordi il duello finale con Nanni mano lesta?
-Me lo ricordo, Sir. C'era stata una sparatoria infernale per diventare sceriffo di quella regione. Corpi a terra, ovunque. Era rimasto in piedi solo lui. Ci trovammo di fronte. Lui scosto' la giacca di montone lasciando sbrilluccicare al sole la sua colt d'argento e manico d'avorio bianco con inciso il suo Iban bancario. Con lui mai nessun pistolero era riuscito ad avere la meglio. Aspettai che estraesse, che sparasse. click..click..avevo contato i colpi, li aveva finiti. Lentamente tirai fuori la mia vecchia colt e, puntandola dissi:
- Tu sei come la maggioranza degli imprenditori italiani che ti hanno votato e finanziato. Qualsiasi cosa vogliono sono pronti a prendersela, con ogni mezzo. Tu sei un "Toti" qualunque, una vergogna di questo Paese. Non meriti quella stella!
E gli piantai una palla al centro della fronte.
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kb9-ships-mistercriky · 11 months
"In queste nove stagioni di Formula 1 alle quali Max Verstappen ha preso parte, abbiamo conosciuto un ragazzo poco incline alla socializzazione, parzialmente freddo, distaccato e spesso irriverente anche nei confronti di chi - come Lewis Hamilton o Sebastian Vettel - ha scritto la storia recente della Formula 1.
A dirla tutta, Max non è mai stato tenero nei confronti di nessuno. O quasi.
Spesso accusato dalla stragrande maggioranza dei tifosi di essere saccente ed arrogante anche nei confronti degli stessi colleghi, il venticinquenne di Hasselt sembra infatti riservare (nelle dichiarazioni e non solo) un rispetto fuori dal comune nei confronti di un solo ed unico pilota: Charles Leclerc.
Tantissimi sono stati infatti gli attestati di stima espressi da Super Max nei confronti del coetaneo monegasco negli ultimi anni.
Da bambini si sono letteralmente odiati e non hanno mai avuto problemi ad ammetterlo.
Crescendo, tuttavia, si sono resi conto che il talento osservato nel rispettivo piede destro non ha forse eguali nel mondo delle competizioni motoristiche.
Una consapevolezza reciproca che ha portato i due non solo a rispettarsi, ma a difendersi vicendevolmente dagli attacchi giunti nei loro confronti da parte dei media.
E in questo Max è semplicemente straordinario.
Al termine del Gran Premio svoltosi in Austria poco meno di una settimana fa, alcuni giornalisti, nel tentativo di elogiarlo, hanno sottolineato come lui si fosse preso una bella rivincita nei confronti di Charles, vittorioso un anno fu sul circuito di Spielberg.
Max non ci sta, e attacca:
"Charles sa come battersi e ve lo ha dimostrato. Non posso considerare il nostro duello un vero duello. Le nostre auto hanno un ritmo diverso, e in quel momento avevano anche mescole diverse".
A Baku era accaduta la medesima cosa. A chi gli chiedeva se fosse sorpreso dalla pole del collega di Monaco, Max rispose così:
"Se sono sorpreso dal passo di Leclerc? No, di Charles non sono affatto sorpreso. Lui qui è sempre molto veloce, anzi, è sempre veloce ovunque. A Baku sono tre pole position consecutive se non mi sbaglio, giusto?".
Nel corso della scorsa stagione, Verstappen aveva invece speso le seguenti parole nei confronti di Leclerc:
"Penso che Charles sia uno dei piloti più talentuosi in Formula 1 e vincerà molte gare. Lui è davvero un bravo ragazzo. Abbiamo la stessa età, penso ci dividano solo settimane. Lo rispetto enormemente, è un piacere lottare con lui e con un team come la Ferrari".
Questi due ragazzi, per concludere, hanno tra le proprie mani le chiavi del futuro della Formula 1. La speranza (condivisa da entrambi e da tutti i tifosi) è che possano presto passarsele di mano in mano, dando vita ad un duello indimenticabile capace di durare a lungo.
Quello che tuttavia resta, delle parole di Max, è la lezione di vita offerta dal Campione del Mondo agli odiatori seriali, a chi segue la Formula 1 in modo superficiale, a chi commenta senza cognizione di causa inondando i social di insulti e opinioni che non meriterebbero alcuna visibilità.
Ecco, questa è la risposta più bella.
Ph. Red Bull Content Pool ©"
Articolo tratto da Hammer Time
A splendid article in Italian of how Max adores Charles and always defends him, which in his case rarely happens towards someone else because he tends to attack rather than protect others.
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kvara si rende conto che forse la rivalità che sente per davide non è esattamente platonica. enjoy!
Lui non era mai stato un tipo molto aperto, anzi, fin da piccolo era stato un ragazzo di poche parole, che faticava a fare amicizia con gli altri. Impacciato, taciturno, goffo.
Khvicha non aveva molti posti nel mondo da chiamare casa. Certo, c'era la sua terra natale, ma ormai la Georgia si trovava a migliaia di kilometri si distanza da lui. E quella grande e strana città nella quale ora viveva, dove tutti lo trattavano come un dio, dove inneggiavano il suo nome e dove avevano esposto foto, bandiere e murales con la sua faccia e quelle dei suoi compagni, non poteva certo essere considerata davvero casa, o perlomeno non ancora. Si sentiva più come un re nel suo palazzo dorato pieno delle sue chincaglierie: bello, anche divertente viverci, ma gli mancava quel calore, quella familiarità che solo un posto che veramente si considera casa potrebbe dare.
Ma il campo. Il campo da calcio era tutta un'altra storia.
Forse era lì, solo lì, che si sentiva veramente nel luogo dove poteva essere completamente libero. Senza paranoie, senza pensieri. Gli bastava avere un pallone tra i piedi e nient'altro per tornare a respirare con leggerezza. Per tornare a sentirsi di nuovo vivo.
E non c'era momento in cui si sentiva più vivo che durante i big match, quelli contro le altre grandi squadre, quelli che contavano davvero, quelli dove giocano i fuoriclasse che ti spingono a dare il meglio di te per non esserne da meno, che ti fanno sudare ogni centimetro conquistato, ogni pallone, l'adrenalina alle stelle.
Era da poco più di un anno al Napoli, eppure già si era scontrato con alcune delle più grandi squadre europee, contro diversi calciatori che gli avevano dato filo da torcere e che gli avevano regalato la soddisfazione di un vero duello.
Eppure c'era qualcosa di diverso con quel Calabria.
Dal primo momento in cui si erano ritrovati faccia a faccia, con lo sguardo intenso dell'altro completamente concentrato su di lui, Khvicha era stato investito da una scarica di adrenalina diversa dalle altre. Era come se Calabria fosse il suo doppio, anticipava quasi ogni sua mossa, gli era costantemente col fiato sul collo. Khvicha era suo, e non se lo sarebbe fatto scappare per nulla al mondo.
Anche questo primo scontro di stagione non era stato diverso. Khvicha avrebbe mentito se non avesse ammesso di aver aspettato con ansia proprio il momento in cui lui e Calabria si sarebbero di nuovo ritrovati sullo stesso campo.
Alla fine però, questa volta, nessuno dei due aveva davvero vinto. Un pareggio, forse evitabile, forse no, ma comunque un pareggio. La frustrazione gli bruciava dentro. Aveva deluso i loro tifosi, per giunta in casa, e se solo quella palla fosse entrata in porta all'ultimo momento, allora –
«Hey, great match!»
Khvicha si girò verso Calabria. Gli si stava avvicinando ancora col fiatone, ma con un sorriso compiaciuto sulle labbra. Inspiegabilmente, il suo primo, irrazionale pensiero fu che gli mancava vederlo coi suoi vecchi capelli ricci.
Scosse la testa. «Yeah, you've been very good, man» gli rispose, ricambiando il sorriso.
Questa volta Calabria rise di gusto. «You're pretty good yourself!» disse, per poi avvicinarglisi ancora di più, a braccia aperte. E per quanto solitamente lui non fosse il tipo da contatto fisico ravvicinato con persone che conosceva poco, aprì a sua volta le braccia e ricambiò l'abbraccio senza un attimo di esitazione. Poteva giurare di sentire Calabria sorridere mentre gli stringeva un braccio intorno alle spalle, la mano che si alzava ad accarezzargli la testa.
Una calda sensazione che proveniva da qualche parte nella sua pancia gli risalì fino al petto. Cercò di ignorarla, focalizzandosi solo sul calore dell'abbraccio dell'altro. Respirò a fondo l'odore di sudore dell'altro per calmarsi. Sudore, erba falciata, terreno umido: quelli erano gli odori del campo, odori di casa, che non mancavano mai di farlo stare meglio. Calabria sapeva di tutti questi messi insieme, e di un altro odore che non riusciva a classificare ma che doveva essere semplicemente lui. Era un buon odore, pensò.
Quando si separarono – e oddio, quanto tempo era passato? Gli era sembrata passata un'eternità, ma dovevano essere stati solo pochi secondi – Calabria gli stava ancora sorridendo, tutto denti. Khvicha notò che quando sorrideva gli si formavano delle rughe di espressione intorno agli occhi. Perché le trovava adorabili?
Dopo un attimo di quella che per un momento gli era sembrata esitazione – doveva essere un abbaglio, esitazione per cosa? – Calabria si allontanò, salutandolo con una mano. «To the next match!» urlò, prima di raggiungere i suoi compagni.
Khvicha restituì il saluto, anche se ormai non gli stava più prestando attenzione. Al prossimo match, di nuovo. Sarebbero passati mesi prima di riscontrarsi. Non era una novità.
E allora perché il cuore gli si era stretto in petto a sentire quelle parole?
Khvicha non aveva idea del perché, ma quell'abbraccio era stato ripreso da praticamente tutti gli account sportivi italiani.
Cioè, era solo un abbraccio. Un sacco di avversari si salutano alla fine di una partita, no? Però tutti sembravano voler elevare quel momento a picco massimo della sportività tra due avversari, per qualche strana ragione. Forse era proprio perché la rivalità tra lui e Calabria era ormai nota, e quell'abbraccio a qualcuno poteva essere sembrato strano per quello. Sbuffò. Per certe persone era davvero difficile distinguere la rivalità sul campo dalla vita vera. Lui era esattamente l'opposto, e una rivalità così sentita non poteva portargli altro che avere maggior ammirazione del suo avversario, e quell'abbraccio non ne era stato che la naturale conseguenza. Semplice rispetto reciproco. Nulla di più.
Il fatto che si fosse andato a cercare e salvare tutte le angolazioni possibili in cui i giornalisti avevano scattato quel momento era un altro discorso. Era un bel ricordo da mantenere, ecco tutto.
Fu proprio mentra scollava il feed di Instagram che si accorse che Calabria aveva messo una nuova storia. Toccò l'icona rotonda colorata senza neanche pensarci su e si ritrovò davanti la foto di loro due che si abbracciavano, con la caption Respect.
Di nuovo quella sensazione di calore in fondo allo stomaco. E stava pure sorridendo come un deficiente.
Mise un cuore alla storia e gli mandò un messaggio.
Respect to you too, brother
It was a fun match
Chiuse Instagram e bloccò lo schermo del telefono. Aspettò la bellezza di dieci secondi netti prima di sbloccarlo di nuovo per controllare se ci fosse un messaggio di risposta. Ma che cazzo gli stava prendendo.
Stava per ribloccare il telefonino e andarlo a chiudere a chiave in un cassetto per non toccarlo mai più, quando il suono di una notifica echeggiò per la stanza. Erano due messaggi di Calabria.
Li aprì subito.
It's always fun to play against you! 😉
I wish we could do it more often... ☹
Oh. Quindi anche a Calabria mancava scontrarsi con lui. Sentì il cuore iniziare a battere più forte.
Me too
Si fermò un secondo, poi aggiunse un altro messaggio:
I really like how we fit together on the field
Ecco, l'aveva inviato. Oddio, sperava di non essere andato troppo oltre con quel commento. E se avesse frainteso? Se gli avesse dato fastidio? Se –
Oh you bet we fit well together 😉
Khvicha dovette ripetersi più volte che stavano parlando solo ed esclusivamente dei loro scontri sul campo di calcio. Nient'altro.
Uno scontro sul campo particolarmente allusivo.
Cazzo cazzo cazzo.
Il suono di una nuova notifica gli evitò un crollo mentale imminente riportandolo alla realtà.
How about we see each other for a rematch next time we both have a free day? I could come to Napoli or you could come to Milano
What do you think? 😁
Khvicha rilesse quelle parole.
Cosa ne pensava? Pensava che forse, forse, quello che provava per Calabria non era solo ammirazione da avversario e che forse aveva un principio di infatuamento...
(Ripensò ai suoi occhi azzurri, ai suoi capelli ricci, al suo sorriso che gli arrivava fino agli occhi: forse il forse era un eufemismo)
...e forse questo suo infatuamento era ricambiato.
I would like that very much, Cala
La risposta arrivò dopo qualche istante.
And please, call me Davide 😉
Khvicha sorrise. Forse poteva anche trovarsi a migliaia di kilometri da casa sua, ma chi lo diceva che non se ne poteva costruire una nuova dalle fondamenta?
Thank you, Davide
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abr · 1 month
Alla domanda retorica della Gruber: “Siamo davanti alla tanto annunciata escalation di Israele contro l’Iran?”, che presuppone risposta terronizzante per casalingue e medioman, stile uhh è sempre tuttacolpa dei guerrafondai ebbrei che ci voglian rovinare la altrimenti pacifica convivenza, Lucio Caracciolo direttore di Limes risponde da esperto e signore, sprezzante e chiarificatrice: “Si è chiusa la fase cominciata a Damasco il 1 aprile con l’attacco israeliano al consolato iraniano dove sono stati uccisi un generale e altri ufficiali. Consolato si fa per dire, perché non credo fossero lì per il rinnovo del passaporto. Poi c’è stata la replica iraniana obbligata, talmente obbligata che si sono tutti messi d’accordo perché non succedesse nulla di sabato notte. Questa notte c’è stata una risposta di cui sappiamo molto poco ma di cui vediamo le conseguenze, cioè più o meno pari a quello che avevano fatto gli iraniani con qualche tecnologia in più, per dire che questo round è chiuso”.
Oibò, come la Russia che non attacca sul serio: niente Terza Guerra Mondiale per adesso, niente riconferma di Biden come fosse Roosevelt, toccherà farle davvero 'ste elezioni americane.
elab di quotes via https://www.iltempo.it/personaggi/2024/04/19/news/otto-e-mezzo-lucio-caracciolo-israele-iran-duello-fasullo-attacco-rafah-massacro-39096571/
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solartranslations · 14 days
AF2 Glossary
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Auguri: Means “Congratulations” in Italian. Used during celebrations. The song for Happy Birthday is called “tanti auguri a te”.
Agata: The governor of Nordia, the Capital of Water. Teo and Sera’s mother. Appears strict and fearsome since she carries a whip, but is actually kind. An old friend of Vir’s.
Acqua Alta: An Italian word that refers to the tides. The phenomenon is often observed in Nordia. The townspeople take daily measures to prevent buildings from becoming flooded and to prepare for emergencies.
Acqua Tempesta: A great storm that threatens Nordia. Records state that it occurs once every hundred years. The storm is powerful enough to completely destroy the island.
Acqua Pazza: Fish and tomatoes stewed in water and white wine. A popular dish among sailors, especially those of the Intelligence division. Regalo has restaurants that serve delicious acqua pazza.
Bruise: Appears as compensation for using Arcana powers. The area around the stigmata turns reddish black, and becomes painful.
Ash: A wild genius from the ghost ship. 17 years old. A decendent of the alchemist who created the Tarocco. Also skilled in swordsmanship. Turns into a tiger when he looks into a mirror, and turns back after eating an apple.
Amata: An Italian word that refers to your beloved. Often used when whispering sweet nothings like a true Regalo man.
Amethyst: A purple crystal. A long time ago, Jolly made a fake eye out of this stone to supplement Debito’s emotional strength. This gem is also often used as a protective charm.
Arcana Duello: A battle between those with Arcana powers to determine who is the strongest. Everyone who has powers can participate. It was established by Mondo.
Arcana Famiglia: The vigilante organization that protects Regalo from both internal and external threats. They maintain order and safety for the island. Searching for cats is another of their specialties.
Arcana powers: Strange powers that lie in Tarocco cards. These special powers can be gained through forming a contract, but each seems to require the payment of some compensation…
Alto: A boy who often gazes at the sea. 10 years old. Often comes to the harbor to listen to stories of “Liberta the Hero”. Devoted to his family.
Alberto: Pace’s younger brother. 22 years old. His feelings towards Pace are complicated, but he hopes that he will return to their family. His favorite dish is naturally lasagna.
Albero: One of the court cards. The king of the Chalices. 34 years old. Mature and composed, he supports their young executive. However, he teases him an equal amount.
Awayukikan: A type of sweet from Giappone. Its name comes from it’s snow-white appearance and melt-in-your-mouth softness. Has a flavor that brings back fond memories for Giapponese expats.
Antonio: One of the court cards. The knight of the Swords. 23 years old. Straight-laced and serious. Dislikes disorder, but still remembers to read the room. Tends to worry that his face makes him look old.
Igor: One of the court cards. The page of the Clubs. 21 years old. Basically just loves to eat! And that is reflected in his figure. Secretly loves fine food.
Isabella: One of three maids who take care of the entire mansion. Full of energy and the life of the party, she is also very hard working. Her age is a secret.
Isis Regalo: One of the exclusive members-only casinos run by the Coins serie. A place for gathering cash, information, and everything in between…
Strawberry Head: Ash’s nickname for the heroine. Apparently comes from how her hair is red like the fruit…
Il Carro: The 7th card, the Chariot. The name of the Tarocco that Teo hosts. Grants the power to control gravity, and burden or suppress an opponent’s movements.
Il Giudizio: The 20th card, Judgment. The name of the Tarocco that Sumire hosts. Grants the power to understand the will of the Tarocco.
Il Bagatto: The 1st card, the Magician. The name of the Tarocco that Ash hosts. Grants the power to change your appearance at will.
Il Matto: The starting card, the Fool. The name of the Tarocco that Liberta hosts. Grants the power to make the spoken word reality.
Il Mondo: The 21st card, the World. The name of the Tarocco that Mondo hosts. Grants the power to amplify or suppress the Arcana powers of others.
Vittorio: One of the court cards. The queen of the Coins. 29 years old. Acts like a parent to the rest of the Coins. Won’t say it out loud, but trusts their Capo a suprising amount. His hairstyle is a key part of his look.
Vir Ingeniosus: The creator of the Tarocco. Physical age unknown. He doesn’t look like it, but he is actually 448 years old. Also created the ghost ship. Doesn’t have Arcana powers, but is knowledgible about alchemy and astronomy.
Elmo: A homunculus boy. Looks around 10 years old, but was actually born less than a year ago. Succeeded in hosting powers through Jolly’s research. Loves the heroine very much.
Eros Debito: Debito’s nickname. Pace is the one who came up with it. It’s used when Debito shows his true talent as a hunter of love.
Augar Blanco: The name of the organization lead by Milena’s father. They caused unrest in town and were in conflict of Arcana Famiglia. They seem to have quieted down recently.
Orso: A member of the Intelligence division. 29 years old. A burly sailor who assists Dante. While he’s great at sailing, he’s bad with women.
Ojou-sama Maniac: What Agata calls Luca to refer to how his life revolves around his Ojou-sama. Luca denies it, but everyone else seems to agree.(X)
Casa Bianca: An orphanage in Nord. Liberta spent time here before meeting Dante. It is not currently in use and only the broken down building remains.
Guida Regalo: A Regalo tourism magazine. The Family occasionally puts out special editions. It originally came about so that individual establishments could showcase their specialties.
Caprese: A salad of layered mozzerala cheese and thickly slices tomatos garnished with basil. A signature Italian dish. Often served during celebrations.
Capo: An Itallian word that refers to an executive. Members of the Coins serie often use this in regards to Debito.
Kamuro: A young girl in training to be a courtesan. They waited on courtesans called oiran while learning how to be courtesans themselves.
Calcio: An Italian word that refers to soccer. A regular activity at Piccolino among the children. Particularily a favorite among boys.
Karel: Debito’s mentor who taught him how to work in the shadows when he was an assassin. The former Executive of the Coins. He has some connection to Debito…
Kiara: Joshua’s wife and Liberta’s mother. Died soon after giving birth to Liberta. A commoner. Dextrous and skilled at making accessories.
Coins Serie: The serie in charge of distribution. Also oversees the amusement facilities on the island. Their free-spirited Capo has plenty of enemies and allies.
Claudio: One of the court cards. The knight of the Clubs. 24 years old. Has a reputation for having a wild and healthy appetite. Has a thing for silver hair, but nobody knows about it.
Grazie: An Italian word that means thank you. Saying “thank you” is the most important and basic form of communication.
Clarissa: A girl from a ruined noble family. 12 years old. Despite being young, works hard studying in order to rebuild her family’s status. Has some connection to Pace…
Claude: A former Nord spy. Knows Dante from when they were fellow spies. Approached the heroine before claiming to be a journalist. His recent whereabouts are unknown…
Contract: Formed when your intentions are in line with another party. Often used by Vir throughout the story as a negotiation tactic.
Officer: Refers to a police officer. In Regalo, Arcana Famiglia takes on this role, but the police uphold order in Nordia. They don’t serve katsudon though. (TN: Apparently serving katsudon to suspects in interrogation to get a confession is a thing in Japanese police dramas)
Laurel: A plant in the Lauraceae family. The leaves are typically used in Natale wreaths or dried into bay leaves to use as a spice for cooking.
Philosophers’s Stone: A miraculous stone known by all alchemists. It is said to have the power to turn base metals into gold and grant humans immortality.
Swords Serie: The serie in charge of arbitration. Didn’t have an executive until recently, when the heroine joined and filled in the position. The members all act like true Regalo men.
Useless Brat: A term used when cursing another. Refers to a person who is only a mouth to feed and doesn’t have any contributions or achievements.
Cornet: A pastry often eaten during breakfast. Similar to a croissant. In Regalo, they often have sweet fillings like jam or chocolate.
Gondola: A small rowboat. Typically used as transportation in Nordia where there are lots of canals. The scenary when travelling between buildings in one is quite beautiful. It looks particularily magical at night.
Clubs Serie: The serie in charge of inspections. Perhaps to Pace being the executive, this serie is full of cheerful personalities. Always smiling when on patrol.
Konpeito: A type of sugar candy shaped like stars. Originally introduced from Portugal. Their bright, translucent colors and sweet flavor makes them beloved by people of all ages.
Embodying Suspicion: When someone has unfounded doubts about another. Being suspicious is necessary at times, but knowing when to trust someone is more important. (X)
Trivial: Refers to something insignificant. Used by Dante to describe Claude’s actions. But what are Dante’s true intentions? (X)
Salute: Said as a wish for good health when making a toast. Doesn’t matter whether your glass contains wine or grape juice.
Monkey Princess: A female squirrel monkey. “Princess” for short. Neve’s close friend and confidant from when she lived in Giappone. Teaching her new skills is part of Neve’s daily routine.
Siesta: A nap taken to relax for a bit after lunchtime. A day with clear skies and a breeze is considered perfect weather for a siesta.
Jeremy: One of the court cards. The king of the Coins. 22 years old. A good guy, but often causes him to draw the short end of the stick. Loves women.
Signorina: A polite term for a woman. To Regalo men, a woman is considered a lady no matter her age.
Shimenawa: Used to decorate entryways during new years to welcome the gods. Means to ward of evil. Very nostalgic to Neve since she is from Giappone.
Simone: One of the court cards. The queen of the Swords. 27 years old. Loves hearing interesting gossip. Talks in a unique manner that leaves an impression.
Giappone: The name of the country Sumire used to live. Items and proverbs from Giappone appear frequently in the story.
Minor Arcana: Those who work under the executives are contracted with a minor Arcana. They don’t have special powers but have slightly higher physical abilities than the average person.
Jolly: An advisor you can’t go to for advice. Age unknown. Due to his cold-hearted nature, the island’s citizens and Family keep their distance, but he doesn’t mind it. His skills as an alchemist are first-rate.
Giorgio: One of the court cards. The king of the Swords. 31 years old. Usually reliable but loves signorinas. Has a reputation for accurately telling fortunes with his hairstyles.
Jiro: The mansion’s gardener. 37 years old. A natural-born Regalo man who gets along well with Martha. It’s said that his favorite hat is an antique.
Scuro: One of the court cards. The knight of the Chalices. 27 years old. A sincere and upstanding man. Idolizes his executive and calls him “Nova-sama”. Has the nicest handwriting in the Chalices.
Stigmata: A mark that appears on the skin after contracting a Major Arcana. The position depends on the person. The design is based on which Major Arcana was contracted.
Speranza: The name of the sword Liberta always carries. It’s name means “hope”. It’s a type of curved sword called a cutlass.
Sumire: A former oiran fortune-teller. 36 years old. A woman with an exotic air who came from Giappone. Said to have originally been an accomplished fortune-teller. Strict yet mischievous as a mother.
Sumire Tayu: The name Sumire used in Giappone when she was an oiran. “Tayu” is a title granted to those who excel at the arts.
Punishment: A penalty imposed upon those who break a law or regulation. As the creator of the Tarocco, it seems that a punishment is issued to those who attack him.
Chalices Serie: The serie in charge of security. Comprised of those who are typically earnest people, but they often tease their young executive.
Serafino: The son of the governor, Agata. 18 years old. Usually refered to as Sera. Sometimes gets the short end of the stick due to his honest personality. Has plenty of worries for his age. Crab claw fritters are his favorite
Celine: A magician. 25 years old. Was supposedly visiting Nordia in order to show off some magic tricks at the masquerade… Seems to have some relationship with Debito…
Serie: The Swords, Chalices, Coins, and Clubs divisions of the organization. Also used to refer to card suits.
Ferryman: A person who rows a gondola. Called a gondolier in Italian. The sight of them standing at the bow often catches the attention of tourists.
Governor: A term for someone who leads a country. Agata fulfills this role in Nordia. The postion comes with a significant amount of responsibility, as the one holding it can determine the future of their country.
Major Arcana: The group of 22 cards in a full deck of 78 tarot cards that has illustrations of what they symbolize.
Compensation: A payment that is made whenever Arcana powers are used. For example, whenever the heroine spins the “Wheel of Fortune”, “memories” are the compensation.
Tarocco: The tarot in Italian. Refers to the cards that host Arcana powers in general. It isn’t clear who created them or for what purpose.
Dante: Has a bright sense of humor. 39 years old. The chief executive who manages the other more free-spirited executives. Has direct command over the Intelligence division, so he does not stay in Regalo all the time. An incredibly reliable man.
Cenone: A banquet held in Italy on New Year ’s Eve. Often a large function where family, extended relatives, and friends are invited. Nordia has a custom of exchanging small red items.
Ciao: Means “Hey!”, “Hello”, etc. Used as a greeting on a daily basis. Mainly used between people who are familiar with each other. Saying this enthusiastically is sure to get you a smile in return…
Intelligence division: A group of all male sailors who specialize in diplomacy and gathering information and protect the island from outside threats. They are a part of the Family but mainly operate at sea.
Dino: A craftsman at the glass workshop. 24 years old. Acquainted with Sera and has also met Nova. Skilled at glass blowing but does admit that Sera is more talented.
Tiramisu: Quintessential of Italian dolce. Bitter espresso and marscapone cheese make an exquisite pairing. It’s name means “cheer me up”.
Teo: The son of the governor, Agata. 18 years old. His full name is Theodore. Respects Vir almost to the point of blind faith due to a certain incident. Shrimp fritters are his favorite.
Debito: A fashionable man who lives for amore. 24 years old. Treats women and children kindly despite how he looks, but speaks in a foul manner. Executive of the Coins and runs the casino. Also performs various other jobs…
Equivalent exchange: Exchanging things of equal value. A term used frequently by alchemists. If you want something, you must offer something of equal value. That is the principle behind an equivalent exchange.
Donatella: One of three maids who take care of the entire mansion. Good at keeping a straight face, but can still be playful. Calm, collected, and often calls out others on their stupidity.
Torta di mele: A tart that typically uses apples. The crispy crust an tart apples taste exquisite. Tastes nostalgic to Ash.
Dolce: An Italian word that refers to sweetness or sweets. Can also be used as a compliment for women.
Donna: An Italian word that refers to a proprietress. Also a title for the heroine after she succeeds Papa as head of the Family.
Natale: The Italian word for Christmas. People will usually get together with family to celebrate on the night of Natale. It can also be a day for couples to spend together.
Nino: A member of the Intelligence division. Dante’s subordinate. 32 years old. A keen sailor who supports Dante, but has very bad luck. Will always take the opportunity to pursue luck.
Nicola: Nova’s mother. When Nova’s Death powers went out of control at a young age, she was put to sleep for 7 years, but has now woken up. Is usually gentle.
Neve: Sumire’s younger sister by blood. 17 years old. Her real name is Yuki (kanji for happiness). Skilled at fortune-telling and also uses it in sales. Loves and respects Vir, with whom she has a romantic relationship.
Nova: A skilled Regalo swordsman. 16 years old. The disciplined executive of the Chalices and the heroine’s cousin. Strict on others just as he is on himself. He still isn’t done growing.
Nordia: A city located to the north of Regalo that takes a few days to reach by ship. Many canals run through the city, making it famous as the Capital of Water. The Acqua Tempesta is a constant concern.
Nordia merchants: The merchants that are led by Vir. It’s members are Sera, Teo, and Neve. They have a contract with the governor, Agata, to travel around selling their wares.
Nord: A country that is located even further north from Nordia. Temperatures are low year-round which makes life in the area difficult. The population decreases every year.
Pace: A natural Regalo man. 26 years old. The executive of the Clubs and the Deputy Chief Executive. Loves lasagna and always has a smile on his face. Is actually a noble and son of the lord.
Papa: Means “father” in Italian and can also refer to the Pope. The term is also used for the leader of the organization and is Mondo’s title.
Babbo Natale: The Italian word for Santa Claus. Shows up in the “Adventures of Liberta the Hero” stories that Liberta tells. Virtually everyone in Regalo has heard of him.
Patrick: One of the court cards. The king of the Clubs. 28 years old. Supports Pace by managing the serie. The long part of his hair that looks like a tail is a style point of his.
Panettone: A traditional sweet bread that is eaten during Natale. The dry fruits inside and freshly baked crust are exquisite. So good that even grown-ups and children will fight over it.
Panna: Means fresh cream in Italian. Spreading lots of panna on panettone when eating it during Natale is the Regalo way.
Bambina: Means a young girl in Italian. Young boys are called bambino. Mainly used by Debito when referring to the heroine.
Piccolino: An event that members of the Family hold occasionally. They gather the children in the church to play, talk, and eat snacks together.
Pino: One of the court cards. The queen of the Clubs. 23 years old. A glutton who’s motto is “meals should be fun”, but has the best manners out of all the Clubs. Has a bit of a sharp tongue.
Chickpea: A small legume that is used in soups and salads. Usually used as a term for teasing Nova in the story.
Federica: The beautiful owner of a tailoring shop. Owns a white cat named Fran. Her age is super top secret. Gets along very well with Martha.
Federica Dress: The tailoring shop run by Federica. The shopfront is decorated with many dresses. They also sell accessories and such.
Felicita (default name): A girl who is loved deeply. 17 years old. The executive of the Swords and their Madonna. Has a cool personality and talks with her kicks before her words, but is just hiding her embarrassment. Secretly a romantic. The heroine of the story.
Buona Notte: A phrase that means “good night”. Said to wish someone a pleasant night.
Fortuna: The 10th card, the Wheel of Fortune. The name of the Tarocco that the heroine hosts. Its full name is Ruota della Fortuna.
Fukurota (default name): A female little owl. Gifted to the heroine by Dante when she was young. Now the heroine’s best friend.
Furio: A poor boy who is a childhood friend of Clarissa. 13 years old. His family is poor and he works as a shoe polisher. Seems to have some relation to Pace…
Fred: One of the court cards. The queen of the chalices. 20 years old. Mercilessly ties up troublemaking evildoers with his whip. His hobby is reading books and has an eloquent but sharp tongue.
Peridot: A bright green gemstone. Luca refined it to use as a replacement for Debito’s amethyst eye. It holds the meaning of “bonds of fate”.
Mr. Hat: Vir’s nickname for Luca. Comes from his trademark hat. Keeps using it no matter how many times Luca corrects him. Probably won’t be changing his ways…
Pawn: One of the pieces used in chess. The weakest piece representing a foot soldier. Using them properly can determine victory or defeat.
Homunculus: Refers to the artificial lifeforms created by alchemists. Some say that they go against the principle of life…
Polpo: Means “octopus” in Italian. There are rumors that Jolly used to use them as experimental subjects. Delicious when cooked and fun to look at.
Board Game Tournament: A tournament held on the last day of the masquerade. A large event held to celebrate Nordia in which the governor Agata herself takes part. Agata was the champion in recent years.
Martha: The mansion’s cook. 38 years old. A spirited woman who is in charge of all the Family’s meals. She can apparently make anything you request of her.
Masquarade: A large festival held during New Year’s in Nordia. It lasts for 10 days and a board game tournament with the governor takes place on the last day. Many tourists come to experience the event.
Mama: Means “mother” in Italian. It refers to the motherly figure of the organization, who is Sumire in the story.
Milena: The youngest daughter of Augar Blanco. Ran borderline scams in order to pursue the person she liked, but the incident was resolved at the Isis Regalo. Exchanges letters with the heroine.
Mariella: One of three maids who take care of the entire mansion. Has a calming presence and acts as an older sister figure. She is surprisingly clumsy.
Bird of Prey: A category of bird that includes owls. They tend to prey on other animals. Debito tends to use this to refer to Fukurota. (X)
Mostro Abissale: The name of a limone pie that Jolly made. It’s full name is “Capriccio of Enhancement, Mostro Abissale”. It seemingly has the effect of making whoever consumes it manlier like Dante.
Fir Tree: A type of pine tree that is typically used as a Christmans tree. It isn’t typically done in Regalo, but they are often decorated in celebration of Christmas abroad.
Moreno: Nova’s father and Mondo’s older brother. However, his current involvement with the Family is minimal. Was put to sleep for 7 years when Nova lost control of his powers at a young age. Strict, but kind deep down.
Mondo: The ridiculously doting father, Papa. 59 years old. Currently the well respected head of the Family. Has a personality that inevitably brings people together. Is soft towards his daughter.
Procuress: A woman who trains and procures women for a pleasure district. It is said that they put a great amount of effort into training girls so they can attract high class clients.
Liberta the Hero: The name Liberta uses when he tells stories of his adventures. Very popular with children. He seems to exaggerate quite a bit, but he claims they are about 70% true…
Ghost Ship: Refers to Ash’s ship, the Vascello Fantasma. In the past, it sailed with many ghosts and skeletons who could not be put to rest aboard. There are apples everywhere.
Yuki: Neve’s real name. Written with the character for “happiness”. Changed her name to “Neve” after meeting Vir. After fulfilling a promise, she may start going by this name once more.
Joshua: Mondo’s first son whom he had with his first wife. He eloped and went missing, but reappeared on the ghost ship… His wife’s name was Kiara.
La Giustizia: The 8th card, Justice. The name of the Tarocco that Joshua hosted. Invokes the scales and calls forth either an overwhelmingly powerful attack or defensive array.
La Stella: The 17th card, the Star. The name of the Tarocco that Neve hosts. Grants the power to grant the wish of another just once.
La Temperanza: The 14th card, Temperance. The name of the Tarocco that Luca hosts. Grants the power to nullify Arcana powers.
La Torre: The 16th card, the Tower. The name of the Tarocco that Elmo hosts. Grants the power to create a strong wall over an area that protects from attacks.
La Forza: The 11th card, Strength. The name of the Tarocco that Pace hosts. Grants extreme physical strength.
La Primavera: A spring festival in Regalo. Many people will wear costumes and several events will be held to heighten the festive atmosphere.
La Morte: The 13th card, Death. The name of the Tarocco that Nova hosts. Grants the power to temporarily put people in the area to sleep.
La Luna: The 18th card, the Moon. The name of the Tarocco that Jolly hosts. Grants the power to call up a person’s painful memories.
Lasagna: An oven-baked dish of layered sheet pasta and sauce. Pace says its name strangely, but there’s no real meaning to it.
L’Appeso: The 12th card, the Hanged Man. The name of the Tarocco that Sera hosts. Grants the power to temporarily deprive nearby people of their vision.
Raphaelo: One of the court cards. The page of the Swords. 25 years old. Usually doesn’t talk much, but occasionally has harsh opinions. He is easily misinterpreted, but is actually just very honest.
Gli Amanti: The 6th card, the Lovers. The name of the Tarocco that the heroine hosts. Grants the power to read the hearts of others.
Ristorante: Means “restaurant” in Italian. Many specialize in dishes using fresh seafood. Their dolce is also delicious.
Liberta: One who understands the value of foolishness. 19 years old. A member of Intelligence who loves the sea and freedom. Has a bright, energetic personality despite the complex circumstances behind his birth. Has difficulties due to not knowing how to act around women.
Limone Pie: A pie using lemons. The members of the Family all have different tastes, but they all agree that Luca’s limone pie is a delicacy. Tastes even better cold. They should never be thrown.
Lord: Governs the land that they preside over. Pace and Alberto’s father has lordship over Regalo.
Apple: A type of fruit. Their balance of sweet and sour makes them suited for use in dolce. Ash’s favorite food and his Vascello Fantasma stocks tons of them.
L'Imperatore: The 4th card, the Emperor. The name of the Tarocco that Dante hosts. Grants the power to manipulate a person’s memories or temporarily brainwash them.
Luce: One of the court cards. The page of the Chalices. 20 years old. Has a baby face that makes him look younger than he is. Likes to tease Nova the most out of the Chalices.
Luca: An overly doting attendant. 29 years old. His hobbies are sewing and alchemy. Was also once a secretary. A kind older brother figure who has taken care of the heroine for 13 years. Can be incompetent at times.
The Lucellino Company: A secret organization who’s name means “little bird of light”. They appear to be a trading company on the surface, but rumor has it that they have another hidden side…
Regalo sunshine: Refers to a perfectly sunny day without a cloud in sight. On days with weather like this, it isn’t unusual to see people doing their laundry while looking up at the sky and calling out “Look at this Regalo sunshine!”.
Island of Regalo: The island that the story takes place on. Often targeted by pirates and foreign nations due to its abundance in resources. The name Regalo means “gift”.
Renato: One of the court cards. The knight of the Coins. 26 years old. The diligent type, which is rare in the Coins. His cool demeanor makes him popular with women. Doesn’t smile outside of work.
L'Eremita: The 9th card, the Hermit. The name of the Tarocco that Debito hosts. Grants the power to become invisible and undetectable by others.
Alchemy: A practice that involves refining various materials into a complete form. Those who practice this art are called alchemists. Jolly, Luca, and Ash are known as the alchemist trio.
Rollo: One of the court cards. The page of the Coins. 23 years old. Has a good head on his shoulders and is skilled at adapting to the needs of others. A calculated gentleman.
Wheel: Anything that is round or goes in a loop. Whether that be fate or connections with others. The world is made up on many wheels.
Wine: An alcoholic beverage made of fermented grape juice. A favorite drink of Debito’s and Dante’s. It is best consumed warm during cold seasons.
Puppy Brothers: A term used to collectively refer to Liberta and Pace. References how they act like a large and medium-sized dog respectively.
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poesiablog60 · 10 months
Miriàm, sai cos'è la grazia?
Non di preciso, risposi.
Non è un'andatura attraente, non è un portamento elevato di certe nostre donne bene in mostra.
È la forza sovrumana di affrontare il mondo da soli senza sforzo, sfidarlo a duello tutto intero senza neanche spettinarsi.
Erri De Luca
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abatelunare · 1 month
- Sposarsi senz'amore è tanto vile e indegno d'un uomo quanto il servir messa senza la fede. (Anton Pavlovic Cechov, Il duello).
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