#im bimbo the fool
ronkeyroo · 2 years
me @ BELOVED FOLKS MAKING FANART OF MY SILLY DRAGONBORN:   I WILL 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕪 CRY (???) (!!!!!!) (!?!?!?!?!!!!) (💖💖💖)
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needy-greedy-girl · 1 month
Why don't you become my stepdaughter?
It's a very simple life for you. I will take care of everything, you just need to let loose. We will encourage your beauty/bimbo transformation and I'd pay for a boob-job and a pair of big lips. Always wearing little outfits. Always seeing my old dad cock hard through my pants. We'd fool around and I would play with your new tits. Maybe you are a bit tipsy and just want to say thank you for the modifications. Your fat lips around my dad cock slurping up and down on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Drool dripping down on you, so I can fuck your bimbo tits. Maybe we should do this more often?
My fat fucking tits being even bigger and lips literally made for cock
Id say thank you sooo much, everyday multiple times a day — letting my body be the reward for your efforts because im just a doll after all, your step daughter doll made for fucking built to your pleasure
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emizzzleblur · 1 year
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I asked my friend her opinion of the 2023 f1 drivers:
apologies for the very long post but there are 20 of these bitches and I’m not doing a part 2 so hope you enjoy her unhinged thoughts <3
I love Max I don’t care abt his racing like I don’t care abt anyones racing to be fair
I think I used to hate his guts in the beginning which is a true testament to our relationship being the strongest
I want to put him in a ball like a hamster and let him run across my kitchen floor
I love Checo sm like i would gladly be a home wrecker if he gave me half a chance
He seems like if we met irl he probably wouldn’t like me but that’s ok I like him ��🏻
Charles is just dumb and I’m kinda indifferent abt him because I feel like our brains work at the same frequency
Like we cancel each other out because we’re both from the south of france and we’re both bimbos
I don’t Even have to say anything we already know I’m obsessed with him like he’s def top 3 for me probably top 2 now that Nicky is gone I adore him sm
Im also indifferent abt Lewis i don’t hate him as much as I used to but I think we could talk abt fashion
My opinion is exactly the same
I hate him with a passion and I would straight up LOVE TO FIGHT HIM but I wanna fuck him so bad it makes me look stupid
I like Lando he’s so cute in the way where if I pinched him he’d probably make a noise like the pillsbury dough boy
He needs to stop calling himself daddy tho he’s not fooling anyone
I would rly enjoy pushing him into a shrub to bully him and watch him struggle to get up
I’m indifferent abt Oscar but his lack of personality makes me giggle
He reminds me of a saltine cracker or like pretzels
MY DADDDYYYYYY!! I love Val with my whole heart he’s actually the best he’s so unbothered and just enjoying himself he’s the king fr
He’s an actual NPC I don’t think I’ve ever even acknowledged his existence outside of that one pic of him and Fleep like legitimately who is this man
I hate him but like in a way where I don’t ACTUALLY hate him like if he was drowning I’d probably throw him a life preserver
but am I the reason he’s drowning in the first place? Probably
idk I’ve got a soft spot for esteban maybe it’s because we both struggle to say squirrel
He’s cute if he wasn’t French I’d fuck him (maybe if I’m drunk enough to forget he’s French)
I don’t know when or why this happened but I am so in love w Yuki like he’s in my top 3
he’s so adorable and rly grew on me
I’d like to give him a marshmallow and a little kiss on the forehead
I don’t dislike Nyck but I don’t like him either
I’m indifferent he’s just kinda there but I will think about that video of him exercising for the rest of my life (dis)respectfully
I rly like Kevin idk why
I don’t know much about him but he’s funny and he seems nice and kinda just chill idk he exists and he’s cool
I know nothing about Nico and I don’t like him
I don’t know why I have a hate campaign against him but his face gets on my nerves and that’s good enough reason for me
…I don’t wanna say it but he’s growing on me emmie like this is the worst possible outcome but I can’t stop it
I do not like Fernando but as i said Before hes Fun like It’s fun to watch the world burn but I don’t like the bitch that threw the match
I love Alex he’s cute and he seems nice and his blonde hair rly fucks
I’d like to meet his cats we could be besties I’d kiss his cheek and pat his head
I want him to fuck my brains out and honestly, that’s the only opinion I have on him like I have no other thoughts
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youremyheaven · 23 days
What you said about punarvasu men is literally my dad💀
He’s a punarvasu moon (I thought he was an ardra moon bc he lacks self discipline with alcohol/spending/food but I think Jupiter suits him more), with revati venus sun and mercury conjunction all within one degree.
As for his ascendant, it can only be from purvaphalguni to anuradha. My main theories are actually those two naks themselves or just leo/scorpio rashi in general because I think he might have pp mars 1H or Jyestha ketu 1H. Also I think he might be UP asc.
He also is very similar in many ways to my brother, who is dhanishta moon, hasta sun, magha asc (my brother is an actual menace but based off his placements I doubt I need to elaborate much further as to why). Anyway lmk what you think👀
But yeah here are some things about my punarvasu dad:
-He does have himbo vibes sometimes and is quite confident in his femininity. For example, growing up he would wear pink sometimes and do sweet things for me, like give me food at school that he’d bought if he just happened to be in the area
-However do not be fooled guys, he is huge misogynist😬 he regularly makes degrading comments towards women who act a certain way (calling them “bimbos”/”barbie”), and whenever someone is driving badly on the road he automatically assumes they’re a woman.
-Literally so rude and disrespectful to everyone except his mother (passed for unknown reasons years ago) and this 90 yr old woman he knows😭 I imagine he’s not rude to his customers at work but that man always has something bad to say! He talks shit about people constantly.
-Has anyone else noticed that punarvasu moons have weird relationships with their mothers? They’re either obsessed or they hate them
- He’s a huge megalomaniac and needs to be in control of us at all times. He needs to have everything a certain way and gets very angry at you if you deviate from it. He often spoils my brother (who is still a child) with the intention of getting him to like him more than my mother. This includes buying him expensive gifts, and when my mother scolds my brother over his bad behaviour, he goes crying to my dad who proceeds to coddle him and act like she’s the bad guy.
My dad has encouraged my brother when he’s been physically abusive or degrading to my mother several times😬
He once told my brother at the airport “I don’t care if you don’t listen to your mother or any of your teachers at school, but you must listen to me. I’m the boss. Ok?” It sounded way more controlling irl but I’m just paraphrasing.
- He’s very into tarot, thelemism and astral projection and gets very preachy about it lol
- He is very disrespectful towards my mothers family (my mother is from an Eastern European 2nd world country) and degrades them for being stupid/unmarried/etc. He has this longstanding beef with my maternal grandma (UBP moon, mula sun, certified girlboss) for being eratic and controlling esp towards my mother growing up (he literally acts the exact same way)
- He is very erratic and gets angry very easily. He’s broken a several things in our house just from his temper tantrums
- Talking about erratic, he is so mean when he’s pissed off you. My brother got in trouble at school when he was ~10 yo once and my dad had a rant at him about how he’s going nowhere in life, he’s going to be a bum, he’s clumsy, etc. He once told me I was tearing the family apart bc I annoyed my brother at the dinner table💀 but we can’t criticise him for this bc it’s “his business”. It’s all just a huge power trip.
-After getting angry at you, he’ll do the whole I’m sorry🥺 act. GIRL GET OUT😂
-Very irresponsible, acts impulsively and expects everyone else to just work around his schedule
- He either has weaponised incompetence or has this one household chore that only he does bc he’s “better” at it than anyone else
Sorry about the trauma dump 🤪 but yeah Jupiter men slander!!! They’re always on this moral high horse until its them
im gonna make a separate post about Jupiter men (lots of slander included, sorry not sorry)
im sorry to hear about your brother's placements 💀🤐
BBG Revati Sun, Punarvasu Moon & either Purvaphalguni or Anuradha Rising??? 😭😭😭HOW DO U AND UR MOM COPEEEE
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences and highkey worried about your brother 😬
Mercurial men are sex addicts and often vvv misogynistic. We've already established how manipulative they can be so I won't repeat that but I wouldn't touch a Mercurial man (unless he was a Jyeshta billionaire 🤪🤭lmfao jk) Jupiter men have always been so unattractive to me, I hate their energy 🤮🤢🤮 even with all the sweet natured kind whatever behaviour, I'm always sus about them. My friend's abusive ex was a Punarvasu Moon and oh lordy lord??? she told him she needed a break from him and he went to her house with their horoscopes matched (kundli Milan tingz for my desis yk what's up) ???? and he asked her strict conservative parents who would never allow her to date, for her hand in marriage??? like that was some power move bc he knew going that route meant robbing her of any choice in the matter. Also fellas, if a girl dumps you NEVER go to her family to propose marriage to her wtf. This guy would often threaten to kill her if she left him as well btw 😬😬
Fortunately for my friend, her parents were like 🤨we need to consult with our family astrologer and their astro guy said that they were a terrible match for each other and that if they got married there is a high chance she would die???? (no shit sherlock) they turned him away but he was still persistent af so they performed some poojas/rituals to get rid of him 😶‍🌫️😌✨💀 and he's been gone since lolziez
Venusian men can be sexually predatory but they usually have low self esteem and based on what you said about his misogyny and thinking of himself as above others (also a result of Jupiter influence) I feel like he's more Saturnian? 🧐 (Anuradha over Purvaphalguni Rising that is)
There is another Vishaka Moon man ik who has very effeminate mannerisms. He's not "in touch with his feminine side" or whatever, he's just a regular Indian man (derogatory) but his body language and mannerisms be giving twink vibes (he's 6'1 atleast with a bulky build and the contrast between the two is amazing to watch) I'm not queershaming or being homophobic 😭😭😭 but many Indian men can be vvv feminine ish and it lowkey creeps me out 😐 sorry but they'll simultaneously hate women, not be woke or liberal in the slightest and act like every straight asshole but with a fruity ✨twist 💀
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wmnylander · 4 months
im not even relaxing like these blue bimbos dont fool me. they could still blow this.
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kkkkkafka · 2 years
Ayo bluey capsules rant since they got cancelled, i would like to hear your general thoughts about them since i feel like im the only one in the fnaf fandom who disliked them
Yeah lol I would love to. The greatest thing in 2022 is BlueyCapsules being cancelled. Technically I hate the popular artists of FNAF twitter lmao I hope for their downfall after BC got yeeted
1. Bad storyline + bad writing. They took too long to execute the idea of The Bite of 87. Also the artstyle is ugly. They hired people who cannot draw. Be for real
2. Character designs? Bad too. I can't take William seriously, even though I like the archetype of a bubbly and flamboyant person being a ruthless killer. Also the prototype of robot Charlie and the current version of her now is ew. They slapped sideburn and that weird cowlicks on any characters and call it a day. Their Elizabeth design looks like a Walmart bimbo version of Amane Misa
3. The main story is about two white boys and they thought adding side characters who are POC = representations. Nah you can fool anyone but not me I'm so used to this tatics on mainstream medias, a webcomic can't trick me on this. Also as I previously mentioned, the bad writing but the factor of shipping Michael and Jeremy was the only thing holding their fans back. To add on this the shippers are also jackasses too
4. The team are just big hypocrites. They come after people who ship William with Henry to harass them, but then they shipping and hinted at two characters who are deemed to have a toxic relationship. I don't dislike toxic relationship and shit, but this is a huge bullshit from them. On Twitter they are called out for abusive behaviors towards other people of team members, the leader was accused for being racist too. They do not own the characters but only designed them, and make a fuss when someone draws nsfw content of William. BlueyCapsules being a bunch of horrible pricks together with their fans is actually a truth to some people on Twitter but they cannot speak up cause they will be bullied by the team's fans. Honestly, I don't trust people who idolized BlueyCapsules and only stopped when the receipts dropped
And I'mma end this here with a funny comparision. I actually bursted out laughing when I see this
(Reese is the leader of BC team, and the right is a post about Dream's face reveal)
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amaranthine-fangs · 2 years
gluskids theme songs
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to be contiuned and updated when i see fit
all i want is you now - rebzyyx, hoshie star
baby bride rag - roar
dead hearts - stars
in our bedroom after the war - stars
kiss me, son of god - they might be giants
somethin stupid - frank sinatra, nancy sinatra
one more hour - tame impala
sunglasses at night - corey hart
freshman boyfriend - xo_willow_archive
im so crazy for youuu
so 0bscene - punkinloveee
home - luke mccormick
mountains - message to bears
wolf - first aid kit
saint bernard - lincoln
saint bernarnd 2 - lincoln
happy pills - weathers
if god didn't want us to snort worms he wouldn't have made them cylindrical! - mimideath
my smile is extinct - kane strang
dear fellow traveler - sea wolf
tangerine ocean - cahama
in my mouth - black dresses
hopelessly devoted to you - olivia newton-john
butterfly - smile
all the good girls go to hell - billie eilish
we'll never have sex - leith ross
angel of love - cali crisis
beauty is empty - lullaby layla, keevin
hey lover - the daughters of eve
fool - cavetown
you're somebody else - flora cash
sex, drugs, etc. - beach weather
sleepwalk - forrest day
coffee breath - sofie mills
idfc (acoustic) - blackbear
sex on fire - kings of leon
my alcoholic friends - the dresden dolls
nice docs, baby! - blue foster
military fashion show - and one
pride - kendrick lamar
snow (hey oh) - red hot chili peppers
hello kitty - jazmin bean
oblivion - grimes
final girl - graveyardguy, slayyyter
joan of arc - arcade fire
mr. brightside - the killers
i just wanna run - the downtown fiction
creep - radiohead
what the hell - avril lavigne
just a girl - no doubt
pain - boy harsher
bang bang bang bang - soho dolls
ecstasy (apple of my eye) - strawberry switchblade
she's a big boy - mcbaise
season of the witch - donovan
keep your lips sealed - the do
oh to be in love - kate bush
bimbo doll - tila tsoli, bj lips
your love is my drug - just valery
dj whore - s3rl, tamika
18 - anarbor
killshot - magdalena bay
puppy pound - jazmin bean
knee socks - arctic monkeys
anything - catfish and the bottlemen
in between - willis
this is love - air traffic controller
everybody wants to rule the world - tears for fears
amber - 311
setting sun - lord huron
stolen dance - milky chance
midnight city - m83
stuck in the middle - tai verdes
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
Hello, I'd love to join your game! My initials - SM(sag sun and rising, aquarius moon) my questions are what's coming to me and my next romantic partner
Your exchange :
What is coming to you soon : the fool and the emprres - well this is a lovely energy. It reminds me of summer vacation, not in a literal sense but becouse u can have fun and just enjoy and relax /splurge. Anyway, what's coming to you is freedom I feel like, a period od carelessnes and fun moments, space and time for you to explore yourself more, possibly new endeavors and starting new projects. With the emtpess, i think money and elevated status, recognition are on the way. Seems like you'll be having a hot girl summer dear.
Your next partner - the judgment, queen of Wands and king of swords. If astro placements are important to you thees3 cards signify - aquarius, aries energy and pluto. God this is some powerful person. So your fp is very strong willed, someone who has a strong mind and sharp logic, someone confident af who knows what he wants and how to bet it. Big dick energy not gonna lie. I think he has been brought a bit rough and has some deep past that he won't share easily, it's like the sharpness od the world had taught him to act more so with his logic rather emotion, yet he is mature and i believe you will grow a lot with this man. He's gonna be protective of you, and match your vibe. Idk how dominant you consider yourself, but this person will take the lead in the relationship, not in a bad way. He's the type of person to freeze the room and turn heads, to challenge people and see thru their biullshit. Probably older then you. For physical features, - tall and muscular /lean, strong facial features, lighter eyes and thick, hair with lots of volumen. His stule can be profesional or street style with mostly black, blue Grey tones
Hope it resonates ❣️❣️
thank you so much for your patience @regaliadivina and thank you for the exchange!
normally i allow only one question, but since it is my last game i'll allow two! and my summer vacation has started since i graduated college! but the hot girl summer is something i am very, very open to!
and with the future partner thing, that is basically my energy i might as well date myself. i can be a dominant person but i can allow someone to take the lead but if they're over-bearing i wont be able to do that. it's the aries venus in me. thank you so much for the exchange!
question one - what is coming to you
my answer - what i first got that you might reconcile with an ex? you might have an erotic era with that person. it might not even be an ex but i just got a very familiar feeling with you and this person. it could even be someone you're talking to currently. and for this next thing, it could go down two ways, you could get a job that'll give you so much money or even get a sugar dad; or just someone who gives you money. though this could come in this month or the current months that will be coming soon.
question two - your next future partner
my answer - im getting much positive vibes from this person, or this future partner of yours could be a partier. they are someone who definitely likes to be in a positive place, they could've been someone who was a nihilist before but now they view life in a more better outlook. on the other hand, they could be foreign? they could belong to a country that likes to party. they might like to dance a lot and like lift the mood if people feel negative or down. there is something bimbo/himbo-ish about them, but that part of themselves could make you laugh. there's big sag/jupiter/9h energy from this person. but im also getting mercury/gemini and not that much of a 3h placement because their energy is so hyper and giddy. im also getting a certain dance they do to make you laugh and they could like the colour orange/yellow? they could have tanned skin and dark hair. they look like they could come from a country like mexico or brazil. countries like that. when you first meet them you might think their personality is very dimensional like there's nothing else but jokester energy to them. but their proper solid side, they dont show it to everyone.
make sure to leave feedback in the comment section or reblogs!
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barnesbabee · 2 years
about trisha paytas
it still bugs my mind how most people don't understand how she's playing a character.
I'm not talking about all the drama and shit, I'm talking about the dumb blonde bimbo shit, it's all an act.
The dumb bimbo act gets people talking, it gets her boosted like cmon you can't possibly think she's made it this far and remained relevant for over a decade while being stupid. She plays this role of someone who doesn't know anything, going as far as claiming in the frenemies podcast that she didn't know what the holocaust was, when she has old videos where she shows a WWII book and says how much she likes to read about WWII. She used to be a programmer for her father's company as well like
Im onto u trisha u cannot fool me
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ohcitron · 4 years
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stand by me onegai...
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drakenology · 3 years
-Spanks you against with a little more force- Maybe it’s my fault for not punishing you properly last night -rubs soothing circles over the red marks on your ass- Maybe daddy needs to remind you how you’re supposed to act when I’m home
-I yelp, fat tears soaking into the cushions of the couch as I whine-
No, please daddy, I’m s-sorry!
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atrirose · 3 years
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( 概要 )。— all members x reader || g : fluff || them as your bestfriends || 0.5k+ words || no warning
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##.HEESEUNG : very aggressive and for what, he just came in for a hug as he always when you walked out of the class and you already had the plan to prank him so your friends knew aswell, you walked up to him "hey guys this is my boyfriend heeseung say hi" confused af, cannot function but plays along with you, as soon as you get out of the school he goes "what was that 'boyfriend' " you can't control you laughter at this point but still say "you are my boyfriend what do you mean" saw you laughing so he lightly pushes you off "chill out bro like nO nO~" starts singing for God knows why. at this point you are just holding you stomach because you are about to die of laughing too much "stop joking like this" he says as he interlinks his arm with yours and walked you home. (very much sus)
##.JAY : he drived you to McDonald's for a late night snack, knowing damn well you guys are going to be late tomorrow because of lack of sleep, but who cares he gonna be a good bestie for you. as you pull to the drive thru and asks you to order because he got to call his dad back, you agreed "hi can I get mc chicken meal for me and my boyfriend" manz got a panic attack, rolls the window up and and puts his phone off speaker "yeah dad i will explain later gimme a moment" he hangs up and looks at you "yo whats your problem- y/n i swear if you are trying to prank me again I will throw you out with your McDonald's meal" nah cuz he sounded too stressed by your antics right now, you are always giving him this mini heart attacks for no reasons "at least you are getting me the meal, chill hubby I was joking" done like very done "y/n I sWEAR TO GOD" gets you the meal to shut you up, deep down we all know he got butterflies
##.JAKE : first you are cruel to do that to him, but you so it anyways "can you pass me the water babe" you said as you sat with Layla on your lap "um uh yeah for sure" passes you the water but very much questioning his ears "did you call me babe" you look at him as if what you were saying was not utterly wrong "yeah I mean whats the harm we ARE dating" he looked at you with big and shiny eyes "wait we are, omg why didn't I know I was dating, was it a secret?" you can not believe this bimbo "it was a prank" you said "oh" he really sounded dejected "im sorr-" he takes Layla from you and goes "well we can work a way to make it real" b0i i- this smooth mf. this is how I met your dad moment :)
##.SUNGHOON : I want to ask why did you try this on him like are you mentally unstable or do you like to make his ego skyrocketing so he can get on your nerves. "yeah me and sunghoon are dating, say hi to him" you said as you showed him to your baby sister, for some dumb reason you thought he would deny or be embarrassed, this man gave you the lip bite and eye squint look "you wanna date me so bad huh" officially made you a fool "get out i can't look at you anymore" comes closer to your face "why am I too handsome" smiles and you lose it, okay you guys were friends and this was a prank but it was no secret that he was attractive and you found him attractive despite his behavior which in a way was also very hot to you. "I mean we can date if you want, it ain't that hard" you shove him off you, it was not good for you heart but his heart was beating just as fast "whatever ice prince"
##.SUNOO : you chose death huh?, you linked your arms with his as you catch up to him "can I have half of your KitKat please" looks at you with judgment "no get your own, also why are you holding my hand, ew" typical sunoo "no I am just asking for half you mean ass, what do you mean why am I holding your hand, isn't it obvious we are dating" almost falls infront "WHAT? no like stop playing with me, dating is two ways, you just wake some day and decide that you are dating me y/n" rapping session, really he starts lecturing you right there in middle of the road. "Chill out dude i was joking, its no fun with you" you said as he held your hand again and starts to walk, "well maybe next time don't make joke like this, you don't know when people get serious" he gave you his half KitKat, he looked sad though maybe deep down he didn't want it to be a joke
##.JUNGWON : you chose death pt2, and in your defense it was niki's idea you try it on him so when all three of you made plan to meet at a Cafe, niki told you to try it on him. "wonie hi" you said as you walked up to him and held his hands, he didn't think anything about it, you guys were very close but when you reached the Cafe niki started acting all dramatic "omo you guys are holding hands like sheesh whats good?" Jungwon sat next to and tired to get niki to shut up "niki shut up-" until you step up "yeah we dating" you said with a straight face "no wait what" he looked at you forgetting niki ever existed there "we are dating" you said "no we are not" his cheeks where flaring red "yes we are" why are you doing this to him "okay we are" niki gasped so loud the whole Cafe looked at you "what-" he held your hands walking you out of the Cafe "you said we are dating so let's go on a date" poor niki just sat there, thinking what happened "am I a cupid? I must be great matchmaker then"
##.NIKI : you don't have to try he is going to be a shady mf, as soon as you come near him , he is already getting ready to annoy you, "hi guys meet my boyfriend, say hi" you said as you recorded his reaction "hi guys im her boyfriend" he doesn't even flinch or anything, is not confused infact you are confused "you what" you asked again to see if his reaction changes "yeah we is dating" comes in for a kiss on the cheeks only to be shoved away by you "whats up dude?" You said in obvious shock "ah try playing pranks on me again, look at you tomato looking ass, 'meet my boyfriend' it was too obvious" you hate his ass, "here have this and I love you too" he said as he hands you strawberry yogurt
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beann-e · 3 years
Arranged Marriages With Stoic Guys
female pronouns used for this one !
“ y/n you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to “
“ are you stupid of course I have to “ you snapped at your father who stood hovering over you a slight smirk on his face “ eh thought you’d want to hear what you wanna hear “
you scoffed trying to push his arm off your shoulders this was all stupid you didn’t want to do any of this
“ honestly i’m doing what’s best for you y/n you need this — we need this “ he sighed “ I mean don’t you want to help your family and yourself think about how well set up you’ll be “his eyes went stone on yours “ you need this “
you flinched at the way his sureness slipped into his tone there was no way you were gonna get out of this “ no you need this there is no we right now “
his face hardened as he held out his arm for you to grab “ shut up and grab my arm “
“ i’m not going out there with you “
“ yes “ his voice was threatening and quiet “ you are “
“ I said im no— “
“ look you’ve been weighing this family down for years yet, we’ve said nothing— and now you finally have the chance to help us — to show you belong in this world and you won’t ? are you serious “
His face flew up into a look of annoyance “ you have no other purpose than to help us that is why you were born to be shoved into a family rich enough to secure your own and your families needs and now you mean to tell me you don’t want to do what you were created for “
your mouth snapped shut at his claims
“ are you that disgusting that you can’t even help your family “
you felt your body go cold as he continued to press into you
“ you preach how we’re the bad people yet you do evil shit like this“
he scoffed looking down on you “ i feel nothing but pure disgust to even have to go out there and call you my daughter “
he shook his head in disappointment before putting his arm out for you to grab again “ grab it “ his voice raised “ and you better go out there and put on that glorious look of innocence his father liked “
you gulped as he directed you quickly out the doors and draped the piece of fabric that you wore on your head. Placing it over your eyes and walking you down the aisle that had been so beautifully decorated
you were suppose to be getting married today not that you wanted to but, you had to.
you were the only girl in a family full of knuckle headed boys who just weren’t smart enough for an arranged marriage.
This was your fourth time being close enough to being married off though you hated the other 2 there was one that stuck out to you and that was number three
Your third boyfriend was one your family never liked they saw him as disgusting, vile, and too dirty with his language.
To you he was caring and open and rarely ever talked too harshly to you as long as you managed to never piss him off. You were happy with him and he was the only one you could ever see yourself settling down with until he told you He would take care of you and only you.
That was the nail in the coffin when you brought him over to dinner one night and out of the blue he spoke loudly so everyone could hear him “ look — with this whole marriage thing when I do marry your shitty daughter “
his eyes coming over to look at you and sending a look of reassurance your way making sure you knew he didn’t mean it. Them falling back to look at everyone around the dinner table who moved comfortably in their seats not caring how he talked to you as long as they would get to live lavish
“ i’m not taking care of you guys “ he scooped up the leftover food on his plate “ i’m only going out of the way for her and her only — the rest of you are on your own “
he shoveled the food in his mouth speaking carefully and making sure to watch his words knowing how serious he had to be with them in order for him to be heard by your parents “ you guys are using her for money and I don’t like that i’m not taking care of shitty parents and two brothers who act like they can’t even tell me how to spell yen “
him laughing and turning to your eldest brother a small smile on his face “ hey jerk face “
“ uh huh “ your brothers body wiggled in excitement to be acknowledged “ what’s up “
“ spell yen for me real quick “
“ babe don—“
“ shutup needa prove a point for your asshole parents “
“ hmmm “ your brother thought out loud as your other one jumped in the conversation “ hey dude what’s yen anyways “
your boyfriends mouth flying open as he slammed his hand on the table “ actually scratch that — i’m gonna pay for them both to go to elementary school and be two tall ass bodyguards that talk and say dumb shit like this to scare the kids into learning “
he pushed himself out of his chair kissing you softly before leaving the room. The door slamming as your father followed him anger swirling off his body at not only your boyfriends attitude for not wanting to help them but for coming in his house and making a fool of his family
you never got any of what your third boyfriend promised because he never got the opportunity to come back and your father made sure to have you cut off all contact with him.
So lucky you
free wedding , new guy
“ smile “ you felt your face do what you were told immediately as your feet shuffled down the aisle anyone could tell this was painful or at least anyone who actually knew you and not the 100 paid citizens of japan who sat in your wedding chairs
The guy you were marrying is a hero so, you can see how easy this is for him to pay for. He had to keep this little ordeal in the papers but only so, his father could stay relevant or at least that’s how they explained it to you no one explained that this was your e—
“ y/n“ your fathers voice was sharp “ take his hand“ you blinked finally realizing you were at the end of the carefully laid out carpet “ pay attention don’t make us look stupid “
you smiled carefully at the male before you dragged your foot stepping up and using his outstretched hand across from you “ thank—thank you “
it was silent which you immediately understood you knew he felt no need to talk to you ‘ maybe he’s not that into talking in public maybe he’s a private kind of person ‘
yeah he was so private that he said nothing but his I do’s and his occasional mhmm’s when you tried to get to know him with this continuing all night you never got to. This was all set up between his father and your own. you and him had no knowledge you were getting married today from what your father told you
“ so how— how is hero work “ you questioned as you two sat in the busy hall waiting for the doors to open up to allow people outside into the courtyard for pictures “ I hear you are one — a hero I mean “
you looked up to him as he faced forward his mouth making no attempt to move “ what really no it’s that hard ? “ you looked off speaking to yourself “ wouldnt think hero work could ever be hard“
“ did i just witness you ask and answer your own question “
your body shook as you felt heat rise up in your body your temperature high hands starting to feel sweaty “ oh uh “
“ if we have to get you checked for mental health problems i’d like to do so early “ he never broke his gaze from in front of him even when the doors opened “ I do not want to wake up with a knife to my chest or walk in on you talking to your imaginary friend after work “
you face dropped you understanding you were getting no where in communication with this man. You grabbed his outstretched hand and let him weave you carefully through the many people you didn’t know finally he stopped only to grip your hand tightly “ don’t move and wait quietly please“
you nodded your head as you watched him talk to the photographer guessing they were discussing where you were gonna take your pictures
“ hello there y/n “ you heard a booming voice say turning around only to bump square into a hard chest
“ or should I say daughter in law “ his voice scared you it was something about the way he was so sure of himself something felt wrong here
“ oh um do I— I know you “
“ of course you do “ he pointed to your new husband smiling “ you married my son an hour ago “
you shook your head uncomfortable with being left alone with now not only one person you didn’t know but also two plus a room full of people you couldn’t even name “ excuse me if I seem a bit “
“— lost , ditzy, bimbo like “
“ w-what bimbo? excuse me “
“ it’s ok as long as your quirk is as good as your father tells me I am fine with your intelligence level not being up to par my son is fully equipped with the knowledge to take care of a woman and provide like a man should “
“ I-“ you thought for a moment deciding on if you should go all out on the male that stood before you retracting into yourself when you thought of your father
“ oh y/n i know — it’s the bimbo tendencies? yeah here i’ll make it easier for you is there something you wanted to say“
you flinched at the statement smiling and presenting yourself happily as he smirked down on you ‘ he knows what hes doing ‘
“ no no nothing at all “ you said feeling his large hand pat you on your back “ good girl— get over there my sons kinda dense when it comes to talking to people “
you smiled to hold all the hostility in your voice “ yes i’ve seen so much of his density in our one hour together I find myself wondering how he can provide for me without proper communication skills “
the males eyebrow raising at your ability to speak back to an elder “ hmm he suffers with interaction due to lack of affection— childhood trauma as people your age like to say “
his smile tight and not fully reaching his ears “ I do expect that you’ll show him the proper amount of affection no matter if you got dragged into this or not “
you turned on your heel leaving the annoyed male to his own thoughts your hands coming up to interlock over your new ‘husbands’ shoulders “ hi shoto “
he bristled at your touch his shoulder moving to drop your hands as he pretended to stretch his arm in a small circle side eyeing you carefully alerting you to not touch him without permission again before he turned back to the male in front of him voice low “ I do not understand why I cannot take the photos the way I want to “
“ your father sai— “
“ their my spouse ? “ he was direct with everything he said “ it’s my wedding “
you could feel the questioning in every word he said voice low almost threatening the male in front of you “are you going to believe a 90 year old geezer who just found out beating kids is wrong or are you going to believe your beloved pro hero ? “
you could hear the teasing he held at the very end that even made you want to move just as fast as the photographer in front of you and follow after him
“ how do you want to take the photos y/n “ Shotos eyes looked down on you expectedly as you shook your head in confusion ‘ how did I end up picking our poses he wanted to change the generic one that was preplanned‘
you looked into his face as his eyes morphed into a look you couldn’t quite figure out “ i’m guessing you did this for me ? “
he shook his head slightly “ oh so you thought I would want something different from the basic ph— ok um “ you smiled as you turned to the front “ can we just do a um — maybe a hug but he hugs my waist that’s always a pretty marriage picture “
you moved to look back at him as the photographer agreed shoto moving carefully to stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist hesitantly “ you can — it’s ok “ you felt as his shaky arms snaked around and sat in the spot that you guided them to your arms moving over them as your hands tried to soothe his jumpy ones
“ hey calm down “ you laughed “ just a picture — not me waging war on you family “
he looked down on your smiling face his own going through so many emotions not able to tell which one he wanted to show “ at least not the rest of them — your father maybe “ he watched as you turned back around the camera clicking as a genuine look of interest for you passed over his face
“ do you guys want to take another one “
“ um I think we’re good he doesn’t um— he doesn’t seem like a photo- e guy and i’m not very photogenic “
the photographer shook his head in understanding letting out a sigh of relief that he held as you moved to walk off your husbands grip tightening on you “ hey I — you can let go now sh— “
“ do you remember earlier “ he questioned “ when I told you to stay put “
your body flamed as you knew you’d done something wrong immediately feeling like you should try to defend yourself
“ why did you walk off “ his eyebrows furrowed “ how — why did you disobey orders “
“ I just—- I didn’t — your father— he — he came up and he— “
“ either way you didn’t listen you moved from the spot I placed you in” his eyes were staring holes into yours daggers really “so no matter who spoke to you — you were in the wrong “
“ I — it’s my body I can move “
“ yes you can in the spot I placed you “
“ I don’t even know you I don’t have t— “
“ that’s how it works “ his voice roared looking to the ground eyebrows furrowed as he was trying so desperately to understand you “ that is how it works in a marriage you listen to me —when I tell you to do something you do it and when I tel— “
“ no it’s not what — I” your face made up in confusion “ who told you these things —- this is ? i’m not a kid I am your wife now—we’re on two equal playing fiel— “
“ no “ you gnawed at your lip as he waited for a rebuttal seeing as though you had been answering him back after everything he said standing up straighter when he seen your tightly closed mouth “ i’m done with this argument I was just curious of something and you answered it “ he unwrapped himself from your body and turned to leave tugging at his suit
you not knowing wether to follow him or leave him be choosing the first option when he turned over his shoulder and stopped his movement
voice coming out short you were so confused with your new ‘husbands’ behavior he expected almost everything from you as if you could read his mind without words “ sorry — sorry “
he shook his head in understanding as he went to get his car from the valet opening the door for you as he opened his own getting in and setting himself up properly for a nice drive
your back hitting the seat hard when he took off your mind racing thinking this may be punishment for your words and anger towards him earlier.
‘ maybe he’s gonna play fast and furious while i’m In the car to get me to shut up ‘
“ I do not intend to scare you if that is what you are thinking “
he looked into his side mirror as he got over into another lane “ but I do intend to build structure where I see there is none “
you knew you should be quiet right now is not the time to fight for your rights in this new relationship not when he was driving like he’d never heard of a car accident
“ and I am not sure about you but I do feel right now is the best time to set that in place seeing as though I don’t know you and I doubt you even want to know me “
he waited on your answer “ when I stop talking that signifies you may speak “
“ sorry yes— no I do want—want to know you “
“ that’s interesting “ he sat back in the drivers seat as he eyed the road carefully slowing down a bit when taking in your answer “ i’d like to think that we were both forced into this “
“ ye-“
“ but that is simply not true “
your eyes refused to blink “ neither of us were “ he slowed the car down even more as he pulled into an underground parking garage “ you were handpicked by myself because I was asked to find a spouse to spark some uproar in the headlines or else i’d lose my title of number three hero and I am not too keen on giving that up right now with my father being number four and only living to climb the ranks “
he turned his car off as he turned to you “ i do not want to give him that enjoyment— “ he sighed “ you are not necessarily wanted nor needed— the only thing I can ask of you is to uphold this facade out there and i will give you and your family— everything i originally signed to in the contract“
he opened his car door as he stood fixing his suit again “ in here — my house you either follow my set of rules or you will be asked to leave and id honestly hate to ask you to leave “
you heart fluttered so he was interested in you
“ because then i’d have to talk to the media and I do hate when they ask me questions they have the material to supply themselves an answer with “
you heard the slam of the car door as you got out yourself hearing the two beeps from his car when locking it following him up the stairs as your eyes blinked several times
no no
you followed him up the elevator images flashing In your mind as you looked to the buttons remembering the number all too clear as he stepped out and onto the floor opening the door to the pent house your sweaty hands fiddling with the bottom half of your dress
“ shoto”
“ todoroki inside please my love — also “ he moved to his kitchen stripping off his jacket “ baby goes for me —my love goes for you in or out I don’t care — but do not overuse it — you will only annoy me “
you smiled softly trying to rush to ask your overwhelming question that was buzzing around inyour mind “ baby do you um— by any chance do you happen to have a rooma — “
“ who the fuck left the door open “ you heard the voice your ears had missed so much your body wanting to drop to the floor after hearing it “ shitty icy hot always coming in places and just leaving shit open— it’s like you don’t even know privacy “
“ well that is true I have never been awarded such thing as privacy I was off throwing up on tile after a long hard restless day of beatings “
“tch always so quick to spill your shitty trauma — wheres the bitch you set yourself up to marry “ he scoffed as you heard him nearing the kitchen “ marry for hire I mean “
shoto nodded as if the male could see it closing his fridge making his way over to you pushing you to follow him towards the loud deep voice “ she’s here actually though she’s going to be busy in a moment — you’ll have some time to meet her afterwards I promise “
“ god — if it goes on all night I swear — still can’t believe you hired some weird bitch to marry you and the whor—holy fuck “
Your eyes rose to meet his as you saw the tall blond drop his grenades he held in his gloved hands the loud clang echoing throughout the house “ my god I do ask bakugou if we’re going to stay together due to the department , that you do watch how you mess up our house , you have free range to destroy anything you want inside your own room “
“ shut —shut the fuck up ice tray“ his eyes narrowed on yours as he pointed at you “ this is the — the bitch you went to marry today — the one you picked out “
“ yes — I — is there a problem “ shoto turned to look you up and down “ though I did suspect some mental health challenges earlier i’m sure you can’t notice them up front right “
bakugous body shivered as he took a step back from you his body prepared to run
“ bakugou i’ve never seen you this “ your grip tightened on your dress pulling it up in the back hand dipping low to grab at your cell phone knowing you would have to call for help if he decided to be the bakugou you knew and kill you your ears listening closely as shoto spoke “ this afraid it’s quite eventful “
“ you— you dumbass “ he kept his eyes on you “ get the fuck out this isn’t the place for you— go back to your run down shitty cottage or something “
shoto stood confused as bakugou ran to grab you his hand tight on your arm his body stopping eyes made up in sadness face dropping as he felt himself wanting to scream and cry all at the same time. Hand only gripping harder onto your figure
“ what is the meaning of this —- I find this disgustingly rude — bakugou “
he shook his head eyes dropping to the floor your heart breaking he won’t even look at you that’s how bad your father screwed things up for you
Him pushing you away from him and towards the door as he spoke low hurt and pain ripping through his voice “ she’s gotta go “ his body moving to walk away “ now “ he screamed “ unmarry her or some shit—I don’t wanna see that bitch when I come back out here “
“ katsu— “
“ don’t you dare say my name not like that not with tears in your fucking eyes and sounding all sad and shit the last time you said it was the best time dont make me forget that shit “
your body shook in fear as his eyes weighed heavy on you shotos voice pouring out “ god bakugou please what are you saying your just being a bit of an— excuse my language my love but an — asshole aren’t you ? “
his body stalling when he thought back to a few moments ago “ wait how — how do you know his name “
your heart broke as you looked between the two men.
Just your luck that you would have to choose between a man who would most likely give you nothing but pure gentle love and supply your family the same only for one small thing in return or one that you missed so much every night you went to sleep
then again you would have no choice but to be married to someone that you’d already signed away your life to in a binding contract that stated your family and yourself would be very well taken care of and who were you to choose love over protection ?
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koscheyyy · 2 years
Give me that TMA Glup Shitto.
Thank you so much for asking! I got another for tma so im just going to put everything into this one.
1. Blorbo (favorite character, character I think
about the most)
My blorbo is Elias💜 boo me all you want but I love that stinky rat bastard so much that i just want to kick him down the stairs! Hes like a little lap dog that i just carry around in my purse, we have brunches together while i brush his hair.
2. Scrunkly (my "baby", character that gives me
cuteness aggression, character that is So
My little scrunkly is Jonathan Sims, head Jarchivist of the Magnus institute, London. Hes just so *makes hand scrunching movements* y’know? Hes my baby. My special little boy. My omen of great fear and death. My silly rabbit :3
3. Scrimblo bimbo (underrated/
underappreciated fave)
Hezekiah wakely. That bitch had the most amazing name and also just wanted a dirt nap which i can relate to as i write this from my bed in which ive lain for the past two hours.
4. Glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can
appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and
I won't shut up about it for a week)
Say it with me: S I M O N F A I R C H I L D. Wrinkly old pink skeleton man i love youuuuuuu!! His statements were always my favourite and god karim kronfli’s voice is like if you melted chocolate into a bowl of more melted chocolate and then served it with a spoon made out of melted chocolate. Hes just delightful in every way and reminds me of my wonderful grandad.
5. Poor little meow meow ("problematic"/
unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic
I guess that would be Peter. He was just a bit pathetic wasn’t he? Go pretend to captain your cringe boat and suck at saving your failing marriage. Oh but i love him, he really thought his apartment complex was a good idea and ive just got to stand and hug him when it inevitably failed like a parent calming a kid down after they scraped their knee. Poor little meow meow peter ;-;
6. Horse plinko (character I would torment for
fun, for whatever reason)
Jurgen leitner? Stupid idiot motherfucking jurgen lietner god damn fool book collecting dust eating rat old bastard shithead idiot avatar of the whore-
Just kidding, it would be the ghost spider fron that one episode where it haunted the dude because i have been living that reality for years now. I hate the ghost spider and it keeps coming back! Send help.
7. Eeby deeby (character I would send to
Absolutely 100% cant fucking stand the twat. None of his plans made sense and honestly hes the shittiest avatar ever and i just spent the last paragraph calling peter out on being forty year old virgin! I HATE Maxwell Rayner with a passion and id personally spend my life watching his old man ass slinky its way down the plinko steps of eeby deeby for eternity just to calm the rages i feel when i even think of this tit of a cult leader. “Im going to body swap into a 12 year old boy because that is a good and rational idea!” Piss off you vitamin C lacking cunt!
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leglessjoekeery · 2 years
Okay so it's the third of March 2022 and I have decided to live post whatever it's called supernatural because I hate myself.
I am currently on season 2 episode 1 and I'm 26 minutes in so 💀
is he gonna burn his blood
I think he just burned his blood
Oh shit he's a dude not a dude
'suicidally reckless' perfectly describes all the winchesters tf do you mean
I'm so sorry but I head that "don't cha" and immediately my brain went "DONT CHA WISH YOUR GF WAS HOT LIKE ME" I'm so sorry
I'm Canadian btw 💅
Omg a deal with devil John you sussy baka
Crying at Sam rn
I really don't like this reaper
She sounds kinda nice tho I think I might just HAHHAHAHA IM NOT INTO PRUDE CHICKS WHY DID I FIND THAT SO FUNNY HA
Can you tell I have adhd yet
Girl I have seen so many spoilers for this show I know he isn't gonna die. At least forever.
WHY WAS THE "that's just facts 🤞💅🤪" SO FUNNY???
Girl you can't stop Dean Winchester stop fooling yourself
John r u sure this isn't a trick
Omg it's that guy who's kids Dean killed
John please have a better plan than this I beg
What do you want sir
Why does she sound sad and should I use they them or she her bc its a reaper like what pronouns do reapers use THE LIGHTS??? WHAT OMG WHAT WHAT THE SHIT BISCUIT OMG SHW HAS YELLOW EYES WHAT THE
Omg he's doing good again
Did John just call his child dude. Bro.
John "specific" Winchester
Bro is he a dude again or what
Omg Dean Winchester lore??
Dean must be thinking "girl stop acting sus af 😒"
What is he whispering WHAT IS HE WHISPERING
Why are they crying omg what
I thought he was gonna off himself for a hot sec omg
That poor coffee 😕
Bro John pls
Ah shit bitch dick NO HE DIED IN THE AM
Okay next episode time woohoo 🤪🤪
Bro I love clowns they're delightful
Except for that one he's sus
Omg where'd he go
That kid looked like lily from modern family for a sec
Why is he outside her window 🤨 very sus
Girl stop lying this is why yo daddy dead. Dead as hell. What shoes he got on. What shoes he got on in that mummy looking ass cacoon.
Omg he's re building the car❗❗ let's gooo
Bro you were just in a coma and then ur dad died stop it listen to sam
Ellen as in Ellen Ellen? Like the show host??
Is that man dead
Ooh she got moves
In love with these badasses
Omg Ellen she's so much better than I thought she was gonna be
Lmao they can't ask him he's deaaaad
No, ma'am he's real dead. He's not doin good.
Yes, who is ash
Omg I love him too
Omg he's a smart bimbo
HE WAS STRUCK BY LIGHNING??? he's so cool.
Gender envy.
How old is this kid
Dean that is literally perfectly describing you
bro I almost forgot that Dean is afraid of flying LMAO
Omg is Sam a dude
"ur not like urself" omg where have I heard that before
That child is a MOOD
nvm we're breaching into non-mood territory
So true kids dad 🙏 so true 🙏
Oh shit no what no he's in the house in the dad's bedroom aw hell nah
Those are NOT the clowns ur looking for my duded
Bro can I be a smart bimbo
Dean no what stop hate criming people
He does look just like his daddy.. sus 🤨
I hate those mirrors
Omg is this gonna b like Phil dunphy. Is HE gonna be the clown 😧
Yo is that James Potter?? (Iykyk)
"your blind man hearing is outta control" 💀
Is Dean supposed to be the one giving me gender envy bc he's not. It's Sam. He just has so much GENDER
You are a white man outside of a black family's house PUT THAT GUN AWAY
She looks so happy 😕
John and Ellen??? NO, DEAN. NO.
"I stg the next person I see who asks me if I'm okay, I'm gonna start throwing punches. These are your issues. Quit dumping them on me" 😧
Anyways the supernatural grind never stops 💪💪
They sleep on a bed of dead insects? 😰
Oh no he has a gun
Bro what just happened I'm so confused
Omg is Mr clown man nakey 👀
Does Jo have a crush on Sam or Dean I can't tell
Dean pls dust ur car
IF YOU GO BACK TO TO oh shit he broke the windows omg he's breaking his car he's having a mental breakdown no stop what
Dear Winchester brothers,
Hug each other.
Anyways I gotta go to bed now 🙄 I'll continue tomorrow during school ig 😒
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cadavertrolls · 2 years
OK RE-DO ANSWERS FOR NEMADE BUT FOR REAL THIS TIME (asked by @/blackbirdie i fucked up and deleted the ask im a mess)
zzz= What time the character enjoys sleep or being awake
He tries his best to align her sleep schedule with everyone else’s but she is a model and he’s booked for whenever she’s available. Also he’s in a bit of a situation with her matesprit-but-not so he sleeps whenever Deus lets him LOL
☂ = Weather the character enjoys
He likes all the weather on Alternia because it’s leagues better than where he grew up! Weather on the islands he was hatched on was awful and turbulent... hurricanes at least once every few weeks.
⊙﹏☉ = What flusters the character
It’s very hard to fluster him when he’s sober. If you compliment him and dote on him when he’s tipsy though he’ll wag his tail like a dumb dog and giggle like a bimbo
。゚(TヮT)゚。 = What makes the character laugh
Cheesy jokes and dumb puns... if you make a fool of yourself he will laugh
( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ ) = Friends the character has or would like to make
More modeling friends... more friends that will tell her to get the fuck away from Asmodeus LMAOOO
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