#im glad we got to learn more about the characters families but its a crime we dont get to actually see them
vampirebriar · 2 years
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Thinking about how Ferdinand and Hubert mention their mothers in few3h and I'm soft for them
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sammansonn · 4 years
My thoughts on the 100 7x05
right off the bat Octavia reminds us that she is a Bad Bitch (as if we could’ve forgotten)
when the crazy fanatic said that they'd keep dying until russell was freed i was so concerned because my immediate response was "cool let them die and problem solved” which is maybe Not the best route to go (even if murphy felt the same way)
i love emori and murphy so much, like i’ve always liked them and all but i feel like i only Really started liking emori last season and this season i just Love Her
watching octavia getting questioned/tortured fucking Hurted
like when “redemption” echoed???? i Cried
i just love octavia and am so glad she got those 10 years of being a happy family, and i genuinely got emotional watching her and bellamy at the end 
this levitt dude really be the #1 Octavia Stan and im HERE FOR IT
i also loved him using “go float yourself” a real Icon
i just really loved him in general and i hope he doesn’t get killed i was really worried levitt was gonna get caught for helping them and i just want him to make it out alive and to the good side (the good side being our main characters even though, are they’re really any good guys???)
he also has strong gabriel energy in the fact that they both love octavia and i love them both and they’re both pretty nerdy
obviously i don’t Really want octavia to get in a relationship because girl needs to Heal and just be with her fam of Bell, Clarke, Hope, Madi, and Dioyza (also i hope Dioyza’s alive, we haven’t seen her at All and im kinda Concerned) But if they were gonna put Octavia in a relationship both Gabriel and levitt are just Waiting there, ready to love octavia Forever
i just really liked Levitt (also he looks like raphael from shadowhunters)
gabriel just sighing as hope and echo keeping killing people is a Mood
i’m So Intrigued as to why clarke is so special to these people like i know shes Amazing and a Goddess but a key??? what does that Mean??
also the actor who plays Andor also played damien dahrk of arrow he’s just Real Good at playing villains he just looks so punchable and i really commend that actor on that
okay indra was kinda pissing me off recently but i’m So Glad she figured out sheidheda is back becuase it was really Concerning me
the whole time thing of this season really Fucks with my head (not in a bad way tho), its just so strange to think that in the span of a week hope went back to sanctum, stabbed octavia, lived on skyring with gabriel and echo for 5 years, and came and got octavia Again, all in 7 Days in bardo time, very Strange
also from what we saw im gathering that when octavia returned to bardo she got all her memories back from skyring and stuff too, right? because she seemed to know levitt? so im hoping that when she and bellamy reunite again she’ll have all those memories because she really grew so much during that time and learned so much about herself and bellamy and i just want her to have those 10 years (also i obviously want her to be able to remember all the time with hope and stuff too because i love those two and really want to see them together more especially now that Hope’s an adult they’re just so cute) 
i was genuinely just So Happy to see bellamy i Really missed him and wish he had been in the episode longer and hope he’s in more of the episode next week because God Damn i love him
okay so bellamy is definitely Not Dead becuase that would be So Dumb my guess is that he jumped into the bridge before the explosion but the explosion messed something up so he didn’t end up in sanctum, instead he’s on a different planet (maybe even that same icy planet clarke is now on👀👀👀👀 idk i can Hope) 
also echo is a Mess like i get you were upset girl but you really gotta be Logical
its also interesting when looking at last episode she chose logic over emotion by killing the guys and betraying orlando because it was logical even though it hurt someone she had grown to care for but Now she but her anger and sadness of losing bellamy over the logical action of keeping the hostage
and i think some could use this to say “echo is just a shitty person so likes killing” but i don't think thats true at all
she’s been raised as a soldier since she was So Young, so naturally she is a very logical person, in fact most of what we’ve seen from her is logic, even the things we’ve seen her do that were “evil” or violent were very logical when looking at it from her view
but as we know echo is Not Good at being her own person, she literally almost killed herself at the end of season 4 because she felt that was what she needed to do as penance for her failing the ice nation and then in space she latched onto space kru, to have a sense of loyalty again, and i think she Specifically latched onto Bellamy because 1) they did know each other before but mostly 2) he was the one who stopped her from killing herself, so i think in that moment of losing herself entirely, she found bellamy as a person to store her faith and loyalty into
and this all leads to that last scene with echo killing that dude, echo is obviously upset that bellamy is dead because she does love him (not in the way she thinks she does but ya know) but i think she’s more upset because of that same sense of failing bellamy
before when she almost killed herself she didn’t have anyone to blame for what happened but herself, she obviously couldn’t be mad at ice nation or even at skykru really, so she could only blame herself, but in the situation of losing bellamy, there is a clear subject of blame in echo’s eyes, so when she once again feels lost and hopeless, she chooses emotion over logic and takes it out on that guy that she uses as a point of blame
anyway y’all can still hate echo i’m not saying you can’t, but i just don’t think she’s a “bad” person (i mean compared with everyone else on the show, most of whom have committed war crimes so are technically bad people compared to a real person in our world)
so in conclusion: i love the blakes and the griffins and levitt and want to give them all hugs, also the sanctum plot is alright i guess, im way more into bardo rn (mostly because thats where the blakes are) but honeslt yay attention is also Wherever Clarke is (also where was madi??? we also didn’t see her last episode?? does she know where her mom is? i’m just generally concerned for her and miss her) 
hopes for next week: more Clarke!!! more Bellamy!!! also octavia pls! and also i’d like to know who knocked gaia out and what they did to the stones because i just remembered that was a thing
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salarta · 5 years
wait i found your list on twitter, ok nvm the last one i'll try those. i just found your blog/twitter etc and i really respect your dedication to her so im glad (to elaborate though on the last one, the main reason i was wanting that time frame is just mindset/concentration issues, they sometimes arise in older books, im autistic and realizing that recently)
Glad to see another person getting interested in Lorna’s awesomeness! Thanks for thinking that highly of my fandom of her.
While you found my list, I think I’ll try to repost it here. That list is in chronological order, so New X-Men #132 is the first comic in the 2000-Now range. I also wanna stress that it’s my personal list, but certainly not exhaustive, and there may be things you or others like or think are essential that I didn’t include.
X-Men #49-50 
These two issues are Polaris’ introductory issues from 1968. The image in my first post comes from #50. In these issues, we get a sense of Lorna as a young latent mutant whose powers are (re)awakened with a device by Mesmero. Fun fact: we learn Lorna was dyeing her hair brown to “avoid attracting the curious.” These two issues are very important to understanding how Lorna entered into the Marvel/X-Men mythos and the foundation that all else about her grew out from.
New X-Men #132
I’m skipping decades of storylines (Malice, Zaladane, X-Factor) in making this suggestion. I feel everything else prior either treated her poorly or wasn’t very interesting. Other people may feel otherwise, which is why it’s worth it to check their suggestions.
In New X-Men #132, we see Lorna in the aftermath of an attack that decimated the mutant island nation of Genosha that was run by her father Magneto. She survived where millions of others did not, and she suffered in the wreckage hearing their voices (“recorded” with her powers) until the X-Men came and pulled her out. This whole story does an excellent job of showing the weight of what Lorna went through - and why it should never be ignored or forgotten.
Uncanny X-Men #425-426
I suggest these two issues not for importance or even necessarily good writing (there are some problems), but more for imagery and how threatening and dangerous Lorna can be. It’s a good example of a story serving her point of view, and using her connection to her father Magneto to serve her development instead of the other way around.
Uncanny X-Men #431
Lorna shows Professor X (and Nurse Annie) the horror of what she went through during the mutant genocide attack on Genosha via exploration of her memories from that day. Works in conjunction with New X-Men #132.
Uncanny X-Men #442-443
Returning to the wreckage of Genosha, Lorna has a deep philosophical debate with Professor X over the values of pacifism, and whether or not use of potentially deadly force to stop anti-mutant hate is appropriate. Lorna does an excellent one-woman job of the struggle between Xavier and Magneto philosophies, further magnified by how they’re standing in Genosha’s ruins and Lorna is still dealing with the trauma of what happened there.
Civil War: House of M
House of M was an event within the 616 universe, but HoM is effectively an alternate universe. This miniseries chronicles Magneto’s rise to power in that AU. Insofar as Lorna is concerned, we get to see her interact with her family, and we also get the very first depictions of both a child Lorna using her powers and its version of Lorna’s mother Susanna. The version and relation of Susanna here would be the foundation for Suzanna in X-Factor #243.
Exiles volume #2
Another alternate universe depiction, but I highly recommend it. The team includes teen versions of Lorna and Wanda from separate AUs, and the story takes them to an AU built around House of M. It’s very fun, upbeat and playful.
X-Factor #243
Lorna’s origin story is finally told in this issue, over 40 years after she was created. This is another crucial issue to read for her as a result.
All-New X-Factor #1-2, #7-20
All-New X-Factor marked Lorna getting to lead a team in her own right, rather than “filling in” as leader for other characters. I say skip #3-6 because those issues really dropped the ball hard, but #7 and after mostly started to improve treatment of her. Important issue is All-New X-Factor #14, the first and only time Lorna got to have any interaction with Wanda in a decade. Just before the forced retcon on Wanda and Pietro’s parentage led to Marvel keeping them apart.
Secret Wars: House of M
Another alternate universe. This four-issue miniseries does very well by its version Lorna, allowing her to be commanding, intelligent and resourceful. One of my fave highlights from it is banter between Lorna and Black Cat as Lorna picks a lock with her powers, and the idea of them criming it up together. However, I have to say that it did poorly by Magneto at one point and Quicksilver/Pietro throughout.
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mikkock · 5 years
tell me more bout that funky bih named said
o him owo ?? glad u asked, cuz i sure do love that funky bih,
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note that he’s one of my older characters, from like back in highschool, so he’s part of the ‘i rly gotta rework that bitch to make him like. great. believable. human’ so treat him with kindness he’s wip
also mind that im being messy in my explainations cause im dumb
So, first of, he’s Saïd Eom, he’s 17, his parents are korean n he got two siblings, and he’s a Mess.
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at first glance, he’s bastard (that pic old)
he’s a witty boy, and an Entertainer, you Will have fun and only fun with him (at the expense of your wig, she gon get burned, we into dry jokes at Ur Expense)
he’s very flashy, he loves bright clothes, Expensive Fashion, and looking Hella Cute. His allowance goes into clothes n das it
he’s also in love with music n languages, his Number One Skill is multilingualism and being able to learn a new language in no time. He’s also quite good at singing if he wants to, tho he’s much more of a listener than a singer, he digs hearing more than being the source of sound ya get.
But, when you toss that flamboyant persona aside, he’s acutally a Sad Bitch (sadboishours) 
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(that was sasuke on the pic initially fyi)
he’s very self destructive, and the whole “being messy” aint just purposeful chaotic cryptid behaviour. he’s actually a real mess, n he’s Sad tm. Mostly, he feels like he’s a dissapointment upon everyone, and got quite the pent up rage against his parents, which stems from his own fear of being the “failure of the family”. Basically the mindset of “welp i already fucked up i guess, they hate me for sure, i aint the shit to them so fuck it let me be the biggest failure haha :)” 
he’s also got some Issues makin it harder on a like, non negociable scale ya kno, like he’s an old character so i loaded him with drama, bitch got BPD AND is partially blind (to an extent that quite affects his life), so ya kno life is going just swell. idk why young me had to torture his characters with all that sucky shit like can’t ya just have existential dread like the rest of us bitch??
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(there are perk tho)
instead of like, exteriorising his struggles n all, he’d rather bottle em up and self destruct. cause fuck positive coping mechanisms we 17 n we dunno how to deal with things too big for us.
he subconsequently feels very lonely, n Craves That Warmth ya kno, that Love, that Having People U Care About And That Care About and For You
speaking of, relationships :
aside from his parents n that whole cold vibe going on, he’s got his siblings, who are very very much younger than him, and absolute gremlins (wonder who they got that from mh prolly not from their big bro being a crytidy bih). He’s got a love/hate relationship with em. They’re annoying, and also embody a part of his fear of having failed everyone (they were born relatively shortly after he started showing first symptoms of mental illness n start of like, him getting examined and all, and also at the same time starting to get worst at school n all that, so in his brain the association made was “so they’re getting a new kid cause i wasnt good enough and they’re starting over with a better one that doesnt suck huh”, ya kno, persuasive irrational fears). But at the same time, he cant help but feels a bit of endearement and respinsability, the parents are often away and working, he’s part caretaker, and they look up to him, he cant help but feel he caaaant be tooooooo rude, he cant hate them tooooo much....they’re annoying but....ya know..... Tho Sometimes they do get a bit “too much” and he’d rather be left alone rather than having to be bothered by two kids. In the end they often end up being partner in crimes, doing dumb shenanigans together (and getting in trouble together, we ride or die) 
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(they bout to be scolded n they kno that their korean names gon pop aka shit getting Real)
Also he has a dog and a cat, n they’re his bABIES OK.
He got Pals too
He’s part of the Teens, so naturally he’s chummy with Alice, Jessica n Noah, n is best pal with the latter (cause chaotic energies attract each other, what’s better than one mess if not TWO messes)
he’s also got a special friendship with a bunch of Oldies, he’s childhood friend with Cream and Jackeline, and then got friendly with Ace when they did, and then got super attached, because that dude got big mum energy, he cares after people, so bitch boy Saïd wants some of that and subconsciously just nyooms to his side to get some of that pampering ya know.
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he’s also bros with quite the crowd, since he’s naturally outgoing n friendly n shit, notably the fashion students since he digs clothes, specifically Aiko n Chto, though he did surprinsigly manage to tame Prasert into Being Nice With Him, so wild, its basically like they’re besties ya know. but basically he’s friends with nearly everyone, he’s that cryptid that legit knows everybody, wherever they may be. He only dislikes Kai out of solidarity with his bro Cream, and him and Nott dont get along but they’re on Cordial Terms (as in ‘lets just be polite and pretend the other doesnt exist, whatevs man’)
And like idk what more to say cuz im dumb n hungry also but like
if ur interested that his playlist, i gotta clean her a bit but The Vibes ya kno
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wastrelwoods · 7 years
sometimes........ppl just fuckin....steal a whole goddamn city i guess
hey dont drop that relatable bomb abt fucking up once and deciding it would probably be for the best if u just sit down & stop breathing for a hot second before u hurt anyone else w ur mistakes ....at fuckin minute 0 of the episode
no im right i do have a teensy weensy lil crush on pilot pay it no mind y’all dont mind me
omar....thank  you. bless you 
jjjjjjsjajajsjjsjjjjjj uh fiRST of all i cannot fathom that his name is actually benten but im big sad so do i care
juno literally...work WITH HIM ? u can worK together?? or fine whatever sneak off alone you idiot
UHthe  theA? is Gone? how & why (it’s malfunctioned twice now around pilot and the piranha and that means next time it happens....we learn Why. PAYOFF) 
this is the fucking worst party composition i have ever seen they just Dont SEe Anything the same way
oooohhhhh man im glad joshua got to give his 2 cents about the hatred of capitalism in-character. im glad capitalism is the big bad of the season
khan in disguise is me when i have to shut my big awful mouth for three seconds
its such a life change to be hopelessly secondhand embarrassed for someone whos NOT juno steel.....thanks omar thank u uh also i love him what a good man
aahahhaha buddy cop comedy 
why is it that every time....every time juno steel has an idea i immediately brace myself for everything to go wrong
“lets never work together again” awww they’re buddies now
also.... “all she had to do was ask” ...hey there juno u wanna maybe take ur own goddamn advice one time 
ramses “hey juno ur not my fuckin son okay but i respect u so please dont die” o’flaherty ....also hey maybe chillax w the found family shit because i am Very Worried about how and if to trust his mysterious ass
WHAT is pilot doing?????? ? ? ? ? what did they DOOO ooooHH OH OH OH the realty case thing is playin out 
FUKCIN g! this cabinet statement sounds exactly three seconds away from somethin i would hear from a trump supporter. “they commited a crime bc they wanna learn more about crime so they can STOP it better!!!” im gonna scream 
uh now who is this man in the brown jacket
terrorist? terrorist, STEEL???
uh and uh uhuhuhuhuhuh can i also just say im gonna kill kevin vibert for pulling this cliffhanger on me agaiN!! i have not a single IDEA where this is going but i sure as hell have a lot of APPREHENSION about it
but at least my strong unkillable girlfriend is here again god BLESS her and also me
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lilietsblog · 7 years
Strike Witches episode 1: first impression
so im gonna try strike witches: the unknown anime i chose to not familiarize myself with the premise beyond 'something like fighter pilots i think?' that i picked up by osmosis
oh hey look a discarded doll. def war is hell vibes here
cant say im a fan of the visuals from the first several seconds, the color scheme and everything seems kinda bland? the only reason im making this observation is bc i had to pause to let it load tho
oh look Very Noticable CGI
(i have a headache and am vaguely nauseous and basically am Very Cranky as a result)
man, there aren't even characters yet. it's been almost two minuets and there still aren't people for me to relate too that's a crime by which i dont mean that literally but just 'this might not be the thing i want to watch right now'
oh hey monsters okay this is better than just straight up war is hell between humans omfg in 1939 subtle 'we wanna play with ww2 era toys but without bringing up the fact japan was on the side of nazi germany' i assume sure im onboard if thats the premise
magitech??? magitech!!!
that's. their legs. in those things. are they evoking Baba Yaga and her travels in a stupa bc thats okay panty shots i think imma quit at the end of this episode
oh i. just realized this is the movie that actually makes it a bit better and gives me more hope lets try the actual first episode first
ok the first shot is of the sky and not a discarded doll that's already better
holy shit whatever this video player is it allows to load external captions from pc or url. technology progresses at an incredible pace
i love that the fighter planes are clearly shown attacking the vortex first 9u9
opening has so many girls wearing shoes but no pants. im just. this entire device's entire point is clearly to fanservice that does not mean this is bad character-wise yet ofc. i watched and liked fucking rosario+vampire. this show has a chance yet. lets see what its got
the op song is nice its also very straightforward about aesthetic of this show being 'girls without pants in absolutely non-sexual situaitons' and i can respect that
and oh look it actually does start with characters interacting right after exposition that's what im talking about
okay so now might be a good time to mention that the first context i heard of strike witches was uh. misogynist porn. like the kind that doesnt go for 'look at these relatable characters being kinky' but for 'consider: what if powerful girls got hurt instead'. so thats the context in my brain and i want to fucking overwrite it
military uniforms+panties are definitely an aesthetic and im incredibly amused by it okay every single girl here doesnt wear pants sure that actually looks like a swimsuit rather than panties and thats nice
also they are characterizing the protagonist! like i know thats not much to ask for but im going into this straight off blogging about madoka and this is just such a relief! she is kind and brave and plucky and talks gently to a scared kitten and I love her also she Does Not Think Things Through shes like the typical shonen protagonist but a girl. im in
Yoshika her name is Yoshika
and her motivation is her dad but eh sure whatever I kind of like the touch of 'it was classified military information' not sure why
theres nothing about Yoshika that qualifies her other than her personality and magic powers huh
yep thats a swimsuit aww shes a healer!
I love that the military observers rush to help as soon as they see something is off theres work and then theres helping emergencies
oh!!!! her mom and grandma are around!!! and teaching her!!! im happy!!!
Yoshika why is all that a 'but' to 'you should learn to control your power' i dont think there was any subtext of 'you shouldnt even try' there? or was it? maybe i should just trust her for now
awww Yoshika actually doesn't want to go to war <3 but this woman thinks she will because she wants to help people and she'll help people the most there I I like this ;~; I'm so happy I like this I love Yoshika's 'fuck war' instinct I love her drive to help everyone and in fact the trope of magical healer almost killing themselves to help a patient (despite it being professionally inadvisable) is actually the thing i made my very first rp character sooo :> you know. stuff something is fishy about that letter. its no coincidence it was sent just now... I love Sakamoto and her A+ social skills HA HA HA HA HA also huh... she's not in on whatever's up with that letter
Yoshika so uh alright she'll take her without enlisting her huh interesting but uh what about school I guess military and witches can override all that and it kind of makes sense to me thematically
'Britannia' gee how familiar that name sounds and i dont mean geographically
so hm could Yoshika be a military doctor without actually enlisting? how do the formalities work there i like that Sakamoto doesnt question her dislike of all things military like its unexpected but mostly bc Sakamoto's got a one track mind that has a hard time expecting anything other than what she wants to happen and beyond that its like 'sure ok a conscientous objector got it' even though its weird how there would be conscientous objectors to fighting MONSTERS its not like theres an alternative to not fight I mean also clearly Yoshika is a kid and theres room left for that in other characters' treatment of her opinions and I love that they dont get Offended that she doesn't understand and Have Proper Respect well Sakamoto doesn't at least not sure about how other people will react
man that raccoon on the road sure was convenient though. like i first thought it was Sakamoto's deliberate tactic to gauge Yoshiko's powers. she was opening her eye to i guess do just that visually and then the raccoon appeared and it just felt very natural that one follows from the other? is this foreshadowing or are the writers of this anime just unfamiliar with the concept of 'subtle' i dont mind if its the latter tbh
(im writing a ton of reflection bc the episode broke after i tried to rewind a little and i decided to download it after all, and its doing that)
so far, this show seeems nicely straightforward and fast paced. like, really straightforward. yoshiko's introduction? saving a kitten. making a ww2 era anime without difficult shit? monsters attacked in 1939. motivations and revelations are handled with all the subtlety of a hammer to the face, from the raccoon to the letter. even fanservice has the same charming quality that makes me actually be okay with the entire point of their outfits being gratuitous panty shots. making sense and having pretense is for the weak. this anime knows what it wants to be and is going straight for that. i respect that approach
also its p clear that what it wants is to be character driven and its been Delivering on that since its only half episode one and i already Love two characters personally and also some supporting cast (Yoshiko's entire family)
and like you know that in some other show GASP MIGHT MY DAD BE STILL ALIVE would be a reveal saved for like. the halfway point. but here its literally the starting point spurring everything into action bc all other motivation was just too slow to get the character where she was supposed to go. good job yo
there's this trope where the main character doesn't want to go into the main conflict (Refusal of the Call)... and very often it's handled by either 1) letting them wallow until everything goes to shit showing how wrong they were or 2) immediately conveniently wrecking everything so they have no choice now I uh. am really glad this show went a different way if just joining the conflict isnt a good enough motivation GET A BETTER ONE and IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE ANGST (and it doesn't have to be romance, either!!! why are those two the only things writers seem to be able to think of jfc)
...okay I was more like two thirds through the episode rather than half but my points stand
okay so I think what just happened was Yoshiko realized the parallel between herself and her dad leaving and got scared and her response was to comfort other people and I love that <3
I love that Sakamoto doesn't have a doubt in her mind that Yoshiko isn't going to be useless and will definitely help and also comes to her to discuss this explicitly <3
man I love Sakamoto and her absolute lack of social graces and sense of when enough is enough
and the fact that Yoshiko is working chores now and seems to enjoy it too <3
and it's when it's established that she's part of the team that Sakamoto starts showing off <3 she clearly has a dedicated well thought out campaign of convincing Yoshiko going on and its borne out not of manipulation but of clear conviction that she is right and she just has to show the girl what she doesnt know yet <3
ahaha of course showing off worked <3
so I paused and imma make a bet with myself on whether Sakamoto is going to tell her 'if you liked that you can join' right now or leave that unsaid subtly my bet is that she is, bc subtlety is an entirely foreign concept to this wonderful human being, and if i lose im going to make my bed right now not even waiting for the end of the episode let's see
oh she starts with education huh, this is not widely known? i had no idea anyway lets see if she says the thing
I love that it's her dad and it's this kind thing of 'this is what he said he was going to do, and he did' <3
huh so that was slightly more subtlety than I expected, she offered her to try them rather than trying to recruit her directly so I lost the bet gotta go make the bed now
hey more main characters!!!! I love all of you already!!! you have personality and discuss things that make sense!!! including their outfits!!! I love them!!!! the parasol girl is my favorite but also the tiny girl and the red-haired girl they are all my favorites!!!
omfg a month of travel and half a day early Yoshiko gets impatient I love her
YOU ARE A NONCOMBATANT she said with the steely confidence of a commanding officer <3
I love so much that Sakamoto respects Yoshiko's boundaries re: fighting???
I love the upbeat and airy tone this show manages to have despite the premise??? like I had trepidations at the start bc I dislike doom&gloom-heaviness of 'war is hell' narratives and I'm not a WW2 affictionado. but instead of shiny boom boom toys and angst it's all character adorableness and so much sky??? even the lack of pants ends up feeling like freedom this is the anime we all deserve
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
alright, let’s get going here. the last 24 hours or so have been fairly odd, at least the first 12, because after I logged off last night and tried to fall asleep I found myself unable to do so. Usually when something like this happens it’s because I forgot to take some of the meds I need to fall asleep, but I knew I had taken them because I had specifically checked to make sure I had them before taking them that night. so I really don’t know what that was about, but I ended up being up to at least 5 am, that was the last time I checked the clock anyway. I did go on my phone at some points at ended up in a pinterest spiral of looking at different candy recipes, so I now have like 6 different types of candies I want to make right now (like, twix, homemade jolly ranchers, and homemade pop rocks to name a few) so that was slightly good at least. eventually I did fall asleep, and woke up to my 1:30 pm alarm. My original plan for today was to get up at 11 and go vote in the Chicago Mayor’s election today before I had the webinar from the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund at 2. Since it took me forever to go to sleep I decided to switch it up and vote afterwards, so I woke up in time to get set up for the webinar. It was pretty interesting, about the intersection of disabilities and sexual harassment law, definitely a lot to learn there, this was part 1 so part 2 will be next week. I was also looking at recipes while it was going on (because I like to multitask) and made a short grocery list for the candy recipes. So when the webinar was over at 3:30 I got changed into actual clothes and ran out to go vote. Luckily for me my voting location is literally just across the street from me, and at this time of day it was virtually abandoned, like two other voters in there, so it took me very little time to get set up and into voting. There was a total of 14 candidates running for Mayor (none of which are actually aligned with political parties, they’re all just running on their own platform) which is a tad insane, and there’s been smear ads running on tv for months now about it, along with incessant text messages from different campaigns that are annoying AF. but my decision was based on the fact that there was precisely one candidate who had mentioned juvenile justice reform in any of the ads I saw from anyone, so I voted for her (the fact that she was a WOC and not a white man was also a big plus). So I got out of there in less than 10 minutes total, and walked down the street to the grocery store to get eggs and some random ingredients I needed. They didn’t end up having everything I wanted (I mean, to be fair your typical grocery store probably isn't going to carry non-fat dry milk powder, but I tried) but I got gelatin and heavy cream (for the caramel) and some extra fine sugar (which is not the same thing as powdered sugar) and a few other random things. They only had the jumbo pack of gelatin left that came with 32 packets and was a whopping $15, but given that they didn’t have several other things I wanted I just said fuck it and got it anyway. I’m sure I’ll put it to good use. Checked out and headed home, when I walked in the door kitty was trying to examine the door crack (like where the hinges are) that comes open when the door opens, and when I went to close it I heard a very pained screech, at which point I saw that she’d managed to get one of her paws stuck in the crack, so I had to reopen the door to let her get it out, then of course she darted away and was freaking out and I was just like !!! baby!!! Just let me make sure you’re okay!!! so I chased her down after a few minutes and picked her up, thankfully there was no visible injury on her paws so that was comforting at least. Like ya really gotta scare me like that kitty??? smh. Anyway. I put the groceries away and then started to get set up for the podcast episode we were going to record tonight after having to postpone it from last night. so we did that, I won’t spoil anything but it’s about 30 minutes long and we talk about the casting news as well as some of Batwoman’s appearances in the comics, and overall I think it went pretty well, so I’m pleased that should be coming out soon. After we finished with that I turned on the tv and went to amazon prime where I decided to start their new show “Lorena” that all the true crime groups I’m in on fb have been raving about for weeks now. In case you’re not familiar, it follows the story of Lorena Bobbit, who made international headlines after cutting her husband’s penis off (and not gonna lie, I was a bit of a giggling mess throughout the first episode). But it gets a lot more into how much she was abused and raped by him and just how much of a disgusting shitty person he was, so it’s really interesting. Just before 8 I switched over to actual cable to watch The Gifted season finale. I wasn’t sure how they were going to wrap everything up in one episode, but they actually did a fairly good job with it I’d say. Major spoilers ahead, **YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED** Reed :( god that was so heartbreaking, I was dead. But it was such a self-sacrificial thing he did for the safety of his family and the world at large by taking down Reeva. On the other hand, I was very glad to see Clarice return and not be dead, because I very much like her as a character and was saddened at her apparent death. And yeah, it was a really solid episode that I liked a lot, I like cried at the end when they showed Lorna and Marcos with their baby, like all the tears honestly lol. So I liked that a lot. After that was over I kept the news on because they were talking about the election results coming in. So the deal was in order to win, a candidate had to get more than 50% of the vote, and if nobody got that high, the top two would be in a run-off election at the beginning of April. Now, with 14 candidates, the chances anyone was gonna reach 50% were pretty damn slim. I was happy to see though that the candidate I voted for was in second place and ultimately remained there and got a spot in the run-off election with like 15% of the vote, and the candidate in the lead with 17% of the vote was also a WOC who also happens to be an out lesbian, so that’s pretty awesome. I’ll have to do more thorough research on both of them before the run-off election. So basically I kept that on for the rest of the night and followed it until I decided to get ready for bed, then procrastinated, and now I am here. Amazingly (probably only because I took my meds) I am getting sleepy now, so I’m going to at least attempt to fall asleep, hopefully I’ll have (much) more success than last night, wish me luck. Goodnight dears. Hope you’re having a great week.
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burning-waters · 7 years
That 21st century Sherlock Holmes fic everyone is watching
this is going to be a Sherlock-hate-stemming-from-unfulfilled-Johnlock rant and im sure most of my small amount of readers doesnt give two craps about this so be glad i learned how to hide text. also some spoilers maybe? carry on with your dashboard if you will. 
(main spoiler is that Johnlock didnt happen onscreen, but im sure tumblr has already made you aware of that.)
but imma rant here a bit because i’ve got nowhere else to do it and no one else to direct it to. also people are still hoping for more episodes that will make Johnlock a thing, but until that happens (if it happens) this is what i have to say about it.
first off im hoping you arent using the word “canon” to refer to anything more than just the BBC Sherlock rendition of these stories, since you cant make Johnlock Holmesian Canon because ACD never explicitly made it a thing. (as of now ACD Canon will be written so and BBC canon will be written so).
Mofftiss were all about trying to put a twist to the original stories but still keep the basics intact. sure they took their own spin on things, particularly with season 4 ep 3, but im glad they tried keeping to Canon and that they made references to it. they address many different things, like The Woman, three-continents Watson, Mrs Hudson’s missing husband, G. Lestrade and so many other loose ends that ACD didnt give a flying fuck about because he wanted Sherlock dead. fans were the ones that literally brought him back from the grave.
there was also the fact that at the time ACD wrote the stories, bromances were more commonly accepted (i dont see any old newspaper clippings being outraged with their relationship as being unbiblical so im kinda assuming). people can yell from any rooftop they want that the fact that Holmes and Watson -- in Canon -- go out for a walk “arm in arm” or that Holmes tells Watson at one point “quick, man, if you love me!” and Watson does what he asks, or that Holmes is ready to kill a man for (possibly) maiming Watson means that they are gay for each other, but that doesnt mean its true. you can argue that it is exactly what that means until you turn blue, and i will argue that it is exactly what it doesnt mean until i die too. 
if Canon is why Moftiss didnt feel like they should make it canon -- because they saw that this was a time period thing and nothing more -- then let them have it. no need to get red-to-the-face upset at them for not using this opportunity to give the LGBT community some representation. they never promised you that (pretty sure like they promised the opposite), the show was never about romance, and you can find that elsewhere. you can argue that they did queerbaiting (hell the originals have queerbaiting too if you read it in this generation), and they might as well be if you want to look at it like that, but these men are professional trolls. bad analogy: i could complain about them baiting us about Moriarty being dead or alive until the bitter end but that doesnt change what happened. again, profound apologies that it is an awful analogy because a character’s state of being is not on the same level as queerbaiting, but it proves my point: these men are trolls and we knew it from the start. some people probably kept watching because they hoped for a glimpse of Moriarty, with the cliff-hanger and all. but i wasnt caught off guard about the resolution of that loose end, just like i wasnt caught off guard with the fact that they never made Johnlock a thing. im thinking thats because i read the books and i had enough faith in Mofftiss to hope that they would do the right thing and respect the stories. 
now, did they possibly throw in subtext and Arty cliffhangers in there for the sake of baiting fans? heck yeah they probably did. the first like 10 minutes of TEH was all about pretty much mocking the fans in a loving way and then still making people question the solution they did give at the end of the episode. people are upset about that one too. did the final montage of Sherlock do that with all the ships? heck yeah. Johnlock was an open door, Sherlolly was an open door, even Mystrade was! MorMor was never rejected either, people. come on. 
if they didnt ship Sherlock with anyone in the end, it might be because they dont want to lose fans and so left all ships open for interpretation. most of all i think they wanted to keep Canon intact, and so they didnt mess with that friendship or with Sherlock’s sexuality -- i personally think if anything he is ace, from the stories themselves, but i digress. i commend them for leaving all of that open. theyre douchebags, i get it. but if you hate a show because of that, then you werent watching it for the show. you were watching it hoping it would become a romance, when in reality all it ever was advertised as was a crime show. 
if you want to watch a rendition of Sherlock Holmes where the stories are defenestrated and anything goes, have fun with Elementary -- they are lots of fun to watch if you imagine its pure fanfic, cus those writers didnt give much of a flying fuck for the stories. again, i feel like Mofftiss felt like finally doing their own thing and tying all loose ends their own way with the latest episode, but i feel like at this point they had the right to. they created enough of their own canon loose ends. by resolving those, they made me feel deeply for characters that never existed in Canon. and they made me appreciate old characters even more.
i will also say that people have been shipping Holmes and Watson since the dawn of time. Johnlock isnt a new 21st century thing. it’s been there. for FOREVER (dont quote me on that). and what have people done about it? wrote fanfic. write a tv show that will give you the representation you think you deserve. or find one that already does that.
but please don’t hate. Moftiss can be dicks at times, im not denying it. they have reacted poorly towards fans before. but its their story, not yours. a little respect would be nice. they respected ACD and still managed to do their own thing -- BBC Sherlock is literally nothing more than their Sherlock fanfic put to television and shared with the world. they just happen to be making money off their fic. 
no one is hating on your fic. dont hate on theirs.  
P. S. also, please, if you want to hate on them for season 4 (i want to hate on them for season 3), do it because of bad storytelling, plot holes, and loose ends, and mostly for making that episode the love child of Saw and Bond. i was not prepared for that. i’m at peace with it, i think -- it was brilliant, it was awful, and it was everything in between. what they promised us as good writers was to not make those mistakes that i mentioned above that you can hate them for. (i for one am all about suspension of disbelief and enjoying the ride for what it is. but like, seriously, how often do TWO genius kids come from one family???).
P. P. S. Jeremy Brett will always be my fav (sorryBennynotsry).
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