#im gonna do a clean up of my requests this week cuz im sitting on 20ish and there's nooo way
mooodyblue · 8 months
i hope y'all know i haven't forgotten about any day now 🥹
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doubledgesword-2 · 3 years
ITS BEEN A WHILE!! I know. I’ve been very, very busy with work and projects and whatnot. So I wanted to vent a little. This lil tea is unrequested but very self indulgent. It’s not everyone’s Rose tea cup cuz I know y’all like the spicy type but this one goes for anyone who just needs to be comforted. The other teas are coming rest assure, I’m just slow. This one is short, enjoy!!
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Your big project had been driving you up a wall and even though you always managed, tonight was the breaking point.
A really important deadline was coming right up and you had been preparing for months. Chrollo’s presence has been intermittent for the whole week. Coming in late at night to cuddle you while you sleep and leaving in the morning with encouragement notes posted all over the house. It wasn’t ideal but you understood he had things to do.
However you wished he would stay a while longer just to help you relax or give you advice. He was always good with his words.
As you scribbled away adjustments on the paper and click clackle a couple of notes on the keyboard, you didn’t noticed Chrollo coming in through the open balcony window. He was so silent. watching you sitting down on the floor with notebooks, sketchbooks, books and papers all spread around yet neatly placed. Your shoulders looked tense and usually by this time you’re already in bed for him to coddle. He loves watching your peaceful expression, the way your chest rises and falls and everything seems so calm in those moments. The memories bring a small smile and he can’t wait to relieve them tonight.
Chrollo knocks on the window and you jump looking behind you to see him smiling innocently. He looks boyish and it makes you smile. But you can’t do that now, you have to finish this thing in one and a half hour before the submission deadline.
“I love you but I have to hurry, hurry, hurry, right now. Come sit with me.” Chrollo lifted a brow coming to sit beside you.
“Do you want to help me?”
“Sure, tell me what to do”
You explained how to write the things while you would sketch the ideas down and then do the other stuff. Overall it was a nice bonding experience, that the two of you cherished. But an hour passed and you still had to make your presentation board, color more sketches and attached more notes.
You started sighing when there were 30 minutes left. Then your leg started swinging in anxiety as the minutes ticked away.
Chrollo noticed all the quirks, quiet telltales of your rising stress, but you still seemed to be managing it well and he was helping you, surely you could make it even if it wasn’t perfect.
That’s what he told you and for the most part you did just that. So when there were 5 minutes left you rushed to compile everything together, making sure it was readable.
3 minutes in and your computer started giving your problems. Everything was too slow. too sluggish.
“I’m gonna cry, come on, come on” you said jokingly, exasperated at the laptop. But Chrollo kept watching you and he knew better.
You didn’t made it and that was okay.
You even seemed to be in a lighter mood that is until everything was compiled and you realized it was a mess. Chrollo and you exchanged looks and you started laughing hard alongside with him. The two of you just laughing out the stress but when his eyes opened he realized you were sobbing and couldn’t really stop doing both things at once.
Chrollo tilted his head and chuckled with you, feeling a bit out of place with the situation. He grabbed your arms pulling you into him even though you’d till couldn’t stop laughing and sobbing. He held you close tucking your head under his chin, feeling your chest racking and the tears making a wet spot on his coat.
“It’s alright, love, maybe it was fate. Maybe there’s something better. That’s not the only way to get an interview, besides your work is halfway done now all you have to do is work out the kinks. I’ll help you” he kisses the top of your head as your fit subsides.
Chrollo hugs you close, rocking you a little bit, drawing circles on your back and petting your hair while you let everything out.
You felt high but now you’re just tired. After laughing and crying everything out at the same time it was understandable, so when your body went limp in his arms he smiled gently at you. Chrollo picked you up bridal style making sure your tucked in close to his heart.
“Come on, let’s take a shower, we can clean in the morning”
“Im sorry...thanks for helping me”
“It’s alright dear. There’s nothing to be sorry about”
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Even though I’m slow requests are still open! Please refer to the pinned post at the beginning of my blog :)
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semisemieita · 4 years
dude i just liked 1/3 of your posts at like 3 AM and im so sorry Are you still doing the prompt thing? :0 if so, can I request no. 23 (“Do you hate me?”) with Goshiki and Ushijima?
bruh i highkey haven’t written anything on this blog for like a year so idek which prompt post this is coming from but anything for u, my love
i also don’t rly romantically ship ushigoshi so there’s probably not gonna be much romance in this i hope u don’t mine ~~
Goshiki, for a while now, has admired Ushijima. Who wouldn’t? He was everything Goshiki wanted to be while simulataneously being everything he wanted. Strong (the ace, for god’s sake), reliable. Handsome in a rugged, charming and stoic kind of way; almost like a shoujo manga love interest.
He never really talked to Goshiki all that much, though, something that proved to be the cause of a great deal of stress in Goshiki’s life. 
Ushijima was known for being rather tight-lipped but he talked to Tendou-senpai and Oohira and Semi-senpai like it was nothing. He didn’t understand it; what had he done wrong? 
“Shirabu-san,” Goshiki drawled out, sprawling his long limbs across his desk. Shirabu glared at the younger. 
“You asked me to help you study,” he replied, pointedly, voice full of venom. “I’m leaving if you’re not going to pay attention.”
Ignoring this, Goshiki continued, “Why doesn’t Ushijima-senpai talk to me?” He turned his head, mushed against the cool wooden tabletop of his desk, to look out of his dorm window, wistfully. “What did I do?”
“What are you talking about?” asked Shirabu, incredulously. “He talks to you. He talks to you every practice!”
“Not like he talks to you or Tendou-senpai,” Goshiki laments.
“It’s cuz he doesn’t know you. You know how Ushijima-san is,” Shirabu told him, wisely. “Not that I care but if you want him to talk to you, you gotta make an effort first.”
Goshiki took his senpai’s advice to heart because, immediately, he devised a plan of attack; Operation Get-Ushijima-Wakatoshi-To-Like-Me!
It started with little things like volunteering to help when it was Ushijima’s day to clean up the gym after practice or making an extra effort to talk to him about game strategy. He’d noticed in that effort, though, that it was hard. Ushijima was an incredibly private person.
This feat went on for about 2 weeks and Goshiki was running himself ragged, chasing after his senpai with almost nothing in return. 
It all came to boiling point one almost-evening after practice ended where golden light spilled across the back steps of the gym. 
Ushijima was sitting on the steps, drinking out of his water bottle when Goshiki came up behind him, sweaty hands balled in tight fists. 
“Ushijima-san,” he blurted out, on instinct, squeezing his eyes shut. “Do you hate me?”
As expected, Ushijima remained calm, tilting his head and facial features pinching into a look of pure, unadulterated confusion. “Hate you?” he repeated. 
A hot blush spread on Goshiki’s face and crept down his neck. He suddenly felt very embarassed and dumb. Stupid, he cursed at himself, stupid, stupid, stupid. “I just...I just mean...you don’t seem to like me very much.” he tripped over his words, kicking the ground, nervously. 
Blinking slowly, Ushijima responded, “I like you just fine.” 
“Oh,” Goshiki was dumbfounded. And really lost. “Then...then how come you don’t talk to me like you talk to Tendou-senpai? Or spend time with me like our other teammates.”
Ushijima mulled over this for awhile, the gears in his head turning. The harsh pre-sunset light beat down on them for what seemed like forever.
“I’m sorry,” Ushijima apologized, finally, sounding so earnest it made Goshiki’s heart begin to beat faster, slamming into his ribcage. “I suppose we just don’t know each other that well. But I’d like to fix that.”
“You mean...you wanna get to know me better?” Goshiki hoped he didn’t sound as excited or happy as he felt, biting his lower lip as they talked. 
A sort of half-smile passed through Ushijima’s face, tugging upwards at the corner of his lips. “Yes, I’d like that.”
wow this sucks...i really gotta get used to short form fics again. anyway, i hope u liked it!
this reminded me how much i miss writing for this blog so i’m so happy u requested :)
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
hi! do you take ship reqs? if so, could you ship me with a bob character? im a 5'2 chubby lil asian girl with blond hair and brown eyes. im really insecure about my body but im good at hiding it. i have 7 lil tattoos. i love all movies(musical/documentary/scifi) except romcoms. i like to sing and dance when im alone. i am v guarded but once you get through my walls im very playful/goofy/sarcastic! im very observant and practical but secretly a hopeless romantic. thank you so much!😘
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Skip Muck 
ok listen... I ship you with my comedian king 
like everyone else, you arrive at Camp Toccoa for basic training as a paratrooper
now, as you mentioned, you have a very hard outer shell that’s tough to crack 
most of the guys gave up trying to befriend you within the first week of arrival 
but Skip wasn’t deterred in the slightest  
he believes it’s his duty to befriend you because no one else will 
and boy oh boy are you in for one hell of a ride 
this man is relentless 
he literally wouldn’t stop telling you jokes, even when running up Currahee
it was honestly kind of endearing 
when you finally choked on your sorry excuse for spaghetti during lunch because of one of his jokes, this man’s face lit up like a friggin christmas tree
he thinks your laugh is the cutest thing 
you eventually start to open up slightly, just beginning with talking more whenever Skip starts up a conversation 
he’s the only person at Toccoa to go out of their way to befriend you, so you might as well give him the benefit of the doubt
you two eventually become thick as thieves (Penkala is def jealous) as you learn to trust him more
he introduces you to the other guys and you make more friends, but you’re not nearly as close with them as you are with Skip 
he loves your sarcastic side, especially when you snark back at someone like Liebgott
one day when you guys are bored you end up getting on the topic of your tattoos 
he thinks they’re so f*cking cool 
probably asks you to show him them 
this man is in shock from your beauty someone get a defibrillator we need to perform CPR  N O W
he thinks your whole entire being (especially ur body) just absolutely perfect
this guy fell so hard and he didn’t even know it 
one day, during lunch, Penkala gets fed up with his dumb heart eyes and just asks him straight up 
“why don’t you just ask the broad out? we’re all sick of you two dancing around each other anyways.” 
first Skip’s like wtf are you talking about bro 
but then he’s like “oh crap” 
cuz he realizes 
that for once in his life 
Penkala is right
he never stops thinking about how smooth your skin is, how your hair glitters in the sunlight when you run up Currahee, or how your eyes sparkle when you laugh at one of his jokes 
and he knows he’s so screwed because he thinks you’re absolutely perfect and he doesn’t want to mess this up 
once, when you guys were bored and on cleaning duty because Sobel is an a*shole, he asked you what you’d be doing if you weren’t there
you, being as sleep deprived as you were, gushed to him about how you hope you’d being going out with the perfect guy at home, and you explained in vivid detail your ideal date
he never pegged you as a hopeless romantic until then, but he understood 
this man had so many plans to woo you 
and he got the whole crew in on his little scheme too 
first, he had to figure out if you liked him back 
he made subtle advances
touching you more, helping you out when you needed it instead of making fun of you, always sitting next to you at meals, playing footsie with you under the table, etc. 
he was almost 100% sure that you liked him back 
you might be practical, but this man is spontaneous to the core 
one rainy night, when Sobel made you both run Currahee again, you guys stopped to catch a breath at the top of the mountain before you made your descent 
and even then, in the dead of night, with sweat beading at your temples and your hair slowly unraveling from its perfect updo, Skip still thought you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen 
so like the idiot he is, he threw his plan out the window and kissed you right then and there in the rain
and you were floored 
because even though it was cheesy, who doesn’t love a predictable romcom moment
when you guys sat next to each other at breakfast that morning, nothing had changed to the outside world, yet everything had for you both 
when Malarkey asked him when he was gonna put his plan in action, Muck just smiled and said “Don’t need it anymore.” 
a lil something extra
you and muck have your own little shows in your kitchen, singing and dancing 
it’s so wholesome 
y’all will duet baby, it’s cold outside because honestly THE FLAVOR, THE TALENT
he has a wonderful voice it sounds so smooth and low when he sings 
takes you out to see a movie, no matter what it is (even if he hates the genre) every other week
is honored that he gets to see your playful & goofy side 
Thanks so much for your request! I hope you enjoy your day. Also, don’t be insecure about your body. You’re absolutely perfect just the way you are! 
P.S: let’s just forget that Muck ever d*ed bc I don’t accept that fact in my household ❤︎
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Ok, bear in my I'm drunk, but...
….this is what I wrote. Scenario: Jack has been telling Eveline - at her request - about someone he killed in the Marines. He let slip he was late to the death because he’d been with a whore.
Marguerite put a plate in front of her. It was nearly overflowing with hunks of meat drenched in blackened gravy. “Eat up while it’s hot!” she sang. “Oh, boy, honey!” said Jack, rubbing his hands together. “This sure does look good.” “My grandmere’s recipe, with a little somethin’ extra,” giggled Marguerite. “Mind you, not as good as you look,” growled Jack, and grabbed a handful of her ass as she went past. Marguerite squealed and batted at his hand. “Jesus Christ!” said Lucas in disgust. “Can’t you two give it a rest? Yer like a couple o’ horny teenagers!” Jack chuckled, but there was a dirty undertone to it. “Someone sounds jealous,” he said. “What’s wrong, boy? You pissed off cuz you ain’t ever had any action?” Lucas’s face flushed. “The fuck are you goin’ on about, old man?” “Why ain’t you never bought a girl home, son? Am I raisin’ a fuckin’ fag? You can tell me. I don’t mind. Tell ya what, next week we can go out and buy you some nice dresses, how ‘bout that?” “Shut up!” snarled Lucas. “I ain’t queer, ok?” “Sure, sure. Whatever you say, son.” Jack winked lewdly. “You can stick that dick anywhere you wanna, I ain’t gonna judge you.” “Daddy, stop it!” begged Zoe. “Leave ‘im alone!” “You stay outta this, Zoe,” snapped Jack. “This don’t concern you. This here’s between me an’ your brother.” Jack picked up his fork, an unpleasant grin stretching his mouth. “Your virgin brother….” Lucas slammed his fist on the table, making the plates clatter. “Goddammit, old man! The fuck is wrong with you?” “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with me, son. Just wonderin’ what’s wrong with you. A father’s gotta be worried when his nearly-23-year-old son ain’t popped his cherry yet……” “Least I ain’t never fucked no whore,” spat Lucas. “What?” Marguerite now chose to get involved, having sat by and watched her husband and son bickering viciously. “What whore? What’s he talkin’ about, Jack?” “Oh, it ain’t nothin’, Marguerite. Was long before I met you,” soothed Jack, spearing a chunk of meat on his fork. “You dirty cocksucker!” shrieked Marguerite. “You used to fuck whores? And then put your filthy dick in a nice, clean girl like me?” “Shut the fuck up, woman,” said Jack. “A man has needs! Wouldn’t expect a dried up old cunt like you to understand…..” Marguerite howled, and threw herself across the table, jabbing her fork into her husband’s hand. Zoe screamed, pushing herself away from the table in panic, her chair tumbling over and spilling her onto the floor. “Stop it!” she begged. “Stop fighting, please!” Jack roared, pulling the fork from his hand and flinging it at his wife’s face. Marguerite knocked it aside. “You rotten bastard!” she cried. “You no good sonofabitch!” Jack got to his feet, looming over them all. In the blue light reflected from the tv, he looked much bigger than normal, his shoulders thrown back aggressively. “How dare you talk to me like that, woman!” he shouted, his hand rising, curled into a fist. Lucas leapt in front of him. “Don’t you hurt my Momma!” he yelled. Jack laughed. “Boy, I could snap you in half with one hand. Get outta my way! Your mother needs a lesson!” Zoe scrambled over to Eveline, who sat placidly in her chair watching the drama unfold. “Make them stop, Eveline. Please! Families shouldn’t fight like this…” Eveline looked at her thoughtfully. “They shouldn’t?” she asked “No, Evie…..families love each other…..like we love you…..” With an effort, Zoe managed to twist her mouth into a smile. It felt false lying against her face as tears streamed down her cheeks, but Eveline seemed to be convinced. “Stop it,” she said quietly, and the room went quiet. “You love Momma Bear, don’t you Daddy?” said the little girl. Jack crumpled, his hands falling to his sides. “O’ course I do, child. I love her more than my own life…..” He started to weep, big ugly sobs that tore through his barrel chest and heaved his broad shoulders. “And Momma Bear, you love Daddy, don’t you?” “Oh, cher, he was my first love an’ my only love……” “Then don’t fight. Hug each other.” Jack nudged Lucas out of the way and went towards Marguerite with his arms outstretched. “Marguerite, honey, I’m so sorry….” Marguerite fell into his arms, sobbing. Lucas stood off to one side, a dazed expression on his face. “What in the fuck….?” he muttered. He looked down at his hand. There was a large butcher knife in it, snatched up from the serving plate in the commotion. Zoe got up off the floor and went over to her brother, gently taking the knife from his hand. “C’mon, Lucas. Sit down, now…..” He looked her in the eye. “What he said…..” said Lucas faintly, “What is wrong with me, Zoe? Why didn’t no girls ever like me?” He looked close to tears, and Zoe’s heart went out to him. “You just never met the right one,” she said. “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with you. Don’t you worry about it.” “I don’t think I’m gay,” he said plaintively. “D’you think I am, but i just don’t know it? Can that happen?” “It don’t matter if you are, Lucas. Bein’ gay ain’t bad.” “I know, but…..” he trailed off. “Ain’t no boys liked me either. No one likes me.” “That’s cuz they’re fools. Don’t know a good thing when they see it. Sit down, yeah?” He sat, and Zoe breathed a sigh of relief. “Well,” she said with false cheer. “We ain’t even said grace yet! Daddy, would you do the honours?”
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Into Your Arms- LH Part 6
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They’re so cute....I’ve never wanted to be a dog so badly....just awwwwww
Anyway this is the next part to into your arms!! Hope you guys like it! Also combines the request for a make out session on the floor....so bam! haha ya..if you haven’t read the rest, go to my masterlist cuz im too lazy to add links rn...anywho enjoy!!
It had been a few months since you started dating Luke. Everything was so intense. News of the two of you dating leaked after a little over a month (MICHAEL!!) but you were okay with it. You and Luke were pretty serious, spending every moment with each other, that is until he went on tour…
That was the toughest thing you've ever been through in any relationship, being apart like that. All the skyping, texts, snaps, phone calls…none of it truly eased the pain of being apart from him. You loved Luke, you realized that from the moment you laid eyes on him, and he loved you too. You knew that now. This was why being away from him and not being able to pull him close physically hurt you.
"Hey…just one more week babe…then I'll be right there" Luke said. You were currently having yet another skype call, you from LA, him from some hotel room far away from you.
"I know Luke…I just miss you so much…" You said, tears in your eyes.
"I miss you too Y/n…so much…but tour is nearly over then I'm with you for the next couple months"
"I know…I just can't wait to see you Luke"
"It's getting late…you should get some sleep. And babe, just hang on a few more days…"
"Alright. Goodnight."
"Goodnight. I love you" Luke said, blowing you a kiss and giving you a wink.
"I love you too" You laughed. Then you closed your laptop. Just one more week…
You were exhausted. Your shift ended late and you wanted nothing more than just fall in bed and sleep for a year. Of course there was no way that was happening. Your best friend of so many years you couldn't even remember decided tonight was Netflix night. The night where you both binge watch all the shows you guys were currently watching. So now here you were watching Sherlock at 3am. There was no way sleep deprivation was gonna keep you away from Benedict Cumberbatch. (Lol that was the first show I thought of, I love it tho…and him….) You both ended up passing out on the couch. Although despite the fact you both had no obligations the next day, you both routinely woke up early. Great.
"Ugh….we might as well get up" Jennifer said, after laying on the couch for 20 minutes, refusing to get up just as you were.
"Yeah…I know" You sighed.
"I call shower first!" Your best friend screamed, jumping up and running towards the bathroom.
"Jen!!" You laughed, getting up. You looked in the fridge for something to eat, and found nothing. Figures. "Fine! But you have to go grocery shopping!"
You heard a groan in response. You took that as a yes.
You made a list while she was showering. And by the time you got out of the shower she was already gone. You cleaned up the plates from last night, and too tired to do anything else you decided to just lay there on the floor. You closed your eyes, grateful for the soft, fluffy rug underneath you.
You laid there for awhile, and continued to stay there despite the fact you heard the door open. You kept your eyes closed, hoping if your bff thought you were asleep you could get out of putting the groceries away.  You felt someone sit down next to you, and knew she was going to drag you up and make you help her.
"Fine Jen, I'll help you, just let me stay here for five more minutes. It's your fault I'm so tired"
You heard a low chuckle, and felt someone hovering over you, nuzzling your neck. Your eyes flew open to see Luke mere centimeters away from you, his deep blue eyes looking at you with such love in his eyes.
"Luke!" You breathed, surprised, before kissing him. Hard. You ran your hands through his hair as you kissed him. He put his arms on either side of your head so he could lay on top of you without crushing you. You missed him so much, at this point you didn't even care you were making out on the floor. After all this time he was finally here with you, and to think you thought you had to wait until….
"Wait…you're not supposed to be here for 2 more days!! What...how?!"
"As soon as the last show ended I took the next flight back to LA. I'm missing an interview today and some management meeting but I couldn't bare to be apart from you any longer…I missed you too much" He said, leaning his forehead on yours.
"I missed you too" You smiled, placing your hand on the side of his face. He looked even more exhausted then you were, and he hadn’t shaved in awhile. Nevertheless he still smiled down on you. Then he pressed his lips against yours. His lips kissed you hungrily, desperate for more. His desire was intense, due to the time spent away from each other. You kissed him back with the same urgency. You pulled his hair, as he moved a hand down your body. He played with the end of your shirt, his fingertips grazing your bare skin as he slowly pulled the fabric up. Then you heard the front door to your apartment open.
"Y/n I couldn't find any of those chips we got last time. I'll have to check again tomorrow." Jennifer said, as she closed the door. She turned around to see Luke still on top of you, both of you with swollen lips and tangled hair. She barely lifted her eyebrows. "Hey Luke glad you're here! You can help bring in the rest of the groceries!" She said, smiling.
"Jenn, great to see you too. And I'd love to" Luke said, standing up. He held his hand out to you to help you up as well. You couldn't help but laugh, and felt your cheeks flush. Your best friend just smiled at you and shook her head, pointing towards the door.
Not my best but ehhhh...next part will be better....hopefully...anywho requests always open, and thanks for reading!! -Lydia
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noctomania · 5 years
my landlord needs to shit or get off the pot. he's been tiptoeing around eviction for months now. He's made sure to let me know that I would be allowed to stay but that we (meaning me) have ti replace the other two.
Well guess what. he needs to first tell them as much. and he hasnt. it has been like 2 weeks since he said he intended to terminate their tenancy. nothing. no notice yet. which is leaving me with less and less time to get reliable people.
this process is fairly simple....if people pulk their own fucking weight. so now im anticipating all kinds of disaster. let us run through the list of my anxieties, shall we:
1- the same things happening again. from the process of finding people to the point we're at now. Most if not all can be attributed to people not giving me advanced enough notice and people dropping the ball and everything resulting in me having to repeat a process i should only have had to do once 3 times.
2- me ending up in a tight place and having to give up most of my belongings as well as a big chunk of my savings. if i dont have time i cant find someone and then i will have no choice but to move and since it will be at the tail end of things then i would probably not end up with a nice place. ill have to settle for whatever i can get.
3- winding up with shitty roommates again. the reason i have the shitty roommate to begin with is that she was the only option i had left. she was nowhere on my priority list.my first pick which was a couple who were going to take both rooms and would have made my life 10x easier - the landlord dropped the ball and didnt call them so they took another deal. i had to start interviews all over again and in the end i had to settle for 2 unemployed people.
4- late notice to terminate may cause backlash from my current roommates. the worst of the two has an attitude problem and im not confident she would maintain any level of maturity in the process. i have no doubt she will make the entire process much more difficult than it needs to be and that she may even dig her heels in and claim that we have no right to not renew her lease. even though nobody wants her here. she also has SO. MUCH. SHIT. i fear it will take her ages to get it out. i wont hesitate to have it removed and/or donated if she tries it though.
5- insecurity. one of my current roommates has had lots of various people in and out. im not 100% confident that people who arent on the lease dont have keys. so i will likely be requesting a replacement lock so i dont have strangers letting themselves in. even though im fairly confident absolutely no rental unit ive ever lived in ever changed their locks. ill also need to make sure nobody is still on our wifi cuz i know that has been a circus.
6- wreckage. IF we can get them out on time and IF i dont suffer any personal issues, i will likely still have to clean up after them. as i had to for the last roommates. i honestly don't know how bad their rooms are. i worry mostly about one over the other because i know she never cleans her room. Also im worried they will also be both careless and rushed while they move and cause damages to occur. technically i do know how to properly repair minor damages like an accidental hole in drywall, but id really rather not. im not sure how willing my landlord would be to have someone come by.
7- either one of them making this longer and harder than it has to be. as it is it is a lot of time and effort to find people and process them. if i have to deal with someone trying some bullshit like making up a case of why the landlord isnt allowed to do this -- i may go insane. they both have tried to make false claims that the landlord was up to shady business when he would inform me when either one of them hadnt paid rent, so i wouldnt put it past them to try and make a case out of it simply to buy time. one of them i know has no issue with lying to people's faces so, we'll have to see.
8- the stress renders me ill and makes doing any of this that much more of an uphill battle. or i totally lose it and become unable to function at all.
9- current roommates trying to sabotage the chance of pinning anyone down by making false claims or dramatizing something when i show them the rooms.
10- idk if i can think of one for this but i needed it to be an even 10 because who stops at 9? perhaps this worry is that rent will go up with a new contract. i have signed 3 times now and never has he raised the rent which im eternally grateful for but with the bumassness of my current roommates i worry that he will have a change of heart and up rent as insurance.
I hate waiting. I hate having to just sit on my thumb because whoever is in my way is sitting on their thumbs. i want to tackle my problems not wait til they get worse. if i can tackle it now why wait?? normally i procrastinate a lot but not when it comes to ensuring i have a roof over my head and food in my cupboard. if the landlord doesn't get in gear im not gonna stick around. as much as i want to save money that wont happen if im the only one doing anything productive. im beyond tired of having to pick up after everyone else. you either show gratitude in the form of taking control of your responsibilities or im OUT.
im slightly sad too because i had been lookin at apartments before my current landlord said hed be kickin the others out and there was a place that had a study included with the bedroom. i was offered the spot but i had to turn them down because of the landlords promise and because i didnt want to spend more money than i needed to. While i can mend some of my woes by focusing on potential downsides to have taken that place, i cant ignore the fact that i would have been freed of so much responsibility.
we'll see. i emailed the landlord to try and kick him in the behind so hopefully that has some effect. now is not the time to test my patience.
0 notes
How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
"How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
3rd party/ business car insurance?
Because im a young driver my insurance will be really expensive so i am getting 3rd cover insurance however this job i found requires me to have b1 insurance my question is do i have a have a comprehensive insurance to also have a b1 insurance? and how much more would business insurance cost me?
What would the insurance rate be for a 17year old male for liability on a 2002 dodge ram 1500 4x4?
I have a son that wants a 2002 dodge ram 4x4 short cab. How much would it cost for liability insurance with a clean driving record?
Car insurance for a learner...?
im 17 now and want to start learning to drive. But what i want to do is buy a car, then get insured on it as a learner and have my dad take me out driving to teach me. i want a car like a peugeot 206, renault clio, vauxhall corsa, a ford KA or something small like that. does anybody know how much insurance will be for me as a learner? also im female if that helps!?""
Does insurance go with the driver?
If I have insurance on my car does that mean I can drive another car using that same policy without adjusting if its an temporary thing?
Insurance related question to a 1987 5.7L IROCZ?
Hello I am 17 years old and have saved up enough money to buy a 1987 IROC-Z with 350TPI, 140K. Now when I purchased the vehicle a year ago I could afford to insure it but was to young to drive. I was supposed to get my G2 permit in August. I've already prepared it for the road for the but I am in Ontario and the driving strike is still going on. And to top that off, insurance companies raised their prices! I can no long afford to insure the car when spring rolls around. My mom made a good good...why not insure the car under HER name at a DIFFERENT insurance company, and put me as a secondary driver? That way I can enjoy the great prices and hell I bet she can have some fun driving this car. The car would not be insured itself, it will only be insured incase I hit someone and damage them. Would this affect her insurance rate at her other main company( 2 cars,house,boat)? Thanks!""
""Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?
I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010).
Car Insurance Claims - EVERYONE UNDER 25 MUST LOOK - Will I lose my No Claims Bonus?
I have had my insurance for nearly a year now. I am the main driver and my dad is the second driver. My dad had a small bump in the car. If we have to claim in his name will it effect my No claims bonus and next years insurace quote, ([I will though be taking my dad off next years insurance)]""
How high will insurance go if i caused a small crash?
I was backing up and hit the guy behind me. I dented my bumper and broke my light (still works) his car doesnt have anything the matter with it. He told me he wants to see if it's broke and look at it in the morning and if thier isnt anything real bad he will let it go. He took my info. I'm paying $112 a month now the cars in my dads name. How much should i expect it to go up if he reports it? (no cops where involved) I'm also 16 i think age does matter not sure tho.
""No insurance, spun out on highway during severe snow storm and was hit. Who is at fault?""
The section of highway I was driving on was 2 lanes wide and straight for a mile. Traffic traveling the opposite direction was separated by about 100 feet of grass. The maximum speed limit is 65mph and the minimum is 45mph. I was traveling at an estimated 45mph in the slow lane. The tail end of my car began to slide out to the right and I was unable to correct this due to the terrible conditions of the road. I spun completely around and was facing directly into traffic in the fast lane. A car traveling in the fast lane (at a rate of speed unknown to me) hit me head on, totaling both cars. Its hard to be sure, but I am estimating that the time between initial loss of control and impact was around 10 - 15 seconds. There were no injuries. I did not have insurance on my car due to being a college student and not having help from my parents. It is not legally necessary to possess insurance. Two months later, a collection agency is looking for $3,472 from me. Should I have to pay this?""
Motorcycle Insurance Fee?
Hi, My name is Johnny. I'm 19 years old and live in Santa Monica, CA. I currently have DL and I know I need to get Motorcycle License to drive Motorcycle. I've been driving for 9 months and had no accident at all. Although, I sometimes drive my parents' cars and have no insurance. I heard that driving motorcycle will cost me less on payment and insurance. I want to buy like, Harley Davidson model from 2006-2008. How much will it cost me for my insurance?""
Passed driving test recently... going on parents insurance question?
Hi, I passed my driving test last week and have been looking at insurances and they average around 8000, even on my parents car.... they are on admiral multi car one has a 2009 ford fiesta Ztec and another a 2010 ford mondeo.. But my dad who has the mondeo was quoted 2000 for me to be on his insurance and my mam with the fiesta was quoted 3500. What is the best things to do, insurance company to look at and ways to get the price down somehow""
How much would my car insurance be...???
Texas Female 18 years old good driving record 2007 Honda Civic Coupe or 2006 TC Scion Also what other information should I add if this is not enough?
Cheapest Car Insurance And Best car to get at 17?
Hello Guys, ive just passed my dirveing Test :D I Got a Pass Plus Witch aprently makes Insurance Alot cheaper. Anways, ive been on all the big sites such as Confused, moneysupermarket ect. And they are offering me around 8Grand for a 0.9l Fiat Cinnequento I dont want that car i just tested to see how much. I really need somewhere cheaper. so could you guys give me best car to try get insured on and where?""
Cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania?
Which companies have good coverage in Philadelphia, and have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). I'm looking at moderate deductible plans with copays for doctor office visits. Also, ...show more""
What is the name of the song on the JUST CAR insurance add on MTV ?
It the one with errbody beatboxing and this FLii as dude driving around with his blue car. There is an old as asian dude beatboxing and a couple of hot chicks as well. pls pls pls ...show more
Insurance rate?
best insurance company in clear lake, houston""
How much would car insurance be for a new driver (17 years old) if the car insurance group is 7?
Roughly speaking... Thanks (:
Short Term health care insurance plan in California?
I am looking to get insurance for a short period of time - 2 months. Which plan and provider be appropriate ?
Insurance for young drivers?
My son passed his driving test this week, he is 17.5 yrs old. I phoned our insurance company to let them know and his insurance has now jumped to over 2,000 - this is not including the 951 I had already paid to add him as a named driver when he got his provisional licence. I have been on price comparison websites but all are quoting huge amounts. As he is an A level student and plans on going to University he does't actually drive much. Anyone know what I can do to get the insurance reduced, if not now for in the future when the insurance comes up for renewal. Thank you.""
3rd party comprehensive car insurance in bangalore?
I've a 1997 model maruti 800, just purchased from a seller, i got only the RC book, no insurance paid soo far, where do i make the insurance for this model car ? and what type of insurance is beneficial? am willing to sell the car after 10 months..? I called ICICILombard.. they refused as it is an old car. ???? Is there any logical reason behind an old car being refused for insurance??? what documents do i need to take care while insuring.. ???""
How much would it up my car insurance if I started a weekend driving school business?
I currently pay about $700 per car.
Who knows the cheapest insurance in jesey for a 19 year old dude?
hey, my pal wants to get an insurance for my car cuz i can't my self, (police reasons) we want an insurance with the lowest price, lowest of all, i don't even care if it covers me well or whatever cuz if something happens to the car i will just use the other, it is just to register it, i got 2 cars, they the same but only one of them is gonna be register, so if u know anything about insurance with a low price or not nessesary legally but that can let me register it let me know (chevy lumina 97)""
Does health insurance cover self-inflicted wounds?
Do health insurance companies cover the hospital fees for self-inflicted wounds like cuts or burns?
Where can I find an affordable party hall in brooklyn for less than $2500?
I want to plan a surprise 21st birthday party. So far, I haven't been able to find anything for less than $2500 for less than 100 people. Can anybody please help!!!!!""
What are my rights? re: car insurance?
I'm a bit short of money at the moment, so on the 31st January i phoned my car insurance company and asked them to suspend my insurance. They told me the direct debit request for February had been sent on the 29th January, which they couldn't stop, and would be taken from my bank account on the 1st February and i would later bee refunded that amount. Today i received a letter in the post telling me they would hold the payment and use it when i continue the policy or use it towards a cancellation fee if I don't unsuspend the policy. The policy ends in June! The reason i cancelled is because im on benefits and just don't have the money to afford this right now. Anything i can do?""
How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
""I am 17 years old,i am thinking about buying a car,what would be the insurance rate for a 2006 ford fusion?
what would be the insurance rate for a 2006 ford fusion SE/ year?
Best dental insurance?
I need dental insurance for my 5 year old son and maybe myself also. Doe's anyone know the best plan to go with? Thanks alot
Can the insurance handle it?
I was parking and accidentally bumped into someones car and made a small scratch. The bmw driver made a big deal over it and got my insurance information.he supposedly got an estimate and tried to handle things under the table without having to go thru the insurance.however I think the estimate is tooo much money for fixing a little scratch that literally can be buffed out.I think he already got it fixed and still wants me to pay cause he said the supposed estimate also incluided a three day shop fee.will the insurance still cover me?what can I do?how do I handle this situation?this accident happened last week on Tuesday and he gave me the estimate Saturday.
Modified car insurance?
2000 mustang gt. Added cold air intake, exhaust kit, engine headers, aftermarket gps and backup cam, and aftermarket rims. Would an insurance company cover these?""
Buy a car? No License or insurance?
Is it possible for me to buy a car with no license or insurance and have my dad drive it back to the house and keep it there? I dont intend on driving it untill i get it all sorted, i just want the satisfaction on knowing its there and its mine. Im from the UK""
When should I buy insurance?
I want to buy a used car from a dealer. So can I drive the car home, and then buy insurance? Or I should buy the car and insurance at the same time? First time to buy a car.""
Cheapest car and insurance for 18 year old?
Hello, i'm looking for a cheap first car which looks alright for a 18 year old? a car which also has quite cheap insurance -_-""
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You""
""93' Subaru Impreza rear ended, repairs cost more then car, insurance will want to junk?""
My brother-in-law bought this car for $2,000, 5 years ago. It had about 75k miles on it. He has driven it to hell and back. Now it is still going strong with 150K but he just got hit from behind and the insurance company will want to junk it because the repairs will cost more then the car. He has asked the other party for $600 out of pocket but the other party wants to go thru insurance because they only have a $200 deductible. The repair estimate will be around $1,200 if not more and the Kelly Blue Book value of the car is $1,200. He does not want to give up the car, he loves it. What are his options? Take the $200?""
What are some cheap car insurance companies for young adults in Georgia?
I'm a 20 year old male currently shopping around for car insurance, but I can't seem to make a decision. I need the most inexpensive, but quality insurance possible. Do you guys know any companies that may be a little more generous to young adult drivers?""
Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?
i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
Can the auto insurance kick you out?
1st time geting a license at the age of 63 then having 1st month of insurance then 3 weeks later geting an accident which involving crashing into an property which i assume the damage cost from the insruance eyes would be $25-30,000 where our eyes would be at maybe $10,000 plus they were 4 in the car all injured can the auto insurance kick a insurer out for this very 1st major incident? this shouldnt be suprising to any insurance company when it comes to New Drivers reguardless of age...bottom line can they kick them out and other insurance corps deny to sell insurance?""
""I heard about this non-owners auto insurance, what exactly is it?""
I heard about this non-owners auto insurance, what exactly is it?""
""Car insurance, help!!?""
Hi I am 17, soon to be 18 in January! i have not took my test yet but it is very soon, if i pass i am looking to get a citroen c1 or peugeot 107, the maximum i am willing to pay on insurance is 2800, maybe 3000. I cant seem to find a quote reasonable anywhere, i dont know if it is something im doing wrong. I will not be getting the car until my 18th birthday so i would be 18 when the policy starts not 17 if that helps. Would anyone be able to help me???? thanks""
""If my stepdaughter causes a car accident, can the injured come back on my car insurance policy to pay?""
my stepdaughter caused a accident and her insurance had to pay its limits but the injuries to the person was more than her policy would cover, can the injured come back on my car policy under resident relative claus? She lives with me and I have her on my health insurance but not my car insurance, even though she occ. drives my car.""
Do I need insurance to drive my girlfriend's car?
I'm turning in my leased car next week and canceling the insurance on it. I plan on using my girlfriend's car for a couple of months before getting a new one. I know there are a variety of coverages, but generally speaking would her policy cover me driving her car despite me not having any car insurance of my own?""
Can anyone tell me how good this insurance is?
I recently got Reliance Standard insurance..can anyone help me figure out the copay? I went to the website and can't figure it out..
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
How can i find affordable private health insurance?
How can i find affordable private health insurance?
How do life insurance companies get medical records?
I've heard that insurance claims can be denied based on conflicting or misreported medical records. Let's say I take out a life insurance policy, and don't report a specialist who I saw out of my network prior to the event. Would the insurance company be able to deny the claim for that? How would they find out?""
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
Know of somewhere cheap which will let me drive a car for only a few months for people under 21?
I've recently passed my driving test and would like to drive a car for a few months before I go to Uni but there's no where I can find with a few months insurance (fairly cheap) and a car I don't need to buy in full. I'm 18 which makes it more difficult Any help would be appreciated!
""I need short term auto insurance, since i will be on vacation for 45 days in southern california,?
Now my insurance company doesn't cover me in the states
If I brought 4 luxury sports cars how would that effect my insurance?
Im doing a project for school and I need to know if I brought four cars say a Bentley, porsche, a Maserati, and a aston martin would it make my insurance go up a crazy amount or would it stay the same as if i were to buy four regular cars like honda? P.S. say Im 25 and have a perfect record!""
I am carried under my mothers insurance because I am in college currently and unmarried. I am pregnant though, so when I deliver, will the baby be carried under my mothers insurance also? Capital Blue Cross.""
How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
How much can we expect to get from insurance for replacement of car door?
Our 2003 Hyundai Sonata got backed into recently. The lady hit the front passenger door and smashed it in. It still opens, but sounds awful when it does, and the window doesn't work right (power window). She had Farmers insurance, and I've heard bad things about them, but we're gonna get an estimate from different auto body shops around town. How much can we expect the insurance to pay out for this damage?""
Why are my insurance quotes coming to 20-40k?
Ok so i know insurance in London will be alot for a student like me who is 17, but why is it my friends are getting insurance for 2k in london and when i enter correct information on quote websites (obvisouly acting as if i am 17) that my quotes are coming to 44k, what should i do when it comes to getting my own policy? thansk""
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
""Young married couple, low cost health insurance with Rx?""
I'm going to get married soon (not RLY soon but i have to start thinking about some things in advance) and I have to get health insurance. I'm really confused by it but I've been doing some reading about it and some figures about the kind of finances we are going to have and all I really know at this point is that we can't afford more than 200 dollars per month and that has to include prescriptions and everything. My soon to be husband is really healthy, only real issue is near-sightedness. I'm a little more sickly, I have asthma and allergies and the same eye problems. I keep them all pretty much under control but I need my meds. What plan would be best for us so that we can keep costs low and still get me my Rx?""
Insurance cost for first time driver.?
I'm 18, a guy, and I live in New Haven, CT. I'm in the process of getting my license and I'm looking to get 1994 passat as my first car and I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about what insurance is going to run me either going solo or adding to my parents coverage.""
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old? Average estimate..?
How much for a 19 who had one accident?
How much will my speeding ticket be?im 57 never once had a ticket/moving violation..it was in a school zone?
i was caught going 20 on a 15. i was driving my friends car will her insurance go up now?..i am on her insurance since we live togeather. does anyone know how much this ticket will cost me i am in las vegas
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old male?
I drive a 1976 Datsun 240z, and I absolutely love it. I had an engine swap (4 cyl turbo) and some aesthetic modifications, and the car is in fantastic shape. Total worth is about $2000. I am 18 years old, living on away from home. I've had my license for less than a year, and have not had any accidents/altercations. I've called Geico, Progressive, Statefarm, etc, and they've all come back with 6 month policies ranging from $4500-$5800. I'm going to pay double, let alone triple, my car's total value for 6 months of insurance. That is ridiculous. I've looked online, and they tell me that Florida's minimum requirement is $10000 of PDL and PIP. What does it mean? Would you recommend it for me? I don't really care if my car is covered. I'll pay for that. I just don't wanna be stuck with a retiree's BMW repair bill or medical bill. Thanks Luke""
Can anyone recommend affordable homeowners insurance?
I live in Muscatine, IA. I am interested in either national or local companies. Anyone have a company or policy they think is a good deal? Who has the friendliest agents? Thanks!""
Why do men pay more for car insurance than women?
This fact is surely sexism based on pure stereotypes rather than relevant information such as the driver's history. Doesn't this just portray the stereotype that men are more irresponsible or 'risk takers' when it comes to driving? Why not base car insurance on ethnicity?
Whats the minimal amount of car insurance one can get? or really can i get insurance without a car?
i just want to be able to drive my parents car, but if i put my name on their insurance i do not have like a thousand up front becuase they pay yearly, not monthly""
Can we get car insurance with two different companies?
My mom and dad have their cars insured with one insurance company, we are going to get another car and wanted to have my mom as the primary driver and me as an occasional. The problem is the rates are really high for an occasional driver when you have three cars. Is it legal for my mom and me get insurance with a different company? Can my mom be insured with two companies for two different cars?""
Can I get car insurance on a car not titled in my name?
My dad's name is on the title. Can I get my own policy in my own name? (I'm 18) with the car still being titled in my dad's name?
Florida homeowners insurance- help needed?
I am in the middle of trying to purchase a home all looks like it is going to go threw just fine. I was told to start looking for Home owners insurance, easier said than done as I am finding out... I am purchasing a 1954, wood frame home in central Florida. Nobody wants to touch it, I can get the state insurance for $1700.00 a year, WOW that is expensive!!! Does anybody out there have a better option or idea on how to get insurance at a reasonable rate? I tried AARP, they won't cover Florida even though my car insurance is with them, I tried others as well with no luck.Please I need some help here I'm getting desparate""
Need help finding car insurance?
I need my own insurance policy in order to get off of my mom's, but I need one that is cheap and affordable. Any ideas?""
How do I get money from my insurance company when car is titled in divorcing husband's name.?
I totaled a car that is registered and insured in my name. The title is in the divorcing husband's name. He won't sign the title to get insurance check. Even if he did the check would go into his name. What can I do to get the money? Or what should I do? Lawyers are not much help right now.
""Can't get insured, what to do?""
In April 2008, my wife totaled out my Impala(at fault, fault of my wife). In Jan 2010, some lady totaled out my Saturn which was sitting in front of my house, we were inside the house at the time. I had full coverage, but the lady did not have anything. Of course my insurance went up. I am trying to get insured for a motorcycle that I want, but all I keep getting is that I am uninsurable. I personally have not had any at fault accidents. How can I get around this, Is there an easier way? I have to get full coverage 500 deductible and collision on this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! HELP Please!""
How many babies will citizens be permitted to have once costs are fixed through insurance mediums?
How many babies will citizens be permitted to have once costs are fixed through insurance mediums?
How to get auto insurance in Canada without address?
I plan on buying a van and living in it instead of an apartment.How do I get insurance preferably cheap insurance? I'm curious,if one can't get insurance will the police bother one if one tells them they're homeless and have nowhere else to live?""
Why won't anyone published my poems about car insurance coverage?
I have plumbed the depth of my soul writing them. Ode to a Fender Bender and Original Parts? Be Still My Heart. are a few of my favorites.
Car insurance and business... HELP...?
Hi, I am 17 and am taking my test next week. I am also soon starting an apprenticeship (electrical). At this time I am not sure about transport (if I have to go to company and travel as van passenger or even driver) or if I have to make my own way to jobs. Whichever way a licence will help a lot. If I am just driving to work 4 days a week and college 1 then can I use Social, Domestic and pleasure + commuting to a single place of work or study ? and if I have to drive between jobs then I know I can not use this insurance (correct?) but when looking at business car insurance quotes they seem to be based on me owning the company (which I do not) so what insurance do I need and is there any responsibility on my employers to pay some or all of the insurance if I am driving between jobs? Please can you help... Thanks in advance.""
How to become an insurance underwriter?
Im looking to move on in my career and I am really interested in becoming an Insurance Underwriter. I am currently studying for the CII FIT exam and was wondering what else I would require. Any help appreciated thanks.
Pregnant with no insurance?
I may be pregnant and I don't have health insurance. I know I won't qualify for medicaid with mine and my husbands income, but we definately don't make enough to pay for appointments out of pocket, what can I do?!!""
Could anyone tell me if there are dui/dwi exclusions in states that have no-fault auto insurance?
Could anyone tell me if there are dui/dwi exclusions in states that have no-fault auto insurance?
Should I get Car Insurance before I get my N?
My parents want me to get a car, and insurance for that car. So i can learn on it and get My N. They wont teach me on their car. But you see. I think it would be a waste of money to get insurance for my car considering I would be learning on it maybe once a week. And for three months of insurance, it is $400. Honestly, I think it would be best to take lessons, get my N, then get a car and insurance. But I wanted another opinion. Any advice you can offer would be great. Thank You!""
How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
How much does it cost to insure a 90's range rover?
vogue SE range rover, 3.9l, automatic, 17 years old, first car. aiming for a 90's range rover because they're cheaper than a decent vauxhall astra or comparable yobbo style car. i belive a range rover is insurance group 14. thanks!""
Best place to buy health insurance?
Going to retire but need health insurance for family, only 55""
Subaru Impreza 2.5 for 17 year old?
I was thinking of getting Subaru Impreza 2.5 2007, but I wonder how much the insurance would be per month? I spoke to my parents already, they did agree as long as I'll pay. My step-father works in car service so he could do all the checks/tests or whatever it is called. I am in love with that car from ages, don't want anything else.""
No insurance for high school sport?
What happens if you don't have health insurance and you wanna try out for a team? Will they disqualify you from even making the team because of it?
Advice for Car Insurance?
Hi, I just been given a quote for a car insurance and it says Annual premium is 3000 and Total Excess is 1000. Does this mean, my total amount of car insurance is 4000. What is Annual Premium and Total Excess what does it really mean. Your advice is important to me, thanks""
How much is this car's insurance..?
Iam 22 male (Married) and have a squeeky clean driving record. I am in the market for a new car and here is a list of the cars I am considering. If you could tell me which one would have the lowest cost for insurance (Full Coverage) that would great! -2005 TL acura -2005 Mini Cooper S -2007 Civic 4 door Si Thanks.
Question about driving a car with motorcycle insurance?
My mother wants to know if I can drive her car even though I'm not under her insurance. I have motorcycle insurance. I live in Florida.
What is the insurance cost per month for a 16 year old to drive a 2000 mustang GT?
Hi im 14 so i will be taking drivers ed pretty soon so my dad said to start looking for a high school car. I found this 2000 Ford Mustang GT thats only $7500. I just need to know how much the insurance would be because i know that sports cars have higher insurance costs than most other cars. If anyone owns a mustang and knows how much it costs or knows where i can get a quote i would really appreciate the help! Thanks!
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
Would a warrant for a no insurance ticket affect me in california from minnesota?
How much is insurance for a 15 year old girl?
I live in Denton, TX and I'm going to get my permit soon and my mom said I can't drive her car until I get insurance ! I started working recently and I can pay for it but i just need to know how much it is ! So can you please tell me the how much insurance will cost in Denton, TX for a 15 year old girl ! And also I want to save up to buy my car ! Whats some cute cars for a girl ! Something like a Altima or Fusion ! Thanks (:""
Cheap Insurance companies for a Piaggio NRG 50?
I just bought a Piaggio NRG 50 and wondering who is the best company to get insured with and how much will it cost at the least? Thanks!
""I am 19 and am a good student, not a reckless driver. How much would my car insurance be for a 2001 Porsche Bo?""
How much would insurance be for a 2001 Porsche Boxster S. My parents have good credit; we have a $2 million house, live in a good neighborhood in San Francisco. I consider myself a good driver. (I'm male btw)""
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old?
Just wondering, how much would motorcycle insurance be monthly for a 16 year old, living in NY, say with a 500-600 cc engine bike?""
What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?
What would be the cheapest car insurance company to go to for someone who gets insurance for the first time?
How much does insurance cost on a 1988 mustang gt?
I'm 20 and was wondering how much it would cost. I have a clean driving record, and I live in California. I already own a 2000 mustang v6 and it's a little expensive on liability only. Will the 88 gt be more expensive than the 2000 v6?""
Home owners insurance?
I was wondering why insurance adjusters don't bring out in-fared while checking for home damage?? after all we pay for the insurance don't they have to look for the damage and have to be honest...
Should i have the right NOT to buy health insurance?
i could have saved close to $4,000.00 in the last 29 months by not having insurance""
Classic car insurance for 17 year olds?
currently looking for cheap car insurance for escort xr3i. Because of my age this is almost impossible but I was wondering if it is posible to be a named driver for classic car insurance on a parents policy. most classic insurers say drivers must be over 25. is there anywhere I could do this ?
Can you drive any car with the COOP's fully comp insurance?
if i have fully comp with the COOP does this mean i can drive other cars who drivers are fully comp too. I have had a look all it could find was this, http://www.co-operativeinsurance.co.uk/cfscombi/pdf/Car_Insurance_Policy_Document_Part_A.pdf PAGE 14, 1 (iii)""
Where should I look to insure a child in another state?
I am currently doing research to find an affordable health insurance plan for a child in California, I live in Colorado. I'm not sure how to go about finding insurance in another state, especially for a child. She will be 12 in October. Any suggestions?""
""On average, how much does it cost to make your car completely legal in arizona?""
Im sitting here looking at cars, and in Illinois where I live it's like 266 to get plates & registration for our car on top of like 288 for car insurance. Is it alot more in arizona? How much more?""
""18, needs car insurance for ANYTHING please help ?""
OK ah cant take anymore of this... i'm 18 have had a license for 3 months now and live in the UK jarrow, tyne and Wear... All i want is a **** little car. But the insurance is ***** ridiculus no matter what i do a car costing 300 insurance will still be 5000 - 6000 doesn't matter if the engine is the size of a vacuume cleaner motor it jus wont go down. PLEASE somebody find me a car that isn't over 2000 that the insurance wont be beyond a joke. Been at this for over a week now and cant find anything. gocompare money supermarket direct line aviva. even put my mother as the main driver of the car with me as additional driver and still 5000 - 6000. Even insurance fraud is expensive PLEASE help me""
Can a landlord require me to carry renter's insurance?
I didn't hear about this until after I filled out a rental application. Evidently, I am required to have renter's insurance before I move in. In view of the fact that I have almost nothing of value, renter's insurance seems pointless to me, even if it is cheap. This has been more common in the last few years. Beginning about 10 years ago, landlords started this practice of requiring renter's insurance. IMHO, it's just a way of reducing the insurance costs for the landlord.""
I have a car insurance question?
Soo my son got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault he forgot to yield. There is no insurance on my sons car but since it is the other drivers fault does his insurance pay for my sons car?
How much will Insurance Be ????;?
Ok I'm 22 and I'm looking for a car, It's between a: 2009 BMW X5 2009 BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2008 Audi A4 2008 Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show more""
How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
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