#im only on chapter 74
butahumbleguest · 4 months
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this fic has me in a chokehold I swear
(alternate under the cut)
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someone-always-cares · 2 months
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chapter 5, page 74
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[image description: an sac webcomic page. "what?" schmidt asks, the room now dark with the main light out, a black void only illuminated by the red light of the camera, washing everything in a creepy red glow. "oh, i see. you two had a little friend with you" she answers her own question. her eyes are glowing, pupils now wide and not slits for once. "right then. won't make them wait too long. i've already got two of you. don't think i'll need a third.". she says, walking off, expression hidden now that she's facking away from the camera's light, but grinned teeth ever so faintly glinting from the glow in her eyes. lewis stares back , expression unclear but no longer crying. the handprint on his arm is also very faintly glowing, as his his eyes. end id]
not a fade to black! well it is but like, a literal one. honestly this page was rather experimental due to time constraints (i've had a toothache for like, a week or two, so thats put my productivity right down) but tbh i thik it turned out better than i thought? especially since the entire bottom part was done after midnight (it's 2:14am rn. i am back at work now so will have to wake up at 6am)
i've tried to draw schmidt with wide pupils before to show their excitement but it just made her look goofy or high. edited these to show my point
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[id: two cropped panels of schmidt edited so their eyes has wide pupils.]
tbh the second one does look creepy whcih im annoyed that i managed to get it then and not before when i was actually drawing it
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fic in review 2023 :)
this old tag game used to go around every year but no one's tagged me the past few years so i just. Tag My Self . because it is FUN ! it's the Shamelessly Promote Your Work game and it's fun looking at all the stats and reviewing your year in writing. it's the most indulgent tag game ever come join me
tagging: WHOEVER WANTS TO DO IT! YAY! TAG ME! 🎉but also specifically (no pressure! i will not be offended if you ignore, this is A Lot): @mvshortcut @fade-in-the-dark @altschmerzes @writer-and-thrasher @kar-krashew :)
i'm applying this to "trentcrimminallybeautiful" specifically, not the other fics on my ao3. ...mostly.
Total Number of Completed Stories:
total posted, complete or not: 40 works on ao3, but of those 40, four are collective works, so if we count each chapter/snippet as its own "completed stories", that's... 74, wow.
however, as for "complete"... not counting those snippet collections, 33. if i count the snippets i consider somewhat "complete"... probably around 57? some of them are hard to determine if they feel "complete" or not, hence why they're in snippets collection jail in the first place.
Total Word Count: according to ao3′s word count, 277,118, which is counting my works for other fandoms but is not counting the squillion wips i have unposted on ao3.
Fandoms Written In: Ted Lasso, mostly. But also The Mysterious Benedict Society. Also a Professor Layton fic.
Looking back did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expect: More! Trent really grabbed my brain. Spinning him.
What’s your own favorite story of the year, personally?:
UhhhHHHH. I'm bad at choices so here's several:
"trick & treat" and "off the record" for some overly self indulgent smut. and also the deeply embarrassing venom au oneshot
"being right" and this fic about trent being sick
superhero au oneshot, "second impressions", and a fmk oneshot for sillies, "high noon over richmond" or this time travel snippet...
Did you take any writing risks this year?: Hmm well I'd call That Goddamn Venom AU a Fucking Risk, as well as the My God What's This? Catboy Smut Oneshot With The Steel Chair
but honestly there were several fics i was unsure about, which got a variety of responses i think, although none atrociously bad
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?: So many WIPs I want to like. actually write.
Best story of the year: Well, that's not favorite (my favorite) or most popular (everyone else's favorite) so is that supposed to mean objectively the best? Because I still am bad at judging this. At a guess, the aforementioned superhero au, one of those indulgent smut fics, or possibly this deeply stupid crack fic about rupert mannion sucking in bed. Or "ink sunset". NO WAIT. IT'S MATTERS OF THE HEART of course it is
Most popular story of the year: hm. WELL. im only doing ones on this account bc i can’t be bothered to pull up the other ones tbh but
By kudos: "Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth" with 1004
By subscriptions: "sweeter than heaven (hotter than hell)" with 70
By comment threads: if we're counting snippet collections, first goes to the first snippet collection with 130 and then the second one with 124. if we're not, then it's "Rupert Mannion Is Batman (He Isn't)" with 78. (although "Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth" is at 77--close!)
By bookmarks: "Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth" with 294
By hits: "Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth" with 5324
So overall, probably "Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth"/ By far. Wow.
Most personal story of the year: Probably I WANTED TO BE LOVED SO DESPERATELY / THAT MY FINGERS SHOOK WITH IT or lost sight of (who you are). Wait, no. matters of the heart.
Funniest story of the year: Oh I have so many fucking crack fics. Perhaps one of my many stupid time travel aus, or painting the town richmond blue, or Rupert Mannion Is Batman (He Isn't)? Or that aforementioned stupid fmk oneshot.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Hmmm, lost sight of (who you are), wayward thoughts, and being right.
Most fun story to write: I think i have the most fun with crack and smut--not that I don't love angst, because I do, but crack is just bouncing whatever I think will be funniest and flying by the seat of my pants, and if I manage to write and post smut, it is always extremely indulgent. Can't think of any in these particular genres I haven't already mentioned.
Story with the sexiest moment: Definitely "trick & treat" or "off the record".
Sweetest story of the year: Perhaps "helpless in a game of kisses" or this meet-cute? I also quite enjoyed the ending of "the dregs at the bottom of the glass".
“Holy crap that’s wrong even for you!” story: I'm gonna take this to mean angsty instead of scandalous, and say maybe the first chapter of "make a mess of you"?
Hardest story to write: matters of the heart and its sequel has been fucking me up. Also see lost sight of (who you are).
Biggest disappointment: Some fics I really like didn't do so well, but then, a lot of them did, so I try not to dwell on it
Biggest surprise: Was really nervous about a few oneshots I really liked and worked hard on (particularly "matters of the heart" and some of that stupidly indulgent smut) but they got a pretty good reception! Also see: just how bad Trent Crimm has invaded my brain <3
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fullscoreshenanigans · 11 months
Norman ratri fuckery or maybe Norman in lambda scenario if im understanding this right!
For an AU with greater canon divergence, I like tinkering with the idea of Peter being more hands on in interacting with Norman to better contrast with Emma and Ray getting Lucas and Yuugo for father figures.
22194 has been a child of interest since he scored a perfect 300 on his first test at age four. Potentially even earlier than that, if, like Ray, the demons kept track of his pedigree and his mother was also a full scorer. Regardless of exactly when it started, he continues to capture the attention of researchers and the demon nobility alike, so by the time Legravalima gives approval for him to be sent to Lambda so she can avoid handing him over to the demon god, Peter was already aware of his general existence.
He's thrown for a loop when he meets him in person though. The only potential photographs he would have of Norman would be from when he was an infant at headquarters. His incredibly light/white hair on its own wouldn't have been enough to give him much pause, but now that his features have had more time to develop, Peter's a bit startled at the Ratri ones he can pick out.
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(@bon-nii's comparison of James and Norman from chapters 173, 152, 126, and 154)
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(Chapter 74)
There's a bit of vanity in him saying he's too young to be Norman's father (never mind he was eighteen when Norman was born), but combined with the boy's looks, the phrase sits at the back of his mind, nudging him until he can't ignore his curiosity any longer. He looks into the genealogy records at Grace Field headquarters until he can't find any recording of a sperm donor, which isn't more than a few generations back. Odd, given that Grace Field is the top premium farm, but sometimes such documentation snuck through the cracks, and it wasn't unheard of for the occasional scientist to consort with the Sister candidates prior to the refinement of artificial insemination.
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It's one of Norman's blood samples that confirms someone from the family—either from the main one or the branch Andrew's from—fathered a daughter with a Sister, and that daughter went on to have a daughter who then bore a son.
Pulling this bit from an earlier post:
…I still have trouble wrapping my head around the idea of Peter knowingly and willingly [putting a Ratri child in the farm system] on the basis of viewing them as an extension of the clan rather than as individuals, so it’s almost like it’s a worse reflection on him not being able to restore the honor of this wayward branch of it by “salvaging” the traitor’s children and raising them “correctly.” He places such great value in being a Ratri and displays such disdain when speaking of the cattle children as food, it’s hard to see him sullying the line in any way by condemning a member to the fate of the latter as opposed to just outright killing them, even if said member was an infant. That’s still Ratri blood—his blood—that would be going into the farm system, and he would never let anyone as lowly as food have any sort of claim to such a noble and prestigious status. […] However, I’m more inclined to entertain the idea of another family member taking advantage of their position as a Ratri to have a dalliance with a Sister candidate, as @officersnickers brings up in this post. It’s not something Peter would ever approve of, but what’s done is done, and importantly there was no explicit denouncement of the clan in this act, which I feel he would take personal offense to. There’s nothing he can do to save these children—the one-drop rule thoroughly entrenched in his mind, and their blood is thoroughly tainted—but maybe their Ratri lineage will win out and they’ll be able to rise above their pitiful status, so he does keep tabs on both as he approves of them being sent on their separate ways in the system.
This is where one has to make the concession that Peter cares more about having an heir and/or believing a child's Ratri heritage trumps their fate of being born into the farm system. Shirai never confirms if he has a partner, but regardless, no mention is made of biological children of his own or if he knows of any potential ones on the way.
And maybe that's getting to him as the thirty-sixth head of the Ratri clan who's going to turn thirty next year, along with this boy looking so much like James. He knew his brother had no children, and despite his traitorous ways knew he'd never father one with a Sister for a variety of reasons. Yet here is this distant relative whose genes were still so prominent even after being diluted with multiple generations of cattle blood (him being vain enough to include Norman's intelligence as being another gift of Ratri inheritance). He decides to take it as a sign and as a duty to reclaim and "salvage" this wayward line of the clan.
Norman knows something's off when he doesn't receive all of the drugs he normally does for the day. Everything else proceeds as routine until dinner, when he's escorted not by scientists or demons, but men dressed in suits to an area of Lambda he's never been to before. They arrive in a lavishly decorated room with Peter seated at a relatively small but well-furnished dinner table. Norman's never seen so much food meant for one person, but as Peter invites him to have a seat, he realizes it's meant for two people.
There's some small talk regarding the spread, Peter's recommendations and whether Norman's favorite dish is there. By sheer coincidence there is some chickpeas and meat stew present, and while Norman is still wary of the entire situation, he doesn't refuse the bowl placed in front of him by the butler. It's the most delicious thing he's ever tasted. Peter makes sure to clarify one of his personal chefs made it.
This segues into a brief discussion about the daily tests Norman's been taking at Lambda. He confirms they're harder than the tests at Grace Field, but he enjoys the challenge, the tiniest bit of smug pride seeping in in the event Peter had any ego tied up in his being bested by one of these tests. The proud tone in the response throws him off before his brain registers the words "as to be expected of a Ratri." Peter then apologizes at the small but still noticeable change in his expression, lamenting how he probably should have started out with that to ease any of Norman's worries.
He goes on to explain how he discovered this, interpreting Norman's silence as positive before moving on to provide a brief overview of how the Ratri clan came to be the mediators between two worlds and then explaining how his life will change now that he'll be staying in the Ratri visitors' quarters for the remainder of his time at Lambda. The process to remove his tattoo and brand will begin the following day, and he'll be weened off the remaining drugs he's been given.
Norman knows it's beyond his consideration, but he still can't believe the gall of this man.
As for what [being a Ratri] would mean to Norman, he’s never indicated any sense of loss related to not knowing members of his immediate birth family or fretting over his origins, but for him to be related to the clan that’s perpetuated this system of abuse over a millennia and with how his rigid sense of morality lent itself to the idea of exterminating every single demon, if he was in a particularly negative thought spiral, it might eat at him on some bad days.
Where Peter expected rapturous or reverential awe at being a long-lost member of the clan, he felt sick. He never knew his birth mother or other forebearers, but imagining everything those women had to endure after seeing what it turned Isabella into, all being said so casually without a hint of guilt over the horrors his clan perpetuated like he's discussing the pedigree of a thoroughbred animal instead of a human being, it's nauseating.
And his neck tattoo…the Lambda brand he wouldn't give a second thought to losing, but the tattoo has this paradoxical sense of kinship attached to it that I briefly go over in this post regarding the children still keeping their tattoos years after being in the human world. Even with it being a horrible symbol of their dehumanization under this system, it's been a familiar sight to him since his earliest memories. It's one of the physical markers of his connection with Emma, Ray, and the rest of his family, and this man will be flippantly erasing that. How easy it is for him having never bore the grief that comes with it.
This is already long but a tangentially related conversation to this eventually comes up with Peter asking about Emma and Ray. On the surface it's to connect with Norman and learn more about his life at Grace Field, but the ulterior motive is to see if there's any information he can glean about these kids to find and capture them quicker. Norman will give it to him for having the tact not to slip and refer to them by their numbers like he's sure he wants to do, but he's still incensed at their names in his mouth. There's also the chance that Peter might reveal a crumb of information himself about their status (because Norman can't see why he would be asking unless he had something to gain from it, so that has to mean their escape was a success and they were all alive. The alternative would kill him), so he entertains the conversation. He tries not to give any tells, but when he talks about them his thumb might have grazed the spot where his number used to be before covering it up with a cough.
Norman's never taken in by Peter's seemingly genial demeanor, but it's odd how personal and almost…amiable the man can be with him. Still, the love he's offering is contingent on Norman's continued assistance at Lambda (Peter sees it as their shared duty to solve the conundrum of faster high quality meat production) and at least the appearance of respect toward the clan. It's not unconditional like Lucas' and Yuugo's.
The clearest hint of this might be Peter mentioning how much Norman resembles James one night at dinner, building his brother up with the same admiration he displays in chapter 173 before lamenting his fall from grace, stressing the sacrifice he had to make by murdering him but still ultimately going through with it because the clan and balance between two worlds takes precedence above all else.
Alternatively, another scenario that's easier to work into canon is the Ratri clan realizing Norman's lineage when the cattle children arrive in the human world, also prompted by the databases at Grace Field sparking further investigation with a DNA test. Once it's confirmed, they keep pestering Norman about leaning into this kinship and actively working for them, along with having his family and friends seemingly on good terms with the clan for some PR optics. Norman finds the idea insulting and revolting, but he can't ignore the benefits that would come with it.
Like some other fans, I greatly dislike Norman becoming a CEO during the final major timeskip, as well as Lambda sickness being conveniently treated with no chronic aftereffects and absolutely no issues with them integrating into human world and being welcomed with open arms by everyone. I understand Shirai wanted to wrap up the series on his own terms after years of dealing with the strain that is weekly manga publishing, and he needed an explanation for how the kids could easily fund their expeditions to search for Emma, but oof, do I hate it lol. All of these remain a concern for the cattle children here, and while the Ratri clan wouldn't outright abandon them if he refused, Norman wouldn't put it past them to drag their feet on certain matters. Their finances and prestige shield them from any misguided resentment some people may hold for them. Their connections are a boon for securing future educations and careers. And god would it expedite the search for Emma.
I like to imagine a late night benefit-cost analysis between Norman, Ray, Don, and Gilda taking place at some point after they've settled in enough. The other three reaffirm that if Norman felt it was going to kill his soul to work for the Ratris, his friends and family would stand by his refusal, but they would be remiss not to acknowledge the pragmatism in further solidifying the relationship (particularly poignant coming from Ray, though not completely analogous situations). The conversation drifts off for a bit before Norman, looking exhaustedly across the table they're seated at with his hands on his knees, states, "I want her back with us."
Working with the clan would be odd in so many ways with how they would laud his status as a cattle child and how he was taking the lead on amending relations between the Ratri and the cattle children while never wanting to fully interrogate what that meant. There's a hierarchy with Norman at the top and the mass production farm children at the bottom in many of their minds. At one point in private after a publicity event someone says offhand, "you can cover that up now, you know," referring to his ID. Even in the winter he tries to make a point not to wear scarves or turtlenecks when he knows he's going to be around them.
I hate the idea of there being one good and upstanding Ratri member that befriends him just because it's too convenient, and if we're being real Norman would never let down his walls enough and let them into his personal world after everything he's been through, but I do like the thought of him maybe getting along with a few scattered members, probably younger, who recognize the terrible fate that befell the children from another world and are genuinely amiable with him without beholding him to form a meaningful friendship with them. A small attempt at a personal level of atonement that he can recognize and appreciate while still maintaining that mental distance. I also think he'd appreciate the very youngest children of the family who could give him insight into what the adults might really think of him and his friends with their uncensored commentary lol.
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ayayabaroque · 1 year
AcademicRival!reader x Alhaitham???
 im revisiting my childhood by listening to sum music Inspired by Nadarang because i was doing some journaling and i got an Alhaitham sticker recently and made me think rlly rlly hard. Like hard hard CW; slight-kinda iksekai’d au?, heavily implied filipino reader, slight archon quest spoilers(or not, but still putting it here in case cuz i might write smt i dont mean to), reader studies in the Akademiya, ooc Alhaitham??, crackfic-ish, not close to canon lore because i cant write for shit because of God knows what. somewhat swearing in filipino, modern au
It’s unbelievable how the Akademiya’s Scribe chooses to show off to you out of all the scholars he could choose as a “rival”. You had a really, really hard time keeping up with whatever tricks he’s got up his sleeve to “impress” you... “You ought to fix your posture, a proper scholar never slumps even with a ridiculous amount of theses and presentations due by the end of the week.” Stupid scribe, he doesn’t even get to report the same projects you’re working on, since he only record the Sage’s meetings or something close to that- “Are you even listening? Or do we repeat the lesson again since your pea brain doesn’t comprehend what you’re supposed to do as my assistant?” Blue-gray irises stare at you, obviously waiting for an answer. “Well?” “I’m not that stupid. I just spaced out for a bit since your voice irritates me to the point I should acquire special earmuffs just for you.” “How sweet. You’re actually self-aware of what I go through every session with you.” WHAT. He did not just use your insult to insult you so, would insulting him insult yourself since the insult was yours but he insulted you with it???? “ULOL POKENGINAMO BOBO KINGINA MO TANGINA KA HAYOP DEPUTA KA GAGO PAKYU BETCH” “?????????? what” “actually i want you to explain chapter 5 until 74 please, I don’t get what the lesson’s supposed to be” “Now that you mention it, you do seem like the type of idiot to require special attention to understand a topic.” how dareness?? Your eyes blown wide, you ask him— “Tinatawag mo ba akong lutang putangina ka?” “Are you calling me light-headed you mother fucker?” “Whatever you learnt in whatever universe you came from, I sure don’t understand what little complex language you’re saying right now.” “fuck you bi—” He always suggests you to have a one-on-one study session with him, if your schedule’s full, too bad that you’ll have to cancel everything because you’ll never win in reasoning with him. “You’re here again?? You know I can’t stay away from your bright demeanor, right?” “tf did you just steal a line from Shanti Dope??” “Okay so?????????” But really, he can’t stay away from you even for the love of his life. He wouldn’t admit to it though. i should stop writing based off of what music i listen to ngl
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acewitch-writes · 10 months
hey, i just wanted to tell you that your posts are a huge breath of fresh air for me and i am so happy im not the only one who dislikes the new marauders fandom’s characterisation… literally thank you so much<333 i hope you stay active and at some point feel comfortable enough to make your fics public again because i would love to read them! sending you much love :)
Thank you! So I DO plan on finishing my most popular fic, which is a modern muggle/non-magical AU called "A Love Like the Movies." It's a wolfstar slow burn with background Jily and Dorlene. It is currently at 74/80 chapters, 330k words, and I plan to make it available to read again once I finish it.
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film-in-my-soul · 4 months
listen i'm extremely indecisive so i really couldn't be stopped so no pressure but i may have gotten just a little... little.. bit carried away with the Get to know your fic writer! thing you reblogged...
anyway i apologize for what im about to do
1, 2, 13, 17, 41, 51, 72, 74
swiftly running away now o7
Well shucks! I'm just delighted you're asking :3
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
It's less of a preference and more of what I have the stamina for. Generally one-shots are easier for me to manage so that's what I lean toward but I've been trying to do more long-form pieces as of late :3
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
For short pieces, I usually have a couple of slapdash bullet points of what I want to happen, and for long pieces, I have a more intense breakdown for the plot.
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Mmmmmm. The only one that comes to mind is probably 'if a character who is not speaking does an action after another character speaks, put that action in a new paragraph'.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Typically I'll take a couple days off if I can, just to do a little reset and try to get the brainworm wiggling again, but if it's a problem where I'm just getting stuck or a bit uninspired with what I'm working on I'll either do a sprint as motivation to push through, or I'll jump to a different section in the piece that I have a more active idea for and that part written instead.
41. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
Typically I'm a one-and-done, at least for a good while. I'll go back in a couple of years and read again probably.
51. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Currently: 935,200 [That's from 2015 to now :3]
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
Typically I do front to back, but if I get stuck I'll jump around and then add the connective tissue between scenes later.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
I guess it would depend on the fandom? I don't know if I have a specific tell or phrase or anything, but I think my style of narrative voice is distinct enough for the pieces I put out. Or I could slip up and put the 'Grammarly is My Wingman' tag in there XD
Get to know your fic writer!
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“ the amount of times 39/40 year old john spent going Im Just An Old Calm Guy Now :) Who Would Ever Want To Be Twenty Again? This Is Good :) I’m Having A Good Time” Have you not heard fake it til you make it? 🥲 On a serious note I know people usually tend to fall on extremes ends of the spectrum with John’s state of being in 1980 (not you just in general); we either hear how he was absolutely miserable or had finally come out the other side happy and hopeful. Of course people aren’t linear so obviously it was never just one thing but if anything I think John’s Bermuda trip was a very hopeful indicator that John was capable of taking the plunge and of eventually moving on to a new chapter of his life where he exercised more self agency. He was so optimistic about his 40’s that I want to believe it indeed would have gotten better. Honestly I don’t think he and Yoko would have ever gotten divorced but I think their marriage would have only continued to evolve into something quite different than what it was in the beginning. I’m thinking of those marriages that are all but ‘officially’ open where they take intermittent breaks with other partners before they come back together again and so on. It already kind of seemed they were on that road by 1980 anyway and while May Pang’s account of John being anguished that a marriage could be “incomplete” aka monogamous, that was in 74 and despite Double Fantasy pushing that image of a reconciled marriage, that’s only a work of art and real life is something else. I love rpf btw lmao so if John ‘had love in his voice when he was angry’ but is now giving his ‘window smile’ this reminds me of an emotionally checked out John kind of reminiscent of how Cynthia described John being pleasant to her face but distant near the very end, and John being kind in Get Back but vacillating between engaging and sitting back.
just to be clear, when I said John reiterating he was happy and looking forward to the future was illegal, I was not calling him out for overcompensating (which he might have been) but pointing out that the amount of tragically ironic things he said just before he was killed is a bit unbearable to me lmao.
To me, John's state by 1980 is a bit of a mystery. My feeling is similar to yours: I think he was sincerely feeling good about the future – the fact he was creating music again, being productive after years of very little output, is indicator enough for me. I particularly agree with you that the Bermuda trip specifically seems to have been a turning point or would have been :(. What's much more opaque is how exactly he was doing between '75 and summer '80. I tend to feel he was relieved to have achieved relative normality – his life was clearly still Wild™, but he emphasized that he was able to just walk around outside undisturbed, which must've been a huge weight off his shoulders – and also still struggling massively with depressive episodes and addiction. It definitely seems like Yoko took on an extremely controlling role in his life, which I don't entirely blame her for because I think John was uniquely difficult to deal with in any other way (as Cynthia's approach to him kind of shows). I don't really think JohnandYoko were a healthy couple, but I do think their decade-long proximity alone was enough to make them both incredibly fond of each other, even after their initial honeymoon phase crashed and burned. Whether they would have ended up separating or, as you suggest, become extremely "pragmatic" about the boundaries of their marriage, is hard for me to say. John and Yoko were together not much longer than John was with Cyn (and if you subtract the Lost Weekend it becomes nearly identical) so I'm not sure you could for sure say they had passed some threshold where it would be "too much effort" for them to divorce – that being said, John was definitely more likely to make brash decisions at 27 than at 40+ and there were more sunk costs involved in his relationship with Yoko that would make admitting to his marriage to her being a mistake more difficult for him. (and, I do think John would find it very difficult to separate from anyone without initially deciding that it was all bad – that seems to be how his brain worked. But perhaps he had matured past that attitude)
Double Fantasy is so odd to me – the marketing and reception of it is so incongruent with a lot of the actual content. As you say, art isn't real life, but after listening to it a few times, I find it hard not to think John and Yoko didn't at least have a close-call, where they were on the verge of divorce. Or, if they didn't, it's wild to me they placed I'm Losing You and I'm Moving On on their tracklist in that way, because that's what those two songs together sound like. (though I guess, perhaps it was actually representing the Lost Weekend to them? though I'd count that period as a close-call lol)
Either way, the main reason I'm perhaps more optimistic about John in 1980 than some is he... Just seems by then to have become pretty self-aware. He hadn't resolved his mental issues but he understood them reasonably well, could describe them. And I think a lot of his issues – mostly extreme emotions – are things that tend to naturally settle down as you reach middle age, even when you don't get help. The depression was probably still a major issue, but the fact he was keeping busy when he died is definitely a promising start for dealing with that.
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lilredghost · 9 months
babyyyy im late but for the writing asks, 4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
64. Something you love to see in smut.
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of any of your fics? 
Baby!! You're not late at all! As long as I keep getting questions, I'll keep answering! Some of these I did already, in which case I'll just link the previous answer
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
See here
49. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
Thankfully no! I want to say I would block the person and move on, but I know it would hit me hard if I got that kind of negative feedback. The roughest thing I've had to deal with is only a lack of engagement on occasion
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
Foreshadowing and Parallel phrases / repetition
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
BITTER ENDINGS. I hate it with a passion! Smut is meant to make you feel good, and people's emotions can be precariously fragile in the aftermath. Why would you hurt someone like this??
64. Something you love to see in smut.
Answered in this post. But also, in the same vein as #63, I love endings where the characters (if it's not already an established relationship) affirm that they seriously like each other or that they want to have sex again. That assurance really puts me at ease; it's sort of like a "happily ever after" for smut
74. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Hmmm, this is really difficult actually. Maybe if I whump the fuck out of Obi-Wan? Or find a way to apply his infinite sadness even in a smut fic?? I'm not sure, but I think the way I repeat phrases (see #56) is probably a big one
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of any of your fics?
Not for the E-rated ones, I think, because with those I was pretty happy with only establishing as much detail as I needed/wanted before getting into the porn. But for Their fragrance came from you, definitely! Here are a few:
Originally, Cal and Jaro Tapal were going to be in the courtroom to testify for Anakin's trial. This just sort of got cut because the courtroom scene was already a mess and I decided it didn't add much
Komari was going to be the one to reveal to the readers that Obi-Wan was an omega, instead of Feemor, and it was not going to be nearly as heartfelt! I changed it when I got to that chapter because I had added the fight scene between Komari and Obi-Wan, and it no longer made sense for them to be interacting there. It looked a little like this: “I’m just looking after you, dumbass.” Her brows draw together. “…you’ll be all by yourself over there.” “Again, Komari, I’m not—” “Obi-Wan, I’m not worried about him stabbing you through the gut,” she says sharply. “I’m worried about him finding out that you’re an omega.”
There was also originally a bit during the scene where Obi-Wan and Anakin paint divay in the square where Anakin gets pulled away to tell some kids about "The Tale of Two Suns". We're meant to hear the name of this fable in passing now (and maybe a cultural tidbit or two) and then get the actual text of the fable later in the fic. But that scene was so hard to put together that I couldn't make it fit... I'm trying to introduce the tale of two suns in a different place now, hopefully it works!
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okthatsgreat · 11 months
12, 13, 24, 25, 26, 29, 43, 74
For fanfic ask game because brain still go brrr about your work a lot :D
this ones gonna be LONG lol GONNA PUT THIS UNDER READ MORE :]
12. do you outline your fics?  if yes, how detailed are your outlines?  how far do you stray from them?
i try to lmfaoooo!!!! for opddmh for example, ive got the basic outline of how i want everybodys arcs to end, the climax of the story, and a vague idea of a few of the plot beats all written out in an empty discord server i use to keep track of things!! i also put in loose scraps of dialogues i daydream up even if im not quite sure where theyll fit in yet, just so if im really stuck i can scroll through and see if anything rings a bell!! there are QUITE a few emotional scenes already written out and ready to go
nothing is super detailed tho!! quite a bit of it is still on a chapter to chapter basis. while i have an outline its not always set in stone, for example there were a LOT of scenes i had scribbled down for odietlg and lgowab that didnt make the final cut!! i dont have the notes for odietlg but i do have them for lgowab bc theyre archived in that empty discord server i mentioned earlier lol. one idea from that story that got scrapped were all of the different endings coming from different peoples point of views (for example korekiyos pov, tenkos pov, kaedes pov) but that got scrapped bc i thought itd lessen the impact a bit. ALSO in one of the earlier drafts of lgowab a LOT more v3 kids were gonna be ahl members including tenko, but i thought it was more important to keep their numbers down to really emphasise how much danganronpa is dramatising their threat level lol! off the top of my head there were bits and pieces i scrapped from odietlg too but i wont go on and on about that LOLOL
oh and also there is an entire channel dedicated to miu that i still go back to sometimes LMFAOO
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13. do you listen to music while you write?  if yes, what have you been listening to recently?
oh my god i cant listen to music while i write LMFAOO or at least not music with lyrics. if i really really need to write i will pull myself up by my pants sit down at my desk and stare at my screen in total silence until eventually my adhd meds wear off and i go to sleep
im mostly kidding LMFAO if i really need something in the background ill put on this playlist! if i need inspo sometimes i go to the fic playlists ive got on spotify :]
24. how do you choose whose POV to write in?
i choose based on who i think will tell an interesting story! going to be flat out honest with you, sometimes the povs i write from arent my favorite characters, but i think that their personal story would be a really good fit in what im trying to convey! tenko is probably one of the only exceptions considering the entire story is based around her surviving LMFAO even then that was mostly because i wanted to dissect her under a microscope for 42 chapters. emma and maki are like this too considering mask of my own face/run from your demons are oneshots :]
himiko and miu got chosen for lgowab mostly based on the fact that they had completely different stories to tell and i didnt want to choose two protags who were going through the same thing!! himiko strived for selflessness while miu struggled with morality and paranoia and i thought they would contrast well :] and oh my god let me tell you i did not expect to bring miu back for a whole other fic but i got ATTACHED shes such a mess.
everybody in opddmh were selected because they brought a range of different lifestyles/coping mechanisms to a post-game universe and they all have stories i wanted to explore!! makoto and being the poster child for hope and struggling with how others perceive him, mikans debate with her own morality and growing bitterness towards the company, and then of course akanes total refusal to be worried at all costs. byakuyas brief povs are to supply a more pessimistic view of their situation that parallels miu, which is why theyre always together during it. ive mentioned this in another ask from kozuelovemail but the v3 kids that stay alongside each pov were selected because they parallel the older participants in some way!!
and then of course. probably goes without saying but i do tend to choose female povs lmfaooo not only because I Am One but also because theyre just soooo criminally unexplored
25. what’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
well i can say its NOT editing LMFAOOOO this bitch does not edit!!!!!!!!!!!!! which you can probably tell!!!! i mean i give it a good glance and then send it off usually a lot of the edits are made when i wake up in the morning read over the chapter again and go "what the hell was i trying to say here"
brainstorming maybe???? i love Thinking. a lot of the times stories come to me in various scenes rather than one linear storyline and ive gotta grab them all from inside my head and mash them together. i also love brainstorming characters arcs and what their Deal is gonna be throughout it
and then writing of course. love writing. ive had to teach myself to kinda just type out a draft at first and to stop going back to edit, and then once i finish i go back and add extra or remove anything that sounds silly. writing on a good day is lots of fun!!!! ESPECIALLY when its scenes that im excited for/are high drama. like. those high drama scenes that ive been waiting to get down onto google docs dot com...... hell yea
26. what’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
PFFT WHOOPS already answered probably editing! its difficult for me to sit there and read over everything meticulously cuz my brain just does not want to thoroughly go through something especially if ive just completed it. which. most of the time as soon as i complete it and have gone back to add in extra/remove the silly bits i consider it done and i send it through LMFAO. thats on me for updating weekly tho!!! there are gonna be mistakes!!!!!!!!!! and yknow what ive learned to live with that this is a fanfiction i write for fun and i do this cuz i love writing :]
29. what’s something about your writing that you’re proud of?
hgfdjkgshdk i always feel so bad like. praising my writing yknow? theres always going to be parts of it id change or want to go back on but if i had to choose something id probably say the characterisation? i try to put in a lot of effort in making these people feel more human and not as "larger than life" as they usually are, and i want every pov i write from to have flaws and things theyre good at and little quirks that make each of them stand out from each other. when i write characters i try to keep in mind the little things about them, like himiko twitching her nose or mikan having acne shes self conscious about, miu twirling her hair or makoto using novelty mugs instead of the more aesthetically pleasing ones. just tiny things that round them out as people :]
43. is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
ouhghggh..... not sure! im so so focused on opddmh rn if i think about anything else ill totally spiral away from it (im already doing that with the rp im in LMFAOOOO erin on the brain). there are a few things im excited to write for but thatd be spoiling >:)
73. do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
not really!!!! i know its such a corny fucking answer but genuinely people have been so so lovely on all of my fics. like some of the kindest people. and also people who have stuck around for a very long time!! theres one commenter mythgirl02 who has literally given me a comment on every single chapter on every single fic ive published mythgirl if youre out there..... i love you. and even if they dont comment on every chapter ive gotten commenters who have actually brought me tears YOU FUCKING INCLUDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also lily if shes reading this their comments are always so so sweet
i write bc ive got stories i wanna get out of my brain and share!!!!!!! its fantastic that people click on them to read along!!!!! i really try not to worry too much about kudos or reads or anything like that, but the support has been very very lovely and its led me to some awesome communities :]]
fanfiction ask game!
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murfeelee · 2 years
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CQL/MDZS INSP - Yiling Arc Pt2: Cultivating the Burial Mounds
In the Burial Mounds of Yiling, heading fifty- or-so of the fallen Wen Sect‟s cultivators, Wei WuXian planted vegetables, repaired houses, refined corpses, and made new tools. Every day when he was free, he played with the toddler Wen Yuan, son of Wen Qing’s dead cousins. Wei WuXian either let him hang on trees or buried him in the ground, fooling him that he‟d grow faster if he was watered and bathed in sunlight. Then, he was scolded by Wen Qing again. A few months passed like this. Aside from how the world’s comments on Wei WuXian worsened even more, there was no progress.
Wei WuXian and Wen Qing weren't surprised when they saw YunmengJiang’s sect leader Jiang Cheng arrive.
Jiang Cheng asked, “What are you all turning over the dirt here doing? Don‟t tell me you‟re really going to start farming!”
Wei WuXian said, “Didn't you hear? We are farming!”
“You‟re farming on a mountain of corpses? Will the things that grow here be edible?”
Wei WuXian, “Believe me. When people are really hungry, they'll eat whatever they can.”
Jiang Cheng asked, “You really intend on stationing yourself here in the long run? Can people even live in such a place?”
Wei WuXian, “I lived three months in here.”
After a moment of silence, Jiang Cheng asked, “You‟re not coming back to Lotus Pier?”
Wei WuXian replied in a relaxed tone, “Yunmeng is so close to Yiling. I‟ll sneak back whenever I feel like it.”
Jiang Cheng snorted, “You wish.” A child about one or two years old crept over. He was quite a fine, lovable child. Unfortunately, Jiang Cheng had no love in him at all. He turned to Wei WuXian, “Where did the kid come from? Get him away from me.” Jiang Cheng mocked, “The other sect leaders thought you gathered some leftover forces and crowned yourself king of the hill. But it’s only the old, the weak, women, and children?” Jiang Cheng continued, “Where‟s Wen Ning?”
- Mo Dao Zu Shi, chapters 73 and 74
MY THOUGHTS (Jiang Cheng minirant pt1)
In the fandom, Team Jiang Cheng gets huffy when people like me say we hate Jiang Cheng. But the author herself said it: “Unfortunately, Jiang Cheng had no love in him at all.“
Granted, I think this a hyperbolic AF--JC clearly loves WWX, and his parents, and OF COURSE the goddess of pork rib soup Jiang Yanli too good and pure for this world amen, and her son Jin Ling. However, JC’s problem is that he doesn’t know how to express softness, and I 100% blame his mother for that, cuz Madam Yu was gung-ho about JC being everything WWX wasn’t--to JC’s own detriment.
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JC could barely show his own siblings and nephew he loved them, let alone show gratitude towards the good Wens who helped save them (ESPECIALLY Wen Ning), despite the evil Wens exterminating the rest of the Jiang sect (and him having a crush on Wen Qing). 
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There’s this WONDERFUL analysis of Jiang Cheng’s reaction to finding WWX squatting with the Wen remnants in the Burial Mounds, and how it compares to what Jiang Yanli would have done in his place: https://hunxi-guilai.tumblr.com/post/619224037560909824/hey-im-currently-re-watching-ep27-28-and-it-just
That post really highlights JC’s abandonment issues, inferiority complexes, and desperation for WWX to come back home--despite seeing clear as day that WWX was resigned to being “the Yiling Patriarch,” an exiled ex-cultivator aiding and abetting the Wens, and actively trying to make a new Lotus Pier in the Burial Mounds--doing the impossible. 
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 112. brb x oc
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a/n: hey yo. I'm not the greatest still but I couldn't help myself...idk what it says about me when I feel like I write better when im sad. l ol
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva
She turned in front of the mirror so many times it gave her whiplash. Since tonight she came home early from the bar, it gave her enough time to get ready and dress up in a way it’d be…good for the event.
Nicole was with her parents already, their little girl was so used to this that she just hugged her mother and waved at them. Meanwhile Beatrice had to be dragged by Rooster back into the car, feeling like she was ready to cry because she’d never see her daughter.
Again, overreacting.
Now she was kneeling in front of their sink, her makeup all thrown over the marble and the dress she wore pulled up to her upper thighs. Her head was being held by her hands and she didn’t know what she could do, because she feared this wasn’t good enough. The dress, obviously was, but the makeup? It wasn’t that fancy, the dress was a light pink peasant sleeve dress with details in gold in the seams.
It was simple but it was obviously Marcus’ style. Beatrice inhales, fixing her low braid every now and again, only to flap her hands because she couldn’t tug on it any longer, “Damn it, okay,okay.” she breathes out, standing to her feet and patting her knees, only to pace around in the bathroom, “I’m okay, everything is okay. I’m okay!”
“I’m okay!”
The sudden yelp leaves her husband silent for a few seconds, possibly because of shock, but she hears his voice again after a few seconds, “Baby…I just wanted to check on you…are you sure you are okay?”
“I…yes.--no.I’m so nervous.”
“Are you dressed?”
“Just need to put on my shoes…Rooster.I-I’m scared.”
She hears him shuffling outside, getting closer to the door and gently parting it just enough for his voice to come clearer, “Can I come in?” she hums positively, stepping back to give him enough room once he got inside. Bradley opened the door fully, his eyes immediately dragging down her body, appreciating how that fabric hugged her curves and stopped a few inches above her knees.
He licks his lips, still holding onto the door handle, mainly to keep himself upright, “...damn.”
“I’m sorry gorgeous,I’m…” he drops his gaze again, “Admiring…fuck you look so good.”
“I do?”
He just gives her a confused look, snorting a laugh, ‘Hell yeah, you do.” he gets closer after shutting the door, still dragging his eyes up and down her body, “Give me a full view.” and he spins his index finger, the request is enough to make her laugh a bit, complying after a few seconds. She’s…very nervous, and clutching her hands together, she looks absolutely stunning but clearly felt out of her own space.
Beatrice chews her lower lip, gesturing to her face, “And my makeup?”
‘It’s perfect.”
‘Is it too much?”
“No, course not.” he smiles,gently brushing his thumb over the light blush on her cheeks. This one was artificial but it worked just as well as her actual one, “You look beautiful. You always look beautiful.”
Beatrice’s eyebrows lowered and her smile widened, the little spark of courage shining in her eyes after he said that was enough to make him lean down and kiss her forehead, “You look like a fairy.” she laughs softly, the sound light and almost relieved, “Listen…I know neither of us are part of shit like this, we aren’t high society…but you worked with Marcus, he invited us. He wants us there.”
“I know…”
Rooster takes hold of her small hands and brings them to his lips, kissing her knuckles, “Gorgeous, come on.” he shakes her hands a bit to get a response out of her, ‘You know you can do this.” she drops her gaze to the ground, chewing the inside of her lip, “You did it before, you had your face on a billboard. In the middle of the street…for four months.”
She gives him a small side smile, “I appreciate your support,Roos…it really…I…I just get so nervous with social stuff like this. I’m used to the bar, hell even the reunion was bad but I managed it…but this? I’ll see famous brand designers from all around the world and what am I going to do?”
“You’ll be there,” he drops her hands only to place his on the flare of her hips, ‘With me,” he brings her closer, “Looking absolutely beautiful, making everyone wonder how the hell is someone like you real…and I’ll be there holding your hand, your waist or your ass if you need any more support.” that sneaks a chortle out of her, one she tries to hide by pressing her face to his chest, “You’ll do so great,gorgeous.”
Beatrice peeks at him through her lashes, chewing the side of her mouth for a few seconds before inhaling shakily, for courage, “Yeah, you are right…it’ll be great.”
“It will.”
“...just…if I feel too overwhelmed-”
“We’ll get out of there before anyone notices us.”
Beatrice’s smile softened over his response, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his lips, ‘Thank you.” she says, running her hands down the fabric of his shirt - he looked so good in dark blue it should be illegal. Marcus knew that too, or else why would he send Rooster this outfit? -  “I’m going to put my shoes on and then we can go.”
He stays there for a few more minutes, then kisses the top of her head, “Okay.” he whispers, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Beatrice slowly breaks free of the hold he had on her hand, dropping her own to her side when Rooster leaves the bathroom. She stood there, one hand on top of her heart and a thankful smile on her face…sometimes she wondered if he ever imagined he’d join a fashion launch when he was younger.
Or even when he was older.
His line of work was so specific after all.
But Beatrice didn’t have time to think about that now, she was already anxious, the last thing she needed was worry even more, adding his own thoughts to the mix. She quickly slip on the beige high heel sandals she had, wincing when the strap slapped against the back of her ankle in her hurry.
She walks out to see him sitting on the bed, hands clasped between his legs and his smile widening when he saw her, “Ready?” she only nodded in silence, grabbing her clutch and shuffling over to him, immediately grabbing his hand, “You’ll be okay.”
“Hrrm!” was her disgruntled response, “I don’t feel like throwing up yet, so that’s good. The nerves could be calming down.”
“It’ll be fine…do you know where this will be?”
“At Marcus’ house, it’s…on the hills.” she mutters, “You know, the place where neither of us would ever dream of stepping on.”
“Until now.”
He was doing a great job in pushing her pessimistic thoughts aside, Bea could even think clearer with him speaking to her. She hoped it’d stay during the night, “Yeah…until now.” she lets him lead her down the stairs, the dogs circling them as they walked to the front door, Beatrice could just barely pet them before they left, her hand felt…sweaty and gross, almost felt wrong to give their dogs parting caresses.
She flexes her fingers with a grunt,”I’m sweating like a sinner in church.”
Rooster looks down at her hand, seeing that she pulled out some hand wipes from inside her clutch to rub them almost obsessively. The sound of the moist tissue rubbing against her skin was a repetitive squeak that she didn’t seem to notice.
Rooster just watched, his hands on his hips and head partially tilted, hoping that she’d notice his eyes on her and finally remember that everything was going to be okay. Beatrice does so, slowly, her hand wet because of the lavender scented wipes, eyes wide and worried much like before, “Sorry.” she says sheepishly, quickly tossing the used wipes in their trash can, “I’m okay.”
“You sure?”
“Mhm…I better get in the car before I chicken out,Roos.”
He opens the passenger door for her, smiling sweetly because even when she’s nervous she’s the cutest being on this planet, almost sinking into the seat and keeping her knees up to her chest, sandals abandoned on the floor as she hugs her legs. 
As soon as he enters himself, he gives her one last look as he turns the car on. She’s still hugging her legs, still looking worried and she has a little pout that only appears cuter because of the red lip tint on her lips, “Baby.” he calls once, gently plucking one of her hands from her legs, “You’ll do great. You’ll be great.” she barely nods at him and he knows she’s mentally preparing herself for whatever it was that the night was going to bring.
He wasn’t upset by her silence, because he did see the smallest lift of her lips when she heard his voice, so he just kissed the back of her knuckles and kept her free hand interlaced with his, driving one handed to the address that Marcus gave them.
He had to admit it was quite a distance from their house, in fact from…a lot of places they knew. They neared a part of San Diego that smelled rich, it looked rich and well, it was pretty rich.
“This is the place where the Oda clientele live.” Beatrice tries to joke as soon as they are allowed to enter the gated community after the guy in front let them pass. Rooster chuckled softly, agreeing with her and both tried to contain their surprised stares when they rolled inside…because those houses were huge.
Beatrice leans closer to his shoulder when they drive past another one, “I think Meryl Streep owns this house.”
“Wouldn’t she live in LA?”
“I mean,I heard she had several properties…even in New York.” she muttered, propping her chin on his shoulder, “Do you think any of the Kardashians will be at this launch?”
“Maybe.” he says, “Does Marcus even like them?”
“...I don’t know,maybe.”
Rooster smiles back at her, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb on her jawline, “You’ll be okay.”
Beatrice makes a little noise on his shoulder, but her smile widens and he feels her thumb gently brushing against his knuckles. She nods, but then slowly lifts her head when she sees the immense line of cars leading up to a dark colored house with thick coconut trees surrounding it. She could see Hangman’s car, so that meant Evelyn was there too…and she also felt a shiver dart up her spine.
“Oh God…this is happening.” she whispers, “This is really happening,Roos.”
“It is gorgeous.”
"There 's no…turning back.”
Rooster feels her body straight as a rod against her seat, her eyes wide and brows furrowed as she quickly slips the sandals back on, “Baby.” she isn’t listening to him, she’s back in her focused state and he could only chuckle quietly as he rolls to a park, not so far from the entrance. He waits a bit with his hands on his thighs for Beatrice to say something, his wife instead lifts her hands in front of her body and he could see the slight tremble.
“...I’m shaking.’ she says, clenching her hands into fists, curling into herself on the seat, her forehead touching her knees and hair covering her face, “I feel like I’m going to throw up.” his large warm hand touches the bare part of her back, rubbing it in soothing circles and dragging his fingers up and down her spine, “Rooster….Is there anyone outside?”
Rooster tilts his head to the entrance, “A few, mainly security.” he mutters, “No one famous that I know of.”
‘Do you think we can get out?”
“I think so…do you feel ready to?”
She lifts her torso to give him a worried look, “I don’t think I have a choice anymore.” and she laughs nervously, her smile immediately disappearing into a blank look, “What am I doing?” she groans, sinking even more, almost hiding herself into the seat, her hands on her temples, “Jesus Christ,Rooster. What am I doing? I-I…this…I don’t–”
“Baby, baby listen.” he holds her hands,kissing her knuckles, “You are about to hyperventilate. It’s okay,I’m with you. We’ll go in there, keep to ourselves and leave if you feel too overwhelmed.” her lower lip wobbles a bit, “Hey, baby, pretty girl. Look at me.” he has to cup her chin to physically turn her head towards his, “You’ll be okay.”
“This isn’t my world, Roos.” she whispers, “I don’t know if I should be here.”
Her self doubt was screaming and he could see it. He was sure that she’s been triggered ever since early morning but now it was getting too hard to handle, “Baby, you deserve to be here…hell, you worked with Marcus, he likes you and is so thankful for you.” he sees her eyes flick to a group of skinny women walking past the car, their dresses beautiful and flowing with the wind, “...you are gorgeous, you are beautiful and you are deserving to be here.”
Beatrice looked so scared she couldn’t even reply, she just held her hands tight, knuckles going white with how strong her grip was, “I…” she looked back at the people, then towards Rooster, “I…okay…”
“Okay?” she nods quietly, not humming nor saying anything, mostly because she felt ready to cry at any second. He kisses her hand, then her forehead, keeping his lips there for a few seconds just so she could relax before he walks out of the car to open the door for her. He waits for Beatrice to take his hand, she hesitates, looking from him to the house then back at him, “You can do it.” he whispers, spreading his fingers as his hand got closer to her face, “You can do it, gorgeous. You did it this far.”
Beatrice chews her lower lip, eventually dropping her shaking hand to his and letting him pull her up. She tries to not bury herself into his chest when he does so, choosing to stay partially behind him with her eyes squinting because of the wind as he locks the door.
My my my, what are you doing here?
Oh no.
Wrong party, wrong place, wrong time. What do you think? That you are special?
She tries to ignore the goblin voice by rubbing her arms, creating an invisible shield around herself only to see more skinny models making their way to the house.
If you hurry, you can run off. No one will miss you, maybe not even Rooster.
She clenches her eyes, bouncing on the spot for a few seconds with her heels clicking on the ground. She then leans forward a bit, holding herself up by placing her hands on her thighs, smell the flower, blow the candle. Rooster stays in front of her, looking around like the watchful husband he was, glaring at anyone who seemed to stare at his wife for too long. His hand returns to her upper back, gently rubbing the skin “Come on,gorgeous.” he whispers, the cold of his wedding ring soothing her nervous and hot skin, “You can do it, just for a little while.”
“J-Just for a little while.”
He hated seeing her like this, but he was serious. They’d stay a little while, hell,even less if she got worse, “Yeah,gorgeous. Just for a little while. Can you do that?” Beatrice nods, slowly standing straight and sniffling a bit. She teared up just enough to form tiny splotches of eyeliner on the corner of her eyes, he wasted no time in gently wiping it away, “There you go, fucking beautiful.” she gave him a weak smile, “Okay…hold onto me.” she already clasped his hand, “Give me the invitations, you won’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
He knew she was too anxious to talk to anyone now, so she just opened her clutch to pull the light green papers out, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,gorgeous.” she laughs softly when he says that, waiting for him to close the door and dropping the hand from hers towards her waist, bringing her closer to his side as they walk up to the entrance of that enormous house. It was beautiful, with several plants around the front, four large security guards that just looked around ominously to everyone that walked in, a teal colored light illuminated the inside.
Amazingly neither of them could hear anything from the inside, no music, no voices, just a subtle vibration of what could only be assumed was a beat. Beatrice looked at the ‘WELCOME’ mat below her feet as Rooster talked to the security guards outside, choosing to focus on how the letters curved up instead of anything else.
As the doors opened however, they were faced with a long illuminated hallway and the vibration only getting louder, with the distant echo of a song being played. Beatrice looked around the hallway, following the trail of lights that disappeared behind dark doors, doors that had doorhandles with golden ‘MB’ engraved into it.
Before either of them could open it however, they parted automatically and they were hit the music. It wasn’t that loud that’d break their eardrums but it was enough to vibrate on the floor. Beatrice however, stood still once she noticed the amount of people in there, her fingers digging in her clutch so hard she could hear the fake leather creaking, “Hrn..” was her disgruntled noise, shuffling almost behind Rooster, “T-There’s a lot of people.”
There wasn’t, but in her mind, it was enough.
“A few.” Rooster said, hugging her close to his side, his eyes moving around a bit until he noticed two people in the crowd, “I see Evelyn and Jake.”
She perked up, “Really?”
‘Yeah…think you can go there?” 
Beatrice looked over to where he gestured and nodded silently, “Yes,I think so.” she whispers, “I don’t see Marcus anywhere.”
“He’s probably mingling, it is his launch party after all.” Rooster comments, slowly walking forward with Beatrice glued to him.
Run, you should run. Before the doors close. Can you run that fast? Of course not, you’ll mess up Beatrice. You know you will.
She hated that this stupid voice returned now, right now when she was trying her best to get better. All it needed was a bigger social gathering than her reunion to make itself known again.
Run,run,run, that’s all you can do…that is, if you could do it.
“Shut up.”
Beatrice’s head snap up towards Rooster, her husband giving her a worried look, ‘Oh,um…nothing just–”she gestures to her head with an awkward laugh, “It’s um…um…kinda messing with me.” and of course Rooster’s brows lowered because he knew how hard she’s being with herself.
She was going to have a good time, he was sure of it. And he was going to help.
“It’s okay, gorgeous. Is it quiet now?” he asks as he leads them through the sea of people to where their friends were.
“Kind of.”
“Just let me know if it gets worse.” he murmurs, kissing the top of her head and then her forehead, “I’ll snatch you away in a second.” and her little smile was enough for him to smile back, gently brushing his thumb over her lower lip. 
Evelyn was the first one who noticed them, slowly standing to her feet - Jake’s hands hovering by her sides and back - with a small grin, “You two got here fashionably late.” she said, her eyes immediately dropping to Beatrice’s deer in the headlights expression, it was obvious her anxiety acted up by the way she was looking around. She greets Bradley first, then immediately turns to Beatrice once he talks to Jake, “Are you okay?”
She gets a weak and shaky thumbs up from her friend.
“Are you sure?”
“Y-Yeah.I…I am just,” she turns her head when she sees someone walking by,”Is that Gigi Hadid?”
Evelyn looks up, “No she’s not here yet.”
“Yet??” Beatrice looks ready to pass out, her smile going from kind to nervous, “Oh…ahaha, she-she’s coming then.” she feels like her legs are wobbling so she holds onto Rooster to remain standing, “Oh that’s…that’s nice.”
Rooster stops the conversation to look at her, “You okay?”
“Gigi Hadid is coming.” she says, “To the party.”
“Really?” Beatrice holds onto his arm for dear life, “...you’ll be okay,gorgeous. You won’t be alone.”
Beatrice’s little laugh is the only thing he gets, followed by a squeeze to his arm. “Maybe I should get drunk- no that’s a bad idea.” she mutters, both Evelyn and Jake looking over at her, “It’s a bad idea. No I’m just…going to stay in this very spot. With you, not moving until the party is over.”
“I mean,” Evelyn comments, “We’ll still have to watch the launch,so…”
Beatrice’s face got even more desperate and she only clung to her husband tighter, “You know what, maybe I should get drunk.”
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justawhimm · 1 year
you’re real
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fandom: cyb//erp//unk 2077  
summary: scheduling stuff with a new baby in tow was never ideal, so kerry hoped he could get in and out with this meeting being forced on him. nothing was ever that simple with his babies, though.
chapters: 5/8
content warnings:   strange power dynamics, poor understanding of what producers do, transmasculine pregnancy, graphic depiction of childbirth, clothing birth, the objectification of public figures
notes: Well, I guess I won't be getting all of these out before the end of May. Oh, well. That means I'll probably be taking my time with the last 3 chapters, rather than rushing them out. Thank you for understanding. :) Also, I'll be proofreading this in the near future. Don't worry about word/spelling/grammar mistakes. I'll take care of it soon.
Current Year: 2063 Kerry's Age: 74 (almost 75)
cross posted on ao3
Despite what the screamsheets would like to tell you, Kerry's third child was actually planned. Though he was genuinely surprised it could happen, too. With tech being as it was, he guessed it actually wasn't too much of a stretch. 
Louise hadn't been able to keep a pregnancy to term, so Kerry thought he'd give it a shot. The fact that it took was the exact opposite of what he'd expected. Hell, he was just about 75 years old! Nearly 75 and having a baby… though, he didn't look it. That was something he prided himself on, just about as much as he had in his early years. He barely looked 40, hot as hell, and he knew it, why not flaunt it? 
By the time he was getting to the end of his pregnancy, he was beyond sick of it. While his first two pregnancies never made it to their 40th weeks, this one was very different. Not only had he made it to his 40th week, but he'd made it far past it. Now nearing his 42nd week, he was feeling nothing but resentment toward the fact that he'd willingly agreed to this. The baby would be worth it, but he just wanted to be pissed for a while. He was allowed to have that, at least, right? 
Nope. Apparently not.
"He's not going." Kerry could hear Louise from where he was lounging by the pool. Turning his head, he'd spot her with her back turned toward him and arms already crossed. He wanted to be happily distracted by how amazing her body was, but- fuck, he was too damn tired to get excited about any of that right now. Not for a lack of trying. He'd make sure she knew how hot she was soon, though. Whenever this baby came, he'd actually be able to have some rest. Kerry was brought back to the conversation she was having when she spoke again.
"Kerry is still pregnant, Sarge." Oh, fuck. Great. Fucking adored to hear that his manager was calling for him right now. Impatient as they were, he guessed. "He shouldn't be traveling right now, even if it's "just" to go in for a meeting. If you're so bothered, you should come here."
"You tell 'im, babe," Kerry encouraged half-heartedly, grinning to himself. He felt an ache in his back, nothing unusual. There were so many of those damn things at that point. His old bones were not made to be carrying a baby, especially this long. 
"Wha– No! You can't do that. He's not breaching contract. This is just–"
"What?" Kerry began to sit up after hearing that. That fucker better not be playing that game with him. "Lulu, don't worry yourself with him. Transfer the call ta me. I'll take care of it." He could. He had to. He wasn't about to let Louise start stressing herself out on his behalf.
"Ker…" She would finally turn herself toward him, her own concerned expression clear on her face. Louise really was beautiful. One of the most stunning women he'd had the pleasure of knowing, and the fact that she gave him the time of day always made him so damn giddy. What he felt with her felt so incredibly different than everything else he'd had with anyone else. "Baby, I can handle it," she would try to assure.
"I know you can, but you don't have to. Lemme handle that asshole."
She looked unsure, but would sigh out in defeat.
"Alright. Transferring you over to Kerry, Sarge." With that, she would take her spot in the lounge chair beside Kerry. They wanted to be able to just relax in the time they had left before the baby came. They didn't need Sergeant Joseph Edens making this more stressful and causing more issues for them. 
The call appeared within his bright blue kiroshis, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes before answering it. He got a good look at his manager, looking about as smarmy as ever. He wasn't a bad guy, really. He was just annoying beyond belief, and had a tendency to get Kerry roped into shit he never asked for nor approved of. He was great in other areas, but goddamn he was horrible in others.
"Kerry!" Sarge's expression lit up over the holo. "You're looking well. Could use to lose a bit of that baby weight–" Laughter bubbled out of his mouth, but Kerry wasn't really putting up with it right now. Especially not when he'd heard what Louise had mentioned.
"Cut it, man. What's this about breachin' contract?"
"I thought you would've had the baby by now, Kerry."
"...And that's relevant how?"
"So I'd scheduled a meeting between us and a few of the producers for the next album. They wanted to discuss some things, as well as when we might be able to schedule the next tour."
"...Ok, that's not a prob. We could set up a holo call, 'r a video call 'r whatever th–"
"Unfortunately not." That made Kerry's expression finally fall, eyes narrowing slightly at the image of his manager. 
"Why not?"
"I told them you'd be there in person. They don't want to feel like they're second banana to everything else."
"Sarge, I'm about to have a fuckin' kid. Did you tell them that? I know suits are shits, but surely they'd-"
"Oh, no no no… I told 'em already, Kerry, but they told me we'd be breaching contract if we don't adhere to what they want." This sounded like such shit. Either the suits were pulling some bullshit, or Sarge was misunderstanding. Honestly, both were entirely possible. "It'd just be far easier if you came out here. We'll even send an AV out to get you."
Oh, for fuck sakes. Placing a hand on his stomach, he'd roll his eyes. He glanced over toward Louise, who appeared to be giving him her own look of worry. A look telling him not to let Sarge get his way, but… fuck, Kerry really just didn't give a fuck.
"When is it?"
"Tomorrow morning. 9:30 am."
He was about to get what he wanted. Fuck. Even if something did happen, after all, at least he'd be closer to the hospital. So, what was the harm in it, really? 
"Alright, fine. Can't say I'll look great, though. Got practically no clothes ready to go runnin' around in." Sarge let out a hearty chuckle, shaking his head. 
"Don't you worry about that! So long as you're there and you're wearing something appropriate, I do not think they'll mind. Thank you. Thank you, Kerry. I'm so sorry about this. With Kelvy and Derr–"
"Right! Right, my mistake. I apologize. With your first two pregnancies, they came so early… I would've thought it was ok to schedule this meeting for now. I would've…"
"Yeah, I get it. Just send the AV tomorrow, and be prepared to call someone in case the kid decides to drop while we're there."
Another laugh.
"Of course, of course! I'll see you tomorrow then!" 
Kerry hung up a moment later, the blue glowing of his kiroshis fading and his attention fully going to Louise.
"You're going," she said, exasperated.
"Kerry, this baby has made you such a pushover," she sighed, swinging her legs over the side of her lounge chair, then reaching over to gently grab her husband's face. She leaned in to press kisses to his cheek and head. 
"Not the baby so much as the fact that I'm tired as fuck, Lou. Not in the mood to argue." He'd let her keep showering him in affection, keeping both of his hands rested against the massive swell of his stomach. This was gonna be so damn uncomfortable. He was gonna hang this over Sarge's head for a while. Maybe it would keep that gonk from doing more stupid shit in the future. That was probably way too damn optimistic, though.
"I know, Ker. …What'd Sarge say to get you so snippy with him, though?"
Kerry was quiet for a minute, pulling away slightly from Louise's touch. He was just too achy to be forced to lean toward her like that any longer.
"...He was about to mention her. 'Bout how my other pregnancies were shorter. Y'know. … I just didn't wanna hear her name."
"Oh," Louise's tone softened. She placed a soft hand against her husband's shoulder, "do you want to talk about it?" Kerry shook his head.
"Maybe after the baby comes, but right now? Waterworks're bound to let loose. I'll be alright." He looked toward her with a warm smile. "But thanks, babe."
"Of course."
Over the hours since the call, he'd notice the cramps getting a bit worse. He wasn't stupid. He knew what they had to have been, but he also didn't want to have to go through the motions of everything. Telling Louise, having her insist he not go, and then get into even more shit with Sarge and whichever producers he was probably pissing off just by being pregnant at all.
It had to be done, and if it was gonna take hours for this baby to get here, then he'd rather still get this shit over with and be able to meet Lou at the hospital. 
Getting himself into a suit of all things for this felt like a fucking joke. But he'd try. Like he'd warned, he wasn't gonna look astounding. He'd still look like a 10/10, but maybe… a shaky 10/10. A bad night, no makeup, not even any concealer type of 10/10. Kerry showered, he got his hair washed for the first time in almost a week. That had to count for something! They should've been praising him up the ass just for making any sort of effort while he was this damn pregnant.
He was practically falling asleep while standing up as Louise was helping him get dressed. Buttoning up the shirt had quickly been thrown out the window. What would be bad about an open shirt, open suit jacket look, after all? It gave the entire world a good look at the newly acquired stretch marks across his belly. 
Unlike the last two times, he'd started getting the marks around his 5th month. Not quite as much elasticity and quick recovery to his skin as when he was younger, apparently. It sure as hell didn't help than he was carrying a whole 5 weeks longer than he had last time, too. They were probably the only thing he was mildly annoyed by with all of this, too. Maybe he'd get another skin rejuvenation after the baby came so he wouldn't have to worry too much about them. 
"They won't fit."
The words brought Kerry out of him spacing out, both of his hands pressed against his back as he felt the sharp pains in his back. Fuck, he hated standing for so long of late. Looking down, he'd see Louise looking up at him.
"What doesn't fit?"
"Your pants."
"What? Seriously?" He knew he'd gotten a bit more of an ass from the pregnancy weight, but they were the same cut as his usual pair. 
"Baby's dropped a bit more. They're getting ready to come and see us," Louise told him, placing a warm, gentle hand against the curve of her husband's stomach. Kerry let out a groan of irritation. He already felt a few tears trying to form in frustration, though he was trying his hardest to keep them at bay. Eyes looking to the ceiling and trying to blink them away, it wasn't helping much.
"Fucking perfect…"
"It's ok, Ker… How 'bout I find one of my hair ties? My sister had to do the same thing while she was pregnant with the twins. It's nothing to be ashamed of." With another soft sniffle, Kerry would begrudgingly nod his head.
"Alright. Do whatcha need to." Kerry offered out his arm to Louise as a support to help her stand back up, watching as she'd start going through her things to find one of her hair ties. It wouldn't take her long to find a black one, then went back over toward Kerry. Kneeling back down, she got to work on securing them. At least they'd be able to stay in place, without the worry of them becoming loose on him. Due to their snug fit on Kerry's thighs, after all, she doubted they'd really be able to just fall with ease.
Standing back up with Kerry's help again, Louise would take in the sight of her husband. And as much as she wanted to praise him, to tell him how good he looked… he looked a little unkempt.
Not totally, of course. He looked showered, washed, great. But he also looked tired, uncomfortable, and like he wasn't particularly happy with what he was wearing. Not to mention the sweat beading at his forehead. 
"You look tired."
"Damn, babe. Ya got me," Kerry chuckled softly, taking slow steps toward the bed so he could sit himself down. Next were the socks and shoes. 
"I hope you don't end up sweating too much, Ker. I know you'll be annoyed with it if it keeps up for too long." Handing the shoe horn to Kerry, she'd let him take care of that. A bit of independence he could manage without getting too exerted. In the meantime, Louise got a tissue and began to dab at his sweat brow. "Stood too long?"
"Yeah," he lied. His contractions were noticeable by this point. Prominent. Annoying, but not unbearable. This was only gonna be a couple of hours, though. Once they were done, Kerry would just have Sarge take him over to the hospital. Worst comes to worst, he might just need Trauma Team to come get him. For once, he was actually going to make it to a damn hospital to have this kid, whether he liked it or not. "He said the whole thing starts at 9:30. Got a clue what time it is?"
"A quarter past 8. The AV should be here soon, right?"
"Should be. Fuckin' better be, 'cause I'm not puttin' up with the AV rushin' around while I'm like this just so it can get to the place on time. Especially since I'll probably need a damn toilet break halfway through." With an AV the ride wouldn't be that bad, but that didn't mean he wanted it going around as fast as possible to make the trip a short one.
"Do you want something to eat while you wait, then?"
"...Do we still have some pandesal still in the freezer?"
"We do. Do you want some with cheese or jam?"
"Maybe… cheese today." Louise pressed a kiss to the apple of Kerry's cheek.
"You go take up a spot outside to wait while it's still cool out. I'll be out in a few minutes," she assured, earning herself a nod in response. 
"Headin' out now to sit by the helipad, then. Meet ya out there." He could drag a chair over by it at the very least. The trek down the steps and out to the yard to get it wasn't a fun one, but it was cooler out. Maybe that would help with his sweating and keep him from looking like too much of a mess before the AV showed up. 
He'd pause in his attempt to drag a chair over toward the helipad, feeling another contraction hitting him. Fuck, they were getting there. Only about 7 minutes between each of them by this point. If they were going any way like his last two had, he was hoping this labor would be his longest yet. He had to keep telling himself that, so he wouldn't freak himself out, and in turn freak Louise out.
He could do this. He could do this.
Settling down in his seat once he was pleased with the spot he chose, he looked across the greenery of the outside of his mansion. Beautiful as always. He was looking forward to this being a place where their kid could play. …Well, once they fixed up all the cliff points anyway. Or, hell, maybe they could just get somewhere else. A place that was better with kids than NC. It had done nothing but destroy his families beforehand, so maybe… yeah. 
Moving after the baby got a little older sounded like a good idea. Maybe he could even kick this shit for good, too.
Kerry jumped when he felt a slight tap on his shoulder, immediately looking over with wide eyes to find Louise. Of course. It was always going to be Louise. Just a bit on edge with everything going on, or something…
"Sorry," she cooed softly, "I didn't mean to scare ya. I got a couple for you." She offered out a couple of paper towels folded into one, with two warm pandesal with cheese in the middle of them. Kerry took the paper towel and immediately took a bite out of one of them, nodding his head.
"Fa–" Kerry cut himself out with how his words came out, quickly chewing more and swallowing the bite back. "Thank you, Lulu. Pull up a seat. Sit with me while we wait."
"I'd love to, but I can't. I'm actually gonna go meet a friend for a little bit while you're busy. I'll be there if you need me. Just wanna take a little bit of me time before the baby comes."
"Oh, no, of course. Have fun, Lou." Thank God. Thank all the gods known to religion. If Louise had taken up the offer, there was no way he'd be able to hide his labor for long. Getting this done now instead of scheduling it around having a baby to feed felt like its own special kind of hell. "Gotcha on speed dial in case the kid decides it's time ta drop, and with us probably havin' ta to this all in Corpo Plaza, I'll be close ta the hospital. I'll be all good."
"You're sure?"
"Definitely sure. You've been so damn helpful, stayin' up with me as much as you can when I can't sleep… Have some fun before we're definitely in Mom and Dad land."
"Ok. Just please call me if it happens." Louise knelt down and kissed Kerry's lips with a gentleness, caressing his jaw. Letting their lips part, Kerry nodded his head once.
"I will. Don't worry. We'll be fine. Have fun with Trina."
"I didn't say it was Trina," Louise hummed, standing up again.
"You're not whining about who it is yet, so it's gotta be Trina. I'd be surprised if it wasn't Trina."
"...Ya got me. It's Trina," she giggled to herself, approaching her car and unlocking it.
"Tell Trina I said hi. Have fun."
"I will. I love you."
"Love you too."
He'd keep an eye out, watching the car leave the parking space and drive out from within the gated area they lived. Great. Now just to survive the next few hours of Sarge, the producers, and their bullshit.
"Your contractions appear to be considered close enough to be admitted into hospital. Would you like me to reroute toward Night City Medical Center?"
"Fuck off Delamain." 
"Understood, sir. My apologies."
Kerry was relieved when Delamain shut their trap. Guess this was what he got for having a platinum membership with the damn taxi service. At least Delamain would know if things got to a point of no return, but they weren't saying that. What all could they check on for him? It was clear they could tell when he was having contractions, but apparently not much else. Well, they probably could if he probably plugged in his personal link. But, nope. None of that today. He didn't need Delamain knowing how much his cervix was dilating with a single scan. Just the thought of that sounded creepy as fuck.
"I've recalculated our estimated arrival time. We will now arrive at approximately 9:17 am."
If he didn't know any better, he would've thought this damn AI was picking a fight with him. Yes, he knows he took a while during their pit stop. So fucking sue him, he was just shy of being 42 weeks pregnant. He was gonna take a while to do anything, but especially undressing and redressing after going to the bathroom. Kerry just rolled his eyes and settled his back against his seat for the second time now.
"Got it. Let Sarge know I'll be arriving soon, then," Kerry sighed out in annoyance, somehow managing to keep his irritation mostly to himself. If anyone deserved to be the subject of his pregnancy fueled rage, it was Sarge. At least he'd react with a whole lot more than just an under concerned customer service voice.
"Of course. I'll see that a message is sent momentarily."
A few minutes later, Delamain would speak up again. Kerry struggled to pay attention, given he was in the throes of another contraction. 
"Mr. Sarge has been notified of your impending arrival. Would you like me to make him aware of your current condition?"
"No. It doesn't matter right now. I'll take care of it later, so don't worry your pretty little head about it, Del." 
"Whoa, you weren't kidding!" Sarge spoke with a friendly chuckle to his deep voice. "You most definitely look like you're about to pop, Kerry."
All eyes had been locked onto Kerry as he slowly waddled his way into the MSM building. He was early, but it looked like everyone had been just waiting around for him. Party can never start without him, he guessed…
He was quick to retract away from the hand that reached out toward his belly, holding it protectively. Kerry didn't mind people touching, but fuck he didn't need people feeling how hard his stomach was right now. Good this he was hardly wearing his shirt at all, else it would probably give away just how strong they were getting.
Sarge, apparently, didn't appear to mind too much. He just laughed again.
"Right, right! My apologies. I didn't like much when anyone touched my bump without asking either. Do remind me, though, what was this one going to be?" Kerry sighed with the question, shifting his weight from one foot to the next.
"We didn't find out. Decided on a surprise," he answered politely enough, "so Louise picked names for whatever they might be. Theodore for a boy, Kimberly for a girl."
"Oh-ho, how special! Awfully normal compared to your first twos' names."
"Louise chose 'em. Made 'er happy. I liked 'em, too, so here we are. Can– could we get settled down? I can't stand for very long with my back and legs being how they are," Kerry asked, a slight frantic refrain to his voice.
"Of course! Come, everyone's here, so we may as well start things out!"
Sarge led the six of them down the hall from the helipad entrance where they'd met Kerry. Sarge and the four producers, unsurprisingly, walked faster than him, leading to him straggling behind them. They couldn't pay him to try to speed walk with a head so deep into his pelvis. What a fucking bizarre feeling. He hadn't felt it in decades, and would probably never feel it again after this. 
They were definitely gonna be cutting this close. But, if he could perform half a concert up until he was practically giving birth, then he was pretty fuckin' sure he could just sit there and discuss his future album and tour while doing nothing but sitting down. He could do this.
It would take him a few seconds more for Kerry to get to the meeting room than the others. None of them really seemed too concerned about what was going on, or how he was acting. He didn't know whether he was annoyed by it or relieved. Clearly some of them knew what the fuck he was going through, but either didn't notice or give enough of a shit to say something. But then, thank god they weren't saying anything, because he wanted to get this over with.
"Let's make this quick," Kerry sighed, taking a spot at one of the seats at the right side of the table. He liked taking the head of the table, but fuck he needed more room to spread his legs. …Probably not a great sign. His stomach was just so damn big and the baby's head was so low that he couldn't help it. No matter what he did as of late, if he was sitting then his legs were usually spread.
"Yes, let's!" With Kerry forgoing the head of the table, Sarge would instead take up the mantle. "The new album, first of all. It's been a couple of years since the last… do you think you've made any strides in developing the new one, Kerry?"
"It's still in the beginning stages," he offered out honestly. "Can't rush this shit, man. Especially with the shit that's been goin' on." 
"Of course, of course."
"And ya know what happened last time you tried ta push me into forcin' out an album. If I get ratings on an album like that again, no one here is ever gonna hear the fuckin' end of it." One of the producers began to sit up in their seat. A typical suit, eyeing him like he was a slow computer that wasn't performing the way as advertised.
"When do ya think we could be seein' a new–"
These absolute fucknuts. Leaning back in his seat, Kerry scowled and grit his teeth as now another contraction was hitting him. Shit, these were getting close. But it was fine. He had more than enough time. Hell, his water hadn't even broken yet. They would be fine. 
What were they even arguing about now? Kerry was starting to lose his head about it all, honestly. He'd been sweating again for a while. Excused away by pregnancy again, but surely someone must've known by now, right? He didn't think he was selling being "alright" very well, especially with his expression contorting every three or so minutes now. 
"Can we take a break here? I really need ta head ta the restroom." Kerry spoke up finally after feeling that uncomfortable urge for a few minutes now.
"Ah, sure! Here, here; I'll help you up," one of the producers volunteered, reaching out one hand while the other was quick to hover around Kerry in case he ended up losing his balance. It was actually really helpful, thankfully, but left as nothing but a footnote because he needed to go.
The walk to the bathroom was horrible in its own right. Walking down a long hall and a whole set of office cubicles to boot. There were so many eyes on him, he was surprised he didn't see anyone snapping pics 'r something. On one hand, this was a record label. They always saw artists like him around. On the other, he was Kerry fucking Eurodyne. Heavily pregnant Kerry Eurodyne, at that. This wasn't something you saw every day, and Kerry knew that. 
But no one bothered him, and he managed to make it to the bathroom.
Another contraction came while he was in the bathroom, and was almost relieved when his water finally broke. The pressure had been brutal, and now he didn't have to worry about it bursting in front of everyone. 
…Fuck, though, he knew he had to say something now. None of his kids lasted long once his water had broken. He'd probably make it to the hospital, but Louise was gonna be so disappointed if she missed this.
Eurodyne SENT: 10:39 AM [my water broke] [call trauma team or an av plz]
sarge SENT: 10:39 AM [the meeting is almost done!] [is the baby coming now?]
Eurodyne SENT: 10:40 AM [no] [but they've never come long after this point] [i need to go]
sarge SENT: 10:40 AM [we'll be done in 30 mins top] [then i will call someone ok?]
Oh for fuck's sake.
He was still leaking fluid, and this asshole was gonna make him keep going. He couldn't fucking believe this. And yeah he could always call someone himself, but wouldn't that just be a pretty picture? Four damn producers having no idea where their client is because his stupid ass manager is insisting he's fine when Trauma Team is literally bowling through the entire building to get to him. 
Fuck it. He'd do it, but Sarge was gonna be one jobless mother fucker by the end of it.
Cleaning himself up and getting dressed through two uncushioned contractions felt like its own personal hell. Ok. He could do this. If he kept saying it, it had to happen. He could do this. He could do this. What else did they even really need from him? What more could they possibly need from him? This absolutely just could've been done over a video chat in a few weeks, and he was absolutely pissed about it.
He was pissed about it as he left the bathroom, and he was definitely pissed about it as he had to make the slow trek back toward the meeting room. It wouldn't take long at all for another contraction to hit, though. Grabbing onto a cubicle wall as it hit, he squeezed onto it as tightly as he could manage. The owner of the tiny area stood in alarm, where they were quickly face to face with Kerry Eurodyne.
"Mr. Eurodyne! Are… are you alright?" They asked. A smart ass remark sat at Kerry's lips, but couldn't get it out as he felt the overwhelming need to squat and bear down. With his body leaned over and his belly hanging low, he felt like he could hardly move an inch.
"S… Sarge– meetin' room…" Kerry grunted out, forcing himself to peel his fingers away from the cubicle wall and point down the hall. "Can't… move!" Yep, he was pushing. He wasn't even sure if he should be right now, but it felt like he had to. 
More of the suits working within that area began to flock toward them, either watching from afar or approaching to get a better look at what was even going on. 
"Mr. Eurodyne? Do you–"
"What can we do for you–"
"Tell us–"
A lot of voices started talking to him at once, and he just couldn't stand it. This was the worst possible situation. Holy shit. 
"Trauma! Team!" Kerry would yell through his grit teeth. Oh, fuck, he needed to get a hold of Louise. She needed to know what was going on, but he couldn't bear to move right now.
"SARGE!" Without much choice in the matter, he finally raised his voice. If this fucker didn't hear him at all? Oh, he was going to end this guy. He was already gonna fucking end him at this rate. 
Looking toward the right of him to see if there was any sign of his manager or producers coming out of the room, Kerry instead got a look at one of these lackey suits staring at him with glowing eyes. This gonk was recording him. He couldn't fucking believe this. How could this moment, this day, get any worse?!
It was the longest minute of his life, but the contraction passed. There wouldn't be long before another came, so he needed to do something fast. As much as he wanted this suit with the camera to fuck off, he knew it had to either be him or Sarge to call Louise. At the very least, he could try. Feeling around for his phone in his pocket, though, he would quickly find that it wasn't there.
He hadn't taken it out of his pocket, so then where could it be? The AV? 
Well, shit.
It somehow got worse.
"Trauma Team's on their way!" A disembodied voice spoke up. Finally, someone was doing something!
"SARGE!" He screamed a second time, and finally he noticed the horde of people encroaching on his space even more. There were so many people around him, chattering about and panicking that he could hardly hear himself think, much less process everything that was going on. He felt Sarge's hand press against his shoulder.
"I'm here, I'm here…" That deep voice was trying its hardest to sound soothing, as though he wasn't the son of a bitch that tried to get him to walk all the way back down to the meeting room again. But, he was the only person he knew right now. So, Kerry had no choice but to rely on him.
"Call–" Kerry grunted, feeling that pressure of his baby's head even without the contraction. "–Louise!" 
"Call Louise. Ok! I can do that. What am I telling her?" He was gonna kill him. Someone better hold him back after he was done having this baby, because he was going to kill him.
"Baby's coming. Goin' ta… ta the hospital…"
"Ok! Haha, how exciting!" Pulling his phone out, Sarge would step away from the crowd, leaving his client pretty much alone through this.
Looking around at the crowd he'd amassed, he looked toward the producers still awkwardly standing around him.
"Get– get… get 'em…" The pain was coming back. He needed to push. "Baby's comin'. Get these fuckin' suits away from me!" 
"Hey, back off!" One of the producers attempted. They were nowhere near in as much control as they were before. Nothing but pathetic, ordinary suits now too. 
Holding onto his stomach with one hand and the cubicle wall in the other, he would carefully begin to lower himself down to the floor. His legs were exhausted. All of him was, honestly. Maybe he could prolong this baby from coming if he just sat down. Maybe they'd at least wait until Trauma Team would get here. It couldn't take too long, right? Just breathe, Kerry. Breathe. Don't push. Breathe.
That was easy for a fuckin' labor coach to say! How the fuck was he supposed to just breathe to get rid of this damn urge? Kerry instead pressed a hand against his clothed groin. It was gross and damp from the still leaking amniotic fluid seeping through his underwear and pants, but he couldn't feel anything yet. Maybe just holding that there would help… Maybe he could just push a little and… hold her there? It was probably a fucked up thing to do. It wouldn't be for long, though, right?
Trauma Team would be here soon. 
Unlike everyone else around him, they'd help him soon. 
It was that thought that led him to allowing himself to bear down and push. Bringing his knees up about as much as they could without his arms helping them any, he spread his legs and bore down to push. Not with all of his might, but enough to satisfy that urge, that need. 
"Louise said she'll be on her way to the hospital, Kerry. No need ta worry about it!" Kerry could hear Sarge say, but he couldn't have cared less in that moment. Not when he could feel his baby starting to come down. 
C'mon, kid. Hold out a little while longer. Your mom wants to meet you first.
The pain subsided again, and it all came flooding back. The eyes, the people. A whole mass of people that didn't give a shit about him and that he, in turn, didn't give a single damn about. He was alone in this. Totally, abhorrently alone. With people recording, to just marveling at what the fuck was even going on right now. Crowding him. No one was helping him. Even his fucking manager had no will to just sit down beside him and comfort him some. Then again, part of this was his fucking fault in the first place.
Part? Oh, no. Most of this was his fault! 
Pushing again, he was surprised by how much work that push was already doing, getting them down to start spreading him wide. Shit, if he wasn't careful, he might just end up having them right in his damn pants again. Keeping his hand there, he wouldn't keep much pressure on the spot. So when he'd push again, he'd feel the head pushing outwards against his hand. It was the most bizarre feeling he'd ever felt, though it would quickly be overtaken by the sharp burn of the stretch. 
Letting go of the effort, though, the baby's head would recede back into him. 
Was everyone seriously still just doing nothing? Nothing but watching him do this? Grunting out in irritation, he rubbed his stomach like it would actually do anything to help.
"C'mon, kid… Work with me here," Kerry strained. "Your mom's gonna be upset is she– ooh… misses this… Ohhh, fuck this!" He wanted to have the will, the ability to refrain himself from pushing, but he just didn't. Everything in his body was telling him to get this baby out, while his mind even knew that trying to keep the baby inside wasn't going to do him or the baby any good.
Removing his hand, he'd instead just push with the contractions that kept coming while they waited.
More noise began to erupt from down the hall, where the helipad entrance had let him into the building just under two hours ago. That had to be them, right?
Definitely them. Thank god, 'cause he was pretty sure he was crowning. He was a little too afraid to touch down there to actually find out at this point, to know just how far he'd gone with all of this. 
The crowd was finally dispersing, and as he looked up, he'd see a group of four different medics with guns pointed at everyone but him. One placed a stretcher on the ground beside him.
"Get on the stretcher." One of them instructed.
"Can't. Mm… Head's– head's almost– ah, shit, here it comes!" The force was impossible to ignore. Before any of the medics could do anything about it, the lump that was already in Kerry's pants grew. More fluid seeped through his clothes, pooling on the floor below him. Some gagged, others gasped. One of the medics cursed. 
Two of them returned their guns to their holsters and were quick to approach Kerry's side. Both of them took care in helping Kerry onto the stretcher. The baby had little room at this point. If they were gonna come out any further, they'd basically have to divert straight down into his pant leg. And as much as he knew he was never gonna wear these pants again, he didn't really want that sensation in his memory.
"Going up," one of the medics warned, and suddenly he was in the air. It was an uncomfortable sensation, sitting up on a stretcher with a baby's head between his legs. Kerry had confidence in Trauma Team, though. They were fuckers in their own right sometimes, but far less than suits. They just needed to get him to the AV before they could help him deliver the rest of the baby. 
He caressed his baby's head through his pants, murmuring words of assurance under his breath.
The other two medics followed, walking backwards to ensure their guns still stayed toward the crowd that'd once surrounded him. Once outside, though, their pistols would go back in their holsters and they'd quicken the pace toward the AV.
"How far along are you?" One asked as the door to the AV closed behind them. Another medic was removing their uniform gloves and putting on sterile ones, while the two holding onto his stretcher secured it so it wouldn't be rocking about as the AV took off and began to fly away.
"A… a couple days– shit…"
"Don't push, Mr. Eurodyne. Please answer the question."
"A-Almost… almost 42 weeks."
"Safe to deliver, then. We're going to remove your pants, Mr. Eurodyne. Do you co–"
"Yes! Just get them off! Kid wants out!" He wanted to yell at one of them. He wanted someone to try to call Louise, but he wasn't sure that was possible at this point. Transferring the contact info took way too much mental concentration to do while his body was in so much pain. 
"To make this quick, we're going to cut them off."
"Good! Fuckin' good riddance," Kerry groaned, struggling in his attempts not to push. "Just fucking do it!"
The gloved medic was quick to cut up through his pant leg until they got to the top. Then came opening up the crotch area completely, and then cutting the underwear off. Finally, the baby didn't have any pressure against their head. Looking to the gloved medic, Kerry looked for some semblance of approval.
"Can I push? Fuckin' hell, I need to push…"
"No cord around the baby's neck. Lie down and push."
"You couldn't pay me ta lie down right now. Someone get the fuck behind me and brace me! Now!" 
"You need to lie down and–"
"I am Kerry fucking Eurodyne! Either help me get this kid out 'r I'm doin' it myself, and you fuckers are gonna–" Asserting authority like that wasn't really his schtick, in truth. …Well, not all the time. He was pretty damn sure it was warranted here, though! If he had to give birth here and not with his wife, then he was doing this his way. "Brace! Me!"
One of the medics reluctantly sat behind Kerry, keeping a hand up and against the wall to brace himself against it. 
"Ok Mr. Eurodyne, calm down and push." The last two medics in the back would be there to help him pull up and spread his legs. With that sufficient amount of room and with the support behind him, it wasn't difficult for Kerry to push down with all of his might to try to get this baby out. His hands gripped tightly to the side of the stretcher, to keep himself from accidentally scooting himself off of his spot.
He wouldn't be able to see anything as it happened. Between the efforts and his large stomach, it just wasn't happening. So all he could do was feel the sharp stings as his baby's body finally made its way out of him. One shoulder, then the other. And with one last push and about ten minutes left until they made it to the hospital, Theodore Nordin-Eurodyne was born.
Hearing the baby's sharp cry, Kerry's eyes opened and watched as the gloved medic picked his son up. Gunk and fluid was promptly suctioned out of his mouth, making his cry clearer. Already he could see, his boy had such dark hair. No surprise there, but it just felt so good to see. His boy. His first boy.
"Give him to me," Kerry begged softly.
"Just a moment," the medic spoke softly. A shiny material was being wrapped around the newborn. A means to keep him warm until they made it to the hospital. Kerry was pretty sure he'd seen something like that on TV at some point in his life. So, he allowed it. 
Finally, once he was covered, Kerry was given his third child. 
Louise was going to be heartbroken, and he already felt so sorry. But god, he was perfect. Poor kid was gonna be all over the screamsheets with him if that asshole posted that vid. He'd take care of it. Kerry would do anything and everything in his power to take care of his little boy.
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Regarding your "Ask the writer"!
I'm a very curious individual, therefore I carefully selected a few off the questions list! To make it more organized I chose #34, 35, 36, 48 and 74 - I apologize if we're only allowed to choose one! IF so, feel free to select whichever one you'd want to answer :)
I also wanted to ask a new question!
As a floating writer myself, I struggle sometimes when I story write certain characters such as Jax Teller, Dean Winchester for example only because I'm so invested into the show, so invested into these guys that writing them in stories can physically make my heart hurt. I don't know how to explain it, but I wondered if you experience the same thing? I know we both share a love for Jax (go best friend💕 ) does writing him in any scenario- In danger, or in pain, or loosing his best friend or leaving the love of his life etc hurt you on the inside? Sorry for the long one but IM SO interested in your response! Eek!
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34. How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
Other than chronic pain, zero. I would say I write the characters to have to same intellectual interests as me just because I find it easy to add background and character shading when I do that. 35. What’s your favorite fic you’ve posted?
I don't have one. To be perfectly honest, I don't think my writing is anywhere near as good as anyone else's. I've done my best to like what I write, having a favourite will take a bit longer. 36. What fic are you proudest of?
The Reaper and the Death Angel I made a whole new universe, it's 60 chapters and I've basically made most characters their own. I'm not proud because I think it's good, I'm proud because of the work that's gone into it.
48.Who is your favorite character to write for?  Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
I don't really have one, it's just who takes my fancy that day.
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
All of them, I've only started to like my writing in the last few weeks. With everything I write, I love it when I'm writing it, hate it the moment it's out then grow to like it as time goes on and I get feedback. I always feel they are silly an unrealistic (most of them are) the plot armour is crazy and the OC/Reader always has all the answers.
As for your extra question;
I do experience the same thing, it's why I write fanfiction. I chose never to put my chapter in situations where there is unresolved pain, they live in my world and in that world, everything turns out alright. It does cause me pain so I don't write it and I'd tell anyone that it's your work, it's what you want and if you want everything to be all sunshine and roses, every situation, no matter how dire, can have a happy ending. If you don't want to put them through anything, don't you do this for free so you can do what you want.
Canon is a motherfucker and it can't sit with us.
Thank you for the asks!!!
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timingmatters · 1 year
Im sorry Billy remembering his daughter by Anya saying she’s afraid to not speak up. Seeing the spirit of his child reflected on such a little girl whose fear stems from something HE did…. Got me crying and im only on like page 3 of chapter 74. Even if anya didn’t mean it like that.
Edit: “i can’t stand by and let my daughter die a second time” like im sobbing actually billy is such an amazing written character and he was just introduced.
A lot of the criticism with spy family is that is mostly family stuff and the major plot is so slow with the spy stuff. But when it hits it hits. This whole arc is so beautifully done bc even through the comedy, Billy’s character is just so well done. Its fast paced but at least I dont feel like its rushed. A man hurt from losing his daughter, and realizing he’s doing the same as those who killed his child. Fuck the government tho.
Edit 2: they really were so okay with shooting anya that a skilled civilian had to step in. Again, fuck the government. The more i read about them the more im with the rebels. I like wise and the garden so far tho (more wise bc the garden is still very muddy). I hope yor doesn’t get tasked with killing billy later on tho. My god, the ending of all this has to be dismantling this gov for a different one.
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nztsume · 2 years
Hello again! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I’ve accumulated quite a list 😅 I have some that I think you’ll definitely be interested in, some maybe a hit or miss and others I don’t remember much anymore but you can still check them out <3 I’ll be updating the list when I find any more that come out, just let me know if you’d like more. I may have to send these in parts, we’ll see how many I can fit in 😅 I start by the story name, then author, chapters/parts, words/estimated reading time, book number, completion/ongoing and the site. :) I’ll start off with my favourites.
Bite Back , scorpiofromspace , 8/? Chapters , 23k+ words , AO3
manslaughter on cherry lane , con_fection , 11/? Chapters , 71k+ words , AO3
Royal Pain || Stranger Things , AintThatDevine , 40 parts , 10h 19m ERT , Book 1 - Complete , Wattpad
Fallout || Stranger Things [2] , AintThatDevine , 35 parts , 11h 33m ERT , Book 2 - Ongoing , Wattpad
TUBULAR! (billy hargrove x reader) , maddiwasnotherelol , 37 parts , 5h 22m ERT , Ongoing , Wattpad
in my dark times , azurevii (orphan_account) , 6/6 chapters , 50k+ words , AO3
Hold Me Now , OopsFanfiction , 2/? Chapters , 77k+ words , AO3 , (now this one is different because it contains a romance with not only Billy but also Steve and Eddie at the same time, I completely get if it isn’t your thing but it was very good and the plot line is amazing, I recommend wholeheartedly :) )
These are now the stories I don’t remember or haven’t read yet, I believe some of them do contain Mature and very explicit content so a warning is in place just incase, (no minors please), but I thought I’d add them just incase you wanted to check them out <3
DONTMAKEMEFALLINLOVE || Billy Hargrove, Stranger Things , billysvendetta , 74 parts , 15h 41m ERT , Complete , Wattpad
Freak Show // Billy Hargrove , 30SecondsToGreatness , 36 parts , 11h 50m ERT , Complete , Wattpad
Gone Girl , snxwscene , 40/40 chapters , 49k+ words , AO3
TURBO LOVER -{Billy Hargrove x Reader}- , MKing28 , 52 parts , 1d 1h ERT , Ongoing , Wattpad
Stranger Love [Billy Hargrove] , LadeyJezzabella , 26 parts , 4h 45m ERT , Complete , Wattpad
PANDEMONIUM [2] > BILLY HARGROVE , murphy-trash , 27 parts , 7h 27m ERT , Complete , Wattpad ,(this story does have a book 3, however book 1 was paired with Jonathan, endgame is Billy :) )
Royal Pain and Fallout are books which definitely go onto season 4, past season 3 with Billy, 100% an au. Hold Me Now is also intended on Billy Surviving :).
I hope these are good and I take no offense if these aren’t your thing. I know you didn’t want anything all about sex but I believe some in the second section contain a lot of it, I’m not 100% certain. The first section ones are hands down my favourites right now and I think are exactly what you are looking for. I’d love to hear your opinion on them, I hope this helped some way, it took a while to put together 😭.
Sincerely FanFicRec Anon ~ <3
God I hope this sends.
NOOOO YOURE SO SWEET THIS IS A WHOLE ASS LIST!!!! THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!! they all sound so good im gonna have a feast this week LMFAOOOO i cant believe how sweet u (and u guys!!!) are T_T honestly the thing is that i never really read character x oc/reader fics so im interested but like i dont wanna be weirded out of a really good story bc of the whole y/n thing thats rly the only cause why i said it LOL but these sound so cool!!!!! im definitely going to be reading them and ill keep u updated on my thoughts LMFAOO (i guess ill tag them as 'st fics' in here coz idk how else u could be able to find them T_T)
i cant believe this, billy stans kinda rock wtf <3<33 thank u soo much again aaaaa <3<3<3<3
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