#im tagging everything in case someone blacklists one of the characters
charmanderdiyoza · 6 years
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the 100 + instagram au.
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markets · 3 years
so twitter is here now huh
welcome! twitter is hell so glad to have you guys. im doing the same thiing everyone else is doing, tumblr advice for new people under the cut, if you dont feel like reading it all the most important things are in bold (click keep reading):
- since its relevant, if a post is very long use one of those things ^ so that its more comfortable for people scrolling! its the one on the right below. theres no character limit on here so please use this when necessary lol
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- reblogging stuff you like is important, especially art and writing! thats really the only way to push content on here and the like to rb ratio on mcytblr tends to be terrible so its very appreciated. if you REALLY like it you can leave nice comments in the reply section or in the tags as well! people appreciate them a lot :] if you want to rb something but dont want it appearing on your blog right now, theres a little arrow next to the post button and if you click on it, you’ll get the option to queue the post, meaning it appears on your blog later (you can adjust exactly when in the queue settings, found under the little profile icon)
- you can choose how private you want to be. ive seen so many people be like “dont say your name. dont say your age. dont make an intro post.” or “put your entire medical history in your carrd” but i feel like you can choose how you want to present yourself on here! you dont have to say anything about yourself if you want, or you can make a fun intro post/carrd with the things you like, or you can just say your name (or moniker), whether youre a minor or not, and pronouns, or anything else! its up to you, and here you dont really have to worry about getting doxxed so. obviously dont give out your address or anything but yeah :]
- ^kind of going off what i just said, if you want friends on here, you can make an intro/looking for mutuals post and put your interests in the tag section! thats how i found lots of my mutuals. honestly just use the tags in general, because its the only way to get your posts out there other than rbs and its much better than speaking into the void. dont put tags unrelated to the post itself though, people dont really like it. tumblr prioritizes the first 5 tags on a post ive heard, so be mindful of that, especially if youre an artist or writer!
- on the subject of tags, if youre going to critique a dsmp character, feel free to do so, just tag it appropriately! for example, if youre making a post that criticizes c!philza, tag it as #c!philza critical. also, please dont tag dsmp/mcyt posts as mine//craft or mine//blr (censoring it so it doesnt appear in the search), people who just want to hear about the game dont appreciate it. also, please dont tag or1gin smp (censoring again) for posts about the hybrid smp with tommy, ranboo, tubbo, etc because an active fandom already uses that tag, use osmp instead :]
- discourse isnt really common on here, but if youre going to talk about it, tag it as #discourse so that people can blacklist it. oh yeah i forgot to talk about that, you can blacklist tags in settings, which is great for triggers or anything you just dont want to see. id suggest blacklisting all forms of whatever the tag is (for example, dont just blacklist #tw gore, blacklist #gore tw, #gore cw, #cw gore, and #gore as well). lots of blogs (like mine) operate on an ask to tag basis, meaning that if you send them an ask asking to tag a specific thing, they will!
- speaking of asks, people love them! ive never met someone who doesnt like getting an ask, regardless of how random it is. if you like someones content or want to be their friend, feel free to send an ask, anonymous or not! i think this goes without saying but just in case, sending anon hate is heavily frowned upon, its kind of a pussy move as well tbh so dont do it
- other than the occasional weirdo mcytblr/dsmpblr is pretty chill, so try not to start fights in main tags for no reason lol please i dont want to have to migrate to linkedin or some shit. if you see something you dont like, the best move is to just block them and move on. literally just block anyone you dont like itll make everything so much more pleasant i promise. however if you do want to start a fight my asks are always open <3333
overall, just dont be an asshole and have fun!! here are some blogs id recommend following: 
mine lol pls give me clout, @relaxxationattack, @cyani07, @night-and-dae, @otteritos, @esclapo, @periwinklemoonlight, @minecraftsz, @timedeo, @poorlydrawndsmp, @tittybitch, @lnniter​​, @girlbossinnit,​ @trickszie​ (if youre on here we’re mutuals and/or i think you’re really cool so hiiii)
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hollywoodfamerp · 3 years
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Hey Famers,
This is going to be a notice about a few things so please do take the time to read through everything.
MEMES: the admin team has discussed it over and we have decided that until further notice we will not allow meme’s in the group. We know this may make some upset, especially to those who actually play the game fairly, but it’s simply out of the admin teams control. We have tried everything we could think of, which we will list right here:
Memes posted on the main (anon function allowed)
Memes posted on the main (anon function off)
Memes posted on the main and strikes given out to those who didn’t participate (resulted in no one reblogging memes when posted)
Members post memes (anon function allowed)
Members post memes (anon function off)
Members post memes (one FC per mun)
Members post memes (24 hour wait to send out asks)
Members post memes (24 hour wait to send out asks and one FC per mun)
Nothing has worked so far. Whether it’s people being unfair and not sending out asks, people not happy with the asks they actually are receiving, people being upset that they keep getting asked the same thing, people getting upset when asks aren’t what they want - it’s an endless amount of concerns that the team simply cannot control. If any of our members can think of options to help this meme situation - we’re all ears and open to listen to your suggestions! Please know, we know for a fact this isn’t just an issue in Fame but always has been an issue in the RPC for as long as we can remember. We’re just running out of ideas here on how to make people play fairly. So until we come up with a new solution (again, please message us if you have one!) then memes will be paused until further notice.
PRIVATE EVENTS: If you’d like to reserve a date when there’s a private event happening, just send the main an IM and tell us which date you’d like to reserve for your event and we’ll gladly reserve it for you! We ask that you be courteous and message whoever has the date first to see if it’s okay with them based on invites in case anything overlaps. This is something we will ask that you did before we give you the date. The only time this doesn’t apply is during the birth of a child or if the private event is only taking up one day. Private events have always been allowed in the roleplay and in real life these type of events (ex: birthday parties, bach parties, weddings) can in fact be private and not open to 200+ people. We allow people to post aesthetics all the time for other events and just because an event is private doesn’t mean the same can’t be done. Whether it be a wedding, regular party, child’s party or a bachelor/bachelorette party - it is up to the muns prerogative on how they wish to conduct their events. In the past we’ve had members throw the following private events: house warming parties, birthday trips, bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, pool parties and private weddings just to name a few. Please also note that our members try their best to space out their event posts over the course of the day so the dash won’t be clogged with those posts, but if you’d like to make sure to keep it off your dash, then please blacklist the hashtag that’s most of the time being used for these type of private events. 
CONDOLENCES POSTS: Condolences posts if a celebrity has passed away ARE allowed. So long as a player is not using the death as a plot device or character development - then saying that you miss someone and making a post that acknowledges their life, legacy or a publicly known friendship is allowed. We do ask that you use the proper trigger tags (ex: tw: celeb name who passed away) to ensure everyone’s comfort.
REPLYING: Please make sure you are keeping up to date with your replies. Leaving things in your drafts and being active on your FC for other threads isn’t a nice feeling for those waiting. If you drafted up replies and never got to them - message the muns and ask if it would be okay to start up something new. Please remember that no one can be responsible for your FC except for you. Famers, if anyone has not replied to you but you see them active on the dash for others please message us so we can reach out on the admin teams end. We will look into to see if the mun is on a hiatus/coming off a hiatus to remain fair as well as get the other side of the story. We will never jump to an assumption that someone is ignoring another on purpose without hearing from all sides.
CHARACTER HOGGING: The admin team is going to be cracking down on this a bit more now. If you are on activity checks often/consistently for either a warning or unfollow, we will start to ask people to drop roles to ensure that you can build your activity up before taking on another role again. We’ve noticed people have gotten really lax with this and it’s starting to become an issue with people holding roles for weeks with no posts (just a few plot calls) but constantly reclaiming. Please note that you can always ask for a hiatus if you need it!
CONTENT CREATORS: We’ve recently ran into a situation with a content creator (in this case a gif creator) placing rules on their gifs to not be used in roleplays. We ask that our members please be respectful of these content creators requests. At the end of the day, they made the graphics and are entitled to how they want their work to be used. Please also give credit when credit should be given (ex: manip posts). Should you need help in finding other gif hunts or graphics that does not have these kind of rules in place send the admin team a message and we will absolutely do our best to try and help you find some!
RESPECT: Please remember that at the end of the day to respect everyone in the roleplay. We are all real people behind these computer screens and not actually the celebrity/celebrities we play. If you are taking the time to be rude in any manner to anyone about roleplay, we ask that you please take a step back and remember that this is all fake. None of this is real (even if it’s based on real life) - from plots, to ships, to where the celeb is in the game. Be kind to one another always, respect everyone’s time and effort and have open communication with people. Use roleplay as what it is meant for - a creative escape that is supposed to be fun. The second it feels too much, please come speak to us and we will help you and give you options. Whether it be a different character development route, a restart, switching - we are here to help!
Please like this notice so we know you’re all up to date.
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Why, hello there! Thanks for all the follows everyone! I was just gone for a week so I’m very surprised to see my blog grew so much hhhhh-----
SO! I apologize in advance that this post is looking very bland but I didn’t had the time to edit any banners qwq. Anyways, as you can see in the title, I’ll be making a sleepover party! The time will start from today, Saturday 22 August 9:15 pm until Sunday 23 August 3:30 pm (PHST- Philippines Standard Time) (to anyone wondering, no im not a filipino, we just have the same timezone :))
- Just as the name suggests, we’ll babble together! Just scream anything you want in my inbox, anonymously or not; e.g. fangirl about stuff you like, tell me about your self-ship, ask anything about my works, tell me about yourself, or if you also want to ask anything about me :D! Anything and everything is welcomed! JUST INTERACT WITH ME PLEASE. (Except for nsfw or hate talk obviously 😖)
- For this one, I’ll be making quick sketches for any character you ask for! Whether you want it to be them interacting with you, or just them eating or doing something else! Or in case anyone wants an angst, that’s very much welcomed too *cough*hanahakihehe*cough*(*cough* or maybe them in glasses *cough*)(Nothing too hard though, i’m not a pro qwq) REALLY, anything and everything is accepted! Reminder that these are sketches I’ll be doing in my sketchbook, so it’s all in traditional art. (because it’s faster and I actually prefer drawing on paper than on my phone---) I’ll be doing everyone or everything from the fandoms I’ve listed in my rules for requesting post (it’s in my navigation for anyone wondering)! ONE EXCEPTION, HOWEVER! Is the fandom Haikyuu! I can draw the characters you want, but I don’t know all of them so to avoid anything ooc, please give a bit of specifics or their characteristics if you wanna request for them! My art isn’t the best though so please don’t expect anything too high---
- It’s quite similar to the one above, but this one is more specific. Request any character that you want as vines or memes or incorrect quotes! I’ve been into them lately after watching lots of tbhk vines on youtube hehe... These will also be in traditional art, so I can’t really insert the original audio (if they have it) but I will put the dialogues. Since this is an x reader blog, it would be preferable if you request anything that has a reader insert in it, but if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine too! AND IF YOU WANT TO USE THE CASTS FOR MY SMAUS THAT WOULD BE SO APPRECIATED HHH---)
- If anyone doesn’t know, requests are open--- There’s currently 2 requests pending so please send them in if you have any qwq Make sure to read the rules first though!
- If anyone wants to interact with me using my persona, it’s very much welcomed! Please specify though, since this one is different than [ CUTIES BABBLES ] since while you’ll still interact with me(cause it’s my persona) for this one, I’ll be using doodles (traditionally) to interact with you! To anyone that doesn’t know how my persona looks, here’s their forms!
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The first picture is the one I used most, since it’s easier to draw. She’s the more passive and calm Hikari, but once she loses her shit, it’s the end of the world. The second picture is the more active and dumbass Hikari. She’s very chaotic and reckless. To differentiate both hikaris, just refer to active hikari as P! Hikari (p stands for ponytail) The short haired boy is basically the genderbent version of Hikari, but he doesn’t have a name as of yet. I said genderbent, but he acts more like someone who constantly fighting or arguing with P! Hikari (also a bit of a caretaker for her). He’s basically tired of her shit.
- Basically any sleepover game you wanna play with me! Kiss marry kill, would you rather, which character would, and anything else! Please, I’m trying to make this a fun sleepover.
These are all I could offer you! I’m sorry that this event looks so boring, since it has no theme, but since this one was rushed, I can’t help it. I just want to interact more with my followers so please excuse this one. I’ll do a better one for another milestone event. Also, this event is quite short since well, it was rushed, but I hope there’s at least one person who participated in it.
Once again, thank you very very much to all of my followers. Who would’ve guessed I’d reach 450 followers right? I guess people do grow. I appreciate all of your likes, reblogs, and comments on my stuff. They really make me happy and I’m so glad you enjoyed my content, if just a bit. I hope to be able to interact with all of you more in the future! Thank you again! ☺ If this flopped, just forget this ever happened---
If anyone don’t want to see this event, just blacklist the tag [ #hikari’s 450 sleepover!! ]
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literaphobe · 5 years
hi michelle! so want to start saying that i identify as bi and honestly, I would LOVE it if jake was bi. I think it'd be great. But i'm also okay if he's not, bc how cool is it that they're allowing a man to break down traditional gender norms/roles! i think one of the greatest parts of loving a show like b99 is that it lets us escape the 'real world' for twenty minutes every week. and that means something different for every person watching the show. 1
SO while i believe you are entitled to your own opinions, and you can share them on your blog bc it's yours, i don't think its fair to invite people to share their opinions but shut down anyone who feels differently than you. for example, you said to someone who said they didn't care if jake was bi that you hope they 'get well soon'. also, you posted saying that if bi people didnt want jake to be bi then they're wrong. im sorry but thats really hurtful. you dont get to decide how people think 2
just bc someone feels differently than you doesnt make their feelings less valid, ESPECIALLY someone who identifies as lgbt+. you run a popular blog and it makes me sad to think people might feel their opinions are less valid or wrong bc they see it here. again, im not saying you cant have opinions or post them. but maybe just think about how your words can affect others. also saying this off anon bc i respect you and am open to having a conversation. Thanks for reading, hope u have a good day
hi. thank you for ur mannerly tone and for having the courage to go off-anon.
mlm/bi representation will always be more important than ‘straight man comfortable with his sexuality’. while i am not saying that straight men in media shouldn’t be portrayed as comfortable in their sexualities, the stance that it’s okay to take away representation from people in the lgbt community as long as we have Good Hets is harmful, and it gives people in the tv/movie industries a cop out. they don’t have to give us more lgbt characters! straight characters who Know What’s Up are good enough to make them seem woke and avoid criticism! and whether you’re comfortable with this happening as an lgbt has nothing to do with it. we have to hold the media accountable, we can’t just settle for less. whether you want to watch b99 uncritically or not is entirely up to you. i get that it’s exhausting to analyze the media content you consume! i more than understand just wanting to escape and not ask for more! it’s tiring! it’s draining! it’s disappointing, it hurts so much and it gets so so lonely. but we can’t just let the world stagnate. progress needs to be made constantly, and shows can’t be made to feel like they can just do one or two good things and not be expected to do anything else! i’m not asking you to fight for this, i just want the acknowledgement that this is the right thing to do
i didn’t exactly... invite anyone to say anything. i truly am just sending my thoughts out into the void. and yes, i am aware that my words reach a wider audience because i have a larger than average follower count. of course i know my words can affect others. that’s what i’m trying to do. aside from getting thoughts out my brain, i want to promote a less passive line of thinking. i want lgbt folk to want better for themselves. unfortunately, because words and actions have responses, people will climb into my inbox and start conversations that i inevitably have to take part in (sometimes i don’t though. it really depends on where my head’s at that day. having to discuss this repeatedly is draining). most of the time, i’m just making a statement
i don’t particularly enjoy “shutting down people who feel differently from me”. usually, if i’ve done that, i really am tired because i’ve likely discussed and explained numerous times whatever it is the person who got shut down said to me. i might also come off as mean-spirited or perhaps aggressive if i know some anon is just trying to pick a fight/spew hate at me. if you don’t understand where i’m coming from/don’t believe why having an opposing stance is harmful (this might vary depending on the issue), i am (given i have energy that day) more than willing to elaborate on whatever it is i say here. if i say stuff like ‘get well soon!’ it is a tired response to something i have already covered in depth and i am making some semblance of a joke to deflect/put a lid on the stuff i really want to say (likely because i have already said it) 
i never said that bi people who didn’t want jake to be bi were wrong. i was trying to get them to think deeper and explore why they don’t want that. being lgbt sometimes means that we allow and normalize a lot of unfair treatment. we think that we have it good enough so we decide not to ask for more, to settle. and i will never blame any lgbt for falling victim to this line of thought. we were brought up to think this way, we were conditioned to think this way. acceptance does not equal inclusion, and sadly many of us are so grateful for the acceptance that we do not bother to even think about having inclusion. or, better inclusion, for that matter. of course, it is definitely not up to me to decide how anyone thinks. i’m just trying to convince you! very desperately. but if you don’t agree no matter what i say then what can i do? it’s your life. it doesn’t affect me much in the grand scheme of things. i’m not going to hate you for disagreeing. i’m not going to sic the dogs on you. am i going to be kind of annoyed if someone walks into my inbox, turns on anon, and hurls insults at me? yes, that’s hurtful, and it’s kind of funny sometimes depending on how dumb you sound, but it’s mostly tiring and a lot of pain. so like... read, if u don’t like it, move on, if your well-being is drastically affected from reading the things i say, i’ll tag it so you can blacklist 
the sad thing is, being a member of the lgbt community doesn’t automatically make your opinions on lgbt issues valid/unproblematic. internalized homophobia exists. things i described in the point above can lead to this. just because a bi person says ‘im bi! and i don’t care/don’t think bi jake is important!’ doesn’t mean that suddenly, there is no need for him to be canonically bi, that we aren’t being queerbaited/pandered to by the show. do i think that the show is intentionally/heinously queerbaiting us? not exactly. but lack of awareness and lacking understanding on why bi-coding jake w no intention to make it canon is just as harmful bc it produces the same result (in jake’s case)
once again, i don’t intend for people to feel “less valid/wrong” when they read what i have to say on this blog. self-reflection is important. sometimes, people have opinions that are wrong! including myself! which is why more often than not i think deeply into the things people say to me here and consider whether my opinion holds up. you don’t have to feel bad for being wrong. we are all constantly wrong on stuff. everyone, at some point, has had a bad take/the wrong take on something. if you hold yourself up to this standard that you must always be right or you are suddenly a horrible person/must feel bad and demoralized, i suggest that you change your approach to issues such as this. i hate to say this but it is not my job to make sure everyone is 100% cool and chill about everything i do and say here. some things need to be said. some things need to be acknowledged. i’m sorry if any of you have been hurt/upset by anything i’ve ever posted but after a certain point... that is your issue and not mine 
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diamcndhearts · 4 years
Oh shit, can I rant real quick about something that happened like a year or two ago?
Obviously this didn't happen on this blog and this isn't about anyone around here bc this happened in a fandom rpc. Anyway, so there was a person who had approached me about roleplaying, and being the person I am, I was like sure, we both wrote canon characters and our characters know each other and were often shipped together, so we also discussed shipping. I knew that this person also interacted with a few of my mutuals, especially a select few who all wrote the same character and were all friends of mine at that point. So, as I'm talking to this person, I notice a really weird vibe from them, even through IMs and dash. They had a thing about parenting and asked me to tag mentions of it so they could blacklist it, which seemed weird since my character was very parental and that stuff would come up a lot in my blog, but I was like okay sure, no problem. They also asked me to tag a ship they didn't like that involved their muse, and again I was like that's fine, a lot of people don't like the ship, it seemed pretty forced in canon anyway. Still, our interactions were tense on my part, bc I just felt weird about this guy and I had no idea why. I noticed that one of my friends (friend A) had gone on a hiatus, and when she came back months later she talked to me about some stuff, school stuff and her mental health. I think she also warned me interacting with the other guy. Around the same time, I had established a discord group with a few of my mutuals, but it only included people with muses in a select group in canon. Around that time, someone else (friend B) had mentioned that they were having issues with another roleplayer, that this other roleplayer got angry bc friend B had rejected shipping with them but then had gone and shipped with friend C who played the same muse as angry roleplayer. Most people in the discord were like yikes, who is this person and should we avoid them? But friend B was like no, I'm not gonna put them on blast and whatnot, but ask me privately if you really wanna know. So, me remembering my conversation with friend A, I messaged friend B and asked if the person was who I thought it was, and they confirmed that yes, it was Guy. Now at this point, I've been in contact with a few other friends, again people who had the same muse as friend A, and they also had iffy things to say about Guy over here. So now I'm like Yikes! Once again, I talk to friend A. Well, she contacted me first bc she was freaking out and scared. She told me she was deleting her blog and quitting roleplaying bc Guy was stalking her. She didn't know how or why, but somehow he'd found out what school she goes to, which in turn meant he knew what state and city she lived in. He stalked her bc he was afraid that she was someone else who had previously stalked him before. She also said she was deactivating her discord bc he could contact her through there, but she messaged me through her personal blog so we could talk if needed, in case she ever came back to roleplaying. Now, friends D, E and F were partially aware of the situation. some of them had even received messages from Guy asking about friend A disappearing, why she blocked him, why she deleted, why whatever. They didn't know the whole story and told him they didn't know, but then relayed that information to me and friend A. Since they were trusted mutuals and friends and played the same muse as friend A, I asked A if I could give them the warning and if she was okay with me telling them what he'd done to her. She said yes, so I told them. Again, responses were major yikes and we all decided to block or softblock and remove ourselves from that potentially toxic situation. Everything seemed to settle down for a bit, and then like a week or so later, Guy started confronting people about being blocked. Other people sided with Guy and were posting a whole lot of shit about how some group (me and friends, though I don't think they ever mentioned who we were) were jerks for following a hive mind mentality and blocking Guy. I'm pretty sure one of Guy's friends even messaged me to be like "what the fuck " about blocking Guy. I don't remember what my response was honestly. After a while, things finally died down, friend A remade her blog, but eventually left again. Her personal is also deactivated, unfortunately, but the last time I talked with her, she seemed to be doing good, just stressed over her senior year at college. I do hope she's still okay.
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terra-writes · 5 years
Blog FAQ
Figured I would set one of these up this time around! If I make any additions or edits to this I’ll make a post letting you guys know! 
You’ve said “Terra” is just the name you go by online, so can we know your real name?
Simply put? No. My real name is incredibly unique and I would rather keep my online life and real life as separate as I can since where I live, fic writing is largely frowned upon. Also, I’m probably going to explain this bad, but I was told if I wanted to get published I’d have to delete all my fics or write under a different name so there was no crossover between the two. I choose instead to write my fic under a different name to save myself some trouble later on. To those that have learned my real name, I ask that you please don’t spread it around.
What is your general activity like on this blog?
Well last November I started a job where I work a standard 40 hour week. I’m generally away from home from 11am to about 9pm 5 days a week. I do have a pretty set schedule, so for now I’m always off Mondays and Fridays. This blog isn’t my main one, so the only times I’m online and able to check it, is when I’m at home and on my laptop. So except for the days that I’m off, I’ll likely only ever be online in the evenings. If I go to post a work, I’ll likely always schedule it to post between 12 and 1pm the following day.
What is your timezone?
I live in, and operate out of US Central Time. If you don’t quite know how much to add/subtract, the United states is divided into 4 timezones: Eastern time is one hour ahead of me, Mountain Time is one hour behind, and Pacific Time is 2 hours behind me. I don’t quite know how to calculate it for overseas timezones but if people send in the calculations for their timezone I can always edit them in here.
What is your uploading schedule like?
I can’t really say I have one. Every time I’ve tried to keep to one It hasn’t always worked out for me for some reason or another. 
How does your tagging system operate?
I always try to keep the tags as relevant and to the point as possible, since tumblr has a limited amount of tags you can add to a post. Here is a small list of what I will tag:
Characters with a significant relevance/presence to the current plot. I might not tag certain characters if they show up in a work if their plot relevance was minor/they only spoke like once in the entire thing to save space.
The fandom
The type of work (Headcanon, ask game, etc. This might be combined with he above bullet point ex: “mha headcanons”)
if the work is fluff, angst, nsfw. Side note, my nsfw tag for this blog will be the word “sin” so works would be tagged with “mha sin” or “haikyuu sin” and things like that.
If the work is part of a series, I will tag the name of it.
If the work involves any oc’s of mine, I will tag their name like I would any other character.
If I reblog a work from someone else, I will try to include all the tags they used as well as what type of work it is, such as “AU,” “reader insert,” “oc story,” etc. Reblogged works will always contain the tag “other people’s writing”
I will always try to tag trigger warnings/any potential triggering content. However, if I run out of space in the tags, all potentially triggering content will always be listed at the top of the work in bold. And all content of the work will always be below a “read more.” If there is anything you want me to tag/list at the top of my work. Please DM or send in an ask letting me know what content you want me to provide additional warnings for. I will never purposefully not tag a trigger, so if a work I’ve posted is missing a tag, please notify me as soon as you notice it so I can add it!
Writing will always be tagged with “terra writes” while almost every other kind of post will be tagged with “terra says.” This includes asks, announcements, updates, etc. I don’t recommend blacklisting the “terra says” tag, but most of the time other types of posts will be tagged with an additional secondary tag (update time, answered asks, poll time) So if you don’t want to see specific types of posts like polls, I would recommend blacklisting the “poll time” tag instead of the “terra says” tag.
You didn’t tag x trigger in your story/Can you please tag x in stories going forward?
Of course! If I forgot to tag something/tagged something wrong, please notify me! I often use the New X-Kit tag bundle extension and don’t always remember to delete a tag or include one. I’m only human and am prone to making mistakes even when trying to be as diligent as possible! I am also aware that people can have very different triggers, and I’m not always aware of what may or may not be a trigger. So if there’s something you want me to tag, send me an ask! I’ll always tag thins as “cw: <insert trigger>” 
Also please don’t ever assume I’m purposefully not tagging a trigger. Sometimes I genuinely miss putting the tag in/didn’t know the story needed it included.
Do you have a tag list?
Not currently! If you’re interested in being added please feel free to send me an ask or IM letting me know if you just wanted to be tagged in stuff involving a certain character, fandom, type of writing (drabble/headcanon), or series or any combination. I’ll keep a list in my drafts of the usernames and what you want to be tagged in. If you ever want to be removed, you’ll have to send me an ask letting me know.
What fandoms are you in?/What fandoms will you write for?
You can find a complete list of fandoms that I will write for here!
However, there are a few other fandoms I’m in that I just don’t feel like writing for. Those include: DC comics (mainly Young Justice), Pokemon, and Attack on Titan. I’m probably forgetting some, so I’ll update this list as I remember them. If you want to know if I’m in a fandom/will write for one, please send me an ask!
Do you write m/m, w/w, nonbinary, different ethnicities, etc?
Yes! If I’m writing a reader-insert story, I always try to keep the reader as gender-neutral and vague as possible unless something is specifically ask of me in the request itself. However to some degree I take liberties with the background of the reader. I will often make up a family situation, living arrangement etc. Again if there is anything specific about the reader you want me to include, please let me know. 
In the case of sin, I always default to a female gender/parts since that is what I am most familiar with. If you would like it to be non-specified/male parts/etc. you will need to tell me in the request itself.
Can I get a shout out?
You can! There’s absolutely 0 things wrong with asking for one and don’t let other people make you feel like shit for it. I know it can be hard starting a blog and getting your name out there, especially after the most recent updates which make it even harder for works to show up in the tumblr search function. This is why reblogging people’s works is even more important now than it had been in the past. I’m more than willing to give your blog a shout out if you need it! Feel free to send me an ask off anon from the blog, send an IM so I can make a post with the blog’s name, or even just ask me to reblog a story I liked from your blog. 
Do you have any Fic/Blog recs?
I’m pretty terrible about having the time to go and read as much fic as I used to be able to do, so I can’t really promote many other blogs than one’s I’ve already been following for a while/blogs of friends. Maybe one day that will change and I hope it does but as of right now I don’t think I’d be able to put together a very good list for people.
Do you write Dark Content?
I do not! However, this doesn’t mean I’m on a crusade against writers that do. As long as the people who write content like that keep everything tagged so that people who don’t want to read it, can skip over it, I literally do not care what they write about. But on a personal level, I do not want to write content like that, so I will not write or reblog dark content works on this blog.
If any dark content blog want to interact with my blog/works, they can do so. Just because I choose not to engage in dark content does not mean I am going to bar people that do from reading/interacting with my works if they enjoy it. I do ask that any dark content writers don’t reblog/reply to any nsfw posts of mine and add dark content to them.
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tartareus · 5 years
the blog:
here you will find my rules; please make sure you read them. should any doubts arise, don’t hesitate to hmu and ask about them.
I.  this is an independent multifandom multimuse roleplaying blog for various muses from many franchises. as stated pretty much everywhere in this blog, my interpretation of my muses is mine alone; although i try to keep it as close to the canon source material as i possibly can, there will be cases in which i will diverge from it &&  take a whole new turn with the characters, hence why it is mandatory that you read each file.
     I.I.  please, do not reblog my headcanons/solos/metas. as much as i love seeing how people might like them, they are not for public use.      I.II.  i simply love duplicates ! i try to consider them as friends, however i will never push an interaction with someone; that being said, if you are a duplicate of any of my characters, let me know if you are down to interact with my version of the character, the possibilities are endless and i cannot wait to interact with you.
II. the standard roleplaying etiquette applies to this blog — basically? don’t be a jerk. hate, godmodding, forced ships, ooc drama and other shit like that are highly frowned upon here. 
    II.I. i acknowledge that i may write dark/toxic topics every now and then, and i try my best to do so as respectfully as i can. please, if something ( anything ) on my blog triggers you/disgusts you/annoys you/makes you uncomfortable let me know and i will create a special tag so you can easily block it.     II.II. i have received hate for writing fictional things that are deemed as dark and i will not stand for it any longer. i am extremely shy but  i will always  prefer to talk in private rather than vague post about someone, it is only fair i receive the same courtesy.
the mun: 
you can call me nox, short for noxtromun. i used to go by another pen name that i no longer feel it suits me. although i was born ( and usually identify myself as ) female, i prefer they/them pronouns. i have been roleplaying for over 7 years and as of now i am in my early 20s and live on the countryside of brazil. that being said, if you are a fellow brazilian/portuguese speaker and want to write in portuguese with me, hmu --- i will be delighted.
III.  be aware that  usually do not interact too much oocly  — i’m a mun with social anxiety and it’s really hard for me to connect with people, no matter how much i want to, both irl and online. if, for whatever reason you might have, you want to know more about the queer behind this blog, please check my author’s note page.
   III.I. also, for personal reasons that i’d rather not say, certain plots i will only roleplay with close friends of mine; people i trust and that i care for. the point is, all you need to know about me, check the mun page.
IV. i try to tag everything — really. triggering themes WILL be found here and shall be tagges as “ tw; triggering example” and nsfw will be tagged as “ nsfw ” so you can easily blacklist these tags and not see them. if you’d like me to tag smth for you, feel free to approach me via IMs or ASK.
V. unless asked otherwise, all asks will be published. if you’re messaging me for plots, i encourage you to do so via IMs.
shipping && smut: 
as most people here, i too enjoy some shipping and, occasionally, smut. if you are interested in shipping with me please, respect these rules and be honest, contrary to most people i do not mind if someone approaches me for  a ship; just keep in mind some character development will be necessary.
VI.  i am a ship hoarder— HONESTLY ! but that doesn’t mean this blog focuses only on that. chemistry is your best friend.     VI. I. most of my muses are either bi or pan  — ‘boundaries’ of gender are nothing here       VI. I.II.  however, when a charater is listed as gay/lesbian or straight, please respect that. do not push a ship on me.        VI. I.III. although most muses are of age, some are not and therefore shipping will most likely to happen in their older verses — that are in fact my default ones so yeah.   VI. II. if you want to ship our muses, please, don’t hesitate to ask. i probably want too.       VI. II.I.  feel free to send me a shippy meme — even if we haven’t written before. i love memes, do send them. 
VII. if you feel uncomfortable/troubled with fictional  incestuous /  consanguinamory / toxic and/or unhealthy ships then this might not the right blog for you.    VII. I. i acknowledge that by writing such relationships i may trigger some people, so here’s your warning. LET IT BE KNOWN that i, by NO MEANS condone such things irl  — i just am an adult that is very capable of separating fiction from reality.     VII. I.II.  as a general rule of this blog, i encourage you to unfollow/block me if whatever fictional work here offends you; basically, IF YOU DON’T LIKE A CERTAIN CONTENT, DO NOT CONSUME IT. 
VIII. it should go without saying but no, NO SMUT WILL BE ROLEPLAYED WITH MUNS / MUSES THAT ARE UNDERAGE. pls, don’t lie about your age, i’ll be mad af.   VIII. I. no, there are NO exceptions of this rule.
interactions, formatting edits && speed:
as most of you, i have a life outside this hellsite. that being said, do not expect me to be around everyday,all day, 24/7. roleplay is a hobbie, not a job or an obligation, keep this in mind.
IX. i am SUPER friendly — honestly. i’m just too shy. please, don’t ever feel anxious before approaching me ( ic or ooc ) interacting with me is easy ; i’m here to have fuN.   IX. I.  yes, if you’re an oc i’ll rp with you, i love ocs / mumus / female muses. come @ me and lemme love you ; but only if you provide enough information about your muse/s.   IX. II.   i don’t care much about formatting - all i do is lowercase, small font and icons i made - but if you do, fine! as long as i can read it, i’m cool with anything.
X. i am an extremely SLOW REPLIER; i’m sorry, but i promise i’ll be on as much as i can. i’ll never pressure you to reply and expect you to return the favour. if i ever need to drop a thread, i’ll IM you. every now and then, i like to make edits and sometimes i am not in the mood for writing.
i make my own icons, using the lovely psds of @kingsleigh and border. some of my edits are ok to reblog, others are not, i will always let you know if thats the case.
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cutemoniic · 7 years
☠ ♥ ♦ ♢
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
a) not tag stuff at all and share frequent untagged gore expecially eye one (side blogs/vents/goreblogs are okay, i can just unfollow if i see something disturbing)b) not tag peoples urls, so i cannot blacklist or avoid them, but this isnt necessary most of the times so dw!!c) frequently bringing up ooc drama on my dash. nnn...o thank youd) often (around five times is enough to piss me off for sure) provoke my muse and never getting around the consequences aka not having read my rules and/or refusing to plot this particular thing out. again: im open to ooc communication and if youre not comfortable with it we can work a way around, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD: CONTACT MEe) be a jerkwad to everyone f) interact with tumblr user v//om//it///spi//ll aka my ex moirail despite knowing what happened between us and how much it stressed me out, even bringing me to the brink of suicide. i wont stop you from interacting with them, but if you do then i strongly suggest that you unfollow (and possibly block) me and never try to interact with me again both icly and oocly. i will not answer you. there are a few exceptions that im making and those are enough.
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
me feeling paranoid over unanswered threads. there isnt a rp thing that genuinely scarred me up until now, just made me feel very annoyed??? i can start one with a simple: someone my muse was close with and developing a relationship not being able to ''take me messaging them too much'' but being more than able to take everyone elses messages, incredibly. obviously one of their friends pursued me to ask me to stop contacting them despite them never telling me anything of all sort of making me feel like i was a problem and needing to back off (and thats where i got bitter. why not communicating with me yourself? why using messengers???), we meddled things after i apologized and stuff was well for a while, but suddendly they pulled another 360° and WHAMMM blocked off their blogs and skype, calling me a stalker when i didnt even messaged them on their skype again and lived in anxiety of disturbing them and only liking some of their posts to let them see that i was here, still. they made a long reply shit talking me to an anon and im just... lol. if you cannot communicate well you shouldnt punish people for that. even after that, all of my rp partners are HELLA okay with me messaging them even when offline to tell them silly headcanons or leaving them affections so definitely: the problem wasn't me there, so idc. glad that theyre gone anyway! i retconnected everything just in case.
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
someone repeteatedly trying to spark ic drama that was unplanned and unwanted to try and ruin sims reputation, didnt showed proofs so it wasnt a matter that i dwelled too much in. people are still rping with me as far as i know, so?
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
yup, and theyre still reported on my blog for that. i genuinely cannot stand people who do that. i can understand that not having to plan anything for your oc and having them made entirely by leeching off someone elses headcanons/way of dressing/characters trait is easy, but it's HORRIBLE and it puts rpers in a very, very bad position. i stopped feeling guilty about confronting them when they faked a panic attack just to get away from the situation and to not admit of them being copycats. im still bitter over this, but i recently got told that they deactivated, so maybe the lesson finally went through!
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