#inside this world of horror and devastation this poor girl is living in (god. no wonder she's so broken!)
lucy-ghoul · 3 months
wow, mockingjay was. much more violent and gory than i remembered
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enbiart · 3 years
Delinquent kel at the party Aubrey took him to?
HELLO I FINALLY FUCKING WROTE SOMETHING. yes this is written instead of drawn out. a bitch needs to break out of xyr writers block.
i tried to put in a read more and it didnt work :| mobiles a bitch
The music pounded through his skull. It was loud and blaring, a constant thump thump thump coursing through his veins. It was some pop song he'd heard on the radio a million times yet somehow never caught the words to; Not that it'd do him any good to know them, anyway. He could barely hear his own thoughts over the chatter and movement of people throughout the house.
He took a sip from his solo cup. It was nearly empty with some off-brand soda, more flat than fresh. It was the exact same drink he'd gotten when he first arrived - Aubrey advised against getting refills after the party really got going, saying that the drinks would probably get spiked at some point.
On the other side of the living room, some girl started taking her top off to the slurred cheers of the crowd. That's as good a sign as any that people were getting drunk now. Kel sighed and took another sip. He was starting to get a headache.
He decided to go look for Aubrey. They may have arrived together, but they almost immediately got separated. He wanted to be hurt by her negligence, but after just five minutes in the sea of dancing highschoolers and strobe lights he could barely tell left from right.
At first, the energy and atmosphere of the party made his blood positively sing. Ducking in between partygoers, grooving to the tunes, helping himself to the snacks - this was nothing like those lame school dances. It was leagues better - it was exciting and new and made the world outside the house walls melt away as if it didn't exist.
But now...now he was a bit lost on what to do. He tried socializing, had a thousand different topics he could use to befriend strangers with, but this was a party organized by the graduating class of his highschool to celebrate the start of their last year and he was just a freshman. A short, baby-faced freshman at that. Even now he could see people giving him weird looks from the corner of his eyes. He wasn't going to make much progress with these folks.
He groaned quietly. Bothering Aubrey would make him feel better.
He downed the rest of his soda and tossed the cup to the floor. Everyone else had done it, so why bother being the one person to actually look for a trash can? ...He actually felt kinda bad for the guy that had to clean this place up after the party. Poor, poor man.
Kel wandered through the house, peeking into different rooms and regretting most of it. There were a lot of drunk high schoolers doing a lot of drunken misdeeds. There was going to be so, so much gossip at school next week, he was sure of it. Thankfully, none of the drunken miscreants had pink hair, so he was saved the horror of having to tell Aubrey she'd done something embarrassing.
After making a full round through the house, he found himself looking into the kitchen. It was less crowded than the other rooms - some unspoken party ettiquette to not mess with the fine china? - and it was there that he finally caught sight of Aubrey. He opened his mouth to call out to her -
- only to freeze as he saw the people she was with. He recognized them as her newer friends. Kim, and her brother Vance. Kim was sitting on the counter, playfully kicking him as they bickered about something he couldn't hear. Aubrey was clutching her stomach laughing at whatever it was. None of them noticed Kel standing in the entrance.
Something twisted in his chest at the sight. It prickled painfully and made the room feel too small and too hot. He clenched his fists hard enough to hurt.
Wordlessly, he turned and left.
The back door of the house was in a hallway directly to the left of the kitchen. The hallway was empty and the door unlocked, so Kel didn't think twice about slipping outside into the night.
The sudden shift from the heat of the party to the chill of the night was enough to give him goosebumps, and he belatedly wished he'd worn something with longer sleeves. The back light was on, moths and gnats fluttering around it and casting moving shadows on the patio. Colors from the party inside streamed through the windows, and the music was still fairly audible.
He gritted his teeth. There was a rusty metal gate in the fencing around the yard that led to the side of the house. It only came up to his hip, and he hopped it.
The alley between this house and the next was dark and cold; The streetlamp further ahead barely reached it. Metal trash bins were lined up against the walls, in varying degrees of fullness. A cricket began to chirp nearby, and the sound hurt his ears.
He took a deep breath, walked further into the alley, and kicked one of the trash cans as hard as he could. And then he kicked it again, and again, and again. He knocked one onto its side and stomped on it with all his might. The lid rolled on the ground. He picked it up and threw it into the street.
The sound and smell was horrible but it still felt oh, so satisfying. He didn't even know why he felt so angry. He already knew Aubrey had friends other than him. Hell, he knew they were probably ten times more fun than him at parties. There was no damn reason for him to be so pissed off, and yet! Here he was! Here he was!
He growled and kicked another. Ugh!
It had taken a lot of effort to get to this party in the first place. His parents had been absolute asses about everything he did lately, and didn't even approve of him hanging out with Aubrey any more ever since the town started talking about her. He'd had to work up a lot of nerve to ask Aubrey to take him here, and even more to actually get here. He climbed out a window, for Christ's sake! Climbed down a house!
So why -
- was he -
- having such -
- a crummy time?!
He panted. His foot was starting to hurt.
"Looks like someone's having fun."
He jumped, nearly tripping over himself in his haste to turn around. Bathed in shadow, Aubrey stood leaning against the wall, watching him with an amused expression. Kel's face flushed with embarrassment. God, she must've seen all of that.
"Whoops, didn't mean to scare you," She said unapologetically. "I don't think I could've given you a heads up, though, with how into it you were."
Kel glared weakly at her and crossed his arms. He knew she was going to make fun of him for his little temper tantrum, but he really wished she wouldn't. "I don't know what you're talking about," He said defiantly.
"Uh-huh, yeah, sure," She said with an eye roll. She pushed off the wall and further into the alley where he was; In the improved lighting, he noticed she was carrying her bat. He didn't remember her bringing it with her. Maybe it wasn't actually hers. It might've been the homeowner's. She pointed the tip to the ground and eyed him with something like anticipation. "Mind if I join you?" She asked.
Kel blinked. Um, what? "I, uh, still don't know what you're talki -"
"Can I tell you something, Kel?" She interrupted. She changed focus from him to the fallen and dented bins on the ground, and shifted her hold on the bat to two hands. The hair on Kel's neck stood on end at the intensity in her eyes. She took a deep breath, and said, "I really hate this town."
And then she swung.
The sound of her bat bashing against metal stabbed his ears and brought his headache back tenfold, but like before, the sight of the destruction brought such a deep satisfaction it almost left him breathless. Cathartic, that's what it was. She brought her bat down again and again and again, over and over and over, and each swing got his blood pumping and his heart racing. He felt himself grin, and couldn't resist the temptation to join in.
He'd kick a can onto its side and then kick it over to Aubrey, who'd be tense and waiting to strike it hard down the alley. A particularly stubborn can would refuse to dent under his weight and she would nudge him out the way and go to town on the poor object. The party was gone completely from their minds as they set their sights on complete devastation. They laughed, breathless and crazed and high on adrenaline.
Their mayhem didn't go unnoticed for long. A window of the neighboring house opened, and someone yelled out, "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kel only had a second to panic about the consequences before Aubrey grabbed his hand and took off running. He nearly fell over himself, but quickly found his footing and ran right beside her. He could run faster than her if he wanted to, but he didn't want to. He wanted to run with her. He didn't particularly care where they were running to - as long as it was with her.
They were still laughing as they ran.
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Random Wanda Vision Thoughts--
Episode 1: I am an emotional bitch crying at Wanda and Vision saying “i do” at the end of episode 1, like can these babies please catch a break? they just want to be happy. 
Also Agnes and the 70′s show mom are my favorite wtf. 
Episode 2: 
Dottie should die, she seems like the type who needs gently run over by a bus
Elizabeth Olsen is so cute in this, absolutely adorable 
Vision is drunk from getting gum in his gears, I’m actually cackling right now. 
Tiny bit culty with the “for the children” thing, huh? Yikes
Some creepo decides to get in on their world and Wanda literally went “i think the fuck not, let’s try this again and this time in technicolor” 
is that the cop who asked out Ant Man on the radio?
The difference in “sitcom” Wanda who is happy in her world and “real life” Wanda when she realizes something isn’t right is honestly astonishing and Grade A Face Acting. See what happens when they let women do more on screen then walk around in tight clothes with full lips parted in a sexy pout? 
Episode 3: 
Seventies Vision’s hair is ENDING ME, I can’t even deal with that. 
IT HAS TO BE DAVID SCHWIMMER except he looks like “russ” from friends instead of “ross” 
Poor Vision is not handling impending fatherhood well 
Poor pregnancy fritzing Wanda. DID WANDA JUST GLITCH A TIME ERASE AND NOT MEAN TO? Listen, I did not expect to love them as a couple this much. EW HER WATER BROKE OMG 
Oh Wanda, poor baby she’s so afraid, I write way too much fan fiction about how all these characters are secretly terrified to go through life alone to be okay with this. 
Why did I start crying immediately when the babies were born, I’m too emotional for this. She is so beautiful and Vision is so soft meeting his son as himself, oh my gosh. THE TWIN SCREAMS while the other twin comes omg this is Grade A Sitcom bullshit. 
The doctor knows something is Up and so do Herb and Agnes. *don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious*
...have we actually seen Ralph and I’m just blanking on it? WHY DON’T THEY LIKE GERALDINE? WHO IS SHE?
Oh no i’m crying again over pietro and the sokovian lullaby. Don’t let me watch this while I’m PMSing wtf this is torture. GERALDINE KNOWS ABOUT ULTRON
OH SHIT WANDA IS PISSED LOOK AT THAT DANGEROUS LADY. that head tilt is fucking lethal. 
I love agnes oh man. I know because of spoilers she’s something of a bad guy? but I love her
Oh no, not dead. Just kicked tf out of the bubble. I just realized the symbol is for Sword. Is this some sort of experiment to keep Wanda contained post Endgame? I should have read more spoilers, I’m fucking confused. 
It IS the cop that hit on Ant Man! WHAT DO THEY MEAN WESTVIEW DOESN’T EXIST 
Oh it’s Darcy! Damn straight it’s Dr. Lewis. How very shocking, a woman was the one to show a room full of Ridiculous Men what’s going on?
ZOMBIE VISION OH MY GOD “no we can’t” oh man she is starting to CRACK and Vision knows something is wrong OH NO 
At this point I should point out that I am 1000% surprised at the quality of the show and 1000% pleasantly surprised by how much I’m enjoying it. The bar for Wanda’s character development was literally subterranean, but this is has been frankly sort of amazing?? 
Episode 5
Agnes asking about “taking it from the top” WHAT. I love so much the way the characters “break character” it’s so interesting and well done! WHY IS WANDA LYING TO VISION. 
oh my god the babies are children now?? why isn’t agnes noticing?? THEY’RE SO CUTE I COULD CRY ALL OVER AGAIN 
I do not. trust. hayward. Why is he asking about Wandas nickname? Monica knows whats up-- she knows Wanda is grieving and hurting. 
THE VISIONS CORPSE WHAT? WHAT IS WANDA DOING OH MY GOD SHE STOLE VISION. Vision has a living will? Don’t you have to be human for that? Are you telling me the woman that loved Vision would straight up ignore his wish to not be turned into a weapon after his death? I have a hard time with this. 
Oh no Vision is starting to worry me. He’s onto Agnes, he’s noticing Wanda getting careless...the boys are adorable though. Good on Agnes for not even flinching. 
DAMN RIGHT WANDA COULD HAVE TAKEN OUT THANOS LETS HAVE SOME RESPECT PEOPLE. Also, why is Monica being sketchy about Captain Marvel? 
EMAIL ALERT EMAIL ALERT “none of it is real.” oh my god what is happening?!?!
“Is this yours?” OH MY GOD. “This will be your only warning” she is so unafraid and I love her for it. I love her accent coming back when she breaks characters LOOK AT HER TURNING ALL THOSE MEN AROUND I LOVE HER. 
“Fix the dead” oh my god the shock on her face. The absolute irony of her trying to tell her boys there’s rules when she’s writing the playbook as she goes. Oh my god. “Can’t I?” Jesus, then the credits start rolling because she wants the episode to be over but Vision won’t let her OH MY GOD. My heart is breaking
Episode 6
OOOOH look at the classic costumes! Pietro is slaying me. I mean, it’s the wrong pietro but its still very funny. The way Vision calls her out and then plays it off is.... spooky. She is fully aware thats not her brother. “Be good.” holy shit. 
Look at me not liking Hayward again. “which one is the sassy best friend” i feel like that’s....racist. “don’t use the last five years as an excuse to be a coward” DRAG HIM SIS 
Listen Uncle Pietro being a little shit head is my favorite. I use the OG Pietro in my fics but this one is hilarious. 
Vision lied about being on duty? Yikes. The one house where people are stuck in a loop? YIKES. Its crazy how everyone is starting to be super aware of Wanda pulling the strings--MAGIC CHILD OMG. 
Whats past ellis avenue? Is that the limit of Wanda’s powers? I don’t super understand how Vision has his powers if he’s technically dead. HE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THE AVENGERS ARE she really just gave him enough life to exist just barely. Agnes knows he’s dead so she wasn’t snapped??
Agnes’s witchy laugh while dressed like a witch is legit awesome. We call that FOREEEEEEEEESHADOWING! Oh and there’s Ellis Ave. Got it. 
Monica’s blood is changed?? Idk how to feel about Black Character willing to die for White Charaxter? I mean I know Wanda should be Jewish but still. Uncomfortably close to icky tropes but maybe I’m reading too far into it.
YIKES where was she hiding the kids till now? How’d she do all this? “I’m not a stranger or your husband” YIKES.
“The people need help” oh Vision you are truly Worthy
She literally expanded her world to save him omg
DARCY WHERED YOU GO geez look at power of this girls mind it’s about damn time we got a glimpse at just how intense her powers are
Season 7
Ok is this like a reality show? Oh man she is GLITCHING.
Oh no it’s just Wanda not Wanda vision cos she feels alone? So sad. She really is losing it isn’t she and not in a “lol how awkward” sortnof way but in that truthful hard to watch way that so many of us feel when we’re at the breaking point
“I actually did bite a kid once” I literally ugly laughed right there
It’s so nice to see Darcy used in a real way. Her character was totally wasted in Thor
The way Wandas little interviews get more and more sad :(
Uhhh what does that mean Agnes is quiet on the inside? Again with the Ralph thing. I’m starting to think there’s no Ralph at all??
LOOK AT THIS GIRL WITH HER SPACE ROVER . She’s got that same look of determination her mama had. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO HER WHY ARE HER EYES BLUE
“....soooo Wanda killed me?” I’m ugly laughing again and I shouldn’t be but the comedic delivery is excellent. The whole “office” vibe with the cameras is making an otherwise devastating episode fairly funny
LOOK AT THIS GIRL STANDING UP TO WANDA we love a sharp cheekbones beauty
“Maybe I already am” I mean, I would have loved to hear that post Ultron when for some reason everyone blamed Tony for everything?? But hearing it now is just horrifying and I hate it
Oh vision deciding to go get to his wife is beautiful.
Uh hey what the fuck is up with Agness creepy basement of horrors??
This song is a BOP wtf she deserves an Emmy for this shit
Snoopers gonna snoop what?
Episode 8
Of course it’s Salem, where else would a witch story start
“They simply bent to my power” What a queen
lmaoooo THAT ACCENT COMES AND GOES Agatha really said what we’ve all been thinking
Wait so Wandas power drew Agatha in? I thought maybe Agatha trapped her here?? SHE DOESNT KNOW WHAT WANDA IS
Oh ouch this trip down memory lane is gonna hurt me isn’t it?
Oh no her mama I’m dying inside send help. The TV sitcoms. Oh my god is this her last memory before her parents died. HELP ME I CANT WATCH THIS
Oh my god, she had powers when she was little?? SHES NOT AN EXPERIMENT???
Listen I generally think telling a story retroactively is lazy writing? Just give us a well developed story the first time?? But this is BRUTAL and brutally well done.
Would it have been so difficult for them to give us even a PEEK at this version of wanda vision in CACW? Marvel has the worst habit of just popping up like “oh hey these two love each other all the sudden with no real reason for it” but this is wonderful. So much character development.
Oh listen to this woman begging to be able to bury her husband omg. WAIT SO SHE DIDNT BREAK IN AND TAKE HIM?? WHAT ARE THEY DOING TO VISION?? DID HE PUSH HER INTO THIS PSYCHOTIC BREAK?? HE TOTALLY PLAYED HER INTO RECREATING VISION SHE JUST WANTED CLOSURE. He literally showed her visions dismembered corpse and said “say goodbye” I will kill this dude wtf
“I can’t feel you” guys I have to pause this so I can cry for a minute
“I can’t feel you” and then she leaves. Totally alone in the world. My heart is an empty husk.
Why the house though? Why west view?
It’s not even real vision? Just the projection of her broken heart? “Welcome home” I am broken. Physically broken.
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String of Pearls
One cold night; there was a rough brick floor in a factory, the flickering glow of flame is the only illumination...The ominous organ music continues where a dark pool of blood slowly begins to spread moving up as the flickering flame reflected in the blood. A shrill factory whistle blows in a blood-chilling and spine-shattering when a man's face appears, upside down, reflected in the pool of blood. Standing there was a slender dandy in pearl grey gloves and  matching waistcoat. A cold and superior aristocrat.  “Attend the tale of Giovanni Todos. His skin was pale and his eye was odd. He shaved the faces of gentlemen. He kept a shop in town, of fancy clients and good renown. And what if none of their souls were saved? They went to their maker impeccably shaved...By Giovanni Todos, the Blood Thirsty Magician Who Was Out for Vengeance. Swing your blade wide, hold it to the skies! Freely flows the blood of those who moralize!” He announced. This is where the story begins: A boat is arriving at part, a young man man looks out the window happily and content. His name is Alard Faria. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Ah, I'm going home--My home of Avalon! Where my family awaits but there's no place like home." Just then; he was startled by a voice: "Yes, no place like home isn't it. I cannot wait to arrive too." said a mature sounding man. "Giovanni?" The man asked in confusion. "Oh, sorry. I was just agreeing with you." Giovanni replied politely. "You can't wait to return home too?" Alard asked. There was an indifference to Giovanni's face. "Life isn’t always going to be kind to you. Life has been the opposite of kind to him." His voice sound almost scary but Alard seemed surprised.  "Has that ever happened to you, sir?" He inquired again. Giovanni then begin to look sad, "Yes it has, to someone I once knew....when he remembered it makes him feel uneasy. Haunted by the ghosts." "Ghosts?" Alard said.  "Of his past. There was once a magician and his lovely assistant who wed and had beautiful children. One of the children, the son, was a happy boy that loved his family so and was so pure yet sweet however all that change by a vulture of the law who killed the magician, in order to be with the magician's wife. The only witness who saw it was the boy, He knew what his uncle did and he went into a blind rage. His mind was illed that his mother and uncle sent him away....Such horror that boy had seen, such blood shed, his whole world crumbled....." Giovanni stopped, he was trembling with anger. Alard was shocked by this, "That's awful! What about the young lady? And the children, what-" Giovanni shocked his head, "Oh, that must have been a long time ago. I doubt if anyone would remember that." He said. "I like to thank you for saving me, sir. If you didn't; I would've been arrested for sure." Giovanni replied. "Will I see you again?" asked Alard. "You might find me wandering the streets." said Giovanni. He was walking away as Alard waves while calling out, "Farewell my friend, until we meet again." Giovanni turned and nodded at him. As he walked away; He is seen mumbling: "There is a hole in the world like a great black pit.... it's filled with people who are filled with shit, And the vermin of the world inhabit it...." That boy he talked about was his own past. He lived a happy life with his family: Giovanni loved his father, his mother, his sister, until his dirty minded, cruel judge uncle came along. Killed his father. One day, he was going to make Judge Villfort pay for what he done!
Memories came back to him of Rena, his mother, and his father. As he got to the door, he knocked. But saw someone in the window, for a moment that indeed looks like a ghost. The door opened, and he saw a bewitching woman. "Hello there, are you the specter?" Giovanni asked in a mocking frightened tone. The Spector girl smirked at him, "Hmph, that's what everyone in this town known me as anyway. My name is Baptista." Mordred bowed before her, "I am Giovanni Todos, is all right if I come in? This is used to be my home." The girl raised an eyebrow, "Really? Well, of course you may. Come right in." She motioned for him to enter. Giovanni looked around to see items relating to magic tricks: Top hats, wands, and magic cards. "Are you a magician?" Giovanni asked. "Yes, I just do magic tricks for people as a different person." Lynette replied. "Interesting." said Giovanni, still looking at the box of magic supplies. "It's been too long since I did  magic. My last show was a disaster thanks to a crazy, obsessive fan of mine tried to kill me." explained Baptista. Giovanni laughed a little, "That must've sucked." He said. "It did." agreed Baptista, she too was chuckling. She hands him a drink, "Here, this will help. Please, sit." said Baptista. Mordred does but stops to look around to see how much the house changed. The walls were grayish black, had souvenirs of wands and books there as decorations. No pictures of his family or that hint of spring green walls that he remembered. "You know that room upstairs, it's been vacant now hasn't it?" Giovanni said, sitting in the chair. "Up there? No, nobody goes up there." Baptista said lightly. "Why?" Giovanni asked. Baptista was silent before speaking, "People say it's haunted by something more frightened." Giovanni's head shot up, "Haunted?" He asked. Baptista nodded, "Yes, but they could be mistaken. They say eight years ago, something happened up there and it was awful....There was once a happy couple, a magican name Donatello and his lovely assistant, Heloise. Their children was a beautiful boy for a son and a beautiful girl for a daughter. The boy's name, Vanya, Vanya Barber." She stopped as she"What happened up there for the Barbers?" Giovanni asked.  "It sounds shocking." Baptista warned with caution. "Tell me anyway." insisted Giovanni. Baptista watched him as she told the story, Giovanni wasn't paying attention to her gaze. He listen to her speak, "His mother, Heloise, she lived an unhappy life with her new man, Judge Gerard Villfort. Villfort tried to keep her happy by giving her flowers but still, Heloise would be withdrawn from him and mourn for her beloved." "Poor thing." Giovanni said sadly. Baptista continued with a nod, "Yes, poor thing. But it was yet to come for her...The judge's assistant, Jacek Haydee to her and said that Gerard is devastation as he wants to hold a memorial tribute to her deceased husband, Donatello, tonight. And Heloise accepts....Then that night came, the party was as expected but Baptista is told to sit and drink some liquids which were spiked with some drugs in it. She was fretting of where Gerard might be. He was there all right, but the party turned out to be a joke." She saw Giovanni’s hand shaking but Baptista continued, "The poor woman was drugged and drained, Gerard appeared before Heloise and forced himself upon her. He ripped her clothes, tore at his own pants, and was insider her....The others didn't helped, they thought she was crazy so they all laughed at her. Poor thing, poor soul--" But then Giovanni lost it: "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Giovanni screamed, he stood up and was shaken all over. 
Baptista stared at him calmly. "Nobody had mercy on her, those bastards!" He whispered. "It is you! Vanya Barber!" Baptista gasped, softly. Vanya was trembling, "Where is Heloise, where is my mother?" He asked quietly. "She disappeared, nobody knows what happened to her...Since she was 'assaulted by force', she left and was never heard from again." Baptista replied. Giovanni wept silently, "Mother, sweet mother...And my sister Rena! Where is she?" Giovanni demanded. "Rena is fine, She's being locked in a tower by Judge Gerard." said Baptista."It's been years, things have change here since I've been gone...The tragedy of father, mother, and dearest sister..." said Giovanni. "You've changed a lot, Vanya." said Baptista. "NO!!! Not Vanya, he's not here at the moment--It's Giovanni, yes Giovanni Todos. And I will have my revenge." vowed Giovanni. One day during Luigi’s Miracle Elixir event; Giovanni and Baptista watches this with uninterested expressions; unlike the crazy crowd. "Is this for real?" Giovanni whispered to Baptista. "Hmm." Baptista said with a shrug. Then she wrinkled her nose in disgust, "Oh crap, what is that god-awful smell?" She asked. Giovanni turned to her, "What? Are we standing near an open trench?" "Who knows!" Baptista shrugged. As the boy was passing out the bottle; Giovanni d took it. "Let's see, what is this?" He mused. "What is it?" Baptista asked. Giovanni opened it and sniffed inside. He put the cap back on, "It smells like piss." He remarked. Baptista turned away, "Ew. I wouldn't touch it if I was you." She warned. Giovanni nodded, "This is piss all right, It's piss with ink." He noted. "Get Luigi's Miracle Elixir, Use a bottle of this stuff! Ladies seem to love it!" Baptista smirked, "Flies do too." She admitted loud enough for the crowd to hear. When the people had heard this; they revolted and Luigi was enraged by his humiliated defeat and nearly almost on the verge to stab him when Giovanni used his magic to kill him; making it look like an accident. The crowd went into a panic as Giovanni walked away with a sly smirk. Jacek saw this as she takes a particular interest in Giovanni. Jacek went to Judge Villfort and bowed before him to tell him about the great magician Giovanni! One day when Giovanni can see that the judge is coming up the stairs and tells Baptista to get out. He prepares himself before he heard a knock and goes to answer it. "Giovanni." said the judge. Giovanni bows before him out of respect, "Good to see you Judge Villfort." He greeted. Gerard held up his hand, "Call me Gerard, everyone does." He said. Giovanni nodded. “And pray tell do you want to talk about, sir? Sit down, please." Giovanni said politely. "You see, sir, a man infatuated with love. I like to talk about love." Gerard said. Giovanni nodded, "The closest I ever gave..." He murmured and starts whistling. “You’re in a merry mood today, Giovanni.” Gerard noted. "Why, it’s your delight, sir, catching fire from one man to the next." Giovanni said as he poured wine for his quest. Gerard nodded, "It is true, sir, love can still inspire. The blood to pound, the heart leap higher. What more can man require than love." He said. "More than love, such as women." Giovanni countered playfully. Gerard looked dreamily, "Ah, yes--women." He sighed. "Pretty women?" Giovanni asked slyly. Gerard smiled with delight. "Yes, pretty women." While pouring the red wine from the counter; He slipped something when Gerard wasn't looking. A drug that will make him drowsy. It's perfect for the kill. Giovanni brought the drinks over. "Now then, my friend....Now to this conversation." Giovanni said. He gave the drugged drink to Gerard and gave himself a non drugged drink. "Have patience, enjoy it. Revenge can’t be taken in haste..." He trailed off, thinking about what Gerard would look like all splattered in blood. But his reverie was snapped when someone got his attention back to reality. "Ahem! Make haste, or you’ll be commended, sir." warned Gerard. Giovanni realize what he was going to do. "Yes, My lord. By the way, who may it be said is your intended, sir?" He asked. Paolo was once again looking love-struck. "My ward. She is a beauty, really. Pretty as a rosebud.” He mumbled. Giovanni smirked, “Hmph, Pretty as her mother?” He whispered. Paolo looked up and asked. “What? What was that?” Giovanni “Nothing, sir. Nothing. Let us proceed." During the drinks; Gerard felt drowsy, the drug was working. He was dozing off as Giovanni was about to use his magic powers but stopped when Alard interrupted with good news that seem to kill the moment! 
"Mr. Todos, they young lady has agreed to come away with me tonight--Judge Villfort!?" He cried. Gerard was wide awake, "You! I should've known! Rena deceived me, how could she? It's all because of you! Of all people, you have to show your face around here!" Geard shouted, Alard looked terrified and then Gerard turned back to Giovanni and said, "Oh, Giovanni? This was a waste of time! You and your pretty women should go to HELL!!!!" And he left. Giovanni felt so angry as he was ready to explode. "Alard, please get out." Giovanni said calmly. "But Mr. Todos--I--" Alard started to explain. "OUT! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE NOW!!!!!" Giovanni shouted, Alard was so scared that he fled and went down the stairs. A few moments later; Baptista appeared. "What in the name of Isis--What is going on?" She demanded. "I had him! Almost did! His throat was there beneath my hand!" Giovanni cried. "Calm down, Giovanni." Baptista said soothingly. "NO! I had him!!!! He was right there and he'll never return again!" Giovanni cried. "Easy, take it easy. Shh, I always keep telling you these things take time and not to..." Baptista starts to sing song calmly. Giovanni turned to Baptista and pointed at her, "You!" He exclaimed. "...rush." Baptista muttered. "You! You told me to wait! And he'll never come back!" Giovanni cried. He noticed how scared they look and came to his senses, he turns to the window and slowly paced. "There's a hole in the world like a great black abyss. It's filled with people who are filled with filth, And the vermin of the world inhabit it......But not for long. You see, They all deserve to die. I'll tell you why, Baptista. Because in all of the whole human race, there are two kinds of men and only two: There's the one staying put in his proper position while the one with his foot in the other one's face. Look at me, look at you! No, we all deserve to die! Even you, Lady Baptista, Even I. Because the lives of the wicked should be made brief, for the rest of us death will be a relief! We all deserve to die......" He cried. Then his smile faded. "And I'll never see Rena, no I'll never, hug my sweetest sister again! I'll be finished!" He said sadly. Then, hallucinated and babbled, "Hey, hey, you sir! Come and visit your good friend, Giovanni! You sir, WELCOME TO THE GRAVE!!!!!!!!......I will have vengeance, salvation! Not one, not ten, nor a hundred will assuage me! I'll take out his frigging empire if I have to!" Giovanni ranted. Then he stopped and he said sadly, "And my dear mother, must be lying in ashes...And I'll never! See my sweet sister again! But the work waits! I'm alive at last and I'm full of bliss! BLISS AND HEAVEN!!!!"
After Gerard learned that Rena was trying to flee; he attempt to court her but she rebukes him and she was sent away but Alard managed to see all of what the judge did and found Rena's whereabouts, rescuing her and hiding her away. Baptista calls Giovanni in the afternoon, stating that the date is set and Gerard will be coming at around the evening. Manfred decides to prepare himself by luring more into his shop and killing them one by one. As the sky got dark; he dumped the bodies into the furnace! Alard and Rena, who was in disguised, as they barged into the upstairs part. "Giovanni! He's not here?" Alard said, finding that it's empty. He turned to Rena and said. "Wait for him here. I'll return after I call a cab in less than half an hour." He instructed Rena. Rena seemed nervous. "Don't worry, no one will recognize you. You're safe now." "So we're safe?" asked Rena. "Yes." The man replied. "We run away and then all our dreams come true?" Rena inquired. Alard thought about it. "I hope so." He admitted. "I've never had dreams. Only nightmares." Rena confessed. Alard again told her to stay and left. As Rena waited; she heard someone coming so she hides in the closet. "White his shroud as the mountain snow...Larded with sweet flowers; Which be wept to the grave did go, With true-love showers...." Giovanni enters to see a crazy looking woman, "Who are you? What are you doing in here!?" Giovanni demanded. "Evil this is, sir. The stink of evil--from below--from her! She's the devil's wife! Beware her, sir. She with no pity in her heart. Hey-- don't I know you, mister?" The woman ranted. "Giovanni?" Gerard called out. Scared of fear; Giovanni kills the woman and takes her body down. Gerard appears before Giovanni. "Where is she?" He asked. "Below, your honor. With my neighbor. She has seen the error of her ways." Giovanni remarked. Gerard's face lights up to this, "She has?" He asked. "Oh yes, your lesson was well learned. She is longing for forgiveness." Giovanni answered. "Then she can have it. She'll be here soon?" Gerard instructed. Giovanni nodded. "Yes." He replied. "Excellent, my friend. How seldom it is one meets a fellow spirit!" Gerard said with delight. "With fellow tastes-- in women, at least." replied Giovanni. "What's that?" asked Gerard. "The years no doubt have changed me, sir. But then, I suppose, not for what happened to my father. Or mother or sister. That's not particularly memorable." Giovanni said, removing his disguise. Gerard was frozen with fear as Giovanni sneered down on him. "No...Vanya Barber!" He gasped. "VANYA BARBER!!!!!!!" Giovanni screamed and begin to stab him. Blood convulsed out of him, it went flying! When it was over; Giovanni was lamenting: "Rest now, my friend. Rest now - forever. Sleep now the untroubled, Sleep of the angels..” In the room Baptista came to see there is a body there and saw it was a woman as she quickly decides to burn this. But Giovanni comes in, startling her by being covered in blood splats. He decides to take care of the body but stops to see the woman and drops her to the floor! He was terrified. It was none other than his own mother, Heloise!
"'Don't I know you?' she said, you knew she lived." Gioivanni said. Baptista looked guilty. "I was only thinking of you!" She claimed. Giovanni glared up at her, "You lied to me." He said. Malice oozed in his voice. Baptista begin to rant her lies, "No, no, not lied at all! No, I never lied! I said she took the poison-- I never said that she died--Poor thing! She lived but it left her weak in her mind--All she did for months was just lie there in bed--Should've been in a hospital! I'd be in love with you! Could that thing have cared for you like me?!" Giovanni turned to the witch, "Madame Baptista! You're an eminently practical wonder, always appropriate! Eminently practical and yet there's little point in dwelling on the past. Now come here, my love. Not a thing to fear, my love. What's dead, is dead." Baptista looked gracious. "Do you mean it? After everything I did? I mean, I swear I thought was only for the best! I--believe me! Can we still be together?" She asked. Giovanni seized her and they waltzed "It's in the history of the world, my pet." He said. "Oh, Manfred...Leave it to me..." Vivian moaned. He threw Baptista into the furnace as she shrieks, "AARRGHHHH!! AARRGHHHHHHH!! AARRGHHHHHHHHH!!" After shutting the door while watching her burn into nothing but ashes; Giovanni went and came down on his knees as he cradle his dead mother on his lap and begin to sob bitterly, "Mother, I've come home again...Mother....Oh, my God, What have I done?! Mother, you will be always a beautiful mother, so virtuous, and I'll be the foolish son." But then Luigi’s former assistant name Benedetto entered with baggy eyes, messy hair turned white a bit and pale while shaken with rage. Giovanni looked up, "Benedetto!" He gasped. Benedetto held up a pistol and charge at him. "BENEDETTO!" Giovanni cried. "GIOVANNI!" screamed Benedetto. There was a fatal gunshot!
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diveronarpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, HIRAYA! You’ve been accepted for the role of TITANIA. Admin Rosey: We finally have our Titania! I could scream it from the mountain tops how excited I am that you will be playing our beautiful, our wickedly intelligent, our incredibly complex Titania. They were honestly one of my absolute favorite characters to write and I had begun to lose hope that anyone would breathe life into them. But Hiraya, you have captured their voice so well, their motivation, their traits. All of it. You have captured them in a single application and I couldn’t be more pleased. You have brought us the second piece to our Fae Overlords. And now we can revel in their disaster!  Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Alias | Hiraya.
Age | 20.
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her.
Activity Level | I am generally busy with schoolwork and my thesis, but I am usually on every day, and if not for replies, I am available for plots and other discussions. I can generally write replies every two to three days, but in particularly busy weeks, usually just on the weekends. I think I could rate myself at 6-7/10, numerically.
Timezone | GMT+8.
Current/Past RP Accounts | Past: [x] [x] And of course, I have my wrathful son, Easton! [edmund]
Character | Titania; Theodora Moreau. [I would like to use Medalion Rahimi as their faceclaim, and age them down to 28 years old, please!]
Theodora Reine Celestine Moreau.
(Theodora; God’s gift. Reine; queen. Celestine; heavenly.)
Lavinia Moreau could not decide on a name, eventually gave up, and decided to simply give them all – and the woman did not only give them all these names, along with her family’s own, Moreau, but gave them all the love, riches, and attention that anyone could have ever asked for. “You are God’s gift to me, pomme d’amour,” candy apple, she calls them, fondly, punishment for the stolen apples clearly not on her mind that day she found the little girl. “And you shall grow up to be the heavenly queen of our empire. I am sure of it.”
What drew you to this character? |
Ethereal and exalted, dignified and divine. It was not only in the way they held themself, the way their head was always held high as if a crown was placed there, or the way they spoke – with a dream-like quality and a richness of vocabulary that lets one know they are in the presence of a heavenly being, brighter than the sun. It was, more than anything, evident in the very weaves of her soul – of her beautiful, beautiful mind (for I envision that Titania considers the soul and the mind to be one and the same).
However, much like a young god, they were heavenly, and yet still had the trappings of a mortal: laced with pride, gripped by their own pain and suffering, and living out their own personal hell inside their mind.
Titania was born into cruelty and filth, young eyes tainted by the scenes of horror in the streets of Verona, learning early on to fight tooth and nail for survival. The streets give no one any choice, for it has never been kind, and those who had the misfortune of having nowhere else to turn to but its puddle of blood and sin have to live every single day with fear and survive with their own brand of bravery, much like rats. They were a rat back then, and they have not forgotten and never will forget. They have learned a great many things from their time in the streets, but they knew they would never want to go back to such a lowly life of desperate hunger and piteous violence. Yet all of the memories were ingrained deep into their bones, the knowledge locked away and kept until they prove useful. But for the eyes of those outside their inner circle, they perpetuate the legends, the tall tales of their own origin that cover the truth of their true beginnings, to bury the sad truth of a childhood remembered through phantom aches of a hungry belly, and a gut eating away at itself to remind them how the most basic of needs of their needs becomes luxury when they have nothing.
Lavinia was the beacon of hope, the bright ray of sunlight that penetrated through the darkness of their life. Salvation and love and everything right in the world, in the form of a woman who is both their savior and mother. For years, they have both been awash in happiness – each one the savior of the other. But Titania should have known it could not last. Should have known that the universe liked to play its cruel games and could grant happiness as easily as it could take. And so the bright ray of light in her life ceased to shine, and their body ran cold and numb before the pain set in, more visceral than the pain hunger could bring to their gut, more painful than blood spilling from their veins. The pain ripped apart every fiber of their heart and pressed down upon their ribcage, and the devastating pain of this loss took hold of their entire body and made its home there, never to leave again.
They knew of pain more than they knew of love, now, and their mind refused to let the universe win every single second it breathes despair down into their helpless lungs. They had to create happiness in its pure form, had to believe that they need not rely on the vast uncaring universe for it anymore.
The pain has paved the way for their creative mind to shine, has given it avenues to soar, to fly high, and achieve great things. Titania has become a queen of the empire left to them by a loving mother and her wealthy name. And Titania has become a young god in their own right, one who stands at their pedestal and looks down upon the veins of the city they have grown to love, imagining all the ways their creation would color the streets their bones knew so intimately, and imagined how happiness would soon come for all. The happiness that they would mercifully grant this city of pain and suffering, with all the benevolence of an ethereal and heavenly queen.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? |
FENDING OFF THE SLUAG; The Sluag are the nightmares of the fae, the horde of darkness that comes now and then, the ones the fae desperately try to fend off. To them, Nikolai Borisov is of the sluag, their nightmare made flesh, words of taunt irking them to no end. He was one of the greatest mistakes they have ever made in their life, and they regret what has happened every single moment they see the man’s smirk and their wicked smile. Titania have been pushing off all their taunts for so long, that they want to finally silence the man. And though they are not likely to kill the arsonist, they would yearn to humiliate him, to bring him down. Whether they had to do it themself, or delegate it to someone else, it did not matter to them, as long as they witness the man’s humiliation, as much humiliation and embarrassment that he has brought them.
THE QUEEN AND THEIR CONSORT; Orpheus, ruler of his own underworld. Zeus to their Hera. They did not know what kept drawing them back to the flame. Had they been fooled by their own mind? Do they not truly understand love? They have always believed in the simple chemical nature of love, in the biology of it. But perhaps it is truly an illusion to try and control that which, millennium of poetry and stories have proven too wild to tame. Perhaps they are not as autonomous of their own emotions as they believed. I want to see what depriving themself of Oprheus’ touch will do to them, how far they could it take it before they eventually give in, and truly realize that there are some mysteries of the universe that even their own powerful mind could not even presume to control, give in once again to their heart and let it take control.
BLOOD OF THE FAERIES; The creation of the sangue is a highlight of their life – it is their life’s work and they will take every single step towards its success. I envision them using their own practice as a psychiatrist as a cover for their true purpose among the Capulets, by taking in clients in the guise of “patients” and have their dealings in their own clinic, which would have just been eastablished. I also see them testing the sangue on their test subjects here and recording their responses before they are absolutely certain it is ready for the streets of Verona.
SOARING HIGH/ DEVASTATING LOW; Once their creation hits the streets – and for it to succeed and replace the drug of the Montagues and put them out of business. I would like to see if this could somehow fill this hole in the center of their soul, if it could finally make them truly, genuinely happy. Or, the other outcome – for it to fail and knock them back down even further and see if it could be what finally makes Theodora give up on everything, or if it would only push them further to achieve even greater heights. Would they succumb to the hopelessness or would they rise back up again and power through the pain? Or would they simply break?
A SACRIFICE OF SOULS; Mikael and Celeste. They have been testing the sangue on the poor unfortunate souls which fascinate them to no end, but even though they wanted more time with their subjects to really observe the long-term effects, it was not possible. Mikael’s work and Celeste’s allegiance proves to be crutches to her plans of long-term testing. However, with recent developments, with Celeste in their clutches indefinitely, they see it as a perfect opportunity to do what they have always wanted to do.
THE PHOENIX AND THE FLAME; Companionship for information – it was the dyamic they have settled into, and Theodora revels in it. They have often wondered, however, if Halcyon, who was perceptive enough to realize that Theodora would be useful, would also be perceptive enough to notice that they were holding back. Keeping some things for themself. I would like to see what could happen if Halcyon would confront them about this, and what it would do to their relationship.
A BABE IN THE WOODS; Titania sees potential in the young saint of Verona, and surprisingly, could also see quite a bit of themself in the young woman. Perhaps they could assuage the guilt that has taken residence in their heart since their mother died, could make up for the time they had taken for granted the love that was given to them when they got too settled and comfortable in their new life. So I see Titania wanting to protect Catherine, providing her the knowledge they had, giving her reprieve from the violence that the brewing war would bring. And they would see it as a homage to their own mother, an act of following in her footsteps, doing for this Daly girl what Lavinia Moreau did for them.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | Yes, I have already sold my soul to this tale. I will gladly accept all the pain and suffering.
In-Character Interview:
What is your favorite place in Verona?
What does your typical day look like?
What has been your biggest mistake thus far?
What has been the most difficult task asked of you?
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues?
It was understandable, of course, how anyone from outside the circle would desperately seek to find truths about them, would crave the knowledge and map out the inner workings of their mind. Who would not want to tear apart and dissect a god, to see if they bleed just like mortals do? To see if they share the visceral internal pain that is a part of life and living? And though Verona is a pantheon, if one wanted to know about pain and suffering, they would not have chosen a better god to dissect – Titania and torment are lovers bound in a marriage neither could get out of.
So the bright-eyed young girl asks her questions, every now and again, throughout the night. Lying naked, creamy white long legs splayed across their own soft sheets. They held no affection for this girl, but they have seen Oberon with a girl just like her, and they wanted to know how the warmth between her thighs were any different to their own. They study the girl’s face and decide there was nothing special about her at all, but they were feeling merciful, so they will heed the questions.
“Verona is amazing, I’m so happy I chose to place for vacation! You live here, you probably have a favorite place, don’t you? Where is it?” she blabbered, excited eyes shining. “What’s your favorite place in Verona?”
Theodora takes a sip of her tea and looks out her windows to watch the sun rising, pushing up against the darkness and making the sky bleed, so the sun could finally shine and illuminate the word again. “All of it, darling,” They answered, sharp, dark eyes meeting the stranger’s hazel. “I have a deep fondness for the entire city,” Even the parts beyond the bridge, even the streets she swore she would never go back to. “I cannot, in good conscience, tell you that I favor one part of it more than the others. I love them all, equally.” Even darkest parts. Even the people. And because they knew it did not concern the young woman, they failed to tell her that this is what drove them to create the sangue, to help the people of her city, her home, to consume happiness, to feel it dusting their lips and coating their tongue, streaming down the river of their depraved, sinful, tormented blood. In a way, they supposed it must have been this which attracted them to Orpheus in the first place – and though he is unwittingly a voice of the downtrodden, there was no changing the fact that he is considered such. And Titania – Titania desires to become the savior of the people in their own way. The God they all worship made the people of Verona suffer, but they have been kneeling at the wrong altar. Soon, they will know this. Soon, they will know that it is by Titania’s shrine that they must offer their prayers and hymns.
“Okay, I guess that’s valid. I don’t think I could name my favorite song if you ever asked me, I like all of the music I listen to,” she plowed on, “I mean, that’s like, why I listen to them.” Titania quirked an eyebrow, nodding their head slightly, holding the young woman’s gaze, eyes never leaving. It was in their nature to be suspicious, and they looked for any sign of duplicity in the woman’s face. “Is that tea? Earl grey? Green? Mint? Chamomile? Or wait, is it jasmine?” she asked, pushing herself off the bed and padding off hurriedly to where Theodora stood, small and stubby fingers closing around theirs and pulling the cup down to take a peak. “Jasmine,” they answered, a smile blooming in their bare lips, devoid of their usual dark red lipstick. “Your name. I did not forget, in case you were wondering, bella.”
Jasmine smiled and looked up to meet their eyes. They were silent for a moment, until Jasmine twirled around, finally landing on the bed. “Is this what you do every day? Wake up early, drink tea, and then, go… I don’t know? To work? What does your typical day look like?”
“You are a curious one, caro gelsomino,” they say, setting their cup down and occupying the seat by the window, facing her, still. These questions raise alarms in their head, and they watch the other, hawk-like. To tell anyone their favorite place could mean they might seek them out in there, might wait for them to be in that place alone, vulnerable. “But there is not much to know. In fact, you have already guessed half of it. Had you continued, you needn’t hear my answer at all.” Jasmine frowned slightly, but not in annoyance. Instead, it was a frown of deep thought. “So you go to work,” she said, repeating absently. “You told me you work as a psychiatrist,” she said, looking up for confirmation, which they gave her – a small patient nod. “Have you ever been, like, really scared you’ll make mistakes when treating your patients? Like, what if something goes totally wrong? I feel like you can’t make any mistakes, but everyone makes them.” She leaned back on Theodora’s bed, placing her palms behind her, her arms supporting her body. “So I just wanna know, what’s the biggest mistake you’ve done so far?” “None,” they answered, automatically. Mortals might know of the god’s transgressions at times, but they’ll be damned if they would tell anyone about their biggest mistakes, to let them hear it come out of their own mouth. “I have never made any.” They punctuate this with a carefree shrug, lips curved in an easy smile, though their eyes remained sharp and calculating. Why would they tell her that every single day, they regret not being there for their mother when she took the last few breaths of her life? Why would they ever tell her how they regret ever sharing their bed with the likes of an arsonist like Nikolai? Or tell her that they regretted every single night they spent tangled up under the sheets with Orpheus, and not ending his life? There is no good reason for her to know. No good reason for anyone to know their secrets.
“Never? Wow. That’s– amazing,” fake reverence, disappointment in her tone. Titania tilted her head and watched the slightest ticks in their features, watching the gears of their brains moving, rubbing against each other in a frantic motion. “Do you even find anything difficult at all? I feel like you could just do anything. What’s the most difficult thing you’ve ever done?”
“Once, I had been assigned a patient who was a pathological liar,” they said, pointedly meeting her eyes, and watching her squirm slightly. Spy, they thought. Trying to weasel out as much information as she could about the Capulet’s enigmatic emissary. “She simply could not stop the lies that spilled out of her tongue. I found her to be very difficult to deal with, but as you know, I never make mistakes. So she was, accordingly, dealt with.” The threat in her words were subtle, but if she was who they thought, it would ring loud and clear.
“I heard two mobs are fighting here.” They smiled slightly at her boldness, keeping up the ruse, with her pretending she did not know about who they really were, pretending not to think anything of what Titania had told her earlier, or them pretending she is an innocent tourist from California, backpacking across Europe, and sleeping with a strange Verona woman because she was doing all kinds of explorations.
“What do you think of the war between them? Doesn’t that break apart the city you love so much?” She met their eyes, and the flecks of gold in them shines, glinting. The small smile that curved in their mouth only widened and grew, blossomed into something lethal and wicked. They had no idea who this girl was, but they intended to find out. Their instinct was telling them she must be one of those who despised all of them – both Capulets and Montagues – and wished for all their deaths. One of those who despised how they all ruled in Verona like the new gods and goddesses, atop an Olympus of their own, creating their own pantheon. Titania stood up and grabbed their phone from the nightstand, pressing it to their ear, their left hand reaching over her face, index finger stroking her jaw gently. “Moth, instruct Quince and Flute to lock down the entire manor. Immediately.” They said no more, dropped their phone back on the nightstand, gentle fingers now holding her jaw in place.
“You are never getting out until you tell me who you work for, ‘Jasmine’.”
In-Character Para Sample:
A year before their graduation from medical school, Lavinia Moreau died. Asleep among the many textbooks and journals they had been perusing earlier that night, they were awoken by the call. ’It was her heart, Madame. Cardiac arrest. I am terribly sorry.‘ And so were they. They were terribly sorry they were not there, terribly sorry that the last time they had spoken to their mother was ten days ago, when she asked when they were coming home to visit her again, talked about a marvelous new painting she had acquired from an auction, about redecorating – “the loveliest shade of red, pomme d’amour, I’m telling you, you must see it!”—and little did they know it would be the last time they would ever hear her voice, the last thing they talked about was the redecoration of the library Theodora had asked for, with the color of red, like an apple, just like what their mother has always called them Pomme d’amour. Candy apple.
It started then, the tears. The sobs, the rage. They tore apart the pages of the journals they had been reading, the ones that kept them from coming home all this time to see their mother, the godforsaken latin honors they were vying for to make their mother proud. In the end, none of it mattered, because they were not even able to see their mother before they died, not able to whisper how much they loved her, how thankful they were. That she was God’s gift to them as much as she thought Theodora was to her.
“Je t’aime, Maman,” they whispered to the wind, rocking back and forth while they sobbed on the floor of their dimly-lit room, hoping that their words would reach the netherworld, would reach their mother’s soul and would latch on to the heart that had stopped working and tore her away from Theodora and the world of the living. “Je t’aime, Maman. Je t’aime.” They whispered over and over again, as they drowned in a river of their tears, hearing the sound of their heart getting ripped apart.
A week later, they held their mother’s ashes close to their body as they sobbed yet again, nostrils detecting the faint smell of fresh paint, their legs splayed on the floor of the library she had enriched for her darling, intelligent child. They remembered all the lessons they had received on etiquette, manners, all the trappings of high society, lovingly delivered by their mother in this very room.
“Forgive me, Maman. Please, forgive me,” they whispered into the wind once more, hoping their mother would hear. And from this tragedy, il sangue di faerie was born. From this tragedy, Theodora Moreau began developing happiness in its purest form, to rid everyone of pain, to take it away and replace it with an exalted kind of jubilance to brighten this dark, dark world.
Their full name is Theodora Reine Celestine Moreau, for the late Lavinia Moreau could not decide among the three of which name to give dark-haired blessing of a girl that arrived at her hearth and home, and so she gave them all three. “God’s gift – a heavenly queen,” Lavinia told them. “It’s the perfect name for you, bambina.” And perhaps subconsciously they have tried to live up to the name they have been given, to own it and become it, down to the last atom of their being.
Theodora graduated from the University of Bologna with a degree in Chemistry (and latin honors to boot), which they turned into a pre-med, when they decided on a whim that they wanted to become a psychiatrist. The human mind has always fascinated them, and why not combine their fascination for it, with what they have learned in the four years they have studied matter and the atoms that make up the entire universe? They got into medical school immediately, and after four years, became a resident at the Hospital Villa Santa Giuliana. After completing their residency, they established their own practice in the Capulet side of Verona.
They used their psychiatric practice as a cover for their emissary work, accepting clients as “patients” and having some of their dealings with them in their clinic. In their third year of residency, they were allowed their own clinic, and no one at the hospital bat an eye, if they ever noticed anything, due to their vast connections (all forged by the Moreau name) and their incredible reputation in the field of Medicine.
They were 22 years old when their mother died, and six years later, the pain that demanded to be felt still kept grinding their bones, desperately constricting the muscles of their heart. They were thankful to know of love because of the woman, and there were moments in their life when they regretted not being able to express it more, especially in the later years of Lavinia’s life. Theodora had been far too busy with college, away from home, while their mother worked in the several companies that their small family of two owned until life was stolen back from her. They only realized the work their mother did every single day of her life for the two of them when it was too late. What did they know, back then, of love’s austere and lonely offices?
Most of their family’s money came from inheritance, and the wide array of businesses that their family owned – from shipping, to real estate and land development. Their family also owned hospitals, and only recently, a pharmaceutical company, acquired by Theodora themself. In the labs of this company, is where sangue was born, through Theodora’s own rigorous, hard work and perseverance.
Titania met Oberon at Measure by Measure, when they were initiated into the Capulet ranks. They were invited in, their creation paving the way for them to achieve emissary status right off the bat, but they still had to be initiated, else they would never have the respect of those they will work with. They were proud of their powerful mind, but they could not say the same of their nonexistent skill in fighting. They had to learn, and they had to learn fast. They sought Oberon, begged him to instruct them, and from then, the spark had turned into a flame that neither of them could ever put out.
“I have always been fascinated by the human mind, and often I have marveled at its capacity to contain the entire universe inside of it.”
“Perhaps the soul for the poet, and the neuron is for the scientist. And yet for me, it is one and the same.”
“I am a creator and spectator. I create for the consumption of others, and marvel at the spectacle I have catalyzed.”
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ieryana · 6 years
Dinner with Christians
*** Disclaimer *** - this is tongue in cheek fun. If you take it seriously and get triggered because bew hew you know a Christians then tough shit frankly. Enjoy! ________________________________________________________________
  "Fun as in 'naked twister' fun?" he quipped, slightly too hopefully. Felicity shot him one of her narrow-eyed, ‘you better behave’ sort of looks and squeezed his arm. "It's just that I went to a party once and it was full of forty-something swingers and-" "Oh you did not," She admonished with a flap of her hand that signalled that she didn't believe him and that the subject was dead. "Besides," she added, almost as an afterthought, "they're good Christian people, they wouldn't be into anything like that." "They're what?" A look of horror flew across Max’s face. Last time he’d encountered Christians en masse was his Christening, and he’d slept through that. "Flick!  Daaahling! Happy New Year!" A horribly ‘faux posh’ voice echoed from the porch. "Tom, Helen, how are you both, awww!"  Felicity gushed, hugging her hosts and flashing air kisses that missed by miles.  It was at that moment that the girl that was once Felicity Harbour changed….in a way Max hoped he would never see again. The transformation was devastating, dramatic and swift.  In that moment, she had become the entity known as Flick. Max stood in the doorway and juggled the beer, a resigned but somehow desperate expression on his face.  What had just happened?  It was only seven pm and he already wished the night was over. As he walked into the predictably magnolia and laminate hallway he spared a thought for the lads in the King's Arms, drinking, celebrating, happy, and single.  Happy New Year indeed. From inside, the stomach-churning soprano 'Walking in the Air' began to filter through into the hallway and he knew that with certainty it wouldn't be long before Cliff made an appearance too. Tom and Helen were pretty as boring as the house.  Helen was slightly overweight and dowdy. Straight mousy hair framed a chubby face and she was dressed in a shapeless floral dress.  Tom was the sort of guy you would want to beat savagely and, were it not for the fact that it would be something like kicking a puppy, you feared that you would.  Sporting a pair of tortoise shell rimmed glasses and a drab loose knit sweater; he’d also adopted a magnificent eye twitch that Max found compelling.  Tom would use words like 'cathartic' and 'holistic' a lot and pronounced the word beautiful as 'buuudafull’. Max ground his teeth together and tried to smile.            "So Maximillian nice to finally meet you, how aaaare you?  We heard you've been mentally ill is that right?"  Tom said all in one breathe.            Maximillian? Against his better judgement, he shifted the bitter into the crook of his arm and grasped Tom's limp, slightly damp hand, pumping it in greeting whilst brandishing a vaguely threatening fake grin.  "No, no it was a week off work for compassionate reasons, some work rela-"            "Super!  Well, this is my wife Helen…"  Tom cut in with a disarming smile and a sweep of his hand.             Feeling more than very put out, Max braced himself as Helen approached him for a double air kiss and he was horrified to note a wispy, grey moustache lying in wait across her top lip.  She smelled faintly of Yardley’s English Lavender, and that was no great surprise either.  Helen also had this irritating habit of talking to you through either closed or wildly fluttering eyelids, it made him wonder whether half way through a conversation he could nip away and come back without being noticed.  "Soooo gooooood to seeee yooooou," she whined.            Tom and Helen invited them into an untidy living room and introduced them to the others: Jed and Hannah, Campbell and his friend Philip, and Camilla. "Guys, this is Maximillian, Flick's beau – he's recently been mentally ill," Tom was saying, nodding sagely, "So let’s hope he finds tonight's diverse social integration… cathartic." Max raised a hand in salute. "Well, I wasn't strictly ill, but hello."  Something told him that the five pints of John Smith's he'd downed before meeting Flick and friends wouldn't be enough.  He then noticed Jed was wearing sandals with Argyll socks and briefly flirted with the idea of running away – quickly.            Dinner was a bland vegetarian affair that Helen had managed to become tearful over when she discovered that she had burned the crust of the leak and leak pie.  The potatoes were more than slightly underdone and the onion gravy watery beyond compare, although the Swede and carrot mash was passable.  She seemed heartened by the fact that her eye-watering, sugar-free rhubarb and gooseberry compote was edible, or at least that was the suggestion that everyone had given her by doggedly finishing their bowls.   "I think I've just developed a stomach ulcer," Max whispered to Flick, who shushed him tetchily.            "Matchmakers and coffee?" offered Tom, as if it was the height of sophistication.            "I'll stick with the beer, thanks."  Max pointed to his fast depleting stock.  The group had barely managed to empty three bottles of predictably cheap wine over dinner. He cracked open another can and tried to get comfortable on the lumpy sofa. "So," Jed was saying, his legs crossed and his hands constructing a pyramid at his chest, "Hannah and I met Campbell whilst on sabbatical in Bratislava in 1999…"            "Yea yea, Bratislava’s an awesome country”; Campbell interjected as if anyone was interested in his point.           Max rolled his eyes, but thought again about speaking out, leaving the group to embarrass themselves.            "Well, it's funny," Campbell continued in his soft, whiney Scottish accent and patted his 'friends' arm, "because Philip and I met during his gap year in Burundi." "Yes I was working with Médecins Sans Frontières as a volunteer nurse."  Philip added with a self-satisfied smile.            "Oh that's riiiight," gushed Helen.  "I heard that you had done a lot of good work in the Third World."            "I now do some volunteer work with special needs, but not as much as I'd like to" Philip continued, "in fact I'm a dedicated helper in the community for a great person called Ben Calloe."            “Wonky Ben?"  Max said.            The front room fell silent.  To look at their faces so aghast, one would have thought that he had just dropped his pants.  "What?  Wonky Ben, gammy leg, he comes in the pub."            "He's got cerebral palsy, Max," Philip said with the measured patience of somebody trying to break some really bad news.            "Yeah but you want to try and race lad, he's pretty quick after a few rum and cokes I can tell you."            "You feed him alcohol?"  Campbell seemed genuinely horrified.            Max shrugged.  "He's a bloke not a gerbil. Why shouldn’t he enjoy a drink or two, he’s still a person".  He was vaguely aware of Flick tugging urgently at his sleeve.  "What, you've never raced a drunken spazz?"            "We don't refer to them as 'spastic' anymore."  Hannah said gently.            "Anyway…" Tom intervened.  "Campbell, you were saying about Burundi…"            Max's eyes darted incredulously from speaker to speaker, what irritated him more than the inane anecdotes of who met whom and during what Hutu uprising, was the fact that Camilla simply nodded in agreement to every statement and mmm-mmm'd her approval.  This further cemented Max's theory that she had nothing to add to any conversation.  Anywhere.  Ever.            Max sighed and cracked open another can. "So Maxi, did your faith helped you through your period of mental illness?" Tom said, some time later, turning his attention across the table.            "Sorry, what?" Max jumped awake from the semi-doze he’d fallen into            "Your faith, was it a crutch?"  Helen asked.  "I found that my faith brought me through my darker moments when I was diagnosed with uterine polyps."            "Mmm, yah, polyps."  Camilla nodded seriously, shooting Helen a tight lipped look of unswerving support and female camaraderie.            "Er, no, I'm not a big church goer to be honest."  Or at all, but he wasn’t going to admit that.            "Awww."  The group crooned in an 'oh you poor, silly, ignorant little man' fashion.            He noted that Flick looked suitably embarrassed and could not help but feel a little crow of jubilation inside him.            "You really should consider taking Christ into your life."  Hannah said.            "Mmm-mmm, yah.  Christ our Lord."  Camilla spouted and actually held up a hand in some sort of 'hey Jesus, here I am,' wave.            Max drew a patient breath and forced a smile. "No, thanks all the same.  I'm happy with my lot and it's not really for me, but cheers."            "Don't worry; I'm sure you will regain your faith with Flick's help, she is such a strong woman."  Helen sympathised.  "You will find that it was the glory of the Lord that drew you out of your mental illness."            "Oh, I'm not so sure!"  Max replied smoothly.            They all looked at him in earnest.  "Yes Max… it was. They nodded as one. "Oh yes, Jesus loves you.  He loves us all."  Hannah intoned. This was getting a little creepy, and Max edged his way along the sofa.            "Doesn't seem to love wonky Ben that much does he now," Max replied sourly.            "Ah, don't worry, the Lord has His own plan for Ben. His physical illness is part of god’s plan, as was your mental illness."         Max slammed his hand down on the nearby table causing everyone to jump and sending John Smiths tins scattering.  Camilla stopped mmm-mmming all of a sudden and looked petrified. He stood up and stared at them all. "Look, I'm not mentally ill.  I never have been; I had a week's leave of absence after some work related stresses and my mum dying.  And before you say it, no, she's hasn't 'crossed over' or 'become spirit' or whatever it is you nut-jobs think and she's not 'in a better place'. She's in a box, in the ground, in Highgate cemetery.  Oh and in case you were wondering, I don't want to join your blasted Christian polyp support group or whatever it is.  I have been listening to you lot for the past four hours and you have yet to say anything remotely constructive or interesting!" "Maxi, I really don't think this is-" Campbell began to speak, looking pale. "It's Max you irritating Scottish poof!" "Wha-what?"  Campbell and Philip both looked stunned, as if some great and unspoken secret had been splashed across the national news. "Oh come off it, people!  If these two were any more mince they'd be a Chilli Con Carne." An awkward silence fell across the group, broken only by Philip, who began to weep quietly into his napkin. He glared at them for a few seconds longer before about turning and striding into the hallway.  "Jesus Christ!  No wonder they threw you lot to the lions!” The door slammed shut in his wake. "Peace be with you…"  Tom murmured cheerlessly, smoothing his pullover.
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xxbyimm · 7 years
Enya’s Unexpected Journey - Chapter 4
For all other chapters, click the number: 1, 2, 3,
Chapter 4
Summary:  Enya wants to join the company on their quest, but a certain stubborn dwarf leader gets in the way.
She told Bilbo she wanted to walk through Hobbiton and went out. The truth was she did not want to hear the discussion between Gandalf and Thorin. If the latter wouldn’t allow her on the trip… She sighted. Even she knew that dwarves could be very, very stubborn. If he did not want her, she wasn’t included. Simple as that. She hummed on of her favorite songs while she enjoyed strolling the lane Bilbo lived on. The crickets were chirping as loud as they could. The moon stood high in the sky. Enya wondered if Thorin liked her as much as she liked him. ‘God’ she muttered. ‘You don’t even know how dwarf relationships work!’ When she reached the end of the lane, she took a left turn and walked through the beautiful fields that surrounded the town. She decided to sit down on the soft grass. As she watched the stars in the dark sky, she thought about home. Would time work different in this world? Would they already miss her? For a moment, the thought of Jason, and him discovering that she was gone, made her homesick. Then she remembered his smug face when he told her he would be staying with Abbie for a couple of months. Again. To think about us, he had said. She growled. Think. Yeah, the last place where he would think about her would be in Abbie’s house. In her bed. She pitied poor Abbie, who took him back. Stupid girl. She angrily wiped away a tear that rolled down her cheek. She should not be thinking of this. She should not care one damn bit about what Thorin thought of her. Or any other man. Or dwarf, for that matter. Right now, she needed herself to be sane. She stood up. It seemed she was really stuck in this world. A tiny part of her hoped she would fall in a portal again and woke up in her own bed. But, because this wasn’t a dream or a fairytale, she supposed she should just go with it. She smiled. Perhaps a new beginning would turn out to be blessing.
When she got back, everyone was inside. She sighed and sat down on the bench before the window. She stared at her hand and reprocessed the information Gandalf had given her a few hours ago. Grandma Gigi a dwarf princess? She giggled. Maybe she was. And if that was true, she could even been a fire witch. Enya could not remember a situation where grandma Gigi ever used her supposed ‘skills’ to bend fire to her will. Not when she was around anyway. She shrugged when the palms of her hand suddenly started the burn. She stared at them and swallowed when the pain became more intense. ‘Am I getting ill?’ she muttered. It would not surprise her if she was infected with some mysterious disease. She moaned a little when one hand began to shake. What the hell?
Suddenly the door was opened and Thorin and Gandalf stepped through. Thorin shut the door with a hard smack and the wood protested when it was pushed back violently in its frame. ‘There is no point in discussing this.’ He said with a chillingly cold voice. ‘She cannot come. I don’t need a woman who cannot protect herself, let alone in a world unknown to her.’ ‘But I believe she can be helpful’ Gandalf tried. ‘ ‘Right!’ bellowed Thorin. ‘A burglar who isn’t a burglar. I trusted you on this one, but one supposed burglar is enough. I don’t need two.’ Enya stood up and folded her arms before she faced them. ‘Right.’ She said, in the most cutest and cringe worthy tone she could imagine. Thorin looked straight at her, but she saw no emotion in his eyes. She wanted to be polite, humble even, but when she felt the warm hot blood running up to her cheeks, she knew it was too late.
Her inner bitch was set loose. And her inner bitch knew no mercy.
She narrowed her eyes. ‘I am not scared of you’ she said with clenched teeth. ‘Pull up that wall and pretend to be a scary unfriendly bastard, but I am not buying that. Neither am I scared of this world. I can fight.’ ‘With what?’ he asked sarcastically. ‘Anything I can find’ ‘You didn’t seem to be able to defend yourself when I found you.’ He shot back. ‘Yes!’ Enya laughed. ‘That is the perfect example! Here I am, confused, only five minutes in this fucking place, made a pretty bad fall and then I’m expected to fight of the first person who grabs me, out of the fucking blue?’ ‘That is the point of being able to defend yourself’ he mocked. Enya was so furious she had to do something to channel her anger. She could not grab Thorin and scream in his face, so she chose to pace back and forth and breathe heavily while trying not to lose her mind. ‘It is absolutely ridiculous you assume women can’t fight. I fought of my fair share of men in the streets of New York. The kind that thinks they can call you names or touch you just because you happen to be there. I did not have a sword back then.’ She took a deep sigh. ‘I even wore HEELS too, for god sake!’ Both men stared at her with a blank face that told her they had no idea what she was talking about. ‘Right’ she quickly said. ‘Heels are very uncomfortable high shoes. They don’t really enable you to run, so that leaves only one option open.’ Her anger was only fueled by the thought of those nights she was harassed. ‘I fucking fought them off.’ Her left hand began shaking again, but she was so caught up in the situation that it did go unnoticed. ‘So’ Thorin said. ‘You might me skilled in your world, but that doesn’t ensure me that you can be helpful to my company. I need proof.’ He folded his arms and seemed very determined. Well, then he had to learn she could be very determined too. She gave him the most chilling look she could conjure. ‘Fine. You should have left me in the mercy of those orcs then.’ ‘But I didn’t’ he admitted. ‘No.’ Enya forced her lips into a devious smile. ‘I wonder why.’ She quickly looked at her hand when the pain began to be unbearable again. It was red hot and felt like it was on fire. Gandalf grabbed her hand and the look on his face made her terrified. ‘Have you encountered this before?’ he asked her softly. Enya shook her head. ‘No’ Gandalf exchanged a glance with Thorin. ‘This is what I told you about.’ He muttered. Thorin nodded, but said nothing. ‘What?’ asked Enya.
Another glance. None of them spoke. Enya pulled her hand from Gandalfs grip. She stormed inside and grabbed her coat. She was fuming and the pain in her hand darkened her mood even more. ‘I’ve had it’ she muttered. When she entered the front yard again, Thorin looked curiously at her. Enya smiled. ‘You know what guys, I’ll make this very easy. I’ve had it. I spent half of my lifetime doing things because others told me so. I’ve been broken, being cheated on and brought down numerous times. I’m not a second option, something you should drag along to see if I come in handy. I’ll make my own luck. I won’t allow anyone near me unless I want to.’ She stormed out of the gate. ‘Gentlemen’ she saluted. ‘Have a good trip.’ When she wanted to bring her arm down again, she was brought to stop when an enormous flame shot out of the palm of her hand. ‘WHAT THE FUCK!’ she screamed. She stared at her hand, which was actually on fire. It didn’t hurt as much as she expected it would. Actually, she felt nothing. What was this kind of a weird disease? It made her furious and fascinated at the same time. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably and all of the sudden the flame was gone. ‘WITCHCRAFT!’ screamed Dori. Enya looked at him. She did not remember him being outside. He was quick to judge. She clenched her fists together and howled in horror when the ground around her started to freeze. She quickly opened her hands. ‘SHE IS A WITCH!’ Enya teared up and in a reflex she shot something at Dori’s head. A loud thumb vibrated through Hobbiton. Enya was horrified when she saw a thick icicle sticking in the post of the door above Dori. Did she just do that? Meanwhile, Dori was trembling and pointed at her. ‘WITCH!’ ‘I am truly sorry’ she whispered and for a moment she had no idea what she should do. She had nowhere to go, so she rapidly walked down the lane. When she was out of sight, she started to run. She fought the tears until she saw entered the forest at the border of the shire. She hid in a bush and let it go.
Thorin had sent everyone inside and prepared to search miss Enya himself. Maybe he had been harsh on her, but she had to understand that he could not grow soft. Everyone in the company had a job, a purpose. He could not drag everyone along. The moment he had laid his eyes on her, he had known he was terribly lost. He could not let that happen. Any distraction could be devastating. He hoped she could not guess how much he wanted to make her his. According to the ancient dwarf laws… He smiled. ‘Thorin!’ Thorin jumped and shot a glance at Gandalf, who apparently was at his side again. ‘Let her go.’ Gandalf said. Thorin grunted. Gandalf shook his head. ‘She’ll be back. She is just confused. She found her homeland, her destiny. The magic in this land is unlocking her powers, but she is untrained.’ ‘Can we…’ Thorin began. ‘No. She’ll be back when she is ready.’ The wizard stared in the darkness. ‘We have to trust her on that.’ Thorin sighted and resisted the urge to ignore the wizard and search miss Enya anyway. He had duties. He hoped she would find her way back to him. He marched inside and searched for Balin. ‘Has the hobbit already signed yet?’ he grunted. Balin shook his head. ‘No, he did not. I fear we have lost our burglar.’ Thorin sighted. It appeared that none of Gandalf optional additions to the company were going to last. ‘Maybe it is for the best.’ Balin mused. ‘What are we, Thorin? We’re merchants, tin makers, toy makers.’ Thorin smiled. ‘There are a few warriors among us.’ ‘Very old warriors’ said Balin. ‘Make an extra contract.’ Thorin ordered. ‘Why?’ Balin was his friend long enough to ask him such a question. Thorin scoffed, but decided to answer the question anyway. ‘Because miss Enya might return.’ He turned around and did not see the curious glance that Balin shot at him. He went outside again. He should get some sleep before they left at dawn, but he wasn’t tired. He stared into the way miss Enya disappeared an hour ago. She would find her way back. She had to.
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