#intuitive abilities
dakshkakkar · 1 day
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Intuition Test
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Have you ever felt the pull of your intuition guiding you in making decisions? Our intuition plays a pivotal role in daily life, steering us through uncertainties and aligning us with our inner wisdom. This blog post dives deep into the fascinating world of intuition tests—what they are, how they function, and their significance. Join us as we explore the secrets behind these tests, featuring insights from India's leading expert in intuitive readings, Psychic Medium Daksh.
Understanding Intuition Intuition, often termed as our sixth sense, is the ability to understand or know something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. It's the inner voice that subtly guides us, nudging us towards the right decisions. While some individuals naturally possess strong intuition, others may need to cultivate and develop this innate gift through practice and heightened awareness.
What is an Intuition Test? An intuition test is a tool designed to gauge and measure an individual's intuitive capabilities. These tests vary widely, from simple quizzes to intricate exercises that tap into the subconscious mind. The primary goal of an intuition test is to assess one's intuitive strength and enhance it through targeted exercises and techniques.
Types of Intuition Tests Intuition tests come in various forms, each targeting different facets of intuitive abilities. One well-known type is the Zener cards test, where participants predict symbols on a set of cards before they are revealed. Another common test involves intuitive decision-making scenarios, where individuals rely on their gut feelings to make choices.
The Role of Psychic Medium Daksh In the realm of intuitive readings, Psychic Medium Daksh is a beacon of wisdom and insight. With years of experience and a profound understanding of the human psyche, Daksh has guided countless individuals in unlocking their intuition and harnessing its power for personal growth and transformation. Through his intuitive readings, Daksh provides guidance, clarity, and validation, empowering his clients to trust their intuition and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Why Intuition Tests Matter Intuition assessments extend beyond simple entertainment, offering substantial benefits that can profoundly enhance various aspects of our lives. Refining our intuitive skills fortifies our connection with inherent guidance systems, resulting in improved decision-making, more effective management of challenges, and heightened creative abilities. In an era characterized by constant distractions, cultivating intuition aids in eliminating extraneous noise and promotes a deeper alignment with our true selves.
Tips for Enhancing Intuition
1. Practice Mindfulness: Cultivate awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings through mindfulness meditation.
2. Trust Yourself: Learn to trust your gut instincts, even when they defy logic or reason.
3. Keep a Dream Journal: Pay attention to your dreams, as they often contain valuable insights and intuitive messages.
4. Listen to Your Body: Tune into physical sensations and cues, as your body often holds valuable wisdom.
5. Seek Guidance: Consult experts like Psychic Medium Daksh for personalized intuitive readings and guidance on your spiritual journey.
In Conclusion
Intuition tests are more than assessments of our intuitive abilities; they are gateways to self-discovery and personal growth. By embracing our intuition and trusting its guidance, we unlock doors to endless possibilities and potential. With the expertise of professionals like Psychic Medium Daksh, we can embark on a journey of exploration and empowerment, tapping into the profound wisdom within us all. So, the next time you're faced with a decision, listen to that inner voice—it might just lead you to where you're meant to be.
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dustykneed · 1 month
judgement call (nice kitties jim!)
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whoooops. ever get reflexively nerve pinch'd?
(context: soldier poet king)
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thatfrailsoul · 16 days
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Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you and behind which image it hides... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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You have still so much to experience and live through, so many moments to create and feel... And yet what you got through until now left you already with so many scars and so much knowledge about how to heal and take care of ones tired heart and soul.
It's not an easy awareness to have within you. It makes your own feelings be overwhelming, so clear and much stronger then many people could bare and feel. It makes you unable to look away when others feel something, when they are the ones to feel turn apart and filled with pain. It makes you feel responsible, for you, for others, for this world... Even if you are not at all the one who causes this pain and despair around you. And it makes you hate this part of you, this gentleness and care that makes you so easy for others to use...
But while so many might have turned their back on you after using your strength and support to live through a moment, leaving you hurt and drained, sad of how often it happens again and again... Your readiness and willingness to feel so much, to understand so well and to find that one thing that could help others, is not at all something bad, a curse on your soul. It's an incredible gift, a natural call that you feel each time and can't resist. Something that so few in this world can do and really handle. Something that you should be proud of, regardless of the way others thank you or decide to take it for granted and to ignore. Because even if they are not with you, even if they might not understand or appreciate what you did for them, perhaps even misunderstanding it and feeling somehow hurt... They still live. They still overcame that storm. Healed that wound. They are still able to make further steps in this world. All thanks to you and to your gift of knowledge and feelings, and your courage to share it with others. To help through such powerful love and gentleness, that not anyone has the strength to embody and carry in this world.
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You just can sense it. You can feel it under your skin... The moment something shifts and hides a danger, a truth that for anyone but you is hidden in plane sight.
So often you try to shake it off, perhaps thanks to so many advices and kind and helpful" opinions of others that convince you that its simply all your mind... But it never goes away does it? Even when you try so hard to not listen, your heart continues to whisper and warn you, guide you, past many situations and people that don't have at all your best in mind.
Some call it overthinking, trauma, deep fear and negative expectations about the way this world can treat you. Ohters call it intuition, inner knowledge, angels guarding you behind your back... But the truth is much deeper and sweeter. Hidden in everything you overcame all on your own, the battles you won not against the others, but against your own mind that was so mean to your poor heart. You protected it your protected your self every single time, no matter how hard it was to be able to see the truth and work on the subtle ways others and even your own self tried to manipulate you and hurt you. And now... Tha part of you knows and remembers it. Giving you back that love and care, that protection that you had the courage to give yourself, by guiding you thanks to an incredible power. The power that you on your own created and gifted to yourself.
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It is not at all easy to deal with one's tired, confused, sometimes angry and furious mind. It's not at all easy to face it, try to calm it, looking for something positive, something that is worth to keep going, each time your mind screams how it's all useless and wrong. It's not easy to speak it's language, to be courageous enough to look each time deeper and be willing to understand where all that hate comes from... But you did it, again and again. Standing up for yourself, fighting, even when your worst and strongest enemy was your own insecure and vulnerable mind. You found, you find, again and again the motivation, reasons, to go further. To continue this life, these journeys, even if it means doing it one slow and challenging step at a time. You face it all and you overcome it.
Demonstrating each day to your mind how there is no need to be so scared and loud about it. That you can, indeed, have faith in yourself and be proud of each day that you live through moving forward. It is not easy. But you are able to do it again and again, despite it all. You are able to tap into the incredible power of your heart, of hope and faith, of the courage, and use it to help yourself. And to remind your mind and others that nothing is impossible. And that even the scariest and darkest nights can be faced with the light of our soul and the love for our own selves, that deserve to come out of it and experience all that this world and life has in store.
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The Untamed | Episode 25 [Badass Wei Wuxian]
⤳WangXian’s Favorite Scenes [16/∞]⬿
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lovelydwyn · 8 months
Empaths are always exhausted because they see through the masks people wear as if they aren’t even there. It takes a lot of energy always having to wonder why people don’t want to live in their truth.
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grey-sorcery · 7 months
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Title: Psychic Abilities: First Steps
Suggested Reading
Biases in Witchcraft Dualities Psychic Abilities & Mental Illness Shadow Work: First Steps Energetic Senses The Subtle Body Warding Basics
*- Closed or Semi-closed cultures/practices This article uses yellow text, which may be difficult to read outside of dark-mode.
Understanding Psychic Abilities
Psychic abilities often refer to skills or talents enabling individuals to gain information or influence beyond the scope of human senses or scientific understanding. Such capacities are frequently posited to transcend the boundaries of time, space, and matter. While they can be classified into various types – such as clairvoyance (perceiving remote or hidden information), telepathy (transmitting thoughts), and precognition (predicting future events) – the mechanisms underpinning these phenomena remain the subjects of controversy and speculation.
 Historical Perspectives
Throughout history, diverse cultures have recognized and integrated the notion of psychic phenomena into their daily lives and spiritual practices. From ancient civilizations like the Greeks and Egyptians, who consulted oracles and seers for guidance, to indigenous tribes who believed in the power of shamans and medicine people to communicate with forces beyond human perception, psychic phenomena have occupied a significant niche.
In the medieval period, psychic occurrences were often intertwined with religious or supernatural explanations. Those who claimed to possess these abilities were either revered as divinely gifted or, conversely, vilified and persecuted for heresy or witchcraft. Notably, the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods began to scrutinize such claims, emphasizing empirical evidence and rationality. This shift led to a decline in the public acceptance of psychic phenomena as mere superstitions or the result of charlatanism.
Modern Interpretations
In contemporary times, the debate surrounding psychic phenomena has bifurcated into two dominant perspectives: the skeptics and the proponents.
Skeptics, often armed with a scientific background, posit that claims of psychic abilities lack empirical evidence. They argue that such phenomena can be explained by cognitive biases, logical fallacies, or mere coincidences. For instance, the confirmation bias might lead someone to remember only the instances when a psychic prediction was accurate and dismiss those when it was not. They also highlight instances where purported psychics have been exposed as frauds, using tactics such as cold reading to feign genuine abilities.
On the contrary, proponents assert that the existence of psychic abilities is a genuine and untapped dimension of human potential. While acknowledging that fraudulence exists, they argue that there are genuine cases that defy conventional explanations. They contend that science, in its current form, may not be adequately equipped to understand or measure these phenomena. Some postulate that advancements in neuroscience, consciousness research, or quantum physics might one day elucidate the enigmatic nature of psychic abilities.
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Types of Psychic Abilities 
Derived from the French words "clair" (clear) and "voir" (to see), clairvoyance essentially translates to "clear seeing." Clairvoyance refers to the claimed ability to gather information about an object, person, location, or event without any known humanly means. This phenomenon is often described as receiving visual information in the form of symbols, colors, or visions. Throughout history, many societies have revered clairvoyants as powerful figures. In some cultures, they played significant roles as advisors to rulers or as mediators between the physical and unseen worlds. Contemporary society, with its emphasis on empirical evidence, often views clairvoyance with skepticism, yet there remains a persistent cultural fascination with this ability. In many spiritual traditions, clairvoyance is seen as a heightened state of consciousness, a gift or a skill that connects the individual with higher dimensions or spiritual guides.
Stemming from the Greek words "tele" (distant) and "pathos" (feeling), telepathy can be understood as "distant feeling." Telepathy is the purported transmission of information between individuals without using known human sensory channels or physical interaction. It encompasses the transfer of emotions, thoughts, or even complex ideas. From ancient legends to modern science fiction, telepathic communication has captured the human imagination. While empirical research in telepathy remains inconclusive, it is a recurrent theme in popular media, underscoring the human yearning for connection. Mystic traditions may regard telepathy as a manifestation of universal interconnectedness, suggesting that at a deep level, all consciousness is one and separateness is an illusion.
The term derives from the Latin "prae" (before) and "cognitio" (getting to know), effectively meaning "foreknowledge." Precognition involves knowledge or perception of future events before they occur, without any logical basis for such foreknowledge. This might manifest as dreams, feelings, or intuitions. Predicting the future has been a universal human pursuit, with precognitives often serving crucial societal roles as prophets, oracles, or seers. However, contemporary views on precognition are split, with skeptics pointing to cognitive biases as explanations. Many mystical traditions suggest that time, as humans perceive it, is an illusion. In such a framework, precognition might be understood as accessing timeless dimensions where past, present, and future coexist.
"Clair" (clear) combined with "cognizance" (knowledge) indicates "clear knowledge." Claircognizance denotes an intuitive ability to just "know" something, without any logical basis or prior information. Individuals with this ability might suddenly know facts, insights, or understandings without knowing how they acquired them. The concept of inherent knowledge or insight is recognized in many cultures, often attributed to divine inspiration or profound intuition. However, in a world valuing empirical data, such spontaneous knowledge can be met with skepticism. Some spiritual interpretations posit that claircognizance is a connection to universal knowledge or the collective consciousness, suggesting an innate ability to tap into an omniscient source.
Combining "clair" (clear) with "sentience" (feeling), clairsentience means "clear feeling." Clairsentience refers to the ability to physically feel or emotionally sense the energy or emotions of people, places, or events. This might manifest as gut feelings, sudden mood changes, or physical sensations. Empathy and heightened sensitivity have been recognized across various cultures. While some view clairsentience as a heightened form of empathy, others approach it with caution due to its inexplicable nature. Within mystical traditions, clairsentience might be seen as an enhanced sensitivity to the energy or vibrations of the universe, reflecting a deep interconnectedness of all things.
Derived from Latin "compellere," meaning "to drive or push together." Compulsion, in this context, refers to the purported ability to influence another's thoughts or actions without overt persuasion or physical interference. Historical records are replete with tales of individuals who held sway over masses, their compelling presence seemingly altering the will of others. Modern interpretations often approach such claims with caution, exploring psychological mechanisms behind suggestibility. Some spiritual interpretations suggest compulsion is an exertion of one's will or energy over another, tapping into the subtle dynamics of interwoven consciousness.
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Common Misconceptions
While psychic abilities have been recognized and debated for centuries, modern society often conflates them with broader supernatural phenomena. To distinguish: psychic abilities are often defined as potential innate capacities of the human psyche, whereas supernatural phenomena encompass a broader range of occurrences that supposedly defy natural laws. An example of such a conflation might be equating clairvoyance solely with ghostly apparitions or haunted locales, limiting the nuanced understanding of psychic phenomena. This conflation can be attributed to myriad factors, including cultural narratives, folklore, and limited exposure to diverse interpretations of psychic occurrences.
The Hollywood Influence
The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, has significantly molded perceptions of psychic phenomena. From sensationalized depictions of mediums speaking to the departed in horror movies to superheroes with telepathic abilities saving the world, these portrayals often prioritize spectacle over accuracy. While they capture the imagination and offer thrilling narratives, they may distort or exaggerate the nuances of genuine psychic experiences.
Hollywood's penchant for dramatization means that psychic abilities are frequently portrayed with an added layer of spectacle, potentially leading the general populace to harbor unrealistic or skewed expectations. For instance, telepathy in movies might be showcased as characters having fullblown conversations without speaking, while actual anecdotal accounts might reference fleeting impressions or emotions.
Skepticism and Belief
Public opinion on psychic phenomena is polarized, with skeptics and believers often at odds. Skeptics caution against gullibility, pointing to instances of fraud, the influence of cognitive biases, and the lack of empirical evidence as reasons for disbelief. On the other hand, staunch believers might dismiss skeptics as close minded or overly analytical.
However, a nuanced view acknowledges that both skepticism and belief have their merits. Blind skepticism might close one off to exploring uncharted territories of human experience, while unbridled belief risks being deceived by charlatans. An informed approach considers available evidence, remains open to possibilities, and constantly seeks deeper understanding, free from dogma.
New Age Influences and How to Avoid Them
The New Age movement, originating in the late 20th century, amalgamates various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. While it has popularized many esoteric concepts, including some pertaining to psychic phenomena, it often does so without rigorous foundation or context.
To avoid undue New Age influences when exploring psychic phenomena:
Educate Yourself: Delve into historical, cultural, and scientific perspectives on psychic abilities. Understand that the New Age interpretation is just one among many.
Question Sources: Not all literature or speakers on psychic topics are reliable. Discern between those who have done comprehensive research and those echoing popular yet shallow narratives.
Practice Discernment: Be wary of commercialized aspects of the New Age movement, such as workshops or products that promise quick psychic awakenings without any substantial groundwork.
Theosophical Influences and How to Avoid Them
The Theosophical Society, founded in the 19th century, aimed to explore, study, and disseminate knowledge about the mystical and unknown. However, its interpretations of psychic and spiritual phenomena are specific to its doctrine.
To steer clear of Theosophical biases:
Broaden Your Horizon: While Theosophy offers a rich tapestry of esoteric thought, it's essential to explore other cultural, philosophical, and spiritual perspectives on psychic phenomena.
Recognize Distinctive Theosophical Concepts: By identifying core Theosophical tenets, one can differentiate them from other psychic or spiritual beliefs.
Engage in Open Discussion: Interacting with a diverse group of thinkers, researchers, and practitioners can help in discerning Theosophical influences from more universal or varied interpretations.
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The Science Behind Psychic Abilities
Psychic phenomena have long captured human curiosity, leading to extensive investigations, both informal and academic. Over the past century, numerous institutions have endeavored to study psychic abilities under controlled conditions. These include efforts by prominent universities and independent research bodies.
One well-documented approach has been the use of Zener cards — a set of five symbols (circle, cross, waves, square, star) — to test for extrasensory perception (ESP). Participants predict the sequence of cards, and results are assessed against statistical probabilities to discern any significant deviations suggesting psychic abilities.
Another area of interest has been the study of telepathy, where participants, often in isolated chambers, attempt to transmit or receive thoughts, images, or emotions. Success rates beyond chance levels could, in theory, indicate telepathic capabilities.
Controversies and Criticisms
Despite the extensive body of research, psychic phenomena remain a contentious topic in the scientific community. Some of the primary criticisms include:
Replicability Issues: A foundational principle of science is that experiments should produce consistent results when replicated. Psychic phenomena, however, often lack this consistency, leading many to question their validity.
Methodological Flaws: Critics often point out potential flaws in the design or execution of psychic experiments. These could range from insufficient controls, potential biases, or even fraud.
Statistical Interpretations: While certain psychic studies claim statistical significance, skeptics argue that these could be anomalies or the result of incorrect data interpretation.
Potential Explanations
Given the elusive nature of psychic phenomena, several hypotheses have been proposed, ranging from the purely physiological to the quantum mechanical:
Subconscious Perception: Some suggest that what's perceived as psychic ability might be heightened sensitivity to subconscious cues. This could mean picking up on subtle body language, temperature changes, or even pheromones.
Quantum Mechanics: Some posit that the nonlocality principle in quantum physics, where particles can be interconnected over vast distances, might provide a framework for understanding psychic interconnections. Though this argument tends to be provided by those who do not understand quantum theory.
Unified Field Theory: Drawing from physics, some speculate that a yet to be discovered unified field might explain the interconnectedness of consciousness. Though this argument also tends to be provided by those who do not understand quantum theory.
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Potential Biases Within Scientific Approaches
While the scientific method prides itself on objectivity, biases can infiltrate any field of study, including investigations into psychic phenomena:
Confirmation Bias: Researchers, like all individuals, can unconsciously favor data that aligns with their preexisting beliefs, potentially overlooking data that contradicts their hypotheses.
Publication Bias: Studies producing positive or sensational results are often more likely to be published than those with null or negative findings. This can skew the available literature and public perception.
Cultural and Historical Biases: Western scientific paradigms, rooted in materialism, might inherently dismiss phenomena that don't fit within this framework, whereas other cultures might approach the same phenomena differently.
It's crucial to approach psychic research with an awareness of these biases, ensuring comprehensive and balanced investigations.
Comfort with Paranormal Explanations and Experiences
Across the globe, individuals vary in their comfort levels with paranormal explanations. For some, a spiritual or mystical interpretation of an event is natural and enriching. For others, such interpretations might provoke discomfort, skepticism, or even fear.
Some cultures have rich traditions of spiritual and mystical experiences, making paranormal explanations more accepted and integrated. Direct personal experiences with phenomena that defy conventional explanations can either enhance comfort with the paranormal or, paradoxically, provoke greater skepticism. Awareness and understanding of various phenomena, whether through formal education, personal research, or exposure to diverse viewpoints, can influence one's comfort levels.
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Developing Psychic Abilities: A Comprehensive Approach
The initial phase in understanding psychic abilities requires identifying subtle indications that point towards their potential presence. Historically, various cultures have believed in the capability of certain individuals to perceive information hidden from the regular senses. These potential indicators might include:
Heightened Sensitivity: Some individuals report a heightened sensitivity to their surroundings, especially in terms of emotions and energies. They often feel strong empathic connections, allowing them to sense the emotions and moods of those around them, even if subtly expressed.
Frequent Déjà vu: The sensation of having experienced something previously, even when encountering it for the first time, may indicate a potential psychic inclination. While this phenomenon can be explained by various neurological processes, some interpret it as a sign of precognitive ability.
Predictive Dreams: Though dreams often arise from the subconscious mind processing daily events, some individuals note dreams that appear to foretell future events. While not always accurate, these dreams' predictive nature often stands out due to its specificity and detail.
Practice Techniques
To nurture psychic abilities, one must employ certain techniques and exercises that are designed to enhance these potential faculties. Here are some scientificallyacknowledged methods that might be beneficial:
Meditation: Meditation is a tool that aids in focusing the mind and building awareness of one's thoughts and surroundings. By practicing regular meditation, individuals can develop a heightened sense of intuition and possibly tap into deeper levels of perception.
Mindfulness: Being present in the moment can help individuals become more attuned to their surroundings and the subtle energies therein. Practicing mindfulness, like meditation, can be a foundation for honing psychic skills by fostering a keen awareness of the world around us.
Exposure to Varied Stimuli: Engaging with diverse environments, cultures, and experiences can sharpen one's intuitive skills. By exposing oneself to a broad array of stimuli, it becomes easier to identify patterns and connections that might not be immediately obvious.
Consistent Training
Consistency is vital when cultivating any skill, and the development of psychic abilities is no exception. Regular practice and a commitment to growth are imperative. Keeping a record of experiences, feelings, and intuitions can be beneficial. Over time, patterns may emerge, providing insights into the development and accuracy of psychic abilities.
Seeking feedback from trusted sources helps in gauging the accuracy of one's psychic perceptions and offers opportunities for refinement. Engaging with literature and scholarly articles on topics like parapsychology, cognitive science, and neurology can provide a rounded understanding and facilitate better practices.
Identifying Cognitive Bias
While exploring psychic abilities, it is crucial to be aware of cognitive biases. These are systematic patterns of deviation from rationality in judgment, where individuals create their own subjective reality from their perception. Examples include:
Confirmation Bias: The tendency to seek, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions. In the context of psychic abilities, this might manifest as remembering only accurate predictions while disregarding inaccuracies.
Apophenia: The human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data. This could lead individuals to believe they've identified significant psychic insights when, in fact, they're drawing connections from unrelated events.
Identifying Mental Illness Symptoms that Seem Like Psychic Abilities
It is essential to differentiate between genuine psychic experiences and symptoms of mental illnesses. Some symptoms can mimic psychic phenomena, such as:
Hallucinations: These are sensory experiences in which a person can hear, see, smell, taste, or feel something that isn't there. While some might interpret these as psychic visions or messages, they are often associated with conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Delusions: Strongly held beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. For example, believing that one has a unique ability to predict events or read minds, when, in reality, evidence does not support these claims.
Hyperactivity and Racing Thoughts: Conditions such as bipolar disorder can lead to periods of hyperactivity and rapidly changing thoughts, which can be misconstrued as psychic energy or heightened intuition.
If you or someone you know shows symptoms of mental illness, you can find a list of assistance and services at the end of THIS article.
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Psychic Abilities and the Mind
The intricate network of the human brain, with its myriad neural connections, governs how we think, act, and perceive the world. Central to our understanding of psychic abilities is the role of cognitive functions. These are the mental processes that allow us to carry out tasks, make decisions, and interpret the world around us. A cornerstone of cognition, memory allows us to store and retrieve information from the past. It's been posited that individuals who claim to have psychic abilities might have an enhanced or different utilization of memory, allowing them to recall events or details others might overlook.
The capacity to concentrate on specific stimuli or events in our environment is critical for any psychic exploration. An acute sense of attention might enable some individuals to pick up on subtle cues or information generally unnoticed by the average person. Processing Speed is the time it takes for an individual to interpret and respond to stimuli. A heightened processing speed might allow for faster interpretation of sensory input, which some argue could be linked to certain psychic phenomena.
Role of Subconscious
The subconscious mind, operating below the level of conscious awareness, is a vast reservoir of thoughts, memories, and feelings. Its role in psychic abilities is a topic of significant interest.
Our subconscious continuously processes information, even when we are not actively thinking about it. These processes can lead to sudden insights or "gut feelings" that seem to come out of nowhere but might, in reality, be the result of the subconscious working behind the scenes. While dreams are a regular part of the human experience, some propose that they can serve as a conduit for psychic information. The subconscious mind, active during dreaming, might present information in symbolic or direct ways that could be interpreted as precognitive or clairvoyant insights. The subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in our emotional responses. Some individuals claim to "feel" others' emotions, suggesting that their subconscious minds might be more attuned to emotional stimuli from the environment.
Perception and Intuition
At the intersection of psychic abilities and the mind lies the realm of perception and intuition. These faculties determine how we interpret the world and react to it, and they play a potentially significant role in psychic phenomena.
Enhanced Sensory Perception: Some who claim psychic abilities report a heightened sense of sight, hearing, or other senses. This enhanced perception allows them to detect stimuli that others might miss, potentially leading to insights that seem psychic in nature.
Gut Feelings: Intuition, often described as a "gut feeling," is a form of innate understanding or knowledge without the need for conscious reasoning. While everyone experiences intuition to some degree, its role in psychic abilities might be more pronounced. This intuitive sense might be more developed or refined in some individuals, leading to perceptions that are out of the ordinary.
Pattern Recognition: Humans are naturally inclined to seek patterns in the environment, a trait that has evolutionary advantages. However, some propose that those with psychic inclinations might have an enhanced ability for pattern recognition, allowing them to see connections or insights that might elude others.
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Ethical Considerations in the Exploration of Psychic Abilities
The exploration of psychic abilities is not merely an introspective journey; it often intersects with the lives of others, especially when abilities are employed to provide insights or guidance. Herein lies the critical juncture of ethical use versus misuse.
Objective Approach: It is paramount for individuals claiming to possess psychic abilities to approach every situation with an objective mindset. Allowing biases or personal beliefs to interfere can lead to skewed interpretations, which might misguide those seeking counsel.
Financial Exploitation: With the commercialization of psychic readings and related services, there is a risk of financial exploitation. Ethical practitioners should be transparent about their services' costs and avoid exorbitant fees or manipulative tactics that compel repeated visits.
False Claims: Authenticity and truthfulness are fundamental. Individuals should refrain from making unsubstantiated claims about their abilities or the results they can achieve, as this can mislead and potentially harm others.
Respecting Privacy
Delving into the personal lives of others, whether intentionally or inadvertently, comes with significant ethical implications.
Unsolicited Readings: It is ethically questionable to provide unsolicited readings or insights into another person's life or situation. Even if one believes they have valuable information, it is essential to respect boundaries and only offer insights when explicitly asked.
Confidentiality: Similar to medical or therapeutic professions, individuals offering psychic services should maintain strict confidentiality. People's personal information, emotions, and situations should never be divulged without explicit consent.
Consideration of Potential Harm
The potential repercussions of psychic readings or interventions are not always immediately apparent. Therefore, a deep sense of responsibility and foresight is required.
Emotional Impact: Interactions can leave a lasting emotional imprint. Whether the information shared is positive or negative, practitioners must be sensitive to how it might affect an individual emotionally and mentally.
Dependency: There's a potential risk of individuals becoming overly reliant on psychic insights, sidelining their own judgment or decisionmaking abilities. Ethical practitioners should encourage autonomy and personal growth rather than fostering dependency.
Physical Actions: On rare occasions, insights or predictions might prompt individuals to take specific actions in their lives. It's crucial for those with psychic inclinations to understand the weight of their words and the potential physical ramifications they might have on others.
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Psychic Abilities in Different Cultures
The concept of psychic abilities, while interpreted differently, exists in some form across various global cultures. Each culture's perspective provides a unique lens through which to understand and appreciate these phenomena.
Eastern Perspectives
In many Eastern traditions, psychic abilities are often interwoven with spiritual and philosophical systems.
Buddhism: Within Buddhist traditions, especially in Tibetan Buddhism*, there are references to "siddhis," which are supernormal powers attained through meditation and spiritual practice. These can range from clairvoyance to precognition. While these abilities are acknowledged, they're often considered secondary to the ultimate goal of enlightenment.
Hinduism*: Ancient Hindu scriptures, particularly the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, detail various psychic abilities termed "vibhuti." These abilities are said to emerge as one progresses along the path of yoga. However, they're treated with caution and are not the primary focus of spiritual development.
Daoism*: In Daoist traditions of China, psychic phenomena might be attributed to the harnessing of "qi" or vital energy. Daoist practitioners often engage in exercises to cultivate and balance qi, which in turn can lead to heightened abilities.
Western Perspectives
The Western world, influenced by a mix of JudeoChristian beliefs, scientific rationalism, and GrecoRoman philosophies, has its own take on psychic phenomena.
Ancient Greece: Oracles, like the famed Oracle of Delphi, played essential roles in ancient Greek society. These priestesses were believed to possess the ability to communicate with the gods and offer prophecies.
Medieval Europe: During the Middle Ages, individuals who claimed to have psychic abilities or other supernatural powers often faced persecution, associated with witchcraft and heresy.
Modern Era: With the rise of spiritualism in the 19th and 20th centuries, psychic abilities gained renewed interest. While often met with skepticism, especially from the scientific community, there remains a segment of the Western population that believes in and seeks out psychic experiences.
Indigenous Beliefs
Indigenous American Cultures: Among the Navajo*, there are individuals known as "hand tremblers" who are believed to diagnose illnesses or predict events. Similarly, the Lakota Sioux have "heyokas" or sacred clowns, who act in ways contrary to societal norms and offer unique insights.
Aboriginal Australians*: Dreamtime stories and spiritual beliefs play a central role in Aboriginal culture. The concept of "Dreaming" refers to both the ancient stories of creation and the personal dreamjourney of an individual, which can offer guidance and insights.
Shamanic Cultures of Siberia*: The term "shaman" originates from the Tungusic peoples of Siberia. Shamans in these cultures serve as intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds, accessing knowledge and healing through altered states of consciousness.
Maori of New Zealand*: The Maori have "tohunga," experts in specific areas, including those who interpret signs, dreams, and omens. They play a crucial role in guiding societal decisions and understanding the world.
African Cultures: Among the Dagara* of West Africa, there are individuals recognized as having a unique connection to the spirit world, often identified at a young age and trained to serve the community. Similarly, the Zulu* of South Africa have the "sangoma," traditional healers who diagnose and treat illnesses and communicate with ancestors.
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Psychic Abilities and Personal Growth
The exploration of psychic abilities transcends mere curiosity about the supernatural. For many, it is an avenue towards profound personal growth, fostering a deeper understanding of oneself and one's place in the larger tapestry of human experience.
Self-awareness and Understanding
The journey into psychic phenomena often demands a heightened sense of selfawareness. This introspective path can lead to significant personal revelations.
Delving into psychic practices necessitates continual selfreflection. This process can unearth previously unrecognized aspects of one's character, beliefs, and motivations. Such insights offer opportunities for personal development and transformation. The exploration of psychic abilities can help individuals distinguish between their inner voice — that intuitive sense of knowing — and the cacophony of external influences. Recognizing and trusting this voice can guide decision making and foster a stronger sense of identity.
Some individuals believe that their psychic inclinations provide clarity about their life's purpose or direction. By tapping into these abilities, they feel more aligned with their personal and spiritual goals.
Emotional and Mental Health
The intertwining of psychic exploration and emotional and mental wellbeing is multifaceted and profound.
Processing Trauma: For some, psychic practices serve as a conduit for addressing and processing past traumas. By confronting these issues, individuals often find a path to healing and acceptance.
Managing Stress: Techniques often associated with psychic development, such as meditation and mindfulness, are beneficial for managing stress. These practices promote relaxation, mental clarity, and emotional balance.
Boosting Confidence: Recognizing and honing psychic abilities can bolster confidence. Individuals often feel empowered by their unique insights and the validation they receive from accurate perceptions or predictions.
Influence on Relationships
The ripple effects of psychic exploration extend into interpersonal relationships, shaping interactions and connections in various ways.
Enhanced Empathy: A heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others can foster deeper empathy. This understanding can lead to more compassionate and supportive interactions with loved ones.
Navigating Conflicts: With increased intuition and perception, individuals might find it easier to navigate conflicts. Recognizing underlying issues or emotions can facilitate communication and resolution.
Building Trust: For those who share their psychic experiences with close friends or family, it can foster trust. When perceptions or insights prove accurate, it reinforces the bond between the psychic individual and those they interact with.
Psychic Abilities and Shadow Work
Shadow work refers to the process of confronting and understanding the darker, often suppressed facets of oneself. The interplay between psychic abilities and shadow work is intricate.
Unearthing Hidden Fears: Psychic experiences can bring to the surface latent fears or insecurities. These revelations, while challenging, are essential for personal growth. By addressing these fears, individuals can move towards holistic wellbeing.
Confronting Denial: Denial is a defense mechanism, shielding individuals from painful truths. However, psychic insights can pierce this veil, forcing a confrontation with realities one might prefer to ignore. This confrontation, though initially unsettling, is a step towards authenticity and selfacceptance.
Integration for Wholeness: The culmination of shadow work, when combined with psychic exploration, is the integration of all aspects of oneself. Recognizing and accepting both light and dark facets lead to a more balanced and whole self.
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moonlight-divination · 8 months
✨🌙 Free Intuitive Readings Open here!! 🌙✨
Hi guys:) I’m back:)
None of you probably remember me lmao but I used to do intuitive readings on here a few years ago now I guess and now maybe its the influence of this Cancer Moon but I’m feeling very drawn to do some intuitive readings again.
I’m feeling people’s energies pretty intensely & easily these days and can tap into energies pretty well.
I used to do these to practice my intuition and improve it but I really feel I’m in a place where I can hear and trust my intuition well and easily now. And I’ve came back here because idk where else to really do these for now lol so if u guys have any suggestions on where I can do these intuitive reading’s please dm me or inbox me and let me know.
But yes I’m doing intuitive readings again and my inbox is open for your questions of all kinds.
My rules are generally no health or pregnancy or death questions (obvious ethical reasons). I am not a psychic medium I cannot channel spirit but I am highly empathetic and intuitive & can tap into your energy and feel it to answer any questions you may have about your situation when it comes to general, love, friendship, financial, spiritual, career or anything else. I’m very visual so I will see what my intuition is saying sometimes.
I am mostly claircognizant (clear knowing), clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairempathy (clear feeling), clairaudient (clear hearing) and clairsalience (clear smell) in that order.
So I will usually feel your energy first then I might see some visions in my mind regarding you and your situation and can map out an answer from there. I feel you’re energy deeply so I may feel your pain and emotions too.
Reading rules
I just ask that you ask and send your questions into my inbox this format please:
• send all questions to my inbox
• anonymous questions are welcome. Just add your initials please
• your initials in your question please (it helps me focus on your energy)
• 3 free questions per day
• no health/pregnancy/death/spirit/celebrity or idol related questions please
• no spamming
• no future spouse readings
• feedback is not necessary but is greatly greatly appreciated. Feedback helps me understand and improve my intuition
• respect my space and time
Type of questions you can ask:
• yes or no questions
• how does X feel about me?
• test questions (test my intuition first if you like, ask what your pet’s name or initial is or something)
• should I pursue something?
• how do I feel about X?
• will I receive X by X amount of time?
• general questions regarding general, love, friendship, financial, spiritual, career
• what’s my energy/vibe like?
• what’s X’s energy like?
• I hear messages through songs ALOT so questions like: what song do you hear when you tap into my energy? What song represents our connection?
- Please take these readings with a grain of salt. I do these using my intuition, gut feeling & interpreting your energy. I feel out your energy whilst reading your question & discuss what the energies are like regarding your topic & what messages i may hear or see. Therefore my interpretation of the energies is subjective to your own.
- I do not claim to be 100% accurate or completely right. I just get a feel of the energy & I may not always be right. I understand sometimes I may misinterpret energy or get thing’s completely wrong and that’s okay but I try to separate my thoughts completely when tapping into readings & energies to avoid this as well as cleansing my energy regularly.
- Everything I say is based on the current energies of whatever situation. Think of energies as being in different restaurants or social settings; there’s a different vibe in each bar, restaurant or social setting & the people add to the energies within that setting. This is what I mean by “energy”. Therefore, I am extra sensitive & empathic to these energies & can feel the emotions of the environment/people/situations a whole lot easier.
Tips are also welcome if you feel inclined, it is much appreciated. 😊✨🤍
If you have any questions dm me but thank you so much! :)
(FAQS are in #faqs search tag in my profile)
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I understand why Shannon did it and how it ostracized and shaped Sophie's childhood and set up the inciting incident, but I think it's incredibly stupid that Sophie couldn't figure out how to block thoughts on her own and "needed to be taught while awake" or whatever. There was nothing about the process that necessitated another person's guidance--she wasn't really taught, she was basically just told to do it--or was counter intuitive. It's literally the most basic, expected sequence of actions to block thoughts, and Sophie absolutely could've and would've figured that out for herself. Seven years of headaches for a girl who loved fantasy/sci-fi? She would've tried everything, and she would've figured it out! Building a mental wall would be like the first thing you try! Nothing about how it works suggests that the most powerful telepath the world has ever known wouldn't think to build that mental wall between her mind and others' thoughts, and even if she couldn't figure it out immediately because she was too young or something, she would've kept trying because she had the motive (pain) to, and that effort would've been rewarded. It took her no time at all to learn in canon, it's not a difficult skill. I know why it was done, but it's stupid and unless I'm forgetting something major she totally should've been able to block thoughts on her own long before she was "taught". it's necessary to the story as it was established, but I don't like the logic used; it's thin and contradictory
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kdramaxoxo · 9 months
Bong Seok's mom is my hero 💕
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alchemyofmaya · 6 months
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It’s time to be real with yourself. You’ve outgrown the space you are in. You’re surrounded by people that don’t support your growth, your vision or your evolution. You’re beginning to realize that not everyone is here to evolve, and you don’t want to be in the same mindset, or in the same playing field as those that aren’t aspiring for more.
Do you feel comfortable in your skin, do you have faith in who you are being called to become? Or are you still giving into the voice of the fear and insecurities that don’t even belong to you?
Clear yourself of the clutter — on the outside and inside of you. Leave the story of ‘poor little you’ behind in that old book. Burn it.
The more you clear yourself of that old dense energy that is stuck within your physical vessels.. the louder the voice of your inner guide, your intuition (your Soul) will be.
You are a highly sensitive person, and that’s why this world feels so uncomfortable for you.
It’s time for you to really get to know yourself, and learn to use your sensitivity as your superpower and protection for navigating through this world.
The more in-tune with yourself you become, the universe becomes more in-tune with you. You begin talking to yourself through everything. The more clearly you begin to hear and see the signs, you will begin to flow and attract yourself with the path that is divinely aligned with the path of abundance in health and wealth, the path aligned with your purpose as this human will begin to open up — like magnets, you magnetize yourself to the highest most authentic version of you.
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ejunkiet · 2 years
asher my beloved.
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tensleepshrike · 2 months
- Millie lives where the US government relocated her seven years ago in a massive rent-controlled apartment complex. She lives on the sixth floor. From the outside, it would appear unassuming, not dissimilar to the other apartments in the building. - On the inside, the space expands and shrinks, and does not abide by the laws of physics. She pays for a 1br 1ba, but on any given day, her apartment can expand to a 4br 3ba, with multiple levels, windows, staircases, and so on. This is a side effect of prolonged exposure to her divine/eldritch nature. The space she inhabits the most will shift to suit her needs — however, any other space she occupies is not beholden to this same condition.
- Walls painted a carmine red, trim painted black. Lots of glossy images clipped from magazines paper the walls. Large bay window overlooking the street, with her curtains drawn shut 70% of the time. - Wood floors with a big, tasseled, black and white zebra/rose print rug in the middle. - A mahogany vanity with a trifold mirror. More decorative incense burners and candles than cosmetics adorn its surface, all in varying stages of melt. - Boughs of dried flower bouquets hang from the ceiling. - Black ostrich feather floor lamp in the corner. - Massive bed on a massive boxspring dressed in satin, camel-colored ruffled/ruched bedding, a patchwork quilt, and more throw blankets than you can shake a stick at. Also a ton of stuffed animals, a guilty pleasure but an extreme comfort at night. - Closet is stuffed to bursting, with a trail of tried-on then abandoned clothes/shoes drooling out of it. - On her nightstand, she keeps a humidifier, an AM/FM alarm clock, a dish full of jewelry, and a stack of books/magazines. Tucked surreptitiously to the side of the nightstand lies her Morningstar, a holy weapon that rarely sees much action due to its weight and unwieldiness. - It is never neat, but somehow, she knows exactly where everything is.
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officecyborg · 4 months
(vague Umineko spoilers, I’m reacting to a tumblr user’s ongoing liveblog)
I follow this person who is like… not even at the part where Beatrice shows up in-person, I don’t think, but happens to vibe profoundly enough with the work to be able to say, like, “I think Beatrice is a construct that fictionalizes a lot of different heinous actions, but in this case, I wonder if there’s a metafictional thing where the function of this Beatrice is to draw the reader into the story and entice them into unearthing the mysteries of Rokkenjima, and this corresponds to a diegetic Beatrice who’s trying to get whoever they’re putting on this show for to understand… something.” But also the blogger getting stymied because there’s seemingly no character who corresponds to this description (simply due to not being far enough in the story to contextualize any of this stuff).
Like wow, I don’t even know that I could have articulated that relationship between what the story is asking of the player and what Beatrice is asking of Battler and this person hasn’t even SEEN HER, it’s kind of amazing to watch. Talk about accidental foreshadowing.
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omegaphilosophia · 7 months
Unraveling the Many Facets of Intelligence: Beyond IQ
In the realm of human cognition, intelligence stands as a multifaceted gem, with each facet representing a unique dimension of mental ability. Intelligence is not a monolithic concept; rather, it encompasses various aspects, each contributing to our capacity to navigate, understand, and interact with the world around us.
Here are some of the key aspects of intelligence:
Cognitive Intelligence: This is often what people think of when they refer to intelligence. It encompasses problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, reasoning, and the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge. It's commonly measured through IQ tests.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ): EQ involves understanding and managing one's own emotions and the emotions of others. It's crucial for effective interpersonal relationships, empathy, and social awareness.
Creativity: Creative intelligence relates to the ability to generate novel ideas, approaches, and solutions. It involves thinking "outside the box" and coming up with original concepts.
Practical Intelligence: Also known as "street smarts," practical intelligence is the ability to adapt to and thrive in real-world situations. It involves common sense, problem-solving in everyday life, and adapting to various life challenges.
Analytical Intelligence: This is the capacity to break down complex problems into their components, understand the relationships between these components, and use logic and critical thinking to solve problems.
Memory: Memory is an essential aspect of intelligence. It involves the ability to store, retrieve, and apply information. Different types of memory include short-term memory, long-term memory, and working memory.
Social Intelligence: Social intelligence relates to an individual's ability to navigate complex social situations effectively. It includes skills such as understanding social norms, communication, and forming relationships.
Learning Ability: Intelligence is closely tied to an individual's capacity to learn. This includes the speed at which new information is acquired and the effectiveness of the learning process.
Intuition: Intuition is a type of intelligence that involves making decisions based on "gut feelings" and past experiences rather than explicit reasoning. It's often linked to pattern recognition and subconscious information processing.
Intrapersonal Intelligence: This is an aspect of intelligence related to self-awareness, self-regulation, and understanding one's own thoughts and emotions. It's crucial for personal development and self-improvement.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: This type of intelligence is associated with physical skills and coordination. Athletes, dancers, and artisans often excel in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.
Linguistic Intelligence: Linguistic intelligence involves proficiency in language, including speaking, writing, and understanding complex written and spoken content. It's a central aspect of effective communication.
Mathematical-Logical Intelligence: This is the capacity to work with numbers, perform mathematical operations, and apply logical reasoning to solve problems. It's highly relevant in fields like mathematics, science, and engineering.
Spatial Intelligence: Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to understand and manipulate spatial relationships, visualize objects and scenes, and navigate effectively. It's crucial for activities like map-reading, architecture, and artistic design.
Naturalist Intelligence: Proposed by Howard Gardner, naturalist intelligence relates to the ability to understand, appreciate, and work with the natural world. It involves skills such as recognizing and categorizing living organisms and understanding natural systems.
Existential Intelligence: Some scholars propose that existential intelligence relates to contemplating deep philosophical and existential questions about life, death, and the human experience.
These aspects of intelligence are interrelated and can be developed and enhanced through learning, experiences, and various educational and life experiences. Different individuals may excel in specific aspects of intelligence, and this diversity contributes to the richness of human capabilities and potential.
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yeonban · 7 months
★ for Heizou & Cyno!
Send me a ★ and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
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I like you / I hate you / I dislike you/ I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose / I would say something cruel to you accidentally / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in the hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt affect me more than anyone else /
#muse: shikanoin heizou.#ascendedstar#WHYYY ARE THEY SO INCREDIBLY SWEET I CAN'T HANDLE IT#Heizou thinks the world of Cyno :') anything others might pinpoint as being a flaw (i.e: putting justice over everything; his puns; etc)?#Those are all endearing traits in Heizou's eyes. He finds Cyno's jokes (/deliveries) funny. He's GLAD Cyno is such a strickler for justice#bc Heizou is like that too! Sure; Heizou lies and deceives here and there but he really admires Cyno's ability to always stay truthful#Remaining honest even when it's not the best play is something so beautiful to Heizou and it's so rare too esp in his (their) field of work#I think even w a knife to his throat Heizou wouldn't be able to find anything he doesn't like or at least admire about Cyno#ON THE OTHER HAND THOUGH... that's also where his self-deprecation comes in bc whereas he thinks the world of Cyno#He thinks... little to nothing of himself beyond his detective work and his skills/intuition as a detective.#As a person he doesn't think he's worth much and he doesn't want to waste others' time by making them hang out w him so on so forth#which is why he bolded the ''You deserve better than me'' and italicized the ''You're better than me''#In the same vein; previous experiences have also made him weary AND wary of getting attached to others bc they always leave him :')#either literally (Kazuha running away from Inazuma) or abandoning their friendship (Sango)#hence the ''I'm scared of you leaving me'' and by proxy the ''I want to be better for you'' (bc you deserve better than me)#AUGH THEY'RE SO!!!!!!!!!!! SQUISHES THEM LIKE SQUEAKY TOYS
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nimbustheory · 1 year
tbh kai isn’t dumb he just chooses not to be smart lmao
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