#inukag modern AU
mamabearcatfanfics · 5 months
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I had planned to write this entire fic before posting it, ready for Easter. And then my monkey brain went - we demand validation - post now! So here is the first chapter of a new modern family AU, set in Australia. A little sneak peek to whet your appetite - you can read the first chapter now on AO3.
“Let’s get you inside.”
She looked up then, as if seeing him for the first time.
She was almost incoherent, her eyes blinking in the yellow glow from the light above his front door. He watched as her eyes focused at first on his face, then drifted upwards to latch onto the white canine ears perched atop his head amidst the short shaggy haircut he preferred. Her eyes widened comically.
“I’m the local doctor,” he said, smiling at her in what he hoped was his best bedside manner, which to be fair, usually fell a little short of the mark. “I assume you know that from the sign on the front gate. My name’s Inuyasha Taisho. Yash for short.”
“Inuyasha,” she managed. “Inuyasha will do fine.”
He fucking hoped it would, it was the only name he had. “And your name?”
“Kagome Higurashi”.
It wasn’t the most comprehensive patient history he’d ever taken, but it’d do for now.
“Kagome, can you tell me what hurts?”
It was practically a wail, and he relaxed a little. In his experience, patients who were on death’s doorstep didn’t have the energy to wail.
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mamabearcatfanart · 1 year
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Best Laid Plans by @shikonstar
Catching the part of the song she was using as a marker, Kagome began to slide open the buttons of the shirt, noticing how his posture had changed. In the beginning, he had sat stiffly, as if he wasn't sure what to do with himself. He had sunk lower into the chair, his legs spread wide as the bulge in his pants had gotten larger. His ears were pricked forward in rapt attention, but his eyes were half-mast and glittering with lust. The heat between Kagome’s thighs intensified, and she had to bite back an involuntary moan, hoping he hadn't heard it over the music.
Found this sketch in my WIPs folder last night, and decided it needed to be finished. I started tidying it up, and then realised I liked it better sketchy - didn't want to lose the intensity of Inu's expression.
If you haven't read Best Laid Plans yet, do yourself a favour and go read. Perfect holiday reading, because it's definitely not safe for place of employment enjoyment.
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somekndofnature · 2 years
No Other Way #21
Another for the domaystic2022 challenge. I guess the last one I wrote for this wasn’t received that well. I had fun writing it but I can see how it may have turned some people off. Oh well, on to the next prompt!
I do realize we are getting to the end of the year and I should probably give up on this, but I'm really enjoying writing these. They're a really nice break as I work on my longer Inu/Kag piece in this universe. So, I'll keep going for now.
This one is definitely NSFW (thar be smut ahead)
Day 21: Staycation
Fandom: Inuyasha; Modern MMA AU
Pairing: Inuyasha/Kagome
Rating: E (NSFW)
We Don’t Really Need to Find Reason
Inuyasha gave one last glance around the tidied apartment and then to the clock on the wall. Kagome was due home any minute, marking the start of her winter break from school. In his opinion, it hadn’t come soon enough. 
Although the close of this semester wasn’t as chaotic as previous ones—starting her graduate degree had really mellowed things out—it still meant days when he barely saw her and nights when she came home so tired that she didn’t say more than two words to him before passing out from exhaustion. Kagome never did anything by halves. If she was paying for a class, she was going to ace it. There was no other option; she was that devoted. 
Inuyasha was proud of her; he just didn’t like that the trade off meant times when it still felt like he was living alone. That loneliness was annoying on its own, proving just how dependent he had become on the woman in his life. Sometimes it felt like time just stopped when she wasn’t around. It made him restless. Even though he’d gotten better at sharing Kagome with the other people in her life, no longer hoarding her attention like a selfish troll, it was a little more difficult to share her time with the abstract idea of her other responsibilities.
It wasn’t like he didn’t understand her need for perfection; she wanted to be the best. It was the same thing that got him into the ring every fight night, proving that his hard work, his dedication, made him the best fighter in Japan. The circumstances were a little different, though.  
When he fought, she was always with him–before, during, after–cheering him on from the sidelines with tears in her eyes and the most brilliant grin lighting her face. Inuyasha couldn’t do that. He couldn’t cheer her on while she was taking a test, couldn’t share in those challenges or encourage her when she struggled. To be honest, he found that his absence was the best support he could give her. It all made him feel pretty…useless.  
Inuyasha’s ear twitched at the sound of the key in the lock and he had to tamp down on the impulse to sprint towards the door, taking a second to school his features before glancing into the entryway. 
Kagome was placing her messenger bag on the hook and looking at her phone.
“Yo,” he said, stepping forward as she toed off her shoes. “You’re home right on time. I guess that means it went well?”
She grumbled in response without looking up. 
Inuyasha helped Kagome with her jacket, glancing at her screen in the process. She was already on the university’s website. “Isn’t it a little early for results?” he asked, striving for a light tone.
“Yeah maybe for the classes I had today, but what about the ones from earlier in the week?” she said, leaving him behind as she made a beeline for their bedroom, not even glancing up from her phone long enough to see the bouquet of flowers on the table in the living room.  
Inuyasha's brow twitched in irritation, but he checked the urge to grab her by the shoulders and steer her back in front of them. Instead, he followed her, sure that she would catch on to all his efforts once she passed through the kitchen or their bedroom. 
Their apartment had been in a sorry state and Inuyasha knew he should probably be better at picking up the slack when she was busy, but the truth was he just had a higher tolerance for clutter. He didn’t see the scattered clothes on the floor or half-full sink as a problem. They would get to it when they could. He knew that it had been frustrating Kagome, though. 
So, when he had asked Sango for some advice on how to make his girlfriend happy and she had first texted back with a list of chores, he shouldn’t have been surprised. That had been the easy part. Her other ideas for how to endear himself to Kagome had been a little more difficult. 
No one would mistake him for a hopeless romantic. He could barely get through a chick flick without falling asleep. Inuyasha had wanted to do something special, to catch her off guard. Never had he been so thankful for Google, but he had done his research; he had a plan. If she would just give him two fucking minutes of her undivided attention to explain it. 
As he entered their room, still waiting to catch the sound of a stunned feminine gasp, he couldn’t find her anywhere. 
“I guess you’re right.” she called from the bathroom, slamming a drawer closed with a little more force than necessary. “Nothing yet.”  
“Too bad,” he replied, plopping down onto the made bed. How had she not noticed that? He had flat out refused to make the bed in the past, because it was fucking redundant, and she just walked right by like it was nothing.   
She stepped back into the room, drawing a brush through her long black hair. “I guess I was being a little unreasonable; I’m just anxious.”
“Uh-huh.” Inuyasha cradled his jaw in his palm, slumping forward to rest his elbow on his knee as she chattered away. 
“I was hoping to have good news when we see Mama tomorrow. There’s so much to do before we leave though–” Kagome straightened, mouth falling open in a silent question as she finally absorbed her surroundings. “Did-did you clean up in here?”
“Yeah,” he replied, feeling more than a little put out.
She floundered for a moment before regaining her voice. “Thank you, Inuyasha,”
He perked up at the soft look in her eyes. “W-I I did everything.” 
“What do you mean you did everything?” she asked, brows furrowing. 
He looked away, rubbing at his arm. “Well, the laundry is hanging out to dry on the balcony, the dishes are all done, fridge is full, trash is out, floors are clean–” 
“Inu!” Kagome took a quick step forward, hugging him into her chest–not that he was really complaining. “You did all of that today?” 
He nodded, taking a deep breath of her gentle scent. 
She pushed him back by his shoulders, cupping his face in her hands. “That’s incredible. Thank you so much. But, why is the fridge full? We’re leaving tomorrow and–” 
“I already changed our reservation to Monday,” he explained. 
Kagome frowned. “But Mama is expecting us. Did you even–” 
“I called her.”  
“And you didn’t think to discuss it with me?” 
“For fuck’s sake Kagome, it was supposed to be a surprise. I just wanted to spend some time with you, sue me,” he snapped, dropping his gaze.
She went quiet for several seconds after his outburst before slipping her fingers beneath his chin and coaxing him to meet her eyes. Kagome brushed her fingers through the hair around his face. “Okay puppy, I’m sorry. I’m listening. What did you have in mind?” 
Inuyasha looked her up and down, gauging her sincerity before he straightened and cleared his throat. “Well, I was looking around for some ideas on the web and read about this thing that people are doing where they basically take a vacation but at home.” 
“You mean a staycation?” she asked with a raised brow.
“Yeah, I’m not calling it that.” 
Kagome giggled. “Aw, why not?” 
“It’s hokey and stupid.” 
“Then why do it at all?” 
“Because, we get to spend the whole weekend together, lazing around, never getting out of bed.” When she raised an eyebrow at the implication, he hastened to add. “Not that this is just about sex or something…although, I’m not going to say I wasn’t hoping–” He squinted and shook his head. “I’m doing a shitty job of explaining this.” 
“I think you’re doing fine,” she replied, stroking her thumb along his jaw. “So, the fridge is full because you want me to cook for you?” 
“Yes,” Inuyasha answered automatically before wincing. “I mean, no.” He made a sound of frustration in the back of his throat. “But, you like it when we cook together. You get all happy.”
She offered him a tender smile that made his heart do a flip. “I do really like it.”
“See? I know that.” He nodded with a self-satisfied smile curling his lips. 
“Are you sure we can stay-in all weekend, though?” she asked, slipping into his lap. 
Inuyasha raised a dark brow at her. “Why not? You feeling restless?” 
“I wasn’t exactly worried about me.” 
“What are you trying to say?” He jostled her around playfully. 
“Oh, I think you know. I’m not the one who gets bored easily.” 
“I’ll be fine,” he assured her with a dismissive wave of his hand. “We can veg out on the couch and watch as many serial killer documentaries and sappy love stories as you want. Though, how those are your two favorites, I will never understand.” 
Kagome laughed and smushed his face between her hands. “Okay, no need to convince me further. Though I may also be persuaded to watch one of those horrible action movies or isekai animes you love so much.”
“Hey, at least those are actually fun.”
“They’re predictable. I know the whole plot after the first two minutes.” She rolled her eyes. 
He snorted. “So does this unwarranted criticism of my entertainment preferences mean you’re in?” 
“I’m in.”
“Finally.” He sighed, body relaxing as she wrapped her arms around his neck, threading her fingers into his silver hair. “You’re a tough sell, woman. You know that?” 
“I’m sorry.” She placed a kiss against his cheek. “I’m still in school mode. I had a plan for everything when I came home; laundry, cleaning, packing. I just didn’t expect all of this.” 
“Well, I have a plan too,” he replied, shrugging her out of his arms and back onto her feet. 
“Really? You? A plan?” She giggled as he stood up beside her.
“Yes, smartass. And it starts with you getting into something comfortable.” Inuyasha gave her denim-clad ass an affectionate slap.  
Kagome yelped and scurried toward the dresser, removing a pair of sweats and one of his t-shirts. “Okay, and then what?”
“Then you go pick out whatever we’re watching tonight,” he replied, doing his dead-level best not to leer at her as she changed. 
“I hope you got something easy for dinner tonight,” she mumbled from beneath his shirt as she pulled it over her head. “I’m too tired for anything complicated.” 
Inuyasha stepped forward and threaded her hair through the collar. “Super easy, some may say, idiot-proof.” 
“Is it ramen?” 
He pursed his lips but didn’t answer. 
“It’s ramen, isn’t it?” 
“It’s not, not ramen,” he hedged, brows raised in anticipation of her answer. 
Kagome melted into a soft smile. “That sounds amazing.” 
“Good.” He mirrored her expression and placed a fleeting kiss on her lips. “I’ll get started while you choose something.” 
He led her out of the bedroom and into the kitchen before shooing her into the front room. As he pulled down a few bowls of ramen from the pantry, the sound he had been waiting for finally graced his ears. 
“Oh my–” Kagome gasped. “Inuyasha!” 
He turned around and tossed the plastic wrapped packages on the countertop, pumping a triumphant fist in the air. Yesss!  Inuyasha schooled his expression less than a second later at the pattering sound of Kagome’s feet. 
She swung around the corner and barreled straight into his arms. “You bought me flowers?”
“Yep.” He grinned down at her.  
“Thank you!” 
Before he could respond, Kagome pushed up onto her toes pressing a heated kiss to his lips. Inuyasha hummed against her mouth, startling as she backed him up against the counter. 
“‘Gome,” he protested, pulling a few inches away from her. “What are you doing?”
She didn’t let him go far, slipping her hand behind his neck to pull him in closer. Kagome smiled and flicked her tongue against his bottom lip. “Do I really have to spell it out for you, puppy?” 
Inuyasha tried to speak but was cut off as she licked her way into his mouth. She still tasted sweet with the citrusy remnants of her favorite gum. 
Surrendering in his feeble attempt at resistance with a guttural moan, he slipped his arms around her waist and drew her flush against him. Kami, she hadn’t kissed him like this in over a month. He had missed the feel of her. Kagome was softness and warmth and home, everything he needed, his perfect other half. 
Inuyasha nipped at her bottom lip, slipping his touch down her body to palm her ass in each hand. She was already grinding her hip against his half-hard length, a live wire in his hands. Kagome was a delightful contradiction when it came to their sex life. She could blush like a virtuous saint while reducing him to a puddle of goo with her mouth. A secret sexpot draped in virginal trappings.
Her cool delicate fingers slipped beneath his shirt, thumbnail circling his navel before blazing a trail upward. She broke from him on a mutual gasp and bunched the material in her hands, dropping her lips to his jaw and neck.
“Off.” The whispered demand raised goosebumps on his skin. 
Inuyasha couldn’t seem to comply fast enough, ripping the shirt over his head with such speed that he heard a few seams pop. It was worth it for the pleased little sound that Kagome released as she ran her hands over the hills and valleys of muscle packing his torso. 
She stood on her tiptoes, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. Kagome nibbled at his collarbone, soothing the slight sting with the gentle stroke of her tongue.
Inuyasha grunted, hands clutching at the hem of her shirt.  
“Uh-uh, not yet,” she gently chastised. 
A soft whine escaped him. 
“Oh don’t worry, puppy. I won’t let you go unrewarded,” she purred, hands falling to his belt.  
“‘Gome,” he panted as her lips skated over his chest, fingers releasing the buckle with a soft jingle.  “You don’t have to–” 
“And what if I want to?” she asked, flipping open the button on his jeans. “Do you think you’re the only one that has been missing this?” 
Inuyasha’s breath hitched as she flicked her tongue against his nipple.
“I’ve been needing you so badly, Inu,” she moaned, pulling down his zipper over the bulge in pants.
He released a ragged breath, hands tangling in the silky length of her dark hair to hold her against his skin as she worked his jeans over his hips until they fell to the floor with a gentle rustle.  
Her fingers slipped beneath his waistband of his boxer briefs, reaching around to grab his ass in both hands.  Kagome grinned up at him as she gave it a playful squeeze.  
“Is it wrong for me to objectify you like this?” she asked in a dreamy tone, dragging her lips down his abdomen as she knelt in front of him. “That I love how exquisitely you’re formed?” 
He shook his head, unable to form a single word. His tongue felt heavy and useless in his mouth as he watched Kagome nuzzle at the sparse trail of silver hair that disappeared beneath his underwear. When she palmed his erection through the tented fabric, his eyes slammed closed, teeth gritted against the surge of heat arrowing to his groin. He felt her slip his underwear down his legs, fingers running up the inside of his naked thighs, the muscles twitching at her touch.  
A curse was ripped from his mouth when she fondled his testicles in her palm, nails sifting through the coarse hair at the base of his cock. 
“Open your eyes, Inu.” 
Inuyasha peeled his eyelids open, choking on his breath at the sight that awaited him. 
Kagome’s gaze was tender and dark as she rubbed her soft cheek against his shaft. “Good. Thank you, puppy.” 
His cock twitched at her praise and she hummed in contentment, turning to place a gentle kiss to the tip. Her tongue darted out, licking at the slit. 
“Fuck, ‘Gome,” he growled, tangling his claws into her hair as he fought to keep his hips still. 
“What’s the matter, puppy?” she whispered, hot breath ghosting over his cock. “Doesn’t it feel good?” 
He answered her with a single harsh nod. 
“Do you want more?” 
Inuyasha thrust toward her mouth, losing the battle against his body’s reaction. More.
“You’ll have to answer me, puppy,” Kagome murmured, leaning forward to run the flat of her tongue along his erection from base.
The muscles in his abdomen jumped at the sudden touch. “Yes,” he hissed from between his fangs. “More.”
“Good boy,” she praised. 
Placing her hands on his hips, Kagome pinned him against the counter and took the tip of his cock between her lips.  She sank down on his length, inch by torturous inch, the heat from her wet mouth drawing his balls tight against his body. When she pulled back, cheeks hollowing with a mind numbing suction, another string of curses was ripped from deep in his throat. 
The pressure on his hips lessened, her hands slipping down his thighs to curl her nails into the muscle. Inuyasha’s control snapped, thrusting forward into her hot mouth several times. Kagome moaned around his length, the sound vibrating down his shaft and spurring him on. He cupped her chin in his palm, feeling the muscles of her throat work around his cock with every bobbing movement of her head. 
“Fuck baby,” he groaned, brushing his claws through her hair. “You’re so good at that.” 
She whimpered in response, a single sneaky hand falling to the waistband of her sweatpants to slip beneath it. 
“Don’t you dare,” he growled.
She mewled in protest as he pulled from her mouth, leaning forward to chase after him like a favored treat.  Inuyasha barely kept himself from giving in and pulled her onto her feet. 
Kagome looked up at him with lust clouded blue eyes. “Why did you stop me?” 
He cupped the back of her head, drawing her forward lick and nip at her lips. “Because I want to be inside you.” 
‘You were,” she replied with a giggle as he pulled her shirt over her head.
He growled under his breath. “You know what I mean, woman.” 
She gasped as he hooked an arm around her waist, dipping his head to draw a pouty pink nipple into his mouth. Kagome cried out and raised her hands to cradle him against her chest.  
He moaned, laving his tongue around the stiffened peak before suckling gently. 
“Inuyasha!” Her fingers curled into his hair, giving it a sharp tug. 
He grunted and released her before turning to give her other breast the same attention until Kagome was squirming in his hold.  
“Inu, please,” she whimpered, nibbling at the tip of his ear. 
HIs knees nearly buckled as an intense wave of pleasure shuddered down his spine. Inuyasha snarled against her skin, nipping at the sensitive tissue in retaliation.  
She bit down a little harder, ripping a growl from deep in his chest.
His erection throbbed, blood rushing like fire through his veins. Inuyasha suckled her nipple between his lips, rolling tightened bud over his tongue until she was pushing at his head. When he finally released her breast with a soft pop, Kagome went limp against him, begging in broken sentences.
Inuyasha helped work her sweatpants over the curve of her ass, allowing them to fall to the floor with a whisper. He shredded the underwear clinging her hips with his claws and wrapped his arm tight around her, lifting off her feet, his aching cock pressed between their bodies. 
Kagome looked up at him, blue eyes glazed over with pleasure. Circling her arms around his neck, she drew him down for a gentle kiss that he immediately deepend. Inuyasha buried his hand in her hair, pulling her head back to map out every corner of her mouth with his tongue. 
In one swift movement he turned and placed her on the countertop. Sweeping their intended dinner away to be forgotten for the time being, he broke from her lips and pushed Kagome back onto her elbows. Inuyasha splayed her legs wide, running the backs of his fingers along her glistening curls.
“Fuck baby, you’re soaking.” 
She nodded, mewling out incoherent syllables as she rutted against his hand. “I need you, Inu.” 
“I know, but don’t rush me,” he breathed, delving deeper into her silken folds. “It's been forever since I watched you fall apart.”  
Kagome moaned at his words, head dropping back as his fingers found her clit. He circled the elusive little bud with the pad of his thumb, entranced by the way her muscles quivered with every rotation. 
She cursed under her breath, surprising him when she crossed her ankles behind his back, heels digging into the globes of his ass as she yanked him forward. His erection slipped along her wet slit before brushing against his busy hand.
“Fucking hell, ‘Gome,” grunted, head falling back as a shudder stole through him. 
She whined, cupping her breasts in her hands. “Inuyasha, please.”
He bit out a curse, losing his resolve at the beautiful wanton picture she made. “Okay, baby. I’ll give you what you want, but you have to give me something too.” 
“Anything,” she gasped. “I just need you inside of me.” 
“Fine but I’m not moving until you come on my dick.” 
Fisting his length, Inuyasha aligned himself at her entrance and pushed a few inches inside of her warm body. 
“Inuyasha!” Kagome moaned, pinching her nipples between her fingers. 
He sunk his fang into his bottom lip, the muscles of his abdomen tightening as he nearly spilled into her right then. The pain grounded him, clearing his mind. His clever thumb resumed its steady pace around her most sensitive spot. 
Kagome tightened her legs around him at the same time, seating him fully inside her pussy on a mutual cry of relief. She rolled her pelvis, doing her damndest to fuck him into submission. 
He growled, wrapping a hand around her hip and pinning her hard against his body. “That wasn’t the deal, ‘Gome,” he said from between gritted fangs, speeding up the movements of his hand.
“Inu,” she whispered, pouting her pretty pink lips at him.  
“Give me what I want, baby.” he murmured, muscles twitching with the effort of holding himself back. “Just give me what I want and I promise I’ll fuck you so good.” 
He could feel her inner muscles trembling around his length. She was so fucking close!
“‘Gome, I need to see it, feel it.,” he urged, reaching the end of his tether. “Please.”
She cried out, squeezing his hips between her knees as her orgasm crashed over her. Her head thrashed from side to side, unruly dark hair drowning him in the scent of her pleasure. She was writhing in his grip, wanton hips rutting against his as her warm wet walls contracted around his swelling cock.  Inuyasha groaned low, letting his eyes fall closed so he could soak in every sensation.
 Too soon, it subsided and Kagome was pawing at his waist as she sat straight up. He sucked in a sharp breath at the change in angle.
“Inuyasha,” she gasped, tugging on the silver ends of his hair. Kagome cupped his jaw in her hands. “Please puppy.” She peppered his face with kisses. “No more teasing. Please, fuck me.” 
Inuyasha felt drugged as he slipped his arms under her legs, cupping her ass in his hands as he dragged her off the counter with his erection still deep inside of her. She whispered his name, both a prayer and curse as her eyelids fluttered. Kagome flung her arms around his neck, pulling herself up to place a frantic, bruising, kiss to his lips. 
“Inu,” she whimpered into his mouth. “You promised.” 
He smiled, watching her through half-lidded eyes. “I did promise, didn’t I?”
She nodded, mewling when he squeezed her ass in his hands just hard enough for her to feel the tips of his claws.
“And you were such a good girl, too.” Holding her hips steady, Inuyasha withdrew from her body and plunged back home in a single fluid stroke. 
“Yes! I was,” she shouted. “So, so, good.” 
He repeated the motion, grunting when his legs trembled. Kagome was light as a feather in his arms but the intensity of the pleasure rushing through him nearly brought him to his knees. 
“Again!” She demanded, digging her short nails into his shoulders. “Don’t stop, puppy.” 
Inuyasha buried his face against her neck, licking and sucking at the tender skin, no doubt leaving bright purple love bites in his wake. He rolled his length in and out of her slick pussy in a steady even rhythm, driving them both closer to completion.  
“Faster,” she cried out, her inner walls already fluttering around his cock.
“Fuck, baby, again?” he asked, but indulged her, quickening the pace of his thrusts into her quivering body.  
“Yes!” Kagome screamed, every muscle in her body tensing as he fucked her through a second orgasm. “Inuyasha!”
The iron grip that he had on his control snapped like a rubberband. Inuyasha growled against her skin, increasing the force of his thrusts until she was moaning with every teeth clattering movement of his cock into her wet heat. He was losing touch with anything that wasn’t Kagome. She surrounded him, heavy breaths echoing in his ears, the scent of her arousal intoxicating his nose like the sweetest drug.  
Her hungry mouth was on his neck, licking at the corded muscle. Kagome whispered endearments and affirmations against his skin between kisses, eggging on his movements. She told him how much she had missed him, needed him, loved him. Inuyasha lost himself in her sweet voice, taking his pleasure from her warm and giving body. His legs shook, spine going ramrod straight as the heat of his release began to gather at the base of his cock.
Kagome grabbed his face between her hands and pushed her tongue into his mouth, pussy contracting around his rigid length. She cried out against his lips and Inuyasha stuttered in his smooth movements. He slammed his cock deep within her body, seeing stars behind his clenched lids as he emptied himself into her with a ragged shout.
Inuyasha stumbled forward a step forward and slipped from her body, dropping Kagome back on the countertop as his strength momentarily deserted him. He hugged her close, pressing his nose against her hair as he drew her scent deep into his lungs.
“Kami woman, you’re perfect.” 
Kagome hummed and brushed her fingers over his chest in hypnotic soothing circles. “Not so bad yourself.” 
Inuyasha chuckled and tilted her smiling face up to his adoring gaze. “I’m glad you think so.”
He leaned down to capture her mouth in a gentle caress, playing his lips over hers until she sighed in contentment, but soon she was pulling away. 
“As much as I really don’t want this moment to end...” She winced. “I need to get cleaned up before I make a mess in the kitchen you just cleaned.” 
“Too late. It’s absolutely filthy in here,” he replied with a fangy grin. “But I don’t mind.” 
“I would hope not.” Kagone gave his chest a playful smack. 
Inuyasha grabbed her by the hips, nudging her in the direction of their room. “Go on, hurry up.” 
“I’ll only be a minute.” She sauntered out of the kitchen, stopping to grab her discarded clothes from the floor. 
Inuyasha shamelessly ogled her naked ass until she disappeared from view. He groaned, stretching out his liquefied muscles before shaking away the shiver that tripped down his spine. Redressing with an extra spring in his step, he picked up the discarded plastic cartons from where they lay on the floor and went to the sink to wash his hands. He was just rinsing soap away as two slender arms slipped around his middle.
Kagome rubbed her face into his back. “Thank you,” she mumbled. “I really needed that.” 
“Yeah me too,” he agreed. “Feels like it’s been ages.”
“Y-you know that I don’t like being away from you, right?” she asked in a small voice. 
Inuyasha frowned and grabbed a nearby towel, drying his hands as he turned in her embrace.  He tossed it onto the counter and circled his arms around her. “Whaddya mean?” 
“Well, I just know that things have been hectic.” She smoothed her hands over his shirt. “We haven’t seen each other as much as we want and even when we do, it's short and I’m always so tired.”
“It happens, ‘Gome. It was the end of the semester. You have a lot of things going on.”
“But you know I don’t like it, right?”
“What?” he asked, fingers attracted to her thick glossy hair like a magnet. “What are you talking about? You love your classes.”
“Yeah, I do,” she admitted before looking up at him with sincere blue eyes. “But I love you more.” 
Inuyasha smiled and nodded. “I know. To be honest, I just wish I could be more helpful to you.”
Kagome’s brow furrowed. “What? What do you mean you’re not helpful?” 
He grimaced. “I’m just not really able to–” 
“Inuyasha, you help me every day,” she interjected. 
“I know but–” 
“No, you don’t.” She shook her head, pursing her lips. “You make sure I eat enough, sleep enough, drink plenty of water, take breaks when I get frustrated. You even remind me to take my vitamins.” 
“Well, it would probably be the worst time for you to get sick,” he mumbled.  
“That’s exactly what I’m talking about,” she insisted, cupping his cheek in her warm palm. “You help me remember to take care of myself and I need that.” She rose on tiptoe, pressing a firm kiss against his lips. “Thank you.” 
“Uh-you’re welcome,” he said when she pulled away. 
“And thank you for the staycation. I have a feeling it’s exactly what I need.” 
He chuckled. “Okay, but I’m still not calling it that.” 
“Oh, I’ll have you singing it like a hymn by Monday morning.” 
Inuyasha grinned and pulled her in for another kiss. “Never gonna happen, but I look forward to seeing you try.”
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lavaffair · 2 years
Begin Again - Rated T
Chapter Ten
you can read it on AO3!
Chapter Nine on tumblr here.
The drive to work was easy, stress free, and manageable; the complete opposite of what Inuyasha was feeling right now.
After the wedding he had gone to bed and stared at the ceiling the entire night in complete agony and despair, mentally kicking his own ass until he was black and blue. Inuyasha was given so many chances to do it right, and all he seemed to do was mess it up every time.
He didn’t even tell her anything, he just kissed her and ran away.
Kagome deserved more than that, including a better kiss, and he still couldn’t do either thing right! He was so close to expressing his feelings, grabbing her by the waist to pull her into him, and giving her a kiss that left her ravaged and boneless. He sucks at expressing himself, he’s even worse at talking to others, but he needed to show her how much he wanted her, and then he ruined it with a little peck and a quick escape.
Inuyasha knew she wouldn’t be awake so early in the morning, even with things on her mind she loved to sleep in late, therefore he took advantage of that and ran off to his shop before she woke. He needed to organize his thoughts and give her exactly what she deserved from him.
Besides an explanation.
He wasn’t paying attention to the stack of papers on his desk, copies of receipts and signed documents that were in need of organization. It’s quick work, and Inuyasha normally gets this done within the hour, but he was stalling. He knew that when he got home he had to face the music, whether it was Kagome’s fiery wrath or his attempt to mend what he cracked; it was down to either of them to start the conversation.
His shop wasn’t open on the weekends because he and Shippo had lives to live and they had built loyal clientele that keep the business running. If they came to work on Sunday, it was more operational work, small things that they had no time to finish during the week that needed to be out of the way before Monday rolled back. If he had a choice, he would never come on a Sunday at all, but he was the owner, he needed to be on his game.
Within four hours of sulking and milking time, Inuyasha was done with the bookkeeping portion of his job. He closed up shop and drove to the nearest fast food joint, he wanted a burger and damn it he was going to get himself one.
The car’s radio was playing music on low volume while Inuyasha ate quietly inside of it. He watched the cars of hungry people pull into the drive through to stuff their faces just like he was. It was miserable being alone, and for the first time he couldn’t find any comfort in the solace.
As he ate, one of the songs that he and Kagome had sang to yesterday started to play, and he rolled up the volume just a bit to hear it. His passenger side was empty, even with the memory he had of her singing along to the music couldn't fill up the void. Her wavy hair cascading down her shoulders, blue dress snugged to her body, dark eyes and a smile that could kill him and resuscitate him all at once; she looked like a dream and he felt like an idiot.
His stomach was full as he continued to drive with no destination, he didn’t want to go home yet because he still needed time to sulk and think. The last thing he wanted to do was lose her, he couldn’t run away forever, and he knew he needed to explain it all once and for all.
In such a short time Kagome had changed so much about his life, seeing her everyday was enough for any shitty day at work instantly had made it better. He doesn’t know when she went from the girl next door who he likes to tease to the girl he can’t stop thinking about, but ever since he came to the realization of his feeling he’s been neither here nor there. Too afraid to speak up, show her what she means to him, eating his own words and looking like a hypocrite instead of taking a chance to be able to call her his
She stays on his mind daily, from morning to night; even on days where he doesn’t go to sleep. Everything she does repeats in his head like a movie, he thinks of her laugh or her smile and he becomes a flustered mess from the safety of his own home. He wants to hold her close, touch her skin, breathe her in and become enraptured with everything that is Kagome.
She is everything, and he’s taken more than enough time to let that truth sink in.
“I cant’t lose her,” he said into his reflection from the rear view mirror, expression serious, “Not when I’m this close.”
He made a right instead of a left like he had originally intended, because that right turn would lead him where he’s destined to be, and the former would just waste more time.
It was a bit of a drive to get home, but he had made up his mind, even if it took hours to get to there, for her he would do it.
Inuyasha has been avoiding Kagome all day, and it was starting to get on her very last nerve.
After he had run off to hide from her, she never saw him again. She thought she would see him in the morning, and yet he hadn’t made a sound since the day had started. Kagome had forced herself to change out of her dress and get ready for bed, told herself she would talk to him in the morning, ask him if he was okay, and why did he run after kissing her.
However, her mind had other plans and her fatigue didn’t hit her until it was three in the morning after tossing and turning for hours. Her body and brain were exhausted, she had nothing more left in her to squeeze out, and figuring out Inuyasha would have to wait until tomorrow.
Well, it was now tomorrow, and those ears of his were nowhere in sight. She waited patiently to hear if he was alive in his home, but a sound never came from it, she was only met with silence. Their little knocking technique didn’t work on him either, because every time she knocked on the wall he never knocked back.
Breakfast was made with little to no interest because Kagome wasn’t hungry, she just knew that she needed to eat or else her body would shut down. For hours she cleaned her house to distract herself, waiting for a lifeline if her favorite half-demon decodes to leave his house or return home. Her house was spotless, and she was running out of options. Huffing angrily into her bathroom, she grabbed her favorite set of loungewear and scrubbed her body clean. Paramore blasted loudly while she showered, but this time Kagome was too upset and frustrated to sing along.
If Inuyasha was home right now, he would know he was in deep trouble.
Kagome couldn’t stop the self-doubt from hitting her like a slap to the face. Did he regret kissing her? Is that why he ran away? If he was going to regret it, why do it in the first place? Did he not want her? Was it an impulsive decision that he was disgusted with?
“God, he doesn’t make sense,” she argued in the shower. “If I had just gone with my plan, this wouldn’t have happened.”
Hot water hit her back, an attempt to get to relax her muscles and ease her mind.
It didn’t work.
“Maybe if I told him it would have been worse than this,” her voice echoed in the bathroom.
Finally clean and rid of sweat and grime, Kagome brushed her hair and moisturized her skin, hoping that maybe the hydrating lotion would help her relax.
It didn’t.
It was now the afternoon, she was sitting on her couch trying to read a book with Buyo beside her lap when the jingle of keys took her attention away. Immediately she had two options, either it was Inuyasha, or her friendly elderly neighbor who never seemed to mind when she and the hanyou next door were rowdy late at night. The thing is, Mrs. Bostelo usually leaves early on Sundays to visit her grandchildren and doesn’t return until eight in the evening.
Right now, her clock told her that it was 4:30, and Mrs. Bostelo always arrived to see happy meowing kittens bellowing about her return. Kagome could hear them every time like it was a routine, yet this time she heard nothing.
She did hear a guttural, deep ground come from her door that sounded a lot like Inuyasha.
Swiftly she shut her book closed and tossed it to the side, she hadn’t been reading anything anyway, too distracted by what was going on in her head.
“I’m so scared right now I feel like I’m going to throw up,” she said as she paced around her living room, quickly hyping her self up to run to the door. “But look where fear led me, Buyo. The guy I want is right next door to me and he kissed me and I haven’t seen him all day.”
Her slippers were on her feet before she could process was she was doing, “I need answers, Buyo. I need to tell him! I’ve played this cat and mouse game enough time to count.”
Her keys were in her hands in seconds, if he was about to run inside his apartment, she’d be prepared to lock her door before he shut her out, “I screwed up by not telling him before, but not anymore Buyo. Fear be damned, rejection is inevitable and I deserve to be loved and to love someone back.”
Fists rolled into tight little balls, Kagome heaved out a breath of air and opened her door. There he was, standing right outside her door with a sorrowful look on his face. Ready or not; she was going to talk to him. Tell him how she feels about him, and deal with the painful consequences of rejection later.
“Kagome,” his voice wavered, it sounded breathless and astonished, and it made her body shiver.
She was beautiful, hair still cascading in waves around her face and shoulders while she wore a pair of puffy pants and a tank top.
He’s never wanted her more than right now.
“Can we talk?” She inwardly cringed, sounding angrier than what she actually felt.
Her heart was pounding in her ears. She wants him so much, hopes that he wants her back too. Kagome has her mind made; Inuyasha was her muse, her second chance, the person she wanted to create new memories with. It could turn into something beautiful, filled with trust, and worth the battles and the falls. She wanted to be his second chance too, if he let her, all he needed to do was give her the green light.
He heard Kagome’s breathing increasing and moved closer to her, “I-I was just about to ask you that.” She didn’t say another word, instead she grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward, successfully leading him into her apartment and away from their neighbors. It was silent, the air felt heavy and constrictive; it was like their lungs were being squeezed into a box that kept getting smaller and smaller. Before Kagome could give him a chance to speak, she swallowed her nerves and decided to face the problem head on.
“How do you do something like that and run away, Inuyasha?” She shakily asked, her tone was a whisper yet it screamed like venom. She knew he could hear her, because his ears stood at attention facing her direction, flicking every so often. “Do you regret it? Is that why you ran away?”
Inuyasha’s eyes were locked onto hers while his heart thumped rapidly in his chest, she looked so unsure of herself, the complete opposite of the Kagome he’s gotten to know, and he wanted to grab her shoulders and shake some sense into her.
However, he was the one who made her feel this way, and due to that he hates himself so much right now.
“I don’t regret kissing you.” He finally spoke, his baritone voice becoming the loudest sound in the room, “I can’t regret somethin’ like that.”
“Then why did you run away?” She asked, her voice becoming a little louder then before.
He groaned from his own frustration and stared up at the ceiling for some kind of answer. Inuyasha never wanted to fuck this up, and now he did, and was too scared to work up the courage to talk to her. Rejection was at the peak of the mountain, and he was hanging off it, only holding on by the grip of his fingers.
That grip was beginning to slip one by one.
“I was scared,” his eyes met hers, gold and full of worry, “Scared that I messed up everything we had because I decided to kiss you without even askin’ ya first!”
Kagome looked into his eyes to search for any kind of lie and found nothing, instead, she found a man who was desperate and afraid, just like she was. “I-I’m scared too!” She cried, “Scared that I would mess it all up!”
Slowly the truth was coming out as they uncovered more from each other, there was no other way to do it. They both wanted more with each other, the possibility of blossoming into more tastes so sweet; it was just at the tip of their tongues. One taste and they would both be addicted to it forever.
Inuyasha stared at her wide-eyed, clearly in disbelief, “God Kagome you drive me crazy.”
“What?” She asked breathlessly.
He walked closer to her with enough room to grab her and pull her into him, but also with enough space to stay apart. “You’ve driven me so crazy that none of this was supposed to happen the way that it did!”
She squinted at him in question, her heart threatening to pull itself apart inside her chest. “Are you saying you didn’t want to kiss me the way that you did, or that you didn’t want to kiss me but felt like you had to?”
Inuyasha stared at her wide-eyed, “Yes, well. No? Not like that!”
Kagome pulled herself into a tight hug to protect herself, “Inuyasha, you’re not making any sense right now,” her voice wavered.
“Fuck, Kagome!” He growled out, his patience was wearing thin. Talking about his feelings has never been easy, and confessing to the woman he’s borderline in love with was proven to be even more difficult. But he did this, and he needed to fix it; he didn’t want to see her like this because of him.
She deserved an answer, even if it meant pulling apart the last layer of skin he had to protect himself. He was going to be left vulnerable, but damn it all, he told himself he was going to confess last night at the wedding. Just because it was now the day after didn’t mean he felt any different.
‘Spit it out, you idiot!” He yelled inside of his head. The tension was high inside the living room, not even the sleeping cat on the couch could brighten up the mood. He had made up his mind last night, and confirmed it with himself this morning; and if he had any sense in keeping his word he would do it now.
“When I kissed ya, I even surprised myself, b-but I’ve been wantin’ to kiss you for a long time. Even before I knew what I felt for you.” His voice was shaking, or maybe it was his entire body, but he couldn’t take it back now. The words left his mouth and now it was up to Kagome to give him an answer.
Kagome hugged herself tighter and groaned, his confession made her entire body tighten. He feels the same way about her as she does about him, and it was making her brain short circuit.
“You make me want to pull my hair out!” She bit her bottom lip in order to get ready, it was now or never. “Inuyasha, I like you. I like you so much. I’m so infatuated with you that sometimes I wanted to go outside and scream. To go tell the entire world how much I like you!” Her chest heaved as she panted from how strongly she spoke.
Inuyasha swears he felt his heart stop beating. Everything clicked, her sleepy confession wasn’t something she did just during fatigue, she likes him back, and he wanted to go into the other room and bang his head against the wall. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
Her body was screaming from the number of emotions she’s been flipping through this entire time, “I should ask you the same question!”
His ears flattened and his face dropped, knowing good and well he didn’t tell her earlier out of fear. If he had been as confident as he pretends to be, maybe this wouldn’t have become a giant misunderstanding.
Kagome’s heart panged painfully at the look on his face, apologetic and broken. She didn’t mean to make him feel like it was his fault, she knew of his past, and it wasn’t difficult to figure out why he had been quiet for so long.
The distance between them was killing her, and she gathered herself to move closer to him until their chests bumped. “No, Inuyasha, I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know better, and I understand why you didn’t tell me.”
Inuyasha grumbled, his frustration directed at himself, “S’not yer fault it took this long for me to tell ya.” He hung his head and sighed, “A part of me thought you’d reject me, and I guess that stems from what happened with my ex.”
Kagome nodded, fully understanding what he meant. The story he told her when they ate at the diner never leaving her memory. She laid her forehead on his hard chest and laughed through her nose, she felt the his muscles contracting as she rested on his body, “I’m at fault too.”
Raising her head so her chin rests on his pectorals, she met his piercing gaze. “After what happened with my ex, I was scared about meeting the same fate if I tried again. But then, I met you, and the more my feelings grew for you the more scared I got.”
Inuyasha’s hands immediately went to her waist to feel her closer, both of their confessions were out the window, and a mixture of emotions were cascading around them like a waterfall. He wanted to tell her she didn’t have a reason to apologize because he was scared too. He let his fear of losing her hold him back from this moment, from the truth, and that his past didn’t play such a big role in this as she thinks it has.
He squeezed her sides, whether to feel or to calm his nerves he didn't know. “Kagome, you shouldn’t take all of the blame when I fumbled around you too. I let fear stop me from comin’ clean to ya.” He paused, releasing a shaky breath. “I didn’t want to lose you.”
She rested her palms onto his chest and pushed her head off of it, allowing them to be face to face, the feeling of closeness and the intimacy was so strong she could taste it. “Remember when you came home drunk after the elevator?”
A quizzical look etched his face, “Yes. I woke up on yer couch and then ya stuffed me with pancakes.”
A smile spread across her cheeks which made Inuyasha’s chest tighten, he hasn’t seen her smile since last night.
“After I helped you inside because I was not letting you sleep on the balcony, you almost kissed me, a-and other stuff…” she clears her throat, “I was never going to tell you because you woke up so afraid thinking that you did something wrong, and you didn’t! Please, don’t think you did. I-I was actually so disappointed when you pulled away because you told me you didn’t want to kiss me in the state you were in.”
Inuyasha was fighting his tongue, he wanted to say something, anything; ask her questions and apologize for almost taking advantage of her when he showed up drunk. However he let her speak, she asked for more time to explain, and he would give her as much as she asked for.
“It made me realize you felt the same way I did. And it scared me because I want you so much, but I couldn’t let go of the fear that tugged at me. Fear that you would reject me because I was broken, or because you didn’t feel the same way.”
He made a move to say something, but she tapped his chest with her finger to signal that she wasn’t done. “After the second incident with Kei, it changed. I told Kei that I had found someone new, someone else that treats me the way I deserved.”
The hands on his chest gripped his shirt desperately as if she was trying to cling to whatever courage she had left. “Inuyasha, I was talking about you.”
“I’m sorry,” his voice cracked. “I didn’t mean to go in and try to kiss you when I was drunk.” His hands snaked from her waist to her cheeks as he cradled her head between them. “When I say you drive me crazy, I mean it in the best way possible.”
Kagome lifted one hand from his chest and flattened it against his, she could instantly feel the size difference and the warmth that spread from it.
His forehead touched hers as he inched closer, the desire to fill in any remaining space so strong it was like the sun's gravitational pull.
Clearing his throat he steadied himself, everything that happened to them since the beginning had come to this, and he wasn’t going to mess it up any longer. “You’re always in my head, you make me happy, I want to protect you with my life, and fuck it, I want to make you feel like you’re the happiest girl in the world. I didn’t avoid ya because I regretted kissing ya,” he paused and took a breath to steady himself. “I avoided you because I thought I ruined everything I had with you.”
He was breathing hard, golden eyes searching through rich brown as if trying to expel the remainder of his feelings into her soul. “I didn’t want to lose you.”
Kagome flashed him a smile, bright and inviting, “You could never lose me.”
There was a change in the air and it felt refreshing, like some invisible force flicked on a switch and changed the entire lighting of the room. The oxygen they breathed into their lungs felt cleaner, as if the contaminated and heavy particles in their chests had become purified. Each time they inhaled their chests felt lighter and the weight on their shoulders disappeared.
It didn’t matter to either of them that they had baggage, insecurities, or faults; they simply wanted each other with all of the difficult parts included.
“Can I kiss you?” He blurted, raw and guttural, as if his body depended on it, pulling himself impossibly closer to her. “Can I kiss you for all of the times I didn’t, for all of the times I wanted to, and for as much time as you’ll let me?”
She watched in bated breath as he leaned closer to her lips, and Kagome raised herself on her tiptoes, the warmth of her mouth washing over his lips, “You can kiss me forever.”
For a moment it was as if a clock had stopped ticking and the entire planet lay frozen, the only movement being captured was the synchronization of their bodies. Inuyasha’s mouth was on hers within seconds, the rapid speed not giving her enough time to catch her breath. His hands were still latched against the sides of her face like an anchor, yet his fingers now found solace in her hair, entangling themselves in her tresses in order to hold onto reality.
Kagome’s knuckles were stark white as she gripped his shirt hard enough to rip it apart, she was too busy pouring her feelings into their kiss to worry about his clothes, and she knew he wouldn’t give a damn either. Their mouths molded into each other so easily as they fought to stay afloat or risk drowning in each other.
Inuyasha moved his hands from her face and bent down to grab underneath her thighs, the movement causing their mouths to part and a needy whine to escape Kagome’s throat. The absence didn’t last too long because his lips found hers again after lifting her up from the floor. She gasped at the sudden change in position and Inuyasha swallowed it with his mouth, allowing for his tongue to enter and deepen the kiss.
Her legs wrapped around his waist while her arms snaked around his neck and shoulders to pull him closer. Long, silver hair fell through her fingers as she gripped for support and it only made him kiss her harder. She moaned into his mouth which caused his chest to vibrate in a low, satisfied growl that had Kagome’s body heat up and her stomach flutter.
She pulled away first, her lungs desperately clinging for more oxygen as she stared into his eyes. Inuyasha was looking at her like a predator, his auburn gaze so piercing it was like he was staring directly into her soul. He couldn’t get enough of her, and he wanted to keep kissing her lips until they were swollen and red, and until she couldn’t kiss him any longer.
“God, you’re beautiful.” He said as he panted, “I can't get enough of you.”
He kissed her lips, her chin, jaw, and then down her neck while he walked them into his bedroom. Kagome breathed heavily, her thoughts only on how his lips felt on her skin and Inuyasha, Inuyasha, Inuyasha. Slender fingers gripped his shoulders to stabilize herself, her body tingling with every brush of his lips on her neck.
She doesn’t know when they reached her bedroom, nor does she expect to feel her back hit the mattress in one smooth, sudden landing. Her hands were still gripping his shirt while he kissed her, the changing in a position not stopping his mouth from exploring every inch of her.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome breathed, whiny and needy, “Kiss me again, please kiss me again.”
The half-demon sucked on her neck, ears flicking at every tiny moan that left her pink mouth. He wanted to devour her entirely, leave marks of his lips all over her body and permanently tattoo them on her skin. Her scent was enticing as always, vanilla and strawberry body wash mixed with her natural scent and he wanted to drown in it.
Lifting his mouth from her neck proved to be a difficult task as he continued to kiss her some more, but as shakey, gentle fingers made their way into his hair and over his ears it made his body jolt to a stop.
Kagome exhaled slowly as she gently stroked his ears, the white fur was as soft as his hair but with a completely different texture. They were as delicate and velvety as she believed them to be, the realization making a happy giggle bubble from her throat.
Inuyasha braced his hands against the mattress and lifted himself up, watching Kagome as she played with his ears. His lips were parted in wonder as he looked at her, paying attention to the flush of her skin and the way her hair haloed around her head. Her mouth was pink and swollen from kissing her, and there was a part of him that wanted to ravage her more until they were painted red. She seemed to be glowing under the light of his lamp, ethereal; like a goddess, and he took a mental picture of how she looked to keep in his memories forever.
Kagome was oblivious to his acute observation until her eyes moved from the fluffy appendages to his auburn gaze. He was looking at her so intensely that she squeaked from embarrassment, immediately dropping her hands and resting them against her hand on the bed. “I-I’m sorry, I should have asked you fir-“
He kissed her again, sloppy and deep, tongue darting into her mouth to taste her more. She moaned into the kiss and he drank it, feeling small hands slither up his forearms and onto his shoulders, resting them there to hold on.
Inuyasha broke away from her lips before resting his forehead on hers, “You can touch my ears whenever ya want to.” He pecked her lips again and again, “Ya never have’ta ask.”
Kagome made a noise of excitement as she cupped his face and kissed him back, “I can’t get enough of you,” her delicate fingers made their journey back up to his ears again.
While she touched his ears, Inuyasha kissed her nose, cheeks, and all over. The endless, soft pecks tickled her skin making Kagome erupt in light, joyous laughter. “You’re tickling me!”
“Get used to it,” he said with a smirk. “I’m gonna kiss ya all over, today, tomorrow, forever, just like ya said.”
His lips met hers again, once, twice, before they moved to her jaw. “You’re going to be worn out by the time you’re done!”
“Kagome, baby,” he risked kissing her lower, above her chest, where the soft skin of her bust poked out of her tank top. She gasped and it sent his body into a frenzy, his lips continuing to leave marks on her body. He didn't dare move any lower, afraid he’ll be moving too quickly and make her nervous. “I’m just tryin’ to make up for the lost time.”
They kissed for what seemed like hours while nervous hands explored each other’s bodies over the fabric of their clothing. Skin never touched skin besides one clawed hand venturing underneath her top, just enough to feel the heat of her stomach and the contraction of muscles that moved whenever there was a stroke of a finger. The warmth of their bodies washed over them like a wave, the movement of their mouths unfurling all their senses, tasting each other until there was nothing more but a mixture of souls.
“Mmm, Inuyasha.” Kagome called softly, “Come here, please?”
His eyes met hers from the valley of her breasts, barely covered up by the thin fabric of her shirt. Her arms were spread wide open as she invited him into her, and it didn’t take him long to figure out what she wanted.
Inuyasha crawled back into her and rested his head underneath her chin, his arms wrapping around her back to pull her in close while she rested hers around his neck and the back of his head. For a moment, they lay in peaceful silence, allowing themselves to catch their breath while listening to the beating of each other’s hearts.
“I wanna keep kissing ya,” the half-demon admitted. “I’m already addicted.”
She snuggled into his hair and smiled, “We have the rest of our lives for you to kiss me. I just wanna stay like this for a little.”
Inuyasha played with the hair that lay against the pillow, being careful not to snip any of the ends off with his claws. A thought came to him then, and he decided to finally put a voice to it. “Remember when Myoga and Totosai called me from the table to talk?”
Kagome hummed in reply, “Yes, but you never explained what happened after.”
The half-demon chuckled, kissing whatever skin he could reach from her neck he could treat to himself. “They came to talk to me about ya, basically fuckin’ giving me pointers on how to ask ya to be my woman.”
Kagome snorted from above him, “And how did that go exactly?”
“It was a waste of my time, clearly. I think if I had done what they told me to do I would be so embarrassed to ever look at ya again.” He kissed her neck more, and a low moan escaped Kagome’s lips, she held him tighter while he continued his attack on her skin.
“I doubt that,” she moaned. “I‘d probably barge into your apartment to talk to you like I did earlier.”
“God, and I’m so glad you did,” he licked her neck and she gasped from the sensation. “Now I can make ya do those sounds forever.”
“And kiss me forever,” Kagome smiled. “Just like I said.”
“Yeah,” he lifted his head and stole another kiss, this time sweet and filled with promises of tomorrow. “Ya can’t take those words back now, Kagome.” She giggled in happiness, the sound was cute and bubbly, “I don’t think I will.”
It was a Wednesday and Kagome felt like she was floating on air. Sunday came and went like a storm, where the clouds that covered the sky finally settled and the sunlight peeked through, warming the land that had once been flooded due to pouring rain. Work could have been extremely stressful for her, but she wouldn’t even care, because as soon as her shift was over and Inuyasha came home they would lounge on the couch and snuggle to their heart's content.
It felt like it was too good to be true.
On Monday, with enough shoving, Kagome managed to get Inuyasha to go to work with a chaste kiss. He ended up arriving late due to his insatiable need for her, opting to share another passionate kiss instead of getting ready for a day at work. With enough persuasion, she managed to get him out, and he pouted the entire time. While he was gone at work, and she was too distracted by him to focus on her current tasks; there was a moment where she panicked. She was so happy that she was now with Inuyasha, he made her feel like there was a cloud underneath her feet with every step she took. He was all over her like she was his lifeline, and her lips were the only thing that could supply oxygen into his lungs. And yet, she panicked; because she briefly thought that this could end as quickly as it started, and she’d lose him like how she lost herself with Kei, and maybe even more.
However Inuyasha was there to pick her up, remind her where she was and that whatever bump they encountered in their new relationship they would climb it together.
And she cried because damn it, how could she think of her last relationship and what it did to her when she was now with Inuyasha? Someone who cherished her for everything she had and everything she lacked, knew of her baggage and still looked at her like she was the sun. Behind this tough-guy persona was a man who treated her like she was this delicate, beautiful thing who deserved to be protected and adored.
He wasn't what she was used to, and she needed time to get accustomed to that.
And yet Inuyasha knew that, and that’s why he doesn’t get upset, because she’s trying, and there will be a day where she doesn’t have to doubt herself or her actions. There will be a day where it clicks and she won’t even notice it. Kagome will just continue to live day to day being treated the way she should have always been treated, and eventually, she’ll stop worrying about whether or not she did something to upset him.
Inuyasha will make sure that Kagome never has to doubt anything ever again. He cared deeply for her, the magnetic pull he felt when he first met her had finally found it’s spot against the cool metal. In a sense, he felt like he had found his home, but he knew it was too early to admit something as big as that. It didn’t matter to him if Kagome had to adjust to this sort of treatment. This was another part of healing, and she was human. He lacks patience with everybody, but for Kagome all of that disappears, and all he wants to do is be near her and hold her close. Everything that comes at them, they will handle it together. Now, as his piercing gaze landed on her small frame, he felt his heart thump again. She was captivating him, like a painting he needed to admire, delicate and yet full of a fire that would not be put out. Inuyasha just wanted to come up at her and kiss her for hours, but life was unfair; he can’t stop what’s happening to ravage his her lips.
He chuckled as he walked out of her bathroom dressed in his red hoodie and worn-out jeans, his girlfriend waiting for him patiently at her front door.
“Ready now?” She giggled, “I’m in desperate need of caffeine.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he grabbed his car keys, poking her in the cheeks as she opened the door. “Ya gotta get that coffee addiction checked out babe.”
Kagome smacked his arm and scoffed, “Until my job gives me enough time to sleep, maybe I wouldn’t need so much.”
He laughed and followed her out the door, making sure to close it quickly before Buyo ran out. “Why are we goin’ out anyway? There’s coffee at home.”
She hopped down the stairs in excitement, “It’s a new cafe that just opened in town! They have bear-shaped ice cubes and so many pastries.”
“Bear-shaped ice cubes, huh?” Inuyasha chuckled, “Never thought of that one.” He looked up at the sky and noticed the grey clouds beginning to roll in, and he made a mental note that they needed to make it back home before the rain started.
He held her hand on the quick drive to the coffee shop, it was just a ten-minute drive down the road. The car ride was peaceful as they sang along to the radio, Inuyasha kissing every knuckle on her hand as many times as he could while his other hand held the wheel.
They parked a block down the street because all of the lots were full and they were lucky enough to find a spot not too far from the cafe. They walked hand in hand, updating each other on how work went for the day and what pastries they wanted to try that Kagome would read off the online menu.
“Okay, so the bear ice cubes isn’t the only bear themed item on the menu,” she smiled, “They have waffles, cakes, and rolls that are all shaped like bears!”
Inuyasha raised his brow, “What do they have that isnt bear shaped?”
Kagome laughed and squeezed his hand, “They have a berry tart that’s called ‘berry-nice to meet you.’”
The half-demon chuckled, completely at a loss for words when it came to the places she chose to take them to. “Of course it’s fuckin’ called that.”
A squeal of excitement immediately caught him off guard. “There it is!” she said as skipping along the sidewalk with her boyfriend in tow. The name Kuma Coffee hung off the side of the building, the sign was large enough to see across the street and it had a brown bear cub’s face drawn beside it.
The inside wasn’t as crowded as Inuyasha had expected it to be, thinking maybe he and Kagome had been lucky enough to arrive before the evening rush. They ordered their coffees, a sandwich to share that wasn’t bear shaped, and two pastries each. Kagome made sure they both ordered something different so that they could try more things at once.
The entire cafe was bear themed, and Inuyasha had to give it to them; they really did make it work. And he’s not saying that just because Kagome likes the place so much. The food was good, and so was the coffee and the pastries. He ended up getting the berry tart, and Kagome managed to eat her giant cinnamon roll that was the size of her palm. The fact that it was themed to be a bear’s head made it gigantic, and yet she ate the entire thing without giving up.
Did he help her?
But, it’s a cinnamon roll. He couldn’t help himself.
“So, what did you think?” His girlfriend asked with curiosity.
Inuyasha hummed in deep thought, he made sure to stare at Kagome as he did so, trying not to laugh at how antsy she was getting with every passing second. “You win again, Mrs. Higurashi,” he grinned.
Kagome gasped in delight, “Yes! You liked it!” She danced in her chair while she sipped the remaining contents of her iced coffee, “Next time it’s your turn, take us wherever you want to go.”
He took the last bite of his raspberry tart and shrugged, “I don’t think I know any places besides the bar, babe.”
She smiled, “I know you’re a beer connoisseur and all,” she paused when he started to laugh, “But ya gotta give me something better than that.”
He threw his head back laughing, eyes crinkling shut as his smile grew and her breath hitched. Inuyasha was the most handsome man she’s ever laid her eyes on, and she found him the most attractive when he laughed like this.
Her heart soared from the joy she felt, “What’s so funny?”
“I gotta step up my game, babe.” He grinned, “Or else yer gonna keep winnin’ every time we go out to eat.”
Kagome rested her hand under her chin, smiling coyly, “I didn’t realize this was a competition, Mr. Taisho.”
He smirked at her, “Only if you want it to be, Ms. Higurashi.”
The tension in the air was thick yet playful, their new and fun challenge awakening both of their competitive sides. It’ll be a struggle for Inuyasha, since now he has to find places that Kagome would definitely not know about, but he’s excited to start.
“This will be fun,” she wiggled her brows playfully, “I’ll continue to blow you away with my choices.”
Inuyasha laughed again, “And I’ll find ya a spot that’ll make you eat those words.”
The couple laughed, the atmosphere between them was light and filled with energy. After a few more minutes of talking and sharing little jokes, they decided it was time for them to go back home and become couch potatoes for the rest of the day. With the gloomy weather rolling in, taking a nap on the sofa while the rain poured on the roof sounded like the perfect idea.
However, they were a little too late, and as soon as they stepped outside the rain was already clamping down onto the earth. Their only choice was to wait it out or run to the car, but it was a block away, and they didn’t bring an umbrella.
“Let’s go back inside and wait it out,” Inuyasha declared. “Hopefully it won’t take too long to stop.”
Kagome stood at the edge of the sidewalk, the small, slanted roof above them covering them from the rain. She poked out her hand and let the water drip down her palm, it was cold and yet so inviting.
Water signified cleanliness, purity, and life. Like the flow of water, life changed drastically whether or not it was for one’s own benefit. Kagome thought of this as a sign, another chance to get it right, to love again, and move forward. Her life had changed so much in the last ten months, and the last three had definitely thrown her in for a loop.
She spent eight months healing from her ex, and the remaining three grasping at straws as she figured out her feelings for Inuyasha. Someone who was a complete stranger, who had started out as her neighbor, then a friend, and now her lover. It’s amazing how much can change in such little time, and with what she had experienced in the past, she was so lucky to have found her person in him.
Inuyasha’s addition into her life came unexpectedly, at a time when she was still fragile and learning about herself. He was a friend she needed without knowing it, and as they grew closer, he became the person she wanted to take a chance with. Whenever he came around it was like a new wave of water washed over her, and she didn’t want to talk about her past or think about what her ex had done to her. She wanted to talk about him, learn about him, and grow a new connection from the ground up. The past and the heaviness of it all didn’t carry as much weight as it used to, because here was a person who knew about what she had gone through, and continued to see the value she had.
It took her so long to see her own value during those first eight months, and after meeting Inuyasha, everything had been sealed. She knew she was more than her past, more than her ex, and deserved more than what she was given.
She wanted to grow a garden with Inuyasha, alongside her own garden where she watered her own flowers, and sometimes if she needed help; he would come by and water them too.
Kagome turned around and met his eyes, a childlike smile appeared on her face, one of joy and wonder. “It’s just water, Inuyasha.”
The half-demon watched in disbelief as she stepped out of the safety of the roof and out underneath the pouring rain. She had a smile on her face the whole time as she let the water wash over her, and sloshed her feet out onto the wet pavement.
“Kagome yer gonna get sick! Are ya crazy?!” He called out to her, “What the hell!” He grumbled before running out and meeting her in the rain.
He grabbed her arms and pulled her in, both of their clothes were now absolutely soaked and they both needed to take a shower when they got home. “Kagome-“
She kissed him, successfully cutting him off from whatever it was he was going to say to her. Her hands grasped his cheeks as if he was an anchor, and she was going to fall if she didn’t hold on tight enough. Inuyasha ignored the rain after that, too busy kissing her back to think of anything else besides the taste of her lips and the feeling of her body pressed against his. With one hand on the small of her back and in-between her shoulders he held her closely; as if the rain would sweep her away if he didn’t.
He pulled away from her and grinned, immediately lifting her up and carrying her bridal style before spinning them around once. Kagome’s laughter was loud and infectious, the sound kept him warm from the bitter cold rain.
“This is so fuckin’ cliche,” He rasped at her, the look in his eyes was full of adoration, “I never thought I’d kiss ya in the rain.”
Kagome giggled as she tightened her hold around his neck and shoulders, shrugging in delight. “There’s a first time for everything.”
He kissed her again with the same passion, want, and need as the first time. He kissed her for her strengths, her weaknesses, her beauty, and for everything that was her. Nothing else mattered, not their wet clothes or the freezing harsh rain. Their hair was stuck to their faces and their clothes were so soaked they would need to squeeze them dry when they returned home. Right now though, how they looked wasn’t their concern, too busy wrapping themselves around each other in an attempt to stay grounded.
For the first time, Kagome feels like there’s nothing that can hold her back, not with Inuyasha’s arms wrapped around her so tightly that the fear of falling never came to mind. She finally found the person she’s been looking for, and she wasn’t going to let him go.
What’s past is past, their lessons were learned, and although they both experienced a sorrowful love that fell apart, that didn’t mean it was their end.
It was a rainy day outside of a cafe when they both experienced it begin again.
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justafewsmallsteps · 25 days
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Started a new fic called Inevitable. Trying to go for that sweet, sweet slow-burn, best friends to lovers thing. Encouragement always very welcome and inspiring!
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dawnrider · 26 days
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A very Happy Birthday to the Lovely @yukinon-writes!
I managed to polish this up in time to share, so I hope you enjoy the chaotic journey with a fair bit of angst.
Like Thunder and Lightning on AO3
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heynikkiyousofine · 4 months
hello hello hello! bringing you a brand new fic featuring a modern day arranged marriage between our fav hanyou and modern day miko. this fic will be updated monthly. (also, ch. 2 of HTTYH will be posted next week) happy Sunday! 💕
Term and Conditions
Summary: After the disastrous day I had, there were two things I was certain of. One, Inuyasha Taisho, the country’s most eligible bachelor, was going to be my fiancé, and eventual husband. Two, we might kill each other before we ever make it to the altar.
read chap 1 here on ao3
taglist under the cut:
@blairex ; @mamabearcat ; @enchantedink-ag ; @splendentgoddess ; @mandirox89 ; @sailorlolo ; @mustardyellowsunshine ; @knittingknots ; @yukinon-writes ; @clearwillow ; @keichanz ; @serial-doubters-club ; @malditamigas ; @zelink-inukag ; @shinidamachu ; @banksdelivers ; @that-one-nerdy-gal ; @sarahk21 ; @dchelyst ; @anisaanisa ; @lavendertwilight89 ; @otaku-108 ; @sailorbabydoll92 ; @queerkagome ; @chit-a-to ; @liz8080 ; @lightmidnight ; @shikonstar ; @soliska ; @inukagbot ; @brain-rot-hour; @xanthippe-writes ; @hahaalaine ; @moonkissedart ; @lostinfantasyworlds ; 
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lavendertwilight89 · 7 months
My Head, My Heart
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Hello everyone! Welcome to a spooky installment for @inu-spiration #5!!! The lovely and talented @clearwillow made an AMAZING piece of art that just immediately screamed to a witch!au!
Hope you all enjoy!
Click here to read on AO3
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jess-oui · 2 years
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Just another day in the life of the ultimate chaotic Father-Daughter duo 😅🥰😆
Such a fun prompt, thank you anon!
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kawaiichan67 · 5 months
The Big Mistake Ch. 2
InuKag, Inu & Kikyo
Modern AU
Higurashi Kagome and Mori Inu Yasha haven’t had enough time together lately, so Kagome decides to give her boyfriend a sexy surprise at his office. Big mistake.
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mamabearcatfanfics · 2 months
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Chapter 8 of Pick Up the Pieces is available now on AO3! Forgot to put this on Tumblr yesterday when I first posted it.
You get a bonus pic of Belle and the little spuds because they are not in this chapter.
Also, this chapter contains a car crash scene. There are medical procedures, and children injured. Blood is mentioned. Also please note, I am not a health professional, just a regular nerdy person who likes reading and watching far too much medical drama. I've made every effort to describe injuries and treatments correctly, but this is a fanfic, not a medical journal. Anyway, enjoy.
And Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
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mamabearcatfanart · 2 years
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Seijin No Hi
"Inuyasha, will you smile please! Your mother needs to take a photo before the ceremony starts."
"I can't Pops, I'm fuckin' frozen. It's actually snowing now. I'm done."
"Inuyasha, language! Look, Kagome is smiling!"
"Yeah Ma, that's because she's frozen that way. She's shivering so much the photo will just be a big blur. Can we go inside now?"
"Kagome, do you want me to get that fox fur stole?"
"No Mama, please, not the fox fur. I explained why I don't want to wear it. Can we take the photo now?"
"Hold up the umbrella a little higher Inuyasha. You look so cute together!
"Ma, please! I'm freezin'!"
"Suck it up son. As soon as your mother gets a photo she's happy with, then we can all go in."
"Oh, Kagome, It seems like just yesterday you were both in high school, and now it's your coming of age day. Your father would be so proud if he were here."
"Oh, Mama, please don't cry!"
"Ah shit, now Ma's cryin'. Kagome, don't you dare. No crying! Thank the kami we can legally go to a bar now, I'm gonna need a drink after this. Pops, I'm begging you, please just take the damn photo!"
An AU where Inuyasha and Kagome met in modern Tokyo and went to high school together, and started going out in their final year. Izayoi and Touga are still alive, and are firm friends with Mama Higurashi. Just another excuse to draw Inu and Kagome in pretty clothes and to play with my watercolour brushes.
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ap-kinda-lit · 9 months
Modern AU where Inuyasha is a smoker. When he and Kikyo are together, he cuts back to smoking only when she’s not around. But when Kagome comes along, he successfully quits altogether.
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justafewsmallsteps · 8 days
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Okay, time to guess what’s up in Chapter 3 of Inevitable! Is Kagome reminiscing? Is Inuyasha walking her through their honeymoon threshold? You wish. It’s a slow burnnnnn.
(I profusely apologize for pose’s anatomy. Let’s pretend that I’m an anti-AI soldier who is ‘purposefully’ messing with the algorithm.)
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dawnrider · 3 months
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As threatened promised, I have something for you guys in time for St. Patrick's Day.
Continued from Cross Catch My Heart, and Deck the Hanyou Halls, I have the next peek into the Hanyou Holidays universe: Gym Dog Rat!
Gym Dog Rat on AO3
Summary: Inuyasha gets the chance to visit one of the places from Kagome's formative years. Little does he know that her invitation to teach her something new has a deeper meaning.
Including art from the lovely @brain-rot-hour!
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heynikkiyousofine · 4 months
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hello hello hello! I bring you chapter one of a new InuKag fic. this fic will be updated monthly.
How To Train Your Human
Summary: In their 250th year, every youkai receives their human familiar after they complete all the necessary tests and read the handbook on how to train their human. Even Inuyasha will, despite being the first half demon to do so. He expected a kind, docile human as described in said handbook, similar to how his mother was when she met his father. So what does he do when Kagome Higurashi, his human, is the exact opposite?
read it here on ao3
taglist under the cut
@blairex ; @mamabearcat ; @enchantedink-ag ; @splendentgoddess ; @mandirox89 ; @sailorlolo ; @mustardyellowsunshine ; @knittingknots ; @yukinon-writes ; @clearwillow ; @keichanz ; @serial-doubters-club ; @malditamigs ; @zelink-inukag ; @shinidamachu ; @banksdelivers ; @that-one-nerdy-gal ; @sarahk21 ; @dchelyst ; @anisaanisa ; @lavendertwilight89 ; @otaku-108 ; @sailorbabydoll92 ; @queerkagome ; @chit-a-to ; @liz8080 ; @lightmidnight ; @shikonstar ; @soliska ; @inukagbot ; @brain-rot-hour ; @xanthippe-writes ; @hahaalaine ; @moonkissedart ; @lostinfantasyworlds ; 
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