giulia-grignani · 7 months
Giulia Grignani ✍
Collana: Le indagini di Giada Rubino Pontecorvo
Romanzi gialli
Buona lettura
📖 📚 📖 📚 📖 📚 📖 📚 📖
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showroomhaircut · 2 years
28 giorni paranormale: recensione
28 giorni paranormale: recensione
Ciao a tutti. Per chi mi segue, oltre al mestiere di fotografo, sa bene della mia grande passione per la cultura nerd, di cinema e tv. Infatti mi sono abituato a lavorare guardandomi film e serie tv sul secondo monitor. La monotonia nel ripetere numerose azioni di fotoritocco sono così spezzate dalle azioni che avvengono a pochi centimetri. Il mio approccio rilassante però è alquanto strambo. È…
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bestworstcase · 1 month
Grimm behavior reassessment thought: y'know that sister training session called on account of Rather Tanky Ursa? Could Ruby & Yang have avoided that fight if they'd known to treat the big lug like careful hikers would an 'ordinary' bear encounter? There were a few 'pause & rear/roar' moments on its part which I guess *could* be read as 'hey stop that' or 'my turf, leave'.
yang’s character short has always interested me bc the ursa was there the whole time they were sparring.
like. yang throws a punch, ruby panic-flies into the bushes and then passes out:
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on this screenshot i’ve marked ruby’s approximate path in red and circled the clump of bushes the ursa emerges from (using the logs laid around the perimeter as markers):
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note the very dense foliage around the grimm; he’s completely hidden. yang gets concerned when ruby doesn’t respond, startles when she hears a twig snap in the area circled in yellow, this is what she sees:
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and then he stands up:
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which. ok. he’s a really big guy. there is no way he crept up on them and got that close before making a noticeable sound, and most grimm behave like pursuit predators besides—they wander around in the open and give chase when they come across prey. (although there are exceptions: the pack of apathy at brunswick drag the lamp around a corner and go dark to lie in wait, for example.)
the point is, he’s there, but yang can’t see him until his eyes illuminate because he’s lying down in the bushes. his markings are also ‘off’ and only begin to glow as he stands up.
we’ve seen grimm Do That a couple times:
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and we’ve also seen in v8 that just because there don’t seem to be any grimm nearby doesn’t mean they aren’t there:
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<- same thing happens in the mine. dozens of centinels pop out of the ground when the geist signals for them to screen his retreat deeper into the mine. which suggests that grimm may spend a lot of time… not hunting. unseen, hidden just under the surface or in the densest thickets, crevices, whatever. and no one knows because when grimm aren’t on the hunt they don’t attack unless provoked.
the big guy was just There! taking a nap! and he didn’t aggro until yang got spooked by ruby’s silence.
he also doesn’t seem to be all that interested in attacking after his initial charge and swipe; he knocks yang across the clearing and then turns away, until yang shoots him again:
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i do think it’s really interesting that WOR: grimm implies that grimm are most strongly drawn by violence, not negativity per se: “what is perhaps even more unsettling is the basis of their attraction,” and the accompanying image is
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a person killing another person with a rock.
i think—much more so than real animals—grimm are kind of emotional mirrors, in that they reflect the energy they’re shown. one thing that stands out to me about both salem and cinder is that while there is obviously an element of magic or kinship or both behind their influence over the grimm, from both of them we see these occasional moments of tenderness toward the grimm; cinder’s very gentle and soothing “shh, this is your home now” when she calms the wyvern, and the way salem softens when she caresses the goliath’s face in the v6 stinger:
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and i wonder if there isn’t a meaningful correlation there. the two characters in the story who demonstrably have the ability to communicate and work with grimm are also the two characters who, in private moments when no one else is around to see, choose to be gentle with these creatures. is salem able to command grimm the way she does by magical compulsion or is she their leader, as raven put it, whom they follow because she’s kind to them and protects them.
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thewingedwolf · 2 months
one thing about hbo is that when they get a journalist coming up to them and going “man do i have a fucked up story i want to follow” they really do let that person go wild. i’ve mentioned the way the ronan farrow one really moved me emotionally and that’s just because ronan knows how to investigate and tell a story to get you righteously angry for who it is he’s defending. he’s good at his job!
but this one, quiet on the set, has genuinely made my jaw drop a few times, even if i think some of the framing could have been better in the last episode. of course i know about all the rumors about dan schneider and the abuse on set, it’s hard to have been into the teen nick scene and not notice, and it’s pretty easy to figure out which kids were being harmed through too much attention and which were being harmed through not enough attention, and there’s been all sorts of rumors floating around for over a decade!
but the build up to the drake bell reveal was well handled, i thought. i was initially skeptical because i think it’s hard to make a documentary about child sexual abuse without leaning into being exploitative in some way. and at first, where you have the actors who left early, like katrina, or who you remember but weren’t mega famous like giovannie, and they’re all saying “this set was so weird & inappropriate, i knew something was wrong but i didn’t have the experience or vocabulary to say what” it feels a little too schlocky. like, oh we’re just kind of speculating on the inappropriate nature of dan’s “friendship” with amanda bynes for two episodes? yeah it is fucked up that two pedophiles were on that set, but did they hurt anyone on set?
and then drake bell walks into the room dressed like timmy turner and says it was me. he hurt me.
i can’t stop thinking about the choice of clothes here and the way it helps drive home the point of the doc. he’s sitting there in fairly odd parents colors as an adult and can’t describe the sexual trauma he experienced as a child still, has never spoken about it, had his mom lie to his father over it because he was so screwed up. really driving home the point that he was just a kid who had a knack for physical comedy and it got him preyed on by dan, a man who should have protected him, set up and handed over to a monster who traumatized him for months and years.
but when that reporter said she got a judge to let them unseal the court documents because drake bell told her how much support peck had? my jaw dropped, like yeah this is reporting, this is someone who saw this story and finally fucking cared not about the salacious details but about who knew what and why they did nothing to stop this from happening. it’s not about forcing drake bell or katrina jackson or alexa to live through the worst moments of their life - it’s about how so many people knew what was going on and didn’t do a god damn thing to stop it. it’s about how these monsters, these convicted pedophiles, were given access to little kids to hurt and traumatize and everyone knew and didn’t just look the other way, they actively helped cover it up. THATS the story. Not that it was an isolated tragedy but that it was a clinical, purposeful environment built by people who wanted to harm little kids.
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prolibytherium · 3 months
Idk if it's me getting older or less fandom brained but I don't really get the 'shipping' impulse for the most part. Like I have to either REALLY believe a romantic angle is being intentionally written (and I tend to go into things with a hard skeptic angle to avoid disappointment LOL), or be really desperate for a femslash option (and even then it has to be at least a little plausible to me).
Like I do get heavily invested in fictional characters' relationships but it's usually more of an 'as-is' thing. I don't really understand the appeal in putting characters together romantically/etc just because you Can.
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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Look at this cool bone I found
I LOVE BONES, that looks like a pretty funny one. Humerus, one might say…
any idea who the bone belongs to??
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mrhyde-mrseek · 1 year
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Finally made a collage for the House itself—kind of the entire AU, I guess, looking at it now. But I suppose those two go hand-in-hand.
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tojisun · 2 years
they asked if im liking my job, i said yes, then they proceeded to give me more projects LMFAO 🥹
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wainswright · 7 months
i think you can retain the frantic tone without the unnecessary asides and even gifs (provided this wasnt an inane topic to supernatural gif about) to make vibes and do this non-terribly (but also non reproducibly, we’d be working against natural predilection so itd have to be custom crafted to not be bad instead of the other way around)
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ok on my two second examination of tumblrs gif search it is honestly a shame not to take advantage of it. so much diversity of gif in there. /adds ‘anime’ to search criteria
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goodprojectideas · 7 months
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educationaldm · 10 months
I have run a few real-life Murder-Mystery events, and also a number of investigatory adventures, but never a Murder-Mystery in a D&D or TTRPG game yet.
I'll be interested to have a go.
Anyone know of any good pre-written ones?
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kathanislilbitch · 10 months
So, hi everyone. I am a 12th-grade CBSE student. If you are or were one you would know we are required to do investigatory projects for our internals. I have taken up insomnia as the topic for mine. So, it would be really helpful if you could fill out this form.
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sauolasa · 11 months
Parigi2024 gli investigatori perquisiscono gli uffici degli organizzatori delle Olimpiadi
Secondo l'ufficio del procuratore finanziario nazionale. l'indagine riguarda due casi di sospetta corruzione
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solemntitty · 1 year
my beauracratic ass watching any TV show that has a non-cop or non-governmental organization that does stuff for seemingly no profit: ok but how do they get funding for this
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geqkynydkctabz · 1 year
Cute hairy Asian tattoo girl nice fucked Tattoo schlampe calisi ink mit monster titten beim creampie gangbang party Brooke Sinclaire redhead busty girl in hard sex action Sexy threesome with the doctor - Brazzers Wanking ebony hunk toying his asshole TeamSkeet - Cute Ebony Teen Workout Fuck Lesbian taking dick creamy pussy Young German Blonde Gets Titty Fucked with Cumshot in Mouth Treasure Of Nadia v83051 Part 238 Horny Hot Sex With Milfs By LoveSkySan69 Woman Masturbates In An Office
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explo-bit · 1 year
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Il fantasma verde
Robert Arthur Jr.
Serie 'I 3 investigatori'
Collana 'Il giallo dei ragazzi' numero 32
Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
1971 (ediz. originale 1965)
Copertina: Studio Ink
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