leregirenga · 6 months
Si corro, ¿Irás tras de mi? ¿O solo me dejaras pasar?
Solo te pido que si haces lo primero, lo hagas por amor, que te mueva el cariño y el deseo de querer estar conmigo, que sea porque conmigo hay felicidad y sonrisas cuando a mi lado estás.
Y si es todo lo contrario, entonces déjame ir, suéltame; nada más hermoso que no retener a quien ya no amas y menos alegra tus días, aquella que sientes que solo lastima y hiere.
Aunque diré a mi favor, que yo jamás haría eso. Pero si sientes que mi amor te regala tristeza y dolor, deja que me aleje y suelta.
Leregi Renga
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blasteffect · 10 months
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CTB 1 supernova,
NASA’s Fermi Satellite Clocks ‘Cannonball’ Pulsar Speeding Through Space !
The remnant of the supernova resembles a ghostly bubble in this image, which combines new 1.5 gigahertz observations from the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope (orange, near center) with older observations from the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory’s Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (1.42 gigahertz, magenta and yellow; 408 megahertz, green) and infrared data (blue). 
The VLA data clearly reveal the straight, glowing trail from pulsar J0002+6216 and the curved rim of the remnant’s shell. CTB 1 is about half a degree across, the apparent size of a full Moon.
Credits: Composite by Jayanne English, University of Manitoba, using data from NRAO/F. Schinzel et al., DRAO/Canadian Galactic Plane Survey and NASA/IRAS
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egy-lany-blogja · 1 year
Kedves Nő!
„Igen, a férfi tud őszintén szeretni úgy, ahogy vagy!
A férfi nem egy Disney mese, nem mindig szőke, és nem herceg. Nézzetek körül ma: minden ilyen srác, fickó, aki annak hiszi magát inkább él úgy, ahogy a sok szar realitykben látja, mintsem úgy, ahogy egy férfinek kellene. A normális férfi kiegyensúlyozott, korrekt, megmondja a szemedbe, ha valami nem tetszik neki, értékeli és tiszteli azt, aki vagy, teljesen mindegy, hogy a párodként, vagy ismerősként tekint rád, sőt még akkor is megtartja a tiszteletét, ha épp nem kedvel.
A férfi ma az, aki tud veled kommunikálni, akinek ha tetszel nem a melleid és a feneked nagysága fogja érdekelni, hanem a kisugárzásod, a megjelenésed, a gondolkodásod. Az, hogy mik a terveid és mennyire vagy képes kompromisszumot kötni az életedben. A férfi az, aki ha poénkodik, vagy épp beszól azt sosem úgy teszi, hogy te alacsonyabb rendűnek érezd magad, mert igazából csak csipkelődésnek szánja. Aki úgy bánik veled, hogy ne érezd a féltékenységet, aki úgy beszél hozzád, hogy olykor bizony hosszasan kifejti azt, mert szeretné, ha megértenéd. Aki nem fog a múltadban vájkálni és aki támogat a jövőddel kapcsolatban. Aki megbeszéli veled a dolgait, a gondolatait és ő is ugyanúgy vágyik arra, hogy minden amit érzel, vagy gondolsz megoszd vele.
A férfi az, aki megérti, ha egy kicsit egyedül akarsz lenni, aki nem fog elméleteket szőni, ha csak egy kis nyugalomra vágysz, aki igyekszik a lehető legjobban összekapcsolódni veled, aki arra törekszik, hogy a legapróbb rezdülésed is megértse. Aki nem állít fel mércét, nem vár el sokat és szeretné, ha ebben te is partner lennél.
A férfi az, aki nem a barátnőidet, vagy más nőcskéket fog bámulni a neten, vagy az utcán, ha nem vagy ott mellette. A férfi tiszteletben tart és szereti kettőtöket, így nem enged a csábításnak.
Súlyos tévedés, hogy a férfiaknak magas elvárásaik vannak, hiszen a kommunikáció, az odafigyelés, a törődés és a szeretni akarás bennünk is ott van. Az igazi férfi először a belső értékeid nézi meg, azt akarja megismerni, persze tudja mindenki, hogy a testiség is fontos, de ahogy szokták mondani; Egy nő ne a férfi kocsiját, házát nézze, nem annak fog szülni, így a férfi se a nő melleit, fenekét, vagy az alsó ajkait tartsa szem előtt, mert sose azzal fog beszélgetni.
Az a férfi aki nem ilyen, még nem tart ott, ő még egy fickó, egy pasas, de majd ő is révbe ér. Az pedig, hogy ez mikor történik meg, rajta múlik."
Papp Ádám
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gardenofkore · 2 years
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After sending the ships back so that none of his men would be able to seek refuge in them, he went to attack Messina. Finding it undefended—for its defenders had been killed as a result of Roger's earlier attack—he [Roger I d’Hauteville] captured the city and stormed its towers and ramparts, killing all those whom he found within, except those who managed to flee to the Palermitan ships. This occurred in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 106[1].
Among those who tried to flee was a certain youth, one of the most noble among the citizens of Messina, who had a very beautiful sister whom he tried to take with him as he fled. But the girl, a slight young woman, weak by nature and unaccustomed to such effort, began to lose heart out of fear and the unaccustomed difficulty of their course. The brother tenderly encouraged her to flee, but when his words had no effect and he saw that she was physically exhausted, he fell upon her with his own sword and killed her so that she would not have to live among the Normans and be corrupted by any of them. Although he was steeped in tears—his sister being so sweet and his only one—he chose to become her murderer and to mourn her death rather than to have her become a prevaricator of their law and be defiled by someone who did not live according to it.”
Goffredo Malaterra, The Deeds Of Count Roger Of Calabria And Sicily And Of His Brother Duke Robert Guiscard, p.91
Folklore gave a name to these unfortunate and unnamed siblings: Ciafar and Iras. It also provided them of a background. According to tradition they were the children of an alleged Emir of Córdoba, who found themselves admist the chaos of the Norman conquest of Sicily. If they really existed and that was their name and story, we won’t ever know.
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sbataxconsultants · 1 month
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Maximizing Tax Refunds: Proven Strategies to Keep More Money
Are you eager to make the most of your tax refund this year? With Tax Season looming, it’s the perfect time to explore strategies that can help you maximize your refund and keep more money in your pocket. While taxes might not be the most thrilling topic, the prospect of increasing your refund certainly is! Let’s delve into some proven strategies that can assist you in optimizing your tax situation.
Stay Organized Throughout the Year: One of the simplest yet most effective ways to boost your tax refund is by staying organized. Maintain a file or system to store all tax-related documents, receipts, and financial records. Keeping track of expenses, charitable donations, medical bills, and other deductible items throughout the year ensures you don’t miss out on potential deductions when filing your taxes.
Take Advantage of Tax Deductions and Credits: Deductions and credits can significantly impact your tax refund. Be aware of available deductions, such as mortgage interest, student loan interest, medical expenses, and charitable contributions. Additionally, tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit, and education credits can directly reduce the amount of tax you owe, leading to a higher refund. Contribute to Retirement Accounts: Contributing to retirement accounts like IRAs or 401(k)s not only secures your financial future but can also lower your taxable income. Contributions made to certain retirement plans are tax-deductible, potentially reducing your taxable income for the year and increasing your tax refund. Consider Itemizing Deductions: For many Tax Payers, itemizing deductions might result in a higher refund compared to taking the standard deduction. Keep detailed records of expenses such as state and local taxes, mortgage interest, charitable donations, and unreimbursed medical expenses to determine if itemizing deductions would be more beneficial for you.
Review and Amend Prior Returns if Necessary: Sometimes, errors or missed deductions in previous tax returns can be rectified by filing an amended return. If you discover that you’ve overlooked eligible deductions or made mistakes in past filings, it’s worth amending those returns to potentially receive additional refunds.
Consult a Tax Professional: Seeking guidance from a Tax Professional or Accountant can be invaluable. These experts stay updated on tax laws and can provide personalized advice tailored to your financial situation. They can help you identify opportunities for deductions and credits that you might have overlooked, ultimately maximizing your refund.
File Early and Electronically: Filing your tax return early not only helps you receive your refund sooner but also mitigates the risk of identity theft. Additionally, filing electronically can speed up the process and reduce errors, ensuring that you receive your maximum refund promptly. Remember, maximizing your tax refund involves proactive planning, staying informed about tax laws, and leveraging available deductions and credits. By implementing these strategies and staying organized, you can optimize your tax situation and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.
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letmefindforyou · 3 months
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werewolfetone · 1 year
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Shout out to this tiny yet crucial error on an otherwise actually very informative post about myths about tax returns and the IRS
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wally-b-feed · 9 months
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Zahn Sheet Iras, 2023
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somos-deseos · 4 months
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Blackpaper: Seguen Oríah.
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kino-free-time · 9 months
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The Infrared Astronomical Satellite - IRAS
This artist's concept show how it is possible for a single collection of particles, which share a common family of orbits around the Sun, to produce the appearance of identical bands on either side of the zodical or ecliptic plane.
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ivanfrancoferreira · 1 year
Como foi V Simpósio Estadual de Hotelaria e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar
Bem-vindos, leitores do blog! Hoje, vamos falar sobre um evento muito importante que ocorreu na bela cidade de Teresópolis, no Rio de Janeiro: o V Simpósio de Hotelaria e Controle de Infecção Hospitalar. Realizado no auditório do Hotel Alpina, o simpósio contou com a presença de mais de 180 gestores das áreas de Controle de Infecção Relacionadas a Assistência à Saúde (IRAS), Segurança do…
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egy-lany-blogja · 2 years
" Minden szép zene és jó sor egy pillanatra felébreszt.
Ne feledd: ha így élsz, te is művész vagy, akkor is, ha nem tudsz festeni vagy verset írni. Az élet művésze vagy. Mert a legcsodálatosabb műalkotás mégiscsak te magad vagy.
És az életed."
==Müller Péter==
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solxs · 7 months
Nadie nota tu tristeza hasta que se convierte en ira y entonces eres la mala persona.
Autor: Ronald Tinoco Ríos “Ron Lorent”
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nittyagi · 1 year
Retire with Confidence: A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Dream Retirement
Introduction Retirement planning is an essential part of financial planning, and it requires careful consideration to ensure a comfortable life after retirement. It is important to have a step-by-step retirement plan in place to ensure that you have enough savings to cover your expenses during retirement. There are several retirement accounts available, such as IRAs, 401ks, Roth IRAs, and…
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lesbian-odo · 18 days
i am obsessed with this moment from what we left behind. ira steven behr is basically like, "yeah so were they buddies? ^w^" and andrew robinson in a completely deadpan, 100% serious tone just says "they fucked." he doesn't hesitate, he doesn't miss a beat. he believes in garashir with his heart and soul and that is just so incredibly awesome
(full clip)
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idkmanimreallysleepy · 7 months
The difference between me and an average enjoyer, a sane person, is that they wouldn't want nanami Kento to grab their hair like this but I do. I want him to grab my hair as he fucks me from behind. pls get the vision.
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