#irl maus
supermauswithagun · 8 months
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Kerepesi cemetery, Budapest, Hungary
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Hm. That's a lot of Mausholds. I'd do a violence (battle them away) but that would require leaving Damian in my room. By himself. Not a good idea for a baby.
By all means, safety should be your first priority! They aren't maus-ing around out there!
Nemona and the rest have really been... cleaning maus... so we should be through this soon enough! Hopefully...
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i-want-a-slurpee · 5 months
I made a Bumble profile last night and I think it was a mistakeeeee 🫠
I want to date again but also like not leave my house or deal with people. I can't even drive any more, and have nothing to offer really 😭
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day0walker · 1 year
Konig raising an eyebrow at Maus-who regularly threatens to eat people on the battlefield, who everyone is confident has bitten plenty of the enemy- when she pushed some food into his plate because “it feels icky”
Oh my fucking god you nailed it LMAOOOO
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ily4ngel · 2 years
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thinking of dying
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tananansad · 2 years
raya kedua makan nasi ekonomi daging babi. how are we doing girlies
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froggierboy · 1 year
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songbyrd-writes · 1 year
Dating Konig headcanons
Trigger warnings: Small mention of reader's weight (not in a negative way)
A/N: I know a lot of people really like Konig (so do I) but I don't really like 'fanon' him so here's my take on our giant friend. These are also in typical headcanon format cause I'm too tired to split them up.
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- Konig is cocky and can talk some serious shit whenever he feels like he's done a better job than others, of course he'd never actually say these things to the person because I'm pretty sure his social anxiety wouldn't allow him to unless he was really pissed. (me too, man, me too.)
- He loves a challenge because he loves the feeling of overcoming it, it makes him feel much more confident in a similar way to how wearing the sniper hood all the time makes him comfortable doing things around lots of people. The knowledge that people will look at him but never truly see *him* is such a big confidence boost and that's an important thing for him.
- On the topic of the sniper hood, Konig’s social anxiety makes him value the feeling of privacy as well as anonymity that it gives him, going out without his hood makes him feel antsy and far too exposed for his liking.
- Oh sweet, sweet König... without his hood he's much more noticably anxious around you, he doesn't know where to look or what to say to not make it more awkward than it already is.
- LOVES absolutely loves when you actually kiss him on the lips or when you give him hugs, he loves the way you feel in his arms and because of how long he wears his hood he sometimes he forgets that he's taken it off until you give him a kiss.
- I'm sure none of us missed how tall he is and assuming Ghost is around 6'4 then Konig is around 6'5 to 6'7 (depending on your personal preference, I place him at 6'6 but if you want a reference for how tall he would look around others irl just look up Ben Graves bcos he was 6'5 :P)
- Honestly kind of forgets that like he's big as fuck, I could see him laying down on top of you and then not realizing that he's slowly crushing you ... he gets kind of embarrassed about it because he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you.
- Obviously the man can lift so there's no need to worry if you're plus size because he'll gladly pick you up and if you get embarrassed or insecure about it he'll be right there to make sure you know that he will never be bothered by how you look or how much you weigh. He fell in love with you not some arbitrary number. Same thing applies to anyone who weighs less, generally speaking your body doesn't matter to him as long as you're safe, comfortable, and happy!
- König doesn't try to leave hickeys or bruises but sometimes he can't help it, he'll try to make sure they can't be seen by others but in the heat of the moment he doesn't think too well 😅.
- If you're much smaller than him in height he'll absolutely swoon over you, he thinks you're so tiny and cute to him!!! I love whenever people have him call the reader Maus but i offer König calling you Hase (bunny) because its adorable.
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sprout-fics · 10 months
I have a curious but maybe a little angst heavy ask. If you don't vibe that's alright no worries.
But what if Soap didn't manage to save Maus? What would O'Connor do? How would the rest of KorTac react? It's the fabled Maus after all - the one they probably suspect has been keeping König off his A game - man's been throwing IRL lol.
I'd love it from König or someone not Maus' perspective if you can - thank you xoxox
I may have answered this before but it's so painful I have to do it again. (Dead Dove, Do Not Eat) (Character death for everyone involved except O'Connor) (Please read at your own discretion)
So Maus gets captured alongside Price. Of course originally O'Connor wanted her dead, but he realizes she can be used to break Price. Price by himself is a hard shell to crack, but he is unwaveringly loyal to his team. There's a special kind of loyalty to Maus in particular with her previously being captured by this same group, not knowing what she did or didn't go through. Despite his resilience in the face of torture he does consider it a responsibility to get Maus out of this if he can, his own safety be damned.
Maus knows this. It's why she resisted capture in the first place, because she knows they'll use her to get to Price, and if they manage to get what they want from Price, they're both dead. If she can escape, Price can hold out long enough for a rescue.
König likely figures this out as well. He knows Price is at the center of this, and that Maus is now just a tool to break the captain. He suggested this to keep Maus alive originally, but now he realizes he's taken her back for a fate worse than death, and perhaps an inevitable death itself.
He has to help her escape, he realizes. If he wants her to survive he has to. So he's forced to make a choice that tests his loyalty. Help her escape, possibly escape with her, or let her be tortured, and likely eventually executed.
and it goes one of two ways. One, they make it out, make it back to the 141, and then return to rescue Price.
The other goes worse.
O'Connor knows König's interest/obsession with Maus. He's smart, likely clocked that König would attempt to help Maus escape, and try to escape with her. When their escape attempt fails, it proves to O'Connor the depths of König's treachery, and he suddenly goes from being an operator to a prisoner alongside Maus and Price.
This is the worst option for Maus.
Maus goes on to be tortured, used as a tool to break price's resolve as he witnesses the brutality forced upon one of his subordinates, one who was previously captured and possibly hid the record of her own torture from him. In addition, O'Connor plays mind games with Price, illudes that König did in fact assault Maus, just as Price feared, and for all he knows it could be happening again. It shatters Price, sends him into a desperate rage and threatens to crack him.
König is forced to witness Maus's slow and inevitable destruction as well. He's forced to see Maus every time she returns to their cell, see new injuries and bruises on her body. He tries to comfort her, and Maus stays strong, tries to fight with everything she has left in her. She knows if she breaks, so will Price, and if she can't make it out, then at least Price should. König sees how hard she fights, tries his best to keep her strong, tries to fight for her every time they come to take her away.
Until Maus doesn't come back.
When she does, she's dead. Shot, right in front of Price, and König didn't even get to say goodbye. Instead he's left cradling her corpse and crying, pleading, broken. A punishment for betraying O'Connor.
Eventually he's taken to a new room, pushed into the darkness where he thinks he's alone.
He isn't. There's Price.
Price launches himself at König with the fatal promise of death by his hands, and König tries to struggle at first. Price hisses threats and accusations, and no matter how König protests Price doesn't believe him. König can't bring himself to kill Price when he's failed to protect Maus, and eventually he surrenders, whispers a final apology before the air stutters from his chest, suffocated by Price's hands.
It's only then that O'Connor reveals the truth to Price, that König loved Maus, that he tried to help her escape, that Maus may have even loved him in return.
He relishes the despair in Price's eyes before the gun fires.
Maybe König saw this all play out in front of his eyes, watched their fates dwindle to nothing in the moment Soap shot at him and Maus tumbled out of his grip. Maybe he saw it in her eyes when his hand caught on her ankle.
Maybe that's why he let her go.
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ivrousae · 2 months
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✧ S.HB Bilingual SMAU snippet!
Where in a junior architecture major got together with her senior who’s also the leader of one of the organizations in campus, Sung Hanbin, or who she likes to call “kak abin” !
- languages: bahasa indonesia & english
- pairings: sung hanbin x fem!o.c
- featuring: Liz & Rei IVE, Gunwook ZB1
- warnings: cursing in b.indo, the personality i gave Liz IVE in this story DOES NOOOTTT apply to her actual personality irl AT ALL, i love her guys, she’s my ive bias, it’s all for the story😁😁😁🙏🏻🙏🏻
- a/n: this is still beta, so anything can change because it’s bilingual, just tell me if you want some things to change or if you have any requests❤️❤️❤️
- find the english chat translations at: @mioujon !! (SUPPORT HER GUYS)
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( english version of the chat )
After Hanbin went downstairs to the meeting room, he saw Liz and Rei talking to Gunwook, when they saw Hanbin approaching, Liz walked closer to him, “Bin, look! Prop kita buat besok di jatohin cewe kamu” ( “Bin, look! Your girlfriend broke the prop for tomorrow” ) She pouted, trying to get Hanbin’s attention “Ga mungkin, aluna dari tadi di perpus” ( “No way, aluna has been in the library the whole time” ) “Ya aluna rusakin nya kemaren kali, dia doang yang masuk ruang meeting” ( “Well maybe aluna broke it yesterday, she’s the only one who came in here” ) “Dia masuk kesini karena aku suruh ambilin handphone, dia ga bakal berani nyentuh prop, Liz.” ( “She only came in here because i told her to take my phone, she wont be brave enough to even touch the props, Liz.” ) “Just because she’s your girlfriend, you don’t have to defend her like that” She scoffed.
“I heard my name, did I do something?” Aluna asked when she entered the door “Hello? knock?” Liz rolled her eyes “Lo kenapa sih?” ( “Dude what’s wrong with you?” ) Gunwook whispered, gently pushing her shoulders, Hanbin glanced at Liz, but his eyes quickly softens when he looked at Aluna, “Did you break a prop?” he asked nicely “Huh? Which prop?” Aluna asked confusedly, “Aduh jujur aja sih, kemaren kamu ga sengaja ngerusak prop event kita kan?” ( “Ugh just be honest, You accidentally broke a prop for our event yesterday right?” ) Liz said to Aluna, trying to make Aluna cover up her mistake.
Gunwook saw Liz coming out of the meeting room all panicked yesterday, and he came inside to check the room and saw that she have broke the prop, but she’s putting the blame on Aluna now. Being the good friend he is, Gunwook told Hanbin about what happened the other day, giving him a clear explanation of the truth.
“Oh..Iya, itu aku ga sengaja rusakin” ( “Oh..yeah, I accidentaly broke that” ) Aluna spoke out hesitantly, Liz have always been like this towards Aluna, the reason being that she has a crush on Hanbin like all the other girls in campus, and she thinks that she deserves Hanbin more than a stupid junior, meanwhile Aluna has never been the brave type, especially towards her seniors, meaning that she’ll take the blame when it comes to these situations. “Tuh kan, udah dibilang!” ( “See, I told you!” ) Liz scoffed, showing a satisfied expression, “I’m sorry, I’ll make up for it” Aluna sighed, Hanbin could only look at her, it hurts him to see his girlfriend being like this, “Yaudah aku pulang duluan ya? Besok aku gantiin kok kak” ( “I’ll be heading home then? I’ll make up for it, It’ll be done by tomorrow” ) Aluna forced out a smile before giving a bow to Liz and the others, walking out the room to go downstairs.
Hanbin sighed at Liz, chasing his girlfriend out the room, “Aluna, kamu harusnya jangan mau disalahin terus” ( “Aluna, you shouldn’t take the blame all the time” ) “Gapapa kok kak, daripada tambah ribet” ( “It’s fine, just get it over with” ) Aluna replied “Aku aja yang nganterin, udah gelap di luar, bahaya kalo kamu pulang sendiri” ( “I’ll take you home, It’s already dark outside, it’ll be dangerous if you go by yourself” ) “Udah gausah kak” ( “No it’s fine” ) “I’ll just order a cab” Aluna smiled, walking down the stairs, “Babe, be careful, yeah?” Hanbin spoke out “Iyaaa kak abinnnn” ( “Okayy hanbinnn” )
Hanbin aggressively opened the door of the meeting room, “Maksud lo nyalahin orang gitu buat apa ya?” ( “What was the purpose of you blaming things on others like that?” ) Hanbin shouted, “What do you mean?” Liz acted shocked, “Gausah pura pura goblok, kalo besok lo masih gabisa ngaku, gue bisa aja ngeluarin lo dari organisasi, ngerti ga?” ( “Don’t act stupid, if you still can’t admit that you’re wrong by tomorrow, I have the power to kick you out of this organization, understand?” ) Hanbin spoke out aggressively, showing a panicked expression on Liz’s face “Prop nya benerin sendiri, gausah nyuruh-nyuruh cewe gue ganti” ( “Fix the prop yourself, don’t ask my girlfriend to do it for you” ) Hanbin sighed, walking out of the meeting room before taking out his phone to text Aluna.
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( english version of the chat )
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manuchyy · 1 year
I know this is super random and I'm well aware of the fact that I haven't posted in so long here, but hear me out. I'm a person who has the most lucid and random dreams ever, and today's dream was a new experience.
Ghost piggyback ride?
...Exactly. Me, Ghost and an irl friend of mine were walking through the downtown of my city. I remember Price calling us rambling about some sort of briefing in the middle of the night, so we decide to head to the military base on foot.
While we walked, I noticed Ghost - still in his tactical gear and skull mask by the way - go stiff everytime we walked pass by other men. They would accidentally bump or brush into me, but it was nothing past an accidental bump. Eventually, he just stopped the three of us and told me to get on his back. Confused, I asked why and if he was sure about it to which he just nodded while looking me dead in the eyes.
Well, ghost gave me a piggyback ride to the military base. I remember hearing my friend giggle while she walked along with us, and I was dying inside. Ghost had absolutely no problem with me on his back, he still held my legs but it was as if he wasn't carrying anyone.
When we reached base, my friend went to her team while me and Ghost tried to find Price and the rest of 141. Now, imagine Ghost, giving his smaller squad mate a piggy back ride while walking around the base trying to find his captain. Every soldier that passed by had their eyes on us like we were some sort of abnormality (which...it kinda was).
We eventually found Price and he was talking to 141 and König. Once we approached, they all smiled and said their hellos. Except when Ghost let's me off of him and I hear a "Maus!". When I look up I'm suddenly lifted into the air by König, the man himself, while he spun the both of us.
I woke up shortly after that. It was honestly such a funny experience of a dream, hopefully this can serve as some inspiration for some of you writers out there? Hahaha
If I have another one of these dreams, I will surely share with this community :)
Have a nice one yall! Bye bye!
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supermauswithagun · 7 months
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Abandoned hospital, Eger, Hungary
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The Naranja-Uva Star
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Ky O. Gurr, Junior Student Reporter
This morning, students walking through the halls of Naranja-Uva report a scene that's anything but "mice": a swarm of oversized Maushold, running rampant through the halls of the East Corridor.
Though normally docile, these Maushold seem heavily territorial, attacking students and staff for any food on their person. Reasons for the appearance are not currently clear, but these Pokémon seem to resemble the so-called "Titan Pokémon" phenomenon, in which regular Pokémon grow to impressively huge size and power in response to consumption of large amounts of Herba Mystica.
Our investigation suggests that these Titan Maushold may have obtained these mass amounts of Herba Mystica by finding a stash of hidden sandwich ingredients from this weekend's Naranja-Uva Summer Sandwich Scramble (see p. 12 for this year's winner).
One anonymous student reported the first sighting of these Titan Maushold in Professor Saguaro's homeroom, where many of the ingredients were kept: "I'm not half bad at fighting Titan Pokémon, but I wasn't expecting one in our school! Especially not without my little buddy around!"
Student Council President Nemona and other staff are currently working to neutralize the threat to the campus. Further updates will be released as the situation continues to develop.
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weirdgayenby · 2 months
Inspired once again by the awesomeness of @opia-jpg 's polish Jurgen Leitner rant I bring to you the Jurgen leitner rant in maori
Porangi Porangi JURGEIN LEITNER GOD DAMN FOOL PUKAPUKA KOHI PUKAPUKA KAI PUKA KAI KIore OLD BASTARD SHITHEAD IDIOT AVATAR O TE wahine kairau nui rawa atu i roto i te Circus ka kata ki waho o te taone nui o te kaupoi whaea a JURGEIN LEITNER
KATI TE WHAKATAHI KI AKU I TE KORERO AU MO JURGEIN LEITENER E INOI ana ahau ki a ia he aha te tini o ana pukapuka karekau he aha i whakatau ai ia ki te kaiaka, ka mohio ki te whakatiki noa kua mate kua mate he tangata poauau. I runga i a au karekau ano i roto i te ruuma kare rawa i kite i te kanohi o tenei tangata, ka mohio au kei a ia nga pahau kino rawa atu i te ao.
ki te pirangi au ki te eke ki te rangi ka kii mai te atua, ko nga jurgein leitners e tatari ana ki roto ka mimi au ki nga waewae o te atua mo te take kotahi kia whakahokia ki raro.
ki te whai ahau ki te korero a jurgein leitner ki te korero takitahi i tetahi kupu i runga i te reo i roto i te podcast ehara i te mea ka kati noa ahau i te ripa ka mukua e ahau taku tohu tohu me te titiro ano i te katoa o nga raupapa mo te wheako ka taea te peke i nga mea katoa. nga wa e whakahuatia ana, e ora ana ranei
Kaore au i te mohio he aha ahau i kino ai ki a ia. ka kohia e ia nga pukapuka engari he porangi noa ahau na te mea kei te riri ahau
He pai ake tana korero ki muri ki te whakamaarama mena he tangata whai rawa ia he kaiwhaiwhai ki te creepypasta me te hiahia ki te putanga irl ill go ham
He pai ake te pukapuka kia patu ia i tetahi tangata ki te kore ia e mahi
nga waahanga kaore ano mo ia. i whakahua noa he aha te mea e kiia ana ko tana whare pukapuka ka ngaro ahau
kei hea a jurgein leitner mena kei te ora tonu ia ka tino hiahia ahau kia kaua ia
koroua kirikiri
ill punch Leitner me ana koiwi koroua ngoikore pouri ka marara noa iho i raro i taku ringa mīti nui, a ka memeha noa kia waiho ra ano ko te pukapuka whakamutunga ka mau ki runga i a ia i nga wa katoa ko te taitara Now You Fucked Up in old yiddish
Im not breathing im hyperventilation at this point
Ko taku tumanako ka tukuna he ra mo te wa i mate ai a jurgen ka mate ranei kia taea e au te whakamaumahara ki taku waea
ia ra kotahi i te tau ka kite ahau ka mahi i nga mea katoa engari ko te mihi ki te tangata nana nei te tini o nga pukapuka pono.
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jadenoryuu · 10 months
Day 23 (+5+29): Rogue Gallery (+Bonus)
I couldn't decide on who to focus for this DannyMay prompt, so I did a bunch of the Rogues!
(And that's the reason for the delay in posting this prompt... (^~^ ;)ゞ)
Since this is part of the Ghost Animal Noodles AU (which @tourettesdog's Little Baby Man is to blame), I'm going to post both the art and the respective animal I took inspiration from (under the cut because it's a loooong post):
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Skulker the Felis nigripes! The fierciest kitten, they apparently have the 60% success rate everytime they hunt!
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DAY 29: Ghost Speech AU Kitty as a Wirehaired Hungarian Vizla and Johnny (and Shadow) as Cheetahs! Since every Rogue is cat (or cat-adjacent) themed, I thought that it would have been hilarious if someone called "Kitty" was a canine. (≧∇≦) (The other two's need for speed prevailing over anything else is obvious.) Of course they cannot abstain from quarreling, so Ghost Speech for everyone!
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Princess Dorathea as a Norwegian Forest Cat and Desiree as an Egyptian Mau! The latter has been chosen because of Desiree's canon origins, while Dora's cat breed is said to have been used on Viking ships as mousers, so I thought it was the closest thing to dragon-lore... HttyD (≧∇≦) I wanted to give them something nice, so I let them chill with a cup of tea.
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Ember as a Lynx lynx and Technus as a Catopuma badia! Here we have the not-canonical sight of a singer and her boyfriend's boyfriend bonding over an electrical guitar project!
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DAY 5: 10 min VS 1 hour Nocturn as a Nue (a Japanese Yōkai, part Tiger, Monkey, Tanuki and Snake) and Undergrowth as a Gryphon! I tried to stuff as many other prompts as I could in the Rogue Gallery Day, so here I attempted this challenge. On the left, the 10 minutes drawing with more Undergrowth than Nocturn because when I noticed that the time was almost up I rushed and did a base sketch of the latter. On the right, the 1 hour drawing where I focused on Nocturn because I had in mind what I wanted them to look like so there was no time left for the other Ancient... (^~^ ;)ゞ
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The Box Ghost, Luch Box and Luch Lady as Spotted Hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)! The hyenas are wonderful animals and Feliformes, so technically still cat-adjacent! Plus they have a matrialcal gerarchy that I feel fitting in BG and LL dynamic, so I loved doing this!
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Youngblood as a Pallas Cat (Otocolobus manul) and Sidney Poindexter as a Sphynx Cat! Pallas Cats are so cute but also look like gremlins, so they fit very well with a ghost kid (who's in his Tarzan Phase). As for the Sphynxes, I love those beasts, but they have that kind of "loser nerd" vibes that is so Sidney that I couldn't pass the chance! ꒰(@`꒳´)꒱
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Prince Aragon as a Norwegian Forest Cat (like his sister), Walker as a Binturong/Bearcat (Arctictis binturong) and Penelope Spectra as a Fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox)! Both the last two are cat-adjacent, plus fossa look as creepy as Spectra, so they fit very well. As for the pose, since he has lost the Dragon Amulet, Aragon is kind of a twink, so just a paw to stop him would suffice, but Spectra is a slippery eel, so Walker had to bind her with his tail as well, just to be sure... (≧∇≦) (My lovely assistant @teacupsandstarlight posed irl for the captives' pose, so please thank her! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠~❤)
And here's all for the Rogue Gallery!
Now, for the Free Day.... All I can say is: Spider-man meme.
=(ˆ●ω●ˆ=) و
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gizantara · 2 months
hii, i'm one of your friends (irl), ketebak juga sih keknya soalnya aku baru like postinganmuu, i just wanna say hi in this platform, i adore your writings in instagram too. buat buku aja gak sih kamu... i'll support u 100%, klo mau commis cover atau ilustrasi bisa ke aku nanti wkwkwk jkk, have a nice day!
Halo, hahaha (ketawa salting dengan kikuk). Tiba-tiba banget emang boleeeh?
Sebenarnya engga pernah mengharapkan dapat feedback yang gimana-gimana dari yang baca tulisanku di sini (baik yang kenal maupun engga kenal) soalnya merasa ga ada yang terlalu wah dari apa yang udah ditulis. Jujur bingung juga nyikapin perasaan jenis ini sebab selalu canggung ke diri sendiri kalo menerima apresiasi dari orang lain. Ada senangnya, ada takutnya juga.
Tapi.. segala puji bagi-Nya yang telah memperjalankanku untuk sampai pada pemahaman tertentu yang kemudian dapat tertuang di sini. Dan juga telah memperjalankan kita untuk saling melihat perjalanan satu sama lain kemudian belajar darinya. Seneng bisa keep in touch again!
Anw, justru dengan cara pandang yang baiklah, kamu membaca tulisan yang biasa aja ini. Iya, dengan mata yang indah itu. Jadi.. kagumlah pada cara dirimu memandang sesuatu. Mata yang indah itu nggak semua orang punya, hehe..
Dan.. selain caramu memandang, aku juga suka caramu menggambar! Aku harap aku punya tangan ajaib seperti itu, tapi namanya bakat ya nggak bisa bohong wkwk. Belakangan lagi beneran kepikiran how to deliver long text into simple illustration tanpa menghilangkan maknanya. Cuma ya udah, nggak terealisasi karena keterbatasan kapasitas, sumber daya, waktu, dan energi.
Aku akan menulis buku, mungkin, entahlah. Belum jadi kejaran terdekat, tapi sedang menjajaki batu demi batu loncatan yang ada. Makasih banyak loh, tawarannya. Sebuah kehormatan buatku menerima tawaran tersebut. Akan aku hubungi jika Allah sudah menghendaki waktunya. Ofc, I'll support u 100% too, in many things you fight for. Ganbatte ne!
— Giza, pengen jaga jenis pertemanan sehat seperti ini sampai surga. Selamanya dan selamatnya.
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