#is he joking or is he serious? this is the power of autism.
shikisei · 1 month
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ok stupid question my bad
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babycupart · 2 years
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this character is autistic but idk if y’all are ready to have that conversation
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 3
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Gene -
"Has a special interest in film and almost works himself to death because he doesn't think his film is as perfect as he wants it to be. He completely botches a project on purpose, an action blockbuster, because he felt like it wasn't respecting the thing he loves the most."
Kei -
"It was the scene in which Makoto and Nao discover that he was able to stuff so many wild plants into his bookbag bc there was literally nothing in it that sold it for me. I can't put it into words. I just see that and I know. I know that boy is autistic."
Arthur -
"His powers are literally fueled by his special interest in knights and chivalry."
Euini -
"I relate a lot to his social anxiety, especially his performance anxiety that occurs when he's being watched by people, particularly due to his stress at needing to follow the plan/do things the "proper" way in order to not feel like he's a failure. he also stands like a lil autistic kid and i appreciate him so much for that.
(LIGHT SPOILERS) basically, he has a test that he needs to take in order to advance as a witch, and he keeps failing it because he cant perform properly while being watched by other people, even though he knows the "right" spells to use and why he's supposed to use them. on his third attempt of the test, he's prepared a "script" to use so that he can follow it and not worry about failing in the moment (in this case, his script is a hand-written book of the proper spells to use and the order in which he's supposed to use them), but when a part of the exam changes, he's no longer able to follow his script. because he's been taught all his life that there's only one proper way of doing things, his way of thinking is very rigid and he's not able to deviate from his plan without panicking. luckily, one of his fellow examinees (richeh from the autistic anime girls poll 💕) is able to convince him to try and change the way that he does things to something that is more attuned to his personal needs- basically change the way that he casts his spells and which spells to use so that he doesn't need to struggle with doing things in the way that everyone says that he should; the way that he cant seem to manage. but, even before richeh helped him with that though, he was still finding way to modify the "proper" spells a little bit to better suit his weaknesses. he was trying so hard to fit in to the mold that witch society gave him, but it just wasnt right for him and he was making it work however he could."
Westar -
"something something Westar's entire character is an anomaly amongst the other denizens of Labyrinth in that he's a big goofball in a world where everything is dictated to the extreme by its ruler. if that's not an autism metaphor of some kind I don't know what is."
Sousuke -
"Sousuke Sagara is an ex-child soldier turned teenage special ops who has to go undercover at a high school to discreetly bodyguard another student. The only problem is that he has no IDEA how to act like a "normal" teenager. Sure, you can say that a lot of his mannerisms come from the whole "raised as a child soldier" thing which, fair, you could make a decent case for (C)PTSD. However, he's also extremely serious and has notorious flat affect and does not understand when other people are joking at all. He's incredibly literal; there's several scenes where he misinterprets what someone says, like the time he asked the art teacher what a model was supposed to do and got a rambling flowery metaphorical response about "becoming one with nature" so he ran off to hide in the woods. Another thing, his social skills are… lackluster at best. He's very blunt, and also a terrible liar for an undercover agent, when the student in question confronted him his strategy was to repeat the same phrase over and over again. One time he's challenged to see if he can pick up any girls, and after a brief misunderstanding his "improved" flirting tactic was to jump in front of them and say "Hi! Would you like to know the names of defense agency spies?" Speaking of, Sousuke has an obvious special interest in the military tech and giant robots he works with. He reads their magazines for fun and was able to rattle off the specs for a model Russian tank. The first time he actually looks happy is when he accidentally starts infodumping in front of the class while introducing himself. One time he got distracted on a mission (and need I remind you, Sousuke takes his job VERY seriously) because he found someone who was also interested in the giant robots and got into a full-on conversation with them and completely forgot what he was doing. It is IMPOSSIBLE to read this boy as allistic. And sure, he might be a little stiff, but he's also very caring in his own awkward way. One time he gave a girl flowers as an apology gift…because they were poppies and he told the girl she could get rich by selling opium on the black market. The "picking up girls" challenge mentioned earlier ended with him helping a grandmother pick out a toy for her grandson. He agreed to pretend to be someone's boyfriend for a day (it went exactly how you'd expect, but it's the thought that counts). In conclusion: stan Sousuke Sagara. and vote for him too."
Katsuhira -
"His entire thing over the course of the entire show is that he doesn't feel pain or emotions like other people. He isn't 'interested in himself' or other people (low empathy) and doesn't realize that the things that happen to/because of him do effect other people, he doesn't realize when people have a crush on him or want to be friends, and all of this is stuff he kinda comes to realize as the show progresses. He struggles to care for himself physically because of the lack of physical and emotional input he experiences, and his friends canonically often cook for him and have to remind him to eat, and is a bit picky about what he eats. He cannot read social cues to save his life and is very blunt and honest when communicating with others, and doesn't talk with much tone or emotion in his voice."
John -
"Is very loud and passionate and says everything he thinks out loud, not understanding why others may see that as weird. Has difficulty controlling his volume, so he's almost always shouting."
Yuuri -
"So he models his entire life around the first celebrity he gets a crush on. He's takes up that celebrity's hobby, he gets the same kind of dog that his crush has, and he definitely has his bedroom wallpaper with his crush's face. But then, he actually meets his crush. And his crush likes him back. Naturally he panics over this and proceeds to deny it for months until his crush straight up kisses him. Then like a day later, he just, buys a ring and proposed to his crush on the spot. He's the guy ever. He's so socially awkward, yet somehow still incredibly cocky."
Yoshimori -
"Baking special interest but does Not Get math my beloved."
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starleska · 5 months
welcome to...starleska's f/o round-up 2023! 🥳🥳🥳
below the cut is every single character i've had a crush on in 2023...and there are 30 in total!! 🙈💖 these are given in chronological order of fixation, and they are all new crushes (so re-entering a fixation for a character i've simped for previously doesn't count 😂) now be warned, this is a genuinely unhinged list. they are largely villains. one is a mushroom. one is a vehicle. one is a casino-themed duck-shaped robot. my autism is indiscriminate in the characters it fixates on, and they are all suitably embarrassing 😭💖 without further ado, here we go...
1. James the Red Engine | Thomas the Tank Engine
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...shut up 😂💖 at the start of this year i truly lost my mind and fell headfirst into the Thomas the Tank Engine fandom (everyone there is so lovely and creative!!)...and of course, the vain train is my favourite 🙈💖 James is cute okay!! i don't need to justify myself!!! 2. 'Big' Jack Horner | Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
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there's no way anyone missed this one - we are quite the tight-knit and dedicated group in the 'Big' Jack Horner fandom 😳💖 come on, look at him...a huge, powerful, obsessive, fancy-bastard collector with an affinity for magic??? he's stunning 🥴💖 i made so many lovely friends through gushing about this horrible man!!! we had so much fun making OCs to ship with him 🙈 one of the most intense fixations i've had all year, and one of the best villains we've seen in years...he is fantastic 🥰 3. Pizzahead | Pizza Tower
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i don't know what's in the water of Pizza Tower but it's impossible to be normal about any character you like from that game 🙈💖 of course the evil sentient pizza slice took the top spot, he's so cartoony and ridiculous!!! the amount of power he exerts is also quite the draw 🤭💖 i'm not gonna lie there's a couple other characters from this game i may get into later...we'll see 😉 4. Fingers | Dead End: Paranormal Park
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have you heard this guy's voice. can you blame me. deliciously evil fruity monstrosity with supernatural powers? sign me up to whatever sinister scheme Fingers has going on now or in the future 👉👈 he hits a lot of boxes...between the cabaret-style makeup, the posh, dismissive and manipulative personality and the inexplicable Eldritch body, he was always gonna be a crush 🤭 5. M.O.D.O.K. | Marvel
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wheeze okay, this was originally a JOKE!!! @thelighttasteslikelasagna sent in this message joking that i look like i'd find M.O.D.O.K. hot, and i was really angry about it for five minutes...and then i discovered the stop-motion cartoon where he's exactly the kind of cringefail malewife villain i enjoy (in the Augustus St. Cloud vein), and the rest is history 🙈💖 definitely one of the silliest crushes i had this year, but he holds a special place in my heart :3c 6. Gargamel | The Smurfs
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nah man i was on some serious mental illness at the start of this year 💀 i just can't help it when bad guys are like this, alright!!! Hank Azaria's performance as Gargamel is sooo silly and over-the-top, i couldn't help but love every second he was on screen 🙈💖 Gargamel's just a whole lot of fun!!! who doesn't love a magic-wielding freak hellbent on the destruction of a group of little creatures?? (i cannot and will not be taking any questions at this time 😶) 7. Wally Darling | Welcome Home
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my God, the Wally Darling fixation hit the entire Internet like a train 🤭💖 soft-voiced, ambiguously-moraled rizz puppet that he is, how could we not all fall head-over-heels? i have to thank this guy for throwing me headfirst back into fanfic writing, as the whole Welcome Home story really inspired me...not to mention all the lovely folks who wanted to imagine different ways of getting to hold Wally's hand 🥰 hooray for our pretty puppet boy!! 8. Killa Harkan | John Wick: Chapter 4
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...yes, i know, it's funny that Killa's the first of two cartoonishly evil German-accented bad guys with sleight of hand tricks and gold teeth on the list this year 😂💖 sitting in the cinema, the second he opened his mouth my partner just turned and stared at me, because they knew. i refuse to apologise for appreciating a really awful bastard - especially one who dresses so sharply 😉 9. Ian Hawke | Alvin and the Chipmunks
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yet another member of the 'it started off as a joke...' club 🤭💖 listen, Ian serves!!! we can't resist a smarmy music producer/manage type, can we? Ian's in the same camp as Gargamel for being a deeply evil man whose capacity for doing harm is directed at little creatures. all i'm saying is, he can sign me up for a dodgy deal any day 🥴 10. Myc Cellium | Inside Job
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i can't tell if it's my monsterfucker tendencies or my consummate attraction to Brett Gelman but the crass sentient mushroom got me down bad 😭💖 he's just such a menace!! he's got that intoxicating combo of being horribly socially inappropriate and an actual outcast...fellas, Myc was fixation bait for me 😭 11. Klaus Kickenklober | Sing 2
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i don't care if you think you're not a furry, someone can and will get you from the Sing franchise, and that is a threat 🙈💖 yesss laugh it up, Star's got another stern and vaguely European cartoon villain added to the list 😂 i just find Klaus so impossibly delightful!!! he'd be a terrible teacher to have in real life, but in fiction, i think i could fix him :3c 12. The Spot | Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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ohoho, i know you guys were living for The Spot fixation because i remember your reaction to the x Readers 😉 look at him and his incredible design!!! the transformation of The Spot from weak laughable villain to reality-bending monstrosity had me by the throat...and i can't wait to see more of him when the next Spider-Verse drops 👀 13. Mad Mod | Teen Titans
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MAD. BLOODY. MOD!!!!! i think our favourite British bastard has to take the crown (literally and figuratively) as my strongest fixation out of the whole of 2023, i lost my mind over this guy. he just consumed my every waking thought!!! 🙈 the style, the voice, the unbelievable engineering skill...Mad Mod is one of those once-in-a-lifetime f/os that you know you'll be obsessed with for a very long time 😳💖 i look back so fondly on those wonderful few months of Mad Mod fandom resurgence, and how that still continues today...here's hoping even more people find out about him and develop their own crushes 😉 shout-out to the lovely @iriso-page who suggested him and Music Meister to me 🙈💖
14. Control Freak | Teen Titans
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sdfgdf okay back on form with the fat dweebs, i know, i know!!!! my ravenous Mad Mod fixation wasn't enough to ignore Control Freak, one of the most delightfully stupid villains in Teen Titans...!!! he hits all my buttons (ha!) and i genuinely think his design and powers are kind of epic. would love to see him utilised in the future 😉 (i am never beating the Discord kitten allegations...) 15. Ken | Barbie
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well, this particular blond himbo was quite the surprise!! 🤭💖 i'm not usually the one to go for such a stereotypical hottie, but Ryan Gosling plays Ken as so unhinged and...off for the whole movie, he activated the same neurons which come with the weirdest of my crushes 🙈💖 Ken's a misguided sweetheart and i'd love to help him feel a little bit wanted;;; 16. Buck Ruffler the Duck Shuffler | Toontown: Corporate Clash
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fell into the wonderful world of Toontown: Corporate Clash and imprinted on this fucker like...well, like a baby duck 😂💖 is this not the most spectacular design for an original Cog you've ever seen?! i love that Buck is an absolutely scrambled robot with a gambling addiction, and i think he'd be lovely (and hilarious) company 🥰
17. Barnaby | Billie Bust Up
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ohhhh yesssss Billie Bust Up caught my attention with this sinister goofball!!!! fancy, flamboyant and very into murder...Barnaby has all the traits for any Tumblr Sexyman, and i cannot wait for the full game to drop so we can see even more of him 👀
18. The Mad Hatter/Jervis Tetch | Batman
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Jervis Tetch my beloved!! this has been the year of fancy blonds in top-hats, as well as deeply silly hypnotists, and Jervis kicked off this trend with a bang 🙈💖 i'm a Mad Hatter fan generally but B:TAS Jervis is a special kind of pretty stalker, and that voice is delicious 🥴 thanks to him for kicking off an Alice in Wonderland fixation and for finally getting me into drinking tea...the things we do for our crushes, eh? 🥰 19. Music Meister/Darius Chapel | Batman
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and here is the first character played by Neil Patrick Harris who made it onto this year's list!!! 🙈💖 another camp, theatrical Batman villain to add to my collection...gorgeous voice, such an immense sense of style, and wonderfully good fun!! i think more people should get a little obsessed with the Music Meister 😉 20. Buggy the Clown | One Piece
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none of you can judge me for this one - i remember all the TikTok edits!!! 😂💖 Buggy is pathetic and so much fun - i wasn't expecting to enjoy him as much as i did!! although my fixation for him may have been short-lived, my love for him certainly isn't 🥰 21. Pat Butcher | BBC Ghosts
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ohhhh, every now and again a little sweetheart will get me right in the feelings, and Pat Butcher is added proudly to my f/o collection as the second Yorkshireman (next to Salad Fingers 😭). i just love what an upbeat, lovely man he is!! he's so soft and warm to everyone he meets and tries his best to do everything right by his friends...i'd love to cuddle with him 🥺 22. Josh Levy | The Eltingville Club
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a classic return to form with Josh Levy, à la Comic Book Guy and Control Freak...really telling on myself by collecting these horrible greasy nerds who would 100% call me something derogatory if i tried to talk to them 💀 i appreciate every last one of The Eltingville Club but Josh, as a failed writer who remains just as toxic as he was when he was a teen, is my undisputed favourite 🙈💖 23. Swan | Phantom of the Paradise
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oh God, reawakening my crush on Paul Williams by discovering Swan damn near killed me!!!! 😭💖 i was so obsessed with this man as a kid and the moment i saw him as Swan in POTP i felt intense attraction and gender envy in equal parts;;;; Swan's whole aesthetic and demeaning, inhuman approach to people is impossibly sensual, and i can't overstate enough how little evil dudes in tinted shades will always get me down bad 🙈💖 24. Kinger | The Amazing Digital Circus
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my love for Kinger was such a pleasant surprise!! 🤭💖 sweet, anxious fella that he is, all i want to do is get him out of that digital hellscape and ensure he can wrap up in as many blankets as he likes!!! i love his always-on-the-edge-of-a-breakdown portrayal and am so eager to learn more about him and his backstory 👀 25. Peter Gregory | Silicon Valley
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ahhh, kicking it the old-fashioned way by getting extremely invested in the most autistic character on the show (and that's saying something, given the high neurodivergent coding of everyone in Silicon Valley 🙈💖). Peter's style and methods of communication are traits i simply find attractive in real life, and although he sadly wasn't with us long, he absolutely stole the show ✨ 26. 'Action' Jack Barker | Silicon Valley
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given my love of nerds it's no shocker that Silicon Valley hit me with two f/os, and 'Action' Jack Barker - the tech-field Colin Robinson - was a surefire entry 😳💖 what is it about these milquetoast men who are so whitebread yet are capable of such terrible things which gets me every time?! Jack is such a fun character and i'm glad we got as much of him as we did 🙈 27. Avery | Pokémon: Sword and Shield
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i cannot believe none of you guys told me about Avery, the most amazingly dressed character i've ever seen in the whole of Pokémon 🙈💖 shhhh he is so very pretty and petty and his powers are incredibly cool. i just love everything about him and would delight in helping him develop a real sense of self-esteem, because he does not deserve the dismissal he receives from his family 😭💖 28. Matthew Patel | Scott Pilgrim
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oh my God, heart in my MOUTH seeing Matthew Patel get the glow-up villain arc he so desperately deserved!!!!! 😭💖💖💖 Matthew is just the epitome of style and power in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, and it was so fantastic getting to see him grow as a character and get self-actualised. plus his fight scenes were some of the coolest things i've ever seen. Matthew can i have your number please 🥺 29. The Toymaker | Doctor Who
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!!!!!!!!!! i don't know if you guys can tell, but i really love the Toymaker...and even predicted that he'd completely consume my mind months before we got The Giggle 🙈💖 e v e r y t h i n g about him just gets me so bad. his reality-bending, his teasing attitude, his ridiculous accents, his gorgeous costumes, his emotional inconsistency, his tragic backstory...god, if i so much as look at him smiling i melt 🥴💖 characters played by Neil Patrick Harris really get me!! i'm so proud to be modding a server dedicated to the Toymaker now, and have met so many brilliant, wonderful friends through him and falling back into Doctor Who!!! i think we're all going to be brainrotting over him for quite some time 😉💖 30. Dr Mark Fry | Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget
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Dr Fry, rushing in at the finish line!!! 🤭 the second my pals saw this guys they were all spamming me, begging me to watch Dawn of the Nugget!!! and ooooh i was noooot prepared for the specific brand of soft creepy genius he is 💖 even if they'd played Dr Fry purely as your run-of-the-mill mad scientist he would've gotten me bad, but they just had to make him equal parts freaky and brilliant with just a touch of arrogance, didn't they?? Melisha scored well 🤤 (also, three whole Yorkshiremen in my collection now!! is it the accent? 😭) aaaaand that's everyone!!! phew, is anyone else out of breath? 🥵 what a wonderful, silly year of fixations this has been 🤭💖 thank you all for being here, brainrotting happily alongside me for some of these characters, and for all the other characters you love!!! i hope 2024 is awesome to you, and that many more fictional characters are around the corner, ready to make you smile 😉
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
mask was, ironically, very low masking
warriors was (and still kinda is) VERY high masking
(Tune is somewhere in the middle + ADHD)
mask really struggled at first on the battlefield because of his extreme lack of social skills (dude was raised in the woods with a bunch of other autistic fairy kids), lack of danger awareness, and poor understanding of war/battlefield (he’s used to 1-1 boss fights not war), and the fact that as a kid, he was already much much higher support needs, not even mentioning how traumatized he must’ve been.
warriors was drowning in stress, a literally TEENAGER (I hc him being 16-20 during the war) severely masking and like, PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO STOP. Among all the other non-neurodivergent stressors (cia, A WAR, parenting two kids in battle, food issues)
warriors helped mask learn tips for surviving the neurotypical world** (TM) and made sure he was 100% accommodated, since warriors knew he, himself would never have that.
Mask subtly (and probably accidentally) pushed warriors to mask less, creating a safe space where the three bros could all be them selves. He’d throw the biggoron sword if someone so much as looked NEAR where warriors was when he was stimming, ready to fight the h8ters if necessary.
later on, the trio (and now 6 more!) rejoin, and time is pleasantly surprised to see that warriors has kept some of the mentality. Granted, he’s not made any progress since then, but he’s not gotten worse, so that’s something.
Warriors is also quietly content that time has retained the social skills he taught him, in fact, he’s picked up even more! Though he finds it hard to find time at all scary, intimidating, or powerful, because warriors knows EXACTLY what is going through time’s head when he makes that face, I mean, he taught his brother himself!
warriors now has to face the living proof that he’s not weird or broken, lest he tell that to his eight brothers who are nowhere near as masking as he is, culture shock!
I know that the idea of “normalizing” autistic kids via teaching them neurotypical behaviors is a very complex and nuanced conversation to be had, and I’m not trying to parade around supporting ABA. (not to make this about me or anything,) but this pov/head cannon/prompt (?) is inspired from the perspective of me and my lower masking/much higher support needs sibling (both are autistic) :)
Your favorite,
I love you for this oh my god
To me, one of the things Mask struggles with the most besides social cues is controlling his facial expressions when especially when talking to others, which is why the other Links just automatically assumed he was the stoic silent type, because they saw this serious looking older guy who rarely smiles and were like “oh he means business-” but really he just has very flat expressions. Similarly I think he’s very dry when he speaks, it was worse when he was younger, and he’d gotten better at making himself sound more excited/happy, but occasionally the others (not including Wars) think he’s being sarcastic when he isn’t. And this is part of why they can never tell if he’s joking about having fought the moon.
With how chaotic his childhood was (and also because of the autism), to me he’s someone who really needs stability and predictably, which is why ranch work is sooo good for him. Like yeah unexpected things happen, but he can also sit there and take care of the animals and know he will be taking care of the animals the next day (also I think braiding Epona’s mane would be both comforting for him AND the horse)
Warriors is someone I can see stressing out so much about how people view him and he’s so scared of being anything less than perfect that he ends up getting trapped masking and everything just builds up until he explodes. He certainly was not coping well during the war, with everything that was going on, but I totally agree that Mask helped him mask less. Those two absolutely helped each other, both intentionally and completely by accident. By the time he’s in his mid/late twenties, he’s gotten a lot better about not letting everything build up, and also at unmasking every once in a while when he feels safe. (you’re so right, time/mask would fight ANY haters on wars’s behalf)
Everything you said was so perfect and I love it!! I’ve written one fic centering around these two being autistic (although I didn’t explicitly state that because I don’t know if they’d have like, the medical diagnosis for that in hyrule), and i really need to write more. I myself am autistic and good autism rep is really important to me because I never saw it as a kid
You’re literally my favorite at this point, mandarin wars anon, I hope you’re having a good day 🫶
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aeriedwelling · 3 months
2 + 3 + 8 + 11 + 18 + 22 + 24 + 29 + 37 + 41 + 49 +51 = anything you wanna share bout Atmos :]
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
ough i think he'd use it pretty passive aggressively more than genuinely sjdfklsdj. he has suuuuper bad RSD and thinks everyone hates him, (< totally not me projecting /lying), so he's hesitant to call people "friend" not because he doesn't like them, but because he doesn't know if the liking is mutual
3. How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
he's pretty stoic!! cracks a smile at stupid jokes but for the most part doesn't talk unless he's prompted (or has something snarky to say). if you don't know him it's pretty hard to tell how he's feeling, but once you can read his body language it's clear as day and so incredibly obvious that it makes you question how you couldn't read him before,
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
what's the opposite of loose. tight? he doesn't say it ever. winston dragged it out of him once and then never again because atmos was super uncomfortable about being forced to say it- he says it when he really means it. he says it a lot in other ways though. actions speak louder than words in this case!! (do you need anything? i'll do the dishes for you. just swinging by to give you some of your favorite candy. of course i can help you move! etc etc.)
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
dnd atmos: check for the tracker in his arm. if it starts Doing Things then his reaction to it could tip someone off that something's wrong
ask him about his paw print tattoos, like what specific dog they are. he will give you the scientific name and the color of the dog's fur (autism /silly)
winston knows his scent really well so if the imposter smells different then that's it for them
uhhh idk about minecraft atmos. if he's suddenly chillin then Something Is Very Wrong. he is SO anxious all of the time.
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
his mum :3
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
i was going to say pottery makes him deeply uncomfortable but actually he'd kinda vibe with it so. hmmm. i'll have to think about this one
stuff crumbling makes him really uncomfortable. like if you get a clump of dirt and crumble it to pieces in your hand it makes him feel itchy and weird (this is mostly minecraft atmos, who used to be terracotta before The Incident)
24. Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
absolutely!! when no one was looking B) it was an oatmeal cookie (without raisins. he also got one for winston)
29. How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
starts sweating bullets frfr. if he's lying for fun then it doesn't matter and he just laughs it off. if he's trying to get away with something he KNOWS he's a bad liar and is already calculating the consequences of lying to people who have the power to make his life worse- if someone doesn't believe him he will absolutely try to dig the lie a little deeper to see if he can somehow still get away with it, but whatever he comes up with falls apart because he doesn't think things through before he talks in that instance
37. What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
he isn't currently fleshed out enough to have any secrets, tbh, maybe the story about how he got the tracker in his arm? they know it comes from some old organization he used to be a part of, but they don't know specifics and he never wants to tell them.
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
totally absolutely picked up talking with his hands from winston, mans now adds all four arms and gestures around a lot while he talks
he's picked up a bunch of different greetings from several of the planets he's visited, as well as some stuff from folks around the [Syndicate] - some weird fish greeting from Trixie, probably. apologies for the lack of specifics
49. Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
yes. he regrets it every time.
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot?
i can't imagine him talking uhhhh. does atmos talk???
minecraft atmos would probably be like "what do you need?" or "do you need anything?" or "what can i do for you?"
dnd atmos talks like i do. the current phrase is "yeah you get it" sjdfkljsdf
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davekat-sucks · 3 hours
i remember when i use to be in the smg4 fandom people got mad whenever the crew got mad at mario and said they were “abusing” him, last time i checked it’s bickering and that is normal in friendships, people also like to say mario is autistic and has adhd which there is no proof he has it because luke never said he did, so dumb = autism and adhd now? doesn’t that sound kinda ablest to assume that just because someone is dumb that means they have autism and adhd? i get if it’s a headcanon which there is nothing wrong with that but don’t assume the crew is “abusing” him just because he’s stupid, he’s a manchild so he’s gonna act like one so of course he’s gonna get yelled at and hit, there is a difference between abuse and bickering, i remember all the hate meggy got for it but again the smg4 fandom is pretty sexist to all the female characters, just look at r/smg4, all what the people in the subreddit do when it comes to the girls is talk about how they’re “pick mes” “wannabes” “stupid” “dumb” and “lazy”, it’s nothing but sexism in that subreddit when it comes to the girls, people only hated when meggy harmed mario was because she’s a woman, no one had a problem when the guys did it, but when meggy and saiko do it, they’re the bad guy and “deserve to die” or “die in the next arc/movie”, nobody had a problem when mario hits his brother, no one is calling that abuse, it’s only abuse when it happens to mario, i bet you guys that mario does not care that he gets yelled at or hit, if anything he seems like he enjoys it when he gets yelled at or hit by his friends
I thought most hated Meggy or Saiko because they play the competent smart girl that foils Mario or the boys' stupidity. Because one thing people hate more than a straight serious man in a comedy duo dynamic is the opposite sex being good at something. The joke is that most of the girl cast members within SMG4 universe are technically smarter or more powerful than the guys because it's funny to see the guys acting stupid. It's not pushing feminism crap either. Just a joke in itself. And yeah, Mario is a manchild. Even him being called autistic back then, was mostly for insult than acknowledgement of his disability. Because is an old man who acts bratty and selfish at times. I don't see people defend Peter Griffin 24/7 for acting the same way (worse even) like Mario. So is Peter autistic now and we have to feel sorry for him for everything he does?
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eloignetoi · 2 years
My opinions and overall throughts about Netflix Wednesday because people (including me) are obsessed with it but there is very little content about it (beside the TikTok trend).
The show itself is amazing - not just because it's popular - but the storyline, characters and overall aesthetic are quite endearing. I loved how characters worked together and how sometimes they didn't:
Wednesday is not perfect nor horrible. She has many traits that fit the autism spectrum : obsessions, blank tone and facial expression, unique perception of the world - no she is not depressed, she isn't numb to reality nor sad, she simply enjoys what most people are scared of -, and her perception and understanding of social and emotional conventions are, well, unconventional. These traits make her uniquely enjoyable, but it also gives place for improvement and development in this new social environment that is Nevermore, and which we witness throughout although mostly at the end of the show.
Xavier is not a classic manipulative white boy. He is clueless and emotionally constipated (which I believe has something to do with his dad), and that can be annoying, especially when you know he could have been a lot more helpful with Wednesday's investigation as his dreams/visions seemed to complete hers. A certain tweet has made people agree that he is manipulative and annoying, which I don't really get. He is supposed to have flaws so that there's place for character development, just like Wednesday. But he always had good intentions. He did not manipulate Wednesday into asking him to the ball : considering his serious crush on her, I think he truly hoped she had changed her mind - one can hope lol - and teased her as a friendly joke. That's why he got so mad when he found out about her ulterior motives: he realized she never planned on being his friend. He was not being obsessive either. I mean, when you're in love with someone who's been the target of an attempted murder, I guess you try to go out of your way to protect them - and eventually forget them. That's what the painting was for (as he clearly explained it), don't act like you've never been in love or had a hard time getting over it. The one thing I do agree with is that he and Wednesday have no romantic chemistry, and I hope they are not going to try and force this relationship. If they do, I hope they'll make it right with a better atmosphere, context, chemistry, etc... and let's be honest, it would take a lot of changes and efforts. What would really work (with the atmosphere and context of the first season), would be a strong friendship, not only because they made up at the end, but also because they have many similarities and their powers could be very useful when put together. They would be amazing investigators.
When it comes to Tyler, I am surprised people didn't catch on his uniqueness. There were very little to no clue about his true nature, but he was definitely odd: the only normie kid rejected by his normie friends but without any outcast friend either. Troubled teenager who lost his mom, has a bad relationship with his father and a history of bullying (with Xavier), and the creepy scene in the Gates' mansion where his face suddenly appears in the light. After watching the end, you can also catch on the change in sound/music at the ball when Thornill smiles at him, like there's a form of dissociation from the rest of the crowd. Overall, I think the twist was rather unexpected. What I am really eager to see is what they are going to do with him: he was manipulated and experimented on to turn into his outcast form, but from there he also willingly killed people while enjoying it and manipulated Wednesday in the creepiest way (planning a date and their potential first kiss in the very crypt he knew they'd kill her, seriously...). I wonder if they are going to try and save him or push the monster hunting to the edge. After all, his mom apparently didn't kill anyone - I believe they would have mentioned similar deaths from 30 years ago (although that might be information kept for season 2 and it might have something to do with the normie death from 30 years ago that forced the Nightshades to disband). And I can't imagine his dad's state after all the revelations: the guilt he must feel for not talking to his son about his mom and not seeing he was being manipulated.
If there is a second season, I can't wait to see more revelations about Bianca and her mom, Xavier's dad, and just more of Ajax, Enid, Yoko, Eugene and maybe even Kent. And I'm not even mentioning the stalker, as well as the new possible mayor, principal of Nevermore and Thornill's replacement.
What I really liked about this show, beside characters, were costumes: the Addams' gothic style, perfectly modernized while still being close to the original comic/movie. And I loved Enid's colorful clothes (especially her amazing pink shoes in the last episode).
I do have a few complaints about the show:
Although dialogues are perfectly intelligible, everyone being at the same volume, I could barely hear any background music. I only realized it were here in certain scenes thanks to the subtitles, and it sort of loses the whole impact its supposed to have on the scene. So, if you have a hard time hearing (I am aware I don't have the best hearing), I would advise you to use headphones to really get the whole experience.
I'm also slightly disappointed by the style of the series. With Tim Burton as a director, I guess we expected a darker, more "crooked" style (with character designs or even sceneries), which we mostly only got from Tyler's Hyde form and Thing. I am aware Tim Burton doesn't have full freedom and, contrary to animation movies, has to deal with the material and physical limits of the real world (human face shapes, expensive makeup and CGI).
I think my last complaint would be about the length of the season: it was slightly fast-paced and therefore quite short in the end. So many things happened in only 8 episodes. I know productions now have to deal with many constraints, deadlines and even budgets, but I hope the success of the first season will give more time and money for the producers to have fun and add as much as they want to the final product.
Finally, I think it's just fair to write about Jenna Ortega's acting, which is absolutely amazing. Beside the no-blinking thing (which is really hard, not only because of the length of the scenes but also because of reflexes - try not blinking while moving your head around, or try doing it while keeping your movement natural), her posture is so straight yet remains natural. I'm also quite impressed by her capacity to control her full body - try staying as straight as her while falling, like in her vision scene after the kiss.
I also think it's important to note Gwendoline Christie's performance (principal Weems). Her facial expressions are to die for, with the slight eye movements whenever Wednesday or Morticia piss her off !
Emma Myers (Enid) also has some good facial expressions (at the ball, or with the homeless man who steals the camera) and her whimpers are so fun !
The expressiveness in this show is quite phenomenal and really participate in the story - big fake smiles (like Noble and Weems), odd expressions (like the woman who drives the hiker in the woods in the first episode, or Tyler's weird scene in the mansion), and the ambivalent, twisted meaning of Thornhill's actions and reactions that are great to rewatch after the twist revelation.
I have a few more thoughts about the choice to involve Pilgrims in the story (which is unique, hilarious and meaningful), but they're not fully developed.
I don't mistake my opinions for truths and I'd love to see more approaches to the series.
Also please note I'm French and English is not my first language. If you see any mistake or weird syntax/grammar, please inform me 😊
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memwazz · 1 year
SEVEN - Aloïs Marshall
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Aloïs is the head of the 7th Division and a superhero himself. He's the secret identity of The Clockworker, as well as Ezra Marshall's twin brother.
As a leader, he plans the missions and gives most of the orders. He's responsible of the team cohesion and leads the group reunions.
Species : surhuman
Age : 37
Height : 180 cm
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Aloïs (right) in The Clockworker's costume with Ezra (left) as Queen Elizabeth.
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Civilian Aloïs VS Superhero Aloïs
- Illustrations :
Finish Line - Pockets - Bell Tower - Marshall Cats - Teenagers - Bodies - Sequin Dress - Clock Child - Friends - Pardon -
- Comics :
Broken - I'm Gay - Fine, Thanks ! -
- Shitpost :
Disney Princess Meme - Trauma Dump - Each Other's... - Bigots - Spoon - Mistake - Spectrum - Attractive -
Aloïs' super power makes him able to create portals to teleport on short distances. He can either move his whole body, specific parts of it, small objects or other people.
The maximal distance one of his portals reached was 1km, but it caused his body some damage.
Aside from his surhuman ability, Aloïs is a good fighter with a complete military training. He's however psychologically unable to use a gun because of a traumatic event.
Aloïs usually appears at first as arrogant, authoritative and disagreeable. Being on the autism spectrum, he struggles with the social norm and emotions : he doesn't always understand how he feels and doesn't know how to express it properly. Most of the time, he will be quite unexpressive and distant.
As he can't understand how people work or think, he is terrible at showing empathy and support, even to his loved ones. The only thing he's worse at than feelings are jokes : Al doesn't have any sense of humor and doesn't even understand how it works, especially if it's second degree.
He's an organized person who always think calmly before acting, making him an efficient leader and fighter. Aloïs always makes sure to stay in control of the situation, else he quickly gets stressed. He hates being contradicted or "disobeyed" and will try to convince people to go his way even if it implies conflict or emotional harm. One of biggest flaw is telling everything going through his mind, hurting people and not understanding why it'd have been better to lie.
Just like during missions, Aloïs loves order in his personal life. He suffers from serious OCDs and is an hygiene freak. His house is always clean and every room is well organized. He likes to align and sort everything; changing his habits upsets him badly.
Because of his control obsession and his responsibilities as a leader, Aloïs is under constant pressure. He has untreated anxiety and always feel guilty when things go out of hand, thinking it's his fault if a mission fails or if anyone gets hurt.
Even if it doesn't show, Al cares about his teammates and relatives a lot. He never hesitates to put his life at risk to help or take care of them, and sometimes shows through acts the benevolence he doesn't manage to express with words.
His major qualities are his honesty, loyalty and integrity. Aloïs is unusually obsessed with law and morals : he tries to play by the rules even when his actions as a superhero are illegal, and would never hurt anyone willingly, even an enemy or a criminal. He thinks everybody deserves a second chance and that this world can be saved.
Aloïs is also known for his strong special interest on clocks. He's obsessed with and has an infinite knowledge on clocks and watchmaking, either in theory or practice. He himself crafts his own clocks (especially when he feels stressed and needs to lock himself in his room) and is quite skilled at it. His creations decorate the Division's headquarters and his bedroom; he's nonetheless very exigent and perfectionist and often thinks what he crafts is trash.
Aloïs is the son of two NASA engineers and grew up with his twin brother Ezra. His father died from a heart attack when they were about 7 : his mother was pregnant and struggled to raise the kids, so she asked for her brother's help.
The uncle accepted to take care of the twins just to live rent free at Lola's house, but he actually hated and mistreated them when his sister was not around. Aloïs was oftenly insulted for being "stupid and weird" and sometimes physically brutalized when he talked back or made mistakes.
The abuse caused Aloïs a lot of stress and fear. The trauma added up to his autism and Aloïs quickly became socially inept. Primary and middle-school were a difficult period because the other kids bullied him and he was struggling to make friends. Fortunately, his relationship with his brother was fusional already and they were always together, supporting each other through the abuse.
Aged 12, Aloïs was locked in the school's restrooms by his bullies who urinated on him, stole his clothes and left him in poor condition in the toilet cabin. When Ezra finally found him out, they came home and their uncle was furious to see Aloïs was filthy; he broke him a rib trying to wash him with a pressure blaster.
Aloïs was left with severe physical and emotional traumas; after this event Lola noticed her brother was an abuser and he was sent to jail. His departured apeased the Marshalls' life a bit but Aloïs started showing signs of school refusal and couldn't study anymore. Because he was mad at his mother for not noticing what his uncle did, he decided to distance himself. He joined a military camp for teenagers so he would make sure to have a professional future despite his academic failure. At first, Aloïs was also bullied at the camp but he finally met his lifelong best friend Arthur who made his life better :
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Aloïs had to leave the camp aged 17 to stay with his brother after their mother killed herself. The twins were emancipated when they turned 18 and started living on their own in the bell tower which became the Division's headquarters later. Aloïs attended school again in order to become a lawyer. Two years later, he joined Ezra and Leanor in the 7th Division and became The Clockworker.
During a mission 10 years before the story, the heroes had to dismantle a branch of the mafia and met a teenager named Roxanne whose power was exploited to kill people. She was forced to fight them and inflicted Aloïs a chemical burn which scarred his face for life. After the team won the fight, Aloïs and Ezra decided to take the girl home and to raise her like a sister. She was very aggressive at first but finally softened thanks to their love and care. Their relationship is now strong and loving.
Aloïs officially became the head of the 7th Division instead of his brother when they were 29. After a mission turned into a tragedy because Ezra lead it while high on Xanax, he left his duties and Aloïs had to replace him. He's still the leader at the beginning of the story.
In his civil life, Aloïs works as a lawyer. He lives in the 7th Division's "headquarters", an old abandoned tower bell which used to be a military hide out.
Aside for watchmaking, his hobby is playing piano and he has a cat named Apo(llo 13).
Nicknames :
The Clockworker
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Ezra is Aloïs' twin and they are rarely seen without each other. They're extremely fusional and still live together even as adults.
Aloïs sometimes is a "big brother" to Ezra, taking care of and protecting him during his depressive episodes. This responsibility fits his control obsession; unfortunately, he can accidentally hurt him acting too stern or controlling.
Ezra himself caused his twin traumas with his depression and multiple suicide attempts. Aloïs can't live a day or night without thinking of how he could find his brother dead in the morning.
If Ez looks more fragile and dependent, Aloïs actually relies on his brother a lot. He's the only person who can calm his autistic meltdowns/shutdowns and reduce his anxiety. They sometimes sleep in each other's bed when they feel stressed, overwhelmed or have nightmares.
Despite their personalities being polar opposites, the Marshall twins share a lot of common interests such as superheroes stuff (including comics as well as real life missions), fighting or chess.
They couldn't stand being separated and need each other a lot. However, they don't show much signs of affection : Aloïs likes hugs but Ezra is contact phobic and both have difficulties telling each other "I love you".
In the Division, Elizabeth is The Clockworker's right hand and she advises him a lot when it comes to important decisions.
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Arthur is Aloïs' best friend he met in a military camp aged 13 (see : BACKSTORY - MILITARY FLASHBACK).
Just like Ezra, he's able to calm his anxiety a bit with his benevolence and tranquility. They see each other almost everyday; if they're not in a mission together, they'll be seen having coffee. Arthur and Aloïs could spend hours together not doing anything, just enjoying each other's company. Arthur's the only person Aloïs can talk with for hours without feeling awkward or socially overwhelmed. They both have a total trust in each other and a stable relationship.
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Aloïs sees Roxanne as his little sister. They met when the twins rescued her from the mafia during a mission. At the beginning, Roxanne was under Jon's orders and fought them, leaving Aloïs with the face burn he still has the scar from.
When they brought her home, Roxanne was at first very aggressive and tried to murder them several times. Love and care finally softened her and her relationship with the Marshalls is now quite fusional.
Despite his distant temper, he never hesitates showing Roxanne affection, often through physical contact such as hugs, headpats or forehead kisses. When Roxanne's having a panick attack or starts hurting herself, Aloïs is the only person who can comfort her. He usually plays piano to calm her then takes her in his arms until she's better.
They sometimes argue because Roxanne is stubborn and keeps putting her life at risk : Aloïs has to prevent her from engaging into suicide missions. Roxanne easily cries when he accidentally hurts her and Aloïs usually feels bad and apologizes shortly after.
Roxanne is one of the rare people who is always able to know how Aloïs feels even when he doesn't show emotions.
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Cat has been Aloïs' love interest for 12 years. She's officially her girlfriend but their relationship is more complex than just "dating". They argue quite often due to Aloïs' lack of empathy and his inability to express feelings, but also because Cat is naturally invasive and doesn't know how to deal with neurodivergent people nor respect Aloïs' limits.
Aloïs doesn't properly understand how Cat works eventhough they've known each other for a long time; he's not used to interact with people outside the Division, especially people without traumas or disorders.
Aloïs often hurts her psychologically by accident and can't help reproducing the toxic reflexes he was taught with Cat. His control obsession and his brutal directness are a major problem in their relationship. They never work and broke up an incalculable number of times but always come back to each other because they're deeply in love. Both Cat and him suffer from the situation and wish they could and make efforts to fix things.
Because he's socially maladapted, Aloïs doesn't understand when Cat is flirting with or complimenting him, so he doesn't really knows if she still loves him or not.
Cat doesn't know about Aloïs' secret identity.
Just like for Cat, Aloïs' relationship with Myko is a disaster. They're in permanent conflict because their respective personalities and neurodivergences don't match. They're not close at all in their private life and a huge part of their conversations revolve around work, are arguments, or both.
Aloïs thinks they're immature and careless; his control obsession also fears Myko's unpredictability. Since Myko is a free spirit who doesn't care much about rules, they often disobey Aloïs or just forget what the plan was, which leads at best to Aloïs getting angry, at worse to failed missions or injuries.
Therefore Aloïs considers Myko to be a threat for the team and suspends them whenever they break the rule, which makes Myko resentful and provocative towards their leader. These provocations annoy Aloïs and are responsible for a vicious circle.
Myko's hyperactivity, noisiness and extrovert personality also tire Aloïs' and trigger his hypersensitivity.
However, he never considered firing them from the team because Myko can be effective and Aloïs still likes them.
They both suffer from this conflictual relationship because they still see each other as team mates and friends. Aloïs always fixes Myko's mistakes, is upset when he accidentally offends them and would sacrifice his life for them without blinking.
Myko would do the same for him but neither of them manages to express it.
A big part of the conflict comes from an absence of communication.
Aloïs cares about and values Grace a lot. Their relationship is mostly positive : he's the person who saved her from a suicide attempt 5 years before the story, therefore he oftenly checks if she's okay.
Grace's empathy and kindness make them quite the opposite emotionally but they still have agreeable conversations. Grace has perfectly understood Aloïs is not a talkative person and struggles with social interactions : she doesn't force him to communicate and Aloïs is grateful for it. He sometimes even comes to her when he's lost and needs to have his own feelings explained.
He likes her serene and peaceful personality.
Aloïs also is appreciative of the support she gives everyone in the team, his depressed and suicidal brother especially.
Nonetheless he is, like many other people, sometimes afraid of Grace's powers. He considers telepathy as a violation of his intimity and doesn't manage to trust Grace enough to make sure she won't read his mind without his consent.
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Aloïs' relationship to Erwan is quite tense at the beginning. Since Erwan is mistaken for a criminal, Aloïs can't trust him and gets stressed when Erwan is forced to live with him at the headquarters. The presence of a new, unknown person home also triggers him. His hostility is such that he causes Erwan a panick attack after treating him with emotional brutality.
Moreover, what Erwan thinks and says about superheroes upsets Aloïs and triggers his lack of self-confidence, causing him to doubt and stress even more. Their animosity is reciprocate during the first arc but their relationship evolves later.
As Erwan finds faith in humanity and heroism again, Aloïs starts seeing him as a trustworthy, respectful and respectable person. Erwan's bravery and the altruism he will finally develop are something Aloïs appreciates.
On the other hand, Aloïs is the one to restore Erwan's hope with the strength of his convictions and his heroic actions. He will even grant him a place in the team in the end.
They don't consider as friends but both have respect for each other.
Since Louison is not a part of the Division, they don't interact a lot but their rare interactions are positive. Contrary to Erwan, Louison is someone who helps Aloïs with his low self-esteem. Being a huge fan of the 7th Division, Louison shows Aloïs his efforts are not vain and that people still believe in kindness and humanity.
Louison also is close to Roxanne and makes her happy, which is enough for Aloïs to appreciate her.
As a freelance superheroine, she sometimes helps the 7th Division and Aloïs helps her with her homeworks because they both studied law.
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I'm really curious, which anime is ultimate-autism Sousuke Sagara from? I love obscure anime so I'd love to hear more about it
(obscure anime...that might be true but *weeps*)
He's from Full Metal Panic! It's an action-mecha anime from 2002. Basically, Sousuke's an ex-child soldier turned teenage special ops working for an anti-terrorist organization, and in his next mission he has to infiltrate a Japanese high school disguised as a student so that he can covertly bodyguard another student (Kaname) who's being targeted by the KGB for having some kind of latent mind power. Except, he has no IDEA how to act like a "normal" teen.
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It got a sequel series called The Second Raid in 2005 and then another continuation, Invisible Victory, in 2017. There's also a slice-of-life comedy side series, Fumoffu, which completely disregards the "giant military robots" aspect to focus on Sousuke and Kaname's everyday high school shenanigans. I adore Fumoffu.
And sure, you can say that a lot of his mannerisms come from the whole "raised as a child soldier" thing, which, fair, it does explain why he assumes a love letter left in his shoe locker is a bomb, or that a briefcase someone forgot in a cafe is a bomb, or that his first instinct to hearing screaming is to immediately grab Kaname and dive to the floor while pointing his gun at the door. But also like, he's extremely stiff and serious and has notorious resting bitch face and doesn't understand jokes or when someone is joking at all. He's incredibly literal, in one episode of Fumoffu he was selected to be the art class model and the art teacher told him that a model must become "one with nature" and he ran off to hide in the forest. Then there's another episode where he has to "pick up girls" for some sociology experiment and he interprets that as literally kidnapping them (dw, they're fine, more pissed off than anything). When Kaname explains (yells) what flirting is his immediate response is "...well, there's probably some girl with an uncommon interest in military affairs..." and his "improved" flirting tactic is to jump in front of strangers and say "hi! would you like to know the names of defense agency spies?" He reads military tech magazines for fun and is able to rattle off specs for a model Russian tank. He got distracted during a minor mission because he found somebody that was also interested in the giant robots and got in a full-on conversation with them and completely forgot about what he was doing. It's impossible to read this boy as allistic.
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starry-skies-116 · 1 year
I’ve made a profile for my new ROTTMNT OC you guys listen the hecking heck up-:
Name: Samail Rahmoun
Pronouns: He/they/it, and all neopronouns
Gender: Intersex genderqueer transguy
Sexuality: Demi aroace, bi-oriented
Species: Human-turned-mutant
Nationality: Iraqi-Indian American
Family: Mother, Father, Ufairah and Jebrael (older siblings, of whom are both twins- Samail is 16, Ufairah and Jebrael are 17. Samail disregards the one-year difference, yet Ufairah and Jebrael don’t.)
Mutant type: Jackal
Age: 16
Weapon: Scepter of Purana (an ancient staff crafted from obsidian and shimmering steel, imbued with divine mystic energy from the jinn, a race of mutant-like creatures who shame the same origin as yokai and now live exiled to another plane- for some reason it resonates strongly with the Key to Purana, an ancient tablet full of unmeasurable divine mystic power and wisdom that can grant one wish, of which nobody knows the whereabouts of.).
Neurodivergencies: Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia, PTSD from being turned into a mutant by Baron Draxum and just barely escaping his laboratory.
In jackal form, he has smooth black fur with golden bright amber eyes, dark sclera and slit pupils with anthropomorphic features characteristic of most mutants. There’s a fluffy tail that’s kinda long, too, as well as a full set of canines. He’s also bipedal, but can run on all fours (this increases his speed greatly).
In human form, he has a slightly muscular figure with curved hips, and is 5’3, with a bruise on his arm where the oozesquito stabbed him that eventually transforms into a glowing tattoo of the infamous Mahamatra’s sigil that he displays whenever in combat. He has dark tan skin, a beautiful face, curly and voluminous black hair styled into a mullet that fades into brown, maroon tinted cheeks, roseate dark lips, two dimples, and a long and broad, pointed nose. Samail also has very thick eyebrows, long and thick sideburns and visible canines in his full smile with exposed teeth.
Personality: A powerful, intelligent vigilante by night, yet a helpful and sweet high schooler by day, Samail is the epitome of a kind and gentle elder within a youngster’s body. His main title is Commander Mahamatra- carrying the lineage of jinn, mutant creatures with an origin similar to Yokai, he delivers justice upon those who dare transgress and hurt the innocent.
Prone to eccentric behaviours and peppering his speech and mannerisms with elusive and strange behaviours and words, he is still nevertheless a loving, cheerful, caring and fun individual to be around, despite his social skills needing a bit of work. He does suffer from low-self esteem and anxious episodes due to fear of not being able to live up to his Grandfather’s legacy, as well as panic attacks from the mutagen fusing with his lineage and unleashing a once dormant power. 
Fun fact about Samail: if he had voicelines, he’d have lots of voicelines similar to Nahida’s: 
“Quick, let’s find shelter, or all sorts of mushrooms and plants will start growing on our heads!”
“Somethin’ on your mind again, darling? Let’s work through it together- multiple heads are better than one~!” 
“Do you want to play hopscotch? I heard games are a great way to facilitate emotional bonds between different individuals! Don’t worry, I’ll draw the triangles extra-big for you!”
He’s also quite lonely at school, as he doesn’t have any close relationships save for his family and his childhood crush/sweetheart Lucius Zhang, who he’s acquaintances with. This changes when he meets the turtles and takes quite the fascination to them in the most harmless, sweet way, wanting to travel with them and help them on their adventures and missions, as well as grow close to them and form deep emotional bonds with them.
He has a soft spot for jokes, puns and one-liners to try and lighten the mood. He is serious and dignified in work-related situations and matters, and holds justice and integrity as the highest value above all else, religiously holding the belief that every soul will be weighed at the end of their ‘journey’.
He harbors a deep and festering grudge against Baron Draxum and The Foot Clan, and later, the Shredder and the Kraang, viewing them as threats to Earth, which he calls ‘humanity’s birthright and home that they have no right to.’ Samail, as the Commander Mahamatra, is deeply dedicated to his ideals of justice and viewing the law as eternal, and punishing any transgressions and sinners that may violate said law. They are cruel, harsh and callous to those who hurt others or break the law, and holds no sympathy towards whatever their reasons may be.
Samail is fairly relaxed outside of his ‘work’ on the level of the Turtles, being an avid fan of cooking, domestic work, independent academic study, online strategy games, and card games as well as video games. He grows over time to hold an incredible and deep emotional attachment to the turtles, considering them also to be his brothers and comrades.
Samail is hyperempathetic of those who suffer under those who abuse their power and status, which is likely why they’re so fervent about punishing and murdering criminals. He also takes frequent walks atop the roofs of New York City to calm his mind as well as patrol.
Favorite foods: Street food, most notably curries, tahchin, kebabs and shawarma- any Indian or Middle Eastern cuisine.
Least favorite foods: Pudding, Licorice, Dango, Mochi, Caramels, or any food that makes them feel like their teeth are being glued together. Pizza included… okay, fine. Pizza’s the only exception, but only specific types!
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conduitandconjurer · 2 years
How do you imagine Klaus would treat Harlan? Do you think there's a bit of Klaus that would understand him?
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I actually think that Klaus and Harlan don't have much in common beyond a general sense that they are social misfits, and neurodivergent ones. But even that differs; Klaus has ADHD (NOT ODD, don't even get me started) and Harlan has Autism. While those two conditions are often comorbid and often share similar "symptoms" or traits, people with ADHD are often considered a lot more outgoing and socially precocious (Klaus certainly is) and people with Autism tend to have more sensory overstimulation and information processing issues, and to want, even need, to self-isolate (that's certainly Harlan, who has developed a very efficient method of coping with overstimulation, and the dangers due to his powers, with white noise). Klaus's relationship with his powers is to be fearful of their trauma trigger, and never tap them fully (until recently). Harlan, on the other hand, has no choice but to be saturated in his powers 24/7. He also carries the guilt of his powers doing serious harm to innocent lives, when Klaus has never had to endure that (he has survivor's guilt with Dave, but that's different). Klaus would be sympathetic, but I don't think he would have much of an ability to really relate to Harlan's exact type of suffering.
However, even though they're unalike, Klaus loves Viktor and I think would recognize, were it explained to him, that Harlan is as good as Viktor's adoptive son. That alone, since he values his (admittedly severely dysfunctional) family so deeply, and tends to sort of toss out his own self-preservation when they ask it of him, would make Klaus willing to try and relate to Harlan. I often also joke that Klaus is the untapped secret weapon of the Umbrellas because he is Human Weed, lmao. He is just expansively social, congenial, warm and accepting, even though he is also weird and distractible and sometimes capricious. He finds a way to disarm almost anyone he encounters (look at the real progress he made with Sparrow!Ben, a guarded, hostile, and frankly bitter person, in a single night). I believe he has remarkable emotional intelligence, when he allows himself to see the reality of a situation (rather than deny it and buffer himself with a comforting escapism--see his substance abuse, and see the whole of Season 3 with Reginald, until Klaus finally realized Reginald placed no real value on his life, hello white buffalo impalement scene). this allows him to be uniquely gifted at drawing out wounded, damaged, fragile people. Harlan would be no exception.
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THIRST WATCH #5: “Change of Habit”
In “Change of Habit”, Elvis plays Dr. John Carpenter, a doctor in a difficult neighborhood who is helped at the clinic by three nuns in incognito and is attracted to one of them, Sister Michelle (Mary Tyler Moore). I don’t know if he consciously wanted to play the jaded overworked doctor who has has seen too many things, but Elvis in this movie looks bored and is acting on autopilot, apart from maybe the scene where he plays football in the park. If that was an acting choice, there should be a scene that explains why he seemed so disgruntled. The sets look embarrassingly cheap and unfortunately the story, even though written with good intentions, failed to entertain me or interest me. I’m afraid that Elvis didn’t enjoy filming this movie, so it seems to me that he wasn’t making much of an effort to act: he delivers his lines as quickly as he can, as if he were almost embarrassed by them.
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This was filmed in what with my Discord Besties we call Elvis’ Silky period (1968-1970) , but he looks like freaking Spock sometimes when he’s wearing scrubs. “Live long and prosper, Elvis!”. I wonder if anybody told him that or if he realized watching himself. Would he have laughed at it or would he be pissed off? I already imagine myself being dragged by the hair and kicked out of Graceland by a Spock-looking Elvis! He needed a “Change of Hair”, not a “Change of Habit”! Seriously, those short bangs don’t suit him and his hair is combed too neatly. His hair weirdly changes from scene to scene, but overall I don’t even find him that hot in much of this movie, just attractive. Perhaps that’s because Dr. Sideburns is a boring character without much of a backstory and for the most part he lacks emotions, just like Spock. It’s honestly more fun to think about Elvis in a Star Trek episode (he was a fan)! Who would he play, Spock’s son? Or one of the red shirts who always get killed at the beginning of the episode? What about one the weird alien races on a planet of Elvii who all wiggle their legs and have incredibly long fingers? Okay, now I need about a fanfic about Elvis in a Star Trek episode, lol. 😂
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Now back go the movie. The jokes made me cringe, even acknowledging this was 1969. Example: “The last few nurses who worked here couldn't handle it. Two of 'em got raped! One of them even against her will." Here they’re trying to say that unwanted pregnancies are a problem in the neighborhood, only partially because of sexual assault, but the issue is tackled with the same poor taste as Elvis’ hairdresser. Was Larry Geller around for this movie? Because this is kind of an early helmet in some scenes!
Elvis plays a serious doctor, but in my opinion the character is too goody goody for him. There’s a disconnect between the subject of the song “Rubberneckin’”, where Elvis seemingly sings about liking a lot of different girls and being alright with it, and the character of a single doctor in his early 30s in love with a nun with a very traditional view of relationships and marriage (the two don’t even kiss). If I were the scriptwriter, I would have flipped the roles and made Elvis a “hot priest” that you can’t totally read, like Andrew Scott in “Fleabag”.
“Change of Habit” tries to be socially conscious, but very clumsily. The main plot is an aborted rom-com, but minor themes are inequality, criminality in poor neighborhoods, changes in society and black power. Elvis deserved more dramatic roles, but with well-written round character and good plots. I must admit, though, that I liked the scene where he wears Converse sneakers, jeans, a University of Memphis sweatshirt and plays football in the park. He probably had fun filming that and he looks very modern.
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During his time at the clinic, Dr. Sideburns deals with a stuttering boy, a drug addict and an autistic girl. It’s interesting to think that Elvis might have been all of these three things. No comment on that scene with the autistic girl, because they didn’t know how to deal with autism back then. Some fans are thrilled that issues of sexual assault, race and autism are addressed in an Elvis movie. While I agree that this is good for issues of representation, that’s not enough for me to make it a good movie, especially when these things are mentioned awkwardly in an attempt to update these vehicles to the progressive counterculture of the late ‘60s in a way that doesn’t move the ostensibly very basic “will-they-won’t-they” plot forward. This movie just made me uncomfortable, instead of being either fun or thought-provoking (or both). It didn’t help that serious issues are handled with throwaway one-liners like “I think our neighbors are Catholic. – Yes. It's too bad they're not Christian”. It’s not that I’m applying modern standards to an old movie: this for me was simply poorly written. It’s trying to attach socially-progressive issues to a vapid rom-com.
The best thing to come out of this movie for me is this meme of Dr. Sideburns that I made. Tell me if it doesn’t sound like El ad-libbing a line here:
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The ending is like that of “King Creole”: they couldn’t really make up their mind, so they left it a bit ambiguous. Elvis doesn’t end up with the girl, but they want to leave it open if you want to think that he will in the future. This frustrates me because, unlike what happens in “King Creole”, the only conflict in this movie other that the clinic is in a tough neighborhood is that the doctor is attracted to the young nun.
It doesn’t even have a good Gospel number at the end, because these people are boring Catholics, like me. At a certain point, Elvis plays “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” at the piano (which would also be slightly out of character for Dr. Carpenter), but he doesn’t sing the words, maybe because of budget problems with the rights of the song, who knows! He looks so good in those elegant clothes. He’s suddenly unspocked!
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Overall, I didn’t like the movie. Sorry for being this harsh and I know that there are Elvis fans who really love “Change of Habit” and that’s fine, but for me it’s a weird hybrid between a light-hearted and a socially-conscious movie and it didn’t work. This movie was boring, predictable and Elvis was sleepwalking through it. Sorry El, it wasn’t your fault. You deserved better. You wanna know how to fix this? Watch “Sister Act”.
Here’s a link to my other Thirst Watches, including “King Creole”, “Jailhouse Rock”, “Blue Hawaii” and “Flaming Star”.
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childeproof · 2 months
It’s Crazy Man, Bunny Teeth, and Super Rad for the ask game? ^o^)/
- @sheepie-self-ships
it’s crazy man! w/ neuvillette: “what was your first date with your f/o like?“
for the first official date him & sacha went to the opera together,, sacha, who formally sang in a chorus, was fascinated by the style. it was at the edge of its seat for the whole performance!
neuvillette is no stranger to watching operas, so he got them one of the best seats in the house and was mostly amused by sacha’s interest
they don’t talk throughout the performance, mostly using body language and bursts of eye contact to communicate feeling or thought; they’re not in tune, not soulmates, just two guys who grew up more formally than most
^^ they both prob know fan language, lol
anyhow, the opera quickly becomes their fav date spot. they typically go for a light meal before or after watching a performance :)
bunny teeth! w/ jfk ( clone high ): “what is your f/o’s favorite thing about you?”
he’s enamored by my autism.. i’m only half joking
jean-michel ( jm for short ) is my 2nd s/i for clone high and the one i pair with jfk,, he is autistic and i think jfk fucks with it.. lol
but for serious, probably jm’s artistic skills and dedication to it, he’s always drawing or creating something and it’s like he’s not only living up to his clone father’s reputation but in some ways exceeding it in the clone high verse ( he’s known!! online he’s rlly popular ) ( he doesn’t show his face in any videos though but ppl @ school know it’s him :p )
jfk can’t claim to be THAT dedicated to any hobby and i think he rlly admires jm for that
he desperately wants to model for jm & has probably not so jokingly offered to nude model for him just to get closer to him and flirt,, he flirts with jm the same way he flirts with every other romantic interest he’s had
jm is kind of oblivious to romance ( autism ) ( self projection not saying EVERYONE with autism is oblivious ) and i think he thinks of friendships a lot more so it’s only once he becomes comfy as friends that he considers jfk romantically
anyways yea prob his dedication to his craft,, jfk admires that a lot. and his smile but that’s for another day.
super rad! w/ jesse pinkman: “if you and your f/o had superpowers, what would they be?”
amelia wld be like word girl and for her that would be 100% a dream come true. if i had to limit it to one, probably super hearing or strength
but i rlly think she’d be like word girl with multiple powers that, unlike word girl, she’d have loose control over
jesse pinkman wld have super speed umm I love speedy heroes I think they’re always the cutest. the super speed cocky ish maybe a little flirty but goofy and charming and maybe a little immature but u know. ok u know the archetype y’all know what i’m talking abt. don’t make me list names.
if he didn’t have super speed i honestly.. gah can’t even imagine it.
he would try to speedily sneak up on amelia and she’d go “i heard you coming..”
imagining them as the incredibles now.. them being two married super heroes.. TOO SILLY! ABORT MISSION!
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erigold13261 · 6 months
Some GhostAshFlower+Kento HCs for the soul…
-I think this all started after the friendship bracelet incident, where the tension started to build. The romanticish type of tension. Pav was trying to reach Miles and Gwen to no avail, and Satoru and Suguru were trying to get Yu and Kento to explain what was going on. (Wait how long was Miles put in this place?)
-So Hobie stepped in to sit them down. Turned out Miles had feelings for Gwen AND Yu. And Gwen liked the both of them. Hobie gives a speech that could be summed up with “There are no rules for relationships, mate. Just go with the flow.”
(Off topic, but I think Hobie does this a lot. Telling people to stop setting up expectations for relationships/identities and do what you want. Hence SaSiSu all using unconventional pronouns, Peni using multiple neopronouns, and Kento no longer hiding the skin condition.)
-And they did. 
-(Yu initially liked Miles and Gwen bc he likes people who eat a lot. He himself eats a lot, and so did Miles and Gwen. Hungry teenagers.)
-Yu also liked Kento, Miles and Gwen because he could be 100 percent open with them. Being stealth trans means that you have to push people away when they might see the real you. 
-Kento got interested in Miles because he casually talked about his Pureto Rican mom, and made him realize that it’s okay to be proud of the fact that you have multiple cultures in your heritage. 
-Gwen likes Kento because of his calmness in most situations, and his dry sense of humor.
-It would be cool if Yu never needed a binder since he could just control his body mass using the ash/grass.
-Kento can play the guitar/bass. Yu can do vocals and guitar. (His VA 梶原岳人 makes rock songs too.) Miles mainly does vocals, and Gwen can play the drums as we all know. 
-Yu might start using neopronouns. Who knows.
-Rio and Jeff are a bit confused, but support their kid and his three “not exactly friends”. George’s reaction is mostly the same, but Yu and him became friends very quickly. (Sports bros.) Yu’s parents immediately trusted Miles and Gwen since their daughter instantly liked them. Kento’s parents are just happy that their son was able to make multiple friends in a fairly bad situation. 
Hope this isn’t too long! Dang these four are so cute together! (I hope you got that job)
-Bracelet: The Power Revolution is supposed to take place only a few months after Miles gets to Nueva York, but honestly we can stretch it to be a year. I don't want it to be over a year though as I kinda want things to happen in a fast pace manner (also you probably can't keep Rio and George from their kids for that long without one of them trying to bust into the place).
Back to the bracelet though. That definitely is a scene that would make them all question what their relationship really is (because I am sure Yu wasn't upset to have possibly thought Gwen was into him, he just got worried because of Miles and Gwen's relationship).
-Go with the flow and off topic: Oh absolutely Hobie would do this (also I just love the idea that Hobie is a mediator a lot of the time, kinda being an authority figure without meaning to as it just wnats everyone to do what they think is right).
Hobie's catchphrase is basically "fuck labels, do what you want" by this point.
-Yu's likes: The fact that Yu likes someone just because the eat a lot (I know that's not the only reason) kinda makes me think he's a bit demi-sexual/romantic. Maybe that was already said at some point. Also the being able to be open with these friends is also a sign Yu might be demi.
-Kento likes: Mix kids finding comfort in each other (even when it's entirely different races/ethnicities being mixed).
-Gwen likes: Does Kento MEAN to do dry humor, or is it more of an accident that happens because of his autism? Either way, I like the idea that Gwen can tell when he's joking which he appreciates a lot because I am sure people have told Kento to stop being serious when he was trying to joke around.
-Binder: That's a tricky idea for me. I do love shapeshifting and stuff, but with Yu's powers I think it has to be a constant use of power and not a full transformation that sticks. So like, Yu CAN do that! But not forever. It's for as long as he can use his powers.
Meaning that in Nueva York, Yu is gonna basically NEED a binder since he wouldn't be able to use his powers to the fullest. Which sucks but Nueva York will provide him with one.
-Band: They hound Hobie to be the backup guitar. It pretends to be too cool as a joke (which they take seriously at first) but absolutely agrees to play with them (and then Ham comes in with a tuba or something lol).
Honestly all 4 of them looking up to Hobie who knows Ex-Jay and has been playing music the longest out of all of them is something I'd love to see (they all get closer because they all think Hobie is cool lol).
-Neoprouns: Heck yea! Go Yu!
-Parents: Pretty sure all the parents think it's just some really close friend group at first (maybe George being the only one to actually believe the group when they come out immediately) but they all come to realize the kids are serious and support them
And this was a good size! But uh, I just didn't have energy to answer it lol. As you can tell by the fact this was sent before I got my job. Welp! I got it! Thanks for the luck! I probably needed it! :3
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How Bad is Sia’s “Music” really?
I watched it illegally (because there was no way I was paying for that bullshit) and found out. It’s not as bad as we thought... It’s worse.
TW for ableism, Sia, drugs, alcohol, just in general a terrible movie, meltdowns, blackface
Literally the first thing you hear while they’re showing the production companies is THOSE stereotypical noises. If you’ve seen the trailer, you’ll know what I mean.
And yes, she does this for the WHOLE fucking movie
What was the need to show her in her underwear? Maddie Ziegler was 14 when this was made, so what was the need??? And why did Sia prolong the scene by having her hitting herself?
Less than a minute in and my reaction was already “what the fuck is this shit?”
So the opening number not only had stereotypical exaggerated facial expression, it has Maddie in BLACKFACE?!? And with culturally appropriated hair?!?
The exaggerated facial expressions are literally constant and I took photos during the film to show it, more later, but I’ll keep mentioning it
Even her way of walking is fucking offensive, Jesus Christ
The vocalisations just had me cringing so hard, I cannot describe how awful it made me feel
Why do all the neighbours need to be paid off and help her when she goes for a walk? I don’t-
Yes, by about the five minute mark I was already seriously debating all my life decisions. It was that bad.
Kate Hudson really didn’t give a fuck that her grandma died
I will keep saying it but WHY are the facial expressions/vocalisations CONSTANT?!! Literally they do not stop at all. I work with a child who is actually similar to this in that he’s nonverbal and he makes similar noises/faces, but the way they’re in this movie is so over-exaggerated?!? And even the kid I work with doesn’t do it 24/7?!?
Sia, calling your characters Zu and Music doesn’t make them interesting in the slightest. They’re still painfully terrible and one dimensional
Literally ONE minute after being left alone with her autistic sister, Zu calls the mental health service asking if they could “theoretically” “pick up” her sister?!? Like she wants to get rid of her already?!?
“A magical little girl” - autism isn’t a magical power?!? And Music is a young woman, not a little girl?!? Why are you infantilising her?!?
Okay I’m not being funny but this choreography is NOT hard. ANYONE can do it, so claiming that you needed to hire a dancer to be Music because of the numbers is literally bullshit (and even so, there are so many amazing autistic actors and dancers?!?)
20 minutes in and I wanted to give up
So she had her first meltdown because her hair didn’t get braided immediately and that’s... certainly interesting??
The fact that Leslie Odom’s character says “I’m going to crush you now”?!?
“I’m crushing her with my love” - oh fuck you, just fuck you
So Sia lied, the restraint scenes were NOT removed and there was no warning. She’s a fucking POS liar
I have no idea why he’s called Ebo or why he has such a cliche African accent?!? I might have missed out on why because I was busy trying not to bang my head into the table while I watched this film but just... yikes
“He (his brother) liked to be held” - YEAH, HELD. NOT FUCKING CRUSHED
The constant babying and patronizing of the autistic character is so exhausting to watch. I’m so tired
“Planning on sending her to the people pound but I guess I’ll keep her a little longer” - SHE WAS JOKING BUT THAT WAS NOT EVEN REMOTELY A FUNNY JOKE. NOT EVEN IN AN AWKWARD WAY
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^ YEAH, Sia, totally a fucking love letter to the autistic community here ^
So Zu finds this necklace she made as a kid that had a little dog on it, and she says to Music, “He had seizures too, just like you”... MELTDOWNS AND SEIZURES ARE NOT EVEN REMOTELY THE SAME FUCK THIS MOVIE-
It’s like Sia is trying to make the movie funny but it’s really not at all
Is Zu implying that Music is autistic because the mum was a junkie?!?
For real though, the dialogue in general is so fucking awful and cringey. Whoever wrote this should never be allowed to write again
Did she seriously leave her autistic sister alone to talk to who I’m presuming was her dealer or loan shark?!?
Also why is he - a white dude - wearing cornrows?!?
So who is the film really about? The autistic girl or the older sister saviour? I think we all know the answer to that one
The musical numbers are literally so painful to watch. The overly bright colours, the flashing... my eyes were hurting and so was my brain
Autism representation aside for a second, the musical numbers/choreography are all fucking atrocious. Ditto for the costumes
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I wanted to cry by this point, this movie is far more awful than I thought
“I’m not saying she doesn’t want to change, I’m saying she can’t” - FUCK YOU. Why is it okay for him to assume what she can or can’t do
Can I just say that autistic people aren’t constantly in a coked up wonderland state?!! We don’t see the world as a wonderland fantasy world 24/7?!!
“She can hear you from two rooms away” / *shows her listening through two brick walls to a conversation* — Also, we don’t have super fucking sonic hearing?? WE CANT HEAR THROUGH FUCKING BRICK WALLS?!?
“She can understand everything you’re saying to her” - she’s autistic not fucking deaf
Less than 45 minutes in, there’s another meltdown in the park
“I’m not climbing on top of a small screaming white girl in public” - yeah please fucking don’t
So Zu fucking pins her down with her weight 🤦‍♀️
“She doesn’t know who she’s hitting” - IM SORRY WHAT
EBO LITERALLY SAID “TREAT HER LIKE A BEAR” when talking her through the prone restraint, I fucking CANNOT
The fact that she gets up, smiling and happy after a meltdown and immediately is excited to get a snow cone... I can honestly say that after a meltdown, I am in no way happy or smiling. I am often not very verbal and I’m withdrawn/not myself for at least several hours, usually the rest of the day. Fuck this film
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This film is literally just about Zu, and Music is there for a plot device to give her character development. That’s all she’s there for.
Love how Sia shoehorned Zu being suicidal in there. You know, just to try and make her more easy to sympathize with (it doesn’t work)
This film is literally just a 1 hour 47 minute Sia music video with ZERO plot
I really did not feel into the side plot with that guy who was fighting but it was still better than the actual movie so...
I am SO DONE with the NON STOP CONSTANT vocal shit. So tired.
LOJ’s only role in this film is to be the stereotypical wise black guy who assists a white woman’s story. There’s like hardly any other depth there
The Ebo/Zu romance is so fucking stupid and pointless and out of NOWHERE. I couldn’t even tell if they were into each other or not
I was already so bored of the musical numbers by this point. They added NOTHING to the plot but they pretended they did, and I was so over it. And it’s not because I’m not “creative enough” or anything to understand, I love musicals and I think it could have been cool if done right... but it wasn’t. They were a mess. It’s just bad.
Sia really tried to pretend her movie was deep but really it’s a shallow mess
So Zu is meeting rich drug clients and says to Music “try not to have one of your freak outs up there” and “if you could try to get it out now”... FUCKING YIKES. It’s not an on/off button, shut the fuck up
The fact that she just calls “DRUG DEALER?!? DRUG DEALER IS THAT YOU”, fucking end this please-
I fucking hate this bitch I’m dead serious
“We’re gonna send them to Haiti cause there’s been an earthquake. All these buildings fell down, children’s bones were dislocated” - WHY WAS SHE SO CHEERFUL ABOUT IT
“Gonna buy a shit load of pain meds, gonna but them on my private plane” - FUCKYOUFUCKYOUFUCKYOU
“Pop stars without borders” - Sia thinks she’s so clever but I would give anything to punch her I swear-
There’s this awkward conversation/bit with Zu and her drug dealer/loanshark about his outfit that was clearly meant to be funny but was just flat and painful
Yep, Sia really showed Music eating chewing gum off the underside of a park bench. Of course.
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Look, the kid I work with does similar stuff by putting literally anything and everything in his mouth but like... why would you put that in your movie?
And there’s no indication before this that Music puts everything and anything in her mouth, she just randomly decides to get on her knees, under the bench and eat chewing gum, like she calculates that it’s there and gets it???
She has a THIRD meltdown after an allergic reaction to a bee sting and her sister just yells at her before realizing... I’m not here for this movie, I feel like I drifted off and was not really there
So Zu got angry because she left the drugs at the park but she’s not that upset that her sister had an allergic reaction???
Zu gets absolutely drunk because a) she lost Sia’s drugs and b) she’s stressed out by her autistic sister... wow, great message, Sia!
She really fucked off and left her sister alone to go clubbing/on a bender
The less said about the musical number here the better
Sia’s movie also checks the box of having stereotypical Asian parents, specifically stereotypical Asian dad being harsh/angry and hitting his wife!
Less than 3 minutes after the last, there’s a musical number that I think was about this side character going to heaven... another shitty Sia-esque number
The patterns during the number made my brain hurt.
Also there are so many autistic actors who can also dance, and yet Sia chose the neurotypical one because ✨ N E P O T I S M ✨
I just want to know how it was deemed necessary to show the fact the autistic character peed/wet herself? I mean... ??? It’s just so undignified and not at all necessary to the plot. Nothing happens after that, it just moves onto the next scene and it didn’t do anything
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“I have no one” - 1) YOUR FUCKING SISTER. 2) GEE I FUCKING WONDER WHY, couldn’t be that you’re a shitty human being?!?
There’s a scene where Music is walking and she does ALL the stereotypical behaviours at once... just YIKES
Zu somehow stopped another meltdown just by grabbing Music by the shoulders and sitting her down???
Aaand yep. Another shitty musical number
Zu really goes to put her sister in a fucking facility and claims it’ll be “better for her” - BULLSHIT. Better for Zu, maybe, not Music.
Ah yes - the girl who the characters have said has problems with routines being changed/change in general... you’re now going to fuck up her routine by dumping her in a facility. Perfect Plan.
The nonverbal autistic girl suddenly speaking to say “don’t go” - you can just predict it from the off, can’t you?
Love that as soon as Music starts talking, Zu is like “fuck it, I’ll keep her!”
Zu really went and crashed Ebo’s brothers wedding... in a fucking bralette... YIKES
“I almost gave Music away” - SHE IS NOT A DOG YOU DONT GIVE PEOPLE AWAY
“We should sing a song” - PLEASE DO FUCKING NOT
Also that kiss/romance montage between Zu and Ebo was the CRINGIEST fucking shit ever
This movie seems to be implying that Music has locked in syndrome or something, like she’s locked in her own head or whatever it’s called, and I just... *sigh*
Oh and now Music magically fucking sings in a room FULL of strangers... this is literally embarrassing, please let this end
I mean it, this movie was fucking painful to watch on ever level
She got a service dog puppy which... okay?
Oh look, it’s the only decent song on the soundtrack but with an absolutely shitty over-stimulatory music video with the credits!
I can only name 5 characters in this film. Maybe 7 at a push, but even then I would be guessing
Let me reiterate: this is a movie about a neurotypical former drug addict whose character development comes from the autistic character, from having an autistic sister she has to take care of. I’m so tired.
We are NOT plot devices or tools for character development. Not once does anyone in this film treat Music like a human being - she’s treated as a burden, a problem, and then like a pet that they decide to keep. Not once is the film focused on how she is feeling - it’s always about Zu or Ebo. The performance itself was so over exaggerated and it made me want to cry when I watched it because this is how the world sees us, and this movie will make it ten times worse. It’s stuff like this that made me think “I don’t want to be labelled as autistic because people will think I’m a certain way”, that made me wait so long before going to the GP to get a referral.
As I said, poor autistic representation aside, the movie is just so appallingly bad. It truly is one of the worst films I’ve watched. If you’re going to watch it, please don’t - or, if you want to because you want to see how bad it is/to raise awareness/critical posts, at least do it illegally. Do not give Sia your money.
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