#is this bl3 spoilers? idk
rorsry · 3 months
i really do believe that bl3 should have killed lilith off instead of maya.. maya's death felt like it was done for shock value.. lilith has been through so much already on top of losing her powers.. the twins should have killed her when they did this.. it would've been crazy good storywise..
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toogayforthistoday · 2 years
Little bit of a rant, cause I'm back on the Borderlands!AU hell wagon, Borderlands is one of my Special Interests so of course I'm hyperfocusing on the lore again, and continuity errors bother me
Spoilers for Borderlands 3, said rant, and pet death mention under the cut
I was writing some more of Gabe and Dabi's Borderlands!AU, cause I had to put my Heart Rat, Eris, to sleep last week, the night before I was supposed to get home from my trip, and I'm still incredibly heartbroken about it, and for some reason my go-to coping mechanism is writing hurt/hurt, no comfort, we march into the thorn bushes naked to feel better /j /ij /lh
I was thinking about making Hawks another Siren for story purposes (screw genders, we're all hermaphrodidic frogs in this house /j /lh /ij), so I went to go look at the list of known Sirens...
And I think I just realized there’s a canon timeline issue if there’s only supposed to be 6 Siren’s at a time, with the 7th and final one locked away for everyone’s safety.
Because at the time of Borderlands 1, we have:
Lilith, with Phasewalk (who was a Siren from a young age)
Steele, with an unknown power (who had the rank of Commandant in Atlas’ Crimson Lance)
Maya, with Phaselock (who got her powers as an infant, and given to the Order of the Impending Storm)
Amara, with Phasetrance (who has had her powers since childhood, first using them when she fought a bully)
Angel, with Phaseshift (who got her powers as a child, and was at the very least in her mid-to-late teens while helping the first batch of Vault Hunters) and
Tyreen and Troy, with Phaseleech (who it is implied got their powers from Nyriad, seeing as the ancient Eridian-Speaking Siren had locked them in the Vault on Nekrotafeyo where the twins were conceived | As up until this point all Sirens were women, it is assumed that the only reason Troy is a Siren is because he was Tyreen’s parasitic twin, and somehow ended up absorbing some of Tyreen's Siren abilities as well)
They were all, or at the very least should have been, Sirens, so there's the 6 right there.
By my math (apologies if I'm horrendously off here, I'm going off my memory and 2 minute google searches through both fandom wiki and the Borderlands threads on Gearbox's Forum site, so something's bound to be off), there's:
About 5 years between Borderlands and Borderlands 2 (Mentioned many times in-game)
There's about a year between End Game-Borderlands 2 and the Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary DLC (Lilith mentions Mordecai had been sober a full year so he could properly raise Talon, who hatched shortly after Handsome Jack's death)
Then 7 - 8 years between Commander Lilith and Borderlands 3 (Off-handed comment from Vaughn about the VR torture devices only really being used to play games from 7 years ago, making reference to Borderlands 2 VR | Tiny Tina has 'World's most dangerous 13-year-old' in her Borderlands 2 Title Card, and 'All grown up. Still insane.' in her Borderlands 3 Title Card. Presumed to be around 20 as Gearbox has yet to give an official age)
So 11 years minimum, 15 years at max, and both those numbers are if we fudge them as far as canonically possible. And all of these lovely ladies, and Troy (with the obvious exceptions of Angel, whose power passed on to Tannis, and Commandant Steele, whose power is probably currently sitting in some poor teenager at this point, can't wait to meet you in Borderlands 4!) are at least in their late 20's - early 40's during the events of Borderlands 3?
So here's where my issues show up
There’s a couple of comics set during Borderlands 1 (Borderlands: The Fall of Fyrestone and Borderlands: Tannis and the Vault), that introduce another Siren: Asha, with some kind of Animal Control ability that I cannot find if there was ever an official name given or not, other than Animal Control.
According to the comics, Asha was employed by Marcus as an attendant in Fyrestone, greeting the Vault hunters as they come through the town and helping them get set up, as well as close friends with Claptrap. Two months prior to Roland, Mordecai, Brick and Lilith being dropped off in Fyrestone, Nine-Toes had rigged a bus to explode on arrival as part of his first attack on the town, and Asha was thrown into a coma when she was hit with shrapnel. Claptrap sent her to New Haven to been cared for by Tannis, finally regaining consciousness just before the Vault Hunters leave to fight Sledge. The only time we ever see her use her Siren abilities is when the final piece of the Vault Key is eaten by a Rakk Hive, leaving Tannis, Asha and Claptrap to rescue the nearly defeated Vault Hunters. Claptrap gets badly damaged, Asha reveals to him she's a Siren, she disperses the Rakk swarms, letting the Vault Hunters launch a bomb into the Rakk Hive, killing it.
Asha's status has been listed as unknown, and I cannot find anything about if the comics are canon or not. But that is still 7 Sirens during Borderlands 1.
So, as I was playing through Borderlands 3 on stream, back when it originally was released, I came across Nyriad's Audio log, "Warning":
You. You know now all that I know. This was an epitaph, not for myself, but for the world I knew. I have brought ruin to the Sirens, murdered the Eridians, and imprisoned a primordial force of the universe. Perhaps I have earned your hatred, or your sympathy. But that is not why I write these words. I have told you the truth, no matter its hard edges. Before I can put my fractured mind to rest, I must pass one more warning.
You must never find the Seventh.
(I could not find the written transcript for this Eridian Writing anywhere, even on the fandom wiki, so I ended up transcribing it myself from a video. Many thanks to EruptionFang on YouTube for having the complete Eridian Writings Messages with timestamps so I didn't have to launch my game just to get it)
Anyways, I pointed out that I could have sworn I'd read something, probably around the time of, or just before Borderlands 2 official release date, saying that there were only ever 7 Sirens at a time, and was very confused as to when they'd changed it to only 6. Am I the only one that happened to? Is this another case of the Mandala Effect?
But back to my rant, did Nyriad think of herself as the Seventh? Or was she referencing another of her sisters? Cause if she was talking about herself, then I kind of wish Nyriad has been clearer in her warnings, y'know? Instead of being vague... But if she was talking about one of her sisters, then yeah, canon's wrong. The way she worded her warning kind of made me think she was referring to one of her sisters, so...
The other possibility is that the comics are not canon at all, in which case canon's correct. But I would like official clarification on that.
Can we please know, Gearbox?!? I'm begging you guys to give us a straight answer!
But yeah. Mini rant over. Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
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loxodontadae · 1 year
speakin of dicks, here's some himbo tits
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vaulthunterlands · 2 years
So some thoughts on the Pre-Sequel because I just finished the story after four years of not playing it, obviously SPOILERS if you haven't played so skip this post if you haven't (and give the game a try)
I remember when Pre-Sequel first came out and how much people disliked it. Played it myself and honestly wasn't a fan (probably because I was A: 14 B: playing it on a toaster basically and C: extremely stupid. That last one hasn't changed a ton but we're getting there.) So after a few years I uninstalled it on steam and I hadn't played it since 2018. Surely it couldn't be as bad as I remembered, right?
It wasn't as bad as I remembered.
This game is really fucking good.
Okay I know no one cares that local Tumblr user has an epiphany but holy shit I enjoyed myself. The story was really solid for stuff they just kind of had to make up in a short time period (2 years after BL2 released iirc) and I thought they did a phenomenal job. One thing I really enjoyed was just how it showed that while the tops of corporations are typically shitty, with Tassiter and obviously Jack, there are just a bunch of real, honest people there that aren't evil just because they work for the mega corporation. (I'm not talking about Jack, that's a discussion for another time.) One part I really enjoyed was literally in the opening sequence of the game. Jack says "We don't even really have a real military here, they're just killing workers." And like. That fucked me up? Because it isn't like BL2 where you're fighting the Hyperion Military, or BL3 where you're fighting the Maliwan military. The Lost Legion just slaughtered innocent people. Whether Zarpedon was right is, again, a discussion for another time, but shit. Can you imagine if you were working for like a mega-Amazon company and all of a sudden another corporation's ARMY started gunning your friends and coworkers down? I mean Jesus, even someone with no empathy would be fucked up by that.
I chose Athena for the first run because it felt *right*. Obviously she's the one recounting the story, and I think the events of the story were harder-hitting when you got to see Athena's reaction firsthand. Side note I switched to a melee build about halfway through and GOD DAMN it was fun.
Idk, I guess this isn't really a review like you'd see on YouTube. Just thought that a refreshed perspective on the game I once disliked might have interested you guys. If you haven't played TPS--play it. I promise, it's worth it.
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softpsycho · 1 year
I bit the bullet and just watched a silent walkthrough of psycho krieg and the fantastic fustercluck and It feels like they actually decided to go back and read what the fuck DID actually is and write krieg to be more nuanced but they also hired a guy whose job is exclusively to make really stunted whedonesque jokes to ease off the tension at incredibly inappropriate times. Also I’m pretty sure gearbox has completely fucking forgot who tannis is as a character other than an autism caricature to the point of even contradicted the backstory established for her in borderlands 1. I really like how we got to see Maya as a character in this one, I feel like I’m anything else her characterization is really flat in comparison to the other vault hunters. In general I feel like everyone involved in writing this DLC didn’t play or doesn’t care about borderlands 1, spoilers ahead; I think it was a really weird decision to make psychos violent evil screaming cannibals because hyperion pumped them full of violent evil screaming cannibal juice instead of pandora just being a former penal colony where corps dropped their worst convicts and decided to fuck off when the money dried up leaving them to fend for themselves, I’m pretty sure the masks and buzz axes are supposed to be mining equipment used by them in prison labor. I also think Tannis is comically underqualified as a neurologist cause the whole “vaulthalla” thing is honestly just a really ok metaphor for dealing with PTSD which uh like, I’m pretty sure is a prerequisite for Pandoran citizenship at this point though handwaving it as “medicine is Tannis’ weird new hobby and she’s only really qualified to do geochemistry” makes a lot of sense. Also seeing all the really dogshit side quests that boil down to “press the X button 5 times” or “walk to this location and walk back” make me really glad I ended up not buying this shit. On the bright side I like the psychedelic imagery and I think this + the better parts of Wonderlands I hope it’s an aesthetic they go forward with (but obviously like, improving from the dogshit they’ve been serving up since BL3’s release)
Also I find krieg even more relatable now because he also had the moment of having his delusions justified in one small event that caused his mental health to get severely worse and getting extremely attached to people that put up with and understand his quirks that make other people uncomfortable. (Also lol I realized he has the exact same backstory as an old borderlands oc of mine, the one that I’ve had as an icon for a while now, though idk I should probably change it at some point.)
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cole-saberhagen · 5 years
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“And I- oop”
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creating-tabs · 5 years
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loppybuns · 4 years
also, mostly for my own reference, some quick things that are canon:
• timothy's face is scarred to look like jack's. all the body doubles were. (i wonder if they did that because it was a popular headcanon, or had planned that?)
• jack had timmy act in "movies" that he is apparently ashamed of (the obvious porno poster on Promethea makes more sense now)
• all body doubles also had jack's DNA grafted into their bodies, or at least timothy did. a side effect of the DNA is that timothy will accidentally act like jack when he doesn't mean to and also has the urge to do terrible things like kick puppies
• all body doubles were also grafted with fake hands or some kind of glove(?) that gives them jack-levels of clearance anywhere they want (mostly)
• timothy wasn't the only double on the jackpot when jack died, but he is now. he says he had to kill a few of them himself in self defense, but he doesn't sound too sure about that
• he got to ride butt stallion once!
• he wrote affirmations all over his walls ("you are NOT jack. you are MORE than your face. its not your fault. you will NOT die here!")
• he can't remember what his degree was even in, but it looks like he still writes
and i'm sure there's more i'm forgetting, but i just beat the dlc so i'd have to do it again to catch anything else
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hyperionbastard · 4 years
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Might wanna plug your ears, kiddos-
The DLC has somehow left me full of more love for Tim than before, thanks for coming to my TED talk
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mofsdoodles · 5 years
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a moxxi that took far too long!!! i luv her sm (if u enjoy this, consider commissioning me!)
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atlasmugged · 5 years
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clay: follow my lead
clay: zoom
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daz4i · 5 years
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drop an f in the chat for the real hero of borderlands 3 😔
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tannithvibes · 4 years
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100% finished bounty of blood ✌😼
bonus screenshots:
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and friend
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the new dlc was FUCKING FANTASTIC so here’s a minor spoiler shitpost
zane: im afraid of birds me: :o me: 80
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yamsinacan · 5 years
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I present to you Rhys’ dumb arm up close
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celestialcoyotea · 5 years
its 4 am i like borderlands 3 but heres me griping likely due to lack of sleep i need to work tomorrow
i cannot get over borderlands 3 i really loved the game but im starting to agree with people about the missing points and glaring issues. im so intranced by the ideas ive created of the characters that its shrouding what i actually played im begging that the DLCS arent just more shitty vacation quests i want some deep lore DLCS. go into the twins more. fill the plot holes. GIVE US THEIR ORIGIN. handsome jack got most of his in an entire game, surely you can atleast give us a little bit of the twins in a dlc or hell give us a dlc just about sirens my brain cant comprehend that the twins are dead in the story it feels so rushed and compact and,, not very hard hitting? the only moment that hit me hard about their deaths was inbetween them both, when troy was already dead and typhon was trying desperately to get his daughter to listen why wouldnt she listen?? their drive to be the brightest stars in the galaxy to be admired makes? no sense? the only way i can justify their reasoning for that end goal is being stuck on an alien, abandonded planet for literally nearly their entire life, and going quite near insane from the exposure to the eridian tech, lack of human interaction, and their fathers attempts to stop their use of powers (troy said their parents kept close tabs on tyreen to make sure she wouldnt leech everything she came in contact with) causing it?? even then theres plot holes and that makes me sad :( what was troy sick with?? my best guess is bone waste? like wilhelm had? how were they conjoined? were they even conjoined or was tyreen lying?? why was tyreen so manipulative and power hungry? theres legit no explanation to that and it just seems tossed in to cover up an actual good character, in order to make her a slightly annoying, just another villain?? dont get me wrong i loved the game. i just wish they didnt end up dropping so much game lore in turn for galaxy lore that,, we honestly didnt need what was the point of opening the vault on eden 6 when we KNEW the twins knew where we were going and would follow? why not just keep the key with us? and why not, if the truly didnt want anyone to foil their plans, teleport into eden 6 and kill the crimson raiders and their yknow, commander, when theyre practically vulnerable and floating in the cold depths of space??? you can charge the moon im sure you can teleport into a space ship ALSO IS NO ONE GOING TO MENTION HOW WE LIKE ACTUALLY DIDNT EVER KILL THE DESTROYER  AGAIN?? Tyreen said she was going to leech the destroyer not fall back first into it and let it absorb her as its physical form. we just killed another physical form, then. its still there. still unkillable. we literally accomplished nothing in this game and thats kind of upsetting okay im done being mad i will admit that i really liked tyreens destroyer design, and the good glimpses of character we got for both of them, but it feels like they set up the twins for a redemption or ATLEAST them realizing how stupid their plan is, then a twist at the end, not quick deaths with no emotional reaction :’(
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