#it has not worked for me even as a supplemental tool. it is a complete waste of time. get a bescherelle
dostoyevsky-official · 3 months
why do you dislike duolingo? (assuming ur hatred isn’t recent, because Duolingo has taken a nosedive after the ai integration)
i didn't know about the ai integration. it was always bad because fill-in-the-blank sentences with zero context are not how anyone seriously learns a language. the only thing duolingo has down correct is that you have to spend some time reviewing, if not learning, every single day. i was able to quickly learn enough A1/A2 italian to get by in two weeks by going through a few grammar and phrase books for introductory students. you need to know the explicit rules, the verb forms, adjective modifications, irregular patterns, you need to see them all on a chart, and then you need to copy those charts by hand. whenever i see anyone brag about their streak, i seriously doubt whether they know much at all of the language they're learning.
the gameified apps for language learning that do work are anki cards, (especially for mandarin), memrise, conjugaison, and quizlet, which were all free when i used them extensively. reverso context is not a game memorization app, but it's phenomenal
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neon-junkie · 7 months
In the Heat of the Moment - Chpt.8
Summary: “Less than ten percent of domesticated species go into heats,” accord to Tech and his research, and (un)fortunately, you’re one of that ten percent. What else are you meant to do? Trapped during a heat cycle with five men - five willing men who are happy to help relieve you, but not all have the confidence to say so.
Relationship: The Bad Batch x fem!Reader (she/her)
Tags: Heats, Mating, Sex pollen, Friends with benefits, Friends to lovers, Slow burn, Sex, Jealousy, Pining, Tags to be added.
Word count: 1.2k
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[Chapter 1] [Chapter 9]
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Chapter 8 - Scorching
"So, you… haven't been taking them?"
Hunter's voice throws you off guard, causing you to drop your tool with a clank!
Is there really any need to discuss this right now? The repairs are almost complete, and you can all finally leave this forsaken planet with its two cursed suns! However, your Sergeant, the one that has been avoiding you for weeks, now feels the need to address the Bantha in the room… or in this case, the desert.
You turn to look at him, barely a meter from you; his eyes flicker between his work, and your dazed expression. "You mean the supplements?" you question.
"Yeah," Hunter confirms with a light shrug of his shoulders.
"Nah, I haven't," you shrug back, and pick up your tool, returning to your work. It's not really his business, is it? There's no need to be nosey about such a thing.
A moment of silence becomes present, the sound of tools tinkering away fills up the void, yet you can feel the pulse of adrenaline rushing through your veins. You're getting defensive, and for good reasons.
"Why not?" Hunter finally quirks up, not bothering to look your way. It seems he isn't letting this go, is he?
"Didn't want to," you simply reply, matching his monotone demeanour. It doesn't take a Jedi to pick up on Hunter's sarkiness. Why he's bothered is beyond you, but if he can freely ask, then so can you! "Is that a problem?" you follow up.
"It has been, yes," Hunter confirms, finally looking your way as he continues working. "I won't deny that I find your… scent rather distracting, especially during missions."
"We're always on missions," you point out. Even if you aren't physically in action, you're either heading to your next target, or unwinding from the last one. Better yet, you're making amends from your previous one, and they can't come fast enough.
"Exactly. How am I meant to work with… that?" Hunter dares to comment. Now, work is no longer your priority. The tool in your hand becomes motionless as all of your attention turns to your Sergeant, whose defensive expression matches your own.
"I'm sorry that my biological needs are such a distraction to you," you snap. "Maybe if you followed your training better, then you'd be able to ignore my scent."
"And maybe if you'd taken the supplements like I originally asked, then I wouldn't have to put up with your scent, nor the sounds of you kriffing all of my squad!"
The nerve! The audacity!
The tool in your hand hits the sand with a soft thud, and you rest your hands on your hips, chest puffed out. It's just a smell, something that Hunter can easily ignore, but it seems his true intentions are coming to light. "I haven't slept with all of your brothers," you say with a mindless shrug, not that it's any of his business. Jealously really isn't a good look for him.
"Most of them," Hunter barks back.
"It's not my fault that they offered to help me out. I'd rather do that, then pop some mystery pills that you shoved into my hand! I don't even know where you purchased them from!"
Hunter's lips purse in annoyance as he takes a step closer towards you, attempting to one-up your stance. The sweat above his brow is clearly visible, possibly from frustration, or the blazing Tatooine heat. It doesn't help that he's chosen to work shirtless, his toned chest almost pushed into your face as he looks down at you, tanned and covered in a soft trail of hair. There is no need for him to be this close, and the more that he gets into your face, the more irate you become.
Hunter goes to open his mouth, but you beat him to it. "Get your boobs out of my face," you say as you swat his chest, taking a step back away from him. "If you want to help me out, then this isn't the way to approach it."
"I…" Hunter sputters, crossing his arms across his chest in some lousy attempt to cover up. "This isn't what I'm trying to do-"
"-Then what is it?" you interrupt him again. "Because it's pretty obvious that you want to 'help me out', rather than giving me those supplements," you shout, using your fingers to flex quotation marks. This is probably some elaborate scheme just to sleep with you, although you weren't expecting Hunter of all people to stoop that low.
Hunter's lips fall silent as his eyes refuse to meet yours. His furrowed brows fail to relax, as does his jaw, clenched firmly as his patience continues to run thin. He sucks in a deep breath whilst pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Seconds pass, and you're waiting for him to burst, but when he finally speaks, he's as calm as ever.
"Finish up. The ship should be ready to depart."
And with that, Hunter leaves you to it, entering the Marauder. You can overhear him talking to Tech, muttering something about getting the engine running.
Now, it's your turn to suck in a deep breath, and attempt to steady your thumping heart. You've never argued with any of your boys, much less your Sergeant. A light squabble here and there, but never full-on arguing.
You almost feel… guilty, although you had every right to defend yourself! No matter.
As your eyes open, you're greeted by someone who is only going to fuel your fire. Crosshair is leaning against the Marauder's entranceway, arms crossed over his chest, a smug grin on his lips. He chuckles as you scowl at him.
"Not going to give Sarge a chance?"
"Kriff off."
Crosshair chuckles once more, and watches as you pick up your discarded tool, using it to secure the Ship's side panel into place. He allows you to finish before speaking up, instantly turning your concentrated expression sour.
"You know, hate sex is awfully pleasant," Crosshair states. Whether he's hinting at himself, or Hunter, is beyond you. Probably both, knowing Crosshair.
All you can do is barge past him, your shoulders clashing with force. "What's with you?" you scowl, meeting his gaze for a brief moment.
"I'm only pushing your buttons, Princess," Crosshair shrugs as he allows you to pass, keeping his stance despite wobbling from your aggressive gesture.
Not wanting to allow yourself to become even more angry, you don't bother responding, and instead head straight to your room. The repairs are somewhat done, and Tech is already firing up the engines. It's time to leave. Whether this ship will make it off this planet is beyond you, but right now, all you need is some space.
It's time for you to take a breather, and isolate yourself for a while.
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clatterbane · 8 months
I had another routine endocrinology check-in appointment the other day, this time with a different specialist nurse. The doctor I had been seeing here left and apparently moved back to Cyprus (I knew she was going not long after my last appointment), so I apparently got shuffled over to a different team. The next appointment up, whenever that is, will evidently be with that other doctor. At least they are assigning one per case there, instead of "you'll see whoever is available on the day, and better act suitably grateful for it". It's still a crapshoot, but at least not a fresh one every single time you go in.
Anyway, as always I went in halfway expecting a bitch-out session. Crammed full of weird assumptions about everything that I must be Doing Wrong as a substitute for actual help, however divorced from reality those assumptions might be. (Not least, by just being a lazy fat whiny American. I mean, I am very obviously American.)
Note: This has never actually happened at this clinic, to date. Thankfully, they did not ruin that record at this appointment. I was also going in without much for anyone else to complain about.
What I actually got: Surprise at how unexpectedly good all my numbers were looking, now that I am getting appropriate treatment. With a quick review to make sure I had all the prescriptions I needed until they want me back, and to make sure I didn't have any particular questions. Went away in maybe 15 minutes (5 of that spent waiting for a quick in-office HbA1c finger stick test), with a sadly gratifying"You're doing great! Don't change anything!"
Funny how that works when you're actually getting the tools you need to manage things, eh? 🙄
(I was unsurprised that the quick A1c came back at 4.3 / 23, which was actually the highest so far over the past few years of regular testing but still well into the "unexpectedly low even for a nondiabetic" range. My CGM data has been estimating it at a more plausible 5.5-5.6 based on blood sugar readings, which is still in "nondiabetic levels of control" territory. There has consistently been something screwy going on there since I was initially dx'ed 15+ years ago, with implausibly low A1c numbers the whole time. They have been trying to figure out what might be affecting my red blood cell/hemoglobin turnover here--thus, some of the extra blood tests the last endo kept running. Still haven't figured it out, since there are so many things that can possibly influence that in one direction or the other. My best guess is that at least part of it is related to the Gilbert's, with the naturally high bilirubin. Anemia probably hasn't been doing that much good, either. Though I think that has improved with the iron supplements the endo actually gave me. Whatever might be behind the hemoglobin weirdness, it's been going on for many years and hasn't killed me yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Anyway, I was more relieved than I should have ever needed to be at how that appointment went. Here's hoping that the different doctor they've assigned me to won't be a complete dick either.
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Hey! I’m really a big fan of crunchy, deep character builds but also a big fan of story-forward RPGs. I’ve yet to find any TTRPGs that really marry the two and scratch both itches at once. Any recommendations? (If possible, I’d prefer free or cheap options).
Theme: Story-Forward, Character-Deep.
Hello friend, so this is quite a conundrum you’ve presented with me here. This is what I’m interpreting as your request:
1. Crunchy, Deep Character Builds: you’re looking for characters made up of a lot of composite, interlocking parts that may or may not use math. 
2. Story-forward RPGs, which will give players tools that will help them tell an engaging story. 
3. Cheap or Free TTRPGs. These games are likely produced out of love, are unfinished versions of games, or contain only the core rules (with lore and other supplements provided at a cost). 
If a rulebook has deep character builds as well as some kind of story-forward mechanic, what you’re looking at is a complex set of systems that work together to provide satisfying encounters as well as strong character arts. I can think of quite a few games that would fall into that category, such as Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars games, Monte Cook’s Numenera, and Lancer, by Massif Press. The catch is this: most if not all of these games are expensive for at least one person at the table. 
I have one game that I found that seemed to fit all of the criteria above, but I found another way around this conundrum. I decided to track down two games that were relatively low-cost, that can be played together to give you the same experience. Let’s see what I’ve got. 
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Ironsworn, by Shawn Tomkin.
This game is probably going to be the best example of a game that fits story-forward mechanics, deep character design, and the low, low cost of free. Set in a fantasy world, your characters move through a world in which vows drive the narrative. Your characters will make promises that matter, and work towards completing them… or else. Action resolution takes the form of moves, which could result in a strong hit, a weak hit, or a Miss. Even on a miss, the story doesn’t stop - your character has just lost control of the situation.
Despite moves that look to be part of a rules-light system, Ironsworn requires a lot of character maintenance: you’ll have to deal with Conditions and Burdens that threaten to pull you down, as well as assets and allies that can improve your chances for success in specific arenas. 
Ironsworn also has a Delve supplement that you can add for more options, although this one costs a little under $13.Since the base game is free, you don’t really stand to lose anything by at least checking this out.
Traveller: Explorer’s Edition, by Mongoose, paired with Station Zero, by tavos silva.
Traveller is very open in regards to the kind of stories your characters can play. The Explorer’s Edition isn’t the full game (that’ll cost you $30), but if you want to create a game with explorers, galaxies and star systems, it’s got what you need. Mongoose also publishes free adventures occasionally, such as Death Station.
The game is also pretty in-depth when it comes to character creation - your character will have to roll various stats and skills to complete certain careers, so it’s possible that their story ends before you get started. (You can check out a free character creator here, and the map of the Traveller universe here!)
If Traveller’s game mechanics don’t feel very story-forward, Station Zero is a very short game (only about 5 pages or so of plain text) that has a very specific focus. Your characters live on a station far outside the bounds of regulated space, tasked with dealing with emergencies in a place populated by pirates, rogues and outlaws. The rules are inspired by PbtA games and Forged in the Dark, which are heavily story-forward. Because Station Zero is built for one-shots, you could place games of your characters’ stints on the Emergency Task Force in between adventures of a longer Traveller game.
Confluence, by DaneAsmund, combined with So, The Beast is Dead, by Prepared Heathen.
Confluence is a very rules-heavy game with a lot of interlocking parts that make up your characters. You’ll choose a race that will give you special traits and abilities, and distribute a number of different-sided die among a number of attributes. Right now the game is in playtest, so there’s a little bit of lore and the document itself is in a slightly unfinished state, but the game is pay-what-you-want! The setting feels very fantastical, but there are elements of sci-fi and horror, as the game is meant to take place at a place and time where a number of different universes collide. 
Confluence is also a combat-heavy game, which is why it might pair well with So, The Beast is Dead. This is a story-first game that can fit in whatever setting you like, and can follow a plot in which your characters pursue and bring down a mighty monster. Because The Beast is Dead focuses on the heroes’ reasons for fighting the beast, the party could create their characters for both games at the beginning, filling in pieces of their backstory by attaching themselves to the beast - and what they need from it. Perhaps the beast is a literal monster that is attacking all of their homes, but it’s also a possibility that it is a larger-than-life threat that requires all of their skills and talents to take down. Either way, the beast likely has skills, treasures, or magic that could help the characters in a larger goal.
Once the beast is defeated in Confluence, you can switch to The Beast is Dead to narrate the scramble after the battle to claim their prizes from the Beast. As a group, you’ll discover whether the bid for pieces tears apart the characters’ relationships to each-other, if the reward is lost due to in-fighting, or if the characters are able to make compromises or sacrifices for each-other’s benefit. The Beast is Dead is GM-less, so whoever is GM-ing the game might want to make an NPC in Confluence who has a stake in the killing of whatever monster the group decides to make.
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torque-witch · 8 months
Oct 22nd 2023 - Get back to witchcraft with me!
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I think it's time we *try* to delve back into witchcraft, paganism and assorted shenanigans, blog style! It's been way too long for me and I feel so disconnected spiritually, so let's start with the basics and have some conversations about it now that a few years have passed.
*One big caveat may be that it's 2023 - politically and socially so many things are different or changing, so I want to go through all of my notes and ideas and hopefully re-examine them as someone in their 30's, married, nonbinary, queer, disabled and leftist.
So let's start with this - What is Witchcraft?
As I remember not too long ago, there were more frequent debates about what category witchcraft actually falls into. Is it inherently religious? Is it just a craft or tool?
Personally I feel like the general consensus is that it is primarily a metaphysical (and also physical) craft whose purpose is to help achieve very specific outcomes. It is inherently unbiased and neutral - but depending on the way a practitioner guides it, it can be used for good, evil or neutral gains.
While witchcraft isn't a religion, it can certainly be used in tandem with various or all religions based on beliefs and doctrinal rules. Many people equate witchcraft with Wicca, but *that religion was formed in the 50's and therefore postdates most historical references to witchcraft as a practice. We will return to that point!
It feels like in 2023, most modern and generally American-centric practice of witchcraft tends to include mindfulness, positive affirmations, vision boards, intentions, and working with Tarot and crystals. This of course is completely accessible and understandable for most people, which makes it ideal for the general population. Plus, it helps to destigmatize the practice, and I think it has done that for the most part.
Some talking points we could delve into would be that while this form of witchcraft or magic is definitely accessible and easy to digest (I also mean accessible to disabled folks!), sometimes it can reek of privilege, capitalism and inaccurate information. Witchcraft wasn't always easy to find resources on, the methods were often very complicated and folklore driven, you could literally get killed etc etc. And let's not forget that the "I'm the ancestor of witches you couldn't burn" is categorically incorrect and a weird take, not to mention the assumption that only women can and did practice. Again, another thing we will talk about.
Other than that I think the general modern idea is that witchcraft is the act of bending energy or reality to your will with the help of herbs, sigils, energy work, visualization, etc. Some people do not feel the need for any supplementals, some people practice witchcraft in tandem with gods or spirits. Some of us have even created new avenues in the modern age like using machines as a power source! (It's me) Witchcraft is sort of open to interpretation, but I do think that reference material and the basics of the scientific equation still are important within context. What historically works? What methods are time honored? Why do we use x to represent x in spellwork? So much of physical creation of spells is based off of ideas we have been building as a species for generations within storytelling. Some people believe that those stories and beliefs are what gives certain ingredients or methods power - because there is so much historical energy associated with them.
What do you think witchcraft is, or what does it mean to you in your practice? I'd really like to get back into the conversation, back into books and talk about theory.
And as a bonus - let's do a quick Tarot reading about what witchcraft is!
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What is witchcraft - Nine of Pentacles, Reversed
I like this - basically a call to create your own path, to balance your own scales and take action to regain a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
How does witchcraft help people - The Moon
It helps people to explore their emotions, perceptions and beliefs! It helps to cultivate self-awareness, introspection and intuition. It can help to confront your fears, develop personal guidance and trust in yourself, and helps you to meet and understand your place in the world.
How does witchcraft harm people - Two of Cups, Reversed
I feel like the message is about stereotypes in one sense - that there is still a lot of misunderstanding about witchcraft societally and within our own communities that divides us or causes big rifts. Many of these problems are rooted in pride and the ego - who is right? Who is being self-destructive? I think it is a reminder that while there is absolutely a time and place for correcting behavior and beliefs with facts and evidence, that listening and being curious on both ends of the scrutiny can be beneficial.
What are you waiting for?
This is just a representation of the freedom that witchcraft gives to those that practice it. Your will is your command or desire. Where will that take you? What will your intentions be and what will they bring? Witchcraft can be as little or as big of a part of your life as you want it to be. So why not see where it takes you?
Anywho - I hope that was a fun and interesting read! I will try to do these more often as I try to re-immerse myself back into witchcraft. Expect some book reviews, local shop reviews, theory conversations! And if Tumblr isn't the spot for it anymore, I will probably be posting smaller blips on Instagram or full posts on my website. But until then.
Cara / Torque | They/Them/She dhdivination - Instagram dhdivination - TikTok SwampHag - Wix Death's Head Divination - Etsy
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As I grew older and started working, I began to realize that young individuals, such as myself, often feel the pressure to achieve financial success at an early age. And I inadvertently established a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for myself. For example, I established a KPI to acquire a new scooter for my father once I had completed 3 years of work, I set up a KPI to purchase an apartment for myself after a decade of working, I established a KPI to provide a substantial amount of money to my parents every year during the new year festivities, etc. However, the KPI and the goal are often mistaken with one another. The KPI is not the objective itself; rather, it is a tool to help achieve the objective. Little did I know back then, the purpose of all of these things I've described thus far is to fulfill one objective, which is to both fulfill my own happiness and my parents’ happiness.  And it took me a long time to realize that there isn't just one way to achieve a goal. Making my parents happy doesn't necessarily require me to give them a lot of money or buy them luxurious items. Sometimes, it is important for me to be attentive to my mother's back pain and my father's coughing problem, especially during colder weather. Sometimes, to bring joy to my parents, I don't have to accumulate vast wealth. Simple gestures like massaging my mom's back and buying supplements for my dad can make them happy as well. This reminds me of a recent conversation I had with my husband about the importance of money and how much is considered enough. This is a challenging topic. I cannot accurately determine the level of importance of this matter in comparison to other significant aspects of our lives, such as spending quality time with loved ones, engaging in personal relaxation, and pursuing self-development. Undoubtedly, money holds significant importance, and it is the answer to the first question. Our daily lives are dependent on money as a basic necessity. In order to purchase gas for your car, buy food, and pay bills, you require money.  But what amount of money do you need to feel satisfied? Do you recall the story of Aladdin and the Genie? When Aladdin tells Genie that he plans to use one of his wishes to set him free, Genie bursts into laughter and explains to Aladdin that there's a common saying about wishes: "The more you have, the more you want." Indeed, it is inherent in human nature to desire more. If you don't have any wishes, you may desire to have at least one. However, once you have one wish, you may find yourself wanting to have two. Similarly, if you have two wishes, you may feel the urge to have three. My husband is an incredibly hard worker, he has a full-time job at a game company and also runs his own architecture business. I believe he sleeps for less than 7 hours per day and he has constant meetings. And it’s all because he wants to ensure that he can establish a stable life for himself and his family. But in order to achieve that, he needs to meet the KPIs that he has established for himself. You know, when I informed my husband about my decision to quit my current job and pursue a writing career, which is still in its early stages, he is more worried than I am. He takes the initiative to plan for me, researching articles on how writers can earn a living, and suggesting alternative activities to prevent me from feeling stuck and overwhelmed. I even have the impression that he is working even harder than before to ensure that he can take good care of me. So let say his goal is to bring me happiness, and in order to achieve that, he must meet the KPI of providing a stable income to support us even if I were to stop working and earning money. And just like I said in the beginning, there isn't just one way to achieve a goal. I am not looking for extravagant dinners every day, nor do I need Gucci bags or a Mercedes-Benz to experience happiness. All I want is a home that provides all necessary amenities to accommodate us, with a steady supply of food on the table and clean water for drinking and bathing. On weekends, I enjoy hiking to connect with nature, and I value engaging in endless conversations and laughter. Ultimately, I simply want to live life to the fullest. I would like for us to follow in the footsteps of Aladdin's character. His first wish is to transform into a prince, with the intention of meeting and marrying the woman he loves. This wish is related to gaining wealth and power, but its ultimate objective is to achieve a genuine desire - to be with the girl whom he loves. His second wish is to be rescued from drowning. This wish is related to the desire for a healthy and fulfilling life, with the goal of having more time to explore and enjoy the world with his loved one. And he feels satisfied. He feels happy with what he has. Once he has satisfied his own needs, he begins to focus on others instead of himself. So at the end, Aladdin selflessly uses his final wish to set Genie free. He knows what he wants and doesn't become greedy. And that is what enables him to live happily ever after. I sincerely hope that my husband and I will be able to find happiness while fulfilling our two wishes without becoming greedy, we don’t need too much. But sometimes, we can be deceived by the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that we establish for ourselves. We might tell ourselves, "If I had just one more million, I could stop working and start enjoying life." Perhaps, "I feel that I would be happier if I had a larger home."  But is it true that having an additional million or a larger house will bring us happiness? No, we will want more. "The more we have, the more we want”. Over time, the KPIs that are intended to help achieve happiness can become a jail, preventing us from experiencing true happiness. After all, my top goal is to lead a joyful and fulfilling life with my husband. We can cherish our moments together, whether it's cuddling at night, hiking on weekends, or traveling once a year. And that is sufficient.
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o-craven-canto · 1 year
Year in Review
[crappily copypasted because reblogging it directly will just give me an error message]
I posted 559 times in 2022
That's 270 more posts than 2021!
111 posts created (20%)
448 posts reblogged (80%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 553 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#biology - 85 posts
#speculative biology - 65 posts
#history - 58 posts
#stuff i like - 54 posts
#sorry - 51 posts
#books - 41 posts
#animals - 40 posts
#fucked up - 39 posts
#speculative evolution - 37 posts
#my work - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#would be funny if the oviraptor had in fact died in the act of stealing eggs but from a nest of its own species tho
My Top Posts in 2022: #5
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See the full post
95 notes - Posted April 3, 2022
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The featherless biped
https://www.deviantart.com/concavenator/art/The-Featherless-Biped-775925572 (2018; text somewhat edited here)
 "... in any case, the possibility of advanced  intelligence among mammals remains extremely speculative. Endothermy and  brain cortex are in their favour, but their neurons are not dense  enough if compared to ours. They would need an enormous head, and a  proportionate blood supply. Which leads to their worst issue,  viviparity. It should be obvious to anyone that egg-laying is a  requisite for cerebral development; can you imagine the  head of a sapient mammal passing through the mother's birth canal? The  problem is insurmountable."  "Let us not overstate; harder problems  have been solved by evolution. Clearly our sapient mammal ought to be a  marsupial, which would complete its cerebral development in the  mother's pouch, relatively unconstrained as it sucks milk."  "Call me a moralist, but the idea of a sapient being feeding on milk keeps repulsing me."  "Our males regurgitate food in our children's mouth; you think that so different?"   "You do not? Food is food, whether pre-digested or not. Milk is a bodily  secretion -- it's like feeding on blood, on mucus, on semen. Mammals are  born as parasites, and frankly I don't believe they are worthy of upper  faculties."  "If you believe so. Myself, I see no reason an  omnivorous marsupial, perhaps tree-dwelling, could not evolve organs of  manipulation and an advanced brain. Tagra's mutable environment would  give it the necessary incentives. A prehensile-tailed tree-dweller could  start using its forelimbs to handle objects, adopting a bipedal gait."   "But having left the trees, it would have to walk on two legs, with its  spine up straight, as a penguin's, lest it falls forward. It's not  just very unseemly, it's also extremely unstable."  "Once the tail  has lost its prehensile function, it could increase its size and balance the  head's weight, giving the marsupial a stance similar to ours. It would  retain the furry coat, analogous to our plumage - there's no reason to  shed it, even in climates warmer than ours. The general result would be something much like an 'ikra, although molded from different material."  "Ah, such an image! Describe, describe us this thinking mammal of yours!"   "Well... our foremost sense is sight, as typical of the feathered  beings of land and air. Not so among mammals -- probably this being  wouldn't even see colours, fundamentally nocturnal creature that it is. It would find its way mostly with hearing and  scent. I would expect a large wet nose proportioned to its brain, to  sample the air with the precision worthy of a superior mind.  We know that mammals can discriminate more scents than we can hues. Communication... the vocal apparatus of mammals is a poor thing, it  allows little more than screeches and bellows. Many communicate with  their bodily stance, or contracting their facial muscles, which are well  developed in furred beasts, and might even supplement the function of  hands in holding tools. Lips, perhaps, nimbler than beaks..."  "What a sight would they be, the cities of the  featherless biped. People croaking and howling, jumping on the spot,  baring their teeth and squinting their eyes. Grunting noses, lips  smacking and spraying spit. But if their eyesight is as poor as you say,  perhaps they would rather trust olfaction in this field as well, and  communicate by rubbing on each other their nether glands, as  astrapotheria do. And to do so they would need to be always sticking to each other."   "I don't think that would disturb them. Mammals appreciate physical  contact; the smallest species are always curled in their burrows. The greater risk of disease might be a price worth paying. They  would have no concept of a respectful distance and, who can say, maybe  they would not envy it to us."  "A use for burrows is dubious, for a species that fears no predators. It's well known that  the metabolic activity of mammals is generally inferior to that of  feathered species. The hypothetical creature would inhabit only a warmer  and moister world, dominated by flower plants. They would leave the  trees to live in a garden of giant flowers..."  "Might be, might  be. But I think they would conserve an instinctual love of enclosed  spaces, moreso as they would spend their earliest infancy in the  maternal pouch."  "Enclosed spaces that would soon be satured with the stench of their secretions. Is this a fancy of yours, that you wish to impose on us?"   "And still you confuse your aesthetic pleasures with iron laws of nature, even in a world of conjecture. I wager, for you even the caravans of Yakak'ratu would be  unsufferably alien. This being has sprouted from another branch altogether of the delta of life. What is pleasurable to us would  probably be disgusting to it, and viceversa; but if the selfsame happiness is  achieved by different means, what makes a form of it inferior to  another? Tagra, even our noble city of Grikaa, is hardly perfection embodied. I have counted  more than enough beggars and cutthroats leaving my house this morning.  Who can say whether the thinking mammal, in her garden-world, isn't  happier than we?"
115 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Some possible forms of communication for non-human species:
Sound-based communication, but instead of sound quality, stress, or tone, information is encoded into speech loudness or velocity.  (from Justin B. Rye)
Sound-based communication, but the organism repeats external sound with a variation (e.g. tempo change, shifting pitch): information is encoded in the pattern of change from the source. (The Progenitors in Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri)
Visual communication by raising, bending, or waving limbs, flags, or sticks. (Similar to optical telegraphy, maybe? This can also be perceived through sonar)
Whole-body movement -- pacing, spinning, shaking -- in a way similar to the waggle dance of honey bees (in which the direction and frequency of waggling indicate the direction and distance of nectar sources), but more flexible and generalized.
Communication by pheromones like ants, or possibly through more complex patterns of scents (or maybe tastes, like the Back-lickers from Accidental Space Spy?) This one is tricky because scents will disperse and persist over time, like heavily echoing sound.
Skin full of chromatophores and/or reflective crystals that allow it to change hue, brightness, and/or opacity. The organism can control them, as cuttlefish do, to encode information in color patterns changing over time.
Communicating by vibrations not of the air, but the ground,  like elephants picking up infrasounds through their footpads. (I hear  the uplifted spiders in Children of Time communicate by plucking the strands of a communal web, but I haven’t read it)
An aquatic organism able to generate and perceive electric fields (less effective out of water) can modulate the frequency and intensity of its oscillating electric field to send information, as knifefish and electric eels do.
An organism changes the texture (softness, roughness, &c) of its skin, for example raising bumps or pimples that another individual can read by touch like Braille. (Octopodes and cuttlefish can do this to a degree.)
An aquatic organism ejects clouds of thick mucus that congeal into pseudomorphs; the shape, size, and motion of pseudomorphs encodes information. (Suitable for sonar- and electroception-based communication too!)
Other ideas?
118 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
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122 notes - Posted June 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Meet Gauromydas heros, the world’s largest fly. Originary of tropical South America, they grow up to 7 cm in length (about 3 in). They are quite harmless, feeding on flowers.
152 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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petrifact · 2 years
Write Your First Adventure Lesson 2: Setting a Project Scope
So the main activity for this day was to write a "scope reflection": a document summarizing the scope of my adventure, my challenges, and my plans for it. Here are the questions and my responses:
What is this project and what is the final deliverable? (Eg. "I'm writing a one-shot adventure set in Ravenloft. It will be a PDF document available on DMs Guild.") I'm writing a one-shot RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha adventure set in Sartar. It will be a PDF document available on the Jonstown Compendium.
When does this project need to be completed?
November 30. Well, wait, no; that's when the workshop ends but maybe I'll do a little tweaking and formatting afterward. I guess the absolute deadline is December 8 if I want my adventure to be included in the RPG Writer Workshop Bundle, which I do.
Do you need to learn a new skill or tool to complete this project?
Well, two of them, actually:
I'm actually not all that familiar with Glorantha and RuneQuest; over the past few weeks I've read the core books and I think I've got a handle on the rules and setting, but I don't have the experience with them that I do with, for instance, D&D. (So why didn't I join the D&D 5E adventure writing workshop instead? Because honestly, I kind of want to do more with other games besides D&D, and although I don't have prior experience with RuneQuest it was something I was interested in.)
I haven't really used layout software before (well, not within the last few decades, anyway), so that'll be new for me, too.
Have you started learning that skill or tool prior to starting this project? (Explain yes or no.)
Yes to the first, no to the second (I did actually pay for a Udemy lesson on Adobe InDesign months ago, but haven't had a chance to complete it).
Have you completed a project of this size and scope before?
No, which is the main reason I joined this workshop. I've started loads of adventures and game supplements, but haven't quite gotten around to finishing any of them; I'm hoping I can change that this month.
How much time can you devote to this project every day, week, or month until it's finished?
Eh… that's the problem. I have a really, really unpredictable and irregular work schedule, so it's hard to know in advance what days I might have time to work on the project, or what times during those days. And that means I can't set aside in advance a specific time of day I plan to work on the project, because I don't know in advance whether or what time I'll be working. But for the rest of the month even on days I'm working I should be able to devote at least an hour before or after work (or possibly even during work; I'm actually typing this at work right now).
What potential obstacles may you encounter during this project?
The main obstacle is… see previous answer.
Oh… also, keeping my adventure under 3500 words will definitely be a challenge. I tend to kind of get carried away. In fact, I'm going to go ahead and say right now that my adventure will almost certainly be longer than 3500 words. Maybe way longer. But I'm still going to try to get it done by the end of the month.
Based on your responses, map out a timeline for this project.
Well, since I didn't know about the countdown activities and didn't sign up for the workshop until the first, and then spent a few days trying to catch up with the countdown activities that I should have done in advance, I'm off to a late start… but I'm going to try to get caught up by tomorrow (November 11) and thereafter stick to the suggested schedule.
[And did that happen? Did I get caught up by November 11? Ha ha ha no of course not I'm way behind gah I'm an idiot.]
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crystalelemental · 2 years
Unit Viability Speculation - Victor
God, I've been waiting for this since I saw his kit, I'm so excited.
Victor sucks!
Oh, I'm sorry, I should've specified: I don't care about Victor, and actively want the worst for him since he became Reddit's incel poster child for whining about female protagonists getting all the attention over more deserving men.
Victor is a physical Grass-type striker.  His main move is Drum Beating, a 4-bar move with perfect accuracy and a speed debuff for some reason, yielding a damage penalty that puts him at 160 base.  For comparison, SC Rosa, out now, is 185 at base because of the accuracy limitation she doesn't have, and still gets -2 special defense to massively improve her damage every hit.  Point 1 for SC Rosa, but don't worry, there will be others.
He gets Dire Hit+, and his trainer move is +6 attack with free move next and physical moves up next +1.  Meaning he's a three-turn setup guy, compared to Rosa's effective 1.  Score 2 for Rosa.
His secondary move is High Horsepower.  It is just damage.  It's also worth noting his attack isn't even that great compared to more recent fare. So frankly, you will never use his Ground-type damage after Cynthia's grid expansion, Maxie's rerun, Courtney's Zone, or even Naomi being free or Hapu's EX.  Meanwhile, Rosa got Sweet Scent to debuff evasion -2 for rare multipliers and general accuracy, and essentially Team Sharp Entry on trainer move. Score 3 for Rosa.
I'm going to take a moment from dunking on Victor to talk about his merits. Namely, Targets Maxed, and Piercing Blows.  Yeah, he got Piercing Blows. Because that's normal.  Targets Maxed makes his Max Move AoE, which is nice but not super crazy?  At least not to me. It feels more like an SS Ethan-ism, where it removes the need to ever EX him because the AoE sync doesn’t matter due to his other tools.
His grid offers some fun tools.  Overwhelm 9 is a nice attack debuff every move, High Horsepower has Bogo 9 so he can dual strike. Twofer 2 is okay but inconsistent, and Rejuvenate 6 is useless.  Hunter's Instinct is good with his debuff, and of course the sync multiplier is the notorious Cakewalk.  What is nice is Critical Eye on his trainer move, easing setup by a turn, but at this point it should be clear what Victor does.  He supplements.  He is bonus damage that attempts to be as limited on gauge use as possible.  And just like SC Sonia, I don't think it works in his favor.  Victor's slow, and his attacking moves are high-gauge cost.  High Horsepower gets completely free actions after the first, but Drum Beating runs a dangerous risk of being unavailable in a dual-strike comp, making him...kind of a problem in those capacities.
And then there's the true nail.   Everything about his kit relies on speed debuffs.  His multipliers in every angle are about speed debuffs, which are useless.  They almost never delay the foe's attacks, and exist solely for multipliers.  They're hard to set up because almost every user of speed debuff is single-target one stage at a time, making it rough in 3v3 content.  His Max Move doesn't even set Grassy Terrain, so there goes the one interesting point of utility he could have had, thanks to Gigantamax being worse.  He makes up for it with Max Move AoE damage, but by now you know where I'm going with this.
Rosa's infinitely better than this guy.  Her multipliers are easier to set up just by herself, and the team utility she provides is off the charts good, to say nothing of her absurd sync nuke.  Victor cannot compete with SC Rosa. He's weaker by attack and by sync, his team support is nonexistent, his debuffs are both slower and worse, and his gauge control is worse because you're constantly praying for 30% rolls to always go in your favor.
Also sorry, it just connected that some of Victor's skills are 4/5 and 5/5 locked. Those are High Horsepower BOGO 9, so there goes any utility in Ground, Overwhelm 9 so there goes his debuff utility, Max Damage Guard so there goes some extra tanking, and Max Slip Up for -2 speed that could've made his access to sync nuke reasonable.  Unlike Wally, Victor actually loses some of his best traits to this.
This is the most skippable PokeFair in ages.  A character I don't care about, with a Pokemon I'm not as invested in, and a performance that is nothing short of middling.  
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shant20 · 1 month
NeuroActiv6: A Game-Changer for My Focus and Memory
Since I started using NeuroActiv6 a few months ago, I've noticed a significant improvement in my ability to focus and retain information. As someone who constantly juggles multiple tasks and deadlines, this supplement has been a game-changer for my productivity.
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Boosting Concentration Throughout the Day
Before NeuroActiv6, staying focused throughout the workday was a struggle. I'd find myself easily distracted by emails, social media notifications, or even just passing thoughts. This constant mental ping-pong made it difficult to complete tasks efficiently, and by the end of the day, I often felt drained and unproductive.
Since incorporating NeuroActiv6 into my daily routine, I've experienced a noticeable improvement in my concentration. I can now delve deeper into tasks, filtering out distractions and maintaining focus for extended periods. This newfound clarity has allowed me to tackle complex projects with greater confidence and complete them in a timely manner.
Enhanced Memory and Learning
Another area where I've seen a positive impact is in my memory and ability to learn new things. Previously, retaining information from meetings, presentations, or even casual conversations often posed a challenge. I'd struggle to recall details or specific points later on.
However, since using NeuroActiv6, I've noticed a significant improvement in my memory. New information seems to stick more readily, and I can recall details with greater ease. This has been particularly beneficial for my professional development, as I'm now able to absorb and retain complex information during training sessions and conferences.
Natural Ingredients for Peace of Mind
One of the aspects I appreciate most about NeuroActiv6 is its reliance on natural ingredients. As someone who is generally cautious about taking supplements, the fact that this product is formulated with plant-based extracts and vitamins gives me peace of mind.
The ingredients list includes well-known cognitive enhancers like Bacopa monnieri, Lion's mane mushroom, and Vitamin B12, all of which have been linked to improved focus, memory, and cognitive function. Knowing that I'm supporting my brain health with natural ingredients is a definite plus.
A Well-Rounded Approach to Cognitive Support
While NeuroActiv6 is a powerful tool, I believe it works best when combined with a healthy lifestyle. To maximize the benefits, I ensure I get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly. This holistic approach seems to have a synergistic effect, keeping me sharp and focused throughout the day.
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with the positive impact NeuroActiv6 has had on my cognitive function. If you're looking for a natural way to improve your focus, memory, and overall brain health, I highly recommend giving this product a try. Remember, consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement, but for me, NeuroActiv6 has been a welcome addition to my daily routine.
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medicinal-products · 1 month
Soothing Relief and Renewed Strength: My Experience with ProNervium
For years, neuropathy has cast a shadow over my life. The constant tingling, burning sensation in my feet and hands made everyday activities a challenge. It significantly impacted my sleep quality and overall well-being. I explored various treatment options, from prescription medications to physical therapy, with limited success. Many medications came with undesirable side effects, while therapy offered only temporary relief. That's when I discovered ProNervium, a natural neuropathy supplement, and it's become a beacon of hope in my journey towards managing this condition.
A Natural Approach to Neuropathy Relief
What initially drew me to ProNervium was its focus on natural ingredients. Unlike many prescription medications that target symptoms, ProNervium aims to address the underlying causes of neuropathy. The formula is packed with vitamins, minerals, and botanical extracts known for their nerve-nourishing and pain-relieving properties. Key ingredients like Alpha-Lipoic Acid and Benfotiamine work to improve nerve function and reduce inflammation, while vitamins B1, B6, and B12 play a crucial role in nerve health.
Gradual Improvement and Reduced Discomfort
ProNervium's approach to neuropathy relief leans towards gradual improvement rather than immediate results. While I didn't experience a dramatic shift overnight, I noticed a gradual reduction in the intensity and frequency of the tingling and burning sensations within a few weeks of consistent use. Over time, the discomfort became more manageable, allowing me to sleep more soundly and participate in activities I previously avoided due to pain.
Improved Nerve Function and Enhanced Well-Being
Beyond the pain relief, I've experienced a subtle improvement in nerve function. My balance and coordination have steadily improved, allowing me to walk with more confidence and reducing the risk of falls. This newfound sense of stability has positively impacted my overall well-being and independence.
A Safe and Tolerable Supplement
As someone with a sensitive stomach, I was hesitant to try another medication. Thankfully, ProNervium's natural formula has been gentle and well-tolerated. I haven't experienced any unpleasant side effects since incorporating it into my routine. This safety aspect makes it a viable option for those seeking a natural approach to managing neuropathy.
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A Daily Regimen for Long-Term Support
ProNervium comes in easy-to-swallow capsules. I typically take two capsules daily, one in the morning and one in the evening. This consistent routine ensures my body receives the essential nutrients it needs to support nerve health. The capsules are tasteless and odorless, making them suitable for anyone with taste sensitivities.
Taking Control of My Neuropathy
ProNervium has empowered me to take a more proactive approach to managing my neuropathy. The natural formula, gradual yet noticeable improvement in symptoms, and overall safety have made a significant difference in my quality of life. While neuropathy may not completely disappear, ProNervium has given me the tools to manage it effectively and reclaim a sense of normalcy. If you're struggling with neuropathy and seeking a natural approach to relief, I highly recommend giving ProNervium a try.
Disclaimer: It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any supplement, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
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helthproduct100 · 1 month
Dominate The Male Enhancement Niche Today with Aizen Power Supplements - Health
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A Lifesaver for Busy Cooks: My Experience with the "Prep N' Cook" Food Processor
I'm a self-proclaimed foodie, but between work and family commitments, finding time to cook healthy, delicious meals can be a real challenge. In the past, I often resorted to unhealthy convenience foods or takeout, sacrificing both taste and nutrition. Thankfully, that all changed when I discovered the "Prep N' Cook" food processor.
Effortless Meal Prep
The first thing that impressed me about the Prep N' Cook was its versatility. It boasts a range of functions that go far beyond simple chopping. With its powerful motor and diverse attachments, I can now effortlessly tackle various tasks that used to take ages. Slicing vegetables for stir-fries is a breeze with the julienne disc, while the dough blade whips up pizza dough in seconds. The "S" blade is perfect for quick and even chopping of nuts, herbs, and spices, adding a vibrant touch to my dishes.
More than Just Chopping
The Prep N' Cook isn't just a glorified chopping board. It's a complete food prep powerhouse. The large capacity work bowl allows me to process big batches of ingredients at once, saving me time and minimizing mess. The built-in whisk attachment has become my go-to tool for whipping up creamy sauces, mayonnaise, and fluffy egg whites for meringues.
Time-Saving Efficiency
Perhaps the most significant benefit of using the Prep N' Cook is the time it saves me in the kitchen. Those tedious prep tasks that used to drag on for ages are now completed in a fraction of the time. This newfound efficiency has transformed my cooking routine. I can now whip up healthy, homemade meals even on busy weeknights, without sacrificing quality or taste.
Easy Cleaning and Compact Design
Another major plus for the Prep N' Cook is its ease of cleaning. Most of the attachments are dishwasher safe, and the smooth, BPA-free plastic surfaces wipe clean effortlessly. Plus, its compact design means it doesn't take up valuable counter space when not in use. I can easily store it away in a cupboard, keeping my kitchen clutter-free.
A Must-Have for Any Kitchen
Overall, the Prep N' Cook food processor has been a game-changer in my kitchen. It's a versatile, time-saving appliance that makes healthy cooking a breeze. Whether you're a busy professional or simply looking to streamline your meal prep routine, I highly recommend this product. It's a worthwhile investment that will pay off in both time saved and delicious, healthy meals enjoyed.
In short, the Prep N' Cook has become an indispensable tool in my kitchen, and I can't imagine going back to my old, time-consuming methods.tunesharemore_vert
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