#it means a lot when fics that arent 'popular' get noticed it's really sweet
daydadahlias · 1 year
NOOO i love scene 14 and greyhound ashton too but there’s just something about vanilla calls and howdy partner ashton 🫶🏼🫶🏼 they’re so special to me and i love how you write ash bc it’s such a breath of fresh air seeing someone love him so much 💗 my fav ao3 author 4evs
one of the things I love the absolute most about fanfic is when I read a story where I can just tell how much the writer loves the guy they're writing about so this is a really massive compliment for me, thank you 🥺
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Photographs (Jimin x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: So... Jimin's birthday is coming up so I'm gonna try do more Jimin's fic. Hahaha. and im sorry if the angst is rally not quite up there :(
"I cant believe I'm late again!" Jimin grumbled. "And they didnt even bother to wake me up! What a bunch of useless hyungs!" Jimin ran to the venue the moment the tinted window van dropped him off. For the millionth time, Park Jimin is late to his own concert again. And he is extremely late this time. The front entrance is already crowded with fans and Jimin pulled his mask and hoodie tighter to cover his face. He will be dead if the fans found out he is here, right behind them, at his own concert. Even if he survived them, Namjoon and management will surely kill him after.
As he safely managed to reached the backdoor a girl wearing all black, black cap, black hoodie, black jeans, black everything and shielding her face knocks into him. Before he can say anything she grabbed his hand in panic and pushed him inside the door, making Jimin stumbled in. She then closed the door with a bang in a hurry and leans her back on the door, blocking it from anyone else who might want to try to open it. Jimin was shocked. What is going on? Is she a crazy fan? Is he being kidnapped right now? Should he scream for help?
"Sorry I had to do that. The security is just right there at the corner. He might have seen us. Are you sneaking in too?" She looks at him curiously.
Sneaking in?
Jimin finally take a good look at the girl who finally pushed down her hoodie and mask, revealing her face. Shes wearing black everything. Is she actually really sneaking in into his concert? And she thinks he is sneaking in too? Does this happen a lot at all his concert before? Is this like a thing right now?
Still, despite all his confusion, Jimin cant help but to notice that shes very beautiful, making him stare at her in awe for a moment.
"Are you telling me that you are sneaking in?" He finally find his vpice and asks her.
"Uh yeah. Arent you?" She eyed him skeptically. "If you arent, then what are you doing back there?"
"I-uh yeah. I sneaked in," Jimin quickly agreed. Its better than saying who he actually is and why he is dpinf back here right now.
The girl smiles in relieved. "I knew there must be someone else who will be doing this," she laughs. "Their ticket prices is ridiculous. Who has that kind of money just to watch them sing anyway? Do you like them?" She looks at him curious.
"Y-Yeah. I do. I guess?" How is he supposed to answer that? "But from the sound of it, it seems like you dont? Why are you even here?"
"To be honest. I dont know them. But I heard they are big though,"
Oh, she doesnt know who we are. No wonder she didnt recognized me.
Jimin slowly opens up his disguise and the girl didnt even bat an eye at him, which intrigues him to no end. She might not know who he is, bit his looks will usually make any girl look twice, but apparently no this girl. "I'm Jimin. Park Jimin," he looks at her face for a reaction as he said his name, but nothing. "Whats your name?"
"I'm Y/N," she takes his hand and Jimin felt electricity in their touch. His phone is buzzing, most probably from his band mates,asking him where he is, but he doesnt want this moment to end right now. He wants to know this Y/N more. There is just something about her that attracts Jimin very strongly.
"If you dont mind me asking, if you dont know them at all, then why are you even here? And even sneaking in just to see them?"
"I need to see who they are for work purposes," that is all the explanation she gave Jimin and even though he is curious, he didnt get to ask more when one of his manager appeared.
"Park Jimin! You are late!" He yells from the corner of the hallway.
"I'm sorry hyung, I'm coming now!" Jimin takes a glance at Y/N who is panicking and trying to hide.
"And whos that?" He eyed Y/N who is still panicking, now standing still like a statue besides him.
"Uh m-my friend. I let her in with me," Jimin came out with an excuse fast and the manager nodded, walking away, motioning for Jimin to follow him. Jimin looks back at Y/N who was confused with the whole exchange. "I-I have to go. I'm sorry but I hope I will see you again," he looks at her hopeful. "Can I? Please?"
Y/N looks at him with suspicion in her eyes. "Wait! Dont go yet! Who are you? W-why does that man knows you? And why arent you in trouble for sneaking in?"
"I dont have time to explain. Here," he plucked her phone from her hands and quickly keyed in his number, making sure to call his phone for her number. "Stick around to watch the concert and you will know the answer to your question," Jimin winks and rans off, leaving Y/N dumbfounded.
Y/N gathered herself and managed to sneaked into the concert hall, and once the band is introduced, she finally knows what that strange Park Jimin meant. Oh, she found out alright. She found out exactly who he is.
Park Jimin of BTS.
A member of the band shes supposed to work with starting tomorrow.
Oh how shes screwed.
Struggling for years trying to find a job as a photographer, Y/N is finally offered a job from her friend. A boy band is launching a new campaign and they need a new photographer. Overjoyed with the chance of finally earning some money and being able to eat something else other than just instant noodles for months, she said yes immediately, only realizing too late that she dont even know who the band is. So when it was mentioned that the band is holding a concert somewhere close, Y/N decided to sneaked in and take a glimpse, there is no way she can afford to buy their ticket anyway. How would she know that the band member himself would be sneaking around at the backdoor just a few minutes before the show?
Watching the concert, Y/N finally realizes why the band is so well known and why their too expensive tickets are often sold out. She watches in awe as they inyeract with their fans, laughing, singing and dancing. Their talent is amazing and its very fascinating to her.
She also knows that she can definitely say goodbye to her job if that Park Jimin ever opens his mouth.
And as she saw he flashed his sweet, innocent smile on stage, she really hopes he doesnt.
"I heard we have a new photographer for this comeback. She will cover everything, from our campaign, concept shoots, concerts, behind the scene of music vudeos, fan meets, everything!" Jin suddenly said as they entered the company building. "And I heard its a young girl,"
"Really?" Taehyung 's ears perked up. "I hope its not one of those crazy fans again. Its hard to work with someone who fan girls over us more than she does working. I mean I appreciate the attention but work is work you know. The last one scares Kookie to death with her obsession," Taehyung laughs, remembering the incident.
"Yah! I was not scared!" Jungkook pouts.
"Oh come on. You make a fuss every single time and locked yourself in the room, not wanting to go to any photoshoots or even practice if shes around. You call that not being scared?" Taehyung laughs out loud at the memory.
"Shut up hyung!"
It has been an unspoken rule for quite some time in their company, to not hire young unmarried females as staff for their band. This rule is made after multiple incident where the staff turns out to be a crazy fan who applied for the job in order to be close to the boys. Their popularity is increasing and the level their fans are willing to go to get closer to them are sometimes beyond their imagination. So when Jin said their photographer is a young girl, all of them are intrigued. Who is this girl who passes the interview with their management?
"Ow! What the hell?! Dont you have eyes!" A voice screeched as she falls on the floor, hard.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didnt look where I was going," Jimin who was absorbed with the conversation bumped into one of the staff. Atleast he hope it is a staff. He hold out a hand to help her up and the girl took it.
Y/N was shocked and wide eyed. She knows the boys must be lurkimg somewhere in the building. Its their work place after all, but she didnt expect to meet the boys this soon. She thought she would have more time to think of what to say to this Park Jimin. She also definitely did not think she would meet them in this situation either, sprawled on the floor.
"Why didnt you answer any of my calls and text?" Was the first question that comes out from Jimin's mouth, making the rest of the boys look at each other. Jimin is texting with a girl? How come they dont know about it? "A-and what are you doing here?"
"I-uh-" Y/N didnt get to answer when one of the staff members came up  behind her and answer instead.
"Oh boys. You have met each other then. This is Y/N, your new photographer for this comeback,"
Upon hearing that, Jimin cant help but to give her a huge smile. All those weeks he has been ignored, not a single reply to his texts and calls and now, she has no where to run. Jimin smirked at her restless expression. She can ignore him all she wants, but Jimin has made it his life mission, that no matter what, Jimin will make sure he will get to know her better.
"Hey, wait up!" Jimin jogged slowly towards her once he saw her rushed out from the meeting room once it was adjourned. "Where are you going in sucb a rush? We dont have a shoot today,"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"My life doesnt only revolves around you and your team members Park Jimin," she scoffed and keeps walking.
"You know, as much as its nice to hear you say my full name, I think I will like it better if you call me Chim or maybe Chimchim. Preferably oppa if you want," he pushed his hair back and winks at her. There was never a girl who was able to resist his charms when he does that, but Y/N just look at him with a weirded and bored expression.
"First of all no thank you. Jimin is fine. And second of all, whats wrong with you? Is something wrong with you eye? Do you have a sty or something?" She looks at him weirdly. Jimin felt embarassed and taken aback. That was a respond he never expect he will get from a girl before.
"Uh n-no. I'm perfectly fine," he straightened himself, all self confidence went out the window. "But really, where are you going?"
Y/N sighed. "Not that its any of your business, but if you really must know, I'm going to go and have something to eat,"
"Really? Can I come with you? I have nothing to do right now anyway," Jimin's eyes sparkles in excitement. "I- uh I mean, we are somewhat friends right? Sneaking in friends?" He smirks, knowing theres no way she will say no if he blackmails her like this.
"Uh fine! But I dont think its somewhere you idols would go," she stalked off and Jimin ran after her, nit caring where she is headed. All he kmows is he needs to come with her.
Out of all the places, Y/N took Jimin to a convenience store. Where she took two cups of instant noodles and sat at the seats provided. Jimin took a seat beside her and stare at her.
"Is that all you are eating? For dinner?" He eyed the cup noodles and can coffee in front of her.
"Breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper maybe?" She giggles and stir her now already cooked noodle.
"What?!" Jimin was surprised. "You havent eaten all day?"
"Well Mr Idol, not everyone can afford a fancy meal for every time shes hungry. I'm thankful enough for being able to buy two packets right now," she turns to look at Jimin, her face turns serious. "And because of that, I want to thank you for not telling on me. About the sneaking in thing I mean. I could have lose my job if you did. And as you can clearly see here, I reaaally need that job. So thanks," Y/N smile and turn back to her noodle, slurping and inhaling it like she is just sitting with an old friend. As if Jimin is not an attractive man that is sought after by million of girls all over the world. Like Jimin is not someone well known. Like Jimin is not an idol.
And somehow, Jimin likes that feeling. That feeling of being treated like a normal human being.
He likes it so much. He loves it.
They finally figured out why Y/N gets the job. Unlike any other girls her age, Y/N never showed any sign of interest in any of them. She did her job professionally, and to be honest, for someone with not much experience, she is extremely good at what she is doing. She finished all their shoots on time, sometimes even with extra time to spare, she means business, she doesnt flirt around and she knows what she wants from them and how to get it. The boys like her. She has become their favorite staff to work with, and Jimin... well, Jimin is getting attracted to her more than ever.
His insane attraction to her makes him crazy because she never gives him any extra attention outside of their shoot. The kind of attention that he craves. Replying to his calls and texts? That definitely didnt happen either. She gives him a polite smile, a hello and goodbye here and there like a colleague should, and that was it. Jimin wants more. He needs more. He wants her laughter. He wants to hear her talking and joking about stupid things. He wants her telling him about what she ate yesterday, about ehats happening is her life. Just like he always saw her do with the other staff. If she can do that with them, why cant she do it with him?
How is he different from the other staff? He is a colleague too, isnt he not?
Jimin starts to double up his effort in trying to get her attention after feeling frustrated by her lack of attention towards him. If the only time Y/N will even look at him is during his shoots that he will make sure she will really looks at him. Jimin made sure he looks the best. He made sure he gets the best outfits and costumes during the shoots. The one that makes all his features stands out. He made sure his make up is impeccable and every strand of his hair is in place. He made sure to give a more flirtatious pose, winking, smiling, trying his best to show her his charms. There are even a tine or two where he "accidentally" flipped his shirt on purpose but Y/N didnt bat an eye. Instead the photos came out great and the fans are the one who goes crazy instead. Jimin has given his all, subtle and obvious hints about his feelings, but all he ever received from her are "good work" and "more please", the same comment given to the other members.
Desperate to find a way to get Y/N to notice him, he shamelessly invites himself to walk her home every day, eat lunch with her during her break and sometimes even invites himself to her weekend activity.  He would follow her to do her grocery shopping, the bookstore, the park, the movies, everywhere, where he learn all the little traits about her. Little traits that makes her seems more interesting than ever to him. Although she resists and tried to stay away from him at first, as time passes by, Y/N gets used to his presence and Jimin managed to somehow be friends with Y/N and every little thing she do fascinates him even more.
Y/N is just... simple. But perfect in every way Jimin could have possibly think of. She is his dream girl, something he never even thought before. But if people were to ask him what would his dream girl be like, its Y/N.
He is sure of it.
Shes beautiful. Thats a fact. Everybody with a working eye can agree to that. But what attracts Jimin more than her beauty is who she is. He loves seeing how passionate she is when shes working. How she bite her lips when shes trying to get the best shot, how serious she looks when shes giving art directions to the crew and coming up with a plan for a perfect photoshoot. Jimin loves the way shes friendly and nice to everyone, never looking down or worshipping someone solely because of their status. She is humble, modest and pure and Jimin loves that the most about her. By spending time with her,eventhough he self invites himself most of the time, Y/N taught ans remind him again about many things that he has forgotten ever since fame took over his life. He forgot how delicious the street food at the corner stall taste like, since all they do is order takeout and eat at restaurants, he forgot what it feels like to go watch a late night movie with hundreds other people crammed in the same cinema, he forgot the thrill of being at the common section and jumping along with the crowds at a concert instead of being in a secluded private VIP booth, swirling their drink. He forgot how free it is to just talk to someone about anything that comes to mind, without being afraid that he will be jjdged or it wont fit his celebrity status  He forgot a lot of things, the simple things, but Y/N reminds him about all that all over again.
Jimin is losing his mind. The more he gets to know her, the more he feels, no he knows he is falling in love with her. He has never met a girl like her and it still make him wonder everyday how could such a simple girl like her makes him fall head over heels like a fool. He cant stop himself from smiling whenever he looks at her and his mood will be better immediately whenever Y/N is around and plummeted the moment shes gone. He wants her all to himself, to be his, to not touch some other guy's arm when shes laughing or go out for lunch with the male crew members. Jimin wants her attention to be only on him, for him. He wants her to want him.
And hes going to make sure she will.
"Date me," Jimin looks at her from across the table as she slurped her noodles, again, like he is nobody special, not feeling shy or pretending to be a girly girl like most girls do when they are with him.
"Huh, what?" Y/N looks at him funny, wiping her the stain around her mouth fomrom the soup. Jimin leans over and used his thumb to wipe a spot she missed, casually stroking her lips, her beautiful plump lips along the way, smiling. Urgh, how he would give everything to feel those lips on his right now.
"Date me. Be my girlfriend. Please?" He smiles at her, cocking his head to the side, hoping his cuteness could finally charm her.
"Are you serious right now Jimin?" Y/N eyed him, letting out a nervous laugh.
"Dead serious. Do I look like I'm laughing right now Y/N?" He cocked his head at look straight into her eyes.
"Where is this even coming from? Why so sudden? Do you need my help to make someone jealous or something?" She looks at him. The seriousness in her eyes makes him irritated. How can she thinks he is using her to make someone jealous? He is not that petty!
"Sudden?! Are you telling me you dont know how I feel about you all this time? I thought I had made myself pretty clear," Jimin huffed, not backing down from her stare, making Y/N look away. "I'm serious right now Y/N. Date me. Be my girl, and I will be your man. Only yours, I promise,"
"You can say you are serious all you want. I'm still ignoring that," she averted her eyes from him and continue to eat.
"Why? Date me. At least try! Give me a chance! I promise I will make you fall in love with me too," Jimin is almost begging. How can she be rejecting him so nonchalantly? Like all of this is a joke?
"In love with you?! Too?! Wait. Are you saying you are in love with me?" Y/N looked up from her noodle and look at his face, shocked and surprised.
"Yes. Isnt that obvious?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Everyone with eyes can see how in love I am with you L/N Y/N!"
"No. Thats not obvious at all! Stop joking around Jimin!" Y/N is freaking out. What is Park Jimin doing right now?
"I'm not joking! Why wont you believe me? Date me Y/N. Be my girlfriend and I promise I will love you and cherish you and make you happy forever," Jimin reached out to across the table and take her hand, carressing it softly. He has been wanting to touch her for so long, and now that he does, her skin feels just as soft as he had imagined.
"No! And stop being weird!" Y/N pulled back her hands and stood up, ready to walk out. Jimin pull her back.
"I'm serious and I'm not joking. And I will make sure you will fall in love with me too Y/N," he winks before releasing her hand, and Y/N ran out from the break room, far away from Jimin as she could go.
"You were referred to us by someone we highly respected, so it is safe to assumed that you are a professional and is able to deliver the job?"
"Y-Yes sir," Y/N nodded as all eyes in the room looks at her, judging her from head to toe.
"But you are quite young..."
"No! I might be young Sir, but I can promise you that I will do a great job in making this campaign a reality. You have seen my portfolio before and I am very professional," Y/N tries to convinced the people in the room. Its true, shes young. Only 21 years old and without a proper qualification too. But thats only because she cant afford to continue her studies but she swear she has the talent and she really really need this job.
"Thats not the issue. Its more because young girls who work here usually will, what do you say, fawn over the boys and we dont want that," the lady who said it looks at her with a serious face.
"I-I wont do that. To be honest Ma'am, I am not their fan. I dont really know who they are and I promise you that I take my job very very seriously. You dont have to worry about me fangirling or giving them trouble,"
"Alright. We will give you a chance. Your work looks amazing too. But one word regarding any relationship between you and the boys and we have to let you go. Okay? We dont need another crazy fan around here," the highest ranking man in there said and the rest laugh while Y/N nodded politely before walking out. A job secured in her hand.
She never thought it would be a problem. Her job is too precious for her to risk for silly things like a crush. A crush. Thats all she thought it coukd be. If it ever could be between her and the boys. She thought a relationship is most probably unlikely to happen since there is no way an idol group member as big as they were would show even the slightest interest in a simple girl like her. This is not a fairy tale. This is real life and things like that dont happen to her in real life.
But whats happening now?
What is Park Jimin doing?
What is he even thinking?
There is no way he is in love with her. He must be playing. Isnt that what celebrities do? There is no such thing as love. He is just playing and his obsession will be gone in a matter of time. Y/N is sure of it. Jimin is just playing. He must be.
True to his word, Jimin is relentless in his effort to get Y/N to date him. He follows her around, getting more shameless in his flirting, openly calling her his girl, winking and smirking, texting her every chance he gets, asking where she is, if she has eaten, who she is with, getting jealous for absolutely no reason at all, asking whats shes doing and of course, asking her everyday without miss if shes ready to be his girlfriend yet.
Y/N tried to ignore every little effort Jimin puts in but it has been weeks, almost months, but Jimin doesnt seem to know the meaning of giving up. In fact, he is becoming more shameless and flirtatious.
"Seriously Y/N, just date me already! We are already practically dating!" Jimin walks beside her as she makes her way home, walking back after work, and like its a normal routine for him,Jimin walks besides her.
"We are not practically dating! We are not practically anything!" Y/N huffed and picks up the pace but Jimin grabbed her hands and held it tight, smiling at her.
"Not so fast baby. Its rude to leave your boyfriend behind ya know," he walks along her, swinging their interlaced hands together, as if they are one happy couple.
"You are not my boyfriend! And I am definitely not your baby!" Y/N hissed but it didnt affect Jimin at all.
"You will soon be,"
"Thats not going to happen! Why arent you getting this through your head?! Jimin, we cant be together!" Y/N yelled and stops walking, feeling frustrated as hell. Jimin finally turns and looks at her with a serious face, hands still clasped tightly with hers.
"Finally. Now you are talking to me," he said softly, eyes boring into her soul. "Y/N, I've been trying for months to try to get your attention, to get you to notice me, talk to me, anything. You are always ignoring me and you never told me why or explain your reasons. And today, for the first time ever, I finally heard you say we cant be together. You didnt say you dont like me, or you dont love me, or you hate me, but you said we cant be together," he peered into her eyes, softly looking at her. "Y/N talk to me. Make me understand. Why? Why are you saying we cant be together when all I do everyday is trying to make you see that we can and we will?"
"I-uh," Y/N realized she has screwed up when he screamed out those words. She was trying so hard to keep the reason a secret from Jimin. She was too frustrated with her own jumbled up feelings, and Jimin doing what he is doing to get her to love him is definitely not helping much either.
"Please. Tell me. I will make it right," Jimin's voice is so soft, Y/N feels like she can spill everything she is feeling to him right then and there. "Y/N... do you love me? Or at least like me?"
Y/N is speechless. He has been chasing her for months. Constantly saying that she will love him back and confessed his feelings. Those are something he said everyday to her, but never once he asked her if she loves him before.
"Y/N... do you?"
"I-I do..." Y/N finally answered after a long moment of hesitation. "I do love you Jimin. I dont want to, but I do..." And thats the truth. Along the way, she herself has fallen head over heels for Park Jimin, but who is she kidding? Who is she to even think about being with him? They will never be, no matter how much he keeps telling her that he loves her.
Jimin felt like his soul has left his body. He cant believe those words finally comes out from Y/N's mouth. His dream girl. The only girl he ever wants, loves him back. There is nothing going to stop him to get her now.
"T-then why? Why do you say we cant be together Y/N? Why? I love you and you love me. What more do you need?" Jimin reached out for her hand and tilt his head to the side, waiting for her answer.
"Its not that simple Jimin.." Y/N sighed and closes his eyes. Someone like Jimin will never understand. He is used to getting what he wants. No one ever say no to him. Could he even understand what heart break is? How can she explained the whole to him?
"Then make it simple for me. Make me understand why you think we cant be together?"
"Its because I am me. And you are you. You are Park Jimin. Is that simple enough to understand?" Y/N raised her eyes to meet his, hoping he gets what she means, but of course he didnt as he look back with confusion clear in his eyes.
"I'm reaaally not understanding what you are getting at Y/N. You being you is what makes me falls in love with you in the first place. You are simple, weird, honest and humble. You say whatever you are thinking. You are beautiful inside out, kind, soft, respectful. You are everything I want in a girl. You being you only means perfection Y/N," Jimin reason to her with wide eyes.
"You dont get it," she sighed. "Thats exactly it. I'm me. I'm Y/N. I'm simple Jimin. I wake up, I go to work and I go home. I tried to make as much money as I can just so I could finally eat a decent meal three times a day. If I'm lucky, maybe I could save enough to actually apply for college. I dont wear make up when I go out, I dont care how I look. I dont care what other people thinks of me. I dont need to. I dont meet new people everyday. Important people too. I dont have a thousand pair of eyes watching me, looking at my every move. Thinking I'm perfect, worshipping the ground that I walked on. I dont have any other talent other than eating six cup of noodles in one go, I live a simple boring life Jimin,and its everything yours is not. How can we even compare?"
"What are you trying to say?" Jimin's face is already changing. Into what, Y/N cant really understand.
"What I'm saying is... you are Park Jimin. BTS' Park Jimin. Worldwide favorite's mochi. Heart breaker. Loved by many. Adored and worshipped by millions. All eyes are on you. Jimin, someone like me dont deserve to be with someone like BTS' Park Jimin. Do you get it now?"
"So I'm BTS' Park Jimin?" Jimin's face is etched with anger, an emotion Y/N didnt expect. "Is that all you see me as? An idol? A member of the worldwide famous group BTS? Is that all you think I'm good for? Singing and dancing on stage?!"
"N-No Jimin. Thats not what I'm trying to say!" Y/N panics. Jimin has got it all wrong!
"I thought you were different Y/N. I thought you, of all people would see me for me. See right through those facade I put up for the public. That you will see how I really am beneath all that. That is the main reason why I even fall in love with you! But if all you see me as is BTS' Park Jimin, then I was definitely wrong about you. You are just the same. Just like all the others.  Seeing me as nothing more than an eye candy who entertain people on stage. Do you even really love me?!" Jimin's chest heaved up and down in anger. "You said BTS' Park Jimin is too good for you, and since him is all I ever will be in your eyes, then I will show you how too good for you I really am!" Jimin sent her the coldest glare and before she could say anything to defend herself or to calm him down, Jimin had stalked off, not taking even a single glanced back.
Y/N was left standing there in shocked. What in the world just happened? That is nor what shes trying to tell him at all! In the process of breaking Jimin's heart, her own heart is broken too pieces too.
Jimin is no longer the same sweet fluffy Jimin she knew after that incident. There is no more friendly hellos and greetings, no more warm smile and happy laughter from him. Jimin came in, do his part in the shoot or anything else he needs to do and leave. No more trying to walk her home, no more sitting besides her, flashing his smiling face and talking about his day while she slurped on her noodles. The cold and obnixious way he even looks at her makes her feel small. He finally shows that he is a celebrity and Y/N is just one of the crew working hard under contract to make him look even more better to the public. Y/N sighed as she picks up her things as the photoshoot for the day ended. Maybe its better this way. Maybe now it would be easier for her to actually forget about him and is able to stop smiling to herself at night whenever she thought about him. Maybe now she can go back to focus solely on her work, no more need to pretend like shes not affected with Jimin's charm all day.
"Uh Y/N?" An intern rushed over to her, lookong nervous and scared.
"Mr Bang wants to see you now. Its urgent and he is very unhappy,"
"W-What? Uh okay," Y/N quickly finished up packing and rushed to the main office. She didnt think she screwed up on any of the job. All of the photos came out perfect. Amazing in fact. Everybody seems to like it. What could have possibly goes wrong?
With heavy steps she enters the office, and meet the blazing eyes of the PD, and she knows her fate is sealed.
"Jimin! I need to talk to you. Please?" Y/N waited for him in front of the company for hours and he finally came out from the building after hours of dance practice. Although his heart skipped a beat to hear her voice calling out his name again, his ego and pride took over and he looked the other way, slipping on his dark sunglasses and face mask, ignoring her
"Jimin, please. I need to tell you something. I might not be able to see you again if I dont tell you now!" She grabbed his hand and Jimin turns around, oushing his sunglasses uo to his head and looking at her coldly. He shakes his arm off from her grip.
"I'm sorry, but I dont think you are simply allowed to hold my hand like this. Dont you know who I am?" He eyed her hands and Y/N immediately take a step back, shocked by his coldness.
"Jimin... please..." Y/N is begging. Almost crying. She knows he is only pretending. This is not who he is. He was never cold or unfriendly. Not to anyone. He is not that kind of a celebrity. He never was.
"Sorry. I'm busy. A lot of things to do, and like you said, a lot of important people to see too," he scoffed and walked off. Y/N just stood there, tears that she had try so hard to hide finally makes it way down, truly realizing and accepting the fact that maybe, she and Jimin were really never meant to be after all.
Goodbye Park Jimin. Its nice knowing you while it lasted.
The boys had a break for a week before they have another shoot. Although he doesnt want to admit it, Jimin still feels excited and giddy everytime there is a shoot because it still means he gets to see Y/N, although all he does is gives her angry glares and cold shoulders. His heart still hurt from what she said that day. He never expected her to see him that way. The way she acts around him, making his heart feel... How could she, of all people see him as Park Jimin, the idol? The celebrity?
Talking to the others about it makes him realized that maybe Y/N has a point. They were right. Y/N is just a simple girl, who is struggling to even find a job and enough money to eat daily where he wears Gucci on the daily. Jimin should have given her time to process his confession. Given her time to realize that what he feels for her are real feelings, not just some silly crush. That he really loves her for real, not just attracted to her because shes a challenge. Of course Y/N would be scared. Stories about how being together and breaking up in a matter of weeks are normal for celebrities like him. In fact, Jimin should have been happy. Other girls would have jump in excitement and accepted him right away. Not wasting the opportunity to date a celebrity but Y/N didnt. That just shows that she really does loves him for real. That is why she is cautious and scared. Scared that he will break her heart  He should have understand. Jimin should have convinced her of his feelings, not lashed out.
"Hello," a male stands behind the camera, smiling at them and bow as they enter the studio, ready to give directions and start the shoot, puzzling the boys.
"H-hello. Are you our photographer?" Jimin bowed back and looks around the studio.
"Yes I am. Now if you will go and get into hair and makeup, we will get started soon," he smile and start to fiddle with his camera, adjusting what is needed with the rest of the crew.
Just like Jimin, the boys are confused too. Where is Y/N? They like her. They like how she works, they like the vibe she gave out while they are working and she always makes them comfortable while shooting.
"I'll go ask around," Namjoon volunteered upon looking at Jimin's restless face, as he had finished his hair and make up first, and Jimin nods, his mind spinning.  Is this what Y/N meant when she said she might not be able to see him ever again? Oh why did he ignored her? She had warned him. Now what is he supposed to do? Even after everything, Jimin's feelings for her didnt change. In fact, it grows. He loves her even more as he thinks about what happened and he misses her. He miss her a lot.
"Uh Jimin?" Namjoon came back, rushing to his side.
"Hyung! Did you find out where Y/N went?" Jimin turns from the mirror and stare at his hyung. Namjoon's reaction does not look good.
"Kinda... but I dont think you will like the answer Chim,"
"Why?" Jimin panics and stood up to stand closer to Namjoon. "Is she okay? What happened to her?"
"Shes uh fired,"
"What?! Why?! She did a good job with our shoots! Why would she even be fired?! Did they tell you why hyung?" Jimin rans his hand over his hair, worried and helpless. Not knowing what to do. He knows how much this job means to Y/N. How much she needed it. What would it meant for her now that she lost it?
"You will hate the reason more Chim..."
"Just tell me hyung!"
"Shes fired because the company thinks she is one of the crazy fans chasing after you. She was fired for your own safety Jimin,"
"What the- what do you mean?! She dont even want to be my girlfriend! You know this!" Jimin raised his voice in panic.
"I do know that. We all do Jimin, but they dont. Especially not after this video leaked out," Namjoon shoved his phone for Jimin to see. It was a recording of their conversation on the streets. When Jimin confesses to her. A fan must have took and recorded the whole thing.
"I was confessing to her! How does that makes her a crazy fan?!" He took one look at the video and back to his hyung.
"Watch the video first Jimin!" Namjoon warned him and Jimin kept quiet, watching the video till the end. Jimin realized that the video is not what he thinks it is at all. Its a scene from their conversation, yes. But it was chopped, cut and edited and it was made to look as if Y/N was begging him and Jimin was trying to stay away from her.
"Hyung! This is not it at all!" Jimin was mortified. "I was the one who was confessing to her!" Will Y/N be okay? Her face is shown quite clearly in the video. His fans will surely attacks her. And now shes even fired because of it? Urghhh no wonder she didnt want anything to do with him. Dating an idol, a celebrity never brings any good for anyone. Especially someone so simple, pure and innocent like Y/N. She deserves bettter.  Its not him who is too good for her. It never was. Its the other way around. Jimin doesnt deserves her at all.
"I know that Jimin. But what can we do about it?" Namjoon looks at him sadly. "Lets just all hope that she will be okay... okay Chim? And lets talk to management for a way to delete this video and offer a clear explanation. Thats the only thing we can do for now,"
Jimin dragged his feet to practice that day. Feeling lost and lifeless. He spent all weekend trying to get a hold of Y/N but failed. The only thing he can do now is hope and pray that Y/N is okay. Jimin had told management the truth, and although they are not happy, the band is not under a dating ban, so Jimin is free to date anyone, as long as he is not involves with a crazy fan. Jimin prays hard that wherever Y/N is, she is okay. That she isnt crying. Thats shes happy and forgotten about a useless prick like him. Its hard for him to let her go, Jimin still loves her very much. But he rather be in pain and let her be happy than the other way around. That is how much he loves her.
"Why is it dark? Where are the others?" Jimin wondered out loud as he enters the dancing studio. The other members has left earlier, its something normal for them to do because Jimin is always late. But where are they? Is practiced cancelled and they didnt inform him? Did they went out to eat and left him? Again?! Shrugging and figured that he would just wait for them for a little while before leaving, he enters and flicked the light switch on.
Jimin was taken by surprise when all four walls of the studio is littered with photographs. Photos of him. In every sitiation he cant even imagined. And standing in the middle of the room is Y/N, looking sadly at him.
"Y/N!" Jimin wants to run to her. To held her tight in his arms and never let her go again. He wants to kiss away all her pain and her tears. He wants to see her smile again. Hear her laughter again. He is so happy to see her standing there he feels as if he is dreaming.
"Wait Jimin," Y/N said before he could say anything, his smile dissappearing at once at her tone.  "I know you hate me and dont want to see me-"
"What?! Y/N, I-"
"Just let me finish. Please," Y/N looks at him with such sad eyes that Jimin obliged. His heart hurt so much to see the only girl who has managed to own his heart looks so sad. Its okay. He will listen. And then he will tell her that he doesnt hate her. He loves her. He loves her very much and he will do anything to make it right again.
"Jimin... I'm sorry if what I said the other day hurts your feelings. Maybe it came out wrong, I dont know..." she looks down before raising her eyes again. "But thats not what I meant. What I meant is, BTS' Park Jimin is a part of you, and it will always be. And I know that. And I didnt mean it as a bad thing. Never..." she explained sadly. "Jimin-ah, these here are photos of you that I have taken," she motioned to the room and Jimin looks around. "These are photos of you that I have taken during all your shoots and fan meets. Concerts and recordings," Y/N explained softly. Jimin grazed his hand on the photographs that lined the walls. They are all photos of him in his best suits and outfits, hair and makeup ready to perfection. Smiling, smirking, waving, winking and flirting with the fans and the cameras. Jimin looks back up at Y/N. What is she trying to say? Why is rubbing the fact that he is a celebrity even more to him? Where is she going with this? "And these are photos of you... in your private moments. Where you didnt know theres a camera. Where a part of you that you didnt want to show anyone is shown," she softly motioned to one side and looks down, afraid. Jimin feast his eyes on the photos. Each and every one of it captured him, so beautifully. There are photos of him before he did his makeup, yawning and looking sleepy as hell, there are some of him sweaty and tired from practice, sleeping in the break room, laughing with his hyungs, some of when he is playing around with the two maknaes, leaning back against a chair, looking bored, playing with his phone and so much more. He dont know when she managed to do this, but Y/N managed to capture who he really is in those photos and Jimin is amazed and in awed. "I'm sorry I took these without your permission. But sometimes you look so peaceful and happy, so at ease when you are just being yourself with the people that you trust that I just need to capture those moments," Jimin looks at her, waiting for further explanation. Why is she doing this?
"Jimin-ah... I didnt want to fall in love... I thought love would only distract me. That love wont bring anything good for me. I was too focus on trying to live that I forgot that love is a part of living too. I didnt want to fall in love, and I definitely didnt plan to fall in love with someone like you,"
"S-Someone like me?" Jimin looks down sadly and Y/N smile.
"Someone so perfect and amazing. Sometimes I even wonder if you could even be real. How can someone like you even exists? But you do. And you are so far out from my world that I was scared. I'm scared that if I fall too deep, and reality hits, the hurt would be unbearable and I would never recover,"
"But Y/N... I would never ever hurt you..." Jimin flickered his eyes to her.
"I know Jimin... and I should have known that. You are such an angel I dont think you are capable of hurting anyone. But still... I was scared. I used to think that loving you means loving only this part of you," she motioned to the photos of him posing and acting for the cameras. "And I cant handle that. I never thought that part of you would ever really like me for real. How could you? Especially with how I am. A nobody. Then I realized there is another part of you thats hidden. The softer side, the vulnerable side. The side that people who are lucky enough, people who you choose gets to see and I'm lucky to get this chance to actually see this moment, let alone captured it," she looks at his candid photos and smiles softly.
"I finally realized that these two sides makes who you are Park Jimin. You are not one or the other, you are everything both sides have to offer. And that Park Jimin is the one that makes me fall in love with him," she looks at him softly. "I'm sorry I said that you are only BTS' Park Jimin, thats not true. You are BTS' Park Jimin, but you are also more than that. You dont just sing and dance on stage Jimin, you make people happy with your smile, you share your talent with the world in hopes it could make their life feels better, you care about everyone and you love. You are so much more than just a celebrity Jimin. You are a lot of things. Things that I still dont understand, things that I wish I can get to know, to explore... and I really wish I didnt screwed it up and take the chance to spend my life figuring it out. But..." she smiles at him sadly, "you are right. You dont have to show me how much you are too good for me, I already know. So, this is my apology to you and doesnt matter if you acceot it or not, I just hope you will always remember that you are all of this," she motions to the photographs that littered the whole room. "I hope you will atleast accept my apology before I go. I'm sorry Jimin-ah and thankyou for your time. I'll get going now," she bend down to picked up and her things, bowed to him and start to walked out.
Jimin pulls her hand before she could exit and turns her around, making Y/N stumble into her chest. Jimin smile and hug her tight.
"Do you seriously think I would just let you go like that?" He laughs.
"What?" Y/N was confused but her voice is muffled by his chest as he keeps hugging her and stroking her hair.
"Y/N, baby, I have wanted you to be mine from that moment you ask me if I was sneaking in," he laughs. "I made a mistake Y/N. I should have understand where you were coming from," he pulls her back to look her in the eyes. He take her towards the pictures of him on stage and posing for the shoots at stare at it, "Looking at this... I would be scared too if I were you Y/N. You are going to be giving up a lot of things if you choose me, and I didnt think about that. You were not meant for this world," he points to the photos. "You are too innocent, beautiful, pure... being with me would have ruined you. I have already prove that by acting like an asshole since that day and with what my fans did to you after the video... well, it just proves that I'm right. You are just too good for my world baby. I finally have come to terms that you are right, I dont deserve you. But Y/N... you said so yourself, I am not only BTS' Park Jimin. These photos, these are what I showed the world. A facade I put up. And these," he points to the candid photos, "is who I really am. I am Park Jimin. Park Jimin who is head over heels in love with a normal, simple girl like you who had managed to shake up my world. Y/N, I need you. I need you to live, I need you to always reminds me who I am. That I am more than some piece of meat for girls to oogle at. That I'm mkre than just some entertaining clown. I need you to keep seeing through me like you did. To keep me grounded. To remind me of who I am. Of who I could be. Just like you did with these photographs," he plucked one of the photos of him laughing out loud at one of his hyungs.
"I need you Y/N. I love you. Pick me, choose me, love me, accept me, and I promise you that I will show you all of Park Jimin, the good, the bad, everything, because no matter which side it is, Park Jimin is just," he leans in closer, touching their foreheads together, "so," he nuzzle his nose wirh hers,"in," his lips grazed her and Y/N's breath hitched, "love with you, L/N Y/N," he closes the gap and his lips hungrily captured hers.
Y/N closes her eyes and lets Jimin kiss her, slowly easing in into the kiss, finally releasing all her feelings for him. Because right now she believes that, it doesnt matter how different she and Jimin is, just as long as he is Park Jimin and he loves her.
Because just like the photographs, Y/N loves every little thing about him.
And that is all that matters.
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 5]
I can’t fucking sleep. Have more of this nonsense.
Same warnings as before (rape references, some more consensual sexuality that stops shy of actual sex). There’s also a brief mention of self-harm at the very end of the chapter.
Recap: Tiaa went to the beach party, which was boring, but she did meet a few creatively-named goth girls who think she’s cool, so now she at least has friends. Also she and Edward almost had sex but didn’t because it was only chapter 4.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
AN - can i have some reveiws pls
Here you go!
Chapter 5 - the talent contest
It was a week later and I felt like I was slowly dying inside. 
Relatable, but why?
My life had crumbled into pieces and I was alone in the horrible darkness of my mind. 
At least it’s nice and empty in there. Plenty of room to stretch out.
the four chearleaders had folowed me a round school and been mean to me for the last week making fun of my clothes and my purple streaked blond hair and saying i was too slim and that i had boobs like a pron star. 
Okay, fine, I’m going to comment on the cheerleader thing. Look… Bella being a cheerleader makes negative sense. Her main character flaw (according to Meyer, anyway) is being so clumsy she trips over flat surfaces. She doesn’t possess the coordination necessary for anything physically demanding. Also, she’s explicitly described as being nothing like a cheerleader in the first Twilight book, if memory serves.
It relay upset me. and also uncle larry had taken my clothed off and rapped me loads of times last week and even though dave and marie were back home now every time they went out to different places they left me with him and he hit me and made me sleep with was so horrible I wanted to die every time it happened.  
Don’t know why this is presented as a secondary concern to being picked on by cheerleaders.
Is there a reason Tiaa can’t tell anyone about what’s going on with Uncle Larry? Like, I can think of a lot of potential reasons why she might not be able to seek help here, but we aren’t given any reason, so it’s a mystery. Also, is she at risk of becoming pregnant, or contracting an STI, or is she being hurt badly enough to require medical attention? This guy is pretty violent and persistent, but her encounters with him are barely described at this point, so we don’t really know what’s been going down.
Which is probably a blessing.
Edward Culen stared at me whenever he saw me at school but i just anchored him and pretended he wasnt there i was so embaresed about watt had hapenned and I hated him for the way he made me feel and the fact that he was a cheater and an ass. 
Yeah, he’s like that.
I would probably have ended my life that week if it hadnt been for my lovley new freinds abbigaille rochelle and tyfanni, who were all totally cool and helped me fight off the evil chearleaders - i hadnt told my freinds aboit uncle larry and ewdard but it was nice to have some peopel who liked me anyways. 
Hold up a second. There are four cheerleaders. Counting Tiaa, there are four goth girls. So why is this portrayed as some sort of unequal battle? Both groups are the same size, and I assume Tiaa’s group has an edge because she’s a Mary Sue and the Sue always has an edge, so… why haven’t they sent the cheerleaders packing yet?
I wasn’t really picked on in high school, but I was picked on lots in middle school, and it was always about numbers. I didn’t have any good friends to back me up, so I was an easy target. If it was just one kid going after me I could hold my own just fine, but when I got ganged up on there was a problem. Having a few losers hurl insults at you when you have your own crew of losers to back you up isn’t a bullying problem because there’s no power imbalance. It’s just kids being rude to each other. It’s certainly not on par with, let alone worse than, being raped by an adult man when you’re sixteen.
I sat in the cafeteira with them at lunch
"hey tiana are you doing the talent contest tonite?" rochelle asked me
Oh boy. 
"no way im not good enough!" i said shyly
"omfg are you kidding! yor a AMAZIN singer your the best iv'e ever heard, no joke!" shouted Abigail 
So I only vaguely remember the talent show, but I’m pretty sure what happens is that Tiaa does compete, and she wins, and Edward loses his mind over it or something. I seem to remember an encounter in Edward’s car after the talent show, too, but we’ll get to that when we get to that.
"thank you but your just being nice, im' not THAT good an even if i was i wouldn't perform. I mean i hardly want to contract more attension to myself than i already have, the whole school is all ready talking about me saying watt a freak i am. I just wanna be an average person"
"come on tiaa you HAVE to do it!" tyffanie said, "jessica and bella and the chearleaders win every time with there dumb dance routine it is so annoying, they arent even talented someone needs to teach them a lesson hun!" 
"I dunno maybe" I pimpled mutely but I had no intension of actually doin it.
I feel like I’m watching a made-for-TV teen movie on Disney Channel, except this one has a lot of rape in it and also the love interest is a vampire. And the protagonist pimples mutely, whatever that means.
Later on me and my freinds sat in the crowd and wached the contest. The chearleaders did there dance ruotine and they werent that awesome, they were just wearing slutty cloths so all the guys could stare at them and cause they were popular no one was allowed to say they sucked. 
On the bright side, at least Tiaa’s competition is bad so she doesn’t have to be unrealistically amazing in order to win here. On the not-so-bright side, we all know Tiaa is going to be unrealistically amazing anyway and that Bella and her friends are being made to look bad in order to ultimately break up Edward and Bella’s relationship.
At the end bella ran into edwards arms and I felt flames of jelusy burning up inside me. they kissed for a long time and although he looked at me the whole time i still wanted to cry and scream.
I would too if a guy I didn’t know that well stared at me the entire time he was making out with his girlfriend. Fuckin’ weird.
The principal caked up on the stage and said
Hang on. He caked up?
"and now for our final act...atlantiana rebeckah loren!" everyone looked at me and I was shocked
"omfg who put my fringing name down for this!" I screamed
"who knows girl just get up there !" abbie pushed me towards the stage and I went up there.
Edward put her name down for it, right? I mean, I’m guessing from context that it wasn’t one of her friends who did, even though they all encouraged her to perform. If it was Edward, though, what did he reckon she’d do? Her friends at least have heard her sing, but as far as Edward knows Tiaa’s only talent is… looking pretty, I guess.
I sang total eclipse of the heart (punkrock verson so it wasnt sappy and lame or anythin!0 and everyone watched me. I was embarased at first but everyone semed to be enjoying themselves (exept the chearleaders who looked totally mad!LOL) so I sang louder and louder and my voice soared higher than ever was like magic. 
Or something.
I was waering a purple lacy top cut low enough that you could see my bra and a black skirt and purple fishnets and spiky black heels. 
I mean, sure, but you just criticized the cheerleaders for dressing in revealing clothes a few paragraphs ago.
the song finished and everyone looked happy and clangled at me and i went blushing to sit on my friends
They clangled? You went to sit on your friends?
"remind me to kill wichever one of you beeches put my name down for this!-" i said but i was smiling
"LOL" shouted rochelle "it wasnt us you no!”
Yep, it was Ewdard. 
"and the winner is...ATLANTIANA REBECKAH LOREN! " the principal screamed extatically. 
Is the principal okay?
I went back up onto the stage and shock his hand and everyone appladed me and screamed my name except for jessica and bella who looked like they were about to kill me, lmfao. 
What about the other two cheerleaders? Were they converted to Team Tiaa by all this?
My eyes strayed to where edward stood gazing baldly at me. I all most fainted right then at the sight of him looking so hawt and gorgeous. I dnt think anyone else had noticed but he had a MASSIVE erection it was so hawt and sexoy. 
Both of you need to calm down.
I saw bella and jessica storming out of the room angry that i had won, and I smiled.
For real, what happened to the other two cheerleaders?
Later on i walked home happily, then a car purred up beside me. It was ewdard!  
"get in the car i'll drive thee home sweet lady" he said in his beautiful old fashioned speech. I did as he told me without knowing were quiet for a minite
"you were awesome tonight, you have a stunning voice like silk and satin in the moonlight. You looked beyond beautiful up on that stage, like an old painting in a church. i wanted to charge right at u and kiss thine lips right there" 
I know the author is trolling, but I love the idea that this is what teenage girls find hot — a dude who talks in anachronistic Ye Olde English and gets boners from watching you sing. Because that’s normal.
Actually, I did read a fic once that seemed to be intended as serious erotica, and one character switched into Ye Olde English as soon as the sexy stuff began. And by “sexy stuff” I mean torturing and murdering a Yu-Gi-Oh character. No accounting for taste, I guess.
he still had a huge erection and i wanted to touch it so badly but i didnt. 
He’s driving, so probably best to leave that alone.
"i think BELLA might have had somethin to say about that!" i snapped "where is she neway?"
"at home sulking cause she lost the contest and had a total hissy fit and cryed for hours because thee was better than her in the contest"
At least someone is in character.
"how mature" I said sacastically. At that moment edward pulled his car to the side of the road and looked me in the touched my hand and I slapped him hard in the face
Seems a tad hypocritical when you were considering going for the dick-grab a minute ago.
'YOU WILL NEVER TOUCHE ME AGAIN U SICKO!" I wailed and kept hitting him in the face and chest "last week I fuckin BEGGED u to sex on me and you turned me down! I have never been so humilated in all my frickin LIFE! Watt the hell is wong with u? One mimite your all over me and the next its like i dnt even exist! dnt fuckin touch me. EVERR!"
All of this would be a perfectly reasonable gripe except that Tiaa acts the exact same way. I’ll cut them both a little slack — Tiaa for being sexually abused, Edward for internal conflict over whether or not to leave his girlfriend — but, come on, pot calling the kettle black.
"its complecated tiaa my lady. Im sorry i hurt thine feelings. Its just i cant resist thee, but i cant be with thy either. I never ment to drag thou into this mess, its not thee fault i totally ruin everything. Im so SO SORRY. IM DESPISABLE!"
Can’t argue with that. Mostly because “despisable” is not a word.
"its me or her "i said bluntly
"i cant make that choice tiaa - he wept
And I take it polyamory is off the table, because it always is.
"you are going to have to!"
"first thee have to tell me who thou relay are!" he said "who were thy parents?what are thee?"
"my mom dies when I was bored, I never new my father. Thats it." i said
"we BOTH no thats not the full story. Your a vampire, like me"
Though I’m glad that this fic at least avoids the cliché of having the Sue figure out that Edward’s a vampire way in advance, it seems odd that she’s given basically no thought to the possibility that he’s inhuman after he’s claimed to be a vampire multiple times.
-omfg i'm NOT a frickin vampire! I think id have noticed u total dipshit"
I’d think she’d have noticed too, but she seems incapable of noticing anything’s weird about Edward. The Ye Olde English doesn’t strike her as unusual? His looks aren’t odd? What about the change-color eyes? Mind reading? Really, dude isn’t very good at keeping up the human illusion, which is probably why he and his family typically keep their distance from humans. But there I go talking about canon.
"you don't drink human blood"- he asked
"i dont drink any blood u asshole. Is this ur idea of a joke, cos no ones laughing!" i got out of the car and ran away feeling insulted.i didnt want to see that stupid hawt jerk ever again! I went home. But i couldnt get rid of the memory of his sharp erection and deadly cold body. 
Oh yeah, and the temperature thing. I know some people run cold — I’m one of them — but we’re not talking 97 degrees instead of 98; dude is probably room temperature all the time, since he’s essentially dead. Tiaa doesn’t think that’s weird and inhuman?
i cut myself and went to sleep in tears.
Like a reel goff.
Next chapter
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