#it rewrite chapter one
bamsara · 10 months
R u leaving the fnaf fandom? 😭
uh lemme check
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no it doesnt look like it
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pikolswonderland · 6 months
some Chapter 6 sillies because yes
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silverskye13 · 4 months
In which being a knight is a double-edged sword, and Helsknight isn't wearing his gauntlets.
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everythingisblue-if · 11 months
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Hey, guys!
After a long deliberation, I have decided to publish the rewrite publicly, as part of the public build. Before, I planned for the beginning or end of August, but I chose to get it over with because I will be very busy and unable to be as active as I usually am. There are also other reasons that I’m not going to get into.
Anyway, this public release is scheduled for Wednesday (July 19, 2023). It will be posted in the early mornings of that day, but a specific time is not set. For Chapter Two, there will be a longer wait time until the public can read it, but future patrons will have full access. Until then, I’m releasing Chapter One quickly.
Drop into a fantastical world as you try to make it out alive
Meet your companion, an amazed soldier who’s planning to get you to safety
Dig through your memories to discover what truly brought you to this unknown world
Discover what other characters are up to as you travel accordingly
Make tough decisions that set your stats so you’ll be able to see them in action in Chapter Two
Thank you for those who support this game and me, as an author!
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poisonousquinzel · 5 months
ngl real missed opportunity by DC to let Harley and Mr. Freeze become friends during her primary villain arc (btas or other) cause tbh I can't imagine he'd enjoy sitting in his cell listening to Joker brag about all the ways he's cruel, abusive and uncaring towards Harley, a woman who loves him, while Victor's entire goal is to save his wife who he loves dearly ya know ???? and it's not like all of them haven't been locked up together, the other rogues Know. Joker's not like most abusers who try to keep it behind closed doors, he's very public with his abuse.
And just that feeling of like "I am doing everything I can to save my wife, I have become a criminal and have done awful things in the name of love and I just want nothing more than to have her back and You Have Someone Who Loves You That Much, That Much To Become A Criminal As Well And You Repay That Love By ABUSING HER."
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ganondoodle · 4 months
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recent panel i liked for chapter 2s rough draft (page 22), one of the more chaotic sketches
(comic wip)
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galvanizedfriend · 4 months
Fic: The Wolf III [20/21]
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Summary: Months after their return to New Orleans, Klaus and Caroline try to settle into a semblance of normalcy, while Elijah struggles to forgive his brother's sins. But a mysterious prophecy that foretells the downfall of the Mikaelson family brings them all together in a war that will reopen ancient wounds and see each of the siblings doomed: one by friend, one by foe and one by family.
[It's The Originals Season 3, but Caroline had Klaus' baby, now she's a vampire and they are back in New Orleans after a stint in Mystic Falls. It's mostly about Klaroline, obviously.]
"Say not in grief that she is no more, but be thankful that she ever was. And though she was taken far too soon, may her enduring light show us a way through this darkness. Let us mourn, because we cannot move on until we do. And though the pain may at times seem more than we can bear, make no mistake: we will move on."
Caroline closes her eyes, lets out a breath through the tightness in her chest. Vincent's eulogy is beautiful, but it’s razored with sadness and resentment. It stings.
It's a harsh and gray morning in New Orleans, the weather reflecting the inclement mood and at the oddly empty cemetery. There's not a living soul around, except for the four men gathered around Davina Claire's headstone.
Them, and Caroline, hiding like a coward a few rows away. Read the full chapter here
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Well, it's been a while. 🥲 Very sorry for how long it's taken me to get this one out. Life just has a way of getting in the way.
Please, read the Authors Note for warnings. As always, your reblogs/comments/kudos are very much welcome and make this fic writer's day, if you're so inclined. ❤️
Hope you guys enjoy it!
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Nine didn't stay alone in the Grim btw. After like a week he packed his bags and went to Green Hill and prime bros au happened trust me bro
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fenricken · 7 months
You Keep Slipping From My Grasp 1/7
Ship: Spirit Halloween
Danny has been getting the hang of this whole “Ancient of Doors”, “Apprentice to Clockwork”, “Dad to the Chaos Gremlin Dani” thing, and he’s really starting to find his flow! Sure, he sometimes misses the life that could’ve been, but overall everything has been great! Sure doesn’t need anything throwing a tangle in things.
Bruce is suffering. He doesn’t know who he is, where he is, or what the hell is going on. All he’s running on is instinct and strange forces propelling him towards some end he’s not entirely certain of.
Basically, Danny tries to help Batman over the course of events covered in Batman:Return of Bruce Wayne
Chapter One:
“Clockwork? Are you here? I got your message.” Danny floated up the tower, peeking behind cogs and pendulums, hoping to find a glimpse of his teacher’s signature purple cloak.
It had been a long time since certain… events had led Danny to become a far more permanent resident of the Infinite Realms. Of course, he wasn’t alone, as much of Amity had also followed him here to carve out a new life all together, his friends and family included.
Danny had since reached maturity and been recognized as Ancient of Doors for his actions. When faced with his evil future self, he strove to find another path where he didn’t become that future self. When Dani was revealed to be with the enemy, he chose to love her still, rather than hate her as many would. When he was faced with a reality where he was famous, and accepted by his parents, he chose to undo all of that for the peace and safety of his friends and family. While he now knew his parent’s acceptance would always come, he still had to make the choice then to put his trust in them and reveal himself so his friends could be saved when the GIW came to destroy Amity Park. And so, for his commitment to forging new paths, always finding another choice, and braving the unknown he was named Ancient of Doors. 
Sam had also found her own mentor in Undergrowth, working hard as his apprentice to aid him in his duties as Ancient of Wild Growth. Tucker and Technus had quickly formed a rivalry, both competing to see who would reign supreme as the Infinite Realm’s ultimate tech master. Jazz had found her purpose in the Department of Lost Souls, as an advisor to those who weren’t certain about their afterlife, and what they wanted to do with it. After Jack and Maddie’s change of heart with regards to ghosts, it was not long before they found new purpose in investigating and researching the many mysteries of the Infinite Realms and beyond.
While he and his friends had reached their own maturity, Dani had remained a child. Something about “It’s easier to cause chaos this way” and “No one ever suspects the baby”. Danny’s fondness for his clone only grew until he saw her less as a cousin and more as a daughter. Ultimately, it was only a surprise for Danny and Dani when the ghost-bond snapped in place, formally cementing her as his daughter, to both of their suffering.
Currently, she was out in one of the universes, chasing after some hybrid spider-pig, Danny thinks. Unless she got distracted and went to hang out with Klarion again, in an effort to “maximize joint chaos”. Tucker and Sam were both busy with their respective duties, Jazz was at work, and last he checked Mom and Dad were elbows deep in a mech suit they were hoping to get working off an Infinite Realms Corn-based fuel Sam had created. Danny had been feeling quite bored before he got the summons from Clockwork, and had jumped on it right away, hence his surprise at not being able to find his Mentor anywhere.
Danny had finally reached the top of the tower. He could see a table set up with a small tea service, but still no Clockwork. Figuring there’s nothing else to do, Danny pours himself a cup of tea, and settles in to wait.
Who is he? What is this place? His hand rests against a cool, smooth surface that appears so at odds with the rest of his surroundings-rocky ground, a red sky, and the water lapping against the cliff-side. There is nothing, and no one else that he sees, except – a cave. He stumbles in, visions of symbols surfacing in his brain- two “W”s, an “S”, a bat. He carves these into the rock-face desperate to have a visual trigger that would help him remember anything, but nothing comes.
A rock clatters against the floor of the cave, followed by someone’s voice. He approaches, steadily, entering into the light. Four men stand before him, weapons raised. They say something else, but he can’t understand.
“Where am I? What is this place?”
They do not answer him, but pull back their weapons. They introduce themselves, and speak some more. Names, he realizes- Man, Boy, Giant, Surly, Joker. This last one gives him pause, tickles something in his brain that upsets him, but soon his eyes lay on the structure from before, and he stumbles back to it, certain it must contain some clue.
The men he walks past continue to converse amongst themselves, but he has only one destination in mind. He digs through, looking for anything, but comes up only with a large swath of fabric. That same “S”, that calls to him but gives no answers.
The men set up camp, cooking as they go. They invite him to join, and he does, his hunger for food now outweighing his hunger for knowledge.
“Danny, I’m glad you came as soon as you could.” 
Danny’s teacup clatters as he jolts in surprise. He turns to face Clockwork, “I hope you don’t mind that I helped myself. What did you need my help with?”
Clockwork’s face turns a bit grim. “There is… something twisted in the time stream in one of the Justice League universes. While I can tell it is meant to happen, I am still uncertain about what is actually happening, and fear that I am unable to see with any certainty the outcome. I need you to venture to when this is to investigate on my behalf.”
Danny nods, his concern growing. “Of course. Is there anything in particular I should be prepared for?”
Danny swears he sees the corner of Clockwork’s mouth twitch up into his signature sly grin, before his face is quickly schooled and he says “No, just observe for now. Your destination is through here.”
Danny watches as the cog begins to glow before he ventures forward.
Immediately he is met with the sight of violence. It seems one group of cavemen has taken to attacking another during their dinner. Danny watches, cautious against intervening, trying to figure out who he is meant to watch for. He sees one man, dressed in black bottoms, escape the field of battle with a young boy and hide in the bushes. The battle quickly turns against the four who had been eating dinner, and Danny looks at the leader of those attacking, surprised that the leader’s face is familiar to him…though he can’t quite place who.
The man from before rejoins the fray, quickly beating many off before ultimately being subdued himself. The leader of the attacking cavemen crows in victory, before the army collects the man they’ve now taken prisoner and any other spoils, and returns to their home base.
Danny follows, trying hard not to focus on the bloodshed beneath. He may have lived a long time, but the kind of person willing to commit such violence is not someone he goes out of his way to find. He watches as the chief holds the man they took captive above his head.
“Conquering Chief Savage brings gifts from the forbidden land!”
“Shit,” Danny thinks, “I can’t believe I’m witnessing Vandal Savage’s villain origin story. Or is he already a villain at this point?”
Danny continues watching as they tie up the captive, who they’ve been calling ‘Man-God’ underneath a giant bat pelt. He takes a closer look, before reeling back in shock.
“I thought his pants were weird, but those are pretty 21st century” he thinks, before glancing around at hearing a shuffle. He sees a shadow lurking beyond the camp, crouched down. Danny approaches, recognizing the boy that had been rescued from the fight. He wears what looks like a yellow utility belt, and has painted a bat-shaped mask over his eyes.
“Wait… bats, a yellow utility belt…” Danny glances again to the Man-God strapped to the ground. 
“What is Batman doing here..?” Danny pauses, thinking. He should only be here as an observer, but it has never felt right to just stand on the sidelines when he can make the choice to do something to help. Maybe he doesn’t have to do too much. He floats over to where the Boy is crouched, clearly wanting to help but paralyzed with fear and indecision.
“Go to him. Help him as he has helped you. There has been enough bloodshed this day, will you wait around to see more?” Danny whispers to him, watching the boy’s eyes harden as he comes to a decision.
The boy is quick to act now that he’s made a decision. He approaches Batman, and frees him from his bonds. Danny watches as they collect themselves. Batman dons his utility pelt, and the bat pelt that had been hung over him. By the time they’ve finished their preparations, the sun has risen and the men who captured Batman are rising.
“Should I cause a distraction?” Danny wonders, but before he can do anything, Batman and the boy spring into action, taking out fighter after fighter, until Batman is left facing Vandal Savage.
They charge towards each other, but Danny’s attention is caught by a shadow that begins to pass over the battlefield. He looks up, noting an eclipse is starting. He can feel the energy changing, knows that something is going to happen when the sun has been completely blotted out.
But Clockwork has instructed him only to observe, so observe he will. He turns back to the battlefield, noting that Batman and the boy have managed to push back Vandal Savage, but are still being chased off by the remaining caveman. They drop over a waterfall, but when Danny follows, he only sees the boy surface.
The sky is dark now, as the sun has been completely covered, and there is energy concentrated underneath the water. Danny focuses, in the way Clockwork has taught him, to figure out what lies beneath and where Batman has gone.
“A strong amount of time-manipulation energy…No Batman, not in this time anymore.” Danny looks around to see the boy has realized Batman will not follow, and has left to find shelter. 
“Did he make another jump through time? But how? I didn’t see that he had anything on him capable of such a jump?” Danny thinks. He’s considering if he can piggy back off the residual energy to jump to when Batman is, but a portal opens behind him and Clockwork steps out.
“Danny, I think it would be best if we return now.” he says, gesturing for Danny to follow.
Back at his mentor’s lair, Danny explains the situation to Clockwork. Clockwork inclined his head in thought, only speaking after some time, “I can’t say for certain whether or not Batman was meant to be in that time period. However, there is something suspicious about the way he’s been traveling through time. Did you notice anything off with the time manipulation energy, Danny?” 
“I can’t say for certain,” Danny starts, “Though I did notice there was a build-up to the event, in line with an eclipse. Then again, I’m not familiar enough with the way dimensional energy manipulation feels in the universes with the Justice League to say for certain.”
Clockwork hums, before turning to rifle through a cupboard that popped up behind him. He pulled out a glowing orange orb. “Here, it’s a record of the time-manipulation energy gathered from one of the Flash’s misadventures. Can you compare and feel any difference?”
Danny closes his eyes before focusing again. “I can feel there are some significant similarities, but it feels like both have an added component that is different from each other? I don’t know if that makes any sense.”
“The energy reading from the sphere I handed you will likely contain energy both from the time-manipulation and the Speedforce the Flashes use to travel between time. If we assume the time-manipulation energy is the constant in both samples, then…”
“There’s some other energy added into the mix that is propelling Batman forward through time?” Danny finishes.
“That is likely the case. Until we know what it is, it would be best to exercise caution. We don’t know how it interacts with the time-manipulation energy, so we can’t predict how it might affect you Daniel.” Clockwork pauses in thought once more, “I’ll spend some time figuring out where Batman made his next jump. In the meantime, take a rest and prepare yourself.”
“I’m not totally familiar with the universes containing the Justice League. I’ll spend some time researching for now… and maybe I’ll ask Dani what she knows when she returns.”
Clockwork smiles slightly, before nodding. “A fine course of action, it might be best to gather all the information we can before proceeding.”
At the time of plotting this, I haven’t read A Glitch in Time. I know that there are some time periods in common that Danny and Bruce travel to, so I want to address that at this moment I’m not planning to reference A Glitch in Time.
As for actual writing, I feel a bit stuck on how much of Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne to actually reference, as I’m aware that most people in the dp x dc fandom are more familiar with Danny Phantom, and from other references I’ve seen to Batman’s travels through time it might not be a story many are familiar with. That being said, I don’t want to just directly repeat details from the comics. I guess if you feel I didn’t provide enough background from the comic series to understand what’s going on, or that I should maybe try referencing less, please let me know so I can make corrections.
On that note, I do recommend reading Batman:The Return of Bruce Wayne if you get the chance. There are so many interesting layers it adds to the mythos and history of Batman and the Wayne family, and it’s really a great read. It helps that you don’t really need too much knowledge of what comes before– except maybe that Batman had crafted a god-killing bullet he shot Darkseid with, before Darkseid retaliated and “killed” Batman. Even this is alluded to in the story in enough detail that you can understand what’s going on, though.
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sualne · 2 months
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blushweddinggowns · 2 months
Nancy furrowed her brow as she went to answer it, just as confused as everyone else, “Hello? What? I-Fred please be quiet for one second! How did you know I was here- I know the article is due but I’m in the- why call me if you aren’t going to let me talk!”
She pinched the bridge of her nose, “You know what? Yeah, just wait for me at school. I’ll be there in a few hours. Yes, hours! I’m hanging up now.”
She sighed, rubbing a hand over her face before addressing everyone, “It wasn’t important. I just have to stop at the school at some point today. But for now we should get going-”
But Wayne wasn’t having it. He turned back to the duo, pointing an accusing finger their way,“If either of you think you’re stepping out of this house you have another damn thing coming-”
“Okay!” Eddie interrupted, reaching out to grab Wayne’s arms, “It’s time to talk in private. The rest of you stay here.”
Eddie dragged Wayne into the back room, Steve following meekly behind. They could still hear them in such a small space, hushed voices arguing in Eddie’s room.
It made Chrissy feel weird, like she was intruding on a family moment. She knew she was, they all were. Dustin even went as far as to turn on the TV, effectively giving them the noise they needed to keep their conversation private.
“Oh my god,” Dustin breathed after a few seconds, “Oh no, oh no, oh no.”
Chrissy glanced at the screen, her stomach dropping when she saw what it was. It was her school photo. Followed with a reporter’s voiceover, “...following a cryptic voicemail, that police suspect was a forced call. Considering the untimely deaths of multiple young women in the town of Hawkins, we need a prompt and quick response in regards to finding this young lady. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Chrissy Cunningham please call your local authorities immediately. 
Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. She should have known. Of course her mom would go straight to the police. She knew that call had been pointless. Worse than pointless. If she had never said anything then she probably wouldn’t have even realized Chrissy was gone until today. 
“We can’t stay here,” Chrissy said suddenly, already feeling frantic.
“Why not?” Dustin asked, his brow furrowed, “No one else even knows you're here!”
But Robin was already moving, cursing under her breath as she got her shoes on, “Because if anyone looking for her has a single working brain cell they’ll look for me. And how do you find me?”
“You find Steve?” Dustin asked, still watching in confusion as the rest of the girls got ready to go.
“And if you’re looking for Steve,” Robin asked, “Where would you go?”
“Here,” Dustin grumbled, finally catching on. 
“There you fucking go,” Robin sighed, before calling down the hall, “Steve, Eddie, we gotta go. Now!”
“Give us a damn minute!” Eddie yelled back, but Robin wasn’t having it. She marched back there, dragging a confused Chrissy with her. 
The three men stared at them as Robin dug around, talking as she searched, “They reported Chrissy missing so that means cops are almost certainly on their way here. We need to go now-aha!”
She held up Eddie walkman, before waltzing over to Chrissy to put the headphones over her ears. She hummed the melody as she snatched the tape out of Eddie’s player, snapping quickly into the walkman and pressing play.
“There,” She said with a gentle smile, interlacing Chrissy’s fingers with her own, “Now you’re mobile.”
She turned back to Eddie and Steve, her voice softening at the kicked-puppy look on Steve’s face, “We’ll wait outside, but we need to think of a place to hide. Fast.”
“I already know a place,” Eddie sighed, waving them off. He threw his keys in their direction, Robin just catching them in time as he kept his eyes on Wayne, “Go to the van and hide in the back. We’ll be out in a minute.”
Chrissy nodded, and then Robin was dragging her off. She chanced one look back at them, her heart breaking a little at the devastated look on Wayne’s face. She felt so bad. Yes, whatever this was had started before her, but she was the brand new reason she was involved. Why all of these people were now risking themselves for her of all people. 
“This isn’t your fault, y’know,” Robin said quietly as she unlocked the van’s door, the rest of the group talking quietly amongst themselves in front of the beemer, “I can see your brain working over there.”
Chrissy shrugged as she climbed inside, settling in the back. Robin sat beside her, close enough for their shoulders to touch. Chrissy wished Robin would think about stuff like that, how often she touched her. Or maybe Chrissy wished she could start thinking of it less.
“Maybe not everything,” She mumbled, “But it’s my fault you’re involved now. Maybe you guys could have been the bystanders for once if I never happened.”
“I doubt it,” Robin laughed softly, giving Chrissy’s hand a comforting squeeze. ``I got involved by working at an ice cream shop. Don’t underestimate the randomness of this crap. Besides…”
She trailed off, scooting closer to lay her head against Chrissy’s shoulder. Close enough for the warmth of her breath to tickle Chrissy’s neck, “Getting to know you is more than worth the trouble.”
From the latest chapter of this fic
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hollowsart · 8 months
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"Doctor Octavius."
Ah. His boss, Norman Osborn.. What was he doing here? He hardly ever came down into the labs himself.. He sounded eerily calm compared to his usual bitter tone. That was.. not a good sign, to say the least. This put Otto on edge in an instant. Especially so as he was still wearing the arms, he began to panic, trying to find a place to hide to remove them, but there was no place in sight to run as Norman came into view. Otto jumped as soon as he saw his boss behind him.
"Oh no.. M-Mr.Osborn..? H-Hello, ah.. What, uhm, Wh-What brings you here? I-I thought.."
"As smart as you are, you hardly do think at all," Norman spoke, tired, stern eyes drop from the scientist's face to his twiddling hands, "A smart mind, you have, Otto. Although clever you are not if you think me stupid to not notice."
"..N-Not notice what?"
"Don't play dumb with me, doctor." the man turned his attention back to Otto, stepping closer and causing the other to shuffle back, “You must know why I’m here, surely.” He watched him, eying the way he trembled, eyes darting around behind thick, square frames as his mind raced to register what the man was referring. It was clear what it was even before he said it aloud, reaching a hand down and around to grip and raise one of the objects in question.
“Those funny little arms, Otto.”
Otto was sweating now, heart racing, although not nearly as fast as his mind. Didn't plan for this. He didn't think Norman would ever come down like this.. and find the actuators he did so well to hide every time he was done working. He was caught off guard, trapped in a checkmate.
“Th... S-Sir-- I--” Otto sputtered, bringing his hands up defensively as he backed up, heart racing as he rounded the table, all the while his boss had followed with that unchanging tense expression, the actuator limb in his hand. Otto's eyes darting from Norman to the actuator and back a few times, a clear desperate panic in his voice and face, “O-Oh dear.. L-Listen I-- I-I couldn’t have done all this work without them! You-- Y-You must understand! Th-There was too much for one person-- I-I needed those to--!”
“You need them?” Otto was cut off, bumping into a sizeable computing device. Parts that hung from it rattled in response, one falling off as Norman continued, Otto being forced to press into the console of the machine, “Need? Really? I beg to differ, Doctor.” stepping closer now, "I don't believe you ever needed them--”
Norman swiped another actuator, on the opposite side this time, yanking as hard as he could on them to get Otto up off the machine. He caught the scientist with his foot slamming harsh into the harness around his gut. Otto groaned and Norman leered down above him, hissing out his final words before releasing the arms and kicking Otto back into the machine with all the force he could muster.
“--and I don’t believe you’ll ever need them again."
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the-one-who-lambs · 7 months
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A month or two ago someone asked me what the funniest comment I've ever received on a fanfic was and I didn't have the willpower to sift through all thousand and something. While rereading my old Narilamb series I found the one and only true answer.
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silverskye13 · 3 months
In which there is talk of the tournament.
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evienyx · 20 days
Fractures Rewrite, Chapter One: Stand
Fractures, Chapter One (Rewritten)
Fractures Archive (Original Version)
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Today, Fractures passed 1,000,000 Hits. That is One Million people over the last 45.5 months who have taken the time out of their day to click on my story, and maybe even read a bit of it. That is absolutely wild.
I'm in the process of finishing up the next chapter of Broken Mirrors and Fragile Things, and the rest of the Fractures Rewrite (as well as Fractures: Sundered Spirits Chapter 2) is nowhere near done, but I have finished the rewrite of the first chapter, that which started it all, and it would feel wrong to not offer up anything on such a momentous day.
So, here you are. The first chapter of Fractures, rewritten, and the start of getting this story into its true final form, exactly as I want it to be.
The Fractures Archive, also linked above, will be the original version of Fractures, republished so that you can still read it. I know that some of those chapters mean a lot to you all, and I don't want to just take them away, so they will be there, and safe, for all of you from now on.
I invite you to comment on the rewritten Chapter One. I would love it if you did, actually. It's as I want it to be, and I have put work into it just as I have put work into the rest of the story. I wanna know what you all think.
Anyway, that's all. Happy Fractures One Million Hits Day, everyone, and thank you!
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chestnutisland · 8 months
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I watched RoF...now you get to angst and suffer with me...>D
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