#it’s 2:30AM and I have been laughing at this though for like ten minutes
morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie doesn’t post much over Parents Weekend, just a picture of Wayne on Twitter and a TikTok the morning after everybody stays the night.
The video is of Jonathan asleep on the floor. Joan is sitting patiently near his head, just watching him. And waiting.
The moment Jonathan opens his eyes, she bites him and runs off.
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psychotic4ghost · 7 months
Blood Under The Bridge A story by Psychotic4Ghost
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Chapter 3 - Test Your Luck
TW: Strong Language ♡ gross men ♡ ♡ Masterlist | chapter 2 | chapter 4 ♡ WC: 2.3k ♡ A/N: Chapter two took some effort, I wasn't vibing with it in the first half so I ended up rewriting it a few times. But I hope you guys enjoy!
Harsh beeping awoke Mykie from her surprisingly peaceful slumber. She didn’t expect to sleep as well as she did, the foreignness of the new room worried her but she slept through her anxieties like no other. 
She slapped the alarm clock next to her, silencing it as she made eye contact with it. 5:00am. Drills started in exactly one hour, it gave her enough time to shower, brush her teeth and pull back her hair. 
After slicking about 50 bobby pins into her hair, she was finally ready. She sported a tight fitted black tank top, her military grade camo pants, black combat boots and her new dog tags. She had her father’s dog tags back at Price’s apartment with the rest of her stuff. She kept them wrapped in packing paper, why she didn’t toss them was a mystery to even herself. 
5:30am, training was going to begin in 30 minutes and she wanted to be early. She headed for the gym where she was told to meet, thinking she could get in a few reps with the weights before training started, she pushed past the indoor gym doors. 
Unfortunately for her own nerves and sanity, Ghost had the same idea. He was also wearing a form-fitted black t-shirt but he wore black camo pants instead of the brown ones Mykie wore. His shoes were also combat boots but they looked much different than hers, more tactical. He, of course, wore his mask only this time it was a normal black balaclava with a skull print on it instead of the plastic skull. 
His head snapped towards the door the moment she pushed it open, he set the weights he was curling down on the floor, placing his hands on his knees, making eye contact with her from where he sat. 
“S-sorry, I didn’t know you were here already. I can go wait outside.” Mykie pointed with her thumbs to the door behind her. 
Ghost shook his head, “Isa’ public space.” He picked the weight back up and continued his reps. Mykie watched as his biceps bulged as he pulled the weight towards his shoulder. She had to tear her eyes away forcefully before he noticed, hoping he hadn’t already noticed. 
Mykie opted for the bench press, as it was farthest away from him, even though it was still only a few feet away. She piled on the weights she needed and laid down, beginning her reps. “1…2…3” Mykie mouthed to herself, small noises left her as she did. She hadn’t noticed her audience until she reracked the bar and sat up to see Ghost staring her down. “S’ not nice to stare.” She said as she wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead with a rag she brought. 
“40 kilos? That’s it?” Ghost ignored her first remark. 
“It’s a warm-up.” She snapped back harsher than she intended. 
Ghost didn’t speak after that, Soap and Gaz had just opened the doors before he could. The rest of the team joined them soon after. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“I’m Lieutenant Ghost. Make it through these courses n’ you’ll make it jus’ fine ‘ere. Don’t make it, and you can kiss this team goodbye. Understood?” Ghost spoke in a deep and stern voice to the group of new recruits, Mykie included. 
“Yes sir!” The whole group of recruits shouted clear and loudly back to their Lieutenant. 
Training had started, they started indoors for their weights, push-ups, and sit-ups. Next was outdoor training, running and the obstacles. Mykie had been doing exceptionally well and it irked Ghost, everyone could tell. Soap and Gaz were definitely having a laugh about it too. Her times were almost perfect and some where even better than Ghost’s himself, which she didn’t know of course. 
“Next course is the 13 km uphill run. This ‘nd the dive usually determines who won’t be staying.” Ghost glared at Mykie, his eye blacking making him ten times more intimidating. 
The course began, kitted out in full gear and weapons, Mykie took off up the hill. Right off the bat, Ghost thought she would exert all her energy at the start with how she was moving, she picked up speed at an alarming rate. Of course Price was watching, as well as the other boys. Price knew what she was capable of but even he was worried with her start. 
Her speed slowed to a medium run, her breathing was calm and controlled as she ran. She could feel the burn already building in her calves from the rest of the day catching up to her. One soldier took off past her, he was moving much faster than anyone else on the field, taking the attention of the higher ups on the team. 
“He’s gonna wear himself out.” Soap mentioned as he watched. 
“Probably just wants the fastest time.” Gaz added. The team was in a jeep ready to move as the group got closer and closer. 
“If ‘e knows what’s best for ‘em, he’ll start to slow down. Thought Jamison was about to pull the same stunt.” Ghost continued the thought the group had.
“I knew she wouldn’t. She’s making the best time so far. What was your time, Soap?” Price asked from the passenger seat. 
“46 minutes, sir.” Soap answered, he was the fastest on their squad
“Think she can beat ya?” Price questioned more.
“I do sir, she’s smaller than me, more nimble.” Soap chuckled with his response. 
Time felt like it was moving incredibly slow for Mykie. This run couldn’t have been any worse. She knew Ghost and Price were watching her; judging her. Well at least Ghost was judging her and that’s what scared her. She shook her head, ridding the thoughts about Ghost as she continued to trudge forward. 40 minutes had passed as Mykie checked her watch. The one soldier who sprinted past her had fallen way behind now, he was a slug compared to the others. Mykie was alone in her part of the hill, no other soldier had been as conservative as she was of her strength. All those days she was forced to hike the rocky mountains of England, every one her father could drag her to, was paying off as she saw the finish line. 
The entirety of the 141 squad sat in the air conditioned jeep, waiting for the recruits to finish the test. 
“45 minutes and 15 seconds Jamison.” Price said as he scribbled her time down on the clipboard he held. “I think that’s faster than our boy Soap.”
“Aye sir. By 1 minute and 13 seconds.” Soap confirmed.
“Aye look at your quick math!” Gaz joked as he earned a slap to the arm by Soap. Mykie would have laughed if she wasn’t so exhausted she felt like throwing up right then and there. She held it together though as she trudged over to the med tent. 
“Not bad soldier.” Ghost was now standing in the tent, leaning against one of the medical lockers by the door.
“Not sure if I should say ‘thanks’ with the amount of death glares ya give me.” Mykie threw back her water bottle as the nurse took her blood pressure. 
“Suit yourself.” Ghost turned on his heel and left before she could say anything else. The spot he occupied was quickly replaced by Soap who was nearly bouncing up and down.
“Can’t believe ya beat me time!” He beamed, definitely more happy than others on the team. Gaz joined a moment later to congratulate her too.
The underwater retrieval and the two swimming trials were scheduled for later that day. Mykie took the little down time she had to munch on some light snacks and ultimately catch her breath. She sat alone in the pool room. The room consisted of two pools; a pool that started shallow and slowly dropping to about 2 meters and the second pool that started at half a meter, dropping to 3.5 meters. 
Out of the corner of her eye, Mykie saw two recruits coming her way. “Hey, noobie, just cause you beat our times on the hill, doesn’t mean you're gonna make it. You’re weak, remember that.” One of them spat, literally, a glob of spit landed on Mykie’s brown combat boot, staining the brown leather darker. 
“I’m not here for placements. I’m already in. They’re just gauging my abilities, rookie.” Mykie fought back, she stood, nearly matching their height as they were much shorter men. “Captain Price already has my name written down.”
“Oh you’re just cocky, there’s no way they’d actually let a female on the team” He continued. 
“She sleeps ‘n the same hall as me. Not some bunk like you lot.” Soap’s booming voice interjected into the conversation. “She’s right too, we’re just gaugin’ her.”
“You’ve got to be pulling our leg sir.” The other now spoke up.
“No way. Mykie’s on our team. My team.” Soap said as he put emphasis on the fact that she wasn’t joining the outside forces of the 141, but rather the 141.
“I don’t believe you.” The first one scoffed as they walked away.
“Thanks, Soap. I expected to be picked on. Gender and what not.” Mykie sighed as she sat back down on the bench.
“Not a worry, Yoo won’t even be ‘round git like ‘em much anyway. You’ll be with us, and you’ll show ‘em who's boss when yoo become Sergeant too!” Soap clapped his hand over her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze before joining the boys again. 
The next tasks were about to start. The recruits were in full gear as they all entered the pool. Treading water and swimming laps was the first bit of the course and then last was underwater item retrieval, something Mykie wasn’t too excited for. The gear she wore was rubbing into her skin, the water added what felt like 5 kilos to her already heavy gear. She was keeping herself above the water just fine but she could feel herself growing tired. The buzzer for the timer she forgot was counting finally sounded as she let herself drop. She sank till her feet touched the bottom before she kicked off one last time to the surface. 
“You seemed almost at peace out there. Totally zenned out.” Soap chuckled as he reached down and pulled the large backpack from her back.
“I was struggling. That shit is so heavy already but add water?” Mykie was now in the more shallow bit of the pool, her feet hit the bottom, leaving the top portion of her chest out of the water. 
“Well you definitely didn’t show it. The other rookies were all fighting for their lives, some looked like they needed to shite.” Gaz let out a snort as he remembered the looks on their faces. 
“I don’t want to do the retrieval, I’m gonna drown.” Mykie sighed as she rested her arms on the edge of the pool. 
“You don’t wear the bag for this part. Just your plate carrier and holsters.” Gaz informed her as she rested her head over her arms. 
“Thank fuck.” She sighed. The retrieval was about to start, Soap lugged her bag away from the pool side and the two boys took their seats as the next task began. The pool was about 3.5 meters down, it wasn’t incredibly deep but it was enough to feel the pressure build in your ears. The item they needed to retrieve was a weapons bag. It was full to the brim with guns, all larger guns like AKs and ARs, some handguns and even explosives. Price told her none of them were armed but it was still going to be a really heavy bag to lug from that distance. 
The timer sounded and Mykie dove down. Her boots made it hard to kick the water behind her. She could see the bag at the bottom of the pool, just out of reach. It was a dark green duffle bag laying at the bottom of the pool floor. The tasks were done solo, one soldier at a time. The other soldiers dove down one by one before her, some managed to retrieve the bag while others couldn’t lift it.
Mykie finally reached the bag, she gripped the strap as it flowed softly in the water. She gave it a light tug, saving her energy for the swim up, with the bag in hand she kicked off the bottom of the pool and began her swim up. 
The boys watched intently as she glided through the water, her movements were graceful. Soap and Gaz were in shock, Price wasn’t surprised at her abilities and Ghost, well he was hard to read, even for himself. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“No way you pulled that off so smoothly, you didn’t even break a sweat!” Soap nearly shouted as he made eye contact with the sopping wet Mykie. The look she and everyone else gave made Soap realize quickly what he had said. “You…can’t sweat…under water…right.”
Gaz and Price gave a soft chuckle while Mykie breathed out her nose, a soft smile spread on her cheeks. This was nothing like she expected when joining the military; people who actually seemed human, not drones who were angry robots like how she saw her father. 
Mykie passed all her training with record times for any female on the team. Soap convinced Price to let them all hit up a local pub, which Mykie and Gaz agreed on heavily. Drinks were passed around and the night was filled with laughter and terrible jokes from Soap and Price. Gaz belly laughed with Mykie all while Ghost sat and observed.
                                                 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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Hidden (nsfw)
Pairing: Wilhemina Venable x Fem Reader
A/N: today is Easter Sunday, so I could not not post smut. Remember to honour the Lord, you sinners. x
Warnings: smut (vibrating panties, nothing too graphic really). As always, English isn’t my first language.
Word count: ≈ 3 000
“Ok ok, let me try it. I’m putting it on medium speed, alright?”
Wilhemina glanced up at you from where she was sitting at the vanity, brushing her hair. “Now don’t get too excited –“she started, but before she had time to finish you pressed a button on the remote control and her whole body tensed.
You bit your lower lip to hold back a smirk as a faint vibrating noise came from where Wilhemina was sitting.
Wilhemina’s eyes widened. “Fuck,” she breathed. She dropped her hairbrush and slammed her hands down on the vanity to support herself as her hips bucked.
“Does it feel good?” you asked, assuming an innocent tone.
Wilhemina’s only answer was a low moan as her hips bucked again; her fingers clenched around the edge of the vanity, her mouth fell open, and before you knew it she gasped, arched her back, and shook.
You stared at her, pleasantly dumbfounded. “Did you come already?”
Wilhemina shot you a look. Another moan escaped her. She unclasped one hand to gesture at her lap, eyes fluttering closed then opening again. Your thumb hovered over the stop button, but you were entirely too fascinated by the sight in front of you to dare press it yet. Wilhemina shot you another look. She made to stand up, but her legs were shaking and she fell back onto her chair. A chuckle escaped you.
“Y/N,” Wilhemina started. She cut herself off with a whimper as her hips jolted violently and her body bent at the waist. She supported herself on the vanity, eyes widening, and wriggled on her chair as if trying to get away from her own center as soft, breathless moans dropped from her lips.
You turned the vibrator off.
“Jeez, Mina,” you laughed. “That was only medium speed.”
She glared at you, eyes very dark and cheeks very pink. With a chuckle you crossed to her, cupped her face and kissed her lips.
It had all started with a joke. You had come upon an ad for vibrating panties on a streaming website, and bought them on a whim. Wilhemina’s expression when she had opened the package was one you’d never forget. Her cheeks and ears had turned pink, and she had shot you such a shocked, outraged look you hadn’t been able to stop laughing.
It had taken a lot of persuading for her to finally agree to wear them. On a work day to boot. You said it made it all the more fun. She scoffed, but didn’t argue.   
You made breakfast as Wilhemina finished brushing and tying up her hair. When you heard the sound of her cane in the kitchen you turned, met her slightly annoyed eyes, and smirked.
She scowled at you as she took the mug of coffee you handed her. “Why do I feel like I’m tied up to a time bomb?” she said in a sharp voice, but you heard the amusement in there, too.
“Relax,” you smiled, folding the dish towel and leaning against the stove. “It’s not going to kill you. I think.”
“Well that’s very reassuring.” She pressed her mug against her lips and gave you a look. “I’m not sure you’re mature enough to be given that much control over me.”
“I guess only time will tell,” you joked. You sat down at the table and lay one hand on her thigh. Gave it a reassuring squeeze, just in case.
When it was time to leave, you sat down on the passenger seat and Wilhemina took the wheel. The first few minutes of the drive were silent. You stared out the window at the pedestrians on their way to work, at the lights being switched on in shop windows, at the city slowly waking up in the bright morning light.
The traffic light in front of you turned orange, and Wilhemina pulled up.
You smirked at her. She turned her head to look at you, narrowed her eyes. “Don’t you dare,” she hissed.
You raised your eyebrows innocently. “What?” you asked. “I’m not doing anything.”
You reached into your pocket and wrapped your fingers around the remote control.
Wilhemina immediately stiffened as you pressed a button. Her grip on the wheel tightened, and she shot you a look, breathed, “Y/N…”
“Come for me before it turns green,” you cooed. “I know you can do it. You’re so sensitive, baby.”
Wilhemina mumbled something under her breath. She made sure to keep her face and posture as straight as possible, but a soft gasp escaped her, and her hips shook slightly when she came.
“See?” you teased. You had to clear your throat. Your voice was a little husky. “I was right.”
The traffic light turned green.
“I’m not sure it was a good idea,” Wilhemina muttered. “You’re having entirely too much fun.”
“Oh, and you’re not?” you laughed, but then your expression became serious again. “We can stop, if you – “
“No.” Wilhemina shook her head, a small smile dancing on her lips. “You’re right. I’m having entirely too much fun as well. Oh for God’s sake, speed up, asshole,” she growled at the car in front of you.
You rolled your eyes at her, chuckled fondly.  
Before getting out of the car, she turned her head and stared at you.
“What?” you asked.
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Her voice was sharp, but you caught a glimpse of the nervousness in her eyes.
You took her hand in yours and gave it a squeeze. “I won’t. And remember, you can take them off anytime you want, ok?”
She nodded, leaned in to plant a kiss on your lips. You smiled giddily at her and gave her hand another squeeze.
You were met by a very grumpy Mutt who looked like he could use a good night’s sleep and three mugs of coffee. Apparently he had run out of coke again. Wilhemina made an annoyed clicking noise with her tongue. She looked down on him and said she would take care of his problem promptly.
You shot her a smile as you parted ways towards your respective offices. Excitement beat in your chest. You reached into your pocket and brushed your fingers over the remote control, just to feel it there. 
It proved incredibly hard to work. Your thoughts kept going back to Wilhemina. The amount of trust and power she was offering you was intoxicating. You wanted to run to her office and kiss her senseless.
You held on till 10:30am. Then you texted Wilhemina to ask her if she was alone. You beamed when she answered in the affirmative, and lost no time to turn on the vibrator.
Ten seconds later, your phone rang.
“Yes, darling?” you grinned as you picked it up.
“What are you doing?”
You bit your lip. “You sound a bit breathless,” you said, assuming a casual tone even though heat was quickly filling your head. “What’s going on?”
“Y/N I swear to God – “Wilhemina cut herself off, sucked a breath in.
“Yes?” you asked, voice a bit too high.
“This was the worst idea ever. You obviously cannot be trusted with this thi –“She let out a short, breathy moan that went right through you and made your whole body tingle with desire.
“Fuck, Y/N.”
“Give me another one, baby. I love hearing you.”
“What if I die because of this? Aren’t you going to mourn me?”
“You’re not going to die,” you chuckled.
Wilhemina sucked in another breath. “Y/N,” she rasped.
Your eyes fluttered closed. “Yes?” you breathed. You summoned her image behind your eyelids: her lips would be slightly parted, her brow pushed up, her eyes closed certainly; a delicate blush covering her cheeks, the soft brushing of her lashes against her skin.
You could hear her somewhat erratic breathing, the soft gasps that fell from her mouth and that made your core throb. You pressed your phone harder against your ear as if that would enable you to hear better.
Wilhemina whimpered your name, and then there was a noise as if she had dropped her phone.
“Mina?” you called. 
“I’m here.”
You shifted in your chair, wincing at the wetness that had gathered between your legs.
“Maybe we should take the rest of the day off,” you breathed. “Tell Jeff and Mutt we’re both sick.”
Wilhemina let out another whimper. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she hissed.
“Spend the rest of the day in bed,” you went on. “Wouldn’t that be nice? Wouldn’t you like that? Making love until we both can’t walk anymore.”
Wilhemina took a sharp intake of breath which made you press your thighs together. You were starting to think that maybe this whole vibrating panties thing was a bad idea. You weren’t sure you’d be able to wait till the end of the day to ravish Wilhemina yourself. Surely you should have thought this through better.
“Y/N,” Wilhemina said quietly, but this time it sounded like a warning. She cleared her throat, and when she spoke again her voice had regained its usual sharpness. “I’ll expect your report on my desk before noon, Miss Y/L/N.” You frowned, confused, but before you had time to speak Wilhemina went on: “Be one minute late and I’ll have you scrub the bathrooms with your tongue and teeth for the next two weeks.” And with that she hung up, but not before you had time to hear a loud chuckle. Jeff’s voice.
You slammed your thumb on the stop button of the remote control and sank back into your seat with a groan. You brought a hand up to your forehead to massage it, took a few deep breaths to help you relax.
About five minutes later, your phone’s screen lit up. A text, from Wilhemina, that only read Thank you. You smiled fondly at the screen, texted her back Of course. Love you.
You didn’t see her or hear of her after that until your lunch break. You two sat side by side as you ate in the cafeteria, your legs touching. You didn’t speak much, but you shot each other knowing glances, and you saw Wilhemina’s lips twitch with a smile more than once.
At 2:00pm you both had to attend a presentation given by Mutt on a new software you didn’t give a damn about. You exchanged a few words with some of your coworkers, then sat down at a table next to Wilhemina.
Mutt had been talking for a little over ten minutes when you started getting bored. You stopped listening to him, and shot a sideways glance at Wilhemina.
A small, wicked smile crept up your lips. With one hand you reached into your pocket, and you rested your other hand on Wilhemina’s thigh. You gave it a gentle squeeze, then pressed the slow speed button of the remote control.
Wilhemina’s expression did not change, but she stiffened on her chair almost imperceptibly. She shot you an offended look, and took hold of your hand on her thigh. You laced your fingers together, glad you had this silent way of communicating.
Someone on your left asked Mutt a question. You nodded at the answer, even though you had no idea what Mutt was talking about. Your heart was beating too fast, and you had to fight the smirk that tugged at your lips. You stroke your thumb over Wilhemina’s before you increased the speed of the vibrator.
It was incredible, how blank she managed to keep her face. The only indication that something was going on was the slow, gradual tightening of her grip on your hand.
Mutt started a video and sat down at one of the tables. You shot Wilhemina another glance, wondering if you should dare. Probably you shouldn’t. But heat was filling up your head again, and adrenaline was flowing in your veins and in the thrill of the moment, you pressed the high speed button.
Wilhemina’s hand squeezed yours so hard you thought she would crush your bones. You crossed your legs, forcing yourself to keep your face as straight as Wilhemina’s. A few seconds later you felt her thigh tremble, her nails digging into your skin. You switched the vibrator to medium speed, but didn’t turn it off.
The video ended – how long had it lasted? what had it been about? You had no idea – and Mutt stood up again, asked if anyone had questions. A woman at the back of the room raised her hand.
Wilhemina’s thigh trembled again. This time, her hips jerked slightly, but when you glanced at her, her face was as unreadable as ever. She met your eyes; hers were dark and heated.
You licked your lips. Wilhemina’s eyes flicked down to them. You stroked your thumb over her skin to help her ground herself and glanced at her in awe as her hips jerked again. Her shoulders slumped slightly as she came off her latest high, and she shifted uncomfortably on her seat, so you reached into your pocket and turned the vibrator off. Her hand gave yours a weak squeeze.
You noticed how her legs were slightly shaking when she stood up at the end of the presentation. You lowered your head and smiled to yourself. When you looked up again, she was already walking off, leaning a bit more heavily than usual on her cane, but when she reached the doorway she paused. She cocked her head to the side, as if she were making up her mind about something. Then she disappeared down the corridor.
It was even harder to focus on your work for the rest of the day. You kept glancing up at the clock on the wall. You barely got anything done, legs bouncing, heart beating too fast. More than once you had to force yourself not to run to Wilhemina’s office and lock her door behind you. When finally it was time to leave, you rushed out of the building and to the car park, where you and Wilhemina would usually meet to drive back home.
She arrived five minutes later, and your eyes devoured her body as she slowly, regally, walked up to you. You checked the place was empty before you slipped one arm around her waist, pulled her close and crashed your mouth against hers.
You kissed her until her hand came up to tug at your hair, hard. You pulled away with a gasp, met her eyes. Her pupils were blown wide, and her gaze was so wild and predatory it sent a shiver of delicious fear down your spine.
“You drive,” Wilhemina rasped. She leaned in, licked a trail up your neck with the tip of her tongue. “Be sure to make it home in half the time.”
The front door of your house had barely closed behind you two when you heard the sound of her cane as it hit the floor and then she was all over you, one hand cupping your face and the other pressing you against her as her lips and tongue and teeth claimed dominance over yours. Her nails dug into your cheek, her mouth planted hot, wet kisses down your neck that made your legs go weak. There was only heat and lust and love in your brain, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist her, knew she would take revenge on you now if you let her; so you grabbed the remote control and pressed the high speed button.
Wilhemina let out a loud moan, hips bucking into yours at the sudden sensation. Her eyes opened wide, and she gasped into your mouth as her hand clutched the back of your shirt. “Not fair,” she hissed. She nipped your lower lip, swallowed another moan. You wrapped your arms around her waist to support her as she climaxed, the tremors of her body running through yours as if you were one and the same.
Wilhemina’s hips shook violently, making her wince. “Turn it off,” she hissed weakly. “For God’s sake turn it off.”
You quickly obliged. She sank into you, your grip on her the only thing keeping her on her feet, and pressed her forehead against yours. You touched your nose to hers as she struggled to catch her breath.
After a few moments, her eyes fluttered closed.
“Sleepy?” you whispered fondly. “Or do you have enough strength left for another round?”
Wilhemina shivered. “Lord, have mercy,” she breathed. She opened her eyes, looked at you with a soft, adoring smile.
You made her dinner, helped her undress and lathered her body in the shower, careful to avoid touching her overstimulated core. You dried and combed her hair, and she insisted she did the same for you. She grazed her nails on your skull, pressed delicate kisses on your temple.
The sun had not yet set when you both settled in bed. Wilhemina lay on her back and you rested your head on her chest, slipping one hand under her shirt to feel her skin. It was way before your usual bedtime, but you couldn’t care less. Happiness was holding her.
You turned your head to kiss her collarbone. “Are you very sleepy?” you asked with a grin.
“Wait for your turn,” Wilhemina mumbled. “I’ll make you cry. You’ll be so embarrassed.”
You chuckled, caressed the soft skin just below the swell of her breast. “Whatever, babe.”
There was a quiet, comfortable pause. Wilhemina draped one arm around your waist.
“Do you have any idea what Mutt’s presentation was about?” you asked her.
You chuckled again. “I’m so impressed by your poker face.”
“Took years of practice,” Wilhemina mumbled.
You blinked at that, at the hidden implication of her words. You couldn’t think about it for too long without becoming angry, so you took her hand in yours and brought it to your lips.
She opened her eyes as you pressed two kisses on each of her knuckles. Then you rested your linked hands on her stomach, and nuzzled her skin.
“I’m glad we can put that skill of yours to good use now,” you whispered.
Part 1  / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Tag list: @mssallymckenna @supremeinlilac @pluied-ete @rainbow-hedgehog @pearplate @angelxsarahp @paulawand @asktammyr @peggycarter-steverogers @coconutlipss ​ @saucy-sapphic @thesupremewife @paulsonpills @notokpaulson
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eternallyhyucks · 3 years
10:35pm | kim jibeom
pairing: bf! jibeom x fem! reader
word count: 535
genre/warnings: fluff, clingy jibeom + one swear word & mentions of food
summary: in which you continue writing your essay, but jibeom just wants hugs :(
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𖤐 ྀ
it was past 10pm and jibeom had been watching you write this essay for the past 3 hours, but you still werent done.
“y/n, y/n, y/n” he calls
“hm?” you hum
“are you done yet?”
“nope, not even close” you sigh
“youve been writing for 3 hours, y/n, take a break” he said worriedly
“well you see, jibeom, i would love to, i really would. BUT i have 750 words out of the 2000 i need to write so unfortunately, i cant”
“okay well, when is this due”
“um......... in 2 days🤣”
“y/n ????”
“i mean you still have 2 more days, u can take a break now right ?” he said hopefully
“jibeom i am trying to be a productive student for once, why are u acting as the devil on my shoulder”
“PLEASE I JUST WANT HUGS :(“ he said with his doe eyes that you loved so much
frowning you say, “give me 2 hours okay?”
defeated once again, jibeom left the room, but came back 10 minutes later and sat in the vacant chair next to his girlfriend with his head rested on her shoulder.
“yes jibeom”
“please take a break”
“jibeom, i said two hours and it’s literally been 10 minutes” you say taking your eyes off of your screen to look him in the eyes
“i know but im bored” he said
“just go bother jaehyun like you usually do”
“but hes out right now”
“jibeom please” you beg
“sorry” he says sadly and walks out of the room
you felt bad for repeatedly neglecting him today, but in order to spend time with him later, you had to finish this essay now
two hours later, it was 12:30am and jibeom walked back into the room ready to pry y/n out of her chair. “y/n it’s been 2 hours and u only have 100 more words than you did 2 hours ago, you arent getting anything else today, come on”
“jibeom give me like 10 more minutes!! please!!”
“NO. this isnt even ab hugs anymore, you are becoming a workaholic that doesnt actually complete anything”
“okay there was no need for the attack, but TEN minutes and ill get up”
the two argued for another 5 minutes longer, but jibeom was tired of bickering with y/n so instead of arguing back he gave her a peck on the lips to shut her up.
“please just shut up and come get food with me y/n”
“well shit i cant say no to food, you should asked earlier damn”
“you say yes to food, but not your loving boyfriend ??”
“my loving boyfriend is buying this food for his tired girlfriend though right😊” you say half jokingly
“of course i am, BUT you have to promise that after we come back home, you wont go back to ignoring me and writing your essay. agreed?”
“agreed” you say laughing at how clingy he got
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dearophelia · 3 years
self indulgent grey’s spy!au
so i’m watching madam secretary again and it’s reminding me of the grey’s spy au i was frantically texting @evil-redhead about last year
(first of all, and i did the research to learn that this isn’t actually possible, but it’s fic so who cares: please imagine with me addison as elizabeth’s surgeon general. thank you and goodnight)
second of all, and this is just copy/pasted from text messages with some very light editing:
The kill order comes in over encrypted text just after 2:30am Kaliningrad local time. Addison knows the logic: take him out and the whole supply chain through the Baltics collapses. She also knows the reality: taking out gun runners in former Soviet states is like playing whack-a-mole with a baby hammer. Eventually someone in the Company will figure that out and change tactics. In the meantime, she has orders.
She speaks flawless Russian with zero accent, which helps when she steers the arms dealer out of the party and up to his private suite. She pretends she’s from the same village as his grandmother, tells stories about a local borscht variant. He compliments her tits and her legs and everything else he can see. What he doesn’t see is the way she twists around her ring and flicks open a hidden compartment with her thumb while she’s pouring the vodka.
Addison watches as he eagerly takes the shot and then turns an interesting shade of purple. He’s dead within ninety seconds.
She takes a shot of clean vodka, wraps up in her black trenchcoat, and slips out the back entrance into the night.
There’s a pay phone four blocks down. She calls her handler and leaves a message about the museum being closed tomorrow, code for mission complete. She checks out of the hotel and is on the next flight to Helsinki away from here.
Addison likes Mark Sloan, she does. He’s a good asset and a great fuck and she doesn’t at all mind that their schedules sync up in Helsinki more often than she syncs up with anyone else anywhere else. Helsinki’s a good place to lay low for a few days, even easier when she’s hardly getting out of bed.
But he’s DIA and she doesn’t trust defense guys farther than she can throw them. Goes out of her way to avoid them, usually. But Mark’s good company, great fun, and nothing they do in this hotel room ever happened the moment one of them leave. So she’ll let the DOD thing go as long as it doesn’t interfere with her own work.
He’s making breakfast and trying to tell her a joke he overheard. This never ends well, but she indulges him. It falls apart in the translation – “You’d find this hilarious if you heard it in the original Czech,” he proclaims, setting a plate of eggs in front of her.
Addison eyes him over a forkful. “Since I don’t speak Czech, your odds aren’t looking good, Sloan.”
Mark’s still telling his joke and she smiles as the sun rises over their tiny hotel room.
36 hours and then she’s off to Paris and meeting a DGSE contact she can hardly stand. Then, armed with that information, back to former Soviet listening posts. Maybe this one will be inland.
Addison takes the right hook like a champ, luring the goon into a false sense of security. She drops down, grabs a broom from the floor, and lets the guy have one last laugh at the pretty girl with the stick before she comes whirling in and knocks him flat on his ass inside five seconds. Another goon runs out of the shadows and she cracks him across the skull so hard he actually skids across the floor.
“Impressive,” her contact says in dripping French. He sips his tea.
“The file?” she holds out her hand. No one does intelligence theatrics like the French. Not even the Russians.
With an irritated sigh, the DGSE agent drops a USB drive into her hand. “It self-destructs after 24 hours. Would not recommend keeping it in your suitcase.”
Addison gives him a tight smile and returns to her hotel room.
Derek, this time.
(Mark is Scandinavia and the former Soviet states. Derek is Western Europe. Alex is usually somewhere in Central Asia and Jake is in the Mediterranean.)
She waves off his concern about the shiner blooming over her eye and slides the drive into her laptop. “Order room service,” she tells him as she pulls her shirt off, changing out of bloodied and ripped clothes while waiting for the drive to load.
It’s not his fault he hovers. He’s an embassy doctor, bouncing around Western Europe for the State Department. Last time he got into a fight was probably high school. Last time he had to do anything classified on his own was probably never.
He orders – including red wine and extra ice, which she’s sure makes the kitchen worker on the other end say a few choice things about Americans – and her laptop chirps ready.
Volgograd this time. Not a weapons dealer. A physicist. A nuclear physicist. “Oh boy,” she says to herself.
She books a hotel in Volgograd and then places a same-day Amazon delivery for post-its, a portable printer, tape, and other supplies. She and Elizabeth call it the conspiracy theory order, though she skips the red string.
While Derek’s setting out dinner (and sets a bag of ice intentionally – and somewhat aggressively – in her direction), she sends a secure text to Alex.
gonna be in vgrad for a minute. you nearby?
Dinner’s over before she gets a response.
yep. even have some intel for you.
Addison puts her phone away and turns to Derek. “I’m fine,” she says, gesturing to the cuts and bruises.
“I know.” Still, he wraps his arms around her in a gentle hug. “I worry.”
She hugs him back. They haven’t been married in a long time. “I know.”
He gently maneuvers her to the couch and opens his bag. Addison went to med school too – though the CIA scooped her up during her residency – and a few of the cuts need butterfly closures for a couple days. She lets him work.
“How are Meredith and the kids?”
“Lox and two chives,” Addison orders at the counter, as she has the last ten days. “And the bathroom key, please.”
The cashier slips her a key. She pays and disappears down the hallway with the bathrooms, but opens the supply closet instead. Past shelves of paper towels and cups and cocaine (not her problem, not today), she pauses at the second door. The handprint scanner flashes blue then green at her palm. The door unlocks.
Bright lights overhead, several whiteboards shoved up against the walls, photographs and maps taped up everywhere. The single desk in the middle of the room is covered in folders labeled TOP SECRET, most of them open. Alex puts a cup of coffee into her hand. She finishes half of it before she even takes her coat off.
Spy work isn’t all glamorous. It’s mostly sitting in dark dank rooms filled with boxes of moth-eaten paper, trying to connect two dots. Alex is a good partner for it though. The fact that he’s CIA too doesn’t hurt – she doesn’t have to play the alphabet agency paranoia game with him.
Hours pass. Another day, another half step closer. The bagel shop closes and they slip out the back by the dumpsters.
“You want to grab a drink?” she asks as she has every night.
“We could skip drinks,” he suggests.
She looks at him in the flickering parking lot light. Normally he says yes, they get drinks and dinner, talk shop, part ways at her hotel.
A small smile graces her lips. Addison doesn’t need to be a spy to pick up Alex’s meaning.
Volgograd is fucking boring. And she and Mark have an exclusive-when-we’re-in-the-same-city agreement, not exclusive-everywhere.
The smile shifts into a smirk. “Yeah.”
This is a bad idea. This is a really bad idea. This might be the worst idea she’s ever had. And yet.
Flicking her eyes up to the rearview mirror, she gets a read on the car following her. Scratch that – cars. Plural.
She slams on the accelerator and calls Elizabeth.
“I need a favor,” she says as soon as Elizabeth’s picked up the phone. Addison hears several small children laughing in the background.
“On it,” Elizabeth says, once she’s heard the situation and the favor. “Give me ten minutes.”
Sure. She’ll keep leading a high-speed car chase through Southern Turkey and try not to accidentally make a left into Syria. She can keep this up for ten minutes. Why not.
She has the final piece in a USB drive hidden in her shoe, but this extremely stupid idea only becomes worth it if she – or, she supposes, her shoe – can get back to the agency. Which is where Elizabeth comes in. Addison’s nowhere near Ankara and the embassy, driving into Syria is an even worse idea (and she’d run out of gas long before hitting Damascus anyway), and so she needs an exit. Now.
Seven minutes and Elizabeth calls back about an airfield fifteen miles away. A Blackhawk will be waiting there for her, but she has to clear a couple layers of airfield security first.
Addison looks back up in the mirror. Three cars now and she thinks she sees the silhouette of someone hanging out the window with a gun. She’s going to have to have a discussion with Derek about suitable conversations he has with his current wife about his ex-wife the CIA agent and international spy. It’s not Meredith’s fault; GRU’s been tailing Derek since they were the KGB. Addison makes a mental note to remind State about that, maybe have someone sweep his house for bugs on a more regular basis.
But that’s a later problem. A much later problem. The more imminent problem is that she’s being shot at and still has seven miles before the airfield. “Can I just drive through security?” Addison asks, making an abrupt right down a skinny unlit street.
“Sure,” Elizabeth says. “It’s our airfield, do what you want.”
“Not the first time I’ve destroyed US government property.”
Elizabeth snorts. “Call me if you need anything else.”
The call drops as another round of gunfire shoots past.
“You’re really bad at this,” she mutters at the car behind her. They haven’t even managed to blow out the back window yet, not that she’s complaining.
By the time she hits the airfield, they’ve shattered the back window, blown several holes in the trunk, and they hit one of her back wheels just as she slams through the first security gate.
The second gate guards are a little more prepared and already have the gate lifted. They drop spike strips behind her to trap her pursuers. She jumps out of the car to the sound of many tires being violently punctured and the sound of angry Russians being thrown out of their cars and onto the ground.
The Blackhawk lifts off into the dead of night. Addison runs her fingers through her hair and texts her handler that she’s on her way back to Istanbul. She’ll hand off the intel to people who get paid a whole lot more than she does and move on to a new case.
Maybe South America, this time. Let some heat die down before bringing her back to Europe.
Once it’s all settled and she’s in her state-sponsored room, showered and sitting in a fluffy bathrobe, she checks her messages. One from her brother, about Thanksgiving logistics. One from Elizabeth, making sure she made it out okay.
And one from Mark.
Case is taking me to Venezuela. Gonna be a while, Red.
Addison grins. Her new orders came in just before dinner. Turns out there’s some worrisome news in her area of expertise coming out of the South America desk and the Company’s shipping her off to Caracas.
Maybe not. My flight leaves in a couple days. Buy me a margarita?
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
The Professor And I Season 2 (pt. 1)
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Intro: Hello, lovelies!! Queue the Backstreet Boys because, It’s back! Back again! I really hope you guys are prepared for this, because I am not!! Lmao :)
Note: Y/N is a student. Lena is a professor. Continuation from last season, so if you haven’t read that one I highly suggest it!! Link is here
Word Count: 1091
Walking back onto campus, it felt strange, everything that had went down the last semester almost seemed like a distant dream “Y/N!” You heard someone shout just before you were tackled to the ground in a hug “Hello to you too, Kara” you chuckled, patting her back and giving her a squeeze before she pulled back and stood up, offering you a hand before pulling you up “I can’t believe we’re already back!” She said excitedly, practically bouncing as the two of you walked towards your dorm room “I know, it felt like break flew by” you said, waving to Nia and Brainy as you passed them.
“You look nervous” Kara said, noticing it in your expression and how you were fidgeting with your bags in your hands, you releasing a sigh as you nodded “I am, a lot happened last semester… I just don’t want anything else to happen” you said, glancing at her and feeling her wrap and arm around you “We’re not going to let the same stuff happen, I promise” she said, giving you a quick squeeze before she pulled away so that she could open the door to your dorm building.
Once you were all situated, you and Kara were looking at each other’s schedules so you knew when you guys could hang out between gaps when you heard a knock on the door “Come in!” You called, watching as Alex stepped in with a smile before she went and hugged you “You look a lot better” Alex commented, rubbing your back a bit before pulling back and seeing you weren’t as bruised as before “Yeah, mom and dad and Lena took really good care of me over the break” you said, knowing your leg still sometimes gave you issues but otherwise you were all better.
You watched as Alex nodded before sitting in your empty desk chair “Speaking of, how is she?” She asked, her knowing she was coming back this semester since she was one of her professors “She’s good, she told me to not take one of her classes again unless she was the only one left because she had a hard enough time focusing last semester” you chuckled, pulling your legs up to sit crisscross on your bed as you smiled “I haven’t seen her since we came back, but she’s been busy with getting all her courses organized” you said, smiling as you thought about her before jumping when Kara spoke up.
“Why don’t we all go out to dinner?” She suggested, knowing none of you guys wanted to go to the schools dining hall that night “Sure, Maggie should be working at the diner tonight” Alex said, standing up and tugging her coat on while you and Kara did the same “Cool, so are you two-“ “I don’t want to talk about it” Alex cut you off, causing you to raise your hands in surrender before you followed her out, raising a brow at Kara who just shook her head.
When you got to the diner, Maggie immediately came over to you guys and pulled you into a hug “This place was so BORING without you” she complained, pulling back and smiling at you “You’re coming back, right? Don’t leave me to fend for myself in this hell hole” she said, giving you a small pout which made you chuckle “Of course I am, I just gotta get settled into my schedule and I’ll be back” you promised, lightly punching her shoulder before you all went and sat down at a booth, Maggie already putting your orders in since they were always the same.
After a bit of catching up, you heard the bell chime and looked over, a grin spreading across your face when you saw Lena walk in but holding yourself back when you saw her with another woman “That’s the new Bio-Chem professor” Alex said, seeing you staring over at them and knowing that you were trying to figure it out “They’re probably planning what to do, they’ll be working together in a few classes” Alex said, knowing she had both of them as a professor in one of her courses “Yeah, sure” you said, trying to hide the flinch when you heard Lena laugh at what the other woman said, hiding behind Kara when she turned your way before you sighed and slumped against the table.
For the rest of the night, you couldn’t help but think about how Lena acted with that other professor… Was she better than you? Of course she was, she had her whole life planned while you were trying to figure everything out still, plus she was more around Lena’s age than you were, you couldn’t help but continue to think about it, tossing and turning since Lena had yet to message you saying she was going to bed like the ritual always went 1:27am your alarm clock glared back at you, you sighing as you rolled over and grabbed your phone, sending a message to Lena:
Goodnight, I love you – You
Seen @1:30am
You sighed as you stared at your phone for a few minutes before you laid it back down on your bedside table, getting up to go use the restroom before you returned and looked at your phone, sighing when there was still no response even though it had been almost ten minutes, setting your phone back down and forcing yourself to actually get some sleep.
When you woke up the next morning, you felt like you were a zombie with how little sleep you got, dragging yourself out of bed and getting ready for the day, doing your best to not wake Kara up as you grabbed your things, finally checking the time 7:54am “Shit” you muttered, only having six minutes to get to class and rushing out of the dorm room.
Getting to the class, you went to open the door, only to find it locked and you peeked inside and caught the professors eye before she went and opened the door “You’re late” she said, giving you a hard look and you trying to make out an apology when she cut you off “I don’t take late students, try again next time” she said before slamming the door in your face, leaving you standing there, stunned before you realized who that was, it was the new professor Lena was with last night, looking at your schedule, you saw her name was Professor Vikander, now the question was… What the hell did Lena see in her?
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates​​ / @5aftermidnight​​ / @youngandwildx7​​ / @stewie-castle​​
Supergirl Taglist: @x-danvers-x​​ / @aznblossom​​ / @stop-drop-and-drumroll​​ / @worlds-in-words​​
Lena Taglist: @life2-live​​ / @supergirl-imaginess​​ / @ianarec​​ / @thelonewriter247​​​ / @kalistory-blog​​​ / @ess0h​​​
The Professor And I Taglist: @youlookterribleilookawesome​​​ / @ironsnowstorm​​​ / @rebornpoet​​​ / @scottishgirl1998​​​
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed it!! I’m so glad that it’s back!! If you would like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!!
Requests Open
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Like Happiness is in your Reach Aaron Burr x Reader Chapter 11
Tags @fangirlandnerd @ milena-millennium @fangirl570 @studysafeplace @bees-are-more-important
Chapter 1 Chapter 2  Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9  Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
I’m back (sort of!) I had an insane year, and a few months ago I posted a life updated here BUT I want to start writing more consistently again! I’m also going to try to write for other fandoms too- so hopefully this goes well!
Without further ado, here is chapter 11! I’m thinking a few more chapters. I have a couple more things I want to accomplish in the storyline, but it won’t be long now.
        The next morning you’re woken up by your alarm clock. You glance and see the 5:30am flashing and you reach over to hit the off button. Before you could groan about getting up to take your daughter to school, you hear three identical groans from around you. You smile sleepily and start to wake Charlotte up by gently shaking her. When you see her smile, you sweetly say,
        “Come on, Charlotte. Time to get ready for school.” You reach over and lightly tap Peggy and John as you climb out of bed. “Time for work, you two.” Normally, you hate waking up early, especially when you only got four hours of sleep anyway. However, this morning, you didn’t have to force your smile to go along anyway. 
      You don’t remember changing into your pajamas, but you’re grateful that you did. The soft and warm red flannel pants and worn out PTA shirt were comforting, and you opted to stay in it as long as possible. In fact, everyone dragged their feet off to school and work today. Peggy and John left shortly after waking up so they could go home and grab a change of clothes, and Charlotte stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth for a solid five minutes before she realizes she’s just standing there. She eventually snaps out of it when you undo her braids and brush out her hair for the day. Charlotte skulks off to get changed into her clothes while you stare at your closet, combing your hair out.  At about 6:15am, before you can figure out what you want to wear, you hear a knock on the door. As you walk to the door, you loudly ask Charlotte,
        “Did John or Peggy forget something, Charlotte?” You open the door and simultaneously hear your daughter’s grumbled response and find Theodosia and Aaron in front of you, Theo holding a small box from a local donut shop, and Aaron holding a drink carrier with coffee and chocolate milk in it. .
        “Good morning, Y/N!” Theo exuberantly greets you.
        “Oh!” You reply, a little bit surprised. “Good morning, Theo. Please come on in.” 
        “Thanks!” the young girl replies cheerfully. You move to the side as she literally skips past you and sets the box down on an island in the kitchen. A little shocked that anyone could be so energetic in the morning, you turn back to face Aaron. He also walks in your home and you shut the door behind him. 
        “Good morning, Aaron,” you stumble to say when you realize you only greeted his daughter. He smiles and leans down to place a kiss on your cheek and replies in kind. Before he could pull away, you turn your head and place a chaste kiss on his lips. The smile on his face is contagious and exhilarating, and you almost forget that you were exhausted less than five minutes ago. After a moment you ask, teasingly,
        “Does one of those coffees happen to belong to me?”
        “Hmmm, maybe,” he teases back, inching his way closer to you. You can hear Charlotte closing her bedroom door and walking out into the living room. Aaron hears her as well because he hands you the coffee and faces your daughter. 
        “Good morning, Charlotte,” he greets your daughter cheerfully. “Theo and I thought we would bring the two of you breakfast and head to school together today.” Charlotte nods groggily, and says a quiet “thanks” heading to her food. 
        “Charmander here,” you explain, walking over to the table where she had just sat down. “Is not a morning person, coupled with the fact that her Uncle John and Aunt Peggy let her stay up way too late last night.” You stroke your daughter’s hair. 
        “Mama, can you braid my hair into pigtails again?” She looks up to you with a smile and a bit of chocolate frosting on her face. You hand her a napkin and nod, picking up sections of  hair and beginning to plait it for her. 
        “Theo, did you have a good time at the Hamiltons’ last night?” You inquire about the giddy girl, sitting next to her father who is eating his donut and taking a drink of his coffee. She nods her head enthusiastically as she finishes her donut. 
        “Yes ma’am! We played hide and seek and then watched the Spongebob movie before we went to bed.” Charlotte gasps, and it makes you jump because you weren’t expecting her to make such a loud noise this early in the morning. Aaron lets out a small laugh at your surprise, a blush appearing on your cheeks. Your daughter didn’t realize your reaction and added to Theodosia’s story,
        “That’s my favorite movie! Me, Uncle John, and Aunt Peggy watched that movie last night too!” Charlotte, finally waking up, continues to chat energetically with Theodosia as you finish your daughter’s braids. You give Aaron a knowing look and he shakes his head with a smile. Theodosia had sat down first, and made sure Charlotte sat next to her. On the other side of the counter/table is where you sat down - within inches of Aaron. The donut and coffee disappear pretty quickly from everyone’s grasps. While you were watching the girls talk to each other, you see Aaron looking at you from the corner of your eye and turn to face him, noticing a soft smile on his face. He really does have an incredible smile, you think to yourself. He reaches out his hand and you do the same, intertwining your fingers together. Both of you missed the smiles between your daughters. 
Two days later you receive a text message from Nathaniel in the morning.
“Are you available to meet for coffee at 1:30?”
Without hesitation, you replied.
“Yes. Starbucks on Broadway sound okay?”
“Sounds good! See you then.”
        It only took you 15 seconds of consideration before you’re hitting the call button and speaking to Aaron. It wasn’t that you felt like you needed permission, but you wanted to talk to him about Nathaniel.
        “Do you have a moment?” You ask carefully.
        “Sure. What’s up?” Aaron says in a calm, but concerned voice. 
        “Nothing’s up, really, but I’m ready to tell you a bit more about Nathaniel.”
        “Okay,” he replies. You can hear the chatter in the background, but Aaron’s attention was on your voice. 
        “Before Charlotte was even a possibility, I was a workaholic.” You take a breath and clarify, “Well, a worse one than I am now. I never took breaks, and I always found reasons to stay at the cafe rather than hang out with friends or family. My logic was ‘If I see my brother and best friend at work, why should I spend time outside of my job to do just that?’. My focus was the cafe and nothing else.
        “One night Peggy and John dragged me out of the cafe and forced me to go out with them to a bar to let off some steam, which in their definition meant me getting drunk and going home with a random guy.”
        “Let me guess,” Aaron interrupts your soliloquy. “The random guy was Nathaniel?”
        “Ding ding ding, we have a winner.” I let out a chuckle. “I remember meeting him and talking to him, but I never learned Nathaniel’s last name. I just learned it the other night at the restaurant.” Aaron makes a noise to signify that he understood. 
        “So we both know that you don’t need my permission to do anything and vice versa, but I assume you’re bringing me in the loop because you’re meeting Nathaniel today, right?”
        “That’s correct.”
“Is there anything I can do for you?” You think about it for a moment, but nothing comes to mind - not even a joke.
        “No, but thank you though.”
        “Thank you for sharing, Y/N. I hope you didn’t feel obligated to do so.”
        “Oh no, not at all. In fact, I feel as if I can rely on you with the information I’ve never really shared before, and I really appreciate that about our relationship.” The word falls out of your mouth before you could catch it, and you aren’t even given enough time to walk your statement back because Aaron is suddenly saying in a sly voice, a bit quieter than his initial volume.
        “I know our relationship hasn’t been defined, but I would also like to inform you that my feelings for you are very real, and of a romantic nature.” You’re grateful that you’re sitting in your office with the door closed because you don’t want anyone to see the bumbly mess that you are turning into as a result of Aaron’s words.
        “Well the definition could be quite simple as I return those real, romantic, feelings towards you, Aaron.” A moment passes, and you could picture the wide, full tooth smile that he had on his face.
        “I’m glad to hear that, Y/N.”
        Over the next two weeks, Aaron and Theo would come over for breakfast before school, sometimes bringing coffee and donuts, other times giving you a heads up, allowing you to make the coffee and breakfast. Theodosia said your eggs were the best she ever had, and Aaron complimented you on your ability to hide the veggies so the girls would actually eat them. Each morning started with a greeting from Theo and a kiss on the cheek from Aaron, which would turn into a kiss on the mouth from you (“they already know we’re dating, Aaron”). On the second Monday after your first date, you ask Aaron if he was free on Wednesday evening for a second date. He happily agreed. This time, you paid. 
        Wednesday nights became date nights. From finding the “best ice cream cone” in your part of New York to riding the bumper cars ten times in a row at Coney Island (Aaron let you drive, and he held his arm around you the whole time), the time you’ve spent together allowed both of you a much needed release from your everyday lives. Fridays became sleepover nights. Whether Charlotte went to the Burr household or Theodosia spent the night at your place, the girls were growing in their friendship just as quickly as you and Aaron were growing in yours.
        It was the Wednesday a week before Thanksgiving when Aaron asked what you were doing the Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, and you replied that you would be deep-cleaning your apartment for family coming in the following day for Thanksgiving festivities.
        “It’s a big celebration, really”, you explain. “My parents HATE New York, but they love Charlotte, so they compromise. Mama and Papa come here for Thanksgiving so we go to them for Christmas.” Your fingers are intertwined with Aaron’s and you are walking back to your apartment. Before Aaron could get out why he asked about your plans, you (hopefully) nonchalantly add, 
        “I would love for you and Theodosia to join us for Wednesday and Thursday family festivities if you don’t have any plans”. Aaron stops in his tracks, naturally stopping you as well. A bit worried that he stopped in abject horror, you’re pleased when you see a shocked smile start to curl on Aaron’s face. Aaron had confided in you on your last date that he had lost his parents shortly after he passed the bar exam, and Theodosia Sr. lost her parents before they had met, so Theo grew up without grandparents or extended family, really, which is the opposite of your daughter. 
        “Would your parents mind?” He asks carefully, not hiding his smile at all.
        “Not at all. In fact, they’re dying to meet the little girl who is best friends with their granddaughter,” you tug on his hand for the two of you to start moving again. “And, your name has come up once or twice,” you add, coyly, while your cheeks start to turn pink.
        “Theo and I would love to attend your family’s festivities. Count us in on both days. Would you come with me on Tuesday evening to my work’s Thanksgiving party? Alexander and Eliza will be there, so you’ll have other friendly faces besides mine.” This conversation could not have gone any better. You’re smiling widely as you respond enthusiastically.
        “Sounds like fun.”
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for-ests · 5 years
To Make You Come Home- Colin Ritman x Reader
Part 1
Word count: 3,802
Sorry for the long wait and the spacing. I didn’t plan on part 2 being this long :’)) I hope you enjoy!!
He didn’t care. He never did.
That’s all you could think about as you sprinted down the road. It was so late in the night that not a single soul was out. All you could hear was the sound of your sneakers scuffing against the pavement.
If he really cared about me he would be here right now. If he loved me, he would have put forth the effort I have.
The streetlights were a haze in your vision as you ran until the weight of your bag felt like a hundred pounds.
Why does Colin make himself so hard to love?
Just the thought of cutting him completely out of your life was enough to cause your tears to overflow. Your sniffles turned into sobs within seconds, overtaking your senses so quickly that you had to stop running.
Colin… Colin, why? Why do you have to make me feel like this?
You wanted to scream as loud as you could. There was so much anger building up inside of you and you didn't know how to let out. You just needed to get away. You needed to breathe. Yet being alone felt odd. Wanting a break from Colin was something you had never craved before.
Why do I let him treat me like this?
Why did love have to be so complicated? You wanted to be alone yet you could barely stand the idea of not laying in bed next to him. If only he had decided to go to sleep with you that night. If only he had listened to your advice. If only he didn’t rely on drugs for release. If only.
You came to a stop at the realization. This entire time you had been trying to change him. For the better, yes indeed. But he wasn’t ready for change. He wasn’t ready to grow up and cherish the love you were willing to give him.
And if he wasn’t ready, 3 years was already too long to wait. You always had time, but it was never going to go to waste.
"I'll be okay." You promised to yourself, lip quivering with each prayer that you uttered. No matter what was going to happen, you would get through it. With or without Colin by your side. The relationship was in his hands now. One more tear slipped from your eye when you realized you had done all you could.
Your heart seemed to shatter at that realization. All you could do was sit and wait for him to make up his mind. It felt like you had broken up, but you couldn’t help and hold on tightly to that last string of hope.
You had wanted to feel something real; you wanted something more. You wanted someone to depend on you, to crave and cherish you. But you always seemed to let the wrong man do so. Someone who didn't even deserve an ounce of the love you had to give.
You thought that man could have been Colin. There were so many great qualities about him, yet his deep rooted issues always stood in the way. You noticed his problems when you were friends, yet had to deal with them as a couple.
In your eyes, the man you wanted to be with was never supposed to be perfect. You just needed to see him strive to change. The fights you always had with him were easily preventable yet it never changed. He could fix his problems if he wanted to. He could get some sleep. He could stop drinking in excess. He could stop lying. He could treat you better.
And now you had finally had enough. You would not let Colin bring you down with him, as selfish as that sounded. But you had already been trying for 3 years. If the sign that he wouldn’t run after you wasn’t enough, you didn’t know what was. You could not fix him.
And that was the biggest, most important lesson you learned from this.
Some people aren't meant to be fixed.
Tears started to well in the corners of your eyes. Sometimes the truth really was harder to face. It hurt to know your efforts to form an unbreakable bond with him crumbled right in front of you. But you couldn’t go on like this any longer. You could not watch Colin destroy himself. The promises he whispered in your ear had become devoid of all meaning. They were almost as empty as you.
Despite his faults, you loved him. You loved him more than anything- yet you had to be strong for yourself. Everything you thought was contradicting.
Though you tried desperately to deny it, you could not continue on like this. "I need to move on.” Your brain tried to reason with your heart.
Yet uttering those words did not change a thing. You were still confused, still hurt beyond explanation. You were so angry and tired, in dire need of someone who was willing to calm you down. The last thing you could do was walk back into the apartment you and Colin shared. You were so frustrated that you would rather sleep outside.
And with that, you reached your childhood best friend Stefan’s door with a heavy heart.
Coming around the street corner so early in the morning was strange. There wasn’t another sound to be heard. The silence was eerie, as if it was trying to remind you that you were alone.
Somewhat ashamed, you walked up the concrete steps to Stefan’s front door. You were surprised you had even made it there, with how dazed and confused you had become. Your mind was racing a hundred miles a minute. Would he even take you in? Was he even home?
Your finger hovered over the doorbell. You paused, half of you wishing Colin had followed you. You absolutely hated bothering people like this. Stefan probably wouldn’t mind, but your worry stemmed from your own anxiety of becoming a burden.
You waited anxiously. It was not too late to turn back.
Yet before you could think about another alternative, Stefan appeared behind the glass. A surprised look was on his face.
“Y/N?” He rubbed his eyes, voice muffled behind the door until he unlocked it and ushered you inside.
“I'm sorry Stefan...” You half smiled, swaying the duffel bag around your torso. “Is there anyway I can crash on your couch for tonight?” You tried to ask without showing any indications of how heartbroken you were.
But he could see right through you, aside from the fact that you had shown up at 3am.
“Colin let you walk away huh?”
“I think we are done this time...” You bit your lip to hold back the tears. “I can’t watch him spiral like this. He won’t take my advice. And as far as I’m concerned, I have been enabling him to take the drugs. He can’t function without them anymore. We don’t talk.. Haven't done anything special in two weeks...” You looked up to meet Stefan’s eyes, and was surprised to find them filled with sadness and compassion.
“You don’t need to say anything more, Y/N.” Stefan took your bag from you and gestured for you to follow him to his bedroom. His hair was disheveled from what was once a deep sleep. For the most part he was awake, giving you his full attention.
“The couch is fine.” You smiled weakly, not wanting to ruin his entire night. Stefan was far too kind.
“You already know what I'm going to say.” He rolled his eyes, moving aside papers and books to set your bag on his desk chair. You hadn’t been over for a couple weeks and a lot had changed since then. Stefan was also working on a similar project, and he was still sane. At least you thought… At least Stefan talked to you about his problems. That topic had remained constant in your friendship.
“Thanks,” You laughed through your nose. “for real.”
“Colin may be a coworker and friend, but I’ve known you since we were children.” He crossed his arms and looked around. “I’m sorry for the mess though… Is there anything else I can get you before I go back asleep?”
“No,” You smiled genuinely. You wondered if Stefan could see the obvious indications of crying that littered your face. If he did, he remained quiet. He had known you long enough to wait until you were ready. The pain was still fresh. “Not till the morning.” You finished.
“I'll be here when you wake. We can talk then.”
He closed the door. You listened to his bare feet creak against the hardwood until you were sure he was out of hearing range. You felt like crying, but part of you was too angry to produce any tears. You tried to avoid the resentment creeping into your mind. Relationships were never a waste of time until the end, when you realize everything you had put into it was unappreciated. Years of your life gone. If you somehow couldn’t work it through with Colin, your happiness would become a painful memory. All the traits you had learned about him would eventually fade. Everything you had been through would never be spoken about again.
You weren’t ready for that.
Sighing to avoid more tears, you took off your shoes and set them quietly under Stefan’s bed. You knew a couple hours of sleep would relieve some of the stress.
Stefan’s home was a great place to take your mind off Colin. He was a part of your life that was filled with continuous joy. He even had a few pictures of you from your earlier years taped on his wall. Glancing at them caused a smile to spread across your face. The two of you were so young then, and now you were reaching adulthood.
Stefan’s room was so plain back then. Now, the walls were decorated with projects, diagrams and posters. Piles of books and software littered every possible open surface in the cramped room.
Looking at them put you at peace. And eventually, you wrapped yourself in a blanket and drifted into a relaxed, stress free slumber.
The morning came sooner than you wanted. The room was still pitch black because of the blinds, which made it ten times harder to wake up fully. Groaning, you stretched and climbed out of bed. The clock read 10:30am.
You emerged from the bedroom and found Stefan up in the kitchen. He smiled at you, gesturing to the eggs and toast he was preparing.
“You didn’t have to do that.” You chuckled.
The lanky boy shrugged nonchalantly. “I know, but you would do the same for me.”
You pulled out a chair at the breakfast bar and laid your head in your hands, rubbing your eyes from discomfort. Your mind was still racing, trying to piece together some sort of plan on how you were going to figure your life out. You couldn’t just bail on Colin, You shared an apartment. You shared everything...What were you going to do? You would have to find your own place closer to the university. You could possibly find one of your girlfriends to live with for a couple week. Yet your pride wouldn't have it. You hated relying on other people so heavily like that. Colin had been the only person to see that side of you for quite some time.
“Y/N?” Stefan’s voice finally hit you like a slap in the face. You hadn’t noticed he had been calling your name.
“What? Sorry.” You mumbled.
“What are you going to do?”
“I don’t know.” A sigh escaped your lips. You wished more than anything for something else to fill your mind. “I’d rather talk about you. How’s the game going?”
“Don’t give me that.” He laughed while shaking his head. “You need to go back to Colin’s and figure your shit out.”
You were silent. You knew Stefan was right but you craved recognition from Colin. You wanted him to come to you. You were sick of being the one who initiated to sort through your problems. You wanted Colin to be a man and ask you to stay. Immature and irrational, yes, but still. You could not help the way you felt. Why were you the one obligated to figure things out?
You lowered your gaze, ashamed. “It’s always me.”
It took Stefan a moment to process what you meant. When it hit him, he raised his eyebrows. “You want him to come to you?”
You slowly nodded, your answer as faint as it could be. “I’m sorry Stefan. I’m being an idiot. I’m just so… angry.”
Stefan pulled out the chair next to you and took a seat. “You don’t need to be sorry about anything.”
You felt tears prickling at your eyelids. You loathed being this vulnerable.
“Why don’t I drive you back over there so you can pick up your things. You can try to talk to him.” Stefan lowered his head into your view until you were forced to look at him. “See what he has to say. But after that, I can always take you back.”
You sniffled. “I-I can do that.”
Not another moment passed before you gathered your composure. You reached over and grabbed the telephone from off the wall and dialed your phone number. Your hands were on the verge of shaking from how terrified you had become. What the hell were you going to say? The phone rang three times before Colin’s raspy voice echoed on the other side.
“Are you at the flat?” You asked, keeping your voice as steady as possible.
“Yeah.” He replied softly, recognizing your voice in an instant.
“I'll be over soon.” You clutched the phone so hard your fingers turned white. You heard him taking a breath but were too nervous to hear what he had to say. You slammed the phone against the receiver before you heard another word.
Arriving at your apartment should not have been this difficult. You swallowed hard as you unbuckled your seat belt. Maybe it was too soon to come back, but you were an impatient person. You would have to come back regardless.
“I’ll be here.” Stefan gave you an encouraging smile.
You reciprocated his actions, even as your heart began to beat so fast you could barely hear what he said. You closed the car door with a click and clutched the keys in your hand. Here went nothing.
Entering the lobby and riding the elevator seemed like a fever dream. This building had been your home for over a year, yet you felt like an alien in it. No matter how long you had been with Colin, it was his. This was his home first. And depending on what happens when you enter the room, it will be his home last.
Even staring at the front door, decorated with pictures and signs you had placed there, wasn’t enough to make you feel welcome. You were most likely scaring yourself, but it was you form of preparation. You couldn't face another disappointment. You did not want to expect a smile on his face and be greeted with a frown.
Shaking your head to disperse the thoughts, you took a deep breath and knocked. At the sound, you heard shuffling from inside. As if he had been intentionally waiting beside it, Colin pulled the door open.
Your mouth parted in surprise.
The bags under his eyes had worsened. It seemed like he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.
“Y/N-” He started, too choked up to say anything coherent. You had the feeling he wanted to reach out for you by the way he stumbled. You watched that thought leave his eyes at the sight of you standing as still as a statue.
“Where’s your mind at?” You shifted awkwardly on your feet. Normally, you would be all too willing to fall back into his arms. But if that were to happen, the cycle would go on repeating itself. That's not the life you wanted for yourself, and it was certainly not the life you wanted for Colin. If you couldn’t be the one by his side, hopefully someone else could.
“What do you mean where’s my mind at?” He blinked in confusion, one hand gripping the door and the other gripping the wooden frame. You watched his muscles tense.
You met his eyes. “Did you think I was going to come back and pretend everything was okay?”
“I hoped.”
“Because you're ashamed?” The accusation left your lips out of anger and frustration. “And you’re not big enough of a man to admit it?”
“I have nothing to be ashamed about.” He swallowed, now unable to meet your eyes.
“You're addicted, Colin.” You bit your lip. “I can’t be with someone like this.”
“I’m not-”
“-You are. And I’ve let it slide for too long. You can’t function sober.”
Colin was silent. He knew he had a problem. The hurt in your tone was evident enough. He had neglected you long enough.
“All you had to do was ask for help. Before any of this spiraled. I was there for you.”
You saw panic flash across his face even though he was trying to hide it. “Was?”
“I can’t.” You gestured frantically between the two of you. There was barely a gap, but it felt like miles. “I can’t keep going on like this.”
“Like what?” He whispered.
“Being ignored. Watching you fall apart. You pushing me away. You never wanting to do anything. You smoke every night, and you push your work off until you have to cram it all into one night. And then you can't even do it! You need to take a tab. I’m sick of it. Your sleep schedule is so fucked up I can't remember the last time you held me in that bed.”
He knew he had no justifiable excuse. He had fucked up.
“I love you, Y/N.” His shoulders relaxed. “I don’t understand why that isn’t enough.”
“How am I supposed to know you love me when you never show it?” You raised your voice, surprised at the weakness of his rational. “I should be able to feel your love.”
Your words were a challenge. After the years you had spent together, Colin was able to decipher your language.
You were growing distraught. Was he even listening to you? You wanted to kiss him so badly, to run your fingers along his face in a caressing touch. You wanted to move on like nothing ever happened but your heart couldn’t go through it again. There needed to be a change. And he had to make his decision now.
“You’re right.” He breathed, tension pulling harder and harder at the both of you. “I feel like you despise me. I don’t know how to make it right.”
His confession took you by surprise. Colin was never not confident, he never shied away from taking control of every situation. When he walked into the room, all eyes were always on him. You knew he was under an immense amount of stress and pressure because of it. But now it had taken a toll on your relationship.
“I’m not used to this… not knowing what to do.”
“You should be able to take comfort in the fact that I'm here for you. I should know things about you that no one else does.” You met his eyes again. “I thought you would have learned this of being together for 3 years.”
“Take comfort in the fact that no one has heard me say that before.” He opened the door wider, as an invitation. “You’re the only woman I need.”
Still upset, that comment made the corners of your lips curve slightly.
He was vulnerable for what seemed like the first time. That was a step in the right direction, a promising one. Now he knew you were serious. You wouldn’t tolerate his childish behavior any longer. You wanted something more with him, and he was going to have to work for it.
Even though Colin was sure you still wanted to scream at him, you held yourself with so much composure. It made his heart race. You looked beautiful just as you were, even when your eyes were red and your nose stuffy. He only wished he hadn’t caused it.
“I love you.” Colin repeated with glossy eyes.
And with that, you fell against him with a sob. His warmth enveloped you and you gripped onto him tight. The man you loved more than anything ushered you inside, hugging you just as tight in return.
“I can’t lose you, Y/N.” He whispered into your hair. “I’ll do what needs to be done.”
“I believe you.” You tilted your head up, staring deeply into his eyes. “My love for you is still strong. I love you, Colin. No matter what happens that will never change.”
You shared a long kiss, one that was filled with passion and desperation. The butterflies you had felt so many times before erupted back into a fury. He gripped your waist, begging for more.
You pulled back, hands caressing his jawline. “Later.”
“I need you, babe.”
You chuckled softly, burying your face into his chest. Colin knew what names to call you when he wanted something. Every time he did, he was able to see that familiar blush light up your cheeks.
“Let me go tell poor Stefan that everything is okay.”
“Is that where you stayed?”
“Where else would I have gone?”
He smiled. “You’re right. Let me come with you. I need to thank him.”
“Because I knew you didn’t have the courage to come back by yourself. He had some say in your decision, yeah?” His question was cheeky, followed by a nudge.
You rolled your eyes. “I would have come back eventually.”
“I know. I was just about to go find you when you called.” His joke turned into something more serious. “I was worried sick about you.”
“Did you sleep at all?”
“Well I promise not to do that again. If you promise me that you’ll work at your habits. I’m only saying this because I care about you Colin.”
He took your small hands and kissed them softly. “I promise.”
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loveisbraveandwild · 5 years
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Hi! This is my “how i met taylor swift” story! i’ll never be able to express how much the privilege of being invited by taylor herself into her home to hear the lover album early, eat her rice krispy treats, and tell her i’m proud of her means to me, but here’s my attempt at least telling the story. it’s a long story so if you hate reading click here to watch the video i made about it!
At 5:30pm on July 21st, I was sitting in my bed on tumblr and a message pops up on my screen that says “Taylor Nation CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE.” Me, not trusting anyone on this site, clicked it thinking it was fake there’s no frickin way i got the dm. I read the url and the message about four times until i finally sat up out of my bed and immediately text sam, my best friend in the whole world. she texts me back in all caps, as a real friend does, and then she facetimes me. I missed what she first said but i will never forget her saying “i got mine on twitter.” After talking to her on the phone, i finally reply to tn.
monday and tuesday go by and nothing happens. on wednesday at 2:54pm I text sam “tn forgot about us” then at 2:57 my long live ringtone started blaring and i pick up and this guy is like “is this grace ----” and im like yes and he says “this is x with taylor nation.” ive never jumped up and screeched louder in my life. he tells me our conversation is confidential, confirms where i’m from, and then asks me if i can go to rhode island. here’s my reaction to my phone call. 
on friday, whilst in target, having saved taylor nation’s number in my phone, i get another phone call from them. they tell me the original location has been leaked and ask me if i can get to nashville. i’ll never be able to emphasize how grateful and privileged i feel to not only be able to have gone to sessions but to be able to say yes without needing to confirm anything with my parents and to be able to change my plans, after having booked a flight to RI (don’t worry i got a full refund!)
the following saturday i woke up at 3::30am to catch a flight to nashville. sam and my flight got in 4 minutes apart from each other. the rest of the day is a story for another time but basically i freaked out because i met about 2 dozen other swifties that i’ve been friends with for a long time. i had lunch and dinner with them, we went to the taylor swift education center, and we hung out in the hotel together. the day ended with me meeting emma, someone who i hardly interacted with but admired so much because of her blog.  
sunday morning we woke up and freaked out and spent the morning trying to stomach food and getting ready. then we went to the hotel and got to the meet up spot at 3:15ish. there were so many people i knew there and it was the craziest experience ever. at 4 a woman from tn comes up and gets us and steals our phones, etc. an hour later they bring us out to the buses and that’s when i started to get really, really overwhelmed and start crying. i would have fallen to my knees if sam hadn’t caught me.
i’m the last person off the second bus and we round the corner and once again, i start crying. fast forward and we’re in line for food (which i did not eat) and i see these adorable little labels for the food that look like taylor’s handwriting, once again, sobbing. i turn to sam and say “she loves us so much.” even if she didn’t write those cards, someone took the time to sit down and hand write them and even the smallest act went the longest way for me. 
we get in line to enter the room and about 30 minutes later they open the doors. five minutes later she jumped out and says “hey guys!” she looked the exact same as she does on my computer screen, fake. her hair was perfect, she was tall (not as tall as i imagined though), smiling, beautiful, gorgeous, all the good things. she then tells us not to share anything that happens in this room and when taylor looks you in the eye and tells you to do something you do it. 
half way through we take a little break and sam and i are in line for the bathroom when i see people coming back in the session room i immediately tell sam to sit down and we do, not moving an inch. front. row. seats. two feet away from her chair is probably an overstatement. i don’t know how it happened but we were two frickin feet away from where she was sitting. she comes back and plays the rest of the album. 
then they take the minors first and then the ~adults alphabetically. my last name starts with a B but i still didn’t meet her until about 1:30am on august 5th. when they open the door and call me in i see her reflection and she’s like dancing? i look to my laugh and there she is, im crying writing this, like real tears. 
i want to keep most of our conversation private but she immediately said “Hi Gracie!” when i talked in. i heard stories than when you hug taylor swift she never lets go first, this is indeed true. i told her i loved her in her ear while we were hugging and she said it back. then she told me she knew a selfie i had posted but she had never liked and i freaked out. i told her i’m studying political science and gender studies and i want to run for office one day and she was so excited and proud of me. i thanked her for my first notice when she put me on her story and told her why my favorite taylor song is my favorite taylor song. we talked a little bit about the album and she told me she was proud of me twice and i told her i was proud of her twice. we took our picture and she let me make sure i liked it and the only thing i remember is seeing my smile and being like “thats it” because i looked had never smiled so big. 
the next day taylor posted a picture wearing the bracelet i gave her when told her i was bi and thanked her for her allyship and i just about passed out. i spent the day in nashville and got to open my picture at!!! the!! bluebird!! cafe!!! click here for some soft video content of it! 
this entire experience was a whirlwind from start to finish and i wouldnt change a second of it. taylor, on the off chance that you see this, and on the bigger off chance that you read this, thank you. being able to look you in the eyes and tell you how proud i am of you is something i’ve dreamt about since i was about ten years old. i never thought i would be able to do it. thank you for inviting me into one of your most intimate spaces, entrusting me with your art, and ranting about politics and gender studies with me. thank you for baking for me and for introducing me to my best friends. i wouldnt be nearly as confident, stable, happy, or supported without you and the people you’ve brought into my life. i love you so much! 
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imhereforbvcky · 5 years
Vivid - Part 4
Masterlist  -  Series Masterpage
Summary: Have you ever met someone who completely embodies a color? Not an aura, not synesthesia. Just… They walk into the room and when you spot them, you think to yourself, “Wow. That is a walking hurricane.” When Clint Barton serendipitously meets a free-spirited stranger, he sees red. Chapter: After dropping in on Clint unexpectedly, you are the one left surprised. 
Word Count: 2641
A/N: I’m not even going to pretend I didn’t go for the low-hanging fruit of plot points here. Sorry, not that sorry. I grew tired of belaboring series for the sake of ingenuity. It’s fanfiction, not a pulitzer novel. I want to enjoy writing it sometimes.
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1:30am was early. Or was it late, technically if you hadn’t slept yet? Too late for most people, at any rate. But not for you, and not for Clint.
It had been that kind of week and you’d celebrated its conclusion with that kind of night. Which had led you giggling and bumbling into the bodega. And that excursion, of course, then led to thinking of Clint so fondly that you decided to drop by his place.
At 1:30 in the morning.
Totally normal.
“Clint!” Your voice clanged through the open windows of his apartment where he had slung himself over the couch with a two year old bag of frozen peas against his cheek.
He bolted upright, waiting as if he’d dreamt it, as if it had been some phantom of the concussion he was now sporting. Natasha stood in the kitchen, stuffing spinach into the blender but perked an eyebrow at him. He ignored her with great effort.
“Clint, buzz me in!” you called again and this time he crawled to the window and peeked just over the sill, fingertips clinging to the peeling wood. “My hands are full!”
He could see now that it was true. You balanced an enormous pizza box on one forearm and squished a tub of ice cream and a 2-litre of coke in the other.
“Shut the fuck up!” a neighbor hollered and Clint cringed, ducking back below the window.
“You shut the fuck up!” You snapped back.
Clint chuckled from his spot with his back to the wall, knees curled to his chest with the streetlight’s orange glow shooting just over him like a failed search-light.
This was one of the things he liked about you, though it scared him: you were trouble, red hot emotion constantly bubbling just below the surface. Sure, you laughed quickly, but you also cried at Finding Nemo, and angered to boiling at the very first offense. His neighbor experienced the full force of it tonight.
“It’s 1:30 in the morning! Go home!”
“Yeah, I’m aware, Greg. Thanks for the time check!” you shouted back. “Clint! Pizza – burning! Ice cream – freezing!”
“This is bullshit,” the neighbor grumbled. “I’m callin’ the cops!”
“You do that! You fuckin’ do that!”
Natasha snorted from the kitchen. “Are you gonna get that or?”
“When they get here, I’ll make sure to mention those neat little five-leaf plants you’ve got in your bathroom window! They’re so green!” You continued your tirade until you heard the sharp buzz of the door unlocking. “And the smell, boy I think a skunk might’ve walked by…!”
“Fuck you!”
“Nice chat, Greg!” you hollered as you tugged the door open with your elbow.
Inside Natasha stood at the intercom with a wicked grin on her lips. Clint buried his face in his hands, elbows on his knees.
“Why did you do that? Ow!” he complained at the pressure of his own hands on his bruised cheekbone.
“Because you didn’t,” she shrugged, propping the door open by the deadbolt. “Were you just going to let your girl get arrested? That is her right? Your secret person?”
“She’s not a secret. She’s also not… my girl.”
“If it’s not a secret why were you hiding?”
“Because it’s almost 2am and you’re here! What do you think she’ll make of that?” he snapped.
Natasha scowled at him. “That I’m your friend. Who’s keeping an eye on you after you got pistol-whipped by a Hulk-sized alien on an assignment.”
Before Clint could complain further you were pushing through the door.
“Okay, I got pepperoni because I’m cheap and let’s be honest; it’s the best.”
He’d jumped to his feet to help you, taking the pizza as you shifted the ice cream and coke out of your arms.
“Pepperoni’s my favorite.” He smiled something soft and warm.
Spending time with Clint always felt like no time at all. Like you were exactly where you needed to be and time didn’t matter. Every last thing felt comfortable and content and you didn’t worry about a damn thing. The buzzing fire in your veins settled to a cool shiver. Your favorite place in the city was standing right there under the relaxed  calm of his smile.
“Yeah, I know,” you grinned, finally turning your eyes up to him. The smile dropped as quickly as it came. “Holy shit! Your face!”
“I mean, I know I’m no Steve Rogers, but that’s a little harsh,” he joked.
“It’s a very good face, except for the grapefruit sized bruise,” you cooed, holding his chin and turning his head side with exaggerated scrutiny. “What the hell happened?!”
Finally, your fingers slid over the sides of his neck until they rested on his shoulder. It was just a light touch, just a flutter, just enough to excite a shiver up his neck and over his scalp. Goosebumps prickled across his skin as the only evidence.
“Jerk snuck up on me,” he hedged. This wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have, so he shrugged and tipped his head, leaning slightly into your lingering touch. “I’ve had worse.”
“You need some ice.”
Despite all his wishing, you released him. Your fingertips still tingled with the scratch of his stubble as you’d moved over his skin.
The second you turned for the kitchen, your racing heart stopped completely.
“I… h-hi,” you managed, eyes wide and frozen on Natasha.
She waved her fingers in a fluid sweep and pulsed the blender on the smoothie she’d been graciously waiting to finish making.
“Did uh…” you murmured, turning to Clint while he lifted to his cheek the pack of frozen peas Natasha had tossed at him not ten minutes earlier. “Did you know there’s an Avenger in your kitchen?”
He chuckled, glancing to Natasha whose brow pinched together slightly for the briefest moment.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, she’s keeping an eye on the…” he pointed to his cheek, to the violent purple bruise blossoming across his skin like the purple-black petals of a superstition iris.
“Uh-huh. Uh-huh,” you answered, eyes back on Natasha, in total awe. You’d seen her on CNN for fuck’s sake. She exposed HYDRA. And told Capitol Hill to fuck off. And not even the deepest halls of the US government knew what else.
Yet here she stood in your friend’s kitchen. At two in the morning.
“She and I… we go way back…” Clint started and stopped. How the hell was he supposed to explain his relationship with Nat? It was well beyond friendship, closer than family. There was so much love, but not the same kind of stomach flipping, tongue glued to your teeth, tripping over your feet sort of love that clawed up from somewhere long forgotten whenever you breezed into the room, all red and alive and gleaming. Either relationship was well beyond words to Clint. Certainly beyond his word bank.
“Oh,” you nodded. Then a moment later, “Oh!”
Natasha caught your assumption immediately and turned to Clint with a sharp look. He was too busy trying to find words that would never suffice to stop the freight train that had just jumped the tracks in your mind.
“I… you guys are…” you stammered, walking backward toward the door and pointing between them. “I just didn’t think you had a um… Well not that you couldn’t,” you laughed anxiously. “I mean, you’re funny and so kind and you’ve got those arms there, and shit,” you slammed an open palm on your forehead. “I’m just uh… I’m gonna go.”
By the time you’d finished rambling you had backed your way to the door with a thumb pointing over your shoulder. Without another fumbled word, you spun on the spot and slipped out.
“Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.” Clint complained. With each curse, his forehead thunked against the counter top
“Probably not good for the concussion, Barton,” Natasha chuckled
“That’s alright. A coma would be better right about now anyway.”
There was a light knock before you peeked back inside. Clint perked up and breathed your name, relieved beyond words to see your face again, when he’d thought he’d blown it, lost it already and entirely.
“I’m just gonna…” you took three long strides to the kitchen and swiped the tub of ice cream off the counter before scampering back out with even more haste.
Natasha burst into laughter. Chest full, and dimples deeply carved with mirth. Clint slid to the floor with a groan.
“So are you gonna stop her or do I have to do everything?”
“Stop her how? Say what?”
“Well for starters tell her you’re an Avenger. We’re teammates and frie—“
“She knows who I am,” he grumbled, reaching overhead for the pizza box.
“She knows Clint Barton, the idiot who drinks coffee all night long and eats way too much pizza. The guy who’s always there at two a.m., who makes her laugh, and who apparently has nice arms,” she chuckled.
“Shut up,” he argued with a grin slowly dragging over his face.
“She absolutely does not know what you do for a living.” She handed him the smoothie and he scowled at it.
“I saw her at a promotional fundraiser,” he argued. “She had to know. It’s the only reason I was there.”
“Clint. You were SHIELD first: a spy. Your identity was protected. Then the battle of New York, you mostly kept to rooftops; the media didn’t exactly get any close-ups. You don’t do the press meetings. Unless someone’s looking for Hawkeye especially… you can get away with being a little bit anonymous.”
“Shit,” he mumbled through a bite of pizza. “She said something about there being Avengers at the fundraiser, I thought she was joking! And she totally froze when she recognized you… She has no idea, does she?”
Natasha offered a sympathetic look and a shrug.
“This is embarrassing. How have I never talked about work?”
“I think it’s nice,” she curled up on the floor next to him, stealing a sip of the smoothie. “She just likes you. And you have something outside of the job. It’s good. You need that. We all do.”
He nodded, scooping up another slice of pizza. “I need to tell her though.”
“How does she not see it?”
“That you’re Hawkeye or that you’re head over heels?”
He scowled at her and pushed his glass back into her hands. “This smoothie’s gross.”
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A week and a half later and Clint had not told you a thing. Instead, he crouched on the edge of the rooftop, peering down at the row of warehouses. Some of them were abandoned. The rest had simply gone still for the night.
Steady fingers spread like a claw over the concrete. Lightly booted feet curled into sharp demi-pointe. If he weren’t in dark leather and neoprene, strapped over and over with sleek pointed weapons and exactly one SHIELD issue handgun, he might’ve looked like a dancer. Clint was always light on his feet, tall and strong in a way that made him agile and lithe.
“Something’s not right,” he worried aloud, clear blue eyes flashing on the small group of giggling twenty-somethings that teetered into the building he was meant to be watching. Abandoned warehouse, one door east and two south of his position.
“Ya think?” Bucky grumbled, watching through the scope of his rifle as the last of them disappeared behind the heavy steel door. The distant ker-thunk of its closing echoed up to his ears a moment later and his finger twitched over the safety. He knew it was in place. Bucky knew his guns like they were permanently attached to his body, but he checked it just in case.
These did not look like the villains they were after.
“That’s the sixth group of idiots in band tees to go in since we got up here.” Clint relaxed by a hair now that there was nothing and no one to see down below. His heels met concrete once more, and he squared his body over his knees. He still looked ready to leap, but less like he was mid-lunge, less like a swooping predator. “It’s supposed to be empty.”
Empty except for the group dealers the Avengers had tracked down. The ones who serviced illegally salvaged alien weaponry out of the abandoned warehouse one building east and two south of Clint’s current perch. The club they intended to lasso tonight in the building that was now teeming with bystanders.
“Only question now…” Bucky dragged the cross-hairs of his scope onto a new group headed toward the building. “Is whether it’s just bad intel, or a set up.”
Clint sighed and turned his attention to the small group as well. A couple of women. They seemed happy. One of them passed something small to another and hopped forward, a small dance in every step. Clint hadn’t noticed he was smiling. It was small and involuntary, the tiniest curve of his lips. The woman threw her head back and held a bottle to her lips, no doubt singing into it. Clint caught a glimmer of color when they passed under a street light and froze.
“No, no, no, no, no,” he murmured, rapid-fire. This time, crouching further even than before, his fingers curled around the thick ledge of the wall and his feet remained beneath him, arched up on pads, ready to leap.
“What?” Bucky pulled away from his scope, scanning the area for danger, for whatever had Clint so literally on edge. “What do you see?” Eye back on the scope, he saw nothing unusual about the group. So he swept the door, the windows, the roof of the building. Empty. “Clint!”
“Not here,” his voice was a breathless plea. “She shouldn’t be here.”
Clint looked frantic, fingers gripping and regripping the rough ledge like every fresh hold bolstered him in place, reminded him that he was part of a team and he needed to hold his position.
“Barton!” Bucky barked again. “Who?”
“The one with the coke bottle!”
“Yeah?” Bucky settled on her through the scope, red bottle, red cap inches from equally red lips. Same band tee as everyone else. To Bucky, a harmless, unremarkable civilian. “I’m not seeing it, man. This is a live mission, Clint! If you see something off, you’ve gotta tell me. Who the hell is she?”
“She’s—she’s… I don’t know… We--I…”
Agitated by his partner’s distress, Bucky followed the woman, kept her tightly within his cross-hairs and with a gentle practiced finger snapped the safety off.
“She’s a friend. A… She’s my person.”
“Are you fucking kidding me, Barton?!” Bucky clicked the safety back in place and glared at his partner, his friend. He was ready to fire on a civilian because Clint couldn’t form a sentence when he laid eyes on a goddamn crush.
“I’ve got action on the southwest corner,” Sam’s voice crackled over the comlink. “Definitely packing.”
Bucky, still glaring at Clint, saw his eyes go wide and the decision flash firm in his jaw. Bucky only managed two words after that.
“Clint, don’t—!“
But Clint had already launched himself over the edge of the building.
It wasn’t a long drop. The buildings weren’t skyscrapers, just a couple of stories high, just enough for a few forklifts to create monuments to forgotten consumerism out of crates and pallets.
His landing was loud anyway. Clint rolled onto the empty roof of a delivery truck with the deep bellow of reverberating aluminum. The noise was thunderous, almost matching Bucky’s anger, but Clint kept rolling, right down the windshield until he found his feet on the hood and leapt forward onto crumbling pavement. Then he ran.
“The hell was that?” Natasha worried in Bucky’s earpiece.
“Barton’s lost his goddamn mind over a girl,” he grumbled in answer. “He’s on the ground now. I’ll cover.”
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Chapter 5 >>
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Sleepy Mornings - Sweet Pea x Reader 
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(Gif is not mine, credit to the creator!)
Requested by anonymous: 
“could you maybe do a sweet pea story where like youre always really tired when you get to school so you walk up to him and he's just talking to his friends with like you in his arms sleeping and it happens all the time ? idk if this made sense but the way you write for him is great i love your stories!!”
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,035
You reach over to press snooze one more time on your phone as the alarm draws you from your sleep. Your eyes take a moment to focus on the screen and you read the time, 7:45am. You had been pressing snooze every 9 minutes for 45 minutes and you knew if you pressed it one more time there was no way you would be making it to school on time. Pushing the blankets back you climb out of your bed into your chilly bedroom, heading to the bathroom to go through your regular ten-minute routine of getting ready for the day. You head back to your bedroom and change out of your pajamas, pulling on a pair of leggings and a hoodie, which wasn’t very different from your pajamas, but at least you could say that you weren’t actually wearing your pajamas.
“You’re going to be late for school, Y/N,” you hear your mother call from downstairs and you groan, grabbing your bag off the ground and hurrying down the stairs.
“It only takes me ten minutes to walk to school, mom,” you tell her, grabbing a travel mug and filling it with coffee, your eyes heavy.
“You look tired,” your mom comments, standing at the counter and packing a lunch for herself.
“Thanks,” you reply sarcastically, grabbing an apple from the counter and placing it into your purse.
“When did you go to bed?” she asks, turning to look at you with a look of disapproval.
You sigh and put the lid onto your cup, taking a drink of the coffee. “I don’t know,” you lie. You did know, it was 2:30am, but you knew she would get mad if you told her that. There just weren’t enough hours in the day, so you had made it a habit of staying up much later than you really wanted to.
“You need to start going to bed earlier,” you mom states and you nod, rolling your eyes when you know she isn’t looking.
“Yup,” you reply and turn around, heading out of the kitchen, “see you later, have a good day at work,” you call, pulling your shoes on and leaving the house.
The walk from your house to the school realistically was short, but it always felt like a marathon because you were so exhausted. Once you get to the school you push the door open, on autopilot now as you navigate through the hallway to where you knew your boyfriend, Sweet Pea, would be.
You see him standing next to some lockers, talking to Fangs, Toni, and Jughead. When he notices you beside him he opens his arm, pulling you into him, his arm wrapped firmly around you. Your head lands on his chest tiredly, shutting your eyes. This had happened so many times before that nobody even tried to talk to you this early in the morning. Your serious hatred of mornings coupled with your lack of sleep left you essentially a zombie barely functioning in life.
“Did you get your English paper done?” you hear Toni ask someone.
“Yeah, barely, but it’s done,” Fangs replies, though you are barely cognizant enough to register his sentence, everything sounding a little like an unintelligible string of words and not a coherent sentence.
The sound of the bell causes the hallway to fill with noise as people begin shuffling towards their first classes.
“No,” you groan, not pulling away from Sweet Pea. A chuckle vibrates in his chest and you sigh, pulling away. The only saving grace of this morning was that you and Sweet Pea had history together first period. “I hate mornings,” you whine.
“I know you do,” Sweet Pea comments, having heard you complain about mornings almost every day you two had known each other. He keeps his arm around you as the two of you walk through the hallway to your class.
“Are you ready for the quiz today?” you ask Sweet Pea, having spent two hours straight last night studying for this history quiz.
“Quiz?” he questions with an undeniable casualty to his voice.
“Yeah, the Cold War quiz,” you tell him and he shrugs in response.
“I guess I am,” Sweet Pea replies and you sigh. He was always so calm about school and you had no idea how he could possibly be so relaxed about it.
You two walk into the classroom and sit down in your usual spots, in the back corner near the windows on the right side of the room.
“Good morning, class,” your history teacher says as you rest your head on your hand, your elbow on the desk propping yourself up. “I’ve moved your quiz till next Monday,” he states.
Sweet Pea chuckles and you turn your head towards him. Two hours you had spent last night, two hours that you could have been sleeping. “I’m going to cry,” you whisper jokingly to Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea scoots his chair closer to yours, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his side, your head on his shoulder. “I think you should go to bed earlier.”
“Yeah, you and everyone else in my life,” you mutter, fighting hard to keep your eyes open as you stare at the dull PowerPoint.
“Well maybe everyone else is right,” Sweet Pea says quietly and you turn your head, glaring at him with an intense level of annoyance.
“Right, no, of course not,” Sweet Pea chuckles and runs his hand along your arm, pulling you a little closer.
“Can we go to your trailer after school?” you ask quietly.
“Do you even have to ask?” Sweet Pea says lowly, a smirk on his face, sliding his hand down to your waist.
“To nap,” you add quickly, before he got too carried away in his thoughts.
Sweet Pea chuckles, “as long as I can cuddle with you.”
You laugh softly and roll your eyes, “you really are just a big baby, Pea. I don’t care what anyone says, you’re just a sweetheart.”
“Tell anyone that and I’ll have to stop cuddling with you.”
“That’s quite a threat,” you giggle, “but you know I would never do anything to risk losing out on cuddles with you.”
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
Tag: @gruffle1
2K notes · View notes
vestsfriends · 5 years
2 Years Later (An Andi Mack Fanfic) Part 1/4
Pairings: TJ Kippen/Cyrus Goodman, Jonah Beck/Cyrus Goodman, Jonah Beck/Andi Mack, Andi Mack/Amber, Buffy Driscoll/Marty From The Party, Bex Mack/Bowie Quinn
Word Count: 4,790 (for parts 1 and 2)
[please read this I worked on it for ten hours straight]
With the school year finally coming to a close along with the never ending drama of middle school, the GHC found themselves at the last minute of their graduation ceremony. When Principal Metcalf gave his final goodbye to the students, he signaled the graduating eighth graders to stand up and walk back down aisle of the auditorium. The students were each wearing proper clothing to comply to the dress requirements. The boys were wearing blue, white, and grey polo shirts with a tie around the collar, and all the girls wearing different colored dresses and skirts. Unfortunately, there was assigned positions, so Andi, Cyrus, and Buffy were not anywhere near each other.
When they reached the end of their dismissal, Andi, with her light purple skirt being blown away by the wind, searched through the crowd of graduates and their families to try and find hers. She stood on her tip-toes to see if she could spot Bowie’s curly brown hair peeking up amongst the mob. Alas, she was unsuccessful in finding her parents. Andi’s dark copper eyes fell gloomily on the ground below her. But suddenly, a hand grasped her shoulder from behind, startling the young girl.
“Hey, kid!” Bowie exclaimed, he and Bex enthusiastically surrounding their daughter with a bouquet of flowers. “Congratulations! You’re officially a high schooler now!”
“Dadddd,” Andi whined and stuffed her face into her father’s chest while laughing. “I don’t want to be called a high schooler just yet.” She rolled her eyes up at Bowie who chuckled and glanced over at Bex.
“Wait, where are Cyrus and Buffy?” The professional make-up artist asked. “I thought they would have met up with you by now.”
Andi unwrapped her arms from her father. “Oh right! I gotta go find them! See you guys later!”
Bex and Bowie wrapped an arm around each other’s waist tightly, their bodies immediately warming from the touch.
“Don’t forget to meet us at the Spoon when you find them!” Bex called out to Andi who was running in and out of the swarm of other students. She turned back for a brief moment to meet Bex’s eyes before shifting her head forwards again.
Bex leaned into Bowie’s ear and whispered, “she’s growing up way too fast.” Bowie nodded solemnly and gave Bex’s hand a squeeze in comfort.
Meanwhile, Andi was almost sure that her childhood friends had left until she spotted them on a bench in front of their middle school. The short-haired girl sped over to them, flailing her arms to get their attention.
“Hey!” She yelled. “We did it guys!”
Cyrus and Buffy jumped off the bench and ran to hug their friend. The three teens wrapped their arms around each other in a group hug. They were very emotional, and their eyes had already started to form tears.
After a few moments of silence, the three now-high schoolers separated.
“The Good Hair Crew has finally ended one of their longest chapters, and will now be starting a much bigger, and longer, journey!” Cyrus spoke proudly as if he a news broadcaster. Since it was a special day, Andi and Buffy decided to let him call them the “good hair crew”.
The three of them laughed until another unknown voice spoke from behind them.
“Congrats, guys! You’re all going to join me in the high school next year.” The unknown voice belonged to none-other than Jonah Beck, the newest and honorary member of the GHC. They each greeted Jonah with a friendly wave.
“Oh, that’s right, we’re finally going to be in the same school again Jonah,” Cyrus happily gave his green-eyed friend a bro hug. “It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve seen you in the hallways.”
Andi nodded in agreement, smiling for a little bit too long at Jonah. Next to her, Buffy was looking down at her wrist to check what time it was.
“Guys, we’ve got to get going. We had the biggest table at The Spoon reserved for us and we can’t be late.” Buffy informed the group. They stopped their chatter and obeyed her, the four teens walking down the sidewalk into town to eat at their favorite restaurant of all time.
After a short period of time, they arrived at the front of The Spoon. Andi pushed open the door, and the small bell hanging above the door rang softly. The four teens filed into the diner, their eyes scanning the diner to find their table.
To their surprise, Amber was currently working her afternoon shift and excitedly made her way over to them, smiling in relief as if she had been saved from a horrible punishment.
“Oh thank god you guys are here,” The blonde-haired waitress exaggerated her voice for dramatic effect. “It’s really been one of those days.”
“Yeah I know what that feels like,” Andi sighed, recalling all of the times when she had to deal with nonstop family drama between Bex and CeCe. “Anyway, we reserved a table for around eight people.”
Amber raised her eyebrows curiously. “What’s the occasion?”
Andi shared a knowing glance with Buffy and Cyrus. “We just graduated from Middle School,” the girl with the short brown pixie-cut haircut announced. Andi gestured to her best friends.
“Wow congrats,” Amber complimented. “And your table’s right over here.”
During the entire conversation between Andi and Amber, Cyrus’ focus was elsewhere. He had been staring down at his phone for a while, anxiously waiting for a response from TJ. He had asked for the billionth time if TJ was coming to their graduation celebration. A month back, TJ had initially agreed to attending the get-together when Cyrus asked him. Yet, he was nowhere to be seen.
Not only were the past few weeks leading up to the eighth grade graduation stressful all on its own, he had another contributor to his anxiety. Cyrus’ friendship with TJ had been on thin ice quite recently, with the costume day incident a few weeks back, along with the swingset incident when Cyrus saw TJ and Kira on the swings together, but what truly threw Cyrus over the edge was that just last week, he had seen Kira and TJ holding hands. The dark-haired boy felt his entire heart crumble within just those few seconds. It was as if everything he cared about had been thrown onto the ground and immediately shattered into a million pieces.
What Cyrus didn’t understand was why, why did he feel like it was a crime for TJ to be with Kira? It’s not like TJ was doing anything wrong or illegal.
Yet, Cyrus remained feeling as though he was being ignored by TJ nowadays. Sometimes Cyrus wished he had seen the full truth, that maybe there was a logical explanation, but Cyrus’ mind never allowed him to think rationally, and the moment he had seen Kira’s and TJ’s fingers intertwined, Cyrus ran as far away from them as humanly possible and found a place to hide behind a building.
That day was one of the worst days of Cyrus’ life, after he saw them together, he cried for what had seemed like forever. Any feeling of worth or happiness was gone, his body seemed hollow, completely empty. Cyrus remembered returning home late at night to his parent’s dismay, since he hadn’t called or texted them the entire day, but when they saw his tear-stained face, they immediately stopped their scolding and comforted him.
“Hey, Cy-Guy,” Jonah turned Cyrus’ attention away from his deep thought process. “You’ve been intensely staring at your phone for 10 minutes dude, Ambers showing us to our table now. Are you okay?” The green-eyed boy gently placed a hand on the other boy’s shoulder.
Cyrus swatted Jonah’s hand off of him. “I’m fine,” he said in a low, cold voice, avoiding the hurt in Jonahs eyes. Cyrus wiped the wetness from his face as he walked over the large table in the back room. Jonah and Buffy shared a worried look with each other as they followed.
The dark-haired boy sat down in a chair at the far end, with Buffy sitting down next to him on his left. Cyrus took out his phone again to check his messages. Or rather, at the very least, see if TJ had read them. The dirty blonde-haired boy hadn’t responded to any of Cyrus’ texts since around the middle of May.
5/29/19 at 10:30am
ChocolateChipMuffin: TJ?? U there?
ChocolateChipMuffin: Will you please tell me what happened with the whole costume day thing?
ChocolateChipMuffin: I know you were going to say something before Kira showed up
6/7/19 at 2:00pm
ChocolateChipMuffin: Teej? U there?
ChocolateChipMuffin: please TJ
ChocolateChipMuffin: we haven’t properly talked in a while
ChocolateChipMuffin: I miss you....
Read 3:50am
6/15/19 at 5:30pm
ChocolateChipMuffin: TJ?? Um im sorry but since when have u brought Kira to our hangout place??
ChocolateChipMuffin: I thought it was our place
ChocolateChipMuffin: yknow where we share our stuff together?
ChocolateChipMuffin: .....
6/21/19 at 4:00
ChocolateChipMuffin: are you ever going to answer me? Or is this how our friendship ends?
ChocolateChipMuffin: I saw you and Kira holding hands...does that mean u guys are dating?
ChocolateChipMuffin: I mean I’m not jealous or anything I just really miss hanging out with you... it’s been so long
ChocolateChipMuffin: will u at least still come to the graduation get-together on Tuesday? Pretty please?
Today at 12:35pm
ChocolateChipMuffin: TJ, you told me you were going to come
ChocolateChipMuffin: I really thought you were my friend
ChocolateChipMuffin: please respond tj
ChocolateChipMuffin: it’s been almost a month and you’ve been avoiding me at school, and on the phone
ChocolateChipMuffin: how long are you going to keep this up for?!
ChocolateChipMuffin: I’m done.
Cyrus aggressively pushed his phone back into his pocket and set his head down on the table so nobody else could see his despair. Bowie and Bex, who were sitting on the opposite side of the wooden table, raised their eyebrows.
“Hey, what’s wrong with-“ Andi shushed her father. Bowie turned to face her, and Andi shook her head as to say “now is not the time”. Fortunately, Andi’s young parents went back to chatting about famous old films from the 90’s.
Jonah, who was sitting in between Buffy and Andi, turned to the short-haired girl and whispered, “do you know what’s going on with Cyrus?”
Andi shrugged. “I think Buffy knows more but- TJ has been ignoring Cyrus since May I think.”
Jonah’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding!”
Andi quickly held a finger up to Jonah’s mouth. “Shush!” Andi whisper-shouted. “Not so loud!”
Jonah felt a weird feeling rising from his chest due to Andi’s finger lingering on his lips. Oddly enough, he felt a twinge of sadness as she took her finger off of him.
Weird, Jonah thought. He brushed off the strange feeling and turned his attention back to the issue at hand.
“What happened exactly?” Jonah asked. “I doubt TJ would just stop talking to Cyrus for no reason.”
Andi sighed. “Yeah, well, something did happen. He and Kira started hanging out more.”
Jonah rotated his head to the side. “So..?”
Andi raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean, ‘so..?’ Cyrus 100% likes TJ, and he saw them holding hands. You are so oblivious, Jonah.” She chuckled and rolled her eyes. “You have definitely never changed.”
Jonah took slight offense to Andi’s comment and dramatically gasped. “What do you mean?”
Andi lifted her eyebrows sarcastically. “Seriously? Jonah when we were dating all those months ago, you were quite oblivious to other people’s feelings.”
“I am? I legit had no idea.” Jonah felt awkward for not realizing how other people’s feelings were impacted by him. “I’m sorry if I ever hurt you.”
“Don’t worry, everything’s fine now.” Andi glanced over at Jonah. “Honestly, I miss all those crazy times when we didn’t know how to act towards each other.” She gave him a crooked grin.
Jonah giggled quietly. “You mean that time when I gave you a freaking gnome?”
Andi held the side of her face and laughed. “Oh god I remember that. And the rice with my name misspelled? Who could ever forget that?”
The two exes laughed at their strange behavior of the past. When their giggles settled down, their eyes made contact once again.
“Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we had still been together?” Andi asked.
Jonah shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows honestly. All I’m glad for is that we have grown from all of that.” The green-eyed boy’s deep dimples were displayed through his wide grin.
“Me too.” Andi couldn’t help but wish she and Jonah’s relationship had worked out. She hated that she missed one of her more dysfunctional relationships. Yet, Andi wanted nothing more but to hold the dimpled boy’s hand again. She missed having a crazy crush on the smiley frisbee team captain.
“Uh, Andi?” Jonah broke Andi out of her thoughts. “The baby taters are here.”
“Oh! Right. Cool.” Andi quickly reached out to the large basket of baby taters placed in the middle of the long table and grabbed a few.
Meanwhile to the right of Jonah and Andi, Buffy had been keeping watch over Cyrus, whose head had still not left the table. The dark-haired boy was silently crying for a very long time, and Buffy could not stand it. But the curly-haired girl was absolutely certain that the literal moment she saw TJ’s face, she would tear him apart. Buffy was and has always remained the bodyguard of the group, if anyone hurts her friends, they would have to answer to Buffy’s wrath. And she knew she would have to go through detention afterwards, but to her, it would be worth it.
Once the baby taters had been set on the table, Cyrus finally lifted up his head, but his eyes still remained fully on his phone which was peeking out of his pant pocket. Buffy took notice of the dark bags under his eyes, along with the tear streaks that went down his entire face. She immediately felt the need to hug him.
“Still no word from TJ, huh?” Buffy ensured that her voice was gentle. “I am really sorry, Cyrus.” She rubbed circles on the boy’s back.
Cyrus shook his head and turned to Buffy. “What about you? Have you heard from Marty since the marathon incident?”
Buffy sighed and shook her head. “Sadly, no. But I’m pretty sure it’s because he feels horrible for letting me faint during the end of the marathon.” She tightened her lips. “I think that Marty was blaming himself for what happened but I couldn’t get the chance to tell him that he did nothing wrong. So now I think he’s giving me space because ‘he doesn’t want to hurt me again’.” She exhaled a long breath.
Cyrus laughed. “At least you know he still cares about you.” He gazed back at the floor, firmly gripping his hands together. “I haven’t been in touch with TJ for so long.” He inhaled a shaky breath.
“Buffy, why does this always happen to me? Nobody I love ever loves me back.” Tears were now gliding down the young boy’s face, his nose sniffling to keep from running. He shifted his head to look at Buffy in the eyes, and she had never seen her friend’s face so red in her entire life. Buffy quickly wrapped her arms tightly around her friends trembling body. The rest of the table had already gotten up from their seats and started to crowd around Cyrus and Buffy. Jonah and Andi were beyond upset on their friend’s behalf. Jonah couldn’t stand seeing Cyrus like this, and for whatever reason, he envied Buffy, he wanted to be the one to hug Cyrus and tell him that he was going to be okay.
Cyrus had begun to sob, letting out loud agonizing cries that echoed throughout the entire room. Buffy whispered kind and comforting things into his ear as she continued to rub small circles on the dark haired boy’s spine.
After a few minutes, the cries that escaped from Cyrus’ mouth had eventually started to simmer. So, Buffy carefully pealed her arms off of her friend and met his eyes.
“Cyrus, I want you to know that whatever you are feeling right now, it’s going to end. Don’t worry. You are going to meet a fantastic guy who’s going to never EVER leave you. I promise, Cyrus.” Buffy reassured her friend, not even paying any attention to the many other people who were watching them, she only focused on her friend in need. “And whether or not you meet that guy today or in two years, you’re going to find him, Cyrus. You will.”
The dark brown-haired boy smiled warmly, mouthing a “thank you” to Buffy. He wiped the tears from his eyes and took a few baby taters from the basket.
“Wow Buffy,” Jonah said as he sat back down, “you’re really good at comforting people.”
Buffy shrugged with a smirk. “I have my ways.”
After an hour or so of the group chatting amongst each other and exchanging jokes plus finishing their meal, Bowie handed the check to Amber.
“Hey!” Bex grabbed Bowie by the shoulder. “I am not letting you pay for all of this.” She crossed her arms across her chest.
Bowie chuckled and turned to face his fiancée. “It’s my treat, babe.”
Bex rolled her eyes and smiled. “What am I going to do with you.” She grasped Bowie’s hand.
Andi alerted her parents from behind them. “Hey! Stop flirting, we all want to go hang out in Andi Shack together.”
Bex and Bowie laughed. “Sure, hon. We’ll go get the car,” Bowie pulled Bex away as he waved to his daughter and her friends.
Andi turned to Jonah, Cyrus, and Buffy. “Let’s go sit on the bench while we wait for them.” She suggested.
They walked over to the bench and squeezed their bodies together so they could all fit, but it was cramped and much too uncomfortable so Cyrus stood up. He laid his back against the bricks of The Spoon and watched the sunset in the horizon, a beautiful red, orange, and pink combination of colors illuminating the sky.
The Good Hair Crew sat in comfortable silence as they watched the birds settle into their nests, stores start to close up shop for the night, and the sky slowly become darker by the minute. It was then that they truly realized an important chapter in their lives had closed, and a new one had just opened. Everything around them including themselves was at peace with the world.
That is, until they heard a loud buzz sound coming from inside Cyrus’ pant pocket. The dark-haired boy rushed to grab it, saw the name of the contact, and nearly dropped it from the amount of shock, and reread the name of who sent the text.
TJ Kippen.
Cyrus stared at his phone and his mind drew a blank due to his shock.
Buffy rolled her eyes and got up to grab the phone. “Oh for Pete’s Sake, what does it say?!” She grabbed the phone and read the text message aloud. “‘I’m sorry’.”
Buffy scrolled through the rest of the conversation. “That’s it?!” She yelled, returning the phone to a frightened Cyrus. “That’s all he freaking says after ruining your entire MONTH?” Buffy was ready to snap the tall dirty-blonde haired boy’s neck in half. “I swear if I see his damn pale-ass face I’m gonna-“
“Uh, Buffy,” Jonah interrupted, his eyes so wide it was as if he had seen God himself, “You might want to look behind you.” He pointed a finger to something behind Buffy.
Buffy turned to see Cyrus staring at something while jaw-dropped, and then saw none other than the tall basketball player himself, TJ Kippen. He was wearing an unzipped brown jacket with a grey sports shirt, and had some worn out trousers on. In the dirty-blonde boy’s hand, everyone saw he was carrying a basket of two muffins, one blueberry macadamia, and one chocolate chocolate chip muffin. In his other hand, TJ was holding his phone close to his heart.
TJ’s face was glowing from the multicolored light shining in the sky. His eyes were sparkling from tears, his nose and cheeks stained red. He slowly walked over to Cyrus, the other boy feeling the weight in every step he took.
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mylifeasaserver · 5 years
My Day As It Happened: Mother's Day 2019
9AM: My stupid ass wakes up because my stupid ass volunteered to go in early because my stupid ass wants more money for storm chasing.
9:30AM: My stupid ass finally gets out of bed. I rush through the shower and head to work, making the critical mistake of missing breakfast when I have a long day ahead.
9:45AM: My stupid ass shows up to a packed parking lot with a ton of people out front. I get out of my car and some jackass in the parking lot asks me if I know how long the wait is. I inform him that I don't, I just got here. He tells me to call and find out for him, I decline. He tells me I'm lazy, in return I call him a jackass.
9:50AM: I walk in and I'm informed that I have 5 tables waiting for me - they know I always show up early so they went ahead and sat me. Joke's on them though, I only came in early because I have to poop. The GM is very displeased when I tell him I'm going to the employee bathroom and it won't be safe to enter until the door handle stops glowing.
9:56AM: I have successfully completed one of those dumps that really gives you a boost and improves your mood - deny it if you want, but you know exactly what I'm talking about.
10AM: After a thorough hand washing because I'm an asshole but I'm not disgusting, I find out that the GM went to each of my tables while I was ascending to another plane of existence and informed them I was on my way but would be a few minutes. Since they had a seat, all were comfortable with a couple minute wait.
10:15AM: All 5 tables have drinks and their orders are in. I stacked the tickets and put them all in at once. The GM tells me not to do that, but has no response when I ask him which tables I should've ignored in favor of a slower approach. It's now I'm told about our sales contest.
10:20AM: A server in the next section over asks me to pick up a 2-top she's too weeded to take. I agree. It's my newest friend Jackass, from the parking lot. OH BOY! He asks me if I regret giving him grief earlier since now I'm not getting a tip, and tells me to be honest. The smug look falls off his face when I tell him I don't care, as I'll have more than enough tables today so his non-tip won't even register. I'll still give him passable service though. He orders.
10:55AM: All 6 of my tables have their food, full drinks, and their check. All of them, even Jackass, are happy with the level of service they were given. I know because Jackass was the worst tip at 13%. It was nice that we could reach some level of understanding.
12:15PM: The kitchen comes to a standstill. No orders leave for 15 minutes, and none of the servers know why. I never did find out. I didn't ask either, so there's that.
1:30PM: We're off wait, and sections are adjusted for the night servers. Most of us get a 5 table section. The hostess, the really good one, starts apologizing to me. She double sat me 2-tops and doesn't want me to get mad at her. I laugh because double sat 2-tops is nothing. She's a good kid. I tell her if any server gives her shit about such a ridiculous thing to tell them to go bus themselves.
2PM: I get double sat again - a 5-top and a 10-top, but right next to one another. Company policy is anything over an 8-top requires 2 servers, but company policy can go fuck itself.
2:15PM: The 5 top has ordered, the 10 isn't even all here. I cleverly get drinks for those that are there, because that's less I have to do later. One of the adults spills his water.
2:20PM: The water mess is cleaned up, and the people at both tables have a good laugh as I give the adult a kid's cup. Now having a good time, both tables interact with one another and me. A good tip is all but guaranteed. I have no other tables, so I take the time to fuck around with people in my section.
2:30PM: The rest of the 10-top arrive, and they all order what I recommend. All ten of them - this really bodes well for the sales contest.
3PM: The 5-top is happily chatting with one another after finishing their meal. At this point they can camp all night and I wouldn't care. The 10-top is happily eating the food I recommended. Since the window (where food magically appears in the kitchen for servers to run, for those of you who don't work in a restaurant) is clear and I have no dirty tables, I start walking around the dining rooms looking for dishes to take or refills to get to help coworkers. I find two tables that say they've been waiting 25 minutes for service.
3:15PM: I find out that Duckface showed up, checked in with the hosts, and then promptly got sent home because she wouldn't put her goddamn phone away. Nobody thought to tell the hosts. Now I have tables in 2 dining rooms. Delightful. Their orders are in and I offer both tables a free dessert for the inconvenience.
4PM: Both neglected tables have eaten and enjoyed their free dessert. I tell the GM what I did and he flips his shit - telling me I can't go giving food away. I tell the GM I planned to pay for the desserts myself and show him the slip to prove it, and then tell him I'll buy anything I want for my tables. I get enough off of both tables to buy the desserts 7.5 times over. I know how to handle annoyed people.
5PM: I have no tables anywhere in the dining room, but the hostess who sucks at her job decides to try something new: following rotation. Soon I have 3 tables. All are super chill people.
5:30PM: The GM asks me if I can take a 17-top on my own. I look at my three tables - none of which need a damn thing - and tell him that yes, I can take a 17 on my own. Company policy clearly only applies when it's convenient, so I can conveniently circumvent it when it suits me. I make a mental note to remember this table for when I defy policy in the future.
5:45PM: I only have the 17 people at this point. Their order is in. They have drinks.
6PM: The order for the 17 top comes out of the kitchen. 3 steaks were overcooked, 2 plates had the wrong sides, and 2 of the delivered plates weren't what was supposed to be part of the order. First thought I have? HOW DID I FUCK IT UP SO BAD? Wasn't me. Fortunately, the steaks were mid rare, sides are an easy fix, and the other 2 plates were an easy fix. The people were cool about it. I do not offer free desserts.
7PM: The 17-top is done eating. Prebussing is done. Checks are split and delivered. The hostess asks me if I mind being skipped in rotation so I can help another server who is having a rough time of things. I may have misjudged her, so I'm glad I follow my own advice and don't give the host(esse)s any shit. I don't care if I don't get any other tables at this point of the night since I'm due to be cut soon. The server in need of help has a particularly difficult table that's trying to do their best to be the most pain in the ass group in restaurant history. She has 2 other tables that I more or less take over. I more or less don't take the tips though, because that's not helping. I make a mental note to remember these tables for when I need help in the future...just in case.
7:10PM: The Table of Pain has successfully given their server a mini breakdown, and while she's composing herself the good manager makes a grave mistake and asks me to care for this table. The regret of this decision could weigh on her for quite some time, depending on how this plays out. The table is four bastardly old people who aren't happy with anything and hate everything. They seem to freely hurl insults at me as they did the server who is still out back.
7:15PM: I've decided that I give zero fucks about what these people think. If they want to be pissy assholes I will happily deliver a reason for it. They inform me that every time they come to our restaurant the food is bad, the service is bad, and our prices (which are pretty fucking cheap) are too high. I tell them it's mighty stupid to keep coming back when things are that bad, but that's more on them than on us. Much to my disappointment, they respond favorably to this treatment. They must have assumed I was joking.
7:20PM: I tell the Table of Pain that since they clearly don't know how to order food I'm going to order for them (coincidentally the dinner in the sales contest.) Again, they bewilder me by responding favorably to it. I decide that if they like abuse that I'm here for them. I allow them to order sides and I put the order in.
7:30PM: The Table of Pain officially becomes mine, and the other two that I more or less took over have left. Oh goody. I refill drinks at my sole table, and tell them that I don't care whether they want more to drink or not so they can deal with it. I think I have this figured out.
7:45PM: The food arrives. I put the main course (same for everybody) down on the table, and tell them they can figure out who gets what side, and then I put them down wherever there was room. The good manager hears this and drags me into the office to ask me what the hell I'm thinking.
8PM: I'm cut. I'm also not going to give the Table of Pain a chance to say they were ignored.
8:30PM: The Table of Pain is done eating. I tell them they can figure out splitting the check on their own and they decide to surprise me by using the word "please" in asking me to split it for them. I say "Fine, if you're gonna be nice about it." I split the checks and tell them to leave and not let the door hit them on the way out. They clearly must assume I'm kidding. Again I'm dragged into the office so the good manager can try and figure out what the hell I'm thinking. If they complain I'm being written up. SO SCARY!
8:35PM: The Table of Pain flags down a server and asks for the manager. She goes out. They tell her they actually enjoyed themselves "for once" and their waitress gave them a hard time and they liked it. MOTHERFUCKERS I WAS TRYING TO PISS YOU OFF SO YOU WOULDNT COME BACK! Now I get to clean my section, do my sidework, and roll silverware.
8:45PM: Reap the rewards of a 4% tip from the Table of Pain and discover the hostess that I previously thought sucked at her job had already cleared and wiped my tables for me. Now I'm tipping her out because despite company policy forbidding it, my GM has taught me to ignore policy when it suits me.
9:15PM: My side work is done. My section is cleared. I find out that I won the sales contest - and it wasn't even close - and one of the prizes offered was to skip rolling silverware. **for those wondering, the other choices were to get cut early one night this coming week, choose your section, or a free meal** I gleefully claim my prize of not rolling silverware and run the hell out of the building. All in all, a decent mother's day to work. Decent money too.
Normally I don't use my blog to advertise for anybody or anything, but my friend Jess has started doing art commissions. I enjoy her work and have ordered a painting for myself. Even if you don't want to buy, give her page a visit and say something nice. And if you do want to buy or have questions, talk to her. She's a good friend of mine and she's super nice. -J
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sharperthewriter · 5 years
Chapter 14 of SFV
Chapter 14: Day 1: The Bumblebees Incident
The van finally reached the exit to North Platte, NE, but not without suffering more damage. The right side of the van had a couple more dents and scrapes, the hubcap on the right rear wheel was gone, the rear windshield was cracked in the rear, half of the front grille was gone, and the front bumper coming loose and flapping. The car was also covered in syrup, dirt, and prairie grass. This was in addition to the damage of the driver side mirror and the scraping of the left side of the vehicle against the SUV at the Bueno Nacho from earlier. The trailer also had dents on the top and both sides as well.
The clouds, in the meantime, were starting to gather.
"And here we are, Stoppables, North Platte, Nebraska!" Ron exclaimed. "Remind me never to say that phrase 'And nothing will go wrong' ever again!"
Rufus groaned over his owner's poor driving and trashing of the car. Though...the worst was yet to come.
Kim observed the place and said, "Looks like a smaller version of Middleton."
"So now that it's close to five pm, what do you want to do?" Ron asked.
"We'll check into the hotel first and get two rooms. A suite for us and the kids and a room for Mary and Canna" Kim insisted, . "And then we'll get ready to eat at the Bumblebees here."
"I'm right with ya on that strategy, KS!" Ron replied before turning to Rufus. "Now Rufus, watch the kids while Kim and I check in the hotel."
Rufus saluted while his owners went into the hotel lobby.
"We're here for our room." Ron said.
The hotel clerk said to them. "It's room 296, on the other end of the property. As for your other room it's going to be room 294 right next door"
Kim grabbed the hotel key and said, "Thanks! It's so not the drama!"
They parked the van right at the end of the property. Mary and Canna got out of the camper. They also got their suitcases out and, like Kim, they were filled with long denim overalls.
The room was actually a suite in which there was a pull-out couch and the kitchenette in one room and the bedroom in the other. The kids were going to occupy the couch while the Stoppable parents had the bedroom. Mary and Canna had a normal hotel room with two twin beds.
Ron and Kim chose the suite for more extra...privacy. As for Rufus, they brought along a small naked mole rat bed for him. Rufus got a little apron bib ready to take on the nachos.
"Okay, Ron." Kim called out from the bathroom. "I'm going to make some changes to my button-down shirt and then we'll go with the kids to the restaurant."
"Alright, KS! Let's see what you look like!" Ron said with anticipation.
Kim loosened the top two buttons to show off a little more cleavage and a b. She also added a couple of long gold and silver chain necklaces to her jewelry and replaced her teardrop earrings with gold hoops. She also swapped out her flats for black booties with a heel on them.
Kim also removed the top side buttons on both side to the leather overalls she was wearing.
Rufus gave a wolf-whistle as well.
"Ooooo! Very nicey! Me like!" Ron grinned devilishly, "The looks are just one thing of your complete package, KS!"
"Why thanks, Ron! Round up the kids and get to the van!" Kim replied "We're going to head to Bumblebees!"
Alexa and Justin were watching Baloney on the TV on their side of the suite before Kim instructed them to turn it off.
Mary and Canna also came out of their hotel room next door. They were in the same outfits as before, but decided together that they were going to wear their dark denim overalls with the bib down but straps attached route and a belt to hold them up and wear simple white tennis shoes.
"You know..." Kim remarked at the way the two women were wearing the overalls. "...I could go for that look on one of the days."
"As long as the belt doesn't fail on you, Kim, you should be good!" Mary remarked.
(15 minutes later)
The sky above them was slowly growing more dark and ominous. The storms were going to appear within a matter of hours.
Kim was at the drivers' seat of the Stoppable-mobile, starting up the engine.
The NWS broadcast was on the radio, informing the two heroes of what was to come.
The National Weather Service of Hastings Nebraska, has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for the eastern portion of Nebraska until 2:30am. Wind gusts of up to 70 mph, rain up to 2-3 inches, and hail up to the size of golf balls is expected with this line of system of storms. Stay weather-alert.
"I think we still should head on over to Bumblebees!." Kim said, "The kids are starting to get cranky for their food."
"As long as they have a vegan menu, we'll be good!" Canna replied.
"Vegan and gluten-free too!" Mary agreed.
The Stoppables, Mary and Canna entered into the restaurant. Kim's overall strap was barely hanging onto her shoulder.
She asked the waitress, "Do you have a table for six?"
"Plus one naked mole rat?" Ron asked with Rufus popping out of his pocket.
"Food!" he squeaked.
"We do, Mrs. Stoppable, yes!" the waitress said, "Would you like a table or booth?"
"We prefer the booth!" Kim replied.
"Right this way." the waitress replied to them while getting coloring books and crayons for both Alexa and Justin. She then escorted them to a booth in the middle of the restaurant.
Kim, Ron, and Justin sat on the left side of the booth while Mary, Canna, and Alexa sat on the right.
"Here we are! Your server will be out in a few minutes!" she said before leaving the Stoppables.
(5 more minutes later)
"So what's the general game plan that you're suggesting, Ron?" Kim asked her husband.
"I'd say that once we get to Rapid City, we're going to go for Mt. Rushmore first." Ron replied, pulling up the map of South Dakota on his smart phone.
"But that is a good almost-ten-hour round-trip across almost the entire state!" Kim countered. "Justin and Alexa really do want to see the bears at Bear Country USA.
"Don't worry, KS. We'll stop and get some food and gas on the way there." Ron said as the waitress came to their table.
"Welcome to Bumblebees! What can I get you two to drink?"
"I'll have a cola and my bon-diggety wife here will have a diet tea." Ron said, "The oldest one will have a fruity soda as well."
"Okay, I'll be right out there with your drinks!" the server said.
"So where is the Oh Boyz concert going to be at?" Mary asked.
"Sanford Premiere Center in Sioux Falls!" Kim replied, "It's even got a wine bar!"
"So that's another reason why you wanna go to the concert!" Ron slyly replied.
"Who was your favorite Oh Boyz member?" Canna questioned.
"Hands down, Dexter for his...smarts!" Kim recalled. "It was the time that we saved them from the Senors and that weasel of a manager of theirs."
(10 more minutes later)
"Oooh, it seems that Sheila has sent me a text!" Kim said when she felt a buzz on her phone. She went through her handbag and as she did so, her overalls strap slipped off her shoulder.
It read the following:
I found something on PictoGram that you may would want to see. The directors of that live-action movie about you is going to drop some big news tomorrow.
Your friend
"Hmm...it's about time someone released something for that live-action movie." she said, "It's been three months since there was any news about it."
"Maybe they'll keep her plasma powers intact." Ron wondered.
"I think they'll maybe keep the blue skin of Drakken." Kim laughed as the strap was now on her elbow. "Ah, here are our drinks right now!"
The server came to their table and awaited their orders.
"My husband would have the nachos supreme, same with our naked mole rat here, and I would like a Caesar salad." Kim said, "The kids would like to have two grilled cheese sandwiches. As for Canna and Mary, they'll both have the casesar salad too."
"Coming right up." the server said, leaving the table.
"So what else do you wanna talk about?" she asked, pulling the overalls strap back up.
"Maybe the weather?" Ron said while looking out the window.
"That's so the oldest conversation starter in the book!" Kim chuckled.
"No, KS. The weather's gonna go south in a few hours." Ron exclaimed while pointing it out on the doppler. He could see a lot of red associated with the storm, which meant really heavy rainfall. "A really bad storm's headed our way! With big hail and everything! That's what the NWS says!"
"It's so not the drama!" Kim said, blowing off the storm.
"What about the Stoppable-mobile?" Ron asked.
"Rest assured, Ron." Kim reassured him, "The van will make it to the Lipskys!"
(30 more minutes later)
"Oh man... I am stuffed!" Ron exclaimed, holding his stomach. He had already paid for the food.
"I'm glad that I brought along my baggy overalls for the trip." Kim said. "That'll offset whatever pounds I'll put on at the Lipskys."
Kim added as she was standing up. "I'm going to use the ladies' room, Ron. You and Rufus watch the kids!"
"Sure do, KS!" Ron replied.
"Uh-huh!" Rufus squeaked.
Kim left the booth, grabbed her purse, and headed towards the ladies restroom.
(4 more minutes later)
Kim got out of the restroom and she was somewhere between the borderline of angry and embarassed. The rest of the restaurant's patrons were laughing and pointing at her. The servers couldn't help but chortle at her predictament. Even worse was that some of the said patrons were holding up their smartphones, taking pictures and video.
Three of the waiters were then tripped by one occupant of the restaurant near where the Stoppables were at. This resulted in her being drenched with soda and covered in ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, barbecue ribs, chocolate and ice cream all over the front of her one-strap black leather overalls.
"Oh hey...uhm...KS! You look more scrumptious than usual." Ron chuckled nervously.
"Ron...this is so the most embarassing moment of my life!" Kim growled. "I want you to cover my back!"
"Covering your back? I thought you only said that on missions!" Ron said.
Kim groaned and turned her back to Ron to point out the reason why. The right back pocket of the overalls was torn out, showing off Kim's Pandaroo panties and a bit of her back leg.
Rufus, Justin and Alexa couldn't help but laugh. Mary and Canna also joined in on the fun by also taking pictures and video.
"Why couldn't we do that?" Justin asked.
"You're doing what Daddy does!" Alexa giggled.
Ron gasped and asked, "How did that happen?"
"Bathroom door lever got caught against my pocket and...this happened!" Kim grunted with all the chocolate syrup and ice cream dripping off of her.
Rufus was even taking video of this too on his very small smartphone. Ron sighed at his mole rat and said "Why do they even sell small smartphones to mole rats is even beyond me."
"Let's just get out of here before I make a bigger joke of myself!" Kim insisted.
Ron covered up the damaged part of her overalls by him grabbing her behind with his left hand.
Kim sighed, "Why do I even bother?"
"Sorry, show's over! Turn off your smartphones! Nothing to see here!" Ron exclaimed.
Justin, Mary, Canna, Alexa and Rufus followed them out of the restaurant.
"Do you have any duct tape, Ron?" Kim asked when they got in the van.
"I do, in the glove compartment." Ron replied while going to the glove compartment and pulling out the duct tape.
"These overalls cost me $800 from Country CB and now they're ruined!" Kim complained, "I'll have to sew them when we get back home..."
Kim then applied the duct tape to her behind and started the car. The damaged van crept out of the parking lot and headed back to the hotel.
Flashes of lightning were seen in the distance as the storms were heading this way to make the family's night even worse.
The man who tripped over the waiters grinned and spoke through a microphone.
"My Queen, the show has just begun!"
About 200 miles away, Bonnie was enjoying the misery of the Stoppable through her big screen at her mansion.
"Good! Very good!" the Queen snickered, "We'll let the Vacation Curse take its full effect on the family!
"What of the Stoppable-mobile, though?" the man asked.
"We'll put that piece of shit of a minivan through the coals soon enough!" Bonnie grinned, "Now, you will await further orders for the next phase of my plan!"
"Yes, Your Majesty!" the man obeyed.
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haosvteen · 6 years
friends to lovers with jeonghan
requests: open
jeonghan x reader
~ - fluff
word count: 2.3k
Tumblr media Tumblr media
you and jeonghan had been friends for awhile
well…you just recently became close
you’d been in the same friend group since freshman year of college, but never really hung out with each other alone until junior year
maybe it was because of his snarky comments that at first you thought were rude, but then realized that was his way of being endearing
maybe it was because of the lingering stares you gave each other, with hidden attraction behind each of your eyes and you were too nervous to hang out with him alone
that thought quickly faded away though when he showed up to coffee shop your group always met at on thursday nights, rambling on about a person he had apparently been messaging and was starting to like
when he began telling everyone about this person, you tuned them out
you couldn’t help it that it hurt a little
just the other day you and jeonghan were hanging out in your dorm room, laying on the bed talking about some random topic
when the conversation ceased and the only noise in the room was your fading laughter, you simply looked each other in the eyes
you consciously forced your eyes not to dart down to his lips, even though you so desperately wanted to take a peek
just as he began to shift his body, causing your mind to race as to what his next move was, there was a knock on your door bringing you both out of the encounter
you thought that maybe he was shifting to lean into you
to…kiss you?
you never had the chance to ask him when your friend showed up at your door asking you to help them study for a test, causing jeonghan to rush out, mumbling a quick goodbye
you figured whatever moment you two shared (if it even could be considered that) meant nothing to him since he was carrying on about the “most charming and cute person i’ve ever seen” according to him
days later you had to drive several hours to pick up a table for the apartment you’d be moving into after the semester was over
you texted a group chat with all of your friends asking if anyone would be up for a day trip to pick up the piece of furniture
everyone began texting their excuses as to why they couldn’t go and your heart sunk to your toes, dreading to make this drive alone
especially because you weren’t familiar with the area you were picking up the table from at all
then, jeonghan messaged saying, “i can go as long as we get food on the way”
you typed out a quick response, telling him you’d pick him up in ten minutes
the drive up to the city was nice for the most part
you talked about so many different things and sang out the lyrics to songs you both loved
it felt like that was how everything was supposed to be
while you looked at your gps, noting that you had about 30 minutes to go, jeonghan sighed as he clicked his phone shut
“what is it?” you ask
he ran his hand through his hair, sinking down into your passenger seat, “nothing, this person i was talking to just cut things off”
it was silent for a few moments
you couldn’t help but internally do a little happy dance because maybe you had a chance with him now
“i’m sorry,” you responded. “they don’t deserve you anyway”
he slightly laughed and took a drink of his tea
you could tell that the smile wasn’t genuine, though
jeonghan didn’t really cheer up until you got to the city and began to look around at the sights
you had a fun day together, walking by the river, checking out a museum, among many other “touristy” things
you couldn’t help but let your mind wander, thinking about if this is what a date with him would be like
you quickly came to your senses, though, when your phone began to ring and the person you were supposed to be getting the table from barked through the phone about how you were late
once you finally arrived at the destination, which was a little way out of the city which you had to take winding roads to get to, it was nightfall
you paid the man and thanked him, loading the table into your trunk with the help of jeonghan
getting back into the car, you turned on the gps to get directions home
once it was on, a blank white screen stared up at you
you tapped on the screen numerous times, even turning the thing on and off again
but it was not working at all
you checked your phone to see if you had any signal to try the maps app, but it wouldn’t even turn on, the battery drained from the day
you decided to try to remember the way you came, but there were too many twists and turns and it felt like you chose the wrong one every time
eventually jeonghan said, “y/n, it’s almost 11:00pm…why don’t we turn around and go to that motel we saw and just stay the night?”
you pull the car over and rest your forehead on the steering wheel
the stress from driving and trying to make your way around through these roads was beginning to take a toll on you
you sat back up and took a deep breath
“it’ll be okay,” jeonghan reassured
you looked over at him and gave him a soft smile
if you had to be stuck in this situation with anyone, you were glad it was him
you turned around and drove until you got to the motel
both of you got out of the car and you slung your bag over your shoulder
you walked into the small lobby with only a desk and three wooden chairs
it honestly felt like you were in a horror movie or something
you were startled when jeonghan tapped the little bell on the desk to beckon someone to the front
soon enough a woman appeared from the back room
“what can i do ya for?” she asked, you can tell that she’s been smoking cigarettes for at least a few years
“hi, we need a room please? two beds if that’s available” you responded
you reached into your bag to pull out your wallet
just as you were about to pull out your card, you felt jeonghan place his hand on yours, slightly pushing your hands clutching your wallet away
“one bed’s fine,” he said while placing his card down on the counter
you looked up at him with a shocked expression
partially because he was paying for the room
but mainly because he said that one bed was fine
did he want to share a bed with you?
was this his way of making a move?
you honestly weren’t sure
jeonghan is so unpredictable, you rarely ever can tell what he’s thinking about
he laughed, looking at your wide eyes and mouth slightly agape, lingering on your lips, but you didn’t notice because you were so confused
he leaned down to you and whispered, “one bed is cheaper anyway”
you blinked several times and nodded at him, giving him a small smile, mouthing a thank you for paying for the room when you were the one that dragged him along on this journey
the woman handed you the key and you made your way to the room
jeonghan flopped down on the bed and you went up to the nightstand, trying to find a place to plug in your phone so that you could let your friends and family know that you just got lost and decided to stay the night
once you were finished, you laid down on the bed next to jeonghan, your shoulders slightly touching
after a few moments of silence, you thought that maybe he had fallen asleep, but you were startled when he turned over to look at you, “do you want to see if there’s a movie on tv or something?”
you turned to face him, there was maybe three inches in-between your faces
he didn’t even seem to notice how close you two were, but you definitely did
it felt like an elephant in the room, to you
but you just nodded your head
it took you forever to settle on a movie, but in the end there was no point because you just ended up talking together anyway
you were both under the covers to stay warm, facing each other
talking about if you believe in aliens
what the best kind of food is
whether coffee or tea is better
which one of your friends you think will end up dating
you talked about anything and everything until you noticed the credits rolling
you slowly sat up on your elbow, “jeez, what time is it?” you asked
jeonghan rolled over to look at his phone, “about 2:30am”
you groaned and fell back onto your pillow, closing your eyes
you felt jeonghan get up from the bed, assuming he just was going to the bathroom or something, you turned onto your stomach, thinking about falling asleep right then and there
“shirt or pants?” he asked
you sat up in bed, “what?” you said, confused as to what he meant
“there’s no way i’m letting you sleep in those tight jeans and scratchy sweater. so, do you want my shirt or pants?”
you looked at him dumbfounded, he was wearing joggers and a big white tee shirt
you’d be comfortable in either
you knew he was just being nice, but…you couldn’t help the heat rise to your cheeks
clearing your throat you said, “shirt, i guess…” and looked down, playing with your nails
soon enough you felt a piece of cloth hit your face
you looked up to see jeonghan’s topless body striding over to his side of the bed and getting under the covers
you quickly walked into the bathroom, clutching his shirt in your hands
you looked at your red face in the mirror, wondering how you’d gotten into this situation
how did you end up sharing a bed with your crush for the better half of three years?
an even better question is how did you end up wearing his shirt??
these thoughts raced through your mind as you changed into the shirt
you exited the bathroom, dropping your clothes on top of your bag
sliding into bed you turned to face away from jeonghan
for some reason you felt…embarrassed?
“i’m sorry for getting us into this mess,” you said
you didn’t even know if he was still awake
but when you heard a hum and felt him turn over in bed, you figured he was awake enough to have a conversation
“that’s okay,” he responded. “i like spending time with you anyway”
you felt a blush appear on your cheeks yet again and you were so glad that you were turned away from his face and that the room was dark so he couldn’t see your state
you didn’t say anything back because you weren’t sure what to say
you just closed your eyes, hoping to fall asleep soon to forget about the awkward situation you were in
just as you were about to be completely asleep, you heard jeonghan speak
“do you remember a few days ago? when we were in your dorm room?”
you heard him loud and clear and you were completely awake now, heart thudding in your chest
you didn’t have a chance to process your thoughts when he began to speak again, “ah, you must be asleep. then i guess it’ll be easier for me to say this”
your mind warped in confusion
he continued, “i really wanted to kiss you that day. i was going to, i really was. but then there was the knock on the door and…there just wasn’t any good time to bring it up and i tried to talk to other people to forget about it”
your heart was beating so fast, you wanted to turn around and kiss him right then, but you were frozen in shock
“i was going to do it tonight…kiss you, i mean. well, try to kiss you at least. i don’t know if you feel the same way, but when we were there in your room and when we were laying in this bed…hell, all day today…it just felt right” he said
you knew you had to do something, so you turned around to see him
he was laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling
“then do it,” you said
“you were awake this whole time?” he asked you
“yeah,” you said as jeonghan sat up in bed
you continued, “so kiss me, then”
sitting up to be at the same level as him, you noticed the moonlight on his bare back
you looked into his eyes as he placed a hand on the side of your face and he leaned into you, pressing the softest kiss on your lips
the kiss was so innocent and sweet, you could feel his soft lips fit perfectly on yours
jeonghan pulled away, looking at you, trying to read your face for a reaction
your lips spread into a smile, a sigh of relief coming from his mouth
you lurched forward and hugged him, mumbling things about how you’ve waited so long for that moment to happen
the next morning you woke up with jeonghan’s arm, lazily draped over you
you cuddled into him, and thought to yourself about how you wouldn’t mind waking up like this more often
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bob-giovanni · 6 years
A Casual Affair - Part 24
Characters: Simon X OFC
Summary: Violet has difficult discussions with her son and Simon.
Warnings: Cursing, Angst, Talk of Bullying
Notes: Ya know, I’m going to stop apologizing for taking so long to get these chapters posted. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m having trouble writing this story. It’s not that I don’t want to, not at all. I had an ending in mind for this story before I even began writing it. But I was unemployed when I first started writing it so my time is more limited. But I promise that I will not abandon this story. It will get finished! Thank you to all of those who have stuck with it so far.
Song for this Chapter: “Cats in the Cradle” by Harry Chapin (Playlist Here!)
Violet was sitting on the front porch of her condo enjoying a cold beer while Dodger played with his friend Jeremy from across the street. While she sat there, her mind raced. Just two days ago her life was so wildly different. She’d mostly moved on from her feelings for Simon. But seeing him again brought back everything she’d felt before. She obviously couldn’t completely forget Simon. She was reminded of him every time she looked at Dodger. She had always taught her son that lying was wrong yet she had been lying to him every time he asked her about his father. Violet set her beer down on the small table next to her and pulled out her phone. She opened her messages and looked at the last few messages from Simon. It was weird seeing his name in her phone again.
Simon: Can I see him?
Violet: What?
Simon: Dodger. Can I see him? Meet him?
Violet: I don’t know, Simon. I’m afraid this will be too much for him.
Simon: I know, Vi. But he is my son. I would like to meet him and be in his life.
Violet: I need to talk to him first. Give me a couple of days.
Violet sighed. That conversation had happened Friday night. It was now Sunday and Violet still hadn’t talked to Dodger. She needed to stop putting it off. Even though she was worried that he wouldn’t understand everything completely, she also knew that he was a very smart boy and that having his father in his life would be good for him. Violet quickly finished her beer before standing from her chair. “Alright, munchkin. It’s time to come inside. Say goodnight to Jeremy.” Dodger complained but said goodnight to his friend and walked up the front steps. Violet watched to make sure Jeremy got home ok. Once the other boy was inside his house, Violet took Dodger inside and shut and locked the front door. She took a deep breath before taking him to the living room and sitting down on the couch. “Alright, dude. We need to have a talk. Come here.” She said as she patted the cushion next to her. Dodger climbed onto the sofa. “An adult talk?” He asked. Violet nodded.
“Do you remember a few months ago when some of your classmates had their daddies come in to talk about their jobs and that mean boy in your class made fun of you when you said you didn’t have a daddy?” Dodger nodded slowly. “And do you remember what you asked me when you got home from school that day?” Dodger nodded again. “I asked you if I had a daddy and you told me that everyone has a daddy but that you didn’t know who my daddy was.” Violet nodded. “That’s right. Well when I said that I didn’t know who your daddy was…well…mommy was lying.” Dodger looked up at her. “But you said that lying is bad.” “I know, baby. I know I did. And it is. You should always tell the truth and mommy is so sorry that she lied to you.” “It’s ok, mommy. I forgive you.” Dodger moved so he could hug Violet. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed the top of his head.
Violet smiled as she held her son close. She pulled him into her lap and leaned back a bit. “I lied to you because I was scared that you wouldn’t understand. But you’re so smart, munchkin. So much smarter than I could ever imagine. The truth is I do know who your daddy is. He didn’t know about you until recently.” Dodger had a confused look on his face. “How did he not know about me? I’m his son.” Dodger sounded so hurt and it broke Violet’s heart that she did this to him. “He didn’t know about you because I didn’t tell him. But he knows about you now and he wants to meet you.” Dodger looked up at her with hopeful eyes. “He does?” Violet smiled and nodded. “But it’s up to you. This is a very adult decision. And I know that it might seem scary so I want you to take some time and think about it, ok?” Dodger nodded. “Ok, I will. Can I go up to my room now?” Violet kissed Dodger’s cheek and nodded. “Of course, baby. Go get ready for bed.”
Dodger jumped down off of Violet’s lap and ran upstairs. That had gone much better than she expected. She thought for sure Dodger would have so many questions. But she knows how smart he is. After a few minutes Violet made her way upstairs and into Dodger’s room. He was wearing his PJs and was sitting on the floor playing with some of his toys. “Alright, little man. Bed time. You have school tomorrow.” Dodger put his toys away before climbing into bed. Violet tucked him in and leaned down to kiss his forehead. “Mommy?” “Yes, baby?” “I wanna meet my dad.” Violet smiled softly. “Are you sure?” Dodger nodded. “Ok. Well I have to have an adult conversation with him too before you meet him, ok?” Dodger nodded and yawned. “Ok, mommy. Goodnight. I love you.” “I love you too, munchkin.” Violet dimmed the light in Dodger’s room and shut his bedroom door a bit before heading to her room. She flopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes before grabbing her cell phone and texting Simon.
Violet: Come to my house tomorrow at 3PM.
She put her phone on her nightstand before changing into her PJs and climbing into bed. She wanted to talk to Simon before he officially met Dodger for the first time and she wanted to do it without Dodger there. Violet reached for her phone and texted her mom to see if she could pick Dodger up from school tomorrow and watch him for a couple of hours. She didn’t even hesitate. Grandmom loved spending time with her little love bug. Once Violet had that sorted out she did her best to get some sleep. The next morning after she got Dodger dressed and made him breakfast, she told him that Grandmom would be picking him up from school. “Really?!” Dodger was excited. He loved his Grandmom and Grandpa but also knew it meant he would get to play with their dog, a Bulldog named Hank who loved Dodger too. After putting their breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, Violet grabbed Dodger’s backpack and got him on the bus. She waved goodbye to him and headed to work.
She hated having to go into work so early in but it meant she got to leave early too. She was in by 7:30AM and left at 2:30PM everyday. She was home in less than 15 minutes which would give her time to get ready for Simon’s arrival at 3PM. The entire day Violet had a hard time concentrating. All she could think about was her meeting with Simon. She was nervous about seeing him again. But she somehow made it through the day and headed home. Traffic was lighter than usual so she made it home in only ten minutes. Violet entered her home and immediately changed out of her work clothes and into a pair of jeans and an oversized t-shirt. She paced back and forth in the dining room while she waited for Simon to arrive, trying to go over in her head everything she wanted to say to him. Violet was torn from her thoughts by the doorbell ringing. She looked at the time on her phone. 3PM on the dot. Simon was still punctual it turns out. Violet walked to the front door and put her hand on the knob, taking a deep breath before opening the door.
Simon stood there with a nervous look on his face. Violet smiled softly and stepped to the side. “Come in.” She said. Simon nodded and stepped inside, standing to the side while Violet shut the door. She lead him into the living room and motioned for him to sit on the couch. “Do you want anything to drink?” Simon shook his head as he sat down. “No, I’m good. Thank you.” Violet sat on the couch opposite Simon. She took a moment to look him over. She hadn’t really gotten the chance to do that before. She was so in shock seeing him that she didn’t really take the time to look at him. His hair was in the same style as she remembered. He had a full beard now instead of just a mustache. He had a few more wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, but he was still as handsome as she remembered.
Simon blushed a bit when he noticed that Violet was looking him up and down. But he’d taken his chance to admire her as well. Before her hair had been a deep red and just past her shoulders. Now it was a lightish brown, what he assumed was her natural color, and it was down past her elbows. There were a few stray gray hairs but it suited her. Her face was a bit rounder and her body was a bit softer, but she was still drop dead gorgeous. Violet noticed Simon staring at her and she grabbed a pillow, hugging it over the front of her body. “What?” She asked softly. Simon smiled a bit and shook his head. “Motherhood looks good on you.” Violet rolled her eyes. “Wow how long have you been waiting to use that one?” Simon laughed a bit. “Oh come on. It does. I bet you were one of those women who looked great through their entire pregnancy.” Violet smiled a bit and tucked some hair behind her ear as she looked down. “I wish I could’ve been there to see it.” He continued.
Violet sighed softly. “Simon, can we not, with that, right now?” Simon nodded and leaned back against the couch. “Sorry.” Violet cleared her throat. “Dodger was in pre k last year. And towards the end of the year they asked some of the kids to invite their parents to come in and talk about their jobs. When the teacher asked Dodger if he would have his mom or dad come in he said that he would ask his mom but that he didn’t have a dad. One of the kids in his class made fun of him and told him it was weird that he didn’t have a dad. Dodger came home that day crying and told me what happened and he asked me why he didn’t have a dad like all the other kids in his class. I lied and told him it was because I didn’t know who his dad was. The truth is I was scared to tell him. Not because I thought he wouldn’t understand but because I knew there was a lot of shit I still hadn’t dealt with and I had been lying to myself even that I was ok. That everything was fine. My whole life for the past six years has been about Dodger and I truly believe that I’ve been the best mom that I possibly can be. But I would be lying if I said it’s been easy being a single mom. It’s been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. And I don’t regret leaving when I did because at the time I thought it was the best option for me. But I do regret not being honest with you. It wasn’t fair of me to keep my pregnancy a secret from you and for that I’m sorry and I hope you can forgive me. And even if you can’t, which I would completely understand, I hope you can at least look past it for Dodger’s sake because he really wants to meet you.”
Simon took a moment to absorb everything Violet said before speaking. “I’m so sorry that Dodger had to go through that. And that you had to deal with it alone. And of course I forgive you for leaving. I was hurt, definitely, but I understand now. You were scared and you wanted to be with your family. I wasn’t your family. I did a shitty thing and I pushed you away and I’m sorry for that. I know that it’s probably gonna be a little strange but I definitely want to move it past because I really want to meet Dodger and be a part of his life.” Violet smiled softly and wiped away a few tears. “Good. That’s very good.” Simon smiled as well. “I do have one question though. When you left, was it…I mean were you just scared in general or were you scared that I wasn’t gonna be a good dad?” Violet furrowed her eyebrows. “What? Oh my god, no, of course not. I knew, and I still think this, that you’d be an excellent father. And it wasn’t so much that I was scared. I felt…lonely. I knew that at least if I was here I’d have my parents and my brothers and sisters-in-law. They’ve all been such a big help. But I still have days where I still feel really, really lonely.”
Simon could relate to what Violet was saying about being lonely. Even when he and Charlotte were still together he felt so alone. He’d thought about Violet all the time, wishing that she was there, or even that he could just talk to her. He’d thought about just calling her cell a few times over the years. But he’d felt so guilty about pushing her away. He figured she wouldn’t want anything to do with him. And he completely understood that. Simon cleared his throat and leaned up a bit. “Is Dodger here?” He asked softly. Violet shook her head. “He’s with my parents. I wanted us to have time to talk and get out everything we need to get out without having to worry about him overhearing things he maybe shouldn’t hear.” Violet explained. “And to be honest, even though he seems excited to meet you, I’m still a little hesitant.” Simon nodded. “I can understand that. I mean, is there something in particular that is causing you to be hesitant?”
Violet chewed her bottom lip. “I haven’t told him that you live on the other side of the country. I’m afraid that he’ll get too attached too quickly.” She sighed softly and ran a hand through her hair. “When Dodger was around 3, I started seeing this guy. I hadn’t been with anyone since Dodger was born so when he started showing me some affection I just lapped it up like a school girl. I rushed into a relationship with a man I barely knew and we wound up moving in together just a few months after we started dating. Dodger got really attached to him. When things inevitably went south and we broke up, Dodger didn’t understand. He was so upset, crying, screaming, throwing tantrums all the time. It was the first time Dodger had someone besides me around all the time. I know he’s gonna love you and he’s gonna get attached and then when you have to go back to New York it’s gonna crush him.” Simon nodded. That was something he’d thought about. But he thought he had a solution. “Well I have someone else looking after things back in New York right now. So I can stay here for a while. And you two can always come to New York whenever you want. Yellow House owns a plane now so I can send it to come pick you guys up. Just say the word and before you know it you two will be headed to New York in style.”
Violet smiled softly. “That’s a very generous offer, Simon.” Simon scratched his beard. “Why do I feel like there’s a ‘but’ coming?” Violet chewed her bottom lip. “No ‘but.’ It is a generous offer.” Simon smiled and nodded. “So when can I meet him?” “Maybe this weekend? I just think that this is going to be a lot for him. I want him to be able to concentrate in school. Why don’t we do this. Come over for dinner on Friday, let’s say around 6PM? And then after you and Dodger can hang out here.” Simon nodded. “Ok, sounds like a plan.” Violet checked the time on her phone. “I have to go pick up Dodger from my parent’s house before it gets too late.” Simon nodded and stood. Violet slipped her shoes on and walked with him to the front door. They stepped onto the porch and Violet locked the front door before Simon walked her to her car. “So I guess I’ll see you Friday then.” He said softly. Violet nodded and smiled softly. “Yeah. I know that Dodger is gonna be really excited.” Simon slipped his hands into his pockets. “It’s been really good seeing you again, Violet.” He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Violet’s cheek. She was clearly taken by surprise. “Good night, Simon.” She said before getting into her car. She watched as Simon crossed the street and got into his car and drove away. Violet groaned and leaned forward, gently banging her forehead against the steering wheel a few times. She knew she had to go through with this for Dodger’s sake, but deep down she knew that this was not going to end well for her and Simon.
Tags: @collette04 @66psychotic99 @simons-thirst-squad@mwesterfeld1985 @negans-castle@neganismyobsession@laymetorest77 @brittlw @faith-lynn9@mytreasures4eternity47
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