#it’s a vent post I guess
raskies456 · 21 days
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gothwineaunts · 2 months
Oofh. The hate in the comments. It's starting to get to me. I've been trying to ignore it for a long time now, but like they literally want one of the romantic leads to disappear. So many people. They just hate her. Like not even "love to hate her." Just despise her enough to call her slurs and pray for her death. In a wlw.
I must have really fucked this up, I think.
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phoenixyfriend · 8 months
Political ads: My opponent has jacked up taxes every year since he was elected!
Me: Which taxes? Income? Sales? Property? Business?
Political ads: I promise to hold the line on taxes!
Me: Which taxes? What government programs do those taxes contribute to? What gets cut if the lack of taxation causes a deficit?
Political ads: Think about the taxes!
Reminder to always ask what it is that people aren't saying in these ads.
A lot of them want you to think that it is your personal taxes as a working-class person that they're talking about. But if it's taxes on the rich that they're "holding the line on," then they're using your desire to survive with a greater portion of your own income as fuel to keep the upper classes from paying their fair share.
I keep getting the same three or four political ads (half aren't even for the district I live in) and I'm frustrated that they use these transparent tactics and that there are probably people that don't have the time or background to take that moment to go 'what are they hoping I hear in this? What are they actually going to do?'
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darci-tbh · 24 days
crazy when people are just so blissfully and self righteously unaware of how much it is not sunshine and roses being a trans man. absolutely insane when people say "when has a trans man ever been shunned from a space" "when has a trans man ever had to walk on eggshells for fear of being made an example of" "when has a trans man ever been/had to fear being raped/abused/abandoned/belittled/denied personhood for their transness" ME! me RIGHT HERE in my fucking real life. many many many others too. just because we're constantly silenced and infantalized and erased from the public eye doesn't mean we're not out here suffering. I'm sure it's not the same as the transfem experience. I know for a fact there's a unique kind of suffering in being in the bigots' spotlight. but you can talk loudly and angrily and righteously and exclusively about the mtf experience without slipping in a sly disgusted comment at other trans people or implying that the abuse we go through completely undetected and unacknowledged cannot exist. genuinely. stop fucking generalizing us as all little uwu discord teens with no problems in sight
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inkly-heart · 17 days
please don’t be sad little sprout, you are loved 🌱 🖤
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superemeralds · 2 months
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get submerged, loser
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coockie8 · 2 years
I’m pissed because we did not spend decades upon decades before the term proship was even a thing building fandom up into what it is today just for a bunch of entitled, snot nosed little shits to come around and say the space belongs to them now and we’re no longer welcome.
“Proshippers” created fandom years before “proship” and “antiship” were even concepts. Antis don’t get to come in and change the narrative now that fandom is “mainstream”. This is where the weirdos (affectionate) gather and it’s always been that way.
I miss the simple days when, for the most part, people just minded their own damn business. I miss when the worst thing someone could say to me over shipping royed or something was “they’re not even gay, you freak!”, instead of immediately accusing me of literal pedophilia over a cartoon. I miss when fandom was chill and not a morality crusade.
I miss when people could tell the difference between a series of lines on a screen and a real person.
I am not saying old fandom was a paradise full of rainbows and shunshine where everybody always got along.
I am aware that old fandom had a lot of issues, those issues just aren't what this post is about, so I didn't address them. Yes, old fandom was horribly homophobic and misogynistic. I'm queer, I'm aware.
You think I didn't get Flamed? You think I've never gotten death threats in old fandom? Doxx threats? A plathoria of mysogynistic and homophobic slurs thrown at me left and right? I fucking know old fandom had issues too. But old fandom issues are not what this post is talking about!
This post is simply lamenting the days before I was being endlessly called a literal predator over pixels, and lines on paper.
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fun-k-boards · 4 months
I've never understood the excitement around marriage. I've never understood the 'rush' around the idea of a relationship. I've never understood the heartbreak or annoyance people feel when they're alone for valentine's day, or when their partner doesn't give them a gift for it. I've never understood why someone would like kissing with their tongues or on the lips. I've never understood why naked bodies are sexual. I've never understood why I should feel my world shatter when someone rejects me. I've never understood why I should be expected to 'just give the relationship a try' when someone confesses to me. I've never understood why friends will demean someone by implying they just 'aren't good enough' because their friend got rejected by that person, no matter how gentle or respectful the rejection was.
I've never understood why sex and romance need to be brought up and hyper focused on in every conversation imaginable.
I'll probably never understand.
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arkiwii · 7 months
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"Painful things, sad things, and scary things all go away when you least expect them to. But it's not okay to forget them. I need to remember them, because those emotions are still there inside me. I don't want to end up crying without knowing why. Memories are a burden, and I have to carry my own burden."
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charrfie · 2 months
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gloom-metal · 22 days
everyone and their mom, mainly people smarter than me, have talked endlessly about fallout and especially about both new vegas and 4, but fuck it, i'll add my two cents
i think my problem with bethesda's take on fallout as opposed to black isle's/obsidian's is that they're just too caught up on the Aesthetic™ of it. they try going so hard on the "50's retro futurism meets mad max" visual that they forget why that's the case in 1, 2, and new vegas.
the kitschy, 50's visuals are there not just to contrast the modern, post-apocalyptic landscape, it's there to contrast to how pre-war america operated. before the nukes fell, america was a totalitarian, military dictatorship that routinely engaged in human rights violations that wore the facade of idealized 50's suburbia. and 200 years later, it's the only thing that remains of its corpse. in new vegas, this part of the setting is acknowledged, but it's more concerned on the current culture of the mojave and a major theme of the game (if not the series) is how to build a new society that won't destroy itself like the one that came before (it's no coincidence some of the characters that cling harder to the past are more prone to have evil karma)
but to bethesda, there's no underlying point. the aesthetic is the point. here's a bunch of things related to nuka-cola, here's a quest where you play as a silver age-esque comic book character, here's group of people that treat power armour like 50's hot rods (and i have to admit, i actually think that's pretty cool), here's a door to door salesman but he's a ghoul, etc, etc. there's all this imagery and aesthetic choices but none of it seems to tie to any theme or actually try saying anything.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
The curse of being in the fandom of a popular media and watching as “serious” metas that you know are based off fanon memes go viral is to know pain.
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alivehouse · 6 days
theres something crazy to me about how narratives will clearly draw from experiences with mental illness in like messy or maybe not super palatable ways and they will be consumed by people on here who i guess either completely miss that or just fail to see the characters at the center of these narratives as fully human & then carry this view into people who express symptoms shown in this narrative In Real Life and kind of perceive these very real experiences being explored in a work of fiction through a weird veneer of unreality. i dont know. does this make sense
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mortysmith · 6 months
In theory i like the idea that rick is growing and developing as a person. In practice it ends up falling short though, because no one balances him out. rick is getting better while no one else is getting worse, and it causes the whole thing to end up feeling a bit stale. The biggest draw, at least for me, has always been rick and morty's shitty dynamic, but it barely exists anymore because rick has been so watered down.
The ideal solution is literally just to make morty into a bigger asshole. Essentially flipping the main characters' personalities would offer a wide variety of conflict into the show, and would also help keep it "fresh".
Instead it feels the writers are pretending that they can't possibly do anything with morty's character, that they have to keep him the same anxious idiot he was in season one. I've said this before, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch the show have no problem with expanding rick's character while struggling with keeping morty's heavily stagnated characterization consistent. Where rick has space to develop between multiple seasons, morty is constantly forced into one of two boxes (smart/stupid) depending on the episode.
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Vent post as I'm tired of it and it's now been weeks of this, feel free to vent with me. Inbox open. Will the bad takes from the BT side never end? Tommy's snide remarks aren't dry humour they are just snide. My humor is sardonic but also time and place people. And also not conducive for a good relationship if that's all you giving outside kiss scenes. And don't start with just with just multiship with me either. People can not like ship, you can't force people to settle. And this is coming from a guy who loves to multiship. Got 5 different ships for Obi-Wan alone that I adore. If people don't vibe with it they don't and that should be it, don't clog the tag saying how people should ship it since it canon. ( I grew up when queer ships were fanon alone so that is wild take to me ) Sorry to vent but it never seems to end and I just want to enjoy show in peace but I can't even make posts inquiring what do fans think of XYZ narrative choices without comments saying it's because you are "delusional buddie shipper" and inbox anon hate ( telling a queer person they are homophobic for not liking your ship has been surreal time for me I have mostly found it just funny but seriously it not okay to harass real queer people over your fictional queer ship )
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clarabosswald · 4 months
thinking about how utterly and completely and uniformly ashkenazi worldwide judaism really seems to be, and especially how current antisemitism focuses a lot on ashkenazi judaism and its stereotypes -
and the stark contrast with judaism inside israel... mizrahi judaism (which is on itself extremely generalizing - yemeni judaism and iraqi judaism and persian judaism and turkish judaism and libyan judaism and syrian judaism and the 100 other shades of mizrahi jewish cultures, each standing on its own, rich and unique), then ethiopian judaism, kurdish jews, sephardi jews, indian jews, old yishuv jews - it is so colorful, and it's everywhere. and each community stands on its own but they mix together with each other and compliment each other because they're all different flavors of the same people. so everywhere you see people put hummus and amba on their schnitzel and listen to shlomo artzi while going out for sabich/listen to zohar argov while going out for friday schnitzel challa (you wouldn't believe all the ways you can eat schnitzel) and put matza ball soup in bowls decorated with khamsas and evil eyes and everyone craves piping hot jachnun on saturday morning (gosh, jewish culture has really got a lot to do with food, doesn't it? or maybe i'm just hungry).
literally the majority of jews in israel are mizrahi. and the percentage of mixed mizrahi-ashkenazi families is massive too.
and no, it's not all butterflies and sunshine, inter-jewish racism exists and it's ugly and prevalent and a central topic in israeli socio-political discussions and activism. but still, israeli jewish culture is still SO global... sometimes i look at the way people (especially antisemites but not only them) present judaism - all ashkenazi and pale and solemn - and it just seems so damn... stale. (the fact that i'm ashkenazi myself makes it even more bizarre, and obviously ironic, but i'm very secular from a very secular household so we never really cared much about our own ashkenazism).
jewish culture really deserves better than any of that.
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