#sometimes I wish I could believe in a higher power
raskies456 · 27 days
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vintagetimetarot · 4 months
Message from your future spouses higher self 🌹
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Hi everyone! It’s been so long since I posted a PAC. So sorry! My mental health hasn’t been great. But I finally mustered up some motivation for a reading today. This is whatever your future spouses higher self wants to bring to light to you. Let’s go! Pick a vinatge image below for your pile. (Side note, a lot of the piles were very similar, so if you feel drawn to more than one, go for it!)
Pile 1: The message your future spouse’s higher self wants to tell you is that that are genuinely so proud on how far you have come in life. They can’t wait to finally meet you, they say that your union isn’t super far away. They want to let you know that once they come into your life, they’ll be your biggest cheerleader and number one support. They think you are the most beautiful, graceful, and talented person they’ve ever met. They wish they could just hold you all night. They want to let you know that your relationship is not one sided at all, even though it may come off that way when you two first meet. They just love you so much! They also pick up that you haven’t been emotionally feeling great, they are here to remind you how beautiful of a person you are and why they fell in love with you. They really want to emphasize how true their connection is with you. That’s all Pile 1, I hope this resonated.
Pile 2: Your future spouses higher self wants you to know that whatever struggles your dealing with right now are about to end. They know how amazing you are and are telling you they have 100% faith that you will get through whatever is going on. They are letting you know divine timing is on your side, and things are going unfold into a happy place naturally. They admire how you’ve been handling everything with such grace, they think you are so beautiful/handsome for this. They are telling you to look for signs (birds and rabbits for some reason may resonate) of your union coming closer. Just hold on a little longer! Even outside of your love life, good offers and opportunities are coming to you, and you need to embrace them is what your future spouse is saying. Materially, you are in for a really good time, and it’s going to get even better once they come into your life. Your future spouse is well off, and will try to share this with you by giving gifts and taking you to nice places and such when you first meet/start dating. They are here to tell you that are very excited for you guys to meet and are very excited. That’s all Pile 2, I hope this resonated!
Pile 3: Your future spouses higher self wants your to trust your gut more and believe in yourself! They love every part of you and are asking you to not be so ashamed of yourself. You are a hard and generous worker, and they want you to start recognizing your power and your influence. You bring so much positive energy into your family and friends lives, and especially theirs. They want to tell you they just love you so deeply. They want to let you know when they come into your life, they will rush in so fast. (The Elvis song came to mind lmao). They want you to be patient with them as they are charmer and experienced at love, but have their fallacies sometimes. They like to put you on a pedestal I see. They want to remind you to keep making good choices in your life. Your skill and dedication to things is something they admire and wish for you to keep up. Keep up the good work is what they say! That’s all Pile 3, I hope it resonated!
Pile 4: Your future spouses higher self wants to be more assertive for yourself in love so you can attract them into your life sooner. They are ITCHING to just meet you already. They consider themselves lucky knowing you are their future partner. Your future spouse is saying to keep your standards high and to not settle for breadcrumbs. The relationship they are about to give you will be beautiful and the romance of a lifetime, but you need to trust the process. As you both balance your lives and keep moving forward, the closer this connection gets. You are a natural born leader and they want you to assert and put yourself or there more. You have such a bright future ahead of you right now, and they just wanna tell you that you should be excited and happy. They think that you’ve been doing a good job, but wanted to serve this to you as a huge reminder. You bring so much life and light into people’s lives and you have amazing gifts, they are screaming at you to start using them! That’s all Pile 4, I hope it resonated.
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mcflymemes · 8 months
AS SAID BY DORIAN PAVUS  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age inquisition, updated version
i don't care what they think about me. i care what they think about us.
i like you. more than i should. more than might be wise.
discretion isn't your thing, is it?
all this dancing, politics, and murder makes me a bit homesick.
i suppose it really depends. how bad do you want to be?
living a lie... it festers inside of you, like poison.
i'm a man of many talents. what can i say?
the moment i saw you, i thought "there's a man who knows quality."
if you don't come through this, i swear i'll kill you.
i'm curious where this goes, you and i. we've had fun. perfectly reasonable to leave it here.
here is my proposal: we dispense with the chitchat and move on to something more primal.
i tease you too much, i know.
i'll have to find something we can do that doesn't involve teasing.
time to drink myself into a stupor. it's been that sort of day.
i see you enjoy playing with fire.
i like playing hard to get.
i'm not suggesting we venture into mutual domesticity.
if it's a trap, we escape and kill everyone. you're good at that.
talk to me. let me hear how mystified you are by my anger.
oh, i'm not arguing. just pointing out the ridiculously obvious.
if you choose to leave your door unlocked like a savage, i may or may not come.
now... what was i talking about? ah, yes. me.
i am apparently an incredible ass at accepting gifts.
i prefer the company of men.
would you prefer me bound and leashed?
sometimes the ones you love are also the ones who disappoint you the most.
you are the man i love, [name]. nothing will truly keep us apart.
the things you ask are just... very personal.
sometimes... love isn't enough.
there will always be an "us." we'll just be... farther apart, for a time.
i had no idea something like you was possible.
i'm imagining what you would look like in a dress.
i've never seen you smile so much!
i have no idea what you're talking about.
you stand there, flexing your muscles, huffing like some beast of burden with no thought save conquest.
you're shaping the world for good or ill. how could i aspire to do any less?
my footsies are freezing, thank you.
don't you ever bathe?
you're not suggesting we're similar.
watch where you're pointing that thing!
i'm not wearing a skirt.
it's significantly more impressive than hitting them with a sharp piece of metal.
i only meant to say i'm very sorry for your loss.
we can continue this dance forever, if you wish.
i'm saying we should be careful what we assume when it comes to such matters.
demons don't appreciate a man with good hair.
what i wouldn't give for some proper wine.
your outfit's entertaining. i'll give you that.
he had to leave early on account of assassination.
it's nice to know you have friends.
i'm here to do what is right.
come on, just answer the question.
they were asking me about you. personal things.
you said we'd be ass-deep in trouble. this is more like knee-high.
so what's your estimation? think we can win?
you can't call me pampered. nobody's peeled a grape for me in weeks.
you startled me. you're always so... nondescript.
you're a special and unique snowflake. live the dream.
i wanted to see you make flowers bloom with your song. just once.
you've done a lot less dancing naked in the moonlight than expected.
i've never seen anyone in this part of the world do it.
i realize there's more to you than that.
have i offended you?
for hating the outdoors, you sure seem to like bad weather.
i can't figure you out, [name].
you don't play their stupid game, they send an assassin or three your way.
i can't believe you're scared of magic.
i'm going to take that as a compliment.
still don't like me, [name]? after all this time?
[name], i owe you an apology.
i suspect people will use any excuse to hate us.
why be ashamed? power should be respected, not swept under the carpet.
maybe you're not a complete moron.
i just need to know you're capable of higher thought. for my own comfort.
it would take work. and soap. lots and lots of soap.
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valentine-writes · 9 months
their "i love you"s and other drabbles...
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「 tws + notes: no tws, HEAVILY unedited, a little angst in sum partz but f it we ball (THERE'S SUMN WRONG W/ ME I NEVER DO THIS MUCH?), fluff, tried to add a lil bit of everyone, little thoughtz abt the characters,,, 」
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↳ ft. ben reilly/scarlet spider, gwen stacy, hobie brown/spider-punk, jessica drew, lyla, margo kess, miles morales (1610 and 42), miguel o'hara/spider-man 2099, pavitr prabhakar, peter b parker, spider-man noir, and the spot/johnathan ohnn
「 gn!reader, romantic relationships <3 」
author's note: not my usual content but thought it wud b fun to whip up a few drabbles,, (´。_。`) diff format than usual too! all separate and stuff, w/ the characterz at the bottom being the ones the drabble applies to the most (ALL CAPZ MEANS I THOUGHT IT FIT THEM SUPER WELL!!!!) thought it wud b fun,,, altered lyrics are italicized, itz jus a pronoun change 2 make it gender neutral (❁´◡`❁) edit: my tags. do not fit. so i had to redo them. reblogz r super appreciated ^_^ i jus wanna make sure all fans of these characterz are being fed content <33
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[ please don't forget about me - pompey ]
"and if you see me everyday / will I lose my shine?"
↳ always terrified of not being exciting and new to you– like one day, their appeal will fade. not like they understand what drew you to them in the first place, but they never asked. maybe you're just hanging around for the hell of it. maybe one day, they'll watch you leave and they'll have nothing to convince you to stay
"how many bad jokes will it take? / or awkward quiet times?"
↳ they wonder if they're already losing you slowly. everytime they speak to you, it's like they're trying to compensate for something. begging you to look at them– but not too close,,, just in case you notice how brutally flawed they are, beyond just the quirks you find endearing. maybe one day you'll look too deep into their eyes and you won't like what you see
▸ JOHNATHAN OHNN/THE SPOT, peter b parker
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[ soft sounds from another planet - japanese breakfast ]
"i'll show you the way to hurt me"
↳ loving again is the biggest risk anyone who's been hurt like them could take. you make it worth the danger– the possibility of the pain they've grown all too familiar with. maybe for today, caution can be set aside. when it comes to you, they wouldn't mind letting their guard down.
"in search of a soft sound from another planet / in search of a quiet place to lay this to rest."
↳ they have to admit their past has burdened them in ways they can't even begin to communicate. they know you can't fix everything that has been broken in their lives. still, the comfort you provide is never taken for granted. you are their safe space– the soft sound from another planet. their quiet place to finally lay it all to rest. and suddenly, the aching in their chest doesn't eat them up inside as much as it used to.
you make it easy to love again.
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[ our lullabye - miracle musical ]
"i was made for you / you were made for me"
↳ it's hard to believe that you're more than just a distant fantasy sometimes. they can't deny how much they've yearned for a love like the one you two share. something so sweet, so real. it's nothing like the movies or the fairytales, but is anything ever? even when things are messy and complicated, it's undeniable how perfect it all feels. how everything about the two of you just fits. they're inclined to thank every shooting star they've ever wished on, every birthday candle they've ever held their deepest desires in as they blew the flame out for the day you two met. by any manner of higher power or forces unseen to the human eye, they're certain fate was on their side to give them such a blessing.
"i'll love you 'till you're gone / our song goes on and on"
↳ they're determined to hold on as long as possible. all good things cannot last– but they try not to dwell on that thought. they hold onto the hope that you're the one thing that will stay. your love feels divine. radiant, in the way it overtakes them fully. they almost feel undeserving. so, no matter how small or how grand the action, they try to remind you every day, "i love you"s woven into their every being whenever you're around.
▸ lyla, SPIDER-MAN NOIR, johnathan ohnn/the spot
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[ i will - mitski ]
"everything you feel is good / if you would only let you"
↳ sometimes they feel you holding back. they can't help but notice the tension in the room as you suppress the things you want to say, silence the thoughts in your head. they know it's not easy to be earnest all the time. but they love you– they care for you. and all they've ever wanted is for you to be authentic. if it's pure, how could it ever be wrong? maybe in your own time, you'll be able to unravel in front of them. they're by your side every step of the way. to finally have you open up to them– to be real, to be honest– it would mean the world to them. they want to show you they love every single part of you. they love you when you're upset, when you're crying, when you're angry– because it's you.
"so stay with me / hold my hand / there's no need / to be brave"
↳ they offer every reassurance they can give you. you no longer have to fend for yourself. those days of being alone are over. you can crumble apart if you need– there's no need for constant bravery anymore. you did such a good job picking yourself up, time and time again. now, they outstretch a hand to you, a silent way of saying, "let me help you this time."
▸ ben reilly/scarlet spider, gwen stacy, HOBIE BROWN/SPIDER-PUNK, JESSICA DREW, lyla, MILES MORALES (1610), PAVITR PRABHAKAR, PETER B PARKER tbh all of them but shhh
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[ right side of my neck - faye webster ]
"you looked back at me once / but i looked back two times"
↳ absolutely smitten with you. it doesn't matter how hard you fell. they. fell. harder. and maybe it's not obvious to you. but they've never had someone who made them care so much. some part of them feels immature for feeling so in love,, like a school kid with a puppy crush. they find it ridiculous, how absolutely lovesick and enamoured they are with everything about you. whatever you feel and express towards them, they feel towards you three times as much. they try everyday to show it.
"the right side of my neck / still smells like you"
↳ you just seem to leave a part of you with them always. they can't ignore it– can't seem to escape your presence, even when you're not physically there. it felt like spiralling to insanity at first. but they've learned to appreciate it– find comfort in it, even. the way the smell of your shampoo lingers on the pillow they leant you when you stayed over, the way that the mug of tea (made just the way you like it) is still on the kitchen table from the morning after– you left your t-shirt once and you had to ask them directly for it back. they like keeping pieces of you near. it reminds them of how loved they are.
▸ BEN REILLY/SCARLET SPIDER, gwen stacy, HOBIE BROWN/SPIDER-PUNK, MARGO KESS, miles morales (1610 and 42), pavitr prabhakar, the spot/johnathan ohnn
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[ you love me - kimya dawson ]
"but when i met you, right away, i knew / you would never, ever, ever hurt me"
↳ you're used to pulling away. leave before they can leave you, before they even try to make you miss them– but the second you met them? they were insistent on proving that they were harmless. they could never dream of hurting you. and they see as you pull away, scared to get too close– and yet, every single time, they open their arms back to you.
"and the road's still long but you come along / and you hold my hand, and you understand"
↳ "when you're ready" has become second place in their favourite three word sentences. they remind you of these words constantly.
"when you're ready" means they don't mind that it's not now. ""when you're ready" means it doesn't matter how long they have to wait for you, they will. when you're ready" is another form of "i love you"
▸ MARGO KESS, MILES MORALES (1610), pavitr prabhakar, PETER B PARKER, spider-man noir
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[ (you) on my arm - leith ross ]
"i wanna buy you pretty little things / and never ever lie to you"
↳ wants something simple with you. craves a form of sweet, normalcy. the mundane tasks and events of life seem far more appealing to them when you're in the picture. no, they never really imagined ever having a quiet life, yet the hope for one with you lingered. to buy you little gifts, to be the best they could possibly be to you, to drive around with you for the hell of it. they're certain anything could be heaven if you were there to accompany them.
a quiet life sounds nice.
"i'd be better armed if you agreed to take it"
↳ having you on their arm just makes them feel secure. keeping you close while showing you off to the world– showing you've got each other. they're a bit sappy for little things like this. everywhere you go, they never fail to extend an arm out to you. something about you makes them feel safer than ever.
▸ jessica drew, miles morales (1610), MILES MORALES (42), peter b parker, SPIDER-MAN NOIR
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[ peach scone - hobo johnson ]
"so I fall to ground, collect myself and get ready to take over your heart / or at least your spare time"
↳ they try so incredibly hard to be the one for you. no matter what they try, they just seem to fumble and mess it up. they stumble over their words when they try to compliment you, they get weak in the knees when they try to make a move, and no matter how much they spend deliberating, and deliberating– they've got no clue how to win you over. hopefully you find their clumsy attempts endearing. they're making a fool of themself. and maybe, they haven't really said anything yet– but they're happy to at least hang around you in the meantime
▸ BEN REILLY/SCARLET SPIDER, gwen stacy, MILES MORALES (1610), spider-man noir, the spot/johnathan ohnn
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[ dan the dancer - mitski ]
" he liked them more than life itself / i'm sure "
↳ he was quiet in the way he expressed his adoration. still, he did everything he could to ensure you would never go unloved. the way he looks into your eyes, taking you in like you are the loveliest thing on earth... it's only fitting. you're his world. maybe in the silent moments, when his fingers gently brush your cheek, admiring you– you'd begin to understand this.
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[ lover // over the moon - alice phoebe lou ]
"i'm a lover / i feel it now / i'm a lover / just never knew how"
↳ they don't even try to hide how much they enjoy your company. you're special to them– why would they try to hide that? at this point, whenever you feel arms wrap around you from behind, you've learned to see their grinning face when you glance over your shoulder. maybe they've never been particularly shy about most things,, but now they're just twice as loud. it's inexplicable, the things you do to them. they hadn't anticipated being so utterly soft,,, not like they're complaining
▸ hobie brown/spider-punk, PAVITR PRABHAKAR
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hades-in-bloom · 11 months
Quit | Leon S. Kennedy x Reader
content: assumed older Leon, assumed age gap, golden retriever boyfriend with attitude, mentions of PTSD and light panic attacks, mentions of death, gn!reader, no mentions of y/n
author’s note: this man should be protected at all costs, you can’t tell me otherwise. might proofread later. as always, proceed at your own risk.
word count: still a drabble.
He falls apart one day when you least expect him to, in the middle of the coffee shop, and you rush from your table towards the counter, where Leon juggles the change. His hands are shackled with heavy tremor. You don’t know what triggered him, but you know this frantic look that he has after particularly bad assignments. He doesn’t talk though, neither to you nor to the therapist assigned by the DSO. Appreciative of the mental health support offered by the agency, you hate his job with fiery passion.
You pull him to the side, helping out with putting the change back to his wallet. His breathing is ragged, and he clings to your palm, squeezing it in his own nice and tight. You thank the higher power that your favourite coffee corner is quite empty at this hour of the day. You couldn’t care less of what the staff would think of you.
You slide your free hand under his thick jacket and onto his heart in a desperate attempt to calm him down. It pains you to see him this way. Especially when he can’t stand feeling powerless and in need of assistance himself. Years of flying solo made him annoyingly self-sufficient.
He needs a minute, but then nods at you in reassurance, when barista calls out your order. You are spending precious seconds picking up two americanos before dragging Leon outside. He grabs onto the paper cup like his life depends on it, and makes a sip despite your attempts of preventing him from consuming caffeine. You don’t think it’s a good idea, taking his condition into account, but he doesn’t listen.
“You have to talk to me, Kennedy,” you sound a bit grumpy, but only because you worry about him. You plead openly. “Please, Leon.”
He scoffs bitterly into the hot beverage and takes his time before meeting your gaze with his own. His sudden panic attack seems to bridle by that point.
“I wish I could,” he assures. “It’s not that simple”.
You resent his excuses now more than ever. You do your best when trying to keep yourself together, and you spend some time walking in silence before reaching one of the benches in the park. New York is in its full glory this time of the year.
“Quit,” you say suddenly after placing yourself at the wooden bench with sights of the dated graffiti here and there. You let your stubbornness take over you, when you press on. “Why can’t you quit?”
The horrors that he has seen were unimaginable. It’s not even a figure a speech at this point. You can't imagine it as you have no idea what he does, but you don’t like how size of his paycheque seems to correlate with the level of danger that his job poses.
“I help people,” he replies quickly, and, although you want to, you can’t feel proud of him right now. He means a world to you, but sometimes you don’t know if he truly thinks the same about you. You know it’s your anger talking.
“After all these years you should have helped enough, shouldn't you?” You are harsh and impatient, and he eyes you with caution and sudden curiosity as he doesn’t see you this way before – righteously furious. Leon doesn’t know what to do with you, when he’s generally very good at thinking on his feet.
You both drink your coffee in heavy silence for a bit, listening to the chatter in the park; someone is playing a violin with their melody being too tragic to your liking.
He sighs loudly, visibly irritated, first. He doesn’t like it when two of you fight.
“What would I even do, if I quit?” His question makes you raise your brows. You don’t believe that he entertains a thought of quitting his job, but you appreciate the effort. Although you wouldn’t mind staying mad at him a tad longer.
“Marry me,” you say right away, without thinking too much. Leon can bet that you took choosing your coffee this morning more seriously, but you don’t backtrack. Sly smile is appearing on your lips, and you regret for a moment that you are in public. “I will make sure that you are busy.”
Leon is lost for words for a moment before he catches himself grinning despite his best attempts not to.
“Savage,” he calls you out mercilessly. Despite your conversation bearing a certain degree of absurdity, you definitely like him better now than moments before, when he was gasping for air back in the coffee shop.
Despite your playful mood, you don’t let him off the hook easily.
“You can’t die on me, Kennedy,” you have already accompanied him to way too many funerals to draw your own conclusions. “You better believe me, when I say that I’ll haunt you in the afterlife, if you do.”
Leon finishes his coffee at that time and throws out the paper cup before taking a place next to you at the bench. His look giving you sudden chills.
“They say in the vows, ‘till death do us part. Should we think of changing it for our ceremony?”
It takes you a never-ending second to realise what he did, and then it hits you. You can’t help it but stare at him in disbelief when he clearly enjoys the effect of his own words.
“You are unbelievable,” you conclude with conviction. This bastard just shrugs it off.
“That wasn’t me who started it, sweetheart.”
You want to slap him, but he kisses you instead, and you forget about the rest of the world for a bit. You lean into him, and the violin sounds in the distance do not seem that tragic to you anymore.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Kawaii Sensei
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part two
paring: Student Gojo (18) x sensei reader (22)
Summary: You are their new teacher. You are young, and they consider you very loving and kind. You're considered cute by one student. You are his kawaii sensei. And he loves you...
Warnings: short NSFW
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"Good morning everyone. My name is (y/n) (l/n). From today I am your new teacher." You said with a nice smile, looking at the three people in front of you.
Were you expecting a little more enthusiasm...
At least a little smile...
Meanwhile, you were standing there looking at the short-haired brunette who looked like she hadn't slept at all. On the other hand, they were dark haired in a bun with a neutral looking face (at least he looked nice), his face was neither serious nor smiling, so you consider it a good sign. The other boy with white hair looked like he wanted to leave here. As if he didn't want to be in this class at all...
"So..." You started clasping your hands together.
You're not much older than them... This is your first day as a teacher at this school.
You graduated from this school some time ago, but your skills weren't very high, so you couldn't count on being higher in the hierarchy. And since you like children, you chose to teach at the Jujutsu school.
Besides, teachers are very much needed in such a school.
Few people can teach in a school like this, and you were a sorcerer, so you had the opportunity. So you chose to teach kids instead of doing missions all the time.
"...Want to know something about me? Or tell me something about yourself?" You gave them a nice smile.
But the principal of the place came to the room. The man who just a few days ago became the principal.
He was the man you took over teaching this class. And you still did not expect what adventure awaits you while you teach this one white-haired boy.
He was practically your teacher a few years ago.
You even remember him well.
And he agreed to let you teach at least one class so that he would have a little less work.
He ran for the position of principal and succeeded.
Therefore, he will have a little more responsibilities. Now at least you'll do it for him a bit.
He's always liked you, that's why he let you go, and he believed you could do everything and look good.
However, you don't understand why he finds these three students troublesome...
Okay, even before you came here, you heard that the white-haired one is sometimes a problem. And sometimes with him his best friend.
You wish you had come here as their teacher now and not from their first day of school.
They are now in their second year. So they know more than the basics.
Besides, these two are already a higher grade than you...
It doesn't bother you because you don't care where you are on the level that much. Sometimes these divisions don't make sense...
You're semi-grade 1 and they're grade 1. And Yaga told you that their skill is still increasing so he's sure they're capable of going into special grade.
Therefore, you are not to save them.
You probably wouldn't be able to murder them in training... You don't want them to experience the same as you in training...
But they still look like well-built young men. So you can guess that Yaga has exhausted them already.
You're not a fan of 24/7 non-stop training.
Poor guys... You don't want to know what they went through before you were their teacher.
Now you're going to make sure they don't hate classes with you.
As far as you know, the white-haired one is Gojo Satoru, who possesses both of his bloodline's powerful techniques. Character description by Yaga: conceited, selfish, inconsiderate, irritating, but very capable and trustworthy. Addicted to sugar and sometimes childish.
The dark-haired boy is Geto Suguru. They both are best friends. He comes from a family of non-sorcerers and possesses the technique of manipulating curses. You are not to be nervous when you sense curse energy, because his cursed energy is just like curses. Character description by Yaga: more composed and calm. He can be like Satoru sometimes. A talented boy who will always get used to the situation.
And the girl is Ieiri Shoko. She's not often included in teddy bears because she's here learning to master the reverse cursed technique.
So far you've only received them. I guess you should make it.
"This is your new teacher. I have more responsibilities than looking after you, so I'm assigning you to her. Don't embarrass me in front of my former student." You looked at the man with a small smile and nodded that he might leave you.
As you stood in front of them, you began to get more nervous.
"I don't know where to start... I know you're training outside today... Sorry, but it's my first day as a teacher..." you said nervously. "The only thing I know about you is something from Yaga-san...your names as well as your skills. I'd like to get to know you more since we spend the next few years together. And who knows, maybe one of you will want to become a teacher later?"
You met the eyes of the white haired man.
You blush with shame. It must have been a bit visible, right? Since none of them even responded...
You hoped that someday you would be able to get close to them and start working with them normally.
It used to be. Half a year ago.
It was completely different now.
You were like a real teacher to them.
They did not expect that they would be able to be so close to the teacher.
They felt like you were their friend and not their teacher, even if you were giving them assignments or teaching them in class.
And there was something no one expected either.
According to one of them, you were adorable.
Cute sensei.
Of course you blushed when you found out. Because no one ever thought you were cute before.
But well, you didn't expect such a comment from anyone...
You were very protective of them.
You knew that your students liked you very much.
You got chocolates from Satoru on Valentine's Day. You don't know if it was a coincidence because he also ate his, or if he gave it to you on purpose.
You couldn't feel anything for the student... It was probably forbidden... You didn't want to take it badly.
So you stood on tiptoe and stroked his soft hair, enjoying the white stripes under your fingers.
You saw his blue eyes widen slightly as you did, and his cheeks flushed a nice pink.
You smiled at him, thanking him with all your heart.
It was the first time you got something for Valentine's Day from someone.
And you felt so good about it. Even if he was your student.
You didn't know that right after that he went to his friend with a big smile.
"Why are you smiling like that? And why don't you ever knock when you enter my room..." he muttered seeing the white haired boy sit down quickly on his bed and lay down with a big smile like an idiot.
It was as if he had overdosed on sugar even more than ever.
"Something happened to make you so happy?"
"She took the chocolates from me!" He said happily.
"Wait... Did you really give it to her?" he asked, his eyes widening slightly.
"Yeah! And she smiled! It was so cute! And you know what she did then?!"
"She's probably touched you somehow or said something nice... But there's no way she's kissed you... You'll have to wait until the grave with that fantasy...
"She stroked my head!"
"He often does this to us..." he replied.
He didn't want his best friend to get overexcited that you might let him in.
Geto knew very well that his best friend fell in love with you.
First they talked about you, and then he started to think you were cool. Until the end, he thought you were pretty and charming.
You never did anything they didn't want. You were still their teacher, but your teaching was so much better.
You weren't that strict, and you asked what they wanted.
You were kind and so soft.
It was cute.
And Geto might have expected Gojo to be attracted to you.
Someone who likes your behavior and enjoys your company.
Until one day he told him that he must have fallen in love with you.
He couldn't stop thinking about you.
He didn't like to see you walking next to anyone other than him.
He was even jealous that you gave him less attention than usual. Then he would come to you asking for an explanation of something he knew very well or wanted to ask for help with a non-existent problem. Those were his excuses to meet you to give him more attention than others.
"But she did it to me with such a cute smile!"
Geto didn't want him to be disappointed by unrequited love...
You were older than them. Perhaps you already had a boyfriend or husband. It would be very difficult for him to dissuade Gojo from loving you. But for the sake of his psyche, he wanted to do it.
He didn't want his friend to be heartbroken.
"What if (y/n)-sensei got other chocolates, like from her boyfriend?" He asked.
He preferred to gently show him that it may turn out that there is already someone in your life.
They didn't know exactly how old you were, and they didn't know much about your private life either.
There was no wedding ring on your finger, and you didn't talk on the phone often, which you basically would if you had a boyfriend or a husband.
It might also be surprising that you had a house near the school and when they were there because you invited them to dinner, they didn't see anyone but you there.
It's like there's no one else in your life.
Sure, Geto doesn't prohibit Gojo from having a happy relationship. However, he didn't want his heart to break if it turned out otherwise.
"I've never heard that she has anyone."
"Satoru, we don't even know how old she is."
"She's a little older than us. She's only just qualified to become a real teacher."
The dark-haired sighed.
"I don't want you to react badly, but we don't know what she thinks of you. She might as well consider you a nice student. I'm sure she would never play with your feelings, but I don't want you to be disappointed with your feelings." He said calmly. "This is probably the first time you fell in love with. You're happy, I get it. But..."
"I know. What do you say we ask tomorrow how old she is? I doubt she'll refuse to answer us."
That's how you ended up walking between them as you headed to the field to practice.
You felt more and more squeezed by them. Why did they have to be so tall?
You felt Satoru getting closer and closer to you.
Until you finally heard the first question you didn't expect.
"(y/n)-sensei, may we know how old are you?" he asked suddenly coming very close to you.
You looked at him questioningly. But you felt so small and intimidated by his eyes.
"I'm just asking out of curiosity... I've heard more than once that you're only a little older than us, so it's just curiosity."
"...Um... Satoru-kun... I'm actually 22 years old. Soon 23." You said calmly.
You couldn't stop thinking about the warmth of his touching your skin.
Satoru-kun is handsome, but you can't think of him other than as a student. It is true that your young mind is speaking here, telling you that you are of similar age and you could at least try. Because he seems to be interested in you somehow.
You like him a lot. Maybe if you weren't as a teacher...
He's 18. I'm sure he'll find someone better than you.
You were snapped out of your trance of thoughts by his next personal question.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked looking at you.
You blushed and jumped back slightly at the question.
"S-Satoru-kun, I-I don't think it should matter, right...?" You said nervously.
Suguru didn't answer.
"I just wanted to know. A cool sensei like you doesn't deserve any asshole."
Your distraction made you really careless.
That's why you didn't even notice that you were about to come down the stairs. You were all red because of his words. And you didn't notice the dip under your leg.
"Wah! Be careful!"
You heard just that and felt him pull your arm back, wrapping his arms around you.
When you realized that you had almost fallen down the stairs, you were pressed against your student's chest.
If only you were older, he wouldn't even want to be so close to you!
You could have skipped a few more years until you were in your thirties!
Maybe then your mind wouldn't rather take vengeance to heaven when you look at your student you could practically say you love...!
You wanted to burn yourself with shame...
You were supposed to look after them, not them you.
"Wow, be careful, kawaii sensei." He said, pushing you away gently.
What did he call you?!
"Umm... What?"
"Um..." you murmured.
"What "What?", Sensei?"
You tried to leave to join Suguru at the bottom of the stairs.
But he grabbed your hand.
"Is it what I called you, sensei?" He smiled.
It was a cute but slightly cocky smile.
But with something like this on his face.
Maybe you can quit your job here before your face catches fire from the heat?
This was your second such situation.
First chocolates, then you hear a student call you cute, then he practically asks you to pat his head like you always did and now he hugs you, asks if you have a boyfriend and also calls you "kawaii sensei"?
What is this?!
You were nice to them because you wanted to. But you didn't expect that someone who didn't seem to mind having another teacher at first would suddenly start to be so close to you.
You are friends???
Are you any closer than you should be???
You are four years older than him!
And he is already an adult! You didn't expect him to act like that, he should be doing that to his girlfriend, not to the teacher!
He suddenly leaned lower to your face.
"You are kawaii sensei. My favorite teacher I've ever had." He chuckled and his lips curved into a kind smile.
Teachers can be close to students. And there is nothing strange about it.
But should it be that you feel butterflies in your stomach when he does something like that?
Should it be that he feels butterflies in his stomach when you're next to him? 
You tried to forget about this situation.
But he didn't know how long he would last.
You gave them a completely different job than usual. It was an art class.
You didn't feel like doing anything, neither did they.
So you wanted to teach them to do some origami. It can be very relaxing if you have to talk about it.
A change from those activities that even you get tired of sometimes.
You're also fed up with the fact that you feel so warm in this classroom, and your bed at home is often cold and empty.
Their energy here is nice. And there's only you in your house.
It would be a nice change if you ever had any visitors there.
Why don't you invite them to dinner sometime?
You practically didn't answer Satoru's question he asked earlier. What could you say? You don't have and have never had a boyfriend.
When you went to school here, you were alone in the class. Turns out your year didn't have that many sorcerers. However, there were more people in classes older than you and younger.
You tried your best to be a warm and kind senpai to the younger ones.
That's why you liked the idea of ​​becoming a teacher.
You calmly ran Suguru's fingers over the paper, showing him how to fold the paper properly.
Satoru wondered how nice your hands felt...
He wanted you to show him that too. And she touched his hand.
He was jealous of his best friend.
"Sensei! Can you also show me? I think I ruined it." He said, raising his hand to get your attention.
Honestly, you didn't expect them to be interested in doing this at all.
You walked over to the white haired boy.
He showed you a piece of paper in front of him.
"How do I start?" He asked looking at you.
"Bend the corners of the paper inwards." You said pointing to the right and left corners.
"How?" He asked.
He knew, but he wanted you to guide his hands.
You took your piece of paper and showed him how to fold it.
"Sensei, from what I can see, you folded the bottom corners of the paper."
"You have to do it with the upper ones." you said.
"will you show me I don't want to spoil it."
"What kind of origami do you even do?"
"I wanted from a heart template. It looks nice." He said calmly.
You also tried to stay calm.
"Fine, so bend like in the template I gave you, what to do step by step."
"Will you show me like you showed Suguru?" he asked with puppy dog ​​eyes.
Until you finally gave in.
You stood behind him, grabbing the piece of paper in front of him. And you folded the paper.
You gave him a list of how to perish the paper.
"How am I supposed to hold it?" He asked.
You felt like you were with a child.
But you grabbed his hands and fingers, guiding them.
You smiled slightly. You were curious how big his hands are compared to yours. And that really was the difference.
And he smiled at the feeling of your warm hands.
He tilted his head back, looking at you.
Sending you a warm smile.
"How about I bring you cookies tomorrow?" You asked pleasantly.
You could somehow distract yourself from how cold it was in your house sometimes.
You were smiling all the time at school for them. But you really wish you had the same at home.
I think you need to find yourself a boyfriend...
Because it's probably impossible for Satoru-kun to be so interested in you.
I was making cookie dough when he came home. Until suddenly you heard a knock on the door.
You quickly went to see who it was.
You saw Gojo who said earlier that he can help you prepare the cookies.
You appreciated his help.
But he came with other intentions.
Either you reject it or you accept it.
You either you reject him , push him away, or hit him back.
The moment he kicked off his shoes and the door closed, you felt his lips on yours.
When his body pressed you against the wall in your house.
He wanted to at least enjoy this one moment. Even if you could have rejected him.
However, you never behave the same at home as you do at school.
You are such a nice and sweet person. And such people who care for someone else cannot be neglected by being home alone. With no one around.
You could have pushed him away, punched him in the face.
But you didn't.
Especially after he mumbled into his declaration of love.
You didn't push him away. You didn't hit. You didn't reject his feelings.
You just accepted it.
He's young, but his heart doesn't lie.
He loves you and doesn't want it any other way.
He wants you to be together.
That's why...
That's why you didn't reject him. Because you started feeling the same.
Especially by his behavior.
The warmth he gave you.
You finished the cookies with him. With his arms around you.
With his mouth on your face or neck while you had your back to him.
Your house has become pleasantly warm. Thanks to him.
You waited for the cookies to bake, kissing without saying a word.
Was it really okay?
It was fine...
You weren't much older than him. He's an adult and he's decided he wants it.
Your bed hasn't been this warm in a while.
It got hot as you lay underneath him, your legs spread wide for him, as his oversized cock for a young man rammed into your virgin pussy. By ridding you of any illusions that he loves you.
His hands held you tight as he moved faster and faster, hitting your wet walls.
Your first was your apprentice. And you don't regret it. Because he is someone you love.
You're 22, and now you've found happiness.
You might not even have left Jujutsu High. You could have stayed there and watched him first appear there.
It would leave you a little more room for imagination.
You could see his whole body now. When naked, he hovered above you.
His muscles rippled with his every move.
And you can't stop thinking about how handsome he is.
Your back arched as he made you moan for him.
He beat against your body at a steady, hard pace as you got used to the new feeling of his cock stretching.
"Several times I've thought how nice it would be to have you like this..." he groaned. And his words mixed with his breaths and your soft moans as well as the sounds of skin slapping against skin.
Dirty scenes flashed through your mind as your student jerks around in his room saying something he would say to you.
And so it was.
He did it by imagining you underneath him.
That he was cumming on you instead of the sheets.
And now his erotic dreams have come true.
Because he could bury his cock in your tight pussy and touch your body. See you whole.
Hear you moan his name.
So your red face that contorts in pleasure.
After all, he had his kawaii sensei the way he wanted.
And he will no longer share your attention.
Because he is your warmth at home.
You are his happiness.
You could spend as much time with him as he wanted. You didn't have to worry about the cookies burning.
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albatris · 15 days
rentalcar update!
it's been a hot minute since I did one of these!
today's word count is 75,595...... uh oh! "but it was over 100k a few weeks ago, monday!" yes my process is mysterious and unknowable
today I got a lot of work done due to the being at my friend's house where we just sit around and vibe together. I'm really happy with my progress!
today's mood is a severe lack of sleep and today's jam is "little lies you're told" by joywave
taglist and today's excerpt under the cut! it's jumbly and unedited sowwy
She settled on the couch and immediately sprawled herself out, bringing her legs up onto the cushions and cuddling right up to him, her head nestling down on his shoulder. Nat’s heart pounded in his chest in a rhythm he was certain she could hear. Was she coming onto him? What was this? Why was she so close?
The movie seemed to be about a zombie invasion of a small town in Pennsylvania, but Nat was finding it hard to pay attention. Partially tiredness from his night of work and the emotional stress he was under. Partially his hyper-awareness of Ripley’s presence. The longer the movie wound on, though, and the longer Ripley stayed like that, leaning herself against him all cosy, the more Nat suspected that she was simply just more physically affectionate than he was. What had the care package said about vampires and physical contact? They liked it, right?
Did he like this?
Maybe she would think his pounding heart was just exhilaration from the jump-scares, from watching so many zombie heads get blown off, so many entrails get ripped out. The movie was exceptionally gory. He was—uncomfortable. But he was almost always uncomfortable. He found himself wishing he was home cuddling his cat instead, but he almost always wished he was home instead of out. Even when he was enjoying himself, he was never truly enjoying himself.
Did he like this?
Nat tried to untangle his emotions. Fear, shame, guilt, stress, paranoia—oh, there was relief here, too. Relief and affection. Small flutterings of it. Nat exhaled and tried to release all his tension. He did like this. He hated it, but he liked it.
“What—what’s that thing called?” he asked during one of the movie’s lulls in action. “That thing that gets all up in your brain. The Greeble. The Gerbil.”
Ripley wheezed, laughing. “The Garble?”
“That’s the bastard.”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Do you believe in it?”
“I don’t… not believe in it… I guess.” Ripley reached up to pat Nat’s face, ruffle his hair, playfully. “I mean, do I believe there’s something alive in vampire bodies? Like, wriggling around in the blood and stuff? Something that gives us our power and demands life force in return? Abso-fucking-lutely. Do I believe in—in some big spiritual vampire hivemind god that connects us all? Not really. I think it’s just—a way certain people have of wrapping their heads around the physical. It’s like a comforting delusion, maybe." She stopped for a breath. "Do you believe in the Garble?”
“I don’t know,” Nat said. “I haven’t decided yet. It talks to me. I can feel a presence sometimes. It could be something alive in me, like a parasite. Or it could be a big hivemind god.”
Ripley nodded thoughtfully.
“My friend Alex thinks it’s a spiritual thing, I think,” Nat said. “I wouldn’t call it a delusion exactly. I’ve been delusional. Religion is different.”
“Does your friend think it has, like, a purpose?” Ripley asked. “That’s what I always ask that trips people up. If it’s a religion, if it’s spiritual, what’s the point? What does it all mean? What’s the higher purpose?”
“I dunno. I’ll ask next time I see him, maybe.”
“Here’s a hint: there isn’t a higher purpose,” Ripley said. “It’s all just—just a fucked up medical condition.”
“If it’s a medical condition, why is no one working towards a cure?”
“You think vampires are running around offering themselves up for medical research? We’re not human anymore. If we told people what we really are, that we’re monsters, we’d get cut up into teeny tiny pieces by the government for sure.”
To emphasise Ripley’s point, the lead of the movie ran a chainsaw through a zombie’s decaying chest.
“Yeah,” Nat agreed. “Best not.”
@transmasc-wizard @saturn-iidae @polyaubergine @tracle0 @goosemixtapes @valence-positive @the-one-who-makes-negative-noise @ambiguousfiction @afoolandathief @silverwarewolf @mecharose @vellichor-virgo @plasticseaslug @jetstargenderfuckery @multi-lefaiye @writeouswriter @junoshusband @writing-is-a-martial-art @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @sleepycaprine @cream-and-tea @gailynovelry @lefttigerobservation @indecentpause @somealienquill @cannivalisms @violetfoxsketches @approximately20eggs @mohluskiepedard @desastreus @kk7-rbs @cee-grice @northwyrm @xylophonicsynapse @careful-pyromancer @recapitulation @incandescent-creativity @whole-buncha-snakess @mysticalalleycat @thatonecrowguy @va-nila-bean @televisionjester @excessive-vampires @walkman-cat
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crystaldivination · 1 year
PICK-A-CARD ❁ Words from the higher realms ❁ 
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Hello and welcome! In this intuitive pick a card reading, I will be delivering some comforting messages and advices from your higher self that you might need to hear. This is my first time trying to do a collective reading so please let me know if this resonates with you in some way. Thank you 🝮
⭒ masterlist • paid services • for tips ko-fi
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how to choose your pile. take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Which pile sparks an interest in you? Which pile do you feel called out to the most or reminds you of something? Take your time and come back later to it again if you can’t seem to choose.
The piles
from left -> right
Disclaimer: this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn’t. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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This is your message. You’re on your right path, even if you don’t feel like it. Give it some time to see the results. You need to keep going and believe in yourself. Don’t give up even on the "slightest" disappointment. Get rid of your self-limiting beliefs. You’re almost where you want to be. Everything you desire will come to you at the right time. Most likely when you least expect it. "Divine timing" I heard. Go with the flow. Stay in the presence and take a leap of faith that your wishes will come true. You should trust the process. Your higher self is telling you to believe them. You’re divinely guided. Your blessings are on their way to you. Some of you might’ve even received their blessing already. Your higher self is always with you and leading you towards your life path. You should open your heart and mind to the things that surround you more. It’s a way to connect (better) with your higher self. Nature is prominent here. Try to go out in the nature and feel its energy. You will see that you’ll feel so much better afterwards. You might get some signs or hints through your spirits soon.
The message I got for this pile is on the shorter side compared to the other two piles but that’s only because you’re already on your right path and just need to work on your belief while persisting with your goals.
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This is your message. You might find yourself in a complicated situation right now which makes you doubt. Yet you don’t give up and still manage to stay hopeful. For that your higher self is proud of you. You might feel confused, not knowing what your goals are or where it all headed. Your higher self knows that it’s hard right now but they are telling you to listen to your heart. Your heart will know the answers. Sometimes it’s necessary to feel lost to find your way again. Your higher self is asking you not to isolate yourself!! Socialize more. That would do you well. You could benefit from it by gaining a different perspective on your situation. If you need help, ask for it. If you’re being offered help, accept it. You can rely on others as well. Turn to people you trust for support and take some time out for yourself to relax. Your higher self is also telling you to focus on the things that make you grow instead of dwelling on negative things. You might be used to feeling like there is no way to get out of where you are but remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. You need to focus on that light. Don’t be swayed by the darkness that surrounds you because your will power and belief are much more stronger than that. Your higher self can prove it. They saw it already. Try to manifest. Picture your desired life and feel it happening before your eyes. That’s how your life gonna turn out. Promise! Lastly you should distance yourself from any kind of negativity such as people or things that are bad for you in some way. Declare to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore.
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This is your message. Your higher self sees your anger, frustration and demand for love. You might have a hard time right now because I feel a lot of anguish and suffering in you. Some of you might "rebel" in some sort of way as a form to release or resist your emotions. Your higher self wants you to know that they are with you and that you’re not alone in this. This shall all pass. Remain strong to get through this.
You are advised to connect with strong minded and optimistic people to cultivate a positive mindset. Consider doing what is actually good for you. Some of you might intentionally doing things that don’t correlate with your feelings but doing the opposites won’t make it better. Instead try to be true to yourself and do what you truly want - for your sake. Be careful not to self-destruct. Your higher self is worried about you and wants you to sit down and reflect on your coping strategies. Cry if you need. Talk it out or write it down when your heart feels heavy. It can simply be a self talk. The most important thing is that you don’t neglect yourself. You are your best treasure. You’re worth your life. Your higher self wants to bring you out of your survival mode. They know you crave attention and seek love but they want you to look at yourself and give love to yourself first before seeking it from anyone else. They know your authentic self. Because they are you, right? They are saying that you don’t need to hide behind a tough demeanor. They love you. You should learn to be proud of yourself. You’re going through a major transformation in your life.
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Thanks for reading! Like and reblog if you enjoyed it. Hope it's helpful for you too ♡
𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝖫𝗎𝗇𝖺𝗋 𝖭𝖾𝗐 𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝖼𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗍𝖾 🎊🧧
© 2023 Crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
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thatfreshi · 9 months
Take This and Leave (Astarion/Gale x Reader)
Wasn't expecting this to be the sequel to "I Want To Mean It" but uhhhhhhh, here you go? Moreso a prequel I guess. Might still make more in this universe.
Recommended Song: i love you - Billie Eilish
"I cannot believe you're still going through with this."
Gale sighed, continuing to add to the cauldron.
"I mean why not? We've been going on about this for weeks, seems unfair to cancel on you now."
"I guess so."
He keeps his eyes on the bubbling mixture, something miserable lying beneath.
"I just hope you know what you're doing."
You laugh, assuming he's joking.
"Well if you mean in terms of the ambrosia, that's not really my job. But, if you means in terms of what the ambrosia will do, yeah, I know what it'll do. I want to be with him forever Gale, and I want him to know that I mean it."
"I wish you weren't so naive sometimes."
For a while, you were simply twiddling your thumbs, staring at the fancy new wizard tower Gale had procured, the books and tomes lining the walls.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It feels like you don't even think for yourself sometimes."
You're hurt. The best man of your wedding, implying that your decisions are crafted by some higher power, something you yield to.
"What, like how you were going to let yourself explode for Mystra? Seems like I'm the only one truly thinking for themselves. I had to talk you out of some grand suicide mission."
"And I never asked you to do that. Perhaps it would be best if that's how it went."
"Where is all of this coming from Gale?"
"I just don't think you know what you're getting yourself into. Eternity with a vampire, a vampire that can't keep his murderous hands to himself. He's reckless Tav, he almost killed you when you met, and you act like it's some grand romance story."
"He was scared Gale, that's hardly fair."
"We were all scared, and I never held a dagger to your throat."
He chokes up, staring back down at the cauldron.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Forget it."
It's the day before your wedding, and your best friend has just now decided to tell you that he doesn't trust your soon-to-be husband, in a tone that's awfully laced with jealousy.
"Out with it Gale."
"I'm just saying, I think it's a little foolish to fawn after a man who could decide to destroy you one of these days, kill you in your sleep for a meal."
"He slept in camp with us for months, and you never said this. If you're so scared of what he's capable of, why didn't you say something then?"
"Because damn it, he wasn't in love with you then!"
"Wow, okay. Are you being serious right now?"
"I kept it contained because I didn't want to cause a divide, but now you're throwing your mortality away for someone who manipulated you, threw himself at you for his own gain, and you still truly believe he's in love with you? This is a long con Tav, he's looking for any way to further secure himself, because even with Cazador dead, he is never going to feel safe."
You glare at him, eyes boring into his skin.
"You don't mean that Gale. He's come so far and you know that. He could've become some rancid vampire lord, and he gave that up to be a better person, to change."
"Because being a lord would've meant having enemies, having a target on his back. Cazador died, didn't he? Had you seriously never thought about this?"
"No Gale, because it's a wild accusation that makes no sense!"
He quickly steps to a nearby cabinet, grabbing a vial and a small metal spoon.
"You want the lying vampire so bad? Fine, take this and leave. He'll just have to think of better ways to get rid of you when he finds a better opportunity along the way."
Gale furiously pours the liquid into the vial, corking it and slamming it into your hand. You drink it, some power play to tell him you're not dealing with his childish antics. That artificial joy runs through your veins, only to be quickly overpowered by your rage. You're glowing from the ambrosia, but your scowl tells a different story.
"Now get out, and don't come back here, not when he leaves, not when he disappears, don't come crying to me when you realize he doesn't love you."
"No, you haven't held up your end of the bargain. I need the paper from your journal."
He scoffs angrily, scribbling down his research notes, short sentences full of spite, seemingly normal on paper. When he rips it out and shoves the paper at you, he almost pushes you over.
"Now go."
You storm out, putting the vial and the scroll in your pocket, slamming the door behind you. And then you start crying as you walk down the street, realizing how ridiculous you must look to all the strangers walking past. It's the middle of the day, and you're sobbing out in the open, hands shoved in your pockets, as if protecting yourself.
How could he say all of that? Lie about being Astarion's friend, so what? He could keep you safe? Bullshit. He's a coward, who couldn't tell you the truth until he could hurt you with it. You rush home, hoping this doesn't ruin everything, hoping you were right all along.
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vex91 · 10 months
Myoui Mina - Circumstances
Pairing: Myoui Mina x Female Reader
Fandom: Twice
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Can I request Twice Mina with doctor reader?
Summary: After an accident during Twice's concert Mina was sent to the hospital where she met you.
A/N: I like this idea a lot, thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
"It's going to be fine, don't worry too much about it" Nayeon tried to assure the younger girl but with no success because she herself was nervous and worried inside. She was angry at the staff that didn't checked the stage properly before their concert, it they did then they wouldn't be at the hospital, waiting to have Mina's arm checked out.
During Twice's concert in Seoul around halfway through it, the mini "stage" that Mina was on that was supposed to go higher than the stage itself broke and Mina unfortunately fell down along with it. Fortunately though it happened before the thing could go up because if it did then the fall could be more tragic. Still it didn't made the girls less worried as Mina had to go to the hospital with Nayeon accompanying her while the rest of the group had to finish the concert without them.
"I just hope it's nothing that serious. Still it's probably broken" Mina mumbled as she held her right arm in one position to not make it worse. As they continued waiting a nurse came up to them "Ms. Myoui? This way please. You can wait here" Mina stood up and followed the nurse into a room while Nayeon was waiting in the hallway. The first thing that Mina saw when she walked in was you, looking at some papers not noticing her presence yet. Now all her worries about her arm disappeared as you became number 1 thing on her mind.
You looked up and smiled at her and Mina's face for sure was flushed now "Good evening Ms. Myoui. Your manager already filled me in on what happened. Please sit here" She quickly did what you told her and looked at you as you flipped through some papers a few more times before putting them down and walking over to her. Her breath hitched at how close you were and the smell of your perfume enveloped her whole mind. You examined her arm carefully "Yeah it's probably broken but we're still going to run some test to be sure" You said before moving away from her to note down something.
Mina observed you carefully. You looked so good with glasses and she just couldn't stop her mind from imagining all sorts of stuff involving you. She just couldn't help it, she already felt an attraction towards you and she just couldn't stop it now. She observed how you talked with a nurse before she walked back to her "We need to run some test so we can be sure if the arm is broken or not" Mina nodded following the nurse again and leaving you back in the room. During the whole day, she couldn't stop thinking about you and she wished that the time will fly faster so she could see you again.
Later that day she was waiting to have a cast put on since her arm was really broken. Just as she was waiting, a door opened and soon you walked in, a blush appeared on her face just because of your presence "Hi, I just wanted to see how you were doing" You smiled before leaning on the wall next to the door "I'm fine, are you asking all your patients that?" You looked down, clearly embarrassed "Well... not really. You're the only one" Mina's heart started racing at that. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"What's so special about me then?" She smirked at the way you looked everywhere but on her. It made her feel in power for some reason "I don't really know to be honest" She smiled at how shy you suddenly got and an idea appeared in her mind. It was time to get bold "Then maybe we can go out sometime and we can think about what's so special about me then?" You blushed at her proposition before nodding. Mina managed to get her phone out before giving it to you to save your number in it which you did.
Mina observed you with a smiled "I'm actually glad that I got here" You laughed at her words "Me too but the circumstances could be better" You looked at her arm and both of you burst out laughing. Yeah circumstances could be better but Mina didn't cared as long as she could manage to meet up with you later on and one broken arm was worth it.
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* DEGREE THEORY * and more...
this is just a theory, I love all degree theories and this is just my spin on the degree interpretations
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Okay so I love the connotations towards Aries being 1°13°25° and that making the planet/point being aggressive and brash, and Taurus 2°14°26° making them more stable and growing into their power as time goes on, and so on with the rest of the signs; it makes good sense and I love reading the interpretations assigned to the signs inherent values. But I got a theory so Ive been connotating these degrees to the Tarot Card meanings, and well let me just go ahead and explain myself: 1° = The Magician - Represents creation, willpower, skills, but also negatively; cunning, vanity, or latent talents. > Now in comparison to the normal aries degrees - to me there are lots of similarities, aries is the starter - alike the magician - and they are both very aggressive in the attainment of their goals, which leads to vanity and well 'latent talents' from the lack of foresight. But on the positive they have plentyful amounts of willpower and are able to create things out of thin air since they have little foresight of potential consequences. 2° = the High Priestess - Represents Intuition, subconscious mind, spirituality, secret knowledge. but negatively; lack of self control, withdrawal, lack of self trust. These once again to me at least coincide with a lot of the taurus qualities > self control, self trust, withdrawal... Now i know you def could say its a lot like Pisces but I have a good counter. Look at the hanged man > Surrender, new perspectives, letting go... this is more in line with Pisces than the high priestess actually. Because the high priestess wants you to connect with YOUR higher power, the hanged man would rather you let go of your ego and connect the dots of the world around. But i digress. Also the connection between Taurus and Pisces is undeniable. Now im gonna switch what im sayin a bit but hear me out. > If you have a Pisces ascendant > aries is in your 2nd house (taurus) and we all know aries is something your constantly pursuing and are aggressive in the pursuit. Now if you have a Taurus ascendant > aries in the 12th house (pisces) you are aggresively trying to understand others because you have such a good understanding of yourself maybe learning from others would teach you even more (not to mention gemini in the 2nd... but i digress) okay so i understand this is a lot of information and maybe a little hard to digest so im not going to make it too long. But i have so many other theories and im just testing this post out to see how it is received. I could have gone on about each of the tarot card meanings, but i dont want to waste my time if it isnt going to be received well. However I do in my own spare time constnatly evaluate certain degrees with the connotated tarot cards... Like for example 8° is scorpio - power, mystery, intrigue, and well thats paired with the strength card... I mean im just saying i truly do believe there to be a strong connection between, tarot, astrology and well numerology also, i just wish we treated all the occults as the same subject - the occult because we are all just trying to discover secrets given from higher powers, so why we gotta act like they all cannot be correlated? also we've gone so backwards with our understanding of the occult > those witches back in the day just imagine what they all knew about the occult. and we are just over here trying to tell each other how sexy we are because we have leo and roar loudly or because you have scorpio you are sexy because you have a stinger.... like honestly sometimes i want yall to grow up.... ANYWAY i jumped around too much to be coherent, but well im just speaking my mind and yeah you let me know if this did something to your brain or if you fell asleep and want to be told that your a sexy demon seductress again...
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1-800-cr33py · 1 year
(n) the euphoria experience when you first fall in love 
Okay so its not the best, Benadryl making life hard rn TvT
Word count: 3400
TW: It’s HABIT cmon nw, dubcon, he kinda breaks in????? Dom/sub undertones but never stated outright, breeding kind kinda, my bad writing while im sick.
Haven’t wrote smut for a while so this will probably be re-written when Im in my right mind
The taste of you was heavy on his tongue, so much so that every word, every breath was you, and only you. 
Balance. That's what the universe needs, enforced. A never-ending balance that no one, not ever the strongest or oldest of Entities challenged. Where there was light, there shall be dark and vice versa. Habit hated it. He hated seeing people heal, he hated seeing a familiar iridescent form from the corner of his eye. It was a never ending cycle; Habit would bring some undeserved wrath to some poor mortal unfortunate enough to have caught his eye, or maybe it was his hatred for the Slender Man that that pushed him, but nonetheless he’d drag out some unnecessary,torturous game that only he finds entertaining, and there you’d be. When Habit was created, born of hate and trickery; you were also brought forth. A being of an oh so tender light that even he could only stare in a curious awe. You were his balance, always there to counteract whatever damage he’d done. Habit hated you for a while, avoiding you for the longest, trying to reverse whatever you did; and for a while those feelings were mutual. You, still young and naive, believed that this was some kind of sick punishment that you’d somehow earned yourself in the brief moments you’d met the creators. Fos, your creator, a being of an eternal, cold light, caressed your cheek and sent you on your way, giving you favored blessings and best wishes. You were a favorite, a purer being that they’d created to serve as a buffer; sometimes you’d wish you weren’t. Habits, well habits made you sick. He’d toy with mortals like he was a creator himself,a god. And you’d mess with him back all the same, pulling his horn like appendages, calling him out on his name; a constant back and forth you'd both soon tire of.
“ You think you’re so much better than I, don’t you, pretty? “ his voice, rough and condescending, questioned, his many eyes all gazing down at you. 
“ Of course I do, mutt. I am better. ‘ You hated this man, if he even was one. It didn’t matter how many times you changed your form, he’d always make it his mission to make you feel small, weak. You couldn’t take much more after the Dark Ages, too much suffering and not enough time to fix it. You, and your brethren failed for many, many years. Fos, in all their luminal glory, felt pity upon you all, and gave most of you the sanctuary you needed to regain the lost energy and strength you’d lost during the seemingly endless wars and revolutions. It had been 798 years to be exact, and many things changed since that day. Ligo Fos, as your kind had come to be called, were ridded of your old appearances, no matter the differencing in forms. The small, branch like ‘horns’ fell, and your skin became soft, many ranges of colors that still felt limiting. 
‘ We must cater to the mortals, my dear children. ‘ Fos's voice was caring, yet stern. The Creator willed it, so as dutiful servants you must obey, lest you want to be repurposed. It would be alright. 
Time skip
Ligos Fos, elusive creatures known to heal the sick and punish the guilty. Beings of a light so bright that only artists can gaze upon. All these titles boosted your ego. Mortals viewed anything they didn’t understand as a higher being. They viewed your blessings as some mystical power that was your own. Laughable. 
As the sun rose and fell, you spent your days following your hellish counterpart. Trailing behind him wherever he went, fixing his wrongs. It was the late 90s when he caught on. Habit would flick his eyes to your hidden location and smile a cruel,twisted smirk that had only gotten worse than you remember it. Habit had changed, he wasn't a twiggy, short thing made of the darkest ink anymore. He’d grown into what mortals called a ‘man’. He’d taken on a vessel of sorts. A human man, barely reaching 19 summers at this point. You had to admit, he would be attractive once he grew into his looks. This ‘highschool’ and ‘college’ would be stressful, and human hormones would fluctuate often. Habit, or Evan, as he’d been calling himself nowadays, was almost dog-like, always chasing down something he shouldn’t, getting overly excited, etc. etc. His antics were cute to you, making you forget that this wasn’t this Evan person, whoever he was. This was Habit, your Habit. The same creature that mocked you, pulled at your cheeks until they were sore, muddied your outerwear. You felt pity for whoever Evan was, because you knew well enough that he was gone, his body nothing more than a husk for Habit to use and bend until it broke. For three years you did this, slowly getting closer and closer to the thing you’d been made with. Forced a bond in which you didn’t know how to work with or use in any way. 
For the longest it was awkward to say the least. Habit wanted nothing more than to make your life a living hell, doing the most trivial things to irk your nerves for the sake of it. 
“ Your cheeks puff up when you get upset, pretty. Did I upset the pretty dove? Ruffle your feathers? “ he, Evan, all but cackled his rough hands cupping your jaw. You were sure you hated him, but even you, in all your prideful ways, had to admit he was attractive. You scoffed at his statement, retreating out the door, your feet stomping angrily. He’d never let you live this down. Habit would call you brattish, daring you to object and ‘prove his point’; yet some part of you wanted that. A part of you that thought about the young man in facetious ways. Ways that would leave a damp spot in your panties. You suppressed these urges for the longest. Fos found it funny when you consulted them, thinking you were defective, broken. One had to admit, you’ve always been a theatrical type. Fos explained you were mature now, one of the first of their creations to fully mature actually; something that had you preening for a while. Fos sent you back to the mortal realm, with no instructions other than to get used to these urges, for they wouldn’t end now that they’ve started. And stars above they weren't wrong about that one bit. During the early months of spring you suffered. Your lower abdomen ached and your fingers didn’t provide you the relief you needed. After you found out about toys, they only satisfied you for about a year in total. By now, your ‘heats’ had begun to hurt progressively more. 
Habit knew something felt wrong. He felt something gnawing at the pit of his stomach, or a nagging voice in the back of the endless void he called a mind. Then it clicked for him. It was the turning of the seasons. Spring was approaching and he’d forgotten about it.. Habit mentally cursed himself. Quickly bringing the phone to cancel any and all plans or work he may have had the next week and a half. Sure his pockets would hurt for a while but he’d manage. After the first few days he began to feel the effects of his upcoming rut, and something told him it would be bad. His urge to nest and hoard was already something when he wasn’t being pumped full of unwanted hormones, but now? Now he’d be growling at air if he felt his space was being threatened. He’d spend his days shirtless, a pair of sweatpants hung loosely around his waist; a thin layer of sweat covered his body as he fanned himself. Habit’s house was on the verge of freezing, yet he still panted like a dog. What made it so much worse was that his cock ached, the tip a hot red now from past abuse and Habit still wasn’t satisfied. By now he was pushing 21 summers, well the vessel was anyways;  many of the entities Habit had familiarized himself with in the past now sired many cherub faced cambions, hell, a good many knocked up the Ligos they’d been balanced with when they were created alongside. One acquaintance spoke of how pretty her Ligos looked underneath her. Habit’s mind slowly drifted towards the idea of you, and how you’d look beneath his, whining and begging for him to fuck his cum back into your soaked hole, or maybe you’d beg him to stop, tell him you hated him and that he was lucky to even be this close to you in the first place. Habit laughed at the last thought, his cock twitched as he palmed himself through his pants. He’d have you. He needed to have the pleasure of seeing such an elusive, prideful creature reduced to a whimpering, blubbering mess below him, your voice cracking and begging for him to slow down, begging him to breed you. The mere thought of shooting his cum down your sopping hole made a guttural groan leave his throat as he continued to palm himself through his sweatpants. He ached for you, longed for you.
       -with you-
The empty feeling in your stomach was enough to make you whine. As much as you adored your Creator, they did little to help ease the tightness. Your hand was buried between your thighs, fingers soaked with your cum, and yet it still wasn’t enough. You needed something more than just your fingers and toys; you’d brought yourself to orgasm after fucking orgasm and yet you still felt wrong. Your body was slick with sweat at this point, the scent of sex heavy in the air around you. As you bit on the now clipped fingernail, listening to the rain outside the small glass window, sometimes you’d like to think that your savior would waltz out of the treeline to solve all your problems; you’d laugh at the childish thoughts then. Now you wish they would. You continued your daydreaming, oblivious to the creaking floorboards. You smelt him before you saw him. He smelt like teakwood and fire; he smelt like home, safety. 
‘ Habit. ‘ your voice croaked, hoarse from the screaming and whining you’ve done. Habit laughed, his voice gravelly as he continued. 
‘ So this is what my little starlight does in her freetime? Stuffing her cunt like whore? ‘ 
Habit laughed as he kicked himself off the doorframe to stalk closer to your now shaking body. You weren’t scared, but the anticipation, the adrenaline. You could taste it, it was addicting, for once in your life you allowed yourself to become addicted to it. Dark eyes raked across your body, taking note of how your nightwear clung to your sweat covered skin. You looked absolutely delectable like this, and you didn’t even know. Habit was an impatient being already, but what little patience he had left was thinning, the last string so close to popping before he allowed those urges he’d taken so long to suppress. The scent of sex made Habit lick his lips as he crawled atop you, muscles tense as his hands pulled at your sheets. Habit trailed open mouthed kissed down your neck and throat, leaving a trail of bites in his wake, hickeys would be a pain in the ass to cover tomorrow, but you didn’t care. You didn’t care about the past resentment you had for this man, you didn’t care about the past teasing, arguments. Anything. All that mattered right now was him. 
Then he stopped, and gods above you wanted to tear his throat out. 
“ Tell me to stop dove. “ Habit’s voice was hushed, raspy even. He wanted you to tell him to stop, tell him to go fuck himself, find some cheap whore he could dispose of after he was done with them. He wanted you to tell him to go to hell, you weren’t like him, but yet here you were, shoving your head to the side, begging him not to stop. Your thighs pushed apart to fit his body against yours. To Habit, you didn’t want him to stop, no you wanted him to ruin you for anyone else, to leave an imprint of himself on your soul. A guttural growl left Habit’s throat as he bit down on your throat, a hand moving to grip your jaw. 
“ I told you to do something starlight, " the man spoke through gritted teeth, a cruel smile etching its way onto his face. Your eyes locked with his, dark eyes a flurry of emotions. Lust. Need. Somethings else you couldn’t name. To think you’re relearning each other after so long apart, and yet he still remembered which parts made you weak. A smile etched itself on your features just when you settled your hand against Habit’s that still lay resting on your jaw. When you turned your head to gently kiss his palm. 
“ If I wanted you to stop, I would've made you a while ago, Habit. '' your voice was muffled in his palm. “ And right now, I want you to ruin me. “ Habit’s eyes darkened at your words, pulling your hips closer to his, you almost whined at the feeling of his cock through the material of his pants. Habit’s lips were heavy against yours as he dragged his hands down your body, pawing at any exposed flesh he could feel, your soft nightwear being pushed out of the way for his preying hands to feel for more. You felt whole. His touch was electric, leaving sparks wherever his hands found sanctuary. Habit liked toying with his prey, feeding off their fear, their tears; and you were no exception. He’d tease, he’d edge if that's what it took for you to break before him. How long would you last? How long before you were fucked dumb? To braindead to speak coherent sentences? He’d find out. He’d find out if it took him all night and the next day. Habit’s hand slowly found itself between your thighs, the damp spot in your panties making him chuckle. His lips found your throat once again as his fingers traced your slit, gathering up your slick on his fingers before pushing them into your soaked hole. A breathy whine leaving you lips, eyes closing as your head lolled back into your pillow. Habit’s pace was slow, his fingers curling deliciously at that spot that made you want to scream. He wanted you to beg, to put your pride aside and ask him for your release that you craved so desperately. Maybe he’d be nice, maybe he’d set aside his usual cruelty and sadistic want and just give you what you wanted for once! 
“ Fat chance, pretty! Tell me what I want and then you can cum.” Habit was a bastard, he wouldn’t give anybody anything for free, what made you any different. And you gave in. You begged, borderline screamed pleas for him to just let you come undone, the familiar tightness in your stomach threatening to pop; but he didn’t allow it. Habit pried his fingers from your cunt and brought them to his lip. The sight was erotic, taboo. Watching him lick your slick off his fingers made your thighs close, or at least attempt to. Habit groaned and threw his head back, eyes closed as the corners of his mouth made a lopsided grin. “ Gods you taste better than I imagine dove. “ he voiced his praise, your cheeks felt hot as you averted your eyes. “ Please…” a weak plea left your lips. It was almost laughable to Habit, you were throwing a tantrum all because he wouldn’t let you get off? Cute, but he’d be nice just this once. His cock was painfully hard at this point, the tip a burning red as he pulled his pants down just enough to free his member. Your mouth practically watered at the sight, but there’d be another time you’d get to suck him dry. Your panties had long since been discarded, the fabric laying in tattered shreds on your floor somewhere alongside the promise to buy you more. You squirmed, trying to find any friction you could but Habit’s firm hands kept you still, his fingers sure to leave bruises with his grip on your hips. “ No no pretty, tell me what you want. “ he chided, a sadistic grin on his face. His hair clung to his forehead, a sheen of sweat coating his body as his muscles tensed. He was holding back, waiting for those words to fall out of your mouth, and gods was it worth the wait. “ Please gods! Please just fuck me Habit! Use me! I don’t care just let me cum-” your sentence was cut short as Habit thrusted his cock into you without so much as a warning, tears pricking your eyes from the sudan intrusion. Something between a growl and groan left the man’s throat. Your warmth sucked him in. Habit gave you a brief moment to adjust before his pace was quickened, his grip on your hips bruising as your back arched. His intent was to breed you, mark your insides as his. You were his. His to hold, his to kiss, his to breed. The thought of you round with his children made his cock twitch. You’d be such a good mother, such a doting mate. Your sweet sounds filled his ears, urging him on. Habit was running on pure instinct at that moment, no words were spoken between you two, because they didn’t need to be. A hand left your hip to press on your stomach, a toothy smile on his face as he leaned down to kiss away the stray tears that fell from your eyes. You looked so pretty, all fucked out, dazed, and all from his cock. “ Aw is my little dove all fucked out? To dumb on cock to speak now? “ Habit cackled as he left soft slaps to your cheek, and all you could do was nod. Your brain long fried as he fucked his cock into you. Gargled pleas left your lips, yet you didn’t know what you were begging for at this point. For him to stop? Fuck you harder? He didn’t care, all Habit cared about was fucking you full of his kids. Habit groaned as your cunt squeezed his cock, a rough smack landed on your thigh making you jump. His dark eyes met yours as he hissed out a threat “ You better not fucking cum yet. Not until I say so. “. He left no room for objection, so all you could do was whine and take it, cunt fluttering around his cock as he mixed degrading words with his filthy praises. A high-pitched whine left your throat as you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, digging your nails into his flesh and burying your face into his shoulder; your pleas falling on deaf ears. You begged, cried, pleaded for Habit to just let you cum, that you’d do anything. Habit’s voice was hoarse as he laughed, a grunt heaved from his throat. 
Your vision turned white as you came. It took a few moments to come back to your senses and even then they were fried. Everything felt fuzzy almost, hazy. Habit, panting and showering you with sloppy kisses and half-formed praises lay on top of you. His weight was nice, you felt protected and warm. “ You’ll be such a good little mate won’t you? “ he grinned, wiping the stray hairs from your forehead before planting a kiss on it. “ Such a good mother too? Maybe I’ll just keep you plugged so it takes? You’d like that wouldn’t you pretty? You want to make me happy don’t you? Yeah, you do. “ His voice was background noise to you at this point, but his words made you smile. You felt whole, full. No longer longing for something you couldn’t have or couldn’t reach. Habit hummed as he stroked your face, watching you doze every now and then. You’d keep him happy enough for now. And busy.
 “ Oh don’t think I’m done yet, starlight, I’m just gracious enough to give you a break! Say thank you, why don’t you? “ 
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fefeman · 2 months
Oban Star Racers review
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Yesterday I decided to watch Oban Star Racers, since it was a series I slept on when I was a kid and I heard a lot of good for it. So I binged the 26 episodes yesterday and today.
Overall verdict: FUCKING DOPE. 9/10
Very good series overall. It has a pretty unique art style (most notable on the humanoid characters) but it makes it work and uses it well to have pretty dynamic and expressive characters and gorgeous environments. And it's a very neatly written story, that finds the right balance between a sport fiction (racing), the overarching space opera/space fantasy narrative, and the interpersonal drama.
And the OP is pretty good and sells the color.
The plot :
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(two ships preparing for the preliminary of the Oban Star Race)
In the future, humanity is set to participate in a racing competition between civilizations of the galaxy, where the winner will receive the "ultimate prize" from a sort of "god" of the galaxy. Eva, a young girl who wishes to be recognized by her father (both literally and figuratively), gets involved in this race when said father becomes the manager of the earth team... And it soon turns out the competition has way higher stakes than everyone believed.
The plot reminded me bit of Red Lines, albeit with far looser vehicle rules than it (one competitor rides a giant beetle... ONE COMPETITOR JUST FLY HIMSELF), although I don't think a more in-depth comparison is worthwhile. Ultimately they provide different experiences despite the similarities.
A more in-depth rating would be :
very well written with good dialogue. None of the 3 main storylines (racing, drama, mystery) feel underdeveloped compared to the other, and they all manage to fit right into place as the plot progresses. The only downside is some plot points could have been introduced earlier and in more detail, but this only concerns a few.
The characters are colorful and interesting. The secondary cast have a lot of personality, with unique ship design that sometime really push the definition of "racing ship".
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(one of the secondary cat... I mean cast, Para-dice)
And the recurring cast isn't left behind. They are complex and nuanced, flawed people who sometimes make bad decisions, but always act in an understandable way. Sometimes their reasoning is more implied than explained, but it's not easy to miss it.
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(The short guy with black and white hair is Don Wei, the protagonist's father. The tall dude with his tits out and sunglasses is Rick Thunderbolt, a pilot for the earth team)
The only issues are that one character is developed and leaves the story way too quickly and that some are a bit too simple/one not. But it's a minority and it's probably to balance give more time to the interpersonal drama.
Art :
The art style surprises a bit, but you get used to it quickly. It makes for expressive characters, and it's stylization make the humans not feel boring compared to the many aliens.
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(you may have noticed they don't have noses)
There's also some clever use of 3D here and there, but it's well integrated so it doesn't feel too jarring. And the environment are fun to look at.
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(This isn't what you expect to see when you're told you're going for an interplanetary racing competition. But I really like this planet, Alwas)
The music is good guys. I put the OP above, but the ost is also great, both for actions and non-action scenes. I really like the preliminary planet's theme... it really sells the confusion of humans reaching a new world they've never seen before with a pre-fire spacefaring civilization (that uses caterpillar-powered engines).
And Prince Aikka's theme is also cool.
Anyway, for the music, I was gonna give it a 8/10, but now that I listened to them again for this review, I realize they do carry a lot of making this experience pleasant. So
That's a very important factor if you make Sci-fan, so I thought it was good to make it a category. Oban's setting succeed in the two key point I look for in a fictional universe: It makes its own sauce, and it looks alive.
Not everything in the setting is unique, but it offers some fresh concepts or visual identity make the inspiration turn. Like, I really enjoyed Ceres' ship being an amalgam of tubes that shouldn't fly, and that he rode standing on it rather than in a cockpit.
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or spirit weird anatomy that looks like an unraveled humanoid
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Or hell, Oban (the planet) itself functions in a way I haven't seen yet in sci-fi. that's what I mean by "make its own sauce". I can look at some elements of it and say "Wow, you don't see that every day" and get a rush of inspiration from the new flavor.
As for the "looks alive" part, by that I meant that the series gives the impression if I put the camera away from the main plot, there still would be interesting things to see. We know a lot is going on offscreen. We only see one of the 3 preliminaries... that's a lot of teams we haven't met... And even with the one we met, there's political intrigue in their homeworld, tragedies they wish to repair, etc... It's a universe where you feel you could always find something new to look at.
So, once again
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the-ace-of-arrows · 2 months
I don't truly experience anything
- a poem of some sort, I suppose
aromantic - I've never felt this thing that others say define us as human.
this feeling that in media seems to be the one feature that qualifies an alien or a robot as owning a soul
this one feeling that everyone seems so obsessed over
the thing behind the curtains of everything
the thing that surely, no one could ever live without, right?
I've never been with a person, thinking about how I'd love to spend the rest of my life with them and them alone
I've thought I might have, several times, with my closest friends, the ones I feel comfortable around
but it's not the same
it's not how others describe it
I've never wanted to kiss anyone
the closest I've come to romantic love is platonic
but if it is
if it turns out I'm pan- and polyromantic
if I've only ever experienced romantic love, and never platonic
then I'm still one form of love short from everyone else
I'm still less
asexual - I've never wanted intimacy the way others seem to.
I've never seen a person and felt anything like what people have described
I've never been able picture myself in a sexual setting, and I've certainly never enjoyed it when I've tried
I've never experienced an orgasm, not even sure I could if I tried
I've never felt the need to do anything of the sort
I've felt the want to, sure, but even then, not really
because I've never wanted it for it, I've wanted it to feel included
I've wanted to know what everyone else seem to revolve their life around
I wanted to understand, and to stop being so alien to the people around me whenever I just don't understand something
agender - I don't understand it
really, it just doesn't make any sense to me
never has, and tbh I just thought we'd all agreed to just go with it, because that's what everyone else did
I've never felt like a girl
I've never felt like a boy
I have yet to understand what this "feeling" is supposed to feel like
I'm me
just me
my body exists, sure
and I guess it's keeping me alive, so I'll try not to damage it too much
but it has never really meant any more than that in any way that means anything
it's a house
and you can decorate it to your choosing
and sometimes you'd like to move, but then you look at the housing market at the moment and decide that actually
the house I have now isn't that bad
and of course, you can't tear down a load bearing wall, the whole house would collapse
but otherwise, do whatever you want with what you've got, and you'll be good.
I guess in that sense I've kind of seen trans people as claustrophobic people stuck in a small attic-appartment without windows
the housing market is still horrible, and so they start by making modifications
make a window
let the air in
maybe even make a terrace on the roof out the window
doing what make them feel better
and if that so means I'll have to stop calling their house and attic, because they've expanded so much it's really a proper house now, then sure, I'll change the mailing address, why not?
agnostic - I say agnostic, but really I'm just afraid to say atheist
because I've never been able to believe
I don't even think I've ever really grasped the concept properly
but I want to
I really really do
I want to believe that there's some higher power out there
that there's someone looking out for us
taking care of us
I so badly want that comfort that others seem to get from talking into the void and somehow still feeling heard
but I don't know how
belief is such an amazing thing
belief is unconditional trust, something I'd almost call stronger than unconditional love
it's trusting that someone else will do good without any guarantee beforehand
and yet even when it comes to my closest friends, I can't do it
because I only actually believe in them if I've seen proof of it before, and that's not belief, it's a conditional trust
and I'm so incredibly jealous of the ones who are able to do so
I wish I was religious
a human - ahuman
I sometimes don't think I'm human
and I it
so much
because these are the things that everyone else call "reasons to live"
these are the traits that everyone says define what it means to "be human" or "be alive"
and so if I don't
if I never experience the reasons to live
if I never experience what it is to be human
if I never experience the essentials of being alive
then what am I?
I have no reason to live, so I'm meaningless
I'm not a human, so I'm alien
I'm not alive, so I'm dead
I'm a meaningless alien, dead to the world and to myself
a non-human, walking around with no purpose or light
a nothing
existing in the background
and even then, not really existing either
because what is existence without purpose or life?
a - the greek prefix for no, and the letter that seems to pursue my very being
I'm nothing
I'm nothing, wanting everything
staring at the rest of the world as if through the pages of a book that I'm doomed to only ever read and never experience myself
I hate it
I'm jealous
I want what everyone else has
And I'm crying
I'm crying
because even with all the everything that I just seem doomed to never feel
for some reason the universe never thought to add sadness to that pile
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geneeste · 2 years
It’s wild how on the nose this comment is:
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Comment text in image:
“I really wish reporters would do a better job on this topic. Republicans don't 'distrust science'. Republicans, as they are made up today, are primarily concerned they will fall out of the dominant culture (white christians) in the US and that other cultures will continue to get acknowledgement and respect in policy decisions. Understand that almost all policy decisions - and this is true pretty much everywhere - have a cultural element to them. France's headscarf ban isn't based on science, but on armchair sociology which is part of their culture. Same for tax rates which feel too high or low, but aren't based on some hard math economic model, and so on. 18 as an age of consent is a number pulled out of the air (should be higher for some people, maybe it could be lower for others), as is a 40 hour work week, 21 to drink, 65 to retire, etc. and what we consider 'good' or 'bad' are largely cultural. Eating dogs and horses is 'bad' but pigs are as smart as dogs.
Republicans don't distrust science. But because Republicans are losing the culture war pretty profoundly (I know recent court decisions would suggest otherwise, but the public is increasingly accepting of the things they think should be illegal) the thing they *really* fear is losing cultural authority - the ability to veto other cultures. They lost the ability to veto the LGBTQ community as Americans are increasingly accepting of gay and trans people. Black media increasingly stands alongside white media. Latino and asian media are making gains as well. Disability communities are also making headway. All of these other cultural groups are gaining influence in how the broader community see them, and as a result they get more of a seat at the policy table. To Republicans, all of these gains represent a loss of cultural veto power, which is why the overt racism and antisemitism are ramping up - they are pushing harder against a trend that isn't going their way. They say they are being replaced, but they aren't. They just have to survive a multicultural space like everyone else for the first time in 400 years. This is why they get pissed off when the green M&M isn't sexy any more - *they didn't get a say*. It's a bit of culture that changed which they didn't get a say in, and that's both terrifying and infuriating to them. They're *supposed* to have cultural authority.
Science is a difficult category in this environment because sometimes is favors your cultural instincts and sometimes it doesn't. But when your cultural foundation for lawmaking (white christian culture) is being eroded any scientific view that undermines your cultural instincts feels like a threat. But the real threat is when that scientific view arrives when you are out of power. See, there's nothing that prevented Trump from leaning into the science when Covid broke out, and Republicans would have lined up behind it, because it wasn't the science they opposed, but *who was setting the policy based on that science*. If Trump put his weight behind it, they'd be on board, because it preserves their authority by branding it as a Republican policy - and that really what they want. Because Fauci (not a Republican) was pushing against Trump, because Trump instinctually opposes vaccines and decided that Covid was bad for his polling, that's what made the science toxic to Republicans. Fauci and Democratic officials in states, and then Biden, setting the policies was what mattered. There was a hot minute there where Mike DeWine in Ohio was pulling in the right direction but Trump got in front of the whole thing.
This is also the dynamic behind the election denialism. They don't believe the election was stolen because of evidence. They believe the election was stolen because if it wasn't, than a loss by 7 million votes by the president that has fought harder for that white christian culture (I mean, opening fire on a Black Lives Matter protest in order to hold up a bible at a photo op is pretty fucking on the nose there) and presumably had that culture most strongly aligned behind him would be evidence that they have fallen into the minority permanently. If white christian culture was dominant numerically, they should have won that easily. It's the inability to accept their minority status that *requires* the election be stolen, because the alternative means that the whole game is up - 400 years of slavery and genocide and a civil war to preserve that cultural dominance is finally lost. Maybe just barely, but lost all the same.
My point is that Republicans aren't anti science, but science will be sacrificed as just another pawn in the culture war if that's what is required. If you aren't explaining *why* this is happening, then you are somewhat insinuating that it's the fault of the scientists and leaving the readers to wonder why some scientific views are embraced and others aren't, and the answer has nothing to do with science or scientists. It has everything to do with the messenger and what the science says about their message. I know that seems to over-politicize the topic, but you put 'partisan' in the headline, so you were willing to open the door, just not walk all the way through.”
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lavender-romancer · 1 year
Crosses on my body
Part Three Tommy Shelby x Reader
You were a nun in Dublin but when you decided to take action against those in powerful positions in the church you had to escape. When you turn up in Birmingham and begin a relationship with Tommy Shelby will he be able to protect you from your past?
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previous part
You studied Tommy's features as you both knelt opposite each other in the church, his eyes closed in some kind of silent meditation because you knew he didn't come here for God. For someone so plagued with sin he was so peaceful with himself or at least he seemed it. The two of you should be dead by now, learning more about his well deserved reputation. God should have smited the two of you. Why had he allowed you both to survive to meet another? Was there a higher purpose you were both meant for?
"Why do you come here with me? You don't believe in God." You asked quietly and Tommy opened his eyes.
"I think you know why." He placed a hand on yours.
"But how can you trust me like this? I expected you to lose interest in all this after maybe a few meetings or that you'd expect more. But you never do. Why is that?" Furrowing your brow you allowed yourself to enjoy his touch, so much more confident than yours.
"I enjoy being with you. Even if it's experiencing something I fundamentally disagree with, I'm in your presence and that's enough." The edges of his mouth curled into a slight smile and you nodded.
"I'm just too out of practice with all this so I can't tell what your expectations are at all." You rubbed your thumb over the back of his hand.
"I haven't got any. You expect respect from me and I respect the same back, there isn't anything else. I'm just allowing myself to experience something good for once." He placed his other hand on your cheek and your lips parted slightly, the heat rising into your stomach and up to your chest.
"Do you think anything could change that respect?" You asked timidly and he shook his head.
"I'd be surprised if anything could. I've also done awful things and when I reveal them to you it's likely you won't respect me anymore either. So we're both in a compromising position," he kept hold of your hand for the whole evening, sometimes kissing your knuckles and you could only watch and wish it could carry on forever.
But it was only a fantasy you could hope would carry on forever, the truth was that with you around be was always in danger and you couldn't cope with it.
"I need to tell you something. Something you can't tell anyone unless I ask you to," you paused and looked at Tommy. In the private room of the Garrison.
"We're alone and we hardly have to worry about snooping barmaids. What's your secret?" He asked with a cigarette dangling between his thumb and forefinger.
"I had to tell you, y-you said this was something good and I can't lie to you anymore. Well not lie, but edit the truth of it all," you hung your head.
"What's happened?" Tommy asked, still perplexed.
"I killed someone." You said simply, fidgeting with your fingers.
"Who?" He furrowed his brow.
"A man who deserved it. Regardless of my faith's views this man was pure evil. A true incarnation of Satan. He was cruel and disgusting and-"
"What did he do?" Tommy seemed even more confused at your outburst and you sat on the booth opposite him.
"Do you know about the… Magdalene laundries in Ireland?" You looked down at the table.
"Are they some Christian enterprise?" He asked, still not feeling the gravity of the situation.
"They're glorified prisons posed as reformation and rehabilitation centers. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I was sent there. For about 10 years I was in a Donegal convent. It was wonderful and full of hope but…" you paused.
"Then you were sent to that place?" Tommy took a sip of whisky and poured you a glass.
"I was. I was told I'd be teaching the orphaned children and that I wouldn't really interact with the women that were in recovery there. But it wasn't true and I saw everything. There's only so many hours you can spout Bible verses at children before you wonder where they'll get an education." Your eyes began to water. "I let it happen, I let them hurt people and I did nothing."
"You were trying to save yourself from it all I'm sure. But this killing," he looked at you and you wiped your eyes.
"Yes, Father Michael Thomas. He was one of the cruelest men I have ever met, he would beat the women a-and pick his 'favourite student' to be with him every night that week. He flouted his power within the church as if it was something to be proud of." You burst into tears and Tommy put his hand on top of yours.
"You killed the bastard, Y/n. How can it not be God's will for you to protect innocents like children?" Tommy gave you his handkerchief.
"Because it's a sin! It's why he's hidden to me now and I'm haunted by the fucking memory of it all. It's why I'm running because I took proof with me of all the unregistered deaths and diary pages from him." You wiped your eyes and cleared your throat, trying to compose yourself.
"It would be intensely embarrassing for the Catholic Church you can't deny that, release it to the press or something and it will get out." Tommy encouraged and you shook your head.
"They're everywhere, they're in England, Scotland, Wales, fucking international too. I heard that they're in America as well. How can one person bring all that down with some truth and some verbal recount of their time in that place?" You began to massage your temples, an awful headache coming on.
"Because it's what's right and I can help you get this out effectively. It would scrutinise the pope, Catholic leaders and every damn church in the world that used these places." Tommy took both of your hands in his and looked you in the eyes. "There is no forgiving yourself if you don't try."
That mantra played over in your head the next few days, you began writing to Theresa under her pseudonym she lived with now. Telling her about your plans for the future and the information, she encouraged you with promises of her support regardless of how it would take form. God might not forgive you for committing an act forbidden in the ten commandments; it was for the greater good of God's beautiful creation of earth.
The was no hope for Roman Catholicism if this behaviour carried on with no consequences for the evil forces involved with it. Women taken from their communities for being abused, children separated from their mother's, back breaking work with no pay but most of all…the violence. The violence some nuns used, it used to scare you to no end because you knew exactly when it was going to happen. Especially when Sister Cecilia would start yelling and pull out the ruler, no one could save the women from that. Each night you would awake from night terrors of your complacency and your guilt of leaving and not saving anyone but yourself but, you had to press on. If not for the victims sake for the possible survivors.
"What's going on with you and the nun, Thomas?" Polly asked.
"Ex nun, you mean." Tommy tried to act innocent while reading the newspaper in his office.
"Oh don't play that line with me. You know that I see through it all." Polly glared at him with her dark rimmed eyes that seemed to stare into his soul.
"What do you want to know then, Pol?" Thomas folded the top of his newspaper down.
"Why are you corrupting her?" She walked to the front of his desk and placed her hands on it.
"I think you'll find she's already corrupted enough on her own." Tommy almost smiled at the thought of how fucked up you both were put together.
"She's a woman of faith, Thomas. Real faith and commitment. That doesn't just go away on a wim." Polly looked like she wanted the ceiling to cave in and crush him underneath it.
"Why do you care so much?"
"Because she could be good for this business, all the shit we're in now. Offering a more moral point of view." Polly theorised walking away from the desk and around the room.
"I agree with that. But you don't know her. Her past is just as murky as ours." Tommy sat up in his chair.
"On what level?" She looked in smug disbelief that there could be anything to the contrary of pure morality in you.
"Cardinal sins." Tommy raised his eyebrows and Polly laughed.
"That could be anything, Thomas."
"Alright I'll bite. Death. By necessity but still death." He placed his hands together on his desk and leaned forward.
"You're joking." She looked at him with an almost pleading expression and he shrugged his shoulders. "Why in God's name do all the sinners of the world end up in this city?" She groaned in exasperation before walking out of his office, fuming.
Tommy could only smile, finding you couldn't have by chance. It was meant to be, even if only to get that reaction from Polly.
You woke the next day to some post posted under your door. After you honestly to Thomas you were feeling surprisingly optimistic about your new life. This bliss was undercut when you picked up this post and saw the return address. 69 Sean Macdermott Street Lower, Our Lady of Charity. You hands began to shake, the rest of your body feeling paralysed. You stayed like that for a while, scrunching up the letter in a seizure type trance before you let out an extremely long breath and began to sob, falling to yours knees. They had found you and you knew you didn't have long.
next part Peaky blinders taglist: @queenofkings1212 @severewobblerlightdragon @cl5369 @fairypitou @stressedandbandobessed7771 @shadow-of-wonder @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns @curled-hair-red-lips @lucystivinsky1315 Series taglist: @juicyj28 @alessioayla @fmo166
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